Aug. 22
Aug. 22
Aug. 22
A. Content
B. Performance
C. Learning
Write the LC Code for each.
B.Establishing a purpose Today you will learn that our reactions to the stressful events of pandemic
for the lesson. or any other form of disaster were normal and valid. How does this new
learning that your reactions and feelings toward Covid – 19 / disaster were
normal after all help me?
C. Presenting examples Do you think that it is important that you know your own emotions?
instances of the new
D.Discussing the new ACTIVITY 2. Show Me What You’ve Learned
concepts and practicing Steps:
new skills #1.
1. Divide the group into smaller groups of 3-6 people.
2. Each team is given a list with 4-5 different emotions on it, and a location
– for
example - one team may get the forest as the location, and happy, sad,
and scared as emotions.
3. Each team creates a short play, which contains all the emotions.
4. Every person must have a role that is created by their group.
5. At the end, gather all the groups, and ask them to show their play to the
6. Those that are watching guess which emotions are being carried out.
E. Discussing the new
concepts and practicing
new skills #2.
F. Developing mastery • Was it easy to show your emotions? Why/why not?
(Leads to formative • Does anyone wish the others would show their emotions more or less?
assessment 3).
Why is it important to let others know how you are feeling?
• Are there times when it is better to hide what you feel?
• What can you do to let others know how you feel?
G.Making generalization
and abstraction about I want you to know that all your feelings, all your reactions in
the lesson.)
the past days are valid. To validate is to affirm that these
H. Finding practical
application of concepts
and skills in daily How can you apply this learning to your life especially after
experiencing such a Pandemic?
I. Evaluating learning. Activity: These statements are the common reactions of
students in stressful events. Let’s see if you have experienced
these reactions. Compare your feelings to the feelings written
inside the box. Answer the following by putting a check mark
on the corresponding column before the statement.
Never Some Alwa Common Reactions of Students to
times ys Stressful Events
•I feel a strong responsibility to my
•I feel anxious brought about by
uncertainty of
the future.
•I feel intense or prolonged grief for not
being able to wake.
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the
VI. REFLECTION students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant question.
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