Business Notes - 11

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Taulocs Sclentße Mamaguman

{Ecedenh weingslck Tytox Iayla LR.5b-19152 usas am
Amesfcan mechamical naineer. He pueshedaa

-qlnert" fn 19 uhich secamma a milea tane fn tha

Qalie ued that iy

F:W Taylor s knoun as Hae Father of acienihic


hnouing eactis uhet you uyant mam tado and

saoin that taoy do t fn the Dest and choapast uaay"

Ösience and oot uLle a thumlw Taylac Qaalieued

at thohe Las amly ene Qiest mthod tn maxîmise

amd amalysi andot 2ug ne prachce af le af

Rle Athmlu aefers to deisiema uhich

Ballaued te take dcisiana scientHfRe methoda houd

Akamdad ponatHhad
|Pege No.

ci2 HaMey no dcorcl Tay lot asnphaia ed. 4nat 4hne

Ahudbe complle hammy Suatuen namaqn
mdOrkes To ochieue t h i efutodLced
Menkae Reuoluhon which otares thar there should lea
change fn the atiude of woorkers and nmanagement touards.
one aanother fcom compeibon to co- Openaion

ci2supoctahon Aot ndiuiduaiam : Thece shoued le complete

cOapagahon lehween Hhe looroONS aNMd the managomen
natead d Paciuidualkn hisCo peinciple
kates hdl Compebhhio
haed le sapeaced ycotpotEaien Eor thimaagement

s000nd thoNM lccordingly There ahoed lie equal division

tio)l g2elopmens, of Paoh and aueg person to th qAeatea

effideay amd piaspeigTayor ommphasized that e0ch
omd y paeaon aheud le aieahhca y ected anc

ASatae and fnteDlochual alilihy To fncraase eficiency

Techmigues of ienhfc Managemeat

c)Eumhasal Locemen ahip i A fpceman nefrs o the

mamagial Bigure uaith hsmthe warkers ae in dicect
tae totece comiaot Funchanal foae menahip is am
RÀengion adiuistao of wark and apecializahen éaca
and gccd olth íne,ale this quasineconsL
tound îaa aingls pensca, Tayla qcpoced 2.2pcialuy

Gtasdig ko Taylorundn ta factynanagn

hune lhuld he a panning inchanqe acd paaduchcs

rÖlInshuckion Sandctk cDork ? To daft inkuchoy
As tha wnckers
i t t cleck2 To 2pecify the route of producha
CwTne and fost aetk To epare íme acd coat
cis iscipliaaian fo emiune dicíplfne

ælpeed Bass To mee hmluy amd ah acuscte

mamg Rass o beep machinea and tnals 2z00d

tha machinea and fools

Page No al

Stamdahdizahon And Afnplcoahoo ofwock

Dstamdardiahon gefecs to the psocess of seting
standads wey QuLaînes actuik itama
Atomdondizahon of he nausmateiaspoce
Hmepraduct machiaeymathod etc
Simpiscokan aime ar aliminahng umnecassat
ackuities, Jaiebies , izes unnocaaay diuersig et

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