Calculating The PH of A Buffer
Calculating The PH of A Buffer
Calculating The PH of A Buffer
Buffer capacity
pH of blood
Buffers are chemicals that resist a change in the pH of a solution
when either acids or bases are added to the solution.
The buffers in the body fluids contain salts of either weak acids or
weak bases that combine with H+ when H+ increases in those
fluids, or release H+ when H+ decreases in those fluids.
Buffers tend to keep the H+ concentration, and thus the pH, within
a narrow range of values because of these characteristics.
What is a buffer in chemistry and how does it work?
What is the pH value of a buffer prepared by adding 70 mL of 0.2 molar CH3COOH
Example 2
to 60 mL of a 0.5 molar CH3COONa solution? pKa = 4.7.
• What is the pH value of this buffer after adding 20 mL of 1 molar HCl
• What is the pH value of this buffer after adding 2 mL of 2 molar NaOH
• What is the pH value of this buffer after adding 20 mL of 1 molar HCl
For 100 mL of buffer was added 1 mL of 0.9 M HCl, calculate the buffer capacity:
Step 1: Calculate pH of the buffer after adding 1 mL 0.9M HCl 0.9 mol ------ 1000 mL
0.0009 mol ------ 1 mL
Buffer regulation:
• Protein buffer (including hemoglobin
buffer): Hemoglobin and Protein of
• Phosphate buffer: H2PO4-/HPO42-
• Bicarbonate buffer: H2CO3-/H2CO3
Buffers in Biological Systems
If CO2 levels become too low or the pH of the body fluids is elevated, the rate and depth
of respiration decline. As a con-sequence, the rate at which CO2 is eliminated from the
body is reduced. Carbon dioxide then accumulates in the body fluids because it is
continually produced as a by-product of metabolism. As CO2 accumulates in the body fluids,
so does H+, resulting in a decreased pH.
Kidney regulation
The nephrons of the kidneys secrete H+ into the urine and therefore can directly regulate the
pH of the body fluids. The kidney is a powerful regulator of pH, but it responds more slowly
than does the respiratory system. Cells in the walls of the distal convoluted tubule are
primarily responsible for the secretion of H+. As the pH of the body fluids drops below normal,
the rate at which the distal convoluted tubules secrete H+ increases.
At the same time, reabsorption of HCO3− increases. The increased rate of H+ secretion
and the increased rate of HCO3− reabsorption both cause the blood pH to rise toward its
normal value. On the other hand, as the body fluid pH elevates above normal, the rate
of H+ secretion by the distal con-voluted tubules declines, and the amount of HCO3− lost
in the urine increases. Consequently, the blood pH drops toward its normal value.
Liver and Bone regulation
Metabolic regulation of liver: Bone inorganic matrix consists of
Metabolism of organic acids anions such as hydroxyapatite crystals (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2
lactate, ketones and mino acids Bone can take up H+ in exchange for Ca2+,
Metabolism of ammonium Na+ and K+ (ionic exchange)
Conversion of NH4+ to urea in the liver Release of HCO3-, CO3- or HPO42-
consumes HCO3-
Production of glutamate urine
Production of plasma proteins e.g. albumin
contributing to the anion gap
Bicarbonate buffer
H2PO4- HPO42- + H+
KH2PO4- = 6,2×10-8, pK2=6.8
The concentration of H+ in the body fluids is reported as the pH. The body fluid
pH is maintained between 7.35 and 7.45; any deviation from that range is life-
threatening. Consequently, the mechanisms that regulate body fluid pH are
critical for survival. The pH of body fluids is mainly controlled by three factors:
buffers, the respiratory system, and the kidneys. When the pH of body fluids is
not properly maintained, the result is acidosis or alkalosis.
Different buffer systems assume dominant roles in different parts of the body
Extracellular Intracellular
Blood Urine
Fluid Fluid
Major Buffer
Major Buffer
● Bicarbonate
● Bicarbonate buffer system
buffer system
● Hemoglobin Major Buffer Major Buffer
Minor Buffer Minor Buffer ● Proteins ● Ammonia
● Intracellular ● Plasma ● Phosphate ● Phosphate
proteins proteins
● Phosphate ● Phosphate
buffer system buffer system
Blood Gas Testing blood gas testing
Capillary blood
Indications: to draw a small amount of blood
For infants and young children
Normal Arterial and Venous values
pH of human blood 7.35-7.45 (or 7.38-7.42)
The physiological levels of the main gas parameters of the acid-base balance are:
pO2: 70-95 mmHg
pCO2: 35—45 mmHg
HCO3- concentration: 22-26 mmmol/L
Hb saturation by oxygen: 95-98%
𝜶- solubility of CO2
in water at 37 ℃
Metabolic alkalosis usually results from the rapid elimination of H+ from thebody,
as occurs during severe vomiting or when excess aldosterone is secreted by
the adrenal cortex.
This presentation has been prepared for educational purposes as part of the Medicinal Chemistry
course for Students of Faculty Medicine Wroclaw Medicine University.