Non-segregated phase bus Product features and bene- Easy installation allows Product support
duct offers a full range of fits for a lower cost installa- Non-segregated phase bus
products to meet many Standard 3 mm aluminium tion in comparison to duct product and applica-
diverse applications enclosure provides dura- power cable tion support is available
BCP non-segregated phase bus bility and product integri- from a professional team of
duct has been designed to ty, Special Enclosure thick- Bus duct capabilities BCP employees that includes
meet specific installation ness and materials are The non segregated field sales engineers, appli-
requirements for reliable pow- available upon request phase bus duct manufac- cation engineers, engineer-
er distribution. Typical of such 98% conductivity copper turing facility in Cikarang ing services and product
applications are the connec- with all joint surfaces sil- West Java engineers.
tions from transformers to ver or tin plated to ensure Customer approval
switchgear assemblies in unit maximum conductivity drawings can be availa- Local Content
substations, connections from through the joint ble in two weeks or less For support government
switchgear assemblies to gen- Product design and manu- to meet your project regulations to meet local
erators, and tie connections facturing meets require- requirements content requirements, it has
between switchgear assem- ments of international BCP,s Final Field Fit pro- been certified by Sucofindo.
blies. Non-segregated phase standard IEC or ANSI gram ensures accurate
bus duct is an assembly of bus Standard layout and allows for
conductors with associated A full family of fittings and minor last minute modi-
connections, joints and insu- accessories to meet any fications during Installa-
lating supports confined with- application requirements tion
in a metal enclosure without High one second short- Advanced system tools,
inter-phase barriers. Because circuit ratings optimize including AutoCAD &
of its compact dimensions, coordination between bus Vertex, provide quick
relative light weight and user- duct and power equip- and accurate infor-
friendly design, non- ment mation as well as help
segregated phase bus duct is meet your custom re-
easy to install. quirements.
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Non Segregated Phase Busduct
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Non Segregated Phase Busduct
Product Arrangement
Power Fre- Rated short time
Rated Maxi- Rated Pow- Impulse withstand Rated Con- Rated momentary short
quency With- short circuit with-
mum Voltage er Frequen- (1.2 x 50 ms) kV tinous current circuit withstand current
stand 1 min. stand current (kA
(kV) cy (Hz) peak Amperes (10 cycle)
kV rms rms Symmetrical)
kA rms Assym-
kA peak
0.690 50/60 2.2 10 1250 40 104 49
2000 50 130 59
3200 63 164 80
4000 85 164 80
5000 100 220 105
6300 150 330 105
7.2 50/60 20 60 1250 40 104 49
2000 50 130 59
3200 63 164 80
12 50/60 28 75 1250 40 104 49
2000 50 130 59
3200 63 164 80
17.5 50/60 38 95 1250 40 104 49
2000 50 130 59
3200 63 164 80
24 50/60 50 125 1250 31.5 82 51
2000 40 105 51
Standard Applicable Routine Test
IEC 62271-200 Dry power frequency voltage withstand test
ANSI C37.23 Insulation resistance test
Continuity of auxiliary wiring
Type Test
Paint coating thickness measurement
Short time current withstand test
Torque test
Temperature rise test
Impulse Test
IP 65 Test
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Non Segregated Phase Busduct
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Non Segregated Phase Busduct
Standard Accesories
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Non Segregated Phase Busduct
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Non Segregated Phase Busduct
NSPB 12kV, 2500A, 50kA, NSPB 12kV, 3200A, 50kA, NSPB 15kV, 1250A, 50kA, NSPB 0.69kV, 3200A, 40kA,
50Hz, IP 65 50Hz, IP 65 50Hz, IP 65 50Hz, IP 65
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Non Segregated Phase Busduct
Success Story
10 Proyek Pembangunan Gudang Bahan Baku KCL PT. Nindya Karya Industrial
45000 TON
Address :
Assembly Factory: Sheet Metal Factory:
Kawasan Industri Greenland I Kawasan Delta Silicon 3
Jl. Greenland IV Blok AC No. 07 kota Deltamas Jl. Rotan I Blok F27 N0. 20D Lippo Cikarang
Cikarang Pusat, Bekasi-Indonesia 17530 Cikarang Pusat - Bekasi 17530
Phone : +62-21 8997 2630,31,33
Fax : +62-21 8997 6234
Website : www.bcp-group.co.id
Email : [email protected]
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