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.S; EC 1228
Front roof·pillar with recessed rain runnel. An aerodynamically·shaped Door·handle set in dirt-deflecting panel. There is a rain-water oullet
rear-view mirror which is adj ustable from inside the car. in the barrel of the lock.

Aerodynamics combined with style. The result is an extremely low Halogen headlamps and wrap-around indicators. Fog-lamps. Recessed windscreen wipers. lNilh overload protection.
co-efficient of drag (0.34).

Elegance from the wind-tunnel visible modifications result in invisible, A beautiful shape, both A wide range of colours
The new coupes, the 380 SEC and but very effective, improvements in im- functional and emcient To enhance the individuality of the
500 SEC, have many new features portant areas. A number of detail featu res protect new coupe, there are twenty-six dif-
which further improve their practicality. They reduce lift-forces at the front the bodywork against minor damage. ferent paint colours to choose from,
Further technical development has, axle, improve road-holding, and the For example, front bumpers shaped like eight standard colours, nine special
to an appreciable extent, determined driver has an even better view of all four spoilers; these also reduce lift-forces at shades and nine metallic finishes.
their shape. Their contemporary profile corners of the car. the front axle.
results from the integration of function The coupe concept has, of course, The shield extends along the sides
and style, not from undisciplined extra- helped in achieving the low co-efficient of the car in the shape of deep protec-
vagance. of drag. tive panels, and to the rear. Bumpers
Intensive efforts to lower the co- Styling features of the coupe are and side panels are made of light, yet
efficient of drag even further have re- frameless side windows, aII of which highly durable material and are easily
sulted in more than a reduction in fuel can be fully recessed. Side windows in replaced.
consumption. the rear that can only be wound half- Another example of the co-ordina-
The results are obvious at first way down are a compromise that tion of aII of the features is the front fog-
glance, from the smooth line of the Mercedes-Benz would never accept. lamps, with their "stepped" lenses,
body-shell and the absence of sharp Because there is no centre pillar, which are integrated into the lower
edges and corners. the view to the sides is not obstructed. bumper panel, so that they are protected
Forward visibility is also generous, and against damage from gravel or minor
Shaped for a purpose fully-recessed wipers sweep 76°/o of the impact, as weII as being positioned in
Seen from the side, the body is screen. the right place, close to the ground.
wedge-shaped; the bonnet is sloped and For easy access, the light-alloy boot
the boot lid is higher than the bonnet. lid opens to a generously wide angle.
The front roof-pillars are aerodynami- Boot-capacity is the same as in the
cally angled and shaped. The roof S-class saloon, 0.505 m3 (17.6 cu.ft.).
slopes down towards the rear. These
In the rear. two single seats. with folding centre armrest and oddments

Large, wide-opening doors make can choose from velour in three different
access to the front seats easy. When the two-colour combinations or leather in
driver's door is open, the vacuum lock- eight colours.
ing mechanism of the front seat backs is Electrically-operated windows are
released automatically. Rear-seat pas- standard equipment, the rear side win-
sengers can also get in without trouble, dows can be operated from either the
they have individual seats. front or rear of the passenger compart-
Space, in the front and in the rear, ment.
is appreciably greater. There is more When the doors have been closed
headroom in the rear. The slightly "step- and the ignition turned on, the seat belts
ped" shape of the backs of the front are automatically moved towards the
seats gives rear-seat passengers even driver and front-seat passenger by
more room to move. means of belt-guides. They can, there-
The seats, with their steel spring fore, be fastened even more easily.
cores and "breathing" covers, are soft When the belts have been fastened,
enough to be comfortable, but suffi- the belt-guides return to the rest position,
ciently firm to give the body support on on the driver's side and on the passenger
long journeys and to ward off fatigue. side after some thirty seconds.
Both front seats are electrically Another example of the large number of
adjustable to eight different positions, practical features is the third sun visor,
for perfect comfort. which is behind the rear-view mirror, so
Exclusivity is also expressed by the that a low sun can no longer dazzle the
standard of interior equipment in the driver.
two coupe models. Seats covered in a
new, striped velour, available in eight
different colours. As optional extras, you
Available as an optional extra. the eleclro nic automatic lemperalure Wilh this swilch. the fronl seats can be adjusted. eleclrically, lo eight
control system. dilTerenl positions.

16° and 32° C (60-89,6° F). Once the

Temperature and air-volume control
desired level has been reached, it is, in
principle, maintained, regardless of out-
side temperature and road speed.
Instrument cluster
Other features which also contri- centred in dri ver's
field of vision
bute are the heating ducts inside the
doors and the advanced ventilation :..,.__ Eleclrically operaled windows
Rotary l ight-switch wilh 6 functions -llil-- Front-seal healing. 2 temperatures (optional)
system with its four-stage booster and
distribution control. Combination switch with 7 functions Eleclrically adjustabl e
Rear-seat passengers have their nearside mirror (optional)

own supply of fresh air, through an

Electrical seat heating is an optional exlra . You cannol always p ark
your car in a garage.
acijustable inlet in the centre console. For l he d river: cannot be con fused. accessible only 10 him For d river and fronl passenger: wilhin
equally close reach of bolh
Air conditioning (an optional extra)
A car can demonstrate its sports-car is, when fitted, integrated into the stand- Ergonomically designed instruments, washer, the headlamp flasher and the
attributes in many ways, one of the least ard heating and ventilation system. The positioned to reduce driver-stress dipswitch.
desirable is by excess noise. Not in a cooling, as well as heating, can be pre- Today, a driver has to concentrate Tempomat (cruise control) is an
Mercedes coupe, where you can talk to set and controlled automatically and even harder, whether on long journeys optional extra which contributes to-
all of your passengers without raising separately for each side of the car. or in congested city traffic. wards stress-minimisation on longjour-
your voice, even when travelling at high Ergonomically designed, logically- neys. It will keep the car at any pre-set
speeds. positioned instruments and controls go a speed above 40 km/h (24.8 mph), up
Double door seals, a bulkhead long way toward minimising the inevi- and down hills, until you brake, acceler-
between the engine and the passenger table stress. ate or switch off the unit.
compartment and low noise levels from Switches and levers that are ob- The Ter'npomat contributes not
the engine and transmission all make vious in their function and cannot be only to greater comfort, but also to
the car more quiet. confused one with another. Instruments greater fuel economy; you can monitor
that can be read at a glance, by day or this with the fuel-consumption trend in-
In a Mercedes coupe, you are • by night. dicator.
insulated from traffic-created stress In a Mercedes, there are, as a A central locking system is stand-
The "climate" inside the coupe matter of principle, no technical gim- ard on the new coupe; it is reliable, be-
helps to create that unique feeling of • micks to distract the driver and to go cause it operates on the dual-pressure
well-being.just as it does in an S-class wrong. principle.
saloon. On the contrary, to benefit the
This is essentially due to the re- driver, Mercedes-Benz have been
markable electronic "Heatmatic" control endeavouring to reduce the number of
system which allows the temperature to controls. One example of this is the
be adjusted exactly to the required level combination lever on the steering
- independently for each side of the car. column, which operates the indicators,
Driver and front passenger can set the three-speed wipers, the screen-
the heating to any temperature between
170>MI OW< 70020
- .

120 ,, ,,
,, ,I - .__. 150kW p

100 ,, ..
/ , v 405Nm M

,,- - ~
60 Nm
315 N1 - 300
40 250
M ~

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Mmin

n ....

Fuel consumption related to the gear selected by the four-speed auto·

malic transmission.

the engine is cold, the coolant does not

circulate at all. At a temperature of 84° C
(183° F), the thermostat opens part of
the circuit and only at over 100° C
(212° F) is the coolant circuit to the
radiator used.

Electronic idling-speed control

When driving in town, the engine
idles, on the average, for 3 1°/o of the
A balanced relationship between energy input and power output. the
time. The new gear selector. with the additional ·s·· position.
light-alloy VB engine in the Mercedes 500 SEC. Therefore, the new electronic idling-
The new coupe is offered with a The result of all these features is a speed control goes a long way in reduc- As a result, the fourth gear has the
choice of either 3.8 or 5-litre light-aIIoy lot of power at lower engine speeds, ing fuel consumption. effect of an overdrive.
power units. consequently smooth running, low noise With a warm engine and the trans- This makes the car even more
These engines have been further levels and resistance to wear. Con - mission in the "Drive" position, this con- economical, the ride even more com-
developed, as part of the Mercedes-Benz versely, because of the engine character- trol keeps idling speed down to about fortable, and eliminates jolting when
Energy Concept, and include many istics, their reassuring reserves of power 500/min. gears are changed.
trend-setting ideas. can be used very quickly. In combination with the modified The 380 SEC always moves off in
These common-sense economies camshaft and improved fuel atomisa- first gear, the 500 SEC pulls away in
Engines with new have not been achieved at the expense tion the new control reduces fuel con- second, although first gear can be
fuel-consumption characteristics of performance, nor of the pleasure you sumption at idling speeds by more engaged by the kick-down.
The 3.8 litre engine in the 380 SEC are entitled to expect from a Mercedes than 40°/o. A new feature on both models is
has different bore and stroke dimen- coupe. the addition of position "B" on the gear
sions. The compression ratio has been The Mercedes-Benz Energy Con- Hydraulic fan coupling selector. This enables the driver to re-
raised and, with a modified chamshaft, cept consists of a large number of inter- Because the fan coupling has a main in first gear at speeds up to
fuel consumption has been improved. related details; here are some further double control system, it comes into use 55-60 km/h (34 - 3 7 mph). This is a
Maximum torque is produced at only examples. less often, therefore reducing fuel con- great advantage, for instance when go-
3250/min (previously 4000/min). It sumption as well as lowering noise ing down steep hills with a trailer; it
develops 150 kW (204 DIN/hp) at Modified cooling system ievels.
allows the driver to make full use of the
5250/min. If an engine can reach its operating engine braking effect, which would be
In the 500 SEC, the 5-litre engine, temperature more quickly, there is less Automatic transmission reduced if the transmission shifted to a
too, has a higher compression ratio and emission of pollutants and fuel con- with new ratios higher gear.
a modified camshaft, as weII as other sumption is reduced. Both coupes are fitted with proven
improvements. Maximum torque is pro- To this end, the warming-up time four-speed, torque converter automatic
duced at 3000/min (previously has been shortened, because the coolant transmission. The shift-pattern has, as
3200/min), and it develops 170 kW does not come into use until a higher part of the Mercedes-Benz Energy Con-
(231 DIN/hp) at 4750/min. temperature has been reached. When cept, been modified to match the higher
ratio of the rear axle.
Higher rear axle ratios. One aspect of the Mercedes-Benz Energy New, floating-caliper disc brakes.

the previous models. Lower by 24°/o

in the 380 SEC and by 180/o in the
500 SEC.
This, too, contributes to a reduction
in fuel consumption and in noise-levels,
and makes the car more comfortable.

The brakes. Less heat,

less chance of fading
Both coupe models have a dual-
circuit, servo-assisted braking system,
Front suspension, with zero-offset steering. larger-diameter springs and
an improved system of wishbones and torsion bars.
with discs on all four wheels. At the
front, newly-designed floating-caliper
The manoeuvrability of a coupe, disc brakes.
the comfort of a saloon Because the brake-fluid lines are
In the new coupes, the suspension positioned w ell away from the pads, the
is similar to that of the S-class saloon. fluid is less likely to become hot.
It has been perfected to a degree Diameter of the front discs has
that makes it difficult to visualise further been increased by 8 mm to provide
fundamental changes. even greater stability.
The wheelbase of the coupe is, of The front discs have interior ventila-
course, slightly shorter. This, together tion and there are ventilation rings in the
with the light, yet very accurate power- wheels to dissipate heat more quickly.
assisted steering, makes the car even
more manoeuvrable.
A turning circle of only 11.53 metres
(37.8 ft) is the practical benefit of the
wide lock on the front wheels.

Reduced fuel consumption,

improved comfort
To match the characteristics of the
modified engines, the rear axle ratios are
now higher. Ratios in the four-speed
automatic transmission have, in turn,
been changed, to suit the rear axle.
Because of these modifications,
engine speeds are now lower, in every
gear, for the same road speeds, than in
I§ ! ::>
The electronically cont rolled restraint system which includes the
airbag and the belt tensioner.

The longer crumple zone na~ progressive degrees of rigidity. giving

the greatest possible protection in head-on and rear-end collisions.

The anti-lock braking system {ABS). available as an optional extra. Belt-guides autom atically move the seat-bells towa rds the d river and
front -seat passenger.

Active safety Passive safety A few milliseconds after a severe the event of a lateral impact, as well as
The mature suspension system, Mercedes-Benz have for more than impact, the seat-belt tensioner pulls the avoiding jamming of the doors.
with its great reserves, is the basis of forty years been pioneering the develop- belt tight against the passenger. The fuel-tank is located in a well-
active safety. ment and the further refinement of The front section gives protection protected area, over the rear axle; there
Accurate straight-line stability, no safety systems. against the effects of impacts in three is a bulkhead between it and the pas-
excessive tendencies towards oversteer Further proof of their innovation in progressive stages. The first zone yields senger compartment.
or understeer in corners, light yet posi- the vitally important field of passive most easily; it reduces the impact of the Protection for other road users in-
tive steering, meticulously tuned suspen- safety is illustrated by the electronically- collision, sometimes for the occupants of cludes the driver-controlled headlamp
sion and damping enable the driver to controlled restraint system, elements of the other car as well. beam adjustment, and the windscreen
react quickly, prevent the car from which are the airbag and the belt ten- · The second zone, the engine area, wipers which are recessed when not in
s1oner. offers increasing resistance to deforma- use.
breaking away suddenly and ensure
safe road-holding. Mercedes-Benz are the first manu- tion, and the third zone, the passenger
Another substantial contribution to- facturers to offer, as optional extras, safety-cell, has a very high degree of
wards active safety is the anti-lock brak- these two units, which further reduce the rigidity.
ing system, which is available as an risk of injury to front-seat occupants in The roof pillars combine with the
optional extra. a head-on collision. front section of the roof itself into a very
Irrespective of road conditions, it The airbag and belt tensioner are strong, integrated unit which offers pro-
prevents locking of the wheels under complementary to the inertia-reel three- tection, should the car roII. The pillars
hard braking. So, steering response is point seat-belts. are specially reinforced, there are tubes
retained, even while braking. The airbag inflates, cushions the inside, a protective measure which is
When used by a considerate driver, driver and then deflates again - all especially suitable for the coupe shape.
the power reserves of the eight-cylinder within fractions of a second, even before Floor and sides are extremely rigid.
models can be activated within split the driver can register what is happen- Door frames, doors, hinges and locks
seconds and serve as an element of ing. form an integrated protective shield
active safety. which prevents excessive distortion in
The new coupe
Progressive engineering and
traditional Mercedes virtues
To drive the new coupe is to expe-
rience the quality of engineering and to
enjoy the elegant styling which establish
new standards for years to come.
The further development of signifi- ·
cant concepts and their realisation in
practical terms has been achieved re-
sponsibly and economically.
Continuous research on the Merce- Quality is not a matter of chance: the latest in technical aids.
des-Benz Energy Concept has resulted
in appreciable reductions in the con-
sumption of energy and materials.
And the traditional Mercedes vir-
tues still remain: quality in design, mate-
rials and workmanship; durability and
very high re-sale values.
Long life
Contribution to value retention are
the additional protection against cor-
rosion and the use of light-alloy and
plastic components that do not rust. Quality is not a m atter of chance: employees trained to perfection.
Plastic liners are fitted under the
front wheel arches as protection against For example, brake master cylin-
damage by salt and stones. der, battery, relays and fuses are pro-
A protective coating on all front tected in a compartment under the bon-
sections susceptible to damage from net. Oil filter, all light bulbs, booster,
gravel, etc. The undersic!e of the floor is cooler and piping of the heating system
coated with a lighter, but highly resistant are read.Uy accessible or easy to remove.
material. Body panels, especially at the front, can
Efficiency and durability of the ex- be repaired individually, to save cost.
haust system have been generally im- Front wings are bolted on. Longitudinal
proved. The sections between the si- profiles divide the roof into sections, to
lencers are in high-grade steel. reduce the amount of re-spraying,
Hollow sections (which become in- should it be necessary.
accessible after assembly) receive a
coating of adhesive wax with special Longer service intervals
"creeping" properties. Major service only once every
20,000 km (12,500 miles). Proof of reli-
Safety and value-retention, ability, and a contribution to the eco-
through after-sales service nomy of Mercedes cars.
By the utilisation of every possible Servicing can be carried out by any
technological process, Mercedes cars one of 1,200 dealers in Germany; there
have become even more reliable, even are 5,000 service points world-wide.
easier to maintain, and repairs cost even
420 SEC, 500 SEC,
560 SEC

Th e large coupes with the three-pointed star.

One of the major traditions in the history of
the car. And one of the few that have re-
mained alive and still valid. A concept that
has expressed the highest standards of the
Mercedes-Benz mar que - for decades.
Time an d again, Mercedes coupes have
been the high points in international auto-
Please note that thi s brochure may motive design. Symbols ofexclusivity, due to
contain details which do not their superiority, their style and their first-
co nform to vehicles a imported class engineering. Over the page are three
into this country. For .IC specifi -
cations please refer to th e separate historic examples of this individuality, at its
spcci fi cation sh eet at the back of highest level.
the book.

= L

Mercedes 280 SE 3.5 coupe, M<1rcedes 300 Sc coupe, Mercedes 32011 coupe,
l969; 195.5: . 1938;
eight-cylinder i11j<.'ctior1 e11gi11e; six-c:yli11d1>r in-li11e i11jectio11 engine; si.x·cxlinder i11-lille carburettor engin~,
14 7 k(f' (200 hp). 129 krf' (175 hp). 57 kW (78 hp).
The S-class coupes: the entire engineering
potential ofMercedes-Benz at its most exclu -
sive-in its most refined form. Sporty, elegant
expressions of supreme lead ership in
modern automotive design. A distinctive, in-
dividualistic an d b alanced shape.
Highly positive in its appear ance. Rare
an d eyecatching. A clean, sleek sh ape;
powerfuJ lines. An accent on performance,
with a radiator star similar to that of the SL
models. Long side windows, with no centre
pillar to interrupt the visibility.
Dynamic motoring, yet refreshingly
light steering. A su perbly successful combi -
natio n of sporty, exclu sive style and automo-
tive practicality.
The dynamic appearance is matched by
the power from the V-8 engines. An ideal and
highly efficient combination of large swept
volume within the right number of cylinders.
Dynamic performance, for sheer motor-
ing pleasure - with a suspension system
which turns the power into relaxing active
safety.A driving position withoutgimmicks-
for maximum comfort and alertness, for ()~.
excellent steering control, even when driv- • i'!C--)0
ing fast. A feeling of ease which match es the o. 0.
style of the car.
Then there are the classic virtues.
Durability, reliability; passive safety which
sets the standards worldwide. Exclusivity,
even in day-to-day motoring, and, as part of
its contemporary concept, economy and
environmental acceptability.
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The taut shape of the coupe; lower than the terior that does not heat up excessively in the
saloon, and wider - with an even lower sun, despite the aerodynamically shaped
centre of gravity. The wheelbase is almost ten body. Excellent all-round visibility. A bon-
centimetres shorter, for even better net that slopes up towards the windscreen,
manoeuvrability. with fully recessed wipers. Water deflectors
An attractive symbol of classic coupe on the front pillars and along the roof.
elegance; fully retractable side windows Large ligh t units, ribbed at the r ear to
without a centre pillar to interrupt visibility. prevent the accumulation of dirt. Fully inte-
The rear sid e windows are shaped to inte- grated, flexible bumper system. Low aprons
grate smoothly into the flowing lines of the front and rear reduce lift forces even further.
rear section of the bodywork - typical coupe And 15-inch wheels with attractive hub caps,
lines. with light-alloy wheels as an optional extra.
The elegance is totally in unison with
the purpose of the shape. Functionality and
practical benefit in every detail, with scarcely
any wind noise, even at high speeds. An in-
Three models, one engine concept - the
range of proven lightweight V-8 engines.
Masterpieces of modern design. With cubic
capacities of 4.2, 5 and 5.6 litres in the three
models: - 420 SEC, 500 SEC and 560 SEC.
One aspect shared by all of them is their
further-developed power-potential. New,
dyna1nic performance figures; significant
increases in power. An effortlessly-available
220 kW (300 hp) in the 560 SEC, for
example. Power that you can experience in
the acceleration - true dynamic power.
With Mercedes, the d ecisive factor is
the way the performance is delivered. Maj es-
tically smooth yet instantly responsive power
at all engine speeds. And, therefore, in all
situations. The most important factor is th e
large swept volume, rather than the number
of cylinders. The superior "breathing"
ensures h igh torque, even at low engine
speeds. Providing performance-capability
righ t where it is most needed.
This adds up to sparkling yet smooth
motoring pleasure and active safety- and not
just when you h ave the road to yourself.
Sporty dynamism which is barely audible -
exceptional ride comfort, with powerful
acceleration that d oes not come at the
expense ofhigh fuel consumption even when
the power is used to the full. Because, today
more than ever b efore, first-class engineer-
ing also means maximum utilisation of energy.
A further contribution to low fuel con-
sumption is the electronic control of a num-
ber of basic functions: the ignition and injec-
tion systems are microprocessor-controlled.
This means constant, automatic an d precise
adjustment of the ignition timing an d the
mixture formation under all driving an d load
conditions and in all throttle positions.
420 SEC: 170 kW (231 hp) at 5400/ min.
Fuel con sumption: 15.l litres per 100 km on
the urban cycle,8.7 litres per lOOkm at a con-
stant 90 km/ h, 10.7 litres per 100 km/ h at a
con stant 120 km/ h.
500 SEC: 195 kW (265 hp) at 5200/ min. Fuel
consumption: 15.8 litres per 100 km on the
urb an cycle, 8.8 litres per 100 kn1 at a con-
stant 90 km/h, 11.1 litres per 100 km/h at a
con stant 120 km/h.
550 SEC: 220 kW (300 hp) at SOOO/n1in.
Fuel consumption: 16.8 litres per 100 km on
the urban cycle, 10.5 litres per 100 km at a
constant 90 km/h, 12.7 litres per 100 km at a
constant 120 km/ h.
So, engineering leadership in the
engines, as well. Matured over millions of
kilometres of testing - and therefore highly
reliable and with legendary durability, even
wh en used hard .
The big coupe is a car for drivers who really
enjoy driving. Its character and performance
are distinctly sporty and the suspension is a
fundamental part of the concept: a total syn-
thesis of stability, ride comfort and active
safety. Relaxed control however hard you
drive. Highly accurate steering, even when
cornering at speed. The unexpected can he
handled with consummate ease, and even
extremely bad road surfaces are comfortably
neutralised. You can actually feel the engi-
neering maturity of the car- the "fine-tuned"
springs and shock-absorbers, the low centre
of gravity, the remarkably wide track. The
highest standards of manoeuvrability, effort-
less steering control, even in crowded city
traffic - due to the relatively small turning
circle and the specially light Mercedes
power-assisted steering.
Standard on the 560 SEC: self-levelling
rear suspension and a limited-slip differen-
tial. Optionally available on the 420 SEC and
500 SEC.
The transmission and the braking sys-
tem continue to set standards ofengineering.
Highly efficient dual-circuit servo-b raking
system. Fixed-caliper disc brakes on all four
wheels. ABS as stand ard. A brake booster for
precise, gentle yet highly efficient braking
power. Low-profile 15-inch wheels for maxi-
mum stability, emphasising the car's power-
ful, elegant app earance. All three coupe •
models are fitted as standard with fou r-
speed automatic transmission. With two dif-
wheel is automatically given only as much
power as th e road adhesion can take and con-
vert into forward movement. This further
improves active safety, in all driving situa-
The new and essential aspect of ASR is
that it works electronically and automati-
cally. It engages and disengages itself - but
only whenever, and for as long as, it is
actually needed. The electronics make the
correct decision in all circun1stances,
without any effort from the driver. An indica-
tor in the speedometer tells him that the sys-
tem has b een activated, so he can then adjust
his driving to suit the conditions.
ASR and ABS should go together as a
system. Then the wheels do not spin when
cornering or accelerating, an d do not lock
ferent shift programmes, for a more dynamic when braking. An ideal combination.
style or with the transmission shifting up ear-
lier, for more economical driving.

ASR: electronically-controlled automatic

acceleration skid control.

ASR allows the excellent handling qualities

of these exclusive cars to be used to the full,
even under more difficult conditions. On
b ends, when taking evasive action, when
accelerating hard, or when moving off uphill,
perhaps on snow. The driven wheels do not
spin and the car does not skid off course, even
if the driver accelerates too hard. With the
"electronic accelerator pedal", each driven
Exclusivity - even in everyday motoring -
the special Mercedes coupe concept. For this
reason, a pleasing in terior and a clear infor-
mation system determine the design of the
driving position. Non-dazzle instruments
and gauges, with all the controls ergonomi-
cally designed and positioned, within easy
reach and easy to operate. A seating position
designed for comfort at the wheel. For
relaxed concentration and alertness on long
Full con trol of the car, stress-relief and
motoring pleasure. The steering wheel and
the gear selector are leather-covered. The
two front seats give clecid edly positive lateral
support-without limiting freedom of move-
ment. Firm, yet very comfortable seat-spring-
ing. Electrically-adjustable seats (and head-
resu·aints) for the driver and the front pas-
senger. Memory feature as an optional extra
(standard on the 560 SEC), to store two seat
When th e ignition is switched on, belt
guides offer the seat belts in a position con-
venient for front-seat occupants.
Further examples of detail-features in-
clude monitor displays for fuel, engine oil,
coolant, screen-wash fluid and for all the
exterior light bulbs. Timely warning of wear
on the front brake pads. Screen-wash system,
screen-wash nozzles and exterior mirror
heated. Courtesy light with reading lamp for
front-seat passenger. Central lockin g with
multi-point operation.
The impression of space inside the b ig
coupes. Firstly, th e sporty, elegant overall
impression with the sleek contours of the
side win dows, uninterrupted by any centre
pillar. Clean lines, the typical, individualistic
atmosphere of a coupe, yet still generous
freedom of movement, for rear-seat passen-
gers too.
The interior: a superb blend of modern
styling, subtly built-in safety features, high-
quality materials and meticulous workman-
ship. Fully developed details, totally inte-
grated into an overall entity, giving a com-
plete impression of style, as typified by the
generous and tasteful incorporation of fine
woods. The feeling of security is in1111ediately
apparent, as is the dyna1nic character of this
h igh-performance car - the most exclusive
expression of Mercedes con1fort for long operated rear-screen blind and the Mercedes
JOUrneys. Sound System, with specially co-ordinated,
Another high point of the interior balanced technology.
design is the pair of attractively-shaped, indi- And further optional extras which are
vidually-con toured rear seats. Folding standard on the 560 SEC; heated nearside
centre armrest. Seat belt buckles recessed yet exterior nlirror, sun visors with illuminated
. easy to reach. And an example of climate mirrors, electrically-adjustable steering
technology that has been thoroughly colunm (with memory), electric tilting/ slid-
refined: an electronically-controlled h eating ing sunroof. Air con ditioning, stereo radio/
system with a recirculating-air facility; this cassette player, automatic aerial.
can be used either for faster heating of the
interior or to reduce the amount of ambient
air used, in the event of troublesome dust or
exhaust fumes.
The range of optional extras includes
the airb ag system for the driver and the front
passenger, the trip computer, an electrically-

A masterpiece by Mercedes designers. The Pre-determined deformable crumple

comprehensive safety system is integrated zones front and rear. The fuel tank is located
almost invisibly into the elegant shape. in a safe position above the rear suspension
There is n o other car in the world that assembly. Despite the coupe design, an
offers such a high degree of safety. The extremely strong, rigid passenger compart-
knowledge of proven reliability, the active ment. Highly rigid along the sides and in the
safety features which include keeping the roof section. Electronically-controlled belt
driver fit an d alert. And above all the exemp- tensioners on both front seats as standard.
lary passive safety system. Genuine protec- Mercedes safety steering with a deformable
tion, sh ould the worst come to the worst- but corrugated tube, steering wheel with impact
also a relaxed feeling of comfort. absorber and padded boss. Instrument panel
The safety system. For Mercedes, this and all internal controls designed to yield on
means the comprehensive and fully-inte- i1npact. Also, preventive features such as the
grated interaction of many protective fea- monitor light for the entire exterior ligh ting
tures. Throughout the whole car, to meet any system.
contingency. Only in a Mercedes is there a And a fu rther example of pace-setting
system this compr eh ensive - d ue to decades Mercedes safety: as an optional extra, the air-
of research an d development work, with a bag system for additional protection. Now
unique level of investment. A huge asset for with an additional airbag for the front
the driver - developed in part because the passenger. Logical application of matured
big coupes often cover considerably more electronics.
kilometres per year than other cars.

The exclusivity ofthe big Mercedes coupes is together with improvements in quality and
an enduring ch aracteristic. In engineering value retention. There is no either/ or.
terms too, due to designs which will set the Lighter materials are used only where they
standards for many years to come. Due to a also provide increased strength. New, b etter
shape which determines the style for their materials are only applied where they
class; sporty elegance which points the way increase durability. Electronic produ ction
forward. And due to their dynamic yet time- control and advanced testing method s to
less appeal. provid e even greater precision. Interna-
The Mercedes principle "committed to tionally respected research work such as the
the best" is particularly relevant to the cars. use of the driving simulator - allowing experi-
The new range, introduced in 1985, is a prac- ments which were not even conceivable a few
tical example - further-developed engines years ago. Computer-aided design; materials
for all models, with trend -setting electronic tested by data-controlled torture tracks,
control systems; the more powerful style of climate chambers which reproduce extreme
the exterior lines, an d the further refinement conditions. All this creates the certainty that
by the inclusion of important new features, innovation also signifies the further develop-
from the electronic b elt-tensioners on both ment of classical quality.
front seats through the monitor for all ex- Nowadays, only manufacturers who
terior lights to details such as the unique combine exclusivity with a responsible
electric adj ustment of the front h ead- approach can lay claim to first-class engi-
restraints. And now the increased power out- neering. So the big Mercedes coupes are
put of all three coupe models. models of economy. The economy of the
Continuous Mercedes progress goes new, more powerful en gines, the maturity of

the design, the maintenance-free 1najor com- 1 The Mercedes paint system 3 Advanced technology in The exclusivity is inherent and the indivi- automatic climate control, to high-quality
ponents and the long service intervals make is applied in one of the most, combination w ith mcunwl
up-lo-date fa cilities in the skills. For example, w
dualistic coupe shape is matched by fully leather upholstery which you can specify for
the cars exceptionally practical. 'world. The subsequent ting the Ji 11ely-rnade wood comprehensive equipment and trim. Electric the top 5.6-litre model at no extra charge.
A degree of reliability which minimises polis hing, followed by thor- components. seat adjustment, for instance, and central The whole range of individual extras
ti).lle off the road and unexpected costs. Cor- ough mantwl .finishing, gives locking that can be operated from b oth doors fulfils Mercedes standards of quality.
the cars theirflnal lustre.
rosion protection also fulfils the highest and from the boot. A generous standard spec- Matched to the functionality of the car, right
standards - electrolytically-galvanised sheet- 2 The body , computer-con- ification, an asset to any coupe owner, follow- from the design stage, so that they are inte-
steel panels, electronically-tested cavity seal- trolled precision. Yet there ing the Merced es principle of maximum grated fully into the overall style.
ing, a bodyshell protection system with multi- are still "p er.~onal" checks at
the end, by eye and by touch.
practical benefit from bumper to bumper.
layer paint treatment. And value retention, Beyond this, customers can decide for
due to the high standard of Mercedes-Benz themselves what they, personally, prefer in
service - with around 1000 service points in the way of extras. They can decide on the
Germany and over 5000 all over the world. specification of their own car in finalising
With fully trained, dedicated p ersonnel and their own ideas of comfort and convenience.
r apid parts supply. Mercedes customer ser- From a range of optional extras which in-
vice also contributes to the reputation of cludes a car telephone, the headlamp wash/
these exclusive cars. wipe system (standard on the 560 SEC) and
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I Engine Steering additional reading lamp for the front-seat passenger; rear
courtesy light; illumination for ashtray, glove compartment,
rev counter. Monitor lamps for main b eam, indicators
(separate for left and right sides), hazard warning lights,
420 SEC: light-aUoy V-8 engine 4196 cm 3 cubic capacity; Mercedes-Benz power-assisted steering with steering heating and ventilation controls, rotary light switch, gear battery charge, parking brake, brake fluid level, brake pad
fuel injection; 170 kW 5400 min. damper. Dish-shaped steering wheel with impact ab- indicator on shift gate, boot light. Warning buzzer which wear, ABS, rear fog light, reserve fuel, engine oil level,
500 SEC: light-alJoy V-8 engine 4973 cm 3 cubic capacity; sorber. Safety steering column, with corrugated tu bing in sounds when headlights have not been turned off. coolant level, screen-wash fluid level; lamp defect
fuel injection; 195 kW a 5200 min. lower section; steering gear box located behind front axle. Optional extras (standard on 560 SEC): exit lights in the monitor for all exterior lights; flashing "fasten seat belts"
560 SEC: light-alloy V-8 engine 5547 cm3 cubic capacity; Steering column electrically adjustable for reach avail- doors and headlamp wash/wipe system, combined with symbol; monitor lamps for airbag and ASR.
fuel injection; 220 kW at 5000 min. able as an optiona l extra (standard on 560 SEC with windscreen wash/wipe system (only when headlights are Optional extra: exteriortemperaturedisplay(standard on
Multi-functional mixture formation and ignition system, memory feature). switched on). 560 SEC).
microprocessor-controlled; anti-knock sensor; fuel cut-
off on the overrun; electronic idle speed control; diag-
nostic socket; hydraulic valve clearance compensation; I Bodywork I Seats I Miscellaneous
engine located by three rubber mountings; two hydraulic AU-steel monococque bodyshell; light-alloy bonnet and Front: two body-contoured individual seats with bucket- Loudspeaker covers left and right in dashboard; ashtray
vibration dampers; visco-drive fan. boot lid; two easy-to-close doors with semi-recessed seat character; folding centre armrest; seat reach, height, with cigar lighter; dashboard and centre console with
handles; safety bodyshell with rigid passenger compart- backrest and head-restraint on both seats electrically burred walnut veneer; doors with open door pockets and
ment; fuel tank located above rear axle assembly; energy- adjustable by means ofsymbol switches on the doors (560
I Transmission absorbing front and rear sections, consisting of large
padded grab handles; first-aid kit in parcel shelf; lockable
SEC with memory); two three-point inertia-reel seat belts glove compartment; oddments tray between the two front
Mercedes-Benz torque-converter 4-speed automatic with crumple zones; plastic bumpers with energy-absorbing, with automatic belt guides and belt-tensioners; vacuum seats; two padded sun visors, swivellable to one side, with
programme selector and B position, gear selector on the self-regenerating foam core; low-reaching, steeply angled locking mechanism for backrests. metal safety mirror on passenger side on 420 SEC and 500
centre console. front and rear aprons for reducing lift forces; smooth-sur- Rear: bench seat with individual-seat character, folding SEC, illuminated vanity mirror on passenger side on 560
Optional extras: Tempomat cruise control (standard on faced side mouldings to protect against minor damage; centre armrest and oddments tray with extra cushion SEC; interior rear-view mirror with anti-dazzle position;
560 SEC); acceleration skid control (ASR). plastic-panelled door sills; superb anti-corrosion fea- placed in it; two three-point inertia-reel seat belts. grab handles on roof frame, one for front passenger, one
tures; safety-glass windows; optimum visibility all round; Velour upholstery. Optional extras: leather or amaretta each side in rear, both flexible and with clothes hooks;
separate compartment for relays, fuses etc. upholstery (at no extra cost on 560 SEC); pre-pro- pull-out ashtray in centre console; electrically-heated off-
I Suspension Electric tilting/sliding sunroof with built-in air deflector grammed front seat positions (memory feature, standard side rear-view mirror, adjustable from inside and with
Front and rear pairs of wheels each have two coil springs, as an optional extra (standard on 560 SEC). on 560 SEC). dazzle-reducing mirror glass (on 560 SEC also nearside
one anti-roll bar, two single-tube gas-filled shock-absorb- exterior mirror, heated and electrically-adjustable, with
I Windows I Heating and ventilation dazzle-red ucing glass); steering wheel and gear selector
leather-covered; fine velour compartment in the spare
I Axles Front and rear screens made oflami nated safety glass; rear
screen electrically-heated; side windows made of single-
Continuous, draught-free warm or cool air flow; electron-
ic in terior temperature control, operating independently
wheel recess. Additionally on 560 SEC, "Becker Mexico
electronic" radio/cassette player with automatic aerial,
Front axle: double wishbones with anti-dive control. Rear layer safety glass; tinted glass all round, with untinted of driving speed, able to keep pre-selected temperature speakers left and right in dashboard and two rear
axle: diagonal swing axle with anti-lift control; 500 SEC windscreen available instead, for no extra cost; electric largely constant when in heating mode; air distribution to speakers; higher-capacity battery.
and 560 SEC also fitted with anti-squat control; differen- windows; electrically-heated screen-wash system with windscreen, side windows and both front and rear foot- Optional extra: airbags for driver and front passenger.
tial case located by flexible mountings. two heated twin nozzles on the bonnet; two windscreen wells; heating separately controllable for left and right
Optional extras: self-levelling rear suspension and limi- wipers, with two speeds and intermittent control, operated sides; large fresh-air outlet in the centre of the dashboard,
ted-slip differential (standard on 560 SEC). by means of the combination switch on the steering wheel. finely adj ustable to all sides; heated rear screen; four-
stage radial blower with main air flap; switch for recircu-
I Rims and tyres I Locks lating air.
Optional extras: Aircooditioniog(standard on 560 SEC),
420 SEC and 500 SEC: forged steel-plate disc wheels, rim Conical-pin door catches with main and safety positions automatic climate control.
size 7 Jxl5 H2; tyre size 205/65VR15, with fibreglass- for both doors; lockable by key and from inside; boot lock;
reinforced polyamide hub caps in astral silver.
Optional extras: forged light-alloy rims of the same size.
steering wheel lock combined with ignition lock and
starter non-repeat unit; glove compartment lock; central I Signalling system
560 SEC: forged light-alloy rims, size 7 J x15H2 and locking system which also includes fuel tank cap lock; Self-cancelling indicators with finger-tip contact for over-
tyres, size 215/65 VR 15. master key system with four-way key. Anti-theft warning taking. operated by the combination switch on the steer-
system (EDW) available as an optional extra. ing wheel; hom; headlight flasher; brake lights; hazard-
warning lights.
9J>tional extra: two-tone hom (standard on 560 SEC).
420 SEC 500 SEC 560 SEC
A Overall height at kerb weight 1407 mm 1407 mm 1412 mm
B Overall width 1828 mm 1828 mm 18.28 mm
c Overall length 4935mm 4935mm 4935mm
D Wheelbase 2850mm 2845mm 2845mm
El Track width, front 1555 mm 1555 mm 1555 mm
E2 Track width, rear 1527 mm 1527 mm 1527 mm
F Steering wheel - driver's seat backrest1) 478mm 478mm 478mm
G Seat height. front2) 960mm 960mm 935mm
H Driver's backrest - rear-seat backrest1) 612mm 612mm 612mm
J Seat height, rear2) 932mm 932mm 914mm
K Width at hip level, front 1398 mm 1398 mm 1398 mm
L Width at shoulder heigh t, front 1454mm 1454 mm 1454mm
M Width at hip level, rear 1348mm 1348 mm 1348 mm I
N Width at shoulder heigh t, rear 1376 mm 1376 mm 1376mm
I) Dimensions vary according to seat position 2) Without sunroof


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