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Chronos IDP7600 Digital Positioner

The Chronos IDP7600 Digital Positioner is an advanced The modular architecture of the Chronos positioner
electro-pneumatic industrial valve positioning device with separates the pneumatic and electronic components.
HART® (Highway Addressable Remote Transducer) protocol Robust and compact, it allows for quick assembly, and
for remote communication. easy configuration and calibration using a local interface
The superior control technology is provided by a high-speed or software tools based on EDDL® and FDT/DTM® open
microprocessor, proven control algorithms and robust relay, technologies.
and guarantees that the Chronos IDP7600 positioner will
give high responsiveness and precise control.

Figure 1: Chronos Positioner Installed in a ValtekSul Globe Valve

Chronos IDP7600 Digital Positioner

The main components of the Chronos positioner are shown in Figure 2 and Table 1:

1 8 7



13 14

Figure 2: Chronos IDP7600 positioner exploded view


Table 1: Chronos IDP7600 positioner components

Item Description
1 Housing
2 Front Cover assembly
2A Button Cover assembly
3 Plastic Protective Cover assembly
4 User Interface Circuit Board assembly
5 Main Circuit Board assembly
6 Feedback Potentiometer assembly
7 Field Terminal Lid assembly
8 Field Terminals Circuit Board assembly
9 Pneumatic Cover assembly
10 Pilot-Relay assembly
10A Spool Valve assembly
11 I/P module
12 Hall Effect Sensor assembly
13 Vent Cover assembly
14 Pressure Gauges kit
15 Feedback Lever kit

Chronos IDP7600 Digital Positioner

The Chronos positioner was designed for harsh The dual pneumatic relay system is equipped with a high
environments with internal, encapsulated components flow capacity (CV) pilot valve for fast filling and exhausting of
and positive pneumatic bleed pressure. It is assembled the actuator. This technology, in combination with advanced
with a high strength explosion proof housing, the standard positioning algorithms, allows efficient control of both small
model manufactured in copper-free aluminum alloy with and large set-point adjustment changes, leading to optimal
electrostatic-resistant paint. Or choose the 300 series process control efficiency.
stainless steel housing for the ultimate protection against
the most corrosive environments.

Local Interface
The local interface of the Chronos positioner consists This local interface is explosion proof to function even in
of an LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) and 4 pushbuttons for hazardous areas. A sophisticated detection mechanism
navigation. This interface is simple and user-friendly. It allows prevents any button failure or sticking from causing any false
for quick access to calibrate, configure, monitor status, and inputs.
view alarms.

Figure 3: Buttons cover closed Figure 4: Buttons cover open

Chronos IDP7600 Digital Positioner

The Chronos positioner housing offers two material options,
high strength aluminum alloy and series 300 stainless steel.
The aluminum housing is built using a high pressure metal
injection process in an alloy with a low copper aluminum alloy
(less than 0.5% copper) to protect against corrosive environ-
The 316 L series stainless steel version (UNS S 31600) is
used in extremely corrosive environments. Stainless steel
bolts and other peripheral parts are also included with the
stainless steel housing.
Additionally, the arrangement of the housing keeps the mag-
netic relay sensor and other components optimally shielded
from magnetic or electromagnetic interference.


Figure 5: Housing

The I/P module (current to pressure converter) employs a
wound coil assembly. As it receives an electrical signal from
the main circuit board, it applies a magnetic force on a flapper

assembly. This flapper opens and closes a pneumatic orifice

that controls the pneumatic flow to the relay.
This highly precise and responsive I/P assembly maintains
steady, yet rapid control of the relay.

Figure 6: I/P Assembly

Pilot Relay
The pneumatic relay consists of a spool and block pilot valve
assembly that modulates the actuator pressures. The pilot
valve both supplies and exhausts the actuator chambers in
a precisely controlled way. The generous air passages in the
pneumatic circuit of the Chronos positioner housing and
relay allow for quick valve response.

Figure 7: Pilot Relay

Chronos IDP7600 Digital Positioner

Characteristics Advantages and Benefits

The Chronos positioner main features are:
The Chronos positioner main advantages and benefits are:
 HART® communication protocol, version 7.
 Multilingual texts and messages in plain language.
 Temperature and pressure sensors.
 Precise control.
 Large and backlit graphical LCD display.
 Allows reading in dimly lit places.
 High bright warning LEDs.
 High responsiveness.
 Quick setup assistant menu.
 Easy to assemble on a wide range of linear and rotary
 Local interface with protected setup buttons.
 DTM with diverse setup parameters, graphics and  Fast setup and calibration processes.
diagnosis.  Upgradeable firmware.
 Configurable characterization curve.
 Excellent value for money.
 Autocalibration and autotune.
 The setup does not require the use of personal
 Automatic or manual gain adjustment of the local PID
computers or handhelds in most cases.
control.  When needed, maintenance tasks are simplified.
 Execution of diverse signatures tests, such as ramp test
 Cut-off function.
(with friction analysis), step test, multi step test and the
 Assembly on ValtekSul actuators does not require
valve partial stroke test.
 RFI and EMI immune.
additional manifolds.
 Robust, resistant.
 Explosion proof housing Exd IIC T5/T6
 Manufacturing in metallic structure.
 Advanced technology two-stage relay.

 Modular design, with the electronic part separated

from the pneumatic part.

On-site Operation
On-site operations, such as setting parameters and Status information can be observed locally and is presented
executing automatic commands, can be performed on the in plain language that does not require decoding.
Chronos positioner through its local interface. This interface All interface menu items can be accessed via four
consists of a generously sized graphical and multilingual pushbuttons that operate with the positioner front cover
LCD display. The display is back-lit for easy viewing even in closed. This allows access to the positioner without the use
dimly lit areas. of a handheld calibrator or a personal computer.
A set of bright green, yellow and red LEDs complement the
information on the display and show operating alerts even
from a distance.

Language Automatic calibration Characteristic Quick Setup

Figure 8: Screen examples of the Chronos positioner local interface graphic display

Chronos IDP7600 Digital Positioner

HART and DTM Communication

Each year, the number of field devices that are con- The available DTM pages are:
nected to control systems through various types of dig-  Dashboard
ital communication increases greatly. As these devices  Alert
acquire more intelligence, the tasks of adjustment, con-  Configuration
figuration, commissioning, fault diagnostics, mainte-  Gain control (Tuning)
nance, among others, become increasingly complex for  Signature tests
control systems, management tools, and users.  Diagnostics

The FDT Group, formed by several manufacturers of  Calibration

control systems and field devices, has developed a  Positioner setup

software architecture where field devices can be man-  Device information

aged on an open software platform, independent of

specific control systems.
This software architecture, called FDT (Field Device
Tool), allows a specific software component of a field The Dashboard page presents general information about
device, called DTM (Device Type Manager), to be inte- the valve and positioner. The page includes the status of
grated with the control systems and management tools. the position set-point, current position, actuator pres-
sure readings, main board temperature, I/O terminals, and
the overall equipment integrity information including any
activated error messages.
Chronos Positioner DTM
The page also presents the most relevant settings, such
ValtekSul supplies the Chronos positioner DTM to be
as air action, signal when closed, and characterization,
integrated into any open system that supports FDT/
and command source among others.
DTM® technology and HART® digital communication.
The following image represents the Chronos positioner
The well-organized and intuitive DTM page structure
DTM Dashboard page:
allows the user access to all of the Chronos positioner
configuration parameters and its diagnostic and
alert information. Additionally, the user can execute
automatic commands such as signature tests and

Chronos IDP7600 Digital Positioner

Figure 9: Chronos positioner DTM Dashboard page

This page displays the status of alerts related to electronic board errors, operation and calibration alerts, as
represented by the image:

Figure 10: Chronos positioner DTM Alert page

Chronos IDP7600 Digital Positioner

The Configuration pages present the various configura- its, I/O configuration, and characterization parameters.
tion parameters supported by the Chronos positioner. Figure 11 represents the Characterization Setting page:
These include air action, feedback direction, soft lim-

Figure 11: Chronos positioner DTM Characterization Configuration page

Chronos IDP7600 Digital Positioner

Gain Control (Tuning) Off-Line Signature Tests

This page features gain control adjustment options and The off-line signature pages present parameters for
various parameters for configuring the Chronos posi- the execution of offline tests including ramp and ramp
tioner’s local PID control loop. The convenient Au­totune friction tests, step test, multi-step test and HDRL
feature lets you quickly adjust the overall stability and (Hysteresis, Deadband, Repeatability and Linearity)
performance of the valve. analysis. Each test includes the signature, a graph
of the different positioner signals over time. These
signals include position setpoint, valve position, relay
information, and actuator pressures, among others. The
Multi-Step signature page is represented by Figure 12:

Ramp Test Ramp Test Friction Step Test Multi-Step Test HDRL Test

Multi-Step Test Profile

Select Profile Step Resolution

Start 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Unselect All

Select All
50.0 % 59.0 % 50.0 % 54.0 % 50.0 % 52.0 % 50.0 % 51.0 % 50.0 % 50.5 % 50.0 % 50.0 % 50.0 %

Multi-Step Test Graph

Step Hold Time 10.0 s

Data Points 200

Total Test Time 15 s 75 60

Graph Settings
60 58

Valve Command
Pressure PSI

Position %

Valve Position 45 56

Relay Command
30 54
Relay Position

Supply Pressure
15 52
Port 1 Pressure

Port 2 Pressure
0 50
0 20 40 60 80 100
Relay Presssure

Unselect All Time (s)

Select All Save Image
Retrieve Last Load Start Stop Save

Figure 12: Chronos positioner DTM multi-step test page

Chronos IDP7600 Digital Positioner

On-line Signature Tests

These pages allow for performing the partial stroke test Each page collects position set-point, current position,
(PST) and for monitoring the positioner signals while pressure signals and other positioner signals. The
the valve is in service using the Signal-Time Graph. Signal-Time Graph is represented by Figure 13:

Figure 13: Chronos IDP 7600 positioner DTM Signal x Time Graphic page

Diagnostics Device Information

This page features diagnostic information such as This page displays Chronos positioner information pa-
counters, offset configuration and stroke times. rameters, such as HART network related parameters,
optional features (licensed features, hardware options
and main board revision) and version information (uni-
Calibration versal, field device, software and hardware).
This page features autocalibration performance, loop Please consult the ValtekSul’s Sales Engineering
current calibration, and pressure sensor calibration, as Department regarding the availability of the Chronos
well as counting information (zero current, null spool, positioner enabled with pressure sensors.
MIN stem, and MAX stem).
For more information on the Chronos positioner, visit
the website:
Device Setup
This page features various Chronos positioner setup or contact ValtekSul’s Sales Engineering Department.
parameters, such as interface-related parameters (lan-
guage, LCD orientation, etc.), date and time, and HART.

Chronos IDP7600 Digital Positioner

HART and EDD Communication

EDDL (Electronic Device Description Language) is user to access all Chronos positioner configuration
governed by an international standard (IEC-61804). It parameters, and diagnostic and alert information. With
describes available features of a field device (such as it the user can execute automatic commands such as
a positioner) via an encoded EDD (Electronic Device autocalibration.
Description) file.
The pages provided by the Chronos positioner EDD file
The EDD file can describe any type of product (control­ are:
lers, transmitters, positioners, among others). Its con-  Main Menu
tent differs based on the communication protocol and  Status
the product type. A control system can load the EDD  Tuning
file to present the user readable and organized data re-  Configuration
ceived from a product.  Calibration
 Diagnostics

 Device Setup
Chronos Positioner EDD  Device Information

In addition to the DTM, ValtekSul supplies the Chro­nos

positioner EDD file to be integrated into any system
that supports the EDDL standard and the HART® digital Main Menu
The main menu presents links to the other available
The page structure provided by the EDD file allows the pages, as shown in Figure 14:

Figure 14: Chronos positioner EDD file Main Menu page

Chronos IDP7600 Digital Positioner

Status Configuration
This page presents general positioner information This page contains tabs to various Chronos positioner
such as position set-point, current valve position, input configuration parameters including Air Action,
signal, main board temperature and data quality. Feedback Direction, Characterization (as shown in
Figure 15), Tight Shuttoff, Position Offset and Setpoint
Tuning Source.

This page contains the PID Gains tab which presents

parameters for configuring the local PID control loop, Calibration
and the Tuning Mode tab that presents simple Autotune
gain control adjustment options. This page presents functions and parameters related
to calibration, through the following tabs: Temperature
Calibration, Current Loop Calibration and Control

Figure 15 : Characterization Tab of the Chronos positioner EDD File Setting page

Diagnostics Device Information

This page presents parameters related to diagnosis, This page presents parameters related to the installation
through the tabs: Counters and Stroke Times. of the Chronos positioner, through the tabs: HART
Information and Revision Numbers.

Device Installation For more information on the Chronos positioner EDD

file, visit the website:
This page presents parameters related to the
installation of the Chronos positioner, through the tabs:
Local Interface, Time and Date, and HART. or contact ValtekSul’s Sales Engineering Department.

Chronos IDP7600 Digital Positioner

General Information
Table 2 presents technical specifications and materials Table 3 presents performance data.
of construction for the Chronos positioner.

Table 2 - Chronos positioner technical specifications and manufacturing materials

Communication  HART®, version 7 Housing Material  Injected aluminum with low copper
Protocol content and polyester-based powder
Supply  2 wires, loop powered, 4-20 mA, coating (standard)
 300 series stainless steel (optional)
reverse polarity protected
Operating Current  4-20 mA (3.8 mA minimum) Internal Components  Aluminum and 300 series stainless steel

Load Voltage  10.4 Vcc @ 20 mA (typical) Soft Parts  Buna-N, silicone

Equivalent Resistance  520 Ω @ 20 mA (typical) Hazardous Areas  Explosion proof, flameproof and
Certification nonincendive housing - IECEx / ATEX /
Characteristic  Linear, equal percentage or user INMETRO
defined curve by 21 points Housing Protection  IP66
Assembly  Linear actuator Class
 Rotary actuator Electrical Connections  1/2” - 14 NPT (standard)
Pneumatic Supply  Compressed air according to the ISA  M20 x 1.5 (optional)
7.0.01(1) standard or nitrogen Pneumatic Connections  1/4” - 18 NPT
Supply Pressure  30 to 120 psig (2.1 to 8.3 bar)  1/8” - 27 NPT (manometer)
Operating  -4 to 185°F (-20 to 85˚C) Weight  Aluminum version: 9.6 pounds (4. kg)
Temperature  Stainless version: 20.6 pounds (9.4 kg)
Humidity Range  0 to 95% U. R. non-condensing Dimensions  8.4 x 5.7 x 65 in. (22 x 15 x 17 cm)

(1) Supply air dew point must be at least 18°F (10°C) below ambient temperature, the amount of oil must not exceed one part per million, and solid particle size should
be less than 5 microns (1 micron is recommended).

Table 3 - Chronos positioner performance data

Air Flow  14 scfm @ 60 psig Repeatability  < 0.05% F.S.
(22.5 Nm3/h @ 4.1 barg) Linearity  < 0.8% F.S. (linear actuators)
Constant Air
 < 0.5% F.S. (rotary actuators)
 0.6 scfm @ 60 psig
Consumption (< 1.0 Nm3/h @ 4.1 barg) Temperature Effects  ± 0.04% F.S./˚F ( ± 0.08% F.S. / ˚C)
Maximum Vibration  4G (5 to 15 Hz) / 2G (15 to 2000 Hz)
Dead Band  < 0.2% S.F. (1)
Assembly Orientation  Negligible
(1) S.F. = Scale Factor

Chronos IDP7600 Digital Positioner

Model Code
The following table shows the model code of the Chronos IDP7600 positioner.

Table 4: Chronos positioner model code

8 Foundation Fieldbus® (1)
9 Profibus-PA® (1)
0 Standard
1 Advanced diagnosis (with pressure sensors)
2 Premium diagnosis (with pressure sensors)
0 Aluminum with gray polyester-based paint (ValtekSul standard) and LCD display
1 Aluminum with gray polyester-based paint (ValtekSul standard) and blind cover
2 Stainless Steel with LCD display
3 Stainless Steel with blind cover
S Special paint version (on request)
G General Use
E Explosion Proof
D Standard D in stainless steel AISI-316 (UNS S 31600), for linear and rotary actuators
N NAMUR, in stainless steel AISI-316
I 1/2” NPT
M M20
40 4-ways (double action)
30 3- ways (single action)
4V 4- ways with vent (double action)
3V 3- ways with vent (single action)
S Standard Operating Temperature (-20°C to +85°C)
L Low Operating Temperature (-40°C to +85°C)
SB Stainless steel with brass inner (psi/bar)
SS Stainless steel with stainless steel inner (psi/bar)
SO Special manometers (customer specified)
NG No manometers
00 No special circuits
PT Position transmitter with 4-20 mA
4S PT plus 2 DOs and 1 DI (2)(3)
AX Auxiliary circuits
00 No special options

IDP7 6 1 1 - E D M - 30 L SB - PT

Notes: (1) Consult ValtekSul´s Sales Engineering Department.

(2) Position transmitter with 4-20mA feedback, plus 2 digital outputs and 1 digital input.
(3) Not available with Foundation Fieldbus and Profibus-PA versions.

The information and specifications contained in this literature are considered
accurate. However, they are supplied for informative purposes and should not be
considered certified. The products of Valtek Sulamericana are continually being
improved and the specifications, dimensions and information contained in this

Valtek Sulamericana Chronos IDP7600 Rev. 01/2022 I PN-9865031 (Copyright 2022 Valtek Sulamericana)
catalogue are subject to change without notice. For additional information, please
consult your Valtek Sulamericana representative.

HART is registered trademark of HART Communication Foundation.

Chronos is registered trademark.
Valtek Sulamericana is registered trademark.
ValtekSul is registered trademark.

ValtekSul Brasil
Main Office and Factory
Rua Goiás, 345 - Diadema - SP - Brazil
Call Center: 55 11 4072-8600


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