Mco 4

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of Printed Pages : 8 MCO-04


Term-End Examination

June, 2020


Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note :(i) Attempt any five questions.

(ii) All questions carry equal marks.

1. What is 'Economic Policy' ? What are its

different forms ? Explain various objectives of

fiscal policy. Why is co-ordination between

monetary and fiscal policies necessary ? 20

2. "The 'New Economic Policy' is a set of policies

and adniinistrative procedures, introduced

P. T. O.
[2] MC0-04

since July 1991 to bring about changes in

economic direction of the country." In view of

this statement answer the following : 20

(a) Why were reforms necessary and what was

wrong with the earlier system ?

(b) What reforms have been introduced ?

(c) What remains to be done ?

3. Define stock exchange and describe its key

functions. Explain its importance for : 20

(a) The investors,

(b) The corporate sector, and

(c) The society at large.

4. Make a case for inviting foreign capital in

India. Critically evaluate the policy measures

adopted by the Government to encourage inflow

131 MC0-04

of foreign capital. Also indicate the hurdles

foreign investors are facing. 20

5. How does socio-cultural environment affect

business decision-making ? Give a brief account

of the nature of social culture environment

prevailing in India. 20

6. Explain the concept of social responsibility of

business, and discuss the nature of its

obligations towards : 20

(a) Employers,

(b) Shareholders, and

(c) Public at large.

7. "The scope and coverage of labour legislation

are very wide' and overlapping." Discuss this

statement by giving an overview of labour

legislation in India. 20

P. T. O.
[4] MC0-04

8. (a) State the provisions of the Competition

Act, 2002 with respect to regulation of

monopolies in India. 10

(b) What are the rights conferred upon

consumers under the Consumer Protection

Act, 1986 ? Who can file a complaint under

the Act ? Explain. 10

9. Distinguish between any two of the following :

10 + 10

(a) Import substitution and Export promotion

(b) Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments.

(c) Monopolistic and Restrictive Trade

51 MCO-04

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I83 MCO-04

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