Differential Equations and Transforms Syllabus

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BMAT102L Differential Equations and Transforms L T P C

3 1 0 4
Pre-requisite BMAT101L, BMAT101P Syllabus version
Course Objectives
1. To impart the knowledge of Laplace transform, an important transform techniques for
Engineers which requires knowledge of integration.
2. Presenting the elementary notions of Fourier series, this is vital in practical harmonic
3. Enriching the skills in solving initial and boundary value problems.
4. Impart the knowledge and application of difference equations and the Z-transform in
discrete systems that are inherent in natural and physical processes.

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course the student should be able to:

1. Find solution for second and higher order differential equations, formation and
solving partial differential equations.
2. Understand basic concepts of Laplace Transforms and solve problems with periodic
functions, step functions, impulse functions and convolution.
3. Employ the tools of Fourier series and Fourier transforms.
4. Know the techniques of solving differential equations and partial differential
5. Know the Z-transform and its application in population dynamics and digital signal

Module:1 Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) 6 hours

Second order non- homogenous differential equations with constant coefficients- Differential
equations with variable coefficients- method of undetermined coefficients-method of
Variation of parameters-Solving Damped forced oscillations and LCR circuit theory
Module:2 Partial Differential Equations (PDE) 5 hours
Formation of partial differential equations – Singular integrals — Solutions of standard types
of first order partial differential equations – Lagrange’s linear equation-Method of separation
of variables
Module:3 Laplace Transform 7 hours
Definition- Properties of Laplace transform-Laplace transform of standard functions - Laplace
transform of periodic functions-Unit step function-Impulse function. Inverse Laplace
transform-Partial fractions method and by Convolution theorem..
Module:4 Solution to ODE and PDE by Laplace transform 7 hours
Solution of ODE’s – Non-homogeneous terms involving Heaviside function, Impulse function
- Solving Non-homogeneous system using Laplace transform - solution to First order PDE by
Laplace transform.
Module:5 Fourier Series 6 hours
Fourier series - Euler’s formulae- Dirichlet’s conditions - Change of interval - Half range
series – RMS value – Parseval’s identity.
Module:6 Fourier Transform 6 hours
Complex Fourier transform - properties - Relation between Fourier and Laplace Transforms-
Fourier sine and cosine transforms – Parseval’s identity- Convolution Theorem and simple
applications to solve PDE.
Module:7 Z-Transform 6 hours
Definition of Z-transform and Inverse Z-transform - Standard functions - Partial fractions and

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convolution method. Difference equation - first and second order difference equations with
constant coefficients - solution of simple difference equations using Z-transform.
Module:8 Contemporary Issues 2 hours

Total Lecture hours: 45 hours

Total Tutorial hours : 15 hours
Text Book(s)
1. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 2015, 10th Edition, John Wiley
2. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 2020, 44th Edition, Khanna
Reference Books
1. Michael D. Greenberg, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 2006, 2nd Edition,
Pearson Education, Indian edition.
2. A First Course in Differential Equations with Modelling Applications, Dennis Zill,
2018, 11th Edition, Cengage Publishers.

Mode of Evaluation: CAT, written assignment, Quiz, FAT

Recommended by Board of Studies 24-06-2021

Approved by Academic Council No. 64 Date 16-12-2021

Proceedings of the 64th Academic Council (16.12.2021) 159

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