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Adult Sabbath School Lessons

Standard Edition


Jesus gave His all to save us. Are we willing to give of
ourselves to help introduce a child to Him?
Vacation Bible School is a planned program in which
each of us can help.
Do you care enough?
President WALTER R. L.SCRAGG Secretary B. B. BEACH Treasurer R. UNNERSTEN



Telephone: ST. ALBANS 60331 Telegrams/Cables' 'ADVENTIST ST. ALBANS' Telex. 262264 Ref 1720

Sabbath School Members,

World Divisions of the
Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Dear Member,

Greetings in the Lord from more than 200,000 fellow Sabbath School
members in the 18 nations of the Northern Europe - West Africa Division!

First of all a word of thanks to you for the help given in the last
Thirteenth Sabbath Special Project Offering. The library at the Adventist
Seminary of West Africa is almost complete. The additions to the junior
college in Finland now help that school function smoothly. The last of
the projects to get under way - the new Publishing House building for
Norway - is being built. Thank you for making this possible.

Now for the new projects your offerings will help this June 30.

The first of these is part of a new health strategy for West Africa.
Despite the loss of several of our hospitals to government expropriation
we are trying to help more people than ever before. To do this we are
establishing small clinic buildings throughout West Africa with mobile
units attached. These will take health to the people where they are,
through on-the-spot check-ups, out-patient treatments and public health
lectures. So we are asking you to help us put a clinic into the Togo-
Benin mission with a mobile unit attached. This will also be the first
organized health work in the French-speaking territories of this Division.

Two schools will benefit from the special project offering. In

Sweden the historic campus and buildings of Ekebyholm Junior College
will be enhanced by the construction of a Gymnasium and assembly hall.
In England, a similar unit will be constructed on the beautiful Stanborough
Park estate. Throughout the European section of the Division schools are
essential to the spiritual welfare and evangelistic growth of the church.
Both these structures will serve these purposes.

While you are lifting your sights toward our needs we are joining
you in seeking to finish the work in our territories. This year we have
a faith objective of 1000 souls baptized each month. Will you join us
in praying that we shall reach and surpass this objective?

God bless you for your support and your prayers,

Walter R.I. Scragg, resident

1—A.L. 2-79
wIEE rts

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Is your spiritual umbrella solid, or is must addition for anyone interested in
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Preparation for the Final Crisis, dealsABC Mailing Service, P.O. Box 37485,
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quarter, The Impending Drama is a Canada.
Adult Sabbath School Lesson/No. 336/April-June, 1979

1. Future Events
2. Christ With His Church
3. Persecution and the Christian
4. Symbols of Persecuting Powers
5. The Time of Trouble-1
6. The Time of Trouble-2
7. Spiritualism and the Occult
8. Spiritualism and Bible Prophecy
9. Spiritual Manifestations, True and False
10. The Battle of Armageddon
11. Liberation of the Church
12. The Second Coming
13. Christ, Our Victory

The Adult Sabbath School Lessons are prepared by the Sabbath School Department
of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. The preparation of the les-
sons is under the general direction of a worldwide Sabbath School Lesson Com-
mittee, the members of which serve as consulting editors.

Editorial Office: 6840 Eastern Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20012

Lesson Author: Fernando Chaij
Editor: W. Richard Lesher
Editorial Secretary: Florence•L. Wetmore
Circulation Manager: Arthur R. Mazat
Art and Design: Pacific Press

Scripture references other than from the King James Version used in this quarterly are as follows:
NEB. From The New English Bible, copyright © by the Delegates of the Oxford University Press, and the Syndics
of the Cambridge University Press 1961 and 1970. Used by permission of Cambridge University Press, New York
RSV. From the Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright ©1946 (renewed © 1973), 1952 and ©1971, by the
Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., and used by

Braille lessons available. See page 112.

Adult Sabbath School Lessons (standard edition). Published quarterly by Pacific
Press Publishing Association, 1350 Villa Street, Mountain View, California 94042,
U.S.A. One year subscription in U.S.A., $2.00; single copy, 50 cents. One year sub-
scription to countries outside U.S.A., $2.60; single copy, 65 cents. All prices at U.S.A.
exchange. Second-class postage paid at Mountain View, California 94042, U.S.A.
When a change of address is desired, please send both old and new addresses.
Copyright 1979 by Pacific Press Publishing Association
Cover photo from NASA; p. 8, UPI
just for
the Record?


20 21
27 28 29 30
Our daily study is more than a perfect record.
Through it comes knowledge of "The Word."
Your Adult Sabbath School Lesson is designed to
fill the need.
The daily news reveals more and more that the end is near. Crime, violence, immor-
ality, political animosity, cold and hot wars, general fear, anxiety, the deterioration of
economic conditions even in the most developed countries—these are impressive
fulfillments of Bible predictions for the last days of history. Political corruption and
eroding stability at all levels of society produce decay of public confidence; respect
for law and order vanishes even in traditionally conservative areas; exploding
population brings distress to lands already overcrowded and hungry. In the modern
religious world new theologies undermine the basic principles of the gospel of
Jesus Christ, rejecting the law of God as the supreme moral code. All of these and
more constitute eloquent signs that the second coming of Christ is at hand.
We do not need to delineate here such an apparent fact. Every church member is
convinced of it. Even the world is aware of it. We have these words from the in-
spired pen: "Rulers and statesmen, men who occupy positions of trust and author-
ity, thinking men and women of all classes, have their attention fixed upon the
events taking place about us. They are watching the strained, restless relations that
exist among the nations. They observe the intensity that is taking possession of
every earthly element, and they recognize that something great and decisive is about
to take place—that the world is on the verge of a stupendous crisis."—Education,
p. 179.
In these lessons we will remind the students that not only will the world pass
through troublous times, but the church itself shall experience a difficult crisis. This
will affect every one of us.
During this time of crisis the enemy will make the final and most desperate
effort to appeal to every believer in such a way as to cause his alienation from Christ
and bring about his final destruction. He will adapt his attacks according to the par-
ticular weaknesses of every individual.
"At that time the superficial, conservative class, whose influence has steadily
retarded the progress of the work, will renounce the faith and take their stand with
its avowed enemies."—Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 463.
God has made ample provision for every one of His children to go through this
crisis victoriously. All the inspired predictions regarding the nature and the alterna-
tives of this crisis have been laid out before us, both in the Bible and in the
writings of the spirit of prophecy.
All the means of grace have been put at our disposal, so that no one need fail
in the hour of darkness. We have been told that "the weapons of our warfare are not
carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds" (2 Cor. 10:4).
It is easy to lean toward conformity, lukewarmness, and partial commitment to
Christ. We should, by the grace of God, make two resolutions: (1) to study with
wholehearted interest the inspired records in order to become acquainted with what
we have to face in these last days; (2) to "put on the whole armour of God" not
overlooking any of the means that Heaven has provided for growth in our Christian
By implementing these two resolutions we make ours the victory already won by
Christ in our behalf, allowing God to fulfill His wonderful promises in our life.
During this quarter we will concentrate on encouraging the reader to draw nearer
to Christ and to endure in the crisis we face.
Next quarter our subject will be: Be Ready! We will study how we can be fully
prepared for the crisis which we are entering, develop fruits of the Spirit, receive the
former and the latter rain, be sealed, and be endowed with the mighty power of God
to finish His work.
LESSON 1 April 1-7

"Knowing the time, that now it is sequence of many details. But can
high time to awake out of sleep: any particular order be sustained by
for now is our salvation nearer than the inspired pen? Notice that in this
when we believed. . . . Let us walk study we have not tried to fit every
honestly, as in the day. . . . Put detail into exact sequence.
ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make In the chart on page 114 (see page
not provision for the flesh, to 16 of Teacher's Quarterly) we place
fulfil the lusts thereof" (Rom. only the main issues in a logical
13:11-14). sequence, leaving out of the picture
any hypothesis or personal opinion
The events of the last days are of regarding the less important
such importance that their careful occurrences, or those whose exact
study is essential for every child of order has not been revealed to us.
God. The end of the investigative This chart is brief and clear, and
judgment, which is the end of every item can be easily verified in the
probationary time, and the second Bible or in Ellen White's writings.
coming of Christ will surprise many May this overview help us to know
professed Christians. This is why we the time. May it prompt us to awake
find this admonition: "Behold, I come from spiritual sleep. May it lead us to
as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, put on now the Lord Jesus Christ,
and keepeth his garments, lest he the only source of strength and safety
walk naked, and they see his shame" in the trouble-filled days that separate
(Rev. 16:15). us from the glorious hour of the
We watch by studying the precious coming of the Saviour.
messages God has left for us in His
Word and in the spirit of prophecy
writings, by secret prayer, by a
daily surrender to Christ, and by
application of God's messages to our
individual lives.
The great happenings foretold in
prophecy have a definite relation with
each other. Most church members
have studied these things at one time
or another, but sometimes they do not DAILY HIGHLIGHTS
have a clear idea about the sequence 1. Events During Probation—I
in which the events will come, and (Amos 9:9)
this makes the whole picture confused 2. Events During Probation—II
to them. (Rev. 7:3)
It is our purpose in this first lesson 3. Events During Probation—III
to present these main issues in their (Rev. 13:15-17)
chronological order and to show them 4. The Time of Trouble
in an overview. We will give just (Dan. 12:1)
a brief explanation of the nature of 5. Events During the Time of Trouble
each one of them, and later we will (Rev. 16:1-21)
examine each one in more depth. 6. Events From Liberation of
Many of us have seen charts of the the Saints to the
final events showing the exact Second Advent (Rev. 12:11)
Future Events LESSON 1 0 Sunday
April 1

Part 1 A. Shaking.
PROBATION—I "Lo, I will command,
and shake the house of Israel among all the nations,
as one shakes with a sieve,
but no pebble shall fall upon the earth" (Amos 9:9, RSV).

In this prophecy it was ancient Israel that was to be shaken,

but Ellen White uses this figure of "shaking" to refer also to a
time when many who are numbered among the people of God
will apostatize. (See Testimonies, vol. 1, pp. 332, 431; Early
Writings, pp. 273-276.) Many will leave the church because they
did not accept the divine call to conversion, and reformation.
"Satan will work his miracles to deceive; he will set up his
power as supreme. The church may appear as about to fall, but
it does not fall. It remains, while the sinners in Zion will be
sifted out—the chaff separated from the precious wheat. This is
a terrible ordeal, but nevertheless it must take place."—Ellen G.
White Comments, S.D.A. Bible Commentary, vol. 7, p. 911.

B. Reformation.

What greatly needed experience of Israel of old is a prime

necessity in these days? Joel 2:12, 13.
"A revival of true godliness among us is the greatest and
most urgent of all our needs. To seek this should be our first
work."—Selected Messages, bk. 1, p. 121.
The shaking will occur as a counterpart of revival and ref-
ormation. Under the powerful proclamation of the message of
Christ and His righteousness—understood both as forgiveness
and as obedience by faith and reception of His perfect charac-
ter—many will turn completely to the Lord, and they will step
forward as one man to finish God's work on earth.

THINK IT THROUGH Why is it that many will not participate in the reformation
within the church, but will be shaken? How can I prevent this
tragedy in my own case?

"There must be earnest effort to obtain the blessing of the

Lord, not because God is not willing to bestow His blessing
upon us, but because we are unprepared to receive it. Our heav-
enly Father is more willing to give His Holy Spirit to them that
ask Him, than are earthly parents to give good gifts to their
children. But it is our work, by confession, humiliation, repent-
ance, and earnest prayer, to fulfill the conditions upon which
God has promised to grant us His blessing."—Selected Mes-
sages, bk. 1, p. 121.

FURTHER STUDY Early Writings, pp. 269-273.

Future Events LESSON 1 ❑ Monday
April 2
Part 2 C. Sealing.
PROBATION—II "Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we
have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads"
(Rev. 7:3).

In order to prepare His children for the time of trouble, God

desires to seal them, to stamp upon them the seal of His law,
of His character, of His perfection. This process is taking place
right now and will soon be over. It is a personal work done by
the Holy Spirit, and it can be described as a process of sanctifi-
cation which starts at conversion and ends with the close of
probation—whether at the death of the believer or at the end of
the investigative judgment. The sign of the seal of God is the
true observance of the Sabbath in a time of persecution. Such
loyalty demands a dedication that goes deep into the Christian

D. Latter Rain.

What great promise to Judah in Joel 2:23, 28, 29 has signifi-

cance also for the last days?

E. Finishing of God's Work.

To what event does Revelation 10:7 point?

According to the great principle enunciated by the prophet

Zechariah, it is "not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit,
saith the Lord of hosts" that the proclamation of the last mes-
sage will be done and the work will be finished.
The completion of God's work is not an uncertain issue in the
Bible. Many promises and prophecies assure its success. Reve-
lation 10:7 is just one of the promises.
The promise of the latter rain is for today, and not for some
future time. But there are certain requisites for the reception
of this great gift: the emptying of self, victory over sin in all
its varieties, and a total commitment to witnessing for God.
(See Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 216.)

THINK IT THROUGH What can I do to foster the sealing process in my life and to
partake in the experience of the latter rain?

"Those who receive the seal of the living God and are pro-
tected in the time of trouble must reflect the image of Jesus
fully."—Early Writings, p. 71.
"When one is fully emptied of self, when every false god is
cast out of the soul, the vacuum is filled by the inflowing of the
Spirit of Christ."—Gospel Workers, p. 287.

FURTHER STUDY The Acts of the Apostles, p. 55; Early Writings, pp. 279, 280.


2—A.L. 2-79
Future Events LESSON 1 ❑ Tuesday
April 3

Part 3 "He had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that
EVENTS DURING the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as
PROBATION—III many as would not worship the image of the beast should be
killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and
poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in
their foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he
that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of
his name" (Rev. 13:15-17).

F. Civil Enforcement of Sunday Observance.

The lamblike beast of Revelation 13, which represents the

United States of America, is the subject to which verses 15 to 17
refer. This great country, through the constitutional principles
of religious freedom and separation of church and state, has
achieved a high degree of religious freedom. But unfortunately
the time will come when it will legislate on matters of religion.
These laws will require of Sabbath keepers a violation of the
fourth commandment.

G. Beginning of Persecution.

Religious legislation will mark the start of persecution. The

lamblike beast will speak like a dragon. The dragon of Revela-
tion 12 is a persecuting power. The second beast (the U.S.) will
oblige all the inhabitants of the world to worship the first beast,
Rome (verse 12). It will command all those who dwell on the
earth to make an image to the first beast, namely, the Roman
power (verse 14). Since this beast exercised both civil and
religious power, the image of the beast will be another power
doing the same thing. This image will be formed by those
Protestant churches that will persuade the state to impose
religious laws. Also the lamblike beast will cause all to receive
the mark of the beast. And "the mark of the beast is . . . the
observance of the first day of the week."—Testimonies, vol. 8,
p. 117. Under the image of the beast Sabbath keepers will be
denied the right to buy and sell (verse 17).

H. Leaving the Large Cities.

After the Sunday law has been imposed nationwide in the

United States, it will very soon become a worldwide obligation.
This will be the sign for the people of God to leave the big
cities and go to rural areas or to less-populated places.

THINK IT THROUGH What would help me today to be prepared in order to make

the great decision of loyalty to God when the mark of the
beast will be imposed?

FURTHER STUDY The Great Controversy, pp. 604, 605.

Future Events LESSON 1 ❑ Wednesday
April 4

Part 4 What description does Daniel give of the time of trouble

THE TIME that begins at the end of the investigative judgment?
"At that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which
standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a
time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation
even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be
delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book"
(Dan. 12:1).

When the investigative judgment that began in 1844 is finished

and the decree of Revelation 22:11 is pronounced, Michael—
Christ—will stand up. He will leave the sanctuary, where He is
interceding for sinners. He will take off His priestly robe and will
put on His kingly garments. Probation will close. The forgiving
grace of God through the blood of Christ will no longer be
available. All the world will be in great affliction. The seven last
plagues will be poured upon the impenitent.
Although the children of God, the sealed ones, will be pro-
tected from the plagues, they also will undergo unmatched
anguish, first, because of the persecution, and, second, because
of a short but intensive time of spiritual anxiety about their past
sins. But God will not allow one of the saints to lose his life dur-
ing this time. The spiritual anxiety will be brief. Uncertainty will
be banished soon.

Note about the order of events preceding the time of trouble.

The order given in the lesson for events preceding the end of
probation is not necessarily the order in which these events will
happen. Nevertheless there is some logic in the sequence. The
shaking and the reform movement will begin'before the falling
of the latter rain, and the latter rain will start before the finish-
ing of God's work. During a certain period of time the shaking,
the reformation, the sealing, the latter rain, and the loud cry
will be happening together. All of them will end at the close of

THINK IT THROUGH Why is it necessary for the children of God—after the seal-
ing—to go through a time of trouble? Why does God allow us
to suffer even now?

FURTHER STUDY Early Writings, pp. 282-285.

Future Events LESSON 1 ❑ Thursday
April 5

Part 5 A. Seven Last Plagues. (Read Revelation 16:1, and then

EVENTS DURING broaden your vision by reading verses 2 through 21.)
TROUBLE During the time of trouble the seven last plagues will be fall-
ing upon the world, but they will affect only the impenitent. No
obedient child of God will receive any physical harm. "I will be
with him in trouble" is the promise. (Read Psalm 91.)

B. Death Decree and Fleeing From Small Towns (Rev. 13:15).

A death decree will be issued against those who observe the

Sabbath. They will be cited as enemies of law and order and the
cause of all the calamities. A specific date for executing the
decree will be set. When this is announced, the commandment
keepers will flee from all populated centers and will seek refuge
in forests, deserts, and rocky places, where they will have the
special protection of God. In the very night set for the death
sentence to be carried out God will miraculously deliver His

C. Persecution and Divine Protection (2 Tim. 3:12; Rev. 3:10).

Although God's people will be severely persecuted, holy an-
gels will defend the loyal ones.

D. Armageddon (Rev. 16:12-16).

Armageddon will be the last conflict between good and evil
before the advent. It comes under the sixth plague. The earthly
powers allied against the saints will be the dragon (spiritual-
ism), the beast (the papacy, Rome), and the false prophet (apos-
tate Protestantism).
"Two great opposing powers are revealed in the last great
battle. On one side stands the Creator of heaven and earth. All
on His side bear His signet. They are obedient to His commands.
On the other side stands the Prince of darkness, with those who
have chosen apostasy and rebellion."—Ellen G. White, Review
and Herald, May 7, 1901.
Miracle-working spirits of devils will deceive the rulers of all
the world, to mislead, destroy, and persecute. On the very day
set for the carrying out of the death sentence the Lord will
paralyze the wicked with a great commotion of the heavens and
the earth and with an extraordinary display of power in the
natural elements. Soon after this the majestic sight of the re-
turning Son of God will appear in the heavens.

THINK IT THROUGH Is it enough for me to be acquainted with what is going to

happen during the time of trouble? What is needed in addition
to knowledge?

FURTHER STUDY The Great Controversy, pp. 619-625.

Future Events LESSON 1 ❑ Friday
April 6

Part 6 "They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the
EVENTS FROM word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the
LIBERATION OF death" (Rev. 12:11).
THE ADVENT Here is a review, summarized from The Great Controversy,
chapter 40, of the events that will take place between the liber-
ation of God's people and the second coming of Jesus:
A. The Liberation Itself.
Wicked men halt as they are about to destroy God's people.
The sun shines at midnight.
God's voice is heard, saying, "Look up" and "It is done."
B. Successive Signs and Wonders.
Rivers cease to run.
The voice of God shakes the heavens and the earth.
A great earthquake.
Hail makes a terrible destruction.
The cities fall in ruins.
Prison walls are rent, and children of God are freed.
C. A Partial Resurrection occurs in which all participate who
died in the faith of the third angel's message and those who
took part in the death of Christ.
D. A Hand Appears in the Sky Holding the Tables of the Law.
E. Enemies of God's Law, Full of Despair, Curse Their False
Shepherds; the weapons which were to slay God's people are
now employed to destroy the false ministers.
F. The Voice of God Proclaims the Day and the Hour of
Christ's Coming.
G. A Small Cloud Appears That Envelops the Saviour.
H. All the Righteous Are Resurrected.
I. The Living Righteous Are Transformed and Glorified.
J. Both Groups Are Caught Up Together to Meet the Lord.
K. The Wicked Still Living Are Destroyed by the brightness of
His coming.
L. Christ Confers Upon His Followers the Emblems of Victory
and opens the pearly gates of the Holy City, and the redeemed

What is the only way of assuring our liberation? Rev. 12:11;

Rom. 13:14.

The blood of the Lamb has washed away all sins, giving the
saints a complete forgiveness because of their faith in Jesus as
their personal Saviour, and that blood also has given them
power over sinful habits and defects of character. On the other
hand, the saints will have overcome the devil by the word of
their testimony.

THINK IT THROUGH How can I make even much more enjoyable for me the won-
derful liberation God has prepared?

FURTHER STUDY Early Writings, pp. 285-291.

LESSON 2 April 8-14

"These things write I unto thee,

hoping to come unto thee shortly: but
if I tarry long, that thou mayest
know how thou oughtest to behave
thyself in the house of God, which is
the church of the living God, the
pillar and ground of the truth"
(1 Tim. 3:f4, 15).

During this quarter and the next we

plan to study a series of events that
should stir the church. Therefore we
will first study about the church of
God on earth.
How does the Bible define and
describe the church? What are the
main purposes for which it was
established by God on this planet?
What is its function? What great
ideals does God have for it? How did
the Lord relate Himself to it in the
past, and what is His present
relationship? What are His promises
for its future?
The Word of God expresses a deep
feeling of love and tender
consideration by our heavenly Father
toward the church, as well as toward
every one of His children.
We will see how the church, the ark
of salvation, the house of God on
earth, has been marvelously protected
in persecution and has been tenderly
loved by God in spite of its
We will be assured by past 1. Definition and Function
experience and future promises that (1 Tim. 3:15)
God, who led His church in very 2. God's Ideal for the
difficult times, will continue to be Church (Eph. 5:25-28)
with it, so that the church, now 3. Love and Tender
militant, will become triumphant. Consideration (Isa. 49:16)
Also, we want to discover the most 4. Christ With the Church
glorious aspect of this subject: Militant (Matt. 28:18-20)
namely, that Christ is the head and 5. The Church Triumphant
the foundation of His church, that (Rev. 6:2)
He is its leader, and that under His 6. Christ, the Head and the
direction, it will reach perfection. Foundation (Col. 1:18)
Christ With His Church LESSON 2 ❑ Sunday
April 8

Part 1 What does Paul call the church of God?

AND FUNCTION "If I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest
to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of
the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth" (1 Tim. 3:15).

Soon after the beginning of human history the world became

divided between the obedient "sons of God" and the disobedi-
ent "children of men." God purposed from the first to call out a
people to represent Him in the world. These members of
God's family would live in the world but not belong to the
world. God's people sojourning in a strange land belonged to
what the Bible calls "the church in the wilderness" (Acts 7:38).
The New Testament word "church" is translated from the
Greek word ekklesia, which was used to designate .a public
convocation. This word has three basic meanings used in the
New Testament: (1) The meeting of the children of God (Acts
14:27); (2) the Christians who lived in a definite area (1 Cor.
1:2); and (3) the universal church or people of God (Matt. 16:18).
We will be studying the church in this last meaning.
God has designed His church to be the ark of salvation from
the flood of sin in the world. It is the "house of God," the insti-
tution where Christians assemble for fellowship and for worship
and communion with the heavenly Father. Also God wanted
to have His church as a means of preserving His truth.

What is another important function of the church? 1 Cor. 1:

2-7; 1 Cor. 12:28.

Writing to the church, Paul says that its members are to

"come behind in no gift" of the Holy Spirit. Later, in 12:28, he
names several gifts. So one purpose of the church is to be the
receptacle for the gifts named there. Therefore the manifesta-
tion of the gifts would come in the midst of the "church"—the
only true church of God.

Besides the fact that the church is the house of God on

earth, a center of fellowship and Christian growth, and the
receptacle of spiritual gifts, what is another one of her main
objectives? Acts 1:8; Matt. 28:19.

THINK IT THROUGH Why is my attendance at church an important factor in my

spiritual growth? How do I go about making every church
service a real encounter with God?

FURTHER STUDY The Acts of the Apostles, pp. 9-16.

Christ With His Church LESSON 2 ❑ Monday
April 9

Part 2 What is God's ideal for His church?

FOR THE "Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; that
CHURCH he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by
the word, that he might present it to himself a glorious church,
not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it
should be holy and without blemish" (Eph. 5:25-27).

"Sanctify and cleanse. Christ took away the filthy garments

and gave, instead, the robe of His perfect righteousness... .
"Washing. Gr. loutron, 'bath,' bathing place,' or 'bathing.'
The word occurs elsewhere in the NT only in Titus 3:5, where it
appears in the expression 'washing of regeneration.' Since the
context is that of marriage, there is probably an allusion to the
ancient custom of the purifying bath of the bride before mar-
riage. Or the reference may be to baptism. In either case, the
idea is that Christ has purified the church. Christ gave Him-
self for the church that she might become a pure church, and so
abide with Him forever."—S.D.A. Bible Commentary, vol. 6,
p. 1037.
"Those who are living upon the earth when the intercession
of Christ shall cease in the sanctuary above are to stand in the
sight of a holy God without a mediator. Their robes must be
spotless, their characters must be purified from sin by the blood
of sprinkling...
". . . Then the church which our Lord at His coming is to
receive to Himself will be a 'glorious church, not having spot,
or wrinkle, or any such thing.' "—The Great Controversy,
p. 425.

THINK IT THROUGH Am I devoting enough time to being alone with God every
day in the study and meditation of His word (in the Bible and
in the spirit of prophecy writings) and in secret prayer in order
to grow toward this ideal?

"How are you to know that you are accepted of God? Study
His word prayerfully. Lay it not aside for any other book. This
Book convinces of sin. It plainly reveals the way of salvation....
"Do not neglect secret prayer, for it is the soul of religion.
With earnest, fervent prayer, plead for purity of soul. Plead as
earnestly, as eagerly, as you would for your mortal life, were
it at stake. Remain before God until unutterable longings are
begotten within you for salvation, and the sweet evidence is
obtained of pardoned sin."—Testimonies, vol. 1, p. 163.

FURTHER STUDY The Acts of the Apostles, pp. 600, 601.

Christ With His Church LESSON 2 ❑ Tuesday
April 10

Part 3 What has God done on behalf of Zion, His church?

TENDER CON- "Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands;
SIDERATION thy walls are continually before me" (Isa. 49:16).

Speaking of Judah, His ancient church, how does God re-

gard her? Zech. 2:8.

"The church of Christ is very precious in His sight. It is the

case which contains His jewels, the fold which encloses His
flock."—Ellen G. White Comments, S.D.A. Bible Commentary,
vol. 6, p. 1118.

What does Paul say about the relationship of God with His
church? Eph. 5:25, 29.

"We should remember that the church, enfeebled and defec-

tive though it be, is the only object on earth on which Christ
bestows His supreme regard. He is constantly watching it with
solicitude, and is strengthening it by His Holy Spirit."—Selected
Messages, bk. 2, p. 396.
Those who speak against the church and try to degrade it are
directly condemned by the Bible and the spirit of prophecy, be-
cause there is no other institution so dear to the heart of God
as His church. It may have great deficiencies, but still Christ
loves it and protects it as the object of His supreme love.
A great task has been committed to the church. Its members
are to represent Christ's character and carry His message to all
the world. The church has not yet fulfilled the purpose for which
it has been called.
God has chastened it many times and has drawn it to Him over
and over again. But still it lacks faith and needs the deep trust
in Jesus that results in being clothed in His righteousness.
Meanwhile, it is being used by God as His agency in this world
for spreading the good news until the end of probation.

THINK IT THROUGH Do I feel the love of God and the tender regard of Christ
as something not only exercised toward the church at large,
but also toward me personally? Do I dwell every day on this
loving affection of my Saviour and feel myself more strongly
linked with Him?

"The church is very precious in God's sight. He values it,

not for its external advantages, but for the sincere piety which
distinguishes it from the world. He estimates it according to
the growth of the members in the knowledge of Christ, accord-
ing to their progress in spiritual experience."—Christ's Object
Lessons, p. 298. Am I growing with the church?

FURTHER STUDY Testimonies, vol. 5, pp. 230, 231.

Christ With His Church LESSON 2 ❑ Wednesday
April 11

Part 4 What promise of Christ to His church has been fulfilled

CHRIST WITH through the ages?
MILITANT "Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is
given unto me in heaven and in earth.... I am with you alway,
even unto the end of the world." (Matt. 28:18-20).

The great controversy between good and evil, between truth

and error, between Christ and Satan, has caused the church to
pass through times of great trials and difficulties and even
through episodes of apostasy.
In Old Testament times Israel became largely corrupted and
no longer fulfilled the purpose of God. That purpose was to
represent His perfect character before the pagan nations and to
proclaim His name in a practical way. So God intervened. He
allowed some of these countries to conquer Israel and Judah.
The rebel people of God were taken captive and lived for 70
years in foreign lands. But God never forsook His people. And
after the 70 years the nation was brought back to Palestine to
begin a new era.
Israel rejected God when it refused to receive Christ; there-
fore He established the new or modern Israel, the Christian
church. But the door of salvation is still open for the individual
This church went through great troubles. During the days of
imperial Rome, and also during the Middle Ages under papal
Rome, the church was greatly persecuted. Millions of the chil-
dren of God testified of their faith in Christ by suffering and
There were times when the group apostatized, but God al-
ways had a smaller group who were loyal to Him and His
All through the ages God has been with His church, and
Christ has fulfilled His wonderful promise. Since we are again
approaching times of restriction and persecution, we should
keep our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith,
who will be with us individually and as a church, so that the
great purpose of God may be realized.
Chastened many times for its apostasy, but not forgotten—
persecuted and afflicted, but not abandoned by God—the
church will continue to have the special leadership and pro-
tection of God.

THINK IT THROUGH "Christ is spoken of as walking in the midst of the golden

candlesticks. Thus is symbolized His relation to the churches.
He is in constant communication with His people."—The Acts
of the Apostles, p. 586.

FURTHER STUDY The Acts of the Apostles, pp. 582-590.

Christ With His Church LESSON 2 ❑ Thursday
April 12

How does Jesus predict the glorious triumph of His church?

Part 5
THE CHURCH "I saw and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him
TRIUMPHANT had a bow; and a crown was given unto him; and he went
forth conquering, and to conquer" (Rev. 6:2).

The white horse represents specifically the apostolic church

of the first century. It also has a general meaning (see S.D.A.
Bible Commentary, vol. 7, p. 776) and in this interpretation
is a symbol of the church of God in all ages. The full conquest
achieved by the rider on the white horse is a prediction of the
victorious Jesus at the head of His church. This triumph will
take place in spite of the persecution and troubles that have
plagued the church of God.

How does the revelator picture the triumphant church of

God of all the ages? Rev. 7:9, 10.

He sees a white-robed and happy multitude, so great that no

one is able to number them. They hold palms and sing a song
of victory, attributing all the glory to God. This vast throng is
made up of human beings saved by the blood of Jesus all
through the ages, those who from Abel to the last martyr have
given testimony with their life, all those who by faith in Jesus
have been counted as faithful members of the family of God.

What other symbol is used in the Bible to represent the

church in her last triumphant march toward victory? Song of
Solomon 6:10.

"Clad in the armor of Christ's righteousness, the church is

to enter upon her final conflict. [Song of Solomon 6:10
quoted.]"—Prophets and Kings, p. 725.

THINK IT THROUGH How can I contribute to the excellency of the church—help-

ing it to be true to its allegiance and to prepare for the hour of
final victory?

"The church is God's agency for the proclamation of truth,

empowered by Him to do a special work; and if she is loyal to
Him, obedient to all His commandments, there will dwell within
her the excellency of divine grace. If she will be true to her
allegiance, if she will honor the Lord God of Israel, there is
no power that can stand against her."—The Acts of the Apos-
tles, p. 600.

FURTHER STUDY The Acts of the Apostles, pp. 593-602.

Christ With His Church LESSON 2 ❑ Friday
April 13

Part 6 What position in the church does Paul say Jesus holds?
HEAD AND THE "He is the head of the body, the church: who is the begin-
FOUNDATION ning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might
have the preeminence" (Col. 1:18).

Read also Eph. 5:23.

In a body every member is very important, and when one is
injured all the body suffers. But the head is the most important
part. The body cannot function or live without the head. There
we find the most vital part of our system, the brain, the head-
quarters of the personality, the center of the nervous system.
Likewise, in the church as a body, Christ is the head. Everything
depends upon Him, and the connection of every member with
Him is as vital as the connection of every member of the body
with the head.

By what symbol did Christ Himself emphasize this great

truth? Matt. 16:18.

On Christ Himself, the great Rock of Ages, He built His church,

and this is why it is so stable in spite of all adversities, tempta-
tions, and dangers.

Using another illustration, how does Paul teach this great

fact? 1 Cor. 3:11. (See Eph. 2:20.)

A building, to be of lasting value, requires a firm foundation.

A poor foundation can make it unsafe for occupancy. No other
feature of the building can make up for weakness at the base.
The foundation is the most vital part of any edifice. Thank God
that the foundation of the church "standeth sure," because it is
none other than the Rock of Ages.
"Men may suppose that they have found a new way, that they
can lay a stronger foundation than that which has been laid;
but this is a great deception. 'Other foundation can no man
lay than that is laid.' In the past, many have undertaken to build
a new faith, to establish new principles; but how long did their
building stand? It soon fell; for it was not founded upon the
"Did not the first disciples have to meet the sayings of men?
did they not have to listen to false theories; and then, having
done all, to stand firm, saying, 'Other foundation can no man
lay than that is laid'? So we are to hold the beginning of our
confidence steadfast unto the end."—Gospel Workers, p. 307.

THINK IT THROUGH How vital is my personal relationship with Christ? Am I

abiding with Him every day? (See John 15:4, 5).

FURTHER STUDY The Acts of the Apostles, pp. 64, 175, 176.

LESSON 3 April 15-21

"Ye have forgotten the exhortation whom we serve is able to deliver us

which speaketh unto you as unto from the burning fiery furnace. . . .
children, My son, despise not thou But if not, be it known unto thee, 0
the chastening of the Lord, nor faint king, that we will not serve thy gods,
when thou art rebuked of him: for nor worship the olden image which
whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth thou hast set up' (Dan. 3:17, 18).
and scourgeth every son whom he They had no assurance of what God
receiveth' (Heb. 12:5, 6). would decide to do in their cases,
but they had made up their minds to
Persecution of the church of God be loyal to their God.
presents a problem. Why is it that God One thing we know: "All things
ermits persecution in the lives of His work together for good to them that
loyal and faithful children? Worse love God" (Rom. 8:28). Trials and
still, many times the persecution persecution are tools in the hand of
includes martyrdom. Through the God to perfect our characters and
centuries millions of self-denying prepare us for eternity, but He stays
Christians have lost their lives. close to us during the trouble. We
We find in the Word of God a know that all troubles and persecution
number of definite promises regarding will soon come to an end and fade
the care of our heavenly Father and away in our memories. Heaven will
the assistance of His holy angels in seem very cheap in spite of past
moments of danger. Notice one of trials and sufferings. (See Early
them: "The angel of the Lord Writings, p. 17.)
encampeth round about them that
fear him, and delivereth them"
(Ps. 34:7).
In some instances—for example,
the three Hebrew young men in the
fiery furnace, Daniel in the lion's
den—God wrought miracles to
preserve the lives of His children.
But in many other instances He did
not. John the Baptist met a premature
death. All the disciples, probably
with the exception of John, were
martyred; and in the case of millions DAILY HIGHLIGHTS
of loyal Christians who were 1. Blessed Purpose of
witnessing for their faith, God did Persecution (2 Tim. 3:12)
not prevent their death. 2. Persecution in the Past
We cannot explain everything. But (Acts 7:52)
still we can trust in the infinite 3. Future Persecution
wisdom and love of God and (Rev. 12:17)
determine to be faithful to Him, 4. God's Way of Dealing With
whether He delivers us from death or Persecution (Matt. 5:10-12)
not. When the three Hebrew young 5. Victory in Persecution
men were given another opportunity (Rev. 15:2)
to bow before the image, they 6. Our Assurance in Christ
answered confidently: "Our God (Rev. 12:11)
Persecution and the Christian LESSON 3 ❑ Sunday
April 15

Part 1 Does godly living prevent persecution?

PURPOSE OF "All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecu-
PERSECUTION tion" (2 Tim. 3:12).

The statement of the apostle is straightforward and strong.

It seems that a consecrated life stirs up the powers of darkness
and enrages Satan. On the other hand many times persecution
has been the means of awakening interest in the truth and at-
tracting sincere people to God. Could it be that many times the
lack of persecution may be a sign of the lack of real godly living
in the church?

What attitude did Peter urge believers of his day to take

toward persecution? 1 Peter 4:12-14.

"Of all the gifts that heaven can bestow upon men, fellowship
with Christ in His sufferings is the most weighty trust and the
highest honor. Not Enoch, who was translated to heaven, not
Elijah, who ascended in a chariot of fire, was greater or more
honored than John the Baptist, who perished alone in the dun-
geon. 'Unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to
believe on Him, but also to suffer for His sake.' Philippians
1:29."—The Ministry of Healing, p. 478.

What does Paul say is the end result of suffering? Rom.

8:18, 28.

God has a wonderful purpose in allowing us to go through

difficulties. Every bitter cup that He asks us to drink is a manifes-
tation of His love toward us.
"The fact that we are called upon to endure trial shows that
the Lord Jesus sees in us something precious which He desires
to develop. If He saw in us nothing whereby He might glorify
His name, He would not spend time in refining us. He does not
cast worthless stones into His furnace."—The Ministry of Heal-
ing, p. 471.

THINK IT THROUGH What is the only spirit and attitude whereby, under tribula-
tion, I can receive the blessing God disguises in trials?

"It is because God is leading them [His children] that these

things [adversities] come upon them. Trials and obstacles are
the Lord's chosen methods of discipline and His appointed con-
ditions of success."—The Ministry of Healing, p. 471.

FURTHER STUDY The Ministry of Healing, pp. 470-474.

Persecution and the Christian LESSON 3 ❑ Monday
April 16

Part 2 What happened to the prophets of old while they were faith-
PERSECUTION fully carrying on their duty?
"Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted?
and they have slain them which shewed before of the coming
of the Just One; of whom ye have been now the betrayers and
murderers" (Acts 7:52).

Of Jeremiah, one of the most persecuted of the prophets,

Ellen White says: "When called to drink of the cup of tribula-
tion and sorrow, and when tempted in his misery to say, 'My
strength and my hope is perished from the Lord,' he recalled
the providences of God in his behalf and triumphantly ex-
claimed, 'It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed,
because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning:
great is Thy faithfulness.' Lamentations 3:18, 22, 23."—Proph-
ets and Kings, p. 421.

What events did Daniel and John the revelator predict for
the Middle Ages? Dan. 7:25; Rev. 13:7.

Millions of loyal Christians were tortured and killed during

the Middle Ages at the hands of Rome. They met this fate
because of loyalty to God and His Word instead of accepting
the dogmas imposed by the apostate church. Religious leaders
induced civil power to destroy all who resisted their authority.
"The history of God's people during the ages of darkness that
followed upon Rome's supremacy is written in heaven, but
they have little place in human records. Few traces of their
existence can be found, except in the accusations of their
persecutors."—The Great Controversy, p. 61.
"They [witnesses for God] were branded as heretics, their
motives impugned, their characters maligned, their writings
suppressed, misrepresented, or mutilated. Yet they stood firm,
and from age to age maintained their faith in its purity, as a
sacred heritage for the generations to come."—The Great Con-
troversy, p. 61.

THINK IT THROUGH Is it possible for the children of God of this day and age to
develop the same faith and loyalty to God, even unto death?
Should I seek a martyr's death?

FURTHER STUDY The Great Controversy, pp. 266, 439.


3-A.L. 2-79
Persecution and the Christian LESSON 3 ❑ Tuesday
April 17
Part 3 Read Revelation 12:17.
PERSECUTION There are three periods when this scripture will be especially
fulfilled: (1) The days in which we are living. (2) From the estab-
lishment of the federal Sunday law in the United States to the
end of probation. In this epoch the image of the beast will be
imposed. (3) The time of trouble, after the close of probation,
when the death decree will be issued.

What does Revelation 13:12, 16 say about the days of the

second period, after the Sunday law?
When the lamblike beast—the United States—will exercise
all the power of the first beast—Rome—then the children of God
will begin to experience great trouble. The state, at the request
of the churches, will impose economic restrictions and severe
penalties on those who refuse to disobey God.
"All who refuse compliance [to the observance of the false
sabbath] will be visited with civil penalties. . . .
.. Whoever shall trample upon God's law to obey a human
enactment receives the mark of the beast. . . .
"But not one is made to suffer the wrath of God [of Rev. 14:9,
10] until the truth has been brought home to his mind and con-
science, and has been rejected.... The decree is not to be urged
upon the people blindly. Everyone is to have sufficient light to
make his decision intelligently.
"The Sabbath will be the great test of loyalty."—The Great
Controversy, pp. 604, 605.

For what act will a death decree be issued? Rev. 13:15.

This decree comes after the end of probation, during the
third and final period of the time of trouble. A definite date
will be fixed for its execution. Nevertheless, before that day the
wicked will afflict the Christians, in certain areas even trying to
kill them. But the protection of God will be over them during
the time of the plagues.
On the very night when the opposers of the faithful plan a
mass killing of all Sabbath keepers, the sun will shine at mid-
night; and the final liberation will come. (See The Great Con-
troversy, pp. 635, 636.)

THINK IT THROUGH Do I need to have a naturally courageous disposition in

order to be able to resist the powers of darkness?
Peter, by his betrayal, revealed a cowardly trait. Later on,
though, he stood before the Sanhedrin. At the moment when he
knew that such a statement could mean his death, he boldly
declared: "We ought to obey God rather than men" (Acts 5:29).
What caused this complete change? How long did it take for
the change to be realized?
FURTHER STUDY The Great Controversy, pp. 445-450.
Persecution and the Christian LESSON 3 ❑ Wednesday
April 18

Part 4 What did Jesus teach about persecution for righteousness'

GOD'S WAY OF sake?
PERSECUTION "Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness'
sake: for their's is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye,
when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say
all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice,
and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven:
for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you"
(Matt. 5:10-12).

"Under the fiercest persecution these witnesses for Jesus

[Christians of Nero's time] kept their faith unsullied. Though
deprived of every comfort, shut away from the light of the sun,
making their home in the dark but friendly bosom of the earth,
they uttered no complaint. . . .
...Looking upward by faith, they saw Christ and angels lean-
ing over the battlements of heaven, gazing upon them with the
deepest interest and regarding their steadfastness with
approval. A voice came down to them from the throne of God:
'Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.'
Revelation 2:10."—The Great Controversy, p. 41.

What promises of God to His ancient people continue to

support suffering people today? Isa. 43:2.

"Though enemies may thrust them into prison, yet dungeon

walls cannot cut off the communication between their souls
and Christ. One who sees their every weakness, who is ac-
quainted with every trial, is above all earthly powers; and angels
will come to them in lonely cells, bringing light and peace from
heaven."—The Great Controversy, p. 627.

What assurance does Paul give to tempted believers? 1 Cor.


What a beautiful thought, that God prevents every trial from

exceeding what we can endure and delivers us at the appro-
priate moment!

THINK IT THROUGH "What was the strength of those who in the past have suf-
fered persecution for Christ's sake? It was union with God,
union with the Holy Spirit, union with Christ. Reproach and
persecution have separated many from earthly friends, but
never from the love of Christ. Never is the tempest-tried soul
more dearly loved by his Saviour than when he is suffering
reproach for the truth's sake."—The Acts of the Apostles, p. 85.

FURTHER STUDY The Great Controversy, pp. 626, 627.

Persecution and the Christian LESSON 3 ❑ Thursday
April 19

Part 5 Describe the symbolic setting in which John saw the

VICTORY IN victors.
"I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them
that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image,
and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on
the sea of glass, having the harps of God" (Rev. 15:2).
These victors "sing the song of Moses the servant of God,
and the song of the Lamb" (verse 3). The song of Moses was a
song of victory.
In addition to these who obtained the victory over the beast
and its image Revelation also describes another "great multi-
tude which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds,
and people, and tongues." They also stand "before the throne,
and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in
their hands" (Rev. 7:9, 10). These also proclaim the victory
and salvation of God. They belong to all ages.
This vision of a great throng of triumphant people gives us
assurance that victory over the world is possible and that we can
be victors if only we avail ourselves of the means of grace
provided in Jesus.

What can we learn from the experience of the first Christian

martyr? Acts 7:55-60.
"Acting more like beasts of prey than human beings, they
rushed upon Stephen, gnashing their teeth. In the cruel faces
about him the prisoner read his fate; but he did not waver. For
him the fear of death was gone. For him the enraged priests
and the excited mob had no terror. The scene before him faded
from his vision. To him the gates of heaven were ajar, and, look-
ing in, he saw the glory of the courts of God, and Christ, as if
just risen from His throne, standing ready to sustain His servant.
In words of triumph Stephen exclaimed, 'Behold, I see the heav-
ens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of
God.' "—The Acts of the Apostles, pp. 100, 101.
Victory consists in faithfulness to Christ.

THINK IT THROUGH Why did God permit the martyrdom of Stephen?

"The martyrdom of Stephen made a deep impression upon
all who witnessed it. The memory of the signet of God upon
his face; his words, which touched the very souls of those who
heard them, remained in the minds of the beholders, and testi-
fied to the truth of that which he had proclaimed. His death
was a sore trial to the church, but it resulted in the conviction
of Saul, who could not efface from his memory the faith and
constancy of the martyr, and the glory that had rested on his
countenance."—The Acts of the Apostles, p. 101.
FURTHER STUDY The Acts of the Apostles, pp. 84-86.
Persecution and the Christian LESSON 3 ❑ Friday
April 20

Part 6 What did John say was the means of victory for those who
OUR ASSURANCE would experience the wrath of the dragon?
"They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the
word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the
death" (Rev. 12:11).

A. "The blood of the Lamb." This expression leads our eyes

to the great scene of victory on Golgotha. When our Saviour
pronounced on the cross—at the moment of His death—the
words, "It is finished," He sealed the plan of salvation by crush-
ing the head of that old serpent, Satan, obtaining the most
glorious victory of all ages.
From then on, every human being could look to the cross of
Jesus. By faith he could appropriate for himself the same vic-
tory: victory over temptation and sin, victory in the midst of
persecution and death.
The spilled blood of Jesus that represents His final victory
has power. His death has power to atone for every sin and power
for us to be victorious—in His name—over our weaknesses and
our temptations. This includes power to remain faithful under
the most extreme persecutions, even the threat of death.
B. "The word of their testimony." This is the second part
of the secret of victory. Stephen was not content with remaining
faithful to Jesus till his death; he continued to testify with his
lips on behalf of his Master till the last moment.
This is the way in which the world has to receive the saving
knowledge of the power of Jesus—the words of our testimony.
And when we utter our public testimony—whether in a personal
conversation, in the privacy of a home or in a meeting, orally
or in writing—that testimony strengthens our own faith. It is
also used by the Holy Spirit to impress those who hear. No one
can measure the far-reaching influence or the deep and per-
manent impression of such a human testimony. It may cause a
person or a group of persons to decide for Christ at a time and
a place far removed from the original testimony.

THINK IT THROUGH How can I avail myself of the power of His blood?

How can I take better advantage of my social and profes-

sional contacts with others in order to witness for Christ with
the words of my testimony?

FURTHER STUDY The Desire of Ages, pp. 347, 357; The Acts of the Apostles,
p. 55.

4. kildmils
of Peri/golfing Pours
LESSON 4 April 22-28

"The dragon was wroth with the time, though, it will be shorter, and
woman, and went to make war with martyrdom of believers will cease at
the remnant of her seed, which keep the close of probation.
the commandments of God, and have The state, apostate churches, and
the testimony of Jesus Christ" spiritualism will unite their efforts to
(Rev. 12:17). win the loyalty of millions of people.
During all the times of crisis in the
Throughout the centuries Satan has past God has had His loyal people. In
used various political and religious or the last moments of human history He
spiritual powers with two purposes: will continue to have His faithful
(1) to corrupt the faith, and (2) to ones; those who keep the
coerce the conscience. commandments of God and have the
During the early centuries of the testimony of Jesus. They will defy
Christian era, through the Roman the efforts of the persecuting powers
Empire, the enemy's method was and remain loyal to God.
persecution, intimidation, and death. In this lesson we will try to identify
But in spite of this the church the different powers that will oppose
continued to grow, and Jesus was God's people: the dragon, the first
accepted even in the inner circle of beast, the second (or lamblike) beast,
the emperor's palace. The enemy then the false prophet. We will see all of
resorted to deception and cajolery them united in a concerted and final
to corrupt the church. This led to the action. But God's people will be a
union of church and state. part of the triumph of Christ, His
In the Middle Ages the enemy's truth, His church, and with her, every
purpose was accomplished through a loyal one.
big and popular church that had To know in advance how the great
apostatized. The church used the enemy will work through human
power of the law and the armies agencies will help us to be aware of
of the state to enforce a corrupt the dangers of these final days. It
religion. This continued during most should cause us to seek victory
of the dark period of the 1260 years through the one unequaled and
prophesied in Revelation 12:6. infallible source, Jesus Christ.
At the time of the Reformation and
afterward, near the end of that long
prophetic period, this type of action
on the part of the official church was DAILY HIGHLIGHTS
abandoned. Today it presents a 1. The Dragon
different front. It has even advocated (Rev. 12:9)
the concept of religious liberty at 2. The First Beast of Revelation 13
Vatican Council II. For this we should (Rev. 13:1)
be grateful. But the inspired pen 3. The Second Beast of Revelation 13
warns us to beware of the facade; (Rev. 13:11-18)
the real nature of apostasy has not 4. The Mark of the Beast
changed. (Rev. 13:16, 17)
The old methods of persecution— 5. The Triple Union
torture and death—will be resurrected (Rev. 16:13)
at the last stage of the age-long 6. The Triumphant Child of God
conflict between truth and error. This (2 Cor. 11:24-27)
Symbols of Persecuting Powers LESSON 4 ❑ Sunday
April 22

Part 1 What is the first power symbolized by the dragon? Rev.


Satan himself is the first power represented by the dragon, as

we see in verse 9. Satan began the war against God right in
heaven. Later, on earth he began using different agencies. In
this section we will review some of the other powers employed
by Satan, the dragon.

What actions of the dragon in Revelation 12:3, 4 help to

identify an earthly power represented by the dragon? What is
this second power?

The dragon with seven heads and ten horns also represents
the Roman Empire. The seven heads or powers are the great
world empires which fought against God, moved by Satan. But
the prophet, using a figure of speech in which the whole stands
for a part (synecdoche), refers here specifically to the Roman
Empire. The dragon had also ten horns, which refer to the terri-
tory of Rome, which was fragmented into ten nations. In the
first century this power, through Herod, stood before the
woman (the church) to devour her Child. He ordered the murder
of all the children in Bethlehem up to two years of age in an
effort to destroy Jesus.

What features in Revelation 12:6, 14 identify a third power

symbolized by the dragon? What is this third power?

This is "Christian" Rome in the Middle Ages. The woman—

the small, loyal church of God—was persecuted during the pro-
phetic period of the 1260 years—three and a half prophetic
years or 42 months. (See Rev. 12:6; Dan. 7:25; Rev. 13:5.)
The fourth stage of persecution by the dragon. (See Rev.
12:17.) There will be a renewal of persecution against God's
people by the dragon. The earthly power that he will use for
this attack is presented in Revelation 13.

THINK IT THROUGH What is the effective defense against the dragon who seeks
to attack us, not only by open persecution but by temptations
and provocations?

"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power

of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be
able to stand against the wiles of the devil" (Eph. 6:10, 11).
Study the different parts of this armor and discover how
every part of it points to Christ as the source of our strength
and the secret of our victory.

FURTHER STUDY The Great Controversy, p. 438.

Symbols of Persecuting Powers LESSON 4 ❑ Monday
April 23

Part 2 What were the features of the first beast of chapter 13?
BEAST OF "I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up
REVELATION 13 out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon
his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blas-
phemy" (Rev. 13:1).

The first ten verses of Revelation 13 present a history more

or less parallel to the one described in Revelation 12. But while
in the former chapter the events are seen from a political point
of view, here in chapter 13 we witness the same persecution
and affliction of the people of God from a religious standpoint.
This beast with its seven heads or powers may well represent
the succession of the seven great world powers: Egypt, Assyria,
Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, pagan Rome, and papal Rome.
Here also the ten horns identify the European territory into
which Rome was divided. Papal Rome would exercise her
power especially in Europe.
The parallel with the prophetic vision of Daniel 7 is estab-
lished by verse 2, where we see a beast composed of the parts
of three of the four beasts described by Daniel. These beasts
symbolized world empires.

What other specifications help identify this first beast? Rev.

Both here and in Daniel 7:21, 25 it is easy to detect the same
great features that depict the papal power: (1) blasphemies,
assuming titles and powers that belong only to God; (2) war
against the saints; (3) a period of religiopolitical supremacy
of 42 prophetic months, equivalent to a literal 1260 years (A.D.
"This symbol, as most Protestants have believed, represents
the papacy, which succeeded to the power and seat and author-
ity once held by the ancient Roman empire.... This prophecy,
which is nearly identical with the description of the little horn of
Daniel 7, unquestionably points to the papacy."—The Great
Controversy, p. 439.

What happened to one of the heads of the first beast? Rev.

The death wound was the loss of the political power and
supremacy of the papacy, leading up to 1798, when the French
General Berthier took the pope prisoner. But the healing pro-
cess began when Mussolini, in 1929, restored to the pope some
of the territories which had been taken from the papacy.

THINK IT THROUGH Would you think that God will require of us an even stronger
testimony than from the medieval Christians? Why?

FURTHER STUDY The Great Controversy, p. 54.

Symbols of Persecuting Powers LESSON 4 ❑ Tuesday
April 24

Part 3 What are the features of the earth beast?

BEAST OF Read Revelation 13:11-18 to have a complete picture.
REVELATION 13 The following features show why we believe this beast sym-
bolizes the United States:
1. Time: "When the first beast was going into captivity in
1798 . . . the United States was growing into prominence and
power. The nation arose, not in the Old World, with its teeming
multitudes, but in the New World, with its relatively few inhabi-
tants."—S.D.A. Bible Commentary, vol. 7, p. 820.
2. Place: It came up out of the earth, and not from the sea
as did the other beasts. Since the sea represents peoples, the
earth may point out a scarcely populated territory, like the U.S.
in its early years.
3. Two lamblike horns: The two horns, uncrowned, could be
the two special features of the United States government: (1)
a government without a king, a republican government; and (2)
a church without a pope—separation of church and state. This
ensures the two main human liberties—civil and religious.
"It has been shown that the United States is the power repre-
sented by the beast with lamblike horns."—The Great Contro-
versy, p. 579.

In what way was this earth beast changed? Verses 13-17.

The United States has fulfilled—and continues to fulfill—the

role of a lamblike beast. To its shores have come persecuted
men and women from all parts of the world to seek refuge.
But according to prophecy a sad change will come. Review the
following points:
(1) It will speak as a dragon, and a dragon is a persecuting
power (v. 11). (2) It exercises all the power of the sea beast
(Rome); it uses the same forceful methods to impose religious
practices (v. 12). (3) It causes everybody to worship the sea
beast (v. 12). (4) It says to the inhabitants of the earth that they
should make an image to the sea beast. If the sea beast (Rome)
is a church united to a state that persecutes people, an image
should be something similar—apostate Protestantism using
the civil power of the state to enforce religion (v. 14). (5) It
gives life to the image of the beast; the state will support the
dictates of apostate Christianity (v. 15). (6) It causes all to re-
ceive the mark of the beast; it imposes Sunday observance
(v. 16). (7) It causes conditions so that no one can buy or sell ex-
cept the one who has the mark; it abolishes the most elemental
freedoms; it suspends some individual rights (v. 16). (8) It
pronounces a death decree against all who do not worship
Rome (v. 15).

FURTHER STUDY The Great Controversy, pp. 578-581.

Symbols of Persecuting Powers LESSON 4 ❑ Wednesday
April 25

Part 4 What are the results of not receiving the mark of the beast?
THE BEAST "He [the lamblike beast—the United States] causeth all,
both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive
a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: and that no
man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name
of the beast [Rome], or the number of his name" (Rev. 13:
16, 17).
What is the mark of the beast?
"Mark. Gr. charagma, 'an impress,' a stamp,' a mark.' This
is evidently some badge of loyalty to the beast, some special
feature that denotes that the one displaying such a mark wor-
ships the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed (v. 8).
Adventist interpreters understand this mark to be not a literal
brand but some sign of allegiance that identifies the bearer as
loyal to the power represented by the beast. The controversy at
that time will center on the law of God, and particularly on the
fourth command (see on ch. 14:12). Hence the observance of
Sunday will constitute such a sign, but only at the time when the
beast's power will be revived and Sunday observance becomes
a matter of compliance with civil law. Adventists hold that simul-
taneously the third angel's message will warn against the recep-
tion of the mark (ch. 14:9-11). This message, swelling into a
loud cry (ch. 18:1-4), will enlighten men as to the issues in-
volved. When the issues are thus clearly before them, and men
nevertheless choose •to support an institution of the beast,
knowing it to be in direct opposition to the command of God,
they thereby show their allegiance to the power and receive
the mark of the beast."—S.D.A. Bible Commentary, vol. 7,
p. 822.
"In the issue of the contest all Christendom will be divided
into two great classes—those who keep the commandments of
God and the faith of Jesus, and those who worship the beast
and his image and receive his mark."—The Great Controversy,
p. 450.
"The warfare against God's law, which was begun in heaven,
will be continued until the end of time. Every man will be
tested. Obedience or disobedience is the-question to be de-
cided by the whole world. All will be called to choose between
the law of God and the laws of men. Here the dividing line will
be drawn."—The Desire of Ages, p. 763.
The establishment of a national Sunday law in the U.S. will
be followed by similar laws throughout the world.
"As America, the land of religious liberty, shall unite with the
papacy in forcing the conscience and compelling men to honor
the false sabbath, the people of every country on the globe will
be led to follow her example."—Testimonies, vol. 6, p. 18.

THINK IT THROUGH Read Revelation 15:2, 3.

FURTHER STUDY The Great Controversy, pp. 449, 450, 605. 37

Symbols of Persecuting Powers LESSON 4 ❑ Thursday
April 26

Part 5 What triple union does Revelation foretell?

UNION "I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth
of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the
mouth of the false prophet" (Rev. 16:13).

Identification of the three confederated powers: (1) The

dragon is in essence Satan himself. In Revelation 12 the dragon
also represents the Roman Empire acting under the leadership
of the devil. In chapter 16 the dragon is doubtless Satan operat-
ing through spiritualism, used by Satan to promote his aims and
to unite the other powers, since from the mouth of the three—
the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet—there came out
spirits of devils (Rev. 16:14). (2) The beast is Rome, the papacy,
the first beast of Revelation 13. (3) The false prophet is the same
power as "the image of the beast" of Revelation 13—the apos-
tate and confederate Protestantism.
"When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to
grasp the hand of the Roman power, when she shall reach over
the abyss to clasp hands with spiritualism, when, under the
influence of this threefold union, our country [the U.S.] shall
repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and
republican government, and shall make provision for the propa-
gation of papal falsehoods and delusions, then we may know
that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan and
that the end is near."—Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 451.
"Through the two great errors, the immortality of the soul
and Sunday sacredness, Satan will bring the people under his
deceptions. While the former lays the foundation of spiritual-
ism, the latter creates a bond of sympathy with Rome. The
Protestants of the United States will be foremost in stretching
their hands across the gulf to grasp the hand of spiritualism;
they will reach over the abyss to clasp hands with the Roman
power; and under the influence of this threefold union, this
country [the U.S.] will follow in the steps of Rome in tram-
pling on the rights of conscience."—The Great Controversy,
p. 588.

What will be the end of these persecuting powers? Rev. 19:

19, 20; 20:10.

THING IT THROUGH What relation do these future events have to my daily life

FURTHER STUDY The Great Controversy, p. 588; Testimonies, vol. 5,

pp. 449-454.

Symbols of Persecuting Powers LESSON 4 ❑ Friday
April 27

Part 6 How does Paul sum up the many afflictions and persecu-
THE TRIUM- tions of his life?
OF GOD "Of the Jews five times received I forty stripes save one.
Thrice was I beaten with rods, once was I stoned, thrice I
suffered shipwreck, a night and a day I have been in the deep;
in journeyings often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers,
in perils by mine own countrymen, in perils by the heathen, in
perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the
sea, in perils among false brethren; in weariness and pain-
fulness, in watching often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings
often, in cold and nakedness" (2 Cor. 11:24-27).

The account of these tribulations of Paul provides encour-

agement to the children of God who will have to suffer for their
dear Master.
Never did Paul show a rebellious attitude against God or a
bitter spirit; but he counted it as a privilege to suffer for the
sake of the truth. He always kept his eyes fixed on Jesus, the
Author and Finisher of his faith. This promise of God kept
ringing in his ears, "My grace is sufficient for thee," and the
apostle went ahead as a conqueror, always with a triumphant

In spite of all these vicissitudes, how did Paul view his

ministry? What did he consider to be the secret of success?
2 Cor. 2:14, 15.

Honoring his conviction about his final victory, what were

the last words of Paul before his martyrdom? 2 Tim. 4:6-8.

"Inspiration has preserved for us his dying testimony. Like a

trumpet peal his voice has rung out through all the ages since,
nerving with his own courage thousands of witnesses for Christ
and wakening in thousands of sorrow-stricken hearts the echo
of his own triumphant joy."—The Acts of the Apostles, p. 513.

THINK IT THROUGH What are some reasons why God showed us in advance
what these apostate powers were going to do?

FURTHER STUDY The Acts of the Apostles, pp. 576, 577.

LESSON 5 April 29 to May 5

"Watch ye therefore: for ye know released the winds of strife, giving

not when the master of the house free rein to nature and men to cast
cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at off the restraint of law. The plagues
the cockcrowing, or in the morning: descend unmixed with God's mercy
lest coming suddenly he find you and without the restricting influence
sleeping" (Mark 13:35, 36). of the Holy Spirit.
The persecution, which will have
This solemn appeal applies in a very commenced during the time of
specific way to our days. It refers, not probation with the imposing of the
to the physical appearance of Christ Sunday laws, will become more severe
at His second coming, but to the end during this period, reaching maximum
of the investigative judgment and the fierceness with the death decree.
time of grace. (See Testimonies, But that decree will not be carried
vol. 2, p. 190.) These events mark out, because at the date set for the
the beginning of the time of trouble. execution, God will liberate His
After that moment there will be no people amidst a tremendous display
more possibility of forgiveness and of natural phenomena and fearful
acceptance by God. manifestations of His anger. Under
"Solemn are the scenes connected the sixth and seventh plagues
with the closing work of the Armageddon occurs.
atonement. Momentous are the Although the faithful will not suffer
interests involved therein. The the plagues and will be miraculously
judgment is now passing in the fed, guarded, and protected, they will
sanctuary above. For many years nevertheless go through a double
this work has been in progress. Soon ordeal: (1) physical hardship because
—none know how soon—it will pass the persecution will force them to
to the cases of the living. In the awful flee from all centers of population;
presence of God our lives are to come (2) mental anguish, because of their
up in review. At this time above all concern about the forgiveness of all
others it behooves every soul to heed their sins. But finally peace and
the Saviour's admonition: 'Watch and tranquillity take the place of anxiety.
pray: for ye know not when the Only those who have received the
time is.' Mark 13:33."—The Great refreshing and have been sealed are
Controversy, p. 490. in a condition to pass safely through
We do not know when the this stormy hour, standing firmly
judgment will turn from the dead to to welcome the Lord Jesus at His
the living, but we know that when that second coming.
hour arrives, none need fear who are
abiding in Christ.
This week and next we will study DAILY HIGHLIGHTS
one of the most difficult periods the 1. Definition
church of God will pass through. By (Dan. 12:1)
that time most Bible prophecies will 2. The Time: Beginning and End
have been fulfilled, the proclamation (Rev. 22:11)
of the gospel will have been finished, 3. Jacob's Dramatic Experience
the shaking and the sealing will have (Gen. 32:24-29)
occurred, and the latter rain will 4. Mental and Physical Anguish
have fallen. (Jer. 30:7)
During the time of trouble the seven 5. Purpose
last plagues fall on the impenitent (Mal. 3:2, 3)
while the children of God are 6. Our Only Safety During the
protected. The four angels have Trouble (Rev. 3:18, 19)
The Time of Trouble-1 LESSON 5 ❑ Sunday
April 29

Part 1 What is Daniel's description of the time of trouble?

"At that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which
standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a
time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation
even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be
delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book"
(Dan. 12:1).

Here inspiration opens before us a dark episode in the long

controversy between good and evil, namely, the time of trouble.
"At that time"—that is to say, at the time of the end of human
history—the last scenes of Daniel 11 are occurring. Then
"Michael ... the great prince [Jesus Christ; see Jude 9; 1 Thess.
4:16; John 5:25; Rev. 12:17] which standeth for the children of
thy people," leaves His intercessory duties on behalf of the chil-
dren of God. He "stands up" and arises to deliver His people
because "there shall be a time of trouble."
Although this trouble is the most severe that has happened in
human history, the promise is that "at that time thy people shall
be delivered."

What warning and promise made to Judah will also be ful-

filled in the time of trouble? Jer. 30:7.
"When He [Christ] leaves the sanctuary, darkness covers
the inhabitants of the earth. In that fearful time the righteous
must live in the sight of a holy God without an intercessor. The
restraint that has been upon the wicked is removed, and Satan
has entire control of the finally impenitent. God's long-suffering
has ended. The world has rejected His mercy, despised His love,
and trampled upon His law. The wicked have passed the bound-
ary of their probation; the Spirit of God, persistently resisted,
has been at last withdrawn. Unsheltered by divine grace, they
have no protection from the wicked one. Satan will then plunge
the inhabitants of the earth into one great, final trouble. As
the angels of God cease to hold in check the fierce winds of
human passion, all the elements of strife will be let loose. The
whole world will be involved in ruin more terrible than that
which came upon Jerusalem of old."—The Great Controversy,
p. 614.

THINK IT THROUGH Should we worry about events in the future? If Jesus is

sufficient to save us now, will He not prove to be sufficient for
our needs then?
"We are standing on the threshold of the crisis of the ages.
. . . The angel of mercy cannot remain much longer to shelter
the impenitent."—Prophets and Kings, p. 278.

FURTHER STUDY The Great Controversy, pp. 613, 614.

The Time of Trouble-1 LESSON 5 ❑ Monday
April 30

Part 2 What decree fixes human destinies?

BEGINNING "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is
AND END filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be
righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still" (Rev.

"An angel returning from the earth announces that his work
is done; the final test has been brought upon the world, and all
who have proved themselves loyal to the divine precepts have
received 'the seal of the living God.' Then Jesus ceases His
intercession in the sanctuary above. He lifts His hands and with
a loud voice says, 'It is done;' and all the angelic host lay off
their crowns as He makes the solemn announcement: 'He that
is unjust, let him be unjust still.' . . Every case has been
decided for life or death."—The Great Controversy, p. 613.
When does the time of trouble end?
Although no one knows exactly what the duration of the time
of trouble will be, we infer that it will be short. And at the
appointed time the deliverance will come just shortly before
the actual appearance of Jesus.
Said the servant of the Lord: "Satan's host and wicked men
will surround them [the saints], and exult over them, because
there will seem to be no way of escape for them. But in the midst
of their revelry and triumph, there is heard peal upon peal of
the loudest thunder. The heavens have gathered blackness, and
are only illuminated by the blazing light and terrible glory from
heaven, as God utters His voice from His holy habitation.
"The foundations of the earth shake; buildings totter and fall
with a terrible crash. The sea boils like a pot, and the whole
earth is in terrible commotion. The captivity of the righteous is
turned, and with sweet and solemn whisperings they say to one
another: 'We are delivered. It is the voice of God.' "—Testi-
monies, vol. 1, p. 354.

THINK IT THROUGH "The devil is come down unto you, having great wrath,
because he knoweth that he hath but a short time" (Rev.

Commenting on this, Ellen White wrote: "Fearful are the

scenes which call forth this exclamation from the heavenly
voice. The wrath of Satan increases as his.time grows short,
and his work of deceit and destruction will reach its culmination
in the time of trouble."—The Great Controversy, p. 623.

What is the only effective shelter against "deceit and de-

struction"? Rev. 12:10, 11.

FURTHER STUDY Prophets and Kings, pp. 275-278.


4-A.L. 2-79
The Time of Trouble-1 LESSON 5 ❑ Tuesday
May 1

Part 3 Analyze the experience of Jacob at Padan-aram. Gen.

JACOB'S 32:24-29.
EXPERIENCE "Jacob's experience during that night of wrestling and an-
guish represents the trial through which the people of God must
pass just before Christ's second coming."—Patriarchs and
Prophets, p. 201.

To what portion of the time of trouble at large does the ex-

pression "the time of Jacob's trouble" especially apply?

"They [the wicked] thought that we [the righteous] had

brought the judgments of God upon them, and that if they could
rid the earth of us, the plagues would be stayed. A decree
went forth to slay the saints, which caused them to cry day and
night for deliverance. This was the time of Jacob's trouble.
Then all the saints cried out with anguish of spirit, and were
delivered by the voice of God."—Early Writings, pp. 36, 37.
From this paragraph we may draw two conclusions: (1) the
"time of Jacob's trouble" embraces the period which extends
from the announcement of the death decree to the liberation;
(2) the period begins after the plagues have started to fall.

What are the two characteristics of the night of Jacob's

wrestling that apply to the time of trouble? Read today's text

1. Jacob experienced anguish because of the material situa-

tion which confronted him. His brother was coming against him
with 400 armed men, apparently with intentions of revenge. Per-
secution is symbolized here.
2. Jacob felt intense mental anguish in his struggle with God
in prayer because he was not sure his sins had been forgiven.

THINK IT THROUGH The only road to real revival, reformation, and victory is
persevering and fervent, secret prayer. Are you entering into
this experience? (See Selected Messages, bk. 1, p. 344.)

While Jacob was humiliating his soul before God and crying
for mercy and surety of forgiveness, the Angel appeared. Deep
into the night the patriarch continued to wrestle physically
for his life. But as soon as he discovered that this stranger
was the Angel of God, he clung to Him with persevering faith
claiming His blessing; and he was blessed with peace and
assurance. By a fervent experience of secret prayer, confession,
and commitment the forgiveness was assured, the victory was
won, and his character as well as his name was changed.

FURTHER STUDY Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 195-203.

The Time of Trouble-1 LESSON 5 ❑ Wednesday
May 2

Part 4 What Old Testament text gives symbolic meaning to

MENTAL AND Jacob's experience?
ANGUISH "Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even
the time of Jacob's trouble; but he shall be saved out of it"
(Jer. 30:7).

Jacob, during his night of trouble, experienced the physical

anguish of persecution and the mental anguish of uncertainty
concerning the forgiveness of his sins. The saints will also
suffer these two kinds of trouble.
1. Persecution. "As the decree issued by the various rulers
of Christendom against the commandment keepers shall with-
draw the protection of government and abandon them to those
who desire their destruction, the people of God will flee from the
cities and villages and associate together in companies, dwell-
ing in the most desolate and solitary places. Many will find
refuge in the strongholds of the mountains. Like the Christians
of the Piedmont valleys, they will make the high places of
the earth their sanctuaries and will thank God for 'the munitions
of rocks.' Isaiah 33:16. But many of all nations and of all classes,
high and low, rich and poor, black and white, will be cast into
the most unjust and cruel bondage. The beloved of God pass
weary days, bound in chains, shut in by prison bars, sentenced
to be slain, some apparently left to die of starvation in dark and
loathsome dungeons."—The Great Controversy, p. 626.
We will see in the next lesson that in all of this trouble
every child of God will be under divine protection. His life will
be preserved and his basic needs satisfied until the deliverance.
2. Mental anguish. "Though God's people will be surrounded
by enemies who are bent upon their destruction, yet the anguish
which they suffer is not a dread of persecution for the truth's
sake; they fear that every sin has not been repented of, and that
through some fault in themselves they will fail to realize the ful-
fillment of the Saviour's promise. . . .
". . . Their faith does not fail because their prayers are not
immediately answered. Though suffering the keenest anxiety,
terror, and distress, they do not cease their intercessions. They
lay hold of the strength of God as Jacob laid hold of the Angel."
—The Great Controversy, pp. 619, 620.
But like Jacob, they have confessed their sins and soon re-
cover their peace and joy in the Lord.

THINK IT THROUGH What do we need to do now, while probationary time

lingers, in order to be finally liberated in that day of spiritual
anxiety? (Read The Great Controversy, p. 620.)

FURTHER STUDY Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 201-203.

The Time of Trouble-1 LESSON 5 ❑ Thursday
May 3

Part 5 In the light of Malachi 3:2, 3, what is the purpose of God in

PURPOSE permitting His people to experience trouble and distress?

"Who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand
when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner's fire, and like
fullers' soap: and he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver:
and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold
and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in
righteousness" (Mal. 3:2, 3).

The spirit of prophecy applies the figures from this passage

to the experience of God's people in the time of trouble.
"The assaults of Satan are fierce and determined, his delu-
sions are terrible; but the Lord's eye is upon His people, and His
ear listens to their cries. Their affliction is great, the flames
of the furnace seem about to consume them; but the Refiner will
bring them forth as gold tried in the fire. God's love for His
children during the period of their severest trial is as strong and
tender as in the days of their sunniest prosperity; but it is need-
ful for them to be placed in the furnace of fire; their earthliness
must be consumed, that the image of Christ may be perfectly
reflected."—The Great Controversy, p. 621.
At the time of these experiences the saints have already been
sealed. Still they need to continue to grow and be perfected
through patience and suffering. Their faith needs to become
stronger, their character more similar to that of the great Model.
"The people of God must drink of the cup and be baptized
with the baptism. The very delay, so painful to them, is the best
answer to their petitions. As they endeavor to wait trustingly
for the Lord to work they are led to exercise faith, hope, and
patience, which have been too little exercised during their reli-
gious experience."—The Great Controversy, pp. 630, 631.

THINK IT THROUGH What relation is there between tribulations in our life now
and the severest of all afflictions, the time of trouble?

"Those who exercise but little faith now, are in the greatest
danger of falling under the power of satanic delusions and the
decree to compel the conscience. And even if they endure the
test they will be plunged into deeper distress and anguish in the
time of trouble, because they have never made it a habit to trust
in God. The lessons of faith which they have neglected they will
be forced to learn under a terrible pressure of discourage-
ment."—The Great Controversy, p. 622.

FURTHER STUDY The Great Controversy, pp. 622, 623.

The Time of Trouble-1 LESSON 5 ❑ Friday
May 4

Part 6 In what sense is the counsel of the True Witness the only
OUR ONLY effective preparation for the time of trouble?
DURING THE "I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou
TROUBLE mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be
clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear;
and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
. . . Be zealous therefore, and repent" (Rev. 3:18, 19).

Gold: faith and love, the fruits of the Spirit.

White raiment: the imputed righteousness of Christ, or for-
giveness and cleansing from sin; and the imparted righteous-
ness of Christ, His pure and perfect character reproduced in us
by faith.
Eyesalve: wisdom and insight in order to recognize sin under
any disguise. In other words, a sensitive conscience led by
the Holy Spirit. (See Selected Messages, bk. 1, p. 358, on above
These three elements will finish the work of sealing our lives,
making us ready for the time of Jacob's trouble and for trans-
lation at Christ's coming.
"The season of distress before God's people will call for
a faith that will not falter. His children must make it manifest
that He is the only object of their worship, and that no consider-
ation, not even that of life itself, can induce them to make the
least concession to false worship. To the loyal heart the com-
mands of sinful, finite men will sink into insignificance beside
the word of the eternal God. Truth will be obeyed though the
result be imprisonment or exile or death.
"As in the days of Shad rach, Meshach, and Abednego, so in
the closing period of earth's history the Lord will work mightily
in behalf of those who stand steadfastly for the right. He who
walked with the Hebrew worthies in the fiery furnace will be
with His followers wherever they are. His abiding presence will
comfort and sustain. In the midst of the time of trouble—trouble
such as has not been since therewas a nation—His chosen ones
will stand unmoved. Satan with all the hosts of evil cannot
destroy the weakest of God's saints. Angels that excel in
strength will protect them, and in their behalf Jehovah will
reveal Himself as a 'God of gods,' able to save to the uttermost
those who have put their trust in Him."—Prophets and Kings,
pp. 512, 513.

THINK IT THROUGH Christ, His righteousness, and the Holy Spirit—the remedies
offered by Jesus to the Laodiceans—are the only answer to
our greatest need today as children of God. Am I buying daily
from the heavenly Physician these effective medicines? How
do I go about "buying" them?

FURTHER STUDY The Great Controversy, pp. 650-652.

LESSON 6 May 6-12

"Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed

is he that watcheth, and keepeth
his garments, lest he walk naked, and
they see his shame" (Rev. 16:15).

These inspired words apply to the

close of the investigative judgment
and the period of grace. Both will
terminate at an unexpected time. To
this special moment the prophecy of
Daniel 12:1 also refers when it says,
"There shall be a time of trouble,
such as never was." Also Revelation
22:11 points to this specific hour,
since when it comes, "he that is
unjust" continues to be unjust, and
"he that is righteous" continues to
be righteous.
The most important point about the
time of trouble is not to understand
completely all the facts; but rather,
to have a firm, true faith in Jesus
that will enable us to pass through
that ominous time safely. Those who
have a faith in Jesus that leads them
to obey Him will be protected fully
from the seven last plagues, sealed
by the seal of the living God for
eternal salvation and covered
completely by the beautiful and
perfect garment of the righteousness
of Christ.
The only key to victory is to have
a heart cleansed by the blood of DAILY HIGHLIGHTS
Jesus. This lesson seeks to confront 1. The Seven Last Plagues
us with our vital need of acquiring (Revelation 16)
the personal Christian experience of 2. Protection and Care of God
one whose life "is hid with Christ in (Ps. 91:1, 2, 15)
God" (Col. 3:3) so that nothing can 3. No More Mediator: No More
affect him or change his glorious Probation (Rev. 15:8; 8:5)
destination. 4. Unexpectedness of the Time
This is even more important in (Rev. 16:15)
view of the fact that the end of 5. The Sealed
probation is very near, and it will come (Eze. 14:20)
unexpectedly, even to the children of 6. Key to Success
God. (Rev. 12:11)
The Time of Trouble-2 LESSON 6 ❑ Sunday
May 6

Part 1 Read Revelation 16.

LAST PLAGUES What is the main point of each one of the seven plagues?

These last plagues are similar in nature to the plagues of

Egypt but are much more terrible and destructive. They fall on
the wicked "just before the final deliverance of God's people.
. . . Terrible as these inflictions are, God's justice stands fully
vindicated. The angel of God declares: 'Thou art righteous, 0
Lord, ... because Thou hast judged thus. For they have shed the
blood of saints and prophets, and Thou hast given them blood
to drink; for they are worthy.' Revelation 16:2-6."—The Great
Controversy, p. 628.
The falling of the plagues takes place during the time when
the temple in heaven is pictured as closed and filled with smoke.
(See Rev. 15:8.) "It was impossible for the plagues to be poured
out while Jesus officiated in the sanctuary; but as His work there
is finished, and His intercession closes, there is nothing to stay
the wrath of God, and it breaks with fury upon the shelterless
head of the guilty sinner, who has slighted salvation and hated
reproof."—Early Writings, p. 280.
"These plagues are not universal, or the inhabitants of the
earth would be wholly cut off. Yet they will be the most awful
scourges that have ever been known to mortals. All the judg-
ments upon men, prior to the close of probation, have been
mingled with mercy. The pleading blood of Christ has shielded
the sinner from receiving the full measure of his guilt; but in the
final judgment wrath is poured out unmixed with mercy."—The
Great Controversy, pp. 628, 629.
The duration will be brief. If the word "day" mentioned in
Revelation 18:8 is prophetic time (Eze. 4:6), it may be reasoned
that the plagues will last for one year. Except for this passage,
neither the Bible nor the spirit of prophecy makes any reference
to the length of the period. The S.D.A. Bible Commentary
suggests that the words of the original "stress suddenness and
unexpectedness rather than duration."—Volume 7, p. 863.

THINK IT THROUGH "A book has been given us to guide our feet through the
perils of this dark world to heaven. It tells us how we can
escape the wrath of God, and also tells of the sufferings of
Christ for us, the great sacrifice that has been made that we
might be saved and enjoy the presence of God forever.... The
word of God tells us how we may become perfect Christians
and escape the seven last plagues."—Testimonies, vol. 1,
pp. 125, 126.

FURTHER STUDY The Great Controversy, pp. 627-629.

The Time of Trouble-2 LESSON 6 ❑ Monday
May 7

Part 2 "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall
PROTECTION abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord,
AND CARE He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust."
OF GOD "He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with
him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him" (Ps. 91:1, 2,

"The people of God will not be free from suffering; but while
persecuted and distressed, while they endure privation and
suffer for want of food, they will not be left to perish. That God
who cared for Elijah will not pass by one of His self-sacrificing
children. He who numbers the hairs of their head will care for
them, and in time of famine they shall be satisfied."—The Great
Controversy, p. 629.

What promises are given to those who must endure the

seven last plagues? Isa. 33:16; Ps. 37:19.

"By this promise [Isa. 33:16] the children of God will live.
When the earth shall be wasted with famine, they shall be fed.
[Ps. 37:19 quoted.] To that time of distress the prophet Habak-
kuk looked forward, and his words express the faith of the
church: [Flab. 3:17, 18 quoted]."—The Desire of Ages, p. 122.
"While the wicked are dying from hunger and pestilence,
angels will shield the righteous and supply their wants. To him
that 'walketh righteously' is the promise: 'Bread shall be given
him; his waters shall be sure.' When the poor and needy seek
water, and there is none, and their tongue faileth for thirst, I the
Lord will hear them, I the God of Israel will not forsake them.'
Isaiah 33:15, 16; 41:17."—The Great Controversy, p. 629.
The angels will minister to God's children during that time.
"In the time of trouble just before the coming of Christ, the
righteous will be preserved through the ministration of
heavenly angels; but there will be no security for the transgres-
sor of God's law. Angels cannot then protect those who are
disregarding one of the divine precepts."—Patriarchs and
Prophets, p. 256.

THINK IT THROUGH What do I need to do now in order to be protected by the holy

angels during the seven plagues? Does Revelation 18:4 have
any application to us as Seventh-day Adventists?

FURTHER STUDY Early Writings, p. 71.

The Time of Trouble-2 LESSON 6 ❑ Tuesday
May 8

Part 3 What is the meaning of the following biblical symbols?

MEDIATOR; "The temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God,
NO MORE and from his power; and no man was able to enter into the
PROBATION temple, till the seven plagues of the seven angels were ful-
filled" (Rev. 15:8).
"The angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar,
and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunder-
ings, and lightnings, and an earthquake" (Rev. 8:5).

Revelation 15:8 states that "no man was able to enter into the
temple." In other words, nobody will have access to the mercy
seat, because mediation has ceased. The censer which sym-
bolizes the mediatorial work of Jesus is represented as thrown
to the earth by an angel, signifying that the ministry of Christ has
At the beginning of the time of trouble the decree of Revela-
tion 22:11 is announced in heaven.
"When He [Christ] leaves the sanctuary, darkness covers the
inhabitants of the earth. In that fearful time the righteous must
live in the sight of a holy God without an intercessor. . . . The
world has rejected His mercy, despised His love, and trampled
upon His law. The wicked have passed the boundary of their
probation; the Spirit of God, persistently resisted, has been at
last withdrawn."—The Great Controversy, p. 614.
Ellen White gives the following description of the end of the
time of grace:
"An angel returning from the earth announces that his [seal-
ing] work is done; the final test has been brought upon the
world, and all who have proved themselves loyal to the divine
precepts have received 'the seal of the living God.' Then Jesus
ceases His intercession in the sanctuary above. He lifts His
hands and with a loud voice says, 'It is done;' and all the angelic
host lay off their crowns as He makes the solemn announce-
ment: 'He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: ... and he that is
righteous, let him be righteous still....' Revelation 22:11. Every
case has been decided for life or death."—The Great Con-
troversy, p. 613.

THINK IT THROUGH Jeremiah 8:20 depicts the saddest of all exclamations found
in the Bible: "The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and
we are not saved." Now is the time to prevent that awful
experience, when the opportunity is still ours.

What considerations make our preparation for the future


FURTHER STUDY Testimonies, vol. 8, pp. 314, 315.

The Time of Trouble-2 LESSON 6 ❑ Wednesday
May 9

Part 4 What is the admonition of Jesus regarding readiness for the

UNEXPECTEDNESS end of the time of grace?
"Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and
keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his
shame" (Rev. 16:15).

It is always an unhappy experience to receive a very loved and

respected visitor at home without the necessary preparation.
We like to have everything in order—the house clean, the beds
made, the yard neat. We consider preparation for a human
visitor very important. How much more vital it is that we be ready
spiritually when the Lord leaves the sanctuary and takes off His
intercessory garment to put on His royal garb in preparation for
His coming back to earth.

What counsel did Christ give to the disciples about readi-

ness? Matt. 24:42, 44.

"Come when it may, the day of God will come unawares to the
ungodly. When life is going on in its unvarying round; when men
are absorbed in pleasure, in business, in traffic, in money-
making; when religious leaders are magnifying the world's
progress and enlightment, and the people are lulled in a false
security—then, as the midnight thief steals within the un-
guarded dwelling, so shall sudden destruction come upon the
careless and ungodly, 'and they shall not escape.' "—The Great
Controversy, p. 38.

What is the meaning of the question of Jesus recorded in

the last part of Luke 18:8?

"The world is stirred with the spirit of war. The prophecy of

the eleventh chapter of Daniel has nearly reached its complete
fulfillment. Soon the scenes of trouble spoken of in the
prophecies will take place."—Testimonies, vol. 9, p. 14.
"As the approach of the Roman armies was a sign to the
disciples of the impending destruction of Jerusalem, so may
this apostasy [Sunday legislation, the threefold alliance, and the
repudiation of the principles of the American Constitution] be a
sign to us that the limit of God's forbearance is reached, that the
measure of our nation's iniquity is full, and that the angel of
mercy is about to take her flight, never to return."—Testimonies,
vol. 5, p. 451.

THINK IT THROUGH "The 'time of trouble, such as never was,' is soon to open
upon us; and we shall need an experience which we do not
now possess and which many are too indolent to obtain."—
The Great Controversy, p. 622.

FURTHER STUDY The Great Controversy, pp. 621-623.

The Time of Trouble-2 LESSON 6 ❑ Thursday
May 10

Part 5 How important is personal preparation to meet the Lord?

THE SEALED What will be the only credential valid to be counted with the
victors in the great day of reckoning?

"Though Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, as I live, saith the
Lord God, they shall deliver neither son nor daughter; they
shall but deliver their own souls by their righteousness" (Eze.
In connection with this passage Ellen White remarks, "In that
time of trial, every soul must stand for himself before God."—
The Great Controversy, p. 622.
The only thing that will count in that day will be the personal,
individual experience and spiritual preparation.
Who will be the only ones to be delivered and to sing the great
song of victory? Only the 144,000 sealed with the seal of the
living God will be ready to go unharmed through the time of
trouble. Only those who, by the grace of God, and by a close
daily relationship with Christ, have attained a victorious experi-
ence will sing the song of triumph and will finally inherit the
"Upon the crystal sea before the throne, that sea of glass as it
were mingled with fire,—so resplendent is it with the glory of
God,—are gathered the company that have 'gotten the victory
over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over
the number of his name.' With the Lamb upon Mount Zion,
'having the harps of God,' they stand, the hundred and forty and
four thousand that were redeemed from among men; and there
is heard, as the sound of many waters, and as the sound of a
great thunder, 'the voice of harpers harping with their harps.'
And they sing 'a new song' before the throne, a song which no
man can learn save the hundred and forty and four thousand. It
is the song of Moses and the Lamb—a song of deliverance.
None but the hundred and forty-four thousand can learn that
song; for it is the song of their experience—an experience such
as no other company have ever had. 'These are they which
follow the Lamb withersoever He goeth.' These, having been
translated from the earth, from among the living, are counted as
'the first fruits unto God and to the Lamb.' Revelation 15:2, 3;
14:1-5. 'These are they which came out of great tribulation;' they
have passed through the time of trouble such as never was
since there was a nation."—The Great Controversy, pp. 648,

THINK IT THROUGH How can I have the characteristics of the 144,000 and be

Is this a prerogative of just a few, or is it open to every


FURTHER STUDY Early Writings, pp. 15, 16, 19, 37.

The Time of Trouble-2 LESSON 6 ❑ Friday
May 11

Part 6 What is the only key to success in our hard conflict with the
KEY TO enemy?
"They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb" (Rev. 12:11).

Christ and His sacrifice, Christ and the power of His spilled
'blood, is the only hope for us weak, sinful human creatures.
That blood does two things for us: (1) It allows us to have
forgiveness and complete cleansing from all sin; (2) it gives us
power to overcome sin and be sanctified. Only by unity with
Jesus, a personal contact with Him, maintained day after day
and moment after moment, will we be able to succeed.

What is the Christian to do with his sins? 1 John 1:7-9.

Sometimes there is a tendency for Christians to consider that

repentance, confession, and forgiveness are isolated acts that
happen at the beginning of the Christian life. It is not so. Rather,
they are a continual experience. As the soul has a closer contact
with Christ and His light illuminates the heart, the Christian
becomes progressively aware of selfishness and defects of
character. Under the work of the Holy Spirit he finds it always
necessary to avail himself of the imputed righteousness of
But at the same time the Christian grows, and by the grace of
God through the work of the Holy Spirit he gains spiritual vic-

Read the following promises of victory over sin and of

sanctification. Jude 24; 2 Peter 1:14; Phil. 4:13.

"We have little idea of the strength that would be ours if we

would connect with the source of all strength. We fall into sin
again and again, and think it must always be so. We cling to our
infirmities as if they were something to be proud of. Christ tells
us that we must set our face as a flint if we would overcome.
He has borne our sins in His own body on the tree; and through
the power He has given us, we may resist the world, the flesh,
and the devil. Then let us not talk of our weakness and ineffi-
ciency, but of Christ and His strength."—Messages to Young
People, p. 105.

THINK IT THROUGH "Christ's humanity was united with divinity; He was fitted for
the conflict by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. And He came to
make us partakers of the divine nature. So long as we are
united to Him by faith, sin has no more dominion over us. God
reaches for the hand of faith in us to direct it to lay fast hold
upon the divinity of Christ, that we may attain to perfection of
character."—The Desire of Ages, p. 123.

FURTHER STUDY The Desire of Ages, pp. 311, 312.

LESSON 7 May 13-19

"The serpent said unto the woman, close contact with Christ through a
Ye shall not surely die: for God doth conscientious study of the Bible and
know that in the day ye eat secret prayer, thus ensuring the
thereof, then your eyes shall be indwelling of the Holy Spirit to
opened, and ye shall be as gods, guide us into all truth.
knowing good and evil" (Gen. 3:4, 5).

This week we begin to study one of

the most popular and subtle
deceptions that the enemy will use in
the last days. Spiritualism will be one
of the three big elements in the
ungodly confederacy that will make
the final, desperate attack against
God, the truth, and the church.
According to Revelation 16:13, 14 the
three ungodly powers are the dragon
(spiritualism and allied activities), the
beast (the papacy), and the false
prophet (the united Protestantism
that will apostatize).
This power—spiritualism—will be
so deceptive as to trap, if possible,
the very elect. Only those who are
well-grounded in the Bible and who
have a living experience with God
will be able to stand this attack of
the devil.
Spiritualism and the occult are so
varied, comprising so many activities,
organizations, and methods, that many
careless children of God will be
misled, especially because these
different aspects appear to have no
relationship with each other. DAILY HIGHLIGHTS
Spiritualism wears different labels 1. Origin of Spiritualism
in order to adapt itself to all kinds (Gen. 3:1-6)
of people, from the superstitious 2. Later Manifestations
and uneducated to the highly (Luke 8:26-39; Acts 8:9;
cultured, and from the atheist to the 13:8; 16:16-18)
highly religious. 3. Who the Spirits Are
There is only one way of detecting (Eph. 6:11, 12)
error—by the Holy Scriptures and the 4. Goal of Spiritualism
truths it presents in order to unmask (1 Peter 5:8)
deception. There is only one method 5. Spirit Communication and
of preventing our being confused by Christianity (1 John 4:1)
spiritualism and of our falling into 6. The Source of True Knowledge
the hands of the great deceiver: a (Matt. 11:28-30)
Spiritualism and the Occult LESSON 7 ❑ Sunday
May 13

Part 1 Read carefully Genesis 3:1-6 and by imagination reproduce

ORIGIN OF the story of the first deception.
The Garden of Eden was the scene of the first great satanic
deception. The devil disguised himself as a beautiful serpent.
He began the dialogue by asking a misleading question. He
formulated the great lie of the ages—"Ye shall not surely die."
He made a false promise—"Ye shall be as gods." He tempted
Eve, showing her that the fruit was appetizing and good for
food, and made her believe that she would gain wisdom. As in
Eden, so also today it is deadly dangerous to put aside the clear
commandment of God and to dialogue with the evil forces of

What are some of the names by which spiritualism was

known during Old Testament times? Deut. 18:10, 11.

Note two cases of spirit communication recorded in the

Bible in 1 Samuel 28 and 2 Kings 1:1-4.

In the story of Saul and the witch of Endor, the person whom
the woman saw could not have been Samuel. Samuel was dead
and "the dead know not anything" (Eccl. 9:5). Further, "a com-
munication from Samuel, speaking as a prophet, would indi-
rectly be a communication from God, and it is expressly stated
that the Lord refused to communicate with Saul (1 Sam.
28:6)."-S.D.A. Bible Commentary, vol. 2, p. 587. This early
spiritualistic séance had all the characteristics of the modern

What is the character of Satan? John 8:44.

Tempting as the promises of spiritualism are, they all come

from the great liar and lead into final destruction. To resort to
spiritualism and the occult to find answers to the problems of
life, is to put oneself in the hands of Satan. His sole purpose is to
deceive in order to destroy body and soul.

What was the punishment for spiritualistic activities in Is-

rael? Lev. 20:6, 27.

THINK IT THROUGH "Side by side with the preaching of the gospel, agencies are
at work which are but the medium of lying spirits. Many a man
tampers with these merely from curiosity, but seeing evi-
dence of the working of a more than human power, he is lured
on and on, until he is controlled by a will stronger than his own.
He cannot escape from its mysterious power."—The Desire of
Ages, p. 258.

FURTHER STUDY The Great Controversy, pp. 531-534.

Spiritualism and the Occult LESSON 7 ❑ Monday
May 14

Part 2 Note these manifestations of the work of evil spirits re-

LATER corded in the New Testament: Luke 8:26-39; Acts 8:9; 13:8;

"The fact that men have been possessed with demons, is

clearly stated in the New Testament. The persons thus afflicted
were not merely suffering with disease from natural causes.
Christ had perfect understanding of that with which He was
dealing, and He recognized the direct presence and agency of
evil spirits."—The Great Controversy, p. 514.
Where and when did modern spiritualism begin?
During the month of March in 1848 the peaceful village of
Hydesville, New York, was disturbed by strange happenings in
the home of the Fox family. As a result of responding to noises
and rappings of undetermined origin, the two daughters of the
family became mediums. Soon the practice of spiritualism in its
new form spread like an epidemic over the United States, then
to England and to the rest of Europe and the Americas.
Spiritualism has gone, since 1848, through a remarkable
evolution in its forms. It has accommodated its methods to the
nature and culture of the people. Today a wide variety of forms
under very different names coexist in our world.
There are the primitive forms that prevail in the pagan coun-
tries. There are also the magic and sorcery that appeal to the
uneducated people, not only of primitive cultures, but also of
some more sophisticated countries. There is, too, the spiritual-
ism practiced among higher classes of society, within beauti-
ful and luxurious halls. Then there is the religious kind of spiri-
tualism, with meetings in which prayers are offered and hymns
are sung. Some kinds of speaking in tongues and healing
meetings are spiritualistic. On the other hand, spiritualism has
appeared under a scientific label in the universities under the
name "parapsychology." Also astrology and fortune-telling
have the same origin. Some of the phenomena that appear in
the deeper level of hypnotism may be devil-produced. New
manifestations of spiritualism may appear from time to time.

What is the divine counsel regarding any communication

with the spirits? Isa. 8:19.

THINK IT THROUGH "As spiritualism more closely imitates the nominal Chris-
tianity of the day, it has greater power to deceive and ensnare.
Satan himself is converted, after the modern order of things.
... And as the spirits will profess faith in the Bible, ...their
work will be accepted as a manifestation of divine power."—
The Great Controversy, p. 588.

FURTHER STUDY The Great Controversy, pp. 511-517.

Spiritualism and the Occult LESSON 7 ❑ Tuesday
May 15

Part 3 Against what spiritual forces does Paul warn?

SPIRITS ARE "Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to
stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against
flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against
spiritual wickedness in high places" (Eph. 6:11, 12).

The rebel angels who followed Lucifer in his war against God,
and who are the spiritual evil forces causing all the strange
manifestations of spiritualism, were expelled from heaven
along with their captain, Satan. But they still keep many of their
former characteristics and powers. This is why they can do
many things that seem to go against the laws of nature and that
no science can explain. Nevertheless, their power is limited to
boundaries established by God, especially in dealing with His
They can appear as forms imitating deceased people. They
can transmit information unknown to the mediums and the
receivers. They manifest themselves as apparitions or ghosts.
They cause rappings, instruments to play by themselves, mes-
sages to be written without hand, people to be taken mysteri-
ously from one place to a distant place in a short time. Also they
cause persons or heavy objects to be elevated in the air without
human aid (telekinesis), and mediums to speak with another
voice. Many other things which we do not have room to describe
here are part of modern spiritualism.

What does the Word of God say about the ability of de-
ceased people to participate in the affairs of this world? Ecci.
9:5, 6.

Since the evil spirits who are the cause of all the spiritualistic
phenomena pretend to be the spirits of the dead, it is evident
that they are liars. Allan Kardec, an apostle of spiritualism,
admits that "communications that are received from the spirits
may be ... true or false, ... according to the nature of the spirit
that presents itself." "Lying spirits may be erratic." "There are
some [spirits] that are satisfied with being trifling and mischiev-
ous, while others are liars and deceivers."—Que es el es-
piritismo? (What Is Spiritism?), p. 88. El Evangelio segOn el
espiritismo (The Gospel According to Spiritism), p. 193; Quo es
el espiritismo, p. 84. (Read John 8:44; Rev. 12:7-9.)

FURTHER STUDY The Great Controversy, p. 556.

Spiritualism and the Occult LESSON 7 ❑ Wednesday
May 16

Part 4 What is the devil's main objective?

SPIRITUALISM "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as
a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour"
(1 Peter 5:8).

Satan is always trying to conquer the human mind and the will
so as to destroy the person. In order to achieve this goal he uses
deceit. Even his wonders are "lying wonders."

What great wonders does John prophesy will be performed

to deceive the world in the last days? Rev. 13:13, 14.

It is evidently through the power of the evil spirits, with whom

it will be allied (Rev. 16:13, 14), that the second beast of Revela-
tion 13 "doeth great wonders."
Consider how every miracle of the evil spirits is done in order
to deceive:
They impersonate deceased human beings, making people
believe that they are actually communicating with spirits of the
They imitate the voices and appearance of deceased persons.
They reveal many secrets.
They convey information by extrasensory means.
In the future the devil will add to these deceptions attempts to
impersonate Christ Himself (Matt. 24:23-27), and he will even
endeavor to imitate the second coming of Christ.
All this is done to convince the human mind that these evil
spirits are the true spirits of the dead and that spiritualism is an
authentic way of communicating with deceased persons.
As in the Garden of Eden, the devil is fighting to conquer the
human mind and the will in order to lead men and women to

THINK IT THROUGH What is the difference in the way in which God and Satan
endeavor to gain the human heart? What is the ultimate con-
sequence of heeding the voice of Christ through the Holy
Spirit as He knocks at the door of the heart instead of following
the deceiver? (See Rev. 3:20; Mark 5:1-5; Deut. 30:19.)

"God never forces the will or the conscience; but Satan's

constant resort—to gain control of those whom he cannot
otherwise seduce—is compulsion by cruelty."—The Great Con-
troversy, p. 591.

FURTHER STUDY Prophets and Kings, pp. 210-212.

Spiritualism and the Occult LESSON 7 ❑ Thursday
May 17

Part 5 What is John's caution about spirits?

CATION AND "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether
CHRISTIANITY they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out
into the world" (1 John 4:1).

It is a contradiction to claim to have faith in Jesus Christ and at

the same time trust in spiritualism. It is condemned in the Bible,
and its fundamental teachings are out of harmony with the
teachings of the Scriptures. For example:
1. Its basic belief, that the dead are still alive and intelligent, is
contrary to the clear Bible teaching that the dead are not alive
and they know nothing.
2. "God has expressly forbidden all pretended communica-
tion with departed spirits. In the days of the Hebrews there was a
class of people who claimed, as do the spiritualists of today, to
hold communication with the dead. But the 'familiar spirits,' as
these visitants from other worlds were called, are declared by
the Bible to be 'the spirits of devils.' (Compare Numbers 25:1-3;
Psalm 106:28; 1 Corinthians 10:20; Revelation 16:14.)"—The
Great Controversy, p. 556.
Even prominent Christian leaders are deceived by these
spirits. No less than 15 bishops of the Anglican Church serve on
the advisory board of that church's Fellowship for Psychical
and Spiritual Studies, a spiritualistic organization with head-
quarters in London.
It is interesting to remember the case of the late Episcopal
Bishop James A. Pike. In an effort to establish communication
with his son, dead from suicide, Pike relied on the services of a
pastor who was also a medium. The story made headlines in the
newspapers of North America in 1966. The truth is, though, that
not only Bishop Pike but many other clergymen and ministers of
Christian churches have had an intimate association with
spiritualistic activities. Some of these activities are disguised by
names such as "psychical research," "parapsychology,"
"spiritual frontiers," "extrasensory perception," and others.
Some ministers are officers and leaders of spiritualistic organi-
zations, and in some cases they are also mediums, as in the case
of the pastor who aided Bishop Pike.

What three criteria in the following texts help us to decide

about the source of spiritualism? Isa. 8:20; 1 John 4:3; Matt.
7:16, 17.

THINK IT THROUGH In this day when psychic phenomena are so popular, what
can I do to persuade as many as possible to reject all forms of

FURTHER STUDY The Acts of the Apostles, pp. 289, 290.

Spiritualism and the Occult LESSON 7 ❑ Friday
May 18

Part 6 What is the tender and generous offer of Christ to the weary
THE SOURCE OF and heavy-laden?
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I
will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for
I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your
souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light" (Matt.

One of the main objectives of man in looking into the theories

and activities of spiritualism, the occult, and kindred beliefs, is
to solve his problem of moral and physical pain and to alleviate
his hopelessness. But all the psychic disciplines and spiritualis-
tic activities are powerless to confront successfully the deep
problems of the soul. There is only one way to salvation.
"Christ is the wellspring of life. That which many need is to
have a clearer knowledge of Him; they need to be patiently and
kindly, yet earnestly, taught how the whole being may be thrown
open to the healing agencies of heaven. When the sunlight of
God's love illuminates the darkened chambers of the soul, rest-
less weariness and dissatisfaction will cease, and satisfying joys
will give vigor to the mind and health and energy to the
body."—The Ministry of Healing, p. 247.
What spiritualism cannot give, Christ bestows abundantly:
1. Physical and mental rest ease the burdens. (Matt. 11:28-
2. Confession of sin directly to God not only relieves guilt but
grants divine pardon of all past sin. (Read Ps. 32:1-5.)
3. Bible study, secret prayer, surrender to Christ, and the
indwelling of the Spirit produce a complete transformation of
life and open a new and beautiful road to a life of victory,
service, and happiness. (Read 2 Cor. 5:17.)
"Those who oppose the teachings of spiritualism are assail-
ing, not men alone, but Satan and his angels. They have entered
upon a contest against principalities and powers and wicked
spirits in high places. Satan will not yield one inch of ground
except as he is driven back by the power of heavenly messen-
gers. The people of God should be able to meet him, as did our
Saviour, with the words: 'It is written.' Satan can quote Scrip-
ture now as in the days of Christ, and he will pervert its teach-
ings to sustain his delusions. Those who would stand in this
time of peril must understand for themselves the testimony of
the Scriptures."—The Great Controversy, p. 559.

THINK IT THROUGH Have I solved all my personal problems in Christ? Is my

experience with Him something real? Do I renew it daily? Can I
really present to my friends and neighbors the triumphant
testimony of a happy life in Jesus?

FURTHER STUDY The Ministry of Healing, pp. 469, 470.

8. Spiritualism
and Bible Prophecg
LESSON 8 May 20-26

"For there shall arise false Christs, to the truth. He will see the error
and false prophets, and shall shew unmasked. He will hear very clearly
great signs and wonders; insomuch the voice of God calling him: "Come
that, if it were possible, they shall out of her [of Babylon], my.
deceive the very elect. Behold, I have people" (Rev. 18:4).
told you before" (Matt. 24:24, 25).

Jesus loved His people, and He

wanted to protect them through the
ages from the deceptions of Satan.
He foresaw the spiritual confusion
of these last days that would spread
darkness among the inhabitants of
this planet. He foresaw the
proliferation of so-called Christian
theologies and philosophies that
would constitute Babylon. Also He
saw Satan developing his many
schemes in order to becloud human
minds and consciences.
He saw the spirits of devils operating
closely with the churches and
capturing the interest of all kinds of
peoples—religious, pagan,
superstitious, educated. Therefore,
He inspired His writers to record a
number of important prophecies. He
did this to make it possible for human
beings to unmask any kind of
erroneous philosophy or institution.
This is why, after Christ predicted
the rise of false prophets and
deceitful spiritual powers, He added:
"Behold, I have told you before."
Nothing can strengthen our faith or
open our eyes to the truth more DAILY HIGHLIGHTS
fully than the fulfillment of prophecy 1. Deceitful Miracles
regarding the specious delusions of (Rev. 16:13, 14)
the last days. 2. Satanic Delusions
And here apply the words of Jesus: (2 Thess. 2:8-10)
"If any man will do his will, he shall 3. The Master Attempt of
know of the doctrine, whether it be of Satan (2 Coe. 11:14, 15)
God" (John 7:17). In other words, 4. A Defense Against Deception
nobody needs to be deceived; anyone (John 7:17)
who has a sincere interest in 5. Only Safeguard Against
discovering the will of God will find Spiritualism—I (John 17:3)
the true doctrine. The Holy Spirit 6. Only Safeguard Against
will guide his mind and will lead him Spiritualism—II (John 10:4)
Spiritualism and Bible Prophecy LESSON 8 ❑ Sunday
May 20

Part 1 What three great powers does the revelator say will deceive
DECEITFUL the world in the last days?
"I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth
of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the
mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils,
working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth
and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that
great day of God Almighty" (Rev. 16:13, 14).

We have noted that these three spirits represent three

powers: (1) the beast—Rome; (2) the dragon—spiritualism; (3)
the false prophet—apostate Protestantism.
We see here that spiritualism (the dragon) in all its numerous
modern forms will constitute one of the three great powers that
will form an alliance in order to persecute and delude. At the
same time we see that every one of the three spirits—even the
one that comes out of the mouth of the Roman power and the
one that comes out of the mouth of the false prophet—are also
spirits of devils. This shows that spiritualism will be not only one
of the three but the main one, the one that will dominate and
unite them.

What are the two great beliefs that help tie the three powers

"Through the two great errors, the immortality of the soul and
Sunday sacredness, Satan will bring the people under his
deceptions."—The Great Controversy, p. 588.
"A belief in spiritual manifestations opens the door to seduc-
ing spirits and doctrines of devils, and thus the influence of evil
angels will be felt in the churches."—The Great Controversy,
p. 604.

THINK IT THROUGH What are some of the subtle ways besides spiritualism in
which Satan attacks us?

"Satan studies every indication of the frailty of human nature,

he marks the sins which each individual is inclined to commit,
and then he takes care that opportunities shall not be wanting to
gratify the tendency to evil.:'—The Great Controversy, p. 555.

FURTHER STUDY The Great Controversy, p. 554.

Spiritualism and Bible Prophecy LESSON 8 ❑ Monday
May 21

Parl 2 How does Paul predict the occurrence of satanic delusions

SATANIC and lying wonders?
"Then shall that Wicked be revealed, ... whose coming is
after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying
wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in
them that perish" (2 Thess. 2:8-10).

"No mere impostures are here foretold. Men are deceived by

the miracles which Satan's agents have power to do, not which
they pretend to do."—The Great Controversy, p. 553.
Ellen White, writing of the growth of spiritualism, says:
"Through the agency of spiritualism, miracles will be wrought,
the sick will be healed, and many undeniable wonders will be
performed."—The Great Controversy, p. 588.

To what extent will Satan have power to work miracles in

order to delude people? Rev. 13:13, 14.

This power that works great wonders is the lamblike beast,

namely the United States. But evidently it works miracles by the
power of Satan through spiritualism, with whom it is allied. (See
Rev. 16:13, 14.)
"Through spiritualism, Satan appears as a benefactor of the
race, healing the diseases of the people, and professing to
present a new and more exalted system of religious faith; but at
the same time he works as a destroyer. His temptations are
leading multitudes to ruin. Intemperance dethrones reason;
sensual indulgence, strife, and bloodshed follow. Satan de-
lights in war. . . .
"... In accidents and calamities by sea and by land, in great
conflagrations, in fierce tornadoes and terrific hailstorms, in
tempests, floods, cyclones, tidal waves, and earthquakes, in
every place and in a thousand forms, Satan is exercising his
power. He sweeps away the ripening harvest, and famine and
distress follow. He imparts to the air a deadly taint, and
thousands perish by the pestilence. These visitations are to
become more and more frequent and disastrous."—The Great
Controversy, pp. 589, 590.

THINK IT THROUGH What temptations may be devised by spiritualism that

would be attractive to Seventh-day Adventists?

"Love is dwelt upon as the chief attribute of God, but it is

degraded to a weak sentimentalism, making little distinction
between good and evil. God's justice, His denunciations of sin,
the requirements of His holy law, are all kept out of sight. The
people are taught to regard the Decalogue as a dead letter."—
The Great Controversy, p. 558.

FURTHER STUDY The Great Controversy, pp. 551-553.

Spiritualism and Bible Prophecy LESSON 8 ❑ Tuesday
May 22

Part 3 What did Paul say is a tactic of Satan and his agents?
ATTEMPT "Nor do their tactics surprise me when I consider how Satan
OF SATAN himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is only to be
expected that his agents shall have the appearance of minis-
ters of righteousness—but they will get what they deserve in
the end" (2 Cor. 11:14, 15, Phillips).

Before the coming of Jesus there will be outstanding in-

stances of this transformation of Satan into an angel of light and
his ministers into ministers of righteousness. Ellen White de-
scribes it in The Great Controversy, page 624.
"As the crowning act in the great drama of deception, Satan
himself will personate Christ. The church has long professed to
look to the Saviour's advent as the consummation of her hopes.
Now the great deceiver will make it appear that Christ has come.
In different parts of the earth, Satan will manifest himself among
men as a majestic being of dazzling brightness, resembling the
description of the Son of God given by John in the Revelation.
Revelation 1:13-15. The glory that surrounds him is unsur-
passed by anything that mortal eyes have yet beheld. The shout
of triumph rings out upon the air: 'Christ has come! Christ has
come!' The people prostrate themselves in adoration before
him, while he lifts up his hands and pronounces a blessing upon
them, as Christ blessed His disciples when He was upon the
earth. His voice is soft and subdued, yet full of melody. In gentle,
compassionate tones he presents some of the same gracious,
heavenly truths which the Saviour uttered; he heals the dis-
eases of the people, and then, in his assumed character of
Christ, he claims to have changed the Sabbath to Sunday, and
commands all to hallow the day which he has blessed. He
declares that those who persist in keeping holy the seventh day
are blaspheming his name by refusing to listen to his angels
sent to them with light and truth. This is the strong, almost
overmastering delusion."

In Jesus' prediction of false christs, how convincing did He

say they would be? Matt. 24:24.

THINK IT THROUGH "Are the people of God now so firmly established upon His
word that they would not yield to the evidence of their senses?
Would they, in such a crisis, cling to the Bible and the Bible
only?"—The Great Controversy, p. 625.

FURTHER STUDY Early Writings, pp. 262-266.

Spiritualism and Bible Prophecy LESSON 8 ❑ Wednesday
May 23

Part 4 Where is truth found?

AGAINST "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth" (John

We should be thankful to God that He has not left us in

uncertainty regarding the way of salvation. We have an inspired
Book that is the truth itself. It is the test for other claims of truth.
So in order to be defended against error and deception, we
should cling to it as to an immovable rock in a turbulent sea.
With an unbiased study of the Bible, comparing passage with
passage and investigating all the scriptures that deal with a
specific subject, we have the whole picture before us and the
truth becomes clear. Any doctrine, any theory, any philosophy
that does not fit into that picture is a deception. So long as we
trust in God and remain on the platform of His Word, nothing
will be able to move us from that firm foundation.
But we need to study the Word for ourselves and not simply
take it for granted or rely on a secondhand knowledge. We must
eat of the bread of life ourselves in order to be fed. No one can
eat for us.
"The people of God will not be misled. The teachings of this
false christ [Satan] are not in accordance with the Scriptures.
His blessing is pronounced upon the worshipers of the beast
and his image, the very class upon whom the Bible declares that
God's unmingled wrath shall be poured out. .
"Only those who have been diligent students of the Scrip-
tures and who have received the love of the truth will be
shielded from the powerful delusion that takes the world
captive."—The Great Controversy, p. 625.

THINK IT THROUGH How can I improve my daily schedule in order to leave more
time for Bible study? What Bible study aids should I acquire?

FURTHER STUDY The Great Controversy, pp. 593-602.

Spiritualism and Bible Prophecy LESSON 8 ❑ Thursday
May 24

Part 5 What knowledge is essential to salvation?

AGAINST "This is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true
SPIRITUALISM--I God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent" (John 17:3).

The only way to obtain life eternal consists in knowing God

and in knowing Christ, in having a personal experience with
God the loving Father and Christ the Saviour and best Friend.
Those who have an intimate relationship with the Lord have
both eternal life and a shield against deception.
How does a human being enter into that relation? How does
he go about knowing God the Father and the Son, his Re-
deemer, in a real way? First of all he studies the Word. He
studies it in a search for the truth because he feels a deep
spiritual need. He not only reads and understands, but he also
takes time to meditate, to apply the Word to his personal life, to
contemplate the wonderful character of Jesus. And by "behold-
ing as in a glass the glory of the Lord" (2 Cor. 3:18), by dwelling
on the meekness of Jesus, on His love, His patience, His purity,
His self-denial, His self-control, he is "changed into the same
Second, he obtains a closer walk with Jesus by a life of prayer.
He loves to talk with God, not only in family worship and in
church and groups, but alone. He opens his heart completely
every day and exposes his life to the wonderful light of heaven,
and that light expels all darkness and impresses in his heart the
perfect character of Jesus. There are no unconfessed sins in his
life. The way of communication with God is always open; and he
is not only cleansed from all unrighteousness and accepted in
the Beloved, but he becomes a true partaker of the divine na-
ture. Gratitude to God is always flowing from his lips, and the joy
and love imparted by the Holy Spirit make him a kind and a
happy Christian in spite of trials. By experience he learns to pray
better, and the result is power and grace from on high.
Under part 6 we will consider two more elements in the barrier
against sin and deception.

THINK IT THROUGH "Many attend religious services, and are refreshed and
comforted by the word of God; but through neglect of medita-
tion, watchfulness, and prayer, they lose the blessing. .. . It
would be well for us to spend a thoughtful hour each day in
contemplation of the life of Christ."—The Desire of Ages, p. 83.

FURTHER STUDY Testimonies, vol. 1, pp. 343, 344.

Spiritualism and Bible Prophecy LESSON 8 ❑ Friday
May 25

Part 6 Why is it that the sheep follow their own shepherd?

AGAINST "When he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before
SPIRITUALISM—II them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice" (John

What an apt illustration this is of the right relationship of the

true children of God with their beloved Shepherd, Jesus! The
sheep follow the Shepherd because they know Him, and they
are well acquainted with His voice.
The best safeguard against any delusion or temptation is an
intimate knowledge of and a close relationship with the only
Shepherd. Under part 5 we learned that this personal knowl-
edge that brings life eternal and safety is achieved (1) through a
fervent, daily study of the Word of God, and (2) by a life of daily,
sincere prayer.
But there are two more elements: (1) a daily surrender to God
to obey Him; and (2) a witness about God to others for a healthy
Christian experience.
Jesus is always lovingly knocking at the door of our heart,
willing to enter in order to bless us. But if we are too busy, or if
there is too much trash that blocks the door, He cannot enter.
So, along with meditation and prayer, there should be a daily
and complete surrender of our will to His divine leadership.
"When the soul surrenders itself to Christ, a new power takes
possession of the new heart. A change is wrought which man
can never accomplish fOr himself. . . . A soul thus kept in
possession by the heavenly agencies is impregnable to the
assaults of Satan. But unless we do yield ourselves to the con-
trol of Christ, we shall be dominated by the wicked one."—The
Desire of Ages, p. 324.
But our Christian experience cannot be complete without a
witnessing activity, without sharing with others what Christ has
done for us.
"The spirit of unselfish labor for others gives depth, stability,
and Christlike loveliness to the character."—Steps to Christ,
p. 80.

THINK IT THROUGH What do I lack that would deepen my Christian experience?

FURTHER STUDY Testimonies, vol. 5, pp. 573-580.

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LESSON 9 May 27 to June 2

"When the day of Pentecost was manifestation of the use of tongues.

fully come, they were all with one We note in many Christian churches
accord in one place. And suddenly today an emphasis on the "speaking
there came a sound from heaven as of in tongues." But tongues in many
a rushing mighty wind, and it filled cases are mostly gibberish. In our
all the house where they were sitting. lesson today we shall try to
And there appeared unto them cloven differentiate between the true and
tongues like as of fire, and it sat the false. The true must always be a
upon each of them. And they were all characteristic of the church. The false
filled with the Holy Ghost, and began must always be avoided and
to speak with other tongues, as the condemned.
Spirit gave them utterance" (Acts

The greatest thing that ever

hippened to the Christian church
happened at Pentecost. Jesus had told
His disciples that they must wait in
Jerusalem until they should be endued
with power (Acts 1:4), a power to
witness which would accompany the
outpouring of the Holy Spirit. When it
came, the disciples were able to
preach the gospel in such a way that
everyone received the message in his
own language (Acts 2:6). Such a
spiritual manifestation was convincing
evidence that what was preached was
The church must always have the
power of the Holy Spirit in order to
carry on its witness. In the world,
where there are so many languages
and dialects, it is necessary to speak
in the language or dialect of every
nation, tribe, and people. That is why DAILY HIGHLIGHTS
Bible societies have so many Scripture 1. Speaking in Tongues
translations available, and missionaries (1 Cor. 12:28)
must learn the languages of the 2. A False Priority
people to whom they go. This facility (1 Cor. 14:1)
must be under the direction of the 3. Testing the Spirits
Holy Spirit if it is to accomplish (1 John 4:1)
what God has in mind, the widespread 4. Noting the Fruits
propagation of truth. (Matt. 7:20)
Unfortunately, the devil is not 5. Deceptive Appearances
willing that this should happen. (Matt. 7:15)
There-fore he seeks to confuse and 6. The Spirit-filled Life
delay. He institutes a counterfeit (Matt. 3:11)
Spiritual Manifestations, LESSON 9 ❑ Sunday
True and False May 27

Part 1 In what context does the apostle Paul place the gift of
SPEAKING tongues?
"God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondar-
ily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of
healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues" (1 Cor.

The ability to speak more than one language is obviously one

of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Not all have facility with language.
Some have great difficulty in expressing themselves even in one
language! But the ability to transmit accurately and explain
clearly is a gift of inestimable value, especially in expounding
the Word of God.

What is the main purpose of having the gift of tongues? Acts

The tongue is a very important member of the human body.
James likens it to a fire (James 3:6). When it is used in
evangelism, thousands can be converted in a day. But when it is
used to gossip or propagate evil, it can do untold harm.

What two experiences are recorded in Acts that tell us of the

manifestation of the gift of tongues in the early church? Acts
10:45, 46; 19:5, 6.

The early Christian church had obvious examples of the gift of

tongues in the experiences of Peter and of Paul. In the case of
certain Gentiles whom Peter visited they "glorified God." In the
case of Paul his converts "prophesied." In each case the
tongue was used in an acceptable manner.
Ellen White, in referring to the speech of the disciples after
the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, says that from that time forth
"the language of the disciples was pure, simple, and accurate,
whether they spoke in their native tongue or in a foreign
language."—The Acts of the Apostles, p. 40. Here is an ideal of
the use of language that is placed before every disciple, an ideal
that can be reached only with a total surrender to the power of
the Holy Spirit.

THINK IT THROUGH If the gift of tongues is so important for the propagation of

the gospel, why is it that this gift is not more manifest in the
church today?

The answer to the above question will depend somewhat on

our understanding of what is involved in the phenomenon of
speaking in tongues. Is the gift of tongues as necessary today as
it was on the day of Pentecost?

FURTHER STUDY The Acts of the Apostles, pp. 38-41.

Spiritual Manifestations, LESSON 9 ❑ Monday
True and False May 28

Part 2 "Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts, but rather
A FALSE that ye may prophesy" (1 Cor. 14:1).
The gifts of the Spirit are given to the church for its edifica-
tion. Not all the gifts are manifested at one time, nor is one gift
made to be the indispensable criterion of discipleship. God
knows how to distribute His gifts and when they are needed. It is
not for us to demand a gift or to be proud if we have one. Yet it is
in this very area that we find a counterfeit manifestation of the
gift of tongues. Some churches claim that this is a necessary
attribute of discipleship. Others take pride in it.

What problems did Paul face in connection with a manifes-

tation of the phenomenon of speaking in tongues? 1 Cor.

The one who speaks with an unknown tongue is not helping

anyone if his language is not understood. Paul tells us that the
object of fellowship in the church is communication and mutual
help. If a person wants to speak to God in an unknown tongue,
that is his privilege, but he should do so privately and not take
up the time and attention of other members who are not able to
profit from his talk. In all church activity we must be practical;
we must contribute some good.
Paul did not deny the possibility that someone in Corinth
spoke with tongues through the influence of the Holy Spirit. But
he did suggest that there are other gifts that can do much more
good. The Christian must not be selfish or boastful when it
comes to gifts he or she may have. Every gift must contribute to
the welfare of the church as a whole, and only if it does so can it
be manifested in public.

What was Paul's attitude to the gift of tongues? 1 Cor. 14:

18, 19.

Many churches today are excited about glossolalia. We must

make certain that we are not deceived by an outward manifesta-
tion that could very well be the working of Satan to deceive
some gullible Christians into thinking that they are being moti-
vated by the Holy Spirit when in fact they are being used by
Satan for his nefarious purposes.

THINK IT THROUGH On what basis can I differentiate the true and the false
manifestations of the gift of tongues in the church?

The counterfeit is often so nearly like the true that it can

deceive many. We must be so well schooled in the true that we
can detect error immediately. This is the challenge that faces
every Christian today.

FURTHER STUDY Testimonies, vol. 1, pp. 412, 414, 419.

Spiritual Manifestations, LESSON 9 ❑ Tuesday
True and False May 29

Part 3 What is the wise counsel given by the apostle John?

THE SPIRITS "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether
they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out
into the world" (1 John 4:1).

In John's day there were false spirits and false prophets as

there have been such manifestations ever since Satan has been
abroad to deceive men. We must not be surprised if we meet
such phenomena today; in fact, it is likely that Satan will in-
crease his efforts to deceive man as he sees the end of the world
approaching. (See 1 Peter 5:8.) It is a Christian duty to dif-
ferentiate between the true and the false.

How can we recognize the true Spirit? John 16:13, 14.

The true Spirit guides into all truth. If we find a spirit teaching
any doctrine that is different from the teaching of the Scrip-
tures, then we must know that this cannot be a true spirit. Jesus
said that He is "the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6). He
also said that God's Word is truth (John 17:17). There can be no
contradiction between the life and teachings of Jesus and the
lives and conduct of those who claim to represent Him through
spiritual manifestations.
Some think that when they have spoken in tongues they have
reached the highest goal of Christian achievement. In their
pride they have forgotten that there must be a correct interpre-
tation of Scripture, a balance in the Christian life, and that its
fruit is obedience to the commandments of God.

What does Paul say about the distribution of gifts? 1 Cor.


To suggest, as some do, that everyone must speak in tongues

as a manifestation of conversion is not a teaching of Scripture.

THINK IT THROUGH Why is it dangerous to depend on feelings and unusual

manifestations to prove whether we are right or wrong?

God has given us a mind to reason with, a body of truth to

grasp and understand. To depend wholly on emotion is to ne-
glect an important part of our being, a part that makes us truly
the children of God, created in His image. Emotion has its part
to play in human life, and we must not deprive ourselves of the
joys that come from achievement and understanding, but
neither must we neglect the use of the intellect which ties up
everything into an integrated whole. Blessed is the man who has
a balanced view of life and the part he has to play in it.

FURTHER STUDY The Acts of the Apostles, p. 348; The Great Controversy,
pp. 396, 397.
Spiritual Manifestations, LESSON 9 ❑ Wednesday
True and False May 30

Part 4 What sound principle did Jesus propound to indicate the

NOTING difference between the true and the false?
"By their fruits ye shall know them" (Matt. 7:20).

Nature gives us an object lesson that cannot be controverted:

a good tree brings forth good fruit, and a bad tree cannot help
but bring forth bad fruit. The lesson is just as simple in the
spiritual world as in the natural.
It is interesting to note that Satan cannot deny his nature. He
may try to conceal his intentions; his followers may show some
admirable attributes. But somehow, somewhere, the truth will
out, and it will be manifest that the works are basically evil and
the results of his activity are always unfortunate. God's Spirit
leads to life, joy, and happiness. The spirits in league with Satan
lead to frustration, confusion, and death.

What warning did Paul give regarding events in the last

days? 1 Tim. 4:1, 2.

These words are straightforward. The New English Bible

translates: "The Spirit says expressly that in after times some
will desert from the faith and give their minds to subversive
doctrines inspired by devils, through the specious falsehoods
of men whose own conscience is branded with the devil's sign."

What good advice does Paul give Timothy and all of us who
desire to do what is right? 1 Tim. 6:11.

There is a battle to be fought, a race to be run, a victory to be

gained. Especially as we live in the last days, we must flee from
all that is destructive and false. There is "science falsely so
called," and there are "profane and vain babblings" which we
must avoid (1 Tim. 6:20).

What simple distinction does John make between the true

and the false? 1 John 3:7-10.

Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil (verse 8) because

these works lead to death. How then can Christians who claim
to follow in the footsteps of Jesus ever follow those whose
activities are subversive of the truth?

THINK IT THROUGH What are some of the spiritual manifestations that you have
witnessed that you are sure stem from the evil one, and what
is the evidence of your conclusion?

FURTHER STUDY Testimonies, vol. 2, pp. 24-29.

Spiritual Manifestations, LESSON 9 ❑ Thursday
True and False May 31

Part 5 What imagery did Jesus use to indicate the existence of

DECEPTIVE deceptive appearances?
"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's
clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves" (Matt. 7:15).

All that glitters is not gold. We must learn not to let the eyes
deceive us. When it comes to the difference between truth and
error, we must not be satisfied with a superficial look. We must
examine a movement or manifestation thoroughly so as to see
its inner motives, its guiding principles. It is not sufficient that it
seems to have worthy objectives. It must be examined as to its
source and principles of operation.

What counsel is given the Laodicean church regarding the

eyes? Rev. 3:18.

The loss of eyesight is a terrible calamity, but the loss of

spiritual eyesight, the ability to see the reality beyond the out-
ward appearances, is an even greater calamity.
Note the following description of a situation that will exist in
the last days:
"Before the final visitation of God's judgments upon the earth
there will be among the people of the Lord such a revival of
primitive godliness as has not been witnessed since apostolic
times. The Spirit and power of God will be poured out upon His
children.... The enemy of souls desires to hinder this work; and
before the time for such a movement shall come, he will en-
deavor to prevent it by introducing a counterfeit. In those
churches which he can bring under his deceptive power he will
make it appear that God's special blessing is poured out; there
will be manifest what is thought to be great religious interest.
Multitudes will exult that God is working marvelously for them,
when the work is that of another spirit. . . .
"... There is an emotional excitement, a mingling of the true
with the false, that is well adapted to mislead."—The Great
Controversy, p. 464.

THINK IT THROUGH Why is it that a movement that appears spiritual is more

likely to deceive a Christian than a movement that is blatantly

Men react openly and quickly against anything that is patently

evil. But when a movement has some good qualities, it is not
easy to reject it. In fact, it is usual to condone the evil for the sake
of the good. Thus a compromise is made with evil, and this leads
inevitably to further compromise and eventually outright es-
pousal of sin.

FURTHER STUDY Testimonies, vol. 2, pp. 594-597.

Spiritual Manifestations, LESSON 9 ❑ Friday
True and False June 1

Part 6 How did John differentiate between his baptism and the
THE SPIRIT- baptism of the One who should come after him?
"I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he
that cometh after me is mightier than I : He shall baptize you
with the Holy Ghost, and with fire" (Matt. 3:11).

Every Christian has the privilege of being baptized with the

Holy Spirit. What does this mean? The following aspects of the
work of the Holy Spirit are important:
1. The Holy Spirit convinces of sin (John 16:8).
2. The Holy Spirit is an ever-present power in the life of the
Christian (John 14:16). The Holy Spirit guides into all truth, and
as the Christian follows in the way that is pointed out to him, he
is transformed and brings forth the fruits of the Spirit.
3. The Holy Spirit enables the Christian to give an effective
witness (Acts 1:8). His words and his life give the same message,
that Jesus is the Saviour from sin, the only hope of eternal life.
4. The Holy Spirit will be poured out in the last days in special
measure so that young and old will experience the phenomena
of prophecy, visions, and dreams (Acts 2:17). This last over-
whelming event is one that Satan would like to prevent, and
therefore he uses his counterfeit movements to try to divert the
Christian from the real to the false. It is this danger that every
Christian must avoid if he is to be saved in the kingdom.

What relationship does Jesus say He wants to enjoy with

every Christian? Rev. 3:20.

The symbol of Jesus standing at the door and knocking is a

very striking one. It shows how anxious Jesus is to commune
with the Christian. It also shows that the responsibility of open-
ing the door is wholly on the part of the individual. Finally, the
symbol of eating together at the same table brings out the close
relationship that can exist between the Lord and ourselves, so
that we can enjoy a fellowship in which no secrets are withheld
and where there can be mutual understanding and love.

THINK IT THROUGH In view of the clear promises of God to His church, why is it
that the church does not seem to have taken full advantage of
its privileges? What changes do you think ought to be made in
your personal life so that the latter rain may be poured out?

FURTHER STUDY The Acts of the Apostles, pp. 53-56.

LESSON 10 June 3-9

"I saw heaven opened, and behold essentially a political conflict and
a white horse; and he that sat upon comes to a climax with the appearance
him was called Faithful and True.... of Christ and the armies of heaven.
And the armies which were in heaven According to the second view the
followed him upon white horses.. .. battle of Armageddon begins when
And out of his mouth goeth a sharp the united religious and political
sword, that with it he should smite powers of earth open their final
the nations: and he shall rule them attack on God's remnant people."—
with a rod of iron" (Rev. 19:11-15). S.D.A. Bible Commentary, vol. 7,
p. 842.
A study of last-day events is The first view has been presented
incomplete without examining the by Uriah Smith in The Prophecies of
subject of Armageddon. However, to Daniel and the Revelation (1944),
study Armageddon presents problems pp. 691-701. (First published in one
because Seventh-day Adventists have volume in 1897.)
for over a hundred years held to one The second view has been presented
or another of two main interpretations by James White in the Review and
of this prophecy. Herald, January 21, 1862, p. 61.
"According to the first interpretation Which of these views should be
'the great river Euphrates' represents presented in the Sabbath School
the Ottoman Empire; the drying up of lessons? The author of the lessons
its waters, the gradual dissolution of favors the second view. Thus we will
that empire; the 'kings of the east,' the present his view in this week's lesson
nations of the Orient; and without any claim that it is to be
Armageddon, the literal valley of preferred above the first view.
Megiddo in northern Palestine. Thus, The prophecy of Armageddon is still
the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire unfulfilled, and it behooves us not to
is seen as preparing the way for be dogmatic about the manner of its
Oriental nations to join battle with fulfillment.
those of the West in the valley of
"According to the second
interpretation the Euphrates represents
the people over whom mystical
Babylon holds sway; the drying up of
its waters, the withdrawal of their DAILY HIGHLIGHTS
support from Babylon; the 'kings of 1. The Time and Setting of
the east,' Christ and those Armageddon (Rev. 16:12)
accompanying Him; and Armageddon, 2. What Armageddon Is—I
the last battle of the great controversy (Rev. 16:13, 14)
between Christ and Satan, fought out 3. What Armageddon Is—II
on the battlefield of this earth. Thus, (Rev. 19:11-16)
the withdrawal of human support 4. Despair of the Wicked
from mystical Babylon is seen as the (Isa. 26:21; Zech. 14:12)
removal of the last barrier to her 5. The Glorious Outcome
ultimate defeat and punishment. (Rev. 16:17-19)
"According to the first view the 6. Now Is the Time!
battle of Armageddon begins as (Rev. 16:15)
The Battle of Armageddon LESSON 10 1:1 Sunday
June 3

Part 1 At what particular time does Armageddon occur?

SETTING OF "The sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river
ARMAGEDDON Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of
the kings of the east might be prepared" (Rev. 16:12).

The preparation for Armageddon comes under the sixth

plague and the battle itself under the seventh. (See also Rev.
19:11-21.) It comes after the close of probation and is the final
major event before the coming of Jesus.

What is a possible interpretation of the drying up of the


For those looking for a possible interpretation of this part of

the prophecy, we mention the following, which is just one
among several. (Let us remember, though, that the main fea-
tures of the conflict of Armageddon stay always the same and
are not affected by any one of the different interpretations
advanced for this specific verse.)
Euphrates is the literal river of the literal Babylon. But Baby-
lon in Revelation is symbolic of a religious power. It is logical
then to regard the Euphrates River as also symbolic. Waters are
peoples (Rev. 17:15). So the drying up of the Euphrates may
represent the withdrawal of support for symbolic Babylon by
the people who formerly upheld it.
The kings of the East may point to Christ and the armies of
heaven that come to fight against the wicked nations in order to
liberate the children of God.

What is one of the most important meanings of Armaged-

At the climax of the struggle between the people of God and
the persecuting powers, when the saints will be under the
soon-to-be-executed death decree, the events of Armageddon
will be a sign of encouragement to the faithful that the great
liberation is coming in a short time.

THINK IT THROUGH God never leaves us without hope. "Man's extremity is

God's opportunity" to show His power.

This is the promise: "There hath no temptation taken you but

such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not
suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the
temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to
bear it" (1 Cor. 10:13).
This promise applies to any individual or group, either now or
during the time of trouble.

FURTHER STUDY Ellen G. White Comments, S.D.A. Bible Commentary, vol. 7,

pp. 982, 983.
The Battle of Armageddon LESSON 10 ❑ Monday
June 4

Part 2 What are the main features of the Battle of Armageddon?

ARMAGEDDON "I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth
IS—I of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the
mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils,
working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth
and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that
great day of God Almighty" (Rev. 16:13, 14).

We have already studied these three great powers and their

identification in lesson 4. The dragon is spiritualism and
paganism; the beast, Romanism; and the false prophet, apos-
tate Protestantism. These are the three forces that will ally
themselves under the leadership of Satan to fight against God,
the saints, and the truth.
The word "Armageddon" is used just once in the Scriptures,
in Revelation 16:16. Some have claimed that Armageddon is
Megiddo, but others see no relationship between the two names
except that they sound alike. This word (Armageddon) could be
taken as a symbolic expression used by the Scriptures to refer
to a worldwide battle in the great day of God.
A comparison of Revelation 16:13, 14 with other Scripture
passages and with pertinent paragraphs from the spirit of
prophecy leads to the following conclusions about Armaged-
1. It is a battle between truth and error.
2. It is a conflict between Christ and Satan.
3. The fallen angels will be aligned with their leader, Satan.
4. The struggle will be directed against the children of God
and will bring about a great persecution.
5. The three apostate powers will participate actively in it.
6. These three powers, allied under the prince of darkness,
will level their attack at God and Christ in the person of His
faithful children. They will require all to receive the mark of the
beast (Rev. 13:16) and will rely on the aid of kings (governments)
to enforce their decrees (Rev. 16:14).
7. The forces of evil will be destroyed in the lake of fire and
the chidren of God will be liberated.
Armageddon is one of the final episodes in the conflict be-
tween good and evil, between truth and error, between Christ
and Satan with their respective followings of angels and men.

THINK IT THROUGH Am I developing now the spiritual strength I need in order to

keep true to Christ in persecution and threat of death?

FURTHER STUDY Ellen G. White Comments, S.D.A. Bible Commentary, vol. 7,

pp. 982, 983.

The Battle of Armageddon LESSON 10 ❑ Tuesday
June 5

Part 3 What figure does John use in Revelation 19 to describe the

WHAT same conflict and the powers engaged in it?
IS—II "I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he
that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righ-
teousness he doth judge and make war. . . . And he was
clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called
The Word of God. And the armies which were in heaven fol-
lowed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and
clean" (Rev. 19:11-14).

Read this complete Bible paragraph (Rev. 19:11-16). Note the

description of Christ and the armies of heaven making war
against the kings of the earth, their armies, and the beast and
the false prophet. (See verses 18, 19.)
The contending forces in the conflict will be formed, there-
fore, of the following: (1) Those arrayed against God; namely,
Satan, the demons, the three politicoreligious persecuting
powers, the kings of the earth, and the nations (wicked men). (2)
Those allied with God; namely, Christ and His angels and the
righteous of earth who uphold truth and profess loyalty to the
Creator and His law.
"The last great conflict between truth and error is but the final
struggle of the long-standing controversy concerning the law of
God."—The Great Controversy, p. 582.
"We need to study the pouring out of the seventh vial. The
powers of evil will not yield up the conflict without a struggle.
But Providence has a part to act in the battle of Armageddon.
When the earth is lighted with the glory of the angel of Revela-
tion eighteen, the religious elements, good and evil, will awake
from slumber, and the armies of the living God will take the
field."—Ellen G. White Comments, S.D.A. Bible Commentary,
vol. 7, p. 983.
"A terrible conflict is before us. We are nearing the battle of
the great day of God Almighty. That which has been held in
control is to be let loose."... The earth is to be the battlefield—
the scene of the final contest and the final victory. Here, where
for so long Satan has led men against God, rebellion is to be
forever supressed."—Ellen G. White, Review and Herald, May
13, 1902.

THINK IT THROUGH Where shall Armageddon find me and my family? There

shall be no neutral place in that day. Am I wholeheartedly
enrolled under the banner of Emmanuel, or by my lukewarm
attitude have I divided interests? (See Matt. 12:30.)

The Battle of Armageddon LESSON 10 ❑ Wednesday
June 6

Part 4 What relation do you see between Armageddon and the

DESPAIR OF following Old Testament passages?
"The Lord cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants
of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her
blood, and shall no more cover her slain" (Isa. 26:21).
"This shall be the plague wherewith the Lord will smite all
the people that have fought against Jerusalem" (Zech. 14:12).

(Read the remainder of verse 12 and verse 13.)

What are some of the feelings of the impenitent when they see
the result of their decisions? "Many of the wicked were greatly
enraged as they suffered the effects of the plagues. It was a
scene of fearful agony. Parents were bitterly reproaching their
children, and children their parents, brothers their sisters, and
sisters their brothers. Loud, wailing cries were heard in every
direction, 'It was you who kept me from receiving the truth
which would have saved me from this awful hour.' The people
turned upon their ministers with bitter hate and reproached
them, saying, 'You have not warned us. You told us that all the
world was to be converted, and cried, Peace, peace, to quiet
every fear that was aroused. You have not told us of this hour;
and those who warned us of it you declared to be fanatics and
evil men, who would ruin us.' But I saw that the ministers did not
escape the wrath of God. Their suffering was tenfold greater
than that of their people."—Early Writings, p. 282.
"The people see that they have been deluded. They accuse
one another of having led them to destruction; but all unite in
heaping their bitterest condemnation upon the ministers. Un-
faithful pastors have prophesied smooth things; they have led
their hearers to make void the law of God and to persecute those
who would keep it holy. Now, in their despair, these teachers
confess before the world their work of deception. The mul-
titudes are filled with fury. 'We are lost!' they cry, 'and you are
the cause of our ruin;' and they turn upon the false shepherds.
The very ones that once admired them most will pronounce the
most dreadful curses upon them. The very hands that once
crowned them with laurels will be raised for their destruction.
The swords which were to slay God's people are now employed
to destroy their enemies. Everywhere there is strife and
bloodshed."—The Great Controversy, pp. 655, 656.

THINK IT THROUGH "When the voice of God turns the captivity of His people,
there is a terrible awakening of those who have lost all in the
great conflict of life.... The result is, their lives are a failure;
their pleasures are now turned to gall, their treasures to cor-
ruption. The gain of a lifetime is swept away in a moment."—
The Great Controversy, p. 654.

The Battle of Armageddon LESSON 10 ❑ Thursday
June 7

Part 5 Study the description of the seventh plague.

OUTCOME "The seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and
there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the
throne, saying, It is done. And there were voices, and thun-
ders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such
as was not since men were upon the earth. . . . And great
Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her
the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath" (Rev.

(Read carefully verses 17 through 21.)

The great earthquake is not only a literal one, but also a
symbolic cataclysm that destroys spiritual Babylon. "The great
city [Babylon] was divided into three parts" (verse 19). Why?
Because that huge structure of error and deception was com-
posed of the threefold union of the great powers—the dragon,
the beast, and the false prophet.
But now, under the seventh plague, this unholy alliance loses
its coherence and is broken, and the three religious and politi-
cal forces begin to fight against each other.

What symbols are used in Revelation 19:11-16 to describe

the fierce battle between Christ and the world? What do they

What will be the outcome of Armageddon? Rev. 19:17-21.

An angel calls the fowls of heaven together in order to eat the

flesh of kings, captains, and mighty men. And John sees the
beast and the false prophet thrown into a lake of fire. This is not
the lake of fire that appears at the end of the millennium. He sees
the rest slain by the sword of the One that sat on the white horse.
As for the dragon, Satan himself and his devils will remain for
1000 more years on this devastated and solitary planet. They will
see the final results of their rebellion.
The victory of Jesus in the battle of Armageddon is absolute,
complete, and eternal. The liberation of the saints is final.

THINK IT THROUGH Why has God waited so long to bring an end to sin? Why will
He delay 1000 years more in destroying Satan and the evil

With this awful experience of sin, sorrow, and death, with the
complete development of the principles and plans of Satan, the
whole universe will have been effectively vaccinated against
sin. The wonderful love and justice of God will have been vindi-
cated forever, and the curse of sin will not arise the second time.

FURTHER STUDY The Great Controversy, pp. 653-661; Early Writings, p. 290.

The Battle of Armageddon LESSON 10 ❑ Friday
June 8

Part 6 What solemn admonition does Jesus give in connection

NOW IS with the events of Armageddon?
"Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and
keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his
shame" (Rev. 16:15).

The only way to withstand the hour of God's judgment, the

Battle of Armageddon, is to acquire the garments of heaven.
The time to buy the white raiment to cover our spiritual naked-
ness is now. When Armageddon comes, probation will have
To watch and keep on the garments of the righteousness of
Christ—both forgiveness and victory, both justification and
sanctification—requires a constant faith in Jesus. He is the only
One who can give us this beautiful robe. He is the only One who
can cleanse us from all unrighteousness through faith in Him
that includes confession of sin. Only He can transfer to us His
perfect character.

What did Jesus teach about the relationship between Him-

self and the believer? John 15:4, 5.

The branch has life in it and retains the possibility of having

flowers and bearing fruit as long as it continues to be a part of
the vine. As soon as it is cut off the vine, it dies. The same
happens with the child of God. The only possibility of having a
fruitful life is to abide in Christ, to be vitally united with Him, and
to depend upon Him every moment.
"Many have an idea that they must do some part of the work
alone. They have trusted in Christ for the forgiveness of sin, but
now they seek by their own efforts to live aright. But every such
effort must fail. Jesus says, 'Without Me ye can do nothing.' Our
growth in grace, our joy, our usefulness,—all depend upon our
union with Christ. It is by communion with Him, daily, hourly,—
by abiding in Him,—that we are to grow in grace. He is not only
the Author, but the Finisher of our faith. It is Christ first and last
and always. He is to be with us, not only at the beginning and the
end of our course, but at every step of the way. David says, 'I
have set the Lord always before me: because He is at my right
hand, I shall not be moved.' Psalm 16:8."—Steps to Christ, p. 69.

THINK IT THROUGH What is the specific meaning of abiding in Christ? How do

we become united with Christ in a contact as close as the
branch and the vine?

FURTHER STUDY Steps to Christ, "Growing Up Into Christ," pp. 67-75.

LESSON 11 June 10-16

"The Lord is not slack concerning should come to repentance." On the

his promise, as some men count other hand, the Spirit of the Lord
slackness; but is longsuffering to "shall not always strive with man."
us-ward, not willing that any should In this lesson we will witness the
perish, but that all should come to marvelous intervention of God and
repentance" (2 Peter 3:9). the final liberation of the saints at
the time of the seventh plague. The
It has never been the plan of day of doom and destruction for the
God that sorrow, pain, and suffering impenitent world, hardened in sin,
should exist in the universe. When He will be the day of joy and happiness
made man, He made him in His own for the children of God, who for
image. His eternal plan was that the such a long time suffered for their
more man lived, the more he would Master and endured the tempest of
reflect those divine characteristics persecution but remained loyal.
that bring happiness, joy, and peace.
But when sin entered into the picture,
the plans of heaven were temporarily
disrupted, and the original intention
of God had to be postponed.
Sin has spoiled the beauty and
happiness the Lord wanted man to
enjoy from the very beginning.
Nevertheless, God did not give up His
plan for a happy, holy human family.
For this reason God will intervene in
our world to destroy sorrow and sin.
We as the church of God are to
cooperate with Him in consummating
His wonderful agelong promises. If
the individuals in the church had
trusted fully in Jesus and proclaimed
the gospel of redemption to the
world, Jesus long ago could have
brought the end of evil. And if we
are still in this world, it is because DAILY HIGHLIGHTS
we did not believe strongly enough to 1. The Seventh Plague
cooperate with God in living and (Rev. 16:17-21)
witnessing. 2. At the Hour of Utmost Extremity
In spite of our past failure God's (Ps. 37:40)
work will be finished. There will 3. Cataclysmic Events—I
come an end to the agony of this (Rev. 16:17-21)
planet of rebellious people. The only 4. A Sudden Change in the Scene
reason why He seemingly delayed His (Rev. 16:17)
supernatural intervention is not 5. Cataclysmic Events—II
because He is "slack concerning his (Ps. 76:7-9)
promise," but because He "is 6. The Advent
longsuffering to us-ward, not willing (Rev. 1:7; Jude 14, 15;
that any should perish, but that all Matt. 24:30, 31)
Liberation of the Church Lesson 11 ❑ Sunday
June 10

Part 1 In Revelation 16:17-21 seven events are mentioned in connec-

THE SEVENTH tion with the seventh plague:
PLAGUE 1. A great voice from heaven proclaims, "It is done." This is
the very last hour of turmoil and destruction. It is the hour of the
judgment of God on the inhabitants of this world.
2. There were lightnings, voices, and thunders. The mighty
elements of nature are used by the Lord to signify His disap-
proval of the behavior of the unjust who are about to destroy the
loyal children of God.
3. A gigantic earthquake, the greatest in human history,
shakes the earth.
4. The great city, spiritual Babylon—the alliance of confusion
and apostate spiritual powers—is divided into three parts. In
other words, the three great powers that up to this point were
united in fighting against God, the truth, and the saints—
spiritualism, Romanism, and apostate Protestantism—now pull
aside from each other and begin fighting against each other,
thus producing the destruction of Babylon.
5. The other "cities of the nations" fall. The whole world is in
gigantic turmoil.
6. Islands flee, and mountains disappear. The actual physical
shape of this planet changes.
7. Hail falls from heaven, each hailstone the weight of a
talent, which is about 66 pounds or 30 kilograms.
This is the awesome picture of the hour of the judgments of
God in which this world will be destroyed.
But the most important aspect of all this scene is that the
children of God will be liberated at the destruction of the impen-

THINK IT THROUGH What will determine whether I will be with the happy people
of God, who are liberated during the seventh plague, or with
the great majority, that will be destroyed? Is it safe for me to
postpone my surrender and my taking full advantage of the
grace and mercy of God? (See Ps. 95:7, 8.)

FURTHER STUDY S.D.A. Bible Commentary, vol. 7, pp. 846-848.

Liberation of the Church LESSON 11 ❑ Monday
June 11

Part 2 Read Ps. 37:40.

OF UTMOST It will be midnight, as the death decree becomes effective and
EXTREMITY the wicked are about to destroy the children of God, when the
God of heaven intervenes in an unprecedented way to liberate
the saints. At the "hour of utmost extremity" God will protect
His own and will destroy the sinners.
"The Lord is doing His work. All heaven is astir. The Judge of
all the earth is soon to arise and vindicate His insulted authority.
The mark of deliverance will be set upon the men who keep
God's commandments, who revere His law, and who refuse the
mark of the beast or of his image."—Testimonies, vol. 5, pp. 451,
"When the defiance of the law of Jehovah shall be almost
universal, when his people shall be pressed in affliction by their
fellow men, God will interpose. The fervent prayers of his people
will be answered."—Ellen G. White, Review and Herald, June
15, 1897.
"The people of God—some in prison cells, some hidden in
solitary retreats in the forests and the mountains—still plead for
divine protection, while in every quarter companies of armed
men, urged on by hosts of evil angels, are preparing for the work
of death. It is now, in the hour of utmost extremity, that the God
of Israel will interpose for the deliverance of His chosen."—The
Great Controversy, p. 635.
"Then all the saints cried out with anguish of spirit, and were
delivered by the voice of God. The 144,000 triumphed. Their
faces were lighted up with the glory of God."—Early Writings,
p. 37.
"Satan's host and wicked men will surround them, and exult
over them, because there will seem to be no way of escape for
them. But in the midst of their revelry and triumph, there is
heard peal upon peal of the loudest thunder. The heavens have
gathered blackness, and are only illuminated by the blazing
light and terrible glory from heaven, as God utters His voice
from His holy habitation.
"The foundations of the earth shake; buildings totter and fall
with a terrible crash. The sea boils like a pot, and the whole earth
is in terrible commotion. The captivity of the righteous is turned,
and with sweet and solemn whisperings they say to one
another: 'We are delivered. It is the voice of God.' "—Testi-
monies, vol. 1, p. 354.

THINK IT THROUGH God also can intervene in a merciful and miraculous way in
our own personal life, at the hour of utmost extremity, to solve
our biggest problems if we trust Him and depend on Him.

FURTHER STUDY Early Writings, pp. 33, 34.

Liberation of the Church LESSON 11 ❑ Tuesday
June 12

Part 3 Five of the seven events that we have noted in Revelation

CATACLYSMIC 16:17-21 are happenings in nature. Read this passage again.
EVENTS—I These events lead up to the coming of Jesus.
Compare the events named in Revelation 16:17-21 with those
given in Revelation 6:14-17. It is during these events that the
faithful believers are liberated.
Ellen White makes these further comments on the events in
nature under the seventh plague:
"With shouts of triumph, jeering, and imprecation, throngs of
evil men are about to rush upon their prey, when, lo, a dense
blackness, deeper than the darkness of the night, falls upon the
earth. Then a rainbow, shining with the glory from the throne of
God, spans the heavens and seems to encircle each praying
company. The angry multitudes are suddenly arrested. Their
mocking cries die away. The objects of their murderous rage are
forgotten. With fearful forebodings they gaze upon the symbol
of God's covenant and long to be shielded from its overpower-
ing brightness."—The Great Controversy, pp. 635, 636.
"Then the sun, moon, and stars will be moved out of their
places. They will not pass away, but be shaken by the voice of
God."—Early Writings, p. 41.
"Signs and wonders followed in quick succession. Every-
thing seemed turned out of its natural course. The streams
ceased to flow. Dark, heavy clouds came up and clashed against
each other."—Early Writings, p. 285.
But through all of these catastrophes the redeemed will be
protected. "Christ has spoken: 'Come, My people, enter thou
into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself
as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast.
For, behold, the Lord cometh out of His place to punish the
inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity.' Isaiah 26:20, 21.
Glorious will be the deliverance of those who have patiently
waited for His coming and whose names are written in the book
of life."—The Great Controversy, p. 634.

THINK IT THROUGH By the grace of God I choose to be among God's redeemed


FURTHER STUDY The Great Controversy, pp. 635-637.

Liberation of the Church LESSON 11 ❑ Wednesday
June 13

Part 4 During the seventh plague, what proclamation proceeds

A SUDDEN from God's throne?
THE SCENE "There came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from
the throne, saying, It is done" (Rev. 16:17).

The declaration "It is done" will be spoken at the midnight

manifestation of God's power in nature. Amid the confusion
there will come a moment of assurance to God's people. Ellen
White describes it thus:
"By the people of God a voice, clear and melodious, is heard,
saying, 'Look up,' and lifting their eyes to the heavens, they
behold the bow of promise. The black, angry clouds that cov-
ered the firmament are parted, and like Stephen they look up
steadfastly into heaven and see the glory of God and the Son of
man seated upon His throne. In His divine form they discern the
marks of His humiliation; and from His lips they hear the request
presented before His Father and the holy angels: 'I will that they
also, whom Thou hast given Me, be with Me where I am.' John
17:24. Again a voice, musical and triumphant, is heard, saying:
'They come! they come! holy, harmless, and undefiled. They
have kept the word of My patience; they shall walk among the
angels;' and the pale, quivering lips of those who have held fast
their faith utter a shout of victory."—The Great Controversy,
p. 636.
"The Israel of God stood with their eyes fixed upward, listen-
ing to the words as they came from the mouth of Jehovah and
rolled through the earth like peals of loudest thunder. It was
awfully solemn. At the end of every sentence the saints shouted,
'Glory! Hallelujah!' Their countenances were lighted up with the
glory of God, and they shone with glory as did the face of Moses
when he came down from Sinai. The wicked could not look
upon them for the glory. And when the never-ending blessing
was pronounced on those who had honored God in keeping His
Sabbath holy, there was a mighty shout of victory over the beast
and over his image."—The Story of Redemption, pp. 409, 410.

THINK IT THROUGH Do I have the anticipation for Jesus' return reflected in the
words of Isaiah: "It shall be said in that day, Lo, this is our God;
we have waited for him, and he will save us; this is the Lord;
we have waited for him, we will be glad and rejoice in his
salvation" (Isa. 25:9)?

FURTHER STUDY The Great Controversy, pp. 638-640.

Liberation of the Church LESSON 11 ❑ Thursday
June 14

Part 5 What assurance can we gain today from the experience

CATACLYSMIC mentioned in Psalm 76?
"Thou, even thou, art to be feared: and who may stand in thy
sight when once thou art angry? Thou didst cause judgment to
be heard from heaven; the earth feared, and was still, when
God arose to judgment, to save all the meek of the earth" (Ps.

After the declaration "It is done," the convulsion of nature will

"That voice [the voice of the Lord saying, "It is done"] shakes
the heavens and the earth. There is a mighty earthquake, 'such
as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earth-
quake, and so great.' Verses 17, 18. The firmament appears to
open and shut. The glory from the throne of God seems flashing
through. The mountains shake like a reed in the wind, and
ragged rocks are scattered on every side. There is a roar as of a
coming tempest. The sea is lashed into fury. There is heard the
shriek of a hurricane like the voice of demons upon a mission of
destruction. The whole earth heaves and swells like the waves
of the sea. Its surface is breaking up. Its very foundations seem
to be giving way. Mountain chains are sinking. Inhabited islands
disappear. The seaports that have become like Sodom for wick-
edness are swallowed up by the angry waters. Babylon the great
has come in remembrance before God, `to give unto her the cup
of the wine of the fierceness of His wrath.' Great hailstones,
every one 'about the weight of a talent,' are doing their work of
destruction. Verses 19, 21. The proudest cities of the earth are
laid low. The lordly palaces, upon which the world's great men
have lavished their wealth in order to glorify themselves, are
crumbling to ruin before their eyes. Prison walls are rent asun-
der, and God's people, who have been held in bondage for their
faith, are set free."—The Great Controversy, pp. 636, 637.

THINK IT THROUGH God is as interested in helping and delivering each one of us

now in our day-to-day problems and trials as He will be at the
final hour of history.

FURTHER STUDY The Great Controversy, pp. 641-643.

Liberation of the Church LESSON 11 ❑ Friday
June 15

Part 6 The events that we have studied thus far this week precede
THE ADVENT the coming of Jesus by only a very short time. The actual coming
of Jesus is described in several Bible passages. These will be
familiar to most who study this lesson, but a review of them can
make them even more familiar and call our attention again to
the one great event to which we look forward.

What is known about Jesus' coming? Rev. 1:7

What further information do you find in Jude 14, 15?

Read Matthew 24:30, 31. What do the angels do?

Can you find two other texts that give details about Jesus'

"Christ will come in His own glory, in the glory of His Father,
and the glory of the holy angels. Ten thousand times ten
thousand, and thousands of thousands of angels, the beautiful
and triumphant sons of God, possessing surpassing loveliness
and glory, will escort Him on His way. Then shall He sit upon the
throne of His glory, and before Him shall be gathered all nations.
Then every eye shall see Him, and they also that pierced Him. In
the place of a crown of thorns, He will wear a crown of glory,—a
crown within a crown. In place of that old purple kingly robe, He
will be clothed in raiment of whitest white, 'so as no fuller on
earth can white them.' Mark 9:3. And on His vesture and on His
thigh a name will be written, 'King of kings, and Lord of lords.'
Rev. 19:16."—The Desire of Ages, p. 739.
"All heaven will be emptied of the angels. The waiting saints
will be looking for Him, and gazing into heaven, as were the
'men of Galilee' when He ascended from the Mount of Olivet.
Then, those only who are holy, those who have followed fully the
meek Pattern will, with rapturous joy, exclaim as they behold
Him, 'Lo, this is our God; we have waited for him, and he will
save us.' And they will be changed 'in a moment, in the twinkling
of an eye, at the last trump,' that wakes the sleeping saints, and
calls them forth from their dusty beds, clothed with glorious
immortality, shouting Victory! Victory! over death and the
grave. The changed saints are caught up together with them to
meet the Lord in the air, never more to be separated from the
object of their love."—Sons and Daughters of God, p. 360.

THINK IT THROUGH Christians count any present so-called sacrifice worthwhile

in order for them to be counted among the blessed company
of the people of God in that wonderful day.

FURTHER STUDY The Great Controversy, pp. 644-652.

LESSON 12 June 17-23

"Ye shall have a song, as in the during these times of comparative

night when a holy solemnity is kept; calm and serenity so that when the
and gladness of heart, as when one great day of God comes, we may keep
goeth with a pipe to come into the our confidence in the One who never
mountain of the Lord, to the mighty fails and is exceedingly powerful and
One of Israel. And the Lord shall capable of giving us much more than
cause his glorious voice to be heard, we can ask or think.
and shall shew the lighting down When by the grace of God we shall
of his arm, with the indignation of see Jesus riding on clouds of glory
his anger, and with the flame of a and accompanied by all His holy
devouring fire, with scattering, and angels, all our past afflictions will
tempest, and hailstones" (Isa. look insignificant. When we approach
30:29, 30). the pearly gates of the New Jerusalem,
led by the great Captain of our
As a climax to the supernatural salvation, we will praise Him who is
intervention of heaven in the affairs of our victory. We will give Him all the
this sinful world, the King of kings and honor and the glory, because with His
Lord of lords appears in His glorious inspiring life and His vicarious death
second coming. He saved us, forgiving our sins and
In this lesson we will review some transforming our character for
of the dramatic events that take place heaven.
immediately before the second
coming of Jesus.
The reason for this study is,
naturally, to have as exact an idea
as possible of the magnitude and the
sequence of these phenomena, as
appear evident from the analysis of
the Bible texts and of the spirit of
prophecy writings. And let us say, by
the way, that we have tried to include
this week as many quotations from
Ellen G. White's writings as possible,
since the servant of the Lord saw all
those appalling scenes and was
overwhelmed by a clear vision of the DAILY HIGHLIGHTS
reality. This is why she was in a 1. A Partial Resurrection
position to write with accuracy and (Dan. 12:2; Rev. 1:7)
knowledge, enlarging on the brief 2. Two Groups
statements and descriptions that we (Ps. 46:1-3)
find in the Word of God. 3. The Glorious Second Coming
What we really need, though, is not • (Matt. 24: 27)
only a theoretical knowledge of these 4. Four Great Events
majestic happenings, but a (Isa. 25:8, 9)
reassurance of the absolute certainty 5. Toward the Pearly Gates
of the prophecies and promises of (Rev. 1:5, 6)
God for this great hour. We need to 6. How to Make Sure of Our
develop and strengthen our faith Participation (Rev. 12:11)
The Second Coming LESSON 12 ❑ Sunday
June 17

Part 1 What points in the following verses indicate a partial resur-

A PARTIAL rection of the wicked at the second advent?
"Many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall
awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and
everlasting contempt" (Dan. 12:2).
"Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see
him, and they also which pierced him" (Rev. 1:7).

"Graves are opened, and 'many of them that sleep in the dust
of the earth . . . awake, some to everlasting life, and some to
shame and everlasting contempt.' Daniel 12:2. All who have
died in the faith of the third angel's message come forth from
the tomb glorified, to hear God's covenant of peace with those
who have kept His law. 'They also which pierced Him' (Revela-
tion 1:7), those that mocked and derided Christ's dying agonies,
and the most violent opposers of His truth and His people, are
raised to behold Him in His glory and to see the honor placed
upon the loyal and obedient.
"Thick clouds still cover the sky; yet the sun now and then
breaks through, appearing like the avenging eye of Jehovah.
Fierce lightnings leap from the heavens, enveloping the earth in
a sheet of flame. Above the terrific roar of thunder, voices,
mysterious and awful, declare the doom of the wicked. The
words spoken are not comprehended by all; but they are dis-
tinctly understood by the false teachers. Those who a little
before were so reckless, so boastful and defiant, so exultant in
their cruelty to God's commandment-keeping people, are now
overwhelmed with consternation and shuddering in fear. Their
wails are heard above the sound of the elements. Demons ac-
knowledge the deity of Christ and tremble before His power,
while men are supplicating for mercy and groveling in abject
terror."—The Great Controversy, pp. 637, 638.

What descriptions from Isaiah 2:10-12, 20, 21, written for

Judah, are also applicable to the second advent?

Many people have exalted their own opinions and ideas

above the law of God, and in their defiance they have perse-
cuted the righteous and have made preparation to kill them. Too
late they discover the result of their stubbornness, and with
great terror they cry to the mountains and to the rocks to fall on
them and hide them from the presence of Christ.

THINK IT THROUGH To what extent am I taking advantage of the opportunities

and privileges God gives me today so that, whether I live until
the advent or I die under the faith of the third angel's message,
I may be in the redeemed throng?

FURTHER STUDY Selected Messages, bk. 2, pp. 263, 264.

The Second Coming LESSON 12 ❑ Monday
June 18

Part 2 What is the comforting and encouraging promise that will be

TWO GROUPS fulfilled in the great day of the Lord?

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in

trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be re-
moved, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of
the sea; though the waters thereof roar and be troubled,
though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof" (Ps.

What will be the clear contrast between the two classes of


The world at that time will be divided into two classes of

people. They will stand in bold contrast to each other because
of the principle each holds. Ellen White wrote this description:
"Through a rift in the clouds there beams a star whose bril-
liancy is increased fourfold in contrast with the darkness. It
speaks hope and joy to the faithful, but severity and wrath to the
transgressors of God's law. Those who have sacrificed all for
Christ are now secure, hidden as in the secret of the Lord's
pavilion. . . .
.. The clouds sweep back, and the starry heavens are seen,
unspeakably glorious in contrast with the black and angry fir-
mament on either side. The glory of the celestial city streams
from the gates ajar. Then there appears against the sky a hand
holding two tables of stone folded together. Says the prophet:
'The heavens shall declare His righteousness: for God is judge
Himself.' Psalm 50:6. That holy law, God's righteousness, that
amid thunder and flame was proclaimed from Sinai as the guide
of life, is now,revealed to men as the rule of judgment. The hand
opens the tables, and there are seen the precepts of the Dec-
alogue, traced as with a pen of fire."—The Great Controversy,
pp. 638, 639.
"The Lord here [in the story of Enoch] teaches a lesson of the
greatest importance by the translation of Enoch, a descendant
of fallen Adam, that all would be rewarded, who by faith would
rely upon the promised Sacrifice and faithfully obey His com-
mandments. Two classes are here again represented which
were to exist until the second coming of Christ—the righteous
and the wicked, the rebellious and the loyal. God will remember
the righteous, who fear Him. On account of His dear Son He will
respect and honor them and give them everlasting life. But the
wicked, who trample upon His authority, He will cut off and
destroy from the earth, and they will be as though they had not
been."—The Story of Redemption, pp. 59, 60.

THINK IT THROUGH The same star that appears in the darkened heavens and
speaks hope and joy to the faithful conveys the wrath of God
and destruction to the unfaithful. How does this same princi-
ple apply to God's revelation today?
The Second Coming LESSON 12 ❑ Tuesday
June 19

Part 3 What illustration did Jesus use to describe His second corn-
"As the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even
unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be"
(Matt. 24:27).

What will the voice of God proclaim very shortly before

Christ's actual coming?

"The voice of God is heard from heaven, declaring the day

and hour of Jesus' coming, and delivering the everlasting cov-
enant to His people. Like peals of loudest thunder His words roll
through the earth. The Israel of God stand listening, with their
eyes fixed upward. Their countenances are lighted up with His
glory, and shine as did the face of Moses when he came down
from Sinai. The wicked cannot look upon them. And when the
blessing is pronounced on those who have honored God by
keeping His Sabbath holy, there is a mighty shout of victory."—
The Great Controversy, p. 640.

How is the approach of the King of kings described?

"Soon there appears in the east a small black cloud, about

half the size of a man's hand. It is the cloud which surrounds the
Saviour and which seems in the distance to be shrouded in
darkness. The people of God know this to be the sign of the Son
of man. In solemn silence they gaze upon it as it draws nearer
the earth, becoming lighter and more glorious, until it is a great
white cloud, its base a glory like consuming fire, and above it the
rainbow of the covenant. Jesus rides forth as a mighty con-
queror. Not now a 'Man of Sorrows,' to drink the bitter cup of
shame and woe, He comes, victor in heaven and earth, to judge
the living and the dead.... With anthems of celestial melody the
holy angels, a vast, unnumbered throng, attend Him on His way.
The firmament seems filled with radiant forms—'ten thousand
times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands.' No human
pen can portray the scene; no mortal mind is adequate to con-
ceive its splendor. . . . As the living cloud comes still nearer,
every eye beholds the Prince of life. No crown of thorns now
mars that sacred head; but a diadem of glory rests on His holy
brow. His countenance outshines the dazzling brightness of the
noonday sun. 'And He hath on His vesture and on His thigh a
name written, King of kings, and Lord of lords.' Revelation
19:16."—The Great Controversy, pp. 640, 641.

What will be the attitude of the wicked toward the advent?

Rev. 6:15-17.

The Second Coming LESSON 12 ❑ Wednesday
June 20

Part 4 What will be the joyous exclamation of the children of God

FOUR GREAT when death is swallowed up in victory at the advent?
"He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord God will
wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of his
people shall he take away from off all the earth: for the Lord
hath spoken it. And it shall be said in that day, Lo, this is our
God; we have waited for him, and he will save us: this is the
Lord; we have waited for him, we will be glad and rejoice in his
salvation" (Isa. 25:8, 9).

What are the great events that will take place at the time of
Jesus' coming?

1. General resurrection of the righteous (1 Thess. 4:15-17).

This is the general resurrection of the saved after the partial one
that occurred earlier.
2. Glorification of the living saints (1 Cor. 15:51, 52).
3. Both groups are caught up to meet the Lord (1 Thess.
4. The wicked living are destroyed (2 Thess. 2:8).
This is how the pen of inspiration describes these events:
"Amid the reeling of the earth, the flash of lightning, and the
roar of thunder, the voice of the Son of God calls forth the
sleeping saints. He looks upon the graves of the righteous, then,
raising His hands to heaven, He cries: 'Awake, awake, awake, ye
that steep in the dust, and arise!' Throughout the length and
breadth of the earth the dead shall hear that voice, and they that
hear shall live. And the whole earth shall ring with the tread of
the exceeding great army of every nation, kindred, tongUe, and
people. . . .
"The living righteous are changed 'in a moment, in the twin-
kling of an eye.' At the voice of God they were glorified; now they
are made immortal and with the risen saints are caught up to
meet their Lord in the air. Angels 'gather together His elect from
the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.' Little
children are borne by holy angels to their mothers' arms.
Friends long separated by death are united, nevermore to part,
and with songs of gladness ascend together to the City of
God."—The Great Controversy, pp. 644, 645.

THINK IT THROUGH Have I ever really stopped to think about myself being
caught up in the clouds in heaven, following Jesus to the
celestial city? Did I ever imagine myself being in this real and
most happy situation? What kind of feelings did it arouse in
me toward God and Jesus?

FURTHER STUDY Early Writings, pp. 288, 289.

The Second Coming LESSON 12 ❑ Thursday
June 21

Part 5 What is the reason the redeemed can be part of Christ's

TOWARD THE kingdom?
"Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his
own blood, and hath made us kings and priests unto God and
his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever"
(Rev. 1:5, 6).

What does the Saviour bestow upon His followers before

entering the city of God?

"On each side of the cloudy chariot are wings, and beneath it
are living wheels; and as the chariot rolls upward, the wheels
cry, 'Holy,' and the wings, as they move, cry, 'Holy,' and the
retinue of angels cry, 'Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty.' And
the redeemed shout, 'Alleluia!' as the chariot moves onward
toward the New Jerusalem.
"Before entering the City of God, the Saviour bestows upon
His followers the emblems of victory and invests them with the
insignia of their royal state. The glittering ranks are drawn up in
the form of a hollow square about their King, whose form rises
in majesty high above saint and angel, whose countenance
beams upon them full of benignant love. Throughout the un-
numbered host of the redeemed every glance is fixed upon Him,
every eye beholds His glory whose 'visage was so marred more
than any man, and His form more than the sons of men.' Upon
the heads of the overcomers, Jesus with His own right hand
places the crown of glory. For each there is a crown, bearing his
own 'new name' (Revelation 2:17), and the inscription, 'Holi-
ness to the Lord.' . . .
"Before the ransomed throng is the Holy City. Jesus opens
wide the pearly gates, and the nations that have kept the truth
enter in. There they behold the Paradise of God, the home of
Adam in his innocency. Then that voice, richer than any music
that ever fell on mortal ear, is heard, saying: 'Your conflict is
ended."Come, ye blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom
prepared for you from the foundation of the world.' "—The
Great Controversy, pp. 645, 646.
"Jesus raised His mighty, glorious arm, laid hold of the pearly
gate, swung it back on its glittering hinges, and said to us, 'You
have washed your robes in My blood, stood stiffly for My truth,
enter in.' We all marched in and felt that we had a perfect right in
the city."—Early Writings, p. 17.

THINK IT THROUGH What do I learn from the fact that on the crown that Christ
gives to every victor there is written a new name and the
inscription: "Holiness to the Lord"? How can I acquire this
new name?

The Second Coming LESSON 12 ❑ Friday
June 22

Part 6 What is the only way of making sure of our participation in

HOW TO MAKE the glorious meeting with Christ and all the saints in the city of
"They overcame him [Satan] by the blood of the Lamb, and
by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives
unto the death" (Rev. 12:11).

God never asks us to do anything for which He has not made

ample provision. God is far above our enemy, and He has pro-
vided for our complete success.
But a constant fight is going on. The devil does not give up
easily. As long as we live, we have to behave as good soldiers of
Jesus; we must be valiant and take full advantage of the means
of grace that God has put at our disposal.

What is the human part in the plan of salvation? James 4:7,

last part.

"Sanctification is not the work of a moment, an hour, a day,

but a lifetime. It is not gained by a happy flight of feeling, but is
the result of constantly dying to sin, and constantly living for
Christ. Wrongs cannot be righted nor reformations wrought in
the character by feeble, intermittent efforts. It is only by long,
persevering effort, sore discipline, and stern conflict, that we
shall overcome."—The Acts of the Apostles, p. 560.

What must accompany the resisting of the devil? James 4:7,

first part.

Submission, surrender to God is the human part. It is impos-

sible to defeat the devil with our own efforts. Christ has to do it
for us, but He needs our cooperation.

On the other hand, in light of the last part of John 15:5, what
should we beware of?

"The Lord does nothing without our cooperation. When

Christ prayed, Father, keep them in Thy name, He did not mean
that we should neglect to keep ourselves in the love and faith of
God. Alive unto God, through a living union with Christ, we trust
in the promises, constantly gaining greater strength by behold-
ing Jesus."—Selected Messages, bk. 2, p. 236.

THINK IT THROUGH How completely do I depend of the power of God and on the
work of the Holy Spirit in my life? Have I learned how, by a
living faith in Jesus, to avail myself of His promise of making
me a partaker of the divine nature?

FURTHER STUDY The Acts of the Apostles, pp. 560-567.

LESSON 13 June 24-30

"Prepare to meet thy God, 0 elements are that will enable us to be

Israel" (Amos 4:12). under the protection of our heavenly
Father and to be continually in close
A mere knowledge of all the contact with Him, fully covered and
tremendous events that, in these last sheltered from every material and
days of human history, are going to spiritual danger and fully prepared
shake the world and also the church for His second coming.
in a mighty way is undoubtedly of
great importance. Nevertheless,
knowledge will not do us much good
if it does not lead us to a thorough
spiritual preparation that would
enable us to stand in the great day
of God and finally meet the Lord with
peace and joy.
The church of God at large is going
to be victorious one of these days. But
the plan of God is that every one of
us should achieve victory in his own
life, so that he may be identified with
the triumphant people of God.
The tendency now is to be deceived
regarding ourselves, to be lulled by
a deadly stupor. This is the natural
condition of Laodicea. But God wants
every one of us to get rid of this
lethal condition, similar to a physical
state of coma. The end is very near.
"The 'time of trouble, such as never
was,' " writes the servant of God,
"is soon to open upon us; and we
shall need an experience which we do
not now possess and which many are
too indolent to obtain."—The Great
Controversy, p. 622.
Our only hope of obtaining an DAILY HIGHLIGHTS
experience that may allow us to 1. An Experiential Knowledge
triumph is Christ. He is the great (John 17:3)
secret. He is the only way. 2. A Personal Relationship
In this lesson we want to specify (Col. 1:26, 27)
how we can take advantage of the 3. Christ's Rulership of Our Life
wonderful spiritual means with which (Gal. 2:20)
God has supplied us in order to let 4. The Role of the Will—Surrender
Jesus prepare us and give us the (Rev. 3:20)
victory that will put us in the necessary 5. The Great Source of Life
condition to meet the Lord in His (John 6:63)
great day. 6. Prayer and Watchfulness
We will review what the specific (Matt. 26:41)
Christ, Our Victory LESSON 13 ❑ Sunday
June 24

Part 1 What is the vital importance and necessity of having a

AN EXPERIENTIAL knowledge of God and of Christ?
"This is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true
God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent" (John 17:3).

Having a theoretical knowledge of the Word of God without

feeling its tremendous effect on one's character is not enough
for salvation. Understanding the doctrines without allowing the
truth to act upon the life in order to transform it will not do much
good either. The only thing that brings eternal life is a direct,
personal, and experiential knowledge of God as our loving
Father and of Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour and Friend.
With many Christians religion seems to be participation in a
series of formal activities and acceptance of a set of doctrines.
Unfortunately, even in our church there are many members who
go through the forms and who comply with the external acts of
worship. But they have not yet attained a firsthand knowledge of
and a loving, personal, daily relationship with God and with
Christ His Son. This knowledge and this relationship are sorely

What does the Lord say is to be the reason for glorying? Jer.
9:23, 24.

"This knowledge [of the loving-kindness and righteousness

of God] is the foundation of all true education and of all true
service. It is the only real safeguard against temptation; and it is
this alone that can make one like God in character. Through the
knowledge of God and of His Son Jesus Christ, are given to the
believer 'all things that pertain unto life and godliness.' . . .
". . Scarcely can the human mind comprehend the breadth
and depth and height of the spiritual attainments of him who
gains this knowledge."—The Acts of the Apostles, pp. 530, 531.

THINK IT THROUGH In what ways do I have a superficial spiritual experience?

How can I experience a closer relationship with Christ?

"The experimental knowledge of God and of Jesus Christ

whom He has sent, transforms man into the image of God. It
gives to man the mastery of himself, bringing every impulse and
passion of the lower nature under the control of the higher
powers of the mind. It makes its possessor a son of God and an
heir of heaven. It brings him into communion with the mind of
the Infinite, and opens to him the rich treasures of the
universe."—Christ's Object Lessons, p. 114.

FURTHER STUDY Christ's Object Lessons, "The Reward of Grace," pp. 400,

Christ, Our Victory LESSON 13 ❑ Monday
June 25

Part 2 What is the real essence of the gospel of Jesus and the plan
A PERSONAL of salvation?
"Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from
generations, but now is made manifest to his saints: to whom
God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this
mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope
of glory" (Col. 1:26, 27).

"Christ in you" is a very simple and wonderful formula for

attaining the highest spiritual stature. When He is in us, filling
our mind, living in our heart, He will be manifesting His charac-
ter, speaking His words, thinking His thoughts, living His life in
us. No human science, no psychology can explain it. It is a
mystery. Nevertheless, when we allow Christ to be in us, and
when we are in Him, the miracle begins to happen. And it keeps
on happening as long as this real union between the heart and
God exists.

With what appropriate and simple natural fact did Christ try
to illustrate this same great truth? John 15:4, 5.

In order for the branch to bear fruit, it has to grow on the vine.
It must be a part of the vine. As soon as the branch is severed
from the vine, the branch dies. The same happens to us if our
union with Christ, the true Vine, is severed.
"Will we put forth most earnest efforts to form this alliance
with Christ, through which alone these blessings are attained?
Will we break off our sins by righteousness and our iniquities by
turning unto the Lord? Skepticism and infidelity are wide-
spread. Christ asked the question: 'When the Son of man com-
eth, shall He find faith on the earth?' We must cherish a living,
active faith. The permanence of our faith is the condition of our
union."—Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 231.

In what other illustration did Jesus emphasize our need of

being constantly in close relationship with Him to attain vic-
tory in our Christian life? John 6:33, 35, 48.

When bread is eaten, it becomes part of the body, providing

nourishment to sustain a person's life. It is likewise with Christ
When He is received in human life and abides there, He gives
spiritual life and strength.

THINK IT THROUGH Since this Bread that came down from heaven is available
to every person, why is it that so many do not receive any
benefit from it?

FURTHER STUDY The Acts of the Apostles, pp. 476, 477.

Christ, Our Victory LESSON 13 ❑ Tuesday
June 26
Part 3 To what extent Is Jesus to take over the life of the believer?
RULERSHIP "I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live,
OF OUR LIFE but Christ who lives in me; and the life I now live in the flesh I
live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself
for me" (Gal. 2:20, RSV).

One of the great deceptions of Satan is to induce us to strug-

gle, by our own efforts, to overcome sin in our life. But our only
hope is Christ. When we let Him take over in our life, He brings
victory to our sin-sick souls.
"Each one will have a close struggle to overcome sin in his
own heart. This is at times a very painful and discouraging work;
because, as we see the deformities in our character, we keep
looking at them, when we should look to Jesus and put on the
robe of His righteousness. Everyone who enters the pearly
gates of the city of God will enter there as a conqueror, and his
greatest conquest will have been the conquest of self."—
Testimonies, vol. 9, pp. 182, 183.
"As long as Satan reigns we shall have self to subdue, beset-
ments to overcome, and there is no stopping place."—Ellen G.
White Comments, S.D.A. Bible Commentary, vol. 7, p. 947.
The apostle says: "I have been crucified with Christ." Self has
died. The throne of my heart has been vacated. The self has
been denied. "It is no longer I who live," he adds, "but Christ
who lives in me" (Gal. 2:20; RSV). Once I have vacated the
throne of my heart and surrendered completely to Him, plead-
ing with Him to be the Ruler of my life, then He comes and lives
in me. What a wonderful transfer of rulership! He brings along
with Him His love, His joy, His peace, His patience, His long-
suffering, His gentleness, His goodness, His faith, His meek-
ness, His self-control, and my life changes completely. It be-
comes a real, happy, and peaceful life; it becomes a godly life; it
becomes a victorious life.
The final statement of the verse is: "And the life I now live in
the flesh [my daily, practical, everyday life), I live by faith in the
Son of God." By faith I appropriate the victory. (See 1 John 5:4). I
do not look into myself, into my weaknesses and deformities. I
look to Jesus, and by faith I accept the character of Jesus, which
actually is incorporated into my being, changing my whole
behavior—my feelings, my thoughts, my intentions. Christ now
lives His life in me.

THINK IT THROUGH How would this change of rulership in my own life affect the
church as a whole? How would a spiritual renewal of this kind
affect fellow members of the family of God?

FURTHER STUDY The Ministry of Healing, p. 487.

Christ, Our Victory LESSON 13 ❑ Wednesday
June 27

Part 4 What is the experience symbolized in Revelation 3:20?

THE WILL— "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock; if any man hear my
SURRENDER voice, and open the door, I will come into him, and will sup with
him, and he with me" (Rev. 3:20).

God has made man a free moral entity, in His own image. Man
is responsible for his own acts. He is free because he has the
right and the ability to choose. God never forces the will. He will
never save us unless we desire to be saved. This is the opposite
of the way used by Satan.

How do other scriptures emphasize the vital role of the will?

Deut. 30:19; Matt. 16:24.

"Choose life." The only one who can choose for me is myself.
God has given me this freedom of choice; and, if it is rightly
used, no one has the right to deprive me of it.
"Let him deny himself" and decide to turn to Jesus. This is
really the only part the human being has in his own salvation.
The will, in the biblical sense, is not the power of changing our
own habits and our life, but the power of choice.
The spirit of prophecy explains the role of the human will in
conversion and the plan of salvation thus:
"Many are inquiring, 'How am I to make the surrender of
myself to God?' You desire to give yourself to Him, but you are
weak in moral power, in slavery to doubt, and controlled by the
habits of your life of sin. Your promises and resolutions are like
ropes of sand. You cannot control your thoughts, your im-
pulses, your affections. The knowledge of your broken prom-
ises and forfeited pledges weakens your confidence in your
own sincerity, and causes you to feel that God cannot accept
you; but you need not despair. What you need to understand is
the true force of the will. This is the governing power in the
nature of man, the power of decision, or of choice. Everything
depends on the right action of the will. The power of choice God
has given to men; it is theirs to exercise. You cannot change
your heart, you cannot of yourself give to God its affections; but
you can choose to serve Him. You can give Him your will; He will
then work in you to will and to do according to His good plea-
sure. Thus your whole nature will be brought under the control
of the Spirit of Christ; your affections will be centered upon Him,
your thoughts will be in harmony with Him."—Steps to Christ,
p. 47.

THINK IT THROUGH What can I do to strengthen my surrender to God, letting

Christ take over the rulership of my life?

FURTHER STUDY Christ's Object Lessons, "Talents" (Mental Faculties), p. 333.

Christ, Our Victory LESSON 13 ❑ Thursday
June 28

Part 5 According to Jesus' words, what is the great source of

THE GREAT spiritual life for the child of God?
"It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh is of no avail; the
words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life" (John 6:63,
Jesus had spoken of Himself as the bread of life (John 6:33,
35, 50, 51) in order to convey the idea that He is the only way of
salvation and life eternal. And then, to emphasize this thought,
He said: "He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal
life" (verse 54, RSV). But when some of the disciples did not
understand what He meant and began to take offense, He has-
tened to explain it further: "It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh,
is of no avail; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and
A close contact with Jesus through the words He spoke has
the power to give spiritual life and produce Christian growth
and maturity. When we open the Bible or the spirit of prophecy
with an open heart—reading and meditating on them, trying to
apply the messages to our own individual life—the Holy Spirit
makes a deep impression on our minds. He shows us more
clearly our spiritual needs. He makes more real the unfailing
promises of God. He strengthens our faith. He arouses in us the
desire to be like our blessed Master and prepares us to pray
more meaningfully and fervently. A spiritual hunger and thirst,
produced by the active power of the Holy Spirit, adds more
strength and power to our prayers.

In what other way does Jesus illustrate the tremendous

effect of the study and meditation of His Word? John 15:7.

Jesus had talked about the need for human beings to abide in
Him and He in them. This is the only way we can bear fruit. Then
He goes on to clarify that statement with verse 7: "If ye abide in
me, and my words abide in you."
The way forJesus to abide in our hearts is by letting His words
enter our hearts. While we spend precious moments with the
open Word of God or with the testimonies of His Spirit, we are
communicating with Heaven. We have our hearts open to the
influence of the Spirit, since the Word is "the sword of the
There is no way of knowing God or His Son in a personal way
aside from the study of the Word and meditation on it. This Word
speaks to our hearts with heavenly power. It conveys to us the
knowledge of God and of Christ; it nourishes our soul and gives
us the actual life of Christ.

THINK IT THROUGH How can I find more time for the study of the Bible?

FURTHER STUDY Steps to Christ, "A Knowledge of God," pp. 85-91.

Christ, Our Victory LESSON 13 ❑ Friday
June 29

Part 6 Why is the believer to watch and pray?

WATCHFULNESS "Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit
indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak" (Matt. 26:41).

No spiritual house of a child of God could be devoid of the

garden of prayer. No day of a victorious Christian could possibly
begin without a quiet visit to that wonderful garden, where the
soul meets with God.
There, in the quiet morning hour, we open our hearts to God.
We praise His name and let our feelings of gratitude pour forth
in a simple way. We thank Him for the many blessings He
bestows upon us, and especially for the wonderful gift of His
Son. We ask forgiveness for our sins, and by faith we receive
right there the cleansing from sin, and we are clothed in the
white robes of Christ's imputed righteousness.
There we acknowledge our spiritual deformities, our weak-
nesses, and our defects of character. Longing to receive in our
life the power of the indwelling Christ, we ask for the baptism of
the Holy Spirit, in order for Him to cleanse our life, soften our
mood, purify our thoughts, and fill us with love, patience, good-.
ness, gentleness, and meekness.
There, at the foot of the cross, praying with faith, looking to
our wonderful Saviour and trusting in His promises, we receive
grace enough to live the Christian life that day. We receive by
faith the imparted righteousness of Christ.
There we make intercession for our loved ones, for our fellow
workers, for our neighbors, for the leaders of our cause, and for
the people for whom we are working. There we again commit
ourselves to God; we surrender our hearts to Him; and we leave
our helpless souls in His tender care.
Aday begun with an hour of personal study of the Word and of
quiet and intimate talking with God will be a day of strength.
"By prayer, by the study of His word, by faith in His abiding
presence, the weakest of human beings may live in contact with
the living Christ, and He will hold them by a hand that will never
let go."—The Ministry of Healing, p. 182.
"Consecrate yourself to God in the morning; make this your
very first work. Let your prayer be, 'Take me, 0 Lord, as wholly
Thine. I lay my plans at Thy feet. Use me today in Thy service.
Abide with me, and let all my work be wrought in Thee.... Thus
day by day you may be giving your life into the hands of God, and
thus your life will be molded more and more after the life of
Christ."—Steps to Christ, p. 70.

THINK IT THROUGH How much time tomorrow will I dedicate to study and

FURTHER STUDY Steps to Christ, "The Privilege of Prayer," pp. 93-104.


Sabbath School members who have not received a copy of the Adult Lessons for the
third quarter of 1979 will be helped by the following outline in studying the first two
lessons. The title of the series is BE READY!

First Lesson
Memory Text, Isa. 64:6.
1. A Message of Love (Rev. 3:14, 15)
2. Lukewarmness (Rev. 3:15, 16)
3. Insipid Christians (Rev. 3:16)
4. Spiritual Self-satisfaction (Rev. 3:17-19)
5. Christ at the Door (Rev. 3:20)
6. Our Response (Rev. 3:22)

Second Lesson
Memory Text, Rev. 3:18.
1. "I counsel thee to buy of me" (Rev. 3:18)
2. "Gold tried in the fire" (Rev. 3:18)
3. "White raiment" (Rev. 3:18)
4. "Eyesalve" (Rev. 3:18)
5. "I rebuke and chasten" (Rev. 3:19)
6. "Be zealous . . . , and repent" (Rev. 3:19)

Lessons in Braille
The regular Adult Sabbath School Lessons are available free each month in
Braille and 16 2/3 rpm records to blind and physically handicapped persons
who cannot read normal inkprint. This includes individuals who because of
arthritis, multiple sclerosis, paralysis, accidents, old age, and so forth,
cannot hold or focus on normal inkprint publications. Contact the Christian
Record Braille Foundation, Box 6097, Lincoln, Nebraska 68506.

I A reform movement A

This order of events Sealing

preceding the end of
probation does not
imply chronological Latter rain
succession. These
events are to some Loud cry; end God's work
extent simultaneous
and will continue to Shaking
the close of proba-
tion. Early time of trouble

After 1844 there is no estab-

lished date for the fulfillment w Sunday law Death. decree Liberation
of Bible prophecy and no other
period defined in terms of
years; therefore none of the Four angels
events of this diagram can be release
dated. The only thing we can the winds
do is to determine their ap-
proximate relative positions. Leaving large Leaving small
But we are certain of this—that cities towns
we are very near the end of


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Union Population Me .
British 60,127,963 13 55 14,
Rnland 4,733,000 ,82 ,
Netherlands 13,700,000 , 0 2,899
Nigerian 59,044,582 38,921 94,236
Polish 34,000.000 4,043 4,551
Swedish 8,433,000 3,721 4,487
West African 28,520, 34,643 79,286
West Nordic 9,210 2 9,305 8,910
Icelandic Cont. 2 ,918 526 424
Division Totals

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