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To use Data Encryption Standard (DES) Algorithm for a practical application like
User Message Encryption.


1. Create a DES Key.

2. Create a Cipher instance from Cipher class, specify the following
information and separated by a slash (/).
a. Algorithm name
b. Mode (optional)
c. Padding scheme (optional)
3. Convert String into Byte[] array format.
4. Make Cipher in encrypt mode, and encrypt it with Cipher.doFinal() method.
5. Make Cipher in decrypt mode, and decrypt it with Cipher.doFinal() method.

import; import; import
javax.crypto.BadPaddingException; import
import javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException;
import javax.crypto.KeyGenerator;
import javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException;
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
public class DES
public static void main(String[] argv) {
System.out.println("Message Encryption Using DES Algorithm\n-------------");
KeyGenerator keygenerator = KeyGenerator.getInstance("DES");
SecretKey myDesKey = keygenerator.generateKey();
Cipher desCipher;desCipher = Cipher.getInstance("DES/ECB/PKCS5Padding");

desCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, myDesKey);
byte[] text = "Secret Information ".getBytes();
System.out.println("Message [Byte Format] : " + text);
System.out.println("Message : " + new String(text)); byte[]
textEncrypted = desCipher.doFinal(text);
System.out.println("Encrypted Message: " + textEncrypted);
desCipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, myDesKey); byte[]
textDecrypted = desCipher.doFinal(textEncrypted);
System.out.println("Decrypted Message: " + new
}catch(NoSuchAlgorithmException e){
}catch(NoSuchPaddingException e){
}catch(InvalidKeyException e){
}catch(IllegalBlockSizeException e){
}catch(BadPaddingException e){


Message Encryption Using DES Algorithm

Message [Byte Format]: [B@4dcbadb4

Message: Secret Information Encrypted
Message: [B@504bae78
Decrypted Message: Secret Information

Thus the java program for DES Algorithm has been implemented
and the output verified successfully.
Ex. No: 1 b) Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Algorithm (URL
Date: Encryption)

To use Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Algorithm for a practical
application like URL Encryption.


1. AES is based on a design principle known as a substitution–permutation.

2. AES does not use a Feistel network like DES, it uses variant of Rijndael.
3. It has a fixed block size of 128 bits, and a key size of 128, 192, or 256 bits.
4. AES operates on a 4 × 4 column-major order array of bytes, termed the state

import java.util.Arrays; import
java.util.Base64; import
javax.crypto.Cipher; import
public class AES {
private static SecretKeySpec secretKey; private
static byte[] key;
public static void setKey(String myKey)
{ MessageDigest sha = null; try
key = myKey.getBytes("UTF-8");
sha = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-
1"); key = sha.digest(key);
key = Arrays.copyOf(key, 16);
secretKey = new SecretKeySpec(key, "AES");
catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
e.printStackTrace();} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
public static String encrypt(String strToEncrypt, String secret) { try
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding");
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKey); return
Bytes("U TF- 8")));
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Error while encrypting: " + e.toString());
return null;
public static String decrypt(String strToDecrypt, String secret) { try
Cipher cipher =
cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, secretKey); return
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Error while decrypting: " + e.toString());
return null;
public static void main(String[]
args) { final String secretKey =
String originalString = "";
String encryptedString = AES.encrypt(originalString,
secretKey); String decryptedString =
AES.decrypt(encryptedString, secretKey);
System.out.println("URL Encryption Using AES Algorithm\n------------");
System.out.println("Original URL: " + originalString);
System.out.println("Encrypted URL: " + encryptedString);
System.out.println("Decrypted URL: " + decryptedString);
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URL Encryption Using AES Algorithm

Original URL:

Encrypted URL: vibpFJW6Cvs5Y+L7t4N6YWWe07+JzS1d3CU2h3mEvEg=
Decrypted URL:

Thus the java program for AES Algorithm has been implemented for
URL Encryption and the output verified successfully
Ex. No: 2 a) Date:RSA Algorithm


To implement RSA (Rivest–Shamir–Adleman) algorithm by using HTML and



1. Choose two prime number p and q

2. Compute the value of n and p
3. Find the value of e (public key)
4. Compute the value of d (private key) using gcd() 5. Do the encryption and
a. Encryption is given as, c = te mod n
b. Decryption is given as, t = c d mod n


rsa.html <html>
<title>RSA Encryption</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<h1>RSA Algorithm</h1>
<h2>Implemented Using HTML & Javascript</h2>
<td>Enter First Prime Number:</td>
<td><input type="number" value="53" id="p"></td>
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<td>Enter Second Prime Number:</td>

<td><input type="number" value="59" id="q"></p>
<td>Enter the Message(cipher text):<br>[A=1, B=2,...]</td>
<td><input type="number" value="89" id="msg"></p>
<td>Public Key:</td>
<p id="publickey"></p>
<p id="exponent"></p>
<td>Private Key:</td>
<p id="privatekey"></p>
<td>Cipher Text:</td>
<p id="ciphertext"></p>
<td><button onclick="RSA();">Apply RSA</button></td>
<script type="text/javascript"> function
RSA() {
var gcd, p, q, no, n, t, e, i, x;
gcd = function (a, b) { return (!b) ? a : gcd(b, a % b); };
p = document.getElementById('p').value;
11q = document.getElementById('q').value;
no = document.getElementById('msg').value;
n = p * q;
t = (p - 1) *(q - 1);
for (e = 2; e < t; e++) {
if (gcd(e, t) == 1) {
break; } }
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
if (x % e == 0)
{ d = x / e; break; }
ctt = Math.pow(no, e).toFixed(0);
ct = ctt % n;
dtt = Math.pow(ct, d).toFixed(0);
dt = dtt % n;
document.getElementById('publickey').innerHTML = n;
document.getElementById('exponent').innerHTML = e;
document.getElementById('privatekey').innerHTML = d;
document.getElementById('ciphertext').innerHTML = ct;
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Thus the RSA algorithm has been implemented using HTML & CSS
and the output has been verified successfully.
Ex. No: 2b) Date:Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm


To implement the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange algorithm for a given



1. Alice and Bob publicly agree to use a modulus p = 23 and base g

= 5 (which is a primitive root modulo 23).
2. Alice chooses a secret integer a = 4, then sends Bob A = g a mod
p o A = 5 4 mod 23 = 4
3. Bob chooses a secret integer b = 3, then sends Alice B = g b mod
p o B = 5 3 mod 23 = 10
4. Alice computes s = B a mod p o s = 10 4 mod 23 = 18
5. Bob computes s = A b mod p o s = 4 3 mod 23 = 18

Class DiffieHellman {
public static void main(String args[]) { int p = 23; /*
publicly known (prime number) */ int g = 5; /*
publicly known (primitive root) */ int x = 4; /* only
Alice knows this secret */ int y = 3; /* only Bob knows
this secret */ double aliceSends = (Math.pow(g, x)) %
p; double bobComputes = (Math.pow(aliceSends, y))
% p; double bobSends = (Math.pow(g, y)) % p;
double aliceComputes = (Math.pow(bobSends, x)) % p;
double sharedSecret = (Math.pow(g, (x * y))) % p;
System.out.println("simulation of Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm\n-----
System.out.println("Alice Sends : " + aliceSends);
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System.out.println("Bob Computes : " + bobComputes);

System.out.println("Bob Sends : " + bobSends);System.out.println("Alice
Computes : " + aliceComputes);
System.out.println("Shared Secret : " + sharedSecret);
/* shared secrets should match and equality is transitive */ if
((aliceComputes == sharedSecret) && (aliceComputes == bobComputes))
System.out.println("Success: Shared Secrets Matches! " + sharedSecret);
System.out.println("Error: Shared Secrets does not Match");

simulation of Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm
Sends: 4.0
Bob Computes: 18.0
Bob Sends: 10.0
Alice Computes: 18.0
Shared Secret: 18.0
Success: Shared Secrets Matches! 18.0

Thus the Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm has been implemented using Java
Program and the output has been verified successfully.
Ex. No: 3 Date: Digital Signature Standard


To implement the SIGNATURE SCHEME - Digital Signature Standard.


1. Create a KeyPairGenerator object.

2. Initialize the KeyPairGenerator object.
3. Generate the KeyPairGenerator. ...
4. Get the private key from the pair.
5. Create a signature object.
6. Initialize the Signature object.
7. Add data to the Signature object
8. Calculate the Signature


import; import;
import; import
public class CreatingDigitalSignature {
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter
some text");
String msg = sc.nextLine();
KeyPairGenerator keyPairGen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("DSA");
KeyPair pair = keyPairGen.generateKeyPair();
PrivateKey privKey = pair.getPrivate();
Signature sign =
byte[] bytes = "msg".getBytes(); sign.update(bytes);
byte[] signature = sign.sign();
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System.out.println("Digital signature for given text: "+new String(signature,



Enter some text

Hi how are you
Digital signature for given text: 0=@gRD???-?.???? /yGL?i??a!?

Thus the Digital Signature Standard Signature Scheme has been
implemented and the output has been verified successfully.
Ex. No: 4
Date: Installation of Wire shark, tcp dump and observe data transferred in client-


To install the Wire shark,TCP dump and observe data transferred in client-
server communication using UDP/TCP and identity the TCP/UDP datagram.


UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is an alternative communications protocol to

Transmission Control Proto- col (TCP) used primarily for establishing
and loss tolerating connections between applica- tions on the Internet. Both
and TCP run on top of the Internet Protocol (IP) and are sometimes re- ferred to
UDP/IP or TCP/IP. Both protocols send short packets of data, called datagrams.
look at the details of UDP (User Datagram Protocol). UDP is a transport
protocol used throughout the Internet as an alternative to TCP when
reliability is not required. UDP provides two services not provided by the IP
layer. It provides port
numbers to help distinguish different user requests and, optionally, a checksum
capability to verify that the data arrived intact. TCP has emerged as the
protocol used for the bulk of Internet connectivity owing to services for
large data sets into individual packets, check- ing for and resending lost packets
and reassembling packets into the correct sequence. But these addi- tional
services come at a cost in terms of additional data overhead, and delays called
latency. In contrast, UDP just sends the packets, which means that it has much
lower bandwidth overhead and latency. But packets can be lost or received out
of order as a result, owing to the different paths individ- ual packets traverse
between sender and receiver. UDP is an ideal protocol for network
applications in which perceived latency is critical such as gaming, voice and
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video communications, which can suffer some data loss without adversely
affecting perceived quality. In
some cases, forward error correction techniques are used to improve audio and
video quality in spite of some loss. UDP can also be used in applications that
require lossless data transmission when the application is configured to manage
the process of retransmitting lost packets and correctly arranging received
packets.This approach can help to improve the data transfer rate of large files
compared with TCP. We first examine UDP.

Step 1: Capture a UDP Trace

There are many ways to cause your computer to send and receive UDP
messages since UDP is widelyused as a transport protocol. The easiest
options are to:
• Do nothing but wait for a while. UDP is used for many “system
protocols” that typically run in the background and produce small amounts of
traffic, e.g., DHCP for IP address assignment andNTP for time
• Use your browser to visit sites. UDP is used by DNS for resolving
domain names to IP addresses,so visiting fresh sites will cause DNS traffic to
be sent. Be careful not to visit unsafe sites; pick recommended sites or sites
you know about but have not visited recently. Simply browsing the web is
likely to cause a steady stream of DNS traffic.
• Start up a voice-over-IP call with your favorite client. UDP is used by
RTP, which is the protocol commonly used to carry media samples in a voice
or video call overthe Internet.

1. Launch Wireshark by entering Wireshark in the “ask my anything” search

box in Windows.
Figure 1: Starting Wireshark

2. Once Wireshark starts, select the Ethernet interface.

Figure 2: Selecting the Ethernet Interface

3. Wireshark will automatically start capturing packets on the network. Now,

enter a filter of udp. (This is shown below).

Figure 3: Setting up the capture options.

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4. When the capture is started, it will collect UDP traffic automatically.

5. Wait a little while (say 60 seconds) after you have stopped your activity to
also observe any background UDP traffic. It is likely that you will observe a
trickle of UDP traffic because system activity often uses UDP to
communicate. We want to see some of this activity.

6. Use the Wireshark menus or buttons to stop the capture.

7. You should now have a trace with many UDP packets.

Step 2: Inspect the Trace

Different computers are likely to capture different kinds of UDP traffic

depending on the network setup and local activity. Observe that the protocol
column is likely to show multiple protocols, none of which is UDP. This is
because the listed protocol is an application protocol layered on top of UDP.
Wireshark gives the name of the application protocol, not the (UDP) transport
protocol unless Wireshark cannot determine the application protocol. However,
even if the packets are listed as an application protocol, they will have a UDP
protocol header for us to study, following the IP and lower-layer protocol

Select different packets in the trace (in the top panel) and browse the expanded UDP
header (in the mid- dle panel). You will see that it contains the following fields:

• Source Port, the port from which the UDP message is sent. It is given as a
number and possibly a text name; names are given to port values that are
registered for use with a specific application.
• Destination Port. This is the port number and possibly name to which the
UDP message is des-tined. Ports are the only form of addressing in UDP. The
computer is identified using the IP ad-dress in the lower IP layer.

• Length. The length of the UDP message.

•Checksum. A checksum over the message that is used to validate its contents.
Is your checksum carrying 0 and flagged as incorrect for UDP messages sent
from your computer? On some com- puters, the operating system software
leaves the checksum blank (zero) for the NIC to compute and fill in as the
packet is sent. This is called protocol offloading. It happens after Wireshark
seesthe packet, which causes Wireshark to believe that the checksum is
wrong and flag it with a dif- ferent color to signal a problem. You can remove
these false errors if they are occurring by tell- ing Wireshark not to validate
the checksums. Select “Preferences” from the
Wireshark menus and expand the “Protocols” area. Look under the list until
you come to UDP. Uncheck “Validate checksum if possible”.

The UDP header has different values for different messages, but as you can see,
it is short and sweet. The remainder of the message is the UDP payload that is
normally identified the higher-layer pro-tocol that it carries, e.g., DNS, or RTP.

Step 3: UDP Message Structure

The figure below shows the UDP message structure as you observed. It shows
the position of the IP header, UDP header, and UDP payload. Within the UDP
header, it shows the position and size of each UDP field. Note how the Length
field gives the length of the UDP payload plus the UDP header. The checksum
is 16 bits long and the UDP header is 8 bytes long.
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Step 4: UDP Usage

The Protocol field in the IP header is how IP knows that the next higher
protocollayer is UDP. The IP Pro-tocol field value of 17 indicates UDP.

You might be surprised to find UDP messages in your trace that neither come
from your computer or aresent only to your computer. You can see this by
sorting on the Source and Destination columns. The source and destinations will
be domain names, if Network layer name resolution is turned on, and oth-
erwise IP addresses. (You can toggle this setting using the View menu and
selecting Name resolution.) You can find out the IP address of your computer
using the “ipconfig” command(Windows).

The reason you may find UDP messages without your computer’s IP address as
either the source or des-tination IP address is that UDP is widely used as part of
system protocols. These protocols often send messages to all local computers
who are interested in them using broadcast and multicast addresses. In our
traces, we find DNS (the domain name system), MDNS (DNS traffic that uses
IP multicast), NTP (for time synchronization), NBNS (NetBIOS traffic), DHCP
(for IP addressassignment), SSDP (a service discov- ery protocol), STUN (a
NAT traversal protocol), RTP (for carrying audio and video samples), and

A variety of broadcast and multicast addresses may be found. These include the
Internet broadcast ad- dress of, subnet broadcast addresses
such as and multicast IP ad- dresses such as 224.0.xx.xx for
multicast DNS.

Note also that UDP messages can be as large as roughly 64Kbytes but most
often they are a few hun-dred bytes or less, typically around 100 bytes.



To see the details of TCP (Transmission Control Protocol). TCP is the main
transport layer protocol usedin the Internet.
Step 1: Open the Trace
Open the trace file here:

Step 2: Inspect the Trace

Select a long packet anywhere in the middle of your trace whose protocol is
listed as TCP. Expand the TCP protocol section in the middle panel (by using
the “+”expander or icon). All packets except the initial HTTP GET and last
packet of the HTTP response should be listed as TCP. Picking a long packet
ensures that we are looking at a download packet from the server to your
computer. Looking at the protocol lay- ers, you should see an IP block before
the TCP block. This is because the TCP segment is carried in an IP. We have
shown the TCP block expanded in our figure.

You will see roughly the following fields

First comes the source port, then the destination port. This is the addressing
that TCP adds be- yond the IP address. The source port is likely to be 80
since the packet was sent by a web server and the standard web server port is
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Then there is the sequence number field. It gives the position in the byte stream
of the first pay-load byte.

Next is the acknowledgement field. It tells the last received position in the
reverse byte stream.

The header length giving the length of the TCP header.

The flags field has multiple flag bits to indicate the type of TCP segment. You
can expand it andlook at the possible flags.

Next is a checksum, to detect transmission errors.

There may be an Options field with various options. You can expand this field
and explore if youwould like, but we will look at the options in more detail

Finally, there may be a TCP payload, carrying the bytes that are being

As well as the above fields, there may be other informational lines that
Wireshark provides to help youinterpret the packet. We have covered only the
fields that are carried across the network.

Step 3: TCP Segment Structure

This drawing differs from the text drawing in the book in only minor respects:

The Header length and Flags fields are combined into a 2-byte quantity. It is
not easy to deter-mine their bit lengths with Wireshark.

The Urgent Pointer field is shown as dotted. This field is typically not used,
and so does not showup in Wireshark and we do not expect you to have it in
your drawing. You can notice its exist- ence in Wireshark, however, by
observing the zero bytes in the segment that are skipped over as you select the
different fields.

The Options field is shown dotted, as it may or may not be present for the
segments in your trace. Most often it will be present, and when it is then its
length will be a multiple of four bytes.
Figure 8: Examining the size of segment
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Step 4: TCP Connection Setup/Teardown

Three-Way Handshake To see the “three-way handshake” in action, look for

Figure 9: Selecting a TCP segment with SYN flag.

The SYN flag is noted in the Info column. You can also search for packets with
the SYN flag on using the filter expression “tcp.flags.syn==1”. (Se below)

Figure 10: Selecting a TCP segment with SYN flag on.

a TCP segment with the SYN flag on. These are up at the beginning of your
trace, and the packets that follow it (see below).
A “SYN packet” is the start of the three-way handshake. In this case it will be
sent from your computer to the remote server. The remote server should reply
with a TCP segment with the SYN and ACK flags set, or a “SYN ACK packet”.
On receiving this segment, your computer will ACK it, consider the connec-tion
set up, and begin sending data, which in this case will be the HTTP request.
Step 5: TCP Connection Setup/Teardown
Next, we wish to clear the display filter tcp.flags.syn==1 so that we can once
again see all the packets inour original trace. Do this by clearing the display
filter as shown below.

Figure 11: Clearing the display filter TCP segment with SYN flag on
If you do this correctly, you should see the full trace. We are most interested in the first three packe

Figure 12: Viewing the complete trace

Below is a time sequence diagram of the three-way handshake in your trace, up

to and including the first data packet (the HTTP GET request) sent by ‘your
computer’ when the connection is established. As usual, time runs down the
page, and lines across the page indicate segments.

The initial SYN has no ACK number, only a sequence number. All subsequent
packets have ACKnumbers.

The initial sequence numbers are shown as zero in each direction. This is
because our Wireshark is configured to show relative sequence numbers. The
actual sequence number is some large 32-bit number, and it is different for
each end.
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The ACK number is the corresponding sequence number plus 1. Our

computer sends the third part of the handshake (the ACK) and then sends
data right away in a different packet. It would be possible to combine
these packets, but they are typically sepa- rate (because one is triggered by
the OS and one by the application).

For the Data segment, the sequence number and ACK stay with the previous
values. The sequence number will advance as the sender sends more data. The
ACK number will advance as the sender receives more data from the remote
The three packets received and sent around 88ms happen very close together
compared to the gap between the first and second packet. This is because
they are local operations; there is no network delay involved.

Step 5: Connection Options

As well as setting up a connection, the TCP SYN packets negotiate parameters
between the two ends using Options. Each end describes its capabilities, if any,
to the other end by including the appropriate Options on its SYN. Often both
ends must support the behavior for it to be used during data transfer.

Common Options include Maximum Segment Size (MSS) to tell the other side
the largest segment that can be received, and Timestamps to include information
on segments for estimating the round trip time. There are also Options such as
NOP (No-operation) and End of Option list that serve to format the Op- tions
but do not advertise capabilities. You do not need to include these formatting
options in your an- swer above. Options can also be carried on regular segments
after the connection is set up when they play a role in data transfer. This
depends on the Option. For example: the MSS option is not carried on each
packet because it does not convey new information; timestamps may be
included on each packet to keep a fresh estimate of the RTT; and options such
as SACK (Selective Acknowledgments) are used only when data is received out
of order.
Our TCP Options are Maximum Segment Size, Window Scale, SACK
permitted, and Timestamps. Each of these Options is used in both directions.
There are also the NOP & End of Option List formatting options.
Here is an example of a FIN teardown:

Figure 14: Time sequence diagram for FIN teardown

The teardown is initiated by the computer; it might also be initiated by he


Like the SYN, the FIN flag occupies one sequence number. Thus, when het
sequence number ofthe FIN is 192, the corresponding Ack number is 193.

Your sequence numbers will vary. Our numbers are relative as( computed by Wireshark) but clearly dep

Points to note:
The RTT in the FIN exchange is like that in the SYN exchange, as it should
be. Your RTT will vary depending on the distance between the computer
and server as before.
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Step 6: FIN/RST Teardown

Finally, the TCP connection is taken down after the download is complete. This
is typically done with FIN (Finalize) segments. Each side sends a FIN to the
other and acknowledges the FIN they receive; it is simi- lar to the three-way
handshake. Alternatively, the connection may be torn down abruptly when one
end sends a RST (Reset). This packet does not need to be acknowledged by the
other side.

Below is a picture of the teardown in your trace, starting from when the first
FIN or RST is issued untilthe connection is complete. It shows the sequence and
ACK numbers on each segment.

Figure 15: Time sequence diagram for RST teardown

The teardown is initiated by the computer; it might also be initiated by the

Points to note:
The teardown is abrupt – a single RST in this case, and then it is closed, which
the other end must accommodate.

The sequence and Ack numbers do not really matter here. They are simply
the (relativeWireshark) values at the end of the connection.

Since there is no round trip exchange, no RTT can be estimated.

Step 7: TCP Data Transfer

For this part, we are going to launch an older version of Wireshark called
Wireshark legacy. You do thisby selecting the Wireshark legacy application as

When it launches, you should open the trace-tcp file which is in your downloads
folder from earlier.
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You should then be presented with the same trace-tcp as used previously in this

The middle portion of the TCP connection is the data transfer, or download, in
our trace. This is the mainevent. To get an overall sense of it, we will first look
at the download rate over time.
Under the Statistics menu select an “IO Graph” (as shown below).

Figure 16: Opening an IO graph

Under the Statistics menu select an “IO Graph” (as shown below).

Figure 16: Opening an IO graph

You should end up with a graph like below. By default, this graph shows the
rate of packets over time. You might be tempted to use the “TCP Stream Graph”
tools under the Statistics menu instead. However,these tools are not useful for
our case because they assume the trace is taken near the computer send- ing the
data; our trace is taken near the computer receiving the data.

Figure 17: The IO graph

Now we will tweak it to show the download rate with the changes given below

On the x-axis, adjust the tick interval and pixels per tick. The tick interval
should be small enoughto see into the behavior over the trace, and not so small
that there is no averaging. 0.1 seconds is a good choice for a several second
trace. The pixels per tick can be adjusted to make the graph wider or narrower
to fill the window. Make this 10. See below
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On the y-axis, change the unit to be Bits/Tick. The default is Packet/Tick.

By changing it, we caneasily work out the bits/sec throughput by taking the
y-axis value and scaling as appropriate, e.g., 10X for ticks of 0.1 seconds.

Add a filter expression to see only the download packets. So far we are
looking at all of the pack-ets. Assuming the download is from the usual web
server port of 80, you can filter for it with a filter of “tcp.srcport==80”.
Don’t forget to press Enter, and you may need to click the “Graph” button
to cause it to redisplay.

To see the corresponding graph for the upload traffic, enter a second filter in
the next box. Againassuming the usual web server port, the filter is
“tcp.dstport==80”. After you press Enter and click the Graph button, you should
have two lines on the graph.

Our graph for this procedure is shown in the figure on next page. From it we can
see the sample down- load rate quickly increase from zero to a steady rate, with
a bit of an exponential curve. This is slow- start. The download rate when the
connection is running is approximately 2.5 Mbps. The upload rate is asteady,
small trickle of ACK traffic. Our download also proceeds fairly steadily until it
is done. This is the ideal, but many downloads may display more variable
behavior if, for example, the available bandwidth varies due to competing
downloads, the download rate is set by the server rather than the network, or
enough packets are lost to disrupt the transfer.

Note, you can click on the graph to be taken to the nearest point in the trace if
there is a feature youwould like to investigate.

Try clicking on parts of the graph and watch where you are taken in the
Wireshark trace window.
Since this is a download, the sequence number of transmitted segments will
not increase (afterthe initial get). Thus the ACK number on received
segments will not increase either.

Each segment carries Window information to tell the other end how much
space remains in the buffer. The Window must be greater than zero, or the
connection will be stalled by flow control.

Note the data rate in the download direction in packets/second and bits/second
once the TCP connec-tion is running well is 250 packet/sec and 2.5 Mbps.

Our download packets are 1434 bytes long, of which 1368 bytes are the TCP
payload carrying contents.Thus 95% of the download is content.

The data rate in the upload direction in packets/second and bits/second due to
the ACK packets is 120 packets/sec and 60,000 bits/sec. We expect the ACK
packet rate to be around half of the data packet rate for the typical pattern of one
delayed ACK per two data packets received. The ACK bit rate will be at least
an order of magnitude below the data bit rate as the packets are much smaller,
around 60 bytes.

The Ack number tells the next expected sequence number therefore it will be X
plus the number of TCPpayload bytes in the data segment.

Thus the above Installation of Wire shark, tcp dump and observe data
transferred in client-server communication using UDP/TCP and identify the
UDP/TCP datagram is installed and verified Successfully.
lOM oAR cPSD|26 678 07

Ex. No: 5
Date: Check message integrity and confidentiality using SSL


To implement the Check message integrity and confidentiality using SSL.


1. **Setting up SSL/TLS:**
Use Java's `SSLSocket` and `SSLServerSocket` classes to establish a secure
connection between client and server.
2. **Ensuring Confidentiality:**
- Use SSL/TLS to encrypt the communication between client and server. This
encryption ensures that the message content is secure from eavesdropping.
3. **Ensuring Integrity:**
- SSL/TLS provides integrity by using cryptographic hashing algorithms (like
HMAC) to verify that the transmitted data has not been altered during


public class Server {
public static void main(String[] args) { try
SSLServerSocketFactory serverSocketFactory = (SSLServerSocketFactory)
SSLServerSocket serverSocket = (SSLServerSocket)
SSLSocket sslSocket = (SSLSocket) serverSocket.accept();
// Read data from client
BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new
String clientMessage = input.readLine();
System.out.println("Received from client: " + clientMessage);

// Close streams and socket

serverSocket.close(); }
catch (IOException e) {
**Client:** import*;
public class Client {
public static void main(String[] args) { try
SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory = (SSLSocketFactory)
SSLSocket sslSocket = (SSLSocket) sslSocketFactory.createSocket("localhost", 9999); //
Send data to server
PrintWriter output = new PrintWriter(sslSocket.getOutputStream(), true);
output.println("Hello, server!"); // Close streams and socket
output.close(); sslSocket.close(); } catch (IOException e) {



Thus the message integrity and confidentiality using SSL is executed Successfully
lOM oAR cPSD|26 678 07

Ex. No: 6
Date: Experiment Eavesdropping, Dictionary attacks, MITM attacks


To study the Eavesdropping, Dictionary attacks, MITM attacks.


A man-in-the-middle attack is a type of eavesdropping attack, where attackers

interrupt an existing conversation or data transfer. After inserting themselves in
the "middle" of the transfer, the attackers pretend to be both legitimate
participants. This enables an attacker to intercept information and data from
either party while also sending malicious links or other information to both
legitimate participants in a way that might not be detected until it is too late.
You can think of this type of attack as similar to the game of telephone where
one person's words are carried along from participant to participant until it has
changed by the time it reaches the final person. In a man-in-the-middle attack,
the middle participant manipulates the conversation unknown to either of the
two legitimate participants, acting to retrieve confidential information and
otherwise cause damage.

Man-in-the-middle attacks:

• Are a type of session hijacking

• Involve attackers inserting themselves as relays or proxies in an ongoing,
legitimate conversation or data transfer
• Exploit the real-time nature of conversations and data transfers to go
• Allow attackers to intercept confidential data
• Allow attackers to insert malicious data and links in a way indistinguishable
from legitimate data

Examples of MITM Attacks

Although the central concept of intercepting an ongoing transfer remains the

same, there are several different ways attackers can implement a man-in-the-
middle attack.
Scenario 1: Intercepting Data

1. The attacker installs a packet sniffer to analyze network traffic for

insecure communications.
2. When a user logs in to a site, the attacker retrieves their user information
and redirects them to a fake site that mimics the real one.
3. The attacker's fake site gathers data from the user, which the attacker can
then use on the real site to access the target's information.

In this scenario, an attacker intercepts a data transfer between a client and

server. By tricking the client into believing it is still communicating with the
server and the server into believing it is still receiving information from the
client, the attacker is able to intercept data from both as well as inject their own
false information into any future transfers.

Scenario 2: Gaining Access to Funds

1. The attacker sets up a fake chat service that mimics that of a well-known
2. Using knowledge gained from the data intercepted in the first scenario,
the attacker pretends to be the bank and starts a chat with the target.
3. The attacker then starts a chat on the real bank site, pretending to be the
target and passing along the needed information to gain access to the target's
In this scenario, the attacker intercepts a conversation, passing along parts of
the discussion to both legitimate participants.
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Real-World MITM Attacks

In 2011, Dutch registrar site DigiNotar was breached, which enabled a threat
actor to gain access to 500 certificates for websites like Google, Skype, and
others. Access to these certificates allowed the attacker to pose as legitimate
websites in a MITM attack, stealing users' data after tricking them into entering
passwords on malicious mirror sites. DigiNotar ultimately filed for bankruptcy
as a result of the breach.

In 2017, credit score company Equifax removed its apps from Google and
Apple after a breach resulted in the leak of personal data. A researcher found
that the app did not consistently use HTTPS, allowing attackers to intercept data
as users accessed their accounts.

Interactions Susceptible to MITM Attacks

Any improperly secured interaction between two parties, whether it's a data
transfer between a client and server or a communication between two
individuals over an internet messaging system, can be targeted by man-in-
themiddle attacks. Logins and authentication at financial sites, connections that
should be secured by public or private keys, and any other situation where an
ongoing transaction could grant an attacker access to confidential information
are all susceptible.

Other Forms of Session Hijacking

Man-in-the-middle attacks are only one form of session hijacking. Others


• Sniffing - An attacker uses software to intercept (or "sniff") data being

sent to or from your device.

• Sidejacking - An attacker sniffs data packets to steal session cookies

from your device, allowing them to hijack a user session if they find
unencrypted login information.

• Evil Twin - An attacker duplicates a legitimate Wi-Fi network, enabling

them to intercept data from users who believe they are signing on to the real
Thus the study of Eavesdropping, Dictionary attacks, MITM attacks is
successfully completed.
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Ex. No: 7
Date: Experiment with Sniff Traffic using ARP Poisoning


To demonstrate Intrusion Sniff Traffic using ARP Poisoning.

Steps for Configuring ARP:

ARP is the acronym for Address Resolution Protocol. It is used to convert IP

address to physical addresses [MAC address] on a switch. The host sends an
ARP broadcast on the network, and the recipient computer responds with its
physical address [MAC Address]. The resolved IP/MAC address is then used to
communicate. ARP poisoning is sending fake MAC addresses to the switch
so that it can associate the fake MAC addresses with the IP address of a
genuine computer on a network and hijack the traffic.

ARP Poisoning Countermeasures

Static ARP entries: these can be defined in the local ARP cache and the switch
configured to ignore all auto ARP reply packets. The disadvantage of this
method is, it’s difficult to maintain on large networks. IP/MAC address mapping
has to be distributed to all the computers on the network.

ARP poisoning detection software: these systems can be used to cross check
the IP/MAC address resolution and certify them if they are authenticated.
Uncertified IP/MAC address resolutions can then be blocked.

Operating System Security: this measure is dependent on the operating system

been used. The following are the basic techniques used by various operating

• Linux based: these work by ignoring unsolicited ARP reply packets.

• Microsoft Windows: the ARP cache behavior can be configured via the
registry. The following list includes some of the software that can be used
to protect networks against sniffing;

• AntiARP– provides protection against both passive and active sniffing

• Agnitum Outpost Firewall–provides protection against passive Sniffing.
• XArp– provides protection against both passive and active sniffing

• Mac OS: ArpGuard can be used to provide protection. It protects against

both active and passive sniffing.

Hacking Activity: Configure ARP entries in Windows

We are using Windows 7 for this exercise, but the commands should be able to
work on other versions of windows as well.

Open the command prompt and enter the following command

arp –a

aprcalls the ARP configure program located in Windows/System32

-a is the parameter to display to contents of the ARP cache

You will get results similar to the following.


Note: dynamic entries are added and deleted automatically when using TCP/IP
sessions with remote computers.

Static entries are added manually and are deleted when the computer is restarted,
and the network interface card restarted or other activities that affect it.
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Adding static entries

Open the command prompt then use the ipconfig /all command to get the IP and
MAC address.

Note: The IP and MAC address will be different from the ones used here. This is
because they are unique.

Use the following command to view the ARP cache

arp –a

You will get the following results

Note the IP address has been resolved to the MAC address we provided and it is


Thus the Sniff Traffic using ARP Poisoning is demonstrated successfully.

Ex. No: 8
Date: Demonstration of Intrusion Detection System (IDS)


To demonstrate Intrusion Detection System (IDS) using Snort software tool.


1. Download Snort from the website. (


2. Download Rules( You must register to get

the rules. (You should download these often)

3. Double click on the .exe to install snort. This will install snort in the
“C:\Snort” folder.It is important to have WinPcap
( installed

4. Extract the Rules file. You will need WinRAR for the .gz file.

5. Copy all files from the “rules” folder of the extracted folder. Now paste the
rules into “C:\Snort\rules” folder.

6. Copy “snort.conf” file from the “etc” folder of the extracted folder. You must
paste it into “C:\Snort\etc” folder. Overwrite any
existing file. Remember if you modify your snort.conf file and download a new
file, you must modify it for Snort to work.

7. Open a command prompt (cmd.exe) and navigate to folder “C:\Snort\bin”

folder. (at the Prompt, type cd\snort\bin)

8. To start (execute) snort in sniffer mode use following command:

snort -dev -i 3

-i indicates the interface number. You must pick the correct interface number. In
my case, it is 3.
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-dev is used to run snort to capture packets on your network.

To check the interface list, use following command:

snort -W


example snort

12. Change the RULE_PATH variable to the path of rules folder.

var RULE_PATH c:\snort\rules

path to rules
13. Change the path of all library files with the name and path on your system.
and you must change the path of snort_dynamicpreprocessorvariable.

You need to do this to all library files in the “C:\Snort\lib” folder. The old path
might be: “/usr/local/lib/…”. you will need to replace that path with your system
path. Using C:\Snort\lib

14. Change the path of the “dynamicengine” variable value in the “snort.conf”

dynamicengine C:\Snort\lib\snort_dynamicengine\sf_engine.dll

15 Add the paths for “include classification.config” and “include

reference.config” files.

include c:\snort\etc\classification.config
include c:\snort\etc\reference.config

16. Remove the comment (#) on the line to allow ICMP rules, if it is
commented with a #.
include $RULE_PATH/icmp.rules
17. You can also remove the comment of ICMP-info rules comment, if it is

include $RULE_PATH/icmp-info.rules

18. To add log files to store alerts generated by snort, search for the “output
log” test in snort.conf and add the following line: output alert_fast:

19. Comment (add a #) the whitelist $WHITE_LIST_PATH/white_list.rules and

the blacklist

Change the nested_ip inner, \ to nested_ip inner #, \

20. Comment out (#) following lines:

#preprocessor normalize_ip4
#preprocessor normalize_tcp: ips ecn stream
#preprocessor normalize_icmp4
#preprocessor normalize_ip6
#preprocessor normalize_icmp6

21. Save the “snort.conf” file

22. To start snort in IDS mode, run the following command:

snort -c c:\snort\etc\snort.conf -l c:\snort\log -i 3

(Note: 3 is used for my interface card)

If a log is created, select the appropriate program to open it. You can use
WordPard or NotePad++ to read the file.

To generate Log files in ASCII mode, you can use following command while
running snort in IDS mode:

snort -A console -i3 -c c:\Snort\etc\snort.conf -l c:\Snort\log -K ascii 23.

Scan the computer that is running snort from another computer by using
PING or NMap (ZenMap).
lOM oAR cPSD|26 678 07

After scanning or during the scan you can check the snort-alerts.ids file in the
log folder to insure it is logging properly. You will see IP address folders

Snort monitoring traffic –

Thus the Intrusion Detection System (IDS) using Snort software tool was
demonstrated sucessfully.
Ex. No: 9
Date: Explore network monitoring tools


To download the N-Stalker Vulnerability Assessment Tool and exploring the



• N-Stalker Web Application Security Scanner is a Web security assessment


• It incorporates with a well-known N-Stealth HTTP Security Scanner and

35,000 Web attack signature database.

• This tool also comes in both free and paid version.

• Before scanning the target, go to “License Manager” tab, perform the update.

• Once update, you will note the status as up to date.

• You need to download and install N-Stalker from

1. Start N-Stalker from a Windows computer. The program is installedunder Start

➪ Programs ➪ N-Stalker ➪ N-Stalker Free Edition.

2. Enter a host address or a range of addresses to scan.

3. Click Start Scan.

4. After the scan completes, the N-Stalker Report Manager will prompt

5. you to select a format for the resulting report as choose Generate HTML.
lOMoARcPSD| 26678 07

6. Review the HTML report for vulnerabilities

Now goto “Scan Session”, enter the target URL.

In scan policy, you can select from the four options,

Manual test which will crawl the website and will be waiting for manual

full xss assessment

owasp policy

Web server infrastructure analysis.

Once, the option has been selected, next step is “Optimize settings” which will
crawl the whole website for further analysis.

In review option, you can get all the information like host information,
technologies used, policy name, etc.
Once done, start the session and start the scan.
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The scanner will crawl the whole website and will show the scripts, broken
pages, hidden fields, information leakage, web forms related information which
helps to analyze further.

Once the scan is completed, the NStalker scanner will show details like severity
level, vulnerability class, why is it an issue, the fix for the issue and the URL
which is vulnerable to the particular vulnerability?

Thus the N-Stalker Vulnerability Assessment tool has been downloaded,
installed and the features has been explored by using a vulnerable website.
Ex. No: 10
Date: Study to configure Firewall, VPN


To configure the Firewall and VPN networks.

Configure firewall rules

When you configure Cloud VPN tunnels to connect to your peer network,
review and modify firewall rules in your Google Cloud and peer networks to
make sure that they meet your needs. If your peer network is another Virtual
Private Cloud (VPC) network, then configure Google Cloud firewall rules for
both sides of the network connection.

Google Cloud firewall rules

Google Cloud firewall rules apply to packets sent to and from virtual machine
(VM) instances within your VPC network and through Cloud VPN tunnels.

The implied allow egress rules allow VM instances and other resources in your
Google Cloud network to make outgoing requests and receive established
responses. However, the implied deny ingress rule blocks all incoming traffic to
your Google Cloud resources.

At a minimum, create firewall rules to allow ingress traffic from your peer
network to Google Cloud. If you created egress rules to deny certain types of
traffic, you might also need to create other egress rules.

Traffic containing the protocols UDP 500, UDP 4500, and ESP (IPsec, IP
protocol 50) is always allowed to and from one or more external IP addresses on
a Cloud VPN gateway. However, Google Cloud firewall rules do not apply to
the post- encapsulated IPsec packets that are sent from a Cloud VPN gateway to
a peer VPN gateway.
lOM oAR cPSD|26 678 07

Example configurations

For multiple examples of restricting ingress or egress traffic, see the

configuration examples in the VPC documentation.
The following example creates an ingress allow firewall rule. This rule permits
all TCP, UDP, and ICMP traffic from your peer network's CIDR to your VMs
in your VPC network.

Permissions required for this task

1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the VPN tunnels page.

Go to VPN tunnels
2. Click the VPN tunnel that you want to use.
3. In the VPN gateway section, click the name of the VPC network. This action
directs you to the VPC network details page that contains the tunnel.
4. Click the Firewall rules tab.
5. Click Add firewall rule. Add a rule for TCP, UDP, and ICMP:
• Name: Enter allow-tcp-udp-icmp.
• Source filter: Select IPv4 ranges.
• Source IP ranges: Enter a Remote network IP range value from when you
created the tunnel. If you have more than one peer network range, enter each one.
Press the Tab key between entries. To allow traffic from all source IPv4
addresses in your peer network, specify
• Specified protocols or ports: Select tcp and udp.
• Other protocols: Enter icmp.
• Target tags: Add any valid tag or tags.

6. Click Create.
If you need to allow access to IPv6 addresses on your VPC network from your
peer network, add an allow-ipv6-tcp-udp-icmpv6 firewall rule.

1. Click Add firewall rule. Add a rule for TCP, UDP, and ICMPv6:
• Name: Enter allow-ipv6-tcp-udp-icmpv6.
• Source filter: Select IPv6 ranges.
• Source IP ranges: Enter a Remote network IP range value from when you
created the tunnel. If you have more than one peer network range, enter each
Press the Tab key between entries. To allow traffic from all source IPv6
addresses in your peer network, specify::/0.
• Specified protocols or ports: Select tcp and udp.
• Other protocols: Enter 58. 58 is the protocol number for ICMPv6.
• Target tags: Add any valid tag or tags.

2. Click Create.

Create other firewall rules if necessary.

Alternatively, you can create rules from the Google Cloud console Firewall

Peer firewall rules

When configuring your peer firewall rules, consider the following:

• Configure rules to allow egress and ingress traffic to and from the IP
ranges used by the subnets in your VPC network.

• You can choose to permit all protocols and ports, or you can restrict
traffic to only the necessary set of protocols and ports to meet your needs.

• Allow ICMP traffic if you need to use ping to be able to communicate

among peer systems and instances or resources in Google Cloud.

• If you need to access IPv6 addresses on your peer network with ping,
allow ICMPv6 (IP protocol 58) in your peer firewall.

• Both your network devices (security appliances, firewall devices,

switches, routers, and gateways) and software running on your systems (such as
firewall software included with an operating system) can implement on-
premises firewall rules. To allow traffic, configure all firewall rules in the path
to your VPC network appropriately.
• If your VPN tunnel uses dynamic (BGP) routing, make sure that you
allow BGP traffic for the link-local IP addresses. For more details, see the next

BGP considerations for peer gateways

Dynamic (BGP) routing exchanges route information by using TCP port 179.
Some VPN gateways, including Cloud VPN gateways, allow this traffic
automatically when you choose dynamic routing. If your peer VPN gateway
does not, configure it to allow incoming and outgoing traffic on TCP port 179.
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All BGP IP addresses use the link-local CIDR block. If your
peer VPN gateway is not directly connected to the internet, make sure that it
and peer routers, firewall rules, and security appliances are configured to at
least pass BGP traffic (TCP port 179) and ICMP traffic to your VPN gateway.
ICMP is not required, but it is useful to test connectivity between a Cloud
Router and your VPN gateway. The range of IP addresses to which your peer
firewall rule should apply must include the BGP IP addresses of the Cloud
Router and your gateway.

Thus the study of Firewall and VPN is demonstrated successfully.

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