Full Stack
Full Stack
Full Stack
Front-end Development
What is front-end?
- Software applications follow tier and layer architecture.
- Applications are built in layers.
- Applications run in tiers.
Tier : run application
Layer : build application
- Developers work in 3 layers
o UI Layer
o Business Layer
o Database Layer
- Application will run in tiers
o Database Tier
o Application Tier
o Presentation Tier
- Front End development is all about designing the UI.
- In full stack we will learn building UI for 3 types of
o Web Application
o Distributed Application
o Mobile Native Application
What we need to learn for developing UI?
- Bootstrap
- JavaScript
- jQuery
- Angular JS
- React
- Ionic
Why? Description
HTML It is a presentation language used for
preparing presentation for web, distributed
and mobile.
CSS It makes the presentation more attractive,
interactive and responsive.
LESS It is a CSS pre-processor. Make your CSS
better, simplified, reusable, and compact.
SASS It is also a CSS pre-processor. Make your
CSS better, simplified, reusable, and
JavaScript To reduce burden on server.
It manages several interactions client-side.
Security Issues, Blocked by Browsers
JavaScript is language used client-side,
server-side, database.
jQuery It is a JavaScript library.
Write less and do more.
It contains set of pre-defined functions.
Functions are build with JavaScript.
Angular JS It is a Front-end Framework.
It can build and control the application
React It is a JavaScript library.
It is used with front-end framework like
Cordova, Ionic, NativeScript.
More work is on UI
Ionic Framework for building cross platform
mobile application with React or Angular.
Web Server
- Web server resembles both software and hardware.
- It is responsible for managing requests from client and
send a customized response to every client request.
- Web Server is the location where we host our website
and application, we debug, we test, and deploy.
- The popular web server tools you can use on your
o Apache tomcat
o IIS [Internet Information Services]
o Node.js
o Lighttpd etc.
Web Site
- Web site is a virtual directory on Web Server.
- Site refers to location on server.
- Location on any computing device is actually Drive and
directory reference.
Creating a new Website Locally:
- Open your web server “IIS” [Run-> inetmgr]
- Expand “local computer”
- Expand “Sites” folder
- Right Click on “Default Website”
- Select “Add Virtual Directory” [Adding a website]
- http://localhost/fullstackweb
- Go to physical path
- Add “Images” folder
- Keep any image in folder
- Now try access from browser
Web Page
- It is a hypertext document that provides an UI for your
website, so that users can interact with the resources in
- The term “hyper” refers to a Greek term, which means
- Hypertext document is a special type of document used
in network for presentation.
- It comprises of content to display and also the content
beyond the display.
- The UI for website is designed by using Web Pages.
- The web pages are classified into 2 types
o Static Page
o Dynamic Page
- The term static refers to static memory.
- Static is continuous memory. [Connected in access]
- Memory allocated for first request will continue for
other requests.
- Static occupies more memory.
- Static Page contains same information to display across
multiple requests.
- Static Page have the extension
o .htm
o .html
- The term dynamic refers to dynamic memory or non-
static memory.
- Dynamic is discrete memory. [Disconnected in access]
- Memory is newly allocated for every request.
- Save the memory.
- Dynamic page contains same content to display initially
for every request but it can change and customize the
response according to the request.
- It generates a response customized for every client
- Dynamic page has extension
o .jsp
o .php
o .asp
o .aspx etc
- To design UI for static and dynamic page you need
Build a WebSite