Nervous System Notes
Nervous System Notes
Nervous System Notes
The spinal nerves serve the receptors and effectors in the other body parts.
The cranial nerves are associated chiefly with the receptors and effectors in the head,
Both contain nerve fibres serving structures over which the body has little or no
voluntary control. In both cases nerve fibres from the brain or spinal cord pass into the
organs concerned. Along the course of each pathway there is a complex set of
synapses forming a ganglion.
a. In the sympathetic system, the ganglia lie alongside the vertebrae close to the
spinal cord.
b. In the parasympathetic system, the ganglia are embedded in the wall of the
effector itself. The effects produced by the two systems generally oppose one
another (antagonistic).
Thus, if the sympathetic system causes a certain muscle to contract, the
parasympathetic system relaxes it.
The Neurone
The neurone is the basic structural unit of the nervous system. It consists of a cell
body and protoplasmic processes called nerve fibres which are tied up in bundles
called nerves. It is specialized for transmitting electric impulses. Mature neurones
have lost their ability to regenerate.
Structure of a Neurone
A Neuronehas three basic parts;
i. A cell body
ii. Dendron
iii. The axon
i. A cell body: this may be star-shaped, oval or angular. It has a large nucleus and
dense granulated cytoplasm which gives it a greyish colour. The golgi apparatus
manufactures vesicles containing chemicals needed for the transfer of electric
The cell body relays impulses to the axon
ii. Dendron with branches called dendrites:dendrons carry nerve impulses that their
dendrites receive to the cell body.
iii The axon ending in synaptic knob(s): this carries electric impulses away from the
cell body to their destination. The synaptic knobs release chemicals that bring about
transfer of electrical impulses from an axon to the target cells.
The nervous system is made of bundles of cells called neurons. Neurons are found
throughout your body. They send electrical signals that direct all of your body’s
activities, including thinking, breathing, and moving. These signals travel along
the length of one neuron and jump to another neuron over a gap called a synapse.
A nerve impulse is a wave of electrical activity travelling along a neurone.
i. Electrical Transmission
When an axon is in the resting state, its inside is negatively charged and its outside is
positively charged. Thus the membrane surrounding the axon is polarized. This is
called its resting potential.
When an impulse passes through the axon, its inside becomes positively charged and
its outside becomes negatively charged. This is the action potential and the nerve
membrane becomes depolarized for a short time after which the original resting
potential is restored.
Once an action potential is set up, it moves rapidly along the neurone until it reaches
the end of the axon.
When an impulse passes along the axon, the membrane suddenly becomes depolarized
and permeable to sodium ions. This reverses the resting potential i.e., the inside of the
axon becomes positively chargedand the outside negatively charged, thus an action
potential is set up. Small local currents on both sides of the membrane (at the leading
end of the region of polarization) excite the next part of the axon, so that an action
potential is propagated along the whole length of the axon.
Impulses are set up in nerve cells as a result of excitation of the receptors. Nerves are
stimulated by mechanical, osmotic, chemical, thermal and electrical stimuli. If the
strength of a stimulus is below certain threshold intensity no action potential is evoked.
Further increase in intensity of the stimulus however does not give a larger potential.
A stimulated neurone therefore acts in an all-or-none manner.
Transmission of the impulse across the synapse occurs by chemical means. When an
impulse arrives at a synapse a chemical substance, acetylcholine, is released. This
diffuses across the gap and causes excitation of the adjacent nerve cell.
The synapse prevents impulses from going in the wrong direction i.e. an impulse can
only go in one direction across a synapse but it can go in either direction along an
i. Reflex Action
Responses to a stimulus that are not controlled by will i.e. involuntary responses are
called reflex actions. We are often not aware of our reflex actions though sometimes
we may become aware of them shortly after doing them. Reflex actions help to protect
us against danger and also to maintain equilibrium in both our internal and external
Other examples of reflex actions are;
i. blinking of the eyes.
ii. Withdrawing the hand from a hot object.
iii. The knee jerk e.t.c.
The brain may also initiate a voluntary action without any sensory stimulation.
A sensory system consists of sensory neurons (including the sensory receptor cells),
neural pathways, and parts of the brain involved in sensory perception and
intereception. Commonly recognized sensory systems are those for vision, hearing,
touch, taste, smell, balance and visceral sensation. Sense organs are transducers that
convert data from the outer physical world to the realm of the mind where people
interpret the information, creating their perception of the world around them.
The sense organs are connected to the brain with specialised neuron cells called
sensory nerve cells that help transmit the signals to the brain and help an organism
perceive the senses
The sensory nervous system is a part of the nervous system responsible for
processing sensory information Gautama Buddha and Aristotle classified five
'traditional' human senses which have become universally accepted: touch, taste,
smell, sight, and hearing. Other senses that have been well-accepted in most
mammals, including humans, include nociception, equilibrioception, kinaesthesia,
and thermoception. Furthermore, some nonhuman animals have been shown to
possess alternate senses, including magnetoreception and electroreception.
The initialization of sensation stems from the response of a specific receptor to a
physical stimulus. The receptors which react to the stimulus and initiate the process
of sensation are commonly characterized in four distinct categories: chemoreceptors,
photoreceptors, mechanoreceptors, and thermoreceptors. All receptors receive
distinct physical stimuli and transduce the signal into an electrical action potential.
This action potential then travels along afferent neurons to specific brain regions
where it is processed and interpreted.
Chemoreceptors, or chemosensors, detect certain chemical stimuli and transduce
that signal into an electrical action potential. The two primary types of
chemoreceptors are:
Distance chemoreceptors are integral to receiving stimuli in gases in the olfactory
system through both olfactory receptor neurons and neurons in the vomeronasal
Direct chemoreceptors that detect stimuli in liquids include the taste buds in the
gustatory system as well as receptors in the aortic bodies which detect changes in
oxygen concentration.
Photoreceptors are capable of phototransduction, a process which converts light
(electromagnetic radiation) into, among other types of energy, a membrane
potential. The three primary types of photoreceptors are: Cones are photoreceptors
which respond significantly to color. Rods are photoreceptors which are very
sensitive to the intensity of light, allowing for vision in dim lighting. The
concentrations and ratio of rods to cones is strongly correlated with whether an
animal is diurnal or nocturnal. In humans rods outnumber cones by approximately
Mechanoreceptors are sensory receptors which respond to mechanical forces, such
as pressure or distortion.While mechanoreceptors are present in hair cells and play
an integral role in the vestibular and auditory systems, the majority of
mechanoreceptors are cutaneous and are grouped into four categories:
Slowly adapting type 1 receptors have small receptive fields and respond to static
stimulation.Slowly adapting type 2 receptors have large receptive fields and respond
to stretch. Rapidly adapting receptors have small receptive fields Pacinian receptors
have large receptive fields and are the predominant receptors for high-frequency
Thermoreceptors: are sensory receptors which respond to varying temperatures.
While the mechanisms through which these receptors operate is unclear, recent
discoveries have shown that mammals have at least two distinct types of
thermoreceptors, the end-bulb of Krause, or bulboid corpuscle, detects temperatures
above body temperature. Ruffini's end organ detects temperatures below body
Nociceptors: respond to potentially damaging stimuli by sending signals to the spinal
cord and brain. This process, called nociception, usually causes the perception of
pain.They are found in internal organs, as well as on the surface of the body.
In cellular organisms, the sensory organs are made up of sensory cells that respond to
a specific type of stimuli. These sensory receptor cells transduce the physical stimuli
to nerve signals that are interpreted by the brain cells.
The Five Sense Organs and their Functions
The human sensory system has five sensory organs that help sense five elements of
the physical stimulus, namely:
Sense of sight through the eyes,
Sense of taste through the tongue,
Sense of smell through the nose,
Sense of touch through the skin,
Sense of hearing through the ears.
Every sense organ receives external stimuli and sends messages to the brain via the
sensory nerve. The brain responds to messages, helps sense organs reciprocate to the
stimuli, and connects humans to the external environment. Let us get into the details
of each sense organ and its functions.
EYES: Sense of Sight
The basal cells of the tongue detect flavour and are regenerative cells that regenerate
10% of their cells every day. And so, the tongue burnt due to hot piping foods heals
quickly and does not completely die
The receptors of basal cells receive these taste stimuli and send electrical signals to
the brain. The taste receptors express and function through their chemosensory
properties and help perceive the sense of taste.
Though the tongue is a small sensory organ, it can develop conditions like oral thrush,
ageusia (loss of taste), or hypogeusia (limited sense of taste).
NOSE: Sense of Smell
Maintain proper oral hygiene: Poor dental or oral health can often lead to issues with
taste and smell. Disease or infections of the gums and teeth can affect the taste buds
and the nasal cavity. And so, maintaining good oral hygiene is a must.
Limit your salt intake: Excess salt intake can destroy your taste buds. Reducing salt
intake can improve your sense of taste and maintain sodium levels while improving
overall health and improving blood pressure levels.
Nutrition is Vital: Avoid foods that can cause allergies, sinusitis, or tonsillitis that can
affect both the sense of taste and smell. Have a healthy diet and experiment with
different cuisines once in a while to enhance your taste bud activity.
SKIN: Sense of Touch