Sas #10 - Edu 536

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EDU 536: The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and Organizational Leadership

Module #10 Student Activity Sheet

Name:______________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: _______________ Schedule:____________________________ Date: _______________

Lesson title: School Leadership Materials:

Learning Targets: SAS
At the end of the module, students will be able to:
1. examine the nature of school leadership References:
2. create an infographic about their view on school leadership The School and the Community,
School Culture, and Organizational
Leadership by Greg Tabios
Pawilen et al., 2019



Share your thoughts about leadership. Implore the things you know about it.

In this lesson, we will examine the concepts of school leadership. School leadership plays a vital role in school
management an organization. Without a doubt, that if a school lacks positive leadership, it would be in chaos.
So, let us dig deeper on the different leadership styles, leadership roles of the teacher, and the various
managerial roles that can influence the effectiveness of an organization.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU 536: The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and Organizational Leadership
Module #10 Student Activity Sheet

Name:______________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: _______________ Schedule:____________________________ Date: _______________


I. Content Notes
Read carefully the content notes and try to highlight or underline the key terms for greater level
of understanding.

School Leadership

Leadership is an essential factor that contributes to the successful operation of an organization. the
demand for high quality instruction to improve student learning is one of the many possible things to consider for
initiating reforms within an educational institution. While it is believed that school leadership is only secondary to
teaching in terms of its impact the student learning, the high quality of instruction delivered by teachers is
influenced by school leaders because they take part in the selection process of hiring teachers. Thus, leadership
is considered as vital to the effectiveness of educational institutions.
The following are some of the important aspects of a school leader’s role highlighted by Christie, Thompson, &
Whiteley (2009):

1. Developing a deep understanding of how to support teachers- school leaders should understand
the need of teachers that will capacitate them in order to become effective teachers.

2. Managing the curriculum in ways that promote student learning- learners have different learning
styles; hence curriculum shall be carefully managed accordingly by planning for appropriate
strategies and curriculum delivery that will suit the learning styles of students.

3. Developing the ability to transform schools into more effective organization to foster powerful
teaching and learning for all students- transformational leadership is one of the leadership theories
that requires leaders to have passion and energy to achieve great things. Leaders should have
in depth understanding of powerful teaching and learning through the use of brain-based
instruction that promotes active-inquiry, in-depth learning, and performance assessment
including culture of excellence that will lead to the effective teaching and learning.

Leadership is inherent to the teaching profession. According to Jackson (cited in ASCD, 2015), teacher
leaders transcends formally defined the roles in building which means that every teacher, any teacher, at some
point in their career, becomes a teacher leader. The roles and responsibilities of teaching nowadays are
becoming more complex in view of the reforms in education brought about by global demands. The skills required
for teachers is no longer just for teaching but also include administrative functions that are required of a teacher
leader. Among the roles that the teacher leaders may assume are the following:
• Grade Level/ Subject Coordinator- this may include instructional leadership and administrative
• Department Chair/ Coordinator- serves as liaison officer between administration and colleagues
• Curriculum and Assessment Specialist- leads teachers to follow curriculum standards and develop
appropriate assessment
• Mentor/Coach- serves as a mentor for co-teachers

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU 536: The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and Organizational Leadership
Module #10 Student Activity Sheet

Name:______________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: _______________ Schedule:____________________________ Date: _______________

• Facilitator- facilities professional development

Leadership according to Yukl (2013) is different from managers. It includes motivating subordinates and
creating favorable conditions for doing their work which is considered as one of the important managerial
roles. Leaders can influence the effectiveness of an organization through the following:
• the choice of objectives and strategies to pursue
• the motivation of members to achieve the objectives
• the mutual trust and cooperation of members
• the organization and coordination of work activities
• the allocation of resources to activities and objectives
• the development of members’ skills and confidence
• the learning and sharing of knowledge by members
• the enlistment support and cooperation from outsiders
• the design of formal structure, programs, and systems
• the shared beliefs and values of members
School leaders involved various leadership styles which include transformational, instructional, and distributed

Instructional Leadership
The primary role of a school principle is to promote learning and make students successful in their
academic endeavors. It requires instructional leadership that is critical to the success and effectiveness of the
curriculum and instruction. Instructional leadership is based on three-dimensional approach which includes
defining the schools mission, managing the instructional program, and promoting a positive school climate
(Hallinger, 2010). It is being shared with teachers through coaching, reflection, collegial investigation, study
teams, exploration, and problem solving. In short, it promotes collaboration between the school principal and
teachers to develop curriculum and instruction in order to improve student’s performance. Hallinger defines this
as a leadership being focused predominantly on the role of school head in coordinating, controlling, supervising,
and developing curriculum and instruction.

Transformational Leadership
According to Bass & Riggio (2006), this leadership theory was conceptualized by James MacGregor
Burns in 1978. Transformational leaders are type of leaders who inspire their followers to achieve extraordinary
outcomes by inspiring them and in the process develop their own capacity. This leadership approach supports
the instructional leadership style. It focuses on developing one's capacity to innovate and support the
development of changes to practices of teaching and learning.

Distributed Leadership
Distributed leadership is considered as a shared effort by more than one person it serves interests of
systemic thrivability by promoting patterns of joint optimization of shared visions, values, and individuals among
groups rather than the maximization of any subset of particular individual interest. In education setting, distributed
leadership draws from different perspectives to support the international leadership team by establishing a
system of improving curriculum and instruction through collaboration. It is believed that leadership can be more
effective when it is distributed among group of individuals with different competencies but a shared mission and
vision to foster culture of learning.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU 536: The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and Organizational Leadership
Module #10 Student Activity Sheet

Name:______________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: _______________ Schedule:____________________________ Date: _______________

II. Skill-building Activity

Identify the leadership functions of teachers within your school. Find out their contributions within the
school. Write your observations in the space provided below.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU 536: The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and Organizational Leadership
Module #10 Student Activity Sheet

Name:______________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: _______________ Schedule:____________________________ Date: _______________

III. Check for Understanding

Create an infographic about your understanding on school leadership. Provide some characteristics of
what school leadership should be. You may use cut-outs from printed materials, or you can draw your own.
Be creative. Kindly refer to the example below.

Draw/Paste your infographic here:

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU 536: The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and Organizational Leadership
Module #10 Student Activity Sheet

Name:______________________________________________________ Class number: _______

Section: _______________ Schedule:____________________________ Date: _______________



Food for Thought!

If you have questions that you cannot ask to your teacher, this may help you clarify things out.

1. What should be done to develop sustainable leadership in school?

Having workforce-ready graduates means more than just arming them with technical skills. Schools
should develop approaches that may help students develop their leadership skills. Schools should explore
opportunities arising from circular economy. Create a high-level action plan to implement sustainability strategy.
Encourage learning journey of the students to be productive by integrating strategies and approaches that can
maintain competitive edge.


Congratulations for finishing this module! Shade the number of the module that you finished.

Great Job! Did you finish all parts of the module? Do you have any questions you may want to ask to
clarify the topic? You may write any question to further help you learn and your teacher will get to you
on the answers.

1. What part of the lesson seems difficult for you to understand?


2. Is there a question you would like to ask your teacher about the lesson?


Answers on Skill-building Activity

(Answers may vary)

Answer on Check for Understanding Activity

(Answers may vary)

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION


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