CV DyaryTariq

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+964 750 223 78 17 [email protected] 210-60-14 darogha


PROJECT SHOWCASE Defining project to the costumers and show casing the idea
behind our project, Attracting customers by using two
Korek | Sulaymaniyah
languages and analyzing the information and deciding on
what information should I use in showcasing the project and
presenting it with visual aids.

LEAD MANAGER Managing 6 programmers to make a fullstack development

web site, managing the project and team throughout difficul-
Travlers | online
ties and using efficient strategies to accomplish a successful
project within given time and budget.
APPLICATION Making AI programs using python language for development,
I am a highly competent IT professional with a DEVOLPMENT by using (OpenCV, Numpy) for image processing and perform-
proven track record in designing websites, ing computer vision tasks on real time applications. And all
Freelance | online
networking and managing databases. I have kind of recognitions patterns (Voice, Face, Object ..etc).
strong technical skills as well as excellent
interpersonal skills, enabling me to interact
APPLICATION Creating car service management system (Aram & Awat Car
with a wide range of clients. I am eager to be
DEVOLPMENT Service) , using java language, the point of it was to make it
challenged in order to grow and further
fully functional and making everything from scratch.
improve my IT skills. My greatest passion in life Freelance | online

is using my technical know-how to benefit

other people and organisations.


TOOLS SOFTWARE UNDER GRADUATE IN Relevant courses: Cloud Computing,Cybersecurity,ICT,PMP,

COMPUTER SCIENCE Software Development. Extracurricular activities: Volunteer
Python Photoshop UHD | Sulaymaniyah tutor, Supervised student teaching
Java After Effect 2020 - 2024
C# Premier Pro
JavaScript Audition
CSS-HTML Blender
PHP Unity
JQuery Unreal Engine
ENGLISH Advanced writing, listening, talking
SQL Server Office
Networking VPN
Wordpress Open CV ARABIC Advanced listening and writing, Above normal talking

Linux KURDISH Native Kurdish and born in kurdistan

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