Mother Hen
Mother Hen
Mother Hen
For many years now, maybe even a couple of decades if I’m being honest, I have had a love for designing
a knit chicken or two. In fact, I think I snuck some sort of knit chicken in five out of my six books, and
I’ve even more individual patterns with chickens. I’m carrying on the chicken-knitting tradition today
and I must say this Mother Hen is my absolute favorite to date. My main critic and beloved daughter
told me that this may be the cutest toy I’ve ever designed. I’ll take it! The stripey, earflapped hat and the
cardigan with egg and chick-filled pockets make this entire ensemble beyond fun. And, it’s just as cute
without the accessories.
The adorable Mother Hen is worked from seamlessly from the bottom up. The crown is knit in continua-
tion of the head. The beak uses an afterthought technique. The wattle, wings, legs and tail are picked up
and knit onto the body and head. The hat is worked in the round and the cardigan is worked both back
and forth and in the round.
Yarn Abbreviations
Home Worsted Weight by Barrett Wool Co. (100% K knit
American Wool; 100 g /230 yds [210 m]) P purl
Mother Hen: St(s) stitch(es)
• 1 skein in Bear (brown) or Picket Fence (MC) Rnd(s) round(s)
• 1 skein in Poppy (red) (CC1) Dpn(s) double-pointed needle(s)
• 1 skein in Humble Gold (gold) (CC2) K1-f/b knit in the front and the back of the stitch
Cardigan and Hat: M1 lift the strand running in between the stitches
• 1 skein in March Wind (dark grey - on the white onto the left needle by inserting the tip from the
hen in photos) or Stationery (light grey - on the front to the back under the strand to make a new
brown hen in photos) stitch, then knit the new stitch through the back
• Small amount of the Poppy (red) for the edging loop.
K2tog knit two stitches together
Yarn used in grams: Ssk slip two stitches separately and as if to knit, then
Mother Hen MC used a little over 50 grams. knit these slipped stitches together through the back
Humble Gold for beak, feet, chick and hat stripes loops.
used about 20 grams. Dec decrease
Poppy for wattle, crown, hat stripes and cardigan Inc increase
edging used about 15 grams. MC main color
Cardigan MC and hat - either March Wind or CC1, CC2 contrast color 1 or contrast color 2
Stationery used about 30 grams. Rem remaining
Egg used about 3 yards [2.7 meters] Circ circular needle
BO bind off
Needles N1, N2, N3 needles 1, 2 or 3
Mother Hen, Hat, Egg and Chick: BOR beginning of round
One set dpns in sizes US 6 and 7 [4 and 4.5 mm] CO cast on
One 24" [40 cm] circ in US size 7 [4.5 mm]
One 24” [40 cm] circ in US size 6 [4 mm]
One set of dpns in US size 7 [4.5mm]
Or size to obtain gauge
©Barrett Wool Co. 2021 For Personal Use Only
MOther Hen
- The Mother Hen begins at the bottom of the Body with Judy’s Magic Cast On and is worked seamlessly
in the round.
Purl bumps are worked to indicate the Leg and Tail placement.
The Wing placement is marked with a locking stitch marker.
The Beak is marked using waste yarn and the Afterthought method.
- Stuffing is added in sections as the piece is continued to be knit.
• Locking stitch markers
• Waste yarn
• Tapestry needle
• Fiberfill
• Poly pellets (optional and note that poly pellets are
considered a choking hazard for young children)
• 6mm safety eyes (note that safety eyes are consid-
ered a choking hazard for young children)
• Black embroidery floss
• Three 3/4-inch [2 cm] buttons
• Sewing thread and needle to attach buttons
• Optional 3/4-inch [2 cm] pom-pom maker (I used
the smallest Clover pom-maker).
Special Techniques
*Knit all sts. Do not turn. Slide the sts to the other
end of dpn*. Rep from * to *.
Judy’s Magic Cast-On
Afterthought method
Three-needle bind off
Backwards loop cast-on method
French knot
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Mother Hen
1. Body 2. Head
With MC, smaller dpns, and using Judy’s Magic Cast Knit 15 rnds.
On, CO 36 sts. Place a locking st marker in the first
stitch for BOR and join to work in the rnd, being Next rnd place Safety Eyes and Beak using waste
careful not to twist sts. Divide sts onto 3 dpns, 18 sts yarn. See photo below.
on N1 and 9 sts each on N2 and N3. N1: K1, knit the next stitch and insert the safety eye
into the center of the stitch just below the needle, k2,
Knit 2 rnds. drop the MC and with waste yarn k8, then slip those
8 sts back to the LH needle, knit the same 8 sts with
Begin shaping the MC, k2, knit the next stitch and insert the safety
Next rnd inc rnd: *K3, m1; rep from * to end—48 eye into the center of the stitch just below the
sts; 24 sts on N1, 12 sts each on N2 and N3. needle, k1. The backings for the safety eyes are
Knit 5 rnds. attached later.
N2 and N3: Knit.
Next rnd Leg and Tail placement:
N1: K2, p9, k2, p9, k2. Knit 2 rnds.
N2: K6, p6.
N3: P6, k6. Next rnd dec rnd: N1: *K2, k2tog; rep from * to end
of needle - 12 sts; N2 and N3: Knit. 9 sts each. 30 sts
Knit 1 rnd. total rem.
Snap on the backs of the safety eyes.
Next rnd inc rnd: *K3, m1; rep from * to end—64 Knit 1 rnd.
sts; 32 sts on N1, 16 sts each on N2 and N3. Next rnd dec rnd: *K1, k2tog; rep from * to
end—20 sts total rem; 8 sts on N1, 6 sts each on N2
and N3.
Knit 11 rnds.
Leave on needles and stuff the Head with fiberfill.
Do not overstuff.
Next rnd Wing placement:
Knit 1 rnd.
N1: Knit. Place a locking stitch marker on the first
Next rnd dec rnd: *K2tog; rep from * to end—10 sts
and last stitch and leave the markers in place as you
total rem; 4 sts on N1, 3 sts each on N2 and N3.
Rearrange the stitches as follows:
N2 and N3: Knit
Knit the first 2 sts on N1 onto N3. Slips the last 2 sts
on N1 onto N2. You now have 5 sts on each of two
Knit 18 rounds.
Knit 1 rnd.
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Mother Hen
Second Point
Place the next 3 sts back onto one dpn, keep the next
6 sts on waste yarn, place the last 3 sts onto a second
©Barrett Wool Co. 2021 For Personal Use Only
Mother Hen
4. Beak Rnd 4:
N1: Ssk, k4, k2tog. 6 sts rem.
See the photo!
N2 and N3: Knit. 3 sts per needle.
Note: The afterthought method of picking up 12 sts total rem.
stitches is used to work above and below the waste
yarn, plus one additional stitch is picked up on Stuff the Beak with fiberfill.
either side of the waste yarn. The waste yarn is then
removed, leaving live stitches on the needles. Rnd 5: (K1, k2tog) repeat to the end of the rnd. 8 sts
Starting one stitch to the right and working into the
stitches directly below the waste yarn, insert the tip Rnd 6: Knit.
of one smaller dpn under the right leg of stitch, then
continue picking up the right leg of each of the Rnd 7: (K2tog) repeat to the end of the rnd. 4 sts
stitches directly below the waste yarn, then pick up rem.
the right leg of one stitch to the left of the waste
yarn—10 sts on first needle. Add any final stuffing. Cut the yarn leaving a 6-inch
(15 cm) end. Place the end on a yarn needle and pull
With a second smaller dpn, pick up stitches in the through the remaining stitches. Pull up tight to form
same way in the row directly above the waste a point. Pull the end through again to secure. Pull
yarn—10 sts on second needle; 20 st total. the end to the insice and trim to stay inside.
Knit 2 rnds.
Decrease Rnds:
Rnd 1:
N1: Knit. 10 sts.
N2: K3, ssk. 4 sts rem.
N3: K2tog, k3. 4 sts rem.
18 sts total rem.
Rnd 2: Knit.
Rnd 3:
N1: Ssk, k6, k2tog. 8 sts rem.
N2: K2, ssk. 3 sts rem.
N3: K2tog, k2. 3 sts rem.
©Barrett Wool Co. 2021 For Personal Use Only
Mother Hen
Bind off the stitches. Cut the yarn leaving a 6-inch With the front of the Mother Hen facing you, find
(15 cm) end. Pull the end through the remaining the locking stitch marker on the right side of the
stitch. Place the end on a yarn needle. Take some Body that was left for the wing placement.
tacking stitches to attach the end to the underside of
the I-cord to form a loop. Pull the end to the inside With one of the larger size dpns and starting in the
and trim to stay inside. Place the end from the start same stitch with the stitch marker, pick up the stitch
of the I-cord on a yarn needle and pull to the inside by inserting the tip of the needle under the right leg
and trim to stay inside. of the stitch. Now going up in the same column of
stitches, pick up one stitch in the same way every
Repeat for the left side of the Wattle, picking up 3 other stitch until you have 12 sts on the needle.
stitches in the same row and to the left of the center.
Note: When weaving in the last end from the start of Skip one column of stitches in between and toward
the second I-cord, I took a couple of stitches to pull the front. With a second larger size dpn, pick up 12
the two cords together at the base, then pulled the sts in the same way, and parallel to the first needle.
end to the inside and trimmed to stay inside.
You now have 2 dpns with 12 sts each. You will be
starting at the bottom of the front needle. This is N1.
Place a stitch marker on the first stitch on N1 to
denote the BOR. You will be working in the round
on two dpns.
First Feather:
K4, place the next 16 sts on waste yarn, knit the last
4 sts onto a second dpn. You will be working in the
round on two dpns.
Knit 1 rnd.
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Mother HEn
Right Wing Continued Next Rnd: (Ssk, k2tog) repeat on each needle. 2 sts
per needle; 4 sts total rem.
Cut the yarn leaving a 6-inch (15 cm) end and place
on a yarn needle. Pull the end through the remain- Next Rnd: (K2tog) repeat on each needle. 1 st per
ing stitches and pull up tight to form a point. Pull needle: 2 sts total rem.
the end to the inside and trim to stay inside.
Cut the yarn leaving a 6-inch (15 cm) end and place
Second Feather: on a yarn needle. Pull the end through the remain-
Place the next 4 sts onto one dpn, leave the next 8 sts ing stitches and pull up tight to form a point. Pull
on waste yarn, place the last 4 sts onto a second dpn. the end to the inside and trim to stay inside.
You will be working in the round on two dpns.
Place the end left out at the beginning of the second
With the MC and leaving a 6-inch (15 cm) end out point on a yarn needle. Take several stitches to close
to use later, knit 3 rnds. the gap in between the second and third feathers.
Pull the end to the inside and trim to stay inside.
Next Rnd: (Ssk, k2tog) repeat on each needle. 2 sts
per needle; 4 sts total rem. 8. Left Wing
Next Rnd: (K2tog) repeat on each needle. 1 st per With the front of the Mother Hen facing you,
needle: 2 sts total rem. find the locking stitch marker on the left side of
the Body that was left for the wing placement.
Cut the yarn leaving a 6-inch (15 cm) end and place
on a yarn needle. Pull the end through the remain-
ing stitches and pull up tight to form a point. Pull You will pick up the stitches and work the Left
the end to the inside and trim to stay inside. Wing the same as the Right Wing. The only
difference is that you will begin the round on
Place the end left out at the beginning of the second the first stitch at the bottom of the back needle.
feather on a yarn needle. Take several stitches to Place a stitch marker on the first stitch to mark
close the gap in between the first and second feath- the BOR.
ers. Pull the end to the inside and trim to stay inside.
Complete the same as the Right Wing.
Third Feather:
Place the next 4 sts onto a dpn (this is N1), and the
last 4 sts onto a second dpn (this is N2). You will be
working in the round on two dpns.
Next Rnd:
N1: Ssk, k1, k1-f/b. 4 sts.
N2: K1-f/b, k1, k2tog. 4 sts.
Knit 1 rnd.
Next Rnd:
N1: Ssk, k1, k1-f/b. 4 sts.
N2: K1-f/b, k1, k2tog. 4 sts.
©Barrett Wool Co. 2021 For Personal Use Only
Mother hen
First Toe
Using the three-needle bind off technique, bind off
the first 4 sts.
©Barrett Wool Co. 2021 For Personal Use Only
Mother HEn
With the MC and one of the smaller size dpns, Cut the yarn leaving a 6-inch (15 cm) end. Place the
working into the stitches directly below the 12 purl end on a yarn needle and pull through the stitches.
bumps for the Tail. Start at the right end, insert the Pull up tight to make a point. Pull the end to the
tip of the dpn under the right leg of the first stitch inside and trim to stay inside. Place the end from the
for each of the 12 stitches directly below the 12 purl start of the second feather on a yarn needle and take
bumps. Pick up stitches in the row directly above some stitches in between the first and second
the purl bumps in the same way—24 sts; 12 sts on feathers to close the gap. Pull the end to the inside
each needle. Place a locking stitch marker in the first and trim to stay inside.
stitch of the bottom needle for the BOR, this is N1.
You will be working in the round on two dpns. Third Feather
Place the next 3 sts on a dpn and the last 3 sts on a
Knit 6 rnds. second dpn. Begin working with the same yarn
leaving a 6-inch (15 cm) end out to use later.
Next Rnd: K3, place the next 18 sts on waste yarn,
knit the last 3 sts. Next Rnd:
N1: K1, k2tog. 2 sts.
First Feather N2: Ssk, k1. 2 sts.
Next Rnd: 4 sts total rem.
N1: Ssk, k1. 2 sts.
N2: K1, k2tog. 2 sts. Next Rnd:
4 sts total rem. N1: K2tog. 1 st.
N2: Ssk. 1 st.
Next Rnd: Cut the yarn leaving a 6-inch (15 cm) end. Place the
N1: Ssk. 1 st. end on a yarn needle and pull through the remain-
ing stitches. Pull up tight to make a point. Pull the
N2: K2tog. 1 st.
end to the inside and trim to stay inside. Place the
end from the start of the third feather on a yarn
Cut the yarn leaving a 6-inch (15 cm) end. Place the needle and take some stitches in between the second
end on a yarn needle and pull through the remain- and third feathers to close the gap. Pull the end to
ing stitches. Pull up tight to make a point. Pull the the inside and trim to stay inside.
end to the inside and trim to stay inside.
Second Feather
Place the next 6 sts on a dpn, leave the next 6 sts on
I used steam from my iron (not pressing the iron on
waste yarn, place the next 6 sts on a second dpn.
the fabric) to block the toy but especially to relax the
Begin working with the same yarn leaving a 6-inch
stitches on the wings. Direct the steam on both
(15 cm) end out to use later.
wings and pull them into shape, and air dry.
Knit 3 rnds.
Knit 1 rnd.
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Mother hen
Cut the yarn leaving a 6-inch (15 cm) end. Pull the
end through the remaining stitch and place the end
on a yarn needle. Weave the end into the cord and
trim. Weave in the end from the start of the earflap
to the inside of the hat and trim.
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Mother Hen Cardigan, Egg & Chick
-The cardigan is worked from the top down starting at the neckline. The Sleeves are placed on waste yarn
while the body is completed. The button band and buttonholes are worked in as you go. The Sleeves are
revisited and worked down.
-The Chick is worked in the round from the bottom up and seamlessly to the top of the head. The wings are
picked up and knit onto the body.
-The Egg is worked in the round from the bottom up.
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Mother hen Cardigan, Egg & Chick
15. Finishing for Cardigan Using one dpn, insert the tip of the needle under one
set of the 2 purl sts on the side of the body.
With CC and two dpns, work 3 rows in I-cord.
Soak the Cardigan in cold water and wool wash for Next row dec row: K2tog—1 st rem.
15-20 minutes. Squeeze out excess water and lay flat Break yarn leaving a 6" [15 cm] tail and thread onto
to dry. tapestry needle. Draw through the rem st. Draw tail
With the sewing needle and thread, sew on the three to inside and weave in and trim.
¾" [2 cm] buttons across from each of the three Rep on the second set of purl bumps on the other
buttonholes. side of the body.
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Mother hen Cardigan, Egg & Chick
17. Egg
With Picket Fence (white), the smaller size dpns,
and using the long-tail cast on, CO 9 sts, placing 3
sts onto each of three dpns. Join to work in the rnd,
being careful not to twist the sts. Place a locking st
marker in the first st to denote the beginning of the
First rnd: Knit.
Next rnd inc rnd: (K1, k1-f/b, k1) on each
needle—4 sts per needle; 12 sts total.
Knit 8 rnds.
Place the tail from the CO sts onto a yarn needle.
Make a few sts around the hole at the bottom of the
bird and pull tight to close the hole. Draw the end to
the inside, weave in and trim.
Stuff the Egg with fiberfill.
Next rnd dec rnd: *K2tog; rep from * to end—2 sts
per needle; 6 sts total.
Break yarn leaving a 6" [15 cm] tail and thread onto
yarn needle. Draw through the rem st. Draw the tail Aleks Byrd
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Mother hen
©Barrett Wool Co. 2021 For Personal Use Only