Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7
Inggris kelas 7
Untuk kalangan sendiri di lingkungan SMP
Negeri 9 Bontang
Puji syukur ke hadirat Allah swt atas limpahan rahmat dan hidayah-Nya,
sehingga saya dapat menyelesaikan Diktat Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 tanpa kendala
yang berarti.
Diktat ini berisi ringkasan materi dan latihan soal yang dapat digunakan oleh
siswa dan guru di dalam proses belajar mengajar. Materi dibuat dengan
memperbanyak gambar, dengan harapan siswa lebih tertarik dan mudah memahami
materi, karena ada beberapa siswa yang belum pernah belaar bahasa Inggris
sebelumnya sewaktu mereka belajar di SD.
Saya menyadari bahwa Diktat Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 ini masih jauh dari
sempurna. Untuk itu penyusun sangat mengharap kritikan dan saran dari berbagai
pihak demi kesempurnaan diktat ini.
Terima kasih dan penghargaan setinggi-tingginya saya sampaikan kepada:
Ibu Siti Chusuning Khayah, M.Pd selaku Kepala SMP Negeri 9 Bontang yang
senantiasa membimbing dan mengarahkan saya, dewan guru dan staf Tata Usaha,
serta semua pihak yang telah membantu saya sehingga diktat ini dapat selesai.
Semoga diktat ini bermanfaat bagi siswa dan guru di lingkungan SMP Negeri
9 Bontang.
Halaman Judul ……………………………………………. i
Halaman Pengesahan ……………………………………... ii
Identitas Guru …………………………………………….. iii
Kata Pengantar …………………………………………… iv
Daftar Isi ………………………………………………….. v
Tujuan …………………………………………………….. vii
Unit 1. Greeting, Introduction, Simple Present Tense (Nominal)
Greeting ……………………………………………. 1
Introduction ………………………………………... 4
Simple Present Tense ……………………………… 5
Unit 2. Numbers and Days, Months, Telling Time
Numbers and Days ………………………………… 8
Months …………………………………………….. 9
Telling Time ………………………………………. 12
Unit 3. Commands and Requests, Prohibitions, Announcements
Commands and Requests …………………………. 15
Prohibitions ……………………………………….. 18
Announcements …………………………………… 19
Unit 4. Apologizing, Preposition, Simple Present Tense (Verbal)
Apologizing ……………………………………… 31
Preposition ………………………………………. 33
Simple Present Tense (Verbal) …………………… 35
Unit 5. Pronoun. Modals, Giving Instruction
Pronoun …………………………………………… 38
Notices ……………………………………………. 42
Modals ………………………………… 50
Unit 6. Countable and Uncountable Noun, Quantifier
Countable and Uncountable Noun ……………….. 52
Quantifier ………………………. 57
Unit 7. Descriptive Text, Part of the Body
Descriptive Text ………………………………….. 58
Part of the Body ………………………………….. 64
Unit 8. Simple Past Tense ………………………………. 67
Latihan Ulangan Semester Ganjil 1 …………………….. 73
Latihan Ulangan Semester Ganjil 2 …………………….. 79
Latihan Ulangan Semester Ganjil 3 …………………….. 85
Daftar Pustaka …………………………………………... 95
Tujuan dari pembuatan diktat bahasa Inggris kelas 7 ini adalah :
1. Bagi Siswa
Membantu memahami dan menguasai materi, sehingga tujuan
pembelajaran dapat tercapai
Mengukur pemahaman dengan cara mengerjakan soal-soal yang
ada di diktat ini
Lebih tertarik dalam belajar bahasa Inggris
2. Bagi Guru
Membantu menyampaikan materi yang mudah dipahami siswa
Meningkatkan kompetensi pedagogik
Meningkatkan kreatifitas dan inovasi dalam pembelajaran
Diktat ini dilengkapi dengan ringkasan materi dan soal-soal latihan
yang memudahkan siswa dalam memahami materi bahasa Inggris.
Diktat ini juga dapat dipergunakan sebagai pelengkap/penunjang buku
paket yang digunakan di sekolah.
UNIT 1 Introduction
Simple Present Tense : Nominal
Activity 1
Look at the following pictures. Listen and
repeat. Pronounce the words correctly!
Morning Noon
Evening Night
Greetings Responses
Good morning Good morning
Good afternoon Good afternoon
Good evening Good evening
Good night Good night
Hello Hi
How are you? I’m fine, thanks. And you?
How have you been? I’m very well, thanks.
How is life? Not bad, thanks. You?
How is everything? Just fine, thank you.
What’s up? Not good. You?
How do you do? How do you do?
Leave Taking Responses
Nice to see you Nice to see you, too.
Glad to meet you Glad to meet you, too.
I’m happy meeting you Me too.
It’s great to meet you So do I.
It’s pleasure to see you It’s pleasure to see you, too.
Good to see you Good to see you, too.
Goodbye Bye-bye
See you later See you later
Have a nice day Have a nice day
Dialog 1
Arya : .........................................................?
Arya : ..........................................................
Dialog 2
Dialog 3
Teacher : ............................................?
I live in Taiwan.
I am I am
You are You are
They are They are
We are 12 years old. We are not 12 years
He is He is
She is She is
It is It is
I am I’m
You are You’re
They are They’re
We are We’re
He is He’s
She is She’s
It is It’s
Name : Bailee Madison Name : Agnes Monica Name : Lee Hyun Suk
City/Town : Birmingham City/Town : Jakarta City/Town : Seoul
State/Province : England State/Province : Jakarta State/Province : Korea
Country : United Kingdom Country : Indonesia Country : South Korea
Message : Message : Message :
Hi. I’m Bailee Madison. My name’s Agnes. I am 12 years Hello, I’m Lee.
I’m 13. And I’m in 7th grade. old. I like singing a lot. I also love I am 11 years old.
I like movies and music. sports. I have three sisters. I am not shy. I love
I have two brothers and a sister. I really love them. singing and dancing.
I only have a brother.
Yes/No Questions
Are you in Galileo Course Center? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
Are Alex and Joe best friends? Yes, they are. No, They’re not.
1. Alex :
( + ) Alex is popular with girls.
( - ) He’s not popular with girls.
( ? ) ...................................
2. Diane :
( + ) ...................................
( - ) She’s not shy.
( ? ) Is she shy?
3. Karen and Paul :
( + ) Karen and Paul are competitive.
( - ) ...........................................
( ? ) ...........................................
4. Lori and I :
( + ) ...........................................
( - ) We’re not serious students.
( ? ) ............................................
5. Uncle Smith :
( + ) ............................................
( - ) ............................................
( ? ) Is he in Los Angeles?
Note :
1 Complete the following names of the
1. M
2. T
3. W
4. T
5. F
6. S
7. S
8. When do you have English course at Galileo? It’s on .......................
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9.
6. _________________________?
I have lunch at ______________ .
7. _________________________ ?
I watch TV at ______________ .
8. _________________________ ?
I study Math at ______________ .
1. To give an order “Clean the whiteboard”
“Water the plant”
“Shut the door”
2. To make a polite request “Please, sit down”
“Come in, please”
“Please, be quiet”
Always use Don’t before Verb “Don’t open the window”
“Don’t swim at that lake”
Agree Refuse
OK Sure I’m afraid, I can’t.
Alright No problem I’m sorry.
Rita : Yes, it is. It seems that the Air Conditioning (1) ...............................
English Conversation Club (ECC)
is opening registration for new members
join us and improve your English!
Every Thursday from 16.00 to 17.00 at the school hall
For registration, please contact
Wayan (VIIA)
Anissa (VIIB)
This is a new school year and there are many new students arround.
Please be friendly and help them understand the rules of our school.
( Principal )
Mr. Prabandana
24. How many times does the English Conversation Club have a meeting
in a month?
A. next week C. once
B. every Tuesday D. twice
25. How long will the meeting be held?
A. C. Two and a half hour
B. 2.30 pm D. One and a half hour
26. The word “their” refers to…
A. English Conversation Club C. books
B. members of the club D. Dictionaries
42. “To show our empathy to the victims of the Merapi eruption....” The
underlined word means ....
A. feeling
B. sadness
C. abilty
D. compassion
43. Who will give donations to the refugees of the disaster?
A. The principal
B. Students Assocation
C. School Committee
D. Students Association and School Committe
44. When will the donations be given to the refugees?
A. November 8th 2013
B. November 9th 2013
1. I apologize
2. I'm really sorry
3. I'm so sorry
4. I'm sorry
5. I'm sorry but...
6. Sorry
7. my fault
8. (I'm) sorry if...
9. I (really) must apologize
10. I hope you can forgive me (one day)
11. I wasn't doing my job
12. I'd like to apologize
13. Please forgive me
14. (I know) my actions...
15. (Looking back), I (now) realise that...
16. (Please) don't be angry
17. I accept (full) responsibility
18. I do apologize
19. I don't know what to say
20.I am really most terribly sorry
21. I regret...
22.Pardon me!
23.Please accept my/our apologies
24.Please excuse my behaviour/thoughtlessness/...
Joe and Diane have busy schedules They don’t have much free time
Do Joe and Diane have busy schedules? Yes, they do No, they don’t
1. In questions with he, she, and it, use ................. + the base form
of a verb.
2. In questions with I, you, we and they, use ................ + the best
form of a verb.
Activity 2
Michelle Wien (be) .............. only a teenager, but she (play).............. world-class
golf. Michelle (not,spend) ..................... all her time playing golf. She also (love)
................ reading and drawing.
He (is/are) playing for Real Madrid. He has favorite food like us. They
(are/is) tomatoes, pasta, and margarin orange. I like pasta too. So, we
(is/are) pasta lovers. Michelle Pfeiffer and Robert De Niro (are/is) his
favorite movie stars. His favorite movie (are/is) In the Name of the Father.
He (am/is) practicing with his team mates now. They (are/is) Gusti,
Possessive Adjectives
Subject Possessive
Pronouns Adjectives
I My My name is Brian.
You Your Your name is Robbie.
We Our Our last name is Gibson.
They Their Their last name is Cordova.
He His His name is Andy.
She Her Her name is Liza.
It Its Its name is Hellie.
1. Studious a. shy
2. Friendly b. lazy
3. Fun c. strict
4. Outgoing d. unpopular
5. Popular e. talkative
6. Quiet f. unfriendly
7. Easygoing g. boring
8. Smart h. foolish
9. Perfectionist i. relaxive
10. Serious j. unidealist
Possessive Pronouns
17. Catherine is going out with her / hers friends this evening.
18. Can we use your / yours washing machine? Our / ours isn’t work.
Jika notice tersebut berupa arahan, maka maknanya akan identik dengan
kalimat-kalimat yang mengandung makna: ( hafalkan kosa kata berikut)
- can/may : boleh
- must/have to : harus
- should : hendaknya, seharusnya
- allowed/permitted/let : diperbolehkan
- suggested/recommended : dianjurkan
- asked/hoped : diminta/diharapkan
1. What does the notice on the right mean?
Switch off all electronic appliances when you don’t need them.
12. Which of the following sentences best explains the above sign?
A. If you break any of the articles you should pay for it.
B. You don't have to buy articles that are broken.
C. In this section you will only find broken articles.
D. The shop sells special broken articles.
13. It means that only the ..... who own the houses at the housing
complex can go there.
A. security guards
B. participants
A. In the supermarket
B. In the garden
C. At the train station
D. At the airport
It means ...
It means ...
1. I did’t feel very well yesterday. I .......... (modal, not) eat anything.
3. If you don’t study hard now, you ...... (modal) leave the class.
9. You ........ (modal, not) put your feet on the cafetaria table
10. I’m afraid I .......... (modal) play tennis tomorrow. I’ve got a dentist
Activity 2
Irregular Plural Noun. Listen and
Singular Plural
Person People
Mouse Mice
Woman Women
Man Men
Child Children
Foot Feet
Tooth Teeth
Goose Geese
Wife Wives
Salma : Look!These T-shirts are nice. Which one do you like better?
1. 5.
How much are .......... books? How much ........ .......... planes?
2. 6.
How much are ........ pens? How much ........ .......... apples?
3. 7.
4. 8.
Activity 5
1. $5.25
It is ........................................
2. Rp 143.000,-
It is .............................
3. Rp 300.675,-
It is ...............................
Rp 125.000,-
It is ...............................
Rp 48.900,-
It is ....................................
a bag of a bowl of
.................... chocolate
......................... cola
2. Ciri-ciri kebahasaan:
Present tense
Generic Structure :
four years younger than me. He has long, straight hair, bright eyes, and a
a. Peter.
b. Peter’s hobby.
c. Peter’s family
c. A naughty boy
d. A friendly boy
3. Based on the text we know that the writer is ...... years old.
a. Fourteen
b. Sixteen
c. Eighteen
d. Nineteen
a. Dislike sport
Walking is a sport
Sport helps us to become strong and healthy. There are many kinds
of sport: walking, running, hunting, cycling, swimming, and so on. It is not
important what kinds of sports we are going to do as long as we are strong
enough to do it.
Healthy people should exercise regularly, no matter how old they
are. The simplest and the best sport is walking. It is also the cheapest one,
because we do not need money to do it. A long walk in the evening may
help us sleep more than any medicine.
But people today do not like walking. They prefer to drive a car, though
they are not in a hurry or travelling a long distance. This kind of “disease” comes
from laziness.
a. Running c. Walking
b. Swimming d. Hunting
paragraph). The underlined word has the closest meaning with .....
a. Sadness c. Laziness
b. Careless d. Illness
There, visitors can stroll through cool and tranquil gardens, visit temples
and traditional Balinese botany and traditional. The gardens combine
adjacent forest and lakes, wildlife such as bird and monkeys, and the
conserving Indonesia’s flora, but also one of the most beautiful gardens of
its kind in the world.
a. Kind c. Unique
b. Useful d. Harmony
a. Walk slowly
b. Examine carefully
c. Observe seriously
d. Stay temporarily
Grammar in Focus
Common nouns and proper nouns (names) may also follow these verbs
Exampples :
1. I love encyclopedias.
2. They hate cartoons.
3. I’m crazy about Justin Bieber.
After the verbs like and love, the “to infinitive” can also be used
Examples :
1. Gaston loves to swim.
2. I like to drink a glass of milk.
Where can you find the following notice and cautions? Match A and B!
2. NO PARKING : .........................................
3. NO LITTERING : .........................................
4. NO SMOKING : .........................................
7. NO SWIMMING : ..........................................
Number + adjective + noun two big eyes, ten new books, etc
4. Mrs. Martin makes dresses. They are beautiful. She makes ...................
7. There are thirty students in the classroom. They are clever. ...................
Affirmative statements
Mrs. Bryant arrived late last night.
She traveled to Singapore last week.
Simple Past of Regular Verb
Mrs. Bryant didn’t (did not) arrive early.
She didn’t (did not) travel to Japan.
1. To form the simple past of most regular verbs, add .................. or ..........
2. When you use irregular verbs (except be) in the simple past ..........
a. Negative statements include ............. + the base form of the verbs.
b. Yes/No questions begin with ..................
On Friday, the children ……(talk) about a day out together in the country.
The next morning, they ……..(go) to the country with their two dogs
and ..(play) together. Ben and Dave ………(have) some kites. Some time
later the dogs……….. (be) not there. So they………. (call) them and
……….(look) for them in the forest. After half an hour the children….. (find)
them and …….(take) them back. Charlie ……….(be) very happy to see
them again. At lunch time Nick…….. (go) to the bikes and……….. (fetch)
the basket with some meat sandwiches. Then they ……….(play) football.
Nick and Dave ……….(win). In the evening they ………(ride) home.
4. We go shopping. We …
The pupils of class VIIB…… (do) a project last week. First the pupils
…..(choose) what they wanted to do. Then they ………(get) information
from books and brochures and they ………(talk) to a lot of people. They
……….(find) some interesting photos in the library. Their teacher
……….(help) them when they ………..(ask) her. Then they
………….(make) a poster and a video and …………(tell) the other groups
about their project.
a. Plaied
b. plaid
a. Nice to meet you, Nina c. I am fine, thank you and how are you?
b. Pretty well, thanks d. How do you do?
2. Budi : What are you doing here, Ayu?
Ayu :.....
7. Diran : Ok, Vida! You and I must go to the teacher’s room now. And . .
........ have to meet Miss Eva
Vida : Allright. Let’s go now.
1 2 3 4 5 6
14. Which of the following word has a different vowel (bunyi yang berbeda)
a. carrot b. purple c. marble d. parcel
16. Davigo has . . . . . at 06.00. He usually has rice, fried eggs and a glass of tea.
a. lunch b. dinner c. supper d. breakfast
17. Some people usually place frying pan, stove, knife and plates in the . . . . .
a. living room b. dining room c. kitchen d. Garage
19. My mother wants to make cakes for my sister’s birthday, so she asked me to buy
eggs, butter, sugar, some flour and a little . . . . .
a. pepper b. spice c. salt d. maize
20. There are four mayor . . . . . in Indonesia for Instance Moslem, Christian, Hinduism,
and Budhism.
a. religions b. customs c. identity d. habbit
21. People love animals very much. They like to keep them at home. The animals kept at
home is called the . . . . animals.
a. tame b. pet c. wild d. rare
24. What do you say if you accept an offering (menerima sebuah tawaran)?
a. No, thanks b. I’m sorry c. Yes, please d. Not at all
Text 2
Tomato Soup
• 4 large tomatoes
• 1 small onion
• 8 cups water
• spices
• ½ teaspoon salt
• ¼ teaspoon pepper
1. Fry tomatoes, onion, and garlic in a pan with butter for five minutes.
29. After frying the ingredients in a pan what is the next step?
a. Turn down the heat. c. Add water, spices, salt, and pepper.
Dini : …………………………………………………………………
Riki : Good afternoon. Yes, I’d like fried chicken with fries and a
coke, please.
Waitress : ………………………………..?
Waitress : OK.
There is a new departement store in out town. It is at the end of the main
road. I buy a newspaper there everyday. This big store is open everyday, even
Sunday. It is always busy on Sunday. A lot or people like to go shopping on
Although there are many things in the store, you can find the things you
need easily. You can find shoes in the shoe departement and vegetables at the
vegetables stalls. You can use a trolley when you need to carry too many
things. It is really a very big store in our town.
6. A : Hello
B : Hello, Can I have this magazine. Please
A : That’s 10.000 rupiahs. Please
B : Here you are
A :……
a.Don’t mention it c. Never mind
b. Thank you d. Goodbye
Where is the notice placed…
a. Classroom c. Librari
b. Street/Road d. Mosque
23. My mother and father like gardening. They like to spend their
time in garden. The underlined word refers to…
a. My mother c. father
b. My mother and father d. Andre and Putri
· Some celery
· 1 ounce garlic
· 1 ounce onion
· 1 kg chicken
· ¼ kg carrot
· ¼ kg tomato
· 1 pack salt
38. Arrange the sentences into the correct steps how to make
fried banana.
1) then, fry in very hot oil
2) first, peel the banana
3) fried banana is ready to be served
4) next, roll the banana in flour
5) wait until it turn brown
6) slice the banana into thin slices
a. 2-6-4-1-5-3 c. 2-6-1-5-4-3
b. 2-6-5-1-3-4 d. 2-6-4-5-2-3
A. like C. have
B. need D. Know
2. Nila :Oh, no! It is too high to get the ball on the cupboard.
A. Bus C. By bus
B. On foot D. By walk
A. Hilman is C. Amir is
To : Roberto
Congratulation on becoming the 1st winner of English Speech Contest 2012
of Jombang regency.
Your classmate,
Gita Sanjaya
Because he ....
Milk Apples
Cucumbers Bread
What can buyers get from the greengrocer?
A. was upset
B. was happy
C. was sad
D. was angry
Read the passage below for questions no. 10 – 13!
My House
Hello, my name is Margareta. My house is on Jalan Kartina. It is
big and nice.
It has two floors. It has a livingroom, small kitchen and a bathroom
on the first floor.
On the second floor there are three bedrooms and a bathroom.
My parents’ bedroom is big. My brother’s room is next to my room. My
room is small but I like it. It has light green wall. There is a desk with a
A. B. C. D.
16. X : Does Anita like reading?
Y : Yes, she ….
A. do C. is
B. does D. was
17. Rearrange the words into a good sentence!
not – Mira – English – everyday – have – does – at school
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
A. 2-1-5-3-4-6-7 C. 2-6-1-5-3-7-4
B. 2-5-1-6-3-7-4 D. 2-6-1-3-7-4-5
A pinch of salt
Steps to make:
D. At the hypermarket
Jawablah pertanyaan nomor 41 sampai dari 45 dengan benar!
The following picture is for questions number 41 to 43!
Boil water Stir well Put the boiling water into the cup
***Good Luck***