Literature Works
Literature Works
Literature Works
Literature – is the artistic expression of people’s ideas which reflect social realities done through
the use of language either in written or spoken.
. Creativeness
. Imagination
. Language
. Oral literature
. Written literature
It is normally handled from one generation to the other through narrations, songs, poems, stories.
-These are viewed as religious stories because they explain the organ of people, customs and
tradition example gods, GCD.
-These are short stories based on incurable lessons and main characters are animals. E.g.: hares,
rat, elephant, bears etc.
-These puzzling questions, statements or description intended to make the audience use their
brain/mind.They require two people or two groups to be operated.
-These are short well known saying that states a general truth or give advice.They are most
widely respected genres of African oral literature.
Is a book written under serious imagination of a certain issue reflecting social realities.The writer
creates imagination through characters, themes, symbols etc.
Is the literary work which is written in form of conversation or dialogue.The play writer uses
actors and actress to convey messages.
Poetry refers to the imaginative expression of strong feelings about a certain issue/ topic under The wonderful surgeon.
-To educate the society
- Character
- Setting
- Plot
- Style/Technique
- Language
- Theme
- Message
- Conflicts
- Philosophy
This is the part of form in writen literattree langtage tse of the write can determine what kind langtage
is that, as it can be simple or complex with lots of fgtres of speech(fgtraave langtage)e
These are devices used in literary works in order to add creativity in the history by using
They are meant to entertain, educate and make good presentation of the work of literature.
- Similes
- Repetition
Is a device which compares two things using conjunctions like “as” or “like”
E.g. Like father like son, as black as coal, he is like a lion in battle.
E.g. She is a lioness, among her people he has a heart of stone,you are a lazy rat, she looked
flower beautiful with a snow white dress.
This is a language device which is used to exaggerate facts beyond their realities.
Is a language device which uses the repetition of words or sentences for making emphasis on a
particular point.
Refers to geographical location of the story time period or daily lifestyle of the characters.
Types of seteis
- Geographical
- Historical
- Social
Geoiraphical setei
Historical setei
Refers to time when the story was made includes background in a particular time about
something the author wants to explain about
e.g. century you etc
Social setei
-This is the serial arrangement of events or ideas.It is the arrangement of all events in the story.
Types of characters
-Maie character is the person who plays a large part in the story.
-Mieor character is the person who helps a main character to develop the story.
Is a style or technique which explains about what will happen later in the story.
This encourages the reader to go on and find out more about the event that is being
Is a style which explains about what happened before in the story.
-A Theme refers to the central topic/topics which are meant to be known and taken as subjects of
learning presented by the writer to the audience.
Types of coeficts
. Internal conflicts
. External conflicts
Ietereal coeficts
Extereal coeficts
"Ueaeswered cries" is a modern novel where by the atthor presenang a moving story of Olabisi who is
tnder presstre to be,
circtmcised in order to realize the reality as a woman
As we refect the message delivered to ts by the atthor, stbstanaal tesaons before ts ares
c) What are the efects to those who tndergo the experience of the knife?
Aeswer: Yes, the cover is relevant to the storye It portrays the ctlttral dressing of the women in Sierra
Leone and Africa as wholee
It also shows how the girl disctssed in the book is feeling by showing a fare of oppression, sadness and
loss of hopee
i) poiet of view
This is when a writer tells a story in the novel “ Ueaeswered cries’’ the writers tsed the third person
point of view to narrate the story abott characterse
e Chapter 8, when DreKeroma explained abott what happened when her datghter tnderwent
circtmcision (Pg 72)
e Chapter 9, the dialogte between akalay and Oyah reminded akalay abott her past life (Pg 83,84)
e Chapter 1 Olabisi remembered abott circtmcision of the baby boy Dtrtsemi,’’ (Pg 13)
iii) Foreshadowiei
"It was as if she was trying to read the future" Chapter 7 (Pg 51 -52)
- Conversation between Oyah and Olabisi (Pg 35),Salaam Sesay and Olabisi (Pg 56),Salaam
Sesay and Dr. Koroma (Pg 71) and the conversation between Oyah and Yah Posseh (Pg 76) etc
Arraeiemeet of eveets
The writer arranged events into chapters 1 – 9 whereby each chapter contains a picttre which gives
informaaon abott what is in that chapter
- She is cotrageots
- other of Olabisi
- He loves Olabisi
- He is Caring
- Feared by people
- He is Olabisi’s boyfriende
- He betrayed Olabisie
- akalay’s htsbande
- Is a jtdgee
- Is responsiblee
- Htnter
- A corrtpt person
- akalay’s lawyer
- Not civilizede
Female Geeital Mutilatioee This is the process of cttng a clitoris part of a woman dte to tribal beliefs
and for the reason of redtcing sextal appeate of a womaneIn the novel, Olabisi was tnder presstre of
being circtmcised by the Bondo women and akalay (her mother) in order to prove that she becomes a
woman btt Olabisi was strong and cotrageots to go against bad pracace becatse it is an illegal and
tnsafe acavitye Other characters who tndergone the process incltdes Oyah (the lawyer), Dr Asiatt
Koroma, akalay,Yah Posseh, Rtgiatt and Salaye
This signifes the sittaaon of being accotntable in lifee In the novel, the following characters was very
accotntable in the seminal deliveringe Oyah (lawyer) was very responsible to help Olabisi not as her step
Also Lansana Karme (the jtdge) took ftll responsibility to jtdge the casee Apart from these two, also Dr
Asiatt Koroma took ftll responsibility as a doctor to explain the efects of female genital mtalaaone
Love is a strong feeling abott somebody or anything in the refecaon of respect, tolerance, trtst and
acceptancee In the novel, we see love emanaang in diferent wayseWe can see the love of datghter to
mother (Olabisi and akalay), the love of father and datghter (Olabisis and Ade), also the love of
htsband and wife (Oyah and Ade Jones)e
This is the state of being tnable to obtain basic needs or inability of someone to meet the basic
demands like food, clothes and sheltere In the novel, akalay’s kitchen in the village was made of rtsty
corrtgated iron sheets which cotld almost fall by the blow of the windeThis can also be portrayed when
Salay and Rtgiatt were walking bare footed from the welle
This is the desolaaon of good morals and people in the societyeIn the novel, moral decay is shown when
Olabisi involved herself in early sextal relaaonships while she was jtst fotrteen years of agee Also when
Olabisi replied back akalay (her mother) as it was a peere
This is the act of being disloyal to someone who trtsts yotein the novel, the sittaaon is experienced by
akalay when she was betrayed by Pah Amadt and he did not being Olabisi back to akalay, instead he
helped Olabisi to reach the towne Also the betrayal of Edward Cole to Olabisi by disclosing the secret
that he had sex with here
Coefict meaes mistnderstanding between two peoplee The following conficts are fotnd in novel s-
The source was female genital mutilation but the solution was court and Olabisi won the case.
In the novel, Yah posseh and most of the Bondo women were blind abott the efects of women
circtmcision so as to become a real woman
This is the sittaaon of being tnwilling to workeOlabisi was very lazy,she has many dirty clothes like
pants, jeans and a tops btt she was jtst keeping them in her bag instead of washing theme
Yah posseh and all Bondo women believed in stpersaaon on beliefs like goats and ancestors, that is why
female circtmcision to them is comptlsoryeExample, Yah posseh told akalay that her datghter Olabisi
ofended the spirits of their ancestors and gods of their tradiaon and becatse of that she was stpposed
to be circtmcisedeAlso when Yah Posseh told akalay that if she will obey spirits will make things
diffictlt for her dtring children (chapter 2 Pg 22)e
- Her hand disappeared into the bag tp to the elbow fngers searching for camera (chapter 1 Pg 7)
- The mos titoes were having a party on yot and the noise woke me tp (Pg 40)e
The darkness became jtmping, threatening to take over the room again if the lamp went ott (Pg 32)e
The moon came ott with a smile, shading sof light arotnd her (Pg 31)e
- Confess was also repeated to show the emphasis that Ade wanted to know the trtth that he was the
father of Olabisi or not (Pg 49)
- She is yotr mother………eshe will always be yotr mothereThis emphasizing Olabisi that akalay was her
mother no mater what (Pg 47)
- Eddy the dog and he was making his way towards her (pg 63)
- "Death is the enemy who has no respect for people and this privacy" said Yah posseh (Pg 79)
-Each pot was big enotgh to boil a cow withott breaking its legs (pg 43)
-The girls folded their arms across their chests and tried to cook as if they eat rocks everyday (pg 35)
-" let the traitor come close for this "(Pg 35)
-" Never latgh with yotr enemy otherwise yot might end tp friends" (pg 75)
-"Do as I say btt learn from me" (pg 66)
- "She scramble across the bed on all fours like a giant crab" (pg 8)
- " Students ran in panic, scattering from brutal police like cock roaches at the flash of the light" (pg
-"The rift – ray boys will be after you for sexual fun like dodgers" (pg 12)
- "Salary was short and stocky like a well fed big while Rugiatu was tall, skinny and hungry looking
like a shaved bird.
- "She was black as midnight, with flat eyes like a snake (pg 21)
- "The girl thrashed about like a snake caught in a farm trap (Pg 30)
Chapter I
This chapter starts with the father who has appeared unexpectedly. He is drink. His children fear
him. As soon as he cames in, Atwoki lost his appetite. He tried to avoid his father; unfortunately
he bumped into Aboo’ki hence sending the matoke down. In this case Atwoki encountered a
classic slap. It indicated that Adyeri did not love his children. This is poor parental care.
The position of women has been reflected. Amoti was seriously beaten by Adyeri. She was
trying to defend Atwoki. She cried uwii, uwii. In this regard, Amoti represents women as the
oppressed gender. However, she is brave because she spoke her mind.
Lastly we see that Adyeri did not sleep at home that evening. He had another woman. This is
Chapter II
This chapter is centered on Vicky. It is portraying Vicky’s previous and current life. Poor
customs are reflected in which we see that Vicky is sent or exiled Kaitangwenda as she was seen
riding a bicycle (It is a taboo for a girl to ride a bicycle in Torro).
In this chapter, it is shown that Vicky is an orphan. Her mother died so she had to live with
Adyeri’s Family. Conflict and hatred are reflected as Adyeri hates or dislike Vicky. She
considers her, as an additional burden to their family.
On the other side we see Vicky coming with Akena. She introduced him as a man who wanted to
marry her. Amoti protests because she is jealousy that Vicky will get married to a man who owns
garage. Adyeri settles the matter and tell Akena to come on the other day for arrangement of
bride price.
Chapter 3
Also we are shown the difference between Atwoki and Abooki was quiet and meditative. Atwoki
was busy, ting and always came home exhausted.
Love and care are shown in this chapter. Amoti did mot beat her children when they came home
late, she warned them.
Position of women is reflected through Abooki. After school hours Abooki was response to
prepare evening meal at home. The narrator says the little girl Abooki was overworked. In this
chapter we are also introduced to uncle Araali. He likes children and appreciates their skills. This
is love and care.
Lastly we see that Adyeri is irresponsible. This irresponsibility comes about do to the fact that
Adyeri did not leave any money. Yet he came home drink. This is also alcoholism which leads to
irresponsibility. Fortunately uncle Araali had brought bunches of Matoke and fish. He also gave
money to children purchase firewood.
Chapter 4
It is opened up with Tusiime, Vicky and Kunchira console for having missed a husband because
of a greedy uncle. He fixed a high bride price. This is poor traditional customs.
It is also indicated that Vicky was to send Bondibugyo to work as a tea plucker. She did not get
any money from her sweat. All her wages had been prepaid to Amoti so that, she could pay for
her childrean’s school fees. This is oppression.
Also Tusiime and Kunchira inform Vicky that Adyeri has another woman. Tusiime says that
there is too much cheating in marriage. This is dishonesty.
Prostitution is reflected through Tusiime who said that she could sleep with any man to make
Furthermore, the narrator reflects that Tusiime and Kinchira were not good girls both had been
worst product of port Fortal secondary education. Tusiime had been a ring leader that led in the
burning of the school’s matlesses at Maria Goret Secondary school. Kunchira was discontinued
from Kyebambe Secondary School.
Influence of peer pressure is shown on Vicky. She was abused by Tusiime and Kunchira to find
boyfriend the accepted and changed in her behavior.
Self limitation and poverty are reflected through Adyeri could not stop Vicky from her behavior
because she brought his crates beer and cartons of hard drinks.
One day Adyeri aerated Vicky’s jugardaddy. This led to the conflict between Vicky and Adyeri.
At the end Vicky left the house and never came back.
Chapter 5
This chapter starts with Adyeri in the Hall of Kinyanasika Primary School. It was a parent’s day
and he was invited as a pioneer teacher of the school.
This chapter shows adyeri suffering. He gave out heavy cagh which sent all the eyes in his
direction. His confidence was gone. His body had lost more than 20 pounds in less than a year.
He had frequent fever and vomiting. His hair had become sparse and grey. His vibrant color gad
gone. These are symptoms of HIV/AIDS.
Standard five pupils performed a song. It started that those who die without doing something
important pass like a shadow.
This song hit Adyeri because he spent his life carelessly. On the other hand, the flash back on
Adyers previous life is given. He was a headmaster of Sit. Led high school. He fell in love with
his secretary Biringi. This is betrayal to his wife. We are also informed that he misused his
position by squandering the school funds build a house for Biringi in Birungi and This is
Adyeri was sacked as the headmaster after the news leaked cot on his misconduct. He spent most
of the time drinking. (This is alcoholism) Later on, he sold a half of his inherited land. (This
indicated irresponsibility he moved completely to Biringi’s home and financed her new shop at
Muguso trading center. This is betrayal to his family.
Oppression is reflected in this chapter Adyeri was rarely seen at home; when Amoti complained
she encountered ritual beating.
Love, care and generosity are reflected through Uncle Araali. He helped to pay the children’s
school fees.
Effects of poor parental care are reflected in this chapter. He built a house for her mother in
Lastly we are shown the theme Betrayal. Birungi betrayed Adyeri first; she rejected him when he
was admitted at the hospital. Then she chased him away when he went to her house asking for
help, and insulted him as a poor miserdlems.
Chapter 6
It is entered on Atwork’s success. He was a good footballer. He helped Uganda national team to
dinch Africa cop of Nations. The president offered him a brand new car. In addition to that we
are informed that he had finished form six.
Quarrels between parents alienated Atwoki from his father. They met rarely ending bumping into
each other. This reflects conflicts.
Ignorance is reflected through Amoti. She is ignorant of HIV/AIDS. She thinks that her husband
has been bewitched. She is happy that her husband is punished for what he did in the past.
She does not know that her husband is HIV positive and being that the case, she is also HIV
Conflict and vengeance are reflected. Amoti rejected to attend her husband, as he was alone
suffering in the house. Also we see that the villagers brought her dying husband in her house.
She did not like what they did. It shown that inwardly she blamed the villagers for that action.
Chapter 7
This chapter is in centered on the visit of Atwoki to his friend (David) in knife. Peer pressure is
reflected through David. He advised Atwoki to find girl friends. He told him that, it is written in
the bible that we have to enjoy fruits of the earth.
Ignorance is shown through David. He said that he could tell a safe girl from HIV/AIDS with
just a glance. Moreover he added that the girls who are working in big offices cannot acquire
slim (HIV/AIDS)
Later on we are introduced. Edda. She gave Atwoki a public kiss. Also we are introduced to
David’s family. David’s father is rich and important man in both government and in Kabaka’s
Poor ways of upbringing children are reflected in this chapter. Also it is known as lack of
standing manners. In first of sexual scenes. David liked this because he naked women. On the
table was a pile of ponographic magazines written JOIN THE FIGHT AGAINST AIDS WE
Isolatioe aed discrimieatioe are reflected in this chapter. These are exposed as David’s father
was watching a television programme on HIV/AIDS. An AIDS victim was narrating his
case………. My legs are failing to carry my body. All my friends have run away from me. Even
my relatives detect me. (Need somebody who can hold my hand)
Ignorance is reflected as Atwoki wanted to know if condoms are 100% safe.
Betrayal, Dishonest and Moral corruption, are reflected in this chapter when they were at the
Sheraton, they were joined by the ladies. David said that his father is good at selecting girls.
On the other hand we are given David’s previous life. He was a university dropout (Makevene
Bad company or Influence of peer pressure is reflected as Atwoki was influence by David to take
or drink beer. We see that he fell in love with Edda. He spent the rights with her in David’s
home. In this case due to bad company Atwoki changed. The narrator says “The fortal portal
bullet has been concerned it we will never be the same for Atwoki
Chapter 8
It starts with Vicky who is now married to Aliganyira. In this chapter we are introduced to
Aliganyire. He is rich because he had tricks with cross- crossed Uganda and Zaire ferrying coffee
and other smuggled products. This pat rays corruption.
On the other side we are informed that, Aliganyira had married twice and divorced. In both cases
were young girls of around fourteen years. He successfully sent them away after they had given
him children. He is womanizer. In this case women are oppressed hence Oppression.
Opportunism reflected as Aliganyira said that the hungry government officer wants him to buy a
wheat farm for him. This shows that the government officer use their position to get what they
wants. This symbolizes corruption in form of bribers.
Witchcraft as one of the traditional beliefs has been reflected. Vicky is barren, so Aliganyira
proposed that they have to see the witchdoctors.
Oppression is reflected among Aliganyira’s relatives, especially his mother. She said that if Vicky
cannot conceive and produce a body. Aliganyira should send her away.
Ignorance is also reflected. The people who are suffering HIV/AIDS care to be treated by
witchdoctor. It is seen as Vicky and her husband arrived armed in the witchdoctor’s compound,
they saw six people, two of them very thin and had rashes.
Ignorance is further reflected through Aliganyira and the witchdoctor who supported the idea of
sharing sharp instruments. The witchdoctor used the same knife that had been used on, most sick
people that day to prick Vicky’s stomatch. In this way Vicky contracted HIV/AIDS.
Chapter 9
Adyeri passed away few months ago. In this chapter we are informed on the death of Adyeri, and
how his drinking mates moved him. Some said that, he used to drink too much; others said he
was good at dealing with ladies.
Also we are informed that Amoti too has acquired a new disease (Slim). Another drink reported
that Atwoki was a womanizer in Kampala.
Ignorance is reflected among drunkards. One of them said that Atwoki cannot contract
HIV/AIDS because he is educated. He said that he knows how to do things in a right way. Also
we see Tonto asking a question if Bazunge which die of HIV/AIDS. Filipo who symbolize
awareness answered that, even if the Bazungu dies of HIV/AIDS.
On the other side we see that the drunkards are arguing on the origin of HIV/AIDS some of them
said it emanated from green monkeys in Zaire while the other one said it was manufactured in
genetic Laboratory in Califonia.
Filipo commented that the problem with HIV/AIDS is where it is going. There discussion
connotes Ignorance and confusion people have on HIV/AIDS.
Back in Katamba Abooki is busy, alone nursing her sick mother Amoti who is HIV positive.
Also we are shown that Atwoki has changed, Atwoki has forgotten and ignored her sick mother
and his sister. He didn’t senel anymore in fact he dedicated most of his time to a certain lady in
kampala. He abandoned his mother at the time she needed him most. This is betrayal he is like
his father.
Poverty is reflected in this chapter. Amoti is very sick but there is no money in the house.
Abooki had to go to Vicky to ask some money.
In this chapter another tragedy is reflected. Vicky is also HIV positive Vicky advised Abook that
she should not love a man because of money.
Generasity is reflected through Vicky who gave Abooki enough money to help her sick mother.
Lastly, Betrayal and dishonest are depicted as John who was Abooki friend raped her. He
dropped a Valium tablet in her coke. She drunk to and lost her consciousness.
Chapter 10
Lacks of piece aed restlesseess have occupied Abooki she is not at ease. She doubts that she is
either pregnant or HIV positive. She lost her weight a person cannot be infected by shaving
meals, shaking hands, using same containers for bathing or simply touching the sick people. The
only solution is to cover deep wounds, he added.
Moreover he said that HIV is transmitted through sexual intercourse and blood transfusion.
After two weeks Abooki went for her HIV test results. She found that she was HIV negative also
she was not pregnant. In her family she was the only spared.
Jonathan told her that the only protection guarantee from HIV/AIDS is to Abstain for unmarried
people and mutual love among married couple buried. He is also HIV positive. Also David’s
father, David’s mother and the house girl in Building future. He is no longer the fortal portal
Lastly, we see forgiveness as Uncle Araali has forgiven Atwoki as Atwoki forgot him in his
good times. Uncle Araali accepted both Atwoki and Abooki. They went to stay with him as they
lost their parents.
Joe wakes up and takes a bath. He is going for the interview. He wants to get a job as the
assistant laboratory technician. He wants money to redeem or pay for his form four certificates.
He owed 40,000/= to the Nairobi central academy. His brother and guardian could not clear this
remaining school fees arrears.
Joe arrives at the stage and finds many passengers waiting for Matatu(buses for city pasangers).
Previously, we are given the flashback of Joe's life. Joe's parents were killed in war (tribal
cleansing) in Vasin Gishu. So, Joe his brother David and his sister,Lucy, Ndita and Marry had to
live with their uncle Jothan. Their home was completes destroyed and new houses were built .
Then, suddenly, the Matatu arrives at the very fantastic speed. It knocked the old woman who
was mentally disturbed but Joe had dived and pulled her off the road. He saved her from being
run over (full impact)
Then, Joe dialed the police through the telephone both across the road. He gave first aid to the
old cucu. The police and the ambulance arrived. Joe as was asked by the policewoman to go to
the police station to make or give the statement of the accident. He is afraid that he will be late
for the interview.
Joe enter the ambulance. He is going to give the statement of the accident. In the ambulance he
meets Freddie Mwasi, the medic Joe is worried because he will miss the interview. Freddie thank
him for having dialed the police.
Joe and policewoman enter into the reporting room at police post. The policewoman is a the
officer commanding station, chief inspector. Joe gives his statement (narrated what happened
during the accident|)
Then, the policewoman orders constable Kilonzo to get a car and take Joe where he wants to go
(to the interview). Before leaving, Joe saw Freddie, the medic and they go together to see how
the old woman is doing.. The old woman is unconscious and Joe leaves for the interview.Kilonzo
is driving carelessly.On the way to interview Joe is pondering on the interview and about the old
woman.Then they arrive at the impressive city soap industries building.
Joe enters the city soap industries building. He meets the receptionist who is reading a novel
titled Malindi affair. The receptionist direct him to Mr. Daniel Kung'us office. However we see
that this receptionist reminds him of Gladwell who was also fond of reading novels. She was her
fellow school mate and he loved her
He entered in Mr. Kungus office and found many interviews. The secretary wonders why he is
told to go and come back at 11:30 for the interview. As he is leaving the room Gladwell comes
running at him, they talk and agree to meet later.
Joe comes back at 11:30 and meets Mr. Daniel kung'us He tells him that he cannot hire him
because he is late. He has failed the interview because he was late for his interview. He tries to
explain the reason for his lateness. He is told to leave his result slip and a letter of application.
Joe is angry and unhappy. He goes to his brother's workplace to give him this sad news.
It start with David telling or giving Joe hope that he will get another job. David also has hope
that may be a better position is waiting for him somewhere. Also, Joe tells David he has met
Gladwell and Joe meet at the silver moon restaurant. They talk about the dealth of Gladwell's
sister who dued of TB. They also talk about the interview and the old cucu.
Their meeting ends abruptly as Gladwell asks Joe about the street people who get accident and
die buried. Joe responds that they are buried in mass graves, this fact depresses him, as he thinks
of old woman to be buried in a mass graves. He stops talking and soon they say goodbye to each
Joe goes to the hospital where he finds the old woman still unconscious.
Joe went to bed early, but he couldn't sleep. He is restless. He has a psychological torture. He
has the memory of the old woman being knocked and dragged by Matatu. He got up and went to
eatt rice and stew which had been prepared by their sister Lucy. He switched on lights and put on
the TV and watched CNN for few minutes.The TV announcer was featuring new finding about
HIV/ AIDS virus and about the new vaccine that was going on trial.
Then David also woke up and told him that he had found him a job at national librar.
The next morning Joe went to the library and met Julius Kineu chief librarian. He was on old
schoolmate of Divid. He started to work on the same day.
At 4:15 pm Joe went to the hospital to see old cucu outside the hospital he founds many people
staring at something on the pavement. Freddie, the medic told him that someone has killed
himself. He was an HIV/ AIDS victim. He flung from eighth floor. Them they went to see the
old woman. They meet doctor Ochieng who said that the old woman was fit as the fiddle but she
had Amnesia ( loss of memory).
Joe met the old woman (cucu) and Dr Ocheng introducd him to her that he saved her and
brought her to hospital..
She was sitting on the bed. She woke up and hugged him. The old woman want to be released
but Doctor Ochieng says that they have to trace her home first. She agrees on the condition that
Joe should insisting her.
Joe left and went to see Gladwell at St Bernadette church choir in Umoja. Before Joe went to see
Gladwell, we saw on Ochieng tells Joe that HIV/ ADS victim who killed himself was pester, he
warned him that it can get anyone. He also told him that they only ways to avoid HIV/AIDS is to
remain single until he gets married or use condom.
Then, Joe arrived at St Bernadette and saw Gladwell. Gladwell is surprised by the bond that has
developed between Joe and old cucu, as he told her that he wants to find her home and her
relatives . After the choir practice they left, and Gladwell told him that her sister Georgina also
died of HIV/AIDS.
It starts with Joe and David.David is discouraging Joe when he said that he is going to trace
cucu home. Because of David’s discouragement the next day he did not visit the old cucu. The
day after he wentt to see her, she was disappointed when he did not show up the previous day.
She thinks that Joe has come to collect her, But Dr Ochieng insists that she must be discharged
first.As they are talking suddenly the old cucu mentions Kariobangi, but she forget immediately
that has mentioned the place as home. When Dr. Ochieng is told, he says the old cucu is getting
back the flashes of her memory. She is given another twenty four hours to recover for Amnesia.
The next morning Joe received Gladwell's all that she got a Job at the city soap industries.
An hour later, he decided to persue the past newspaper and when he turned at the page of notices
and death announcement, he saw the picture of old cucu, below it there was a caption which
explained that she went missing and a reward of 100,000/= would be given to whoever helps in
locating her. There was also eh telephone number of her son Johnson Njogu
Joe ran to the receptionist and gave mercy Mr Njogu's telephone number to dial at Njogu's
house. He was given Njogu's direct number by a girl, as Njogu was not at home.
He called Mrs Njogu and told him that he know where his missing mother was. Njogu did not
believe him. He thinks that he was after money. He banged a phone down. Joe did not give up.
He dialed again and told him that his mother was in ward three at the national hospital and this
time Joe banged the phone down on him.
Then at 3:30 Gladwell arrived and they went to see if Mr Njogu had come to collect his mother.
Unfortunately he had not come. At 5:30, Joe and Gladwell left disappointed and dejected
becauseMr Njogu did not show up.
When reached home in the evenig he gave David a story about Njogu and David told him that
there is only one Njogu who is billionaire.
It starts with Joe thinking how Mr. Njogu is lucky, he is rich and he has a mother while he (Joe)
lost his parents at ten. They were killed in a tribal war over land. Therefore Joe, David, Mary and
Lucy had to live with uncle Jotham.
Lucy is now a student (19) at city polytechnic and Mary’s a nurse (22) at Nairobi metropolisis
hospital. He had not seen his grandparents, their mother, Nancy Mwashaki and father Bernard
Tthe next day in the evening he went with Gladwell to the hospital and found that the old cucu
had been taken by her son Johnson Njogu.
Joe did not eat for two days. He is depressed because they took the old cucu without informing
him. He was a possessed man. He could not speak to anyone.
Later in Joe was told that someone wanted to see him. Tony, Njogu’s son told him that he had
been sent by his father to collect him. He was takes by Tony to Njogu's house. The car carried
him was a Peugeot 604, very expressive and luxurious. Joe was mesmerized by the stately
mansions behind elegant gates. Then they arrived.
Joe was led into the living room of Johnson Njogu.There were expensive terms which displayed
affluence. The thick maroon wall to wall carpe,t the glass coffee table, the three or four crystal
chandeliers, 36 inch TV, video and hi -fi equipment all displayed wealth.
Joe was given a juice brought by the house girl. Then Njogu and his wife came in. They greeted
Joe. Joe told the history how he found the old cucu. The old cucu also came and hugged Joe.
Also Daniel Kung'u (uncle Dan) who is Njogu's cousin came in. He was coming from Mombasa
for a trip.
Njogu offers 240,000/= a job at main plant of elephant group of companies to Joe. Also Joe
remembers Mr. Daniel Kungu as the personnel manager at city soap industries who denied him
the interview as he arrived late.
Also, in this family reunion as the main theme of this novel is reflected through Joe and old cucu.
The old cucu discovers that Joe is her grandson. Therefore Njougu is paternal uncle of Joe.Later
on Njogu tells a story that he got a scholarship to America . He stayed there for a long time. He
felt homesick for having abandoned home. He came back with his wife Miriam and his children.
He could not see his relatives as they had been displaced. He found the old cucu (his mother) at
Laema camp and she couldn't remember anything.she had lost her memory.
Then they took her under their care, but unfortunately a year ago she disappeared, until Joe
found her. Lastly David comes in.
David and Joe taking break. Joe says that he will pay 40,000/= to Nairobi central academy to
redeem his form four certificate. He will deposit the difference in the bank. He will open the
bank account. Joe says this as he show David the cheque of 240,000 /=given by Njogu for
finding old cucu.
Then Joe, David ,Gladwell, Lucy and Marry go to Njogu's house. Njogu had decided that there
should be an impropty party for family reunion. All of them sing and dance. There is Njogu,
Miriam, old cucu, Joyce, Tony, Joe ,David ,Mary, Lucy and Gladwell. The old cucu is happy.
This is family reunion.
1. Poverty
David and Joe are poor. They can not pay 40,000/= school fees arrears to the Nairobi central
academy. So Joe owed the school that amount. He could not be presented with his form four four
On the other hand we see many people waiting for the Matatu to arrive at the bus stop. The
narrator says that always people had to scramble for seats. This is also poverty.
Joe's parents ,Nancy Mwihaki and Bernard Kibe were killed in a tribal conflict in Vasin Gishi
district. It was a conflict over the land.
Joe dived and pulled the old woman from the fast speeding Matatu. So the Matatu did not run
over her (or crush). He saved her from the full impact.
Kindness is also shown as Joe called the police and went to visit the old cucu in the hospital. He
brought her some oranges. He was also determined to find her relatives. He did not want the old
cucu to go back to the street. This also shows love and care.
The police arrived at the place where the accident happened immediately.They took Joe to
record the statement of the accident. The policewoman also ordered Killonzo to take Joe to the
Doctor Ochieng, Nurse Mildred and Freddie Mwasi (the medic) were also responsible. They are
attending and examining the old cucu carefully.
5. Modereity
The huge impressive city soap industries building reflects modernity. Also the interview, the
employment, the library, the police, the hospital, the doctor, the nurse, the bank, the cheque,
school fees, school, Matatu, scholarship, novels, CNN, the city, industries, all these show
7. Disappoietmeet
Joe is disappointed as he could not be interviewed. He was late for the interview.
Disappointment is also reflected as Njogu could not believe that Joe knew the where abouts of
his mother. It is further shown when Njogu collected the old cucu at the hospital without
informing Joe. Joe could not eat for 2 days.
8. Hope
9. Diseases
10. Death
Georgina died of HIV/ AIDS. Also Joe's parents were killed in Vasin Gishu district due to
ethnic classes overland.
11. Nepotism
Joe got the job at the library because the chief librarian was David's old school mate. He was not
even interviewed.
12. Discouraiemeet
David discouraged Joe when he wanted to find cucu's home and relatives.
The HIV/ AIDS victim who flung from the eighth floor and killed himself. This is the pastor.
Also the old cucu was frustrated when her husband was killed in a tribal war.
14. Wealth
Johnson Njogu is a wealthy man. He is rich. It is reflected through expensive car that picked Joe
at the national library. Expensive items in his house, 36 inches TV ,thick maroon wall to wall
carpet, glass coffee table, video hi-fi equipment, photocopies machine along with other valuable
items. He is also the owner of elephant group of companies.
15. Classes
There are stately mansion where Johnson Njogu lived. Joe had only seen on the TV.
It is reflected when the old cucu discovered that she is Joe's paternal grandmother .Johnson
Njogu is Joe's and David’s paternal uncle. Family reunion is further reflected through the
impropty party where we see Njogu, old cucu , Miriam, Tony, Joyce ,David ,Joe, Marry and
Lucy are celebrating family union.
It is shown as the basic requirement for survival. Joe had to pay 40,000/= school fees arrears to
get his form four certificate. This could enables him go to college or get a job. Johnson Njogu
got a scholarship in USA and when he came back he became the richest person on the land. Lucy
Mary also had to go to school in order to get a job.
The policewoman Margareth Kinyua is the officer commanding station, chief inspector. She
represents that women can do tough jobs and also can fulfill high ranks responsibilities .
Questioes oe Novel
1. "It is high time we looked back into our cultural aspects for the purpose of modifying them"
Do we need to modify our culture? Use two novels to support your answers.
2. From two novels you have done under this section, choose two characters, one from each
novel and examine in details how they have been affected by the conflicts in their societies.
3. Mother play important roles both to their children and to their societies. Use two text you have
read to show these mother's roles.
4.Choose two characters from two novels you have done and explain their positive contributions
to their societies.
5. Take two female characters each from one novel you have done and show how they resemble
and differ from each other in various aspects.
6. Many writers have portrayed women as importance as equally men in society. Discuss this
with reference to any two novels you done.
7. Choose two characters from two novels you've read and show how their personalities and
efforts to bring changes in their societies
It starts in front of Atangana’s house. Atangana is making a basket. A be sollows buy sculpting
an ebony figurine. Ondua and Oyono are playing a game of Jongho and drinking palm wine also
there is Bella and Matalina.
Atangana is complaining that his wife has stayed long in the farm. Ondua also complains that his
wife (Monica) denied him a local beer (Arki). This reflects oppression of women. Women work
while men are just enjoying their time. Women are like servants to men.
On the other hand women have been positively reflected. Maknta and Monica are feeding their
families. They are responsible although reglected.
Oppression of women is shown in two incidences. First Abessolo advises his sons (Ondua and
Atangana) to beat their wives and daughters he adds that no sensible man should ask for an
opinion from a woman.
Secondly we see Juliette’s parents and relatives have already arranged her marriage without
consulting her. She has two suitors. The first one is Mbia who is expected to arrive later. Juliette
is considered as an item for change. The entire family expects to prosper due to her marriage
Atangana says he will get a gon permit while Ondua says, the police commissioners will no
longer beat and arrest him for drinking Arki.
Protests reflected though Juliette. She rejects the opinion of her parents getting married to either
of the suitors. She says that they should have cons ulted her. Abesollo says women have no right
to speak over their marriage uses.
The role of formal education is reflected through Juliette is aware of her rights due to the formal
education she has received at Libamba. She says she is not a source of income she has courage of
protesting against selfish wishes of her parents.
Lastly we see Maknta coming back from the bush where she has been working since morning.
She is carrying cassava, banana, and sugar cane in her basket.
Poverty is reflected through Oyono and Atangana as they are planning to we Juliette’s bride price to
pay for the wife Oyono wants to marry in Ebolowa
Polygamism is exposed in this society as Ondua comments that Meka’s daughter get married to the
deputy secretary states as the twelveth wife.
This act starts with a meeting between Mbia and Villagers. There is gender discrimination. In
this meeting of receiving the bride price for Juliette no any woman has been invited to attend the
top palaver.
Mbia is given a chance to introduce himself (his genealogy). He says that his mother was a
Yembong. Abessolo intervenes and says that there should be no marriage because the
grandmother of Juliette’s grandfather was also a Yembong. This represents traditional customs.
However after having considered that the evil servant from Sangmelima they decide to abandon
their traditional customs due to the time factor.
Polygamism is reflected as Mbia is already married to eight with poor traditional customs and
selfishness is reflected. Juliette’s parents ended a lot of things from Mbia. Atangana demanded
the following things. Three large lion clothes, one whole sack of cola nuts a nice lawn chair, a
raduset with gramophone, four terylene suits, five woolen blankets a sewing machine with a
pedal, ten large loin clothes, a complete set of kitchenware, ten sacks of vice of kilograms each,
four oxen, fifteen sheep, ten goods, twenty pigs and thirty court of red wine.
Protest is shown through Juliette who protested to get married to Mbiosle says she has someone
who is studying at Lycee Lectere in Ywinde.
Lastly Juliette and O’ko meet and arrange take the money that has been paid by the two suitors and
use it as bride price. At the end of this act we are informed Juliette managed to take the money.
She gave three hundred francs to O’ko and Kooma.
It is in Makrita’s kitchen. The position of women is reflected in the kitchen. They occupy the
interior position. They cook and talk in the kitchen there is Makrita Bella and Juliette.
Bella says that the villagers were laughing at Atangana for sending a mere daughter (Juliette) to
school. This shows discrimination. The girls are discriminated in this society. Worse still women
support this gender discrimination
Paie 57 Bella said………….yes! My son had become the laughing stock of Mvoutessi.
Everybody said it was very stupid of him to waste a lot of money he got from cocoa on a mere
instead of getting himself more wives.
Then, Atangana, Abessolo and Mbarga a some back. In this act we are introduced to Ndi who
came to see Juliette. It is at this move not when Atangana discovered the left.
Traditional customs are shows Young people are not allowed to eat viper Mbarga is complaining
about the missing quarter of the viper meat. He says it is Owono and Belinga who have stolen it.
In this society the viper is only for old men but a taboo food for others.
Conflicts have not been put aside in plays. There is conflict between Ndi and Atangana’s family
and friends. This id reflected as Ndi rejects to add 200 thousand francs on his bride price so as to
marry Juliette. Mezoe and Oyono more threateningly at him. He runs away and says that he will
report this issue to the police. He wants his one hundred thousand francs back.
The other conflict is between Mbia and the villagers. Mbia has been asked to add one hundred
thousand francs on his bride price and take Juliette right away. He rejects and threatens the
whole village. He says that he will bring ten police commissioners.
Witchcraft is shown this society Mbarga (the Headman) Proposes to bring the witchdoctor from
Sangmelina to recover the missing money
This act centered on traditional belief (Witchcraft). Atangana under the Influence of Mbaga
called Sangatiti to find the stolen bride price. All villagers admire the witchdoctor. The society is
deep rooted in witchcraft.
However, the witchdoctor is discovered to be a liar (not reliable due to the following thing:-
(ii) He starts to deal with irrelevant issue example he asks Mbarga to tell the number of his wife,
he talks about deaths in the village and relationship between men and women
(iii) He is demanding. The villagers discover that he is an opportunist. He uses the following
phrases; of course. I can’t speak with empty hards. I must have something for my trouble,
decidmen never speak unless it has rained, when as river has dried up the water no longer runs.
(a) He says Atangana went to Sangmelina to sell his cocoa two days ago while it is almost week.
(b) He says Atangana sold ten sacks of cocoa while be sold three sacks
Ignorance is also shown in this Act. The villagers are ignorance to believe in withcraft, although
they discover later:
Sangatiti is ignorant of world directions). He cannot differentiate north from south. He says
Sangmelina and Ngaounaere are close. Kauma (educated Youngman) says Ngaoundere is in the
north while Sagmelima is in the south. Sangatiti says south and North are same.
The role of formal education is seen. It liberates people. Kauma helps the village to discover that
Sangatiti is a liar. He does not fear the witchdoctor and he contradicts him.
Lastly we see that the villagers become aware (awareness) of the witchdoctor’s true they chase
him away. This can be marked as the conflict between the villagers and Sangatiti.
It takes place in front of Atangana’s main house Mbarga, Abessolo, Atangana, Ondua and Mezoe
are in front of Atangana’s house. They are complaining about Juliette who has rejected to get
married to either of the suitors.
Poor traditional customs are reflected in which girls we supposed to take orders from parents as
they are. There should be on discussion. A girl has no discussion. A girl has no right to speak or
select a husband. Girls are supposed to be docile, meek, loyal and submissive. Ondua, Mazoe
and Mbarga say that Juliette has been corrupted by secondary education.
Position of women and oppression are the inseparable themes in this act Ondua in page 60
swears that he cannot take a girl to secondary school. He says a girl should stay at home and
grow peanuts like his wife Monica. Also Abessolo says that Girls are nothing.
Humiliation is shown when Mbarga proposes that Juliette should be taken to Yaounde by force
and call at all government offices so as to get rid of her. In this regard Mbarga advises Atangana
to take Juliette to Yaounde and sell her to any man who will pay three hundred thousand francs.
Humiliation is futher shown as Tchetgen comes in Atangana asks him to pay three hundred
thousand francs takes Juliette right away. However he fails in the bargains. He can pay up to two
hundred thousand francs.
Lastly, changing roles and position of women are reflected as Oko and Kouma arrive Oko insists
that Juliette should agree to marry first, they be will pay the bride price. He is introduced by
Kouma as doctor of doctorates, doctor of mathematics and palm tree leaves. Later on the four
leaves are presented. One for Ndi the second for Mbia the third for Tchetgen and fourth for Oko.
Juliette selects the leaf which stands for Oko. The marriage is settled.
Poetry refers to the literary genre that is presented in verses and stanzas as well as mtsical feattrese
Poetry is the way of expressing the feelings, emoaons, ideas and other things that we experience
Or ideas with the special reference to emoaonal signifcance tsing langtage characterized by imagery
and rhythmical sotnds
Poems are meant to be a song or recited [read alotd] poetry deals with htman experience in their
respecave socieaese
A poem
Is a piece of wriang in verse form expressing deep feelings in an arasac [creaave] langtage
When writen a poem is in form of lines which combine to prodtce stanzas which are block like
paragraphs strtcttres [tnits]e
Is a person who composes a poeme A poem can be writen or in oral form a poet can also be described
as a person who spends most of hissher ame to commtnicate with society throtgh poemse
-Poetry is imaginaave
-Poetry is rhythmical ieee it has sotnd efects dte to the fact that it is arranged in a partner of verses
which forms a stanza this arrangement makes it possible to be a songe
-Poetry employs word economy ieee a few words are tsed to mean mtche
It refers to the choice and arrangements of words in a poemePoets are very clever in the arrangement of
words to make them stit what they want to conveye
Therefore they make a careftl choice of words make word economy possiblee
Poetic liceese
This privilege that poets are given to break grammaacal rtles of langtage prontnciaaon rtles may also
be broken in order to meet the rhythmical rtles of the poeme
Eege a poet may write ‘’ott they go’’ instead of ‘’they go ott ‘’ this does not sotnd UN grammaacal in
However if the poet does not have grammaacal competence of a paractlar langtage hes she cannot be
said to be tsing poeac licensee
This is the tse of langtage in stch a way that it samtlates certain feelings that appeal to any of the fve
senses of
And vision
All the senses in this case are samtlated by words as tsed in the poem
· Sense of smell is evoked by the tse of words stch as ‘’ sanking carcass’’ this makes the leader
to smells listening to a poem
· Sense of totch may be evoked by means of words stch as ‘’sof smooth’’ and ‘’rotgh ‘’
· Sense of hearing may be evoked by words which stggest the sotnds of the thing they refer to
eege ‘’jingling’’ ‘’popping ‘’ ‘’ dancing’’ creaking ‘’ and ‘’hissing’’
· Sense of taste may be evoked by words stch as ‘’salty’’ ‘’ biter’’ ‘’stgary’’ and ‘’ sotr’’
Imagery depends on experience- that means what evokes a certain feelings in one may not necessarily
do the same to another eege words ‘’stgary’’ and ‘’ sotr’’e
A poem does not have characters instead a person who speaks in a poem is called a persona in other
words a persona is e tivalent to the character in a prosee
Someames a poet may tse a pronotns ‘’I’’ when that is the case the poet does not refer to himself or
herself in the shoes of another person eege may be setled in his sher cotntry and decide to compose a
poem [speak for reftgees]e
In so doing he s she may look like one of the reftgees, however in interpretaaon the reader or the
listener may interpret the poem with the belief that it is a reftgee speakinge
This is the similarity or idenaty of the sotnds at the end of consectave lines [verses] or at similar
intervals in a stanza of a poeme
Today is ay
The above stanza has a rhyme patern as each line ends with ‘’ay’’ to givesell sotnd
Salvaaon is coming
Jests is coming
The above stanza also has similariaes in sotnd endings that means it has rhyme patern
However the rhyme patern in the 1st stanza is ‘aa’’ ‘’aa’’ while in the second stanza it is ‘’ab’’ ‘’ab’’
To avoid boredom as the tse of similar sotnd atracts atenaon of the reader s listeners
NB ;
This is the patern of the stressed and tnstressed sotnds in a poemeThe rhythm may be regtlar or
When it is irregtlar stress occtrs at interval [ the same interval ],when the rhythm is irregtlar stress
does not occtr at regtlar intervalse
ajor classes of the words are the ones stressed while the minor ones are tnstressede
A wordsline that is repeated at the end of each stanzae It adds mtsical feattres and emphasizes a pointe
This is becatse the ‘’tone’’ or ‘’ mood’’ help the reader to know what the persona s poet wants to
advocate to
This is a fgtre of speech by which one says one thing and means the other,
or the opposite of what is being said one may say x while in the real sense means Y,
an irony can be idenafed by examining the atttde of the speaker contradicts with what is being said
then there is ironye
An act of learning ott some words which the writer sspeakers poet thinks are least important or
tnderstood by the readers listener in poetry ellipsis is mainly tsed to save space words which are likely
to be ellipses are ftncaonal words stch as preposiaon, atxiliary verbs, conjtncaons and determiners
eege Aaeno’s fotrteen instead of ‘’Aaeno is 14 years old ‘’
Usage of words which stggest the meaning of what they prefer to throtgh their sotndse
It is one of the most common feattres in poetryeIt is also very inftenaal as it is part of imagery and
mtsic at the same ame eege
In general there are the words containing sotnds similar to the noise they describe
These poems refers to the poems which strictly follow poeac principles they abide by rtles as
Rhyme patern
Balance in rhythm
Tradiaonal poems are also referred to as closed poems becatse they are botnd by rtlese
They are also called formal poems becatse of conforming to formaliaes or poeac standardse
Are the ones which follow only some poeac principles they are not strict as tradiaonal onese
Some of the modern poems observe rhythm patern while others do not rhyme are technologically
called ‘’free poems’’
It shotld be noted that being tradiaonal does not have direct relaaonship with ame,
a poem may be composed today and yet be regarded as tradiaonal poemse
Is the short poem which expresses strong and deep feelingse
Is the poem that presents heroic characterse It is a long poem that deals with the acaons of great people
or history of a naaon eege
If a long poem is composed pro sing the death of the soldiers to war and brotght home victory then that
is an epic
Narrative poem
Is a poem that tells a storye The persona in the story tells to stay on a certain event or isstes that was
happened eege
‘’ the wonderftl strgeon ‘’ by Charles loka
A lyric poem that contains fotrteen lines in two stanzas the frst stanza is normally made of 8 lines called
an ‘’ octet’’,
and the second stanza is made tp of six lines and is called a ‘’sestet’’
Is a lyric poem that expresses sadness abott someone who has diede
7. AN - ODE
Is a poem that addresses a person or a thing or celebrates an event eege a poem composed on ones
The atle of the poem gives a dte to what the poem is abott it can make the reader predict the content
of the poeme
Eege a poem however the reader shotld not over rely on atle of poeme This is becatse some poems are
ironical in their atlese
The poet’s history may also provide a dte to the content of the poeme Btt the reader is again cataoned
not to over rely on the history of the poete
In general a atle and a poet are the frst thing to consider poem analyzing poeme
Btt it shotld also be borne in mind that poem analysis is done when the poet and the atle are not
The important of the two lines in giving a dte to what the poem is likely to the talking abott
Look at the type to which the poem belong we then jtdge whether the poem is lyric balled narraave etce
The type of a poem is important in its interpretaaon eege lyric can be interpreted foctsing on the
persona’s feelinge
The atttdes mood of the poet have contribtaon to efecave interpretaaon of the poeme
At this stage the reader determines whether the poet is angry, happily, sad, seriots etce
This can help the reader tnderstand the message intended by the poete
Tone of the poet is tnderstood by examining choice of wordse It may show whether the poet is joking
seriots ironicale
Whenever a claim is made on mater relaang to themes a reader shotld stpport hissher claim with
evidence from a poem,
eeg If reader claims that a poem is abott corrtpaon evidence from a poem mtst be givene
The reader gets them throtgh words tsed in a poeme The poem may not state theme directly btt
throtgh implicaaon
Here the reading relaave isste or theme in the poem to those fotnd in hissher societye
A poem is relevant if it refects the reader’s social realitye
A person may be relevant to one individtals society and irrelevant to the othere
A message of a literacy work refer the literacy arast want the atdience to do afer going throtgh stch
work it is a stggesaon given as a lesson
Poets raise isstes or problems stch problem reach soltaonse A message can be regarded as a soltaone
Here the reader look at the way langtage has been tsed in molding the poeme
This is very important becatse in literattre is very inftenaal in molding the message that the arast want
to conveye
At this stage a poeac analysis we look at the choice and arrangement of words (dicaon) symbols and
symbolism and the tse of fgtres of speeche
The tse of fgtres of speech helps to add contotr or ctt poeme Figtre of speech also makes a poem to
be interesang and entertaininge
Different ways.
The poem is about two national builders who build the nation differently. Ps is pretending that he
is building the nation while he is destroying as he is feeding his stomach. The Driver is building
the nation in which he fulfills his responsibilities but his stomach is empty. He is not paid as he
should. Hence he has developed ulcers.
(i) Poverty
The Driver is poor as he could not afford lunch. He says his ulcers are caused by hunger
(ii) Hypocricy
The upper class is depicted to be hypocrite. The leaders, in this case the Ps promise or pretend to
build the nation while they are destroying the nation while they are destroying the nation. This is
shown in the first stanza.
The poet has shown classes in his society. He has identified the class of people who enjoy the
national cake. The exploiters are people of the upper class. The Ps is rich and had more than
enough. The drivers are poor. He represents poor people in our society. This class is starving
from hunger, as shown through the driver who has ulcers due to hunger.
(iv) Exploitatioe
The driver is exploited. He is working but he is not paid well. He explocted hence he is poor.
The term resource refers to supply of raw materials which can be used to bring development. The
poet has discussed the issue of misusing the national resources. This is shown through the Ps
who misuses time, the car for his personal matters
The Ps is misusing his power as he attends matters. He does not attend matters of state as claims.
He does not fulfill his responsibilities.
The person is angry and sad. The person is sad because the Ps does not build the nation. The Ps
is hypocrite. He is sad as he is also poor.
4. What is tone of the speaker is bitter and sarcastic. The speaker ironically speaks that the Ps
pretends to build the nation while he was attending personal matters. He went for lurch.
In Tanzania we have leaders like the Ps and senior avil servants who are selfish, corrupt and
irresponsible. On the other hand most of the workers are poor. There works receive law salaries.
Lastly, we have people who are aware of the evils of the leaders, but they fear to criticize them.
The speaker is driver who is poor, oppressed, and hardworking. The speaker not happy with
situation that the system has created for him. He hates his state of poverty while the Ps is
extremely rich but he does not work.
The poem is about a girl called Atieno. She is oppressed, humiliated and segregated by her
maternal uncle. Atieno is overworked. At the age of eight she was plinking the chicken. She was
neither taken to school nor paid for her services. Later she become pregnant and died due to post
delivery bleeding.
The speaker is either Atieno’s uncle or someone who has been the observe of what happened to
Atieno. Hence he pretends to be Atieno’s uncle. The speaker is not happy with Atieno’s life. The
speaker is aware of child abuse.
3. What is fore of the speaker?
Atieno is working as house girl in her uncle’s house. At this age Atieno is supposed to be at
(ii) Oppressioe
Atieno is overworked. At the age of eight. Atieno plucks the kitchen washes dishes and sleeps in
the kitchen on sacks.
(iii) Exploitatioe
Atieno is exploited. The young girl is working hard but does not get any returns. She is not paid,
taken to school or bought nice clothes.
(iv) Seireiatioe
Atieno is not treated equally like her uncle’s children. Atieno’s uncle educates his children but
keeps Atieno at home. Worse still Atieno sleeps in the kitchen sacks.
Atieno lacked good parental care. She had no one to guide her on morals. She becomes pregnant
at the tender age.
(vi) Poverty
Atieno is poor. She lacks basic needs like proper shelter, good clothes and food. She has difficult
life conditions.
(vii) Death
There are girls in many societies who become pregnant at the young age. These girls face
childbirth difficulties, some of the girls die in the process.
On the other hand we have child labour, child abuse and exploitation
The poem is about underdevelopment in developing countries. The speaker argues that whenever
there is selfishness, corruption, exploitation and oppression there will be no development. The
speaker accuses, blames a man of the people for having failed to bring development. The
personal attacks the political leaders as the main causes for underdevelopment. The speaker
states that they are corrupt, selfish irresponsible and exploitative.
The personal is unhappy. He is complaining about the behavior of some leader who is corrupt,
selfish and irresponsible. Such leaders lead the countries to under development.
Egoism refers to selfishness. It is thinking of one’s own interests or needs without thinking about
a) ………… “the people to whom we have entrusted, power. Are corrupt” These verse carry the
theme of corruption
b) “I reckin the minority, more sensitive to egoism” – these verse are portraying the theme of
a) Selfisheess
It is the thinking of one’s own interests or needs without considering others OR It is the behavior
of not sharing what one has with others. In this poem the persona has depicted selfishness
through leaders. The leaders are sensitive to selfishness
b) Corruptioe
It is an immoral action where one gains his/her favour by giving argues that it is difficult for a
nation to develop when corruption dominates. The person attacks political leaders that they are
In this poem the person has pinned down the two major classes in the society. The upper class of
leaders. This is the class of selfish, corrupt and irresponsible people.
The second class is the lower class. This is the class of poor people. These are exploited,
oppressed, humiliated and cheated. The speaker belongs to this class.
d) Exploitatioe
The person has discussed the issue of social services in the society. Since independence, people
have been demanding better living condition and importance of social services. The speaker says
that leaders have proved incapable to bring development; people need health centers, more
schools, clean water and better transport facilities.
f) Protest
The speaker or persona is protesting against corrupt, selfish and irresponsible political leaders.
i) Betrayal
The political leaders especially a man of the people have failed to bring development. They were
entrusted with power from the majority but they are corrupt, selfish and irresponsible.
The lesson we get from this poem is that wherever is egoism, corruption, poor leadership then it
is too difficult to develop. So we should fight against such evils.
The poem is about a person who is disappointed with the existing system. The relationship
between Leader and the ruled on one hard and the relationship between developed and
developing countries on the other hard are exploitative in native. The person is complaining that
people laugh, abuse and insult his children that they have poor health, dirty and underfed.
However the speaker says has children are in such situation due to the corrupt and exploitative
2. What do you think the poet mean when he says “To die a little”?
He wants the rich nations to release the poor nations so that they can develop. Therefore, to
“die a little” is to be considerate for benefits of the poor countries.
The person says that there is unequal exchange between development and developing countries.
He also says that he is poor because of exploitative system. Lastly he says the rich countries and
the rich men are the causes of his poverty
2. Impact of Neo-coloeialism
The persona sees neo-colonialism as an obstacle to development. The persona states that the rich
Nations are not ready for to die a little so that poor nations may develop. This means the rich
nations are not considerate in terms of exchange and investment to poor countries. These
countries like USA and Western Europe countries exploit African countries.
Most of the people are poor. In this poem people do not get important and necessary services.
There are few schools, poor health centers and poor communication systems.
Due to the children are getting kwashiorkor (Due to underfeeding). The health of these children
seem to be poor due to poverty.
They persona is in law class. The persona’s children are also inlow(er) class. The poor or
developing countries are also in low class. The poor or developing countries are also in low
class. On the other hand the developed nations and rich people in high / upper class.
The persona is disappointed with the existing system. The leaders and rich nations are exploiting
him, therefore making it impossible for him to live standard or better life.
He is disappointed but he accepts the situation as he has nothing to do, in order to change the
correct system. In this regard the speaker has accepted the situation with contempt or
dissatisfactions. He says “let them drink water, eat air, until the system changes. Currently the
speaker has given up.
6. Humiliatioe
The persona is unhappy as he claims that people laugh at his children. There are people who
insult or abuse his children that they are dirty, they eat lice and have ill/poor health. In addition
to that they say his children live in abandoned hot.
7. Betrayal
The speaker uses the word brother to refer to those who – exploit and laugh at him. These people
have climbed up and have their positions to become rich. They exploit others and live or become
rich at the expense of poor. These are feloow Africans who after coming to power they pushed
other people aside and enjoyed the national cake while laughing at their fellow Africans who put
them in power.
8e Coefict
There is intra conflict within the speaker. He has a conflict with political leaders, rich nations and
people who laugh at his children.
The poem is relevant to Tanzania as developing countries where the majority are still poor.
There is also exploitation of workers, petty trader and peasants
Tanzania also like other third world countries has been exploited through neo-colonialism
relations since independence. Lastly, majority of Tanzanians have accepted or succumbed to this
to this difficult life conditions caused by oppression and exploitation from both rich people and
rich nations.
an of the people
Yot have always been telling ts
What we need
Healthy centers
Clean watere
I declare rtnning
A winded Btfalo
With a pocketknife
I plead tnderdevelopment
To maintain peace
I plead to cry
Of the naaon
Of a woman
Of a woman
Dying in agony
How is development
To be brotght
Are corrtpt?
Of the minority
To naaon btilding
Btt brother
How is development
3e What does the poem egoism mean in this poem as tsed in Stanza?
Aes: Egoism means selfshnesse It is the act of pttng one’s interest of the cotntrye
According to the poem, egoisac leaders do not care abott the interest of the naaon instead they
only care abott themselvese
4e Trace the verses which reveal possible themes and tell what themes they carry
Are corrtpt’’
It is clear that when leaders are selfsh, development is tnlikely to take placee
This is an immoral act in which one is favored afer giving bribese
Corrtpaon can be in form of sex,a materiale In this poem, a person argtes that it is not easy to
develop a society if it is corrtpte
To be brotght brother
Are corrtpt?"
In this poem, the person reveals two major classes in the societye
Accordiei to the persoe. This is the class of those people who have an impression that they are
beter than othere
The person also argtes that the minority are more sensiave to egoism than to nattral
development in the following versese
Is of any interest"
The second revealed by the persona is that of the majority who are exploited, cheated and
disregarded to the last stanza, the persona argtes that
Btt brother
From these verses it is obviots that the persona of this poem lives in a society which is divided
in two classes, the tpper one rtling the lowere
This refers to the tse of man power or materials of others selfshlye In this case, one person or a
grotp of people benefts while others lose and stfere
In this poem the minority leaderss rtles are selfsh and exploit the minority
Btt brother
The persona disctsses the social service in the societye Since independence, according to the
persona, people have been demanding beter living standard and improvement of social
servicee Btt afer independence all their incapable of bringing development
an of the people
What we need…e
Health centers
ore schools
ore schools
Clean water
From the above stanza development seems to be totghe Lacks of social service are indicators of
tnderdevelopmente According to the persona, all these problems are catsed by leaders who
are not capablee
Examples "Do yot plead incapable
A messages lesson we get in this poem is that it is not easy to get development in a naaon
whenever there is egoisms selfshness, corrtpaon, exploitaaon, poor leadership and lack of
tnitye So we shotld fght against these evils in otr respecave societye
From the poem, It seems that a poet believes that poor leadership is a key hindrance to
developmente Poor leadership leads to other evils in the societye
ii) FORM
a) Type of a poem
- It is an opens modern poeme The poem varies in the length of the versessstanza, there is no
clear patern to explain the form of the poeme
-The poem has 12 stanzas with varying ntmber of verses in each stanzae
c) Laeiuaie/ dictioe
The langtage tsed in the poem is simple, ordinary, clear and straight forward, these is
repeaaon of words for emphasise For eege "I plead……e"
Words are careftlly chosen to stpport the themes, for eege “Egoism’’
Code mixing (barbarism)-A poem tses a Swahili word “Uhtrt” to refer to independence, in this case a
word “Uhtrt” is regarded by the poet to the very castal and well tnderstood to the atdience than in
English word Independencee
Hyperbole eege “The stomachs of the privileged few greater than the rif valley”, “eeeeeethe thirsty of the
minority greater than that of the Sahara”
For eege in the forth stanza a cotntry is given taliaes of rtnning and walkinge
“I declare rtnning
- Toee/mood/voice
- Rhythm patere
The poem is relevant to all developing countries like Tanzania and other developing countries in
Africa and third world countries.
1.How is development
2. To be brought brother
5. Are corrupt?
It is tite trte that a cotntry like Tanzania is faced by evils like corrtpaon exploitaaon and poor social
services dte to poor leadershipe
In yotr eyes
I feel empty
And sappede
Is to me the meastre
In my pockete
It is yot I acctse
Foctsed on my ptrse
1. Title
The title of the poems is “YOU ARE LOST” it is nit direct but it’s indirect because it does talk
about love that is lost in money.
This can be verified in the 5th stanza with words saying “It is you I accuse because you love is
2. Themes
(i) Hypocrisy
This can be clearly seen in the stanza 5 and stanza 6. The persona complains that,
Focused on my purse
The persona explains how much the woman she is writing to in the 5 th and 6th
stanza, the explanation show that,
the woman is providing love to the man in order to obtain money that he has; that
means that, she has lust of money.
(iii) Awareeess
This can be seen in most stanzas that the persona has noticed the trick the woman
is playing on him for providing him with love and,
different good actions towards him so that she could get money.
(iv) Exploitatioe
The persona is being exploited by the one she loves. The 4th stanza
This means that, the passions are given to him so that he is tsed as a tool for providing
The love existing between the persona and the woman is not true because, the
persona complains in the 1st stanza; their communication is not so well
1. Sunrise
Forward they go
Well armed
Bring at sunset
“Black is beataftl?”
Destroying my sight so
Aaeno yoe
Aaeno yoe
Aaeno yoe
Aaeno yoe
Aaeno yoe
Aaeno yoe
Aaeno yoe
The poor man knows not hotr to eat with the rich man when they eat fsh, he eats the head
Exisang things
It flls my pocket with allowance, my salary overfows strely increments, and promoaon shall fall me all
the days of my life
- The sons of the land have risen up like the sun when it rises, singing the beauty of the sunrise.
- Indirectly, it means liberation struggle where by the sun symbolizes a nationalist leader.
It is modern poem which does not follow most of the poetic principles.
Soued features
(i)Liberatioe struiile.
Rising of the nationalist leaders led to rise of confidence of the sons of the land,
such as peasants, workers and all the oppressed.
(ii) Couraie
African warriors are courageous and thus willing to rise as the sun against their
enemy (common enemy).
(iii) Ueity
(iv) Hope...
Expected to achieve victory e.g. “wait and see what glory they bring at sunset”
(v) Determieatioe
Laeiuaie use
He says he is tortured, oppressed. He is tired of being oppressed and he or she has decided to
wage war against all evils.
The tone is that of seriousness because the persona is ready to fight till his/ her last blood.
Soued features
It has stanzas with variable number of verses for each stanza when counted.
Laeiuaie use
The language used is simple and well understood.
Fiiures of speech;-
(iii) Iroey; The persona calls his enemies friends in the 3 rd stanza he says, “ All right,
my friends.
(i) Oppression; Treated in a cruel way e.g. The whole of the 2nd stanza
(ii) Protest and determination e.g. In the 4th stanza “And I will fight to the last cell”
(iii) Patriotism
(v) Awareness.
It is relevant those African societies which underwent and are still undergoing such
situation of oppression,
protest as well as awareness, due to their background.
Extra meaning of the poem is: The African leaders are the hollow heads who oppress
the other (the mass).
It is direct because it simply explains the lost beauty of the dark African skin in short.
Soued features
Fiiures of speech
(iv) Repeaaon eeges my eyes oh! y eyes, word “black” in all stanzas
(iii) Disappointment
(iv) Beauty
The persoea
He is black himself, “I am not black either portrays that he himself is in the group
of those who,
change skin colour through mainly the artificial methods. The persona tries to
show that “everybody” has to change.
Both men and women in the current situation face cultural deterioration.
It is a modern poem.
The poem has 6 stanzas (six) with variation in the number of verses from 4, 5 to 6.
Fiiures of speech
(i)Persoeificatioe e.g.:
(ii) Barbarism
Use of borrowed words such as “dada” which is a Swahili word such as “dada”
which is a Swahili word meaning sister.
(i) Unfaithfulness
(iii) Awareness
It is indirect since in the poem Atieno is not granted for freedom and rights as a child and also as
a human being.
It is a modern poem also it is narrative (though it is not necessary to say whether its narrative or
It is described as sympathetic.
Soued features
There is regular rhythm and it has rhyme pattern in the 2 nd and 4th verses in every stanza. There is
a refrain “Atieno yo”.
In our society for instance houses which employ young children such as
housekeepers. Also families which treat the children harshly since they are not
The poet did not show the solution to the problem of child oppression.
Laeiuaie use
When the choice of words is met to ensure world economy as well as breaking of grammatical
rules to meet rhythmical rules of a poem ,
e.g. “The poor man knows not how to eat” instead of “the poor man does not know how to eat”.
Fiiures of speech
(i)Metaphor, no conjunction is used e.g. “It makes him a beast to be fed on grass”.
(ii) Imagery; with a lot of imaginaaon eege “with blood of lice tnder his nail”e
Themes presented ares
(iii) Classes in the society, the rich class which segregate the poor/ low class e.g. in the
1st stanza.
People should be treated equally despite their economic status, whether poor or
rich e.g. “A poor man eats the head”
Poor in the society face the problem of famine whereby they lack food.
It is direct.
The persona’s tone is described as being happy and proud of the child’s good behavior of getting
contented with what is given to her/him.
Soued features
There is a rhyme pattern e.g. “mine” but there is irregular rhythmical sound.
Fiiures of speech
(iii) Value of the child e.g. proudly saying “But your mine”
It is a modern poem.
It is indirect because the whole poem is on irony and it is not true at all.
Also relating with Biblical meaning it does not reflect the message as described in the original
Psalms 23 that is to say as the real Psalm 23 of the Holy Bible.
Defiee the followiei terms.
i) POEMS: These are precise of writing using beautiful and reactive language arranged in fixed
lines with a particular beat.
ii) POETRY : It is an art of composing and correcting poems.
iii) STANZA: It is the correction of different verses. OR Is the arrangement of verses.
iv) RHYTHM: Means a regular beats or pattern of sounds in a poem.
v) RHYME: Is the similar sound at the end of the verses.
vi) VERSES: These are single line present (found) in the poem which form a stanza.
vii) POET : A man (male) person who compose poem.
viii) POETESS : A female person who compose poem.
ix) Personal: A person or dramatist who speaks in a poem, but not the poet/ poetess.
Publisher: EAPH
Year: 1979
Okot P’Bitek was born in Gulu town (Northern Uganda) in 1931. He is Acoli by tribe. His father
was a teacher at Gulu Mission Centre. His mother was a composer and singer of Acoli songs.
Okot got his education from Gulu High School, King’s College, Budo (Uganda); Government
Training College (teacher); Bristol University (Education Diploma); University College of Wales
– Aberstwyth and Oxford University. He was once a choir Master and a footballer. He was
interested in oral literature.
Sectioe 1: Lawino tells us how Ocol insults and looks down on her and her ways, family, clan
and all black people and their traditional ways. Lawino reacts to Ocol’s insults by mocking him
with his Western ways.
Sectioe 2: Lawino introduces us to Clementine, the city girl who is her rival for Ocol’s love. She
despises the way Clementine resorts to artificial ways of beautifying herself, like using
cosmetics, wearing wigs and slimming. She thinks she can compete with Clementine by
welcoming her husband warmly, an by the preparation of good meals, etc.
Sectioe 3: Presents Lawino’s attitudes towards European traditional dances which she thinks are
meaningless, immoral and unhygienic. They encourage people to embrace and kiss in public and
hence ignoring the respect for relatives. In addition, they dance in darknes, with the dancers
drunk, smoking and wearing improper dresses. Lawino prefers the traditional dances which she
believes are meaningful, require skills and they are danced in broad daylight and in the open.
Sectioe 4: Lawino describes the games, ornaments and other accomplishments of the Acoli
youth. She remembers how beautiful and skilfu she was when she was still young and how she
used to be admired by all the boys, including Ocol because of her singing and dancing.
Sectioe 5: Lawino condemns the western hair treatment (style) and the wearing of wigs and
handkerchiefs. She sees that there is no reason for aping the Europeans in their fashions and
styles because what is good for Europeans may not be necessarily good for Africans. She also
describes the beauty of traditional hair styles and adornments of body and the way they attract
young men.
Sectioe 6: Lawino confesses her ignorance of how to eat with forks and spoons. She despises the
tastelessness of the tinned and frozen foods and the cooking stoves of the whitemen. She
describes how every young Acoli girl is taught to look after the home and prepare food. She also
describes how nicely her mother’s house is organized.
Sectioe 7: Lawino compares the Western ways of telling time by counting seconds, minutes and
hours by clocks with the traditional ways of observing nature or by needs felt by human beings.
She makes fun of Ocol for becoming a slave of time to the extent of being unhappy and restless
and blames him for treating his children and relatives with great disrespect for the sake of
observing time.
Sectioe 8: Lawino expresses her attitude towars Chrisitianity and those who preach and love it.
She blames the preachers of Christianity for maltreating their converts. She shows that the
missionaries are wrong in their ways of thinking, education, sexual morality and naming
individuals. She blames the preachers for preaching good things but practicing things contrary to
Christianity. She thinks that it is better to join with her poor people in the area where meaningful
and relevant songs and cultural activities are performed.
Sectioe 9: is a continuation of Criticisms given against the preachers and Christian doctrines.
Lawino criticizes the preachers for failing to answer the questions concerning Christianity. She
also questions Christian doctrines of creation, virgin birth and Eucharist.
Sectioe 10: Lawino tells us how Ocol despises the traditional medicine, hygiene, food and child
upbringing. She believes that like European medicines, some Acoli medicine work and some do
not. She compares her beliefs in traditional spirits and charms to Ocoli’s belief in rosaries, angels
and the power of prayer.
Sectioe 11: Lawino attacks the local leadears of two rival parties; her husband, Ocol, and his
brother. These leader talk about independence, unity and peace, only to bring more conflicts and
disunity even within the family. She also attacks the folly of these leaders: engaging in political
conflicts and forgetting the suffering of the people under poverty, ignorance and diseases.
Sectioe 12: Exposes the irrelevance and effects of Western education. Lawino asks Ocol of what
use for him are the books as a person, if the knowledge in them cannot help to create a better
society. According to her, the books have killed Ocol as a man. Western education has brought
him to the point where he belongs neither to European culture nor to African culture.
Sectioe 13: Lawino advises Ocol on how to regain his manhood. According to her, he can do
that by throwing away all the symbols of hypocrisy, by begging for forgiveness of the elders,
offering traditional sacrifices using traditional doctors and medicines.
An African woman who lacks formal education and who is not converted to Christianity (p.14).
A strong upholder of African tradition (good or bad). She is proud of her womanly and cultural
accomplishment. She despises all the new ways (good or bad) being followed by her husband,
Ocol. She is a responsible mother who loves and cares for her children. Like any other person,
she is a little jealous but most of her bitterness to her rival – Clementine, is provoked by her
appearance (p. 24).
An African man who has got Western education (University education). He imitates the white-
men in everything and he is proud of and upholds all Western way (good or bad). He despises all
traditional ways of life (good or bad), Lawino and her relatives, his own relatives and all black
people. He is arrogant (Eg. Abusing LAWINO in English). He is always insecure, unhappy and
restless because of his obsession with time. He is a Hypocrite politician (leader of DP) who
preaches unity and at the same time he is in conflict with his brother who belongs to another
political party (UPC).
She is a modern girl. She is Ocol’s girl friend and a rival of Lawino. She is westernized woman
who symbolizes Western fashions and behaviours of women. She imitates the white women in
their ways. She is fond of artificialities. She is arrogant (p.27).
This poem has the following themes: Africans traditions, Protest conflict, Disunity/Alienation,
Hypocrisy, Betrayal, Position of women in society, etc.
Africae traditioe
Based on traditional beliefs, Lawino believes that when diseases such as small pox attack
people, the prayers and sacrifices to the ancestors can help to eradicate the disease, (p.154). The
Acol believe in the powers of ancestors, spirits and gods. Lawino describes the various spirits
that cause trouble. Or example, Joke Omara (for madness), Joke Odude (for typing up a woman’s
womb), etc.
The Acoli also believe in the ability of diviner-priests. Lawino blames Ocol for condemning
diviner priests. She believes they can tell the cause of diseaes (p.p 153- 162). The Acoli believe
in witchcraft. Lawino believes that whenever a child gets ill, some witch is behind the problem.
For example, they believe that someone (shadow raper) can capture the child’s shadow for evil
purposes (pp. 162-164).
They believe in the power of huma curse. For example, the father can curse a child by pointing
his penis at him or her. The mother can do that by lifting her husband’s penis. The curse of one’s
aunt can cause a person to piss in his or her bed. There is a system of naming people. Normally,
the names given have meanings . the meaning derived from the fact that people are named
according to one’s position in the line of birth the place, season or occasion of birth, one’s body
structure, one’s fate, behaviou of one’s parents, etc. (pp. 129-131).
They hold some taboos. It is a serious taboo for a woman to refuse to have sexual intercourse
with her husband when she is ready to have another child. She is not allowed to have sexual
intercourse when the baby is still young (pp. 99-100).
Dances and songs, adornments, telling time, food, medicine and hygiene, etc. If we try to asses
African traditions, we find that while most of them are good, there are a few other which are bad
and not progressive. Some of these traditions include superstitions, poor hygiene, ignorance, etc.
However, the pumpkin in the old homestead must not be uprooted. This means that one should
not destroy something which durable and which ensures security. The pumpkin offers security
from hunger if there is famine. Also, it sends its root deep into the soil and then grows, spreading
itself in all directions. These roots can be compared withe the roots of a very deep tradition.
Protest means to go against (to be in opposition) ideas, statements or directions. In this poem, it
is Lawino who protests. She has great love for African ways and a deep dislike for foreign ways.
However, we do not have to agree with her argument. We must take her argument critically.
She protests due to the fact that she is dissatisfied with Ocol’s ideas, practices, amd attitudes
towards towards her, her relatives, his relatives, and the black people and their ways of life. She
also protests against Clementine’s ideas and practices, i.e. arrogance, artificiality, aping
Europeans, etc.
Lawino protests against: foreign things and ways, artificiality, aping Europeans and modern
She attacks the preachers (missionaries), teachers, etc for using religion to exploit and oppress
their converts (i.e making them house girls). The preachers show hypocrisy. They do not practice
what they preach. For example they drink and seduce girls. They are unable to make people
understand what they preach. This is probably because they themselves do not understand
thoroughly well what they preach or because their teaching methods are poor. They do not like
questions. The Christian doctrine is incomprehensible, meaningless and irrelevant to Africans.
For example, Lawino fails to understand the concepts of creation and virgin birth. Christian
names are meaningless and difficult to pronounce. Lawino protests against songs and dances
(European), i.e. the songs and dances have no meaning and relevance to her society.
Lawino protests against European adornments, i.e Clementine has to resort to false and
unnnatural cosmetics, straightening her hair, wearing wigs, wearing false breasts,slimming (pp.
22-24, 26). These adornments and artificialities distort the natural beauty of the African women.
Lawio protests against European food. She dislikes European food because it is tasteless.
Lawino protests against European medicine and hygiene. She condemns Ocol’s negative attitude
towards all Acoli medicines and positive attitude towards European medicine because they are
modern (pp. 154-155)
Lawino protests against Western education. She condemns Western education for corrupting
Ocol’s mind to the extent of alienating him from the African culture. His identity as a blackman
(manhood) has been killed by European education (pp. 207-209). Also, Lawino protests against
artificiality and aping foreigners.
A conflict is a fight, collision, a struggle, a contest, opposition of opinions, purpose etc. In short,
we can say that conflict is a misunderstanding between two sides.
A conflict can arise when different groups have conflicting ideas, beliefs, purposes, opinions,
interest and values. If they do not compromise, their differences become more and more extreme
and fanatical. Hatred and jealousy also play a role in increasing conflict
The main cause of conflict in the book is the existence of the two opposing cultures Africans
and Europen. They types of conflict in the book can be grouped as follow
The differences existing between these two cultures cause conflicts in the society.
Traditional religion vs Christianity
The conflicts takes place because each individual holds different cultures.
Ocol vs Lawieo
Ocol insults and despises her and Lawino’s relatives that they are uneducated, pagan, primitive
and superstitious. Lawino reacts by urging that the European culture has killed Ocol’s manhood.
She blames and accuses him of following the way of the whiteman and despising his own people
and their ways.
Ool despises his relatives that they are dirty, pagan and primitive. For example, he is reluctant to
welcome his relatives, including his own mother to his home because he believe they are dirty
and are a burden to him. (pp.151-152).
Lawieo vs Clemeetiee
Lawino and Clementine ae in conflict for Ocol’s love; Clementine speaks to Lawino arrogantly;
Lawino despises Clementine for the latter’s artificiality and arrogance.
The leader of the two main parties (DP and UPC), Ocol and his brother compete for money and
Ocol hires a man to kill him. Ocol’s brother has even smuggled a pistol
Educated people like Ocol alienate themselves from the African culture. Also, they alienate
themselves fromt the fellows (African who are not educated). Christians such as Ocol also
alienate themselves from non-Chrisitian. So this habit brings disunity among the people of the
same clan.
Conflicts among the people also cause disunity among the members of the society. For example,
there is disunity among political parties such as DP and UPC. This situation leads to
misunderstanding among the people. Therefore, this is a factor which can hinder development of
my society.
Hypocrisy means making oneself to falsely appear to be virtuous or good (better) Lawino
attacks hypocrite politician. She blames Ocol, the leader of the Democratic party (DP) and his
brother who belongs to a different party, Uganda People’s Congress (UPC). They both preach
independence, unity and peace, but they bring conflict and disunity even within the family (pp.
180, 182-183). Also, these leaders are not interested in the welfare of the people, but in positions
and money. While they are locked in political conflicts, people suffer under ignorance, poverty,
and diseases (p.196). This habit causes a lot of problems to the society, hence hindering social
Ocol is a great betrayer in this book. This is because be insults and despises Lawino and her
relatives by saying they are uneducated, pagan, primitive and superstitions. Also, he despises his
relatives that they are dirty, pagan and primitive. For example, he is reluctant to welcome his
relatives, including his own mother to his home because he thinks they are dirty and a burden to
him (pp. 151-152). This is a sign of betrayal
Also, Ocol betrays his wife (Lawino) by falling in love with Clementine. As a married man,
Ocol is not supposed to do that. This habit causes conflict to this family. After acquiring Western
education, Ocol alienates himself from African culture. This habit is a symbol of betrayal due to
the fact that Ocol (an educated man) fails to use his education to educate or liberate his society
from ignorance, poverty and diseases Betrayal of any kind in a society is dangerous for it can
cause disunity, humiliation, oppression as well as alienation among members of society.
The writer portrays a woman in various positions of the society. Firstly, a woman is portrayed as
an oppressed, humiliated, alienated, exploited person in her society. This is seen through Lawino
who is oppressed, humiliated, alienated as well as exploited by her husband due to the belief that
she is uncivilized, uneducated, static and unchanging woman.
Fourthly, Lawino is one among the majority of African women who lack formal education. This
symbolized that African women are humiliated, segregated, oppressed discriminated, exploited
as well as alienated in the society compared to men. This situation causes inequality in the
society and deprives women of development rights.
Westere Culture
It was introduced by Europeans. Europeans used religion and education to destruct African
culture. Western culture brought disunity among Africans. i.e. Christian’s vs non-Christians
(Pagans), and educated vs non educated. Therefore, are coming of Europeans to the African
continent caused a lot of problems in all aspects of life including culture, economic as well as
political spheres of life.
The conflicts have not yet been resolved. Whether the conflicts will be solved or not it depends
on the kind of reaction Ocol will show to Lawino’s advice on how to recover his lost manhood.
Unfortunately, Ocol seems to reject her advice because in the introduction of song of Ocol, Ocol
attacks Lawino and some of her ways and strongly defends his.
a) What is the poem about?
Aes: The poem is about the sons of the land who have risen up singing the beauty of the sunrise.
They are challenging the enemy waiting for a victory at sunset.
b) For whom does the poem tell us that the sue has risee?
Aes: The oppressed ones (The sons of the land i.e. peasants or workers who should rise up
against oppression, humiliation, exploitation, discrimination).
c) The poet talks about “challeeiiei the eeemy”. Who do you thiek the eeemy miiht be?
Aes: The sunrise symbolizes the beginning of the struggle against evil in the society or the
period of rain.
Aes: The sunset symbolizes the end of oppression , struggle, and a period of harvest.
e) With the determieatioe of “loei-term warriors”, what do you thiek these words “loei
term” tells us about the poet’s view of the struiile?
Aes: The word “long –term” means in the distant future. The word implies that the struggle will
take a long time.
f) There is oee liee that does eot have eormal word order. Which liee is it aed why is it so?
Aes: Line 4 – “Forward the go”. Its function is to stress the word “forward” to encourage people
to continue with the struggle.
Sunset – symbolizes the end of struggle or freedom time or the era of harvest
Aes: The poem talks about evils of colonialism/imperialism or an oppresive rulling class i.e.
exploitation, oppression, humiliation, of the lower classes by the powerful class,
Act 1
Sceee i
Nyobi and Thoni talking. Nyobi puts down a water barrow in a coner. Thoni kneels on the floor
sorting out beans, spread in a basin. These two women are taking about Remi.Nyobi complains
that her son (Remi) doesn’t respect her. She complains that they have sent him several letters but
he has not replied.
Nyobi advises Thoni (Remi's wife) to take another man to marry her, but she rejects. She says
that she can't go to another man. She also says that she will be like a common whore if she
marries another man. Thoni loves Remi.She says she wants a man (Remi) to give her children,
wash his clothes, warm his bed and ask her for a meal.
The elder comes in Nyobi's hut. He says that the elder have sent him to come and request for
blessing from Nyobi so as to bring Remi from the city. He also says that he has Marua medical
which will be used to lure him (Remi) from the city. She gives her blessing. As the elder goes
out she remembers that she is a Christian hence she is not supposed to mingle with traditionalist
and witchcraft. She takes her shawl and goes to see the pastor to repent.
Sceee ii
A meeting of elders. The leader says that he is not making speech. He says they fought against he
whiteman because they loved their soil (land) now they canist see the benefit of what they fought
for there us no god can and good houses strickly speaking they are poor, there is also heavy
taxation therefore Remi must came to save them they pray to their good so that their medicane
should be strong they do this by facing mountain.
Sceee iii
Nyobi sees the pastor tells him of her abomination, that shye has blessed witchraft as she has een
betrayed by her love for her son.
The pastor says if the alders bring remi he will belost to the Christian because he will deal with
polities. Nyobi says that she wants remi to come back to his wife. The pastor advises nyobi not to
thinking of the flesh. The pastor add that remi was once a good follower of chrst, but when he
joined the university he entered into politis. He because a member of africansit party and sotan
hired him his ways. The pastor wants remi to come and serve gach. He also prays for nyobi to
think of heaven and bring thobi to love god.
Lasthy the pastor agrees to go to the city and bring remi back he says Christians also may need
him he pastor is becoming
In Remi’s room Remi and Jane are talking Jane or rims girls friend she is white Woman Jane
says that Rems has changed by something Remi replies that Janes over unisex like his mother
she was always wormed about him. She wanted him to many and have children but he says he
was shey but Jane comments that Remi is not she with girls.
Jane advise Remi to go home and become as teacher as Remi said that he hates working as a
clerk in a certain al company Remi reflects to beside a village teacher because he will stance
while the ministers and their permanent secretaries fatten or babes and unflawed Salaries
Sceee ii
Omange has come to visit Remi. Remi is reading suiting paper. They are talking about
politics.Omange says there is racial segregation in their country. He cites an example of Asian
girl who has been ostracized because she was seen going round with an African.
Omange blames the government as it doing nothing to end tribalism and racial segregation. He
also says that the government has passed a law against strikes. He considers this as oppression.
He says why wrench from a workman his only tool. Remi defends the government he says in a
newly independent countries the above mentioned problem must happen.
Then Remi tells Omange a story about why he is not on politics. He says he was the first person
to reach the university in his tribe. He once loved a certain girl but he could not declare his
fellings to her. Later she got married to his brother. Then suddenly his brother died due to the
motorcar accident. Actually he had been with her hardly six months. According to their customs,
Remi was to inheint her. He refused, however his mother, father and the tribe requested him to
marry in order to fulfil or preserve this sacred custom. Finally he agreed to live with her. But he
did not stay long with her. He escaped from the village to the city.
Then, we see the elders coming in Remi’s room. They request him to go home. They say that
their tribe (Maria) wails under a new government, no any son of there is a D.C there is also
forced community work, taxation ,drought and their crops have failed.
Remi responds that they are all black but the elders insist that there is tribalism. One of elders
says my son is my son and my village is my village. This shows tribalism and selfishness.
They add that they want a tribal political party. However Remi disappoints them as he says he
will never go back home. One of the elders drops down a small bundle wrapped with a dry
banana leaves. They go out.
The pastor also comes in, he requests Remi to go back home to attend his mother. She needs him
and she grows weak as he pastor said, Remi responds that it is her own affair if she dies. He adds
that he is not a savior.
Later he agrees that he will go home. As the pastor leaves he takes the bible and the small
bundle. He weighs them in both hands and says they are pieces of superstition.
Sceee iii
In Remi’s room, Jane and Remi are talking. Jane ask Remi if he is still determined to go. Remi
says he does not want to remain or become a hermit anymore.He is determined to go back to the
village.A hermit, Remi says means escaping from one’s responsibility or escaping from what is
around you. She wants Remi to take her to his village. He rejects as the says she is of a different
race (white woman). Lastly he tells he is married. she complains and protests that he has
betrayed her. she vanishes (runs out) he fellows her.
Sceee i
Nyobi and Thoni are in their hut talking. They are talking about the return of the hermit( Remi).
However, Thoni is worried. She is worried that Remi may come back as a different man. He
may not love her anymore but Nyobi comfortst her or give her hope, Thoni is now happy. She
say that she will have happy moments when her husband comes back.
The pastor comes in and assures them that Remi is coming back. Also the first neighbor comes
back and reports that many people have gathered at the village ground. They are dancing and
singing of the man (Remi), their saviour.
Nyobi goes out to see his son. The second neighbor also comes in tell Thoni and pastor that
Remi is back. He also says that Remi has given a speech in which he has blamed the elders for
preaching tribalism.
Later on we see Remi insisting that the elders should unite people, build school and get rid of the
tribalism and racism.
Infront of Nyobi’s hut ,Remi tells the pastor to cooperate with other people.
Also, Remi blames his mother that she manipulated him and made him marry a woman whose
love and loyalty will ever lie with those in grave(Thoni).He adds that he was wrong to marry a
woman who was another’s wife .He also criticize the customs of inherit windows (he calls it
shackles of the Customs).
Sceee ii
Thoni talks with a woman. she says she can’t stay in this place (in the world). She says that she
has been humiliated by a man she loved (Remi). She has made decision to die rather than being
Sceee iii
Omage congratulates Remi for attacking tribalism but he tells him (Remi) that the government
must give back the settlers land to Africans illiteracy also ought to be abolished in a year. But
Remi defend the government that people should work on their own progress.
Later on a woman comes in and throw a letter to Remi . It is from Thoni. He reads the letter
which shows that Thoni loves him.
Then Remi ,Nyobi, pastor and other people start looking for Thoni. Nyobi blames his son for
being unfair to his family. She says that education has taught him something.
The pastor also blames Remi that since he entered into politics, he put all trust in himself (on
man) and not God. Remi criticize the pastor that his religion never did anything for people. It
only divided them and made them weak before the white man.
Remi regrets his decision of neglecting his family and his people. He says that he has been
irresponsible from his wife and his tribe.
At the end of this play we see people coming in Nyobi’s Compound carrying carrying Thoni’s
body .She is dead. Remi regret because he did not know that she loved him. He has uttered such
bitter world that hart her and hence decided to kill herself (take her life).
1. Protest
Nyobi is protesting against Remi who doesn’t respect her. She says that they have written
several letters to him but he does not respond. He has abandoned them.
Omange also protest against government irresponsibility to end tribalism and racial segregation.
2. Love
Love is reflected through Thoni. She loves Remi deeply. This is reflected as Nyobi advises her
to take another man. She reject and says she will wait for Remi no matter how long.
Love is also reflected between Jane and Remi. Jane loves Remi. She wanted Remi to marry her
and take to his village.
3. Traditioeal believes
Elders went to see Remi and tell or request him to come back to his village. They took Maria
medicine with them which would be used to lure (convice) Remi from the city.
4. Tribalism
Tribalism is reflected in Remi’s country. The elders of Maris tribe say that their tribe wails
under a new government which there are other tribe which are favoured. Their tribe is oppressed
through heavy taxation,poverty, lack of school.They want Remi to come and save their tribe.
They want a tribal political party
5. Christiaeity
The new faith is reflected in Remi’s village. It is shown through Nyobi who went to repent to the
pastor for she had mingled with traditionalist. Through the pastor prayers also we come to
understand the presence of Christianity among some villagers. Others view it as a foreign
religion and has nothing to do with their life (elders).
6. Betrayal
Remi betrayed Jane. He did not tell her from the beginning that he was married. Remi also
betrayed his people. He argued them to join the Africans party but when they had problem he did
not help them.
The government is also betraying. People suffer under a new government as it was during
Remi was education and was expected to help the villagers. When he came back he criticized
the village elders that they are preaching tribalism.
8. Disappoietmeet
Remi disappointed Thoni and Nyobi. he said that his mother made him marry a woman whose
love and loyalty lie with those in grave. Due to this Thoni killed herself.
The pastor is also disappointed he said that education did not help him.Lastly the woman,elders
and other villagers were disappointed as Remi failed to help them from poverty exploitation,
oppression and ignorance.
9. Coeficts
There is a conflict between Remi and Jane. Jane feels betrayed as Remi tells her that he is
married. She is sad and run away.
Conflict is also reflected between Remi and pastor. The pastor says that when Remi joined the
Africanist party, he put all trust in man and not God. Remi critisize the pastor also that pastor
religion has done nothing rather than dividing people. The pastor goes out
Questioes oe Plays
1e Wotld yot agree that the coming of the white man to Africa has made "Things fall apart?" Stpport
yotr answers with evidence from two books yot have reade
2e To what extent have conficts portrayed in two books yot have read contribtted to the readings yot
have reade
3e Are all tradiaonal ctstoms and valtes tseftl to a society? Stpport yotr ideas with examples from any
two play yo did tnder the secaone
4e The personality of an individtal is inftenced by this environmente With reference to two readings yot
have done tnder this secaon, jtsafy this statemente
5e Disctss the social and economic factors which held together the African commtniaes in the two
readings yot have rede
6e Disctss how diferent writers have portrayed the role of women in African Socieaes