2019 BMW x5 76615
2019 BMW x5 76615
2019 BMW x5 76615
The Ultimate
Driving Machine®
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Information ......................................................................................................................... 8
Owner's Manual media ................................................................................................ 16
Entering ............................................................................................................................ 20
Set-up and use ............................................................................................................... 24
In transit ............................................................................................................................ 28
Cockpit .............................................................................................................................. 38
Operating state of the vehicle .................................................................................... 43
iDrive .................................................................................................................................. 46
BMW Remote Software Upgrade ............................................................................. 60
General Settings ............................................................................................................ 63
Opening and closing ..................................................................................................... 76
Seats, mirrors, and steering wheel ......................................................................... 111
Transporting children safely ..................................................................................... 128
Driving ............................................................................................................................. 133
Displays .......................................................................................................................... 151
Lights .............................................................................................................................. 168
Safety .............................................................................................................................. 176
Driving stability control systems .............................................................................. 213
Driver assistance systems ........................................................................................ 219
Driving comfort ............................................................................................................. 262
Climate control ............................................................................................................. 269
Interior equipment ....................................................................................................... 287
Storage compartments .............................................................................................. 295
Cargo area ..................................................................................................................... 301
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
After a vehicle software update – for example, a Remote Software
Upgrade – the Integrated Owner's Manual for the vehicle will
contain updated information.
Things to remember when driving ......................................................................... 312
Trailer towing ................................................................................................................ 317
Saving fuel ..................................................................................................................... 321
Refueling ........................................................................................................................ 330
Wheels and tires .......................................................................................................... 332
Engine compartment ................................................................................................. 364
Operating materials .................................................................................................... 367
Maintenance ................................................................................................................. 374
Replacing components .............................................................................................. 376
Breakdown assistance ............................................................................................... 380
Care ................................................................................................................................. 387
Technical data .............................................................................................................. 394
Appendix ........................................................................................................................ 397
Everything from A to Z ............................................................................................... 398
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Information .................................................................................................... 8
Owner's Manual media ............................................................................. 16
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
NOTES Information
Using this Owner's Manual Additional sources of
The fastest way to find information on a particu‐ Dealer’s service center
lar topic is by using the index.
A dealer’s service center will be glad to answer
An initial overview of the vehicle is provided in questions at any time.
the first chapter.
Validity of the Owner's Manual The Owner's Manual and general information on
BMW, for example on technology, are available
Production of the vehicle on the Internet: www.bmwusa.com.
At the time of production at the plant, the printed
Owner's Manual is the most current resource. Integrated Owner's Manual in the
Due to updates after the editorial deadline, differ‐
ences may exist between the printed Owner's
Manual and the Integrated Owner's Manual in The Integrated Owner's Manual specifically de‐
the vehicle. scribes features and functions found in the vehi‐
cle. The Integrated Owner's Manual can be dis‐
Notes on updates can be found in the appendix
played on the Control Display. Additional
of the printed Owner's Manual for the vehicle.
information, refer to page 16.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Information NOTES
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
NOTES Information
ences may exist between the printed Owner's Maintenance and repairs
Manual and the Integrated Owner's Manual in
the vehicle.
Notes on updates can be found in the appendix
of the printed Owner's Manual for the vehicle. Improperly performed work on the vehicle paint
can lead to a failure or malfunction of the radar
After a software update in the sensors and thereby result in a safety risk.
There is a risk of accidents or risk of damage to
property. Have paintwork or paintwork repairs
After a vehicle software update – for example, a on bumpers of vehicles with radar sensors per‐
Remote Software Upgrade – the Integrated formed by a dealer’s service center or another
Owner's Manual for the vehicle will contain up‐ qualified service center or repair shop only.
dated information.
Advanced technology, e. g. the use of modern
materials and high-performance electronics, re‐
For Your Own Safety quires suitable maintenance and repair work.
The manufacturer of the vehicle recommends
Intended use that you entrust corresponding procedures to a
Follow the following when using the vehicle: BMW dealer’s service center. If you choose to
▷ Owner's Manual. use another service facility, BMW recommends
use of a facility that performs work, for instance
▷ Information on the vehicle. Do not remove maintenance and repair, according to BMW
stickers. specifications with properly trained personnel, re‐
▷ Technical vehicle data. ferred to in this Owner's Manual as "another
▷ The traffic, speed, and safety laws where the qualified service center or repair shop".
vehicle is driven. If work is performed improperly, for instance
▷ Vehicle documents and statutory documents. maintenance and repair, there is a risk of subse‐
quent damage and related safety risks.
Your vehicle is technically configured for the op‐
Parts and accessories
erating conditions and registration requirements BMW recommends the use of parts and acces‐
applying in the country of first delivery, also sory products approved by BMW.
known as homologation. If your vehicle is to be Approved parts and accessories, and advice on
operated in a different country it might be neces‐ their use and installation are available from a
sary to adapt your vehicle to potentially differing BMW dealer's service center.
operating conditions and registration require‐ BMW parts and accessories have been tested by
ments. If your vehicle does not comply with the BMW for their safety and suitability in BMW vehi‐
homologation requirements in a certain country cles.
you may not be able to lodge warranty claims for
your vehicle there. Further information on war‐ BMW warrants genuine BMW parts and acces‐
ranty is available from a dealer’s service center. sories.
BMW does not evaluate whether each individual
product from another manufacturer can be used
with BMW vehicles without presenting a safety
hazard, even if a country-specific official approval
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Information NOTES
was issued. BMW does not evaluate whether hicle. For more information go to
these products are suitable for BMW vehicles www.P65Warnings.ca.gov/passenger-vehicle.
under all usage conditions.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
NOTES Information
▷ Warranty and Service Guide Booklet for The processed data is only processed in the ve‐
Canadian models. hicle itself and generally volatile. The data is not
If the vehicle is not maintained according to stored beyond the operating period.
these specifications, this could result in serious Electronic components, e.g. control units and ig‐
damage to the vehicle. Such damage is not cov‐ nition keys, contain components for storing tech‐
ered by the BMW New Vehicle Limited Warranty. nical information. Information about the vehicle
condition, component usage, maintenance re‐
quirements or faults can be stored temporarily or
Data memory permanently.
This information generally records the state of a
General information component, a module, a system, or the environ‐
ment, for instance:
Electronic control devices are installed in the ve‐
hicle. Electronic control units process data they ▷ Operating states of system components,
receive from vehicle sensors, self-generate or e.g., fill levels, tire inflation pressure, battery
exchange with each other. Some control units status.
are necessary for the vehicle to function safely or ▷ Malfunctions and faults in important system
provide assistance during driving, for instance components, for instance lights and brakes.
driver assistance systems. Furthermore, control ▷ Responses by the vehicle to special situa‐
devices facilitate comfort or infotainment func‐ tions such as airbag deployment or engage‐
tions. ment of the driving stability control systems.
Information about stored or exchanged data can ▷ Information on vehicle-damaging events.
be requested from the manufacturer of the vehi‐
cle, in a separate booklet, for example. The data is required to perform the control de‐
vice functions. Furthermore, it also serves to rec‐
ognize and correct malfunctions, and helps the
Personal reference vehicle manufacturer to optimize vehicle func‐
Each vehicle is marked with a unique vehicle tions.
identification number. Depending on the country,
The majority of this data is transient and is only
the vehicle owner can be identified with the vehi‐
processed within the vehicle itself. Only a small
cle identification number, license plate and corre‐
share of the data is stored event-related in event
sponding authorities. In addition, there are other
or fault memories.
options to track data collected in the vehicle to
the driver or vehicle owner, e.g. via the Connec‐ When servicing, for instance during repairs, serv‐
tedDrive account that is used. ice processes, warranty cases, and quality assur‐
ance measures, this technical information can be
read out from the vehicle together with the vehi‐
Operating data in the vehicle
cle identification number.
Control units process data to operate the vehicle.
A dealer’s service center or another qualified
For example, this includes: service center or repair shop can read out the in‐
▷ Status messages for the vehicle and its indi‐ formation. The socket for OBD Onboard Diagno‐
vidual components, e.g., wheel rotational sis required by law in the vehicle is used to read
speed, wheel speed, deceleration, transverse out the data.
acceleration, engaged safety belt indicator. The data is collected, processed, and used by
▷ Ambient conditions, e.g., temperature, rain the relevant organizations in the service network.
sensor signals. The data documents technical conditions of the
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Information NOTES
vehicle, helps with the identification of the fault, MP3 player. If this data is stored in the vehicle, it
compliance with warranty obligations and quality can be deleted at any time.
improvement. This data is only transmitted to third parties upon
Furthermore, the manufacturer has product personal request as part of the use of online
monitoring duties to meet in line with product lia‐ services. The transmission depends on the se‐
bility law. To fulfill these duties, the vehicle man‐ lected settings for the use of the services.
ufacturer needs technical data from the vehicle.
The data from the vehicle can also be used to Incorporation of mobile end devices
check customer claims for warranty and guar‐ Depending on the vehicle equipment, mobile de‐
anty. vices connected to the vehicle, for instance
Fault and event memories in the vehicle can be smartphones, can be controlled via the vehicle
reset when a dealer’s service center or another control elements.
qualified service center or repair shop performs The sound and picture from the mobile device
repair or servicing work. can be played back and displayed through the
multimedia system. Certain information is trans‐
Data entry and data transfer into ferred to the mobile device at the same time. De‐
the vehicle pending on the type of incorporation, this in‐
cludes, for instance position data and other
General information general vehicle information. This optimizes the
Depending on the vehicle equipment, comfort way in which selected apps, for instance naviga‐
and individual settings can be stored in the vehi‐ tion or music playback, work.
cle and modified or reset at any time. There is no further interaction between the mo‐
For example, this includes: bile device and the vehicle, for instance active
access to vehicle data.
▷ Settings for the seat and steering wheel posi‐
tions. How the data will be processed further is deter‐
mined by the provider of the particular app being
▷ Suspension and climate control settings. used. The extent of the possible settings de‐
If necessary, data can be transferred to the en‐ pends on the respective app and the operating
tertainment and communication system of the system of the mobile device.
vehicle, e.g. via smartphone.
This includes the following depending on the re‐ Services
spective equipment:
▷ Multimedia data such as music, films or pho‐ General information
tos for playback in an integrated multimedia If the vehicle has a wireless network connection,
system. this enables data to be exchanged between the
▷ Address book data for use in conjunction with vehicle and other systems. The wireless network
an integrated hands-free system or an connection is realized via an in-vehicle transmit‐
integrated navigation system. ter and receiver unit or via personal mobile devi‐
ces brought into the vehicle, for instance smart‐
▷ Entered navigation destinations.
phones. This wireless network connection
▷ Data on the use of Internet services. enables 'online functions' to be used. These in‐
This data can be stored locally in the vehicle or is clude online services and apps supplied by the
found on a device that has been connected to vehicle manufacturer or by other providers.
the vehicle, e.g., a smartphone, USB stick or
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
NOTES Information
Services from the vehicle The EDR in this vehicle is designed to record
manufacturer such data as:
Where online services from the vehicle manufac‐ ▷ How various systems in your vehicle were op‐
turer are concerned, the corresponding functions erating.
are described in the appropriate place, for in‐ ▷ Whether or not the driver and passenger
stance the Owner's Manual or manufacturer's safety belts were fastened.
website. The relevant legal information pertaining ▷ How far, if at all, the driver was depressing the
to data protection is provided there too. Personal accelerator and/or brake pedal.
data may be used to perform online services.
Data is exchanged over a secure connection, ▷ How fast the vehicle was traveling.
for instance with the IT systems of the vehicle This data can help provide a better understand‐
manufacturer intended for this purpose. ing of the circumstances in which crashes and
Any collection, processing, and use of personal injuries occur.
data above and beyond that needed to provide EDR data is recorded by your vehicle only if a
the services must always be based on a legal nontrivial crash situation occurs; no data is re‐
permission, contractual arrangement or consent. corded by the EDR under normal driving condi‐
It is also possible to activate or deactivate the tions and no personal data, for instance name,
data connection as a whole. That is, with the ex‐ gender, age, and crash location, are recorded.
ception of functions and services required by law However, other parties, such as law enforce‐
such as Assist systems. ment, could combine the EDR data with the type
of personally identifying data routinely acquired
Services from other providers during a crash investigation.
When using online services from other providers, To read data recorded by an EDR, special equip‐
these services are the responsibility of the rele‐ ment is required, and access to the vehicle or the
vant provider and subject to their data privacy EDR is needed. In addition to the vehicle manu‐
conditions and terms of use. The vehicle manu‐ facturer, other parties, such as law enforcement,
facturer has no influence on the content ex‐ that have the special equipment, can read the in‐
changed during this process. Information on the formation if they have access to the vehicle or
way in which personal data is collected and used the EDR.
in relation to services from third parties, the
scope of such data, and its purpose, can be ob‐
tained from the relevant service provider.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Information NOTES
It is also possible to display the vehicle identifica‐
tion number via iDrive, refer to page 69.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
NOTES Owner's Manual media
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Owner's Manual media NOTES
Selecting the Owner's Manual 3. Select the desired page in the Owner's
1. Press the button.
4. Press the button again to return to last
2. "CAR"
displayed function.
3. "Owner's Manual"
4. Select the required method of accessing the 5. Press the button to return to the page
contents. of the Owner's Manual displayed last.
To alternate continuously between the last dis‐
Scrolling through the owner's played function and the last displayed page of
manual the Owner's Manual, repeat steps 4 & 5. Opens
Turn the Controller, until the next or previous a new display every time.
contents are displayed.
Programmable memory buttons
Context help
General information
General information The jumps into the Owner's Manual can be
The section of the Owner's Manual relating to stored on the programmable memory buttons,
the function that is currently selected can be dis‐ refer to page 48, and called up directly.
played directly.
Opening via iDrive 1. Select the desired entry point via iDrive:
Change directly to the Options menu from the ▷ "Keyword search"
function on the Control Display: ▷ "Picture search"
▷ "Quick reference"
1. Press the button.
▷ "User help"
2. "Owner's Manual"
▷ "Topics"
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Entering ....................................................................................................... 20
Set-up and use ........................................................................................... 24
In transit ....................................................................................................... 28
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Opening and closing 2. Press the button on the remote control.
All vehicle access points are locked.
Buttons on the remote control
Buttons for the central locking
1 Unlocking
2 Locking
3 Open tailgate
4 Press and hold or press three times in quick
succession: panic mode Buttons for the central locking system.
Press briefly: headlight courtesy delay feature
Unlocking the vehicle Pressing the button locks the vehicle if
the front doors are closed.
Press the button on the remote control.
The fuel filler flap remains unlocked.
Depending on the settings, either only the driv‐
er's door or all vehicle access points are un‐ Unlocking
Pressing the button unlocks the vehicle.
If only the driver's door is unlocked, press the
button on the remote control again to unlock the
other vehicle access points. Panic mode
Press and hold the button on the re‐ You can trigger the alarm system if you find your‐
mote control after unlocking. self in a dangerous situation.
The windows and the glass sunroof are opened, ▷ Press the button on the remote con‐
as long as the button on the remote control is trol and hold for at least 3 seconds.
pressed. ▷ Briefly press the button on the remote control
three times in succession.
Locking the vehicle
To switch off the alarm: press any button.
1. Close the driver's door.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
The vehicle automatically detects the remote Performing the foot movement
control when it is in close proximity or in the car's
interior. 1. Stand in the middle behind the vehicle at ap‐
prox. one arm's length away from the rear of
the vehicle.
Unlocking the vehicle
2. Wave a foot under the vehicle in the direction
of travel and immediately pull it back. With
this movement, the leg must pass through
the ranges of both sensors.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
With Comfort Access: Depending on the set‐ Several lights indicate function checks and light
tings, the lower tailgate may also be opened. up only temporarily when standby state or
standby state are activated.
1. Without Comfort Access: closing the lower Driver's door
tailgate manually.
With Comfort Access: the lower tailgate will
be closed automatically with the upper tail‐
2. Press the button on the inside of the upper
1 Safety switch
Displays and control 2 Power windows
elements 3 Central locking system
4 Exterior mirrors
In the vicinity of the steering 5 Seats, comfort features
wheel 6 Opening/closing the tailgate
Switch console
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Button Function
Voice activation
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
QUICK REFERENCE Set-up and use
Fold the side extensions forward to increase lat‐
eral support.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Set-up and use QUICK REFERENCE
Calling up settings
Press selected button 1 or 2.
1 Settings
2 Selecting a mirror, Automatic Curb Monitor
3 Folding in and out
Adjusting the steering wheel
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
QUICK REFERENCE Set-up and use
Press or move the controller up to apply the The device is connected and displayed in the
suggested search term. device list.
4. Select the symbol, if needed.
Results are displayed in a list. Using the phone
5. "Search location": select search location.
Accepting a call
6. Move the Controller to the right.
Depending on the equipment, incoming calls can
7. Select desired destination. be answered in several ways.
▷ Via iDrive:
Connecting a mobile phone
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Set-up and use QUICK REFERENCE
Functional requirements
▷ Compatible iPhone.
iPhone 5 or later with iOS 7.1 or later.
▷ Corresponding mobile wireless contract.
▷ Bluetooth, WiFi, and Siri voice operation are
activated on the iPhone.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
In transit
Driving Releasing
With drive-ready state switched on:
Drive-ready state Press the switch while stepping on the
brake pedal or selector lever position P is set.
Switching on drive-ready state The LED and indicator light go out.
▷ Depress the brake pedal. The parking brake is released.
▷ Press the Start/Stop button.
The parking brake is automatically set if the vehi‐
cle is being held by Automatic Hold and the
Switching off drive-ready state drive-ready state is switched off or the vehicle is
Steptronic transmission:
Parking brake With the driver's safety belt fastened, briefly push
the selector lever in the desired direction, past a
resistance point, if needed. The selector lever re‐
turns to the center position in each case.
Pull the switch. To prevent the vehicle from creeping after you
The LED and indicator light light up. select a drive mode or reverse, maintain pressure
on the brake pedal until you are ready to start.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Press button P.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Instrument lighting.
Light functions
Symbol Function
Parking lights.
Low beams.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Press the lever down. Turn the thumbwheel on the wiper lever.
▷ Switching off: press the lever down until it
reaches its standard position. Cleaning the windshield
▷ Brief wipe: press the lever down from the
standard position.
Rain sensor
Switching on
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
▷ In intermittent mode: turn the switch further, For the following settings, for in‐
arrow 2. The switch automatically returns to stance: upper body temperature
its interval position when released. adjustment, parked-car ventila‐
Climate control
Automatic climate control
Button Function
Fuel cap
1. Press the rear edge of the fuel filler flap to
open it.
Climate control operation.
Maximum cooling.
AUTO program.
Recirculated-air mode.
Air distribution, manual. 3. Place the fuel cap in the bracket attached to
the fuel filler flap.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Cleaning the wheels Only add engine oil when the message is dis‐
The friction during hard braking may produce played in the instrument cluster.
brake dust and make the rims dirty. Brake dust
can be removed by cleaning the rims. BMW rec‐ Observe the quantity to be added in the mes‐
ommends using vehicle care and cleaning prod‐ sage.
ucts from BMW. Take care not to add too much engine oil.
Observe recommended engine oil types.
Electronic oil measurement
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Breakdown assistance
Concierge service
The BMW Assist Concierge service offers infor‐
mation on events, gas stations or hotels, and
provides phone numbers and addresses. Many
hotels can be booked directly by the BMW Con‐
cierge service. The Concierge service is part of
the optional BMW Assist Response Center.
Via iDrive:
1. "COM"
2. "BMW Assist"
3. If necessary, "Concierge"
A voice connection to the Concierge service is
Teleservices are services that help to maintain
vehicle mobility.
Teleservices can comprise the following serv‐
▷ BMW Roadside Assistance.
▷ BMW Accident Assistance.
▷ Service Request.
▷ Manual Service Request.
▷ Automatic Service Request.
▷ Teleservice Report.
▷ Teleservice Battery Guard.
▷ Your dealer’s service center.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Cockpit ........................................................................................................ 38
Operating state of the vehicle .................................................................. 43
iDrive ............................................................................................................ 46
BMW Remote Software Upgrade ........................................................... 60
General Settings ........................................................................................ 63
Opening and closing ................................................................................. 76
Seats, mirrors, and steering wheel ....................................................... 111
Transporting children safely .................................................................. 128
Driving ....................................................................................................... 133
Displays ..................................................................................................... 151
Lights ......................................................................................................... 168
Safety ........................................................................................................ 176
Driving stability control systems ........................................................... 213
Driver assistance systems ..................................................................... 219
Driving comfort ........................................................................................ 262
Climate control ......................................................................................... 269
Interior equipment ................................................................................... 287
Storage compartments .......................................................................... 295
Cargo area ................................................................................................ 301
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Vehicle features and not necessarily available in your vehicle, e.g., due
to the selected options or country versions. This
options also applies to safety-related functions and sys‐
tems. When using these functions and systems,
This chapter describes all standard, country-spe‐ the applicable laws and regulations must be ob‐
cific and optional features offered with the series. served.
It also describes features and functions that are
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Lights off
Daytime running lights 170
Parking lights 169
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Operating state of the vehicle CONTROLS
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Operating state of the vehicle
General information
Some functions, such as DSC Dynamic Stability
Control, can only be used with drive-ready state
switched on.
Safety information
Press and hold the button until
the OFF indicator on the instru‐
ment cluster goes out. DANGER
If the exhaust pipe is blocked or ventilation is in‐
sufficient, harmful exhaust gases can enter into
the vehicle. The exhaust gases contain pollu‐
tants which are colorless and odorless. In en‐
closed areas, exhaust gases can also accumu‐
late outside of the vehicle. There is danger to
life. Keep the exhaust pipe free and ensure suf‐
ficient ventilation.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Operating state of the vehicle CONTROLS
Gasoline engine
WARNING Depending on the motorization, the full drive
An unsecured vehicle can begin to move and power may not be available for approximately
possibly roll away. There is a risk of an accident. 30 seconds after starting the engine. In this case,
Before exiting, secure the vehicle against roll‐ the vehicle will not accelerate as usual.
In order to ensure that the vehicle is secured Display in the instrument cluster
against rolling away, follow the following: When drive-ready state is switched on, the tach‐
▷ Set the parking brake. ometer shows the current engine speed.
▷ On uphill grades or on a downhill slope,
turn the front wheels in the direction of the Switching off drive-ready state
▷ On uphill grades or on a downhill slope, Steptronic transmission
also secure the vehicle, for instance with a 1. Engage selector lever position P with the ve‐
wheel chock. hicle stopped.
2. Press the Start/Stop button.
The engine is switched off. The vehicle
switches into standby state.
In the case of repeated starting attempts or re‐
3. Set the parking brake.
peated starting in quick succession, the fuel is
not burned or is inadequately burned. The cata‐
lytic converter can overheat. There is a risk of
damage to property. Avoid repeated starting in
quick succession.
Drive-ready state is switched on
via the Start/Stop button:
Steptronic transmission
1. Depress the brake pedal.
2. Press the Start/Stop button.
The ignition is activated automatically for a brief
time and is stopped as soon as the engine starts.
Most of the indicator/warning lights in the instru‐
ment cluster light up for a varied length of time.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Vehicle features and Input and display
options Main menu
This chapter describes all standard, country-spe‐ General information
cific and optional features offered with the series.
Menu items with access to all iDrive functions
It also describes features and functions that are
are available on the left side of the main menu.
not necessarily available in your vehicle, e.g., due
to the selected options or country versions. This
also applies to safety-related functions and sys‐
tems. When using these functions and systems,
the applicable laws and regulations must be ob‐
Operating concept
iDrive includes a large number of functions.
These functions can be operated via the Control‐ All functions of the entertainment system,
ler and, depending on the equipment version, via e.g., radio and TV stations, connection with ex‐
touchscreen, voice activation system or gesture ternal devices and music collection.
Safety information Phone and SMS functions, e-mail and calen‐
dar and also the connection and management of
mobile devices, such as smartphones.
Operating the integrated information systems Navigation
and communication devices while driving can Access to the navigation system, destination
distract from traffic. It is possible to lose control input and traffic bulletins. Configurable map
of the vehicle. There is a risk of an accident. views and other functions, such as Points of In‐
Only use the systems or devices when the traf‐ terest and areas to be avoided.
fic situation allows. As warranted, stop and use
the systems and devices while the vehicle is My Car
Information about vehicle status and trips.
Access to the Integrated Owner's Manual and
also administration of driver profiles and range of
adjustments for vehicle and iDrive.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
General information
Letters and numbers
The status field can be found in the upper area of
Letters and numbers can be entered using the
the Control Display. Status information is dis‐
Controller, touchscreen or the voice activation
played in the form of symbols.
system. The keyboard's display changes auto‐
Radio symbols
Symbol Function
Symbol Meaning
or Change between capital and
lower-case letters. HD Radio station is being received.
Missed call.
Entry comparison
When entering names and addresses, the choice Signal strength of cellular network.
is narrowed down with every letter and number Network search.
and added automatically as needed.
Cellular network is not available.
Entries are continuously compared with data
stored in the vehicle. The critical charge state of the mo‐
▷ Only those letters and numbers are offered bile phone has been reached.
during entry for which data is available. Roaming is active.
▷ Destination search: place names can be en‐
tered in all languages that are available in Locating active.
iDrive. SMS text message received.
Message received.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Symbol Meaning Settings are stored for the driver profile currently
Entertainment symbols
Symbol Meaning
Bluetooth audio.
1 Programmable memory buttons
Other symbols
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Switching on/off automatically
Overview The Control Display is switched on automatically
after unlocking.
In certain situations, the Control Display is
switched off automatically, for instance if no op‐
eration is performed on the vehicle for several
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Button Function
▷ Press to select a menu item, for example. Open the Options menu.
Select menu
Buttons on the Controller
Select menu items
Button Function
1. Turn the Controller until the desired menu
Opens the main menu. item is highlighted.
2. Press the Controller.
Open the Apps menu.
Select widgets
Open the Communication menu. 1. Move the Controller to the right.
2. Select widgets.
Open the Media/Radio menu. 3. Press the Controller.
It is also possible to select widgets in the instru‐
ment cluster, refer to page 152.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Changing between displays
1. Turn the Controller: select letters or numbers.
After a menu item is selected, for instance
"Settings", a new display appears. 2. : confirm entry.
▷ Move the Controller to the left.
Closes the current display and shows the
previous display.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Changing settings
Settings such as brightness can be changed via
the touchscreen.
Via iDrive:
The main menu is displayed. 1. "CAR"
All iDrive functions can be called up via the main 2. "Settings"
3. "Displays"
4. "Control display"
Adjusting widgets
The widgets can be adjusted in the main menu. 5. "Brightness at night"
It is possible to create multiple pages with widg‐ 6. To create the desired setting:
ets and switch between pages. The adjustments ▷ Slide in the selected field to the right or
can only be performed when the car is stationary. left, until the desired setting is displayed.
Via iDrive: ▷ , Tap on symbol.
1. Select the desired page in the main menu.
Only the currently selected page can be ad‐ Entering letters and numbers
2. Tap the symbol in the main menu.
1. Touch the symbol on the touchscreen.
3. Select the desired adjustment:
A keyboard is displayed in the Control Dis‐
▷ Add new widget: Tap symbol and se‐
lect desired widget.
2. Enter letters and numbers.
The requested widget will be inserted in
the relevant position. A maximum of four
widgets can be displayed per page.
▷ Delete selected widget: Tap symbol.
▷ Add new page: tap "Add page".
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
1. "CAR"
1. Press the button on the steering
2. "Settings" wheel.
3. "General settings" 2. ›Media and radio‹
4. "Language" 3. ›Presets‹
5. "Personal keyword" The stored stations are displayed on the Control
6. "Start recording" Display.
7. Follow the instructions on the Control Dis‐ The voice activation system can also be used to
play. operate most climate control functions, refer to
page 286.
Preset wake word The voice activation system can be used to enter
The preset wake word ›Hello BMW‹ can be acti‐ the destination, refer to Owner's Manual for Navi‐
vated and deactivated. A personal activation gation, Entertainment, Communication.
word that may have been set up previously will
remain active. Help on the voice activation system
Via iDrive: ▷ To have the available spoken instructions
read out loud: ›Voice commands‹.
1. "CAR"
▷ To have information on the operating princi‐
2. "Settings"
ple of the voice activation system read out
3. "General settings" loud: ›General information on voice control‹.
4. "Language" ▷ To have help for the current menu read out
5. "Activation with "Hello BMW"" loud: ›Help‹.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Settings 4. "Language"
5. "Speaking during voice output"
Setting the voice dialog
You can set the system to use standard dialog or Setting the language
a short version. The language to be used for voice activation and
The short version of the voice dialog plays back system announcements can be set.
short messages in abbreviated form. Via iDrive:
Via iDrive: 1. "CAR"
1. "CAR" 2. "Settings"
2. "Settings" 3. "General settings"
3. "General settings" 4. "Language"
4. "Language" 5. "System language"
5. "Speech mode" 6. Select the desired language.
6. Select the desired setting.
Adjusting the volume
Online speech processing Turn the volume button during the spoken in‐
Online speech processing provides a dictation structions until the desired volume is set.
function, a natural method of entering destina‐ ▷ The volume remains constant even if the vol‐
tions and improves the quality of voice recogni‐ ume of other audio sources is changed.
tion. To use the functions, data is transmitted to ▷ The volume is stored for the driver profile
a service provider via an encrypted connection currently used.
and stored locally there.
Via iDrive: System limits
1. "CAR" ▷ Certain noises can be detected and may lead
2. "Settings" to problems. Keep the doors, windows, and
glass sunroof closed.
3. "General settings"
▷ Noises from the front passenger or the rear
4. "Language"
seat bench can impair the system. Avoid
5. "Online speech processing" making other noise in the vehicle while
Speaking during voice output ▷ Major language dialects can cause problems
It is possible to answer during inquiries of the with the voice recognition feature. Speak loud
voice activation system. The function can be de‐ and clear.
activated if inquiries are often undesirably inter‐
rupted, for instance due to background noise or Using the voice activation
system of the smartphone
Via iDrive:
A smartphone connected to the vehicle can be
1. "CAR" used via voice activation.
2. "Settings"
3. "General settings"
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Activate voice command response on the smart‐ The gestures that are performed underneath the
phone for this purpose. interior mirror are captured by a camera in the
1. Press and hold the button on the
steering wheel for approx. 3 seconds. Activating/deactivating
Voice command response is activated on the Via iDrive:
1. "CAR"
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Possible gestures
Swipe with the hand across the width of the Reject call.
Control Display in the direction of the front- Close the pop-up.
passenger side.
Terminate voice activation.
Slowly move your hand in a circular pattern Depending on the direction of move‐
with the index finger stretched out forward. ment, increase the volume or de‐
Gesture is detected after one circular motion. crease the volume.
Pinch with thumb and index finger and move Surround View: turn camera view.
hand horizontally to the right or left. This gesture can only be executed
while the vehicle is stationary.
Move stretched out index and middle finger Individually assignable gesture.
Hold your stretched out thumb to the left. Reverse Skip function.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Hold your stretched out thumb to the right. Forward Skip function.
Stretch out five fingers, form a fist and stretch Individually assignable gesture.
five fingers out again.
System limits
Gesture recognition by the camera can be distur‐
bed by the following circumstances:
▷ The camera lens is covered.
▷ Objects are located on the interior mirror.
▷ The camera lens is dirty. Clean the camera
lenses, refer to page 390.
▷ The gesture is executed outside of the de‐
tection range.
▷ Wearing of gloves or jewelry.
▷ Smoking in the car's interior.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS BMW Remote Software Upgrade
Functional requirement
BMW Remote Software The use of the Remote Software Upgrade re‐
Upgrade quires an active ConnectedDrive contract.
▷ The vehicle can be exited used during the in‐ 3. "General settings"
stallation. 4. "Remote Software Upgrade"
5. "Installed version:"
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
BMW Remote Software Upgrade CONTROLS
Unattended children or animals can cause the 2. Follow the instructions in the BMW Con‐
vehicle to move and endanger themselves and nected app.
traffic, for instance due to the following actions: 3. Establish a WiFi and Bluetooth connection
▷ Pressing the Start/Stop button. between the smartphone and the vehicle.
▷ Releasing the parking brake. The data transfer of the upgrade from the
smartphone to the vehicle occurs while driv‐
▷ Opening and closing the doors or win‐ ing.
4. Follow the instructions on the Control Dis‐
▷ Engaging selector lever position N. play.
▷ Using vehicle equipment.
There is a risk of accidents or injuries. Do not Install the upgrade
leave children or animals unattended in the ve‐
hicle. Take the remote control with you when General information
exiting and lock the vehicle. After the successful completion the download,
the installation will be offered after the vehicle is
Search for and download of an
Follow the instructions on the Control Display.
After the successful completion of the upgrade,
General information booked services, for example RTTI, will be reacti‐
vated automatically while driving.
There are various options to search for and
download an upgrade:
Functional requirements
▷ Automatic.
▷ The battery is sufficiently charged.
▷ Via iDrive.
▷ The external temperature is above
▷ Via BMW Connected app. 14 ℉/-10 ℃.
▷ Vehicle is parked in a horizontal position.
▷ Hazard warning system is switched off.
The available data for Remote Software Upgrade
is automatically loaded into the vehicle. ▷ Transmission position P is engaged.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS BMW Remote Software Upgrade
▷ Remove energy consuming devices, for ex‐ If the malfunction cannot be remedied, contact a
ample a mobile phone. dealer’s service center or another qualified serv‐
▷ Unhitch the trailer or load carrier. ice center or repair shop.
1. "CAR"
2. "Settings"
3. "General settings"
4. "Remote Software Upgrade"
5. "Start upgrade now"
Follow the instructions on the Control Dis‐
Functional limitations
During the upgrade, the majority of functions are
temporarily unavailable, for example:
▷ Hazard warning system.
▷ Central locking system.
▷ Parking lights.
▷ Horn.
▷ Alarm system.
▷ Emergency Request.
▷ Power windows.
▷ Glass sunroof.
The driver's door can be locked and unlocked
from the outside using the integrated key.
In the event of a malfunction, follow the instruc‐
tions on the Control Display or in the BMW Con‐
nected app.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
General Settings CONTROLS
General Settings
Vehicle features and Deleting messages
options All messages, except Check Control messages,
can be deleted from the list. Check Control mes‐
sages are displayed as long as they are relevant.
This chapter describes all standard, country-spe‐
cific and optional features offered with the series. Via iDrive:
It also describes features and functions that are 1. Tip the Controller up.
not necessarily available in your vehicle, e.g., due
2. "Notifications"
to the selected options or country versions. This
also applies to safety-related functions and sys‐ 3. Select desired message, e.g. SMS.
tems. When using these functions and systems,
the applicable laws and regulations must be ob‐ 4. Press the button.
served. 5. "Delete"
The following settings can be adjusted:
▷ Select the applications, from which mes‐
sages will be permitted.
The menu centrally displays all messages arriv‐
▷ All messages or a limited time period for re‐
ing in the vehicle in list form.
ceived messages.
Via iDrive:
General information
The following messages can be displayed: 1. Tip the Controller up.
▷ Traffic messages. 2. "Notifications"
▷ Check Control messages. 3. "Settings"
▷ Communication messages, for example e- 4. Move the Controller to the right.
mails, SMS text messages or reminders. 5. Select the desired setting.
▷ Service requirements messages.
The number of messages is additionally dis‐
played in the status field.
The Messages menu can also be created as
Widget, refer to page 50. Setting the time zone
Via iDrive:
Retrieving messages 1. "CAR"
Via iDrive:
2. "Settings"
1. Tip the Controller up. 3. "General settings"
2. "Notifications" 4. "Date and time"
3. Select the desired message.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS General Settings
8. Turn the Controller until the desired minutes 6. Turn the Controller until the desired day is
are displayed. displayed.
The setting is stored for the driver profile cur‐ 5. "Date format:"
rently used. 6. Select the desired setting.
The setting is stored for the driver profile cur‐
Automatic time setting rently used.
Depending on your vehicle's optional features,
the time, date and, if needed, the time zone are
updated automatically.
Via iDrive:
1. "CAR"
2. "Settings"
3. "General settings"
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
General Settings CONTROLS
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS General Settings
1. "CAR"
Driver Attention Camera 2. "Settings"
3. "General settings"
Concept 4. "Pop-ups"
A camera that monitors driver activity is located
5. Select the desired setting.
in the instrument cluster. The camera evaluates
the head position and eye opening and uses the The setting is stored for the driver profile cur‐
data to analyze the attention of the driver. This rently used.
system supports various vehicle assistance sys‐
tems, e.g.:
▷ Alertness assistant, refer to page 211.
Activating/deactivating the
▷ Steering and lane control assistant with As‐
display of the current
sisted Driving Plus, refer to page 231. vehicle position
Position in the instrument cluster, refer to
page 151. Concept
If vehicle location has been activated, the current
Activating/deactivating vehicle position can be displayed in the BMW
Via iDrive: Connected app or in the ConnectedDrive cus‐
tomer portal.
1. "CAR"
2. "Settings"
3. "General settings"
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
General Settings CONTROLS
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS General Settings
The following connection types require one-time
Various connection types are available for using pairing with the vehicle:
mobile devices in the vehicle. The connection
▷ Bluetooth.
type to select depends on the mobile device and
the desired function. ▷ WiFi hotspot.
▷ Apple CarPlay.
General information ▷ Screen Mirroring.
The following overview shows possible functions Paired devices are automatically recognized later
and the suitable connection types for them. The on and connected to the vehicle.
scope of functions depends on the mobile de‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
General Settings CONTROLS
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS General Settings
Pairing the mobile device with Too many Bluetooth devices with the same
the vehicle function are paired.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
General Settings CONTROLS
▷ Contact was created in the contact list of the ▷ Protect the USB storage device against me‐
phone after the last synchronization. chanical damage.
Synchronize contacts again: "Reload ▷ Due to the large number of USB media avail‐
contacts" able on the market, it cannot be guaranteed
How can the phone connection quality be im‐ that every device is operable on the vehicle.
proved? ▷ Do not expose USB media to extreme envi‐
▷ Adjust the strength of the Bluetooth signal on ronmental conditions, such as very high tem‐
the mobile phone, depending on the mobile peratures; refer to the owner's manual of the
phone. device.
▷ Insert mobile phone into the wireless charg‐ ▷ Due to the many different compression tech‐
ing tray. niques, proper playback of the media stored
on the USB storage device cannot be guar‐
▷ Adjust the volume of the microphone sepa‐
anteed in all cases.
rately in the sound settings.
▷ To ensure proper transmission of the stored
If all points in this list have been checked and the
data, do not charge a USB storage device via
required function is still not available, contact the
the onboard socket, when it is connected to
hotline, a dealer’s service center or another quali‐
the USB interface.
fied service center or repair shop.
▷ Depending on how the USB storage device is
being used, settings may be required on the
USB connection USB storage device, refer to the owner's
manual of the device.
Not compatible USB media:
General information
▷ USB hard drives.
Mobile devices with a USB port are connected to
the USB interface. ▷ USB hubs.
▷ Mobile phones. ▷ USB memory card readers with multiple in‐
▷ Audio devices such as MP3 players.
▷ HFS-formatted USB media.
▷ USB storage devices.
▷ Devices such as fans or lamps.
Common file systems are supported. FAT32
and exFAT are the recommended formats.
Functional requirement
A connected USB storage device will be sup‐
plied with charging current via the USB interface Compatible device, refer to page 69, with USB
if the device supports this. Observe the maxi‐ interface.
mum charge current of the USB interface.
The following uses are possible on USB interfa‐ Connecting the device
ces with data transfer: Connect the USB storage device using a suitable
▷ Playing music files. adapter cable to a USB interface, refer to
page 293.
▷ Playing videos.
The USB storage device is displayed in the de‐
Follow the following when connecting: vice list, refer to page 74.
▷ Do not use force when plugging the connec‐
tor into the USB interface.
▷ Use a flexible adapter cable.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS General Settings
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
General Settings CONTROLS
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS General Settings
1. "COM"
General information 2. "Mobile devices"
▷ After one-time pairing, the devices are auto‐ 3. Select the desired device.
matically recognized and reconnected when
4. Select the desired setting.
standby state is switched on.
If a function is assigned to a device, the function
▷ After stored content on the SIM card or the
will be deactivated where appropriate for a de‐
mobile phone, such as contacts, has been
vice that is already connected and the device will
detected, the data is transmitted to the vehi‐
be disconnected. Observe the information on the
cle and can be used via iDrive.
Control Display.
▷ For some devices, certain settings are neces‐
sary, for instance authorization; see the own‐ Disconnecting the device
er's manual of the device.
Via iDrive:
Displaying the device list 1. "COM"
All devices paired with or connected to the vehi‐ 2. "Mobile devices"
cle are displayed in the device list. 3. Select device.
A maximum of 4 devices can be connected to 4. "Disconnect device"
the vehicle via Bluetooth, and a maximum of 10
The device remains paired and can be con‐
devices can be connected to the vehicle via WiFi.
nected again, refer to page 74.
A maximum of 20 devices will be detected.
Via iDrive:
Connecting the device
1. "COM" A disconnected device can be reconnected.
2. "Mobile devices" Via iDrive:
A symbol indicates, for which function a device is
1. "COM"
used. When the icon is displayed in white, this
function is actively connected to the vehicle. The 2. "Mobile devices"
icon is displayed in gray when the function of the
device is inactive.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
General Settings CONTROLS
1. "COM"
2. "Mobile devices"
3. Move the Controller to the right.
4. "Settings"
5. "Priorities for telephones"
6. Select the desired device.
7. Turn the controller to select the priority for
the selected mobile phone.
Select the desired priority by sliding.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Opening and closing
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Opening and closing CONTROLS
Overview If, due to the settings, only the driver's door and
fuel filler flap were unlocked, press the button on
the remote control again to unlock the other ve‐
hicle access points.
In addition, the following functions are executed:
▷ If a driver profile, refer to page 97, was as‐
signed to the remote control, this driver pro‐
file will be activated and the settings that are
stored in it will be applied.
▷ The interior lights are switched on, unless
1 Unlocking they were manually switched off. Switch the
interior lights on/off manually, refer to
2 Locking
page 174.
Stationary climate control through Remote
▷ With alarm system: The alarm system, refer
Engine Start 280
to page 105, will be switched off.
3 Open tailgate
After opening one of the front doors, the vehicle
4 Press and hold or press three times in quick is ready for operation, refer to page 44.
succession: panic mode
The light functions may depend on the ambient
Press briefly: headlight courtesy delay feature brightness.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Opening and closing
Locking the vehicle ▷ The interior lights are switched on, unless
1. Close the driver's door. they were manually switched off. Switch the
interior lights on/off manually, refer to
page 174.
2. Press the button on the remote control.
▷ Depending on the settings, the exterior light‐
The following functions are executed:
ing, refer to page 170, will be switched on.
▷ All doors, the tailgate, and the fuel filler flap
The light functions may depend on the ambient
are locked.
▷ With alarm system: The alarm system, refer
to page 105, will be switched on.
If the drive-ready state is still switched on when
you lock the vehicle, the vehicle horn honks General information
twice. In this case, the drive-ready state must be
To avoid locking it in the vehicle, do not place the
switched off by means of the Start/Stop button.
remote control in the cargo area.
With Comfort Access: The following settings, refer to page 104, are
available for the operation of the tailgate with the
convenient closing
remote control:
Press and hold the button on the remote Body parts can be jammed when operating the
control in the area close to the vehicle after tailgate. There is a risk of injury. Make sure that
locking. the area of movement of the tailgate is clear
during opening and closing.
The windows and the glass sunroof are closed,
as long as the button on the remote control is
pressed. WARNING
The tailgate pivots out when it opens. There is
Switching on the interior and a risk of injury or risk of damage to property.
exterior lights Make sure that the area of movement of the
Press the button on the remote control tailgate is clear during opening and closing.
with the vehicle locked.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Opening and closing CONTROLS
Press and hold the button on the re‐
mote control for approx. 1 second. 3. Push battery in the direction of the arrow us‐
ing a pointed object and lift it out.
Panic mode
You can trigger the alarm system if you find your‐
self in a dangerous situation.
▷ Press the button on the remote con‐
trol and hold for at least 3 seconds.
▷ Briefly press the button on the remote control
three times in succession.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Opening and closing
remote control must be deleted. A new remote Switching the drive-ready state on
control can then be assigned to the driver profile. via emergency detection of the
remote control
General information
A Check Control message, refer to page 153, is
Remote control detection by the vehicle may
malfunction under the following circumstances:
▷ The battery of the remote control is dis‐
charged. Replacing the battery, refer to
page 79. It is not possible to switch on the drive-ready
▷ Interference of the radio connection from state if the remote control has not been de‐
transmission towers or other equipment with tected.
high transmitting power. Proceed as follows in this case:
▷ Shielding of the remote control due to metal 1. Hold the remote control with its back against
objects. the marked area on the steering column. Pay
Do not transport the remote control together attention to the display in the instrument
with metal objects. cluster.
▷ Interference of the radio connection from mo‐ 2. If the remote control is detected:
bile phones or other electronic devices in di‐ Switch on drive-ready state within 10 sec‐
rect proximity to the remote control. onds.
Do not transport the remote control together If the remote control is not detected, slightly
with electronic devices. change the position of the remote control and re‐
▷ Interference of radio transmission by a charg‐ peat the procedure.
ing process of mobile devices, for instance
charging of a mobile phone. Frequently asked questions
▷ The remote control is in direct proximity of What precautions can be taken to be able to
the wireless charging tray. open a vehicle with an accidentally locked in re‐
Place the remote control down at a different mote control?
location. ▷ The options provided by the Remote Serv‐
In the case of interference, the vehicle can be ices of the BMW Connected app include the
unlocked and locked from the outside with the ability to lock and unlock a vehicle.
integrated key, refer to page 85. This requires an active BMW Connected‐
Drive contract and the BMW Connected app
must be installed on a smartphone.
▷ Unlocking the vehicle can be requested via
the BMW ConnectedDrive Call Center.
An active BMW ConnectedDrive contract is
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Opening and closing CONTROLS
Safety information
People or animals in the vehicle can lock the
doors from the inside and lock themselves in. In
1 Open tailgate
this case, the vehicle cannot be opened from
the outside. There is a risk of injury. Take the 2 Unlocking
remote control with you so that the vehicle can 3 Press and hold or press three times in quick
be opened from the outside. succession: panic mode
Press briefly: headlight courtesy delay feature
4 Locking
5 Display
For some country versions, unlocking from the
6 Back
inside is only possible with special knowledge.
7 Switch the display on/off
Persons who spend a lengthy time in the vehi‐
cle while being exposed to extreme tempera‐ 8 Micro-USB charging socket
tures are at risk of injury or death. Do not lock
the vehicle from the outside when there are
Reception range
people in it.
The number of available display key functions
depends on the distance from the vehicle.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Opening and closing
▷ When you are in close proximity to the vehi‐ To return to the original page: tap on the
cle, all functions of the display key are availa‐ symbol beneath the display.
▷ The status information can be called up in the Lower status line
extended reception range. The lower status line indicates whether or not
With parked-car heating: the parked-car heat‐ the display key is within reception range, refer to
ing can be operated. page 81.
Without parked-car heating: the parked-car ▷ "Connected": the display key is within recep‐
ventilation can be operated. tion range.
▷ Outside of the reception range of the vehicle, ▷ "Updated": the display key is not within re‐
you can display the last transmitted status in‐ ception range. It indicates when the last data
formation from the vehicle. transfer from the vehicle took place.
The symbol is shown on the display if one of
the buttons is pressed outside of the reception Switching on/off
range. The display will go out automatically after a brief
period to conserve battery power.
Display To hide the display manually:
Press the button on the left side of the display
General information key. Overview, refer to page 81.
The display is divided into the upper status line, To show the display:
the information area, and the lower status line.
1. Press the button on the left side of the dis‐
Upper status line play key.
The upper status line displays the following infor‐ 2. Then, swipe with your finger from bottom to
mation: top to unlock the screen lock.
▷ Charge state of the display key battery. 2. Press and hold the button on the left side of
the display key for longer than 4 seconds.
Information area 3. "OK"
The information area can be used to access in‐ To switch the display on:
formation and perform additional functions. Press the button on the left side of the display
If the information area contains more than one key.
page, then page indicators are shown beneath
the information. Operating concept
The indicator for the current page has The relevant submenues can be accessed from
been filled in. the following main menus:
Swipe to the right or left with a finger to change
between the pages.
If further information is available on a page, tap
the appropriate symbol.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Opening and closing CONTROLS
Main menu Information/Function ▷ Charge the battery for at least three hours
before using the display key for the first time
"Security / or if the key has not been used for an ex‐
information" Door status. tended period.
Alarm system status. ▷ The display key can be used while it is being
charged via the USB port.If the battery is fully
After alarm triggering: date,
discharged, it may take some time before the
time, and reason for triggering
display key can be used again.
the alarm.
▷ Due to the large number of USB chargers
available on the market, it cannot be guaran‐
Window status. teed that every charger will function properly.
Glass sunroof status. The charging duration depends on the
charger used.
"Entry level" "Height control" Set vehicle
▷ Charging via the USB port may heat up the
level, refer to page 262.
charger and the display key.
"Vehicle Maintenance indicators of Con‐ Charging in the wireless charging tray may
information" dition Based Service CBS, refer heat up the tray and the display key.
to page 374.
At higher temperatures, the display key may
Status of the roadside parking cause a reduction in the charging current,
lights. and in isolated cases the charging process
may be interrupted temporarily.
"Mobility info" Range with available fuel.
▷ When inserting the display key into the wire‐
"Precondit. With parked-car heating: oper‐ less charging tray, make sure there are no
setting" ate parked-car heating, refer to objects between it and the wireless charging
page 278. tray.
Without parked-car heating:
operate parked-car ventilation, Safety information
refer to page 278.
Stationary climate control/
Remote Engine Start, refer to
page 280 When charging a device that meets the Qi
standard in the wireless charging tray, any
metal objects located between the device and
Display key battery the tray can become very hot. If smart cards,
memory cards or cards with magnetic strips are
General information placed between the device and the tray, this
Follow the following information: may impair card function. There is a risk of in‐
jury and risk of damage to property. When
▷ If the charge state of the display key battery
charging mobile devices, make sure there are
declines, the display is switched off automati‐
no objects between the device and the tray.
cally. The battery must be recharged so that
the display can be switched back on. The op‐
erability of the standard buttons is retained
until the battery is completely discharged.
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CONTROLS Opening and closing
Charging Malfunction
Via USB General information
Connect the display key via the micro-USB A Check Control message is displayed.
charging socket to a USB port.
BMW display key detection by the vehicle may
malfunction under the following circumstances:
In the wireless charging tray
▷ The battery of the display key is discharged.
Charge the battery, refer to page 83.
▷ Interference of the radio connection from
transmission towers or other equipment with
high transmitting power.
▷ Shielding of the display key due to metal ob‐
▷ Interference of the radio connection from mo‐
bile phones or other electronic devices in di‐
1. Open the tray cover. rect proximity.
2. Place the display key into the middle of the ▷ Interference of radio transmission by a charg‐
wireless charging tray in front of the left cup ing process of mobile devices, for instance
holder. charging of a mobile phone.
Ensure that the display is facing up. Do not transport the display key together with
metal objects or electronic devices.
3. Close the tray cover.
In the case of interference, the vehicle can also
With thermo-cup holder: in the wireless be unlocked and locked from the outside with
charging tray the mechanical key.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Opening and closing CONTROLS
Safety information
For some country versions, unlocking from the
inside is only possible with special knowledge.
Persons who spend a lengthy time in the vehi‐
cle while being exposed to extreme tempera‐
tures are at risk of injury or death. Do not lock 2. Guide one finger of your other hand from the
the vehicle from the outside when there are back under the cover and push the cover out.
people in it.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Opening and closing
The other doors must be unlocked or locked Press the button with the front doors
from the inside. closed.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Opening and closing CONTROLS
the door, the second time opens it. The other ▷ If the unlocking of vehicle is confirmed with a
doors remain locked. light signal or a sound signal.
▷ If the welcome light, refer to page 170, is
switched on when the vehicle is being un‐
Comfort Access locked.
▷ If the exterior mirrors are automatically folded
Concept out and in when the vehicle is unlocked and
The vehicle can be accessed without activating locked.
the remote control.
All you need to do is to have the remote control Unlocking the vehicle
with you, such as in your pants pocket.
The vehicle automatically detects the remote
control when it is in close proximity or in the car's
General information
Comfort Access supports the following func‐
▷ Unlocking and locking the vehicle from the
Grasp the handle of a vehicle door completely.
door handle.
▷ Convenient closing.
▷ Touchless unlocking and locking of the vehi‐
General information
▷ Unlocking and locking the vehicle using the
BMW Digital Key. The behavior of the vehicle during locking via the
Comfort Access depends on the following set‐
▷ Open the tailgate.
tings, refer to page 103:
▷ Open and close the tailgate with no-touch
▷ If the locking of the vehicle is confirmed with
a light signal or a sound signal.
▷ If the exterior mirrors are automatically folded
Functional requirements out and in when the vehicle is unlocked and
▷ To lock the vehicle, the remote control must locked.
be located outside of the vehicle near the
▷ If the headlight courtesy delay feature, refer
to page 170, is activated during locking.
▷ The next unlocking and locking cycle is not
possible until after approx. 2 seconds. Locking the vehicle
Close the driver's door.
General information
The behavior of the vehicle during unlocking via
the Comfort Access depends on the following
settings, refer to page 103:
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Opening and closing
General information
If the tailgate is opened via Comfort Access,
locked doors are not unlocked.
To avoid locking it in the vehicle, do not place the
remote control in the cargo area.
With convenient closing, body parts can be
The tailgate pivots out when it opens. There is
jammed. There is a risk of injury. Make sure
a risk of injury or risk of damage to property.
that the area of movement of the doors is clear
Make sure that the area of movement of the
during convenient closing.
tailgate is clear during opening and closing.
Sharp-edged or pointed objects can hit the
windows and heat conductors while driving.
There is a risk of damage to property. Cover
the edges and ensure that pointed objects do
not hit the windows.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Opening and closing CONTROLS
During no-touch activation, vehicle parts may
be touched, such as the hot exhaust gas sys‐
tem. There is a risk of injury. When moving your
foot, make sure you have a firm stance and do
not touch the vehicle.
The tailgate can be opened and closed with no-
touch activation using the remote control you are The tailgate pivots out when it opens. There is
carrying. Two sensors detect a forward-directed a risk of injury or risk of damage to property.
foot motion in the central rear area and the tail‐ Make sure that the area of movement of the
gate is opened and closed. tailgate is clear during opening and closing.
General information
To avoid locking it in the vehicle, do not place the NOTICE
remote control in the cargo area. Sharp-edged or pointed objects can hit the
If the remote control is in the sensor area, the windows and heat conductors while driving.
tailgate can be opened or closed inadvertently by There is a risk of damage to property. Cover
an unconscious or alleged recognized foot the edges and ensure that pointed objects do
movement. not hit the windows.
The sensor has an approximate range of
5 ft/1.50 m extending from the rear of the vehi‐
Performing the foot movement
1. Stand in the middle behind the vehicle at ap‐
If the tailgate is opened with no-touch activation,
prox. one arm's length away from the rear of
locked doors are not unlocked.
the vehicle.
You can configure if only the upper tailgate will
2. Wave a foot under the vehicle in the direction
open or if the upper and lower tailgate opens.
of travel and immediately pull it back. With
Settings, refer to page 103. When closing, the
upper and lower tailgate will always be closed.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Opening and closing
this movement, the leg must pass through The unlocking zone is located within a radius of
the ranges of both sensors. approx. 3 ft/1 m around the door handles.
The vehicle will be locked when the remote con‐
trol leaves the locking zone.
The locking zone is located within a radius of ap‐
prox. 7 ft/2 m around the door handles.
If the remote control is located in the unlocking
zone for an extended period of time without
movement, the vehicle will be locked automati‐
If a passenger is detected in the front passenger
seat during locking and the safety belt of the
Opening front passenger is engaged in the safety belt
Perform the foot movement described earlier. buckle during locking:
Before the tailgate opens, the hazard warning ▷ The vehicle will be locked but not secured
system flashes. against theft.
Moving your foot again will stop the opening mo‐ ▷ The fuel filler flap remains unlocked.
tion, and moving it one more time after that will
The behavior of the vehicle during touchless un‐
close the tailgate.
locking and locking depends on the following
settings, refer to page 103:
▷ If the automatic unlocking is active.
Perform the foot movement described earlier.
▷ If the automatic locking is active.
The hazard warning system flashes and an
acoustic signal sounds. ▷ If only the driver's door and the fuel filler flap
or all access to the vehicle will be unlocked.
Moving your foot again will stop the closing mo‐
tion, and moving it one more time after that will Only driver's door and fuel filler flap: the driv‐
re-open the tailgate. er's door and fuel filler flap will only be un‐
locked when the driver approaches the vehi‐
cle on the driver's side.
Touchless unlocking and locking
All vehicle entry points: the vehicle will be un‐
of the vehicle
locked depending on the side on which the
driver approaches the vehicle.
▷ If the unlocking and locking of the vehicle is
The vehicle will be unlocked when the driver ap‐
confirmed with a light signal or a sound sig‐
proaches the locked vehicle with the remote
▷ If the welcome light, refer to page 170, is
When the driver walks away from the unlocked
switched on when the vehicle is being un‐
vehicle with the remote control, the vehicle will
be locked.
▷ If the headlight courtesy delay feature, refer
to page 170, is activated during locking.
General information
The vehicle will be unlocked when an authorized ▷ If the exterior mirrors are automatically folded
remote control is detected in the unlocking zone. out and in when the vehicle is unlocked and
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Opening and closing CONTROLS
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Opening and closing
If a digital key has expired, the vehicle can only Via iDrive:
be unlocked and locked for a limited period and a 1. "CAR"
limited number of engine starts is possible. The
2. "Settings"
corresponding information is shown on the Con‐
trol Display. 3. "Doors/Access"
4. "BMW Digital Key"
Transferring digital keys 5. "Add new digital key"
The vehicle owner can transfer a digital key for 6. If necessary, enter the Digital Key Code and
his vehicle to another person via the BMW Con‐ the TAN.
nected app.
After the digital key has been paired, its name will
When a digital key is transferred, a transaction be displayed in the list of digital keys.
number TAN will be generated. Another person
can pair the digital key in the vehicle with this Activating/deactivating digital keys
TAN and the Digital Key Code. This makes it in the vehicle
possible to allow another person to use the vehi‐
cle without having to be at the vehicle. A digital key can be deactivated temporarily.
The TAN and the Digital Key Code should only To activate or deactivate a digital key, a remote
be disclosed in person or by phone. control must be located in the vehicle or an ac‐
tive digital key of the vehicle owner must be in
The transferred digital key can be removed in the the smartphone tray.
vehicle or via the BMW Connected app at any
time. Via iDrive:
If the digital key has been removed via the BMW 1. "CAR"
Connected App, the vehicle can still be unlocked 2. "Settings"
and locked for a limited period of time and only a
3. "Doors/Access"
limited number of engine starts will be possible.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Opening and closing CONTROLS
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Opening and closing
Sale of the smartphone/vehicle The tailgate consists of the upper and the lower
When a smartphone with a digital key is sold, all tailgate. The lower tailgate opens downward to
digital keys should be deleted from this smart‐ make loading the cargo area easier.
phone. The following settings, refer to page 104, are
When a vehicle is sold, BMW Digital Key should available for the operation of the tailgate:
be reset in this vehicle. The new vehicle owner ▷ The opening height of the upper tailgate.
should make sure that BMW Digital Key has ▷ With Comfort Access: Whether the remote
been reset. This ensures that the previous vehi‐ control opens only the upper tailgate or the
cle owner no longer has access to the vehicle. upper and lower tailgate at the same time.
▷ With Comfort Access: Whether the button in
Malfunction the driver's door opens only the upper or the
Remote control detection by the vehicle may upper and lower tailgate together.
malfunction under the following circumstances: ▷ Determines if the doors will be unlocked
▷ The battery of the remote control is dis‐ when the tailgate is opened with the remote
charged. Replacing the battery, refer to control.
page 79.
▷ Interference of the radio connection from Safety information
transmission towers or other equipment with
high transmitting power.
▷ Shielding of the remote control due to metal
Body parts can be jammed when operating the
tailgate. There is a risk of injury. Make sure that
Do not transport the remote control together the area of movement of the tailgate is clear
with metal objects. during opening and closing.
▷ Interference of the radio connection from mo‐
bile phones or other electronic devices in di‐
rect proximity to the remote control. WARNING
Do not transport the remote control together The tailgate pivots out when it opens. There is
with electronic devices. a risk of injury or risk of damage to property.
Wet or snowy conditions may disrupt the locking Make sure that the area of movement of the
request recognition function on the door han‐ tailgate is clear during opening and closing.
In the case of a malfunction, unlock and lock the
vehicle using the buttons of the remote control NOTICE
or using the integrated key, refer to page 85. Foreign objects, such as sand or icing, between
the bumper and tailgate may cause damage
when operating the lower tailgate. There is a
Tailgate risk of damage to property. If necessary, re‐
move foreign objects from the bumper and the
General information lower tailgate before operating the lower tail‐
To avoid locking it in the vehicle, do not place the
remote control in the cargo area.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Opening and closing CONTROLS
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Opening and closing
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Opening and closing CONTROLS
Press the button on the lower tailgate. er’s service center or another qualified service
center or repair shop.
With Comfort Access: from the inside Without Comfort Access: Operate the unlocked
The lower tailgate will be closed automatically upper tailgate manually and slowly without jerk‐
with the upper tailgate. ing.
With Comfort Access: Operate the unlocked up‐
With Comfort Access: terminating the per or lower tailgate manually and slowly without
closing procedure jerking. When closing, make sure the lower tail‐
The closing procedure is interrupted in the fol‐ gate is closed first.
lowing situations: To close the tailgate fully, press down lightly
▷ If the vehicle starts off with a jerky movement. only. Closing occurs automatically.
▷ By pressing the button in the lower tailgate.
System limits
Automatic Soft Closing
Without Comfort Access: The upper tailgate is
designed for electric operation via the provided
Safety information
operating points.
With Comfort Access: The upper tailgate and the WARNING
lower tailgate are designed for electric operation Body parts can be jammed while operating the
via the provided operating points. doors. There is a risk of injury. Make sure that
A manual operation of the tailgate can produce the area of movement of the doors is clear dur‐
system states in which an electric operation is no ing opening and closing.
longer possible.
For example, this type of system state applies
when there is a danger of collision between the
upper and lower tailgate. In this case, an acoustic To close the doors, push lightly.
signal will sound and the upper tailgate must be Closing occurs automatically.
completely opened manually.
Operate the tailgate manually in exceptional
cases only such as in the event of a malfunction, Driver profile
refer to page 97.
Malfunction Driver profiles can be created to store personal
vehicle settings. If the vehicle is used by multiple
WARNING drivers, each driver can create his personal driver
profile. When a driver profile is selected, the vehi‐
With manual operation of a blocked tailgate, it
cle will automatically apply the stored settings in
can release itself unexpectedly from the block‐
the driver profile.
age. There is a risk of injury or risk of damage
to property. Do not operate the tailgate man‐
ually if it is blocked. Have it checked by a deal‐ General information
Three personal driver profiles can be created.
Each driver profile can be protected with a PIN to
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Opening and closing
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Opening and closing CONTROLS
▷ It is not possible to assign the recognition to If the remote control is not carried with
the guest profile. you or the remote control is not recog‐
nized, the driver profile can only be se‐
▷ PIN protection is not possible.
lected on the Welcome screen when the
▷ ConnectedDrive countries: The synchroniza‐ PIN protection has been set up.
tion with a ConnectedDrive account is not
▷ "with Digital key"
A digital key is assigned to the driver pro‐
The guest profile is selected on the Welcome
file. As soon as the vehicle recognizes the
screen or via iDrive:
digital key, the corresponding driver pro‐
1. "CAR" file will be activated.
2. "Driver profiles" If the smartphone with the digital key is
3. "Guest" not carried with you or the digital key is
not recognized, the driver profile can only
4. "Log in" be selected on the Welcome screen when
the PIN protection has been set up.
Creating a driver profile 6. "Activate linkage"
A driver profile is created on the Welcome
screen or via iDrive: Setting up PIN protection
1. "CAR" A driver profile without recognition and without
2. "Driver profiles" PIN protection can be activated and changed by
any driver.
3. Move the Controller to the right.
A driver profile with recognition cannot be acti‐
4. "Create driver profile"
vated without remote control and without digital
ConnectedDrive countries: A ConnectedDrive key if the PIN protection was not set up.
account must be assigned to a driver profile. An
Non-ConnectedDrive countries: If PIN protection
existing account can be used or a new account
was not set up or the PIN is not known, the driver
must be created.
profile cannot be activated.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Opening and closing
2. "Driver profiles" The name that was assigned when the driver
profile was set up can be changed via iDrive:
3. "Driver recognition"
4. "with vehicle key" 1. "CAR"
or 2. "Driver profiles"
1. "CAR"
Switching the synchronization
2. "Driver profiles"
with the ConnectedDrive
account on/off 3. "Settings"
The stored settings in the personal driver profile 5. Select the desired driver profile.
can additionally be stored in the personal Con‐ 6. "Delete now"
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Opening and closing CONTROLS
ConnectedDrive countries: If the driver profile tings cannot be changed and personal settings
was synchronized with a ConnectedDrive ac‐ cannot be displayed.
count, the stored data in the ConnectedDrive ac‐ Additionally, the following actions are carried out:
count will be retained.
▷ The volume of the audio system is limited.
A clear detection of the desired remote control ▷ DSC cannot be switched off.
may not be possible in the following cases, for ▷ The tailgate can be locked and disconnected
example: from the central locking system.
▷ The driver unlocks the vehicle via Comfort
Access and has multiple remote controls with Functional requirements
him or her. ▷ At least one driver profile has been created.
▷ The driver changes, but the vehicle is not ▷ A driver profile or the guest profile is active.
locked and unlocked. ▷ At least one driver profile has an assigned
▷ When multiple remote controls are located ConnectedDrive account.
outside on the driver's side of the vehicle.
If the remote control was not detected clearly, Accessing the menu for the valet
unlock the vehicle by pressing button for the de‐ parking mode
sired remote control.
ConnectedDrive countries: Via the switch-off screen
A driver profile can only be created and After switching off drive-ready state the switch-
synchronized with the ConnectedDrive account off screen will be displayed. Select the entry for
when cellular reception is available. the valet parking mode on the switch-off screen.
The use of personal settings that are stored in
the ConnectedDrive account in other vehicles is Via the display bar at the upper edge
subject to technical limitations. For example, set‐ of the Control Display
tings may be stored for a system that is not avail‐ 1. Tip the Controller up
able, or available in a non-compatible version, in
2. "Valet parking mode"
other vehicles.
1. "CAR"
Concept 2. "Settings"
In the valet parking mode, the Control Display is 3. "General settings"
locked and operation via iDrive is no longer pos‐
4. "Valet parking mode"
For example, this mode can be used when the
vehicle is handed over for valet parking.
General information
In the valet parking mode, it is not possible to
change vehicle settings via iDrive. Personal set‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Opening and closing
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Opening and closing CONTROLS
2. Enter the PIN that was specified during acti‐ ▷ "Flash when locking/unlocking"
vation. Unlocking is signaled by two flashes, lock‐
If the PIN has been forgotten, the valet parking ing by one.
mode must be deactivated via a personal driver ▷ With alarm system:
"Sound when locking/unlocking"
Unlocking is confirmed with two sound
Settings signals, locking is confirmed with one
sound signal.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Opening and closing
▷ "Lock after starting to drive" To open the upper and lower tailgate at
The vehicle locks automatically after you the same time, the upper tailgate must be
drive off. closed when the button is pressed.
This setting also applies to the touchless open‐
Tailgate ing of the tailgate.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Opening and closing CONTROLS
The upper and lower tailgate will be Depending on local regulations, the acoustic
opened together. alarm may be suppressed.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Opening and closing
After the tailgate is closed, it is locked and moni‐ An alarm has been triggered.
tored again provided the doors are locked. The
hazard warning system flashes once.
Tilt alarm sensor
Panic mode The tilt of the vehicle is monitored.
You can trigger the alarm system if you find your‐ The alarm system responds in situations such as
self in a dangerous situation. attempts to steal a wheel or when the vehicle is
▷ Press the button on the remote con‐
trol and hold for at least 3 seconds.
Interior motion sensor
▷ Briefly press the button on the remote control
The windows and the glass sunroof must be
three times in succession.
closed for the system to function properly.
To switch off the alarm: press any button.
Avoiding unintentional alarms
Indicator light on the interior
mirror General information
The tilt alarm sensor and interior motion sensor
can trigger an alarm, although no unauthorized
action occurred.
Possible situations for an unwanted alarm:
▷ In automatic vehicle washes.
▷ In duplex garages.
▷ During transport on trains carrying vehicles, at
sea or on a trailer.
▷ With animals in the vehicle.
▷ The indicator light flashes briefly every 2 sec‐
onds: ▷ When the vehicle is locked after start of fuel‐
The alarm system is switched on.
The tilt alarm sensor and the interior motion sen‐
▷ Indicator light flashes for approx. 10 seconds,
sor can be switched off in such situations.
then it flashes briefly every 2 seconds:
Interior motion sensor and tilt alarm sensor Switching off the tilt alarm sensor
are not active, as doors, hood, or tailgate are and interior motion sensor
not correctly closed. Correctly closed access
points are secured. Press the button on the remote control
within 10 seconds as soon as the vehicle is
When the still open access points are closed,
interior motion sensor and tilt alarm sensor
will be switched on. The indicator light lights up for approx. 2 sec‐
onds and then continues to flash.
▷ The indicator light goes out after unlocking:
The tilt alarm sensor and interior motion sensor
The vehicle has not been tampered with.
are switched off until the vehicle is locked again.
▷ The indicator light flashes after unlocking un‐
til drive-ready state is switched on, but no
longer than approx. 5 minutes:
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Opening and closing CONTROLS
Switching off the alarm ▷ The remote control is in the car's interior.
▷ Unlock the vehicle using the remote control,
if needed, through emergency detection of Opening
the remote control, refer to page 80. ▷ Press the switch to the resistance
▷ With Comfort Access: if you are carrying the point.
remote control on your person, grasp the The window opens while the switch is being
driver side or front passenger side door han‐ held.
dle completely. ▷ Press the switch beyond the resist‐
ance point.
When operating the windows, body parts and ▷ Pull the switch to the resistance
objects can be jammed. There is a risk of injury point.
or risk of damage to property. Make sure that The window closes while the switch is being
the area of movement of the windows is clear held.
during opening and closing.
▷ Pull the switch beyond the resist‐
ance point.
Overview The window closes automatically if the door
is closed. Pulling again stops the motion.
Convenient closing via the remote control, refer
to page 78.
Closing via Comfort Access, refer to page 87.
General information
If closing force exceeds a specific threshold as a
Power windows window closes, closing is interrupted.
The window opens slightly.
Safety switch
Safety information
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Opening and closing
Glass sunroof
With the safety switch, it is possible to block par‐
ticular functions in the rear. This makes sense,
for instance if children or animals are carried in General information
the rear. The glass sunroof and the sun protection are op‐
If an accident of a certain severity occurs, the erated using the same switch.
safety function is switched off automatically.
Safety information
General information
The following functions can be locked by press‐ WARNING
ing the safety switch: Body parts can be jammed when operating the
▷ Seat adjustments in the rear. glass sunroof. There is a risk of injury. Make
▷ Opening and closing of the rear windows us‐ sure that the area of movement of the glass
ing the switches in the rear. sunroof is clear during opening and closing.
Switching on/off
Press the button.
The LED lights up if the safety function
is switched on.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Opening and closing CONTROLS
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Opening and closing
Comfort position
In some models, the wind noises in the car's in‐
terior are lowest when the glass sunroof is not
fully open. In these models, the automatic func‐
tion initially only opens the glass sunroof up to
this comfort position. 1. Close all doors.
Pressing the switch again opens the glass sun‐ 2. Push the switch forward past the resistance
roof fully. point and hold.
The glass sunroof closes without jam protection.
Jam protection system
Initializing after a power
General information interruption
If the closing force exceeds a certain value when
closing the glass sunroof, the closing operation is General information
interrupted once the roof reaches the half-open After a power failure during the opening or clos‐
position, or it is stopped when closing from the ing process, the glass sunroof can only be oper‐
tilted position. ated to a limited extent.
The glass sunroof opens slightly. The system can be initialized under the following
Closing from the open position ▷ The vehicle is parked in a horizontal position.
without jam protection
▷ The drive-ready state is established.
If there is an external danger, proceed as follows:
▷ The external temperature is above
41 ℉/5 ℃.
During initialization, the glass sunroof closes
without jam protection.
Make sure that the closing area is clear.
1. Close all doors.
Initializing the system
2. Push the switch forward past the resistance
point and hold. Press the switch up and hold it
The glass sunroof closes with limited jam until the initialization is complete:
protection. If the closing force exceeds a spe‐
cific threshold, closing is interrupted.
3. Push the switch forward again past the resist‐
Initialization begins within 15 seconds.
ance point and hold until the glass sunroof
closes without jam protection. Make sure that ▷ If the glass sunroof is closed, it opens then
the closing area is clear. closes again.
▷ If the glass sunroof is open, it first closes,
Closing from the raised position then opens and closes again.
without jam protection Initialization is complete once the glass sunroof
In the event of danger, proceed as follows: and sun protection have opened then closed
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Seats, mirrors, and steering wheel CONTROLS
Seats, front
General information
The seat adjustment for the driver's seat is
stored for the driver profile, refer to page 97, cur‐
rently used. When a driver profile is selected, the
stored position is called up automatically.
The current seat position can be stored using
the memory function, refer to page 124.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Seats, mirrors, and steering wheel
Thigh support
Multifunctional seat
Push switch forward or backward.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Seats, mirrors, and steering wheel CONTROLS
▷ Press the front section of the
The backrest width de‐
▷ Press the rear section of the
Pull the lever at the front of the seat and push
The backrest width increases.
the thigh support forward or back.
Upper backrest
Lumbar support
The upper backrest supports the back in the
The curvature of the seat backrest can be ad‐
shoulder area. A correct setting leads to a re‐
justed in a way that it supports the lumbar region
laxed seating position and reduces strain on the
of the spine. The lower back and the spine are
shoulder muscles.
supported for upright posture.
General information
If the driver's door is opened when the drive-
▷ Press the front/rear section of ready state is switched off, the upper backrest
the button: moves into the standard position.
The curvature is increased/
decreased. Settings
▷ Press the upper/lower section
of the button:
The curvature is shifted up/
Backrest width
Adjusting the backrest width may improve lateral ▷ Press the front section of the button:
support when taking corners.
The upper backrest is inclined forward.
General information ▷ Press the rear section of the button:
You can change the backrest width by adjusting The upper backrest is inclined backward.
the side wings of the backrest.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Seats, mirrors, and steering wheel
Gentleman function rest tilt. The backrest tilt for the center section is
adjusted together with the left rear seat backrest.
The front passenger seat can be adjusted with
Safety information
the switches of the driver's seat, for instance to
increase the legroom in the rear. WARNING
There is a risk of jamming when folding down
Overview the center armrest in the rear. There is a risk of
injury. Make sure that the area of movement of
the center armrest is clear during folding down.
When folding back the second row of seats,
there is a danger of jamming. There is a risk of
injury or risk of damage to property. Make sure
that the area of movement of the second row of
Gentleman function seats is clear prior to folding down.
Switching on WARNING
Seats in the second row of seats are not locked
1. Press the button. The LED lights up. when they are folded down and they can move.
2. Adjust the front passenger seat on the driv‐ There is a risk of injury and risk of damage to
er's seat. property. Only fold the seats in the second row
If needed, store the memory position, refer to down while loading. When driving without a
page 124, for the front passenger seat. load, fold back and lock the seats in the second
row before driving away.
Switching off
Press and hold the button until the LED Overview
goes out.
The function deactivates itself automatically after
some time.
Rear seats
Second row of seats
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Seats, mirrors, and steering wheel CONTROLS
Vehicle parts can be damaged when folding
down the second row of seats with folded
down center part. There is a risk of damage to
property. Before folding down the second row
of seats, fold the center armrest up.
General information
The third row of seats consists of two divided
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Seats, mirrors, and steering wheel
Safety information
If a rear seat backrest is not locked, unsecured
cargo can be thrown about the car’s interior;
for instance, in the event of an accident, braking
or an evasive maneuver. There is a risk of injury.
Make sure that the rear seat backrest is locked
after folding it back. The second row of seats can be folded down
with the switch, refer to page 115.
1. Fold up and engage the backrest.
Emergency release of rear seat
General information
The two outer backrests of the second seat row
can be folded down manually, such as in the
event of an electrical fault.
Pull the loop and fold the rear seat backrest for‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Seats, mirrors, and steering wheel CONTROLS
Unlocking from the third seat row The upper shoulder strap's anchorage point will
be correct for adult seat occupants of every build
if the seat is correctly adjusted.
Safety information
Use of a safety belt to buckle more than one
person will potentially defeat the ability of the
safety belt to serve its protective function.
Pull the loop and fold the rear seat backrest for‐ There is a risk of injuries or danger to life. Do
ward. not allow more than one person to wear a sin‐
gle safety belt. Infants and children are not al‐
lowed on an occupant's lap, but must be trans‐
Safety switch for the rear
ported and secured in designated child
Press the button on the driver's door. restraint systems.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Seats, mirrors, and steering wheel
▷ The safety belts or safety belt buckles are To ease accessibility to the safety belt buckle, an
damaged, soiled, or changed in any other adjustable slider is available on the belt to help
way. position the buckle when not in use.
▷ Belt tensioners or belt retractors were When the safety belt is fastened, the driver's and
modified. passenger's belt straps are automatically tight‐
Safety belts can be imperceptibly damaged in ened once after driving away.
the event of an accident. There is a risk of inju‐
ries or danger to life. Do not modify safety belts, Unbuckling the safety belt
safety belt buckles, belt tensioners, belt retrac‐ 1. Hold the safety belt firmly.
tors or belt anchors and keep them clean. Have
2. Press the red button in the safety belt buckle.
the safety belts checked after an accident at
the dealer’s service center or another qualified 3. Guide the safety belt back into its roll-up
service center or repair shop. mechanism.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Seats, mirrors, and steering wheel CONTROLS
Symbol Description
Green: the safety belt is buckled on
Body parts can be jammed when moving the
the corresponding rear seat.
head restraint. There is a risk of injury. Make
sure that the area of movement is clear when
Red: the safety belt is not buckled on
moving the head restraint.
the corresponding rear seat.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Seats, mirrors, and steering wheel
A missing protective effect due to removed or
not correctly adjusted head restraints can
cause injuries in the head and neck area. There
is a risk of injury.
▷ Back: press the button and push the head re‐ ▷ Before driving, install the removed head
straint toward the rear. restraints on the occupied seats.
▷ Forward: pull the head restraint toward the ▷ Adjust the head restraint so its center sup‐
front. ports the back of the head at as close to
After setting the distance, move the head re‐ eye level as possible.
straint forward or backward slightly, making sure ▷ Adjust the distance so that the head re‐
it engages properly. straint is as close as possible to the back
of the head. Adjust the distance via the
backrest tilt as needed.
Adjusting the side extensions
Body parts can be jammed when moving the
head restraint. There is a risk of injury. Make
sure that the area of movement is clear when
moving the head restraint.
Fold the side extensions on the head restraint
Objects on the head restraint reduce the pro‐
forward for increased lateral support in the rest‐
tective effect in the head and neck area. There
ing position.
is a risk of injury.
▷ Do not use seat or head restraint covers.
Removing ▷ Do not hang objects, for instance clothes
The head restraints cannot be removed. hangers, directly on the head restraint.
▷ Only use accessories that have been de‐
termined to be safe for attachment to a
head restraint.
▷ Do not use any accessories, for instance
pillows, while driving.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Seats, mirrors, and steering wheel CONTROLS
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Seats, mirrors, and steering wheel
dent. Estimate the distance to the traffic behind Press the button.
by looking over your shoulder.
Folding is only possible up to a speed of approx.
15 mph/20 km/h.
Folding the mirrors in and out is helpful in the fol‐
lowing situations:
▷ In vehicle washes.
▷ On narrow roads.
Mirrors that were folded in are folded out auto‐
matically at a speed of approx. 25 mph/40 km/h.
Automatic heating
Both exterior mirrors are automatically heated as
1 Settings needed and when the drive-ready state is
2 Selecting a mirror, Automatic Curb Monitor switched on.
Depending on the vehicle width, the vehicle When the trailer socket is in use or trailer towing
can be damaged in vehicle washes. There is a is activated, the Automatic Curb Monitor is deac‐
risk of damage to property. Before washing, tivated.
fold in the mirrors by hand or with the button.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Seats, mirrors, and steering wheel CONTROLS
Steering wheel adjustments while driving can
lead to unexpected steering wheel movements.
Vehicle control could be lost. There is a risk of
an accident. Adjust the steering wheel while
the vehicle is stationary only.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Seats, mirrors, and steering wheel
Overview WARNING
Using the memory function while driving can
lead to unexpected seat or steering wheel
movements. Vehicle control could be lost.
There is a risk of an accident. Only retrieve the
memory function when the vehicle is stationary.
There is a risk of jamming when moving the
Heated steering wheel seats. There is a risk of injury or risk of damage
to property. Make sure that the area of move‐
ment of the seat is clear prior to any adjust‐
Switching on/off ment.
Press the button.
A Check Control message is displayed.
If the trip is resumed within approx. 15 minutes
after an intermediate stop, the heated steering
wheel activates automatically if the function was
switched on at the end of the last trip.
Memory function
The following settings can be stored and, if nec‐ The memory buttons are located on the front
essary, retrieved using the memory function: doors.
▷ Seat position.
▷ Exterior mirror position. Storing
▷ Steering wheel position. 1. Set the desired position.
▷ Height of the Head-up Display.
2. Press the button. The writing on the
button lights up.
General information
3. Press desired button 1 or 2 while the LED is
Two memory locations with different settings
lit. A signal sounds.
can be set for each driver profile, refer to
page 97.
The following settings are not stored:
Calling up settings
Press selected button 1 or 2.
▷ Backrest width.
The stored position is called up.
▷ Lumbar support.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Seats, mirrors, and steering wheel CONTROLS
General information
Seat heating can also be used without armrest
heating. Deactivate the armrest heating as
Massage function
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Seats, mirrors, and steering wheel
Switching off
Press and hold the button until the
LEDs go out.
1. "CAR"
Rear 2. "Settings"
3. "Climate control"
4. "Seat and armrest heating"
5. Select desired seat.
6. Press the Controller and turn it to set the seat
heating distribution.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Seats, mirrors, and steering wheel CONTROLS
Active seat ventilation
Switching on
The seat climate control combines the functions
of the seat heating and active seat ventilation.
General information
The seat heating and active seat ventilation are
operated with a common button on the climate
control panel.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Transporting children safely
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Transporting children safely CONTROLS
Safety information sure that the child restraint system fits securely
against the backrest. If possible, adjust the
backrest tilt for all affected backrests and cor‐
WARNING rectly adjust the seats. Make sure that seats
Active front-seat passenger airbags can injure a and backrests are securely engaged or locked.
child in a child restraint system when the air‐ If possible, adjust the height of the head re‐
bags are activated. There is a risk of injury. straints or remove them.
Make sure that the front-seat passenger air‐
bags are deactivated and that the PASSEN‐
GER AIRBAG OFF indicator light lights up. Before mounting
Before mounting child restraint systems, ensure
that the rear seat backrests are locked.
Installing child restraint Move the rear seats into the rearmost position to
facilitate assembly of the child restraint system.
On the front passenger seat
General information
Pay attention to the specifications and the oper‐ Deactivating airbags
ating and safety information of the child restraint
system manufacturer when selecting, installing,
and using child restraint systems.
Active front-seat passenger airbags can injure a
child in a child restraint system when the air‐
Safety information
bags are activated. There is a risk of injury.
Make sure that the front-seat passenger air‐
WARNING bags are deactivated and that the PASSEN‐
The protective effect of damaged child restraint GER AIRBAG OFF indicator light lights up.
systems or of child restraint systems exposed
to an accident and their fastening systems can After installing a child restraint system in the
be limited or lost. A child can e.g.,not suffi‐ front passenger seat, make sure that the front,
ciently restrained, for instance in the event of knee and side airbags on the front passenger
an accident or braking and evasive maneuvers. side are deactivated.
There is a risk of injuries or danger to life. Have Deactivate the front-seat passenger airbags au‐
damaged child restraint systems or of child re‐ tomatically, refer to page 178.
straint systems exposed to an accident and
their fastening systems checked and possibly Seat position and height
replaced by the dealer’s service center or an‐
Before installing a child restraint system, move
other qualified service center or repair shop.
the front passenger seat as far back as it will go
and, if possible, bring it up to medium height.
This seat position and height ensures the best
WARNING possible position for the belt and offers optimal
The stability of the child restraint system is lim‐ protection in the event of an accident.
ited or compromised with incorrect seat adjust‐ If the upper anchor of the safety belt is located in
ment or improper installation of the child seat. front of the belt guide of the child seat, move the
There is a risk of injuries or danger to life. Make
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Transporting children safely
General information
The lower anchors may be used to attach the
CRS to the vehicle seat up to a combined child
and CRS weight of 65 lbs/30 kg when the child is
restrained by the internal harnesses.
The safety belts in the rear and the front passen‐
ger safety belt can be permanently locked to fas‐ Safety information
ten child restraint systems.
Locking the safety belt
If the LATCH child restraint fixing systems are
1. Pull out the belt strap completely. not correctly engaged, the protective effect of
2. Secure the child restraint system with the the LATCH child restraint fixing system can be
safety belt. limited. There is a risk of injuries or danger to
3. Allow the belt strap to be pulled in and pull it life. Make sure that the lower anchors are se‐
tight against the child restraint system. The curely engaged and that the LATCH child re‐
safety belt is locked. straint fixing system fits securely against the
Unlocking the safety belt
1. Unbuckle the safety belt buckle.
2. Remove the child restraint system.
3. Allow the belt strap to be pulled in com‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Transporting children safely CONTROLS
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Transporting children safely
1 Direction of travel
2 Head restraint
3 Hook for upper retaining strap
4 Anchor
5 Seat backrest
Push the locking lever on the rear doors up.
6 Upper retaining strap
The door can now be opened from the outside
Attaching the upper retaining only.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Vehicle features and General information
options After each engine start using the Start/Stop but‐
ton, the Auto Start/Stop function is ready. The
function is activated from speeds of approx.
This chapter describes all standard, country-spe‐
3 mph/5 km/h.
cific and optional features offered with the series.
It also describes features and functions that are Depending on the selected driving mode, refer to
not necessarily available in your vehicle, e.g., due page 148, the system is automatically activated
to the selected options or country versions. This or deactivated.
also applies to safety-related functions and sys‐
tems. When using these functions and systems, Engine stop
the applicable laws and regulations must be ob‐
served. Functional requirements
Steptronic transmission
Start/Stop button The engine is switched off automatically during a
stop under the following conditions:
Concept ▷ The selector lever is in selector lever position
Pressing the Start/Stop button D.
switches drive-ready state on or ▷ The brake pedal remains pressed while the
off, refer to page 43. vehicle is stationary or the vehicle is held by
Drive-ready state is switched on Automatic Hold.
when you depress the brake ▷ The driver's safety belt is buckled or the driv‐
pedal while pressing the Start/Stop button. er's door is closed.
Pressing the Start/Stop button again switches
drive-ready state back off and standby state, re‐ Manual engine stop
fer to page 43, is switched back on. If the engine was not switched off automatically
when the vehicle stopped, the engine can be
switched off manually:
Auto Start/Stop function ▷ Press the brake pedal forcefully again from
the current pedal position.
Concept ▷ Engage selector lever position P.
The Auto Start/Stop function helps save fuel. If all functional preconditions are fulfilled, the en‐
The system switches off the engine during a gine switches off.
stop, for instance in traffic congestion or at traffic
lights. Drive-ready state remains switched on. Air conditioner when the engine is
The engine starts automatically for driving off. switched off
The air flow from the air conditioner is reduced
when the engine is switched off.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Displays in the instrument cluster ▷ The wheels are at a sharp angle or the steer‐
ing wheel is being turned.
General information ▷ Vehicle battery is heavily discharged.
The display in the tachometer in‐ ▷ At higher elevations.
dicates that the Auto Start/Stop ▷ The hood is unlocked.
function is ready for an Automatic
▷ HDC Hill Descent Control is activated.
engine start.
▷ The parking assistant is activated.
Driving off
Functional limitations
After the engine starts, accelerate as usual.
The engine is not switched off automatically in
the following situations:
Safety mode
▷ In case of a steep downhill grade.
After the engine switches off automatically, it will
▷ Brake not engaged strongly enough. not start again automatically if any one of the fol‐
▷ The external temperature is high and auto‐ lowing conditions are met:
matic climate control is running. ▷ The driver's safety belt is unbuckled and the
▷ The car's interior has not yet been heated or driver's door is open.
cooled to the required level. ▷ The hood was unlocked.
▷ Where there is a risk of window condensation Some indicator lights light up for a varied length
when the automatic climate control is of time.
switched on.
The engine can only be started via the Start/Stop
▷ Engine or other parts not at operating tem‐ button.
▷ Engine cooling is required.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
The parking brake is used to prevent the vehicle
from rolling when it is parked.
Safety information
An unsecured vehicle can begin to move and Parking brake
possibly roll away. There is a risk of an accident.
Before exiting, secure the vehicle against roll‐
ing. Setting
In order to ensure that the vehicle is secured
against rolling away, follow the following: With a stationary vehicle
▷ Set the parking brake. Pull the switch.
The LED lights up.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
2. Press the switch while stepping on the
brake pedal or selector lever position P is set. An unsecured vehicle can begin to move and
possibly roll away. There is a risk of an accident.
The LED and indicator light go out.
Before exiting, secure the vehicle against roll‐
The parking brake is released. ing.
In order to ensure that the vehicle is secured
Automatic release
against rolling away, follow the following:
The parking brake is released automatically
▷ Set the parking brake.
when you drive away.
▷ On uphill grades or on a downhill slope,
The LED and indicator light go out.
turn the front wheels in the direction of the
▷ On uphill grades or on a downhill slope,
also secure the vehicle, for instance with a
wheel chock.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Unattended children or animals can cause the The LED lights up.
vehicle to move and endanger themselves and The indicator light lights up green.
traffic, for instance due to the following actions:
Automatic Hold is functional.
▷ Pressing the Start/Stop button.
After every new vehicle start, the last se‐
▷ Releasing the parking brake. lected setting is active.
▷ Opening and closing the doors or win‐
Automatic Hold holding the vehicle
▷ Engaging selector lever position N.
Function readiness is established and the driv‐
▷ Using vehicle equipment. er's door is closed.
There is a risk of accidents or injuries. Do not After stepping on the brake pedal, for instance
leave children or animals unattended in the ve‐ when stopping at a traffic light, the vehicle is au‐
hicle. Take the remote control with you when tomatically secured against rolling.
exiting and lock the vehicle.
The indicator light lights up green.
If the vehicle is stationary, Automatic Hold en‐ Driving off
gages the parking brake and prevents the vehi‐ Step on the accelerator pedal to drive off.
cle from rolling in a vehicle wash. There is a risk The brake is released automatically and the indi‐
of damage to property. Deactivate Automatic cator light is no longer illuminated.
Hold prior to entering the vehicle wash.
Activating the parking brake
The parking brake is automatically set if drive-
ready state is switched off while the vehicle is
being held by Automatic Hold or if the vehicle is
The indicator light changes from green
to red.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
In the event of a failure or malfunction of the
parking brake:
Press the lever past the resistance point.
Secure the vehicle against rolling away, for in‐
stance with a wheel chock, after existing the ve‐
hicle. Triple turn signal activation
Lightly tap the lever up or down.
After a power failure The triple turn signal duration can be adjusted.
To reestablish parking brake functionality after a Via iDrive:
power failure:
1. "CAR"
1. Switch on standby state.
2. "Settings"
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Switching on
If the wipers start moving in the folded away
state, body parts can be jammed or damage
may occur to parts of the vehicle. There is a risk
of injury or risk of damage to property. Make
sure that the vehicle is switched off when the
wipers are in the folded away state and the wip‐
Press the lever down.
ers are folded in when switching on.
▷ Switching off: press the lever down until it
reaches its standard position.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
The rain sensor automatically controls the time
between wipes depending on the intensity of the
General information
The sensor is located on the windshield, directly
in front of the interior mirror.
Turn the thumbwheel to adjust the sensitivity of
Safety information the rain sensor.
Upward: high rain sensor sensitivity.
NOTICE Downward: low rains sensor sensitivity.
If the rain sensor is activated, the wipers can
accidentally start moving in vehicle washes. Windshield washer system
There is a risk of damage to property. Deacti‐
vate the rain sensor in vehicle washes. Safety information
Activating WARNING
The washer fluid can freeze onto the window at
low temperatures and obstruct the view. There
is a risk of an accident. Only use the washer
systems, if the washer fluid cannot freeze. Use
washer fluid with antifreeze, if needed.
When the washer fluid reservoir is empty, the
Press the lever up once from its standard posi‐ wash pump cannot work as intended. There is
tion, arrow 1. a risk of damage to property. Do not use the
Wiping is started. washer system when the washer fluid reservoir
is empty.
The LED in the wiper lever is illuminated.
If wipers are frozen to windshield, wiper opera‐
tion is deactivated.
Press the lever back into the standard position.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Pull the lever. The fold-out position enables the wipers to be
The system sprays washer fluid on the wind‐ folded away from the windshield.
shield and activates the wipers briefly.
General information
Important, for instance when changing the wiper
Windshield washer nozzles blades or when folding out under frosty condi‐
The windshield washer nozzles are automatically tions.
heated while standby state is switched on.
Safety information
Rear window wiper
If the wipers start moving in the folded away
state, body parts can be jammed or damage
may occur to parts of the vehicle. There is a risk
of injury or risk of damage to property. Make
sure that the vehicle is switched off when the
wipers are in the folded away state and the wip‐
ers are folded in when switching on.
Switching on If the wipers are frozen to the windshield, the
wiper blades can be torn off and the wiper mo‐
Turn the outer switch upward.
tor can overheat when switching on. There is a
▷ Resting position of the wiper, position 0. risk of damage to property. Defrost the wind‐
▷ Intermittent mode, arrow 1. When reverse shield prior to switching the wipers on.
gear is engaged, the system switches to con‐
tinuous operation.
Folding away the wipers
Clean the rear window 1. Switch on standby state.
Turn the outer switch in the desired direction.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
2. Press and hold the wiper level down, until the Safety information
wipers stop in a close to vertical position.
An unsecured vehicle can begin to move and
possibly roll away. There is a risk of an accident.
Before exiting, secure the vehicle against roll‐
ing, for instance with the parking brake.
Reverse R
Engage selector lever position R only when the
vehicle is stationary.
Neutral N
The vehicle may be pushed or roll without power,
for instance in vehicle washes, refer to
Folding down the wipers
page 144, in selector lever position N.
After the wipers are folded back down, the wiper
system must be reactivated.
Parking position P
1. Fold the wipers back down onto the wind‐ Selector lever position, for instance for parking
shield. the vehicle. The transmission blocks the drive
2. Switch on standby state and press and hold wheels in selector lever position P.
the wiper lever down again. Engage selector lever position P only when the
3. Wipers return to their resting position and are vehicle is stationary.
ready again for operation.
P is engaged automatically
Selector lever position P is engaged automati‐
Steptronic transmission cally in situations such as the following:
▷ After the drive-ready state is switched off and
Concept selector lever position R, D or M/S is en‐
The Steptronic transmission combines the func‐ gaged.
tions of an automatic transmission with the pos‐ ▷ After the standby state has been switched off
sibility of manual shifting, if needed. when selector lever position N is engaged.
▷ If the driver's safety belt is unbuckled, the
driver's door is opened, and the brake pedal
is not pressed while the vehicle is stationary
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
and selector lever position D, M/S or R is en‐ selector lever automatically returns to the
gaged. center position when released.
General information
To prevent the vehicle from creeping after you
select a drive mode, maintain pressure on the
brake pedal until you are ready to start.
Functional requirements
Only when the drive-ready state is switched on
Engaging selector lever position P
and the brake pedal is depressed is it possible to
change from selector lever position P to another
selector lever position.
The selection lever position P cannot be
changed until all technical requirements are met.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
In this way, standby state remains switched Activating the sport program
on, and a Check Control message is dis‐
The vehicle may roll.
Selector lever position P is automatically en‐
gaged when standby state is switched off.
There is a risk of damage to property. Do not
switch standby state off in vehicle washes.
Press the selector lever to the left out of selector
Irrespective of standby state, the selector lever lever position D.
position P is automatically engaged after approx. The engaged gear is displayed in the instrument
35 minutes. cluster, for instance S1.
If there is a malfunction, you may not be able to The sport program of the transmission is acti‐
change the selector lever position. vated.
Electronically unlock the transmission lock, if
needed, refer to page 147. Ending the Sport program
Push the selector lever to the right.
D is displayed in the instrument cluster.
Kickdown is used to achieve maximum driving
Manual mode M/S
Step on the accelerator pedal beyond the resist‐
ance point at the full throttle position.
Manual gear-shifting is possible in manual mode.
Sport program M/S
Activating manual mode
1. Press the selector lever to the left out of se‐
The shifting points and shifting times in the
lector lever position D, arrow 1.
Sport program are designed for a sportier driving
style. The transmission, for instance shifts up
later and the shifting times are shorter.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Shift paddles
The shift paddles on the steering wheel allow
you to shift gears quickly while keeping both
hands on the steering wheel.
▷ To shift up: briefly pull right shift paddle.
General information ▷ To shift down: briefly pull left shift paddle.
▷ The lowest possible gear can be selected by
Shifting pulling and holding the left shift paddle.
The vehicle only shifts at suitable engine and The selected gear is briefly displayed in the in‐
road speeds. strument cluster, followed by the current gear.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Launch Control
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Driving modes
Driving Dynamics Control Button in the vehicle
The Driving Dynamics Control influences the
driving dynamics properties of the vehicle. The
vehicle can be adjusted depending on the situa‐ Button Driving Configura‐
tion using various driving modes. mode tion
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Concept Concept
Balanced tuning between dynamic and efficient Dynamic tuning for maximum agility with an ad‐
driving. justed drive.
Switching on Switching on
Press the button repeatedly until COM‐ Press the button repeatedly until
FORT is displayed in the instrument SPORT PLUS is displayed in the instru‐
cluster. ment cluster.
Concept Concept
Dynamic tuning for higher agility with an opti‐ Efficient driving setting.
mized chassis and suspension.
Switching on
Switching on Press the button repeatedly until ECO
Press the button repeatedly until PRO is displayed in the instrument clus‐
SPORT is displayed in the instrument ter.
Concept Individual settings can be adjusted in the ECO
Individual settings can be adjusted in the SPORT PRO INDIVIDUAL driving mode.
INDIVIDUAL driving mode.
Configuration Via iDrive:
Via iDrive: 1. "CAR"
1. "CAR" 2. "Settings"
2. "Settings" 3. "Driving mode"
3. "Driving mode" 4. "ECO PRO INDIVIDUAL"
4. "SPORT INDIVIDUAL" 5. Select the desired setting.
5. Select the desired setting. The setting is stored for the driver profile cur‐
The setting is stored for the driver profile cur‐ rently used.
rently used. Reset ECO PRO INDIVIDUAL to the standard
Reset SPORT INDIVIDUAL to the standard set‐ settings:
tings: "Reset to ECO PRO STANDARD".
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Comfort-oriented driving mode, whose tuning is
automatically modified to the driving situation
and driving style.
If the navigation system is active, upcoming road
sections are considered.
Switching on
Press the button. ADAPTIVE is dis‐
played in the instrument cluster.
INDIVIDUAL configuration
General information
The individual configuration of the driving mode
is stored for the active driver profile. The last set
configuration is activated directly when the driv‐
ing mode is called up again.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Vehicle features and Overview
This chapter describes all standard, country-spe‐
cific and optional features offered with the series.
It also describes features and functions that are
not necessarily available in your vehicle, e.g., due
to the selected options or country versions. This
also applies to safety-related functions and sys‐
tems. When using these functions and systems,
the applicable laws and regulations must be ob‐ 1 Fuel gage 157
served. Range 159
2 Speedometer
Instrument cluster 3 Variable displays 151
Service requirements 159
Concept Navigation display
The instrument cluster is a variable display. 4 Depending on the equipment: Driver Atten‐
When you change to a different program via Driv‐ tion Camera
ing Dynamics Control, the displays in the instru‐ 5 Tachometer 157
ment cluster adapt to the respective driving
Selection lists 162
Widgets in the instrument cluster 152
General information ECO PRO displays 322
The display change in the instrument cluster can Status, Driving Dynamics Control 148
be deactivated via iDrive. Transmission display 143
Some of the displays in the instrument cluster 6 Engine temperature 158
may differ from the illustrations in this Owner's
7 External temperature 158
8 Check Control 153
9 Variable displays 151
Speed Limit Info 160
Time 63
Variable displays
In some areas of the instrument cluster, various
assistance systems, for example the cruise con‐
trol, can be displayed. The displays may vary de‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
When the driving mode view is deactivated, the
displays in he instrument cluster remain un‐
changed and do not adapt to the respective driv‐
ing mode when the program is changed via Driv‐
ing Dynamics Control. Continue to press the button on the turn signal
lever until the desired widget is selected.
Via iDrive:
1. "CAR"
2. "Settings"
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Energy recovery
During energy recovery, the kinetic energy of the
vehicle is converted into electric energy during
coasting. The vehicle battery is partially charged
and fuel consumption can be reduced.
Information in detail
Average consumption
The average consumption indicates the fuel con‐
sumption when driving a specific route.
Current consumption
The current consumption displays the current
consumption of fuel. Check whether you are cur‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Check Control
At least one Check Control message is
displayed or is stored.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Messages after trip completion Have the vehicle checked immediately by a deal‐
Special messages displayed while driving are er’s service center or another qualified service
displayed again after drive-ready state is center or repair shop.
switched off.
Parking brake
Indicator/warning lights The parking brake is set.
Release the parking brake, refer to
page 137.
Indicator/warning lights in the instrument cluster
display the status of some functions in the vehi‐ Brake system
cle and indicate when a malfunction is present in Braking system impaired. Continue to
the monitored systems. drive moderately.
Have the vehicle checked immediately
General information by a dealer’s service center or another
The indicator/warning lights can light up in a vari‐ qualified service center or repair shop.
ety of combinations and colors.
Several of the lights are checked for proper func‐ Yellow lights
tioning and light up temporarily when drive-ready
state is switched on.
Anti-lock Braking System ABS
Red lights Braking force boost may not be working.
Avoid abrupt braking. Take the longer
Safety belt reminder braking distance into account.
Have the system immediately checked
Indicator light flashes or is illuminated:
by a dealer’s service center or another
safety belt on the driver or passenger
qualified service center or repair shop.
side is not buckled. The safety belt re‐
minder can also be activated if objects are placed
on the front passenger seat. DSC Dynamic Stability Control
Make sure that the safety belts are positioned The indicator light flashes: DSC controls
correctly. the drive and braking forces. The vehicle
is stabilized. Reduce speed and modify
Safety belt reminder for rear seats your driving style to the driving circumstances.
The indicator light lights up: DSC has malfunc‐
The safety belt is not buckled on the cor‐
responding rear seat.
Have the system immediately checked by a deal‐
er’s service center or another qualified service
Airbag system center or repair shop.
Airbag system and belt tensioner are not DSC, refer to page 213.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
The Flat Tire Monitor signals a loss of Reduce the vehicle speed and have the sys‐
tire inflation pressure in a tire. tem checked immediately; otherwise, serious
engine misfiring within a brief period can seri‐
Reduce your speed and stop cautiously. ously damage emission control components,
Avoid sudden braking and steering maneuvers. in particular the catalytic converter.
Flat Tire Monitor, refer to page 355.
Socket for Onboard Diagnosis, refer to
page 375.
Tire Pressure Monitor TPM
The indicator light lights up: the Tire Green lights
Pressure Monitor reports a low tire infla‐
tion pressure or a flat tire. Follow the in‐ Safety belt reminder for rear seats
formation in the Check Control message.
The safety belt is buckled on the corre‐
The indicator light flashes and then continuously sponding rear seat.
lights up: no flat tire or loss of tire inflation pres‐
sure can be detected.
▷ Interference caused by systems or devices Turn signal
with the same radio frequency: after leaving Turn signal switched on.
the area of the interference, the system auto‐ Unusually rapid flashing of the indicator
matically becomes active again. light indicates that a turn signal bulb has
▷ A wheel without TPM wheel electronics is failed.
mounted: have it checked by a dealer’s serv‐ Turn signal, refer to page 139.
ice center or another qualified service center
or repair shop as needed.
▷ Malfunction: have the system checked by a Parking lights
dealer’s service center or another qualified Parking lights are switched on.
service center or repair shop. Parking lights/low beams, refer to
Tire Pressure Monitor, refer to page 348. page 169.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
High-beam Assistant
Indicator light In the instrument
High-beam Assistant is switched on. cluster
High beams are switched on and off au‐
The yellow indicator light illuminates,
tomatically depending on the traffic sit‐
once the fuel reserve is reached.
High-beam Assistant, refer to page 171.
Automatic Hold
Automatic Hold is activated. The vehicle Always avoid engine speeds in the red warning
is automatically held in place when it is field. In this range, the fuel supply is reduced to
stationary. protect the engine.
Automatic Hold, refer to page 137.
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Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Sym‐ Description
The current range is displayed as
numerical value next to the fuel No service is currently required.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Make sure that the vehicle's date and time are Example Description
set correctly.
Efficient gear is set.
Via iDrive:
1. "CAR"
2. "Vehicle status" Shift into efficient gear.
3. "Service schedule"
4. "BMW Service"
5. "Date:"
Speed Limit Info
6. Select the desired setting.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
1. "CAR"
Displaying Speed Limit Info 2. "Settings"
3. "Driver Assistance"
General information 4. "Driving"
Depending on the vehicle equipment, Speed 5. "Speed Limit Assistant"
Limit Info is displayed permanently in the instru‐
6. Select desired setting:
ment cluster or via iDrive.
▷ "Warn when speeding": activating/deacti‐
Display via iDrive vating the flashing of the Speed Limit Info
display in the instrument cluster and
1. "CAR"
Head-up Display when the currently valid
2. "Settings" speed limit is exceeded.
3. "Driver Assistance" ▷ "Excess speed display": the speed limit
4. "Driving" that is detected by the Speed Limit Info is
5. "Speed Limit Assistant" displayed with a marking in the speedom‐
eter in the instrument cluster.
6. "Info on speed limits"
7. "Show current limit" System limits
The system may not be fully functional and may
provide incorrect information in the following sit‐
▷ In heavy fog, wet conditions, or snowfall.
▷ When signs are fully or partially concealed by
objects, stickers or paint.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
▷ When driving very close to the vehicle in front If necessary, the corresponding menu will open
of you. on the Control Display.
▷ When driving toward bright lights or strong
reflections. Display
▷ When the windshield in front of the interior
mirror is fogged over, dirty or covered by a
sticker, etc.
▷ If the camera has overheated and been tem‐
porarily switched off due to excessively high
▷ In the event of incorrect detection by the
▷ If the speed limits or road data stored in the
navigation system are incorrect. Depending on the equipment version, the list in
the instrument cluster may differ from the illus‐
▷ If the speed limits vary with the time of day tration.
and the day of the week.
▷ In areas not covered by the navigation sys‐
tem. Displaying and using the list
▷ When roads differ from the navigation, such
Button Function
as due to changes in road routing.
▷ In case of electronic traffic signs. Change the entertainment
▷ When passing buses or trucks with traffic
signs applied to them. Pressing the button again will
close the currently displayed
▷ If the traffic signs are non-conforming.
▷ When signs that are valid for a parallel road
are detected. Show list of most recent tele‐
phone calls.
▷ In the presence of country-specific signs and
road configurations. Turn the thumbwheel to select
▷ During calibration of the camera immediately the desired setting.
after vehicle delivery. Press the thumbwheel to con‐
firm the setting.
The currently selected list can
Selection lists be displayed again in the instru‐
ment cluster by turning the
Concept thumbwheel.
Lists can be displayed and, if necessary, used for
certain functions in the instrument cluster or the
Head-up Display.
▷ Entertainment source.
▷ Current audio source.
▷ List of most recent telephone calls.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
1. "CAR"
2. "Driving information"
The following information is displayed:
3. "Trip data"
▷ Configured interval for resetting the trip data.
4. "Data since"
▷ Average consumption.
5. Select desired setting:
▷ Total time for shut off engine through the
Auto Start/Stop function. ▷ "Start of trip ( )": the values are automati‐
cally reset approx. four hours after the ve‐
▷ Distance traveled in Coasting mode.
hicle has come to a standstill.
▷ Consumption history in form of a chart.
▷ "Refueling ( )": the values are automati‐
cally reset after refueling with a larger
Displays quantity of fuel.
Via iDrive: ▷ "Factory ( )": the values since the time of
1. "CAR" the factory delivery are displayed.
2. "Driving information" ▷ "Individual ( )": the values since the last
manual reset are displayed. The values
3. "Trip data"
can be reset at any time.
Consumption history
Resetting average values
The average consumption is shown in the con‐
sumption history in form of a chart based on the
distance travelled and the driving mode. The following interval can be reset manually at
any time: "Individual ( )".
The value for the average consumption is dis‐
played with a line in the graph.
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Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Process individually
Via iDrive:
1. "CAR"
Switching on/off 2. "Settings"
Via iDrive: 3. "Displays"
1. "CAR" 4. "Head-up display"
2. "Settings" 5. "Configure Individual"
3. "Displays" 6. Select the desired setting.
4. "Head-up display" The setting is stored for the driver profile cur‐
rently used.
5. "Head-up display"
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
The height of the Head-up Display can also be ▷ "Reduced height": if not all of the informa‐
stored using the memory function, refer to tion is in the driver's field of vision, the in‐
page 124. formation can be displayed in the lower
section of the Head-up Display.
Setting the rotation
Visibility of the display
The Head-up Display view can be rotated.
The visibility of the displays in the Head-up Dis‐
Via iDrive: play is influenced by the following factors:
1. "CAR" ▷ Seat position.
2. "Settings" ▷ Objects on the cover of the Head-up Display.
3. "Displays" ▷ Sunglasses with certain polarization filters.
4. "Head-up display" ▷ Wet roads.
5. "Rotation" ▷ Unfavorable light conditions.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Special windshield
The windshield is part of the system.
The shape of the windshield makes it possible to
display a precise image.
A film in the windshield prevents double images
from being generated.
For this reason, it is strongly suggested to have
the special windshield replaced by a dealer’s
service center or another qualified service center
or repair shop, if necessary.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Vehicle features and Symbol Function
Automatic headlight
The low beams are switched on and off automat‐
ically depending on the ambient brightness, for
The light switch element is located next to the
instance in tunnels, in twilight or if there is pre‐
steering wheel.
Symbol Function
General information
Front fog lights. A blue sky with the sun low on the horizon can
cause the lights to be switched on.
Night Vision, refer to page 194. If the low beams are switched on manually, the
automatic headlight control is deactivated.
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Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Adaptive light functions When driving in reverse, the cornering lights may
be automatically switched on regardless of the
steering angle.
Adaptive light functions enable dynamic illumina‐
tion of the roadway. Adaptive headlight range
General information
The adaptive light functions may consist of one The adaptive headlight range control compen‐
system or multiple systems, depending on the sates for acceleration and braking operations in
equipment version: order not to blind the oncoming traffic and to
achieve optimum illumination of the roadway.
▷ Adaptive Light Control, refer to page 171.
▷ Cornering light, refer to page 171.
High-beam Assistant
Press the button on the light switch ele‐ Concept
The high-beam Assistant detects other traffic
The LED in the button lights up. participants early on and automatically switches
the high beams on or off depending on the traffic
The adaptive light functions are active when the
drive-ready state is switched on.
General information
Adaptive Light Control The high-beam Assistant ensures that the high
beams are switched on, whenever the traffic sit‐
uation allows. In the low speed range, the high
General information beams are not switched on by the system.
Depending on the steering angle and other pa‐
The system responds to light from oncoming
rameters, the light from the headlight follows the
traffic and traffic driving ahead of you, and to am‐
course of the road.
bient lighting, for instance in towns and cities.
To avoid blinding oncoming traffic, the Adaptive
The high beams can be switched on and off
Light Control does not swivel to the opposite
manually at any time.
lane when the vehicle is at a standstill.
Cornering light
1. Press the button on the light switch
In tight curves, for instance on mountainous element.
roads or when turning, an additional, cornering The LED in the button lights up.
light is switched on that lights up the inside of
the curve when the vehicle is moving below a
certain speed.
The cornering light is automatically switched on
depending on the steering angle.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
2. Press and hold the button on the turn signal Sensitivity of the high-beam
lever. Assistant
General information
The sensitivity of the high-beam Assistant can
be adjusted.
Safety information
The indicator light in the instrument clus‐ If adjustments have been made or the sensitiv‐
ter is illuminated when the low beams are ity has been modified, oncoming traffic may be
switched on. momentarily blinded. There is a risk of an acci‐
dent. If adjustments have been made and the
The headlights are automatically switched be‐ sensitivity has been modified, make sure that
tween low beams and high beams. oncoming traffic is not momentarily blinded.
Switch off the high beams manually if required.
The blue indicator light in the instrument
cluster lights up when the system
switches on the high beams. Adjusting the sensitivity
Driving interruption with activated High-Beam Pull the turn signal lever for approxi‐
Assistant: the High-Beam Assistant remains acti‐ mately 10 seconds. The system responds more
vated when driving continues. sensitively.
The high-beam Assistant is deactivated when A Check Control message is displayed.
manually switching the high beams on and off,
refer to page 139. Resetting the sensitivity
To reactivate the high-beam Assistant, press the Pull the turn signal lever again for approx. 10 sec‐
button on the turn signal lever. onds. The sensitivity of the high-beam Assistant
is reset to the factory settings.
System limits
The high-beam Assistant cannot serve as a sub‐
stitute for the driver's personal judgment of when
to use the high beams. In situation that require
this, therefore switch off manually.
The system is not fully functional in the following
situations, and driver intervention may be neces‐
▷ In very unfavorable weather conditions, such
Press and hold the button on the turn signal as fog or heavy precipitation.
lever. ▷ When detecting poorly-lit road users such as
pedestrians, cyclists, horseback riders and
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Safety information
Instrument lighting
Functional requirement
The parking lights or low beams must be
switched on to adjust the brightness.
Adjust the brightness with the
The label is in the headlight and is visible from thumbwheel.
the outside.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
1. "CAR"
2. "Settings"
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Vehicle features and not necessarily available in your vehicle, e.g., due
to the selected options or country versions. This
options also applies to safety-related functions and sys‐
tems. When using these functions and systems,
This chapter describes all standard, country-spe‐ the applicable laws and regulations must be ob‐
cific and optional features offered with the series. served.
It also describes features and functions that are
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
side of the bodies of the occupants in the outer ▷ Make sure that the front passenger is sitting
rear seats. correctly, i.e., keeps his or her feet and legs in
the floor area and does not support them on
Head airbag the dashboard.
In a lateral impact, the head airbag supports the ▷ Make sure that occupants keep their heads
head. away from the side airbag.
▷ There should be no additional persons, ani‐
Ejection Mitigation mals or objects between an airbag and a per‐
The head airbag system is designed as an ejec‐ son.
tion mitigation countermeasure to reduce the ▷ Dashboard and windshield on the front pas‐
likelihood of ejections of vehicle occupants senger side must stay clear - do not attach
through side windows during rollovers or side im‐ adhesive labels or coverings and do not at‐
pact events. tach brackets or cables, for instance for GPS
devices or mobile phones.
Knee airbag ▷ Do not apply adhesive materials to the airbag
The knee airbag supports the legs in a frontal im‐ cover panels, do not cover them or modify
pact. them in any way.
▷ Do not use the cover of the front airbag on
Protective effect the front passenger side as a storage area.
▷ Do not attach slip covers, seat cushions or
General information other objects to the front passenger seat that
Airbags are not triggered in every impact situa‐ are not specifically suited for seats with
tion, for instance in less severe accidents or rear- integrated side airbags.
end collisions. ▷ Do not hang pieces of clothing, such as jack‐
ets, over the backrests.
Information on optimum effect of the ▷ Never modify either the individual compo‐
airbags nents or the wiring in the airbag system. This
also applies to steering wheel covers, the
WARNING dashboard, and the seats.
If the seat position is incorrect or the deploy‐ ▷ Do not remove the airbag system.
ment area of the airbags is impaired, the airbag Even when you follow all instructions very
system cannot provide protection as intended closely, injury from contact with the airbags can‐
and may cause additional injuries due to trig‐ not be fully ruled out in certain situations.
gering. There is a risk of injuries or danger to The ignition and inflation noise may lead to
life. Follow the information on achieving the op‐ short-term and, in most cases, temporary hear‐
timum protective effect of the airbag system. ing impairment in sensitive occupants.
Vehicle modifications for a person with disabili‐
▷ Keep a distance from the airbags.
ties may affect the air bag system; contact BMW
▷ Always grasp the steering wheel on the Customer Relations for further information.
steering wheel rim. Hold your hands at the
Warnings and information on the airbags are also
3 o'clock and 9 o'clock positions, to keep the
found on the sun visors.
risk of injury to your hands or arms as low as
possible when the airbag is triggered.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
General information
Depending on how the vehicle is equipped, Intel‐ WARNING
ligent Safety consists of one or more systems Due to system limits, individual functions can
that can help prevent an imminent collision. malfunction during tow-starting/towing with the
▷ Approach control warning with light braking Intelligent Safety systems activated. There is a
function, refer to page 181. risk of an accident. Switch all Intelligent Safety
systems off prior to tow-starting/towing.
▷ Evasion assistance, refer to page 185.
▷ Intersection warning with City light braking
function, refer to page 187. Overview
▷ Person warning with City light braking func‐
tion, refer to page 191. Button in the vehicle
▷ Night Vision with pedestrian and animal de‐
tection, refer to page 194.
▷ Lane departure warning, refer to page 198.
▷ Active Blind Spot Detection, refer to
page 201.
▷ Side collision warning, refer to page 205.
Safety information
Intelligent Safety
The system cannot serve as a substitute for the
driver’s personal judgment in assessing visibility Switching on/off
and traffic situation. There is a risk of an acci‐ Some Intelligent Safety systems are automati‐
dent. Adjust driving style to traffic conditions. cally active after every departure. Some Intelli‐
Watch traffic closely and actively intervene gent Safety systems activate according to the
where appropriate. last setting.
Button Status
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
If all Intelligent Safety systems were switched off, The system issues a two-phase warning of a
all systems are now switched on. possible risk of collision with vehicles at speeds
"Configure INDIVIDUAL": depending on the above approx. 3 mph/5 km/h. Time of warnings
equipment version, the Intelligent Safety sys‐ may vary with the current driving situation.
tems can be individually configured. The individ‐ With the vehicle approaching another vehicle in‐
ual settings are activated and stored for the tentionally, the approach control warning and
driver profile currently used. As soon as a setting braking are delayed in order to avoid false sys‐
is changed on the menu, all settings of the menu tem reactions.
are activated. Depending on the vehicle equipment, the Driver
Attention Camera in the instrument cluster cap‐
Press the button repeatedly. The follow‐ tures the driver's gaze behavior. Additionally, the
ing settings are switched between: system checks for visual impairments. Gaze be‐
"ALL ON": all Intelligent Safety systems are haviour and visibility also affect the timing of the
switched on. Basic settings are activated for the warnings.
sub-functions, for instance setting for warning
time. Safety information
"INDIVIDUAL": the Intelligent Safety systems are
switched on according to the individual settings.
Some Intelligent Safety systems cannot be indi‐
The system cannot serve as a substitute for the
vidually switched off.
driver’s personal judgment in assessing visibility
Press and hold this button: and traffic situation. There is a risk of an acci‐
dent. Adjust driving style to traffic conditions.
All Intelligent Safety systems are Watch traffic closely and actively intervene
switched off. where appropriate.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Switching on automatically
The system is automatically active after every
driving off.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Button does not light up: all Intelligent Acute warning with braking function
Safety systems are switched off. Acute warning is displayed in case of the immi‐
nent danger of a collision when the vehicle ap‐
Setting the warning time proaches another object at a high differential
Via iDrive:
If an acute warning is issued, intervene in the sit‐
1. "CAR" uation yourself. Depending on the driving situa‐
2. "Settings" tion, the acute warning may be accompanied by
a brief activation of the braking system.
3. "Driver Assistance"
With the warning time setting "Late" the brief ac‐
4. "Safety and warnings"
tivation of the braking system is omitted.
5. "Front collision warning"
If necessary, the system provides additional as‐
6. Select desired setting: sistance, such as with an automatic braking inter‐
▷ "Early" vention, in a possible risk of collision.
▷ "Medium" Acute warnings can also be triggered without
▷ "Late": only acute warnings are displayed. previous forewarning.
The selected time is stored for the driver profile
currently used.
Braking intervention
The warning prompts the driver to react. During
Warning with braking function a warning, the maximum required braking force is
used when the brake is actuated. Prerequisite is
sufficiently quick and hard stepping on the brake
A warning symbol appears in the instrument
The system can additionally assist possibly with
cluster and in the Head-up Display, where availa‐
automatic braking intervention if there is a risk of
ble, if a collision with a detected vehicle is immi‐
a collision.
When the vehicle is traveling at a low speed, the
Symbol Measure vehicle may come to a complete stop.
Symbol lights up red: prewarning. City brake function: the braking intervention oc‐
Brake and increase distance. curs to up to approx. 50 mph/80 km/h.
With radar sensor: the braking intervention oc‐
Symbol flashes red and an acoustic curs to up to approx. 155 mph/250 km/h.
signal sounds: acute warning.
At speeds above approx. 130 mph/210 km/h, the
Brake and make an evasive maneu‐ braking intervention occurs as a brief braking
ver, if necessary. pressure. No automatic delay occurs.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
The braking intervention occurs only if vehicle ▷ Vehicles that suddenly swerve in front of you,
stability has not been restricted, for instance by or sharply decelerating vehicles.
deactivating the DSC Dynamic Stability Control. ▷ Vehicles with an unusual rear appearance.
The driver may cancel the braking intervention ▷ Two-wheeled vehicles ahead of you.
by stepping on the accelerator pedal or by ac‐
tively moving the steering wheel. Upper speed limit
Object detection can be restricted. Follow the If the vehicle speed exceeds approx.
limitations of the detection range and functional 155 mph/250 km/h, the system is deactivated
limitations. temporarily. When the vehicle slows down to be‐
low this speed, the system is reactivated.
System limits
Functional limitations
Safety information The system may not be fully functional in the fol‐
lowing situations:
WARNING ▷ In heavy fog, wet conditions, or snowfall.
The system can react not at all, too late, incor‐ ▷ In tight curves.
rectly, or without justification due to the system
▷ If the driving stability control systems are lim‐
limits. There is a risk of accidents or risk of
ited or deactivated, for instance DSC OFF.
damage to property. Follow the information re‐
garding the system limits and actively intervene ▷ If the field of view of the camera or the wind‐
if needed. shield is dirty or covered in the area of the in‐
terior mirror.
▷ If the camera has overheated and been tem‐
Detection range porarily switched off due to excessively high
▷ Depending on the equipment: if the radar
sensors are dirty or covered.
▷ Up to 10 seconds after the start of the engine
via the Start/Stop button.
▷ During calibration of the camera immediately
after vehicle delivery.
▷ If there are constant blinding effects because
of oncoming light, for instance from the sun
The system's detection potential is limited.
low in the sky.
Only objects that are detected by the system are
taken into account. Warning sensitivity
Thus, a system reaction might not come or The more sensitive the warning settings are, for
might come late. example the warning time, the more warnings are
displayed. Therefore, there may also be an ex‐
The following situations may not be detected, for
cess of premature or unjustified warnings and re‐
▷ Slow moving vehicles when you approach
them at high speed.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Evasion assistance
The system supports the driver in making eva‐
sive maneuvers in certain situations, such as
when obstacles or persons suddenly appear.
General information
The system issues a warning and intervenes to Front center bumper.
support the driver if a lateral evasive maneuver is
possible. Sensors monitor and detect the clear‐
ance around the vehicle. If the system identifies
space alongside the vehicle, it supports an eva‐
sive maneuver begun by the driver by safely pro‐
viding targeted steering support.
Safety information
Indicators and warnings cannot serve as a sub‐
stitute for the driver’s personal judgment. Due Rear bumper.
to its limits, the system might not output warn‐ Always keep the bumper in the area of the radar
ings or reactions or these might be output late, sensors clean and unobstructed.
incorrectly, or without justification. There is a
risk of an accident. Adjust driving style to traffic
conditions. Watch traffic closely and actively in‐
tervene where appropriate.
Radar sensors
The radar sensors are located in the bumpers.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
The camera is installed near the interior mirror. Symbol flashes red and an acoustic
signal sounds: acute warning for pe‐
Keep the windshield in front of the interior mirror
clean and clear.
Brake and make an evasive maneu‐
ver, if necessary.
Functional requirements
▷ Pedestrian warning with braking function, re‐ Acute warning with evasion support
fer to page 191, is switched on.
Acute warning is displayed in case of the immi‐
▷ Approach control warning with light braking nent danger of a collision when the vehicle ap‐
function, refer to page 181, is switched on. proaches another object at a high differential
▷ Sensors detect sufficient clearance around speed.
the vehicle. If an acute warning is issued, intervene in the sit‐
uation yourself. If there is a risk of collision, the
Switching on/off driver's evasive maneuvers are supported by the
The system is automatically active after every system.
driving off. Acute warnings can also be triggered without
previous forewarning.
Warning with evasion support
System limits
Display in the instrument cluster
A warning symbol appears in the instrument Safety information
cluster and in the Head-up Display if a collision
with a detected vehicle is imminent. WARNING
The system can react not at all, too late, incor‐
rectly, or without justification due to the system
limits. There is a risk of accidents or risk of
damage to property. Follow the information re‐
garding the system limits and actively intervene
if needed.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Safety information
The system cannot serve as a substitute for the
driver’s personal judgment in assessing visibility
and traffic situation. There is a risk of an acci‐
dent. Adjust driving style to traffic conditions.
Watch traffic closely and actively intervene Intelligent Safety
where appropriate.
Indicators and warnings cannot serve as a sub‐
stitute for the driver’s personal judgment. Due
to its limits, the system might not output warn‐
ings or reactions or these might be output late,
incorrectly, or without justification. There is a
risk of an accident. Adjust driving style to traffic
conditions. Watch traffic closely and actively in‐
tervene where appropriate.
The camera is installed near the interior mirror.
Keep the windshield in front of the interior mirror
WARNING clean and clear.
Due to system limits, individual functions can
malfunction during tow-starting/towing with the Radar sensors
Intelligent Safety systems activated. There is a
The radar sensors are located in the front
risk of an accident. Switch all Intelligent Safety
systems off prior to tow-starting/towing.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Button Status
The menu for the intelligent safety sys‐ 4. "Safety and warnings"
tem is displayed. 5. "Front collision warning"
If all Intelligent Safety systems were switched off, 6. Select desired setting:
all systems are now switched on. ▷ "Early"
"Configure INDIVIDUAL": depending on the ▷ "Medium"
equipment version, the Intelligent Safety sys‐
▷ "Late": only acute warnings are displayed.
tems can be individually configured. The individ‐
ual settings are activated and stored for the The selected time is stored for the driver profile
driver profile currently used. As soon as a setting currently used.
is changed on the menu, all settings of the menu
are activated. Warning with braking function
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Warning sensitivity
The more sensitive the warning settings are, for
example the warning time, the more warnings are
displayed. Therefore, there may also be an ex‐
cess of premature or unjustified warnings and re‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Detection range
Due to system limits, individual functions can
malfunction during tow-starting/towing with the
Intelligent Safety systems activated. There is a
risk of an accident. Switch all Intelligent Safety
systems off prior to tow-starting/towing.
The detection area in front of the vehicle is div‐
Button in the vehicle
ided into two areas:
▷ Central area, arrow 1, directly in front of the
▷ Expanded area, arrow 2, to the right and left
of the central area.
A collision is imminent if pedestrians are located
within the central area. A warning is issued about
pedestrians who are located within the extended
area only if they are moving in the direction of the
central area.
Intelligent Safety
Safety information
The system cannot serve as a substitute for the
driver’s personal judgment in assessing visibility
and traffic situation. There is a risk of an acci‐
dent. Adjust driving style to traffic conditions.
Watch traffic closely and actively intervene
where appropriate.
Indicators and warnings cannot serve as a sub‐ Keep the windshield in front of the interior mirror
stitute for the driver’s personal judgment. Due clean and clear.
to its limits, the system might not output warn‐
ings or reactions or these might be output late,
incorrectly, or without justification. There is a
risk of an accident. Adjust driving style to traffic
conditions. Watch traffic closely and actively in‐
tervene where appropriate.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Button Status
The radar sensor is located in the lower area of Button lights up green: all Intelligent
the front bumper. Safety systems are switched on.
Always keep radar sensor clean and unob‐
Button lights up orange: some Intelli‐
gent Safety systems are switched off
or currently unavailable.
Switching on/off Button does not light up: all Intelligent
Safety systems are switched off.
Switching on automatically
The system is automatically active after every
Warning with braking function
driving off.
Switching on/off manually
If a collision with a pedestrian or a cyclist is immi‐
Press the button. nent, a warning symbol appears on the instru‐
The menu for the intelligent safety sys‐ ment cluster and in the Head-up Display.
tem is displayed.
The red symbol is displayed and a signal
If all Intelligent Safety systems were switched off, sounds.
all systems are now switched on.
"Configure INDIVIDUAL": depending on the Intervene immediately by braking or make an
equipment version, the Intelligent Safety sys‐ evasive maneuver.
tems can be individually configured. The individ‐
ual settings are activated and stored for the Braking intervention
driver profile currently used. As soon as a setting The warning prompts the driver to react. During
is changed on the menu, all settings of the menu a warning, the maximum braking force is used
are activated. when the brake is actuated. Prerequisite for the
brake booster is sufficiently quick and hard step‐
Press the button repeatedly. ping on the brake pedal.
The following settings are switched be‐ If there is a risk of collision, the system may also
tween: assist with braking.
"ALL ON": all Intelligent Safety systems are When the vehicle is traveling at a low speed, the
switched on. Basic settings are activated for the vehicle may come to a complete stop.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Object detection can be restricted. Follow the ▷ If the driving stability control systems are de‐
limitations of the detection range and functional activated, for instance DSC OFF.
limitations. ▷ If the field of view of the camera or the wind‐
shield is dirty or covered in the area of the in‐
System limits terior mirror.
▷ If the camera has overheated and been tem‐
Safety information porarily switched off due to excessively high
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Indicators and warnings cannot serve as a sub‐
stitute for the driver’s personal judgment. Due
to its limits, the system might not output warn‐
ings or reactions or these might be output late,
Object detection and warning only functions in incorrectly, or without justification. There is a
darkness. risk of an accident. Adjust driving style to traffic
Objects whose form is similar to people with suf‐
ficient heat radiation are detected.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
conditions. Watch traffic closely and actively in‐ When the vehicle lighting is switched on, the
tervene where appropriate. camera objective is cleaned at regular intervals
when the windshield washer system, refer to
page 141, is activated.
Switching on
Buttons in the vehicle
Switching on automatically
When it is dark outside, the system is automati‐
cally active after every driving off.
Symbol Meaning
Person warning.
Animal warning.
The camera is automatically heated when the ex‐
ternal temperatures are low.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
System limits
Basic limits
The system may not be fully functional in the fol‐
lowing situations:
▷ On steep hills, in steep depressions or in tight
The warning area for the person warning con‐ ▷ If the camera is soiled or damaged.
sists of two parts: ▷ In heavy fog, wet conditions, or snowfall.
▷ Central area, arrow 1, directly in front of the ▷ At very high external temperatures.
▷ Expanded area, arrow 2, to the right and left Limits of pedestrian and animal
of the central area. detection
With animal warnings, no distinction is made be‐ In some situations, it may occur that pedestrians
tween the central or expanded area. are detected as animals or animals as pedes‐
The entire area moves along with the vehicle in trians.
the direction of the steering angle and changes Small animals are not detected by the object de‐
with the vehicle speed. As the vehicle speed in‐ tection function, even if they are clearly visible in
creases, the area becomes, for instance longer the image.
and wider. Limited detection, for instance in the following
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
▷ People or animals who are fully or partially propriate. Do not jerk the steering wheel in re‐
covered, especially when their heads are cov‐ sponse to a warning.
▷ People who are not in an upright position, for
instance lying down. WARNING
▷ Cyclists on unconventional bicycles (e.g., re‐ Indicators and warnings cannot serve as a sub‐
cumbent bicycles). stitute for the driver’s personal judgment. Due
▷ After physical damage to the system, for in‐ to its limits, the system might not output warn‐
stance after an accident. ings or reactions or these might be output late,
incorrectly, or without justification. There is a
risk of an accident. Adjust driving style to traffic
Lane departure warning conditions. Watch traffic closely and actively in‐
tervene where appropriate.
The lane departure warning alerts when the vehi‐ Functional requirements
cle is about to run off the road or exit the lane. The camera must detect the lane markings for
the lane departure warning to be active.
General information
This camera-based system warns starting at a Overview
minimum speed.
The minimum speed is country-specific and is Button in the vehicle
displayed in the menu for the Intelligent Safety
Warnings are issued by means of a steering
wheel vibration. The severity of the steering
wheel vibration can be adjusted.
The system does not provide a warning if the
turn signal is set before leaving the lane.
If in the speed range up to 130 mph/210 km/h a
lane marking is crossed, the system intervenes
with a brief active steering intervention in addi‐ Intelligent Safety
tion to vibrating. The system thus helps keep the
vehicle in the lane.
Safety information
The system cannot serve as a substitute for the
driver’s personal judgment in assessing road
and traffic safety. There is a risk of an accident.
Adjust driving style to traffic conditions. Watch
traffic closely and actively intervene where ap‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Button Status
The camera is installed near the interior mirror. Button lights up green: all Intelligent
Keep the windshield in front of the interior mirror Safety systems are switched on.
clean and clear.
Button lights up orange: some Intelli‐
gent Safety systems are switched off
Switching on/off or currently unavailable.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Setting the force of the steering cordance with the steering wheel vibration set‐
wheel vibration ting.
Via iDrive: If the turn signal is switched on before a lane
change, a warning is not issued.
1. "CAR"
2. "Settings" Steering intervention
3. "Driver Assistance" If in the speed range up to 130 mph/210 km/h a
4. "Feedback on the steering wheel" lane marking is crossed, the system intervenes
with a brief active steering intervention in addi‐
5. Select the desired setting.
tion to vibrating. The steering intervention helps
The setting is applied to all Intelligent Safety sys‐ keep the vehicle in the lane. The steering inter‐
tems and stored for the driver profile currently vention can be noticed on the steering wheel
used. and can be manually overridden at any time. Dur‐
ing an active steering intervention, the display in
Switching steering intervention the instrument cluster will blink.
The steering intervention can be switched on Warning signal
and off separately for Active Blind Spot Detec‐ In the event of multiple active steering interven‐
tion and lane departure warning. tions by the system within 3 minutes without the
Via iDrive: driver's intervention at the steering wheel, an
acoustic warning will sound. A short warning sig‐
1. "CAR" nal will sound at the second steering interven‐
2. "Settings" tion. Beginning with the third steering interven‐
3. "Driver Assistance" tion, an continuous warning will sound.
4. "Safety and warnings" In addition, a Check Control message is dis‐
5. "Lane Departure Warning"
The warning signal and Check-Control message
6. "Steering intervention"
are an encouragement to pay closer attention to
The selected setting is stored for the driver pro‐ the lane.
file currently used.
With trailer towing
Display in the instrument cluster If the trailer power socket is in use or trailer tow‐
The system illuminates green: at lane ing is activated, for instance during operation
marking was detected on at least one with trailer or bicycle rack, no steering interven‐
side of the vehicle and warnings can be tion takes place.
End of warning
Warning function The warning is canceled in the following situa‐
If you leave the lane ▷ Automatically after approx. 3 seconds.
If you leave the lane and if a lane marking has ▷ When returning to your own lane.
been detected, the steering wheel vibrates in ac‐ ▷ When braking hard.
▷ When using the turn signal.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
▷ If DSC Dynamic Stability Control intervenes. A Check Control message may be displayed
when the system is not fully functional.
System limits
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Safety information
The system cannot serve as a substitute for the
driver’s personal judgment in assessing visibility
and traffic situation. There is a risk of an acci‐
dent. Adjust driving style to traffic conditions. The radar sensors are located in the rear
Watch traffic closely and actively intervene bumper.
where appropriate. Always keep the bumper in the area of the radar
sensors clean and unobstructed.
Switching on/off
Indicators and warnings cannot serve as a sub‐
stitute for the driver’s personal judgment. Due Switching on automatically
to its limits, the system might not output warn‐
The Active Blind Spot Detection is automatically
ings or reactions or these might be output late,
activated after departure if the function was
incorrectly, or without justification. There is a
switched on at the end of the last trip.
risk of an accident. Adjust driving style to traffic
conditions. Watch traffic closely and actively in‐
tervene where appropriate. Switching on/off manually
Press the button.
The menu for the intelligent safety sys‐
Overview tem is displayed.
If all Intelligent Safety systems were switched off,
Button in the vehicle
all systems are now switched on.
"Configure INDIVIDUAL": depending on the
equipment version, the Intelligent Safety sys‐
tems can be individually configured. The individ‐
ual settings are activated and stored for the
driver profile currently used. As soon as a setting
is changed on the menu, all settings of the menu
are activated.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
"INDIVIDUAL": the Intelligent Safety systems are The setting is applied to all Intelligent Safety sys‐
switched on according to the individual settings. tems and stored for the driver profile currently
Some Intelligent Safety systems cannot be indi‐ used.
vidually switched off.
Vehicles with side collision warning:
Press and hold this button. switching steering intervention
All Intelligent Safety systems are on/off
switched off. The steering intervention can be switched on
and off separately for Active Blind Spot Detec‐
Button Status tion and lane departure warning.
Button lights up green: all Intelligent Via iDrive:
Safety systems are switched on. 1. "CAR"
Button lights up orange: some Intelli‐ 2. "Settings"
gent Safety systems are switched off 3. "Driver Assistance"
or currently unavailable.
4. "Safety and warnings"
Button does not light up: all Intelligent 5. "Blind spot collision warning"
Safety systems are switched off.
6. "Steering intervention"
The setting is stored for the driver profile cur‐
Setting the warning time
rently used.
Via iDrive:
1. "CAR" Warning function
2. "Settings"
Light in the exterior mirror
3. "Driver Assistance"
4. "Safety and warnings"
5. "Blind spot collision warning"
6. Select the desired setting.
"Off": with this setting, no warning is output.
The setting is stored for the driver profile cur‐
rently used.
3. "Driver Assistance"
Acute warning
4. "Feedback on the steering wheel"
If the turn signal is switched on while a vehicle is
5. Select the desired setting. in the critical zone, the steering wheel vibrates
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
briefly and the light in the exterior mirror flashes Functional limitations
brightly. The system may not be fully functional in the fol‐
The warning stops when the other vehicle has lowing situations:
left the critical area or after deactivation of the ▷ When a vehicle is approaching at a speed
turn signal. much faster than your own.
▷ In heavy fog, wet conditions, or snowfall.
Vehicles with side collision warning
▷ In tight curves or on narrow lanes.
If there is no response to the vibration of the
steering wheel at speeds of up to ▷ If the bumper is dirty, iced up, or covered,
130 mph/210 km/h and the lane marking is for instance by stickers.
crossed, the system intervenes with a brief active ▷ If cargo protrudes.
steering intervention. The steering intervention For vehicles with side collision warning, the
helps return the vehicle into the lane. The steer‐ steering intervention can be limited, for instance
ing intervention can be noticed on the steering in the following situation:
wheel and can be manually overridden at any
time. ▷ In the event of missing, worn, poorly visible,
merging, diverging, or multiple lane markings
such as in construction areas.
Flashing of the light
▷ When lane markings are covered in snow, ice,
A flashing of the light during vehicle unlocking
dirt or water.
serves as system self-test.
▷ When lane markings are not white.
System limits ▷ When lane markings are covered by objects.
▷ When driving very close to the vehicle in front
Safety information of you.
▷ If there are constant blinding effects because
WARNING of oncoming light, for instance from the sun
low in the sky.
The system can react not at all, too late, incor‐
rectly, or without justification due to the system ▷ If the field of view of the camera or the wind‐
limits. There is a risk of accidents or risk of shield is dirty or covered in the area of the in‐
damage to property. Follow the information re‐ terior mirror.
garding the system limits and actively intervene ▷ If the camera has overheated and been tem‐
if needed. porarily switched off due to excessively high
▷ Up to 10 seconds after the start of the engine
Upper speed limit
via the Start/Stop button.
If the vehicle speed exceeds approx.
▷ During calibration of the camera immediately
155 mph/250 km/h, the system is deactivated
after vehicle delivery.
A Check Control message is displayed when the
If the vehicle speed falls below approx.
system is not fully functional.
155 mph/250 km/h, the system once again re‐
sponds according to the setting. If the trailer power socket is in use or trailer tow‐
ing is activated, for instance during operation
with trailer or bicycle rack, the system cannot be
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Depending on the selected warning settings, for The system cannot serve as a substitute for the
instance warning time, more warnings can be driver’s personal judgment in assessing visibility
displayed. However, there may also be an excess and traffic situation. There is a risk of an acci‐
of premature warnings of critical situations. dent. Adjust driving style to traffic conditions.
Watch traffic closely and actively intervene
where appropriate.
Side collision warning
Indicators and warnings cannot serve as a sub‐
The system helps to avoid imminent side colli‐
stitute for the driver’s personal judgment. Due
to its limits, the system might not output warn‐
ings or reactions or these might be output late,
General information incorrectly, or without justification. There is a
risk of an accident. Adjust driving style to traffic
conditions. Watch traffic closely and actively in‐
tervene where appropriate.
Functional requirements
The camera must detect the lane markings for
the side collision warning with steering interven‐
tion to be active.
Four radar sensors in the bumpers monitor the
space next to the vehicle from a minimum speed Overview
of up to approx. 130 mph/210 km/h.
The minimum speed is country-specific and is Button in the vehicle
displayed in the menu for the Intelligent Safety
The front camera determines the lane marking
If, for instance another vehicle is detected next to
the vehicle and if there is a risk of collision with
this vehicle, the system helps avoid the collision.
For this purpose, the system issues a warning
with a flashing LED in the exterior mirror, a vibrat‐
ing steering wheel. If necessary, the system will Intelligent Safety
carry out an active steering intervention.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
▷ If there are constant blinding effects because ▷ Active Protection, refer to page 210: if a colli‐
of oncoming light, for instance from the sun sion seems to be unavoidable, PreCrash
low in the sky. functions are triggered.
▷ If the field of view of the camera or the wind‐
shield is dirty or covered in the area of the in‐ Safety information
terior mirror.
▷ If the camera has overheated and been tem‐
porarily switched off due to excessively high WARNING
temperatures. The system cannot serve as a substitute for the
▷ Up to 10 seconds after the start of the engine driver’s personal judgment in assessing visibility
via the Start/Stop button. and traffic situation. There is a risk of an acci‐
dent. Adjust driving style to traffic conditions.
▷ During calibration of the camera immediately Watch traffic closely and actively intervene
after vehicle delivery. where appropriate.
A Check Control message is displayed when the
system is not fully functional.
If the trailer power socket is in use or trailer tow‐ WARNING
ing is activated, for instance during operation
Indicators and warnings cannot serve as a sub‐
with trailer or bicycle rack, the system cannot be
stitute for the driver’s personal judgment. Due
switched on. A Check Control message is dis‐
to its limits, the system might not output warn‐
ings or reactions or these might be output late,
incorrectly, or without justification. There is a
risk of an accident. Adjust driving style to traffic
Rear collision prevention conditions. Watch traffic closely and actively in‐
tervene where appropriate.
The system reacts to vehicles approaching from
behind. Overview
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Active Protection When the safety belt is fastened, the driver's and
passenger's belt straps are automatically tight‐
Concept ened once after driving away.
Active Protection prepares occupants and the In accident-critical situations, the following indi‐
vehicle for a possible accident in critical driving or vidual functions become active as needed:
collision situations. ▷ Automatic pretensioning of the front safety
General information ▷ Automatic window closing up to a narrow
Active Protection consists of various PreCrash gap.
functions, which can vary depending on the
▷ Automatic closing of the panoramic glass
sunroof, including sun protection.
The system is used to detect certain critical driv‐
▷ For vehicles equipped with comfort seats in
ing situations that might lead to an accident. This
the front: automatic positioning of the back‐
includes the following critical driving situations:
rest for the front passenger seat.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Safety information
PostCrash – iBrake
Concept The system cannot serve as a substitute for the
In the event of an accident, the system can bring driver’s personal judgment in assessing one's
the vehicle to a halt automatically without inter‐ physical state. An increasing lack of alertness or
vention by the driver in certain situations. This fatigue may not be detected or not be detected
can reduce the risk of a further collision and the in time. There is a risk of an accident. Make
consequences thereof. sure that the driver is rested and alert. Adjust
driving style to traffic conditions.
At standstill
After coming to a halt, the brake is released auto‐
The system is switched on each time drive-ready
state is switched on.
Harder vehicle braking
After travel has begun, the system monitors cer‐
It can be necessary to bring the vehicle in certain
tain aspects of the driver's behavior, so that de‐
situations to a halt quicker.
creasing alertness or fatigue can be detected.
To do this, for a short time the braking pressure
This procedure takes the following criteria into
applied when stepping on the brake pedal must
be higher than the braking pressure achieved by
the automatic braking function. This interrupts ▷ Personal driving style, for instance steering
automatic braking. behavior.
▷ Driving conditions, for instance length of trip.
Interrupting automatic braking ▷ Depending on the equipment: attention of
It can be necessary to interrupt automatic brak‐ the driver through the Driver Attention Cam‐
ing in certain situations, for instance for an eva‐ era.
sive maneuver. Starting at approx. 43 mph/70 km/h, the system
Interrupt automatic braking: is active and can also display a recommendation
to take a break.
▷ By pressing the brake pedal.
▷ By pressing the accelerator pedal.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
If the driver becomes less alert or fatigued, a
message is displayed in the Control Display with
the recommendation to take a break.
During the display, the following settings can be
▷ "Do not ask again"
▷ "Places to stop"
▷ "Remind me later"
The break recommendation is repeated after
20 minutes.
After a break, another recommendation to take a
break cannot be displayed until after approxi‐
mately 45 minutes.
System limits
The function may be limited in the following sit‐
uations, for instance and will either output an in‐
correct warning or no warning at all:
▷ When the clock is set incorrectly.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Driving stability control systems CONTROLS
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Driving stability control systems
General information
When DSC is deactivated, driving stability is re‐
The system cannot serve as a substitute for the
duced during acceleration and when driving in
driver’s personal judgment in assessing the
traffic situation. Based on the limits of the sys‐
tem, it cannot independently react to all traffic To increase vehicle stability, activate DSC again
situations. There is a risk of an accident. Adjust as soon as possible.
driving style to traffic conditions. Watch traffic
closely and actively intervene where appropri‐ Deactivating DSC
ate. Hold the button down until DSC OFF is
displayed in the instrument cluster and
the DSC OFF indicator light is illuminated.
When driving with a roof load, for instance with Activating DSC
roof-mounted luggage rack, the vehicle's cen‐
ter of gravity is higher, which increases the risk Press the button.
of the vehicle tipping in critical driving situa‐ DSC OFF and the DSC OFF indicator
tions. There is a risk of accidents or risk of light go out.
damage to property. Do not deactivate DSC
Dynamic Stability Control when driving with
roof load. Display
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Driving stability control systems CONTROLS
Automatic program change
Button in the vehicle In certain situations, the DSC is activated auto‐
▷ If Active Cruise Control with Stop&Go func‐
tion ACC is activated.
▷ On a braking intervention by the Intelligent
Safety systems.
▷ The vehicle has a flat tire.
xDrive is the all-wheel-drive system of the vehi‐
cle. The interaction of xDrive and other suspen‐
sion control systems, such as DSC Dynamic Sta‐
bility Control, further optimizes traction and
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Driving stability control systems
driving dynamics. xDrive variably distributes the Display in the Head-up Display
driving forces to the front and rear axles as de‐
Some of the information can also be displayed in
manded by the driving situation and road surface.
the Head-up Display.
The Driving Dynamics Control is used to change
the all-wheel distribution from traction oriented
to sport oriented. M sport differential
With the xOffroad package, the all-wheel-drive
system is additionally adjusted for the respective The active M differential provides for continu‐
xOffroad mode. ously variable locking of the rear axle differential
Because of the needs-based use of the all- depending on the driving situation. This prevents
wheel-drive system, Efficient4x4 yields a reduc‐ spinning of a single rear wheel and thereby pro‐
tion in consumption. vides optimal traction in any driving situation.
The driver is responsible adapting his or her driv‐
Display on the Control Display ing style to the situation.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Driving stability control systems CONTROLS
individual wheels. This improves vehicle drivabil‐ Display in the instrument cluster
ity and stability. If necessary, the Antilock Brake
System prevents the wheels from locking. A symbol and the selected de‐
sired speed are displayed.
General information ▷ Green display: HDC is active,
the system is reducing the ve‐
Hill Descent Control can be activated at speeds
hicle speed.
below approx. 25 mph/40 km/h.
▷ Gray display: HDC is on standby.
Speeds can be set between approx.
2 mph/3 km/h and approx. 20 mph/30 km/h.
When the vehicle is moving downhill, the system Display in the Head-up Display
reduces the speed to the set value, within the The HDC status can also be displayed in the
physical limits. Head-up Display.
Activating HDC
Press the button. The LED on the button
lights up. ▷ Press the rocker switch up: the speed in‐
Speeds between approx. 2 mph/3 km/h and ap‐ creases gradually.
prox. 20 mph/30 km/h are adopted as the de‐ ▷ Press the rocker switch up and hold: the
sired speed. speed increases while the rocker switch is
Emergency braking function, Active PDC: the pressed.
emergency braking function, refer to page 239, ▷ Press the rocker switch down: the speed de‐
is deactivated. creases gradually.
▷ Press the rocker switch down and hold: the
speed decreases while the rocker switch is
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Driving stability control systems
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
Rocker switch:
Changing the speed limit, refer to
page 220.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
Visual warning
If the speed limit is exceeded: the indica‐
tor light in the instrument cluster flashes
while the vehicle speed is greater than
the set speed limit.
Acoustic warning
Press the rocker switch up or down repeatedly
until the desired speed limit is set. ▷ If the speed limit is exceeded unintentionally,
a signal sounds.
▷ Each time the rocker switch is pressed to the
resistance point, the speed limit increases or ▷ If the speed limit is reduced to below the ve‐
decreases by 1 mph/1 km/h. hicle speed while driving, the signal sounds
after some time.
▷ Each time the rocker switch is pressed past
the resistance point, the desired speed ▷ If the speed limit is intentionally exceeded by
changes by a maximum of 5 mph/10 km/h. stepping on the accelerator pedal all the way
down, there is no signal.
If the set speed limit is reached or unintentionally
exceeded, such as when driving downhill, the ve‐
hicle is not actively braked. Displays in the instrument
If the speed limit is set during a trip to a value be‐
low the current speed, the vehicle coasts until it
drops to the set speed limit. Display in the speedometer
The current speed can also be stored by press‐ ▷ Green marking: system is ac‐
ing a button: tive.
Press the button on the steering wheel. ▷ Grey marking: system is inter‐
▷ No marking: system is
Exceeding the speed limit switched off.
If the vehicle speed exceeds the set speed limit,
a warning is issued. Indicator light
The speed limit can be exceeded intentionally. ▷ The indicator light lights up: the sys‐
There is no warning in this case. tem is switched on.
Press the accelerator pedal all the way down to ▷ The indicator light flashes: the set
intentionally exceed the set speed limit. speed limit has been exceeded.
When the vehicle speed drops below the set ▷ Gray indicator light: the system has been in‐
speed limit, the limit is automatically reactivated. terrupted.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
Cruise control
The desired speed can be incorrectly adjusted
Concept or called up by mistake. There is a risk of an ac‐
Using this system, a desired speed can be ad‐ cident. Adjust the desired speed to the traffic
justed using the buttons on the steering wheel. conditions. Watch traffic closely and actively in‐
The system maintains the desired speed. The tervene where appropriate.
system accelerates and brakes automatically as
General information
Depending on the vehicle setting, the cruise Buttons on the steering wheel
control characteristic can change in certain
ranges. For instance, the acceleration in ECO Button Function
PRO driving mode is more gentle.
Cruise control on/off, refer to
page 221.
Safety information
Continue cruise control with the last
setting, refer to page 222.
Pause cruise control, refer to
The system cannot serve as a substitute for the
page 222.
driver’s personal judgment in assessing the
traffic situation. Based on the limits of the sys‐ Store current speed.
tem, it cannot independently react to all traffic
situations. There is a risk of an accident. Adjust
Rocker switch:
driving style to traffic conditions. Watch traffic
closely and actively intervene where appropri‐ Set speed, refer to page 222.
Switching cruise control on/off
WARNING Switching on
The use of the system can lead to an increased Press the button on the steering wheel.
risk of accidents in the following situations,
for instance: The indicator lights in the instrument cluster light
▷ On winding roads. up and the mark in the speedometer is set to the
▷ In heavy traffic. current speed.
▷ On slippery roads, in fog, snow, or wet Cruise control is active. The current speed is
conditions, or on a loose road surface. maintained and stored as desired speed.
There is a risk of accidents or risk of damage to DSC Dynamic Stability Control is switched on, if
property. Only use the system if driving at con‐ necessary.
stant speed is possible.
Switching off
Press the button on the steering wheel.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
The displays go out. The stored desired speed is The speed can also be stored by pressing a but‐
deleted. ton.
Press the button.
Pausing cruise control
Interrupting automatically
The system is automatically interrupted in the
following situations, for example:
▷ When the driver applies the brakes.
▷ When selector lever position D is disengaged.
▷ Dynamic Traction Control DTC is activated or
Press the rocker switch up or down repeatedly
DSC Dynamic Stability Control is deactivated.
until the desired speed is set.
▷ If DSC Dynamic Stability Control intervenes.
If active, the displayed speed is stored and the
▷ When SPORT PLUS is activated with Driving vehicle reaches the stored speed when the road
Dynamics Control. is clear.
▷ Each time the rocker switch is pressed to the
Setting the speed resistance point, the desired speed increases
or decreases by 1 mph/1 km/h.
Maintaining and storing the speed
▷ Each time the rocker switch is pressed past
the resistance point, the desired speed
changes by a maximum of 5 mph/10 km/h.
The maximum speed that can be set de‐
pends on the vehicle.
▷ Pressing the rocker switch to the resistance
point and holding it accelerates or deceler‐
ates the vehicle without requiring pressure on
the accelerator pedal.
After the rocker switch is released, the vehi‐
Press the rocker switch up or down once while
cle maintains its final speed. Pressing the
the system is interrupted.
switch beyond the resistance point causes
When the system is switched on, the current the vehicle to accelerate more rapidly.
speed is maintained and stored as the desired
speed. Continuing cruise control
The stored speed is displayed, refer to An interrupted cruise control can be continued
page 223, on the speedometer. by calling up the stored speed.
DSC Dynamic Stability Control is switched on, if Make sure that the difference between current
necessary. speed and stored speed is not too large before
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
calling up the stored speed. Otherwise, uninten‐ In ECO PRO driving mode, the vehicle may ex‐
tional braking or accelerating may occur. ceed or drop below the set desired speed in
some situations, for instance on downhill or uphill
Press the button with the system inter‐
System limits
The desired speed is also maintained downhill.
The speed may not be maintained on uphill
grades if the engine power is insufficient.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
Button Function
An unsecured vehicle can begin to move and With steering and lane control assis‐
possibly roll away. There is a risk of an accident. tant:
Before exiting, secure the vehicle against roll‐ Cruise control on/off, refer to
ing. page 225.
In order to ensure that the vehicle is secured
With steering and lane control assis‐
against rolling away, follow the following:
▷ Set the parking brake.
Select function.
▷ On uphill grades or on a downhill slope,
turn the front wheels in the direction of the Without steering and lane control as‐
curb. sistant:
▷ On uphill grades or on a downhill slope, Cruise control on/off, refer to
also secure the vehicle, for instance with a page 225.
wheel chock. Store current speed.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
General information
This button is used to switch the config‐
ured function on and off.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
Interrupting manually
When active, press the following button on the
steering wheel: Press the rocker switch up or down once while
the system is interrupted. The system will be ac‐
Without steering and lane control assis‐
The current speed is maintained and stored as
With steering and lane control assistant. desired speed.
The stored speed is displayed on the speedom‐
If interrupting the system while stationary, press eter.
on the brake pedal at the same time.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
DSC Dynamic Stability Control is switched on, if and maintain the prescribed safety distance,
necessary. possibly by braking.
The speed can also be stored by pressing a but‐
Reduce distance
Press the button.
Press the button repeatedly until the
desired distance is set.
Changing the speed Instrument cluster will display selected distance,
refer to page 228.
Increase distance
Press the button repeatedly until the
desired distance is set.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
Detected vehicle
Distance to vehicle ahead of you
Selected distance to the vehicle ahead of you is Symbol Description
Green symbol:
Symbol Description
A vehicle has been detected
Distance 1 ahead of you. The system main‐
tains the set distance to the ve‐
hicle in front.
Distance 4
This value is set automatically
after the system is switched on.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
The vehicle symbol and dis‐ Two-wheeled vehicles for instance might not be
tance bars flash red and an detected.
acoustic signal sounds:
Brake and make an evasive ma‐ Deceleration
neuver, if necessary. The system does not decelerate in the following
Displays in the Head-up Display ▷ For pedestrians or similarly slow-moving road
Desired speed ▷ For red traffic lights.
Some system information can also be displayed ▷ For cross traffic.
in the Head-up Display.
▷ For oncoming traffic.
The symbol is displayed when the set
desired speed is reached. Swerving vehicles
Distance information
The symbol is displayed when the dis‐
tance from the vehicle traveling ahead is
too short.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
If a vehicle driving ahead of you suddenly releasing the accelerator pedal the system is re‐
swerves into your lane, the system may not be activated and controls speed independently.
able to automatically restore the selected dis‐
tance. It may not be possible to restore the se‐
lected distance in certain situations, including if
Driving off
you are driving significantly faster than vehicles In some situations, the vehicle cannot drive off
driving ahead of you, for instance when rapidly automatically; for example:
approaching a truck. When a vehicle driving ▷ On steep uphill grades.
ahead of you is reliably detected, the system re‐ ▷ From bumps in the road.
quests that the driver intervene by braking and
carrying out evasive maneuvers, if needed. ▷ With a heavy trailer.
In these cases, step on the accelerator pedal.
Cornering Weather
The following restrictions can occur under unfav‐
orable weather or light conditions:
▷ Poorer vehicle recognition.
▷ Short-term interruptions for vehicles that are
already recognized.
Examples of unfavorable weather or light condi‐
▷ Wet conditions.
If the desired speed is too high for a curve, the ▷ Snowfall.
speed is reduced slightly, although curves can‐
▷ Slush.
not be anticipated in advance. Therefore, drive
into a curve at an appropriate speed. ▷ Fog.
The system has a limited detection range. Situa‐ ▷ Glare.
tions can arise in tight curves where a vehicle Drive attentively, and react to the current traffic
driving ahead will not be detected or will be de‐ situation. If necessary, intervene actively, for in‐
tected very late. stance by braking, steering or evading.
Engine power
The desired speed is also maintained downhill.
The speed may not be maintained on uphill
grades if the engine power is insufficient.
In ECO PRO driving mode, the vehicle may in‐
tentionally exceed or drop below the set desired
speed in some situations, for instance on down‐
hill or uphill grades.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
The function for detecting and responding when
approaching stationary vehicles may be limited in Buttons on the steering wheel
the following situations:
▷ During calibration of the camera immediately Button Function
after vehicle delivery.
Steering and lane control assistant
▷ If the camera is malfunctioning or dirty. A
incl. Traffic Jam Assist on/off, refer to
Check Control message is displayed.
page 232.
General information
The system determines the position of the lane
markings and the vehicle driving ahead using five
radar sensors and a camera.
Front center bumper.
Depending on the speed, the system orients it‐
self according to the lane markings or vehicles in
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
Set function
Functional requirements
▷ Speed below 130 mph/210 km/h. ▷ Cruise control with distance con‐
▷ Sufficient lane width.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
With the system switched on, the person warn‐ Green steering wheel symbol:
ing with City braking function and the side colli‐ The system is activated.
sion warning are active.
Yellow steering wheel symbol
Switching off and a signal sounds, if applica‐
Press the button on the steering wheel.
System interruption is imminent.
The indicator goes out. Green steering wheel symbol
The system does not perform supportive steer‐ and lane marking symbol:
ing wheel movements. The system supports the driver
in keeping the vehicle within the
Interrupting automatically lane.
The system is automatically interrupted in the
following situations, for example:
▷ At a speed above 130 mph/210 km/h.
▷ When the steering wheel is released.
▷ When the driver applies the brakes.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
Yellow steering wheel symbol: The steering wheel displays can be configured if
The hands are not grasping the
steering wheel. The system is Via iDrive:
still active.
1. "CAR"
2. "Settings"
Red steering wheel symbol and
a signal sounds: 3. "Driver Assistance"
The hands are not grasping the 4. "Driving"
steering wheel. System interrup‐ 5. "Steering Assistant"
tion is imminent.
6. Make the desired setting.
The system reduces the speed
to a standstill if applicable. Displays in the Head-up Display
It is possible that the system will All system information can also be displayed in
not execute any supporting the Head-up Display.
steering movements.
Lane change assistant
Indicator Description
light Concept
Cruise control with distance The system additionally supports the driver when
control and steering and lane changing lanes on multilane roads.
control assistant:
Indicator light green: system is
Functional requirements
active. ▷ The functional requirements of the steering
and lane control assistant are fulfilled, refer to
No indicator light: system is
page 232.
switched off.
▷ Depending on country specifications: driving
on a road without pedestrians or cyclists and
Displays on the steering wheel with physical barriers to oncoming traffic,
such as crash barriers.
▷ Lane markings have been detected.
▷ Maximum speed approx. 110 mph, 180 km/h.
▷ The minimum speed is country-specific.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
Steering support in the required direction can Green line for lane marking on
be detected a short time later. the appropriate side.
No arrow symbol for lane-
changing on the display.
The system detected the lane
change request. Lane change
not currently possible.
If the turn signal lever is released too soon, the Lane change not possible; func‐
system helps the driver keep to the original lane. tional requirements not met.
Assisted Driving Plus supports the driver with ve‐
hicle control in traffic jam situations.
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CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
garding the system limits and actively intervene The Driver Attention Camera may not be fully
if needed. functional in the following situations:
▷ When the Driver Attention Camera is covered
by the steering wheel rim.
Hands on the steering wheel
▷ When the driver is wearing infrared imperme‐
The sensors cannot detect hand-steering wheel
able sunglasses.
contact in the following situations:
▷ Driving with gloves.
▷ Protective covers on the steering wheel. PDC Park Distance Control
Narrow lanes Concept
When driving within narrow lanes, the system PDC is a support when parking. Objects that you
cannot be activated or effectively used, for in‐ are approaching slowly in front of or behind the
stance in the following situations: vehicle are indicated by signal tones and a dis‐
▷ In construction areas. play on the Control Display.
▷ In rescue lanes. Depending on the equipment version: Obstacles
▷ Within city limits. at the side of the vehicle that are detected by the
side ultrasonic sensors may also be reported by
the side protection, refer to page 240, function.
The following restrictions can occur under unfav‐
General information
orable weather or light conditions:
The ultrasound sensors for distance measure‐
▷ Poorer recognition of vehicles and lane mark‐
ments are located in the bumpers and possibly
on the sides of the vehicle.
▷ Short-term interruptions for vehicles that are
The maneuvering range, depending on the ob‐
already recognized.
stacle and environmental conditions, is approx.
Examples of unfavorable weather or light condi‐ 6 ft/2 m.
An acoustic warning sounds in case of an im‐
▷ Wet conditions. pending collision at a distance to the object of
▷ Snowfall. approx. 27 in/70 cm.
▷ Slush. For objects behind the vehicle, the acoustic
▷ Fog. warning is already issued at a distance to the ob‐
ject of approx. 5 ft/1.50 m.
▷ Glare.
Drive attentively, and react to the current traffic Safety information
situation. If necessary, intervene actively, for in‐
stance by braking, steering or evading.
Driver Attention Camera The system cannot serve as a substitute for the
Always monitor the traffic conditions. driver’s personal judgment in assessing the
traffic situation. Based on the limits of the sys‐
The Driver Attention Camera detects whether or
tem, it cannot independently react to all traffic
not the driver is paying attention to the traffic
situations. There is a risk of an accident. Adjust
driving style to traffic conditions. Watch traffic
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
Ultrasound sensors
Automatic deactivation during
Ultrasound sensors of the PDC, forward travel
for instance in the bumpers. The system switches off when a certain driving
distance or speed is exceeded.
Switch the system back on, if needed.
▷ Keep the sensors clean and unobstructed. ▷ Off: the LED goes out.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
Signal tones
General information
When approaching an object, an intermittent
sound indicates the position of the object. E.g., if The approach of the vehicle to an object is
an object is detected to the left rear of the vehi‐ shown on the Control Display. Objects that are
cle, a signal tone sounds from the left rear farther away are already displayed on the Control
speaker. Display before a signal sounds.
The shorter the distance to the object, the
shorter the intervals. The display appears as soon as PDC is activated.
If the distance to a detected object is less than The range of the sensors is represented in the
approx. 10 inches/25 cm, a continuous tone is colors green, yellow and red when obstacles are
sounded. detected.
If there are objects in front of and behind the ve‐ Pathway lines are faded in for better estimation
hicle at the same time, with a distance smaller of the required space.
than approx. 10 in/25 cm, an alternating constant When the image of the rearview camera is dis‐
tone will sound. played, the switch can be made to PDC or to a
The intermittent tone and constant tone are different view with obstacle markings as needed:
switched off if the selector lever position P is en‐ 1. Press the Controller to the left, if needed.
2. E. g. "Park. sensors only"
The intermittent tone is switched off after a short
time when the vehicle is stationary. Crossing traffic warning, refer to page 259: de‐
pending on the equipment, it is warned in the
Volume PDC display against vehicles approaching in the
front or rear from the side.
The PDC signal tone volume can be adjusted.
Via iDrive: Depending on the equipment
1. "CAR" version: emergency brake
2. "Settings" function, Active PDC
3. "Driver Assistance"
4. "Parking and Maneuvering"
The emergency braking function of PDC initiates
5. "Volume PDC signal" an emergency braking in case of acute risk of
6. Set the desired value. collision.
The setting is stored for the driver profile cur‐
rently used. General information
This function may not be available. Contact your
authorized dealer’s service center or another
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
1. "CAR"
2. "Settings"
3. "Driver Assistance"
4. "Parking and Maneuvering"
To protect the sides of the vehicle, obstacle
5. If necessary, "Active PDC with braking markings are displayed on the vehicle at the
interv." sides.
6. "Active PDC with braking interv." ▷ Color markings: warning against detected ob‐
The setting is stored for the driver profile cur‐ stacles.
rently used.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
The system can react not at all, too late, incor‐ ▷ With objects with a fine surface structure
rectly, or without justification due to the system such as fences.
limits. There is a risk of accidents or risk of ▷ For objects with porous surfaces.
damage to property. Follow the information re‐ ▷ With small and low objects, for instance
garding the system limits and actively intervene boxes.
if needed.
▷ With obstacles and persons at the edge of
the lane.
Trailer towing ▷ With soft obstacles or obstacles covered in
foam material.
With a trailer, a trailer power socket in use or
when trailer towing is activated, the two rear PDC ▷ With plants and bushes.
functions will be switched off. ▷ Low objects already displayed, for instance
White symbol is displayed. curbs, can move into the blind area of the
sensors before or after a continuous tone
Depending on the vehicle equipment,
the range of the sensors is shown as a
shaded area on the Control Display. ▷ Cargo that extends beyond the perimeter of
the vehicle is not taken into account by the
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
A Check Control message is displayed. Park assistance button
White symbol is displayed, and the range
of the sensors is dimmed on the Control
Display. Camera
PDC has failed. Have the system checked by a
dealer’s service center or another qualified serv‐
ice center or repair shop.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
The system switches off when a certain driving Pathway lines and turning radius lines are
distance or speed is exceeded. displayed, refer to page 243.
Functional requirements
▷ The rearview camera is switched on. Pathway lines help you to estimate the space re‐
▷ The tailgate is fully closed. quired when parking and maneuvering on level
▷ Keep the recording range of the camera roads.
clear. Protruding cargo or carrier systems and Pathway lines depend on the steering angle and
trailers that are not connected to a trailer are continuously adjusted to the steering wheel
power socket can restrict the visibility range movements.
of the camera.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
System limits
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
General information
Several cameras capture the area from different
selectable perspectives. In addition, assistance
functions, for instance guidelines, can be faded
into the display.
The following camera perspectives can be dis‐ Park assistance button
▷ Automatic camera perspective, refer to
Panorama View
page 246: the system shows the camera
perspective suitable for the respective driving
▷ Rearview camera, refer to page 246: for rep‐
resenting the areas behind the vehicle.
▷ Right-hand and left-hand side view, refer to
page 249: for representing the areas on the
sides of the vehicle.
▷ Camera perspective movable via iDrive. Avail‐
able camera, refer to page 246.
▷ Panorama View, refer to page 250: to
present cross traffic, for instance at junctions
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
Camera perspective
Rearview camera
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Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
The maximum opening angle of the doors is dis‐ Display on the Control Display
played in selector lever position P.
Press the button when the engine is run‐
As soon as the vehicle begins moving, the open‐ ning.
ing angles are replaced by parking aid lines.
Depending on the driving direction, the image of
Limits of the display the respective camera is displayed:
The vehicle surroundings are displayed with dis‐ ▷ "front": front camera image.
torted image for technical reasons. ▷ "rear": rear camera image.
Even if the symbols for the door opening angles Depending on the vehicle equipment, the cross‐
do not cross other objects on the Control Dis‐ ing traffic warning, refer to page 259, can addi‐
play, the following needs to be noted when park‐ tionally warn against oncoming vehicles using ra‐
ing next to other objects: dar sensors.
Because of the perspective, higher, protruding
objects may be closer than they appear on the With navigation system: activation
Control Display. points
General information
Up to ten activation points can be stored.
Activation points can be used when driving for‐
ward for the front camera.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
4. Select an activation point as needed. Some assistance functions also consider data
from the PDC Park Distance Control.
5. ▷ "Rename"
Follow, refer to page 237, the notes in the PDC
▷ "Delete activation point"
Park Distance Control chapter.
▷ "Delete all activation points"
The objects displayed on the Control Display
may be closer than they appear. Do not estimate
Setting brightness and contrast the distance from the objects on the display.
Brightness and contrast can be adjusted with
Surround View or Panorama View switched on. Malfunction
A camera malfunction is displayed on the Control
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
A yellow symbol is displayed and the re‐ ▷ When the vehicle moves faster than walking
cording range of the malfunctioning cam‐ speed.
era is displayed in black on the Control ▷ It may not be possible to use the function in
Display. every country.
▷ For reasons of data protection, the function
Remote 3D View can only be used three times within two
With the proper equipment, the BMW Con‐
nected App and the camera images from Sur‐
Parking Assistant
round View can be used to display the vehicle
surroundings on a mobile device such as a Concept
The function displays a momentary view of the
Functional requirements
▷ Data transmission must be activated, refer to
page 67.
▷ BMW Connected App must be installed on
the mobile device.
The system supports the driver in the following
Switching the function on/off situations:
Via iDrive: ▷ When parking parallel to the road, parallel
1. "CAR"
▷ Depending on the equipment version: when
2. "Settings" reverse parking diagonally to the road, diago‐
3. "General settings" nal parking. The system orients itself with the
4. Switch the function on and off in the settings middle of the parking space during diagonal
for data protection. parking.
▷ Depending on the equipment version: when
Functional limitations driving out of parallel parking spaces, refer to
The system may not be fully functional or may page 256.
not be available in the following situations: ▷ Depending on the equipment version: when
▷ In poor light. exiting tight parking or street situations in re‐
verse, see Reversing Assistant, refer to
▷ In case of soiled cameras. page 257.
▷ With a door or the tailgate open. Dark fields in
the display indicate areas that are not re‐ General information
corded by the system.
The functions parking diagonally to the road,
▷ With exterior mirrors folded in. driving out of parallel parking spaces and driving
▷ When other camera functions are being per‐ Driver assistance systems out in reverse may not
formed in the vehicle. be available. Contact your authorized dealer’s
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
Safety information
The system cannot serve as a substitute for the
driver’s personal judgment in assessing the Park assistance button
traffic situation. Based on the limits of the sys‐
tem, it cannot independently react to all traffic
situations. There is a risk of an accident. Adjust
driving style to traffic conditions. Watch traffic
closely and actively intervene where appropri‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
Sym‐ Meaning
bol ▷ Parking space search is always active when‐
ever the vehicle is moving forward slow and
Gray: the system is not available. straight, even if the system is deactivated.
White: the system is available but not When the system is deactivated, the displays
activated. on the Control Display are shown in gray.
The system is activated.
Parking using the parking
Parking space search is active. assistant
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CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
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Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
▷ Changing the gears. stored route can be driven back with automated
The vehicle maneuvers automatically until the steering.
vehicle reaches a position in which the driver can
drive out of the parking space without further General information
steering movements. This function may not be available. Contact your
authorized dealer’s service center or another
Functional requirement qualified service center as to whether this addi‐
▷ The vehicle has been parked using the park‐ tional function is currently in your vehicle or when
ing assistant. it can be installed in your vehicle in the future.
▷ An obstacle has been detected in front of the The system takes control of the steering when
vehicle. driving back along the stored route.
▷ The parking space is at least 2.6 ft/0.8 m lon‐ The driver controls driving the vehicle via accel‐
ger than your vehicle. erator pedal and brake.
The system supports the driver when driving in When driving in reverse, observe the vehicle's
reverse, for instance when driving out of tight surroundings and pay attention to the infor‐
parking or street situations. mation from the PDC. Brake, if necessary.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
5. Follow the instructions on the Control Display garding the system limits and actively intervene
where required. if needed.
6. Stop no later than when normal traffic is
reached and take control of the vehicle, such
as by shifting to a forward gear.
No parking assistance
The parking assistant does not offer assistance
At the end of the stored route, a signal will
in the following situations:
sound an a request will be displayed, also
with the instruction to take control of the ve‐ ▷ In tight curves.
hicle. ▷ When towing a trailer.
▷ For diagonal parking spaces.
Terminating the system
The system automatically cancels in situations Functional limitations
such as the following:
The system may not be fully functional in the fol‐
▷ If the driver grasps the steering wheel or lowing situations:
takes over steering.
▷ On bumpy road surfaces such as gravel
▷ When engaging a forward gear. roads.
▷ After a few minutes when the vehicle is sta‐ ▷ On slippery ground.
▷ On steep uphill or downhill grades.
▷ If the vehicle leaves the stored lane during re‐
▷ With accumulations of leaves/snow in the
versing; for example, at the maximum steer‐
parking space.
ing angle.
▷ With a mounted emergency wheel.
Limits of the reverse driving ▷ In case of changes to an already-measured
assistant parking space.
▷ When you reach normal road traffic or if you ▷ With ditches or edges, for instance an edge
suddenly encounter an obstacle, stop imme‐ of a port.
diately and take over control of the vehicle.
▷ The maximum speed for driving in reverse is
Limits of ultrasonic measurement
limited to approximately 6 mph/9 km/h. Ultrasonic measurements might not function in
the following situations:
If the maximum speed is exceeded, a warning
is issued and the function may be canceled. ▷ For small children and animals.
▷ For persons with certain clothing, for instance
System limits coats.
▷ With external interference of the ultrasound,
Safety information for instance from passing vehicles or loud
WARNING ▷ When sensors are dirty, iced over, damaged
or out of position.
The system can react not at all, too late, incor‐
rectly, or without justification due to the system ▷ Under certain weather conditions such as
limits. There is a risk of accidents or risk of high relative humidity, wet conditions, snow‐
damage to property. Follow the information re‐ fall, extreme heat, or strong wind.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
▷ With tow bars and trailer couplings of other detected sooner by the system than is possible
vehicles. from the driver's seat.
▷ With thin or wedge-shaped objects.
▷ With moving objects. General information
▷ With elevated, protruding objects such as
▷ With objects with corners, edges, and
smooth surfaces.
▷ With objects with a fine surface structure
such as fences.
▷ For objects with porous surfaces.
▷ With small and low objects, for instance
boxes. Two radar sensors in the rear bumper monitor
▷ With obstacles and persons at the edge of the area behind the vehicle.
the lane. The system indicates approaching traffic.
▷ With soft obstacles or obstacles covered in
Depending on the vehicle equipment, the traffic
foam material.
area in front of the vehicle is monitored as well.
▷ With plants and bushes. Two additional radar sensors are located in the
▷ Low objects already displayed, for instance front bumpers.
curbs, can move into the blind area of the
sensors before or after a continuous tone Safety information
▷ Cargo that extends beyond the perimeter of
the vehicle is not taken into account by the
system. The system cannot serve as a substitute for the
driver’s personal judgment in assessing visibility
Parking spaces that are not suitable may be de‐
and traffic situation. There is a risk of an acci‐
tected or suitable parking spaces may not be de‐
dent. Adjust driving style to traffic conditions.
tected at all.
Watch traffic closely and actively intervene
where appropriate.
A Check Control message is displayed.
The parking assistant failed. Have the system
checked by a dealer’s service center or another
qualified service center or repair shop.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Driver assistance systems
Switching on automatically
If the system was activated on the Control Dis‐
play, it is automatically switched on as soon as
PDC Park Distance Control or Panorama View is
active and a gear is engaged.
If reverse gear is engaged, the rear system is
The radar sensors are located in the rear switched on.
bumper. Depending on the vehicle equipment, the front
system is switched on when a forward gear is
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Driver assistance systems CONTROLS
General information
The respective display is called up on the Con‐
trol Display. A signal tone may sound and the
light in the exterior mirror may flash.
Acoustic warning
The light in the exterior mirror flashes if vehicles
In addition to the optical indicator, a warning sig‐
are detected by the rear sensors and your own
nal sounds if your own vehicle moves into the re‐
vehicle is moving backwards.
spective direction.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Driving comfort
Driving comfort
Vehicle features and ▷ Sport level:
Lowest driving level for driving at higher
options speeds.
▷ Normal level:
This chapter describes all standard, country-spe‐
cific and optional features offered with the series. Standard level for normal roads and speeds.
It also describes features and functions that are ▷ High level 1:
not necessarily available in your vehicle, e.g., due
Slightly elevated vehicle level for easy terrain
to the selected options or country versions. This
at reduced speed.
also applies to safety-related functions and sys‐
tems. When using these functions and systems, If necessary, the vehicle will be lowered at
the applicable laws and regulations must be ob‐ higher speeds.
served. ▷ High level 2:
Highest driving level for terrains with major
uneven surfaces in the lowest speed range.
2-axle air suspension If necessary, the vehicle will be lowered at
higher speeds.
Concept Level adjustment takes place when all doors are
Air suspension ensures best possible driving closed.
comfort under all load conditions. Due to a varia‐
ble adjustment of the front and rear axles, the Safety information
damping is adjusted to the vehicle state.
Regardless of the load, the vehicle will be main‐ Adjusting the vehicle height may result in trap‐
tained at the configured vehicle level. ped body parts or damaged vehicle parts.
There is a risk of injury or risk of damage to
Depending on the driving situation, the vehicle property. When adjusting the vehicle height,
level can be set to five levels. make sure that the areas of movement around
▷ Entry level: the vehicle and at the wheel housing are free.
Lowest vehicle level setting.
The entry level can be set when the vehicle is
stationary with the following features:
▷ With the rocker switch in the center con‐
▷ With the BMW display key.
▷ With the button in the lower section of the
The vehicle will adjust according to the se‐
lected driving mode at drive-off.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Driving comfort CONTROLS
While driving
In the SPORT driving mode, refer to page 148,
SPORT+ driving mode or at higher speeds, the
vehicle lowers itself automatically.
When a set vehicle level is exited due to the
speed, the vehicle level will be adjusted accord‐
ing to the selected driving mode.
The vehicle level can be adjusted with the BMW
display key when the vehicle is stationary, for in‐
stance for easier loading or as an entry aid.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Driving comfort
A Check Control message is displayed. The sys‐
tem is impaired. Vehicle handling may be altered
and driving comfort may be noticeably reduced.
Visit the nearest dealer’s service center or an‐
other qualified service center or repair shop.
When the tailgate is opened, the vehicle can be
lowered to the entry level and raised again by Long periods when vehicle is
pressing the button. The flashing of the LED in parked
the button indicates the level change.
During long periods when the vehicle is parked, it
During the raising procedure, the vehicle raises can lower itself. This is not a malfunction.
itself from the entry level to the level that was se‐
lected last or the normal level. If drive-ready state is switched on with the doors
closed, the vehicle is raised to the normal level
Terminating the adjustment procedure
Depending on the state of the vehicle, raising to
An adjustment procedure that was started with normal level may take several minutes.
the button in the lower tailgate can be terminated
with this button.
Press the button again. The vehicle raises or xOffroad package
lowers itself back to the starting level.
System limits The xOffroad package supports the driver when
With several manual level changes one after an‐ driving away from unpaved roads or with reduced
other, the system will temporarily switch itself off, traction. The system offers four different xOff‐
if necessary. The rejection of another level road driving modes for selection.
change is indicated by a fast flashing LED on the
The xOffroad driving modes can be selected
rocker switch.
based on the ground conditions.
When the trailer power socket is in use or when
When an xOffroad mode is switched on, individ‐
trailer towing is activated, only the normal level is
ual systems in the vehicle are set to the best
possible traction and vehicle stability.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Driving comfort CONTROLS
With the 2-axle air suspension, refer to page 262, switched on. The LED on the button lights up.
the vehicle level is set for the corresponding The driving mode is displayed in the instrument
xOffroad driving mode. cluster.
The effective speed range is displayed in the
xOffroad driving modes and levels speedometer with a line below the scale.
General information
The system optimizes the driving behavior and
the traction on unpaved surfaces within the
physical limits. Push the rocker switch forward or pull it back re‐
This is operated with the button and rocker peatedly until the desired xOffroad driving mode
switch in the center console. is displayed in the instrument cluster.
Observe the information in the chapter Driving
tips, driving on bad roads, refer to page 312.
xOffroad driving modes in detail
Overview All driving modes
When the xOffroad driving modes are switched
Button and rocker switch in the
on, the following vehicle settings will be applied:
center console
▷ Auto Start/Stop function is switched off.
▷ Transmission and accelerator pedal: the shift‐
ing behavior and response to the accelerator
pedal are adjusted.
▷ The all-wheel-drive system is set to the best
possible traction.
▷ Display on the Control Display: the power dis‐
tribution on the wheels can also be displayed
in the xOffroad display.
1 Switch the xOffroad driving mode on/off. With the proper equipment, additional terrain-
2 Set the xOffroad driving mode. specific camera perspectives can be se‐
Switching on "xGRAVEL"
Press button 1 or rocker switch 2 forward or pull This driving mode is active every time the xOff‐
back. The xOffroad driving mode "xGRAVEL" is road modes are switched on.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Driving comfort
Setting for: "Optimized vehicle setting for easy ▷ Accelerator pedal: the characteristic of the
terrain." accelerator pedal is optimized for gentle driv‐
When switching on, the following additional vehi‐ ing behavior.
cle settings are carried out, for example:
▷ Anti-lock system: the response behavior is Manual switching off
adjusted. Press button 1. The LED on the button goes out.
▷ DSC: the response behavior is adjusted. The last driving mode that was set through the
Driving Dynamics Control will be activated.
▷ 2–axle air suspension: high level 1 is set.
Display on the Control Display
Setting for: "Optimized vehicle setting for heavy Display xView display
terrain with loose surface. For maximum traction,
Via iDrive:
deactivate DSC."
When switching on, the following additional vehi‐ 1. "CAR"
cle settings are carried out, for example: 2. "Driving information"
▷ Anti-lock system: the response behavior is 3. "xOFFROAD"
adjusted. The following information is displayed:
▷ DSC: the response behavior is adjusted. ▷ With a navigation system: compass display
▷ 2–axle air suspension: high level 1 is set. for the driving direction.
▷ With navigation system: height indication for
"xROCKS" the current position.
Setting for: "Optimized vehicle setting for heavy ▷ With navigation system: destination flag in
terrain with strong irregularities. For maximum compass direction to the destination.
traction, deactivate DSC."
▷ Pitch attitude with degree indication and per‐
When switching on, the following additional vehi‐ centage.
cle settings are carried out, for example:
▷ Transverse gradient with degree indication.
▷ Anti-lock system: the response behavior is
▷ Graphic display for the steering angle.
▷ Level setting for the 2–axle air suspension.
▷ DSC: the response behavior is adjusted.
With the xOffroad package, the following addi‐
▷ 2–axle air suspension: high level 2 is set.
tional information can be displayed:
When switching on, the following additional vehi‐ ▷ Distribution of drive torque to the wheels.
cle settings are carried out, for example:
▷ 2–axle air suspension: normal level is set. System limits
▷ Steptronic transmission: the shift behavior is The xOffroad properties may be reduced at
set to gentle gear changes. The vehicle higher speeds where required.
drives off in second gear.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Driving comfort CONTROLS
COMFORT Comfortable
General information
This enhances the driving dynamics and driving
comfort depending on the road surface condition SPORT Firm
and driving style. SPORT PLUS
The system offers several different damping set‐ Adaptive M chassis
The damping settings are assigned to the differ‐ Concept
ent driving modes of the Driving Dynamics Con‐
The Adaptive M chassis is a controllable sport
trol, refer to page 148.
chassis/suspension. This system reduces unde‐
Driving mode Damper tuning sirable vehicle motion when using a dynamic
driving style or traveling on uneven road surfa‐
COMFORT Balanced out
This enhances the driving dynamics and driving
SPORT Firm comfort depending on the road surface condition
SPORT PLUS and driving style.
General information
Active roll stabilization The system offers several different damping set‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Driving comfort
General information
For active control, this system uses the available
information, for instance from the navigation sys‐
tem or the driving style analysis.
This information influences the control of the fol‐
lowing systems, especially in ADAPTIVE driving
mode, refer to page 150:
▷ Adaptive chassis, refer to page 267.
▷ Active roll stabilization, refer to page 267.
▷ Integral Active Steering, refer to page 218
This further increases the agility and comfort of
the vehicle.
The function may be restricted if the navigation
data is invalid, outdated or not available, for ex‐
Depending on the equipment, the rear axle lock
differential will be adjusted for the traction condi‐
tions as needed.
Performance Control
Performance Control enhances the agility of the
To increase maneuverability, wheels are braked
individually when a sporty driving style is used.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Climate control CONTROLS
Climate control
Vehicle features and Automatic climate control
This chapter describes all standard, country-spe‐
cific and optional features offered with the series. Buttons in the vehicle
It also describes features and functions that are
not necessarily available in your vehicle, e.g., due
to the selected options or country versions. This
also applies to safety-related functions and sys‐
tems. When using these functions and systems,
the applicable laws and regulations must be ob‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Climate control
▷ Fragrance. 1. "CAR"
▷ Heating/ventilation. 2. "Settings"
▷ Air quality. 3. "Climate control"
▷ Seats/surfaces. 4. "Heating/ventilation"
▷ Parked-car ventilation/heating 5. "Driver" or "Front passenger"
Individual settings can be entered for some of 6. "Temperature:"
the climate functions, e.g., switching on/off, in‐ 7. Set the desired temperature.
Do not rapidly switch between different tempera‐
ture settings. Otherwise, the automatic climate
Switching on/off control will not have sufficient time to adjust the
set temperature.
Switching on
Press any button except for the following: Temperature of the ventilation
▷ Menu.
▷ Rear window defroster. General information
▷ Lower air flow button side. The temperature of the ventilation in the upper
body area can be adjusted.
▷ Seat heating.
The temperature is individually adjusted, e.g.
▷ Seat ventilation.
colder toward blue, warmer toward red.
Switching off
▷ Complete system:
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Climate control CONTROLS
The air flow of the ventilation in the upper body Depending on the weather, the windshield and
range heats or cools noticeably, depending on side windows may fog up briefly when drive-
the adjusted temperature. ready state is switched on.
This does not change the set interior tempera‐ The air conditioning is switched on automatically
ture for the driver and front passenger. with the AUTO program.
When using the automatic climate control, con‐
Settings densation water develops and collects under‐
Via iDrive: neath the vehicle.
1. "CAR"
Maximum cooling
2. "Settings"
3. "Climate control" Concept
4. "Heating/ventilation" The system is set to the lowest temperature, op‐
5. "Driver" or "Front passenger" timum air flow and recirculated-air mode with the
drive-ready state switched on.
6. "Temperature adjustment"
7. Set the desired temperature: General information
▷ Toward blue: colder. The function is available with external tempera‐
▷ Toward red: warmer. tures above approx. 32 ℉/0 ℃ and with the
drive-ready state switched on.
Air conditioning
Switching on/off
Concept Press the button.
The air in the car's interior will be cooled and de‐ The LED is illuminated with the system
humidified and, depending on the temperature switched on.
setting, warmed again.
The car's interior can only be cooled with the Air flows out of the vents to the upper body re‐
drive-ready state switched on. gion. The vents need to be open for this.
The air flow can be adjusted with the air flow ac‐
Switching on/off tive.
Push the button down.
AUTO program
Via iDrive:
1. "CAR" The AUTO program cools, ventilates or heats
2. "Settings" the car's interior automatically.
3. "Climate control" The air distribution and temperature are control‐
4. "Heating/ventilation" led automatically depending on the temperature
in the car's interior and the desired temperature
5. "A/C"
setting including the selected intensity of the air
Air conditioning is switched on with the engine flow.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Climate control
Switching on/off The air flow and air distribution are controlled au‐
tomatically depending on the selected intensity.
Press the button.
The selected intensity is shown on the climate
The LED is illuminated with the AUTO
control display.
program switched on.
At the same time, a condensation sensor con‐ With constant recirculated-air mode, the air qual‐
trols the program so as to prevent window con‐ ity in the car's interior deteriorates and the fog‐
densation as much as possible. ging of the windows increases.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Climate control CONTROLS
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Climate control
Point the side vents towards the side windows, Direct ventilation
as needed. The air flow can be adjusted man‐
The air flow is directed towards the passengers.
ually with the system switched on.
The air flow heats or cools noticeably, depending
If there is window condensation, press on the adjusted temperature.
the button on the driver's side or switch
on air conditioning to utilize the condensation Indirect ventilation
sensor. Make sure that air can flow to the wind‐
The air flow is not directed towards the passen‐
gers. The car's interior is warmed or cooled indi‐
rectly, depending on the set temperature.
Rear window defroster
Press the button. The LED lights up.
The function is available with the engine
The rear window defroster switches off automat‐
ically after a certain period of time.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Climate control CONTROLS
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Climate control
off, the fan can be used to circulate the interior Switching on/off
air, for instance at high temperatures. To do this,
switch on the fan, arrow 1, and turn the thumb‐ Via iDrive
wheel toward the rear, arrow 2.
1. "CAR"
2. "Settings"
Rear automatic climate 3. "Climate control"
control 4. "Heating/ventilation"
5. "Second row of seats"
Overview 6. "Activate heating/cooling"
The rear automatic climate control is not ready
Buttons in the vehicle for operation if the automatic climate control is
switched off or if the function for defrosting the
windows and removing condensation is active.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Climate control CONTROLS
Switching on/off
The air flow for climate control can be adjusted
Press the button. manually.
The LED is illuminated with the AUTO
program switched on. General information
To manually adjust air flow switch off AUTO pro‐
gram first.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Climate control
Opening the Climate menu
Press the lower or upper side of the
button to select a program: Push the button up.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Climate control CONTROLS
The system switches off after leaving and lock‐ ▷ One-time departure time: the time can be
ing the vehicle. set.
The system is switched on once.
Via iDrive ▷ Departure time with weekday: time and day
1. "CAR" of the week can be set.
2. "Settings" On the desired weekdays, the system will be
3. "Climate control" switched on promptly before the set depar‐
4. "Pre-ventilation" or "Pre-heating/ventilation" ture time.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Climate control
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Climate control CONTROLS
▷ Make sure that the vehicle's date and time ▷ Via remote control.
are set correctly. ▷ Via BMW display key.
▷ Open the vents to allow air to flow out. The system switches off automatically after ap‐
prox. 15 minutes.
Enabling the automatic engine For reasons of safety, the system can only be
start function switched on twice consecutively. The system will
The automatic engine start must be enabled be‐ be available again as soon as the drive-ready
fore using the system. state is activated and deactivated again.
Otherwise, the engine cannot switch on auto‐
matically to climatize the car's interior. Via iDrive
Via iDrive: 1. "CAR"
2. "Settings"
1. "CAR"
3. "Climate control"
2. "Settings"
4. "Preconditioning/ventilation"
3. "Climate control"
5. "Activate now"
4. "Preconditioning/ventilation"
5. If necessary, "Remote Engine Start" Via remote control
6. "Starting engine for clim. control" The system can be switched on and off using
7. Confirm the disclaimer. the remote control.
Press the button on the remote control
Confirmation signals from the three times within 1 second.
vehicle After operating the remote control, it will take ap‐
The activation of the system is confirmed by proximately 3 seconds until the engine is
flashing twice. switched on.
The parking lights are switched on as long as the
To switch off the system, press the button again
system is switched on.
three times.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Climate control
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Climate control CONTROLS
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Climate control
1. "CAR"
Functional requirements
2. "Settings"
▷ Fragrance cartridges are sufficiently filled.
3. "Climate control"
▷ Interior temperature between 41 ℉/+5 ℃
and 104 ℉/+40 ℃. 4. "Fragrance"
▷ Open the vents to allow the fragrance to flow The fill level of the fragrance cartridges is dis‐
out. played.
When an empty fragrance cartridge is indicated,
Selecting the fragrance the cartridge still contains a fluid carrying the fra‐
grance. However, it is not sufficient for fragranc‐
The car's interior is fragranced depending on the
selected fragrance.
When a fragrance cartridge requires replace‐
Two different fragrances can be selected in the
ment, a Check Control message is displayed
Via iDrive:
1. "CAR" Inserting fragrance cartridges
2. "Settings" The fragrance cartridges are located in the glove
3. "Climate control"
4. "Fragrance" 1. Open the glove compartment, refer to
page 296.
5. Select the desired fragrance.
2. Press on the bottom of the cartridge holder.
The setting is stored for the driver profile cur‐
rently used. The cartridge holder slides down.
1. "CAR"
2. "Settings"
3. "Climate control"
4. "Fragrance"
5. "Fragrance"
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Climate control CONTROLS
3. Remove the cover of the fragrance cartridge. 6. Insert the fragrance cartridge without pres‐
Hold the cover on the top to slide it from the sure into the cartridge holder. The cartridge
fragrance cartridge. snaps lightly into place.
4. Insert the removed cover on the back side of 7. Push the cartridge holder up, until it engages.
the fragrance cartridge. Make sure that no objects press against the
cartridge holder from below, otherwise the
function of the ambient air package could be
8. Close the glove compartment.
5. Position fragrance cartridge such that the 1. Open the glove compartment, refer to
chip faces away from the cartridge holder. page 296.
2. Press on the bottom of the cartridge holder.
The cartridge holder slides down.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Climate control
Empty fragrance cartridges can be taken
to a dealer’s service center or another
qualified service center or repair shop for
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Interior equipment CONTROLS
Interior equipment
Vehicle features and Safety information
This chapter describes all standard, country-spe‐ The operation of remote-controlled systems
cific and optional features offered with the series. with the integrated universal remote control,
It also describes features and functions that are such as the garage door, may result in pinched
not necessarily available in your vehicle, e.g., due body parts. There is a risk of injury or risk of
to the selected options or country versions. This damage to property. Make sure that the area of
also applies to safety-related functions and sys‐ movement of the respective system is clear
tems. When using these functions and systems, during programming and operation. Also follow
the applicable laws and regulations must be ob‐ the safety information of the hand-held trans‐
served. mitter.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Interior equipment
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Interior equipment CONTROLS
Synchronizing the universal remote control with ▷ The LED flashes fast: the hand-held
the system: transmitter was detected but program‐
ming is not complete.
1. Park the vehicle within range of the remote-
controlled system. Press the button on the interior mirror for
2 seconds and release. Perform this pro‐
2. Program the relevant button on the interior
cedure three times to complete the pro‐
mirror as described.
gramming procedure.
3. Locate and press the synchronizing button
If the universal remote control remains
on the system being programmed, e.g. at the
nonoperational, continue with the special
garage gate. You have approx. 30 seconds
features for change code wireless sys‐
for the next step.
4. Hold down the programmed button on the in‐
▷ LED does not flash green after 60 sec‐
terior mirror for approximately 3 seconds and
onds: programming not completed.
then release it. If necessary, repeat this step
up to three times in order to finish synchroni‐ Repeat steps 3 to 6.
zation. Once synchronization is complete, the If the programming procedure is not completed,
programmed function will be carried out. the previous programming will remain un‐
Reprogramming individual
buttons Operation
1. Switch on standby state.
2. Press and hold the interior mirror button to be WARNING
programmed. The operation of remote-controlled systems
3. As soon as the LED on the interior mirror with the integrated universal remote control,
flashes orange after approx. 20 seconds, re‐ such as the garage door, may result in pinched
lease the button. body parts. There is a risk of injury or risk of
damage to property. Make sure that the area of
4. Hold the hand-held transmitter for the system
movement of the respective system is clear
to be used approx. 1 to 12 in/2.5 to 30 cm
during programming and operation. Also follow
away from the buttons on the interior mirror.
the safety information of the hand-held trans‐
The required distance depends on the hand-
held transmitter.
5. Press and hold the button of the desired The system, such as the garage door, can be op‐
function on the hand-held transmitter. erated using the button on the interior mirror
Canada: if programming with the hand-held while the drive-ready or standby state is
transmitter was interrupted, hold down the in‐ switched on. To do this, hold down the button
terior mirror button and repeatedly press and within receiving range of the system until the
release the hand-held transmitter button for function is activated. The interior mirror LED
2 seconds. stays lit while the wireless signal is being trans‐
6. The LED can light up in different ways. mitted.
▷ The LED lights up green: the program‐
ming procedure is completed. Deleting stored functions
Release the button. All stored functions will be deleted. The func‐
tions cannot be deleted individually.
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CONTROLS Interior equipment
Sun visor 1. Press onto the cover.
Glare shield
Fold the sun visor down or up.
Folding out
1. Fold the sun visor down.
2. Unhook it from the holder and swing it to the
2. The ashtray is located in a cup holder. Fold
the ashtray cover upward.
3. Move it back to the desired position.
Folding up
Proceed in the reverse order to close the sun vi‐
Vanity mirror
A vanity mirror is located in the sun visor behind
a cover. When the cover is opened, the mirror
lighting switches on.
1. Pull the ashtray with the closed cover out of
the cup holder.
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Interior equipment CONTROLS
Cigarette lighter
Safety information
Contact with the hot heating element or the hot A cigarette lighter is located between the cup
socket of the cigarette lighter can cause burns. holders in one of the marked positions.
Flammable materials can ignite if the cigarette
lighter falls down or is held against the respec‐
tive objects. There is a risk of fire and injuries.
Rear center console
Take hold of the cigarette lighter by its handle.
Make sure that children do not use the ciga‐
rette lighter and burn themselves.
If metal objects fall into the socket, they can
cause a short circuit. There is a risk of damage
to property. Replace the cigarette lighter or
socket cover again after using the socket. The cigarette lighter is located in the socket.
Push in the cigarette lighter.
The cigarette lighter can be re‐
moved as soon as it pops back
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Interior equipment
The lighter socket can be used as a socket for
electrical equipment when standby and drive-
ready state are switched on.
General information
The total load of all sockets must not exceed
140 watts at 12 volts.
Press onto the cover.
Do not damage the socket by using non-com‐
patible connectors.
Safety information
Devices and cables in the unfolding area of the
airbags, such as portable navigation devices,
can hinder the unfolding of the airbag or be
thrown around in the car's interior during un‐
A socket is located between the cup holders in
folding. There is a risk of injury. Make sure that
one of the marked positions.
devices and cables are not in the airbag's area
of unfolding. Pull off the cover.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Interior equipment CONTROLS
Objects in the storage compartment, e.g., large
USB connectors, may block or damage the
cover when it is being opened or closed. There
is a risk of damage to property. Make sure that
the area of movement of the cover is clear
while opening and closing it.
USB interface
General information
Follow the information regarding the connection
of mobile devices to the USB interface in the
Press onto the cover.
section on USB connections, refer to page 71.
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CONTROLS Interior equipment
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Storage compartments CONTROLS
Storage compartments
Vehicle features and Safety information
This chapter describes all standard, country-spe‐ Loose objects or devices with a cable connec‐
cific and optional features offered with the series. tion to the vehicle, for instance mobile phones,
It also describes features and functions that are can be thrown into the car's interior while driv‐
not necessarily available in your vehicle, e.g., due ing, for instance in the event of an accident or
to the selected options or country versions. This during braking and evasive maneuvers. There is
also applies to safety-related functions and sys‐ a risk of injury. Secure loose objects or devices
tems. When using these functions and systems, with a cable connection to the vehicle in the
the applicable laws and regulations must be ob‐ car's interior.
Storage compartments
Anti-slip pads such as anti-slip mats can dam‐
age the dashboard. There is a risk of damage to
General information property. Do not use anti-slip pads.
The following storage compartments are availa‐
ble in the car's interior:
▷ Glove compartment on the front passenger
side, refer to page 295.
Front passenger side glove
▷ Glove compartment on the driver's side, refer compartment
to page 296.
▷ Compartments in the doors, refer to Safety information
page 296.
▷ Storage compartment in the center console, WARNING
refer to page 297. Folded open, the glove compartment protrudes
▷ Center armrest, refer to page 297. in the car's interior. Objects in the glove com‐
▷ Storage compartment in the rear center con‐ partment can be thrown into the car's interior
sole, refer to page 297. while driving, for instance in the event of an ac‐
cident or during braking and evasive maneu‐
▷ Pockets on the backrests of the front seats.
vers. There is a risk of injury. Always close the
▷ Storage compartment in the center armrest glove compartment immediately after using it.
in the rear seat, refer to page 297.
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CONTROLS Storage compartments
Opening Opening
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Storage compartments CONTROLS
Press onto the cover. Press cover down until it engages.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Storage compartments
Opening Opening
Press the button, arrow 1, and fold the cover up, Press onto the cover.
arrow 2.
Press cover down until it engages.
Safety information
Contact with the hot metal insert of the
thermo-cup holder can cause burn injuries.
There is a risk of injury. Do not touch the metal
insert when the thermo-cup holder is switched
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Storage compartments CONTROLS
Switching off
Press the button repeatedly until the
LEDs go out.
Safety information
Reducing the size
WARNING To make it smaller, the cup holder can be folded
in in 2 steps.
Unsuitable containers in the cup holder may
damage the cup holders or thrown into the
car's interior, such as in the event of an acci‐
dent, braking or evasive maneuver. Spilled liq‐ To make a smaller cup holder bigger, first fold it
uids can distract from the traffic conditions and in completely. Then fold the cup holder out again
lead to an accident. Hot drinks can damage the fully.
cup holder or lead to scalding. There is a risk of
injury or risk of damage to property. Do not Closing
force objects into the cup holder. Use light- Fold in the cup holder fully, until it engages.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Storage compartments
Clothes hooks
Safety information
Clothing articles on the clothes hooks can ob‐
struct the view while driving. There is a risk of
an accident. When suspending clothing articles
from the clothes hooks, ensure that they will
not obstruct the driver's view.
Improper use of the clothes hooks can lead to a
risk of objects flying about during braking and
evasive maneuvers. There is a risk of injury and
risk of damage to property. Only hang light‐
weight objects, for instance clothing articles,
from the clothes hooks.
General information
The clothes hooks are located in the grab han‐
dles in the rear.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Cargo area CONTROLS
Cargo area
Vehicle features and
options Improperly stowed objects can shift and be
thrown into the car's interior, for instance in the
This chapter describes all standard, country-spe‐
event of an accident or during braking and eva‐
cific and optional features offered with the series.
sive maneuvers. Vehicle occupants can be hit
It also describes features and functions that are
and injured. There is a risk of injury. Stow and
not necessarily available in your vehicle, e.g., due
secure objects and cargo properly.
to the selected options or country versions. This
also applies to safety-related functions and sys‐
tems. When using these functions and systems,
the applicable laws and regulations must be ob‐ NOTICE
served. Fluids in the cargo area can cause damage.
There is a risk of damage to property. Make
sure that no fluids leak in the cargo area.
Safety information Steps for Determining Correct
Load Limit
1. Locate the statement “The combined weight
of occupants and cargo should never exceed
High gross weight can overheat the tires, dam‐ XXX kg or XXX lbs” on your vehicle’s placard.
age them internally and cause a sudden drop in
2. Determine the combined weight of the driver
tire inflation pressure. Driving characteristics
and passengers that will be riding in your ve‐
may be negatively impacted, reducing lane sta‐
bility, lengthening the braking distances and
changing the steering response. There is a risk 3. Subtract the combined weight of the driver
of an accident. Pay attention to the permitted and passengers from XXX kg or XXX lbs
load capacity of the tires and never exceed the 4. The resulting figure equals the available
permitted gross weight. amount of cargo and luggage load capacity.
For example, if the “XXX” amount equals
1,400 lbs and there will be five 150 lbs pas‐
WARNING sengers in your vehicle, the amount of availa‐
ble cargo and luggage load capacity is
Loose objects or devices with a cable connec‐
650 lbs (1,400–750 (5 x 150) = 650 lbs)
tion to the vehicle, for instance mobile phones,
can be thrown into the car's interior while driv‐ 5. Determine the combined weight of luggage
ing, for instance in the event of an accident or and cargo being loaded on the vehicle. That
during braking and evasive maneuvers. There is weight may not safely exceed the available
a risk of injury. Secure loose objects or devices cargo and luggage load capacity calculated in
with a cable connection to the vehicle in the Step 4.
car's interior. 6. If your vehicle will be towing a trailer, load
from your trailer will be transferred to your ve‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Cargo area
Lashing eyes
Stowing and securing cargo There are four lashing eyes in the cargo area for
securing cargo.
▷ Cover sharp edges and corners on the cargo.
The front lashing eyes are located under covers.
▷ Heavy cargo: stow as far forward as possible,
directly behind and at the bottom of the rear
passenger seat backrests.
▷ Very heavy cargo: stow as far forward as pos‐
Anti-slip rails
sible, directly behind and at the bottom of the
rear passenger seat backrests. When the rear Concept
seat is not occupied, secure each of the outer
safety belts in the opposite buckle.
▷ If necessary, fold down the rear backrests to
stow large cargo.
▷ Do not stack cargo above the top edge of the
▷ Use the cargo area partition net to protect oc‐
cupants. Make sure that objects cannot pen‐
etrate the cargo area partition net.
▷ Smaller and lighter cargo: secure with ratchet The system prevents slipping of the cargo in the
straps or with a cargo net or draw straps. cargo area.
▷ Larger and heavy cargo: secure with cargo
straps. General information
Observe information and notes on loading, refer
to page 301.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Cargo area CONTROLS
Improper use of the multi-function hooks can
lead to a risk of objects flying about during
braking and evasive maneuvers, for example.
There is a risk of injury and risk of damage to
property. Only hang lightweight objects,
such as shopping bags, from the multi-function
hooks. Only transport heavy luggage in the
cargo area if it has been appropriately secured.
Press the button, arrow 1, and open the cover,
arrow 2.
Folding down
Storage compartments
under the cargo floor panel
General information
There are storage compartments beneath the
cargo floor panel.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Cargo area
Danger of jamming with folding down the back‐
rests. There is a risk of injury or risk of damage
to property. Make sure that the area of move‐
ment of the rear backrest and the of the head
restraint is clear prior to folding down.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Cargo area CONTROLS
Pull the lever and fold the rear seat backrest for‐ From the cargo area
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
CONTROLS Cargo area
Fold down the center armrest and pull on the Pull out the cargo cover, arrow 1, and hook both
strap. sides into the brackets, arrow 2.
Cargo cover The cover can be removed to load bulky lug‐
Safety information
Loose objects or devices with a cable connec‐
tion to the vehicle, for instance mobile phones,
can be thrown into the car's interior while driv‐
ing, for instance in the event of an accident or
during braking and evasive maneuvers. There is
a risk of injury. Secure loose objects or devices
with a cable connection to the vehicle in the Press the release button, arrow 1, and pull the
car's interior. cargo cover out toward the rear, arrow 2.
Slide the cover forward horizontally into the two
A cargo cover that snaps back quickly can jam side brackets. Make sure that the cover audibly
body parts or cause damage. There is a risk of engages on both sides.
injury or risk of damage to property. Do not let
the cargo cover snap back into place.
General information
The cargo cover can be stowed in the storage
A cargo cover hooked in incorrectly can cause compartment under the cargo floor panel.
damage. There is a risk of damage to property.
Hook the cargo cover on both sides.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Cargo area CONTROLS
Safety information
Loose objects or devices with a cable connec‐
tion to the vehicle, for instance mobile phones,
5. Push the cargo floor down and close the stor‐
can be thrown into the car's interior while driv‐
age compartment on the left side.
ing, for instance in the event of an accident or
during braking and evasive maneuvers. There is
With third seat row a risk of injury. Secure loose objects or devices
1. Open the left side storage compartment, re‐ with a cable connection to the vehicle in the
fer to page 303. car's interior.
2. Fold up the cargo floor panel.
3. Stow the cargo cover on the left and lower it
on the right side. WARNING
Pinching of body parts may occur during opera‐
tion of the electric cargo cover. Items in the
range of movement may damage the cargo
cover. There is a risk of injury or risk of damage
to property. Make sure that the area of move‐
ment of the electric cargo cover is clear during
opening and closing. In addition, make sure that
the area of movement of the cover in the cargo
floor is clear during lowering.
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CONTROLS Cargo area
Press the button.
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Cargo area CONTROLS
Functional limitations
If the closing force exceeds a certain value when
closing the cargo cover, for example due to items
in the range of motion, the cover will disengage
from the mounting. The cargo cover stops in the
guide rail.
General information
The function will be deactivated when the sys‐
tem can no longer detect the position of the
cargo cover. An initialization is required.
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Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Things to remember when driving ........................................................ 312
Trailer towing ........................................................................................... 317
Saving fuel ................................................................................................ 321
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DRIVING TIPS Things to remember when driving
General information
Tire traction is not optimal due to manufacturing
Moving parts need to begin working together
circumstances when tires are brand-new; they
achieve their full traction potential after a break-in
The following instructions will help you to ach‐ time.
ieve a long vehicle life and good efficiency.
Drive conservatively for the first
During break-in, do not use the Launch Control, 200 miles/300 km.
refer to page 147.
Brake system
Safety information Brake discs and brake pads only reach their full
effectiveness after approx. 300 miles/500 km.
WARNING Drive moderately during this break-in period.
Due to new parts and components, safety and
driver assistance systems can react with a de‐ Following part replacement
lay. There is a risk of an accident. After instal‐ Observe the break-in procedures again, if com‐
ling new parts or with a new vehicle, drive con‐ ponents mentioned above are replaced.
servatively and intervene early if necessary.
Observe the break-in procedures of the re‐
spective parts and components. Driving on poor roads
Because of its greater ground clearance, the ve‐
hicle can be driven on a variety of road types and
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Things to remember when driving DRIVING TIPS
Safety information
Objects in unpaved areas, for instance stones
or branches, can damage the vehicle. There is
a risk of damage to property. Do not drive on An open tailgate protrudes from the vehicle and
unpaved terrain. can endanger occupants and other traffic par‐
ticipants or damage the vehicle in the event of
an accident, braking or evasive maneuvers. In
When driving on poor roads addition, exhaust fumes may enter the car's in‐
terior. There is a risk of injury or risk of damage
For your own safety, for the safety of passengers
to property. Do not drive with the tailgate open.
and of the vehicle, heed the following points:
▷ Familiarize yourself with the vehicle before
driving. Driving with the tailgate open
▷ Do not take risks when driving. If driving with the tailgate open cannot be
▷ Adjust the speed to the road surface condi‐ avoided:
tions. The steeper and more uneven the road ▷ Close all windows and the glass sunroof.
surface, the slower the speed should be.
▷ Greatly increase the air flow from the vents.
▷ When driving on steep uphill or downhill
▷ Drive moderately.
grades: add engine oil and coolant up to near
the MAX mark.
Hot exhaust gas system
▷ On steep downhill grades, use Hill Descent
Control HDC.
▷ Avoid that the chassis bottom coming in con‐
tact with the ground. During driving operation, high temperatures can
occur underneath the vehicle body, for instance
The ground clearance is no more than 7.8 in‐
caused by the exhaust gas system. If combusti‐
ches/20 cm and can vary according to the ve‐
ble materials, such as leaves or grass, come in
hicle's load.
contact with hot parts of the exhaust gas sys‐
▷ When wheels continue to spin, depress the tem, these materials can ignite. There is a risk
accelerator so that driving stability control of injury or risk of damage to property. Do not
systems can distribute the driving force to the remove the heat shields installed and never ap‐
wheels. Activate DTC Dynamic Traction Con‐ ply undercoating to them. Make sure that no
trol if available. combustible materials can come in contact with
hot vehicle parts in driving operation, idle or
After a trip on poor roads during parking. Do not touch the hot exhaust
After a trip on poor roads, check wheels and tires gas system.
for damage to maintain driving safety. Clear
heavy soiling from the body.
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DRIVING TIPS Things to remember when driving
Mobile communication devices mum indicated water level and the maximum
in the vehicle speed for driving through water.
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Things to remember when driving DRIVING TIPS
The heat generated during braking dries brake ▷ Infrequent use of the brakes.
discs and brake pads and protects them against ▷ Aggressive, acidic, or alkaline cleaning
corrosion. agents.
In this way braking efficiency will be available Corrosion buildup on the brake discs will cause a
when you need it. pulsating effect on the brakes in their response -
generally this cannot be corrected.
Condensation water under the
General information
parked vehicle
Drive long or steep downhill gradients in the gear
When using the automatic climate control, con‐
that requires least braking effort. Otherwise, the
densation water develops and collects under‐
brakes may overheat and reduce brake effi‐
neath the vehicle.
You can increase the engine's braking effect by
shifting down, going all the way to first gear, if Roof-mounted luggage
Safety information
General information
WARNING Installation only possible with roof rack.
Light but consistent brake pressure can lead to Roof racks are available as special accessories.
high temperatures, brakes wearing out and
possibly even brake failure. There is a risk of an Mounting
accident. Avoid placing excessive stress on the Follow the installation instructions of the roof
brake system. rack.
Be sure that adequate clearance is maintained
for tilting and opening the glass sunroof.
In idle state or with the engine switched off, Loading
safety-relevant functions, for instance engine
Because roof-mounted luggage racks raise the
braking effect, braking force boost and steering
vehicle's center of gravity when loaded, they
assistance, are restricted or not available at all.
have a major effect on vehicle handling and
There is a risk of an accident. Do not drive in
steering response.
idle state or with the engine switched off.
Therefore, note the following when loading and
Brake disc corrosion ▷ Do not exceed the approved roof/axle loads
Corrosion on the brake discs and contamination and the approved gross vehicle weight.
on the brake pads are increased by the following ▷ Be sure that adequate clearance is main‐
circumstances: tained for tilting and opening the glass sun‐
▷ Low mileage. roof.
▷ Extended periods when the vehicle is not ▷ Distribute the roof load uniformly.
used at all.
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DRIVING TIPS Things to remember when driving
Driving on racetracks
Higher mechanical and thermal loads during
racetrack operation lead to increased wear. This
wear is not covered by the warranty. The vehicle
is not designed for use in motor sports competi‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Trailer towing DRIVING TIPS
Trailer towing
Vehicle features and Loading
options Distribute cargo as evenly as possible on the
cargo area.
This chapter describes all standard, country-spe‐ Stow the load as low and close to the trailer axle
cific and optional features offered with the series. as possible. A low center of gravity in the trailer
It also describes features and functions that are increases the driving safety of the entire vehicle-
not necessarily available in your vehicle, e.g., due trailer combination.
to the selected options or country versions. This Do not exceed the approved gross vehicle
also applies to safety-related functions and sys‐ weight of the trailer and the permissible trailer
tems. When using these functions and systems, load of the vehicle. The smaller value applies in
the applicable laws and regulations must be ob‐ each case.
Tire inflation pressure
General information Note the tire inflation pressure of the vehicle and
The permissible trailer loads, axle loads, drawbar For the vehicle, the tire inflation pressure for
node weights, and the permissible gross vehicle higher loads applies.
weight are specified in the technical data. Information regarding the tire inflation pressure,
The vehicle is equipped with an enhanced sus‐ refer to page 332.
pension system on the rear axle and, depending For the trailer, the specifications of the manufac‐
on the vehicle type, with a more powerful cooling turer apply.
When the trailer power socket is in use, the vehi‐ Flat Tire Monitor FTM
cle will be raised or lowered to the normal level After correcting the tire inflation pressure or
automatically. The adjustment to the normal level hitching/unhitching a trailer, initialize the Flat Tire
can occur when the trailer power socket is plug‐ Monitor, refer to page 355.
ged in or when driving off.
Tire Pressure Monitor TPM
Before driving After correcting the tire inflation pressure or
hitching/unhitching a trailer, reset the Tire Pres‐
sure Monitor, refer to page 348.
Drawbar nose weight
The maximum load of the tractor is lowered by Exterior mirrors
the weight of the trailer hitch and the drawbar
Exterior mirrors, which allow the driver to see
nose weight. The drawbar nose weight increases
both rear corners of the trailer, are available as
the vehicle weight. Do not exceed the approved
special accessories from a dealer’s service cen‐
gross vehicle weight of the towing vehicle.
ter or another qualified service center or repair
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
DRIVING TIPS Trailer towing
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Trailer towing DRIVING TIPS
General information
Mount for trailer hitch
If the trailer power socket is in use but a trailer
has not been hitched, the system can become General information
active in certain driving situations, such as when
using a bicycle rack with lighting.
Functional requirement
The system is functional at speeds beginning at
approx. 40 mph/65 km/h while a trailer is being
towed and the trailer power socket is in use.
System limits
The mount for the trailer hitch is located on the
The system cannot intervene or not intervene in
rear of the vehicle.
time in the following situations, for instance:
Information on suitable trailer hitches is found on
▷ If a trailer jackknifes suddenly, for instance on
the underside of the mount, see arrow.
slippery roads or loose surfaces.
Follow the Maintenance Instructions, refer to
▷ If a trailer with a high center of gravity tilts, be‐
page 390.
fore swinging is detected.
▷ If DSC Dynamic Stability Control is deacti‐
vated or has malfunctioned. Safety information
Activating trailer towing
During driving operation, high temperatures can
occur underneath the vehicle body, for instance
Concept caused by the exhaust gas system. Contact
When driving with a trailer or load carrier and the with the hot components can cause burns.
trailer socket not in use, some driver assistance There is a risk of injury. Do not touch hot com‐
systems may have functional limitations or may ponents. Do not perform work in the vicinity of
malfunction. To prevent malfunctions, activate hot components until after they have cooled
trailer towing. down.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
DRIVING TIPS Trailer towing
Removing the cover Ensure that the trailer safety chain can move
freely and is not dragging on the ground.
Brake Controller
The vehicle manufacturer recommends that you
have a Brake Controller installed by a dealer’s
service center or another qualified service center
or repair shop.
Information on installing a Brake Controller can
Pull the cover out of the back of the mount, and be obtained from a dealer’s service center or an‐
stow it in the vehicle. other qualified service center or repair shop.
Trailer connector
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Saving fuel DRIVING TIPS
Saving fuel
Vehicle features and Close the windows and glass
Driving with the glass sunroof and windows open
This chapter describes all standard, country-spe‐ results in increased air resistance and raises fuel
cific and optional features offered with the series. consumption.
It also describes features and functions that are
not necessarily available in your vehicle, e.g., due Tires
to the selected options or country versions. This
also applies to safety-related functions and sys‐ General information
tems. When using these functions and systems, Tires can affect consumption in various ways, for
the applicable laws and regulations must be ob‐ instance tire size may influence consumption.
Check the tire inflation pressure
Reducing fuel consumption
Check and, if needed, correct the tire inflation
pressure at least twice a month and before start‐
General information ing on a long trip.
The vehicle contains advanced technologies for Low tire inflation pressure increases rolling re‐
the reduction of consumption and emission val‐ sistance and thus raises fuel consumption and
ues. tire wear.
Fuel consumption depends on a number of dif‐
ferent factors. Drive away without delay
Carrying out certain measures, such as a moder‐ Do not wait for the engine to warm-up while the
ate driving style and regular maintenance, can in‐ vehicle remains stationary. Start driving right
fluence fuel consumption and the environmental away, but at moderate engine speeds.
This is the quickest way of warming the cold en‐
gine up to operating temperature.
Remove unnecessary cargo
Additional weight increases fuel consumption. Look well ahead when driving
Driving smoothly and proactively reduces fuel
Remove attached parts following consumption.
use Avoid unnecessary acceleration and braking.
Remove auxiliary mirrors, roof-mounted or rear By maintaining a suitable distance to the vehicle
luggage racks which are no longer required fol‐ driving ahead of you.
lowing use.
Attached parts on the vehicle impair the aerody‐ Avoid high engine speeds
namics and increase the fuel consumption.
Driving at low engine speeds lowers fuel con‐
sumption and reduces wear.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
DRIVING TIPS Saving fuel
If necessary, observe the vehicle's gear shift indi‐ Have maintenance carried out
cator, refer to page 160.
Have the vehicle maintained regularly to achieve
optimal vehicle efficiency and service life. BMW
Use coasting conditions recommends that maintenance work be per‐
When approaching a red light, take your foot off formed by a BMW dealer’s service center.
the accelerator and let the vehicle coast to a halt. For information on the BMW Maintenance Sys‐
For going downhill take your foot off the acceler‐ tem, refer to page 374.
ator and let the vehicle roll.
The flow of fuel is interrupted while coasting.
Switch off the engine during
longer stops Concept
ECO PRO supports a driving style that saves on
Switching off the engine consumption. For this purpose, the engine con‐
Switch off the engine during longer stops, for in‐ trol and comfort features, for instance the climate
stance at traffic lights, railroad crossings or in control output, are adjusted.
traffic congestion. Under certain conditions the engine is automati‐
cally decoupled from the transmission in the D
Auto Start/Stop function selector lever position. The vehicle continues
The Auto Start/Stop function of the vehicle auto‐ traveling with the engine idling to reduce con‐
matically switches off the engine during a stop. sumption. The D selector lever position remains
If the engine is switched off and then restarted
rather than leaving the engine running con‐ In addition, context-sensitive information, ECO
stantly, fuel consumption and emissions are re‐ PRO tips, are displayed to assist with an efficient
duced. Savings can begin within a few seconds driving style.
of switching off the engine. The achieved extended range is displayed in the
In addition, fuel consumption is also determined instrument cluster as bonus range.
by other factors, such as driving style, road con‐
ditions, maintenance or environmental factors. General information
The system includes the following
Switch off any functions that are EfficientDynamics functions and
not currently needed EfficientDynamics displays:
Functions such as seat heating and the rear win‐ ▷ ECO PRO bonus range, refer to page 324.
dow defroster require a lot of energy and in‐ ▷ ECO PRO climate control, refer to page 323.
crease fuel consumption, especially in city and ▷ Coasting driving condition, refer to page 325.
stop-and-go traffic.
▷ Driving style analysis, refer to page 326.
Switch off these functions if they are not needed.
The ECO PRO driving mode supports the en‐
ergy conserving use of comfort features. These
functions are automatically deactivated partially
or completely.
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Saving fuel DRIVING TIPS
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
DRIVING TIPS Saving fuel
The following settings can be selected:
General information
Information about the current effectiveness of
the ECO PRO functions can be displayed as en‐
ergy flow.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Saving fuel DRIVING TIPS
Displaying energy flow information ▷ Brake pedal not depressed or only slightly
Via iDrive: depressed.
▷ The selector lever is in selector lever position
1. "CAR" D.
2. "Driving information" ▷ Engine and transmission are at operating
3. "Energy flow" temperature.
The following functions are displayed: ▷ Active Cruise Control with Stop&Go function,
▷ Auto Start/Stop function. ACC, not activated.
▷ Energy recovery.
Operation via shift paddles
▷ Coasting.
Coasting The coasting driving condition can be influenced
with the shift paddles.
Functional requirements
The function is available in the speed range from
approx. 16 mph/25 km/h to 100 mph/160 km/h.
The function is active if the following conditions
are met:
▷ Accelerator pedal not depressed.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
DRIVING TIPS Saving fuel
General information
The current trip is assessed.
To assist with an efficient driving style, ECO
PRO tips are displayed during driving.
The range of the vehicle can be extended by ad‐
justing your driving style.
This gain in range is displayed as a bonus range
in the instrument cluster and on the Control Dis‐
Color code blue: coasting mode. play.
1. "CAR"
System limits
2. "Driving information"
The function is not available under one of the fol‐
lowing conditions. 3. "Driving style analysis"
▷ DSC OFF or TRACTION activated.
Display on the Control Display
▷ Driving in the dynamic limit range and on
steep uphill or downhill grades. The display of the ECO PRO driving style analy‐
sis displays the efficiency of the driving style.
▷ Battery charge status temporarily too low or
vehicle electrical system drawing excessive The more efficient the driving style, the more
current. bars are displayed in color and the faster the bo‐
nus range increases.
▷ Trailer towing.
In contrast, a reduced number of bars will be dis‐
▷ Hill Descent Control, HDC, activated.
played with an inefficient driving style.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Saving fuel DRIVING TIPS
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Refueling ................................................................................................... 330
Wheels and tires ...................................................................................... 332
Engine compartment .............................................................................. 364
Operating materials ................................................................................. 367
Maintenance ............................................................................................. 374
Replacing components .......................................................................... 376
Breakdown assistance ........................................................................... 380
Care ........................................................................................................... 387
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
MOBILITY Refueling
Vehicle features and Safety information
This chapter describes all standard, country-spe‐ With a driving range of less than
cific and optional features offered with the series. 30 miles/50 km the engine may no longer have
It also describes features and functions that are sufficient fuel. Engine functions are not en‐
not necessarily available in your vehicle, e.g., due sured anymore. There is a risk of damage to
to the selected options or country versions. This property. Refuel promptly.
also applies to safety-related functions and sys‐
tems. When using these functions and systems,
the applicable laws and regulations must be ob‐
Fuels are toxic and aggressive. Overfilling of the
fuel tank can damage the fuel system. Painted
Follow the following when surfaces may be damaged by contact with fuel.
Escaping fuel can harm the environment. There
refueling is a risk of damage to property. Avoid overfilling.
General information
Follow the fuel recommendation, refer to Fuel cap
page 367, prior to refueling.
When refueling, insert the filler nozzle completely
into the filler pipe. Lifting up the fuel pump nozzle
during refueling causes: 1. Briefly press the rear edge of the fuel filler
▷ Premature switching off.
▷ Reduced return of the fuel vapors.
The fuel tank is full when the filler nozzle clicks
off the first time.
Make sure that the fuel cap is closed properly af‐
ter refueling, otherwise the emissions warning
light may light up.
Follow safety regulations posted at the gas sta‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Refueling MOBILITY
2. Turn the fuel cap counterclockwise. Have fuel filler flap unlocked by a dealer’s service
center or another qualified service center or re‐
pair shop.
The retaining strap of the fuel cap can be jam‐
med and crushed during closing. The cap can‐
not be correctly closed. Fuel or fuel vapors can
escape. There is a risk of injury or risk of dam‐
age to property. Pay attention that the retaining
strap is not jammed or crushed when closing
the cap.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
MOBILITY Wheels and tires
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Wheels and tires MOBILITY
1. "CAR"
2. "Vehicle status"
3. "Tire Pressure Monitor"
4. Check whether the current tire inflation pres‐
sure levels deviate from the intended tire
pressure value.
5. Correct the tire inflation pressure if the cur‐
rent tire inflation pressure value deviates from
the intended value.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
MOBILITY Wheels and tires
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Wheels and tires MOBILITY
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
MOBILITY Wheels and tires
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Wheels and tires MOBILITY
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
MOBILITY Wheels and tires
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Wheels and tires MOBILITY
The traction grades, from highest to lowest, are
Winter and all-season tires with better cold
AA, A, B, and C.
weather performance than summer tires.
Those grades represent the tire's ability to stop
on wet pavement as measured under controlled
conditions on specified government test surfa‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
MOBILITY Wheels and tires
Safety information
Damaged tires can lose tire inflation pressure,
which can lead to loss of vehicle control. There
Wear indicators are distributed around the tire's is a risk of an accident. If tire damage is sus‐
circumference and have the legally required min‐ pected while driving, immediately reduce speed
imum height of 0.063 inches/1.6 mm. and stop. Have wheels and tires checked. For
this purpose, drive carefully to the nearest deal‐
The positions of the wear indicators are marked er’s service center or another qualified service
on the tire sidewall with TWI, Tread Wear Indica‐ center or repair shop. Have vehicle towed or
tor. transported as needed. Do not repair damaged
tires, but have them replaced.
Tire damage
General information
Tires can become damaged by driving over ob‐
Inspect your tires regularly for damage, foreign stacles, e.g., curbs or road damage, at high
objects lodged in the tread, and tread wear. speed. Larger wheels have a smaller tire cross-
Driving over rough or damaged road surfaces, as section. The smaller the tire cross-section, the
well as debris, curbs and other obstacles can higher the risk of tire damage. There is a dan‐
cause serious damage to wheels, tires and sus‐ ger of accidents and property damage. If possi‐
pension parts. This is more likely to occur with ble, drive around obstacles, or drive over them
low-profile tires, which provide less cushioning slowly and carefully.
between the wheel and the road. Be careful to
avoid road hazards and reduce your speed, es‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Wheels and tires MOBILITY
Changing wheels and tires maintain good handling and vehicle response,
use only tires with a single tread configuration
from a single manufacturer. The manufacturer
Mounting and wheel balancing of the vehicle recommends that you use
Have mounting and wheel balancing carried out wheels and tires that have been recommended
by a dealer’s service center or another qualified by the vehicle manufacturer for your vehicle
service center or repair shop. type. Following tire damage, have the original
wheel/tire combination remounted on the vehi‐
Wheel and tire combination cle as soon as possible.
General information
You can ask the dealer’s service center or an‐ WARNING
other qualified service center or repair shop Unsuitable wheel studs, such as single-section
about the correct wheel/tire combination and wheel studs, may loosen or come off. The
wheel rim versions for the vehicle. wheel may come loose during driving. There is
a risk of an accident. Use only two-section
Safety information wheel studs that have been categorized as suit‐
able for the respective wheel type by the man‐
ufacturer of the vehicle.
Wheels and tires which are not suitable for your
vehicle can damage parts of the vehicle, for in‐ Recommended tire brands
stance due to contact with the body due to tol‐
erances despite the same official size rating.
There is a risk of an accident. The manufac‐
turer of your vehicle strongly suggests that you
use wheels and tires that have been recom‐
mended by the vehicle manufacturer for your
vehicle type.
For each tire size, the manufacturer of the vehi‐
Mounted steel wheels can cause technical cle recommends certain tire brands. The tire
problems, for instance independent loosening brands can be identified by a star on the tire
of the lug bolts, damage to the brake discs. sidewall.
There is a risk of an accident. Do not mount
steel wheels.
New tires
Tire traction is not optimal due to manufacturing
WARNING circumstances when tires are brand-new; they
achieve their full traction potential after a break-in
Incorrect wheel/tire combinations will have a
negative impact on the vehicle's handling and
on the function of a variety of systems, such as Drive conservatively for the first
the Anti-lock Brake System or Dynamic Stabil‐ 200 miles/300 km.
ity Control. There is a risk of an accident. To
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
MOBILITY Wheels and tires
Retreaded tires tween the axles to achieve even wear. Further in‐
formation is available from a dealer’s service cen‐
ter or another qualified service center or repair
WARNING shop. After rotating, check the tire pressure and
Retreaded tires can have different tire casing correct, if needed.
structures. With advanced age the service life Rotating the tires is not permissible on vehicles
can be limited. There is a risk of an accident. with different tire sizes or rim sizes on the front
The manufacturer of your vehicle does not rec‐ and rear axles.
ommend the use of retreaded tires.
Storing tires
The manufacturer of your vehicle does not rec‐
ommend the use of retreaded tires.
Tire inflation pressure
Do not exceed the maximum tire inflation pres‐
Winter tires
sure indicated on the side wall of the tire.
General information
Winter tires are recommended for operating on
Store wheels and tires in a cool, dry and dark
winter roads.
Although so-called all-season M+S tires provide
Always protect tires against all contact with oil,
better winter traction than summer tires, they
grease, and solvents.
usually do not provide the same level of perform‐
ance as winter tires. Do not leave tires in plastic bags.
Remove dirt from wheels or tires.
Maximum speed of winter tires
If the maximum speed of the vehicle is higher
than the permissible speed for the winter tires, Run-flat tires
then attach a label showing the permissible maxi‐
mum speed in the field of view. The label is avail‐ Concept
able from a dealer’s service center or another
Run-flat tires permit continued driving under re‐
qualified service center or repair shop.
stricted conditions even in the event of a com‐
With winter tires mounted, observe and do not plete loss of tire inflation pressure.
exceed the permissible maximum speed.
General information
Changing runflat tires The wheels consist of tires that are self-support‐
For your own safety, use only runflat tires. No ing, to a limited degree, and possibly special
spare tire is available in the case of a flat tire. Fur‐ rims.
ther information is available from a dealer’s serv‐
The support of the sidewall allows the tire to re‐
ice center or another qualified service center or
main drivable to a restricted degree in the event
repair shop.
of a tire inflation pressure loss.
Follow the instructions for continued driving with
Rotating wheels between axles
a flat tire.
Different wear patterns can occur on the front
and rear axles depending on individual driving
conditions. The tires can be rotated in pairs be‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Wheels and tires MOBILITY
Mobility System
Heavy trailers can start swinging when continu‐
ing to drive with a flat tire. There is a risk of ac‐
cidents or risk of damage to property. Do not Concept
exceed a speed of 35 mph/60 km/h when driv‐ With the Mobility System, minor tire damage can
ing with a trailer and a flat tire. Immediately be sealed temporarily to enable continued travel.
brake in the case of swinging. Apply necessary To accomplish this, sealant is pumped into the
steering corrections as carefully as possible. tires, which seals the damage from the inside.
General information
Label ▷ Follow the instructions on using the Mobility
System found on the compressor and sealant
▷ Use of the Mobility System may be ineffec‐
tive if the tire puncture measures approx.
1/8 inches/4 mm or more.
▷ Contact a dealer’s service center or another
qualified service center or repair shop if the
tire cannot be made drivable.
▷ If possible, do not remove foreign bodies that
The tires are marked on the tire sidewall with
have penetrated the tire. Only remove foreign
RSC Run-flat System Component.
objects if they are visibly protruding from the
▷ Pull the speed limit sticker off the sealant
Repairing a flat tire container and apply it to the steering wheel.
▷ The use of a sealant can damage the TPM
Safety measures wheel electronics. In this case, have the elec‐
▷ Park the vehicle as far away as possible from tronics checked and replaced at the next op‐
passing traffic and on solid ground. portunity.
▷ Switch on the hazard warning system. ▷ The compressor can be used to check the
tire inflation pressure.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
MOBILITY Wheels and tires
Safety measures
▷ Park the vehicle as far away as possible from
passing traffic and on solid ground.
The Mobility System is in the left storage com‐ ▷ Switch on the hazard warning system.
partment of the cargo area. ▷ Secure the vehicle against rolling away by
setting the parking brake.
Sealant container ▷ Turn the steering wheel until the front wheels
are in the straight-ahead position and engage
the steering wheel lock.
▷ Have all vehicle occupants get out of the ve‐
hicle and ensure that they remain outside the
immediate area in a safe place, such as be‐
hind a guardrail.
▷ If necessary, set up a warning triangle at an
appropriate distance.
Compressor If the exhaust pipe is blocked or ventilation is in‐
sufficient, harmful exhaust gases can enter into
the vehicle. The exhaust gases contain pollu‐
tants which are colorless and odorless. In en‐
closed areas, exhaust gases can also accumu‐
late outside of the vehicle. There is danger to
life. Keep the exhaust pipe free and ensure suf‐
ficient ventilation.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Wheels and tires MOBILITY
1. Shake the sealant container.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
MOBILITY Wheels and tires
Checking and adjusting the tire 4. Insert the connector into the power socket in‐
inflation pressure side the vehicle.
1. Switch off the compressor.
2. Read the tire inflation pressure on the tire
pressure gage.
To continue the trip, a tire inflation pressure of at
least 2 bar must be reached.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Wheels and tires MOBILITY
2. Screw the connection hose of the compres‐ Replace the nonworking tire and the sealant con‐
sor directly onto the tire valve stem. tainer of the Mobility System promptly.
Snow chains
Safety information
With the mounting of snow chains on unsuita‐
ble tires, the snow chains can come into con‐
3. Insert the connector into the power socket in‐ tact with vehicle parts. There is a risk of acci‐
side the vehicle. dents or risk of damage to property. Only
mount snow chains on tires that are designated
by their manufacturer as suitable for the use of
snow chains.
Insufficiently tight snow chains may damage
tires and vehicle components. There is a risk of
accidents or risk of damage to property. Make
4. Correct the tire inflation pressure to at least sure that the snow chains are always suffi‐
2.0 bar. ciently tight. Re-tighten as needed according to
the snow chain manufacturer's instructions.
▷ Increase tire inflation pressure: with
standby state switched on or the engine
running, switch on the compressor.
Fine-link snow chains
▷ Reduce tire inflation pressure: press the
The manufacturer of your vehicle recommends
button on the compressor.
use of fine-link snow chains. Certain types of
5. Unscrew the connection hose of the com‐ fine-link snow chains have been tested by the
pressor from the tire valve. manufacturer of the vehicle and recommended
6. Pull the connector out of the power socket as road-safe and suitable.
inside the vehicle. Information regarding suitable snow chains is
7. Stow the Mobility System in the vehicle. available from a dealer’s service center or an‐
other qualified service center or repair shop.
Continuing the trip
Do not exceed the maximum permissible speed Use
of 50 mph/80 km/h. Use only in pairs on the rear wheels, equipped
Reinitialize the run-flat tires, refer to page 355. with the tires of the following size:
▷ 255/55 R18.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
MOBILITY Wheels and tires
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Wheels and tires MOBILITY
Safety information placement, the settings of the tire sets used last
can be selected.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
MOBILITY Wheels and tires
The target pressure is immediately adjusted if 4. Switch on drive-ready state and do not drive
the vehicle load is changed in the tire settings. off.
5. Reset tire inflation pressure: "Perform reset".
Tire conditions 6. Drive away.
The wheels are displayed in gray and the follow‐
General information ing is displayed "Resetting Tire Pressure
Tire and system status are indicated by the color Monitor…".
of the wheels and a SMS text message on the After driving faster than 19 mph/30 km/h for a
Control Display. short period, the set tire inflation pressures are
Any existing messages are not deleted if the dis‐ accepted as the target tire inflation pressures.
played target pressure is not reached after the The reset is completed automatically while driv‐
tire inflation pressure is corrected. ing.
After a successfully completed reset, the wheels
on the Control Display are shown in green and
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Wheels and tires MOBILITY
the following is displayed: "Tire Pressure Monitor If the tire inflation pressure is too
active. See label for recommended pressure.". low
You may interrupt this trip at any time. When you
continue the reset resumes automatically. Message
A yellow warning light is illuminated in
Messages: for tires without the instrument cluster.
special approval
In addition, a symbol with a Check Control mes‐
General information sage appears on the Control Display.
A low tire inflation pressure may cause the DSC Symbol Possible cause
Dynamic Stability Control to be switched on.
There is a tire inflation pressure loss.
Safety information
A damaged regular tire with low or missing tire 1. Reduce the vehicle speed. Do not exceed a
inflation pressure impacts handling, such as speed of 80 mph/130 km/h.
steering and braking response. Run-flat tires 2. At the next opportunity, for instance at a gas
can maintain limited stability. There is a risk of station, check the tire inflation pressure in all
an accident. Do not continue driving if the vehi‐ four tires and correct if necessary.
cle is equipped with normal tires. Follow the in‐
formation on run-flat tires and continued driving If there is a significant loss of tire
with these tires. inflation pressure
If a tire inflation pressure check is
A yellow warning light is illuminated in
the instrument cluster.
In addition, a symbol with the affected tire ap‐
A symbol with a Check Control message ap‐ pears in a Check Control message on the Con‐
pears on the Control Display. trol Display.
Symbol Possible cause Symbol Possible cause
Inflation was not carried out accord‐ There is a flat tire or a major loss in
ing to specifications, e.g., when the tire inflation pressure.
tire has not been sufficiently inflated
or in the case of a natural steady tire
pressure loss. Measure
1. Reduce your speed and stop cautiously.
Measure Avoid sudden braking and steering maneu‐
Check the tire pressure and correct as needed.
2. Check whether the vehicle is fitted with nor‐
mal tires or run-flat tires.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
MOBILITY Wheels and tires
Run-flat tires, refer to page 342, are labeled Sym‐ Possible cause
with a circular symbol containing the letters bol
RSC marked on the tire's sidewall.
Inflation was not carried out accord‐
Messages: for tires with special ing to specifications, e.g., the tire has
not been sufficiently inflated.
The system has detected a wheel
General information change, but no reset was done.
A low tire inflation pressure may cause the DSC The tire inflation pressure has fallen
Dynamic Stability Control to be switched on. below the level of the last reset.
No reset was performed for the sys‐
Safety information tem. The system issues a warning
based on the tire inflation pressures
stored during the last reset.
A damaged regular tire with low or missing tire Measure
inflation pressure impacts handling, such as
1. Check the tire pressure and correct as
steering and braking response. Run-flat tires
can maintain limited stability. There is a risk of
an accident. Do not continue driving if the vehi‐ 2. Perform a system reset.
cle is equipped with normal tires. Follow the in‐
formation on run-flat tires and continued driving If the tire inflation pressure is too
with these tires. low
If a tire inflation pressure check is
A yellow warning light is illuminated in
the instrument cluster.
Message In addition, a symbol with a Check Control mes‐
A symbol with a Check Control message ap‐ sage appears on the Control Display.
pears on the Control Display.
Symbol Possible cause
1. Reduce the vehicle speed. Do not exceed a
speed of 80 mph/130 km/h.
2. At the next opportunity, for instance at a gas
station, check the tire inflation pressure in all
four tires and correct if necessary.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Wheels and tires MOBILITY
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
MOBILITY Wheels and tires
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Wheels and tires MOBILITY
the area of the interference, the system auto‐ tect or signal low tire pressure as intended.
matically becomes active again. TPMS malfunctions may occur for a variety of
▷ For tires with special approval: the system reasons, including the installation of replacement
was unable to complete the reset. Perform a or alternate tires or wheels on the vehicle that
system reset again. prevent the TPMS from functioning properly. Al‐
ways check the TPMS malfunction telltale after
Declaration according to NHTSA/ replacing one or more tires or wheels on your ve‐
hicle to ensure that the replacement or alternate
FMVSS 138 Tire Pressure
tires and wheels allow the TPMS to continue to
Monitoring System function properly.
Each tire, including the spare (if provided) should
be checked monthly when cold and inflated to
the inflation pressure recommended by the vehi‐ FTM Flat Tire Monitor
cle manufacturer on the vehicle placard or tire in‐
flation pressure label. (If your vehicle has tires of
a different size than the size indicated on the ve‐
hicle placard or tire inflation pressure label, you The system detects tire inflation pressure loss
should determine the proper tire inflation pres‐ on the basis of rotation speed differences be‐
sure for those tires.) As an added safety feature, tween the individual wheels while driving.
your vehicle has been equipped with a tire pres‐ In the event of a tire inflation pressure loss, the
sure monitoring system (TPMS) that illuminates diameter and therefore the rotational speed of
a low tire pressure telltale when one or more of the corresponding wheel changes. The differ‐
your tires is significantly under-inflated. Accord‐ ence will be detected and reported as a flat tire.
ingly, when the low tire pressure telltale illumi‐
The system does not measure the actual infla‐
nates, you should stop and check your tires as
tion pressure in the tires.
soon as possible, and inflate them to the proper
pressure. Driving on a significantly under-inflated
tire causes the tire to overheat and can lead to
Functional requirements
tire failure. Under-inflation also reduces fuel effi‐ The following conditions must be met for the
ciency and tire tread life, and may affect the vehi‐ system; otherwise, reliable flagging of a loss of
cle's handling and stopping ability. Please note tire inflation pressure is not assured:
that the TPMS is not a substitute for proper tire ▷ After a tire or wheel replacement, an initializa‐
maintenance, and it is the driver's responsibility tion was performed with the correct tire infla‐
to maintain correct tire pressure, even if under- tion pressure.
inflation has not reached the level to trigger illu‐
▷ After the tire pressure was adjusted to a new
mination of the TPMS low tire pressure telltale.
value, an initialization was performed.
Your vehicle has also been equipped with a
TPMS malfunction indicator to indicate when the
system is not operating properly. The TPMS
Status display
malfunction indicator is combined with the low The current status of the flat tire monitor can be
tire pressure telltale. When the system detects a displayed, for instance whether the RPA is active.
malfunction, the telltale will flash for approxi‐ Via iDrive:
mately one minute and then remain continuously
illuminated. This sequence will continue upon 1. "CAR"
subsequent vehicle start-ups as long as the mal‐ 2. "Vehicle status"
function exists. When the malfunction indicator is 3. "Flat Tire Monitor"
illuminated, the system may not be able to de‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
MOBILITY Wheels and tires
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Wheels and tires MOBILITY
If the tire inflation pressure in all four tires is Continued driving with a flat tire
correct, the Flat Tire Monitor may not have Follow the following when continuing to drive
been initialized. In this case, initialize the sys‐ with a damaged tire:
1. Avoid sudden braking and steering maneu‐
If identification of flat tire damage is not pos‐
sible, please contact a dealer’s service center
or another qualified service center or repair 2. Do not exceed a speed of 50 mph/80 km/h.
shop. 3. Check the tire inflation pressure in all four
2. Repair the flat tire, e.g., with a flat tire kit or by tires at the next opportunity.
changing the wheel. If the tire inflation pressure in all four tires is
correct, the Flat Tire Monitor may not have
Run-flat tires been initialized. In this case, initialize the sys‐
Safety information
Possible driving range with a
depressurized tire
The distance for which it may be possible to
Your vehicle handles differently with a run-flat
drive safely varies depending on how the vehicle
with no or low inflation pressure; for instance,
is loaded and used, e.g., speed, road conditions,
your lane stability when braking is reduced,
external temperature. The driving range may be
braking distances are longer and the self-steer‐
less but may also be more if an economical driv‐
ing properties will change. There is a risk of an
ing style is used.
accident. Drive moderately and do not exceed a
speed of 50 mph/80 km/h. If the vehicle is loaded with an average weight
and used under favorable conditions, the dis‐
tance for which it may be safe to drive may be up
to 50 miles/80 km.
Heavy trailers can start swinging when continu‐ Vehicle handling with damaged tires
ing to drive with a flat tire. There is a risk of ac‐
Vehicles driven with a damaged tire will handle
cidents or risk of damage to property. Do not
differently, potentially leading to conditions such
exceed a speed of 35 mph/60 km/h when driv‐
as the following:
ing with a trailer and a flat tire. Immediately
brake in the case of swinging. Apply necessary ▷ Greater likelihood of swerving off course.
steering corrections as carefully as possible. ▷ Longer braking distances.
▷ Changed self-steering properties.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
MOBILITY Wheels and tires
Do not continue driving. Contact a dealer’s serv‐ life. If the vehicle is raised, do not lie under the
ice center or another qualified service center or vehicle and do not start the engine.
repair shop.
Safety information
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Wheels and tires MOBILITY
On a level surface
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
MOBILITY Wheels and tires
3. Remove the adapter after unscrewing the lug Jacking points for the vehicle
bolt. jack
Screwing on
1. Attach the adapter to the lug bolt. If neces‐
sary, turn the adapter until it fits on the lug
2. Screw on the lug bolt. The tightening torque
is 140 Nm.
3. Remove the adapter and stow it after screw‐
ing on the lug bolt.
The jacking points for the vehicle jack are lo‐
Preparing the vehicle cated at the indicated positions.
▷ Park the vehicle on solid and non-slip ground
at a safe distance from traffic.
▷ Switch on the hazard warning system.
▷ Set the parking brake.
▷ Engage a gear or move the selector lever to
position P.
▷ As soon as permitted by the traffic flow, have
all vehicle occupants get out of the vehicle
and ensure that they remain outside the im‐
mediate area in a safe place, such as behind a
▷ Depending on the vehicle equipment, get
wheel change tools and, if necessary, the
emergency wheel from the vehicle.
▷ If necessary, set up a warning triangle or port‐
able hazard warning light at an appropriate
▷ Secure the vehicle additionally against rolling.
▷ Loosen the lug bolts a half turn.
▷ Deactivate the air suspension level adjust‐
ment, refer to page 262.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Wheels and tires MOBILITY
Jacking up the vehicle 3. Extend the vehicle jack by turning the vehicle
jack crank or lever clockwise.
Hands and fingers can be jammed when using
the vehicle jack. There is a risk of injury. Com‐
ply with the described hand position and do not
change this position while using the vehicle
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
MOBILITY Wheels and tires
Mounting a wheel 5. Check to make sure the lug bolts are tight
with a calibrated torque wrench.
6. Have the damaged tire replaced at the near‐
est dealer’s service center or another quali‐
Unsuitable wheel studs, such as single-section fied service center or repair shop.
wheel studs, may loosen or come off. The
wheel may come loose during driving. There is
a risk of an accident. Use only two-section Emergency wheel
wheel studs that have been categorized as suit‐
able for the respective wheel type by the man‐
ufacturer of the vehicle. Concept
In the event of a flat tire, the emergency wheel
Mount one emergency wheel only, as required. can be used in place of the wheel with the defec‐
tive tire. The emergency wheel is only intended
1. Unscrew the lug bolts. for temporary use until the defective tire/wheel
2. Remove the wheel. has been replaced.
3. Put the new wheel or emergency wheel on
and screw in at least two lug bolts in a cross‐ General information
wise pattern until hand-tight. Mount one emergency wheel only.
If non-original light-alloy wheels of the vehicle Also check the tire inflation pressure of the
manufacturer are mounted, the accompany‐ emergency wheel in the cargo area regularly, and
ing lug bolts may have to be used as well. correct it as needed.
4. Hand-tighten the remaining lug bolts and
tighten all lug bolts well in a crosswise pat‐ Safety information
5. Turn the vehicle jack crank counterclockwise
to retract the vehicle jack and lower the vehi‐
cle. The emergency wheel has particular dimen‐
sions. When driving with an emergency wheel,
6. Remove the vehicle jack and stow it securely.
changed driving properties may occur, for in‐
stance reduced lane stability when braking, lon‐
After the wheel change ger braking distance, and changed self-steering
1. Tighten the lug bolts crosswise. The tighten‐ properties in the limit area. There is a risk of an
ing torque is 101 lbs ft/140 Nm. accident. Drive moderately and do not exceed a
2. Stow the nonworking wheel in the cargo area, speed of 50 mph/80 km/h.
if necessary.
The nonworking wheel cannot be stored un‐
der the cargo floor panel because of its size.
3. Check tire inflation pressure at the next op‐
portunity and correct as needed.
4. Reinitialize the run-flat tires.
Reset the Tire Pressure Monitor TPM.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Wheels and tires MOBILITY
1. Depending on the vehicle equipment: 9. Push the cargo floor panel downward.
press the button. The electric cargo cover
travels up.
2. Fold up the cargo floor panel.
3. Depending on the equipment version: re‐
move the crossmember. For this purpose, re‐
move the wingnuts on both sides of the
4. Remove the tool holder from the emergency
5. Unscrew the butterfly screw, arrow 1.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
MOBILITY Engine compartment
Engine compartment
Vehicle features and not necessarily available in your vehicle, e.g., due
to the selected options or country versions. This
options also applies to safety-related functions and sys‐
tems. When using these functions and systems,
This chapter describes all standard, country-spe‐ the applicable laws and regulations must be ob‐
cific and optional features offered with the series. served.
It also describes features and functions that are
1 Filler neck for washer fluid 5 Gasoline engine only: coolant reservoir, auxili‐
2 Jump-starting, negative battery terminal ary cooling
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Engine compartment MOBILITY
Body parts can be jammed when opening and
Safety information closing the hood. There is a risk of injury. Make
sure that the area of movement of the hood is
WARNING clear during opening and closing.
Improperly executed work in the engine com‐
partment can damage vehicle components and
impair vehicle functions. There is a risk of per‐ NOTICE
sonal and property damage. The manufacturer Folded-away wipers can be jammed when the
of your vehicle recommends that, in the effort hood is opened. There is a risk of damage to
to avoid such risks, work in the engine com‐ property. Make sure that the wipers with the
partment be performed by a dealer’s service wiper blades mounted are folded down onto
center or another qualified service center or re‐ the windshield before opening the hood.
pair shop.
When the hood is closed, it must engage on
The engine compartment accommodates mov‐ both sides. Pressing again can damage the
ing components. Certain components in the hood. There is a risk of damage to property.
engine compartment can also move with the Open the hood again and then close it energet‐
vehicle switched off, for instance the radiator ically. Avoid pressing again.
fan. There is a risk of injury. Do not reach into
the area of moving parts. Keep articles of cloth‐
ing and hair away from moving parts. Opening
1. Pull lever, arrow 1.
Hood is unlocked.
There are protruding parts, for instance locking
hook, on the inside of the hood. There is a risk
of injury. If the hood is open, pay attention to
protruding parts and keep clear of these areas.
An incorrectly locked hood can open while driv‐
ing and restrict visibility. There is a risk of an ac‐
2. After the lever is released, pull the lever again,
cident. Stop immediately and correctly close
arrow 2.
the hood.
Hood can be opened.
3. Be careful of protruding parts on the hood.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
MOBILITY Engine compartment
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Operating materials MOBILITY
Operating materials
Vehicle features and Safety information
This chapter describes all standard, country-spe‐ The use of poor-quality fuels may result in
cific and optional features offered with the series. harmful engine deposits or damage. Addition‐
It also describes features and functions that are ally, problems relating to drivability, starting and
not necessarily available in your vehicle, e.g., due stalling, especially under certain environmental
to the selected options or country versions. This conditions such as high ambient temperature
also applies to safety-related functions and sys‐ and high altitude, may occur.
tems. When using these functions and systems, If drivability problems are encountered, we rec‐
the applicable laws and regulations must be ob‐ ommend switching to a high quality gasoline
served. brand and a higher octane grade — AKI num‐
ber — for a few tank fills. To avoid harmful en‐
gine deposits, it is highly recommended to pur‐
Fuel recommendation chase gasoline from Top Tier retailers.
Failure to comply with these recommendations
General information may result in the need for unscheduled mainte‐
Depending on the region, many gas stations sell nance.
fuel that has been customized to winter or
summer conditions. Fuel that is available in win‐
ter, for instance helps make a cold start easier. NOTICE
Even small quantities of the wrong fuel or
Gasoline wrong fuel additives can damage the fuel sys‐
tem and engine. Furthermore, the catalytic
General information converter is permanently damaged. There is a
For the best fuel efficiency, the gasoline should risk of damage to property. Do not refuel or add
be sulfur-free or very low in sulfur content. the following in the case of gasoline engines:
Fuels that are marked on the gas pump as con‐ ▷ Leaded gasoline.
taining metal must not be used. ▷ Metallic additives, for instance manganese
Fuels with a maximum ethanol content of 10 %, or iron.
i. e., E10, may be used for refueling. Do not press the Start/Stop button after refuel‐
Ethanol should meet the following quality stan‐ ing with the wrong fuel. Contact a dealer’s serv‐
dards: ice center or another qualified service center or
repair shop.
US: ASTM 4806–xx
CAN: CGSB-3.511–xx
xx: comply with the current standard in each
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
MOBILITY Operating materials
General information
The electronic oil measurement has two measur‐
ing principles:
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Operating materials MOBILITY
Detailed measurement
Safety information
The engine oil level is checked when the vehicle WARNING
is stationary and displayed via a scale. Operating materials, for instance oils, greases,
If the engine oil level is outside its permissible coolants, fuels, can contain harmful ingredients.
operating range, a Check Control message is There is a risk of injuries or danger to life. Fol‐
displayed. low the instructions on the containers. Avoid
the contact of articles of clothing, skin or eyes
General information with operating materials. Do not refill operating
During the measurement, the idle speed is in‐
creased somewhat.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
MOBILITY Operating materials
materials into different bottles. Store operating Engine oil types to add
materials out of reach of children.
General information
The engine oil quality is critical for the life of the
NOTICE engine.
An engine oil level that is too low causes en‐ Only add the types of engine oil which are listed.
gine damage. There is a risk of damage to
property. Immediately add engine oil. Safety information
Oil additives can damage the engine. There is a
Too much engine oil can damage the engine or
risk of damage to property. Do not use oil addi‐
the catalytic converter. There is a risk of dam‐
age to property. Do not add too much engine
oil. When too much engine oil is added, have
the engine oil level corrected by a dealer’s serv‐
ice center or another qualified service center or NOTICE
repair shop. Incorrect engine oil can cause malfunctions in
the engine or damage it. There is a risk of dam‐
age to property. When selecting an engine oil,
Overview make sure that the engine oil has the correct oil
The oil filler neck is located in the engine com‐ rating.
partment, refer to page 364.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Operating materials MOBILITY
Viscosity grade SAE 0W-20 is not suitable for With the engine hot and the cooling system
the 50i gasoline engine. open, coolant can escape and lead to scalding.
There is a risk of injury. Only open the cooling
More information about suitable oil ratings and system with the engine cooled down.
viscosity grades of engine oils can be requested
from a dealer’s service center or another quali‐
fied service center or repair shop.
Engine oil change Additives are harmful and incorrect additives
can damage the engine. There is a risk of injury
and risk of damage to property. Do not allow
NOTICE additives to come into contact with skin, eyes
Engine oil that is not changed in timely fashion or articles of clothing. Use suitable additives
can cause increased engine wear and thus en‐ only.
gine damage. There is a risk of damage to
property. Do not exceed the service data indi‐
cated in the vehicle. Coolant level
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
MOBILITY Operating materials
Safety information
Some antifreeze agents can contain harmful
substances and are flammable. There is a risk
of fire and a risk of injury. Follow the instruc‐
tions on the containers. Keep antifreeze away
6. Close the cap.
from ignition sources. Do not refill operating
materials into different bottles. Store operating
Adding materials out of reach of children.
1. Let the engine cool. United States: the washer fluid mixture ratio is
2. Open the hood, refer to page 365. regulated by the U.S. EPA and many individual
3. Turn the lid of the coolant reservoir slightly states; do not exceed the allowable washer fluid
counterclockwise to allow any excess pres‐ dilution ratio limits that apply. Follow the usage
sure to dissipate, then open it. instructions on the washer fluid container.
4. Open the coolant reservoir lid. Use of BMW’s Windshield Washer Concentrate
or the equivalent is recommended.
5. If the coolant is low, slowly add coolant up to
the specified level; do not overfill.
6. Close the cap.
7. Have the cause of the coolant loss eliminated
Washer fluid can ignite and catch fire on con‐
as soon as possible.
tact with hot engine parts. There is a risk of in‐
jury or risk of damage to property. Only add
Disposal washer fluid when the engine is cooled down.
Comply with the relevant environmental Next, fully close the lid of the washer fluid res‐
protection regulations when disposing of ervoir.
coolant and coolant additives.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Operating materials MOBILITY
Silicon-containing additives in the washer fluid
for the water-repelling effect on the windows
can lead to damage to the washing system.
There is a risk of damage to property. Do not
add silicon-containing additives to the washer
Mixing different windshield washer concen‐
trates or antifreeze can damage the washing
system. There is a risk of damage to property.
Do not mix different windshield washer concen‐
trates or antifreeze. Follow the information and
mixing ratios provided on the containers.
The use of undiluted windshield washer concen‐
trate or alcohol-based antifreeze can lead to in‐
correct readings at temperatures below
+5 ℉/-15 ℃.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
MOBILITY Maintenance
Vehicle features and General information
options Information on service requirements, refer to
page 159, can be displayed on the Control Dis‐
This chapter describes all standard, country-spe‐
cific and optional features offered with the series.
It also describes features and functions that are Service data in the remote
not necessarily available in your vehicle, e.g., due control
to the selected options or country versions. This Information on the required maintenance is con‐
also applies to safety-related functions and sys‐ tinuously stored in the remote control. The deal‐
tems. When using these functions and systems, er’s service center can read this data out and
the applicable laws and regulations must be ob‐ suggest a maintenance scope for the vehicle.
Therefore, hand the service advisor the remote
control with which the vehicle was driven most
BMW maintenance system
The maintenance system indicates required
Storage periods
maintenance measures, and thereby provides Storage periods during which the vehicle battery
support in maintaining road safety and the opera‐ was disconnected are not taken into account.
tional reliability of the vehicle. If this occurs, have a dealer's service center or
In some cases, scopes and intervals of the main‐ another qualified service center or repair shop
tenance system may vary according to the coun‐ update the time-dependent maintenance proce‐
try version. Replacement work, spare parts, fuels dures, such as checking brake fluid and, if neces‐
and lubricants, and wear materials are calculated sary, changing the engine oil and the microfilter/
separately. Further information is available from a activated-charcoal filter.
dealer’s service center or another qualified serv‐
ice center or repair shop.
Service and Warranty
Information Booklet for US
Condition Based Service
models and Warranty and
Service Guide Booklet for
Concept Canadian models
Sensors and special algorithms take into account
Please consult your Service and Warranty Infor‐
the driving conditions of the vehicle. CBS uses
mation Booklet for US models and Warranty and
these to calculate the need for maintenance.
Service Guide Booklet for Canadian models for
The system makes it possible to adapt the additional information on service requirements.
amount of maintenance corresponding to your
The manufacturer of your vehicle recommends
user profile.
that maintenance and repair be performed by a
dealer’s service center or another qualified serv‐
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Maintenance MOBILITY
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
MOBILITY Replacing components
Replacing components
Vehicle features and not fold or switch on the wiper without a wiper
blade installed.
This chapter describes all standard, country-spe‐
cific and optional features offered with the series.
It also describes features and functions that are Folded-away wipers can be jammed when the
not necessarily available in your vehicle, e.g., due hood is opened. There is a risk of damage to
to the selected options or country versions. This property. Make sure that the wipers with the
also applies to safety-related functions and sys‐ wiper blades mounted are folded down onto
tems. When using these functions and systems, the windshield before opening the hood.
the applicable laws and regulations must be ob‐
Replacing the front wiper blades
1. To change the wiper blades, fold up the wiper
Onboard vehicle tool kit arms, refer to page 142.
2. Lift the wiper all the way off of the windshield.
Wiper blades
Safety information
The window may sustain damage if the wiper
falls onto it without the wiper blade installed.
There is a risk of damage to property. Hold the 4. Insert the new wiper blade and press it on un‐
wiper firmly when changing the wiper blade. Do til it you hear it snap into the holder.
5. Fold down the wipers.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Replacing components MOBILITY
Intensive brightness can irritate or damage the
2. Attach a new wiper blade. The wiper blade retina of the eye. There is a risk of injury. Do not
must engage audibly. look directly into the headlights or other light
sources. Do not remove the LED covers.
3. Fold down the wipers.
Headlight glass
Lights and bulbs
Condensation can form on the inside of the
headlight glass in cool or humid weather. When
General information driving with the lights switched on, the conden‐
Lights and bulbs make an essential contribution sation evaporates after a short time. The head‐
to vehicle safety. light glass does not need to be changed.
All headlights and lights are made using LED or If despite driving with the headlights switched on,
laser technology. increasing humidity forms, for instance water
Some items of equipment use light-emitting di‐ droplets in the light, have the headlights
odes installed behind a cover as a light source. checked.
These light-emitting diodes are related to con‐
ventional lasers and are officially designated as
Class 1 light-emitting diodes. Vehicle battery
The manufacturer of the vehicle recommends
that you let a dealer’s service center or another General information
qualified service center or repair shop perform The battery is maintenance-free.
the work in case of a malfunction.
More information about the battery can be re‐
quested from a dealer’s service center or another
qualified service center or repair shop.
The manufacturer of your vehicle recommends
that you have a dealer’s service center or another
qualified service center or repair shop register
the vehicle battery to the vehicle after the battery
has been replaced. Once the battery has been
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
MOBILITY Replacing components
registered again, all comfort features will be avail‐ Starting aid terminals
able without restriction and any Check Control In the vehicle, only charge the battery via the
messages displayed which relate to comfort fea‐ starting aid terminals, refer to page 384, in the
tures will disappear. engine compartment with the engine off.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Replacing components MOBILITY
Replacing fuses
The vehicle manufacturer recommends that you
have a dealer's service center or another quali‐
fied service center or repair shop replace the
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
MOBILITY Breakdown assistance
Breakdown assistance
Vehicle features and Warning triangle
1. Unlock the cover of the left side panel, ar‐
This chapter describes all standard, country-spe‐ row 1, and fold open, arrow 2.
cific and optional features offered with the series.
It also describes features and functions that are
not necessarily available in your vehicle, e.g., due
to the selected options or country versions. This
also applies to safety-related functions and sys‐
tems. When using these functions and systems,
the applicable laws and regulations must be ob‐
Hazard warning flashers 2. Take the warning triangle out in the direction
of the car's interior.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Breakdown assistance MOBILITY
Teleservice Diagnosis
Teleservice Diagnosis enables the wireless
transmission of detailed vehicle data that is im‐
portant for vehicle diagnosis. This data is trans‐
mitted automatically.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
MOBILITY Breakdown assistance
1. "COM"
Concept 2. "BMW Assist"
BMW Group Accident Assistance can be con‐ 3. "Call BMW Accident Assistance"
tacted if assistance is needed in the event of an Follow the displays on the Control Display. A
accident. voice connection is established.
General information
If the vehicle sensors detect a minor to moder‐ Emergency Request
ately severe accident, which did not trigger any
airbags, a Check Control message appears on Intelligent emergency call
the instrument cluster. In addition, a text mes‐
sage appears on the Control Display. Concept
When BMW Accident Assistance is activated, In case of an emergency, an Emergency Re‐
data on the vehicle's condition is sent to BMW. quest can be triggered automatically by the sys‐
tem or manually.
Functional requirements
▷ Active ConnectedDrive contract, equipment General information
version with Intelligent emergency call or Only press the SOS button in an emergency.
BMW ConnectedDrive services.
The Intelligent Assist system establishes a con‐
▷ Cellular network reception. nection with the BMW Response Center.
▷ Standby state is switched on. For technical reasons, the Emergency Request
cannot be guaranteed under unfavorable condi‐
Starting BMW Accident tions.
If an accident is detected
A text message relating to BMW Accident Assis‐
tance appears on the Control Display.
The connection can be established directly:
"Call BMW Accident Assistance"
The Check Control message for BMW Accident
Assistance can also be called up from the stored
Check Control messages, refer to page 154, for
a certain length of time. SOS button.
Starting manually
Functional requirements
BMW Accident Assistance can also be con‐
▷ Standby state is switched on.
tacted independently of the automatic accident
detection function. ▷ The Assist system is functional.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Breakdown assistance MOBILITY
Even if you can no longer hear the BMW Re‐ 2. Switch off the engine of the assisting vehicle.
sponse Center through the loudspeakers, the 3. Switch off any electronic systems/power con‐
BMW Response Center may still be able to sumers in both vehicles.
hear you.
The BMW Response Center ends the Emer‐
gency Request.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
MOBILITY Breakdown assistance
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Breakdown assistance MOBILITY
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
MOBILITY Breakdown assistance
General information
Safety information
If the tow fitting is not used as intended, there
may be damage to the vehicle or to the tow fit‐
ting. There is a risk of damage to property. Fol‐
low the notes on using the tow fitting.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Vehicle features and Distances and temperature
▷ Maximum temperature: 140 ℉/60 ℃.
▷ Minimum distance from sensors, cameras,
This chapter describes all standard, country-spe‐ seals: 12 in/30 cm.
cific and optional features offered with the series. ▷ Minimum distance from glass sunroof:
It also describes features and functions that are 31.5 in/80 cm.
not necessarily available in your vehicle, e.g., due
to the selected options or country versions. This Automatic vehicle washes
also applies to safety-related functions and sys‐
tems. When using these functions and systems, Safety information
the applicable laws and regulations must be ob‐
Improper use of automatic vehicle washes can
Washing the vehicle cause damage to the vehicle. There is a risk of
damage to property. Follow the following in‐
General information structions:
Regularly remove foreign objects such as leaves ▷ Give preference to cloth vehicle washes or
in the area below the windshield when the hood those that use soft brushes in order to
is raised. avoid paint damage.
Wash your vehicle frequently, particularly in win‐ ▷ Before driving into the vehicle wash, make
ter. Intense soiling and road salt can damage the sure that the vehicle is not too large.
vehicle. ▷ Avoid vehicle washes with guide rails
higher than 4 in/10 cm to avoid damage to
Steam blaster and high-pressure the chassis.
washer ▷ Observe the tire width of the guide rail to
avoid damage to tires and rims.
Safety information ▷ Fold in exterior mirrors to avoid damage to
the exterior mirrors.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Driving into a vehicle wash with a Completely remove all residues on the windows,
Steptronic transmission to minimize loss of visibility due to smearing and
to reduce wiper noises and wiper blade wear.
Safety information
Vehicle care
Selector lever position P is automatically en‐
Vehicle care products
gaged when standby state is switched off.
There is a risk of damage to property. Do not
General information
switch standby state off in vehicle washes.
BMW recommends using vehicle care and
cleaning products from BMW. Suitable care
General information products are available from a dealer’s service
In a vehicle wash, the vehicle must be able to roll center or another qualified service center or re‐
freely. pair shop.
Roll or push the vehicle, refer to page 144.
Safety information
Some vehicle washes do not permit persons in
the vehicle. The vehicle cannot be locked from
the outside when in selector lever position N. A WARNING
signal sounds when an attempt is made to lock Cleansers can contain substances that are dan‐
the vehicle. gerous and harmful to your health. There is a
risk of injury. When cleaning the interior, open
Driving out of a vehicle wash the doors or windows. Only use products in‐
Make sure that the remote control is in the vehi‐ tended for cleaning vehicles. Follow the in‐
cle. structions on the container.
Switch on drive-ready state, refer to page 44.
Vehicle paint
Do not rub wet headlights dry and do not use General information
abrasive or acidic cleaning agents. Regular care contributes to driving safety and
Soak areas that have been dirtied, for instance value retention. Environmental influences in
from insects, with shampoo and wash off with areas with elevated air pollution or natural con‐
water. taminants, such as tree resin or pollen can affect
Thaw ice with de-icing spray; do not use an ice the vehicle's paintwork. Tailor the frequency and
scraper. extent of your vehicle care to these influences.
Aggressive substances such as spilled fuel, oil,
After washing the vehicle grease or bird droppings, must be removed im‐
After washing the vehicle, apply the brakes mediately to prevent the finish from being altered
briefly to dry them; otherwise, braking action can or discolored.
be reduced. The heat generated during braking
dries brake discs and brake pads and protects
them against corrosion.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
To guard against discoloration, such as from After cleaning, apply the brakes briefly to dry
clothing, clean leather and provide leather care them. The heat generated during braking dries
roughly every two months. brake discs and brake pads and protects them
against corrosion.
Clean light-colored leather more frequently be‐
cause soiling on such surfaces is substantially
more visible.
Chrome surfaces
Carefully clean Chrome surfaces, especially in
Use leather care products; otherwise, dirt and
case of exposure to road salt, with plenty of wa‐
grease will gradually break down the protective
ter and added cleanser as needed.
layer of the leather surface.
Rubber components
Upholstery material care
Environmental influences can cause surface soil‐
General information ing of rubber parts and a loss of gloss. Use only
water and suitable cleaning agents for cleaning.
Vacuum the upholstery regularly with a vacuum
cleaner. Treat especially worn rubber parts with rubber
care agents at regular intervals. When cleaning
If upholstery is very dirty, for instance with bever‐ rubber seals, do not use any silicon-containing
age stains, use a soft sponge or microfiber cloth vehicle care products in order to avoid damage
with a suitable interior cleaner. or noises.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Chemical cleansers, moisture or fluids of any
kind can damage the surface of displays and
screens. There is a risk of damage to property.
Clean with a clean, antistatic microfiber cloth.
The surface of displays can be damaged with
improper cleaning. There is a risk of damage to
property. Avoid pressure that is too high and do
not use any scratching materials.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Technical data .......................................................................................... 394
Appendix ................................................................................................... 397
Everything from A to Z ............................................................................ 398
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
REFERENCE Technical data
Technical data
Vehicle features and not necessarily available in your vehicle, e.g., due
to the selected options or country versions. This
options also applies to safety-related functions and sys‐
tems. When using these functions and systems,
This chapter describes all standard, country-spe‐ the applicable laws and regulations must be ob‐
cific and optional features offered with the series. served.
It also describes features and functions that are
General information
The technical data and specifications in the urement method. Detailed values can be found in
Owner's Manual are used as guidance values. the approval documents, on labels on the vehicle
The vehicle-specific data can deviate from this, or can be obtained from a dealer’s service center
for instance due to the selected special equip‐ or another qualified service center or repair shop.
ment, country version or country-specific meas‐
The dimensions can vary depending on the racks or spoiler. The heights can deviate, for in‐
model version, equipment or country-specific stance due to the selected special equipment,
measurement method. tires, load and chassis version.
The specified heights do not take into account
attached parts, for instance a roof antenna, roof
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
Technical data REFERENCE
X5 xDrive50i
Trailer towing
The trailer load only applies to vehicles with a
factory-installed mount for trailer hitches.
Details about possible increases can be requested from a dealer’s service center or another qualified
service center or repair shop.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
REFERENCE Technical data
Details about possible increases can be requested from a dealer’s service center or another qualified
service center or repair shop.
X5 xDrive50i
Details about possible increases can be requested from a dealer’s service center or another qualified
service center or repair shop.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
General information
Any updates to the Owner's Manual of the vehi‐
cle are listed here.
Online Edition for Part no. 01402896765 - X/18
REFERENCE Everything from A to Z
Everything from A to Z
0-9 Airbags 176
Airbags, indicator and warning light 178
2-axle air suspension 262 Air circulation, see Recirculated-air mode 272
Air conditioning 271
A Air distribution, manual 273
Air flow, automatic climate control 273
A/C button, see Air conditioning 271 Air outlets, see Ventilation 274
ABS, Antilock Brake System 213 Air pressure, tires 332
Acceleration Assistant, see Launch Control 147 Air suspension 262
Accessories and parts 10 Alarm system 105
Accident Assistance 382 Alarm, unintentional 106
Accident prevention, see Active Protection 210 Alertness assistant 211
ACC, see Active Cruise Control with Stop&Go All-season tires, see Winter tires 342
function 223 All-wheel-drive, see xDrive 215
Activated charcoal filter 274 Ambient air package 283
Activating trailer towing 319 Ambient light 174
Active Blind Spot Detection 201 Animal detection, see Night Vision 194
Active Cruise Control with Stop&Go function, Antifreeze, see Washer fluid 372
ACC 223 Antilock Brake System, ABS 213
Active damping control, see Adaptive suspen‐ Anti-slip control, see DSC 213
sion 267 Anti-slip rails 302
Active Guard Plus, see Intelligent Safety 179 Anti-theft protection, see Lug bolt lock 359
Active Guard, see Intelligent Safety 179 Apple CarPlay, connection to the vehicle 72
Active M sport differential 216 Approach control warning with City light braking
Active PDC, see Emergency brake function 239 function 181
Active Protection 210 Approach control warning with light braking func‐
Active roll stabilization 267 tion 181
Active seat ventilation 126 Approved axle load 395
Active Sport suspension, see Adaptive M Sus‐ Apps, see Owner's Handbook for Navigation, En‐
pension Professional 268 tertainment, Communication 8
Active Steering, integral 218 Armrest heating 125
Adaptive brake assistant 213 Ashtray 290
Adaptive Light Control 171 Ashtray, front 290
Adaptive M chassis 267 Assistance when driving off, see Drive-off assis‐
Adaptive M suspension Professional 268 tant 213
ADAPTIVE, see Driving Dynamics Control 150 Assistance with breakdown 380
Adaptive suspension 267 ASSIST button, see Active Cruise Control 223
Additives, engine oil types 370 ASSIST button, see Cruise control 221
Adjustable speed limiter, see Manual speed lim‐ AUC Automatic Recirculating Air Control 272
iter 219
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Everything from A to Z REFERENCE
Audio, see Owner's Manual for Navigation, En‐ BMW Assist, see Owner's Manual for Navigation,
tertainment and Communication 8 Entertainment and Communication 8
AUTO H button, see Parking brake 136 BMW Digital Key 91
Automatic climate control 269 BMW display key 81
Automatic cruise control with Stop&Go func‐ BMW display key, malfunction 84
tion 223 BMW Gesture Control 57
Automatic Curb Monitor, exterior mirror 122 BMW maintenance system 374
Automatic deactivation, front-seat passenger air‐ Bonus range, ECO PRO 324
bags 178 Bottle holder, see Cup holders 298
Automatic Differential Brake 216 Brake assistant 213
Automatic headlight control 168 Brake assistant, adaptive 213
Automatic Hold, see Parking brake 136 Brake Controller 320
Automatic locking 103 Brake discs, breaking in, see Brake system 312
Automatic Recirculating Air Control AUC 272 Brake pads, breaking in, see Brake system 312
Automatic Soft Closing 97 Brake system 312
Automatic tailgate 95 Braking, information 314
Automatic transmission, see Steptronic trans‐ Breakdown assistance 380, 381
mission 143 Breakdown, see FTM Flat Tire Monitor 355
Automatic unlocking 103 Break-in 312
Automatic vehicle wash 387 Break recommendation, see Alertness Assis‐
AUTO program, automatic climate control 271 tant 211
AUTO program, intensity 272 Brightness, Control Display 67
Auto Start/Stop function 133 Bulbs, replacing, see Lights and bulb 377
Axle loads, weights 395 Buttons on the steering wheel 38
Button, SOS, see Intelligent emergency call 382
B Button, Start/Stop 133
Bypassing, see Jump-starting 383
Backrest curvature, see Lumbar support 113
Backrest, seats 111 C
Backrest tilt 112
Backrest, width 113 Cable for tow-starting/towing 385
Bad road trips 312 Calendar, see Owner's Handbook for Navigation,
Bandages, see First-aid kit 380 Entertainment, Communication 8
Bar for tow-starting/towing 385 California Proposition 65 Warning 11
Basic position, rear seats 115 Camera-based assistance systems, see Intelli‐
Battery, changing, remote control of the vehi‐ gent Safety 179
cle 79 Camera-based cruise control, see Active Cruise
Battery, disposing of 378 Control with Stop&Go function 223
Battery, vehicle 377 Camera lenses, care 390
Being towed, see Tow-starting and towing 384 Camera, rearview camera, without Surround
Belts, see Safety belts 117 View 242
Beverage holder, see Cup holders 298 Camera, see Surround View 245
Blocking, power window, see Safety switch 108 Can holder, see Cup holders 298
Bluetooth connection 69 Care, Head-up Display 391
Blu-ray, see Owner's Handbook for Navigation, Care of displays, screens 391
Entertainment, Communication 8 Care, see Washing the vehicle 387
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REFERENCE Everything from A to Z
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Everything from A to Z REFERENCE
Consumption display, widget in the instrument Data, see Deleting personal data in the vehi‐
cluster 153 cle 67
Consumption, see Current consumption 153 Data, technical 394
Consumption, see Trip data 163 Date 64
Contacts, see Owner's Handbook for Navigation, Daytime running lights 170
Entertainment, Communication 8 DCC, see Cruise control 221
Container for washer fluid 372 Defogging the windows 274
Continued driving with a flat tire 353, 357 Defrosting the windows 274
Control Display 49 Deleting personal data 67
Control Display, settings 63 Departure time, parked-car ventilation 279
Controller 49 Departure time, stationary climate control 282
Control systems, driving stability 213 Device list, displaying 74
Convenient closing with the remote control 78 Devices, managing 74
Convenient opening with the remote control 77 Diagnosis connection 375
Coolant 371 Differential lock 216
Coolant level 371 Digital Key 91
Coolant temperature 158 Dimensions 394
Cooling, maximum 271 Dimensions, see Technical data 394
Cooling system 371 Dimmable exterior mirrors 122
Cornering light 171 Dimmable interior mirror 123
Corrosion on brake discs 315 Direct dial buttons, see Programmable memory
Cosmetic mirror 290 buttons 48
Cross-country mobility, see xOffroad pack‐ Direction indicator, see Turn signals 139
age 264 Display in the windshield, see Head-up Dis‐
Crossing traffic warning 259 play 165
Cruise control 221 Display key, malfunction 84
Cruise control, active with Stop&Go func‐ Display key, see BMW display key 81
tion 223 Display lighting, see Instrument lighting 173
Cruise control with distance control, see Active Displays 151
Cruise Control with Stop&Go function 223 Displays and symbols 9
Cruise control without distance control, see Displays, ECO PRO 324
Cruise control 221 Displays, screens 391
Cruising range 159 Disposal, coolant 372
Cup holder 298 Disposal, vehicle battery 378
Cup holder, front 298 Distance control, see PDC 237
Cup holder, rear 299 Door handle lighting, see Welcome lights 170
Current consumption 153 Door lock, see Remote control 76
Door opening angle, Surround View 247
D Downhill control, see HDC Hill Descent Con‐
trol 216
Damage, tires 340 Drawbar nose weight 395
Damping control, active, see Adaptive suspen‐ Drink holder, third row of seats 300
sion 267 Drive-off assistant 213
Data memory 12 Drive-off assistant, see DSC 213
Data protection, settings 67 Driver activity, see Driver Attention Camera 66
Driver assistance, see Intelligent Safety 179
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Exterior mirror, Automatic Curb Monitor 122 Fragrancing, see Ambient air package 283
Exterior mirror, automatic dimming feature 122 Front airbags 176
Exterior mirrors 121 Front fog light, replacing, see Lights and
Exterior mirrors, malfunction 122 bulbs 377
External start 383 Front fog lights 173
External temperature 158 Front lights, replacing, see Lights and bulbs 377
Eyelet for towing 386 Front passenger seat, adjusting, see Gentleman
Eyes, see Lashing eyes in the cargo area 302 function 114
Front-seat passenger airbags, automatic deacti‐
F vation 178
Front-seat passenger airbags, indicator light 179
Factory settings 75 Front seats 111
Failure message, see Check Control 153 FTM Flat Tire Monitor 355
False alarm, see Avoiding unintentional Fuel 367
alarms 106 Fuel cap 330
Fan, see Air flow 273 Fuel filler flap 330
Fastening safety belts, see Safety belts 117 Fuel filler flap, unlocking manually 331
Fault indicators, see Check Control 153 Fuel gage 157
Filler neck for engine oil 369 Fuel quality 367
Finding charging stations, see Charging stations Fuel recommendation 367
and points of interest, see Owner's Handbook Fuel, tank capacity 396
for Navigation, Entertainment, Communica‐ Fuel, tank capacity, see Technical data 394
tion 8 Fuses 378
Fine wood parts, care 390
First-aid kit 380 G
Fittings for trailer safety chain, trailer towing 320
Flat tire, changing wheels 358 Garage door opener, see Integrated Universal
Flat tire, continued driving 353, 357 Remote Control 287
Flat tire message, FTM 356 Gasoline 367
Flat tire message, TPM 351 Gear change, Steptronic transmission 143
Flat Tire Monitor FTM 355 Gear shift indicator 160
Flat tire, repairing 343 General driving notes 313
Flat tire, see Tire Pressure Monitor TPM 348 General settings 63
Flat tire warning light, FTM 356 Gentleman function 114
Flat tire warning light, TPM 351 Gesture Control 57
Flooding 314 Gestures, see BMW Gesture Control 57
Floor carpet, care 390 Glare shield, see Sun visor 290
Floor mats, care 390 Glass sunroof, electric 108
Fog, removing from the windows 274 Glass sunroof, initialize the system 110
Fold-away position of the wipers 142 Glove compartment 295
Fold back rear seat backrests 304 GPS geolocation, vehicle position 66
Foot brake 314 GPS, navigation, see Owner's Handbook for
For Your Own Safety 10 Navigation, Entertainment, Communication 8
Fragrance cartridge, see Ambient air pack‐ Gross vehicle weight, approved 395
age 283 Gross weight, permissible for trailer towing 395
Fragrance, see Ambient air package 283 Ground clearance, see xOffroad package 264
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REFERENCE Everything from A to Z
H Hydroplaning 314
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Interior motion sensor 106 LED headlights, replacing, see Lights and
Internet connection 72 bulbs 377
Internet page 8 LED light carpet, see Welcome light 170
Intersection warning with City light braking func‐ LEDs, light-emitting diodes, replacing, see Lights
tion 187 and bulbs 377
Interval display, see Service requirements 159 Letters and numbers, entering 51
Ionization, see Ambient air package 283 Light-alloy wheels, care 389
Light control, adaptive 171
J Light-emitting diodes, LEDs, replacing, see
Lights and bulbs 377
Jacking points for the vehicle jack 360 Lighter, cigarettes 291
Jam protection system, glass sunroof 110 Lighting 168
Jam protection system, windows 107 Lighting, speakers 175
Joystick, Steptronic transmission 143 Light in the exterior mirror, see Active Blind Spot
Jump-starting 383 Detection 201
Jump-starting terminals 384 Light in the exterior mirror, see Crossing traffic
warning 259
K Light replacement, see Lights and bulbs 377
Lights 168
Keyless Go, see Comfort Access 87 Lights and bulbs 377
Key, mechanical 85 Light switch 168
Key, see BMW display key 81 LIM button, see Manual Speed Limiter 219
Kickdown, Steptronic transmission 143 List of all messages 63
Knee airbag 177 Load 302
Loading 301
Location, vehicle position 66
L Locking, automatic 103
Locking, see Opening and Closing 76
Label on recommended tires 341
Locking, settings 103
Lane control assistant, see Steering and lane
Locking using the remote control 77
control assistant 231
Lock, lug bolts 359
Lane control assistant with active side collision
Locks, child safety 132
protection, see Side collision warning 205
Low beams 169
Lane departure warning 198
Low beams, automatic, see High-beam Assis‐
Lane lines, Surround View 247
tant 171
Lane threshold, warning 198
Lower back support 113
Language, set on Control Display 65
Lower tailgate 96
Laser headlights, replacing, see Lights and
Lug bolt lock 359
bulbs 377
Luggage rack, see Roof-mounted luggage
Laser high beams 173
rack 315
Lashing eyes in the cargo area 302
Lumbar support 113
LATCH child restraint fixing system 130
Launch Control 147
Leather care 389 M
LED front fog light, replacing, see Lights and
bulbs 377 Maintenance 374
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REFERENCE Everything from A to Z
Maintenance requirements, see Condition Based Modifications, technical, see For Your Own
Service CBS 374 Safety 10
Maintenance, see Service requirements 159 Monitor, see Control Display 49
Maintenance system, BMW 374 Mount for trailer hitch, care 390
Make-up mirror 290 Mounting for trailer hitch 319
Malfunction, BMW display key 84 Mounting of child restraint systems 129
Malfunction, remote control 80 MP3 player, see Audio, see Owner's Handbook
Manual air distribution 273 for Navigation, Entertainment, Communica‐
Manual air flow 273 tion 8
Manual brake, see Parking brake 136 M sport differential, active 216
Manual mode, Steptronic transmission 143 Multi-function hook 303
Manual operation, fuel filler flap 331 Multifunction steering wheel, buttons 38
Map update, see Owner's Handbook for Naviga‐ Multimedia, see Owner's Manual for Navigation,
tion, Entertainment, Communication 8 Entertainment and Communication 8
Marking, run-flat tire 342 Music hard disk, see Owner's Handbook for Nav‐
Massage seat, front 125 igation, Entertainment, Communication 8
Master key, see Remote control 76
Matte finish 389 N
Maximum cooling 271
Maximum speed display, see Speed Limit Navigation, see Owner's Manual for Navigation,
Info 160 Entertainment and Communication 8
Maximum speed of winter tires 342 Neck restraints, front, see Head restraints 119
M chassis, adaptive 267 Neck restraints, rear, see Head restraints 120
Measurement, units of 65 Net, cargo area 303
Media of the Owner's Manual 16 Neutral cleaner, see Light-alloy wheels 389
Medical supplies, see First-aid kit 380 New wheels and tires 341
Memory function 124 Night Vision device, see Night Vision 194
Menu, instrument cluster, see Selection Night Vision with pedestrian and animal detec‐
lists 162 tion 194
Menus, operating, see iDrive 46 Nose weight, see Drawbar nose weight 395
Messages 63 Notes, see Owner's Handbook for Navigation,
Messages, see Check Control 153 Entertainment, Communication 8
Microfilter 274 No-touch opening and closing of the tailgate 89
Minimum tread depth, tires 340 Nylon rope for tow-starting/towing 385
Mirror 121
Mirror, see Memory function 124 O
Mobile communication devices in the vehi‐
cle 314 OBD Onboard Diagnosis 375
Mobile devices, managing 74 Object detection, see Night Vision 194
Mobile phone, see Owner's Manual for Naviga‐ Obstacle marking, rearview camera 243
tion, Entertainment and Communication 8 Obstacle marking, Surround View 247
Mobility System 343 Octane rating, see Recommended fuel
MODE button, see Active Cruise Control 223 grade 368
MODE button, see Cruise control 221 Oil, adding 369
Mode, ECO PRO 322 Oil change 371
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Oil change interval, see Service require‐ Performance display, see Sport displays 164
ments 159 Personal data, deleting 67
Oil filler neck 369 Personal profile, see Driver profiles 97
Oil types to add, engine 370 Person warning with braking function 191
Onboard Computer, see Trip data 163 Pillow for head restraints in the rear 121
Onboard Diagnosis OBD 375 Plastic parts, care 390
Onboard literature, printed 16 PostCrash – iBrake 211
Onboard vehicle tool kit 376 Power failure 378
On-call service, see Accident Assistance 382 Power windows 107
On-call service, see Breakdown assistance 381 Pressure monitor, see Tire Pressure Monitor
Online Entertainment, see Owner's Handbook TPM 348
for Navigation, Entertainment, Communica‐ Pressure, tires 332
tion 8 Pressure warning FTM, tires 355
Opening and closing 76 Printed onboard literature 16
Operating concept, iDrive 46 Profiles, see Driver profiles 97
Outside air, see AUC 272 Programmable memory buttons, iDrive 48
Overheating of engine, see Coolant tempera‐ Protective function, glass sunroof, see Jam pro‐
ture 158 tection system 110
Overwintering, see Long-term vehicle stor‐ Protective function, windows, see Jam protec‐
age 391 tion system 107
Owner's Manual, printed 16 Push-and-turn reel, see Controller 49
Paint, vehicle 388 Queuing Assistant, see Steering and lane control
Pairing, mobile devices, see Connections 68 assistant 231
Panic alarm, see Panic mode 106
Panic mode 106 R
Panorama View, see Surround View 245
Panoramic glass sunroof, see Glass sunroof 108 Racetrack operation 316
Park Distance Control PDC 237 Radiator fluid 371
Parked-car ventilation 278 Radio-operated key, see Remote control 76
Parking aid, see PDC 237 Radio, see Owner's Manual for Navigation, En‐
Parking Assistant 252 tertainment and Communication 8
Parking assistant Plus, see Surround View 245 Rain sensor 141
Parking brake 136 Rear automatic climate control 276
Parking lights 169 Rear axle steering, see Integral Active Steer‐
Parking with Automatic Hold, see Parking ing 218
brake 136 Rear center armrest 297
Parts and accessories 10 Rear collision prevention 208
Passenger's side mirror, tilting, see Automatic Rear collision warning, see Rear collision preven‐
Curb Monitor, exterior mirror 122 tion 208
Pathway lines, rearview camera 243 Rear lights, replacing, see Lights and bulbs 377
PDC Park Distance Control 237 Rear seat backrest inclination 115
Pedestrian detection, see Night Vision 194 Rear seat backrest tilt 115
Performance Control 268 Rear seats 114
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REFERENCE Everything from A to Z
Rear ventilation, third row of seats, ventilation, Roadside Assistance, see Accident Assis‐
third row of seats 275 tance 382
Rearview camera, see Surround View 245 Roadside Assistance, see Breakdown assis‐
Rearview camera, without Surround View 242 tance 381
Rear window defroster 274 Roadside parking lights 169
Rear window wiper, operation 142 Roller sunblinds, rear side windows 108
Recirculated-air filter, see Microfilter/activated- Rolling code hand-held transmitter 288
charcoal filter 274 RON recommended fuel grade 368
Recirculated-air mode 272 Roofliner 42
Recommended fuel grade 368 Roof load capacity 395
Recommended tire brands 341 Roof-mounted luggage rack 315
Refueling 330 Rope for tow-starting/towing 385
Remote 3D View 252 Route, navigation, see Owner's Handbook for
Remote control 76 Navigation, Entertainment, Communication 8
Remote control, additional 79 RSC Run-flat System Component, see Run-flat
Remote control for audio, see Owner's Hand‐ tires 342
book for Navigation, Entertainment, Communi‐ RSU, see Remote Software Upgrade 60
cation 8 RTTI, see Owner's Handbook for Navigation, En‐
Remote control, integrated key 85 tertainment, Communication 8
Remote control, loss 79 Rubber components, care 389
Remote control, malfunction 80 Run-flat tire 342
Remote control of the vehicle, changing the bat‐
tery 79 S
Remote control, universal 287
Remote control with display, malfunction 84 Safe braking 314
Remote control with display, see BMW display Safety belt reminder for driver's seat and front
key 81 passenger seat 118
Remote services, app, see Owner's Handbook Safety belt reminder for the rear seats 118
for Navigation, Entertainment, Communica‐ Safety belts 117
tion 8 Safety belts, care 390
Remote Software Upgrade 60 Safety locks, doors and windows 132
Removable ball head 319 Safety package, see Active Protection 210
Replacing parts 376 Safety switch, windows 108
Replacing wheels/tires 341 Safety systems, see Airbags 176
Reporting safety malfunctions 15 Safety systems, see Intelligent Safety 179
RES CNCL button, see Active Cruise Control Saving fuel 321
with Stop&Go function 223 Screen Mirroring, connection 73
RES CNCL button, see Cruise control 221 Screen, see Control Display 49
Reserve warning, see Range 159 Screwdriver, see Onboard vehicle tool kit 376
Reset settings 75 Sealant, see Mobility System 343
Reset, Tire Pressure Monitor TPM 350 Seat and armrest heating 125
Reset vehicle configuration 75 Seat heating 125
Reset vehicle settings 75 Seating position for children 128
Retreaded tires 342 Seats and head restraints 111
Reversing Assistant, see Parking Assistant 252 Seat, see Memory function 124
Seats, front 111
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REFERENCE Everything from A to Z
Status of Owner's Manual 9 Tailgate, opening and closing with no-touch acti‐
Status, vehicle 164 vation 89
Steering and lane control assistant incl. Traffic Tailgate via remote control 78
Jam Assist 231 Tail lights, replacing, see Lights and bulbs 377
Steering, see Integral Active Steering 218 Technical changes, see For Your Own Safety 10
Steering wheel, adjusting 123 Technical data 394
Steering wheel, buttons 38 Telephone, see Owner's Manual for Navigation,
Steering wheel, see Memory function 124 Entertainment and Communication 8
Steptronic Sport transmission, see Steptronic Teleservices, see Owner's Handbook for Naviga‐
transmission 143 tion, Entertainment, Communication 8
Steptronic transmission 143 Television, TV, see Owner's Handbook for Navi‐
Stopping the engine, see Drive-ready state 44 gation, Entertainment, Communication 8
Storage compartment in the center console 297 Temperature, automatic climate control 270
Storage compartments 295 Temperature display, see External tempera‐
Storage compartments in the cargo area 303 ture 158
Storage compartments, locations 295 Temperature, engine oil 158
Storage, tires 342 Theft alarm system, see Alarm system 105
Storing the vehicle 391 Thermal camera, see Night Vision 194
Stowing and securing cargo 302 Thigh support 112
Straps for cargo, see Lashing eyes in the cargo Third row of seats 115
area 302 Tilt alarm sensor 106
Suitable devices 69 Tilt, backrest 112
Suitable mobile phones 69 Tilting the passenger's side mirror, see Auto‐
Summer tires, tread 340 matic Curb Monitor, exterior mirror 122
Sun visor 290 Time 63
Sun visor, sliding 290 Tire brands, recommended 341
Supplementary Owner's Manuals 16 Tire damage 340
Supplementary SMS text message 154 Tire identification marks 338
Surface heating, see Seat and armrest heat‐ Tire inflation pressure 332
ing 125 Tire inflation pressure monitor, see FTM Flat
Surround View 245 Tire Monitor 355
Suspension settings, see Driving Dynamics Con‐ Tire pressure 332
trol 148 Tire Pressure Monitor TPM 348
Swinging of trailer, see Trailer stabilization con‐ Tire repair kit, see Mobility System 343
trol 319 Tires and wheels 332
Switches, see Cockpit 38 Tires, changing 341
Switch for driving dynamics, see Driving Dynam‐ Tire sealant, see Mobility System 343
ics Control 148 Tire settings 349
Symbols and displays 9 Tires, run-flat 342
SYNC program, automatic climate control 273 Tire tread 340
Tone, see Owner's Manual for Navigation, Enter‐
T tainment and Communication 8
Tool 376
Tachometer 157 Torque display, see Sport displays 164
Tailgate, automatic 95 Total vehicle weight 395
Tow bar 385
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REFERENCE Everything from A to Z
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