Lesson Objective:: Writing Assessment Focus 7
Lesson Objective:: Writing Assessment Focus 7
Lesson Objective:: Writing Assessment Focus 7
Lesson objective:
To meet this assessment focus, you must show that you can
Writing Assessment Focus 7 select and use a range of vocabulary, and make choices
according to purpose and audience.
Building ambitious vocabulary in writing Building ambitious vocabulary in writing
TASK: Now use your notes to help you write a description of a TASK: Use your notes to help you write a description of a
person where they are described as an animal. person where they are described as an animal.
For example, describing someone Choose any of the animals that WAF7
as a spider: you have made notes on and
develop your ideas into a Try to make original choices
He scuttled in, silent and spiky. Thinking point: description. that are unique
Weaving his way around the What effect do Use a thesaurus to help you
• a cat Consider the effect of
chairs, carefully plotting what these more
unusual word • a mouse choosing certain words on
he would do next.
choices have on • a spider your reader
Dressed in midnight black, his the reader? Read your work back to
• a monkey
frown was foreboding. The • a snake yourself or ask someone to
class fell silent, waiting and read through your ideas.
• a snail
Hear how your word choices
watchful. • or an animal of your choice. sound in your text
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