Social Movements
Social Movements
Social Movements
Social Movements
Where a group of people come together in order to bring about change in society in
regard to certain social issues with the aim of changing people’s perspectives about
that aspect.
Dissent (dissatisfaction)
Counter Movement
Counter movements sometimes arise in defence of status quo. There are many
instances of counter movements.
When Raja Rammohun Roy campaigned against sati and formed the Brahmo Samaj,
defenders of sati formed Dharma Sabha and petitioned the British not to legislate
against sati.
When reformers demanded education for girls, many protested that this would be
disastrous for society.
When reformers campaigned for widow remarriage, they were socially boycotted.
When the so called ‘lower caste’ children enrolled in schools, some so called ‘upper
caste’ children were withdrawn from the schools by their families.
Proposals for extending reservation in educational institutions have led to counter
movements opposing them.
Effects eco, social, political, Cultural aspect society Effects a certain aspect of society
1 Most have links with political parties 1 Do not have links to politics parties. May
. and they were very imp. e.g freedom . sometimes oppose the practices of govt.,
struggle INC e.g workers movement.
2 Main aim Saw the reorganization of 2 Main aim address social issues, no
. power relationships. . change in power relationships.
4 Usually concerned with the lower or 4 To do with all classes and all castes e.g
. depressed class like women and . workers movement. Tribal movement
dalits e.g Arya Samaj.
Ecological Movement
Any movement to do with the environment.
It is a new problems.
It was not there in the past.
Have come up in the last 2-3 decades.
Chipko Movement – is a movement which was not ordy economic aspect, it affected
all aspect.
When contractors from cities came to cut down the trees, the women and children
went and hugged the trees.
Reason being they were dependent on the forest for their livelihood (grazing, fodder,
firewood, food and gathering).
Villagers were unhappy that politicians sitting in the cities were dictating terms and
they knew politicians were not concerned about their livelihood.
It became popular, mass media was important in spreading the news and people
started their own movements in their own states.
After Independence
Telangana Movement (West Bengal).
Farmers had to give 50% profit to government.
They wanted 2/3 (60%) profit and give remaining 1/3 to the govt
sharecroppers (supported by CPI and AIKS).
OBC Movement
Other backward classes
Economically backward but are part of the forward caste.
Don’t suffer from untouchability.
OBC was first used in Madras and Bombay for those who were economically
AIBCL/F – All India Backward classes League/Federation.