Elite Algo v22

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indicator("Elite Algo v22", overlay=true, max_lines_count=500,

max_labels_count=500, max_boxes_count=350)
//Freemium indicators >> https://t.me/eyops

// Get user input

enableDashboard = input(true, "Enable Dashboard", group="DASHBOARD SETTINGS")
locationDashboard = input.string("Middle right", "Location", ["Top right", "Top
left", "Middle right", "Middle left", "Bottom right", "Bottom left"],
sizeDashboard = input.string("Normal", "Size", ["Tiny", "Small", "Normal"],
colorBackground = input(#2A2E39, "Bg color", group="DASHBOARD SETTINGS")
colorFrame = input(#2A2E39, "Frame color", group="DASHBOARD SETTINGS")
colorBorder = input(#363A45, "Border color", group="DASHBOARD SETTINGS")
showSignals = input(true, "Show signals", group="BUY AND SELL SIGNALS
strategy = input.string("Normal", "Strategy", ["Normal", "Confirmed",
"Trend scalper"], group="BUY AND SELL SIGNALS SETTINGS")
sensitivity = input.float(6.29, "Sensitivity", 0.1, step=0.1, group="BUY AND
consSignalsFilter = input(false, "Consolidation signals filter", group="BUY AND
smartSignalsOnly = input(false, "Smart signals only", group="BUY AND SELL SIGNALS
candleColors = input(false, "Candle colors", group="BUY AND SELL SIGNALS
momentumCandles = input(false, "Momentum candles", group="BUY AND SELL SIGNALS
highVolSignals = input(false, "High volume signals only", group="BUY AND SELL
enableTrailingSL = input(false, "Enable trailing stop-loss", group="RISK
usePercSL = input(false, "% Trailing sl", inline="2", group="RISK
percTrailingSL = input.float(1, "", 0, step=0.1, inline="2", group="RISK
enableSwings = input(false, "Enable Swing High's & Swing's Low's", inline="3",
periodSwings = input.int(10, "", 2, inline="3", group="RISK MANAGEMENT
enableTpSlAreas = input(false, "Enable take profit/stop-loss areas", group="RISK
useTP1 = input(true, "", inline="4", group="RISK MANAGEMENT SETTINGS")
multTP1 = input.float(1, "TP 1", 0, inline="4", group="RISK MANAGEMENT
useTP2 = input(true, "", inline="5", group="RISK MANAGEMENT SETTINGS")
multTP2 = input.float(2, "TP 2", 0, inline="5", group="RISK MANAGEMENT
useTP3 = input(true, "", inline="6", group="RISK MANAGEMENT SETTINGS")
multTP3 = input.float(3, "TP 3", 0, inline="6", group="RISK MANAGEMENT
tpLabels = input(true, "Take profit labels", group="RISK MANAGEMENT
showTrendCloud = input(true, "Show Trend cloud", group="TREND CLOUD SETTINGS")
periodTrendCloud = input.string("New", "Trend cloud period", ["Short term", "Long
term", "New"], group="TREND CLOUD SETTINGS")
signalsTrendCloud = input(false, "Trend only signals", group="TREND CLOUD
fastTrendCloud = input(false, "Fast trend cloud", group="TREND CLOUD SETTINGS")
fastTrendCloudLen = input.int(55, "Fast trend cloud", 2, group="TREND CLOUD
enableAutoTrend = input(false, "Enable Auto Trendlines", group="AUTO TRENDLINES
srcTrendChannel = input(close, "Trend channel source", group="AUTO TRENDLINES
lenTrendChannel = input.int(200, "Trend channel loopback", 2, group="AUTO
enableSR = input(false, "Enable support and resistance", group="AUTO
lineSrStyle = input.string("Dashed", "Line Style", ["Solid", "Dotted",
lineSrWidth = input.int(2, "Line Width", 1, 4, group="AUTO SUPPORT AND
showCons = input(false, "Consolidation Zones", group="CONSOLIDATION
lbPeriod = input.int(10, "Loopback Period", 2, 50, group="CONSOLIDATION
lenCons = input.int(5, "Min Consolidation Length", 2, 20,
paintCons = input(true, "Paint Consolidation Area", group="CONSOLIDATION
colorZone = input(color.new(color.blue, 70), "Zone Color",
box_ob = input.bool(false, "Toggle Order Block", group="ORDER BLOCK")
box_hide_gray = input.bool(false, "Hide gray boxes", group="ORDER BLOCK")
bos_type = input.string("High and Low", "MSB trigger", ["High and Low",
"Close and Open"], group="ORDER BLOCK")
box_sv = input.bool(true, "Plot demand boxes", group="ORDER BLOCK")
box_test_delay = input.int(3, "Delay to count test of demand box", 1,
group="ORDER BLOCK")
box_fill_delay = input.int(3, "Delay to count fill of demand box", 1,
group="ORDER BLOCK")
box_test_sv = input.bool(true, "Dim tested demand boxes", group="ORDER
box_stop_sv = input.bool(true, "Stop plotting filled demand boxes",
group="ORDER BLOCK")
eliteVP = input(false, "Elite volume profile", group="ELITE VOLUME
colorBorderVP = input(color.new(color.black, 80), "Border color", group="ELITE
colorBuyVP = input(#7F1623, "Buy volume", group="ELITE VOLUME PROFILE")
colorSellVP = input(#00DD00, "Sell volume", group="ELITE VOLUME PROFILE")
offset = input.int(2, "Offset", 2, 20, group="ELITE VOLUME PROFILE")
lookback = input.int(100, "Lookback", 14, 365, group="ELITE VOLUME
levelNum = input.int(100, "Number of levels", 10, 100, group="ELITE VOLUME
levelWidth = input.int(50, "Level width", 20, 100, group="ELITE VOLUME
// Functions
f_chartTfInMinutes() =>
float _resInMinutes = timeframe.multiplier * (
timeframe.isseconds ? 1. / 60 :
timeframe.isminutes ? 1. :
timeframe.isdaily ? 60. * 24 :
timeframe.isweekly ? 60. * 24 * 7 :
timeframe.ismonthly ? 60. * 24 * 30.4375 : na)
atr(len) =>
tr = ta.tr
atr = 0.0
atr := nz(atr[1] + (tr - atr[1]) / len, tr)
supertrend(src, factor, len) =>
atr = ta.atr(len)
upperBand = src + factor * atr
lowerBand = src - factor * atr
prevLowerBand = nz(lowerBand[1])
prevUpperBand = nz(upperBand[1])
lowerBand := lowerBand > prevLowerBand or close[1] < prevLowerBand ?
lowerBand : prevLowerBand
upperBand := upperBand < prevUpperBand or close[1] > prevUpperBand ?
upperBand : prevUpperBand
int direction = na
float superTrend = na
prevSuperTrend = superTrend[1]
if prevSuperTrend == prevUpperBand
direction := close > upperBand ? 1 : -1
direction := close < lowerBand ? -1 : 1
superTrend := direction == 1 ? lowerBand : direction == -1 ? upperBand : na
hh = ta.highest(len)
ll = ta.lowest (len)
trend = 0
trend := close > hh[1] ? 1 : close < ll[1] ? -1 : nz(trend[1])
trendScalper(show, len1, len2, len3, colorBull, colorBear, colorBarBull,
colorBarBear) =>
avgOC = math.avg(open, close)
ha_o = 0.0, ha_o := na(ha_o[1]) ? avgOC : (ha_o[1] + ohlc4[1]) / 2
ema1 = ta.ema(ha_o, len1), ema2 = ta.ema(ha_o, len2), ema3 = ta.ema(ha_o, len3)
ris1 = ema1 > ema1[1], ris2 = ema2 > ema2[1], ris3 = ema3 > ema3[1]
fal1 = ema1 < ema1[1], fal2 = ema2 < ema2[1], fal3 = ema3 < ema3[1]
colorEma1 = ris1 ? colorBull : fal1 ? colorBear : na, colorEma2 = ris2 ?
colorBull : fal2 ? colorBear : na, colorEma3 = ris3 ? colorBull : fal3 ?
colorBear : na
fillEma1 = avgOC > ema1 ? colorBull : avgOC < ema1 ? colorBear : na, fillEma2 =
ema1 > ema2 ? colorBull : ema1 < ema2 ? colorBear : na, fillEma3 = ema2 > ema3 ?
colorBull : ema2 < ema3 ? colorBear : na
colorBar = close < ema1 and close < ema2 ? colorBarBear : colorBarBull
[avgOC, show ? ema1 : na, show ? ema2 : na, show ? ema3 : na,
color.new(colorEma1, 55), color.new(colorEma2, 45), color.new(colorEma3, 35),
color.new(fillEma1, 85), color.new(fillEma2, 80), color.new(fillEma3, 75),
candlesMom() =>
[_, _, macd] = ta.macd(close, 12, 26, 9)
(macd > 0 and macd > macd[1]) or (macd < 0 and macd < macd[1])
trailingSL(buy, sell, factor, len, usePerc, perc) =>
atr = atr(len)
upperBand = high + (usePerc ? high * (perc / 100) : factor * atr)
lowerBand = low - (usePerc ? low * (perc / 100) : factor * atr)
prevLowerBand = nz(lowerBand[1])
prevUpperBand = nz(upperBand[1])
lowerBand := lowerBand > prevLowerBand or buy ? lowerBand : prevLowerBand
upperBand := upperBand < prevUpperBand or sell ? upperBand : prevUpperBand
int direction = na
float stop = na
prevSuperTrend = stop[1]
if prevSuperTrend == prevUpperBand
direction := buy ? 1 : -1
direction := sell ? -1 : 1
stop := direction == 1 ? lowerBand : direction == -1 ? upperBand : na
add_to_zz(zz, val, bi) =>
array.unshift(zz, bi)
array.unshift(zz, val)
if array.size(zz) > 12
update_zz(zz, val, bi, dir) =>
if array.size(zz) == 0
add_to_zz(zz, val, bi)
if dir == 1 and val > array.get(zz, 0) or dir == -1 and val < array.get(zz,
array.set(zz, 0, val)
array.set(zz, 1, bi)
float ph = ta.pivothigh(high, 10, 10)
float pl = ta.pivotlow (low , 10, 10)
LSRstyle = lineSrStyle == "Dashed" ? line.style_dashed : lineSrStyle == "Solid" ?
line.style_solid : line.style_dotted
prdhighest = ta.highest(300)
prdlowest = ta.lowest (300)
cwidth = (prdhighest - prdlowest) * 10 / 100
var pivotvals = array.new_float(0)
if ph or pl
array.unshift(pivotvals, ph ? ph : pl)
if array.size(pivotvals) > 20
get_sr_vals(ind) =>
float lo = array.get(pivotvals, ind)
float hi = lo
int numpp = 0
for y = 0 to array.size(pivotvals) - 1 by 1
float cpp = array.get(pivotvals, y)
float wdth = cpp <= lo ? hi - cpp : cpp - lo
if wdth <= cwidth
lo := cpp <= lo ? cpp : lo
hi := cpp > lo ? cpp : hi
numpp += 1
[hi, lo, numpp]
var sr_up_level = array.new_float(0)
var sr_dn_level = array.new_float(0)
sr_strength = array.new_float(0)
find_loc(strength) =>
ret = array.size(sr_strength)
for i = ret > 0 ? array.size(sr_strength) - 1 : na to 0 by 1
if strength <= array.get(sr_strength, i)
ret := i
check_sr(hi, lo, strength) =>
ret = true
for i = 0 to array.size(sr_up_level) > 0 ? array.size(sr_up_level) - 1 : na by
if array.get(sr_up_level, i) >= lo and array.get(sr_up_level, i) <= hi or
array.get(sr_dn_level, i) >= lo and array.get(sr_dn_level, i) <= hi
if strength >= array.get(sr_strength, i)
array.remove(sr_strength, i)
array.remove(sr_up_level, i)
array.remove(sr_dn_level, i)
ret := false
// Get components
rsi = ta.rsi(close, 14)
vosc = ta.obv - ta.ema(ta.obv, 20)
bs = ta.ema(nz(math.abs((open - close) / (high - low) * 100)), 3)
ema = ta.ema(close, 200)
emaBull = close > ema
equal_tf(res) => str.tonumber(res) == f_chartTfInMinutes()
higher_tf(res) => str.tonumber(res) > f_chartTfInMinutes()
too_small_tf(res) => (timeframe.isweekly and res=="1") or (timeframe.ismonthly and
str.tonumber(res) < 10)
securityNoRep(sym, res, src) =>
bool bull = na
bull := equal_tf(res) ? src : bull
bull := higher_tf(res) ? request.security(sym, res, src, barmerge.gaps_off,
barmerge.lookahead_on) : bull
bull_array = request.security_lower_tf(syminfo.tickerid, higher_tf(res) ?
str.tostring(f_chartTfInMinutes()) : too_small_tf(res) ? (timeframe.isweekly ?
"3" : "10") : res, src)
if array.size(bull_array) > 1 and not equal_tf(res) and not higher_tf(res)
bull := array.pop(bull_array)
TF1Bull = securityNoRep(syminfo.tickerid, "1" , emaBull)
TF3Bull = securityNoRep(syminfo.tickerid, "3" , emaBull)
TF5Bull = securityNoRep(syminfo.tickerid, "5" , emaBull)
TF10Bull = securityNoRep(syminfo.tickerid, "10" , emaBull)
TF15Bull = securityNoRep(syminfo.tickerid, "15" , emaBull)
TF30Bull = securityNoRep(syminfo.tickerid, "30" , emaBull)
TF60Bull = securityNoRep(syminfo.tickerid, "60" , emaBull)
TF120Bull = securityNoRep(syminfo.tickerid, "120" , emaBull)
TF240Bull = securityNoRep(syminfo.tickerid, "240" , emaBull)
TF720Bull = securityNoRep(syminfo.tickerid, "720" , emaBull)
TFDBull = securityNoRep(syminfo.tickerid, "1440", emaBull)
ema150 = ta.ema(close, 150)
ema250 = ta.ema(close, 250)
hma55 = ta.hma(close, 55 )
[_, _, macd] = ta.macd(close, 12, 26, 9)
supertrend = supertrend(ohlc4, sensitivity, 10)
maintrend = dchannel(30)
confBull = (ta.crossover (close, supertrend) or (ta.crossover (close, supertrend)
[1] and maintrend[1] < 0)) and macd > 0 and macd > macd[1] and ema150 > ema250 and
hma55 > hma55[2] and maintrend > 0
confBear = (ta.crossunder(close, supertrend) or (ta.crossunder(close, supertrend)
[1] and maintrend[1] > 0)) and macd < 0 and macd < macd[1] and ema150 < ema250 and
hma55 < hma55[2] and maintrend < 0
trendcloud = supertrend(ohlc4, periodTrendCloud == "Long term" ? 7 : 4, 10)
hma = fastTrendCloud ? ta.hma(close, fastTrendCloudLen) : na
none = close > 0
[_, _, adx] = ta.dmi(14, 14)
consFilter = adx > 20
smartFilter = ta.ema(close, 200)
volFilter = (ta.ema(volume, 25) - ta.ema(volume, 26)) / ta.ema(volume, 26) > 0
trendFilter = trendcloud
bull = (strategy == "Normal" ? ta.crossover (close, supertrend) : confBull and not
confBull[1]) and strategy != "Trend scalper" and (smartSignalsOnly ? close >
smartFilter : none) and (consSignalsFilter ? consFilter : none) and (highVolSignals
? volFilter : none) and (signalsTrendCloud ? (periodTrendCloud == "New" ? ema150 >
ema250 : close > trendFilter) : none)
bear = (strategy == "Normal" ? ta.crossunder(close, supertrend) : confBear and not
confBear[1]) and strategy != "Trend scalper" and (smartSignalsOnly ? close <
smartFilter : none) and (consSignalsFilter ? consFilter : none) and (highVolSignals
? volFilter : none) and (signalsTrendCloud ? (periodTrendCloud == "New" ? ema150 <
ema250 : close < trendFilter) : none)
countBull = ta.barssince(bull)
countBear = ta.barssince(bear)
trigger = nz(countBull, bar_index) < nz(countBear, bar_index) ? 1 : 0
[avgOC, ema5, ema9, ema21, colorEma5, colorEma9, colorEma21, fillEma5, fillEma9,
fillEma21, colorBar] = trendScalper(strategy == "Trend scalper" ? true : false, 5,
9, 21, color.green, color.red, #00DD00, #DD0000)
trailingStop = trailingSL(bull, bear, 2.2, 14, usePercSL, percTrailingSL)
float _ph = ta.highestbars(high, periodSwings) == 0 ? high : na
float _pl = ta.lowestbars (low, periodSwings) == 0 ? low : na
var _dir = 0, dir_ = _pl and na(_ph) ? -1 : _dir, _dir := _ph and na(_pl) ? 1 :
dir_, dirChg = ta.change(_dir)
var zz = array.new_float(0), zzOld = array.copy(zz)
float zzLive = _ph or _pl ? (dirChg ? add_to_zz(zz, _dir == 1 ? _ph : _pl,
bar_index) : update_zz(zz, _dir == 1 ? _ph : _pl, bar_index, _dir)) : na
a = ta.wma(srcTrendChannel, lenTrendChannel), b = ta.sma(srcTrendChannel,
A = 4 * b - 3 * a, B = 3 * a - 2 * b
m = (A - B) / (lenTrendChannel - 1)
d = 0., for i = 0 to lenTrendChannel - 1 by 1
l = B + m * i
d += math.pow(srcTrendChannel[i] - l, 2)
rmse = math.sqrt(d / (lenTrendChannel - 1)) * 2
float hb_ = ta.highestbars(lbPeriod) == 0 ? high : na
float lb_ = ta.lowestbars (lbPeriod) == 0 ? low : na
var int dir = 0
float zz_ = na
float pp = na
var int consCnt = 0
var float condHi = na
var float condLo = na
float H_ = ta.highest(lenCons)
float L_ = ta.lowest (lenCons)
var line lineUp = na
var line lineDn = na
bool breakUp = false
bool breakDn = false
var float[] pvh1_price = array.new_float(1000, na)
var int[] pvh1_time = array.new_int (1000, na)
var float[] pvl1_price = array.new_float(1000, na)
var int[] pvl1_time = array.new_int (1000, na)
var float[] pvh2_price = array.new_float(1000, na)
var int[] pvh2_time = array.new_int (1000, na)
var float[] pvl2_price = array.new_float(1000, na)
var int[] pvl2_time = array.new_int (1000, na)
var float htcmrll_price = na
var int htcmrll_time = na
var float ltcmrhh_price = na
var int ltcmrhh_time = na
var box[] long_boxes = array.new_box()
var box[] short_boxes = array.new_box()
var float temp_pv_0 = na
var float temp_pv_1 = na
var float temp_pv_2 = na
bool pvh = high < high[1] and high[1] > high[2]
bool pvl = low > low [1] and low [1] < low [2]
int pv1_time = bar_index[1]
float pv1_high = high[1]
float pv1_low = low [1]
float trigger_high = bos_type == "High and Low" ? high : math.max(open,
float trigger_low = bos_type == "High and Low" ? low : math.min(open,
rangeHigh = ta.highest(high, lookback)
rangeLow = ta.lowest(low, lookback)
rangeHeight = rangeHigh - rangeLow
histogramHeight = rangeHeight / levelNum
histogramLowList = array.new_float(levelNum, na)
histogramHighList = array.new_float(levelNum, na)
histogramBuyVolumeList = array.new_float(levelNum, 0.0)
histogramSellVolumeList = array.new_float(levelNum, 0.0)
var buyBars = array.new_box(365, na)
for i = 0 to 364
box.delete(array.get(buyBars, i))
var sellBars = array.new_box(365, na)
for i = 0 to 364
box.delete(array.get(sellBars, i))
// Colors
green = #00DD00, green50 = color.new(green, 50), green20 = color.new(green,
red = #DD0000, red50 = color.new(red, 50), red20 = color.new(red, 80)
silver = #B2B5BE, silver50 = color.new(silver, 50), silver20 = color.new(silver,
// Plots
atrBand = usePercSL ? (trigger ? low : high) * (percTrailingSL / 100) : ta.atr(14)
* 2.2
atrStop = trigger ? low - atrBand : high + atrBand
lastTrade(src) => ta.valuewhen(bull or bear, src, 0)
entry_y = lastTrade(close)
stop_y = lastTrade(atrStop)
tp1_y = (entry_y-lastTrade(atrStop))*multTP1 + entry_y
tp2_y = (entry_y-lastTrade(atrStop))*multTP2 + entry_y
tp3_y = (entry_y-lastTrade(atrStop))*multTP3 + entry_y
labelTpSl(cond, y, txt, color) =>
label labelTpSl = enableTpSlAreas and cond ? label.new(bar_index + 1, y, txt,
xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, color, label.style_label_left, color.white,
size.normal) : na
labelTpSl(none, entry_y, "Entry : " + str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(entry_y)),
labelTpSl(none, stop_y , "Stop loss : " +
str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(atrStop)), color.red)
labelTpSl(useTP1 and multTP1 != 0, tp1_y, "TP 1 : " +
str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(tp1_y)), color.green)
labelTpSl(useTP2 and multTP2 != 0, tp2_y, "TP 2 : " +
str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(tp2_y)), color.green)
labelTpSl(useTP3 and multTP3 != 0, tp3_y, "TP 3 : " +
str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(tp3_y)), color.green)
lineTpSl(cond, y, color, style) =>
line lineTpSl = enableTpSlAreas and cond ? line.new(bar_index - (trigger ?
countBull : countBear), y, bar_index + 1, y, xloc.bar_index, extend.none, color,
style) : na
lineTpSl(none, entry_y, color.orange, line.style_dashed)
lineTpSl(none, stop_y , color.red , line.style_solid )
lineTpSl(useTP1 and multTP1 != 0, tp1_y, color.green, line.style_dotted)
lineTpSl(useTP2 and multTP2 != 0, tp2_y, color.green, line.style_dotted)
lineTpSl(useTP3 and multTP3 != 0, tp3_y, color.green, line.style_dotted)
var dashboard_loc = locationDashboard == "Top right" ? position.top_right :
locationDashboard == "Top left" ? position.top_left : locationDashboard == "Middle
right" ? position.middle_right : locationDashboard == "Middle left" ?
position.middle_left : locationDashboard == "Bottom right" ?
position.bottom_right : position.bottom_left
var dashboard_size = sizeDashboard == "Tiny" ? size.tiny : sizeDashboard == "Small"
? size.small : size.normal
var dashboard = table.new(dashboard_loc, 2, 20, colorBackground, colorFrame,
3, colorBorder, 3)
dashboard_cell(column, row, txt) => table.cell(dashboard, column, row, txt, 0, 0,
color.white, text_size=dashboard_size)
dashboard_cell_bg(column, row, col) => table.cell_set_bgcolor(dashboard, column,
row, col)
if barstate.islast and enableDashboard
dashboard_cell(0, 0 , "Current strategy")
dashboard_cell(0, 1 , "Current sensitivity")
dashboard_cell(0, 2 , "Current Position")
dashboard_cell(0, 3 , "Current trend")
dashboard_cell(0, 4 , "Trend strength")
dashboard_cell(0, 5 , "Volume")
dashboard_cell(0, 6 , "Volatility")
dashboard_cell(0, 7 , "Momentum")
dashboard_cell(0, 8 , "Timeframe trends📊"), table.merge_cells(dashboard, 0, 8,
1, 8)
dashboard_cell(0, 9 , "1 min")
dashboard_cell(0, 10, "3 min")
dashboard_cell(0, 11, "5 min")
dashboard_cell(0, 12, "10 min")
dashboard_cell(0, 13, "15 min")
dashboard_cell(0, 14, "30 min")
dashboard_cell(0, 15, "1 Hour")
dashboard_cell(0, 16, "2 Hour")
dashboard_cell(0, 17, "4 Hour")
dashboard_cell(0, 18, "12 Hour")
dashboard_cell(0, 19, "Daily")
dashboard_cell(1, 0 , strategy)
dashboard_cell(1, 1 , str.tostring(sensitivity))
dashboard_cell(1, 2 , strategy != "Trend scalper" ? (trigger ? "Buy" :
"Sell") : ""), dashboard_cell_bg(1, 2, strategy != "Trend scalper" ? (trigger ?
color.green : color.red) : colorBackground)
dashboard_cell(1, 3 , emaBull ? "Bullish" : "Bearish"), dashboard_cell_bg(1, 3,
emaBull ? color.green : color.red)
dashboard_cell(1, 4 , str.tostring(bs, "0.0") + " %")
dashboard_cell(1, 5 , vosc > 0 ? "Bullish" : "Bearish"), dashboard_cell_bg(1,
5, vosc > 0 ? color.green : color.red)
dashboard_cell(1, 6 , adx > 20 ? "Trending " : "Ranging ⚠️
dashboard_cell_bg(1, 6, adx > 20 ? color.green : color.orange)
dashboard_cell(1, 7 , rsi > 50 ? "Bullish" : "Bearish"), dashboard_cell_bg(1,
7, rsi > 50 ? color.green : color.red)
dashboard_cell(1, 9 , TF1Bull ? "Bullish" : "Bearish"), dashboard_cell_bg(1,
9 , TF1Bull ? color.green : color.red)
dashboard_cell(1, 10, TF3Bull ? "Bullish" : "Bearish"), dashboard_cell_bg(1,
10, TF3Bull ? color.green : color.red)
dashboard_cell(1, 11, TF5Bull ? "Bullish" : "Bearish"), dashboard_cell_bg(1,
11, TF5Bull ? color.green : color.red)
dashboard_cell(1, 12, TF10Bull ? "Bullish" : "Bearish"), dashboard_cell_bg(1,
12, TF10Bull ? color.green : color.red)
dashboard_cell(1, 13, TF15Bull ? "Bullish" : "Bearish"), dashboard_cell_bg(1,
13, TF15Bull ? color.green : color.red)
dashboard_cell(1, 14, TF30Bull ? "Bullish" : "Bearish"), dashboard_cell_bg(1,
14, TF30Bull ? color.green : color.red)
dashboard_cell(1, 15, TF60Bull ? "Bullish" : "Bearish"), dashboard_cell_bg(1,
15, TF60Bull ? color.green : color.red)
dashboard_cell(1, 16, TF120Bull ? "Bullish" : "Bearish"), dashboard_cell_bg(1,
16, TF120Bull ? color.green : color.red)
dashboard_cell(1, 17, TF240Bull ? "Bullish" : "Bearish"), dashboard_cell_bg(1,
17, TF240Bull ? color.green : color.red)
dashboard_cell(1, 18, TF720Bull ? "Bullish" : "Bearish"), dashboard_cell_bg(1,
18, TF720Bull ? color.green : color.red)
dashboard_cell(1, 19, TFDBull ? "Bullish" : "Bearish"), dashboard_cell_bg(1,
19, TFDBull ? color.green : color.red)
l(css, k) =>
line lr = enableAutoTrend ? line.new(bar_index - lenTrendChannel + 1, A + k,
bar_index, B + k, extend=extend.right, color=css) : na
l(color.blue, rmse), l(color.blue, 0), l(color.blue, -rmse)
buy = showSignals and bull ? label.new(bar_index, low , close > smartFilter ?
"Smart\nBuy" : "Buy" , xloc.bar_index, yloc.belowbar, color.green,
label.style_label_up , color.white, size.normal) : na
sell = showSignals and bear ? label.new(bar_index, high, close < smartFilter ?
"Smart\nSell" : "Sell", xloc.bar_index, yloc.abovebar, color.red ,
label.style_label_down, color.white, size.normal) : na
tpLabels(tp) =>
tp1Bull = ta.crossover (rsi, 70), tp2Bull = ta.crossover (rsi, 75), tp3Bull =
ta.crossover (rsi, 80)
tp1Bear = ta.crossunder(rsi, 30), tp2Bear = ta.crossunder(rsi, 25), tp3Bear =
ta.crossunder(rsi, 20)
tp1Bull := tp1Bull and (nz(ta.barssince(tp1Bull)[1], 9999) > countBull),
tp2Bull := tp2Bull and (ta.barssince(tp1Bull)[1] <= countBull), tp2Bull := tp2Bull
and (nz(ta.barssince(tp2Bull)[1], 9999) > countBull), tp3Bull := tp3Bull and
(ta.barssince(tp2Bull)[1] <= countBull), tp3Bull := tp3Bull and
(nz(ta.barssince(tp3Bull)[1], 9999) > countBull)
tp1Bear := tp1Bear and (nz(ta.barssince(tp1Bear)[1], 9999) > countBear),
tp2Bear := tp2Bear and (ta.barssince(tp1Bear)[1] <= countBear), tp2Bear := tp2Bear
and (nz(ta.barssince(tp2Bear)[1], 9999) > countBear), tp3Bear := tp3Bear and
(ta.barssince(tp2Bear)[1] <= countBear), tp3Bear := tp3Bear and
(nz(ta.barssince(tp3Bear)[1], 9999) > countBear)
if strategy != "Trend scalper" and tpLabels
trigger ? (tp == 1 ? tp1Bull : tp == 2 ? tp2Bull : tp3Bull) : (tp == 1 ?
tp1Bear : tp == 2 ? tp2Bear : tp3Bear)
plotshape(tpLabels(1), "", shape.cross, location.abovebar, trigger ? green : na ,
0, "TP 1", trigger ? green : na , false)
plotshape(tpLabels(2), "", shape.cross, location.abovebar, trigger ? green : na ,
0, "TP 2", trigger ? green : na , false)
plotshape(tpLabels(3), "", shape.cross, location.abovebar, trigger ? green : na ,
0, "TP 3", trigger ? green : na , false)
plotshape(tpLabels(1), "", shape.cross, location.belowbar, trigger ? na : red,
0, "TP 1", trigger ? na : red, false)
plotshape(tpLabels(2), "", shape.cross, location.belowbar, trigger ? na : red,
0, "TP 2", trigger ? na : red, false)
plotshape(tpLabels(3), "", shape.cross, location.belowbar, trigger ? na : red,
0, "TP 3", trigger ? na : red, false)
var label zzLabel = na
if array.size(zz) > 12 and enableSwings
if array.get(zz, 0) != array.get(zzOld, 0) or array.get(zz, 1) !=
array.get(zzOld, 1)
if array.get(zz, 2) == array.get(zzOld, 2) and array.get(zz, 3) ==
array.get(zzOld, 3)
zzLabel := label.new(math.round(array.get(zz, 1)), array.get(zz, 0), _dir
== 1 ? array.get(zz, 0) > array.get(zz, 4) ? ((array.get(zz, 4) < array.get(zz, 8))
? "High" : "HH") : "LH" : array.get(zz, 0) < array.get(zz, 4) ? ((array.get(zz, 4)
> array.get(zz, 8)) ? "Low" : "LL") : "HL", xloc.bar_index, yloc.price,
color.new(color.white, 100), _dir == 1 ? label.style_label_down :
label.style_label_up, _dir == 1 ? color.green : color.red)
var sr_lines = array.new_line(11, na)
for x = 1 to 10 by 1
line.set_color(array.get(sr_lines, x), color=line.get_y1(array.get(sr_lines,
x)) >= close ? color.red : color.lime)
if ph or pl
for x = 0 to array.size(pivotvals) - 1 by 1
[hi, lo, strength] = get_sr_vals(x)
if check_sr(hi, lo, strength)
loc = find_loc(strength)
if loc < 5 and strength >= 2
array.insert(sr_strength, loc, strength)
array.insert(sr_up_level, loc, hi)
array.insert(sr_dn_level, loc, lo)
if array.size(sr_strength) > (enableSR ? 5 : 0)
for x = 1 to 10 by 1
line.delete(array.get(sr_lines, x))
for x = 0 to array.size(sr_up_level) > 0 ? array.size(sr_up_level) - 1 : na by
float mid = math.round_to_mintick((array.get(sr_up_level, x) +
array.get(sr_dn_level, x)) / 2)
rate = 100 * (mid - close) / close
array.set(sr_lines, x + 1, line.new(x1=bar_index, y1=mid, x2=bar_index - 1,
y2=mid, extend=extend.both, color=mid >= close ? color.red : color.lime,
style=LSRstyle, width=lineSrWidth))
if showCons and barstate.isconfirmed
dir := hb_ and na(lb_) ? 1 : lb_ and na(hb_) ? -1 : dir
if hb_ and lb_
if dir == 1
zz_ := hb_
zz_ := lb_
zz_ := hb_ ? hb_ : lb_ ? lb_ : na
for x = 0 to 1000
if na(close) or dir != dir[x]
if zz_[x]
if na(pp)
pp := zz_[x]
if dir[x] == 1 and zz_[x] > pp
pp := zz_[x]
if dir[x] == -1 and zz_[x] < pp
pp := zz_[x]
if pp != pp[1]
if consCnt > lenCons
if pp > condHi
breakUp := true
if pp < condLo
breakDn := true
if consCnt > 0 and pp <= condHi and pp >= condLo
consCnt += 1
consCnt := 0
consCnt += 1
if consCnt >= lenCons
if consCnt == lenCons
condHi := H_
condLo := L_
condHi := math.max(condHi, high)
condLo := math.min(condLo, low )
lineUp := line.new(bar_index, condHi , bar_index - consCnt, condHi ,
color=color.red , style=line.style_dashed)
lineDn := line.new(bar_index, condLo , bar_index - consCnt, condLo ,
color=color.lime, style=line.style_dashed)
fill(plot(condHi, "", na, 1, plot.style_stepline, editable=false), plot(condLo, "",
na, 1, plot.style_stepline, editable=false), paintCons and consCnt > lenCons ?
colorZone : na, "", false)
if box_ob and barstate.isconfirmed
if pvh
array.unshift(pvh1_price, pv1_high)
array.unshift(pvh1_time, pv1_time)
if array.size(pvh1_price) > 2
temp_pv_0 := array.get(pvh1_price, 0)
temp_pv_1 := array.get(pvh1_price, 1)
temp_pv_2 := array.get(pvh1_price, 2)
if temp_pv_0 > temp_pv_1
for i = 0 to array.size(pvl1_time) - 1 by 1
temp_ltcmrhh_time = array.get(pvl1_time, i)
if temp_ltcmrhh_time < array.get(pvh1_time, 0)
ltcmrhh_price := array.get(pvl1_price, i)
ltcmrhh_time := temp_ltcmrhh_time
if temp_pv_0 < temp_pv_1 and temp_pv_1 > temp_pv_2
array.unshift(pvh2_price, temp_pv_1)
array.unshift(pvh2_time, array.get(pvh1_time, 1))
if pvl
array.unshift(pvl1_price, pv1_low)
array.unshift(pvl1_time, pv1_time)
if array.size(pvl1_price) > 2
temp_pv_0 := array.get(pvl1_price, 0)
temp_pv_1 := array.get(pvl1_price, 1)
temp_pv_2 := array.get(pvl1_price, 2)
if temp_pv_0 < temp_pv_1
for i = 0 to array.size(pvh1_time) - 1 by 1
temp_htcmrll_time = array.get(pvh1_time, i)
if temp_htcmrll_time < array.get(pvl1_time, 0)
htcmrll_price := array.get(pvh1_price, i)
htcmrll_time := temp_htcmrll_time
if temp_pv_0 > temp_pv_1 and temp_pv_1 < temp_pv_2
array.unshift(pvl2_price, temp_pv_1)
array.unshift(pvl2_time, array.get(pvl1_time, 1))
if trigger_high > htcmrll_price
if box_sv
loBox = box.new(left=array.get(pvl1_time, 0),
top=math.min(high[bar_index - array.get(pvl1_time, 0)], high[bar_index -
array.get(pvl1_time, 0) + 1]), right=bar_index, bottom=array.get(pvl1_price, 0),
bgcolor=color.rgb(0, 255, 0, 80), border_color=color.rgb(0, 255, 0, 80),
if array.size(long_boxes) >= 25
array.push(long_boxes, loBox)
htcmrll_price := na
if trigger_low < ltcmrhh_price
if box_sv
hiBox = box.new(left=array.get(pvh1_time, 0), top=array.get(pvh1_price,
0), right=bar_index, bottom=math.max(low[bar_index - array.get(pvh1_time, 0)],
low[bar_index - array.get(pvh1_time, 0) + 1]), bgcolor=color.rgb(255, 0, 0, 80),
border_color=color.rgb(255, 0, 0, 80), extend=extend.right)
if array.size(short_boxes) >= 25
array.push(short_boxes, hiBox)
ltcmrhh_price := na
if array.size(short_boxes) > 0
for i = array.size(short_boxes) - 1 to 0 by 1
tbox = array.get(short_boxes, i)
top = box.get_top(tbox)
bottom = box.get_bottom(tbox)
if trigger_high > bottom and box.get_left(tbox) + box_test_delay <
bar_index and box_test_sv
if box_hide_gray
box.set_bgcolor(tbox, #00000000)
box.set_border_color(tbox, #00000000)
box.set_bgcolor(tbox, color.rgb(192, 192, 192, 80))
box.set_border_color(tbox, color.rgb(192, 192, 192, 80))
if trigger_high > top and box.get_left(tbox) + box_fill_delay <
if box_stop_sv
box.set_right(tbox, bar_index)
box.set_extend(tbox, extend.none)
array.remove(short_boxes, i)
if array.size(long_boxes) > 0
for i = array.size(long_boxes) - 1 to 0 by 1
lbox = array.get(long_boxes, i)
top = box.get_top(lbox)
bottom = box.get_bottom(lbox)
if trigger_low < top and box.get_left(lbox) + box_test_delay <
bar_index and box_test_sv
if box_hide_gray
box.set_bgcolor(lbox, #00000000)
box.set_border_color(lbox, #00000000)
box.set_bgcolor(lbox, color.rgb(192, 192, 192, 80))
box.set_border_color(lbox, color.rgb(192, 192, 192, 80))
if trigger_low < bottom and box.get_left(lbox) + box_fill_delay <
if box_stop_sv
box.set_right(lbox, bar_index)
box.set_extend(lbox, extend.none)
array.remove(long_boxes, i)
if barstate.islast and eliteVP
for i = 0 to levelNum - 1
histogramLow = rangeLow + histogramHeight * i
histogramHigh = rangeLow + histogramHeight * (i + 1)
array.set(histogramLowList, i, histogramLow)
array.set(histogramHighList, i, histogramHigh)
for i = 0 to lookback - 1
currentBarHeight = high[i] - low[i]
currentBuyVolume = high[i] == low[i] ? 0 : volume[i] * (close[i] - low
[i]) / currentBarHeight
currentSellVolume = high[i] == low[i] ? 0 : volume[i] * (high [i] -
close[i]) / currentBarHeight
for j = 0 to levelNum - 1
histogramLow = array.get(histogramLowList, j)
histogramHigh = array.get(histogramHighList, j)
target = math.max(histogramHigh, high[i]) - math.min(histogramLow,
low[i]) - (math.max(histogramHigh, high[i]) - math.min(histogramHigh, high[i])) -
(math.max(histogramLow, low[i]) - math.min(histogramLow, low[i]))
histogramVolumePercentage = target / currentBarHeight
histogramBuyVolume = array.get(histogramBuyVolumeList, j)
histogramSellVolume = array.get(histogramSellVolumeList, j)
if histogramVolumePercentage > 0
array.set(histogramBuyVolumeList, j, histogramBuyVolume +
currentBuyVolume * histogramVolumePercentage)
array.set(histogramSellVolumeList, j, histogramSellVolume +
currentSellVolume * histogramVolumePercentage)
highestHistogramVolume = 0.0
for i = 0 to levelNum - 1
histogramBuyVolume = array.get(histogramBuyVolumeList, i)
histogramSellVolume = array.get(histogramSellVolumeList, i)
histogramVolume = histogramBuyVolume + histogramSellVolume
highestHistogramVolume := math.max(highestHistogramVolume, histogramVolume)
for i = 0 to levelNum - 1
histogramLow = array.get(histogramLowList, i)
histogramHigh = array.get(histogramHighList, i)
histogramBuyVolume = array.get(histogramBuyVolumeList, i)
histogramSellVolume = array.get(histogramSellVolumeList, i)
histogramVolume = histogramBuyVolume + histogramSellVolume
histogramWidth = levelWidth * histogramVolume / highestHistogramVolume
histogramBuyWidth = math.floor(histogramWidth * histogramBuyVolume /
histogramSellWidth = math.floor(histogramWidth * histogramSellVolume /
array.set(buyBars , i, box.new(bar_index + offset + levelWidth - 1 -
histogramBuyWidth, histogramHigh, bar_index + offset + levelWidth - 1
, histogramLow, colorBorderVP, bgcolor=colorBuyVP ))
array.set(sellBars, i, box.new(bar_index + offset + levelWidth - 1 -
histogramBuyWidth, histogramHigh, bar_index + offset + levelWidth - 1 -
histogramBuyWidth - histogramSellWidth, histogramLow, colorBorderVP,
barcolor(momentumCandles and candlesMom() ? color.purple : candleColors ? (strategy
== "Trend scalper" ? colorBar : na(countBull) and na(countBear) ? color.gray :
trigger ? green : red) : na, editable=false)
fill(plot(showTrendCloud and periodTrendCloud == "New" ? ema150 : na, "", na,
editable=false), plot(showTrendCloud and periodTrendCloud == "New" ? ema250 : na,
"", na, editable=false), ema150 > ema250 ? color.new(color.green, 70) : ema150 <
ema250 ? color.new(color.red, 70) : na)
plot(enableTrailingSL and trigger and nz(ta.barssince(low < trailingStop),
bar_index) > countBull ? trailingStop : na, "", green, 1, plot.style_linebr,
plot(enableTrailingSL and not trigger and nz(ta.barssince(high > trailingStop),
bar_index) > countBear ? trailingStop : na, "", red , 1, plot.style_linebr,
p0 = plot(avgOC, "", na , editable=false)
p1 = plot(ema5 , "", colorEma5 , editable=false)
p2 = plot(ema9 , "", colorEma9 , editable=false)
p3 = plot(ema21, "", colorEma21, editable=false)
fill(p0, p1, fillEma5 )
fill(p1, p2, fillEma9 )
fill(p2, p3, fillEma21)
fill(plot(showTrendCloud and periodTrendCloud != "New" and trendcloud != 0 and
close > trendcloud ? trendcloud : na, "", color.green, 1, plot.style_linebr,
editable=false), p0, color.new(color.green, 90))
fill(plot(showTrendCloud and periodTrendCloud != "New" and trendcloud != 0 and
close < trendcloud ? trendcloud : na, "", color.red , 1, plot.style_linebr,
editable=false), p0, color.new(color.red , 90))
fill(plot(hma, "", hma > hma[2] ? green : hma < hma[2] ? red : na, editable=false),
plot(hma[2], "", hma > hma[2] ? green : hma < hma[2] ? red : na, editable=false),
hma > hma[2] ? green : hma < hma[2] ? red : na)
// Alerts
f_crossed_over() =>
ret = false
for x = 0 to array.size(sr_up_level) > 0 ? array.size(sr_up_level) - 1 : na by
float mid = math.round_to_mintick((array.get(sr_up_level, x) +
array.get(sr_dn_level, x)) / 2)
if close[1] <= mid and close > mid
ret := true
f_crossed_under() =>
ret = false
for x = 0 to array.size(sr_up_level) > 0 ? array.size(sr_up_level) - 1 : na by
float mid = math.round_to_mintick((array.get(sr_up_level, x) +
array.get(sr_dn_level, x)) / 2)
if close[1] >= mid and close < mid
ret := true
f_sl_crossed() =>
ret = false
stop = enableTrailingSL ? trailingStop : stop_y
crossBull = low [1] >= stop[1] and low < stop[1] and ta.barssince(low [1] >=
stop[1] and low < stop[1])[1] >= countBull - 1
crossBear = high[1] <= stop[1] and high > stop[1] and ta.barssince(high[1] <=
stop[1] and high > stop[1])[1] >= countBear - 1
ret := trigger[1] ? crossBull : crossBear
f_tp_crossed(tp) =>
ret = false
profit = tp
crossBull = high[1] <= profit[1] and high > profit[1] and ta.barssince(high[1]
<= profit[1] and high > profit[1])[1] >= countBull - 1
crossBear = low [1] >= profit[1] and low < profit[1] and ta.barssince(low [1]
>= profit[1] and low < profit[1])[1] >= countBear - 1
ret := trigger[1] ? crossBull : crossBear
alert01 = (bull and close <= smartFilter) or (bear and close >= smartFilter)
alert02 = bull or bear
alert03 = (bull and close > smartFilter) or (bear and close < smartFilter)
alert04 = bull and close <= smartFilter
alert05 = f_crossed_over()
alert06 = bear and close >= smartFilter
alert07 = bull and close > smartFilter
alert08 = bear and close < smartFilter
alert09 = f_sl_crossed()
alert10 = f_crossed_under()
alert11 = f_tp_crossed(tp1_y)
alert12 = f_tp_crossed(tp2_y)
alert13 = f_tp_crossed(tp3_y)
alert14 = periodTrendCloud == "New" ? ta.crossunder(ema150, ema250) : (close <
trendcloud) and (close > trendcloud)[1]
alert15 = periodTrendCloud == "New" ? ta.crossover (ema150, ema250) : (close >
trendcloud) and (close < trendcloud)[1]
alerts(sym) =>
if alert01 or alert02 or alert03 or alert04 or alert05 or alert06 or alert07 or
alert08 or alert09 or alert10 or alert11 or alert12 or alert13 or alert14 or
alert("NEW ALERT", alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
alertcondition(alert01, "Any Signal Buy / sell", "Buy or Sell")
alertcondition(alert02, "Any signal Buy/Smart Buy or Sell/Smart Sell", "Buy/Smart
Buy or Sell/Smart Sell")
alertcondition(alert03, "Any signal Smart Buy / Smart Sell", "Smart Buy or Smart
alertcondition(alert04, "Buy alert", "Buy")
alertcondition(alert05, "Resistance Broken", "Resistance Broken")
alertcondition(alert06, "Sell alert", "Sell")
alertcondition(alert07, "Smart Buy", "Smart Buy")
alertcondition(alert08, "Smart Sell", "Smart Sell")
alertcondition(alert09, "Stop loss", "Stop loss")
alertcondition(alert10, "Support Broken", "Support Broken")
alertcondition(alert11, "Target 1", "Target 1")
alertcondition(alert12, "Target 2", "Target 2")
alertcondition(alert13, "Target 3", "Target 3")
alertcondition(alert14, "Trend cloud Bearish Alert", "Trend cloud Bearish")
alertcondition(alert15, "Trend cloud Bullish Alert", "Trend cloud Bullish")

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