Generalized Hamiltonian Dynamics
Generalized Hamiltonian Dynamics
Generalized Hamiltonian Dynamics
variation procedure equation (2) will get violated, as its left-hand side will be
made to differ from its right-hand side by a quantity of order e. We shall now
have to distinguish between two kinds of equations, equations such as (2)
which get violated by a quantity of order e when we apply the variation, and
equations which remain valid to the accuracy e under the variation. Equation
(1) will be of the latter kind, since the variation in L will equal, by definition,
the variation of the function L(q,q). The former kind of equation we shall call
a weak equation and write with the usual equality sign = , the latter we shall
call a strong equation and write with the sign = .
We have the following rules governing algebraic work with weak and strong
equations :
if il s 0 then ôA = 0;
if 1 = 0 then bX j* 0;
in general. From the weak equation X = 0 we can deduce
ÔX2 = 2XÔX = 0,
so we can deduce the strong equation
We may picture the relationship of strong and weak equations in the fol-
lowing way. Take the 3N dimensional space with the q's, q's and p's as co-
ordinates. In this space there will be a 2 N dimensional region in which
equations (2) are satisfied. Call it the region R. Equations (4) will also be
satisfied in this region, as they are consequences of (2). Now consider all
points of the 3 N dimensional space which are within a distance of order e
from R. They will form a 3 N dimensional region like a shell with a thickness
of order e. Call this the region Re. A weak equation holds in the region Rt
a strong equation holds in the region R€.
3. The Hamiltonian. The Hamiltonian H is defined by
(5) H = pnqn - L,
where a summation is understood over all values for a repeated suffix in a
term. We have
bH = b(pnqn -L)
= Pn8qn + qnbpn ~ dL/dqn.ôqn - dL/dqn.ôqn
(6) = qnbpn - dL/dqn.ôqn.
We find that ôH does not depend on the bq's. This important result holds
whether we have the standard case or not.
Equation (5) gives a definition for H as a function of the q's, q's and p's,
holding throughout the 3 N dimensional space of q's, q's, and p's. We shall
use the definition only in the region Rt, and in this region the result (6)
holds, to the first order. This means that, if we keep the qs and p's con-
stant and make a first-order variation in the q's, the variation in H will be
of the second order. Thus if we keep the qs and p's constant and make a
finite variation in the q's, keeping all the time in the region Rt (which is
possible when we do not have the standard case), the variation in i^will be
of the first order. If we keep in the region R, the variation in H will be zero.
It follows that in the region R, H is a function of the q's and p's only. Calling
this function {£>(q, p), we have the weak equation
(7) H = $(q, p)
holding in the region R. In the standard case the function § is the ordinary
Starting from a point in R and making a general variation, we have from
(10) qn + vm
dpn dpn
ÔL d<t>m
(11) — + Vm i
For consistency the </>m's must remain zero. These consistency conditions
will be examined later.
With the help of (11) the equations of motion (12) take the form
dqn dqn
Equations (13) together with (10) constitute the Hamiltonian equations of
motion. They are fixed by the function § and the equations <t>m = 0. The
Hamiltonian equations of motion give us the qs and p's in terms of the
Hamiltonian variables q, p, v. They give us no direct information about the
v's, but will give us some information indirectly when we examine the con-
sistency conditions.
The Hamiltonian equations of motion can be expressed more easily with
the help of the Poisson bracket notation. Any two functions £ and 77 of the
qs and p's have a P. b. [£, 77], defined by
(i4) [ç,„]silii _ il i i .
dqn dpn dpn dqn
It is easily verified that the P. b. remains invariant under a transformation
to new q's and p's, in which the new qs are any independent functions of the
original qs and the new p's are defined by the new equations (2) with L
expressed in terms of the new qs and their time derivatives. This invariance
property gives the P. b. its importance.
P. b.'s are subject to the following laws, which are easily verified from the
£ £ = 0 ) ^ - = 0 , ^-=o,
dqn dqn dpn
and hence, by an application of the second of the laws (15),
K, ^4) = 0
The vanishing of the v$s together with the equations (25) ensure that the
consistency conditions are all satisfied. The va's remain completely arbitrary.
Each of them gives rise to a freedom of motion—an arbitrary function in the
general solution of the equations of motion. In the standard case there is
just one </>, which is necessarily first class, and thus there is one arbitrary
function in the general solution of the equations of motion. This is connected
with the arbitrary character of the independent variable T.
(35) cssf[6s, 0S/'] = 5 S ' S " .
Then we can define a new P. b. [£, rj]* for any two quantities £ and 77 by the
(36) [«,i?]*=[£,i?] + [ £ , 0 j ^ [0^,17].
It is easily seen that the new P. b.'s obey the first two of the laws (15), and
after some calculation one finds that they also obey the third, Poisson's iden-
tity. (See Appendix.) The new P. b.'s make
[£, 0J* = fc oa] + [f, es,] cMeM
s & *J - [f, 0S>] «•.
(37) = 0
for any £.
To understand the significance of the new P. b.'s, let us take the case when
the 0's consist of | s coordinates q and their conjugate p's. We then see that
the new P. b.'s are obtained by omitting the terms involving differentiations
with respect to these q's and p's from the summation over n in the definition
(14). Thus the new P. b.'s refer to a system of N — Js degrees of freedom.
If, instead of taking the 0's to be just certain g's and p's, we take them to be
any independent functions of these q's and p's, we get the same new P. b.'s.
With general 0's the new P. b.'s will still refer to a system of N — Js degrees
of freedom, but the reduction of the degrees of freedom is made in a more
complicated way than the mere omission of certain q's and p's.
Let us suppose the 0's are all <t>'s or x's. (The <f>'s must be second class, as
otherwise A = 0.) We then have [0S, H] = 0 for all s, and hence
(38) \g,H\* = [g,H\ = g
for g any function of the q's and p's. Thus the new P. b.'s may be used to give
the Hamiltonian equations of motion. We get in this way a new form for the
equations of motion, which is simpler because the number of effective degrees
of freedom is reduced.
Each of the 0's now vanishes in the weak sense. If we work only with the
new P. b.'s, we can assume each of the 0's vanishes in the strong sense without
getting a contradiction, because from (37) the new P. b. of a 0 with anything
vanishes. We can then use the strong equations 0S = 0 to simplify the
Let us define a % to be first class it if has zero P. b. with all the <£'s and x's
and to be second class otherwise. We can make a linear transformation of the
x's of the form
(39) x** = ykk'Xw + y'km<l>m,
where the 7's and 7"s are any functions of the q's and p's such that the deter-
minant of the 7's does not vanish in the weak sense, and the new x's are then
equivalent to the old ones for all the purposes of the theory. Let us make a
transformation of this kind so as to bring as many x's as possible into the first
class, and let us call the first class x's that we then have Xa's and the second
class ones XA'S.
We may take the 0's to consist of all the 0^'s and X/s's. The determinant
A then does not vanish. The proof of this result is similar to the proof that
the matrix (29) is of rank B, and consists in assuming that A is of rank T < s
and constructing a determinant like
Suppose there are A independent first class <£'s and M independent </>'s
altogether. In the phase space (the 2N-dimensional space of the qn and pn
variables) there is a space of (2N — M) dimensions in which all the 4> equations
are satisfied. Call it the (2N — M)-space. The state of the dynamical system
for a particular r value is fixed by giving values to the qJs and p's satisfying
all the <t> equations and is thus represented by a point P in the (2N — M)-space.
The motion of the system ensuing from this state is represented by a curve in
the (2N — M)-space starting from P. On account of the A variables va being
arbitrary, this curve may start out in any direction in a small space of A
dimensions surrounding P . There is one of these small spaces of A dimensions
surrounding every point of the (2N — M)-space. It will now be shown that
these small spaces are integrable.
Suppose that for an interval of T, 8T = €1, all the v's vanish except vat, which
is equal to 1, and that for the following T interval, 5r = e2, all the v's vanish
except »a", which is equal to 1. Then any function g of the q's and p's is changed
at the end of the first interval to
g + €l[g,0.'].
It is changed at the end of the second interval, with the accuracy €ie2 but with
neglect of ei2 and e22, to
(44) g + €i[g, 4>A + *\g + €i[g, 0.,], 4>a»l
If the two kinds of motion are made in the reverse order, g changes to
(45) g + e2[g, 4>A + €i[g + e2[g, 0 a "], <M-
The difference between (44) and (45) is, by Poisson's identity,
(46) ei€2[g,[4v, 4>A\.
It was shown above that [0a/, <t>a»] is a first class </>, so that (46) is a possible
change in g arising from the equations of motion with a suitable choice of the
z>'s, and thus corresponds to a motion in the small A-dimensional space round
the starting point. This is the condition for integrability.
If there are supplementary conditions involving the v's, this integrability
may get spoiled. Thus the integrability does not necessarily hold for the
equations of motion derived from a Lagrangian.
The integration of the small spaces will provide a set of A-dimensional spaces
lying in the (2N—M)-space such that the motion always takes place entirely
in one of them. Call these spaces ^.-spaces. Every curve in an A -space represents
a possible solution of the equations of motion. Every point of the (2N—M)-
space lies in an A -space, which contains all the motions starting from that
point. It would be permissible to consider the A -space itself as the complete
solution of the equations of motion, rather than a general curve in it.
Given a particular A -space, we can fix a point of it by A coordinates, each
of which is some function of the ç's and p's. Call these coordinates ta (a = 1,
2, . . . , A). They will play the role of time variables. The A -space itself can
be described by giving all the q's and p's as functions of the ta. If g is any q or
p, or a function of the q's and p's, we have
(47) g = ia dg/dta,
since the r variation of g may be looked upon as arising from the T variation
of the ta's. Using the Hamiltonian equations of motion (33) for g and i a , we
»afe, 0 a ] = Va[ta, 0 a ] dg/dta.
(54) L s g + Xy R,;
where 8 is a function of the qs and qs only, which must be homogeneous of
the first degree in the qs, and the coefficients Xy are functions of the qs, p's
and v's.
We have again equations (52) if the X's are counted as independent variables
in the partial differentiations of L, and L is then homogeneous of the first degree
in the qs. Thus we have a Lagrangian containing momentum variables of
the type considered at the end of the preceding section, with the previous qj
corresponding to the present Xy and the supplementary conditions (42) giving
the equations (53).
Appendix. Proof of Poisson's identity for the new P. b.'s defined by (36).
Use the suffixes r, s, t, . . . to distinguish different 0's. We have by the
IK,*]*, n*
= [tt,ij] + [f ,«r]c,.[fl„ij],f] + [K.ij] + K,tf,]cr.[ff„ij]f 6»(]c(ttK,r]
(57) = [[{,,], f] + [[ÇA], flcr.[0.,ij] + fc,0,][c..,fl[0..'j] + [tA]crS[[8s,vU]
+ [[*,*], «Jc(„[tf„,r] + [[M 6t]crS[9s,v}ctu[du,{]
+ [i,er][Crs,Bt][es,ri\Ctu[Bu,ï\ + [ZA]Cr.\[9.,Ti\, ff|]C|«[tf«,f].
Let the operator £ denote the application of the three cyclic permutations
of £, 17, f and the summation of the three results. Then we have to prove that
E t t E d V l * = 0.
£ applied to the first term of (57) gives zero, from the ordinary Poisson's
identity. 2Z applied to the second, fourth and fifth terms gives
T,Crs[ee,li\{[[M f] + [fer,?],*] + [[te]A]} = 0,
from the ordinary Poisson's identity again. X applied to the sixth and eighth
terms of (57) gives, with a cyclic permutation of r, u, s, t in the latter,
(58) CrsCtuY.[es^][eu^]{[[iAiet] + [[*„& dr]} = -cr8ctuj:[e8,ii][ouMOrA]&
From (35) we can infer
[Ctu[0r,6tU] = 0
(59) [ctuMOM + ctu[[dr,0t],& = 0.
Thus (58) reduces to
Crs[er,dt]j:iOS,v][Ou,t][Ctuà] = ?L[0t,li\[0u,t][Ctu,Z],
with a further use of (35). This cancels with ]£ applied to the third term of
(57). £ applied to the remaining term of (57), the seventh, gives
(60) [ÇA][nA][Ç,eu]{ctu[Cr8,0t] + Ctr[csufit] + Ct8[CurA]}.
Using J^rsu to denote the operation of applying the three cyclic permutations
of r, s, u and simultaneously of r', s', u' and adding the three results, we have
from the ordinary Poisson's identity
which shows that (60) vanishes. This completes the proof. All the above
equations may be written as strong equations, as no weak equations are used
in the proof.
[1] P. A. M. Dirac, Homogeneous variables in classical dynamics, Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc,
vol. 29 (1933), 389.
[2] , Forms of relativistic dynamics, Rev. Mod. Phys., vol. 21 (1949), 392.