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Volume 3 Issue 02 NOVEMBER 2018
JILS 3 (2) 2018, pp. 273- 290 ISSN (Print) 2548-1584
ISSN (Online) 2548-1592
Yanti Amelia Lewerissa 274 JILS 3 (2) November 2018, 273-290
THE orientation of marine development in Indonesia began in 1957 which
was marked by the emergence of the concept of "Archipelago Insight" as
stated in the Djuanda Declaration on December 13, 1957 which claimed the
territorial waters of Indonesia, and Kusumastanto (2003), stated that all
Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies 275 V01 3 Issue 02, 2o18
Yanti Amelia Lewerissa 276 JILS 3 (2) November 2018, 273-290
(nicknamed the Thousand Islands Province) with a land area of 54,187 Km2,
the coastline length ranges from 11,000 Km2 with its sea area reaching
658,295 Km2. The Maluku Sea saves natural wealth that cannot be valued by
money (Andibya et.al. 2008). Maluku's marine resource potential reaches 1.64
million tons / year or 26.3% of the national potential of 6.26 million tons per
year. The potential of fish resources is in 3 (three) Fisheries Management
Areas (WPP), namely in the Banda Sea, Seram and surrounding sea, and
Arafura Sea (Andibya, et.al., 2008: 162-163).
The Arafura Sea is the main destination for foreign fishing boats from
China, Thailand, Korea and Taiwan to commit Illegal fishing. This illegal
fishing fleet enters through the Tores Strait in southern Papua New Guinea.
Through this route, stolen fish are transported abroad. Illegal fishing crimes
carried out by foreign vessels in Indonesian waters are transnational crimes.
For Indonesia, transnational crime is a big threat, considering that Indonesia
is not only a transit area for crimes that are categorized as transnational crime.
However, Indonesia has become the main destination for these crimes, and
one of the transnational crimes committed is illegal fishing around the
Arafura Sea in Maluku Province.
Illegal fishing activities are usually followed by other crimes such as
the entry of illegal immigrants, trafficking in persons, slavery, narcotics
trafficking, arms trafficking, carried out by foreign citizens, crossing national
borders and of course having a negative impact on Indonesia. One of the cases
that occurred was related to capture fisheries activities carried out by several
vessels owned by foreign companies affiliated with companies owned by
Indonesian entrepreneurs, namely PT Pusaka Benjina Resources in Benjina,
Aru Islands Regency, Maluku Province. As a result of the practice of illegal
fishing carried out by PT Pusaka Benjina Resources, and accompanied by the
practice of trafficking in persons (bringing in foreign workers/labors from
Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand using fake documents) and slavery
(these illegal laborers are not treated human) shows us that the practice of
illegal fishing can be followed by other crimes such as the entry of illegal
immigrants into the territory of Indonesia.
Yanti Amelia Lewerissa 278 JILS 3 (2) November 2018, 273-290
Yanti Amelia Lewerissa 28o JILS 3 (2) November 2018, 273-290
PBR crew members without going through clear and definite procedures in
the case of inappropriate recruitment of foreign crews, with Management of
Permits Using Foreign Workers (IMTA) conducted by the Ministry of
Manpower and Transmigration at the BKPM PTSP, which has been
regulated in the Regulation of the Head of BKPM No. 5 of 2013.
The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, said that
currently more and more countries in the world are aware that Illegal
Unreported Unregulated (IUU) Fishing is a transnational crime whose impact
in the world is quite extraordinary. Our oceans that cover 71% of the earth's
surface are threatened with sustainability by the practice of IUU Fishing.
Even though according to Jokowi, the sea is a source of income for 520
million world population and food source for 2.6 billion people. The practice
of IUU Fishing has reduced fish stocks by 90.1%. He said IUU Fishing was
also linked to other crimes such as smuggling of goods and people, illegal
laborers, smuggling of narcotics, and violations of regulations on natural
protection and hygiene. This means that IUU Fishing has developed into a
transnational crime that is very serious and organized (Kurniawan 2016).
According to Jokowi, it is very important for Indonesia to fight
transnational organized crime with global collaboration. He stressed that
Indonesia could not inhabit the issue of IUU Fishing. In 2014, FAO said
Indonesia was ranked as the second largest producer in the world for marine
fish with a catch of 6 million tons, equivalent to 6.8% of total world
production of marine fish. According to him, IUU Fishing has resulted in
Indonesia's economic loss of 20 billion US dollars per year. This also
threatens 65% of coral reefs in Indonesia. Therefore, in the last 2 years
Indonesia has continued to maintain and try to secure the practice of IUU
Fishing such as the capture and sinking of 236 fishing vessels. From these
results, it is seen that the level of fish exploitation in Indonesia has decreased
between 30-35%, thus enabling us to increase national fish stocks from 7.3
million tons in 2013 to 9.9 million tons in 2015 (Kurniawan 2016).
The same was stated by the Indonesian Minister of Maritime Affairs
and Fisheries, Susi Pudjiastuti at the opening of the 2nd International
Fisheries Crime Symposium in Yogyakarta. He urged that the United Nations
(UN) recognize Illegal Fishing as a transnational crime. According to him,
Indonesia currently supports so that fisheries crimes such as IUU Fishing are
recognized as organized transnational crimes based on the United Nations
Convention against transnational organized crime (United Nations
Convention on Transnational Organized Crime-UNTOC). Susi said, illegal
fishing was a serious crime because it followed other crimes. Based on the
analysis and evaluation he conducted on 1,132 ex-foreign vessels, IUU
Fishing has cross-country elements and is carried out in an organized manner
(Pramono 2016).
Thus it can be judged that there is a connection between illegal fishing
activities carried out by foreign vessels around Indonesian waters, especially
in Maluku waters, it is also followed by other crimes such as the entry of
AS an archipelago, Indonesia has many entrances both in the sea, land and in
the air. Moreover, Indonesia's geographical location which is in a cross
position in the international trade route has caused Indonesia's territory to be
prone to transnational crime. One of the transnational crimes that is a serious
problem for the Indonesian nation is the entry of illegal immigrants. Based on
data from the Indonesian National Police until October 2013 there were
10,593 cases of illegal immigrants entering Indonesian territory through the
waters (sea) (Yulianingsih 2013). Because of the geographical location of
Indonesia as the largest archipelagic country and weak supervision, the sea
lane is an option that is considered safe for illegal immigrants.
Data from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemenlu) states that there
were 14,425 illegal immigrants from 47 countries who entered Indonesia. Of
these 8,039 people are refugees and 6,386 asylum seekers. There are five
countries that dominate the country of origin of immigrants, such as from
Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq, Myanmar and Nigeria. Not much different from
the data from the Head of Immigration Superintendence Directorate General
of Immigration M Adnan, who stated that there were a total of 14,337 illegal
immigrants in Indonesia as of June 30, 2017, and based on UNHCR data, the
number consisted of 5,701 asylum seekers and 8,636 refugees, with 4,059
women, and 10,278 men (Kumparan 2017).
One organization that cares about the fate of migrants is (International
Organization for Migrations) IOM. This organization has a commitment to
advance orderly and humane migration for the benefit of all. Population
migration is a change of activity for both permanent and semi-permanent
dwellings that can include migrants, immigrants, temporary workers, guest
workers, students and illegal immigrants, who cross a national boundary. In
this interpretation it does not include groups of tourists and diplomatic
communities (Haris and Andika 2002), so migration is a process of moving
people from one country to another.
Illegal immigrants are migrations that occur outside the procedure and
state rules that exist or also move people through national borders that violate
applicable migration rules (IOM 2012). There are four situations the person is
called illegal immigrants (Johan 2013; Andayani 2016), namely:
1) Immigrants who enter clandestine (hide) with fake documents
2) Fixed more than the allowable time
Yanti Amelia Lewerissa 282 JILS 3 (2) November 2018, 273-290
territory. The entry of illegal immigrants into Indonesia raises some problems
including socio-cultural, economic and also security problems. The new
culture they carry is not necessarily able to blend with the culture or tradition
of the local community. This can actually lead to social conflict in society.
The economic impact caused by illegal entry will reduce the state income
through import duty (visa). In addition, the unemployment rate will increase
because foreign workers with low wages will be the choice of employers
compared to employing Indonesian citizens. Because life is lacking as well as
socio-cultural clashes with the local community, it will cause unrest in the
community because of the sense of security and comfort that is disturbed due
to the actions of these illegal immigrants.
Even so, Indonesia cannot arbitrarily drive away these illegal
immigrants. In addition to being bound by the Convention on Human Rights,
Indonesia already has an agreement with the International Organization for
Migration (IOM), which is a special UN body that deals with immigrant
issues. These illegal immigrants are funded by IOM, they will be recorded,
sorted and will be arranged by the immigrants. If there is a country that is
willing to accept, IOM will send. On the contrary, these illegal immigrants
can be deported.
Indonesia does not yet have a law specifically regulating the problem
of illegal immigrants. They make Indonesia not only as a transit country but
as a final destination country. Many illegal immigrants enter Indonesia on the
grounds of refugees and asylum seekers. While waiting for their status decided
by UNHCR in Jakarta1 and these immigrants feel safe in Indonesia. The
illegal immigrants who entered Indonesia also took advantage of the status of
victims of human infiltration. They are considered as victims of human
smuggling, even though Indonesia does not yet have laws specifically
regulating the problem of human smuggling. In addition to its friendly
population, its vast territory, the weakness of legislation and the government's
lack of determination in facing the entry of illegal immigrants, it is interesting
for them to make Indonesia the final destination. Political motives which
usually become the main reason for illegal immigrants to cross Indonesian
territory, have begun to shift to economic problems as a strong reason for
illegal immigrants. So the causes of illegal immigrants entering Indonesia due
to ethnic conflict, domestic and political security conditions, the existence of
human rights violations, the economic crisis (low welfare level) and the
persuasion of people smuggling syndicates, have shifted to a better livelihood
(economic ) by looking for work as illegal foreign workers.
The handling of illegal immigrants in Indonesia is carried out using the
Immigration Act, Law No. 6 of 2011 which has adopted the principles
contained in the United Nations Convention Against Transnational
Organized Crime and its two additional protocols (Protocol to Prevent,
Yanti Amelia Lewerissa 284 JILS 3 (2) November 2018, 273-290
tempus delicti involve several countries and various state laws. The term
transnational first appeared in the early 20th century to illustrate a new way of
understanding inter-cultural relations. Transnational is a social movement
that arises because of the increasing inter-connectivity between humans on the
entire surface of the earth and the waning of national borders.
Law enforcement for transnational crime basically refers to the
principle of "Au Dedere Au Punire" meaning that transnational criminals can
be convicted by a country where locus delicti occurs within the country's
territorial boundary or is handed over through extradition procedures to
requesting countries that have jurisdiction to try the perpetrators (Olii 2005).
The types of crimes including transnational crimes include Trafficking in
illegal drugs, Human Trafficking, People Smuggling, Smuggling Arms,
Money Laundering, illicit trade in light weapons. Some characteristics of
transnational crime are (Sefriani 2016):
1. Crimes that stipulated in international conventions
a. UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime
b. Protocol against Smuggling of Migrants Land, Air and Sea
c. Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons,
Especially Woman & Children
d. Protocol against the illicit Manufacturing & Trafficking in Firearms,
their parts and components and ammunition
2. Actors involve several nationalities
3. As a result of criminal acts harm the interests of several countries
4. Locus delicti is carried out outside the territory of the affected country
5. Economic or financial motives dominate the background of transnational
6. Need international/regional cooperation to mitigate it. For example
extradition, MLA, law enforcement cooperation, collection and exchange
of information, joint investigations, transfer of criminal proceedings and
7. Courts that have jurisdiction are national courts.
Muladi (2016) also highlighted that in the Palermo Convention on
Transnational Organized Crimes in 2000, it was said to be transnational crime
if it fulfilled the following matters:
1. An organized criminal group
2. Committing crimes in more than one country
3. Committing a crime in one country but its substance such as preparation,
planning, direction and control occurs in another country
4. Committing a crime in a country but involving an organized crime group
that commits crimes in more than one country
5. Committing crimes in more than one country but having the effect of
substance in another country
Yanti Amelia Lewerissa 286 JILS 3 (2) November 2018, 273-290
IT is highlighted that there is a relationship or relationship between illegal
fishing and the entry of illegal immigrants into the territory of Indonesia. As
the largest archipelagic country in the world, Indonesia has many entrances,
one of which is through the vast waters or seas of Indonesia. This is also what
makes Indonesia vulnerable to being the main target of transnational crime.
One serious crime that has not been recognized by the United Nations as
transnational crime even though it actually has cross-country elements, illegal
fishing is also a serious crime that must be prevented and overcome because
there are other crimes that usually follow the illegal fishing activities. One of
them is the entry of illegal immigrants transported in foreign fishing vessels.
Illegal immigrants entering Indonesia generally use the reasons for
refugees and asylum seekers. The five countries that dominate are
Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq, Myanmar and Nigeria. Ethnic conflict, political
situation, low welfare in the country of origin and wanting to find a better
livelihood are the motives of illegal immigrants to enter Indonesia. The mode
of illegal immigrants goes more into Indonesian territory by sea. Because of
the geographical location of Indonesia as the largest archipelagic country, it
caused many entrances and weak supervision. The legal principle that applies
to transnational crime is the principle of Au Dedere Au Punire, then the
function of international criminal law is to harmonize between one country's
national criminal law with one another.
Andibya, Budut W. et.al.. Maluku The Wonderful Islands. Jakarta: Gibon Group
Publications, 2008.
Agency for Marine and Fisheries Research. Study on the Implication of
Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing in Arafura Sea for
Indonesian Fishery Statistics. Project # PR34944. Preliminary Report.
Collaboration between FAO and Research Center for Capture
Fisheries, Agency for Marine and Fisheries Research.
ANTARA. "8 Orang Divonis 3 Tahun Penjara dalam Kasus Benjina, Tual",
Online News, 11 March 2016, retrieved from
https: //www. dw. com/id/8-orang-divonis-3-tahunpenjara-dalam-
Batubara, Nanda F. "Data Dirjen Imigrasi Total imigran Gelap Sepanjang
2017 capai 14.337 Imigran", Online News, 21 July 2017, retrieved from
httlp://medan, tribunnews com/2017/ 07/20 /segini-total-imiglan-gela-
sep anj ang-20 17
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