Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7

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LKS Bahasa

Inggris kelas 7
Untuk kalangan sendiri di lingkungan SMP
Negeri 9 Bontang

Disusun oleh : Dwi Setyorini


Puji syukur ke hadirat Allah swt atas limpahan rahmat dan hidayah-Nya,
sehingga saya dapat menyelesaikan Diktat Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 tanpa kendala
yang berarti.
Diktat ini berisi ringkasan materi dan latihan soal yang dapat digunakan oleh
siswa dan guru di dalam proses belajar mengajar. Materi dibuat dengan
memperbanyak gambar, dengan harapan siswa lebih tertarik dan mudah memahami
materi, karena ada beberapa siswa yang belum pernah belaar bahasa Inggris
sebelumnya sewaktu mereka belajar di SD.
Saya menyadari bahwa Diktat Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 ini masih jauh dari
sempurna. Untuk itu penyusun sangat mengharap kritikan dan saran dari berbagai
pihak demi kesempurnaan diktat ini.
Terima kasih dan penghargaan setinggi-tingginya saya sampaikan kepada:
Ibu Siti Chusuning Khayah, M.Pd selaku Kepala SMP Negeri 9 Bontang yang
senantiasa membimbing dan mengarahkan saya, dewan guru dan staf Tata Usaha,
serta semua pihak yang telah membantu saya sehingga diktat ini dapat selesai.

Semoga diktat ini bermanfaat bagi siswa dan guru di lingkungan SMP Negeri
9 Bontang.


Halaman Judul ……………………………………………. i
Halaman Pengesahan ……………………………………... ii
Identitas Guru …………………………………………….. iii
Kata Pengantar …………………………………………… iv
Daftar Isi ………………………………………………….. v
Tujuan …………………………………………………….. vii
Unit 1. Greeting, Introduction, Simple Present Tense (Nominal)
Greeting ……………………………………………. 1
Introduction ………………………………………... 4
Simple Present Tense ……………………………… 5
Unit 2. Numbers and Days, Months, Telling Time
Numbers and Days ………………………………… 8
Months …………………………………………….. 9
Telling Time ………………………………………. 12
Unit 3. Commands and Requests, Prohibitions, Announcements
Commands and Requests …………………………. 15
Prohibitions ……………………………………….. 18
Announcements …………………………………… 19
Unit 4. Apologizing, Preposition, Simple Present Tense (Verbal)
Apologizing ……………………………………… 31
Preposition ………………………………………. 33
Simple Present Tense (Verbal) …………………… 35
Unit 5. Pronoun. Modals, Giving Instruction
Pronoun …………………………………………… 38
Notices ……………………………………………. 42
Modals ………………………………… 50
Unit 6. Countable and Uncountable Noun, Quantifier

Countable and Uncountable Noun ……………….. 52
Quantifier ………………………. 57
Unit 7. Descriptive Text, Part of the Body
Descriptive Text ………………………………….. 58
Part of the Body ………………………………….. 64
Unit 8. Simple Past Tense ………………………………. 67
Latihan Ulangan Semester Ganjil 1 …………………….. 73
Latihan Ulangan Semester Ganjil 2 …………………….. 79
Latihan Ulangan Semester Ganjil 3 …………………….. 85
Daftar Pustaka …………………………………………... 95

Tujuan dari pembuatan diktat bahasa Inggris kelas 7 ini adalah :
1. Bagi Siswa
 Membantu memahami dan menguasai materi, sehingga tujuan
pembelajaran dapat tercapai
 Mengukur pemahaman dengan cara mengerjakan soal-soal yang
ada di diktat ini
 Lebih tertarik dalam belajar bahasa Inggris
2. Bagi Guru
 Membantu menyampaikan materi yang mudah dipahami siswa
 Meningkatkan kompetensi pedagogik
 Meningkatkan kreatifitas dan inovasi dalam pembelajaran
Diktat ini dilengkapi dengan ringkasan materi dan soal-soal latihan
yang memudahkan siswa dalam memahami materi bahasa Inggris.
Diktat ini juga dapat dipergunakan sebagai pelengkap/penunjang buku
paket yang digunakan di sekolah.

 Greeting
UNIT 1  Introduction
 Simple Present Tense : Nominal

Let’s Learn : Greeting

Activity 1
Look at the following pictures. Listen and
repeat. Pronounce the words correctly!

Morning Noon

Evening Night

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 1 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

2 Listen and practise!

Greetings Responses
Good morning Good morning
Good afternoon Good afternoon
Good evening Good evening
Good night Good night
Hello Hi
How are you? I’m fine, thanks. And you?
How have you been? I’m very well, thanks.
How is life? Not bad, thanks. You?
How is everything? Just fine, thank you.
What’s up? Not good. You?
How do you do? How do you do?
Leave Taking Responses
Nice to see you Nice to see you, too.
Glad to meet you Glad to meet you, too.
I’m happy meeting you Me too.
It’s great to meet you So do I.
It’s pleasure to see you It’s pleasure to see you, too.
Good to see you Good to see you, too.
Goodbye Bye-bye
See you later See you later
Have a nice day Have a nice day

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Activity Work in pairs. Complete the following
3 dialogues. Then practise them!

Dialog 1

Arya : ............................................, Daniel.

Daniel : Good evening.

Arya : .........................................................?

Daniel : I’m OK. And you?

Arya : ..........................................................

Dialog 2

A : .........., My name is Mr. Felix. Welcome to Galileo English Course.

B : Thanks. It’s great to be here. ..................................., Sir.

A : Nice to meet you, too.

Dialog 3

Teacher : Good morning, class.

Students : .........................., Sir.

Teacher : ............................................?

Students : I’m fine, thank you. And you?

Teacher : ........................ . Thanks.

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Let’s Learn : Introduction
Read along as you listen to Connie and
Reading her friends!

Hello, I’m Connie Talbot. I’m 12

years old. My friends usually
call me Connie. I love singing
and dancing.

I’m easygoing, talkative and I’m

not shy!

My name’s Chun Bo Geun

and I’m 10. My friend,
Connie , and I are very

I am quiet and studious, and

I’m a little serious. I am shy,
except when I’m performing.

I live in Taiwan.

Hi, I am Zachary Gordon. I am also 12 years

old. My sister says, I’m a bookworm because I
enjoy reading. I love books.

Connie, Chun, and I are best friends. I am

pretty popular with girls.

I’m also easygoing, like Connie. That’s why we


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Grammar in Focus

The Simple Present of “BE”

Affirmative Statements Negative Statements

I am I am
You are You are
They are They are
We are 12 years old. We are not 12 years
He is He is
She is She is
It is It is

Long forms Short forms

I am I’m
You are You’re
They are They’re
We are We’re
He is He’s
She is She’s
It is It’s


Write the contractions (short forms)!

1. (I am) I’m a student.

2. (You are) ................ my teacher.

3. (She is) ................ my friend.

4. (He is) ............ 10 years old.

5. (It is) ............ my English homework.

6. (We are) ............. classmates.

7. (They are) .............. my nice friends.

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Read the profiles of teenagers. Then listen to their messages!

Name : Bailee Madison Name : Agnes Monica Name : Lee Hyun Suk
City/Town : Birmingham City/Town : Jakarta City/Town : Seoul
State/Province : England State/Province : Jakarta State/Province : Korea
Country : United Kingdom Country : Indonesia Country : South Korea
Message : Message : Message :
Hi. I’m Bailee Madison. My name’s Agnes. I am 12 years Hello, I’m Lee.
I’m 13. And I’m in 7th grade. old. I like singing a lot. I also love I am 11 years old.
I like movies and music. sports. I have three sisters. I am not shy. I love
I have two brothers and a sister. I really love them. singing and dancing.
I only have a brother.


Bailee Agnes Lee





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Grammar in Focus

Yes/No Questions

Affirmative Answer Negative Answer

Are you in Galileo Course Center? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.

Is Diane easygoing? Yes, she is. No, She’s not.

Are Alex and Joe best friends? Yes, they are. No, They’re not.


1. Alex :
( + ) Alex is popular with girls.
( - ) He’s not popular with girls.
( ? ) ...................................
2. Diane :
( + ) ...................................
( - ) She’s not shy.
( ? ) Is she shy?
3. Karen and Paul :
( + ) Karen and Paul are competitive.
( - ) ...........................................
( ? ) ...........................................
4. Lori and I :
( + ) ...........................................
( - ) We’re not serious students.
( ? ) ............................................
5. Uncle Smith :
( + ) ............................................
( - ) ............................................
( ? ) Is he in Los Angeles?

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 Numbers and Days
UNIT 2  Months
 Telling time

Let’s Learn : Numbers

A. Litsen and repeat! (Cardinal Numbers)

B. Listen and repeat! (Ordinal Numbers)

Note :

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Choose either a cardinal or ordinal number to complete the following


1. I have (two/second) pairs of shoes.

2. Lorenzo won the (one/first) prize last tournament.

3. The food court is on the (three/third) floor.

4. There are (four/fourth) rooms in my house.

5. The children bring (five/fifth) sandwiches.

6. My brother is a (six/sixth) grade student.

7. Mom always buys (seven/seventh) loaves of bread.

8. (Eight/Eighth) eggs hatched this morning.

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9. This is my (nine/ninth) time going to Kuta Beach.
10. Last match, there were (ten/tenth) footballers from Manado left.

You Should Know

“On” is used for days and dates

“In” is for months and years

For examples : 1. I was born on the fifteenth of August nineteen-

ninety one

2. She was born in December

3. He was born in nineteen-ninety seven

1 Complete the following names of the

1. M

2. T

3. W

4. T

5. F

6. S

7. S

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Activity Complete the following names of the
2 days!

1. What is the third day of the week? It is .............................................

2. What is the last day is of the week? It is ...........................................

3. When is the weekend? It’s on ......................... and ..........................

4. What is the day after Wednesday? It’s .............................................

5. What is the day before Monday? It’s .................................................

6. What is the second day of the week? It is .........................................

7. What is your favourite day? It’s ......................... because

8. When do you have English course at Galileo? It’s on .......................

Activity Write the dates in word form!

1. 14 – 12 – 2010 The fourteenth of December two thousand ten

2. 19 – 01 – 2010
3. 01 – 03 – 1999
4. 10 – 08 – 2003
5. 21 – 06 – 2007
6. 20 – 10 – 1983
7. 04 – 09 – 2014
8. 11 – 02 – 2009
9. 29 – 05 – 2008
10. 22 – 07 - 2001
11. 03 – 11 – 1945

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Let’s Learn : Telling Time

5:10 - Five Ten

6:30 - Six Thirty
8:45 - Eight Forty-five
Untuk bilangan 0-09, kita bisa mengucapkannya dengan 'oh'
misalnya: 4:04 - Four (oh) Four.

4:10 - Ten past four (jam 4 lewat 10 menit)

7:20 - Twenty past seven (Jam tujuh lewat dua puluh menit)
11: 25 - Twenty five past eleven (jam 11 lewat 25 menit)

4: 35 - twenty five to 5 (jam 5 kurang 25 menit)

7: 50 - Ten to eight (jam 8 kurang 10)
10: 40 - Twenty to eleven (jam 11 kurang 20)

 Dalam bahasa Inggris 30 menit = half, 15 menit = a quarter,

dan Tepat = O’clock.
Contoh :
1:15 - a quarter past one
4:30 - half past four
3:45 - a quarter to four
6:30 - half past six
7:45 - a quarter to eight
8:00 – eight o’clock
 A. M (ante merediem) = 00:00 s/d 12:00
 P. M (post merediem) = 12:00 s/d 00:00
 Example :

It is half past twelve

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Activity Write the time shown below
1 each clock!

1. 2. 3.

............................... ............................... ...........................

4. 5. 6.

.............................. .......................... ............................

7. 8. 9.

.............................. . .............................. ...........................

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What time do you...?

1. What time do you go to sleep?
I go to sleep a t ____________.

2. What time do you go to school?

I go to school a t ___________.

3. What time do you eat breakfast?


4. What time do you go home?


5. What time do you study English?


6. _________________________?
I have lunch at ______________ .

7. _________________________ ?
I watch TV at ______________ .

8. _________________________ ?
I study Math at ______________ .

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 Commands and Requests
UNIT 3  Prohibitions
 Announcement

Listen to your teacher reading the

Activity instructions. Repeat after him/her!

o Come here Get me a boardmarker

o Open your book Pay attention

o Wipe the whiteboard Speak up

o Hand in your book Raise your hands

o Submit your work Work with your friends

o Stand up Close the door

o Listen to me Be quiet

You Should Know

1. To give an order “Clean the whiteboard”
“Water the plant”
“Shut the door”
2. To make a polite request “Please, sit down”
“Come in, please”
“Please, be quiet”
Always use Don’t before Verb “Don’t open the window”
“Don’t swim at that lake”
Agree Refuse
 OK Sure I’m afraid, I can’t.
 Alright No problem I’m sorry.

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Complete the following conversation with
the phrases provided.

Leoni : It’s hot here, isn’t it?

Rita : Yes, it is. It seems that the Air Conditioning (1) ...............................

Leoni : That’s right. (2) .............................., please?

Rita : Yes, (3) .........................................

Leoni : Well, it is OK now.

Rita : (4) .................................................

Leoni : That’s a good idea. (5) ......................................., please?

Rita : All right.

Leoni : Yes, that’s better. Thanks a lot.

What about using a fan? Would you switch it on

Open the window Doesn’t work


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Decide whether they are commands or
Activity prohibitions. Check (√ ) the right column!

Sentences Command Prohibition

Open your book!
Don’t walk on the grass.
Don’t scream.
Stand up!
Close the door, please.
Stop fighting!
Don’t smoke!
Drop your application here.
Don’t park here!
Please, submit your work on time.
Please, understand me.
Please, report to the security office.
Don’t cheat at Exam!
Don’t throw rubbish here!

Activity 4 Match these requests!

1. May I help you? A. Sorry, the battery is

2. Can I borrow your mobile phone? B. Sure, no problem.
3. Can I use your computer? C. All right
4. Close the curtain, please. D. Sorry, the electricity
is off.
5. Turn off the TV. E. Well sure, thanks.

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Let’s Learn : Gratitude

Expressing Thanks Responding to Thanks

 Thanks That’s alright

 Thanks a lot Oh, it’s nothing
 Thank you Any time
 Thank you very much Don’t mention it
 Thanks. You are very kind You are welcome
 Thanks for your help My pleasure

How would you express thanks in the

following situations? Say the answers!

1. Someone just gave you a gift for your birthday.

( Thank you so much. I really like it!)

2. Someone has just bought dinner for you.


3. Someone returned your lost wallet.


4. Someone helped carry you grocery bags.


5. Someone complimented you on your necktie.


6. Your teacher has given you a reward for your achievement.


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Let’s Learn : Announcement
All students must join the class meeting from 15th December to 21st
Desember 2014
1. What kind of the text is it ?
A. A letter
B. A label
C. A postcard
D. An announcement
2. what is the text about ?
A. The class meeting in a school.
B. The winner of the class meeting.
C. An invitation t o join a class meeting.
D. The plan of having a class meeting.

To : All students and teachers

Come and visit our new librabry. Lots of new books (brand
new novels and non-fiction books) are available. You can
also enjoy our newest DVDs collection.
Head of library

3. What are the things offered in the new library ?

A. Books and DVDs.
B. Old and new books.
C. New books and novels.
D. New DVDs and non-fiction books.

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 19 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

4. Why does the writer make the announcement ?
A. To resume a new novel.
B. To invite the reader to visit the library.
C. To let the reader know about the head of library.
D. To help the reader know where to find the DVDs.

5. Who make the announcement ?

A. Ramadhan
B. All students
C. All teachers
D. The librarian

English Conversation Club (ECC)
is opening registration for new members
join us and improve your English!
Every Thursday from 16.00 to 17.00 at the school hall
For registration, please contact
Wayan (VIIA)
Anissa (VIIB)

6. When do the members have meeting ?

A. In the morning.
B. On Thursday afternoon.
C. On Thursday morning.
D. In the afternoon at three o’clock.
7. Where do they have the meeting ?
A. In the ECC’s meeting room.
B. In the VIIA classroom.
C. At the school hall.
D. At the cafetaria.

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8. How long does the meeting last ?
A. One and a half hours.
B. One hour.
C. One and a quarter hours.
D. Two hours.

This is a new school year and there are many new students arround.
Please be friendly and help them understand the rules of our school.

( Principal )

9. Where can you find the text ?

A. At a school.
B. At a bookstore.
C. At a bank.
D. At a park.

10. Why does the principal make the announcement ?

A. To ask the students to nice and helpful to the new comers.
B. To let the students know that they have their junior.
C. To ask the students to contact their parents.
D. To inform about the new school year.

11. Who do you think reads the announcement ?

A. New students.
B. Senior students.
C. Parents.
D. Teachers.

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12. “Please be friendly….” . What is the meaning of the underlined word ?
A. Disturbing
B. Interesting
C. Welcoming
D. Attracting
There will be a holiday camp next month. All scout must join this camp.
The activity will take place at Bangunharjo camping sie and last for three
for further information, please contact Mr. Arkan.

Banyumas, May 12th, 2014

(The Chief of Scout Organization)

13.When will the activity be held ?

A. In May
B. In June
C. In July
D. In August
14. If the camp starts in June 5th, when will it end ?
A. June 6th.
B. June 7th.
C. May 12th.
D. May 25th.
15. Who must join the activity ?
A. All students
B. All scouts
C. All chiefs
D. All Banyumas people

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Text for no 16-20
Students should join it
The Topic:
You can learn a lot from Mr. Jonathan, a well-known education consultant.
Students who want to participate, please notice this schedule:
Date : June 20th, 2014
Time : 2 p m.
Venue : School main hall
Don’t miss this free chance. Seating is limited.
To reserve your seat, please call
Hanni: 085245367188
16. How can you join the seminar?
A. Presenting the announcement to the organizer.
B. Sending a short form and payment to the organizer.
C. Sending your business card request to the organizer.
D. Calling the organizer.
17. What is the benefit of attending the seminar?
A. Students can see the education consultant.
B. Students can get the result of the final examination.
C. Students can learn strategies to prepare the final examination.
D. Students can see the evaluator of the final examination.
18. The function of the text is …..
A. to advertise the seminar
B. to give information related to the seminar
C. to announce the final examination
D. to invite students to learn subject of Final examination

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19. The word “participate” has the same meaning as….
A. take out C. take place
B. take part D. take in
20. The word “your” in the text refers to….
A. readers C. participants
B. all students D. Consultant

Text for no 21-23

To: All the students of SMP N 9 Bontang
To face the National Sport Day, our school will prepare the School Sport
For this purpose, during this week we're going to have class meeting to
find our best athletes. Each class should prepare its team and attend the
The sports being competed are basketball, volley ball, badminton and
table tennis. Registration will be with Mr. Agung
Thanks for joining

Bontang, August 27, 2019

Approved by Head master of Committee
SMPN 9 Bontang

Mrs. Nuning Mr. Rahmat Haryono

21. The text above is a kind of ...

A. manual C. invitation
B. announcement D. Advertisement

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22. For whom is the text written?
A. Mr. Agung
B. The committee
C. The students of SMP N 2 Kendal
D. The headmaster of SMP N 2 Kendal
23. Why does the committee hold a class meeting?
A. To celebrate the National Sport Day
B. To prepare the School Sport Competition
C. To find the best athletes
D. To prepare the sport team.

Text for no 24-26

The English Conversation Club will meet every Tuesday starting next week.
Meeting will be held in the school hall from 1.00 pm to 2.30 pm.
Members should bring their English books and dictionaries

Mr. Prabandana

24. How many times does the English Conversation Club have a meeting
in a month?
A. next week C. once
B. every Tuesday D. twice
25. How long will the meeting be held?
A. C. Two and a half hour
B. 2.30 pm D. One and a half hour
26. The word “their” refers to…
A. English Conversation Club C. books
B. members of the club D. Dictionaries

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Attention, please….
The Indonesian Airway 132 to Singapore is departing at 8.00 am.
Qantas Airway 007 to Kuala Lumpur is departing at 9.30 am.
Any information to flight departures will be announced soon.

27. How many Airliners are there in the text?

A. 2
B. 132
C. 007
D. 3
28. The information above is about….
A. The departures of the Airways
B. The changes of the departures
C. The Qantas Airway to KL
D. The Indonesian Airway to Singapore
29. The word “departure” in the text has opposite meaning as……
A. leaving
B. arrival
C. going
D. sending
30. The information above is written for…..
A. the officers
B. the passengers
C. the readers
D. the pedestrians

Read the text and answer questions 31-34

Holiday classes at learning centre for Nursery, Kindergarten, and Primary
School Children.
 Supervised reading program
 Creative writing

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 26 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

 Poetry appreciation
 Art in action
 Speech training
 Grooning and etiquette
 Qualified teachers
 Friendly atmosphere
 Two-hour class twice a week
Call 03-230426188

31. Which of the following statements is NOT CORRECT according to the

announcement above?
A. Classes are held twice a week.
B. Each session will last for two hours.
C. Only kindergarten students can attend the class.
D. There are six programs for the holiday classes.
32. How many programs does the learning centre offer?
A. One
B. Three
C. Six
D. Nine
33. “Friend ly atmosphere”.
What does the underline word mean?
A. Easy
B. Helpful
C. Pleasent
D. Dull
34. “Two-hour class twice a wee”. It means ...
A. The students will study on Tuesdays and Fridays
B. The students will study for two hours in a week
C. The students will study in two classes
D. The students will study for four hours in a week

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Read the text and answer questions 35-37
To all the teachers and staff of SMP NUSANTARA
A one-day meeting will be held this week:
When : Tuesday, February 9th 2014 at 1.00 a.m to 3.00 p.m
Where : Room 109
Topic : National examination preparation
Due to the importance of the meeting, please be punctual. Bring your
ideas; bring your suggestions to make our students successful in the
The head of the national examination

Mr. Adnan Nasution

35. What is the meeting for?

A. To talk about preparation for the national examination.
B. To give solution for the examination problem.
C. To discuss about the national examination.
D. To ask teachers to face the national examination.
36. From the text above we can conclude that ....
A. The national examination has already been done.
B. All students are successful in the national examination.
C. The meeting is done before the national examination.
D. The teacher must be pleased with the result of the national
37. Mr. Adnan Nasution is the .....
A. Headmaster
B. Teacher
C. Examination committee member
D. Head of the national examination committe

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The text is for number 38-41
In accordance with the international security regulations, the
following items are never allowed to be taken onto a plane by passangers,
either in their carry-on bags or in their checked luggage: weapons,
including knives and guns; explosives, including dynamite and fireworks.
The following items may be placed in checked luggage but not on carry-on
bags. Tools, including hammers, screwdrivers, and wrenches; sports
equipment such as golf clubs, baseball bats, skis and ski poles.
When you pass through the security line, all bags will go through
our x-ray machines checked by personnel, as well.
Thank you for your cooperation. Have a safe and pleasant flight.

38. What is the announcement about?

A. International airport security regulations
B. Items brought in passengers’ checked luggage
C. The procedures when pasing through the security line
D. The announcement to have the passengers’ bags be checked
39. What can’t be brought onto airplanes according to the announcement?
A. Hammers
B. Golf clubs
C. Fireworks
D. Wrenches
40. “Some bags will be manually checked by personnel.” (paragraph 3).
The underlined word means ....
A. by machines
B. by hand
C. by equipments
D. by tools

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 29 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

41. why does we must follow the regulations?
A. To prove that we are good citizens.
B. To have a safe flight.
C. To have a pleasant vacation.
D. To pass through security line.

Read the text and answer questions 42 to 45.

To all students of SMP 45 Semarang
To show our empathy to the victims of the Merapi eruption, the Students
Association and School Committe of SMP 45 will give donations to the
refugees of the disaster. Donations include money, wearable clothes,
packed food, infant milk, surgical masks, shower equipments, toys, and
many others. Please collect donation before November 9th 2013. All
donations will be delivered to several refugees camps the next day.
Thank you,
The Principal

42. “To show our empathy to the victims of the Merapi eruption....” The
underlined word means ....
A. feeling
B. sadness
C. abilty
D. compassion
43. Who will give donations to the refugees of the disaster?
A. The principal
B. Students Assocation
C. School Committee
D. Students Association and School Committe
44. When will the donations be given to the refugees?
A. November 8th 2013
B. November 9th 2013

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 30 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

C. November 10th 2013
D. November 11st 2013
45. Which of the following words relates to volcanic activities?
A. Empathy.
B. Victim.
C. Eruption.
D. Donation.


SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 31 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

 Apologizing
UNIT 4  Preposition
 Simple Present Tense : Verbal

1. I apologize
2. I'm really sorry
3. I'm so sorry
4. I'm sorry
5. I'm sorry but...
6. Sorry
7. my fault
8. (I'm) sorry if...
9. I (really) must apologize
10. I hope you can forgive me (one day)
11. I wasn't doing my job
12. I'd like to apologize
13. Please forgive me
14. (I know) my actions...
15. (Looking back), I (now) realise that...
16. (Please) don't be angry
17. I accept (full) responsibility
18. I do apologize
19. I don't know what to say
20.I am really most terribly sorry
21. I regret...
22.Pardon me!
23.Please accept my/our apologies
24.Please excuse my behaviour/thoughtlessness/...

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 32 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

You Should Know
Asking for forgiveness Reason Promise
I’m sorry for coming late I woke up late I will not do it
I am very sorry for making It’s intuitively I will be more
troubles careful
Here are what people usually say to respond to an apology :

 That’s alright, I forgive you.

 There’s no need to apologise. Let’s forget it.
 I accept your apology. So don’t worry.
 Well, let’s just forget it.
 So, are we friends again?
 Yes, we should let bygones be bygones.


1. Librarian: Your library card, please?

Student: Oops .... I forgot to bring it.
Librarian: So, you can't borrow this book.
A. How come
B. I'm sad
C. I'm sorry
D. With my pleasu
2. Mr. Benny : Oh, it’s you, Adam and Faiz. ……………………!
Adam : Sorry Sir. I’m late
Faiz : …………………
Mr. Benny : ……………. . Go to your seat.
Come in That’s all right. I must apologize for being late, Sir.

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 33 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

Let’s Learn : Preposition

You Should Know

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 34 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

1 Look at this picture to answer to

1. Where is the toys?

They are under the table.

2. Where are the books?


3. Where is the ball?


4. Where is the bag?


5. Where is the dog?


6. Where is the teacher?


SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 35 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

Grammar in Focus

Simple Present Tense : Verbs

Affirmative Statement Negative Statement

Joe practices every day He doesn’t practice every day

Joe and Diane have busy schedules They don’t have much free time

Yes/No Questions Affirmative Answers Negative Answers

Does Joe practice on weekends? Yes, he does No, he doesn’t

Do Joe and Diane have busy schedules? Yes, they do No, they don’t

Information Questions Short Answers Long Answers

Who practices every day? Joe does He is Joe

When does Joe practice? After school He practices after school

Where do Joe and Diane practice? At school They practice at school

PAIRS. Look at the grammar chart. Complete the rules with do or


1. In questions with he, she, and it, use ................. + the base form
of a verb.
2. In questions with I, you, we and they, use ................ + the best
form of a verb.

Activity 2

Michelle Wien (be) .............. only a teenager, but she (play).............. world-class
golf. Michelle (not,spend) ..................... all her time playing golf. She also (love)
................ reading and drawing.

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 36 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

Activity 3
Arrange the sentences below into good
positif forms of Simple Present Tense!
1. My family often .............(go) out for
2. Jason and Lisa always ...........(like) to talk
in class.
3. She ........... (drink) coffee all the time.
4. They never ........... (listen) to the teacher.
5. A good student always ............. (perform)
well in class.
6. Our friends sometimes ......... (meet) up in the shopping
7. Her aunty.............(like) to cook dinner for people.
8. John's dog usually..............(0bey) him.
9. Lisa never ............. (do) her homework.
10. Every morning I................ (get up) at seven o'clock and
......... (have) a shower.

Activity 4 Arrange the sentences below into

good negative forms of Simple Present

1. I ........... like to ice-cream.

2. Aunty Sharon chicken
3. John and Lisa .......... do their
homework on weekends.
4. Tania's baby .......... cry.
5. We ............ always play football on
6. He the T.V. on Saturday.
7. I ...............understand my English homework.
8. My house ........... have a garden.
9. The shop ........... open until 12 o'clock.
10. She .............. like to play basketball.

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 37 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

Activity 5
Arrange the sentences below into good
interrogative forms of Simple Present
1. ............. Lucy go to school at 8
o'clock in the morning?
2. ............ you want a drink?
3. ............ your teacher shout?
4. ............. Martyn and Janice like to
dance at the weekends?
5. .............. your family go on holiday?
6. ............. Jason have a course
7. ............. you want to go to the
8. ............. his mother go to the gym?
9. like to swim?
10. ............Michael's friends eat breakkfast in the morning?

Check this out! Complete the story with the

correct to be!


Raul (are/is) a Spanish. He (is/am) an athlete. He (are/is) a football player.

He (is/are) playing for Real Madrid. He has favorite food like us. They

(are/is) tomatoes, pasta, and margarin orange. I like pasta too. So, we

(is/are) pasta lovers. Michelle Pfeiffer and Robert De Niro (are/is) his

favorite movie stars. His favorite movie (are/is) In the Name of the Father.

He (am/is) practicing with his team mates now. They (are/is) Gusti,

Casillas, Niestelrooy, Heinze, Robben, and many more. Yes, I (is/am) a

big fan of Raul. (am/are) you a big fan of Raul too?

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 38 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

 Pronoun
UNIT 5  Notices
 Modals

Let’s Learn : Pronoun

Grammar in Focus

Possessive Adjectives
Subject Possessive
Pronouns Adjectives
I My My name is Brian.
You Your Your name is Robbie.
We Our Our last name is Gibson.
They Their Their last name is Cordova.
He His His name is Andy.
She Her Her name is Liza.
It Its Its name is Hellie.

Complete the sentences with the proper possessive

1. ................... English book is fun. (I)
2. We love ................ teachers. (we)
3. ............ cell phone looks really cool. (you)
4. ........... parents are nice. (they)
5. ........... name is Brad. (he)
6. I like ........... new hairstyle. (she)
7. Where is ........... room? (you)
8. That poster is ................. favorite. ( she)
9. ............ name is ..................................... (write your name)
10. ............. last name is ..................................... (write your last name)

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 39 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

A. Match each personality trait with the correct definition!

1. Popular ......... a. makes a lot of rules to be followed

2. Easygoing ....... b. liked by a lot of people
3. Quiet ...... c. not easily upset; usually not worried
4. Studious ....... d. enjoyable or entertaining
5. Smart ...... e. spends a lot of time studying
6. Serious ....... f. intellegent
7. Outgoing ......... g. very calm; not noisy or loud
8. Shy ........ h. very sensible; usually works hard
9. Competitive ....... i. enjoys meeting new people
10. Fun ........ j. determined to be better than other people
11. Strict ......... k. uncomfortable around other people

B. Match the adjectives with their opposites. Use a dictionary

if you need to!

1. Studious a. shy
2. Friendly b. lazy
3. Fun c. strict
4. Outgoing d. unpopular
5. Popular e. talkative
6. Quiet f. unfriendly
7. Easygoing g. boring
8. Smart h. foolish
9. Perfectionist i. relaxive
10. Serious j. unidealist

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 40 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

Grammar in Focus

You Should Know

Possessive Pronouns

Possessive Adjective Possessive Pronouns Possessive Adjective Possessive Pronoun

My mine It’s my book It’s mine
Your yours It’s your book It’s yours
Our Ours It’s our book It’s ours
Their Theirs It’s their book It’s theirs
Her hers it’s her book It’s hers
His his it’s his book it’s his

Question with whose? Short answers long answers

Whose is that? Mine it’s mine
Whose idea is it? Ours it’s ours
Whose car is that? His it’s his
Whose house is it? Andi’s It’s Andi’s house
It’s the house of Andi
Whose shop is this? Maemunah’s It’s Maemunah’s shop
It’s the shop of
Whose pen is it? Salis’ It’s Salis’ pen
It’s the pen of Salis


Rewrite the sentences. Use possessive pronouns!

1. Those are their CDs. Those CDs are theirs.

2. This is her backpack. ..................................................

3. That’s our soccer ball. ..................................................

4. That’s my comic book. ..................................................

5. Those are his sneakers. ..................................................

6. This is your cell phone. ..................................................

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 41 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

Excercises of Pronoun

1. I don’t know those girls. Do you know .................................?

2. I don’t know tha man. Do you know .................................?

3. I don’t know those people. Do you know .................................?

4. I don’t know Bill’s wife. Do you know .................................?

5. I don’t know Mr. Joe. Do you know .................................?

6. I don’t know Gate’s parents. Do you know ........................?

7. I don’t know the woman in the black dress. Do you know...........?

8. I’m going to wash my hands.

9. she’s going to wash ......................

10. we’re going to wash.........................

11. he’s going to wash...........................

12. they’re going to wash.......................

13. are you going to wash......................?

14. It’s their / theirs problem, not our / ours.

15. This is a nice camera. Is it your / yours ?

16. That’s not my / mine umbrella. My / mine is black.

17. Catherine is going out with her / hers friends this evening.

18. Can we use your / yours washing machine? Our / ours isn’t work.


SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 42 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

Let’s Learn : Notices

Notice adalah pemberitahuan dalam bentuk tulisan atau tanda yang

ditujukan pada publik untuk memberikan informasi, instruksi, atau
Caution adalah peringatan atau saran yang ditujukan pada publik
tentang sebuah bahaya atau resiko yang mungkin terjadi.
Warning adalah arangan agar supaya seseorang tidak melakukan
hal tersebut karena dianggap sangat berbahaya. Sehingga larangannya
bersifat lebih keras.

Notice/caution/warning menurut maknanya pada dasarnya dibagi

menjadi dua jenis:

1. Notice yang berupa arahan atau petunjuk.

Notice ini bisa berupa kalimat perintah, ajakan, nasehat, arahan atau
petunjuk. Bisa juga berupa gambar/sign/tanda tertentu.


Jika notice tersebut berupa arahan, maka maknanya akan identik dengan
kalimat-kalimat yang mengandung makna: ( hafalkan kosa kata berikut)
- can/may : boleh
- must/have to : harus
- should : hendaknya, seharusnya
- allowed/permitted/let : diperbolehkan
- suggested/recommended : dianjurkan
- asked/hoped : diminta/diharapkan

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 43 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

2. Notice yang berupa larangan.
Notice ini berupa kalimat larangan, (No, Don’t, Never), atau berupa
gambar/tanda/sign yang diberi tanda garis miring atau tanda silang
Misalnya : Don’t be noisy, No parking, never speak up.

Jika notice tersebut berupa larangan, maka maknanya akan identik

dengankalimat-kalimat yang mengandung
makna:( hafalkan kosa-kata berikut)
- can’t/may not/must not : tidak boleh
- forbidden/banned/prohibited : dilarang
- not allowed/not permitted : tidak diperbolehkan
- not suggested/not recommended : tidak dianjurkan

1. What does the notice on the right mean?

Keep the Room Clean

A. Do not throw rubbish in the room C. Do not sleep in the room

B. Do not destroy everything in the room D. Do not speak in the room

2. What is the text about?

A. How to avoid accident C. How to close the lid

B. The way to block the sunlight D. The way to store a medicine

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 44 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

3. Where do you usually find the sign above?
A. In the supermarket C. At the train station
B. In the garden D. At the airport
4. Look at the following notice.
What does the notice above mean?
A. We are not allowed to walk near the place
B. We are not allowed to come in the place
C. We are forbidden to get out from the place
D. We are forbidden to put something in the place.

5. Read the following notice, It is put on the glass door.

No children under 10 years

What does it mean?

A. We don't have children under 10 years old.
B. Children under 10 years old must enter the room.
C. Children under 10 years old mustn't enter the room.
D. There are no children under 10 years old in that room.
6. The following warning means that pedestrians should ... the grass.

Keep off the grass

A. not cut C. not keep

B. not water D. not walk on

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 45 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

7. Study the notice!
What does the notice above mean?
A. We don't have to dry our hands
B. We can't use our hand to dry something
C. We should use the dryer to dry our hands
D. We should use our hand to dry something

In case of fire don't use lift

but use fire exit door

8. Where do you usually find the caution'?

A. Near the windows of the house C. At the door in a small house
B. On the wall in a motel D. On the lift in a building

9. Look at the traffic sign! It means …

A. the road is winding
B. the road is slippery
C. the car may not enter this street
D. there are a lot of winding turns

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 46 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd


10. The sentence above means ... in the classroom.

A. don't make any noise
B. don't throw rubbish anywhere
C. put the books on the bookshelf
D. put the rubbish on the floor

Switch off all electronic appliances when you don’t need them.

11. We will find kind of instruction in the following places, EXCEPT…

A. at home C. in the office
B. at school D. along the street

12. Which of the following sentences best explains the above sign?
A. If you break any of the articles you should pay for it.
B. You don't have to buy articles that are broken.
C. In this section you will only find broken articles.
D. The shop sells special broken articles.


13. It means that only the ..... who own the houses at the housing
complex can go there.
A. security guards
B. participants

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 47 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

C. people
D. guests
14. Where do you usually find this sign?


A. In the supermarket
B. In the garden
C. At the train station
D. At the airport


Do not aim the camera directly into the sun or

at other intense light sources.

The warning means.............

A. It will be good if we take the picture of the sun.
B. It will be better if we take the picture of other intense light sources.
C. If we aim the camera directly into the sun, the sun will have a
D. Our eyes might be in danger if the camera is aimed into the sun or
intense light resources.




Where do you usually find the sign above?

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 48 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

A. At railways station.
B. At a bus station.
C. At a station wagon.
D. At a petrol station.
In emergency push switch to shutdown laser.
The text above means that we.... turn off the laser in emergency.
A. Are not allowed to
B. Are forbidden to
C. Have to
D. May
18. Where do you find the following notice?

Please check in your

baggage one hour before
boarding time.
A. At the railway station.
B. At the harbor.
C. At the airport.
D. At the bus station.
19. According to the notice above, if our plane takes off at 1:25, we
A. check in at 1:00
B. be ready before boarding time
C. leave an hour before boarding time
D. check in at 12:25
20. What does the following sentence mean?

Don’t use products made of protected


A. Turtle is one of the protected animals.

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 49 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

B. We must save protected animals.
C. Protected animals may be made into products.
D. We can make use of protected animals.
21. Read the following notice.


It means ...

A. The place is special for you as visitors

B. This is a place for you to wait

C. You cannot wait for anyone here

D. You should not stay here


It means ...

A. We should get in the room.

B. The room is only for staff.

C. We can meet the director in this room.

D. The staff are not allowed to get in.



What does the notice mean?

A. We must throw away the cap
B. We must place the cap back in position after we use the product
C. We must keep the cap in place when we want to use the product
D. We must change the cap with a new one after we use the product

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 50 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

24. What may happen if we don’t replace the cap after use?
A. We may lose it.
B. We may buy a new one.
C. We will have the product for good.
D. We may find the product dried.
25. What is NOT CORRECT according to the following caution?

Stop use and consult

with a doctor if rash or
irritation develops

A. The product may cause rash or irritation.

B. Some people may be allergic with the product.

C. We cannot stop using the product even when rash develops.

D. We must consult our doctor if we develop irritation.

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 51 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

Complete the following statements with
Activity proper modals: must, can, may, should!

1. I did’t feel very well yesterday. I .......... (modal, not) eat anything.

2. You ......... (modal) look at me when I am talking to you.

3. If you don’t study hard now, you ...... (modal) leave the class.

4. I ...... (modal) help you, but I worry about that.

5. I really ......... (must) try to get fit.

6. ........... (modal) I take a photograph of you?

7. His excuse .......... (modal) be true. But I don’t believe.

8. ........... you open the window, please?

9. You ........ (modal, not) put your feet on the cafetaria table

10. I’m afraid I .......... (modal) play tennis tomorrow. I’ve got a dentist


Let’s Learn : This/These; That/Those

 This pen is for you

 These pens are for you

 That pen is mine

 Those pens are mine

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 52 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

 Countable and Uncountable Noun
UNIT 6  How many and How much
 Article

Let’s Learn : Nouns

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 53 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

Activity 1
List the following things. Add two more
things in each list!

Kite sugar ink student money book

Water desk teacher oil paper apple
Sand hair hand dictionary gas

Countable Noun Uncountable Noun

Activity 2
Irregular Plural Noun. Listen and

Singular Plural
Person People
Mouse Mice
Woman Women
Man Men
Child Children
Foot Feet
Tooth Teeth
Goose Geese
Wife Wives

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 54 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

Activity 3

Choose the correct words in the brackets!

1. I put (much , many) sugar in my coffee.

2. We need only (a few , a little) salt in this soup.

3. How (much , many) books do you need?

4. Can you give me ( a few, a lot of) time

5. I need (many , much) money to buy car.

6. How (many , much) students are there in your class?

7. There is (a little, a few) ink in the bottle.

8. I get (a few , a lot of) money from my uncle.

9. There are (a lot of, much) boys in the classroom.

10. I don’t get (much, few) bread today.

Listen to and practise the following conversation!

Salma : Look!These T-shirts are nice. Which one do you like better?

Lia : I like the red one better.

Salma : Really? Why?

Lia : Well, it’s my favourite colour.

Salma : The yellow one is nice, too.

Lia : Hmm.. there’s no price tag on it.

Salma : Excuse me. How much is this T-shirt?

Clerk : It’s Rp. 250.000,- Would you like to try it on?

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 55 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

Salma : Oh, no. That’s OK. But thank you anyway.

Clerk : You’re welcome.

Activity 4 Complete the sentences with this, that,

these, or those!

1. 5.

How much are .......... books? How much ........ .......... planes?

2. 6.

How much are ........ pens? How much ........ .......... apples?

3. 7.

How much is .......... apple? How much ....... ........ sheep?

4. 8.

How much is .......... apple? How much ........ ........ cat?

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 56 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

You Should Know
Prices :

Rp 1000 = a thousand rupiahs

Rp 25.000,- = twenty five thousand rupiahs
$70.20 Write
= seventy dollars and thecents
twenty prices of each item below!

Activity 5

1. $5.25

It is ........................................

2. Rp 143.000,-

It is .............................

3. Rp 300.675,-
It is ...............................


Rp 125.000,-

It is ...............................


Rp 48.900,-

It is ....................................

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 57 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd


a jar of a pack of a box of a bottle of a bar of

a plate of a tube of a tin of a glass of

a bag of a bowl of

.................. dumpling soup ....................toothpaste

.................... chocolate

......................... cola

.......................... milk ................. honey

..................... sweets ................... matches .......................... milk

......................... fried rice ............................. medicine

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 58 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

 Descriptive Text
UNIT 7  Like and Dislike
 Part of the body


Adalah teks yang isinya menggambarkan sesuatu atau seseorang secara

spesifik. (to describe something in particular)

Topik karangan deskriptif biasanya berisi tentang sifat-sifat, ciri-ciri, dan

deskripsi rinci yang berhubungan dengan pokok bahasan.


My Uncle Martin Title (Judul Teks)

My Uncle Martin is my mother’s elder brother. He

is my favourite among my mother’s brothers. He is a very
(mengidentifikasikan hal
interesting man. He lives quite near us with my Aunt
yang dijelaskan : Uncle
Angela and my cousins Anne and Bob. I often go to his

He is about 45 with grey hair. He is still quite

good-looking. He is tall and well-built. He has blue eyes
and a strong face. He wears glasses. He is short short
sighted. He takes them off when he doesn’t work.
Uncle Martin is a textile engineer. He works for a
big firm in the city. He travels widely in his job. He is an Menjelaskan deskripsi rinci
expert in solving problems with machines. At present, he berdasarkan ciri-ciri, bagian,
is in the United States. He is visiting the firm’s customers dan hal-hal yang
there. berhubungan dengan topic
yang dibahas.
He is very fond of the sea. He has a boat at the
seaside. He goes there every weekend in summer to sail
it. I sometimes stay with my cousins at their house on the
coast. When Uncle Martin is at home, he usually takes us
out in the boat.

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 59 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

Secara umum, ciri-ciri karangan deskriptif sebagai berikut.

1. Menggunakan sudut pandang orang ketiga.

2. Ciri-ciri kebahasaan:

 Present tense

 Action verbs, he wears glasses, he travels widely

 Adverb

 Menggunakan istilah-istilah khusus yang berkaitan dengan


Generic Structure :

 Identification

 Description

Read the text and answer questions 1-4.

Peter is the youngest in our family. He is fourteen years old and

four years younger than me. He has long, straight hair, bright eyes, and a

friendly smile. Sometimes he rather naughty at home, but he usually does

what he is asked to do.

Peter is interested in sports very much, and at school he plays

football and tennis. He is the best badminton player in our family.

1. What is the text mostly about?

a. Peter.

b. Peter’s hobby.

c. Peter’s family

d. Peter’s elder brother.

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 60 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

2. From the text we know that Peter is .....

a. The writer’s youngest brother

b. The writer’s eldest brother

c. A naughty boy

d. A friendly boy

3. Based on the text we know that the writer is ...... years old.

a. Fourteen

b. Sixteen

c. Eighteen

d. Nineteen

4. “Peter is interested in sports very much and at school he plays

football and tennis.”

The underlined phrase can be replaced with .....

a. Dislike sport

b. Really likes sport

c. Hates sport very much

d. Finds sport not really entertaining

Walking is a sport
Sport helps us to become strong and healthy. There are many kinds
of sport: walking, running, hunting, cycling, swimming, and so on. It is not
important what kinds of sports we are going to do as long as we are strong
enough to do it.
Healthy people should exercise regularly, no matter how old they
are. The simplest and the best sport is walking. It is also the cheapest one,
because we do not need money to do it. A long walk in the evening may
help us sleep more than any medicine.
But people today do not like walking. They prefer to drive a car, though
they are not in a hurry or travelling a long distance. This kind of “disease” comes
from laziness.

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 61 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

5. What is the cheapest and the simplest sport?

a. Running c. Walking

b. Swimming d. Hunting

6. This kind of “disease” comes from laziness. (See the last

paragraph). The underlined word has the closest meaning with .....

a. Sadness c. Laziness
b. Careless d. Illness

Read the text and answer questions 7 and 8

The Eka Karya Botanical Garden is a unique place to visit in Bali.

There, visitors can stroll through cool and tranquil gardens, visit temples
and traditional Balinese botany and traditional. The gardens combine

scientific and conservation goals in a cool, mountainous setting; with

adjacent forest and lakes, wildlife such as bird and monkeys, and the

attractive landscaping all joined in harmony. With a rich collection of 1,187

species, the Eka Karya Botanical Garden is not only forerunner in

conserving Indonesia’s flora, but also one of the most beautiful gardens of
its kind in the world.

He primary task of the Botanical Garden is to conduct research,

inventory and protect Indonesian plant species, native to moist upland

areas, particularly from eastern Indonesia, also to provide useful scientific

services and to increase public appreciation for conservation.

7. What is the Eka Karya Botanical Garden?

a. Kind c. Unique

b. Useful d. Harmony

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 62 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

8. “There, visitors can stroll through cool ..... ” (Paragraph 1)

What does the underlined word mean?

a. Walk slowly

b. Examine carefully

c. Observe seriously

d. Stay temporarily

Grammar in Focus

Expressing Likes and


What would you say to show that you like something?

 Like, enjoy, love, dislike, hate, crazy about, can’t stand + VERB-ING
Examples :
1. I like fruit.
2. She loves cooking.
3. We enjoy watching movies.
4. I can’t stand sitting all alone here.
5. I’m crazy about playing basketball.

 Common nouns and proper nouns (names) may also follow these verbs
Exampples :
1. I love encyclopedias.
2. They hate cartoons.
3. I’m crazy about Justin Bieber.

 After the verbs like and love, the “to infinitive” can also be used
Examples :
1. Gaston loves to swim.
2. I like to drink a glass of milk.

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Where can you find the following notice and cautions? Match A and B!











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1. NO FEEDING THE ANIMALS : Do not feed the animals

2. NO PARKING : .........................................

3. NO LITTERING : .........................................

4. NO SMOKING : .........................................

5. NO EATING AND DRINKING : .........................................

6. NO PICKING THE FLOWERS : .........................................

7. NO SWIMMING : ..........................................


Adjective + noun good parents, a cute baby, an expensive car, etc.

Number + adjective + noun two big eyes, ten new books, etc

Complete into a good noun phrase!

Activity 1

1. Mr. Newton is eating soup. It is hot. He is eating hot soup.

2. Paula is a teacher. She is good. She is a ...............................

3. Ben is reading a book. It is interesting. Ben is reading an .......................

4. Mrs. Martin makes dresses. They are beautiful. She makes ...................

5. I have a brother. He is fat. I have a fat brother.

6. The students have four dictionaries. They are new. ................................

7. There are thirty students in the classroom. They are clever. ...................

8. Shanty has seven pencils. They are long. ...............................................

9. Lily has two sisters. They are pretty. .......................................................

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 67 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

 Simple Past Tense
8  Procedure Text
 Prediksi UKK

Affirmative statements
Mrs. Bryant arrived late last night.
She traveled to Singapore last week.

Simple Past of Regular Verb
Mrs. Bryant didn’t (did not) arrive early.
She didn’t (did not) travel to Japan.

Yes/No Questions Short Answers

Did Mrs. Bryant arrive last night? Yes, she did/ No, she didn’t (did

Information Questions Short Answers

Who did she visit in Singapore? Lim Ang San and his wife
When did she arrive in Singapore? Late last night

NOTE : Some verbs change spelling when you add –d or –ed.

cry = cried try = tried prefer = preferred step = stepped play =played

1. To form the simple past of most regular verbs, add .................. or ..........

2. When asking simple present past Yes/No and information questions,

use .................. plus the main verb.

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 68 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

The Simple Past of Irregular

Afffirmative Statements Negative Statements

The flight was pleasant. The flight wasn’t boring.
The trees were very green. The leaves weren’t brown.
Mrs. Bryant had a wonderful time in Singapore. She didn’t have a lot of luggage.

Yes/No Questions Short Answers

Was it an interesting week? Yes, it was/No, it wasn’t.
Were the flight attendants nice? Yes, they were/No, they weren’t.
Did Mrs. Bryant go back to Texas? Yes, she did/No, she didn’t.

Information Questions Answers

Why was she in Texas? She was at a conference
Where were Nick and Tom? At home. (They were at home)
Where did Mrs. Bryant have breakfast? At the zoo. (She had breakfast at
the zoo)


1. When you use be in the simple past .............

a. Yes/No Questions begin with ........ or .........

b. Information questions begin with the question words followed by ....... or

2. When you use irregular verbs (except be) in the simple past ..........
a. Negative statements include ............. + the base form of the verbs.
b. Yes/No questions begin with ..................

c. Most information questions begin with the questions word followed by


SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 69 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

Tell the story – fill in the past simple tense!
Activity 1

On Friday, the children ……(talk) about a day out together in the country.
The next morning, they ……..(go) to the country with their two dogs
and ..(play) together. Ben and Dave ………(have) some kites. Some time
later the dogs……….. (be) not there. So they………. (call) them and
……….(look) for them in the forest. After half an hour the children….. (find)
them and …….(take) them back. Charlie ……….(be) very happy to see
them again. At lunch time Nick…….. (go) to the bikes and……….. (fetch)
the basket with some meat sandwiches. Then they ……….(play) football.
Nick and Dave ……….(win). In the evening they ………(ride) home.

Change the base forms into past tense!

1. She wins the money. She ………the money.

2. They can eat. They….. eat.

3. She must go. She……. go.

4. We go shopping. We …

5. She runs to school. She ………to school.

6. I can walk. I ……walk.

7. We buy a new car. We ………a new car.

8. They leave the party. They ………the party.

9. We collect coins. We …….coins.

10. You are allowed to eat. You ………allowed to eat.

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11. Peter eats a hamburger. Peter ……..a hamburger.

12. She has to wash it. She……….. to wash it.

13. They want to go home. They ……………to go home.

14. I close the windows. I ………..the windows.

15. She studies for a test. She………. for a test.

16. They can drive. They…………. drive.

17. Sam likes to laugh. Sam …….to laugh.

18. Mary goes home. Mary……… home.

19. We write a letter. We ………a letter.

20. She opens the window. She……. the window.

Fill in the correct simple past forms!

The pupils of class VIIB…… (do) a project last week. First the pupils
…..(choose) what they wanted to do. Then they ………(get) information
from books and brochures and they ………(talk) to a lot of people. They
……….(find) some interesting photos in the library. Their teacher
……….(help) them when they ………..(ask) her. Then they
………….(make) a poster and a video and …………(tell) the other groups
about their project.

Select the correct past tense verbs by clicking on the appropriate

1. He __ soccer yesterday.

a. Plaied
b. plaid

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 71 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

d. played
e. plaies
2. I __ 50m last week.
a.swam d.swimming
b.swum e.swimmes
3. I __ here last year as well.
a.came d.coming
b.comed e.comes
4. John __ to New York last month.
a.go d.goes
b.going e.wanted
5. She __ the newspaper on the train. d.readed
b.readed e.reading

Write the words that mean the opposite of these


1. ugly beautiful 6. Dirty ...................

2. boring ................. 7. Poor ...................

3. big ...................... 8. Horrible ..................

4. unpleasant ................... 9. Clever ..................

5. unprofessional ................... 10. Afraid ..................

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 72 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

A. Choose the correct answer!

1. Nina : Hi, Icha. How do you do today?

Icha :.....

a. Nice to meet you, Nina c. I am fine, thank you and how are you?
b. Pretty well, thanks d. How do you do?
2. Budi : What are you doing here, Ayu?
Ayu :.....

a. I do my homework c. I helped my mother

b. My name is Ayu Wantirah d. I’m waiting for the school bus
3. Seller :.....
Buyer : Of course. I need an ounce of chillies and a sack of salt.

a. What can I do for you? c. Can I help you, madam?

b. Do you want to buy anything? d. Oh, nice to meet you here
4. Mrs. Anne wants to buy carrots, tomatoes, chillies, and cabbage in the market. So
she must go to the . . . . .
a. drugstore c. library
b. greengrocer d. butcher
5. Many people like to keep this animal at home. They keep it as a pet. People like it
because of its soft fur and funny. It likes to eat fish and hunts mice at home. What is
the animal?
a. dog b. fish c. cat d. bird

6. Mr. Yasin . . . . . math at our school.

a. teacher b. teach c. teaches d. teaching

7. Diran : Ok, Vida! You and I must go to the teacher’s room now. And . .
........ have to meet Miss Eva
Vida : Allright. Let’s go now.

a. we b. you c. they d. she

8. many – there – table – books – are – the – on

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Rearrange the words into a good sentence!

a. 7-6-3-1-4-2-5 b. 7-6-5-4-1-2-5 c. 2-5-1-4-7-6-3 d. 2-5-1-3-6-7-4

9. Kate always . . . . . sandwiches for her lunch.

a. have b. eat c. eats d. Eating

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 73 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

10. A student : . . . . . for coming late, Sir.
A teacher : Why? Did you have trouble on your way to school?

A student : Yes, Sir. I had a flat tyre.

a. I am sure b. I am sorry c. I am glad d. I am certain

11. The teacher introduces a new student in front of the class.

A teacher : This is our new student. She comes from Denpasar, Bali.

She lives at 17 Jangli, Semarang.

. . . . . name is Ni Made Gawarini.

a. My b. His c. Her d. She

12. A worker : What do you usually do after working?

A friend : As usual I take a rest and . . . . . my wife clean the house and
how about you?

A worker : Sometimes I sleep and watch TV until late at night.

a. help b. to help c. helped d. helping

13. Rearrange these words into a good sentences!

Good – father – Mira’s – is – a – lawyer

1 2 3 4 5 6

a. 3-6-4-5-1-2 b. 3-2-4-1-5-6 c. 3-2-4-5-1-6 d. 3-1-2-4-5-6

14. Which of the following word has a different vowel (bunyi yang berbeda)
a. carrot b. purple c. marble d. parcel

15. Tony : I need a pencil. Do you have some?

Shopkeeper : . . . . . some. Which one do you prefer?

Janet : I think I like this one. The colour is nice

a. They are b. There are c. There is

d. It is

16. Davigo has . . . . . at 06.00. He usually has rice, fried eggs and a glass of tea.
a. lunch b. dinner c. supper d. breakfast

17. Some people usually place frying pan, stove, knife and plates in the . . . . .
a. living room b. dining room c. kitchen d. Garage

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 74 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

18. In a factory, a supervisor leads many workers. The synonym of workers is . . . . .
a. managers b. employees c. directors d. secretaries

19. My mother wants to make cakes for my sister’s birthday, so she asked me to buy
eggs, butter, sugar, some flour and a little . . . . .
a. pepper b. spice c. salt d. maize

20. There are four mayor . . . . . in Indonesia for Instance Moslem, Christian, Hinduism,
and Budhism.
a. religions b. customs c. identity d. habbit

21. People love animals very much. They like to keep them at home. The animals kept at
home is called the . . . . animals.
a. tame b. pet c. wild d. rare

22. Which of the following words belong to shopping!

a. clothes, price, vegetables c. dance, hide and seek, chess
b. introduce, invite, collect d. salary, wages, secretaries
23. Mrs. Maryati works in a bank as a teller. She gets . . . . . about Rp. 900.000,- a month.
a. a bonus b. a job c. money d. salary

24. What do you say if you accept an offering (menerima sebuah tawaran)?
a. No, thanks b. I’m sorry c. Yes, please d. Not at all

25. The children’s bedrooms are upstair. Upstair means . . . . .

a. on a lower floor c. to the ground floor

b. on an upper floor d. on the ground floor

26. I don’t have . . . . . sugar.

a. some b. any c. and d. the

Read the text carefully. Questions 27 to 30 are about Text 2.

Text 2

Tomato Soup

• 4 large tomatoes

• 1 small onion

• 8 cups water

• small clove garlic

• spices

• ½ teaspoon salt

• ¼ teaspoon pepper

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 75 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

• ¼ teaspoon butter

1. Fry tomatoes, onion, and garlic in a pan with butter for five minutes.

2. Add water, spices, salt, and pepper.

3. Heat until the water boils.

4. Turn down the heat and cover the lid.

5. Cook for one hour.

27. What is kind of the text above?

a. narrative b. recount c. monoloque d. procedure

28. How much water is needed for tomato soup?

a. 1 cup of water b. 8 cups of water c. 5 cups of water d. 2 cups of

29. After frying the ingredients in a pan what is the next step?
a. Turn down the heat. c. Add water, spices, salt, and pepper.

b. Heat until the water boils. d. Cook for one hour.

30. What is the last step when making tomato soup?

a. Cook for one hour. c. Heat until the water boils.

b. Fry the ingredients in a pan. d. Put stock into a pan.

B. Answer the questions briefly!

1. Complete the dialogue!

a. Dono : Hi, Dini! How are you today?

Dini : Oh, I’m well and you?

Dono : Pretty well.

Dini : Why do you often come late to school?

Dono : My bicycle is broken. It has had a flat tire.

And you always come to school earlier. How do you go to


Dini : …………………………………………………………………

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 76 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

b. Waitress : Good afternoon. Can I help you?

Riki : Good afternoon. Yes, I’d like fried chicken with fries and a
coke, please.

Waitress : Would you like a regular or large coke?

Riki : Regular, please.

Waitress : Would you like anything else?

Riki : Yes, I’d like an ice cream, please.

Waitress : ………………………………..?

Riki : Chocolate, please.

Waitress : OK.

2. Rearrange these words into a good sentence!

a. karina – a pair of – trousers – and – wanted – to – buy – shoes
b. books – week – and – swimming – he – Anto – likes – reading – every – goes
c. new – batteries – for – need – radio – I – some – my
d. girl – cleaning – the – tables – rooms – the – are – the – and
e. grandmother – school – to – visit – I – every – holiday – my – last

3. Fill in the blank

a. When you have a headache you go to see…………

b. A ………… makes a shirt for you.

c. Your …………. gives you homework everyday.

d. A ………… . . . . . delivers mail everyday.

e. Every restaurant has……………………

f. One of the police duties is to…

g. . . . . . . . . . . helps a doctor to examine a patient.

h. You go to a … . . . . . . . . .to check your teeth.

4. Translate the text below into the Indonesian!

There is a new departement store in out town. It is at the end of the main
road. I buy a newspaper there everyday. This big store is open everyday, even
Sunday. It is always busy on Sunday. A lot or people like to go shopping on

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 77 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

They sell milk, eggs, biscuits, tea, sugar, and coffe. You can get aspirin,
toothpaste, or a writing pad there. You can also get other things such as
clothes, shoes, and cosmetics. You can even buy fruits and vegetables.

Although there are many things in the store, you can find the things you
need easily. You can find shoes in the shoe departement and vegetables at the
vegetables stalls. You can use a trolley when you need to carry too many
things. It is really a very big store in our town.


SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 78 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

Choose either a, b, c, or d for the correct answer.

1.Andi : can I borrow your pencil?

Sani : Sure here it is
Andi : Thank you
Sani : …..
a. I’m sorry c. Thank you
b. Don’t mention it d.That’s Ok

2. Mother : Marisa, did you break the plate?

Marisa : Yes I did, I’m sorry Mom…
Mother :……
a. I’m sorry too c. You are welcome
b. That’s all right d. don’t mention it

3. Teacher : Hadi, open the door please !

Hadi : ….
a. Don’t mention it c. Ok Sir, thank you
b. Yes, Sir d. I’m sorry Sir

4. A : Do you like to play sport?

B : ……
A : What sport do you like?
B : I’m very fond of playing football
a. No, I don’t c. Yes, I’m fine
b. Yes, I like it a lot d. I can’t stand it

5. A : What do you think about my new dress?

B : …….It’s looks good.
a. I know c. I think
b. It’s good d. I think it’s a good idea

6. A : Hello
B : Hello, Can I have this magazine. Please
A : That’s 10.000 rupiahs. Please
B : Here you are
A :……
a.Don’t mention it c. Never mind
b. Thank you d. Goodbye

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 79 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd


Mr. Jackson is an American teacher, but he lives and works

in Denpasar. He teaches English at SMP 8. He is very good
teacher. His students like him.
His wife is an Indonesian. She comes from Medan. They
have one son and one daughter. The children go to a primary
Mr. Jackson’s house is made of wood. It has five rooms, a
kitchen, a bathroom, a living room and two bedrooms. The
Jacksons have a house maid to help Mrs. Jackson to do the
house work. The maid comes from Bantul.

7. What does the text mostly about?

a. Mr.Jackson’s wife c. Mr. Jackson’s work
b. The Jackson family d. Mr. Jackson’s maid

8. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To tell how The Jackson Family is
b. To describe the Jackson Family
c. To explain about Jackson Family
d. To entertain the Jackson Family

9. Where does the Jackson Family stay?

a. in Denpasar b. in Bantul
c. in Medan d. in America

10. “She comes from Medan” (line 3). The underlined

Word refer to Mr. Jackson’s..….
a. Teacher b. daughter
c.wife d. Maid

11. Mr. Jackson’ house has….

a. a kitchen an a private room
b. a living room and a garage room
c. a living room and a bathroom
d. a bedroom and a prayer room

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 80 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd


1. First, cut a piece of pineapple

2. Then, (12)…the pineapple into a blender
3. (13)….a half glass of water into a the blender.
4. (14)…. spoonful of sugar
5. Put some ice cubes into the blender
6. (15)…for several minutes
7. Now, your juice is ready to be served

12. a. cut b. put c. chop d. slice

13. a. break b. sauté c. pour d. grate
14. a. grill b. bake c. add d. clean
15. a. play b. push c. press d. blend

Where is the notice placed…
a. Classroom c. Librari
b. Street/Road d. Mosque


Where is the notice placed…
a. Classroom c. Mosque
b. Hospital d. School Canteen
Everybody has a hobby. A hobby is something we do for
happiness in our spare time. My hobby is collecting stamps. I
like to collect many kinds from all over the world. Sometimes I
must buy a new stamp. I put my collections in a stamps album.
I have a brother. His name is Andre. He likes to go camping. He
always goes camping on holidays. My sister, Putri, like cooking.
She likes baking cakes but she hates preparing our meals.
My mother and father like gardening. They like to spend their
time in garden. There are many flowers in their garden. There
are roses, jasmines, orchids and hisbicuses. They also plant
vegetables. There are carrots, tomatoes, and lettuce.
18. What is hobby?
a. something we do for fun
b. pleasure in our spare time
c. it is whatever everybody has
d. something we like to collect

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 81 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

19. How many persons are there in the writer’s family?
a. 3 b. 4
c. 5 d. 6

20. Where does the writer put his stamps collection?

a. in the book c. in the wallet
b. in the stamp album d. in the cupboard

21. Which sentences is TRUE according to the text above?

a. the writer is a philatelist
b.Andre’s hobby is collecting stamps
c. the writer is the only son in the family
d. the writer’s sister likes to prepare their meal

22. A hobby is something we do for pleasure. (paragraph 1)

The underlined word has the same meaning with….
a. money b. happiness
c. interesting d. Experiment

23. My mother and father like gardening. They like to spend their
time in garden. The underlined word refers to…
a. My mother c. father
b. My mother and father d. Andre and Putri

· Some celery
· 1 ounce garlic
· 1 ounce onion
· 1 kg chicken
· ¼ kg carrot
· ¼ kg tomato
· 1 pack salt

24. What kind of text is it?

a. a food label c. a short message
b. a shopping list d. an advertisement

25. How much garlic does the writer want to buy?

a. one ounce c. three ounce
b. two ounce d. four ounce

26. Which store will the writer not go to?

a. a greengrocer’s c. a grocer’s
b. the butcher’s d. a bakery

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 82 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

27. From the text above we know that the writer probably wants to
a. fruit salad c. chicken soup
b. black forest d. chicken curry

28. Shop assistant :……..?

Aisah : Yes, I need two kg of orange
a. Can I help you? c. Do you help me?
b. Can you help me? d. What can I do for you?

29. We buy flower at…..

a. book store c. florist
b. fruit seller d. Greengrocer

30. We buy medicine at….

a. drugstore c. grocery store
b. fruit seller d. Greengrocer

31. Arrange these jumbled sentence into the right paragraph.

1) Add a spoonful of sugar
2) then, put a teaspoon of coffee into a cup
3) First, boil some water in the kettle
4) Next, stir the mixture for a few moment
5) Fill in the cup with boiling water
6) Finally the coffee is ready to be served
a. 1-2-3-4-5-6 c. 3-2-1-4-6-5
b. 2-3-5-6-1-4 d. 3-2-1-5-4-6

32. She is……….now

a. cry b. crying
c. cried d. Cries

33. We buy birthday cake at….

a. fruit seller
b. drugstore
c. bakery
d. florist

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 83 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

Dear Anita
Congratulation on your success in the poetry reading
competition. You are the best. I am proud of you.
34. What kind of text is it?
a. a greeting card c. a short message
b. a birthday card d. a condolence card

35. What is the purpose of the text?

a. to tell how to congratulation on success
b. to explain anita’s success
c. to congratulate on anita’s success
d. to describe anita’s success

36. Who send the card?

a. Anita c. Poetry competition
b. Harun d. Anita and Harun

37. Who won the poetry reading competition?

a. Anita c. Poetry competition
b. Harun d. Anita and Harun

38. Arrange the sentences into the correct steps how to make
fried banana.
1) then, fry in very hot oil
2) first, peel the banana
3) fried banana is ready to be served
4) next, roll the banana in flour
5) wait until it turn brown
6) slice the banana into thin slices
a. 2-6-4-1-5-3 c. 2-6-1-5-4-3
b. 2-6-5-1-3-4 d. 2-6-4-5-2-3

39. A : What do you think of our new teacher ?

B : Well,…..She is a nice person

a. Really c. Do you like

b. I think d. I don’t think so

40. A :Do you think lady gaga will come to Indonesia?

B :…………because the police doesn’t give permittion
a. Really c. Do you like
b. I think d. I don’t think so

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Choose either a, b, c, or d for the correct answer.
1. Luna : Do you .... cheating during the test?

Maya : No, I hate it. Because we must be honest.

A. like C. have

B. need D. Know

2. Nila :Oh, no! It is too high to get the ball on the cupboard.

Anton, would you like to help me to get the ball?

Anton :Sure and it doesn’t matter to me.

The underlined utterance expresses about ....

A. asking for help C. giving a help

B. asking for information D. giving services

The following text is for no. 3 to 6.

My name is Hilman. I am twelve years old. I am a student of

SMP Nusantara. I am in the seventh now. I usually go to school by
public bus because my school is in the center of my city. It is located
on Jalan Sisingamangaraja and near the museum.

I have two brothers, Amir and Joko, and a sister. My sister’s

name is Mila. She is the oldest. She works in a hospital. Her work is a
nurse. Amir is still two years and Joko goes to school in SMK. He
wants to be an engineer and someday he can make saved national
car. He is the smartest in our family.

3. The text is talking about ....

A. Hilman’s school C. Hilman’s family

B. Hilman’s brothers and sister D. Hilman

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4. How old is Hilman?

A. 14 years old C. 13 years old

B. 12 years old D. 11 years old

5. How does Hilman go to school everyday?

A. Bus C. By bus

B. On foot D. By walk

6. Who is the youngest child in Hilman’s family?

A. Hilman is C. Amir is

B. Amir and Joko are D. Hilman

7. Read the text carefully!

To : Roberto
Congratulation on becoming the 1st winner of English Speech Contest 2012
of Jombang regency.
Your classmate,
Gita Sanjaya

Why does Gita Sanjaya congratulate Roberto?

Because he ....

A. wins the English speech contest

B. loses the English speech contest
C. was eliminated in the English speech contest
D. fails in the English speech contest

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8. Observe the text!


Milk Apples

Eggs Toilet rolls

Cucumbers Bread
What can buyers get from the greengrocer?

A. Apples, toilet rolls, and milk

B. Toilet rolls and bread
C. Cucumbers
D. Apples and cucumbers

9. Birma : Yesterday was Iwan’s birthday

Nina : Of course, why?

Birma : How was he yesterday?

Nina : He …. . Here is the photo.

A. was upset
B. was happy
C. was sad
D. was angry
Read the passage below for questions no. 10 – 13!

My House
Hello, my name is Margareta. My house is on Jalan Kartina. It is
big and nice.
It has two floors. It has a livingroom, small kitchen and a bathroom
on the first floor.
On the second floor there are three bedrooms and a bathroom.
My parents’ bedroom is big. My brother’s room is next to my room. My
room is small but I like it. It has light green wall. There is a desk with a

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computer on it. I do homework there. There is also a nice garden in
front of my house and I often stay in the garden. We love our garden.
10. How many floors does Margareta’s house have?
A. two C. three
B. four D. five
11. What are the rooms on the second floor?
A. bathroom and bedroom C. bedroom and a nice kitchen
B. three bedrooms and a bathroom D. kitchen, bedrooms and garden
12. “ We love our garden “ (last sentence of the text)
The word “we” refers to ….
A. Margareta C. Margareta’s family
B. Margareta’s brother D. Margareta’s parents
13. Who has the smallest bedroom in the family?
A. Margareta’s parents do C. Margareta’s brother does
B. Margareta’s family do D. Maragereta does
14. We usually watch TV in the ….
A. livingroom C. Guestroom
B. dinningroom D. kitchen and garage
15. Find out the picture describing about fat people!

A. B. C. D.
16. X : Does Anita like reading?
Y : Yes, she ….
A. do C. is
B. does D. was
17. Rearrange the words into a good sentence!
not – Mira – English – everyday – have – does – at school
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
A. 2-1-5-3-4-6-7 C. 2-6-1-5-3-7-4
B. 2-5-1-6-3-7-4 D. 2-6-1-3-7-4-5

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18. Gilang : Hi, how are you today?
Jerry : ….
Gilang : I am really pretty well.
A. Fine C. Not too bad
B. It’s too bad day D. Fine, and you?
Read the text carefully for questions no. 19 – 21!
Cherry Belle (shortened Chibi) is a band
from Indonesia that is formed from an audition, that
puts talent and voice quality, ability to dance and of
course looks beautiful. This band was formed on
February 27, 2011 and consisted of nine people:
Angel, Anisa, Cherly, Christy, Devi, Felly, Gigi, Ryn, and Wenda. All
personnel are in their 20s and have good talent in singing and dancing .
On April 12, 2012, Devi and Wenda resigned from this group and it
was stated by Dino Raturandang and Teguh Sanjaya, producers of
Cherry Belle.
19. What is the text about?
A. Popular singers from Indonesia C. Cherry Belle
B. Beautiful singers from Korea D. Angel’s friends in girl band
20. The group of girl band has good talents at ....
A. singing C. singing and dancing
B. dancing D. singing, dancing and drawing
21. Who were out of the girl band on April 12, 2012?
A. Angel, Anisa, Cherly, and Cristy C. Devi and Wenda
B. Dino Raturandang and Teguh Sanjaya D. Cherry Belle
22. Rindu : Who is the man in your house?
Kangen : Oh, he is my father’s brother.
Rindu : You mean he is your ....
Kangen : Exactly.
A. aunt C. uncle
B. cousin D. grandfather

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23. Cinta : Hi, Mira. This is my aunt’s child. She is Shinta.
Mira : So she is your .... Nice to meet you, Shinta.
Shinta : Nice to meet you too, Mira.
A. niece C. sister
B. cousin D. grandmother
24. Karta : What do you prepare if you want to boil water?
Inem : I need ....
A. water, stove and sugar C. sugar, coffee, and a glass
B. water, a pan and stove D. a pan, cooking oil and a slice of
Read the text for questions no. 25 – 28!


½ kilo of sweet potatoes

Some “pandan” juice (can be extracted from pounded “pandan” leaves)

100 gram of glutinous rice flour

A pinch of salt

Some pieces of “gula Melaka”

Some grated coconut

Steps to make:

1. Scrub off any soil from the sweet potatoes

2. Wash the potatoes
3. Boil some water and put the cleaned potatoes into the boiling water
4. Boil them for approximately 30 minutes and cool them
5. Peel the potatoes and mash them in a mixing bowl
6. Sieve the rice flour
7. Add in the fresh “pandan” juice to give both the flavor and the green coloring
8. Add a pinch of salt and mix well into smooth dough
9. Pinch some of the dough and flatten in the palm
10. Put a piece of “gula Melaka” in the center and shape the dough into a ball
11. Continue doing step 10 with the rest of the dough
12. Cover them with a clean cloth so that they do not dry up
13. Boil some water in a pot
14. Drop a few dough balls into the boiling water
15. They will be float to the surface once cooked. Use a strainer to lift the cooked balls
16. Place the cooked balls onto a plate of grated coconut mixed with a little sea salt
17. Roll the green “onde-onde” balls in the coconut and are best served while still hot

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25. The text is about how to make ....
A. onde-onde C. sweet potatoes
B. gula Melaka D. glutinous rice flour
26. How many ingredients must we prepare if we want to make it?
A. Four B. Five C. Six D. Seventeen
27. What do you do after boiling some water in a pot?
A. Cover the dough with a clean cloth
B. Place the cooked balls onto a plate
C. Drop a few dough balls into the boiling water
D. Wash potatoes
28. What is the text called?
A. Descriptive C. Recount
B. Narrative D. Procedure
Read the text and fill in the blank space with the correct words or
Mr. Danu ...............(29) my uncle. He is a farmer in the country.
He is 50 .................(30) old. He is tall and handsome. He has a pointed
.......................(31), and thick lips. He has straight .........................(32).
He is very strong. His arms and legs are strong. He is very diligent. He
is also smart and honest. He is a good person and we love
.............................(33) very much.
29. A. was B. is C. name D. has
30. A. days B. weeks C. months D. years
31. A. ears B. eyes C. nose D. hair
32. A. hair B. hands C. legs D. forehead
33. A. us B. him C. her D. them
Read the text for no. 34 – 37!
On Sunday, my friend and I went to Lake Kintamani in Bali. The
water was clean, the temperature was cool and there were trees
surrounding the lake.

SMPN 9 Bontang – BingVII 91 Dwi Setyorini, S. Pd

On Monday, we visited Tanah Lot. We took pictures of the
temple. The scenery was amazing. There was holly water beside the
rocky hill and there was a hole occupied by a big snake which was
considered sacred by the local people.
On Tuesday, we went to Sangeh where many wild monkeys
walked freely and climbed the trees. In the afternoon we went home.
34. What is the best title of the text above?
A. Lake Kintamani C. Tanah Lot
B. Sangeh D. Visiting Bali
35. Where did the writer and his friend go on Sunday?
A. To Bali C. To Sangeh
B. To lake Kintamani D. To Tanah Lot in Bali
36. How was the lake Kintamani?
A. The water was dirty
B. The temperature was cool
C. There were some houses surrounding the lake
D. The water has green colour
37. When did the writer and his friend go home?
A. On Tuesday morning C. On Tuesday afternoon
B. On Wednesday D. After visiting Tanah Lot
38. Mega : …. about English lesson?
Sari : In my opinion English lesson is important for us.
A. Do you like C. What’s your opinion
B. Would you like D. How come
39. Where is the situation described in the picture below?
A. At the department store
B. At the supermarket
C. At the traditional market

D. At the hypermarket

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40. From the picture no. 39, what does the woman do?
A. She goes shopping C. She buys everything
B. She sells something D. She has holiday

Jawablah pertanyaan nomor 41 sampai dari 45 dengan benar!
The following picture is for questions number 41 to 43!

41. Who is Cindy’s aunt?

42. Who are Lyn, Billy, and Cindy’s grandparents?
43. Mr. George is Bob and Kate’s ….
44. Based on the picture, rearrange the sentences into a good step how to
make coffee! (susunlah cara membuat kopi yang benar sesuai

Put a spoon of coffee powder and 2 spoons of sugar into a cup

Boil water Stir well Put the boiling water into the cup

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45. Fill in the blank with correct answers!
a. Nita and Huda are seventh grade students. ................. are
b. You and I go to school at 06.15 every morning. ........... never come
c. Many boys in school yard every afternoon.
d. Della did not ..............magazine in the library yesterday morning.

***Good Luck***

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