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The second half of the 20th century provided amazing examples of innovative
development. Countries that focused on using their advantages in the global innovation
arena, and formed their own national, scientific, technical and technological policies,
turned out to be competitive.
For most of the last century, the market value of companies was thought to be
largely a function of physical assets recorded through accounting statements. But in the
1980s, the Dow Jones (DJIA) index began to show that capitalized assets (buildings,
structures, equipment, and inventories) were increasingly diverging from their real value.
If we try to bring all the structural elements to the same denominator, then it
becomes clear that these are different types of knowledge.
Thus, a new stage has begun in the development of society, which is characterized
by the transition to a new quality of economic growth - "economy of knowledge" or
"economy of innovations", taking place under the strong influence of scientific, technical
and technological progress, turning knowledge into a global factor of economic
Many industrialized countries use such a model, which provides 75-90% of GDP
growth, in which economic growth is achieved at the expense of the innovative factor..
At present, it is possible to talk about the development of specific international
standards of the concept of innovation as a certain economic category. Innovation is the
final result of scientific and creative activity, which is embodied in a new or improved
technological process that is sold in the market or, if not, used in practical activities. This
allows to distinguish the main properties (criteria) of innovation:
- scientific and technical innovation;
- practical scope (applicability in industry), new, for example: use in industry,
agriculture, healthcare, education or other fields of activity;
- it can be implemented for commercial purposes, this means that the innovation is
"recognized" by the market, that is, it is sold on the market; this, in turn, means the ability
to meet certain consumer demands. This means that no matter how detailed a new idea is
described, formulated and presented in diagrams and drawings, if this idea is not
implemented in a product, service or process used in practice, it is not yet considered an
innovation (innovation). That is, the important features and criteria of innovation are the
novelty of the idea, its embodiment and implementation in practical activities, new
HOLDERS OF REASON Vol. 2 No. 6 (2024)
products and processes. As long as the new idea is embodied in real objects or processes,
it is aimed at meeting the practical needs of people.2.
Thus, like the practical embodiment of a new idea in the conditions of a market
economy, the integral criterion of innovation is closely related to the criterion of its
commercial implementation through the emergence of a new (innovative) product or
service on the market.
In general, the scheme of the innovation process can be given as follows:
- The first component of the innovation process - innovations, that is, new ideas,
knowledge - is the result of completed scientific (fundamental and practical) research,
experimental and constructive developments, and other scientific and technical results.
- The second component of the innovation process is the introduction of works,
introduction into practical activity, i.e. innovation and introduction of innovations. - The
third component of the innovation process is the diffusion of innovations, that is,
previously mastered, used innovations, in other words, the application of innovative
products, services or technologies in new places and conditions.
Thus, the concept of "innovation process" is broader than the concept of
"innovation", innovation (introduction of news) itself is one of the components of the
innovation process.
The transition of the USA, Japan, EU countries to a sustainable development
trajectory was achieved based on the expansion of innovative processes in the real sector
of the economy. The state innovation policy of one or another country is usually not
considered to be a reflection of a certain theoretical model, but it is a composition of
activities in different directions, in which it can be noted that national innovation policies
have a fundamental identity. (Table № 1).
Table № 1
Directions of national innovation policies of world countries.
Innovation policy
Uniqueness Countries
Optimizing the Optimizing the state management and Japan, Norway,
composition of the planning system in the field of innovation. Germany
national innovation
system State financing of science and optimization USA, Sweden,
of the field of innovation France, UK,
Denmark, Norway,
Taiwan, Australia.
Great Britain,
Development of basic research Sweden, Slovenia
Stimulation of Encourage the symmetrical convergence of USA, Finland
business and science and corporations.
cooperation within Attracting large state investments and Israel, Finland
the country national private capital to the field of
science and innovation.
HOLDERS OF REASON Vol. 2 No. 6 (2024)
In order to encourage innovative activity, various incentives and prefects are used
in different countries, which are considered very necessary in the adoption of a product
with a high science capacity. They operate in the form of flexible, selective, term
extensions, tax credits, and accelerated depreciation.
Thus, increasing the country's competitiveness, the most important factor of its
development in the direction of effective scientific research cooperation, aimed at
creating a favorable economic environment for the implementation of innovative
processes (including at the level of regions), is considered as the link between science and
production, and the innovative policy of the state. Also, it is very important to choose the
development strategy of the country in the formulation of the innovation policy. Based
on this, two main models of state innovation policy can be distinguished:
1. A model aimed at the implementation of scientific and technical programs and
projects of national importance, the main goal of which is to stimulate the development
of innovative directions of priority for the country.
HOLDERS OF REASON Vol. 2 No. 6 (2024)
2. The model aimed at the dissemination of scientific and technical knowledge, the
main goal of which is to master new technologies, expand the technological capabilities
of economic sectors and industries.
During 2006-2023, a number of measures were taken to improve and finance the
scientific-technological base of innovative activities, to expand relations between science
and production, state programs for the modernization of economic sectors were adopted,
and production localization programs were implemented.
However, in order to draw a conclusion about the contribution of innovations to
the development of the competitiveness of our country's economy, the improvement of
the level of human development, and the growth of labor productivity, it is necessary to
develop a strategic state innovation policy with a full-scale medium and long term on the
innovative development of Uzbekistan.
The main economic goal of this innovative policy should be to increase the
competitiveness of the national economy and, as a result, to increase the well-being of the
population and improve the standard of living.
To achieve this main goal, it is necessary to perform the following tasks:
- to increase the contribution of high-tech sectors in the country's economy, and
gradually orient the export policy to the export of products with a higher added value than
the export of raw materials;
- creation of innovative and active institutions;
- close cooperation between education, science and business and increasing
efficiency of investments in ITTKI;
- general increase in productivity of production factors;
- Increasing investments in human capital to create a "knowledge economy".
In conclusion, it can be noted that most of the state innovation policies in the
countries are adopted to solve their national tasks, but at the same time, it is innovation
that is appearing as a "new ideology" that unites the entire world community to achieve
its set goal and ensure common welfare.
List of references
HOLDERS OF REASON Vol. 2 No. 6 (2024)
HOLDERS OF REASON Vol. 2 No. 6 (2024)