72 A2021 SIG IDS FD PIResponses
72 A2021 SIG IDS FD PIResponses
72 A2021 SIG IDS FD PIResponses
Table B. Unit Heat Release Rates for Fuels Burning in Open *Polymethyl methacrylate
(acrylic, acrylic glass or plexiglass)
Table B. Unit Heat Release Rates for Fuels Burning in the Open *Polymethyl methacrylate (Plexiglas™,
Lucite™, Acrylic).
*SIG-IDS to remove these trademark products and use non trademark terms.
Committee Statement
Trade mark product names were removed from the note to Table B.
Committee Statement A row of detectors shall be located greater than 4 inches and not more than 36 inches from the
peak of the ceiling.
The Annex material identifies the 4 in. requirement in A., not the normative text located in
The Annex cannot be the requirement.
Committee Statement
Resolution: No technical justification was provided to add the requirement to the Code.
To use the already created Table for Spot-Type Smoke Detector Spacing and Mounting Location for Various Ceiling
Types in the Annex. The Table is already being use in the NFPA 72 Handbook on the first page.
Committee Statement
Resolution: The proposed material is in the NFPA 72 Handbook and does not need to be duplicated in the Code
A.17.4.7 Some applications that do not require full area protection do require detection to initiate
action when specific objects or spaces are threatened by smoke or fire, such as at elevator
landings that have ceilings in excess of 15 ft (4.6 m) and for protection of fire alarm control units. In
high-ceiling areas, to acheive the desired initiation, such as for elevator recall and protection of fire
alarm control units (FACU's), detection should be placed within 60 in. (1.52 m) from the top of the
elevator door(s) or FACU. Each specific object or space shall be permitted to be protected by
individual detector units.
The expansion of the text would apply to multiple specific objects that may need detection, multiple elevators and
objects exceeding the 60 in. distance.
Committee Statement
Explanatory material containing examples removed from the body of the code to comply with the Manual of Style
Committee Statement
Resolution: The language proposed for the annex remains under the definition.
Sentence structure modified to remove examples to comply with the Manual of Style.
Committee Statement
Committee Statement
Committee Statement
Camera-Type Detector.
See 3.3.70, Detector.
Committee Statement
Resolution: The Technical Committee does not add the term as it does not appear in the Code.
Add explanatory material that was removed from the body of the code as a new annex reference.
Committee Statement
3.3.38 Ceiling.
The upper surface of a space, regardless of height. Areas with a suspended ceiling have two ceilings, one
visible from the floor and one above the suspended ceiling. (SIG-IDS) Level Ceilings.
Ceilings that have a slope of less than or equal to 1 in 8. (SIG-IDS) Sloping Ceiling.
A ceiling that has a slope of more than 1 in 8. (SIG-IDS)* Sloping Peaked-Type Ceiling.
A ceiling in which the ceiling slopes in two directions from the highest point. Curved or domed ceilings can
be considered peaked with the slope figured as the slope of the chord from highest to lowest point. (SIG-
IDS)* Sloping Shed-Type Ceiling.
A ceiling in which the high point is at one side with the slope extending toward the opposite side. (SIG-IDS)
Sentence structure modified to remove examples to comply with Manual of Style. Removed examples added in
annex material.
Committee Statement Girder.
A support for beams or joists that runs at right angles to the beams or joists . If the top of the girder is
within 4 in. (100 mm) of the ceiling, the girder is a factor in determining the number of detectors and is to
be considered a beam. If and when the top of the girder is more than 4 in. (100 mm) from the ceiling, the
girder is not a factor in detector location. (SIG-IDS)
Committee Statement
Remove examples of projections from the definition to comply with the Manual of Style.
Committee Statement
3.3.70 Detector.
A An initiatinng device suitable for connection to a an IDC SLC circuit that has a sensor that responds to
a physical stimulus such as gas, heat, or smoke associated with the presence of fire or combustable
gases . (SIG-IDS) Air Sampling–Type Detector.
A detector that consists of a piping or tubing distribution network that runs from the detector to the area(s)
to be protected. An aspiration fan in the detector housing draws air from the protected area back to the
detector through airsampling ports, piping, or tubing. At the detector, the air is analyzed for fire products.
(SIG-IDS) Automatic Fire Detector.
A device designed to detect the presence of a fire signature and to initiate action. For the purpose of this
Code, automatic fire detectors are classified as follows: Automatic Fire Extinguishing or Suppression
System Operation Detector, Fire–Gas Detector, Heat Detector, Other Fire Detectors, Radiant Energy–
Sensing Fire Detector, and Smoke Detector. (SIG-IDS) Automatic Fire Extinguishing or Suppression System Operation Detector.
A device that automatically detects the operation of a fire extinguishing or suppression system by means
appropriate to the system employed. (SIG-IDS)* Combination Detector.
A device that either responds to more than one of the fire phenomena or employs more than one operating
principle to sense one of these phenomena. Typical examples are a combination of a heat detector with a
smoke detector or a combination rate-of-rise and fixed-temperature heat detector. This device has listings
for each sensing method employed. (SIG-IDS) Electrical Conductivity Heat Detector.
A line-type or spot-type sensing element in which resistance varies as a function of temperature. (SIG-IDS) Fire–Gas Detector.
A device that detects gases produced by a fire. (SIG-IDS)* Fixed-Temperature Detector.
A device that responds when its operating element becomes heated to a predetermined level. (SIG-IDS)* Flame Detector.
A radiant energy–sensing fire detector that detects the radiant energy emitted by a flame. (Refer to
A.17.8.2.) (SIG-IDS) Gas Detector.
A device that detects the presence of a specified gas concentration. Gas detectors can be either spot-type
or line-type detectors. (SIG-IDS) Heat Detector.
A fire detector that detects either abnormally high temperature or rate-of-temperature rise, or both. (SIG-
IDS) Line-Type Detector.
A device in which detection is continuous along a path. Typical examples are rate-of-rise pneumatic tubing
detectors, projected beam smoke detectors, and heat-sensitive cable. (SIG-IDS)* Multi-Criteria Detector.
A device that contains multiple sensors that separately respond to physical stimulus such as heat, smoke,
or fire gases, or employs more than one sensor to sense the same stimulus. This sensor is capable of
generating only one alarm signal from the sensors employed in the design either independently or in
combination. The sensor output signal is mathematically evaluated to determine when an alarm signal is
warranted. The evaluation can be performed either at the detector or at the control unit. This detector has a
single listing that establishes the primary function of the detector. (SIG-IDS)
Modified the sentence structure to remove examples to comply with the Manual of Style.
Submittal Date: Sun Jun 23 19:17:49 EDT 2019
Committee: SIG-IDS
Committee Statement
Committee Statement
This change will bring the NFPA definition of Air Sampling-type Detector in agreement with UL 268. The detector
does not use a “distribution” network, but a “sampling” network.
Committee Statement
List of examples of automatic fire detectors removed to comply with the Manual of Style. Added to Annex material.
Committee Statement
Definition was modified to remove examples of combination detectors to comply with the Manual of Style.
Examples moved to Annex material.
Committee Statement
Committee Statement
Resolution: The Technical Committee does not add the term as it does not appear in the Code.
Gas detection can also now be vision-based, using spectral imaging sensors. This class of gas detectors can
detect gas in the camera field of view, therefore, the definition of gas detection is proposed to be updated to reflect
this class of gas detection sensors.
Committee Statement
Definition modified by removing examples of gas detectors to comply with the Manual of Style.
Committee Statement
Camera-Type Detector.
A device in which detection is continuous in time over the visibility region of the camera.
Gas detection can also now be vision-based, using spectral imaging sensors. This class of gas detectors can
detect gas in the camera field of view, therefore, the definition of gas detection is proposed to be updated to reflect
this class of gas detection sensors.
Committee Statement
Resolution: The Technical Committee does not add the term as it does not appear in the Code.
Committee Statement
Committee Statement
Committee Statement
Committee Statement Spectral-Sensing Gas Detector. A type of sensor system that detects radiant
energy, such as ultraviolet, visible or infrared in the visibility region of the sensor.
Committee Statement
Resolution: The Technical Committee does not add the term as it does not appear in the Code.
Sentence revised to remove examples to comply with the Manual of Style. Deleted material added to the Annex.
Committee Statement
NFPA 72 currently does not have a definition for single criteria detectors. There is a need for a definition because
single and multi-criteria detectors have different requirements for testing and maintenance in Chapter 14.
Committee Statement
Resolution: The Technical Committee does not add the term as it does not appear in the Code.
Sentence structure revised to comply with the Manual of Style. Material removed added to Annex.
Committee Statement
Text removed from the body of the Code by the Technical Committee is added as annex material to
comply with the Manual of Style. Additional edits are made to broaden the product definition
Sentence structure revised to comply with the Manual of Style. Material removed from body of the code added to
the Annex.
Committee Statement
Visibility Region
The region within the sensor field of view in which line-of-sight visibility (ref section 3.3.151 on page 29) is
The current definition of field of view is based on the solid cone of the detector, which is different from the definition
of field of view commonly used for camera type devices in other communities such as computer vision and
robotics. The main difference is that for camera type optical devices, the field of view is not simply a solid cone, but
a geometry constrained by line-of-sight visibility. That is, the field of view region for a camera must only consist of
areas that are not obstructed. In order to close the gap in definition use for different communities, we introduce the
definition of line-of-sight visibility, and also propose modifications to existing definitions of field of view (section
Committee Statement
Resolution: The Technical Committee does not add the term as it does not appear in the Code.
The use of the word solid imply s something being projected into the space when the space is only being monitored
from changes in the environmental conditions. Virtual is a better word that does not convey energy being emitted.
Committee Statement
3.3.118 Flame.
A body or stream of gaseous material involved in the combustion process and emitting radiant energy at
specific wavelength bands, determined by the combustion chemistry of the fuel. In most cases, some
portion of the emitted radiant energy is , and which may or may not be visible to the human eye. (SIG-IDS)
Committee Statement
Committee Statement
Committee Statement
Resolution: The Technical Committee does not add the term as it does not appear in the Code.
Public Input No. 456-NFPA 72-2019 [ Section No. 3.3.141 [Excluding any Sub-Sections] ]
Examples removed from the body of the code to comply with the Manual of Style.
Committee Statement
Sentence modified by removing examples to comply with the Manual of Style. List of examples added to new
Annex material.
Committee Statement
Committee Statement
Line-of-sight Visibility.
A region is said to satisfy line-of-sight visibility when any line connecting a point in this region to the sensor
is not obstructed by an obstacle.
The current definition of field of view is based on the solid cone of the detector, which is different from the definition
of field of view commonly used for camera type devices in other communities such as computer vision and
robotics. The main difference is that for camera type optical devices, the field of view is not simply a solid cone, but
a geometry constrained by line-of-sight visibility. That is, the field of view region for a camera must only consist of
areas that are not obstructed. In order to close the gap in definition use for different communities, we introduce the
definition of line-of-sight visibility, and also propose modifications to existing definitions of field of view (section
Committee Statement
Resolution: The Technical Committee does not add the term as it does not appear in the Code.
In order to incorporate a broader class of gas and fire detectors using spectral-sensing gas detection, additional
content is added after section 17.8.5. Video Image Flame Detection. In addition, definition sections are added to
expand the class of flame detection systems.
Committee Statement
Resolution: The Technical Committee does not add the term as it does not appear in the Code.
Committee Statement
Resolution: The Technical Committee does not add the term as it does not appear in the Code.
The definition for “Multi-Sensor or Multi-Criteria Smoke Detection” under Smoke Detection (Section 3.3.276)
correlates with the current definitions in and This provides a comparative explanation that
coordinates with the definitions for: Cloud Chamber Smoke Detection, Ionization Smoke Detection, Photoelectric
Light Obscuration Smoke Detection and Photoelectric Light-Scattering Smoke Detection.
Organization: UL LLC
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Jun 26 13:40:41 EDT 2019
Committee: SIG-IDS
Committee Statement
Resolution: Multi-criteria detectors are better defined as fire detectors than smoke detectors due to their operating
principle including detection technologies other than just smoke detection.
Committee Statement
Committee Statement
Sentence structure was modified to reduce the number of sentences to comply with the Manual of Style.
Committee Statement
Committee Statement
Added sections to section 3.3 General Definitions. (on page 21) to reflect the added definition in sections 3.3.70
Detector. in comment number 4 of the supporting material.
Committee Statement
Resolution: The Technical Committee does not add the term as it does not appear in the Code.
The current definition of field of view is based on the solid cone of the detector, which is different from the definition
of field of view commonly used for camera type devices in other communities such as computer vision and
robotics. The main difference is that for camera type optical devices, the field of view is not simply a solid cone, but
a geometry constrained by line-of-sight visibility. That is, the field of view region for a camera must only consist of
areas that are not obstructed. In order to close the gap in definition use for different communities, we introduce the
definition of line-of-sight visibility, and also propose modifications to existing definitions of field of view (section
Committee Statement
Resolution: The Technical Committee does not add the term as it does not appear in the Code.
3.3.321* Wavelength.
The Wavelength is the distance between the peaks of a sinusoidal wave. All radiant energy can be
described as a wave having a wavelength. Wavelength serves as the unit of measure for distinguishing
between different parts of the spectrum. Wavelengths are sinel wave and is measured in microns (µm),
nanometers (nm), or angstroms (Å); it is inversley proportional to frequency, the shorter the wavelenght the
higher the frequency . (SIG-IDS)
Modified the definition to reflect the technical definition from the dictionary.
Committee Statement CO Detectors
CO detection design documentation shall be provided in accordance with Section 17.12.
Similar to other detection devices, carbon monoxide detector documentation should be provided.
Committee Statement
The interconnection of initiating devices with control equipment configurations units configurations and
power supplies, or with output systems responding to external actuation, shall be as detailed elsewhere in
this Code or in other governing laws, codes, or standards.
The term "control equipment" is not defined in the standard. The term "control unit" is defined in the standard and is
the term that is appropriate to convey the intended meaning.
Committee Statement
The proposed text was deleted from the 2016 edition of the code by SR 2009. It was not requested by either of the
associated Public Comments, and the topic is not addressed in the committee statement.SR 2009, PC 96, PC 97
only speak to mechanical guards. The text should be added back into the code.
Committee Statement
Where detectors are installed in concealed locations more than 10 ft (3.0 m Remote indication for alarm
and supervisory signals shall be provided in accordance with this section where each detector's alarm and
supervisory signals along with a description of the location and function is not uniquely identified or
annunciated at the control unit and the detector is installed in the following locations:
(1) Locations more than 10 ft (3.0 m ) above the finished floor
or in arrangements where the detector’s
(1) where view of the detector's alarm or supervisory indicator is obstructed.
(2) Concealed locations 10 ft (3.0 m) or less above the finished floor where view of the detector's alarm
or supervisory indicator is
not visible to responding personnel, the detectors shall be provided with remote alarm or supervisory
indication in a location acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction
(1) obstructed by objects not readily movable by responding personnel.
(2) Locations where the detector is oriented such that it's alarm or supervisory indicator is not visible to
responding personnel . *
If a remote alarm indicator is provided, the The location of the detector and the area protected by the
detector shall be prominently indicated at the remote alarm indicator by a permanently attached placard or
by other approved means.
Remote alarm or and supervisory indicators shall be installed in an accessible location acceptable to the
authority having jurisdiction.
Remote alarm and supervisory indicators shall be clearly labeled to indicate both their the function and
any device or equipment associated with each detector.
Detectors installed in concealed locations where the specific detector alarm or supervisory signal is
indicated at the control unit (and on the drawings with its specific location and functions) shall not be
required to be provided with remote alarm indicators as specified in 17.4.6 .
Section 17.4.6 was edited during a past revision cycle and commas were removed. At the time neither the Report
of Proposals nor the Report on Comments included committee action to delete the commas. As a result, the
existing wording of Section 17.4.6 could be interpreted as two or three conditions. This ambiguity as well as some
ambiguity between the intent of the section and the 2019 Handbook commentary was identified by the Correlating
Committee and NFPA Staff. The proposed revisions are intended to clarify the intent of the requirement and
address some potential MOS issues.
The conditions which were originally separated by commas have been reformatted into a list and revised to clarify
intent. The existing section language was in effect an exception to 17.4.6. 17.4.6 revisions include
incorporating that language to remove the need for the exception. The existing contained two
requirements. These were split into two distinct requirements significant change in the content of the requirements.
Minor grammatical changes in multiple sections are also suggested for clarity and readability. New appendix
sections are proposed for 17.4.6 and and will be added as separate PI's.
Committee Statement
Public Input No. 100-NFPA 72-2019 [ Section No. 17.4.6 [Excluding any Sub-Sections] ]
Where detectors are installed in concealed locations more than 10 ft (3.0 m) above the finished floor or in
arrangements where the detector’s alarm or supervisory indicator is not visible to responding personnel, the
detectors shall be provided with remote alarm or supervisory indication in a location acceptable to the
authority having jurisdiction.
As noted in the existing second clause, remote indication is needed for whenever the indicator is not visible.
Therefore, the 10 ft ceiling height is arbitrary and might be used to justify not installing a remote indicator. What
difference does it make if the concealed detector is below 10 ft?
Committee Statement
Heat Non -field programmable heat- sensing fire detectors of the fixed-temperature or rate-compensated,
spot type shall be marked with a color code in accordance with Table
NFPA 72 is currently silent on the marking requirements for heat detectors that are capable of field programmable
set points or fixed/ROR function. This proposal clarifies current practice.
Committee Statement* Spacing.
One of the following requirements shall apply:
(1) The distance between detectors shall not exceed their listed spacing, and there shall be detectors
within a distance of one-half the listed spacing, measured at right angles from all walls or partitions
extending upward to within the top 15 percent of the ceiling height.
(2) All points on the ceiling shall have a detector within a distance equal to or less than "1/2 the Square
Root of 2" ( 0.7 707106781) times the listed spacing (0 ~0 .7 S 7S ).
When placing a smoke detector in a 10' wide corridor in the center and 20'6" from the end, the device ends up
21.1009" from the corner.
I assume the 0.7 times spacing is an approximation of the math used to determine the radius of a circle passing
through the 4 corners of a 30' square. The actual mathematical radius of a circle is 21.2132' (~21' 2-9/16"). Using
the mathematical radius allows the 20' 6" distance from the end of the corridor to be within the circle. Note - using
this actual radius also works with 39' for 15', 37' for 20' & 34" for 25' corridors.
Committee Statement
Resolution: The 0.7 is within the level of precision necessary for practical application of the Code.
Use of the term "minimum spacing" is incorrect. The "minimum spacing" is the distance in which detectors are too
close to each other. For example, there is a minimum spacing rule for ESFR sprinklers of 64 sq ft. This means
that we are not allowed to install these sprinklers at 50 sq ft spacing.
The purpose of this section has nothing to do with minimum spacing of detectors. You can put detectors as close
together as you want. The issue here is that requiring the maximum allowable spacing to be less than 40% of the
ceiling height is not logical.
Committee Statement*
The effect of stratification below the ceiling shall be taken into account. The guidelines in Annex B shall be
permitted to be used. Spot type smoke detectors shall not be installed on ceilings above 30 feet in height.
Many practitioners have cautioned against installing spot detectors above 30 feet due in part to stratification. A
recent situation occurred and in polling many experts they all concur with the 30 foot exclusion. Typically
insufficient energy is produced by smaller fires to raise generated smoke above the 30 foot plateau. We are
suggesting that this requirement be stipulated in the standard.
Committee Statement
Resolution: Stratification variables such as fire intensity, compartment size, and airflow/ventilation cannot justify
the omission of spot-type smoke detectors from all 30 ft and above applications.
For level ceilings, the following shall apply:
(1) For ceilings with beam depths of less than 10 percent of the ceiling height (0.1 H), the following shall
(a) Smooth ceiling spacing shall be permitted.
(b) Spot-type smoke detectors shall be permitted to be located on ceilings or on the bottom of beams.
(2) For ceilings with beam depths equal to or greater than 10 percent of the ceiling height (0.1 H), the
following shall apply:
(3) Where beam spacing is equal to or greater than 40 percent of the ceiling height (0.4 H ), spot-
type detectors shall be located on the ceiling in each beam pocket.
(4) Where beam spacing is less than 40 percent of the ceiling height (0.4 H ), the following shall be
permitted for spot detectors:
(5) Smooth ceiling spacing in the direction parallel to the beams and at one-half smooth ceiling
spacing in the direction perpendicular to the beams
(6) Location of detectors either on the ceiling or on the bottom of the beams
(7)* For beam pockets formed by intersecting beams, including waffle or pan-type ceilings, the following
shall apply:
(8) For beam depths less than 10 percent of the ceiling height (0.1 H ), spacing shall be in
accordance with (1).
(9) For beam depths greater than or equal to 10 percent of the ceiling height (0.1 H ), spacing shall
be in accordance with (2).
(10)Where beam depth varies from less than to more than 10 percent of the ceiling height (0.1 H)
within the same pocket, spacing within the portion where the beam depth is less than 10 percent
of the ceiling height (0.1 H) may be in accordance with
(11)* For corridors 15 ft (4.6 m) in width or less having ceiling beams or solid joists perpendicular to the
corridor length, the following shall apply:
(12)Smooth ceiling spacing shall be permitted.
(13)Location of spot-type smoke detectors shall be permitted on ceilings, sidewalls, or the bottom of
beams or solid joists.
(14) For rooms of 900 ft2 (84 m2) or less, the following shall apply:
This revision proposes adding a third option for beam pocket spacing, to account for situations where the beam
depth within the same pocket varies from less than to more than 10 percent of the ceiling height. On a recent
project, we encountered this situation in an octagonal shaped building area constructed of tapered preengineered
building frames. In the corners, there were small triangular areas that required additional smoke detection to meet
the allowable spacing. Because some of the beam depth was more than 10 percent of the ceiling height, the AHJ
insisted that each pocket had to be treated individually, resulting in additional smoke detectors that were covering
approximately 20 square feet each. Had this allowance been in the standard, a single detector could have covered
two adjacent areas, resulting in material and labor savings as well as decreased ITM costs to the owner over the
life of the facility.
Committee Statement
Resolution: The requested change is not in the best interest of life safety and good engineering practice.
Insufficient technical data has been provided to justify the change for reduced protection.
If mirrors reflectors are used with projected beams, the mirrors reflectors shall be installed in accordance
with the manufacturer’s published instructions.
While it is possible to use mirrors with dual ended (transmitter and receiver) projected beam smoke detectors, it is
not common or recommended. However, single ended beam detectors that use reflectors are frequently used and
when they are they should be used in accordance with manufacturer's published instructions.
Committee Statement
Projected beam–type detectors and mirrors reflectors shall be mounted on stable surfaces to prevent false
or erratic operation due to movement.
While it is possible to use mirrors with dual ended (transmitter and receiver) projected beam smoke detectors, it is
not common or recommended. However, single ended beam detectors that use reflectors are frequently used and
when they are they should be mounted to stable surfaces.
Committee Statement*
The light path of projected beam–type detectors shall be kept clear of opaque obstacles objects at all
Both opaque and non-opaque objects in or near the path of the beam can potentially cause problems.
Manufacturer's guidelines for clear space should be followed.
Committee Statement
Public Input No. 641-NFPA 72-2019 [ Section No. [Excluding any Sub-Sections]
Detectors placed in environmental air ducts or plenums shall not be used as a substitute for open area
detectors and shall apply to both required smoke and carbon monoxide detection .
The majority of air handlers do not run continuously and the capacity of a duct mounted carbon monoxide
detector/sensor to adequately saturate under all conditions to serve a useful life safety purpose is debatable. Duct
mounted carbon monoxide detector/sensors can be part of an effective overall performance based design, but
should not be considered a replacement for required area spot type carbon monoxide detection. Reference
experience of early adapter states NY (Nelson's Law) and NJ (Korman-Parks)
Committee Statement
To prevent the recirculation of dangerous quantities of smoke, a detector approved for air duct use shall be
installed on the supply side of air-handling systems as required by NFPA 90A and 1.
The existing text is limited to supply side detection. Strike the text and edit the paragraph reference to make the
paragraph generic and point to NFPA 90A for all duct smoke detection.
Committee Statement
Public Input No. 52-NFPA 72-2019 [ Section No. [Excluding any Sub-
Sections] ]
Unless otherwise modified by or, if the detection of smoke in the return air
system is required by other NFPA standards, a detector(s) listed for the air velocity present shall be located
where the air leaves each smoke compartment, or in the duct system before the air enters the return air
system common to more than one smoke compartment.
Exception - If the common return turns horizontal on the last floor housing the Return AHU , only one
detector is required on that floor at the unit after the last local return from the floor to the common return in
addition to the returns at each level entering the common return .
duct detectors at each return inlet on the floor of the AHU will not be required by the definition of " prior to the
common return" .
Committee Statement
Resolution: The Public Input does not meet the Manual of Style and does not provide sufficient justification to
clearly describe the intent of the specific changes.
Smoke detectors shall be of the photoelectric, ionization, or other approved type.
Committee Statement
17.9.1 *General
Section 17.9 provides background, requirements for the selection, installation and
maintenance of spectral-sensing gas detectors. These detectors detect gases based
on spectrum signatures of the gases, and can cover an area defined by the visibility
region of the device. These detectors are often camera-type detectors. *Background. In general, each gas has its distinct absorption signatures,
which can be leveraged for the purpose of gas detection [see Figure A.17.9.1]. The
type of gas is identified based on the wavelength dependence of the absorption. The
concentration of the gases being detected is related to the strength of the
absorption through the laws of physics. *Active Detectors. The device has a radiant energy emitting source,
where detection is only possible when it is activated. *Passive Detectors. The device is able to detect based on radiant energy
from the visibility region, and does not require additional energy emitting sources. In the case where the detectors visibility region contains objects which
can partially obscure the visibility region, user shall consult with system provider. The system location and spacing design shall be the result of an
engineering evaluation that includes, but not limited to, the following:
(1) The type of the gas or gases that are to be detected
(2) The sensitivity of the detector
(3) The regions where the gas or gases are expected to be detected
(4) The distance between the detection region and the detector
(5) The response time required
(6) The presence of any radiation sources or sinks that can affect detection
(7) The ambient environmental conditions, such as humidity and temperature The system design shall specify the types and concentration levels of
gases that are to be detected. The system design shall specify the distance from the sensor to the gases
that are to be detected. The system design shall specify the environmental conditions, such as
temperature and humidity, in which the detector is expected to operate. The control and software components of the spectral-sensing gas detector
shall be protected from unauthorized changes. All changes to the software
components shall be tested in accordance with Chapter 14. If necessary, the spectral-sensing gas detector shall be located away from
sources or sinks of radiation which provide unwanted changes to the radiant energy
in the visibility region of the detector.
17.10.1 *General
Section 17.10 provides background, requirements for the selection, installation and
maintenance of gas & fire detectors. These detectors detect gases and flame based
on spectrum signatures of gases, as well as the visual appearance and temperature
of the flames, and can cover an area defined by the visibility region of the device.
These detectors are often camera-type detectors. Gas & fire detector shall be employed consistent with the listing or
approval of the manufacturer and other approval agencies. Detectors shall be positioned such that at any given time the region to be
monitored has line-of-sight visibility with at least one detector, and that the entire
region is covered by the combined visibility regions of all the detectors. In the case where the detectors visibility region contains objects which
can partially obscure the visibility region, user shall consult with system provider. The system location and spacing design shall be the result of an
engineering evaluation that includes, but not limited to, the following:
(1) The type of the gas or gases that are to be detected
(2) The visual appearance of flames that are to be detected
(2) The sensitivity of the detector
(3) The regions where the gas or fire are expected to be detected
(4) The distance between the detection region and the detector
(5) The response time required
(6) The presence of any radiation sources or sinks that can affect detection
(7) The ambient environmental conditions, such as humidity and temperature The system design shall specify the types and concentration levels of
gases that are to be detected. The system design shall specify the visual appearance and size of flame
that are to be detected. The system design shall specify the distance from the sensor to the
gases that are to be detected. The system design shall specify the environmental conditions, such as
temperature and humidity, in which the detector is expected to operate. Gas & fire detection systems shall not be installed in a location where the
environmental conditions exceed the extremes for which the detector has been
listed. Data generated by gas & fire detection devices shall be permitted to be
transmitted to other systems for other uses only through output connections
provided specifically for that purpose by the system manufacturer. The control and software components of the gas & fire detector shall be
protected from unauthorized changes. All changes to the software components shall
be tested in accordance with Chapter 14. If necessary, the gas & fire detector shall be located away from sources or
sinks of radiation which provide unwanted changes to the radiant energy in the
visibility region of the detector.
In order to include Spectral-Sensing gas detectors, a new section after section 17.8 Radiant Energy-Sensing Fire
Detectors. is added.
In order to include gas and fire detectors, a new section after section 17.8 Radiant Energy-Sensing Fire Detectors.
is added.
Committee Statement Multivariate flame detection systems and all of the components thereof,
including hardware and software, shall be listed for the purpose of flame detection. Multivariate flame detection systems shall comply with all of the applicable
requirements of Chapters 1, 10, 14, 17, and 23 of this Code. All software and other components of a multivariate flame detection system
shall be protected from unauthorized changes. All changes to the software or
component settings shall be tested in accordance with Chapter 14.
In order to incorporate a broader class of gas and fire detectors using spectral-sensing gas detection, additional
content is added after section 17.8.5. Video Image Flame Detection. In addition, definition sections are added to
expand the class of flame detection systems.
Committee Statement
Resolution: This technology is adequately addressed in existing Code sections such as, 17.8.5,, and 17.11. Additional repetitious language is unnecessary.
Delete existing Section 17.2.1 and add the following in its place:
17.2.1 Where required by other governing laws, codes, or standards, carbon monoxide detectors shall be
installed based on these and the following requirements when there is any production of carbon monoxide in
the building:
(1) On the ceiling in the immediate vicinity, and throughout the entire room, of all permanent and all
temporarily installed carbon monoxide producing sources including all fuel burning appliances and
equipment, including vehicles, generators, machinery, engines, fireplaces and any other permanent and/or
transient type equipment, appliances, or sources of carbon monoxide.
(2) Along the entire path of exhaust of any carbon monoxide producing equipment, appliances, etc. including
extending from the source of the carbon monoxide through the entire building to the termination of the
exhaust at an exterior wall or roof. This shall include along any branchlines and interconnections to any
ductwork, piping etc used in the exhaust system so as to be able to detect gas that may exist outside the
exhaust path.
(3) Within each bedroom, dwelling unit and sleeping area, including multiple sensors in multi-room suites.
(4) Outside of each separate dwelling unit sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms, but no
further than 10 feet (3m) from each entrance to the space.
(5) All other locations where required by applicable laws, codes or standards.
(6) Carbon monoxide detectors shall additionally be located in the following locations unless a detailed
engineering analysis has been undertaken and approved by local authorities to prove otherwise and where
carbon monoxide detectors should be located to address the hazard.
(7) On each habitable and occupiable level of all buildings regardless of occupancy type, including
basements/cellars and levels below grade, unless a detailed engineering analysis has been
undertaken and approved by local authorities to prove otherwise.
(9) On each habitable and occupiable level of all buildings regardless of occupancy type, including
basements/cellars and levels below grade, unless a detailed engineering analysis has been
undertaken and approved by local authorities to prove otherwise.
(10) As required by manufacturer’s requirements, including specific requirements for spacing between
detectors, minimum/maxiumum spacings to walls/obstructions, minimum/maximum height of detector
in a space, minimum/maximum distances to HVAC vents, reductions in spacing required for high
ceilings, and other pertinent information required to help properly design, assess and install detectors to
help achieve their intent.
(12) A detailed engineering evaluation shall include carbon monoxide detectors being selected, designed, sited,
located and spaced based on a detailed engineering assessment, including receiving approval of the
detailed assessment by local authorities. This evaluation shall include, but not be limited to:
(14) Quantity of carbon monoxide able to be produced, and including its potential movement patterns,
including throughout spaces, floors, exhaust/HVAC equipment, shafts, etc. and throughout the
overall building.
(15) Impacts of both buoyant or non-buoyant carbon monoxide on selection, location, placement of the
(16) Occupant characteristics including their sensitivity to carbon monoxide, specific medical
(17) Room/space characteristics – area, height, ceiling configurations (height, slopes, beams,
obstructions, etc.), separations, HVAC, heat sources, drapes/curtains/walls/windows/vents
/ceiling fans and other sources potentially obstructing or impacting air movement, dead air spaces,
(18) Building characteristics (e.g. walls, doors, HVAC, openings, stack effect, stratification, exhaust
ductwork, etc.) and the existing conditions of these characteristics in existing buildings including
conditions of existing systems, appliances, ductwork, exhaust ducting, separations, blockages,
ambient noise levels, etc.
(19) External conditions including weather (e. wind, humidity, temperature, etc.), idling vehicles
nearby/adjacent to the building, utility entrances, etc.)
(20) Performance characteristics of the detector and the areas into which the detectors are to be installed
to prevent nuisance and unintentional alarms or improper operation after installation, including
moisture, temperature, dust, or fumes and of electrical or mechanical influences to minimize
nuisance alarms.
This proposed new text assists in providing guidance to designers as to where CO detectors should be located.
Note also some of the previous requirements may not be fully in line with the findings within the Fire Protection
Research Foundation report entitled “Development of a Technical Basis for Carbon Monoxide Detector Siting
Research Project”. This is the document referenced in the Annex herein as to where these previous requirements
came from.
Committee Statement
Resolution: The Technical Committee refers the submitter to CI-5316 for information.
Statement: This proposed new text assists in providing guidance to designers as to where CO detectors should
be located.
Elements of items (1) through (11) of PI-376 are outside the scope of NFPA 72.
Where required by other governing laws, codes, or standards, carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed
in accordance with the following:
(1) * On the ceiling in the same room as permanently installed fuel-burning appliances, and
(2) * Centrally located on every habitable level and in every HVAC zone of the building, and
(3) Outside of each separate dwelling unit, guest room, and guest suite sleeping area within 21 ft (6.4 m)
of any door to a sleeping room, with the distance measured along a path of travel, and
(4) Other locations where required by applicable laws, codes, or standards, or
(5) A performance-based design in accordance with Section 17.3
Annex material is only provided for sub parentheses (1) and (2), and not base section, so asterisk should be
deleted. This is a TG input for SIG-IDS.
Committee Statement
Where required by other governing laws, codes, or standards, a total (complete) carbon monixide
protection of a building is required, carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed in accordance with the
following, unless a performance-based design in accordance with Seciton 17.3 is used :
(1) * On the ceiling in the same room as permanently installed fuel-burning appliances, and
(2) * Centrally located on every habitable level and in every HVAC zone of the building, and
(3) Outside of each separate dwelling unit, guest room, and guest suite sleeping area within 21 ft (6.4 m)
of any door to a sleeping room, with the distance measured along a path of travel, and
(4) Other locations where required by applicable laws, codes, or standards, or
A performance-based design in accordance with Section 17
(5) .
Committee Statement
17.12.1 *
Where required by other governing laws, codes, or standards, carbon
Action: Delete the current text in this section and replace with the following:
Carbon monoxide detectors shall be
installed as specified in
accordance with the following:
the manufacturer’s published instructions in accordance with 17.12.2(1) and 17.12.2(2), or 17.12.2(3):
(1) * On the ceiling in the same room as permanently installed fuel-burning appliances
, and
(2)* Centrally located on every habitable level and in every HVAC zone of the building
, and
Outside of each separate dwelling unit, guest room, and guest suite sleeping area within 21 ft (6.4 m) of
any door to a sleeping room, with the distance measured along a path of travel, and
installed based on all of the following requirements when there is any production of carbon monoxide in
the building:
(1) On the ceiling in the immediate vicinity, and throughout the entire space, of all temporary and all
permanently installed carbon monoxide producing sources including all fuel burning appliances and
equipment, including vehicles, machinery, engines and any other transient type equipment, appliances, or
(2) Along the entire path of exhaust of any carbon monoxide producing equipment, appliances, etc.
including extending from the source of the carbon monoxide through the entire building to the termination
of the exhaust at an exterior wall or roof. This shall include along any branchlines and interconnections to
any ductwork, piping etc used in the exhaust system.
(3) On each habitable and occupiable level of all buildings regardless of occupancy type, including
basements/cellars and levels below grade.
(5) Outside of each separate dwelling unit sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms, but
no further than 10 feet (3m) from each entrance to the space.
(6) Within each bedroom, dwelling unit and sleeping area, including multiple sensors in multi-room
(9) Carbon monoxide detectors shall then be selected, designed, sited, located and spaced based on a
detailed engineering evaluation, including providing carbon monoxide detectors in all the above spaces.
This evaluation shall include, but not be limited to:
(11) Quantity of carbon monoxide produced and its potential movement patterns, including throughout
spaces, floors, exhaust/HVAC equipment, etc. and throughout the overall building.
(12) Impacts of both buoyant or non-buoyant carbon monoxide on selection, location, placement of the
(13) Occupant characteristics including their sensitivity to carbon monoxide, specific medical
conditions, their ability to detect and respond to activation of a detector, etc.
(14) Room/space characteristics – area, height, ceiling configurations (height, slopes, beams,
obstructions, etc.), separations, HVAC, heat sources, drapes/curtains/walls/windows/vents/ceiling fans
and other sources potentially obstructing or impacting air movement, dead air spaces, etc.
(15) Building characteristics (e.g. walls, doors, HVAC, openings, stack effect, stratification, exhaust
ductwork, etc.) and the existing conditions of these characteristics in existing buildings including
conditions of existing systems, appliances, ductwork, exhaust ducting, separations, blockages, ambient
noise levels, etc.
(16) External conditions including weather (e.g. wind, humidity, temperature, etc.), idling vehicles
nearby/adjacent to the building, etc.
(17) Performance characteristics of the detector and the areas into which the detectors are to be
installed to prevent nuisance and unintentional alarms or improper operation after installation,
including moisture, temperature, dust, or fumes and of electrical or mechanical influences to minimize
nuisance alarms.
NOTE: This Public Input appeared as “Rejected but Held” in Public Comment No. 517 of the (A2018) Second Draft
Report for NFPA 72 and per the Regs. at
Comment: Additional requirements are needed to properly design, locate, space, etc. carbon monoxide detectors
in addition to what is currently in this section. Please also note that these previous requirements do not appear to
be fully in line with the conclusions within the Fire Protection Research Foundation report entitled “Development of
a Technical Basis for Carbon Monoxide Detector Siting Research Project” by Gottuk and Beyler. This is the
document referenced in the Annex herein – Section A.17.12.2(2) as to where these previous requirements came
Additionally, there does not appear to be an extensive amount of manufacturer’s information at the moment
regarding siting, spacing, locating CO detectors that is readily available. These requirements/recommendations
appear also to often refer back to NFPA 72/720 and hence a circular set of references with limited
input/requirements from either this section of NFPA 72 or manufacturers requirements exist stating where they
need to be located, spacing, etc.
Submittal Date: Thu Jun 27 16:28:37 EDT 2019
Committee: SIG-IDS
Committee Statement
Resolution: The Technical Committee refers the submitter to CI-5316 for information.
Statement: This proposed new text assists in providing guidance to designers as to where CO detectors should
be located.
Elements of items (1) through (11) of PI-376 are outside the scope of NFPA 72.
Carbon monoxide detectors that sample from forced air HVAC ducts shall be listed to alarm thresholds
specifically for duct application.
At present there is no product performance listing for duct mounted CO detectors because there is no peer
reviewed research to determine what the alarm thresholds for duct mounted carbon monoxide detectors
should be. There are considerable differences between the operation of a spot CO detector and a duct
mounted CO detector. The environment in ducts can be very harsh and will impact the CO sensing
element. Several examples are the impact of air velocity on the CO sensor and the dilution of CO within the
There have been proposals to various codes to include control functions actuated by carbon monoxide duct
detectors (fan shutdown, damper operation, etc.). It is essential that NFPA 72 provides some guidance for AHJ's
related to these proposed applications.
Committee Statement
Resolution: The proposed language is not necessary. Section 10.3.1 requires products to be listed for the
purpose for which it is installed.
Relative humidity outside the range of 10 percent to 95 percent
Unless specifically designed and listed for the expected conditions, carbon
Delete exis ng text and replace with the following:
17.12.7 Carbon monoxide detectors shall
not be installed where any of the following ambient conditions exist:
Temperature below 32°F (0°C)
Temperature above 100°F (38°C)
be installed as per their lis ngs. If carbon monoxide detectors are not provided in a required space due to
condi ons that may adversely impact its lis ng (temperature, humidity, environmental condi ons, etc.) the designer
shall inform the owner and AHJs that the code requirement cannot be met and that alternate preven on and
mi ga on measures need to be developed, approved by local authori es and implemented to address the inherent
hazards and associated risks carbon monoxide presents to occupants. The alternate preven on/mi ga on strategy
shall meet the intent of providing automa c detec on and no fica on to the occupants due to unsafe levels of
carbon monoxide, as a minimum, and that are acceptable to and approved by the local authori es
This section currently appears to allow not providing CO detectors if the environment is adverse (garage in
wintertime) however, this section doesn’t indicate that other alternate measures should be undertaken or anyone
notified of this so for instance an alternate can be provided to at least meeting the intent of providing one. In the
northeast for instance, this section appears to allow people to not put carbon monoxide detectors in garages due to
the low temperatures achieved and with no requirements for alternate means to address the hazard that exists or
notify anyone.
Committee Statement
Detectors need to be checked during construction that they remain operational. Helps address the intent of the
Committee Statement
Resolution: Protection of construction activities is not within the scope of Chapter 17. The proposed change
appears to insert requirements that ensure system operation during the construction activities.
Committee Statement
Interaction with smoke control systems, if such is provided, shall be coordinated coordinated by the system
designer with all other disciplines that are involved with the design of the smoke control system to ensure it does
not adversely impact the ability of the carbon monoxide detector to achieve its design intent and detec ng carbon
monoxide, and if the smoke control system is being used to manage/control the carbon monoxide in a space as well,
that it has been designed, installed, programmed and tested to do this .
Committee Statement
For item # The code does not presently address remote sprinkler test valves and their operation as well
as the wiring requirements.
For item # The code does not address what is acceptable to insure enough water to the sprinkler system
when it also feed the domestic needs of a residential building and how to do this.
Committee Statement
Resolution: – There is no technical justification or life-safety reason to mandate the supervision of the
operation of a test valve. Furthermore nothing in NFPA 72 precludes the use of the Fire Alarm system
to control water.
Activation of the initiating device shall occur within 90 seconds of waterflow at the alarm-initiating device
when flow occurs that is equal to or greater than that from a single sprinkler of the smallest orifice size
installed in the system.
In coinjucton with the Annex material this asterisk has been added.
Committee Statement
Valve wear is a common issue. Some AHJ's count the wheel slippage and this obviates the intent of this section.
Slippage from wear should always be excluded since not valve stem movement occurs until the stem is engaged.
Committee Statement
There does not appear to be any requirement for testing PIV and wall mounted valves. I have used the two
revolution requirement successfully on many projects. The two revolution has consistent provided protection and
often times lead to either repair or replacement of the barrel and actuating mechanism.
Committee Statement
Committee Statement
Resolution: Section covers the supervision of dry pipe sprinkler systems.
UL 858 for ranges has an established task group reviewing requirements for devices monitoring cooking top or
stove top surfaces for notifying the residential users or a student in a college dormitory setting that an emergency
situation needs immediate attention. There are a number of listed and non-listed after market products for this and
a unique sound would have a better response to an emergency. Also some of the products can turn off the energy
source to the stove top.
Committee Statement
Committee Statement
Resolution: 17.18.1 - Audible Notification is outside the purview of Chapter 17. 17.18.2 – Resetting of energy
cutoff switches is outside the purview of Chapter 17. 17.18.3 – Mandating monitoring company
processes is outside purview of Chapter 17.
Revised annex material to include explanatory material removed from the body of the code.
Committee Statement
A Girder
If the top of the girder is within 4 in. (100 mm) of the ceiling, the girder is a factor in determining the number
of detectors and is to be considered a beam.
Moved explanatory material from the body of the code to the Annex
Committee Statement
Resolution: The language proposed for the annex remains under the definition.
A 3.3.70 Detector
A physical stimulus could be gas, heat or smoke.
Add new Annex material that was removed from the body of the code to comply with the Manual of Style.
Committee Statement
Resolution: The language proposed for the annex remains under the definition.
Added the example list of automatic fire detectors that was removed from the body of the code to comply with the
Manual of Style.
Committee Statement
Committee Statement
Examples of gas detectors removed from the body of the code to create a new annex material to comply with the
Manual of Style.
Committee Statement
Resolution: It is not possible to list all types of detectors, therefore examples are not appropriate.
Examples removed from the body of the code to the Annex to comply with the Manual of Style.
Committee Statement
Examples removed from the body of the code added as Annex material to comply with the Manual of Style.
Committee Statement
Resolution: The language proposed for the annex remains under the definition.
Explanatory materiel removed from body of the code added as Annex material to comply with the Manual of Style.
Committee Statement
Text removed from the body of the Code by the Technical Committee is added as annex material to
comply with the Manual of Style. Additional edits are made to broaden the product definition
Example material removed from the body of the code added as new to the Annex to conform to the Manual of
Committee Statement
The term "control equipment" is not defined in the standard. The term "control unit" is defined in the standard and is
the term that is appropriate to convey the intended meaning.
Committee Statement
Examples removed from the body of the code are added to create a new Annex reference to comply with the
Manual of Style.
Committee Statement
Committee Statement
Detectors have built in status indicators which aid in identifying individual detectors with an active
alarm or supervisory condition. These indicators should be readily visible to responding personnel
unless other means are provided to aid in the purpose. Other methods can include means at the
control panel to independently identify the detector's status along with the location of the detector
and its purpose or it can include the addition of a remote alarm indicator. Where a detector is
concealed above a removable object that can be reached by a person on the floor, it is not
considered an impediment to viewing the detectors status indicator so long as the detector is
oriented such that the indicator is visible to the person below once the obstruction is removed.
Section 17.4.6 was edited during a past revision cycle and commas were removed. At the time neither the Report
of Proposals nor the Report on Comments included committee action to delete the commas. As a result, the
existing wording of Section 17.4.6 could be interpreted as two or three conditions. This ambiguity as well as some
ambiguity between the intent of the section and the 2019 Handbook commentary was identified by the Correlating
Committee and NFPA Staff. The proposed revisions are intended to clarify the intent of the requirement and
address some potential MOS issues.
New appendix sections are proposed to clarify intent of the revised Section 17.4.6
Committee Statement
Remote alarm and supervisory indicators, should be located in an area where they are readily visible to responding
personnel. Many mes, they are located in the general vicinity of the concealed detector. Separate indicators for
alarm and supervisory signals are not required so long as each condi on can be independently iden fied.(ie.
Mul color LED, or flashing LED vs Steady LED).
Section 17.4.6 was edited during a past revision cycle and commas were removed. At the time neither the Report
of Proposals nor the Report on Comments included committee action to delete the commas. As a result, the
existing wording of Section 17.4.6 could be interpreted as two or three conditions. This ambiguity as well as some
ambiguity between the intent of the section and the 2019 Handbook commentary was identified by the Correlating
Committee and NFPA Staff. The proposed revisions are intended to clarify the intent of the requirement and
address some potential MOS issues.
New appendix sections are proposed to clarify intent of the revised Section 17.4.6
Committee Statement
Some applications that do not require full area protection do require detection to initiate action when
specific objects or spaces are threatened by smoke or fire, such as at elevator landings that have ceilings
in excess of 15 ft (4.6 m) and for protection of fire alarm control units. In high-ceiling areas, to achieve the
desired initiation, such as for elevator recall and protection of fire alarm control units (FACUs), detection
should be placed on the wall above and within 60 in. (1.52 m) from the top of the elevator door(s) or FACU.
The recommendation that smoke detectors be placed 5' above elevator doors or fire alarm control units is in direct
conflict with, which requires smoke detectors to be located at the ceiling or on the wall within 12" of the
ceiling. The guidance provided in Appendix B indicates that smoke will rise in a plume until it reaches the ceiling,
and then spread, which indicates why smoke detectors shall be located at the ceiling. In the case of elevators and
fire alarm control units, the intent is to detect a fire in the vicinity, not a fire originating within the elevator or fire
alarm control unit. Consequently, it is important the smoke detector be located where the smoke is likely to be (at
the ceiling), not where it may be convenient to mount a smoke detector (5' above an elevator door or fire alarm
control unit).
Eliminating the language in the annex is consistent with the Manual of Style section 1.9.2, which requires that
"annexes shall not be inconsistent with the document", and in this case the annex recommendation that the smoke
detector be located substantially below the ceiling is in direct conflict with the requirement in the document that wall
mounted smoke detectors be mounted within 12" of the ceiling. There is no technical justification for this annex
language, and nothing in the document, including Annex B, to suggest that smoke will be detected in a timely
manner by mounting a detector 5' above a fire alarm control panel (mounting height of approximately 11') or 5'
above an elevator door (mounting height of approximately 12'). Since this language references ceilings in excess
of 15', the recommendation would be to locate smoke detectors at least 3' below the ceiling for elevator doors and
at least 4' below the ceiling for fire alarm control units. The higher the ceiling is, the further the recommendation
differs from the requirement in the body of the code.
Committee Statement
Resolution: The annex material is necessary to explain close proximity as allowed in the Code.
Maximum linear spacings on smooth ceilings for spot-type heat detectors are determined by full-scale fire
tests. [See Figure A.] These tests assume that the detectors are to be installed in a pattern of
one or more squares, each side of which equals the maximum spacing as determined in the test, as
illustrated in Figure A. The detector to be tested is placed at a corner of the square so that it is
positioned at the farthest possible distance from the fire while remaining within the square. Thus, the
distance from the detector to the fire is always the test spacing multiplied by 0.7 and can be calculated as
shown in Table A. Figure A. illustrates the smooth ceiling spacing layout for line-type
heat detectors.
Table A. Test Spacing for Spot-Type Heat Detectors
Test Spacing
35.0 10.7
40 × 40 12.2 × 12.2
28.0 8.5
30 × 30 9.1 × 9.1
21.0 6.4
25 × 25 7.6 × 7.6
17.5 5.3
20 × 20 6.1 × 6.1
14.0 4.3
15 × 15 4.6 × 4.6
10.5 3.2
Once the correct maximum test distance has been determined, it is valid to interchange the positions of the
fire and the detector. The detector is now in the middle of the square, and the listing specifies that the
detector is adequate to detect a fire that occurs anywhere within that square — even out to the farthest
In laying out detector installations, designers work in terms of rectangles, as building areas are generally
rectangular in shape. The pattern of heat spread from a fire source, however, is not rectangular in shape.
On a smooth ceiling, heat spreads out in all directions in an ever-expanding circle. Thus, the coverage of a
detector is not, in fact, a square, but rather a circle whose radius is the linear spacing multiplied by 0.7.
This is graphically illustrated in Figure A. With the detector at the center, by rotating the
square, an infinite number of squares can be laid out, the corners of which create the plot of a circle whose
radius is 0.7 times the listed spacing. The detector will cover any of these squares and, consequently, any
point within the confines of the circle.
So far this explanation has considered squares and circles. In practical applications, very few areas turn out
to be exactly square, and circular areas are extremely rare. Designers deal generally with rectangles of odd
dimensions and corners of rooms or areas formed by wall intercepts, where spacing to one wall is less than
one-half the listed spacing. To simplify the rest of this explanation, the use of a detector with a listed
spacing of 30 ft × 30 ft (9.1 m × 9.1 m) should be considered. The principles derived are equally applicable
to other types.
Figure A. illustrates the derivation of this concept. In Figure A., a detector is
placed in the center of a circle with a radius of 21 ft (0.7 × 30 ft) [6.4 m (0.7 × 9.1 m)]. A series of rectangles
with one dimension less than the permitted maximum of 30 ft (9.1 m) is constructed within the circle. The
following conclusions can be drawn:
(1) As the smaller dimension decreases, the longer dimension can be increased beyond the linear
maximum spacing of the detector with no loss in detection efficiency.
(2) A single detector covers any area that fits within the circle. For a rectangle, a single, properly located
detector may detector should be permitted, provided the diagonal of the rectangle does not exceed
the diameter of the circle.
(3) Relative detector efficiency actually is increased, because the area coverage in square meters is
always less than the 900 ft2 (84 m2) permitted if the full 30 ft × 30 ft (9.1 m × 9.1 m) square were to be
utilized. The principle illustrated here allows equal linear spacing between the detector and the fire,
with no recognition for the effect of reflection from walls or partitions, which in narrow rooms or
corridors is of additional benefit. For detectors that are not centered, the longer dimension should
always be used in laying out the radius of coverage.
Areas so large that they exceed the rectangular dimensions given in Figure A. require
additional detectors. Often proper placement of detectors can be facilitated by breaking down the area into
multiple rectangles of the dimensions that fit most appropriately [see Figure A. and Figure
A.]. For example, refer to Figure A. A corridor 10 ft (3.0 m) wide and up to 82 ft
(25.0 m) long can be covered with two 30 ft (9.1 m) spot-type detectors. An area 40 ft (12.2 m) wide and up
to 74 ft (22.6 m) long can be covered with four spot-type detectors. Irregular areas need more careful
planning to make certain that no spot on the ceiling is more than 21 ft (6.4 m) away from a detector. These
points can be determined by striking arcs from the remote corner. Where any part of the area lies beyond
the circle with a radius of 0.7 times the listed spacings, additional detectors are required.
Figure A. illustrates smoke or heat detector spacing layouts in irregular areas.
Figure A. Spot-Type Heat Detectors.
Figure A. Detector Covering any Square Laid Out in Confines of Circle in Which
Radius Is 0.7 Times Listed Spacing.
As identified by the Corelating Committee, the usage of “may” is not permitted by the MOS.
Committee Statement
Maximum linear spacings on smooth ceilings for spot-type heat detectors are determined by full-scale fire
tests. [See Figure A.] These tests assume that the detectors are to be installed in a pattern of
one or more squares, each side of which equals the maximum spacing as determined in the test, as
illustrated in Figure A. The detector to be tested is placed at a corner of the square so that it
is positioned at the farthest possible distance from the fire while remaining within the square. Thus, the
distance from the detector to the fire is always the test spacing multiplied by 0.7 and can be calculated as
shown in Table A. Figure A. illustrates the smooth ceiling spacing layout for line-
type heat detectors.
Table A. Test Spacing for Spot-Type Heat Detectors
Once the correct maximum test distance has been determined, it is valid to interchange the positions of
the fire and the detector. The detector is now in the middle of the square, and the listing specifies that the
detector is adequate to detect a fire that occurs anywhere within that square — even out to the farthest
In laying out detector installations, designers work in terms of rectangles, as building areas are generally
rectangular in shape. The pattern of heat spread from a fire source, however, is not rectangular in shape.
On a smooth ceiling, heat spreads out in all directions in an ever-expanding circle. Thus, the coverage of a
detector is not, in fact, a square, but rather a circle whose radius is the linear spacing multiplied by 0.7.
This is graphically illustrated in Figure A. With the detector at the center, by rotating the
square, an infinite number of squares can be laid out, the corners of which create the plot of a circle whose
radius is 0.7 times the listed spacing. The detector will cover any of these squares and, consequently, any
point within the confines of the circle.
So far this explanation has considered squares and circles. In practical applications, very few areas turn
out to be exactly square, and circular areas are extremely rare. Designers deal generally with rectangles of
odd dimensions and corners of rooms or areas formed by wall intercepts, where spacing to one wall is less
than one-half the listed spacing. To simplify the rest of this explanation, the use of a detector with a listed
spacing of 30 ft × 30 ft (9.1 m × 9.1 m) should be considered. The principles derived are equally applicable
to other types.
Figure A. illustrates the derivation of this concept. In Figure A., a detector is
placed in the center of a circle with a radius of 21 ft (0.7 × 30 ft) [6.4 m (0.7 × 9.1 m)]. A series of
rectangles with one dimension less than the permitted maximum of 30 ft (9.1 m) is constructed within the
circle. The following conclusions can be drawn:
(1) As the smaller dimension decreases, the longer dimension can be increased beyond the linear
maximum spacing of the detector with no loss in detection efficiency.
(2) A single detector covers any area that fits within the circle. For a rectangle, a single, properly located
detector may be permitted, provided the diagonal of the rectangle does not exceed the diameter of the
(3) Relative detector efficiency actually is increased, because the area coverage in square meters is
always less than the 900 ft2 (84 m2) permitted if the full 30 ft × 30 ft (9.1 m × 9.1 m) square were to be
utilized. The principle illustrated here allows equal linear spacing between the detector and the fire,
with no recognition for the effect of reflection from walls or partitions, which in narrow rooms or
corridors is of additional benefit. For detectors that are not centered, the longer dimension should
always be used in laying out the radius of coverage.
Areas so large that they exceed the rectangular dimensions given in Figure A. require
additional detectors. Often proper placement of detectors can be facilitated by breaking down the area into
multiple rectangles of the dimensions that fit most appropriately [see Figure A. and Figure
A.]. For example, refer to Figure A. A corridor 10 ft (3.0 m) wide and up to 82 ft
(25.0 m) long can be covered with two 30 ft (9.1 m) spot-type detectors. An area 40 ft (12.2 m) wide and
up to 74 ft (22.6 m) long can be covered with four spot-type detectors. Irregular areas need more careful
planning to make certain that no spot on the ceiling is more than 21 ft (6.4 m) away from a detector. These
points can be determined by striking arcs from the remote corner. Where any part of the area lies beyond
the circle with a radius of 0.7 times the listed spacings, additional detectors are required.
Figure A. illustrates smoke or heat detector spacing layouts in irregular areas.
Figure A. Spot-Type Heat Detectors.
Figure A. Detector Covering any Square Laid Out in Confines of Circle in Which
Radius Is 0.7 Times Listed Spacing.
Incorrect NFPA 170 symbol used for heat detectors. NFPA 170- 2018 edition replaced the included thermometer
with an emboldened capital H. This edit was missed during the 2019 cycle and should be corrected now.
Drawings A17. (a) and (c) are teh drawings affected with this change.
Submittal Date: Wed Jun 26 16:19:28 EDT 2019
Committee: SIG-IDS
Committee Statement
Maximum linear spacings on smooth ceilings for spot-type heat detectors are determined by full-scale fire
tests. [See Figure A.] These tests assume that the detectors are to be installed in a pattern of
one or more squares, each side of which equals the maximum spacing as determined in the test, as
illustrated in Figure A. The detector to be tested is placed at a corner of the square so that it
is positioned at the farthest possible distance from the fire while remaining within the square. Thus, the
distance from the detector to the fire is always the test spacing multiplied by 0.7 and can be calculated as
shown in Table A. Figure A. illustrates the smooth ceiling spacing layout for line-
type heat detectors.
Table A. Test Spacing for Spot-Type Heat Detectors
Once the correct maximum test distance has been determined, it is valid to interchange the positions of
the fire and the detector. The detector is now in the middle of the square, and the listing specifies that the
detector is adequate to detect a fire that occurs anywhere within that square — even out to the farthest
In laying out detector installations, designers work in terms of rectangles, as building areas are generally
rectangular in shape. The pattern of heat spread from a fire source, however, is not rectangular in shape.
On a smooth ceiling, heat spreads out in all directions in an ever-expanding circle. Thus, the coverage of a
detector is not, in fact, a square, but rather a circle whose radius is the linear spacing multiplied by 0.7.
This is graphically illustrated in Figure A. With the detector at the center, by rotating the
square, an infinite number of squares can be laid out, the corners of which create the plot of a circle whose
radius is 0.7 times the listed spacing. The detector will cover any of these squares and, consequently, any
point within the confines of the circle.
So far this explanation has considered squares and circles. In practical applications, very few areas turn
out to be exactly square, and circular areas are extremely rare. Designers deal generally with rectangles of
odd dimensions and corners of rooms or areas formed by wall intercepts, where spacing to one wall is less
than one-half the listed spacing. To simplify the rest of this explanation, the use of a detector with a listed
spacing of 30 ft × 30 ft (9.1 m × 9.1 m) should be considered. The principles derived are equally applicable
to other types.
Figure A. illustrates the derivation of this concept. In Figure A., a detector is
placed in the center of a circle with a radius of 21 ft (0.7 × 30 ft) [6.4 m (0.7 × 9.1 m)]. A series of
rectangles with one dimension less than the permitted maximum of 30 ft (9.1 m) is constructed within the
circle. The following conclusions can be drawn:
(1) As the smaller dimension decreases, the longer dimension can be increased beyond the linear
maximum spacing of the detector with no loss in detection efficiency.
(2) A single detector covers any area that fits within the circle. For a rectangle, a single, properly located
detector may be permitted, provided the diagonal of the rectangle does not exceed the diameter of the
(3) Relative detector efficiency actually is increased, because the area coverage in square meters is
always less than the 900 ft2 (84 m2) permitted if the full 30 ft × 30 ft (9.1 m × 9.1 m) square were to be
utilized. The principle illustrated here allows equal linear spacing between the detector and the fire,
with no recognition for the effect of reflection from walls or partitions, which in narrow rooms or
corridors is of additional benefit. For detectors that are not centered, the longer dimension should
always be used in laying out the radius of coverage.
Areas so large that they exceed the rectangular dimensions given in Figure A. require
additional detectors. Often proper placement of detectors can be facilitated by breaking down the area into
multiple rectangles of the dimensions that fit most appropriately [see Figure A. and Figure
A.]. For example, refer to Figure A. A corridor 10 ft (3.0 m) wide and up to 82 ft
(25.0 m) long can be covered with two 30 ft (9.1 m) spot-type detectors. An area 40 ft (12.2 m) wide and
up to 74 ft (22.6 m) long can be covered with four spot-type detectors. Irregular areas need more careful
planning to make certain that no spot on the ceiling is more than 21 ft (6.4 m) away from a detector. These
points can be determined by striking arcs from the remote corner. Where any part of the area lies beyond
the circle with a radius of 0.7 times the listed spacings, additional detectors are required.
Figure A. illustrates smoke or heat detector spacing layouts in irregular areas.
Figure A. Spot-Type Heat Detectors.
Figure A. Detector Covering any Square Laid Out in Confines of Circle in Which
Radius Is 0.7 Times Listed Spacing.
Figure A. talks only about spacing. It is used for both spot heat and smoke detectors. There needs to
be a statement or change in title to indicate the effectiveness for both mechanisms. The change should be made
with in the Annex and in body of the code.
Submittal Date: Wed Jun 26 16:33:03 EDT 2019
Committee: SIG-IDS
Committee Statement
Resolution: The requested change is unclear. A clear recommendation should be provided to the Technical
For an air sampling–-type smoke detector, the sensitivity at the detector is not equal to sensitivity at the
sampling port. Sampling port sensitivity is dependent on two main factors:
(1) The number of sampling ports in the piping network
(2) The set alarm sensitivity of the detector
In the absence of performance-based criteria, the The sensitivity at each sampling port of an air sampling-
type smoke detector should not exceed the 4 percent ft obscuration criteria of a spot-type smoke
detector its listed port sensitivity .
Both UL 217 and UL 268 have been updated to eliminate the requirement of a minimum smoke box sensitivity of
4%/ft. The standard now merely requires that the smoke alarm/detector pass the fire tests at whatever sensitivity is
it set to. This change will bring NPFA 72 into alignment with UL standards.
Committee Statement
On smooth ceilings, a spacing of not more than 60 ft (18.3 m) between projected beams and not more than
one-half that spacing between a projected beam and a sidewall (wall parallel to the beam travel) should be
used as a guide. Other spacing should be determined based on ceiling height, airflow characteristics, and
response requirements.
In some cases, the light beam projector is mounted on one end wall, with the light beam receiver mounted
or reflector mounted on the opposite wall. However, it is also permitted to suspend the projector and
receiver/reflector from the ceiling at a distance from the end walls not exceeding one-quarter the selected
spacing (S). (See Figure A.
Figure A. Maximum Distance at Which Ceiling-Suspended Light Projector and
Receiver/Reflector Can Be Positioned from End Wall Is One-Quarter Selected Spacing (S).
Some projected beam smoke detectors use a separate transmitter and receiver and others use a transceiver and
reflector. Text and figure should be updated to reflect the state of the art.
Committee Statement
Smoke detectors are designed to sense the presence of particles of combustion, but depending on the
sensing technology and other design factors, different detectors respond to different types of particles.
Detectors based on ionization detection technology are most responsive to smaller, invisible sub-micron
sized particles. Detectors based on photoelectric technology, by contrast, are most responsive to larger
visible particles.
It is generally accepted that particle size distribution varies from sub-micron diameter particles predominant
in the proximity of the flame of a flaming fire to particles one or more orders of magnitude larger, which are
characteristic of smoke from a smoldering fire. The actual particle size distribution depends on a host of
other variables including the fuel and its physical make-up, the availability of oxygen including air supply
and fire–gas discharge, and other ambient conditions, especially humidity. Moreover, the particle size
distribution is not constant, but as the fire gases cool, the sub-micron particles agglomerate and the very
large ones precipitate. In other words, as smoke travels away from the fire source, the particle size
distribution shows a relative decrease in smaller particles. Water vapor, which is abundantly present in most
fires, when cooled sufficiently will condense to form fog particles — an effect frequently seen above tall
chimneys. Because water condensation is basically clear in color, when it is mixed with other smoke
particles, it can be expected to lighten the color of the mixture.
In almost every fire scenario in an air-handling system, the point of detection will be some distance from the
fire source; therefore, the smoke will be cooler and more visible because of the growth of sub-micron
particles into larger particles due to agglomeration and recombination. For these reasons, photoelectric
detection technology has advantages over ionization detection technology in air duct system applications.
Reason: We are proposing to delete many of the references to specific technology with the next edition of NFPA 72
to align with the new testing criteria that are included in the 8th edition of UL 217 and the 7th Edition of UL 268.
End product safety standards such as UL 217 and UL 268 are technology independent. In addition, the
performance requirements for detecting fire types and cooking nuisance mitigation are independent of technology.
Calling out technology requirements in an installation standard does not consider innovative technology solutions
that could otherwise be used to comply with these end product standards. As an example, UL cooking nuisance
research demonstrated that independent of smoke detection technology, and placement, all smoke alarms
produced an alarm signal during normal cooking. Placement of the alarms in reference to the broiling hamburger
cooking source and by 1.5% OBS/ft, resulted in an increased or delayed response, based on location, in almost all
smoke alarms with many different types of technologies being tested.
Submittal Date: Wed Jun 26 13:58:34 EDT 2019
Committee: SIG-IDS
Committee Statement
Smoke detectors are designed to sense the presence of particles of combustion, but depending on the
sensing technology and other design factors, different detectors respond to different types of particles.
Detectors based on ionization detection technology are most responsive to smaller, invisible sub-micron
sized particles. Detectors based on photoelectric technology, by contrast, are most responsive to larger
visible particles.
It is generally accepted that particle size distribution varies from sub-micron diameter particles predominant
in the proximity of the flame of a flaming fire to particles one or more orders of magnitude larger, which are
characteristic of smoke from a smoldering fire. The actual particle size distribution depends on a host of
other variables including the fuel and its physical make-up, the availability of oxygen including air supply
and fire–gas discharge, and other ambient conditions, especially humidity. Moreover, the particle size
distribution is not constant, but as the fire gases cool, the sub-micron particles agglomerate and the very
large ones precipitate. In other words, as smoke travels away from the fire source, the particle size
distribution shows a relative decrease in smaller particles. Water vapor, which is abundantly present in most
fires, when cooled sufficiently will condense to form fog particles — an effect frequently seen above tall
chimneys. Because water condensation is basically clear in color, when it is mixed with other smoke
particles, it can be expected to lighten the color of the mixture.
In almost every fire scenario in an air-handling system, the point of detection will be some distance from
the fire source; therefore, the smoke will be cooler and more visible because of the growth of sub-micron
particles into larger particles due to agglomeration and recombination. For these reasons, photoelectric
detection technology has advantages over ionization detection technology in air duct system applications.
We are proposing to delete many of the references to specific technology with the next edition of NFPA 72 to align
with the new testing criteria that are included in the 8th edition of UL 217 and the 7th Edition of UL 268. End
product safety standards such as UL 217 and UL 268 are technology independent. In addition, the performance
requirements for detecting fire types and cooking nuisance mitigation are independent of technology. Calling out
technology requirements in an installation standard does not consider innovative technology solutions that could
otherwise be used to comply with these end product standards. As an example, UL cooking nuisance research
demonstrated that independent of smoke detection technology, and placement, all smoke alarms produced an
alarm signal during normal cooking. Placement of the alarms in reference to the broiling hamburger cooking
source and by 1.5% OBS/ft, resulted in an increased or delayed response, based on location, in almost all smoke
alarms with many different types of technologies being tested.
Street Address:
Submittal Date: Wed Jun 26 14:09:32 EDT 2019
Committee: SIG-IDS
Committee Statement
The waterflow device or the combination of the waterflow devices and fire alarm system should be field
configurable so that an alarm is initiated no more than 90 seconds after a sustained flow of at least 10 gpm
(40 L/min).
Features that should be investigated to minimize alarm response time include the following:
(1) Elimination of trapped air in the sprinkler system piping
(2) Use of an excess pressure pump
(3) Use of pressure drop alarm-initiating devices
(4) A combination thereof
Care should be used when choosing waterflow alarm-initiating devices for hydraulically calculated looped
systems and those systems using small orifice sprinklers. Such systems might incorporate a single point
flow of significantly less than 10 gpm (40 L/min). In such cases, additional waterflow alarm-initiating devices
or the use of pressure drop-type waterflow alarm-initiating devices might be necessary.
Care should be used when choosing waterflow alarm-initiating devices for sprinkler systems that use on–off
sprinklers to ensure that an alarm is initiated in the event of a waterflow condition. On–off sprinklers open at
a predetermined temperature and close when the temperature reaches a predetermined lower temperature.
With certain types of fires, waterflow might occur in a series of short bursts of a duration of 10 seconds to
30 seconds each. An alarm-initiating device with retard might not detect waterflow under these conditions.
An excess pressure system or a system that operates on pressure drop should be considered to facilitate
waterflow detection on sprinkler systems that use on–off sprinklers.
Excess pressure systems can be used with or without alarm valves. The following is a description of one
type of excess pressure system with an alarm valve.
An excess pressure system with an alarm valve consists of an excess pressure pump with pressure
switches to control the operation of the pump. The inlet of the pump is connected to the supply side of the
alarm valve, and the outlet is connected to the sprinkler system. The pump control pressure switch is of the
differential type, maintaining the sprinkler system pressure above the main pressure by a constant amount.
Another switch monitors low sprinkler system pressure to initiate a supervisory signal in the event of a
failure of the pump or other malfunction. An additional pressure switch can be used to stop pump operation
in the event of a deficiency in water supply. Another pressure switch is connected to the alarm outlet of the
alarm valve to initiate a waterflow alarm signal when waterflow exists. This type of system also inherently
prevents false alarms due to water surges. The sprinkler retard chamber should be eliminated to enhance
the detection capability of the system for short duration flows.
The 90 second requirement is necessary in some cases. Where water pressure is contant many AHJ's find
this to be excessive. Timing less than 90 econds are quite common. Many practitioners and AHJ's settle
for delays in hte 30 to 35 second range. This clearly falls within the 90 second limitation. Local practice is
often times the limiting factor.
Frequently AHJ's want timing below the 90 second maximum. Although the requirement in some instances to
extend to the maximum is justified, some AHJ's require something less. The added language to to privide clarity
for both the testing individual and the AHJ.
Submittal Date: Wed Jun 26 15:04:05 EDT 2019
Committee: SIG-IDS
Committee Statement
Resolution: The proposed text attempts to establish a minimum required time delay to override a local AHJ
B.1.1 Scope.
Annex B provides information intended to supplement Chapter 17. It includes a procedure for determining
detector spacing based on the objectives set for the system, the size , and growth rate of growth of fire to
be detected, various ceiling heights, ambient temperatures, and the design fire, the ceiling height, ambient
temperature, and the response characteristics of the detectors. In addition to providing an engineering
method for the design of detection systems using plume-dependent detectors, heat detectors, and smoke
detectors, this annex also provides guidance on the use of radiant energy–sensing detectors.
Committee Statement
The designer of fire alarm systems needs to be knowledgeable in the applicable areas associated with
undertaking a performance-based design, including fire dynamics, performance-based design, detector
response, and so forth, and apply these principles judiciously. In addition, the majority of jurisdictions
consider the design of fire alarm systems as “engineering work.” They therefore require licensed engineers
to perform such work. Other jurisdictions allow technologists to lay out fire alarm systems as long as they
follow the appropriate prescriptive requirements. Designers who are using a performance-based design
approach need to review the relevant engineering licensure laws in the jurisdictions in which they are
practicing, as performance-based designs might very likely be deemed engineering and of the type that
requires licensure of a professional engineer. The SFPE Engineering Guide to Peer Review in the Fire
Protection Design Process provides guidance to engineers who are asked to peer review this type of
engineering design.
Committee Statement
Some information is contained in Figure B. and Table B. through Table B.
Table B. Maximum Heat Release Rates — Warehouse Materials
1. Wood pallets, stack, 0.46 m (1 1 ⁄ 2 ft) high 150–310 1,248 110 fast–medium
(6%–12% moisture)
2. Wood pallets, stack, 1.52 m (5 ft) high
90–190 3,745 330 fast
(6%–12% moisture)
3. Wood pallets, stack, 3.05 m (10 ft) high
80–110 6,810 600 fast
(6%–12% moisture)
4. Wood pallets, stack, 4.88 m (16 ft) high
75–105 10,214 900 fast
(6%–12% moisture)
5. Mail bags, filled, stored 1.52 m (5 ft) high 190 397 35 medium
6. Cartons, compartmented, stacked 4.57 m
60 2,270 200 fast
(15 ft) high
7. Paper, vertical rolls, stacked 6.10 m (20 ft)
15–28 — — *
8. Cotton (also PE, PE/cot, acrylic/nylon/PE),
20–42 — — *
garments in 3.66 m (12 ft) high racks
9. Cartons on pallets, rack storage,
40–280 — — fast–medium
4.57 m–9.14 m (15 ft–30 ft) high
10. Paper products, densely packed in
470 — — slow
cartons, rack storage, 6.10 m (20 ft) high
11. PE letter trays, filled, stacked 1.52 m (5 ft)
190 8,512 750 medium
high on cart
12. PE trash barrels in cartons, stacked
55 2,837 250 fast
4.57 m (15 ft) high
13. FRP shower stalls in cartons, stacked
85 1,248 110 fast
4.57 m (15 ft) high
14. PE bottles, packed in item 6 85 6,242 550 fast
15. PE bottles in cartons, stacked 4.57 m
75 1,929 170 fast
(15 ft) high
16. PE pallets, stacked 0.91 m (3 ft) high 130 — — fast
17. PE pallets, stacked 1.83 m–2.44 m
30–55 — — fast
(6 ft–8 ft) high
18. PU mattress, single, horizontal 110 — — fast
19. PE insulation board, rigid foam, stacked
8 1,929 170 *
4.57 m (15 ft) high
20. PS jars, packed in item 6 55 13,619 1,200 fast
21. PS tubs nested in cartons, stacked
105 5,107 450 fast
4.27 m (14 ft) high
22. PS toy parts in cartons, stacked 4.57 m
110 2,042 180 fast
(15 ft) high
23. PS insulation board, rigid, stacked 4.27 m
7 3,291 290 *
(14 ft) high
24. PVC bottles, packed in item 6 9 3,405 300 *
25. PP tubs, packed in item 6 10 4,426 390 *
26. PP and PE film in rolls, stacked 4.27 m
40 3,972 350 *
(14 ft) high
27. Distilled spirits in barrels, stacked 6.10 m
23–40 — — *
(20 ft) high
28. Methyl alcohol — 738 65 —
Approximate Values
kW Btu/sec
Medium wastebasket with milk cartons 105 100
Large barrel with milk cartons 148 140
Upholstered chair with polyurethane foam 369 350
Latex foam mattress (heat at room door) 1265 1200
Furnished living room (heat at open door) 4217–8435 4000–8000
Table B. Unit Heat Release Rates for Fuels Burning in the Open
Flame Width
Maximum Heat
W Btu/sec mm in. mm in. kW/m 2 Btu/sec ꞏ
ft 2
Cigarette 1.1 g (not puffed, laid on solid
— —
— —
42 3.7
Conditioned to 50% relative humidity 5 0.0047
— —
— —
35 3.1
Methenamine pill, 0.15 g (0.0053 oz) 45 0.043
— —
— —
4 0.35
Match, wooden, laid on solid surface 80 0.076
30 1.18
14 0.092
18–20 1.59–1.76
Wood cribs, BS 5852 Part 2
— —
— —
15 d 1.32
No. 5 crib, 17 g (0.6 oz) 1,900 1.80
— —
— —
17 d 1.50
No. 6 crib, 60 g (2.1 oz) 2,600 2.46
— —
— —
20 d 1.76
No. 7 crib, 126 g (4.4 oz) 6,400 6.07
— —
— —
25 d 2.20
Crumpled brown lunch bag, 6 g (0.21 oz) 1,200 1.14
— —
— —
— —
Crumpled wax paper, 4.5 g (0.16 oz) (tight) 1,800 1.71
— —
— —
— —
Crumpled wax paper, 4.5 g (0.16 oz) (loose) 5,300 5.03
— —
— —
— —
Folded double-sheet newspaper, 22 g (0.78 oz) (bottom ignition) 4,000 3.79
— —
— —
— —
Crumpled double-sheet newspaper, 22 g (0.78 oz) (top ignition) 7,400 7.02
— —
— —
— —
— —
— —
— —
Polyethylene wastebasket, 285 g (10.0 oz), filled with 12 milk cartons [390 g (13.8 oz)] 50,000 47.42
200 b
550 21.7
200 7.9
35 c 3.08
Plastic trash bags, filled with cellulosic trash [1.2–14 kg
120,000–350,000 113.81–331.96
(42.3–493 oz)] e
200 b
— —
— —
— —
750 711
18 Chair F33 (trial love seat), 29.2 kg (64.4 lb) 400 slow 0.0066 0.0063
950 901
19 Chair F21, 28.15 kg (62.01 lb) (initial) 175 medium 0.0344 0.0326
350 332
19 Chair F21, 28.15 kg (62.01 lb) (later) 50 fast 0.4220 0.4002
2000 1897
21 Metal wardrobe, 40.8 kg (90.0 lb) (total) (initial) 250 medium 0.0169 0.0160
250 237
21 Metal wardrobe, 40.8 kg (90.0 lb) (total) (average) 120 fast 0.0733 0.0695
250 237
21 Metal wardrobe, 40.8 kg (90.0 lb) (total) (later) 100 fast 0.1055 0.1001
140 133
22 Chair F24, 28.3 kg (62.4 lb) 350 medium 0.0086 0.0082
700 664
23 Chair F23, 31.2 kg (68.8 lb) 400 slow 0.0066 0.0063
700 664
24 Chair F22, 31.2 kg (68.8 lb) 2000 slow 0.0003 0.0003
300 285
25 Chair F26, 19.2 kg (42.3 lb) 200 medium 0.0264 0.0250
800 759
26 Chair F27, 29.0 kg (63.9 lb) 200 medium 0.0264 0.0250
900 854
27 Chair F29, 14.0 kg (30.9 lb) 100 fast 0.1055 0.1001
1850 1755
28 Chair F28, 29.2 kg (64.4 lb) 425 slow 0.0058 0.0055
700 664
29 Chair F25, 27.8 kg (61.3 lb) (later) 60 fast 0.2931 0.2780
700 664
29 Chair F25, 27.8 kg (61.3 lb) (initial) 100 fast 0.1055 0.1001
2000 1897
30 Chair F30, 25.2 kg (55.6 lb) 60 fast 0.2931 0.2780
950 901
31 Chair F31 (love seat), 39.6 kg (87.3 lb) 60 fast 0.2931 0.2780
2600 2466
37 Chair F31 (love seat), 40.4 kg (89.1 lb) 80 fast 0.1648 0.1563
2750 2608
38 Chair F32 (sofa), 51.5 kg (113.5 lb) 100 fast 0.1055 0.1001
3000 2845
39 1 ⁄ 2 in. plywood wardrobe with fabrics, 68.5 kg (151.0 lb) 35 * 0.8612 0.8168
3250 3083
40 1 ⁄ 2 in. plywood wardrobe with fabrics, 68.32 kg (150.6 lb) 35 * 0.8612 0.8168
3500 3320
41 1 ⁄ 8 in. plywood wardrobe with fabrics, 36.0 kg (79.4 lb) 40 * 0.6594 0.6254
6000 5691
42 1 ⁄ 8 in. plywood wardrobe with fire-retardant interior finish (initial growth) 70 fast 0.2153 0.2042
2000 1897
42 1 ⁄ 8 in. plywood wardrobe with fire-retardant interior finish (later growth) 30 * 1.1722 1.1118
5000 4742
43 Repeat of 1 ⁄ 2 in. plywood wardrobe, 67.62 kg (149.08 lb) 30 * 1.1722 1.1118
3000 2845
44 1 ⁄ 8 in. plywood wardrobe with fire-retardant latex paint, 37.26 kg (82.14 lb) 90 fast 0.1302 0.1235
2900 2751
45 Chair F21, 28.34 kg (62.48 lb) 100 * 0.1055 0.1001
2100 1992
46 Chair F21, 28.34 kg (62.48 lb) 45 * 0.5210 0.4941
2600 2466
47 Chair, adj. back metal frame, foam cushions, 20.82 kg (45.90 lb) 170 medium 0.0365 0.0346
250 237
48 Easy chair CO7, 11.52 kg (25.40 lb) 175 medium 0.0344 0.0326
950 901
49 Easy chair F34, 15.68 kg (34.57 lb) 200 medium 0.0264 0.0250
200 190
50 Chair, metal frame, minimum cushion, 16.52 kg (36.42 lb) 200 medium 0.0264 0.0250
3000 2845
51 Chair, molded fiberglass, no cushion, 5.28 kg (11.64 lb) 120 fast 0.0733 0.0695
35 33
52 Molded plastic patient chair, 11.26 kg (24.82 lb) 275 medium 0.0140 0.0133
700 664
53 Chair, metal frame, padded seat and back, 15.54 kg (34.26 lb) 350 medium 0.0086 0.0082
280 266
54 Love seat, metal frame, foam cushions, 27.26 kg (60.10 lb) 500 slow 0.0042 0.0040
300 285
56 Chair, wood frame, latex foam cushions, 11.2 kg (24.69 lb) 500 slow 0.0042 0.0040
85 81
57 Love seat, wood frame, foam cushions, 54.6 kg (120.37 lb) 350 medium 0.0086 0.0082
1000 949
61 Wardrobe, 3 ⁄ 4 in. particleboard, 120.33 kg (265.28 lb) 150 medium 0.0469 0.0445
1200 1138
62 Bookcase, plywood with aluminum frame, 30.39 kg (67.00 lb) 65 fast 0.2497 0.2368
25 24
64 Easy chair, molded flexible urethane frame, 15.98 kg (35.23 lb) 1000 slow 0.0011 0.0010
450 427
66 Easy chair, 23.02 kg (50.75 lb) 76 fast 0.1827 0.1733
600 569
67 Mattress and box spring, 62.36 kg (137.48 lb) (later) 350 medium 0.0086 0.0082
500 474
67 Mattress and box spring, 62.36 kg (137.48 lb) (initial) 1100 slow 0.0009 0.0009
400 379
Note: For tests 19, 21, 29, 42, and 67, different power law curves were used to model the initial and the
latter realms of burning. In examples such as these, engineers should choose the fire growth parameter
that best describes the realm of burning to which the detection system is being designed to respond.
*Fire growth exceeds design data.
Figure B. Power Law Heat Release Rates.
As pointed out by the Correlating Committee, the coefficient α is elsewhere defined and used as the fire growth
rate. In multiple locations this same coefficient is referred to as the “fuel fire intensity coefficient”. It has been
validated in each instance the coefficient is the same so therefore the changes are recommended to standardize
Committee Statement
Trade mark product names were removed from the note to Table B.
Various methods are available to evaluate whether a candidate design will achieve the previously
established performance criteria. Some methods are presented in Section B.3, B4, and B5 .
As pointed out by the Correlating Committee, In B., the text is not applicable only to heat detection. It is also
applicable to smoke detection (B.4) and flame detection (B.5).
Committee Statement
B. Analysis.
Data required to determine analysis include the following:
(1) Ceiling height or clearance above fuel (H)
(2) Response time index (RTI) for the detector (heat detectors only) or its listed spacing
(3) Actual installed spacing (S) of the existing detectors
(4) Ambient temperature (Ta)
(5) Detector operating temperature (Ts) (heat detectors only)
(6) Rate of temperature change set point for rate-of-rise heat detectors (Ts/min)
(7) Fuel fire intensity coefficient Fire growth rate (α) or the fire growth time (tg)
As pointed out by the Correlating Committee, the coefficient α is elsewhere defined and used as the fire growth
rate. In multiple locations this same coefficient is referred to as the “fuel fire intensity coefficient”. It has been
validated in each instance the coefficient is the same so therefore the changes are recommended to standardize
Submittal Date: Thu Jun 13 14:02:04 EDT 2019
Committee: SIG-IDS
Committee Statement
B.4.7.1 General.
Once smoke is transported to the detector, additional factors become important in determining whether
response will occur. These include the aerodynamic characteristics of the detector and the type of sensor
within the detector. The aerodynamics of the detector relate to how easily smoke can pass through the
detector housing and enter the sensor portion of the unit. Additionally, the location of the entry portion to the
sensor with respect to the velocity profile of the ceiling jet is also an important factor. Finally, different
sensing methods (e.g., ionization or photoelectric) will methods and complex algorrithms will respond
differently, depending on the smoke characteristics (smoke color, particle size, optical density, and so
forth). Within the family of photoelectric devices, there will be variations depending on the wavelengths of
light and the scattering angles employed. The The following paragraphs discuss some of these issues
and various calculation methods.
We are proposing to delete many of the references to specific technology with the next edition of NFPA 72 to align
with the new testing criteria that are included in the 8th edition of UL 217 and the 7th Edition of UL 268. End
product safety standards such as UL 217 and UL 268 are technology independent. In addition, the performance
requirements for detecting fire types and cooking nuisance mitigation are independent of technology. Calling out
technology requirements in an installation standard does not consider innovative technology solutions that could
otherwise be used to comply with these end product standards. As an example, UL cooking nuisance research
demonstrated that independent of smoke detection technology, and placement, all smoke alarms produced an
alarm signal during normal cooking. Placement of the alarms in reference to the broiling hamburger cooking
source and by 1.5% OBS/ft, resulted in an increased or delayed response, based on location, in almost all smoke
alarms with many different types of technologies being tested.
Committee Statement
Statement: Additional information was added to keep up with current technology. Regardless of testing standard
revisions, the variations described and their impact on performance still remain. This is beneficial
information to users of this section and therefore the guidance given on photoelectric devices should
We are proposing to delete many of the references to specific technology with the next edition of NFPA 72 to align
with the new testing criteria that are included in the 8th edition of UL 217 and the 7th Edition of UL 268. End
product safety standards such as UL 217 and UL 268 are technology independent. In addition, the performance
requirements for detecting fire types and cooking nuisance mitigation are independent of technology. Calling out
technology requirements in an installation standard does not consider innovative technology solutions that could
otherwise be used to comply with these end product standards. As an example, UL cooking nuisance research
demonstrated that independent of smoke detection technology, and placement, all smoke alarms produced an
alarm signal during normal cooking. Placement of the alarms in reference to the broiling hamburger cooking
source and by 1.5% OBS/ft, resulted in an increased or delayed response, based on location, in almost all smoke
alarms with many different types of technologies being tested.
Submittal Date: Wed Jun 26 14:52:33 EDT 2019
Committee: SIG-IDS
Committee Statement
Resolution: The proposed deletion for proposed alignment with test standards is not necessary as the text is
intended to provide guidance on impact of critical velocity. This impact is present regardless of the
technology independent of the testing standards.
Projected beam smoke detection is often used in large open spaces with high ceilings where the use of
spot-type detectors is impractical due to the problems of smoke stratification. In these spaces, there is
questionable basis for the use of the prescriptive spacings presented in Section 17.7 . However, beams
can be installed such that, regardless of the fire origin, the plume will intersect at least one beam. To
employ this strategy, the plume divergence is calculated as a function of the altitude at which the projected
beam detectors are installed. The region of relatively uniform temperature and smoke density in a buoyant
plume diverges at an angle of approximately 22 degrees, as shown in Figure B.4.9.1 .
Another method involves assessing the smoke obstruction through the plume to determine the reduction in
light from the receiver to the transmitter of the beam-type smoke detector to determine whether the
detector might respond. [47]
Figure B.4.9.1 The Plume Divergence of an Unconstrained Fire.
The material in Annex B.4.9 would be more useful if moved to Annex A as new section A. to provide
guidance for spacing of beams when there is stratification.
Committee Statement
Since this leaves no content in B.4.9, the header is deleted per the Manual of Style.
Public Input No. 294-NFPA 72-2019 [ Section No. B.6 [Excluding any Sub-Sections] ]
Several special application computer models are available to assist in the design and analysis of both heat
detectors (e.g., fixed-temperature, rate-of-rise, sprinklers, fusible links) and smoke detectors. These
computer models typically run on personal computers and are available from NIST website
http://fire.nist.gov. The SFPE Engineering Guide for Substantiating a Fire Model for a Given Application
provides guidance to the engineer on how to select a fire model.
The SFPE Guide to Substantiating a Fire Model for a Given Application is an excellent resource for an engineer
who is required to select a fire model. It covers model selection, how to validate & verify the selected model and
how to document how the model was selected.
Committee Statement
B.6.5 References.
(26) Schifiliti, R. P., Meacham B., Custer, R. L. P. “Design of Detection Systems,” SFPE Handbook of Fire
Protection Engineering.
(27) Marrion, C. “Correction Factors for the Heat of Combustion in NFPA 72,” Appendix B, Fire Protection
Engineering, SFPE, 1998.
(28) Marrion, C. “Designing and Analyzing the Response of Detection Systems: An Update to Previous
Correlations,” 1988.
(29) Custer, R. and Bright, R. “Fire Detection: The State-of-the-Art,” NBS Tech. Note 839, National Bureau
of Standards, Washington, 1974.
(30) Meacham, Brian J. “Characterization of Smoke from Burning Materials for the Evaluation of Light
Scattering-Type Smoke Detector Response,” MS Thesis, WPI Center for Firesafety Studies, Worcester,
MA, 1991.
(31) Delichatsios, M. A. “Categorization of Cable Flammability, Detection of Smoldering, and Flaming Cable
Fires,” Interim Report, Factory Mutual Research Corporation, Norwood, MA, NP-1630, Nov. 1980.
(32) Heskestad, G. FMRC Serial Number 21017, Factory Mutual Research Corp., Norwood, MA, 1974.
(33) Marrion, C. E. “Lag Time Modeling and Effects of Ceiling Jet Velocity on the Placement of Optical
Smoke Detectors,” MS Thesis, WPI Center for Firesafety Studies, Worcester, MA, 1989.
(34) Kokkala, M. et al. “Measurements of the Characteristic Lengths of Smoke Detectors,” Fire Technology,
Vol. 28, No. 2, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA, 1992.
(34a) Yamauchi et al. “A Calculation Method for Predicting Heat and Smoke Detector’s Response.”
(34b) Cleary et al. “Particulate Entry Lag in Spot Type Smoke Detectors,” IAFSS Proceedings, Boston, MA
(34c) Keski-Rahkonen, “Revisiting Modeling of Fluid Penetration into Smoke Detectors,” AUBE 2001.
(34d) Bjoerkman et al. “Determination of Dynamic Model Parameters of Smoke Detectors,” Fire Safety
Journal, No 37, pp. 395–407, 2002.
(34e) Keski-Rahkonen, “A New Model for Time Lag of Smoke Detectors,” International Collaborative Project
to Evaluate Fire Models for Nuclear Power Plant Application, Gaithersburg, MD May 2002.
(35) UL 268, Standard for Smoke Detectors for Fire Alarm Signaling Systems, Underwriters Laboratories,
Inc., Northbrook, IL, 2009.
(36) Deal, Scott. “Technical Reference Guide for FPEtool Version 3.2,” NISTIR 5486, National Institute for
Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce, Gaithersburg, MD, Aug. 1994.
(37) Mowrer, F. W. “Lag Times Associated with Detection and Suppression,” Fire Technology, Vol. 26,
No. 3, pp. 244–265, 1990.
(38) Newman, J. S. “Principles for Fire Detection,” Fire Technology, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 116–127, 1988.
(39) Custer, R., Meacham, B., Wood, C. “Performance Based Design Techniques for Detection and Special
Suppression Applications,” Proceedings of the SFPE Engineering Seminars on Advances in Detection and
Suppression Technology, 1994.
(40) SFPE Engineering Guide to Performance Based Fire Protection, 2nd edition, SFPE, Gaithersburg, MD,
(41) SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering, Fifth Edition, SFPE, Gaithersburg, MD, 2016.
(42) Drysdale, Dougal, An Introduction to Fire Dynamics, John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, 1998, ISBN 0
471 90613 1, Second Edition.
(43) Nam S., Donovan L.P. and Kim S.G., Establishing Heat Detectors Thermal Sensitivity Through Bench
Scale Tests; Fire Safety Journal, Volume 39, Number 3, 191–215; April 2004.
(44) Nam S., Thermal Response Coefficient TRC of Heat Detectors and Its Field Applications, Fire
Detection and Research Applications Symposium, NFPA Research Foundation, January 2003.
(45) Nam S., Performance-Based Heat Detector Spacing, Interflam 2004, pp. 883–892.
(46) Geiman, J. A., “Evaluation of Smoke Detector Response Estimation Methods,” Master of Science
Thesis, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, December 2003.
(47) Projected Beam Smoke Detectors — More Than Just a Substitute for Spot Detectors, Fire Protection
Engineering, Summer 2004, SFPE.
(48) Geiman, J. A., and Gottuck, D.T., “Alarm Thresholds for Smoke Detector Modeling,” Fire Safety
Science — Proceeding of the Seventh International Symposium, 2003, pp. 197–208.
(49) The SFPE Code Official's Guide to Performance-based Design Review and Analysis of Buildings,
Society of Fire Protection Engineers, Bethesda, MD, 2004.
(50) NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA, 2009.
(51) NFPA 909, Code for the Protection of Cultural Resource Properties — Museums, Libraries, and Places
of Worship, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA, 2010.
(52) NFPA 914, Code for Fire Protection of Historic Structures, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy,
MA, 2010.
(53) Performance-based Building Design Concepts, International Code Council, Washington DC, 2004.
(54) Extreme Event Mitigation In Buildings — Analysis and Design, Meacham, National Fire Protection
Association, Quincy MA, 2006.
(55) Geiman, Gottuk, and Milke, “Evaluation of Smoke Detector Response Estimation Methods: Optical
Density, Temperature Rise and Velocity at Alarm,” Journal of Fire Protection Engineering, 2006.
(56) Su et al., “Kemano Fire Studies — Part 1: Response of Residential Smoke Alarms,” Research Report
108, NRCC, April 2003.
(57) Davis, W., The Zone Model Jet, “A Model for the Prediction of Detector Activation and Gas
Temperature in the Presence of a Smoke Layer,” NISTIR 6324, NIST, May 1999.
(58) NFPA 72E, Standard for Automatic Fire Detectors, 1984 edition.
Committee Statement
B.7 Nomenclature.
32 ft/sec 2 )
h = Planck’s constant (6.63E-23 joule-sec)
H = ceiling height or height above fire (m or ft)
H c = convective heat transfer coefficient (kW/m 2 ꞏ°C or Btu/ft 2 ꞏsecꞏ°F)
Δ H c = heat of combustion (kJ/mol)
h f = flame height (m or ft)
H f = heat of formation (kJ/mol)
L = characteristic length for a given detector design
k = detector constant, dimensionless
m = mass (kg or lbm)
p = positive exponent
P = radiant power (watts or Btu/sec)
q = heat release rate density per unit floor area (watts/m 2 or Btu/secꞏft 2 )
Q = heat release rate (kW or Btu/sec)
Q c = convection portion of fire heat release rate (kW or Btu/sec)
Q cond = heat transferred by conduction (kW or Btu/sec)
Q conv = heat transferred by convection (kW or Btu/sec)
t c = critical time — time at which fire would reach a heat release rate of
1055 kW (1000 Btu/sec) (seconds)
t d = time to detector response
fire growth time to reach 1055 kW
tg =
(1000 Btu/sec) (seconds)
t r = response time (seconds)
t respond = time available, or needed, for response to an alarm condition (seconds)
t v = virtual time of origin (seconds)
= reduced time
λ = wavelength (microns)
Z m = maximum height of smoke rise above fire surface (m or ft)
τ = detector time constant mc / H c A (seconds)
τ 0 = detector time constant measured at reference velocity u 0 (seconds)
emissivity, a material property expressed as a fraction between 0 and
ℇ =
As pointed out by the Correlating Committee, the coefficient α is elsewhere defined and used as the fire growth
rate. In multiple locations this same coefficient is referred to as the “fuel fire intensity coefficient”. It has been
validated in each instance the coefficient is the same so therefore the changes are recommended to standardize
Committee Statement