2015.131996.introduction To Geomorphology Text
2015.131996.introduction To Geomorphology Text
2015.131996.introduction To Geomorphology Text
Introduction to
A. Definitions 1
C. Basic Postulates 37
1. Catastrophism and uniformitarianism 37
2. Stillstands and the mobility of earth structures 42
3. The Cycle of Erosion 48
4. Morphoclimatic zones 54
5. Structure, process and stage 60
6. The necessity for simplification of geomorphological 66
A. Geophysical Considerations 79
1. Earth movements and mountain building
2. Continental drift 84
3. Vulcanicity 86
4. Hydrothermal activity and meteorite craters 89
vi Introduction to Geomorphology
B. Geological Considerations 91
1. Resistance to erosion 9
2. Rock disposition 98
3. Distinctive lithologies 106
4. Variations within an individual rock 1 08
E. Geochemical Considerations I 4I
1 . Physicochemical factors 1 4
2. Weathering reactions 142
3. Physicochemical characteristics of weathering environments 144
4. Mineral solubilities 145
F. Biological Activity I 47
1. Acceleration of mechanical processes 148
2. Retardation of mechanical processes 153
3. Biochemical weathering 160
4. Acceleration of chemical weathering 160
Contents vii
1 ^^
5 . Retardation of chemical weathering
6. Organisms as aids in landform study
G. Human Activity
4. Chemical weathering
5. Weathering forms 193
B. Transportation 199
1. Transportation of particles in a fluid 201
2. Amounts of sediment transport 209
3 . Mass movement 216
4. Transportation of dissolved material 222
C. Deposition 224
1. Depositional landforms on slopes 225
2. Depositional landforms in fluvial environments 228
3. Deltas 233
4. Estuaries 236
5. Depositional landforms along coasts 237
6. Depositional landforms in eolian environments 244
7. Landforms due to glacial deposition 248
D. 10.
inter-relationships between Rock Breakdown, Transport,
and Deposition 254
1. Time lags 254
2. Influence of source 25 7
3. Influence of transportation on rate of supply 260'
4. Covariances between phenomena 26
5. Reworking of sediments in stream channels 274
6. Dynamic depositional landforms 279
7. Reworking of sediments into distinctive patterns 282
8. Recombination of weathered chemical elements 285
9. Influence of weathered material on subsequent weathering 292
The concept of quasi-equilibrium 295
viii Introduction to Geomorphology
A. Dating 327
B. The Initial Form 342
C. Stages in Slope Evolution 344
D. Stages in Drainage System Evolution 355
E. Stages in Glaciated Areas 372
F. Stages in Coastline Evolution 380
G. Stages involving more than one Process and in the
Evolution of the Land Surface as a whole 391
past and present, of the University of Hull, for their continued interest in the
progress of the work, particularly to Dr J. R. Dennett, Mr M. J. Hutchinson,
Mr M. J. Burgess, Mr F. G.
Gray, Miss P. Zalasinski, and Miss A. Holloway,
and to many more geomorphologists than those listed in the bibliography and
text, who, by their absorbing studies, have made a wide reading of the
a most rewarding experience.
In addition to those who have helped in the immediate task of preparing
this book, I would like also to acknowledge those who, at earlier stages,
encouraged me to seek the rewards of studying geography in general and
X Introduction to Geomorphology
The author and publisher would like to thank the following for permission
to reproduce copyright figures and tables.
Journals! Editors
American Journal of Science for figs: I.4.E (Vol. 260), 1.7 (Vol. 260), II.6
(Vol. 265), II.IO.A (Vol. 256), III.l (Vol. 257), III.17 (Vol. 266), IV. 15.B
(Vol. 268), IV.36.A (Vol. 263), IV. 36.C (Vol. 258), IV. 43.B (Vol. 264),
IV.49.B (Vol. 262), V.l (Vol. 263), V.3.C (Vol. 258), V.5 (Vol. 261), V.7
(Vol. 265), V.27 (Vol. 255); Australian Geographical Studies for figs. I.3.C,
IV.31.A; The Canadian Geographer for fig. IV.24.C; Economic Geology for
figs. IV. 42, V.13; Geografski Glasnik for fig. V.18; Geological Magazine for
figs. I.5.A, I.5.B, I.6.A, IV.30.A, IV.45.D; Nature for figs. III.l, IV.26.B;
Rassegna Speleologica Italiana for fig. V.l 7. A; Science, Volume 132, 1960,
fig. 5. Copyright 1960 by the American Association for the Advancement of
Science, for fig. II.5.A: Scientific American, August 1960, page 88 for fig.
IV. 34.J.
1.12, IV.13.A, IV.13.B, IV. 18.D, IV.38; Eyrolles, Paris, for fig. V.25.C from
Plages et cotes de sable by J. Larras; figs. I.4.B, IV.28.A, IV.34.A-D,
IV.36.B adapted from Fluvial Processes in Geomorphology by Luna B.
Leopold,M. Gordon Wolman, and John P. Miller. W. H. Freeman and
Company. Copyright 1964; Generalstabens Litografiska Anstalt for figs.
Acknowledgements xi
A, II.15.B, III.8.B, III.13, IV, IV.l, IV.5.A, IV.IO, IV.13.D, IV.15.A,
IV.24.D, IV.24.F, IV.30.B, IV.47.A, IV.47.D, IV.51, IV.53, V.3.A, V.3.B,
Table IV.l, Table IV.9, Table App. 2; Gebruder Borntraeger for figs. I.4.A,
fig. App. l.C,
E, II.15.F, IV.7.A, IV.7.B, IV.18.A, IV.33.A, IV.33.B,
fig. App. l.D, Table App. 1; Heinemann Educational
Books Ltd for fig.
IV.6.D redrawn from the original diagram by Mr A. Bartlett of the
Geography Department of the University of Sydney; Liverpool University
Press for fig. V.22; Longman Group Ltd for fig. V.ll.A; fig. IV. 19 from
McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology 1962, used with per-
mission of McGraw-Hill Book Company; Masson et Cie for figs. III.6.D,
III. 9.A, III.9.B, IV.26.D, IV.26.E, IV.39.A, V.24, Table 1.1; Methuen and
Co for figs. I.6.B, III.3, IV.18.B; Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd for fig.
IV. 43.A, part of IV. 6.D; Oliver and Boyd for fig. V.3 l.E from Morphology of
theEarth by L. C. King, and Table IV.8 from Principles ofLithogenesis, I by
N. M. Strakhov; Panstowowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe for fig. IV.8.C (from
Przeglad Geograficzny) and fig. IV.9.A (from Geographia Polonica); Prince-
ton University Press for fig. 11. 1; Redakcja Biuletun Peryglacjalny for figs.
IV.8.A, IV.8.B, and IV.39.C; University of Chicago Press for the following
figs, taken from Journal of Geology: 1.2 (and Marie Morisawa), I.4.C (and H.
J. Finkel), II.7 (and R. F. Flint), III.6.B (and E. D. Sneed and R. L. Folk),
III. 6.C (and P. Kuenen), III.12.D (and D. C. Rhoads), III. 18 (and J. S.
Learned Societies
II.IO.C, II.I1, III.6.E, III.7.A, III.8.A, III.16.A, IV.2, IV.5, IV.14, IV.21,
IV.25, IV.27.B, IV.28.E, IV.28.F, IV.34.F-H, IV.43.C, IV.46, IV.48.B,
IV.53, V.14, V.23, Table V.l; The Geological Society of London for
figs. I.5.C, I.5.D, III.8.A, III.I2.E, IV.24.E, V.26, V.31.A; Geologiska
Foreningens I Stockholm IV.24A; The Geo-
Forhandlingar for figs.
IV.3.C; The Royal Society for figs. II.2, II.3; The Royal Society of New
South Wales for fig. IV.31.C; Schweizerische Geologische Gesellschaft for
fig.V.31.D; Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists for the
following from the Journal of Sedimentary Petrology: II. 8. A (and M.
Gipson), IV.1 LA (and B. J. Bluck), IV. 1 LB (and S. Sengupta), IV.22 (and E.
Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Ottawa for figs. I.4.D, III.4.C,
IV.47.B from Geographical Bulletin reproduced with permission of
Information Canada; Service des Etudes Scientifique for fig. IV.9; U.S. De-
partment of Agriculture for fig. IV.55.A; Yugoslav Ministry of Defence for
fig. IV.6.C; Professor R. Coque for figs. 11.12, 11.13, III. 14, V.28, V.29;
Professor A. Jahn for figs. IV.33.C, IV.33.D.
In the last twenty-five years there has been considerable progress in all
(1960) observed that many had been startled by the suddenness of the rise of
quantification. Since 1945 many new techniques in addition to radio-carbon
dating have been utilized. Vertical air photographs gave penetrating insights
into tectonics and led to a demand for certain revisions of traditional geomor-
phological concepts. In 1947 the first systematic offshore acoustic study was
made and since 1955 the profiling of continuous depth surveys of the bottom
topography offshore has become widespread and detailed. Information from
little-known areas has come in. For instance, in the past twenty years much
research on tropical soils has modified profoundly an understanding of
weathering processes. Periglacial features, from being picturesque curiosities
have become accepted as a fundamental phenomenon recognizable in areas
covering more than a third of the earth’s land surface. After 1957-8 the first
reliable estimate of the volume of the Antarctic ice-sheet was the product of
the co-operative investigations of the International Geophysical year. It was
as recently as 1960 that the various glacial stages on the Arctic borders were
worked out, and it is only in the last seven years that a body of measurements
of postglacial submergence and rebound have emerged. Different approaches
to landform study have developed, partly because workers in related sciences
have found the study of geomorphological problems as rewarding as their
own. In 1 945 the engineer R. E. Horton discussed in detail his hydrophysical
approach to drainage basin study which was considered in Europe by P.
Pinchemel and taken up with vigour in the United States by A. N. Strahler
and his students as a possible alternative to W. M. Davis’s approach. In 1943
Preface xv
J.Tricart began his geomorphological investigations but with the deep feeling
that insufficiencies of Davisian geomorphology left him unarmed for the
Today W. M. Davis, still the father of geomorphology for many has become
an Aunt Sally for others. Criticisms and attacks on Davis have taken a variety
of forms, including L. B. Leopold and W. B. Langbein’s attempt to run Davis
1945 are changes in emphasis. Within this time there has been a rapid
development in the study of slopes, and studies developing from F.
Hjulstrom’s thesis (1935) on the morphological activity of rivers concentrate
on investigations of geomorphological processes. A
traditional concern with
A. Definitions
to extend without stating a partial view of the subject. Traditionally the study
was essentially that of the origin and evolution of landforms. Many would still
agree with N. M. Fexuiejiian that ‘the study and interpretation of the records
leftby erosion constitute the larger part of the science of geomorphology’,
and see their work, as S. W. iWooldride e did, as answerable for the last brief
chapter of the geological record. The historical element in geomorphology
is evident from the need to interpret still observable traces of events that
once took place on the earth’s surface. On the other hand, workers like
L. B. Leopold, M._ G. Wolm an. and J. P. Miller (1964), while observing that
important than the stress laid on the significance of scale. Within the size
range of features studied in geomorphology little in detail is known beyond
the general fact that some forms may vary with size, whereas others may not.
For instance, river meanders have the same dimensions in plan regardless
of scale. By contrast, in small-scale sand forms the coarsest material collects
on the crests, whereas the reverse is invariably the case for large-scale
Landform maps have been prepared on a variety of scales, over some
larger areas where no detailed contour map is available, or from smaller areas
to record aspects of the geometry of the ground surface, such as discontin-
uities, which a contour map does not show. Fig. I.l.A illustrates morpholo-
gical mapping techniques used by R. A. G. Savigear. A similar approach can
be used in coastal studies, as the symbols used by M. A. Arber (1949) in
describing cliff profiles show (fig. I.I.B). For mapping purposes, coasts might
be divided between cliffed and non-cliffed, with both categories then sub-
divided according to whether their plan is regular or irregular in outline.
Table I.l Classification of geomorphological features [after Tricart, 1965).
Units of
earth's Characteristics Equivalent Basic mechanisms span of
climatic controlling the persis-
surface of units, with
examples units relief tence
Order in km^
differentiation of 10’
I 10’ continents, ocean large zonal systems
basins controlled by earth’s crust be- years
astronomical fac- tween sial and sima
mapping symbols {from Savigear. 1965). (Below) Sea-cliff types (from Arber,
Drainage basin A B C D
E 0-82 0-86 0-59
C 0-58 0-64 0-47 0-45
L/fV 1-32 0-97 0-50 2-17
area (sq miles) 25-7 18-7 86.0 106
sion from the mouth to the opposite side, with width measured normal to the
length. S. A. Schumm suggested the index E = dlLm^ where E is an elongation
ratio between
d, the diameter of a circle with the same area as the drainage
basin, and L^, the maximum length of the basin parallel to the main river. A
similar index, suggested by J. P. Miller, is C = AblAc, where C is a circularity
ratio between basin area, As, and the area of a circle Ac, having the same
perimeter. Table 1.2 lists calculations of these indices for the basin outlines
Definitions, nature and basic postulates 5
shown in fig. 1.2. However, it is apparent that the measurement of basin length
is problematic when the long axis of the basin trends away from the line
between basin mouth and the opposite side of the basin and that several
differently shaped basins might have similar indices due to irregularities in
Figure 1.2 Various drainage basin shapes {from Morisawa, 1958)-, these examples
are from the Appalachian plateau.
exact meaning of every measurement and index must be carefully and criti-
cally evaluated. Figs. 1.3 and 1.4 illustrate the definitions on which some other
measurements of landforms have been based. The terrain unit (fig. 1.3) used
by military engineers could have as much geomorphological significance as
the hydrologists’ drainage basin and can be described by ratios similar to
those used for basin shape. The range of examples with the
in fig. 1.4 starts
definition ofdepth of a weathering recess, the simplicity of the index belying
the infrequency with which such observations have been recorded. By
trast the unparalleled regularity of the river meander has been
frequently. However, even those forms which are striking in their geometric
6 Introduction to Geomorphology
Figure l.S Basic definitions of some descriptive schemes for categorizing land
surface components.
A. The military engineers’ terrain unit {after Krenkel and Hoadley, 1963,
Waterways Exp. Sta. Rep. No. 4-86).
B. Stream-ordering systems for describing drainage composition (a/rer A". L. Bow-
den and J. R. Wallis, 1964, Bull. geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 75).
regularity may show substantial departures from symmetry, like the con-
trasted lengths of barchan horns. Usually erosional forms, like the nivation
hollow, have greater irregularity still, and several measurements might be
made to avoid ambiguities. Fig. I.4.E illustrates the description of a different
aspect of landforms, relating to their spacing and consistency of orientation,
rather than to their actual size. Although the geometrical regularity of drum-
makes these forms an obvious example, spacing and
lins orientation studies of
more irregular forms and terrain units are feasible.
A type of description, coarser than measurement but easier to define, is the
ranking of features according to their The most widely used example of
follow a definite channel in the field and to find its corresponding representa-
tion on a map where the restrictions of reduced scale limit the details of form
which can be described. Besides being rather coarse, with difficulties at the
relief cross-sections based on the recognition that both interfluves and valleys
might be classified as rounded, flat, or angular. Fig. I.3.C shows that many
diverse landscapes might be described, if not classified, by precise reference to
these simple subdivisions, particularly if the scale and any asymmetry is also
There are many difficulties in devising precise, objective, and unambiguous
descriptions of the intricacies of landform, and despite the time involved in
such attempts the results often appear to meet with limited success and may
afford little insight. These factors may help to explain why there has been a
reluctance to abandon completely the concise genetic descriptions in geomor-
phology. However, with growing realization of two fundamental limitations in
genetic description, schemes like the classification of coasts developed by
Davis, Gulliver, and Johnson, or the Cycle of Erosion itself are now less
widely favoured. Firstly, the incorporation of new information and theories
into existing interpretations may mean that the original terms are no longer
the same in a descriptive sense. A classic example is the Irish eskers which
gave their name to other long sinuous ridges of sand and gravel only to be
denied the right, in the light of subsequent research, to be called eskers.
Added to the difficulty of including new information in genetic schemes, is the
growing awareness of the danger of circular argument. For example, it was
formerly understood that with the attainment of ‘old age’ a subdued rolling
topography results, and that conversely the presence of subdued rolling ter-
rain implied that a state of old age had been reached in landscape evolution.
Nonetheless the vigorous work in geomorphological mapping in Europe,
Figuiel.4 Examples, from more symmetrical forms, of some measured dimen-
sions in landform study.
chemical, physical factors, and antecedent landforms mean that there are no
invariable laws, as in physics, on which to base interpretations of present-day
Some geomorphologists who advocate the use of quantitative methods have
solved this problem of explanation to their own satisfaction, by measuring
their success in terms of the variability which they can account for in inter-
D. Nivation hollow (from F. A. Cook and KG. Raiche, 1962, Geog. Bull.,
No. 18). These dimensions were measured at Resolute, North West Territories,
Canada. DCE is the top of the backwall, DBE the base of the backwall, and DAE
the front of the hollow floor.
still give praise to those who apply themselves chiefly to gaining first-hand
knowledge of observable facts,’ be allowed, ‘but we have learned to give
greater praise to those who, on a good foundation of visible facts, employ a
well-trained constructive imagination in building ingenious and successful
theories which shall bring to sight the invisible facts.’ However, Davis by
assuming that the facts of earth science had, by the end of the nineteenth
century, been ‘abundantly acquired and so thoroughly systematized’ was
unwittingly advocating praise for speculating thinking. If geomorphology has
taken Davis’s disdain for the unimaginative to heart, perhaps his lesson
should be revised so that the work of patient and painstaking description at
Since 1945 there has been more detailed investigation of processes operative
in landscape development. This trend has led to some disagreement about the
degree to which process studies are an integral part of the study of land form.
This problem of definition can be posed by contrasting two quotations. R. A.
Bagnold (1941) did not think that he would see ‘t he geomorphologist re st
content in his study for its own sake of the shape and movement of sand
knows why sand collects into dunes at all, instead of
accumulations, until he
scattering evenly over the land as do tine grams ol du st, and how dunes
assume and maintain their own especial shapes’. In 1958 S. W. Wooldridge
wrote m difterent vein, for he regarded it ‘as quite fundamental that
Geomorphology is primarily concerned with the interpretation of forms, not
the study of processes. The latter can be left to Physical Geology.’ In follow-
ing this largely morphological approach it is necessary to infer the nature of
the processes from the forms they are believed to have created. However, in
many situations even the identity of the main process may be in doubt.
Increasingly the argument appears that any generalization about past condi-
tions and the possibility of suggesting evolutionary changes depends on the
initial systematic measurement of processes in order to establish and to
understand what is happening today. Together with an increasing emphasis
on the importance of process studies come criticisms of the work of earlier
geomorphologists, particularly that of W. M. Davis, for establishing an
approach to landform study which oversimplified or neglected process
studies. However, there is probably a limit to which W. M. Davis might be
held responsible for any alleged inadequacies which also may underlie a
possible weakness in S. W. Wooldridge’s belief. This is the degree to which
physical geology has not developed, in the interpretation of past processes
and ancient results, comparative studies of modern processes which can be
directly observed. As recently as 1966 W. H. Bradley in his address as the
retiring president of the Geological Society of America suggested that there
was a great deal more to be learnt about geology from observing present-day
processes than had yet been explored. Geology is unique in offering for
investigation, in most circumstances, only the results of natural processes,
like Plutonic igneous complexes. It is therefore not surprising that a strong
tradition of inferring the nature of processes has grown up in many branches
of geology, including geomorphology. However, geomorphologists are
alone in realizing that they can observe and measure the actual
12 Introduction to Geomorphology
known about sub-glacial mechanisms, and the complex problems of ice move-
ment mechanics may still be regarded as incompletely solved, not to mention
the mechanisms by which ice might erode bedrock. Several important aspects
of fluvial dynamics, such as the nature of turbulence, are not yet well known,
and nor are the relationships between fluviatile processes and the reworking
of depositional landforms. Understanding and knowledge of the highly
dynamic processes on coasts is grossly deficient, and the climate of the soil is
still very poorly understood with the processes of rock decomposition and
weathering in relation to the formation of soils needing much further study. In
particular there is a lack of basic data concerning mineral solubilities and the
factors affecting the stability of the dissolved constituents, particularly in
tropical ground water and soil water.
In view of the rudimentary knowledge in studies of process, some workers
consider it too optimistic to assume that the nature of processes can be
inferred from the land form. There is also the risk of a circular argument
using the evidence of forms to build an hypothesis of their genesis and then to
explain the same forms by this hypothesis. There is also the neglected prob-
lem of ‘homologies’ or ‘convergence’ in landforms, where different processes
may produce similar forms. For example, small circular weathering pits
occur in varied environments and on a larger scale rounded ponds in formerly
glaciated areas might be either kettle holes or ancient pingos. Rounded sum-
mits with tor-like eminences also occur in varied environments, so that those
near Fairbanks in Alaska have to some observers appeared very reminiscent
of tors on Dartmoor. In coastal areas there appears, for example, to be more
than one genetic type of barrier island. In the absence of processes studies the
investigation of homologous forms can lead to insoluble disagreement be-
tween a variety of hypotheses of origin and even in the interpretation of the
field evidence on which these theories are built. Although many striking
processes are usually significant not all fundamental processes are necessarily
either conspicuous or even visible. Therefore, even the observation of pro-
made without measurements, is sometimes insufficient. For instance,
cesses, if
diversion from the essential purpose of studying actual land form, in the view
of some workers, whereas for others these difficulties merely re-emphasize the
unlikelihood of making adequate inferences about the mode of landform
development from a study of the forms alone. One difficulty is the slowness of
operation of some processes in relation to the time-span which one investi-
gator can expect to devote to their study. For example, one of the criteria in
understood (C. A. M. King, 1959), for here there are four distinctly different
hydrodynamic zones which are overlapping and compressed into a relatively
narrow strip between the backshore and the nearshore. A third problem is
that while most processes are theoretically observable, in practice it is diffi-
cult, if not dangerous, to do so. Moreover, the physical risk tends inevitably
to increase at times when mechanical processes are at their most active and in
areas where biochemical activity is most vigorous. Thus a simple and observ-
able process like cut and fill in the zone of breaking waves and offshore, or in
streams, is not well-documented because the points are difficult to reach even
at low water.
There are several problems in evaluating the results of process studies. In
many areas there is the difficulty, if interpretations of the past are to be made,
of estimating the degree to which present-day erosion rates are due to arti-
ficially accelerated erosion since man has swung the scales of the natural
balance between the forces previously involved. In all situations there is the
problem of deciding which came first; whether the process essentially
preceded the form and thereby determined its characteristics, the converse, or
whether the two co-exist in a closely interdependent state of ‘dynamic equilib-
rium’. Many workers consider that there have been too many changes par-
ticularly in the last 2 million years, for the last suggestion to be anything
14 Introduction to Geomorphology
that they are in part a product of the same processes which operate on the
landforms, and these characteristics, in part reflecting the rock which makes
up the landform, also may accelerate or retard the rate at which processes
operate and may influence their mode of operation. For example, the
dynamics of the swash zone on a beach, although difficult to observe in
action, are revealed in part by grain-size distributions across the foreshore
slope. In turn the size may influence the rate of infiltration of the swash into
the sediment. Even in environments where mechanical action is much
reduced, the fact that many sedimentary particles will then have spent con-
siderable amounts of time in a weathering profile means that the importance
of process, climate, and time might be inferred from chemical variations.
Thus, just as the usefulness of a study of contemporary processes extends to
interpretations of the past, so also can the study of modern sediments, by
revealing characteristic properties developed in distinctive environments cast
Definitions, nature and basic postulates 15
other hands. In the study of sediment transport in rivers, for instance, the
hydrodynamicists and hydraulicists are often primarily concerned with
energy relationships between particles and the transporting fluid, whereas the
geomorphologist is more concerned simply with the amount of material
moved and with the problem of locating from where in the catchment the
material was eroded. Many geomorphologists will be happy to agree with a
leading expert on the transportation dynamics of sedimentary particles who,
while recognizing that the geomorphologist would inquire into how and why
processes produce distinctive forms, held the personal view that ‘the subject
of sand movement lies far more in the realm of physics than of geomorpho-
logy’ (R. A. Bagnold).
there much
evidence to suggest that recent advances in scientific aspects of the
subject have been at the expense of these artistic elements. A. Rapp begins the
presentation of his exhaustive records and measurements from northern
Lapland: ‘The valley of Karkevagge is rich in interesting problems and in
natural beauty. Nine summers have not been enough to make me feel tired of
it.’ An ardent concern for conservation was an expression of a love of nature
felt by J. P. Miller, a pioneer in the use of quantitative methods in landform
study, and A. N. Strahler shows in his textbook an outstanding artistic skill in
recording the facts of a qualitative science, and style in presenting its argu-
ments, there may be some truth in criticisms that some geomorphologists
have been carried away by a flow of words. K. Bryan (1940) wrote of ‘mild
intoxication on the limpid prose of Davis’s remarkable essays’ influencing the
geomorphologist to consider the question of slopes in words, not knowledge,
and with phrases, not by critical observation. Certainly Davis wrote his
Essays, believed in the power of words and was fascinated by them. He con-
tributed in 1 926 to the journal Science an essay entitled ‘The value of outrageous
hypotheses in geology’, writing at length on the interesting etymology of the
word ‘outrageous’ in preference to using a less ambiguous synonym in his
title. Commonly used in the writings of W. M. Davis and in those who
similarly have strived for literary effect are two devices which, in appealing
directly to the imagination, require scientific restraint in their interpretation.
First, the appeal of brief, vivid, and perhaps poetic expression has led both
popular and technical writers to animate the landscape by the skilful use of
metaphor (LeGrand, 1960). The mental picture which these words portray
may, however, be quite unrelated to the dynamics of the process. A more
detailed inquiry into the mechanics of apparently self-explanatory headward
erosion reveals little beyond the fact that it breaks, bites, or even gnaws back
into a divide. Secondly, due to the intrinsic incompleteness of evidence for
geomorphological interpretations the analogy is used so frequently that its
well-known limitation is Sometimes, however, ill-chosen
easily overlooked.
analogies are unmistakable applicable in one or two senses only and the
imagination may then be overloaded with innumerable impressions of how
the geomorphological factor differs from analogous
the phenomenon.
Analogies extend beyond the written word into the domain of quantitative
18 Introduction to Geomorphology
sought. AgEin the suElogies require very csreful scrutiny. For instance, early
estimates of the viscosity of lava ‘streams’ were based on the analogy between
these flows and that of river water, and it was the mistaken assumption that
much needed in all parts of earth science’ and I. C. Russell had added
astronomy and chemistry to the list of desirable assets. Therefore if Davis and
his followers appear to some contemporary critics to have had no
more than
‘a butterfly-catcher’s sort of interest in scenery’, the apparent absence of
scientific rigour in the past and the sensation of its impact at the present are
not easily explained without skilled and sympathetic historical analysis.
In understanding recent scientific progress in geomorphology it is helpful
tific. First, scientific method, with its rigorous procedure from first-hand
observation to interpretation has always been more important than some
discussions, preoccupied with the Davisian approach, might either allow or
illustrate. Secondly, the application to geomorphological problems of scien-
tific techniques borrowed from neighbouring sciences, such as soil science
and hydrology, increases markedly. This trend leads to a third aspect of
science in geomorphology but one which is impossible to define in general
terms, and is, some extent, a matter of personal preference, with the
definitions of some proving unacceptable to others. This is the degree to
which the study of geomorphology by including the investigation of pro-
cesses. thereby necessitates also the study of basic mechanical and chemical
principles. The extreme view is that of some theorists who go so far as to
believe that most geomorphological generalizations should in fact or in prin-
note that the first view is that of only a few, and includes most of the theorists
whose familiarity either with the work of those with broader definitions or
with actual field experience is conspicuously limited.
With the increased adoption of scientific techniques and the attempts to
apply the principles of certain sciences to the interpretation of land form, the
distinction between science and technology has to be emphasized as a fourth
aspect of scientific aspects in the study of landform. The geomorphologist has
to make a deliberate effort to recognize this distinction in order to avoid
claiming the engineer’s role or adopting techniques useful in engineering but
which have little relevance to the solution of his scientific problem. Compared
of the blurring of science with technology, the problem of defining the objec-
tives of space research has recently provided a sharp and general reminder of
the fundamental distinction between scientific and technological endeavour.
Clearly there is a limit to what the geomorphologist might gain from the
experience and methods of technologists concerned with engineering in the
natural environment. For example, although for practical purposes in
hydraulic engineering river discharge is the most important parameter, the
itself too liberally, because unlike the rigorous sciences of physics and
chemistry landform study knows no laws, if the word law is used in its correct
universal sense, as a concise expression of a group of inter-relationships that
have been repeatedly observed to be consistent. G. K. Gilbert’s ‘law’ of
divides or R. E. Horton’s ‘laws’ of drainage network arrangement, although
giving the superficial impression of scientific simplicity are no more than
useful generalizations. They admit many exceptions, and the areas to which
they might be relevant may require careful selection and delimitation to
exclude domains where immense complexity and infinite local variety pre-
vails. Unlike the biological sciences there are no intrinsic features like genes
with which to provide a known link for a series of forms through time or for a
division between species, and unlike the social sciences there is no possibility
of dialogue between investigator and investigated. Geomorphology certainly
has an important and growing scientific content, but to claim for it the full
status of a science would be not so much pretentious as premature and might
even misrepresent its true unique nature.
instances, that qualitative analysis has proceeded as far as it can go. The
clarificationbrought to time-scale problems, whose solution was impossible
to resolve on the basis of earlier vague controls, by the measuring of recent
into existing studies. Finally investigators may use the adjective ‘quantitative’
in widely differing senses. This is because quantification involves several
distinct stages and the term could be applied to any of one of these. It has
been used to describe work ranging from the careful measurements of an
experimenter in the field to the speculations of armchair theorists.
The value of qualitative reasoning behind the collection of data is one of the
most important aspects of quantification, and the importance of design before
rather than after measuring cannot be overstressed.
has also been stressed. In overcoming this initial difficulty, some arbitrary
zation, which would lead to the measurement of something that was neither
‘natural’ nor ‘real’. Attempts to overcome this problem by defining a feature
in each country, but should cover the maximum possible number.’ Whether
measurements are concentrated in a small area, or extend to include con-
trasted environments, longitudinal analysis through time is usually required
as well, the 1000 years of recorded water-levels on the River Nile being one
of the most sobering examples.
The measurement of the degree of association between two geomorphological
variables involves many difficulties. A common problem is that within a range
Definitions, nature and basic postulates 25
between the largest and smallest observations of a sample, the bulk of the
measurements may bunch near one end of the scale. For instance, in a
drumlin field the smallest drumlin may only be half the size of that of the
majority, which the largest may exceed by several times. This raises statistical
problems, starting with the simple fact that an average value is not really
The relationship between two geomorphological phenomena, as is fre-
quently the case in nature, is rarely that of a straight line. Behaviour may even
change suddenly when a certain threshold value is exceeded or with the
introduction of a new factor at a particular time or beyond a certain distance.
For instance, clear quartz sand 0-08 mm in size was observed to slip when
the surface is tipped at an angle very little different from that for larger grains,
when dry, but when exposed to air of normal humidity it tends to stand in
vertical walls.
y. Fig. I.6.A illustrates how, in streams incising an alluvial terrace, the grand
mean for valley-side slopes increases with stream order up to the third order,
then diminishes at higher orders; Frame B shows how progressively slower
wind velocities are required to initiate the movement of smaller sand particles,
while for sand particles less than 0- 1 mm diameter, greater velocities are
required. In fig. 1.6.C soil loss increases with the length of time that rain falls
until the inwashing of finer particles produces a protective crust which
reduces the amount of erosion. Similarly, in fig. I.6.D, increasing annual
amounts of effective precipitation in the United States produces greater
erosion until values of 38 cms or more are sufficient to support a complete
vegetation cover which arrests erosion.
Finally, even if a geomorphological factor and a given environmental
variable are unlike these examples by being normally distributed and linearly
related, the complexities of the natural environment will make it impossible to
obtain an excellent correlation.
Proceeding from the demonstration of a relationship between measurements
of two or more variables, the derivation of a mathematical equation may
provide a useful, concise summary of the finding. However, the precision of
invariable mathematical relationships rarely exists in geomorphology, and
average statistical correlatioqs as generalized descriptions are often as far as
one can proceed without introducing simplifying assumptions that would
reduce the relevance of the results to the natural environment. Mathematical
relationships cannot allow realistically for the possibility of
changes with
time, like climatic changes in the Pleistocene or over
much shorter intervals.
26 Introduction to Geomorphology
0. O'
o V
1, c 30
1 Oe^erv shrub
1800 2 Grassland
0 4 3 Forest
I « 1200
0 3
0 2
0 1
A Variation of mean valley side slope angles with stream order {fiom Carter and
Choile). 1961). for the Lighthouse Hollow drainage network, Poquonock.
B Variation of the threshold drag \elocily in air with particle size {Jrom Bagnold,
and hard to replicate, still refer to the approach as a ‘touchstone’. A great deal
of thework has been spurred on by the initial assumption that mathematics
can be applied to landform study and the deliberate adoption of Horton’s
ideas to demonstrate this.
Secondly, the over-optimism includes a lack of concern about the basic
quality of the data. For the purist the orders of a ranking system would be too
coarse to manipulate arithmetically. A more practical point is the readiness
with which the same stream may differ by an order or more, depending on the
scale of the map, or whether, on the same scale, the map is old compared with
a recently revised planimetric version. Some channels observable in the field
badlands in the United States but also to areas of tropical lowlands in S.E.
Asia submerged by Pleistocene seas, to tidal channels, to chalk dry valleys,
and to the relict pattern of Pleistocene wadis in the Sahara. The point to
obvious to anyone as is the fact that departures from that shape are real and
not merely a statistically random scatter about that shape. Almost invariably
only an analogy of shape between the curve and the landform is implied, like
Galileo’s suggestion that the long profile of streams approaches a quarter
circle. Workers who have attempted to use empirically fitted curves to recon-
struct extensions of former river long profiles soon realized that the expres-
sions have no geomorphological The inevitability of irregular-
ities in most profiles due to resistant rock outcrops means that at best a profile
is segmented into a series of curves that would each require separate equa-
will confine him indoors, and the armchair theorist hopes for added justifica-
tion for framing his view of landforms with four square wails.
The fundamental geomorphological experience is that there is an indefin-
explain the logical basis for this belief beyond making the slightly arrogant
but obvious assertion that the linking of the human eye to the human brain
can provide the practised student of landform with an aid of potentially
immense power. Because of the importance of actually observing landform, it
follows that a wide range of experience is preferable both in the search for
generalizations and also to heighten appreciation of the distinctive features
in a given area. This essentially geographical approach was familiar to
Herodotus whose remarkable generalizations on river activity included ex-
amples from modern Greece, Turkey, and Egypt, and innumerable funda-
mental geomorphological facts have been established in this way. For ex-
ample, A. Cailleux, on visiting Alaska, observed the round lakes near Fair-
banks, including one surrounded by half a dozen smaller round ponds 3— 10 m
in diameter, and could record that an identical pattern had been observed
near Tartarin, in the vicinity of Paris.
The mere fact of being in the field increases the chances of the discovery of
crucial evidence either as a distinctive assemblage of forms or an unusually
complete stratigraphical section. As recently as 1960 one of the most com-
plete Pleistocene successions in the western Mediterranean was discovered on
an almost inaccessible section of the south-east coast of Spain (Butzer and
Cuerda, 1 962). There is also the chance that a field investigator might witness
an infrequent event. W. M. Davis advised that it was hardly worth sitting
down and waiting for a rare event like a sheetflood, but on the other hand,
some of the observations that McGee (1897) was able to make, after being
caught in one more than a metre deep, have been of lasting importance.
Since 1 945 the emphasis in some aspects of landform study has tended to
pass from exploration to more systematic research. A stream-dissected hill-
the United States and in Russia is that nearly all hydrological instruments are
sited conveniently in the lowlands, with the result that very few measurements
are to hand from headwater areas that are hydrologically and hydrochemi-
cally of greatest importance. It also means that without sediment measure-
ments there is no information for river reaches where gravel is the dominant
bed material and incorporates unstable fragments or minerals. In turn this
makes suggestions about graded streams speculative.
There is the added dilemma that in cooler environments it is far easier to
winter, and the wet season in the tropics is a similar limitation. In many cases
the most significant geomorphological changes may occur at times when the
study area is least accessible. For instance, the best time to inspect material
from an eroding coastal cliff is in late winter after a severe storm. This,
theoretically, is also a critical time for collecting samples in the zone of
breaking waves. Even inconvenient hours in the day may be critical. Ostrem,
in excavating ice-cored moraines, found that pit-digging had to be done partly
at night because with sun shining on the pit walls, melted masses slumped
down. Time for surveying hot desert forms by the rapid develop-
is limited
ment of heat haze. The discomfort of extremes of temperature, rain, and wind,
or sand in the eyes, can make accuracy in calibration and measurement a
vexing task. Accidental disturbance of recording equipment is irksome to
those working in populated areas. Several workers find that their enthusiasm
for measurement of geomorphological phenomena is shared by members of
the local fauna who invariably show keen interest and, where possible, inspect
too closely any recording device.
The fieldgeomorphologist sometimes has the additional problem of devis-
ing a method of measurement where no appropriate one exists or is too
expensive to apply on a wide scale. Students of shore processes, with the
ingenuity of castaways, are particularly adept at solving such problems, and
without too much self-consciousness, have traced current movements with
cement blocks, bricks, and seaweed pods, have observed wave motion with
the aid of grapefruit and table-tennis balls and collected sediment samples
with ice-cream cartons.
Traditionally, the geomorphologist, while happy to spend hours indoors
poring over maps, has been averse to compressing the scale of his forms to
create laboratory models. However, C. A. M. King (1959) considered
engineering scale models do simulate with reasonable accuracy the changes
on natural beaches, and recently interest in the results obtained by engineers
and geologists from scale models has grown, even if financial and technical
32 Introduction to Geomorphology
vations from manned spacecraft. With the increasing emphasis on the import-
ance of field measurements and sample collection for laboratory analysis, the
traditionally excellent geomorphological excuse for getting out of doors is
still sound. Measurement and analysis, however, may be tedious and time-
consuming, and sample collection may involve the restriction of systematic
visits to the same point. The adventure and sporting challenge to physique
and perseverance for those who prefer to spend nine-tenths of the day pitch-
ing and breaking camp is today perhaps all the more clearly defined by the
One of the more frequent uses of geomorphological studies in the past has
W. Wooldridge, like W. M. Davis,
been as an aid to geological studies. S.
considered that landforms were the best indicators of earth history in most
parts of the earth’s surface, and he believed that geomorphology should
provide the answers to the last brief chapters of geological time. This was the
aim of the reconstructions of many denudation chronologies in Britain in the
1950s. However, S. W. Wooldridge spoke only a couple of years after the
realization of the potential usefulness of radiocarbon dating,and in the last
two decades techniques of absolute age determination using radioactive decay
rates have relieved the geomorphologist of much of the
responsibility for
chronologies and its perplexing task of attempting correlations of age,
as evidence only the form of the land or its altitude. In conjunction with
information from other studies, facts about geomorphological
features and
34 Introduction to Geomorphology
his attempts to differentiate boulder clays and moraines of different ages. The
same may apply to areas of recent volcanic activity. For instance, in the
1936. This relationship, and similarly where vegetation changes are involved,
is often due largely or indirectly to slope form through its influence on
moisture conditions in the soil. Some geographers, including several in the
United States, would argue that the study of man-land relationships may
require only a knowledge of the form of the land, although the importance of
understanding processes in order to appreciate man’s effect on these would be
emphasized by other geographers.
As well as his description and interpretation of landforms the geomor-
phologist’s study of processes may also be useful. However, interest in ero-
sion, transport, and deposition is shared with other disciplines and often
follows their approach and utilizes their techniques. In this context the work
of a geomorphologist may be useful, but it might be confusing to claim that
such work enhances any intrinsic usefulness of landform study.
Applied geomorphology describes the deliberate attempt to concentrate
geomorphological expertise on the solution of practical problems. Although
the term ‘economic physiography’ cropped up in this context more than sixty
years ago, it is only since 1945, with the development of planned economies
in East European countries, that geomorphologists have searched for practi-
cal problems to solve. Despite government policies, the incentive of possible
financial support, the hope and will to do some practical good, or the fear that
changing times are not going to be kind to the scientist who insists on seeking
knowledge for its own sake, the possibilities of applying specifically geomor-
phological expertise to practical problems are limited. One reason is that
problems like landform stability were already in the experienced hands of the
civil engineer and engineering geologist before the word geomorphology was
introduced. However, particularly by collecting
field measurements to supple-
ment theoretical predictions, some geomorphologists working alongside
engineers have made important contributions to practical studies of land-
forms, like the erosion of coastal cliffs. The practical application
of the
detailed geomorphological map is one of the examples most frequently quoted
36 Introduction to Geomorphology
the little-known areas of both dense and sparse population, the geomorpho-
logist can make useful contributions to the work of survey teams describing
tical problems involving soiland water in relation to slope, geology, and man,
students of the subject, after their academic training, are beginning to make
second its use was interpreting geological structure and Wooldridge’s aim
was its use in completing geological history. It seems in retrospect that a
deliberate attempt to make geomorphology useful may be mistaken. But by
asserting that the fundamental role of geomorphology is simply the scientific
one of description and interpretation of landforms, one not only keeps the
unique core of the subject in full view, but also the growing use of interdisci-
plinary techniques associated with the increasing appreciation of the impor-
tance of the study of processes, equips students with some expertise that they
could subsequently apply to the collection of data relating to some funda-
mental practical problems.
C. Basic Postulates
‘The action of a single night of extraordinary rain has crumbled it away and made
It bare soil.’ Plato
‘It is to be concluded that what may be natural for one part of the geologic column
may not be for another.’ M. M. Leighton, 1958
The view of earth history proposed by the Catastrophists of the early nine-
teenth century was of a succession of abrupt upheavals culminating in a
great Flood. These paroxysms were interpretated as the result of Divine
intervention. In contrast, C. Lyell and J. Hutton favoured slow changes due
to natural processes and considered that interpretations of earth history coufd
that if the term abrupt replaces the subjective ‘catastrophic’ adjective, abrupt
as opposed to uniform change is seen to be an essentially relative concept,
depending entirely on the time span involved. For instance, within the span of
geological time the Quaternary glaciations were abrupt. Compared with the
10 million years of Pliocene time, the huge Wiirm ice-sheet disappeared in an
abrupt 10 000 years. If it is clear that time-spans much longer than a lifetime
are implied, statements in the Catastrophic idiom become scientifically
approach as the reverse of that of the geologist by regarding the past record of
sediments and paleoforms as a check on his interpretations of present forms
and proce sses.
Extrapolation from the present to the ^trmXapposition to the reverse
suggest that downstream the river flood was over 1 20 m deep and of the order
of 280 000 mVsec and moved boulders of more than 6 m in diameter. The
discharge compares with the present peak flood runoff in the vicinity
recorded in 1910, 2800 mVsec. A common type of abrupt movement of flows
is where an initial small barrier, by intercepting more material, becomes self-
flood swept the raft into Matagorda Bay where a delta 2930 ha in extent was
built within a dozen years. There is also the possibility of active structural
movements leading imperceptibly to a gravity-driven catastrophe. The diver-
sion of the Brahmaputra as partly the result of gradual tilting of the
Madhupur block has been suggested. In short, some lengthy gradual process
is usually a prerequisite for catastrophic movements.
A second aspect of abrupt events is the triggering mechanism which finally
releases gravity-driven movements of material, snow, or water. Again either
exogenetic or endogenetic processes could be responsible as either the result
of unusual atmospheric disturbances or due to earthquakes in tectonically
unstable areas. In situations of chronic disequilibrium the energy released by
Definitions, nature and basic postulates 41
altitude of 530 m. on the opposite shore. The disturbance of ocean water too
the natural vegetation. Farther back in time the Quaternary glaciations repre-
sent geologically abrupt events when phenomenal ice-sheets spread over
nearly 20 million km^ of the earth’s surface, over-riding areas where formerly
mild climates had prevailed. It is possible that the earth had never been so
cold since the beginning of geological time. Scanning back into geological
time, erosion on the unvegetated pre-Devonian relief must have been dis-
tinctive and although vegetation types expanded their range, grasses did not
appear until the Miocene.
It seems that a geographical range of studies of the inter-relationships
between present-day forms and the processes of erosion, transport, and
deposition will still give a good idea of the way in which these mechanisms
operated in the past. But the appearance of the past is not easy to imagine. It
is difficult to conceive that where now there is the landslip scar and irregular
toe of slumped material there was a smooth slope giving little indication that
rain, molecule by molecule, was weakening its internal cohesion. It is difficult
to imagine forests once cloaking grassy or rocky slopes and that in terms of
geomorphological time a cover of ice disappeared overnight. It is hard to
believe that only five hundred generations ago, sea- level was 130 m below
its present stand and that it then started to rise at a rate of about 45 cm per
generation. By the time that the rise halted more than one must have counted
his livestock aboard two by two.
level on which his model depended. He was certain that stillstand was insuffi-
ciently long in certain regions, but for other areas pointed out that the
existence of relics of levelled erosion surfaces were the very indication that
stillstands had prevailed. The simplicity of this argument is more striking
gone into testing this prediction. However, when Davis and his critics dis-
cussed the problem of stillstand neither had available the measurements which
can now reveal the exact age of some land surfaces nor the knowledge that
changes in relative sea-level are rapid enough to be observable within a
lifetime in some areas. Fishermen in localities around Bonavista Bay, New-
foundland, can point to rocks that are above water at low tide today which
they remember as being always below water half a century ago. In the Buena
Vista oilfield, on the west side of the Grand Valley of California, a thrust fault
has shortened the distance between two power-line pylons by 60 cm in thirty
Chesapeake, until crustal uplift apparently resumed about 2000 years B.P.,
the United States. In the Raton Basin, southern California, several episodes of
later Tertiary vertical uplift, largely along faults, but with some warping,
produced vertical displacements of at least 5 km. In the Carson Range, east of
Lake Tahoe, post-late-Pliocene displacements of lower Pliocene andesites
amount to 1200-1500 m. In the Andes, work in the Cordillera Oriental,
Colombia, suggests that there the main uplift occurred as recently as late
Miocene times.
More tentative arguments, restricted to areas known to be tectonically
active, include references to early Pleistocene or even Pliocene deposits not
consistent with the existence of the present mountains at that time. If signifi-
cant mountain uplift in Turkey took place in very recent times, it might be
possible to attribute the apparent absence of early Pleistocene glaciations to
the mountains being substantially lower at that time. D. A. Axelrod has
recently argued that fossil floras in Pliocene and Pleistocene deposits in the
SierraNevada are anomalously high and that a reconstruction of their
optimum climate might indicate subsequent elevations of some thousands of
Rates of accumulation in subsiding basins provide an indication of rates of
crustal movement. For instance in the Chilean longitudinal valley, great
thicknesses of clastic fill suggest a net downward movement of about 2000 m
during the Pleistocene.
A separate consideration from rates of uplift is the question of whether
changes in these rates within a relatively short distance cause warping. There
are several indications of axes of warping both approximately parallel and at
right angles to coasts. Indications of the first case, that of marginal down-
flexures of continents, is widespread, the down-warping of the coastal plain
and continental shelf of the eastern United States being one of the areas
documented in greatest detail. This area, particularly in the margin of the
Mississippi delta includes the complication of a hinge line seaward of which
sediments down-warp, whereas inland they have been uplifted. Isostatic
adjustment to sedimentary loading appears to be an important factor. In the
second case features identified with high confidence as former shorelines may
show changes of level along a coast, due to warping in that direction. On a
small scale and within recent time, a marine bench near Night Cliff, in the
vicinity of Darwin, drops from 2-4 m to 60 cm within 180 m but within 2
km rises to 4-5 m and some benches rise as much as 6 m in 1-5 km. On a
larger scale, spanning Pleistocene time and mantled with deposits rich in a
Definitions, nature and basic postulates 45
prolific molluscan fauna, are three major erosion surfaces in the coastal
region of north-west Peru. These are the Mancora, Talera and Lobitos
tablazos, which are approximately 270, 150, and 20 m above sea-level at
Cabo Blanco. However, when traced along the coast substantial changes of
level occur. The Mancora tablazo, for example, falls 180 m in a distance of 72
km. In California there are Pleistocene sediments which are not only folded
but may even stand vertically.
there has been a displacement of 320 km since early Miocene times, with
present-day movements measured at 50 m/1000 years. In New Zealand, the
East Ruahine fault has moved at approximately 7 m/ 1 000 years since the last
On stable platforms rates of movement are slow and on a small scale, and
rapidly subsiding trenches like the present-day African grabens are uncom-
mon. However, tectonic history can still be sufficiently varied to give
recorded altitudes on land surfaces or coasts little meaning in absolute terms,
as their regularity of recorded former sea-level heights along the south coast
of Australia suggests. Moreover, the position of shorelines on low-lying
platforms is very unstable because even small vertical fluctuations of sea or
land will cause substantial changes in their configuration. The development of
platforms of moderate elevation appears to lead to the chemical weathering
producing crusts and planation surface but at altitudes unrelated to sea-levels.
One of the best examples of this situation occurs in central and southern
Africa, unfolded since mid-Mesozoic times, where L. C. King and F. Dixey
(1938) were among the first to map extensive surfaces of planation.
Superimposed on the structural movements are elevations of the land in
areas relieved of the load of Pleistocene ice, which amounts to 5 per cent of
the earth’s surface. Isostatic rebound is appropriatelynamed for such rates
exceed in many areas those of tectonic movements. They may be largely
complete before a region is entirely ice-free. These rates are difficult to
compare because rate of recovery diminishes rapidly with time, any given rate
being approximately halved in a span of about 800 years. Also the possibility
exists thatrebound is not necessarily a continuous phenomena and that
maximum rate of uplift in areas more centrally located with respect to the ice
cover may occur later than in the more peripheral areas. This last
may explain why over the past 3000 years, uplift on the west coast of Baffin
Island averaged 5 m/1000 years compared with 3 m/1000 years on the east
46 Introduction to Geomorphology
Some examples of rates of emergence, using the middle third of the emer-
gence curve to obtain an average value, include 29m/1000 years for
Spitzbergen, 24 m/ 1000 years for eastern Greenland and 40 m/ 1000 years
for the west coast of Baffin Island. Examples of maximum rates suggested
include 70 m/1000 years for Boston, which is similar to that for north-east
Canada. For the north of Scotland a rate of 8-5 m/1000 years may have
occurred 12 000 years ago slackening to 0-7 m/1000 years in the last four
millennia. The most spectacular present-day movement is in the Gulf of
Bothnia which continues to rise at 10 m/1000 years, with still one-third of the
expected total postglacial uplift to come. Uplift so far is between 240 and
550 m. In Hudson Bay, a recovery of 270 m may have occurred and a
maximum depression of 600-900 m for the central areas is possible.
Amounts of rebounds vary, being largest where the former ice thickness was
deepest. Thus in Norway uplift was greatest at the heads of deep fiords and
least on the open coast. The highest strand line, marking the marine limit is
220 m in the Oslo and Trondheim fiord areas. At places near the open coast,
an uplift of apparently only 10 m has occurred.
In the Quaternary the incredible spreading of ice over 20 million km^ of
the land surface, inducing on melting catastrophic rates of elevation of areas
depressed during glaciations, should not divert attention from the extra-
ordinary glacio-eustatic fluctuations of sea-level, with amplitudes of at least
146 m. Although present levels are as high as might be expected in an
interglacial, only 16 000 years B.P. the sea was probably about 140 m below
its present level and possibly still 30m below this about 8000 B.P. Compli-
cating the picture of a progressive rise, even on structurally stable coasts,
unalTected by isostatic rebound, is the possibility that the weight of water
added to continental margins has been sufficient to deform isostatically the
coastal areas in proportion to the average depth of water in the vicinity. The
study of the postglacial submergence history of 5 points on the eastern coast
of the United States supports this hypothesis (Bloom. 1967).
Despite the intricate problem of sea-level changes and, inevitably, con-
siderable differences of opinion in detail, two facts on the wane of the last
major glaciation meet with widespread assent. The first is that since about
15 000 years ago sea-level has risen from depths at least 75 m and probably
135 m below the present and that a few millennia ago, all ranges between two
and six thousand having been quoted, the present level was obtained. From
evidence in the stable southern Florida area it appears that sea-level has not
risen appreciably above its present position in the last 4000-5000 years.
Considerable disagreement exists for the period between 35 000 years and
18 000 years ago, during which time the sea-level may have risen con-
tinuously from its low stand of approximately — 140 m. Alternatively, using
evidence from many sources, including former lake levels in the Great Basin,
Definitions, nature and basic postulates 47
Broecker concludes that the rising sea-level fell between 25 000 and 18 000
years ago.
Because of glacio-eustatic changes in sea-level and the varied tectonic
complications, sea-level positions before late-Pleistocene can only be recon-
structed where a wealth of evidence exists and then may be of significance
only to areas in the immediate vicinity. Even generally agreed indications of
sea-level positions in earlier Pleistocene times are now realized to be much
more difficult to give than was widely believed a decade ago. It appears that
the glacio-eustatic changes in sea-level corresponding to the major glaciations
were approximately the same order as the last, that the changes have occurred
at decreasing time intervals, but that there is no reason to suppose that sea-
levels would necessarily maintain a constant level during an interglacial.
However, evidence grows to suggest that a few localities may have been
demonstrably stable before and during Pleistocene times, and can give some
indication of relative sea-levels in pre-PIeistocene times before glacio-eustatic
complications began. At such a site in Manatee County, in Florida, estuarine
suggesting that sea-level then stood only a few metres above its present
elevation (Webb and Tessman. 1968). This conclusion contrasts with that of
previous workers who, on the basis of less precise evidence and sometimes
retaining the mistaken notion that the capacity of ocean basins was increasing
progressively, considered that sea-Ievel was in general higher at this time.
Impressions of sea-level farther back in time are few, although the interpreta-
tion of bevelled landforms as indicating former base-levels has inspired a wide
range of guesses. P. Kuenen (1950), from evidence not relating to altitude of
land surfaces, considers that sea-level may have fallen about 250 m since late
only 20 m would involve the flooding of huge areas, and since uplifts of the
same amount lead to extensive marine regression and the drying out of
equally large areas, the enormous lateral changes produced make erosion
rates look negligible. Incidentally, these continental transgressions and re-
gressions are unrelated to the capacity of ocean basins, as was thought at the
beginning of the twentieth century. Similarly, sedimentation rates are com-
monly also of an order of a few centimetres per thousand years, so that for
200 m deep,
areas like the post-Quaternary Baltic, already in places, there is
Years BP
Figure 1.7 Illustration of how downcutting has matched the rate and amount of
emergence of the Sauk rock barrier in St Mary’s River. Ontario (Farrand, 2962).
The rock barrier emerged, due to isostatic rebound, since the Algorna water-level
stage (3200 BP).
seems that he termed the Cycle a geographical one because he believed that it
would explain more than the landforms themselves, but it is not clear to what
extent" Davis’s knowledge oT'htiman-historyr combined with his primitive
deterministic view of its progress, influenced his concept of landform evolu-
tion.^However, critics immediately argued that Davis’s theoretical model did
less than explain landforms, and controversy continues to the present day.
Four points might be made in an attempt to put this debate in some perspec-
tive. First, the general erosional reduction of rapidly elevated structural
features has occufred_i:epeat£dlv-in-geological time^faercynian folding, for
instance, was approximately levelled within some iQ million years of com-
parative stability^ A few hundred metres of relief on such structures is trivial
Germany, his ideas left little impression there, and in the Soviet Union and
much of eastern Europe geomorphology has progressed largely unaided by
the Cycle. In 1 924 S. W. Wooldridge observed that British workers had been
slow in following the lead given them by W. M. Davis. In the United States
many geomorphologists lost interest even in debating about peneplains during
the 1930s and took little notice of H. Baulig’s work on the Cycle which
aroused interest in France and Britain. By comparison, a wide range of
studies of landforms and processes were pursued with little or without any
reference to the Cycle concept.
^third point is that there has always been debate on the reality of the
peneplain. For instance, W. M. Davis saw ‘a complete lack of sympathy
between structure and form’ of a former peneplain in Connecticut,
50 Introduction to Geomorphology
neman (1936) that correlations based on altitude alone were liable to error in
proportion to the antiquity of the surfaces concerned. In identifying two
peneplanes in the Ozarks, J. H. Bretz (1962) observed that the evidence for
one had been largely destroyed. In southern Tanganyika, H. Louis
the earlier
A fourth problem concerns deposits which could provide independent
evidence of the age and origin of erosion surfaces. This evidence is being
examined in more detail but in some instances it only casts doubt on the
interpretation of the erosion surface as a remnant of a formerly more exten-
sive plain. In a classic area, on the dip slope of the South Downs, field
evidence indicates that the basal surface of the Clay-with-flints represents the
approximate northward extension of the Eocene basal plane (fig. 1.8). This
plane, soil scientists claim, coincides in its northward rise with some of the
surfaces of supposed sub-aerial or marine origin described by B. W. Sparks.
They conclude that ‘careful field investigation of every such surface listed by
Sparks showed no trace of marine or other deposits except for Clay-with-
flints, and most of them are ridge crests or summits occurring either at the
intersection of the secondary escarpment slope and the sub-Eocene surface or
between adjacent dip-slope dry valleys’ (Hodgson et ah, 1967).
Fifthly, there is the awesome example of Pleistocene chronology. With
increasing evidence of the complexity and problems in deciphering, correlat-
ing and dating even late-Pleistocene features, the unlikelihood of precise
interpretation of earlier forms is more apparent.
A final factor is the advent of techniques of absolute age determination
which have removed one of the main purposes for attempting to establish the
age of land surfaces from their appearance and altitude alone.
If the Cycle is in decline there are, in addition to the factors contributing to
this, other factors operating positively in other directions. There
is an increas-
ingly wide array of alternative explanations in non-cyclic terms for land
surfaces bevelled across geological structures, although some relate only
restricted localities or to restricted instances.
There are several ways in which
geological structures themselves can give an impression of erosional levelling.
On the largest scale, and contained within the stratigraphic column, are
unconformities now
believed to be due only partly to erosion and with
tectonic gravity sliding as the major cause. At the
surface and on a smaller
Definitions, nature and basic postulates 53
Oases in Egypt, local bedrock along the scarpland edges dip east at 1-3
degrees, giving the impression of discordance with the overall westerly dip.
Also extensive fiat land surfaces, often developed on fiat-lying resistant beds
are described as stripped structural surfaces.D. Easterbrook (1969) suggests
that such surfaces are perhaps the non-cyclic fiat areas most commonly
confused with cyclic erosion surfaces. Geological considerations are impor-
tant in an indirect sense too, where resistant strata create a local base-level.
N. M. Fenneman’s view (1936) was that the influence of resistant strata had
probably been under-estimated and the number of regional base-levels over-
estimated, particularly in dissected plateaux and specifically in the
Appalachians where the altitudes might owe more to two Carboniferous
sandstones than to any succession of cycles. More recently Meisler (1962)
describes the example of the Little Swatana Creek where a resistant andesite
lava at the outlet of a basin, underlain by shales, resulted in mean and summit
elevations being set off sharply 12 m above a lower shale basin. Where a
lake upstream is lowered progressively, the importance of local base-level and
its stepwise lowering is often clearly seen. In the Lake Victoria basin, strand-
lines, associated with downcutting of the outlet, stand at 18 m, 12-13 m, and
3-4 m. A radiocarbon date of 3720 years for the lowest may suggest about
20 000 years as the span for the three stillstands.
For erosion surfaces not necessarily related to a local base-level, there is a
range of explanations for specific situations. Pediplanation is the main exam-
ple and surrounds itself in its own system of controversy. For instance, any
suggestion that planed land surfaces are preserved at average elevations,
successively higher with increasing age has, according to E. S. Hills (1961),
no relation to reality in Australia. Altiplanation, a concept formulated by
Eakin in 1916 in Alaska, is sometimes used in an attempt to explain level
surfaces in areas of active or former periglacial areas. There is the suggestion
that so-called Tertiary peneplain remnants in the southern Ardennes are
altiplanation surfaces. It is not usually certain whether these benches are bed-
rock features or include a layer of debris. On the specifically erosional cryo-
planation terrace there may be wash process removing material from the
bench and nivation attacking the riser at its rear. According to J. Tricart
(1967) altiplanation is a theoretical notion seldom realised in nature. An
alternative explanation to peneplanation suggested for escarpments and
plateaux of limestones formerly overlain by an impermeable cover is that
concentration of solutional activity at the surface could lead to differential
lowering, the result of progressive exposure accompanying
the gradual
removal of the impermeable cover (fig. 1.10). It seems possible that the
54 Introduction to Geomorphology
ground surface of any rock type more susceptible to any type of weathering
than an overlying cover rock which is being weathered backwards, might
similarly show differential lowering due to progressive exposure.
A further factor contributing to a relative decline in cyclic studies is the
4. Morphoclimatic zones
that the forms of hillslopes may be identical in all climatic regions’. This
approach might be traced back to that of the engineer, R. E. Horton (1945)
who said, ‘The geomorphic processes we observe are, after all, basically the
various forms of shear, or failure of materials which may be classified as fluid,
and to link these to landfortns. Others are sometimes less specific and merely
produce a physical geography catalogue of climate, vegetation, soils, and
landforms for a recognized climatic zone, with little attempt to link these
into a morphodynamic system. There is the tacit assumption that from the
distinctiveness of the environment it follows that the forms must be distinc-
tive. In this way some morphoclimatic types have been defined on climatic
data alone without initial reference to the forms which are then fitted, or
assumed to fit, into the scheme.
The irregular distribution of moisture where precipitation provides an
inadequate water supply for the weathering and transport of rocks in either
hot or cold climates makes any clear zonation of weathering processes with
latitude unobtainable. A major problem for morphoclimatic geomorphology
is that the fundamental proposition, climate, is not a single definable factor,
but consists of two variables which are partially independent but largely inter-
related in most complicated patterns. The net denudational efficiency of any
one pattern is difficult to predict from climatic data alone. A further com-
plication affects runoff of water as denudation involves evacuation as well as
the weathering of material. At higher temperatures the water supply may be
largely returned to the atmosphere by evaporation and evapotranspiration,
the intensity of this loss being a function of the rise in temperature. Therefore,
although higher temperature may speed up reaction rates, the rate of evacua-
tion of material from a weathering zone may be relatively slow as the higher
temperatures also reduce runoff. A further complication is that higher tem-
peratures speed up reprecipitation processes by as much as they accelerate
weathering, so for this reason temperatures above a certain level become a
self-arresting element in denudational loss processes. In cold areas the
influence of snow and ice cover is similarly difficult to evaluate. Although
temperature may appear to be the critical factor, it is in fact whether preci-
pitation falls in winter or summer that determines if the ground will be
exposed to periglacial weathering.
In addition to the unpredictable influence of temperature changes with
latitude, distinctive geological characteristics are often sufficiently dominant
to make any zonal generalisation difficult. The ineffectiveness of climate alone
to cause a uniform course of rock weathering was shown by the differences
observed in weathering rinds of fourteen igneous rocks, six sedimentary rocks
and two metamorphic rocks weathering under the climate of the north-east of
the United States. In structurally active areas tectonic movements change
erosional processes in a given latitude, and makes a climatic interpretation
difficult. This is the case in the Amazon basin where large-scale uplifts took
place in the Andean headwaters in late-Tertiary time. Even the age of rocks
can make zonal generalizations difficult. In Kenya, Pliocene-Pleistocene
basalts are not weathered to the same extent as basalts in Scotland.
Definitions, nature and basic postulates 57
Pole migrated into the Arctic in Pleistocene times, isolating the Arctic from
other oceans. At the same time the South Pole migrated from the free circula-
tion of southern oceans to the Antarctic continent. Both polar regions became
sources of cold polar air to provide an unusually marked contrast with warm
air from equatorial regions.
Several processes are multizonal. Outside permanently frozen areas, run-
ning water is a fundamental process in all climates. Even in arid areas of today,
relict drainage patterns like the former wadi patterns in the Sahara, reflect this
fact. Distinctive regimes too can be azonal. Intermittent flow characterizes
semi-arid areas due to seasonal drought or periglacial areas, and the heavy
sediment load associated with great fluctuations in discharge favours aggrada-
tion and the development of braided stream courses. On slopes with perma-
frost producing the same effect as hardened clay or solid rock in arid-region
slopes, and with neither type protected by a permanent vegetation, sporadic
or seasonal supplies of surface water produce sheetwash. Wind transportation
is active throughout polar deserts, particularly where no desert pavement has
developed to protect sandy material, and bedrockmay become grooved and
polishedby wind action. Various processes combine to produce changes in
volume. Cracks are functional in the development of some soil patterns in
both cold and warm climates, and expansion leads to bumps as widely
separated as the Icelandic thufurs and the Australian gilgai mounds. Even
chemical weathering processes can have a certain uniformity. In the absence
of water and strong evaporation salt incrustations and salt lakes occur in
north Greenland as well as in hot arid deserts. Some vegetation characteris-
tics which can have an important influence on landforming processes are
multizonal. For instance, the predominance of roots in the tundra commun-
ities (70-80 per cent of the biomass) are like arid communities in this respect
because in both environments conditions are so harsh at the surface that
living matter is best able to maintain its activity in the soil.
As well as process effects, many distinctive landforms are reported from a
broad span of latitude. In some cases it is uncertain whether these forms are
the result of the same azonal processes or whether two contrasted sets of
distinctive zonal processes can produce the same form; or whether they are
essentially paleoforms, relicts from when a given set of processes different
from that of the present-day once prevailed. To avoid havoc in the interpreta-
Definitions, nature and basic postulates 59
that the valleys have some similarity in appearance to the U-shaped glacial
material on the shores amid sand derived from coral fragments. Coral growth
and beachrock development and similar biochemical phenomena are re-
stricted to lower latitudes. As early explorers soon found, intertropical coasts
are fringed with huge cordons of sand with swamps inland, due to the
abundance of fine sediment in the rivers. Headlands are infrequent and coarse
particles rare,due to the deep chemical decomposition of many rocks.
Although contrasts similar to those observed on coasts have yet to be
established for erosional landforms inland, the precedent seems set that differ-
ent latitudes do have some distinctive features. It is important stress, however,
that these may
be relatively minor touches, and that an attempt to construct
homogeneous belts of distinctive processes, let alone the assumed resultant
differences in forms, would be unrealistic and misleading. However, bearing
in mind that it is only by implication that some landform characteristics
60 Introduction to Geomorphology
process and stage. The first, scale, was not apparent in Davis’s qualitative
with structure, and it is these features, the departures from structural control,
that intrigue the geomorphologist. Compared with the fascination of dynamic
erosional processes or the challenge to abstract thinking posed by the recon-
struction of stages, the interpretation of a structurally controlled landform
might seem dull, self-evident, and dismissible in a couple of words. Areas like
the Canadian Shield, where the surface has been lowered very little and where
the pattern and appearance of bedrock landforms have remained unchanged
at least since Ordovician time, do not attract much geomorphological interest.
base-level is the only way to avoid this ambiguity. The approach by emphasiz-
ing stages in erosional levelling has led to the neglect of vital structural
considerations like the significance of local base-levels where hard rock out-
crops across a valley floor, or to the construction of chronologies with lime-
stones making up the hills on which key levels have been identified. A
conservative estimate of the lowering by surface solution of such hills would
be 30 m in a million years. L. C. King’s pediplanation hypothesis is also
essentially cyclic but is distinctive in the assumed semi-independence of the
component forms of the landscape. It is easier to comprehend his suggestion
of the retreat of scarps towards a high central area where the oldest surfaces
remain theoretically unintegrated with the advancing lower surface.
Workers who study processes as a major interest or those who deduce that
Also the inflows and outflows mentioned by Davis are not measured by the
contemporary theorists who assume their approximate balance from the
appearance of the forms. In fact where attempts to measure the balance have
been made, the results of workers like A. Cailleux (1948), who studied
rillwash in the Dourdan area, show lack of balance. A. Cailleux found
present-day processes too ineffective to account for the present relief form,
which he concluded must therefore be a relict feature. However, in the ridge
Cycle of Erosion may now appear unrealistic, the assumption that certain
landform properties remain essentially constant over long periods of down-
wearing appears to ignore the problem of base-level altogether. In fact
measurements of sediment accumulated offshore from the Appalachian ridge
and ravine area show that recent rates are about one-eighth that of post-
Triassic times (Menard, 1961), demonstrating a substantial change in the
balance between process and form. These measurements which fail to support
the analogy between ridge and ravine topography and physical dynamic
equilibrium could, in fact, be explained by the opposite effect, that of reduc-
tion in relief. The suggestion that landform properties and processes have
been relatively unchanging may, however, be valid. In the 1930s both G. H.
Ashley and N. M. Fenneman described ‘non-cyclic’ erosion causing the
straight, horizontal Appalachian crests to be lowered hundreds of metres yet
looking the same afterwards as before. Their interpretations were based on
the structural control of landform development due to the parallel belts of
rocks with differing resistances to erosion, but were unpopular at a time when
most investigators were searching for constant altitudes as evidence for for-
mer stages of peneplanation. If landform is essentially a function of structure,
it follows from Davis’s equation that landforms will be essentially indepen-
dent of process and stage.
The visual impression of balance of unchanging process and time-
independence that one gains in the Appalachians indeed suggest an analogy
with dynamic equilibrium. This does not alter the fact that the explanation of
these phenomena is probably structural control. It is perhaps significant that
Definitions, nature and basic postulates 65
It seems that provided the importance of scale and the problem of recon-
structing antecedent conditions, are appreciated, thedictum on structure, pro-
cess. and stage provides the fundamental basis of geomorphology. It also
seems that assumptions about the dominance of any one or even none of the
three have perhaps been made too hastily in the past and that more emphasis
on the careful study of all three elements in contrasted environments, without
66 Introduction to Geomorphology
preconceived notions about the dominance of any one, might form a useful
diversion from the continuing tradition of speculative discussion.
‘The height of folly is to indulge in wishful thinking and fail to face reality.’ J. B.
With the many difficult and complex problems of landform study beyond the
confines of artificial experiments, a degree of simplification is a necessary step
towards some appreciation of the full realities of landforms. The necessity for
simplification raises three problems. First, it means that no generalization can
be dismissed outright, on the grounds that it is oversimplified, without a
careful re-analysis of. and probably also with additions to the evidence.
Because the necessary evidence might be drawn from widespread areas, a
geomorphology is the long persistence of innumerable simplifica-
feature of
tionswhose sole support is subtlety of phrase or plausibility. For instance,
W. H. Hobb’s 1 904 model of four cirques encroaching on an upland area
from four points of the compass is still a textbook favourite, despite the fact,
ence between the classic area and the type area, the latter taking on some of its
significance from the intensity of existing detailed investigations in an area
often where certain features were first recognized. With changing interpreta-
tions, however, the features of some type areas may become of historic
interest only. In 1947 Western Australia was thought to be a natural eustatic
the Arctic ice, the Lomonosov Ridge may be a unique great fold in the earth’s
crust preserved in almost pristine condition. Space scientists would be quick
to point out that forms on the lunar surface have developed in the absence of
water and atmosphere, and under the influence of a small gravitational pull,
and also of their intention of obtaining information from contact surfaces
farther afield. Certain rocks introduce important simplifications into the study
of landforms. Limestones, well known for subterranean forms some of which
are known in other situations like permafrost, peat, or glacier ice. and de-
scribed as pseudo-karst, afford an ideal subject for studies of solutional pro-
cesses due to their soluble, monomineralic composition. In tropical areas,
limestones offer the best opportunities for studying the recession of cliffed
coasts. A conglomerate offers an unusual opportunity for the study of rock-
weathering as ail conditions are constant other than the parent material
68 Introduction to Geomorphology
matic types introduce a certain control. For instance, arid areas in high and
low latitude might be devoid of vegetation. This certainly was an advantage of
barren dunes in the Sahara desert plains compared with coastal dunes for
R. A. Bagnold’s (1941) study of wind action on sand. The comparing of
characteristics in different areas is difficult due to the inescapable problem
that changes other than those in the object being studied are likely to occur as
well. However, while geographical comparisons may be very difficult to
interpret, the examples quoted above give ample illustration of why the
development of geomorphology has been closely linked with geography, as it
is by geographical search that the natural situation which affords the only
realistic controls on a landform problem will be discovered.
Another problem of simplification of particular concern to regional studies
is that of the antithesis between the uniqueness of the individual case and the
global generalization. The increased use of statistical averages of a large
number of observations of small individual items leads away from the first
extreme. There is also a trend away from the other extreme of over-optimistic
increasingly appreciated today that no single theory can explain all features
and that each area is better surveyed and studied individually and the evi-
Strahler was the first to apply some of the initial ideas of systems theory to
geomorphology, and interest has grown. For instance, R. J. Chorley has done
much to familiarize geomorphologists in Britain with the approach of
Strahler and other workers in the United States (Chorley and Haggett, 1967).
However, occasionally the use of contemporary systems theory jargon,
instead of its concepts being inconspicuously incorporated into methods of
80 10-1
8 -^
o 60
>. 6-1
o 40H
20 -\
-I r
2 4 6 8 10
Percent free iron oxide Foreshore slope in degrees
in fine earth
Figures I.] 1 and 1.12 Examples of relationships for which a priori reasoning
suggests a correlation but which measurements do not substantiate. {Left)
Relationship of free iron oxide to Munsell colour code (YR hue x value) in B
horizon of six soil profiles {after J. M. Soileau and R.J. McCracken. 1967. Soil
Sci. Soc.Am. Proc.. Vol.31). {Right) Apparent independence of swash velocity
and foreshore slope {Ingle. 1966). The wide scatter is in part the result of variation
in wave heights and periods.
because frequently in geomorphology one does not know all the factors
involved nor are the regional boundaries which limit their extents easy to
define. Also, as figs. 1. 1 1 and 1 2 show, correlations which seem reasonable to
assume may not in fact exist or be demonstrable,
if actually measured. Thus
with incomplete knowledge and with ill-defined boundaries it is difficult
construct a meaningful model by theoretical reasoning. In addition the models
of systems developed from biological and social sciences data differ
mentally from technical models in engineering systems. It is difficult to
confusion in geomorphology where the former appeal to those who still
70 Introduction to Geomorphology
the analogy between landforms and organisms, while the latter appeal to those
whose approach is based on the principles of physics. However, a specialized
interest termed General Systems Theory represents an attempt to search for
features common to all kinds of systems whether organic or mechanical and
faces the challenge of devising a robot with an electronic mind of its own.
R.J. Choriey (1962) has explored analogies between geomorphology and
General Systems Theory, but since the latter has so far failed to further its
unifying mission, more detailed investigations of the analogy are held up.
Although many may consider that complication, not simplification, has
accompanied systems analysis in its introduction into a few restricted aspects
of landform study, and that it is of interest to only a small group of theorists,
some discussion of this trend must be attempted.
Within a so-called ‘open system’, equilibrium can be achieved if arrival of
one material equals the rate of escape of another. For instance, as described
by W. M. Davis, the outflow of waste material from a hollow on a slope may
balance that of inflow. Where this state of balance or equilibrium can be
demonstrated a ‘steady state’ could be recognized. Over a hillslope as a whole
the hypothetical situation is much more complicated. Rates of departure of
material from a free face or underlying bedrock, or over a slope or from the
base of the slope into a stream may vary and these changes in turn influence
Figure 1.13 Water content-pressure head drying data {after G. C. Topp et al..
J967. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer, Proc.. Fol. 31). showing the close agreement between
the static equilibrium and steady state cases in the amounts of water retained.
and soils. Once produced a fissure promotes the drying and aeration of deeper
horizons and the fissure deepens. Eventually a complicated set of
self-arresting processes limit the depth of the fissure, and although one might
then expect some quasi-equilibrium to develop between these two sets of
processes, the dry spell might well have ended before this condition was
approached. A good example of a self-arresting process is that which limits
the heights of sand-dunes, because as these become higher the greater the
contrast becomes between wind speeds on the dunes and over the troughs.
Therefore the higher the dune, the greater the tendency for sand to be carried
over the dune crest and deposited in the troughs.
The spans of time taken for erosion of consolidated materials and the
frequency of changes in processes are infinitely greater than in unconsolidated
72 Introduction to Geomorphology
strate the surface history of the globe in geological terms’. The decreasing
influence with time of past actions of the environment upon the land surface
means that the remoter the past, the less may be inferred about past condi-
tions and external variables. It is natural that knowledge of the last glaciation
should be most detailed. Many British geomorphologists who, in the 1950s,
were searching for remnants of Tertiary erosion surfaces, now specialize in
the study of late Quaternary phenomena. The contraction in time-span is
partly a function of the smaller size of areas under review, whereas the broad
lineaments dating back into geological time are evident only in the review of
larger areas. Also the increase in the study of contemporary processes and the
mapping of forms is the description of the present day and a mode of thinking
usually distinct from the geological view of a chronological sequence of
successive landscapes.
A fourth conclusion is that while there has been a shift of emphasis in both
space and time in the objects and problems studied in geomorphology, the
subject probably has changed less than some advocates for change would
claim. One often reads of how nearly all the old masters of landform study
could, in advanced years, walk farther and faster than their students. Yet, with
a possible subtle reflection of the degree of change, it was said that J. P.
Miller, a leading pioneer in the use of quantitative techniques and measure-
ments, ‘.
. could lift the largest rock, and dig a hole with a shovel faster and
deeper than anyone in the party’. For many teachers an aesthetic appreciation
of landform and an enjoyment of outdoor exercise have provided an incentive
for inquiry into geomorphology, and for their students these factors are a
ready source of inspiration. Recent trends in geomorphology have done less
to change this aspect of the study than some commentators imagine. In fact,
the growing significance attached to the systematic measurements in the field
heightens the importance of contributions that can be made by those who
would enjoy walking long distances to make measurements in inaccessible
areas. In the past
decade clubs have been founded in Sweden by interested
laymen to assume responsibility for certain measurements on glaciers. For
those towhom such pilgrimages would offer little pleasure, there are sound
arguments for justifying a laboratory or chair-bound existence. Some of the
urgent tasks in the last category also involve an artistic ability. Geomorpho-
logy in its scientific advance remains dependent on many
qualities like
74 Introduction to Geomorphology
realistic view of the subject. They point to the limitations to an advance in the
vented. so that aerial views were unknown. Studies of the interiors of the great
deserts awaited the motor transport developments in the 1 930s. It was only in
the 1930s, following the development of innovations like X-ray diffraction
techniques that the general character of clay minerals was worked out. De-
spite the progress which geologists had made in the study of the earth’s
history by the 1890s it still remained a history without years, apart from the
quite misleading predictions based on Lord Kelvin’s physical models, until
1912. when de Geer’s study of varves proved to be a first step towards
Definitions, nature and basic postulates 75
establishing a scale of actual times. It was less than a generation after the idea
of sub-aerial denudation had become widely accepted that Davis formulated
his cycle of erosion hypothesis. More than two generations later we can see
that the apparent simplicity of his scheme is more likely a reflection of limited
criticize his work simply because of the time at which he was writing.
A seventh point relates to perhaps one of the most confusing aspects of
present-day geomorphology. This is the parallel that exists between the weak-
nesses of Davis’s approach to geomorphology and that of workers who have
committed themselves to ‘quantifying’ the study, thereby to oust ‘Davisian’
geomorphology. The first parallel is that of oversimplification. If it is, as
J. Dylik (1953) suggested, that one of Davis’s greatest errors was excessive
generalization, it is equally true that any attempt to reduce landform prob-
lems to equations demands extravagant simplifications. A second parallel is
one must grudge the monopoly of the term “organism” for plants and
animals, to the exclusion of well-organized forms of land and water’. It seems
that several present-day workers still experience similar feelings, particularly
when confronted with the well-organized electronic circuits simulating organ-
isms, but that geomorphologists might as well accept, perhaps with a lump in
their throats, that landforms are not alive. A fifth parallel is between the
equilibrium that some present-day workers postulate and the near-perfect
systematic interdependence of land and water forms which Davis observed. A
final point of similarity is that the two approaches are similar in the degree to
which their opposed views on time in geomorphology are unrealistic. For
many reasons committed quantifiers have to assume the relative unimpor-
tance of change with time. Historical events are usually highly distinctive and
therefore cannot embody laws, defined as recurrent, repeatable relationships.
A steady state condition is much easier to deal with quantitatively than the
shifting inter-relationships between antecedent and subsequent conditions and
the changes and sequences of forms produced. Thus the committed quantifiers
nose towards the noose of circular argument.
The seventh conclusion is therefore that there are far more similarities
between W. M. Davis’s approach and that of present-day geomorphologists
who are committed to the systematic application of a quantitative approach
than the apparent difference created by the absence of mathematical symbols
in Davis’s writings. It seems that the term ‘Davisian’ can have no precise
meaning in geomorphology since in style some of Davis’s most persistent
critics are the closest followers of his idiom.
An eighth conclusion relates to the unease voiced by some that geomor-
phology’s development has been somewhat slow. If this is true, one of the
main reasons for retardation in the past and quickening pace at present is the
stress ofeconomic demands. In the second half of the eighteenth century the
study of geology was founded, as coal became the principal source of energy,
under the leadership of William Smith, a civil engineer. The great leap
forward for American geology began with the mining boom in the West.
Geomorphological observations were an important aspect of pioneer geolo-
gists’ work because the landforms often provided important clues in delineat-
ing geological boundarieson reconnaissance mapping exercises. A study of
geomorphological processes was also important because explanations for un-
conformities in coal-bearing strata were needed to assist the mining engineer.
Definitions, nature and basic postulates 77
science, and this close interdependence has remained. However, as the hunt
for the treasures of the earth gathered pace, with the discovery of oil in
divided on the existence of any general lower limit for blockfields. Examples
like the ideas themselves are easy to multiply endlessly. In recent years, partly
due to the assistance of workers in related disciplines, the value of such
controversies has been questioned and formerly esteemed ‘imaginative inter-
pretations’ pale with the cold light of factual evidence to ‘sheer speculation’,
as the number of converts to the discipline of experimental method grows.
For example, in a study in the Southern Uplands of Scotland soil scientists
Ragg and Bibby (1966) note that it is possible to speculate whether erosion
now dominant after an apparently long stable period, was the result of a
modification in climate or of overgrazing and burning. They conclude that
‘only observations of the future course of development and the acquisition of
quantitative data on rates or erosion and deposition can confirm or refute
such speculations’.
A final conclusion therefore is that while ideas are easy to come by in
landform study, it is much more difficult to conceive of ideas that can be put
to practical tests and to gain the conviction that the idea and tests are
sufficiently sound to sustain the investigator through the arduous tasks of
Rapp (1960) urged that ‘we must go out to the
acquiring the relevant data. A.
slopes and make our measurements on them if we wish to evaluate their actual
development in quantitative terms’. This sort of exhortation is commonplace
in geomorphology: the remarkable aspect of Rapp’s statement is that he
actually went to carry out this task. Work like this reflects one of the positive
trends in landform studies at the present time, as the drift away from specula-
tion gathers pace. Speculations are not confined to the nature and develop-
ment of landforms. It is also easy to speculate about the nature of geomorpho-
logy itself and on the course of its development past and future. It is hoped
that the discussion in this first chapter may assist the reader in his evaluation
A. Geophysical Considerations
Most of the major units of the earth’s surface owe a great deal to uplift of land
over very extensive areas, achieved in many different ways during Tertiary
times. The configuration of the broader relief features, like mountain ranges
and plateaux, reflects the differences in folding and faulting, and the spatial
from beneath the thin skin-like crust of the earth, half-way to its centre. The
core itself is dense molten iron with nickel and silicon, but the mantle is now
known to be very complex, as yet unobserved directly, and in which many of
the factors influencing thermal convection currents are unknown. Due to the
present inadequacies of knowledge about the mantle even experts’ attempts to
explain mountain building movements in terms of subcrustal processes are
inevitably speculative. Therefore any detailed attempt to summarize these
diverse views within the context of geomorphology would be if not irrelevant,
certainly inappropriate.
A second point is that there is now general agreement on the permanency
of ocean basins which differ in petrology, sedimentation,
and structure from
80 Introduction to Geomorphology
the continents, at the margins of which the granitic layer thins abruptly to
Thirdly, crustal thicknes s of continents is clo sely related to lan d-surface
o 1
— O
'^Sediments Granitic' layer
Vi 5 58 km/sec
o 20 V = 6Km/sec
is 30 v= 7 km/sec [-20
E 40
— Intermediate layers £
1 50 V s 8 0 Km/sec
(fig. II. 1). On average this lighter crustal layer is 35 km lhick,_^l shrinks, to
as little as 5 km beneath ocean deeps, sharply defined at its base by the M
discontinuity, narh'e d after A. Mobgcovicic who first ide ntified its existence
during studies in the ~~Balkans in^9^i With changes in the distribution of
weigHTof this sialic raft, the soliorock material of the mantle may yield to
large stresses somewhat like a viscous fluid, as below approximately 80 km its
tical possibility of the erosion of highlands causing isostatic rise. The buoyant
force is such that if erosion spread over millions of years removed 1000 m by
downwearing the net lowering might be only 200 m due to the replacement
from below b y heavy rock as the denu ded block was buoyed up. As yet there
is no information to in dicatejvhether this theoretical possibility is realized or
in density at the base of the crust that would be necessary to compensate for
the lower density of the accumulating sediments. Suggestions about the
motive power that leads subsequently to folding in the geosyncline are several
and encompass a wide divergence of opinion. Since the discovery of radio-
activitymade the concept of a contracting mantle no longer tenable, nine-
teenth-cemmpH^as about compressive forces generated in this way are
possibly a pplicag le on a local scale only. Increasing doubt is also cast on the
classic tectbgSne view that Tertiary uplifts are due simply to isostatic re-
covery of deep sialic roots that had developed in geosynclines. Instead the
energy for lateral compression may come from drifting continents piling up
and picking up folded mountains, like the Andes, on their leading edge.
Where continents pile up against one another and mount to great elevations,
as in the north of India, compression proceeds at a rate of a few centimetres
per year.The viscous drag of hypothetical convection currents might achieve
a similar effect, a suggestion supported by indications from belts like the
African rift valleys and the Red Sea that areas of thick crust may be split
apart and that new crustal material may be created in the intervening gaps
(fig. II.2). A hypothesis which combines these suggestions and other informa-
tion acquired in recent decades is that of Heezen’s (1960) sea-floor spreading.
The suggestion is that new oceanic crust keeps appearing above a hot upward
con vection current in the m antle, and owes much to the discovery of remark-
able parallel zones o f remanent magnetism reflecting past reversals in the
earth’s magnetic field, with progressively earlier zones at increasing distances
82 Introduction to Geo morphology
from the mid-oceanic rise. Thei r width suggests that the ocean floor s might be
repla^ed'aurmgTjpah oiJ.Q(h3SiO million years. From this, and from many
mHer lines of evidence, there is increasing_support for a continental drift-
Figuie 11.2 The explanation of a nft system as an integral part of the theory of
continental drift (Jiom R IV. Ctidlei. 1965. Phil Trans Roy. Soc., Ser A.
Vol 258)
A The formation of a simple nft valley due to a relatively small amount of crustal
extension; there may be considerable transcurrent moxement
B The formation of the Red Sea structure, due to relatively large crustal
C. A possible mechanism for creating the Red Sea structure and the separation of
the crust. Rising mantle convection may induce tensional stress
orogenic movements without a batholith at its core and others where in the
association of orogeny and batholith. the orogeny may be the earlier event. By
whatever mechanism an orogenic belt rises it is becoming increasingly clear
that as it does, gravity movements limit the height to which the central lobe
can rise as a mechanism, termed gravitational spreading, creates a flattening
effect. The evolution of areas like the Alps are now examined in terms of such
glides. Folds or nappes may develop where these gravity glide structures
press against forelands. In this way the buttressing effect of the Vosges and
the Black Forest massifs may have been important in the folding of the Jura
mountains, and in turn this tangential pressure may have contributed to the
elevation of these massifs. Gravity gliding may also be a factor in the tectonic
‘denudation’ of some areas and may also be involved in the initial sinking
phase of the geosyncline.
Landfonns and structure 83
relief. The rigid shield areas have experienced epeirogenic movements since
pre-Cambrian time, and there is increasing doubt as to whether there is a
ing is of late Tertiary and Recent age, and in earlier geological times, the
Great Basin moved south-east in relation to the Sierra Nevada by 130-
190 km.
From the point of view of landform development the contrast between the
two variations of the effects of mountain building is quite striking. Compared
with the clear vestiges if not prominent features of essentially vertical move-
ments, any structurally identifiable units in areas of intense orogeny are
unlikely, partly because of sub-aerial and tectonic denudation during moun-
tain building and partly because many complicated folded structures may be
formed at an early stage beneath the sea when the sediments were still being
Earthquakes associated both with mounta in building and with vulcanicity
are probably th e, result of deformation in th e lithosphere* which finally rup-
ture? abruptly, releasing stored elastic energy. The earthquake epicentre is
that point on the earth’s surface vertically above' the poihfi’ o^T'earthq'uake
focus, where energy of a given magnitude is released. Approximately 80 per
cent of earthquake energy develops in the uppermost 60 km of the earth.
When rocks are strained to breaking point and rupture, earthquakes may be
triggered offby some exogenic force such as flood or high tide. Conversely,
earthquakes trigger off catastrophic events in exogenic processes and are for
this reason important in landform studies. One example is the
1870 rock-
slides triggered off on Mount Tacoma, when an area of about 32 ha fell away.
A less disastrous result of the 1 964 Alaskan earthquake was a persistent dust-
cloud 600-1400 m
high which developed and hung about a reactivated fault
to south of Lake Eklunta.
the A
number of spectacular glacier surges
occurred in Alaska after the 1899 earthquake. Tsunamis,
or seismic sea
84 Introduction to Geomorphology
waves, arrive on coasts, particularly in the Pacific, with great force. The effect
can also be important in unconsolidated materials. There is the possibility
of earthquake trigger mechanisms releasing tensile desiccation stress which
produces fissure patterns on playa floors. Quick clays lose their strength
by shocks and vibrations, assume a liquid state and begin to flow. Although
there may be an order of a million earthquakes a year, and the total energy
released a negligible fraction compared with incoming solar radiation, the
main release of seismic energy is highly concentrated in a few great earth-
quakes which is clearly sufficient to trigger off profoundly significant changes
in land-forming processes. It is difficult to say whether the artificially
2. Continental drift
to the Proto-Pacific, and that the Amazon basin below 200 m widens west-
ward right to the foothills of the Andes. In 1927 A. du Toit had pointed out
that when Africa was joined to South America, the rivers must have flowed
towards the Pacific, but the rise of the Andes across the outlets, due to
continental drift, must have compelled the basins on the South American side
to drain back towards the Atlantic. R. L. Sherlock (1933) was struck by the
Amazon basin being for the most part only slightly above sea-level, and that
86 Introduction to Geomorphology
while the present mouth had no real delta, the great extent of river deposits
inland expanded westward, delta-like in outline. Clearly the geomorphologist
studying larger features like extensive plains or major river valleys may now
have to search for part of his evidence on the other side of the ocean. One
looks at fig. II.3, and may muse about where the St Lawrence flowed, and if
the Central plain of Ireland might have been part of its path.
The on either side of the Atlantic
similarity between the outlines of the land
is so striking that it was at an early age that one formerly learnt that their
drifting apart was considered unlikely. However, for all the efforts to avoid
the obvious conclusion and the heights of controversy that surrounded it.
3. Vulcanicity
where the general slowness of most weathering rates is the source of many
difficult problems. The value of volcanic materials as stratigraphic horizons is
not just restricted to datable lava flows but includes volcanic ash deposits
which may be carried hundreds of kilometres, like the material from the 1 963
eruptions of the Bali volcanoes which travelled to east and central Java. In
other areas volcanic dust may add scarcely noticed contributions to terres-
trial sedimentation but even relatively minor amounts may influence the
chemical composition of accumulating terrestrial clays. It is not yet clear
whether such dust in the atmosphere could have existed in sufficient concen-
trations to induce climatic changes. Finally some brief familiarity with vol-
canic forms and processes is required because in some comparatively re-
stricted parts of the earth’s surface vulcanism dominates the present or the
recent past. For instance. Mount Ararat (5170 m) is one of many huge
Pleistocene volcanoes in north-east Turkey. In the Cascade Range extending
from northern California Canadian border several volcanoes rose
to the
above the plateau surface during Pleistocene and Recent time, including
eleven above 3000 m. In stable areas, apart from along and close to rift zones,
volcanic landscapes are few. In the Soviet Union there is only the Kamchatka
area which is volcanically active today. Vulcanism is also rare in fold moun-
tains of the Alpine-Himalayan type, where superficial layers of sial are
greatly thickened. In contrast, andesitic volcanoes, which tend to be explo-
sive, are closely associated with island arcs and mountains made of
folded geosynclinal sediments; most of the effusive basaltic material
flows out
from points on mid-Oceanic ridges like the Hawaiian and Icelandic
However, further generalizations are not helpful because some volcanoes
may change their types of activity and contrasts between eruptions may
88 Introduction to Geomorphology
A. An active Hawaiian volcano (from Eaton and Mttrata. I960). Magma from a
source some 60 km deep moves up to a shallow reservoir beneath the caldera.
Occasional discharge of lava from the shallow reservoir through dikes that split to
the surface constitute eruptions. Note the elongation of the volcano along rift
zones and the slight depression of the M discontinuity beneath the volcano.
B. Common tj'pe of Hopi neck (from H. WilUams. 1936., Bull. geol. Am.. Vol. 47)
with diverging columns of lava resting on inward-dipping tuffs. Possible original
form of the now-eroded crater is suggested,
C. Common type of Navajo neck (from Williams. 1936). Dikes branch through
the tuff-breccia shaft. Possible original explosion pit form at the surface, now
eroded, is suggested.
Landforms and stmcture 89
material or tephra, coarser sizes will develop around a central vent to form a
cinder cone, characterised by steep 30-35 degree slopes according to the
angle of rest of the fragments. These cones may be up to 150 m in height.
One or two areas are world famous sites of present-day hydrothermal acti-
vity. resulting mainly from ground water coming into contact with a source of
heat at depth (fig. II.6). This process must not be forgotten in
90 Introduction to Geomorphology
studies of any area where this process might have operated in the geological
past because the same basic physical and chemical principles apply to hydro-
thermal reactions as to weathering, and in the first case may occur without
accompanying mineralization. The results may therefore be difficult to tell
apart. However. W. D. Keller (1964) considers as convincing evidence of
through them. The initiation of such openings in solid rock prior to sub-aerial
weathering attack cannot be entirely overlooked. A more important con-
sideration is that a fundamental process in all volcanic eruptions might be the
conflict between ground water and magma. Even a cubic foot of water heated
B. Geological Considerations
I . Resistance to erosion
Viewed from all angles, landforms almost invariably reflect in some degree
the differing resistances to erosion of the underlying rocks. In cross-section a
relatively resistant rock may occupy low ground simply because it is low in a
II. 7). Gaps in the volcanic hills in Central Scotland, near Neilston and
between Johnstone and Dairy, correspond with downfaulted blocks of sedi-
mentary rocks. Along a valley bedrock of varying resistance may account for
much of the differences in form of both valley and channel. In addition to
creating steps in the longitudinal profile, resistant rocks may be related to
valley constrictions with the stream constricted in gorges or in incised
meanders, compared with broader valley reaches in the less resistant rocks
where lateral erosion is unimpeded, like the Brazos river in the High Plains of
central United States. On coasts, viewed in plan, practically any cliffed sec-
tion will reveal more resistant features contrasting with weaker parts cut back
by marine erosion into coves and embayments. North-east of Saigon the coast
is rugged with granite and other igneous rocks forming resistant
between short sections of coastal plain. In cross-section wave-cut benches in
igneous and crystalline metamorphic rocks are narrow compared with
broader benches in less resistant sedimentary rocks.
Although resistance of a rock to weathering is obviously a fundamental
issue in the study of landforms, the relative resistance of a rock is difficult to
specify because it comprises several complicated features, each one of which
92 Introduction to Geomorphology
Altitude (ft)
OJ o> CD © o
<0 o o o o o o o
o o o o o o o o
Stockbridge marble
Hartland formation
(mainly schistose & mica rich) >
Mt.Tom hornblende gneiss
(hornblende 50 - 90°Jc)
Diontic gneisses
Younger basics
(chiefly norites & pyroxenites)
Figure 11.7 Differentia! resistance of rocks to erosion [after Fhni. 1963) The bar
graph shows the mean altitude of seven mapped rock units in the New Preston
Quadrangle, Connecticut.
grained basalts give rise to a soil depth of 23-30-5 cm, whereas rocks with
medium-grained equiangular crystals like dolerite lie beneath 50-60 cm of
soil. In coarser sedimentary rocks, with the bulk of the constituent grains
usually of insoluble quartz, cohesion often relates to the nature of the cement,
sandstones disintegrating where their cement contains calcite, iron oxides, or
weathers to clayey material. Porous or poorly cemented rocks are very suscep-
tible to frost-weathering. In sandstones and shales porosities may be about 20
per cent compared with 1 per cent or less for igneous rocks. In finer-grained
sediments the resistance, even in unconsolidated material, is a function of the
mass of individual particles which adhere due to mass attraction, inter-
94 Introduction to Geomorphology
Preferentially Organic
orientated ' material
particles .
— -Randomly
Fissile orientated
plane (I) (ill) particles
A. Fissility in shale (from M. Gipson, 1965. Jour. Sed. Petrol., Vo!. 35): (i) fissile
and granite area around Alice Springs several hills show combinations of
straight, joint-determined salients and deep parallel-sided re-entrants formed
on N. Caine (1967) has described Ben Lomond, Tasmania,
where the polygonal joint pattern of the bedrock has been a major influence
on the form of tors. Above many steep slopes the headwall of scars left by
rockfalls are often the plane surface of a major joint, and avalanche chutes
generally coincide with zones of structural weakness which facilitate disinte-
rapidly with depth and that many joints form near the surface. Fig. 11.9
illustrates the common experience of water engineers who find that most open
fissures in jointed rocks have been encountered by the time they reach depths
of 30 m. It seems that joints must persist downwards but only open up when
unloading occurs. In view of the importance of joints in landscape develop-
the general shape of the land surface. Sheeting joints trending roughly parallel
to the outline of the slope have since been observed in many parts of the world
and been mistaken for a primary feature in others. Below the surface the
configuration of the sheets is increasingly flat but still conforms roughly to
the broad outlines of the landform above (fig. II. 10. A). In bedded rocks lateral
expansion tends to be more significant (fig. II.IO.B) and joints become more
abundant and open as one approaches cliff faces. In the massive limestone
area of north-west Yorkshire one of the localities where open joints are most
pronounced is above Malham Cove, the highest sheer face in the area. On the
shoulders of cliffs in granitic rocks, the sheeting joints may still tend to curve
round parallel to the topography.
near-horizontal fissures a few centimetres wide 6-20 m below the surface for
which glacial unloading is thought to be the primary cause. Secondly, joint
widening by river-water solution on a valley floor of soluble rocks might be as
significant as the lateral expansion of unconfined situations of cliffs on the
valley side. This applies not just to massive limestone areas. H. E. LeGrand
( 962) notes that many joints are enlarged by the action of solution especially
in gneisses and schists containing silicates of calcium, and that many of these
enlarged joints are associated with linear sags in the surface relief.
2. Rock disposition
Faults are fractures in rocks along which opposite sides have moved past each
other. If this movement is relatively minor, it may be hard to distinguish a
fault from a joint, and to some extent the influence of either in landform
development may not be easy to detect. Quite often, however, not one single
fracture is involved, as faults tend to occur in zones where the dislocated
strata may form a belt, perhaps 300 m wide, as on parts of the San Andreas
fault. Such situations facilitate linear erosion, as in Trinity Bay in New-
foundland, an unusually deep elongated basin which is attributed to structural
weakness rather than to glaeiation, as the ice moved at right-angles to the
orientation of the bay. The fiords of the west coast of Norway, according to
some investigators, largely coincide with crush zones, joints, and similar
tectonic or geological contacts, indicating that fluvial erosion and subsequent
glacial erosion were largely tectonically controlled (fig. II.28.A and B). In
other regions, faults stand out boldly, or truncate a structural grain sharply,
but not always as clearly as on the bare rocks of the Canadian shield. In plan
the outline of many inselbergs in several parts of Australia and Africa are
coincident with fractures. Vertical movements on faults may exert a control
on the orientation of drainage, like the fault bounding the north-east flank of
the Barind, in India, where the Karataja river and its tributaries flow south
Landforms and structure 99
west into the Jamuna river, probably due to south-west tilting, and examples
of lateral offsetting of streams occur in the areas of active transcurrent
Faults are sometimes described by the trace of the fault-line in plan, seen in
relation to the disposition of the bedrock. In sedimentary strata these are
strike, dip, oblique, or even bedding faults. Peripheral and radial faults occur
on domes like those of some igneous intrusions. In relation to regional
structure as a whole large faults may either be longitudinal striking parallel to
the long axis of the major structure, or transverse, if striking across it.
Three points about the relation of relief to faulting might be added. First,
there are many references in the literature to the distinction between fault
scarps where any difference in altitude was due to vertical displacement, and a
fault-line scarp which is essentially an erosional feature due to the removal of
less resistant material from one side of a fault. A second point, related to the
fault-line scarp, is that altitudes on either side of a fault may not correspond
to the direction of initial vertical movement if less resistant material is on the
side of relative uplift. Thirdly, a large number of faults exist without trace in
the land form.
100 Introduction to Geotnorphology
in Where
dip. folding has been more severe three degrees of increasing
asymmetry are recognized, the limbs in an isoclinal fold being essentially
parallel, in an overturned fold the steeper limb has passed through the vertical
and may be essentially horizontal in a recumbent fold. In an area of essen-
tially low dips, a monocline is a fold which produces a local steepening of dip.
In addition to these hypothetical, idealized cross-sections of folds, in plan and
more recognizable in less disturbed areas are anticlines and synclines, charac-
terized by the width of the fold being narrow in relation to its axial length.
Where numerous smaller folds are compounded into broad structural arches
or basins, an anticlinorium or synclinorium might be recognized. In areas
where folds are less systematically developed domal structures, which are
broad in cross-section in comparison with their short axial length, may occur.
Structural salients and embayments on the margins of folded areas may
complicate a systematic pattern of folding, major transverse faults may dis-
rupt it, and strike-slip faulting tends to drag along a series of folds en echelon.
Moreover, with the exception of one or two classic examples like the half-
and within a short period of geological time after folding commences, become
the highest points in the area. Because of the complications in pattern of
folded rocks and the significance of erosion during folding, attention to rock
disposition in landform study of these areas often focuses on the scarpland
relief of individual limbs of folds. 1
expressed most accurately in land elevation when dips are vertical and least
accurately where dips are low, where if a resistant horizon is exhumed, it
where the lower end of a tilted block or limb of a fold is eroded away. This
may induce landslides along the bedding planes in deeply dissected relief (fig.
II.23.C), in quarries or along coasts where the dip is seaward, like the slips of
Chalk and Upper Greensand, overlying the impermeable Gault Clay, seen
along the south coast of England. In addition to the susceptibility of mass
movement at the unsupported lower end of an inclined block, there is the
accentuation of erosional attack at its upper end, concentrated laterally by
gravity against the exposed edges of less resistant strata. This may apply to
ice movement, tongued and grooved into the strike ridge and vale relief as
much as to stream erosion, as strike valleys in glaciated areas in the Seal Lake
area of eastern Canada or the Cairnsmore of Fleet area in southern Scotland
The sequence of varying lithologies of rock is a dominant factor of land-
forms developed in regions of folding. A stratum can play one of three roles.
First, a more resistant stratum may produce a cap-rock efTect, protecting less
resistant material buried beneath from erosion and may also provide resistant
fragments of debris which move down the scarp slope from its outcrop, which
reduces erosion of the less resistant material forming the lower part of the
down-dip valley side. It follows that the presence of an inclined resistant
stratum between two less resistant lithologies tends both to protect the under-
lying stratum from erosion and to accentuate the erosion of the overlying one.
A third effect is that of an unstable horizon. This may be as a slip-surface
which appears to be present as a distinctive horizon in cases where mass all
movement takes place in the direction of dip, or which by its local absence,
may make certain points along a valley-side stable. A useful example is the
much studied slide, dislodged by the 1964 Alaskan earthquake on to a
tributary of the Sherman glacier. Generation of the slide of massive coarse
sediments was favoured by the presence of weak fractured beds of phyllites
and slates dipping steeply and almost parallel to the original surface of the
slope. A period of chemical decomposition of the material at the slip-surface
may be necessary before a basal plane becomes a potential slip-surface. The
schist and gneiss with foliation dipping steeply downslope which on failure
led to the 1959 Madison canyon rock-slide avalanche in south-west Montana,
in relation to the underlying less resistant material the slower will be the
erosion of the cliff or scarp, although there are not the measurements avail-
graphical thickness will vary. Thus a prominent scarp former like the Chalk
forms broad relatively unbroken escarpments where the dip is low. as in
eastern England, but where tilted into steep hog’s-back ridges, as on the Isle of
Wight and adjacent areas in southern England, the narrow Chalk outcrop is
broken through at several points by valleys which run transverse to the strike.
In addition to landform inter-relationships with structural movements at
the surface, there are some limited areas, particularly in unconsolidated
sediments where surface forms are related to the upward propagation of
structures that exist or move at depth. For instance, the alluvial plain of the
Beni basin in north-east Bolivia is an area with pronounced surface linea-
ments and orientated lakes. The latter have neither inlets nor outlets, but have
distinctive flat floors and relatively abrupt sides and may be up to 19-8 km in
length. Some lineaments can be traced from the Brazilian shield outcrop into
the basin. G. Plafker’s suggestion is therefore that the orientated surface
features in the Beni basin form through slight movements in the basement
blocks although faulting may be a more likely explanation for some orientated
features in other areas (fig. II.Il.C and D). Increasingly there has been
recognition of the possibilities of intrusion of plastic salt into a restricted
opening causing deformations in overlying strata and forming some form of
surface disturbance or perhaps some surface definition as a dome or linea-
ment. Pressures of only 150-200 kg/cm’. applied at room temperatures, are
sufficient to induce flowage deformation of salt rocks, and this is an important
consideration in the landforms on Triassic and other strata including
evaporites throughout the world. There is also the possibility that the shape of
some static structure at depth will influence landform development on the
surface. Fig. II. 1 3 illustrates an instance where a valley running transverse to
the general alignment of surface ridges follows the pattern of sub-surface con-
tours of an underlying rock.
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Landforms and structure 105
circulating downward through fractures (fig. II. 11. A and B). Southward in
Kansas and Oklahoma, along the eastern edge of the High Plains, a similar
process has produced more obvious surface basins, formerly attributed by
G. K. Gilbert (1895) and others to deflation. Beneath the North Crop of the
South Wales coalfield, extensive interstratal solution of Carboniferous Lime-
stone produce pronounced collapse features on the ground surface of
the overlying Millstone Grit, the enclosed depressions being up to 45 m in
1 1
I 1
0 1 50 300 450 m
Figure 11.14 The collapse of Basal Grit on the North crop of the South Wales
coalfield due to interstratal solution of limestone {T.M. Thomas, 1963, Trans.
Inst. Brit. Geogrs, IVo. 33). The tongue of collapsed grit lies immediately to the
north of Carreg Cadno.
diameter and as frequent as 8-1 2 per ha. Similar features occur on the ground
surface of many similar so-called ‘covered karsts’, and may be the product of
3. Distinctive lithologies
It is well known that the pioneer of British geology, William Smith, recog-
nized unhesitatingly the Chalk outcrop in east Yorkshire by the appearance of
the Yorkshire Wolds when he viewed these for the first time from York
Minster tower, two dozen miles away. From a review of geological considera-
tions in landform study it becomes do the relatively few
clear that not only
rock types possess distinctive lithological characteristics and a certain inde-
finable distinctiveness in their landform expression, but that they add further
distinctiveness to landscapes by tending to occur in certain areas only, where
distinctive structural settings are conducive to their formation. Therefore,
although the importance of rock types has been assumed rather than studied
in geomorphology, their more clearly established characteristics should be
summarized briefly.
the small coefficient of shrinkage which means little Assuring on drying and
little expansion stress on wetting; the second is its high liquid limit, which
means that high water contents are necessary to induce flow. In contrast, illite
clays have much lower liquid limits and montmorillonite clays have a higher
coefficient of shrinkage.
absent and joints are often widely spaced, all three factors reducing suscepti-
Landfonns and structure 1 07
bility to frost action both on small and large scales. One well-marked
characteristic, due to the near-perfect cleavage of their principal mineral,
Of the metamorphic rocks, gneiss and schist tend to split along mica-rich
planes and weather into readily transported fragments. In consequence, in
dissected relief, these metamorphic rocks and fissile slates tend to produce
long relatively even slopes of moderate steepness close to the angle of repose.
Quartzite, cemented by crystalline quartz, can approach indestructibility and
ISthe rock to emerge most clearly from the deep weathering mantle of the
humid tropics which effectively reduces the influence of most distinctive rock
properties in landform development. The highly metamorphosed rocks of the
ancient shields are very resistant and preserve a surface form that may date
back to pre-Cambrian times.
108 Introduction to Geomorphology
widens to 5-5 km as chert seams present in the sandy formation in this area
provide a cap-rock effect. Compared with the prominent salient of Leith Hill,
itssummit at 294 m being the highest point in the area, the land around
Dorking, where the Hythe Beds consist almost entirely of sand, is low. Even
in plateau areas, lateral changes are significant in influencing the details of
landform. In the Arizona plateau where many sedimentary rocks are per-
sistent units across the area, others are lenticular on a broad scale, or show
marked lithological changes laterally, indicating the effects of local basins and
swells in the sedimentational history. Along the eastern escarpment of the
Chuska Mountains in north-west New Mexico the front is cuspate in plan at
several places. The concavities are relatively thin units and the points of the
cusps are developed where the units are locally thickened. Even in uncon-
solidated material like morainic debris local concentrations of boulders and
blocks will form small promontories on a shore like the north coast of
Galway Bay, close to the town, or along parts of the margin of Lake Vattern
in southern Sweden. Fig. II.15.C illustrates a situation on a Cotswold dip-
slope where incision of a stream shifting downdip on insoluble clay appears to
deepen into underlying limestone where the clay dies out. While sediments are
deeply buried, lateral changes may be induced by folding, particularly of
Landforms and structure 109
free of the confines of adjacent basins, the local fault pattern permitted
expansions, but in taking place in different directions, local dead spots in the
expansion pattern left some granite masses without microjoints. Therefore,
although difficult to demonstrate due to the removal of the required evidence,
there is a logical basis for suspecting that some inselbergs could be the more
resistant portions of a crystalline mass that possessed few if any joints. There
are many effects of joint zones other than guidance of linear erosion. In the
Skjomen area, northern Norway, postglacial weathering has been insignificant
on the less-jointed solid rock and there may be no talus at the foot of
cliffs.At other probably well-fissured points talus may accumulate to heights
of 20 m. As well as changes along a cliff or slope, differing densities of
jointing are an important consideration downslope too, particularly in crystal-
linemasses (fig. II.15.D). In north-western Eyre Peninsula, Australia,
some granite slopes are determined by huge curvilinear sheets of massive
granite, white those on closely jointed granite are boulder-strewn. Differential
weathering where joint frequencies change over short distances produces sharp
breaks of slope. In the Vosges, irregularities appear to be related to joint
density. The more densely jointed areas are susceptible to frost-weathering
while more resistant prominences gradually emerge from the surrounding
more fissile material. Fig. 11.15 illustrates some situations in which landforms
appear to be related to lateral variations in resistance of rocks.
In the study of smaller features vertical changes in properties of rock have
to be considered. These are most pronounced in sedimentary rocks where the
term basal conglomerate itself is perhaps sufficient illustration of vertical
Figure 11.15 Lateral variations in rock resistance and associated erosional and
weathering forms.
A and B. Vector diagram of valleys and fjords {left) and strike frequency diagram
of fractures {right) in South Lyngen, near Troms in northern Norway (from
Randall. 1961).
C, Vertical incision of a strike stream shifting down dip related to the lateral
disappearance southward of a clay beneath the lower limestone {after L. Richard-
son et al., 1946. Geology of the country around Witney); the river is the
Windrush. south of Leafield. and the disappearing stratum, the Jurassic Estuarine
Clay, underlying theTaynton Stone.
D. Steps in the longitudinal profile of a glaciated valley with over-deepening in
well-jointed parts {after F. E. Matthes. 1930. U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper 1
60) as
suggested by studies in the Yosemite valley.
E and F. Density of jointing controlling the distribution of penitent rocks at the
sub-surface weathering stage (£. Ackennann. Zeit. f. Geomorph., Vol. 6).
Physical, chemicaland biological
basis of geomorphological
A. Regional-Glimate
1 / Temperature
reflectmore and absorb less energy when the angle of incidence of the light
waves is low. the amount of energy received equatorward of 38° latitude leads
to a net heating, compared with net cooling towards the poles. Oceanic and
tions of a liquid and have a greater energy than the molecules of the solid, ice,
turbulent flow dissipates much of this energy as frictional heat. However, a t
higher temperatures, chemical, biochemical, and biological weathering
becomes increasingly important, rates doubling for every 10° C rise in 'tem-
perature. It is impossible to predict how effective the heat reaching the ground
surface is in land-forming processes. With the equatorward increase in clay
decomposition products and the increasing relative importance of solutional
weathering, thermodynamics have little to do with the transport as well as the
erosion of the bulk of the weathered material. Poleward, snow is a very poor
conductor of heat, particularly if in a dry state. The thermal conductivity of
snow may be almost one-tenth that of the mineral part of the soil, markedly
limiting frost penetration in winter. In Siberia the greatest differences between
air and soil temperatures occur everywhere in January as soon as the snow
cover begins to persist. Snow cover may even keep the ground-surface tem-
perature at or near melting point if there is heat transfer from the sub-soil. As
a result, in areas like the greater part of the high mountains in north Sweden,
permafrost is unlikely to be widespread although it is not possible to establish
a clear relationship of soil freezing with air temperature and depth of snow
cover. Even may be deep enough to keep bottom deposits unfrozen and
the ground beneath may remain unfrozen at all depths creating punctures
through frozen ground even in areas of extensive permafrost. In the Taylor
valley. South Victoria Lands in Antarctica, where average annual tempera-
tures are —20° C some of the deeper ice-covered lakes like Lake Bonney
remain liquid at depth. In summer in cold regions much of the small amount
of solar energy is absorbed merely in melting snow and ice, and increases in
soil temperature to promote biological and chemical activity are minimal. In
European U.S.S.R., the total inflow of heat between April and August is 1 000
calories/cm^ in the north-west, rising to 3000 calories/cm^ in the south-east;
the expenditure of this energy in thawing accounts for all that supplied in the
north-west and half of that supplied in the south-east. In humid and cool
temperate latitudes extensive peat deposits exist because summer tempera-
turesdo not provide adequate supplies of energy to evaporate the colossal
volumes of water held in these highly porous organic veneers. In warmer
humid latitudes photosynthesis and respiration of plants route an appreciable
proportion of the solar radiation input into the biological cycle. In the humid
tropics the task of pumping out water from dozens of metres of deeply
in higher latitudes. On the other hand, with viscosity decreasing with higher
temperatures, so that of tropical rivers is about half that of temperate rivers,
the greater turbulence could .suspend more easily the smaller-sized sedimen-
tary particles of those regions, thus offsetting the more rapid settling velocity.
1. Hydrological considerations
Water, the only compoun d that occurs naturally at the eart h’s surface in
gaseous, liquid, and solid states, is indispensable for weathering, erosion, and
for the removal of weathering products. In many situationsrwhatever may be
the detailed mechanisms involved in rock breakdown, it is ultimately the bulk
of water in runoff which is a major factor in influencing rates of denudation
(fig. III. 1 ). Climate determines the availability of this agent and its volume
and period of flow in streams, through soils and down slopes. Three hy dro-
logical characteristics of water available for geomorphological woj k are more
significant thanjhejotal precipitation.
enters the river and on the Ivory coast coefficients are similar.
About 25 per
cent of the 1500 mm of precipitation falling in the Congo basin enters the
river. In low flat areas like the Yucatan platform, coefficients may be 10 per
cent or less. In the areas of more accidented relief the coefficients
may exceed
of Andean
50 per cent, and in the Amazon basin, due to the altitude its
600 and 2000 mm, evapotranspi ration is about 150 mm/year. In the tundra
of European U.S.S.R., precipitation of250-450 mm/year compares with an
evapotranspiration loss of about 100-150 mm/year. The Lena leads off about
175-1 90 mm of the 370-385 mm of precipitation and the loss in the
Yenessei basin is similar. To the south in the taiga part of the forest zone
precipitation of 400-600 mm/year similarly exceeds evapotranspiration of
150-300 mm. In the milder mixed broad-leaved forest zone, precipitation
increases to 500-700 mm, but because evapotranspiration increases also, the
moistening of the ground is no greater.
Intensity of precipitation is a second important factor in landform study
because not only is the importance of mechanical impact increased on bare
soil but also a high percentage of a downpour will run off with little lost to
ments, the melting of snow and ice. For example, the channels leading to the
Kvikkjokk delta in Swedish Lapldnd are generally frozen from the end of
October to the second week in May. Annual total discharge is 870 million m^
to 1080 million m^, with daily discharge during ice-free periods of 25-
40mVsec rising to 200mVsec in floods. As melting reaches its peak, rivers
may increase in volume by 300-400 per cent in 24 hours. On the River
Colville in Alaska,42 was discharged
per cent of the total annual runoff
during 4 weeks of ice break-up. During spring flooding on the Mackenzie
Physical, chemical and biological basis of processes 117
discharges in excess of 500 000 cusecs (14 000 mVsec) have been recorded,
more than twice the maximum observed for the Colville. These figures com-
pare with the Yenissei where the annual flow of 17 400 mVsec is the flow of
only part of the year. Despite the huge width of these valleys the Mackenzie
may rise more than 6 during the spring melt and the Yenissei by 10 m. Ice
jams may cause overtopping of adjoining levels.
Although the chances of abrupt and substantial downpours or snow-melt
surges of flow are not high in temperate latitudes, floods are still an important
consideration in landform studies. Interest centres round the recurrence in-
terval. This is the average interval of time within which a flood of a given
2. Hydraulic considerations
1 1 Introduction to Geomorphology
the cross-currents and eddies. Turbulent motion consists oF two types, the
division depending on the Froude number
F = —!—
where v is the mean velocity, g the acceleration due to gravity, and R is the
hydraulic radius of the channel. The last term is equal to the depth of water
for wide shallow channels. Streaming turbulent motion occurs when the
velocity is relatively low and is less than the square root of the hydraulic
radius times the acceleration due to gravity. Velocities with a Froude number
greater than 1 are those of shooting turbulent flow. In deeper channels with
smooth perimeters in cross-section and sinuosities in plan, cross-currents are
channel depth. For a given volume of water velocities will be less in a broad
shallow channel than in a relatively deep narrow channel where channel
resistance is much less because the wetted perimeter is shorter. Increasingly
large volumes of water tend to move more quickly because, until bankfull
velocities are between 1 and 2-0 m/sec. The average velocity of the Colville
- 5
river, Alaska, is 1-5 m/sec; for several streams in the United States mean
velocities vary between 0-9— 1-2 m/sec. Increases in the depths of channels
Waves consist of orbital movements of water which are not quite complete,
with water particles moving forward slightly as each wave passes producing a
slight displacement of water. It is the transmission of energy through water
waves that is the important consideration rather than the relatively slight
displacement of the actual water particles. The diameter of the orbital motion
diminishes rapidly downward in a geometric progression related to wave
length. The orbital diameter is halved for each increase in depth of |L. Wave
velocity in deep water is primarily dependent on wave length, but high waves
of a given length run somewhat faster than low waves. On coasts the wave
height gives a good indication of the total energy which is usually propor-
tional to the square of the mean wave height in most theoretical equations and
is largely a result of wind velocity, the fetch or the distance of open water
over which the wind blows, and the water surface gradient created by the tidal
range. Thus waves greater than 2 m in height are not frequent off the surf
zone in the Mediterranean where the mean tidal range is only about 25 cm.
Tidal range in the Great Lakes is as little as 7-5 cm. In contrast the classic
case is the Bay of Fundy funnelling tides of 3 m at its entrance up to a range
of 1 5 m at its head.
Waves where the depth to the bottom is less than half the wave length, L/2,
are defined as shallow-water waves. L/2, referred to as the wave base, is often
about 9 m below the surface. In entering shallow water the horizontal particle
velocity at the wave
becomes increasingly greater than that retarded
near the bottom. At a depth equal to 2H the wave profile becomes very
peaked and asymmetrical. Breaking of the wave finally occurs when the depth
is about 1 -SH. If the bottom gradient
is gentle the crest of the wave spills over
the advancing front of thewave without completely destroying the wave form.
In contrast to the spilling breaker, a plunging wave forms
above steeper
bottom gradients when heavy swells pitch the wave crest into the
120 Introduction to Geomorphology
contours projects seawards and the crests of waves swing round and tend to
approach an alignment tending to parallel the bottom contours, thus concen-
trating energy on the headlands.
Currents differ from waves in that there is a progressive movement in one
direction. Due to the hydraulic head of water piled against a shore by waves,
compensating seaward currents may form narrow lanes which exist right to
the water surface and cut through the breakers. These rip currents, although
first described only in 1941, are now recognized as a major element of near-
shore and surf-zone dynamics. They may maintain velocities of over 1 m/sec
for periods of minutes. Waves approaching a shore obliquely cause a uni-
directional movement alongshore. The zig-zag pattern of these longshore
currents may, however, be interrupted by seaward-flowing rip currents. The
greatest longshore velocities, which may be a few dozen metres per hour,
occur midway between the two high-energy zones, the breaker and swash
zones, which cause drag at the seaward and shoreward edges.
Tidal currents, produced by the ebb and flow of tides rarely exceed
3-2 km/hour, but where the flow is channelled through some constriction in
coastline form, currents may at times be as much as 16 km/hour. Currents
seaward of the breaker zone do not usually exceed 30 cm/sec, although seas
around the southern half of the British Isles are notable for the strengths of
their currentswhich are 2-3-5 km/hr over large areas, and 4 km/hr in
smaller areas. Off the New South Wales coast, a variable southerly current
moves at an average of 5-7 km/hr 8—15 km offshore with a more indeter-
minate and variable current running north closer to the coast. Ebb tidal
currents move through Hell Gate in the East River at New York at 9 kmAir.
Near-bottom currents in the Bering Straits average 5-4 km/hour. Other
similar currents are not restricted to the surface. In the Indonesian Strait,
strong current movement exists to a depth of 3000 m and a deeper flow
through the Straits of Gibraltar is in a direction opposite to that at the
surface, as dense saline water, a hundred times greater in volume than the
'Mississippi’s discharge. The Gulf Stream moves 5-12 km/hour,
at rates of
with the eastward-flowing equatorial counter-currents moving at three times
these speeds. Smaller-scale circulations due largely to the strength and direc-
tion of the wind may move a few kilometres a day like those moving anti-
clockwise in the North Sea. In the Mediterranean where tides are insignificant
there is nonetheless a south to north current in the Levantine basin which is
Physical, chemical and biological basis of processes 121
of the land area is covered with snow and about 23 per cent of the ocean area
is covered by sea ice. The Arctic ice. although it has a profound influence on
heat exchange in the oceans is only 3 m thick. The Greenland ice-sheet covers
1 700 000 km^ with a depth of 3 km
at one point, and the Antarctic covers
12 950 000 km^ and in thickness exceeds 4 km at places. These two masses
account for about 99 per cent of the volume of the ice on the globe and their
marginal tongues of ice may be larger than valley glaciers, like the Beardmore
glacier in Antarctica, which is 200 km long and about 40 km wide. There are
also some very much smaller ice-caps on uplands in higher latitudes. At
70° N the Barnes ice-cap in Baffin Island covers 5900 km'^ and is about
165 km long and 22-62 km wide. In the Icefield Ranges the most extensive
ice-cap in the North American continent is 240-670 m thick. In contrast to
the dome shape of summit ice-caps, glaciers occupy valleys and a few con-
tinue beyond the confines of the valley to broaden out as piedmont glaciers.
The Malaspina glacier near Yakutat emerging from several narrow valleys in
the St Elias Mountains spreads out in a broad lobe about 50 km across and
about 40 km long. Valley glaciers may reach lengths of 30-50 km and 3-
4 km in width, whereas in other areas the ice-covered area consists of a large
number of small glaciers. In Transcaucasia there are 487 glaciers with a total
area of only 635 km^.
The process of the conversion of snow to ice starts with the recrystalliza-
tion and partial consolidation of porous fresh snow, transforming its low
density of about 0- 1 gm/cm-* to the densities of 0-4-0 -8 gm/cm-* of granular
snow termed firn or neve, and finally to ice with a density of about 0-9].
Transformation of neve to ice takes place at depths of about 30-40 m but
may be nearer 1 00 m for ice-sheets. In temperate zones higher temperatures
speed up the transformation process which takes about 50-100 years,
whereas in polar ice-caps recrystallization, taking place without passage
through a liquid stage, takes 200-300 years.
important concept in discussing the distribution of snow and ice is the
‘snowline’, recognized in 1887 by Bruckner and today commonly defined as
the lower limit of perennial snow. The definition of the climatic snowline
disregards local influences like wind, insolation, and aspect which make any
close correlation between temperature— precipitation averages and the
122 Introduction to Geomorphology
line unrealizable, whereas the orographic snowline links the points at which
the preceding winter’s snow will just disappear. In Spitzbergen, at 78“ N. the
snowline is approximately 500 m. In Iceland at 65° N the snowline rises
towards the south-east from 600 to 1 000 m, is about 1600 m in southern
Norway at 60° N, about 2700 m in the Alps, and at 4250 m on Mount
Kenya. A very important fact is that east-west changes in snowline are
usually more abrupt than the general equatorward rise. The snowline on the
dry eastern slope of the St Elias Mountains, Alaska is 1500 m higher than on
the wet west slope.
Close to the observable firn line is the theoretical equilibrium line, dividing
the zone of ice accumulation near a glacier source from that of net loss in the
of the sub-glacial floor make the movement of ice a very complicated pheno-
menon, with the variables influencing the mass budget and neve formation
changing with altitude, aspect, latitude and in a downvalley direction. From
early attempts to describe ice-flow, using laws of viscosity, impressions were
gained of a spreading body unable to conserve its form indefinitely. Recent
measurements exclude the possibility of viscosity existing in glacier ice.
Instead J. F. Nye (1952) suggests that ice yields to compression stress and
strain rate imposed by an external force like a plastic solid which retains the
form it took under the effect of deformation. It seems that due to pressure
within a glacier increasing with depth, melting and refreezing facilitate inter-
granular movement, crystal growth, and transfer of material. On a smaller
scale grains tend to be drawn out in response to the forces acting on them,
while on a larger scale, intergranular movement takes place. Melting at grain
boundaries reduces friction between the grains and facilitates movement of
the grains relative to each other. In some temperate glaciers ice aggregates
may be surrounded by a weakly saline membrane which, by tending to remain
liquid when refreezing occurs, may facilitate inter-granular movements. This
mode of mechanicalmovement is termed plastic deformation and depends on
a certain depth of ice, about 20 m for temperate glaciers and on some down-
valley gradient. Under a laboratory stress of about kg/cm^ ice flow becomes
appreciable, but in field conditions with loads imposed for much longer
periods of time, loads of less than 100 gm/cm^ are sufficient. Probably much
of the movement of thick temperate-latitude glaciers on gentle slopes occurs
by plastic deformation, although the rate of movement due to plastic deforma-
tion decreases rapidly near the base of a glacier. However, a second process,
that of sliding on the bed, is an important, if spasmodic, addition to the total
movement of the glacier. It is accompanied by tensions which, if shearing
occurs, create fissures at the surface. The French geophysicist,
L. Lliboutry, Weertman. have done a great deal to clarify concepts of
and J.
basal sliding. This mechanism may account for as much as 90 per cent of the
total movement, particularly where there is a steep gradient, a high absolute
velocity and if the ice is relatively thin. Clearly, temperatures at the base of
the glacier must be near melting point for sliding to occur and in very cold
areas all but the most thin glaciers are frozen solid to the rock at their base.
B. Kamb and E. La Chapelle ( 964) made the first direct field observations of
mechanisms involved in the sliding of a glacier over its bed. The observations
of N. A. Ostenso (1965) have added to evidence which suggests that melt-
water lubrication is an important factor. As water has a greater density than
ice, water-filled spaces in and below the ice cannot be compressed without
being previously emptied. At the base of the Casement Glacier, the winter slip
rate in 1966-7 was 2-3 cm/day compared with summer rates of 2-9 cm/day
in 1966 and 2-6 cm/day in 1967. Over a 24-hour period there is a direct
1 24 Introduction to Geoinorplwlogy
relation between slip rate and water available at the base for lubrication. The
breaking up of the glacier into blocks makes it possible for the ice to flow by
still another mechanism, moving like a powder on a giant scale, particularly if
water fluidizes the ice. Meltwater circulating in the ice in tunnels, running
under pressure in siphons and enlarging fissures provides nearly all the water
at the base of a glacier. Even in Iceland where the geothermal heat supply is
two to three times the normal supply, minimal source of heat accounts for
only 5 per cent of the runoff in mid-winter. However, in the case of some
glaciers, ground water may be an important part of the discharge at the winter
minimum, according to observations in Switzerland and northern Sweden,
and may make significant contributions to the lubricating effect.
In high latitude glaciers and ice caps where the ice is welded on to the
bedrock, the slow movements take place along a zone of shearing in the
lowest 00 m, and in formerly ice-covered areas of deep narrow valleys
some experts find it conceivable that ice sheared across the subjacent ice
filling these valleys. Near the termini of glaciers shear planes similar to
thrust faults are often observable, but this process appears to be of only very
local significance. It is important to distinguish ice-carapaces from glaciers as
the area on which the first may occur, as seen in Alaska at the present day.
could easily lead to an overestimation of the thickness of a former glacier. For
instance in central parts of the Trinity Alps. California, there are extensive
glaciated rock surfaces on sloping valley walls far above the level of the
former ice streams. However, here striae, scoured and plucked rock surfaces
and schrund lines show that the valley walls in these areas had a mantle or
carapace of ice possibly no more than 60-90 m thick, that flowed towards the
valley axis.
The velocity of displacement of ice tends to be proportional to the cube or
fourth power of stress. Velocities usually range from a few millimetres to a
few metres per year. The very cold glaciers may move only a metre or two in
a year despite their immense thickness, although the Ferrar glacier near the
Ross Sea moves at 5 cm/day and the Beardmore glacier at 0-8 m/day. On the
west coast of Greenland the velocity of several glaciers entering Disko and
U manak baj's is about I • 5 km/year. In the Alps speeds of ice surface flow are
of the order of 40 m/year, small glaciers in China move 10-30 m/year, in
Patagonia the Grey glacier moves at 450 m/year, and extreme cases in Alaska
move at over 60 m/day. In addition to the factors like ice thickness, slope,
and temperature, mean velocities may change for a variety of circumstances.
Velocities, for instance, are not constant down-valley; the Tasman glacier in
New Zealand flows at a rate of 0-5 m/day 19 km from the snout and at
0-35 m/day 10 km from the snout. Mean velocitiesmay change from one
decade to the next. In Swedish Lapland, the Mikka glacier which now termin-
ates just below 1000 m altitude had a mean velocity of 6-2 cm/day in 1895-
Physical, chemical and biological basis of processes 125
7; in 1899-1901 it was 7-3 cm/day but was half this figure in 1958-9 and
only 2-9 cm/day in 1961-2, In fact, during the last century most glaciers
have been shrinking. Distinct from flow velocities are rates of change in the
position of the ice-front. Studies of varved clays suggest that the ice-cap front
of the last glaciation retreated at 100-150 m/year from Scania, the southern-
most province in Sweden, while in vacating areas beyond Stockholm, rates
Movements of frozen snow and ice, in addition to glacier flow, merit some
eonsideration. Snow-creep is a slow continuous glacier-like movement of a
snowpack. Stress is too small to produce shear failure as in avalanches but
appreciable slip may take place along the interface between the ground sur-
face and base of the snowpack. Investigations at 1 100 m on Mount Seymour
in British Columbia found movements of 60-105 cm within a winter with
maximum rates of movement of 12-5 cm/week. The localities where ava-
lanches occur are usually those where precipitation, increasing with altitude,
leads to great thicknesses of snow cover which shear under their own weight
at altitudes where atmospheric circulation multiplies temperature oscillations
through freezing point. In consequence mountains in temperate oceanic areas
are the domain of avalanches and may occur there within an altitudinal range
of less than 500 m. Wet snow may slide on slopes as low as 15 degrees.
III. 2 by a sheet of infinite width and length flowing down an inclined plane. If
^ ax/s
the flow is assumed to be essentially laminar the shear stress acting on a plane
perpendicular to the z axis is equal to
inclined plane, z/
A .
The maximum shear stress occurs at the base of the flow, where z equals 0,
although offshore in depths greater than 9 m this case occurs above the basal
plane and no shear stress is exerted on the sea-floor. Shear stresses within
actual flows are usually too complex, even in theory, for most geomorpholo-
gists to consider that the study of the greater complications within actual
flows in the natural environment fall within their sphere of competence.
The force of resistance to movement of
land-surface material involves two
quite contrasted aspects. The
breakdown of solid rock by weathering
first, the
processes may take millions of years and is considered in some detail in
Chapter IV.A. The second concerns the initial dislodgement of a weathered
particle or the reworking of unconsolidated deposits. Here much of the
resistance is simply internal friction. As the shear stress exerted by some flow
on its basal plane increases, there comes an instant when a few of the loose
fragments on this plane are entrained. Fig. III.3 illustrates how the force of a
flow turns an individual particle about its leeward points of contact with
subjacent particles. The force of the grain’s weight, or its immersed weight in
a fluid, acts through the centre of gravity of the particle to pull it backwards
and downwards. When the drag force of the flow just exceeds this, movement
takes place. On a scree, steeply piled sand, or similar accumulation, the value
of the angle A is very close to that of the angle of repose.
•On beaches . . . with the motion of the waves, oval pebbles are driven to the same
place as oval and round to round . . Democritus
There are four reasons why the geomorphologist may find some knowledge of
the physical properties of soils and sediments useful. First, sediments may, as
already discussed, develop properties characterizing their depositional en-
vironment, and it is often a simpler, if not the only approach, to measure
sedimentary parameters rather than the depositional processes themselves.
Secondly, thereis a close interdependence between soil formation and land-
ing below old soil lines in Egypt, several ways have been recognized in which
soilsand sediments can either accelerate or retard further weathering of
bedrock. These inter-relationships will be discussed in Chapter IV. D. 9.
Thirdly, fossil soils are a record of phases of erosion and stability over
thousands of years and of environmental conditions during periods of stabi-
lity when soil formation took place. Fourthly, because the spans of time
during which soils change tend to be shorter than times involved in landform
change, notions on rates of the latter might be grasped from studies of soil
adjustments to changing conditions, which could guide thinking on the degree
to which landforms might adjust from one change in environmental con-
ditions to the next.
Soils and sediments become an integral part of landform study, not simply
because they may afford useful aids but mainly because any advantage to be
gained depends on a full awareness of their complexities or of limitations on
interpretations which might expose over-optimistic approaches or superficial
1 . Particle sizes
220) and the coarse from the Derbyshire limestone plateau is attributed to
Andrews. 1963. Geog. Bull. No. 20). an alternative to the popular semi-
logarithmic paper, illustrating the similarity between crushed gneiss and tills from
cross- valley moraines.
Physical, chemical and biological basis of processes 129
distribution (fig. III.4), is most readily apparent. This value may indicate the
average velocity conditions of the depositing agent. Thirdly, there are critical
sizes that appear to have some functional significance. For instance, frost-
shattering appears to be incapable of splitting grains finer than 1 0 microns;
the higher fraction of particles smaller than the 60 microns range in river
sands compared with beach sands appears to be the main distinction between
these two sediments. However, in general it is inadvisable to make direct and
mentary petrology, the Greek letter phi is often used to describe the logarith-
mic transformation in terms of units of equal arithmetic width,
0 = — logj d or cl = (t)
tracted 050 from 075 and 025 from 05o, and used the smaller value, repre-
senting the steeper part of the curve as an index. He. In more recent work
more efficient indices are based on a wider spread of percentiles, R. L. Folk
and W. C. Ward suggesting a modification to Inman’s (1952) statistic
62 microns winnowed from beach sands or gravel lags which, due to the
-2 -1
e I
t -4
(0-330 range) 02 04 06 08
(3 3 G 6 0 ra-'ge) O 02 0 04 0 06 0 08
(6 6 9 9 0 range) O 002 0 004 0 006 0 006
Figure ttl.5 A metric-p/ij unit conversion chart. The rows are metric units,
preceded by the phi range which they correspond;
(in brackets) to the latter are
read off the appropriate column on the ordinates.
a fine tail added by finer material filling up a porous frame of coarse material.
In contrast to beach materials, transport by unidirectional flow tends to
produce positive values of skewness as is often the case with riv'er and dune
deposits. Folk and Ward suggest a phi skewness inde.x
hH - 20.,
Sk ^
\ '/'.s4-</’l6 ''’vj-'T /
2. Particle shape
an index of wear, —
Although criteria distinguishing the effects of distinctive environments on
shaping pebbles are necessarily somewhat tenuous, one or two tendencies
have been observed, or significant distinctions established (fig. III. 7). It seems
B. Triangular graph of pebble shape (Jrom Sneed and Folk. 1958). Shapes of
pebbles falling at various points on the triangle are illustrated by a series of blocks
with axes of the correct ratio. All blocks have the same volume.
C. Various pebble shapes and their Cailleux indices of wear, —x 1000 [after
area [above) with rough surface in cross-section [below) and (ii) chemically etched
V [above), showing a flat raised centre in cross-section [below).
Physical, chemical and biological basis ofprocesses 133
Glaciomarme drift 'o Upper
Tills Raised beaches A Intermediate
A B ^
• Lower
0 7-
0 5- A
o 300 o A
0 3- /a'
0 1 - o
"T 1 1 1 1 1
T — T
\ \
being the Vashon and Sumas tills in the Puget Lowland, Washington.
B. Contrasts in the Cailleux indices of wear and flatness for different levels of
raised beach {from Godard, 1965). The measurements were made in the vicinity of
Helmsdale, Sutherland, where the lower raised beach is about 1-5 m above sea-
level and the upper raised beach averages 40 m.
A. Rose and dip diagrams showing pebble orientation in an East Anglian till
{from R. G. West and J. J. Donner, 1956. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. 112), In
the rose diagram (above) each circle represents half a stone in a given 10-degree
class. Half of each frequency is placed on opposite sides of the diagram. In the dip
diagram (below) the radii indicate long axis direction and the concentric circles the
angle of dip. from 0 at the circumference to 80 on the innermost circle.
trating data from a laboratory delta (front Johansson. 1963). (Left) A point diagram
for the T-axes of a foresei bed. (The crosses indicate pebbles 0-10 cm from the
delta lip. dots those settled farther away.) A segment of co-ordinate counting
network is included and two pairs of circular counters (1/100 and 1/180) are
also illustrated. (Centre) Data plotted on the point diagram frequency contoured
with a 1 per cent circular counter, centred at square grid intersections on a co-
ordinate counting network, (/t/g/t/) Frequency, as points per unit counter area.
more distinctive markings serve to separate glacial, beach, and dune environ-
ments. It has also proved possible to distinguish between high, medium, and
low energy beaches. These microfeatures are identifiable in ancient sediments
(Waugh. 1965), are reproducible experimentally, and in Quaternary studies
in East Anglia have provided interpretations generally in close agreement
with stratigraphical fossil evidence.
4. Disposition of particles
Textural parameters alone may not provide the information required for
certain reconstructions, and the geomorphologist may at times have to ven-
Physical, chemical and biological basis of processes 135
ture even farther into sedimentary petrology and soil studies and consider
bedding structures and soil fabrics with his textural studies. Disposition of
large fragments is increasingly studied since K. Richter ( 1 932) made the first
however, that the orientation may change within a few metres vertically or
over a few dozen metres horizontally, and that a later ice advance may
complicate a pattern by inducing some reorientation in an underlying till
deposited during an earlier glacial phase. The selection of a plane in the till for
orientation analysis poses a further problem. In solifluction deposits the pre-
ferred orientation of the long axes also tends to parallel the direction of
movement. In streams the preferred orientation tends to be on average per-
pendicular to the direction of flow. However, some flood deposits orienta-
tion may be markedly longitudinal. It seems that two forces are involved and
that where gravity is important, orientation tends to be longitudinal, while the
dominant influence of hydraulic tractive forces tends to generate perpen-
dicular orientations. For smaller particle sizes in the sand range, however,
parallel orientation is widely observed, whether the current be backwash,
stream, or air flow. A rose diagram is useful for representing orientation data
(fig. III.8). Classes 10 degrees in width are commonly used and the number of
stones in a given orientation class are counted. Half of these are placed on
the diametrically opposite class on the diagram because, unlike a wind rose,
there is no movement in either direction along the axis of orientation. The
departure of each peak from the centre of the rose diagram indicates half the
total frequency of pebbles lying along a given orientation.
Any process which produces some preferred orientation in a horizontal
plane in sediments must also affect its disposition of inclination in a vertical
sense. Near Wadena Minnesota, an up-glacier inclination of the long axes
of stones was observable in some parts of drumlins. whereas in other parts
where the orientation was still well-marked there was no preferred inclination.
In East Anglian tills, the latter situation prevails with no preferred inclination
in the orientated stones. A systematic upstream inclination is widely recog-
nized in river gravels, whereas on beaches changes occur over short distances,
due to the abrupt and fundamental changes in the characteristics of water
movement. This is an important and widely recognized feature of sedimentary
deposits. S. B. McCann (1962) was able to suggest that two large gravel
deposits at Corran near the entrance to Loch Etive in west Scotland were
unlikely to be marine gravels, but fluvioglacial fans because the pebbles
dipped systematically in the opposite direction to the bedding sets and had
apparently escaped the reworking which marine action would have caused. In
screes, debris, if sufficiently elongate, tends to pack with an inclination less
136 Introduction to Geomorphology
than that of the angle of repose, but instances where the converse holds may
indicate important contrasts in the mode of scree material movement. In the
arrangement of rock fragments in superficial soil layers on slopes it might be
assumed that preferred orientation or inclination would not be well-marked,
but few measurements have been made.
Diagrams show both the inclination and the orientation of a pebble
sample may be based on a series of concentric circles. Radiating lines, as in a
rose diagram, represent the orientation, with the concentric circles represent-
ing the angle of dip, horizontal at the outermost circle and diminishing to 90
degrees at the centre point (fig. III.8). A dot on this diagram represents each
stone. Polar co-ordinate paper makes a similar but more sophisticated display
of pebble fabric data possible. Here the radius of the concentric circles varies
so that each sector bounded by these and the radiating lines has equal area.
5. Soil fabrics
and arrangement of soil peds and voids, and as this approach, initiated
by R. W. Brewer (1964) begins to specify more accurately the processes
involved, it may become of increasing relevance to landform studies.
6. Soil hydrology
varies with different degrees of compaction and will vary with the moisture
content itself if colloidal particles are present. Also, there appears to be a
distinction of size orders of pores between inter-aggregate porosity, as occurs
Physical, chemical and biological basis of processes 137
negative surfaces of colloids. Capillary water can exist in pores as fine as 0-03
Permeability in turn tends to be closely related to porosity, but rates
change during the course of one shower, as fines are washed into open pores,
and rates at the surface are in part influenced by the nature of the sub-soil
which might be quite different. In cool temperate conditions there is often an
abrupt reduction in permeability on descending into the illuvial horizon.
Fissuring due to desiccation or to root pressure or burrowing by animals
accelerates permeability. In many free-draining situations water may move
down through a metre of sandy soil in about 3 minutes. If there is an
admixture of silt and clay in a sandy soil permeability rates may be up to a
dozen hours, while soil water may take longer than 4 months to move through
heavy clays. Permeability rates for intermediate textures fall between the two
extremes. In the loess of Voronezh Province, U.S.S.R., permeability is 0- 15-
l-30m/day. Similar field measurements in the forest steppe of the Trans-
Volga region indicated rates of water penetration into a ploughed silty clay of
O' 1-0-9 m/day. Here thawing of the sub-soil caused lateral flow of soil water
in spring at a rate of 7 1 m/day and other measurements suggest that 3 m/hr is
Clays can absorb huge quantities of water partly because the total surface
area of tiny clay-sized particles is vast and water content is the main con-
sideration in many dynamic physical properties of soils. This is partly because
clays increase in volume as they absorb water. Montmorillonite can take up to
ten to fifteen times its initial dry weight and increase in volume by more than
a third. This swelling introduces abruptly increased pressures and
clay minerals appear to be an inherent factor in landslips.
Engineers studying
soil mechanics make frequent reference to the Atterberg limits, which de-
scribe water contents at which soils tend to change their state.
A soil is said to
138 Inti eduction to Geomoi phology
be in a plastic state when the water content is sufficient to permit changes in
volume changes in the semi solid state At moisture contents less than the
shrinkage limit no further reductions in volume accompany diminishing
water content This limit is usually between 10 and 12 per cent for a wide
range of soils When the difference between the plastic limit and the liquid
limit, the Plasticity index, is small, soils are highly susceptible to erosion by
rainwash and running water For clayey soils in a semi solid or solid state the
shear strength of the materia! is the most important mechanical property
influencing its susceptibilit> to erosion In unconsolidated material the shear
strength is directly dependent on the soils’ compaction achieved mainly by
wetting and drying processes acting on the clay portion to produce cohesion
and on a range of particle sizes to increase internal friction Some examples of
values of compression shear strength include 7800 kg/m’ for postglacial
clays susceptible to earthflow near Ottawa. 1700 kg/m’ for laminated silty
clays at Rutherglen, Glasgow, with extremes for such materials ranging be
tween 1000-4000 kg/m- Values for weaker consolidated rocks are much
higher At Mam Tor m Derbyshire, the site of one of the larger landslips in
Britain, the compression shear strength of shales, with ilhte and kaohnite the
mam clay minerals, was 48-67 kg/cm- and in the Ashop valley to the north
svhere postglacial landslipping is again spectacular, values are 67-89 kg/cm^
Another soils mechanics concept, defined by K Terzaghi (1965), is that of
sensitivity which is the ratio of the shear strength of a soil in an undisturbed
condition to that of the same material remoulded at the same water content
Sensitive clays have values between 4 and 8 and in the extreme case of quick
clays, values are over 16 The regain of strength during remoulding is termed
thixotrop) and is favoured by the very small particle size and high water
absorbing capacity of montmorillonite clays
So far attempts to apply methods of soil mechanics in landform study have
not been noticeably successful However, it would be a mistake to assume that
the physical analyses by civil engineers for technical purposes and measured
by empirical tests, are involved in the production of particular landforms
Most of the measurements are synthetic, refer to a situation where a soil is
burdened with an artificial load, and are not realized in nature Even liquid
limit values determined by laboratory tests may define volumes of water
greater than the porosity available in the field Therefore, while landform
study may make increasing reference to the mechanical properties of soils and
weak rocks, these will be made in full awareness that in the natural situation
the crucial factors for variations in the properties of a given material are
water content and gradient and the other factors like permeability which
influence it. as water content and gravity are the fundamental influences on
most of the dynamic mechanical properties in soils in natural settings
Physical, chemical and biological basis of processes 139
8. Frozen soils
One group of dynamic mechanisms in soils which have been part of geomor-
phological investigations for at least as long as they have required the engin-
eer’s attention is that concerning frozen soils. Soil materials have a specific
heat ranging between 0-3 and 0-8, thus gaining or losing heat on average
twice as quickly as the same volume of water. For this reason temperature
effects in a soil depend on the amount of soil water rather than on differences
in the soil material itself. Depths below 0-75 m in soil profiles on Reading
Beds are often structureless, impermeable, and unaffected by former frost-
heaving activity.The absence of water-filled fissures, unlike the chalk areas, is
possible the main factor limiting this depth. In most soils, for temperature
above freezing, a wave of temperature change advances 2-3 cm/hr, whereas
the rate of frost penetration is approximately 5 cm/day. This rate may be
nearer to 7 cm/day in more porous, drier sandy material or slowed down to
3 cm/day in damper constricted pores of a humus loam.
Segregations of ice form where there are large supplies of water. In samples
taken from frozen ground in the Mackenzie delta area, the average ice content
may easily reach 500-1000 per cent in relation to the dry soil material.
Water may be held in a frozen layer that would normally have drained.
Freezing of the soil may have a desiccating effect on adjacent unfrozen layers
due to the emptying of the capillary-sized pore spaces (fig. III. 9). Osmotic
phenomena are important in the freezing process, ice attracting water because
of its higher electrical potential. In Victoria Land, Antarctica, rates of growth
of wedges range from 0-3 mm to more than 5 mm per year and average
2 mm. Segregations grow particularly rapidly in silts. This is probably
because water moves appreciable distances in a short time through the pores
of silt-sized materials, which, particularly in the 20-50-micron range, provide
the most efficient passageways for capillary movement. Capillarity, the
phenomena of forced ascension of water in fine tubes, operates equally along
lateral moisture gradients in soils. Sands are too coarse for capillary-sized
channels to be extensively developed and in clays the pores are too small for
rapid movement, whereas water might move 2-2-5 m/month by capillarity in
silts. Sands and coarse materials do not freeze as a block because ice occupies
only part of the pore space and without capillary circulation, no ice segrega-
tions develop. Where they do develop the sandwiching of the seasonally
thawed layer, or mollisol, between closing layers or lenses of frozen ground,
leads to the development of pressure structures such as involutions and
injections. Their development requires a minimum seasonal frost penetra-
tion of perhaps a metre, which appears to be related to nearness of mean
annual temperature to 0°C rather than to the intensity of winter cold. A
by 1,
b discontinuous,
of continuous,
C. A.
Physical, chemical and biological basis ofprocesses 141
E. Geochemical Considerations
When rocks, being formed at higher pressures and temperatures than exist at
the surface, are initially exposed to the sub-aerial environment, reactions
occur to produce new compounds of greater volume and lower density. This
1. Physicochemical factors
ferrous state is stable in solution (Z/r for Fe"^* = 2- 7) so that oxidation to the
and is called a gel. Pastes are systems in which the concentration of discrete
particles is such that they form the bulk of a plastic mass. Coagulation of
colloids is governed by the presence of free ions. If the number of free ions is
high they coagulate the colloidal particles into ‘clots', crumbs of greater
volume which reduces the contact forces responsible for cohesion of the
colloidal substance which thus loses its eonsistency when flocculated. The
distinctive effects of sodium are seen in the precipitation of river-borne clays
on entering the ocean and in the instability of recently uplifted marine clays.
Colloidal systems in the weathering profile are normally in the gel condition
because of the limited amount of water usually present, although clay min-
erals are usually suspended in a colloidal solution when they first leave a
weathered mineral. On the other hand changes of state which accompany rela-
tively short-lived additions of abundant water are some of the most significant
events in the evolution of many land surfaces. There are also two highly
significant properties of a solid-liquid colloidal system in addition to changes
of state. First, a characteristic of the surface of contact of a colloidal particle
is its interface actions, due to its electro negative charge. As a result colloids
can fix and retain by adsorption gaseous, solid, or liquid particles of very
small size. Secondly, as the average figure for the size of colloidal particles
is less than 1 micron, their numbers are in hundreds of billions per gram, with
a surface area of thousands of hectares in a cubic metre of clayey material on
which interface actions, like the adsorption of water, may take place.
2. Weathering reactions
Base-exchange involves the mutual transfer of cations like Ca”, Mg". NaL
and K” between a thin film of water rich in one cation and a mineral rich in
another. Exchange reactions are reversible, and different ions may replace
one another. The rate of exchange depends on the acidity, organic matter,
temperature, and other properties of the solution as well as on the abundance
of the various cations and their chemical activity. Generally the rate of
exchange is rapid, requiring only a few minutes. Increases in cation-exchange
capacity (CEC) is one of the more dramatic results of clay formation, and
there is a strong direct correlation between changes of concentration of
certain elements and variations in the proportion of the clay fraction.
Many clay minerals are hydrated, involving the addition of the entire water
molecule to the mineral structure. The disruptive effect of minerals expanding
but such reactions are rather easily reversed by heating and there then has
been no fundamental chemical change.
In hydrolysis, by contrast, the hydrogen ion, becomes part of the
atomic structure of a clay mineral. This is the most important weathering
reaction for silicate minerals, even in deserts. The physical effect is an
exchange of H* ion from the water for a cation of the mineral, leading to
expansion and decomposition of the silicate structure. A chemical effect is to
increase the pH The reorganization of the silicate structure
of the water.
makes it possible to accommodate even more absorbed water in the crystal
lattice. The way in which hydrogen ions and water decompose potassium
Here the H^ ions force their way into the potassium felspar structure and
displace potassium ions which then leave the crystal lattice. Water thus not
just dissolves and alters minerals but also acts as a source of H* ions,
although carbonic acid is a much better supplier of H"^ ions for hydrolysis
than pure water would be. Carbonic acid ionises to form hydrogen ions and
bicarbonate ions:
HjO CO, H 3 CO 3
H" + (HCO 3 )
Water + Carbon -» Carbonic— Hydrogen-*- Bicarbonate
dioxide acid ion ion
Carbonation is the reaction between carbonic acid and minerals, water
acquiring its acidity largely from the carbon dioxide generated by humifica-
tion processes in the soil. Fresh rainwater is also slightly acid because it
6, this value indicates that its hydrogen ion concentration is 10'*’ or loofooo of
a gram per litre. In a neutral solution like pure water pH is 7; for an acid
solution the number is less than 7, reflecting the greater hydrogen ion concen-
tration. The pH of an aqueous suspension is particularly significant in con-
so low, 0-01 ppm in pH range 5-8, that significant solution and transport of
iron probably involves reduction to the ferrous state. At pH of less than 4
alumina is readily soluble, which may lead to the preferential removal of
alumina in extremely acid environments, like those of podzolization, whereas
from pH 5 to pH 9 the solubility of silica increases considerably but alumina
is practically insoluble. However, due to the very high binding cation-
exchange energy that clay has for alumina, the mobility of alumina due to
solution in an acid environment may be cancelled out by immobility due to
cation exchange. An increase in pH aids precipitation of carbonate.
The oxidation-reduction potential varies with varying concentrations of
the reacting substances. This is in part dependent on pH as most reactions
involve hydrogen or hydroxyl ions, with oxidation generally proceeding more
readily the more alkaline the solution. In reducing environments, compounds
including hydrogen ions are common and organic matter tends to accumulate.
For instance, air trapped in waterlogged interstices of an anaerobic environ-
ment may develop substantial concentrations of methane, CH^. compared
with the combination of carbon with oxygen to form carbon dioxide under
aerobic conditions.
4. Mineral solubilities
kyanite 7, horn-
100, tourmaline about 80, sillimanite and monazite at 40,
blende 5, staurolite 3, and hypersthene less than 1.
that of
An important geochemical concept in the study of weathering is
AljOj + Fe^Oj
A related expression is the SiOj : FcjOj ratio. Indicative of the general con-
centration of silica and alumina in Cuban weathering crusts, for example, are
values of this ratio at 3—5 and frequently higher. For latosols in the humid
tropics, values of the ratio SiOj : AI 2 O 3 are generally between 1 and 2.
F. Biological Activity
Ever since 1882 when Charles Darwin’s measurements showed that earth-
worms could move 10 tons/acre/year, attention has been drawn, from time to
time, to the tendency for studies of sub-aerial processes to emphasize physical
and chemical factors, perhaps at the expense of biological considerations. But
in many investigations bacteria and other forms of life, an irksome contamin-
ant in controlled laboratory experiments and often a source of variation
irreducible to the confines of an equation, remain excluded. Today awareness
of the risks in neglecting the biological factor are keen, as leading authorities
in a range of disciplines independently come to emphasize its importance. For
instance, it is organisms that keep the oceans so low in dissolved silica;
experts like W. D. Keller regard bacteria as one of the most important and
essential adjuncts to the processes which result in argillation; the lichen
Caloplaca was found at 85 degrees south; it was found impossible to weather
biotite in laboratory conditions until tree seedlings were incorporated into a
recent experiment; in Florida Bay, south of the Everglades, sediment size and
physiochemical parameters were not strongly related, and even the physio-
chemical parameters were not strongly inter-related, but that there was a
close correlation between the distribution of sediment size and turtle-grass
{Tlialassia restudimim Konig).
Biological factors provide an aid to landform studies, and, as an expression
of climatic controls and local environmental factors, are an important inter-
mediary agent in land-forming processes. Plants and, to a lesser extent,
animals are able to contribute substantially to rock weathering because
sun transmits to them the necessary energy, whereas inorganic reactions
148 Introduction to Geomorphology
It is not certain how much mechanical work the e.vpansion of growing tree
roots might perform. P. Birot ( 1 966) states that a living root 1 0 cm broad and
1 m in length is capable of moving a block weighing 40 tons. Where soils are
stony and in the upper horizons of bedrock where root space is reduced, roots
are forced to develop around and between boulders and to penetrate into the
openings in bedrock. In valley-side cliffs in Magnesian Limestone a dozen
miles south-east of Sheffield, the rock-disrupting roots of yew trees (Taxiis
baccata). after seeding some distance back from the cliff may grow to be
15 cm in diameter at depths of 6 m (fig. III. 10). Penetration depths of more
than 6 m have been observed in sandstones elsewhere, and in fractured granite
in theColorado Rocky Mountains, Ponderosa pine roots penetrate to depths
of 10-12 m. Extreme depths of 30 m have been suggested, but in spruce and
pine woods near Moscow. 75 per cent or more of the tree roots lie within
40 cm of the surface. In the taiga spruce forest roots are confined to the upper
30 cm. and in deciduous forest still only to 50 cm. A significant fact may be
that in deserts where vegetation is apparently scant there is an exceptional
preponderance of the biomass in the root fraction, on average SO per cent,
which may not spread in the upper horizon which dries out rapidly. In the
shrub and arctic tundra where conditions are also severe at the ground
surface, up to 90 per cent of the biomass may be below ground. In all zones of
deciduous trees and coniferous forests roots are 15-24 per cent of the
Apart from the prying action of growing roots and the movement of
superficial material when trees are under the stress of high winds, the main
contribution of trees to mechanical weathering is probably due to the tremen-
dous leverage exerted by the trunks of falling trees. H. J. Lutz (1960) studied
wind-thrown trees, 30-60 cm in diameter in New England forests and found
several examples where rock masses more than a cubic metre and weighing
over 0-25 tons were mox'ed vertically or horizontally 0-5-3 -5 m often with
Figure III. 10 Inter-relationship between tree roots and cliff breakdown (from G.
Jackson and J. Sheldon, 1949, Jour. Ecol., Vol. 37), as suggested by a study of
yew trees (Taxus baccaia) on Magnesian Limestone cliffs at Markland Grips,
south-east of Sheffield.
150 Introduction to Geomorphology
Figure I II. 1The role of trees in the sub-surface development of tors {from I.
Gams, 1966. Geografski Vestnik. Vol. 38). A, initial stage. B. disintegration of
more closely bedded and jointed blocks by tree root activity and lowering of the
soil surface, C. Further disintegration and lowering of the soil surface: (i)cool
climate, (ii) warm climate.
Three important facts about the distribution of wind-throws are the ten-
dency for them to occur on exposed sites like ridges and escarpments; their
importance particularly in the tropics, due to tree colonization of bare rocks
where nutrients are most readily available; and that the ultimate fate of most
trees if not broken by wind would seem to be to topple over. It might be most
illuminating to establish the degree to which the contrast between the slopes
which typify tropical coasts and the sea-cliffs and jagged stacks of extra-
tropical latitudes reflects the descent of dense forest to sea-level in the tropics
compared with the treeless coastal strip on spray-bathed extra-tropical sea-
cliffs. In fact the degree to which the landform in any forested environment
differs from that of a treeless domain might be worth considering in terms of
root action and wind-throw.
The amount of energy expended and the mechanical reworking achieved by
soil fauna in the soil is substantial. Their action in moving material from the
upper layer of soils on to the surface is probably the most important method
of truncating soil horizons, especially in the tropics. In eight experimental
plots atRothamsted total consumption of soil by earthworms ranged from 10
to 90 m. tons/ha/year, involving up to 8-7 per cent of the total weight of the
top 10 cm of soil. Thus all the material in this depth would pass through the
termite mounds may be 2-4 m high with a volume of 2-4 m-* (fig. III.12.B).
Sizes in the cerrados of Brazil are similar, with a spacing measured north-east
of Andarai, averaging 15 m. Near Elizabethville the mounds cover 7-8 per
cent of the ground surface. One estimate of the net work by termites is a
complete reworking of the top metre of the soil every 1000 years.
Ant mounds may be 1-15 cm in height and from 7 cm to 4 0 m in dia-
meter. The number of mounds per hectare ranges from 62 000 for small sizes
in humid temperate forests to 25-50 for large ones in steppe areas. Com-
monly they occupy 1-4 per cent of the total area and the ants may move the
top 6 cm to the surface once every 100—300 years. In Silwood Park in
Berkshire, mounds are up to 40 cm in diameter and 15 cm high and may
occupy up to 10-11 per cent of the ground with a density of 5300/ha in
parts. In the Wisconsin prairies ant mounds are 30 cm high, 60-90 cm in
diameter and number 1 00-125/ha. Therefore* each point on the surface could
have been occupied by a mound at least once in 600 years. The combined
activities of earthworms, rodents, and ants could turn over the upper 60 cm of
grassland once a century.
Mole hills studied near Moscow were about 0 cm high and about 30 cm
B. Termite mound in Nigeria {from P. H. Nye, 1955, Jour. Soil Sci., Vol. 6).
which therefore reduces surface runoff. The activity of moles can reduce the
bulk density of a surface soil from 0-8 to 0-5 g/cm^ and increase porosity by
about 10 per cent. Measurements made on an experimental farm near
Moscow revealed a dense network of passageways 5-7 cm in diameter, aver-
aging 255 cm/m^ in the top 10 cm of soil. This represented 15-3 per cent of
the area and 7-2 per cent of the volume. The effect on soil-water conditions is
evident from fig. III.12.C. The sum of the volume of earthworm burrows in a
sandy soil in eastern England was the equivalent of a 4-4-cm pipe beneath
each square metre. On the shore, burrowing activities may lead to a 1 0 per
cent increase in porosity, a figure closely comparable with the results of
moles’ activity in the soil.
maximum runoff. Where the surface is bare, peak flows may be up to twenty
times the volume of peak flows from comparable forested areas. Associated
increases in erosion rates are usually substantial if not catastrophic. A typical
example was the seven-fold increase of soil slippage on grass-covered areas in
the San Gabriel Mountains, California, in areas formerly covered with a
natural chaparral vegetation.
As elTective in reducing the erosive potential of precipitation as the living
foliage above the ground is the organic matter decaying at and below the
ground surface.
It is important to differentiate between thoroughly decomposed residues,
termed humus, and organic matter in less complete stages of decomposition,
the humus having colloidal properties. Humus in the soil, because of its
7-5 cm soil horizon in three types of tropical forest clearings, Ghana {from
Cunningham, 1963).
3 MM
Perhaps more significant than humus itself is its rate of production. Humi-
fication of organic material, an oxidizing process, is more rapid at higher
are significantly low in litter accumulation despite the prolific leaf fall.
Amounts range between 1000 and 5000 kg/ha but reserves as low as 400
have been measured in south-east China. On average the amounts are half or
even a third those in deciduous forests of the temperate zone and the chances
of erosion of the forest floor correspondingly increased. In savanna areas the
accumulation of organic matter is smaller, amounting to 50-1 50 kg/ha in
many areas. This is less than in steppe areas where organic material is
conspicuous in soils because rainfall is too low to remove it from the soil
out silty particles from runoff waters, assist in keeping pore spaces and
passageways open in the underlying soil, thus favouring high infiltration rates.
In cool temperate environments distinctive conditions prevail as the accu-
mulation of organic matter begins to exceed decomposition rates. This is the
result of the low temperatures being ineffective not merely in oxidizing
organic material rapidly enough to balance supply but in evaporating suffi-
slopes in Britain, but it does seem possible that the importance of the inter-
trees also affect temperature conditions in the soil. By decreasing air current
v'elocities they impede heat radiation from the soil to the cold air. Their cover
checks ground cooling by nocturnal radiation particularlywhen it retains a
snow cover. J. Tricart (1967) quotes measurements in Germany where frost
reached a depth of 47 cm in a field, 45 cm beneath Norwegian Pine, 38 cm
under beech, and 34 cm under Scots Pine. In Paris basin depths of frost
penetration recorded were 27 cm in well-drained sand, 18 cm in poorly
drained sand, 13-1 cm beneath grass mat, and cm under forest.
1 1
city, bottom material, and stream depth. Although the broader geomorpholo-
gical implications of its role have not been investigated, examples of a few
criticalmeasurements are suggestive. In European U.S.S.R. stream channels
are only overgrown at elevations up to 300-400 m above sea-level.
longitudinal gradients are 0- 1-0-2 per cent, but occasionally are as
steep as 1
per cent. Velocities which prevent vegetative growth are 0-56
m/sec in canals
in India and 0-6 1-0- 76 m/sec in canals
in Spain. However, in sandy chan-
nels. the abrasive action added to the velocity of flow makes critical velocities
158 Introduction to Geoinorphology
remain less than 0- 65-0- 95 m/sec. Yet again, in this context of the effect of
sand in streams, one catches a glimpse of a more subtle aspect of the self-
Figure III. 13 The damming effect of the summer growth of vegetation on water-
flow through the outlet of Lake Laitaure, northern Sweden {from Axelsson, 1967).
The observations, made on 26/8/1957, show that the velocity was proportional to
the logarithm of the approximate height above the O-S-m-high vegetation and not
to that of the height above the channel bottom.
platforms, their presence reduces the force of the waves. In estuaries, plants
like Salicornia and Spartina reduce water movement to the extent that
tion may take place at a rate of lOcm/year. Sand trapped by eel grass
{Zostera sp) forms irregular mounds, as on the Wash flats, and carpets of
algae like Enteromorpha sp can trap sand also.
On hillslopes completely covered with tough grass the braking effect may
be sufficient to keep sheetflow below erosive velocities, and even-contoured
slopes remain undissected. The streams of such an area in the Ngong Hills,
Kenya, are sediment free, and on forested slopes a solid bed of dead leaves is a
substantial obstacle to rillwash.
In sub-aerial situations, as is well-known, vegetation decreases substan-
tially the velocities of winds close to the ground surface. The planting of an
open stand of dune grass may increase the zone of virtually calm air close to
the sand surface more than thirty-fold. On a larger scale it seems that many
seif dunes originate where vegetation forms sand-traps rising above the gen-
eral surface of a sand sea, as illustrated more clearly on a smaller scale by the
nebka (fig. III. 14).
3. Biochemical weathering
weathering pits on the upper surfaces of rocks like granite. Otherwise most
humic acids produced by anaerobic fermentation are too weak to form stable
!!" to
complexes and despite their acid reaction supply little solutions.
below 1
0 per cent moisture content may depress the carbon dioxide peak, but
under favourable conditions bacteria and other micro-organisms involved in
the oxidation of organic matter may generate 1 3 times their own weight of
carbon dioxide in 24 hours. Microflora are able to do this work because they
have the necessary energy, transmitted to them by the sun. In habitats with
the same temperature and moisture conditions, carbon dioxide is highest
under oak and birch, intermediate under larch and lowest under spruce and
pine, although both carbon dioxide and vegetation type are probably both
variables dependent on soil fertility. Carbon dioxide output is essentially the
product of microbial activity, root respiration itself accounting for perhaps
only about 20 per cent of the total soil air. However, microbial activity is
probably closely linked with root activity and its exudations on which the
organisms flourish. Seasonal changes of the amount of calcium carbonate in
solution in seepage water in Poole’s Cavern, Buxton (fig. III. 15.
B), and at
several points in other nearby caves, show a well-defined early autumn peak
believed to reflect the carbon dioxide conditions in the soil, allowing
for a
time-lag of some weeks or a few months for water flow-through
time. In fig.
162 Introduction to Geomorphology
III. 15. B an unusual feature, attributed to the degree and abruptness of the
thaw following the exceptionally severe 1962 winter, is high values of dis-
solved calcium carbonate that might reflect the ‘spring burst’ of organic
activity that follows such a thaw. Although the significance of carbon dioxide,
when dissolved in water to form carbonic acid, is seen particularly clearly in
the solution of limestone, carbon dioxide has a profound and general signifi-
weathering that are associated with organic activity. Fig. III. 16. A shows how
Pebbles While Cyanophyta 1 Polydofa Fucus Large borers
zone I
and and
\ Cyanophyta Lithothamnium
Approximate 2 -7m
width of zone
Secondary Biological
and Potydora)
wet, weathered rock outlining pseudo-pillows where outcrop no longer stays wet,
humus and the organic mass on the forest floor is two to five times that of
litter fall. By contrast, in tropical rainforest the very rapidity of biological
more than a third or a half that of deciduous forests of the temperate zone and
contains only between 80 and 300 kg/ha of minerals. This is a very small
reserve in comparison with the annual re-uptake of about 2000 kg/ha, of
which about 800 kg/ha may be silicon, with calcium and potassium about
200 kg/ha each. There would therefore appear to be little chance of minerals
released from humified organic matter entering drainage waters. In fact some
tropical plants accumulate significant percentages of certain minerals, par-
ticularly silica, the cycling of which distinguishes tropical forests from those
of other zones. Five per cent of certain savanna grasses is silica by ash weight.
As long ago as 1 896 A. Grob found clots of amorphous silica in the internal
1000 kg/ha and a return of 800. These and similar figures show two things.
First, that for a given reserve of nutrients, the biological cycle is closed with
most minerals, on release fall, being immediately reutilized by growing plants.
There is therefore in a natural situation, with roots tapping solutions at depths
of several metres and the restricted or non-existent surface runoff in the litter
layer, little chance of erosional loss of mineral elements released from litter
fall. In the high oak forests of Voronezh province, U.S.S.R., measurements
have shown that of the elements which experience some irreversible loss, this
proportion of the total of these elements retained with litter fall is less that I
per cent. Secondly, even if all such elements were removed due to human
interference, they would constitute for a few years only a scarcely noticeable
addition to the total denudational losses. It seems therefore that the role of
plants in cycling nutrients is essentially to retard denudational losses
and that
the basis of Lovering’s calculations is an overestimate of
the degree to which
166 Introduction to Geoinorphology
the litter fall is swept off the forest floor, and an underestimate of the degree to
which the biological cycle is closed.
A final consideration is the possibility that organic acids, far from being a
significant agent in weathering as is perhaps too readily assumed, might act in
a protective role. From laboratory experiments which showed that amor-
phous silica solubility in several humic acid solutions was much less than that
shown in distilled water, R. Siever (1962) concluded that the colloidal
organic compounds were absorbed on the free silica gel surfaces and thus
prevented the solution of that surface.
U.S.S.R., and their average height declines from 4-2 m in semi-flooded areas
Figure 111.17 The process of flood-training and the use of its results in dating
A. Supple saplings less than 10 years old are bent over and buried with only
shoots, now vertical, rising above the sand.
B. Age map of part of the Little Missouri valley floor compiled from age data
obtained by coring cottonwoods.
Figure HI. 18 Botanical evidence of amounts of land surface change. (A) Ac-
cumulation, as recorded by nodes on a buried marram grass stem {from J. S.
Olson. 1958. Jour. Geol„ Vot. 66). Wide spacing of internodes occurs in years
following rapid deposition of sand in winter. Sudden decreases in annual grass
elongation indicate stabilization. (B) Degradation, as shown by progressive root
exposure {from V. C. La Marche. 1968. U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper 352-1).
spicuous layer of organic matter in the soil profile resulting from overrun
G. Human Activity
‘A change amounting to but little less than a revolution in the long established
processes by which the features of the earth’s surface are modified and developed,
accompanied the advancement of man from a state of barbarism to one of civilisa-
tion.’ I. C. Russell. 1904.
About 2 million years ago the ancestors of man emerged, with Early man
{Homo erectus) standing up straight about half a million years ago. Human
Physical, chemical and biological basis of processes 169
society and the deliberate organized work of Modern man began no more
than 10 000-15 000 years ago, and has since disturbed biological and ero-
sional balances over two-thirds of the land surface of the earth. The first
Economics man has during the past century pressed a vigorous claim to being
one of the main converters of energy into erosional work.
One source of profound change has been man’s development of water
resources and drainage networks. Even on the smallest scales, like drainage
ditches, the increase in surface drainage density may be substantial; in
southern Scotland natural drainage densities of about 2 km/km^ have in-
reduced permeability. Table III.3 shows how the hydrological regime in the
Chernozem regions has changed in the past millennium. The simultaneous
effect of increased amounts and intensities of surface runoff acting on soils
with reduced cohesion is to increase erosion rates. In the Midwest of the
United States, sediment yields became as much as seventy-five times greater
than those under non-cultivated conditions. In India, deforestation in the
Godavari drainage basin has exposed vast areas which have subsequently
been eroded on a massive scale. In humid tropical areas the deeply weathered
mantles were vulnerable to even the smallest changes. The lavakas of
Madagascar are steep gullies 1 50-250 m
100-120 m broad, and 30- long,
40 m deep cut in the plateau edge, probably over the last 500-1000 years. In
Hong Kong gullies 150-200 m long and 2-30 m deep are due to progressive
deforestation over the last 2000 years or more, and in many more upland
areas of tropical forests, like Cuba, severe erosion followed deforestation.
Table I1L3 Transformation of the water balance due to human interference over the
past millennium in The Central Chernozem regions. U S S.R {from H I L'Vonch.
Soviet Soil Science. 1966)
Elements of the vater balance (in mm) are P precipitation. R = full ruer flow.
S = ground surface runoff. U = underground flow to ruers. E evapotranspiration
and \V soil water
p R s u E w U/R^o
ways. In the savanna areas of Africa, the widespread firing of vegetation may
have removed half the biomass in a single sweep, prevented the addition of
humus to the soil and made the surface less permeable by baking irreversible
changes into the clay colloids. More recently engineers have been surprised
by the delicacy of balances in areas of frozen ground. Within a few weeks of
the bulldozing of 30-60 ems of gravel and sand off an arctic beach, a
hummocky and pitted surface developed because the underlying ice lenses
came within reach of the zone of seasonal thaw. The removal of natural
vegetation in such areas, scant though it may be, produces the same effect by
Physical, chemical and biological basis of processes 171
the case of gullying in the humid tropics, the immense power of Technological
man is not a prerequisite in creating the relatively small disturbance required
to trigger off accelerated erosion in the more delicately balanced environ-
Human activities in modifying land form have in many ways assisted in an
understanding of their development, particularly by the uncovering of fossil
evidence and by the exposure of artificial sections revealing the contacts
between biosphere, soil, landform, and subjacent rock. In fact it might be
suggested that one of the handicaps in the study of tropical weathering
processes is the paucity of artificial exposures in an area where natural
exposures are almost non-existent.
Inter-relationships between
processes and landforms
A. Rock Breakdown
There are three aspects of rock breakdown. First, denudation is a general
term describing the breakdown of rock and the removal of part or all of the
weathering and erosionir^daucls~rfom~tHe site of their detachment. As
denudation ma y involve merely the transfer of weathering 'and erosional
products from one part of the land surface to another, the term net denudation
orlietlremoval describes the amount of material lost from the land surface to
the sea. Secondly, in its most restricted sense, rock breakdown may, due
either to chemical weathering or to mechanical pressures building up in situ,
becomes increasingly the case in hotter climates where the ratio widens
between water entering the soil from above and water leaving the weathering
zone as runoff. Materials may be added to a weathering zone from an ex-
ternal, allogenic source, although detecting this may be possible only by
detailed mineralogical analysis.
1. Erosion
features believed to be the product of its action. In both instances there are
several known circumstances which could theoretically contribute to erosion
but whether they play a major, minor or negligible role in rock breakdown is
as yet unknown.
Bedrock erosion in stream channels requires the operation of much larger
forces than those which cause soil erosion on slopes or the reworking of
channel alluvium. Abrasion of channel bedrock by the impact of bedload
moving at flood velocities is believed to have some erosional significance in
streams in middle and higher latitudes. Despite the probable significance of
reduced abrasion in pebble-deficient tropica! areas, the absence of ice could
also be significant. Even by its weight alone ice could aid lateral pressure-
release jointing on the lips of waterfalls in cool temperate and arctic environ-
ments. Abrasion by the saltating load of sand is also possible and the smooth-
ness of some bedrock surfaces in channels may be due to wet sand-blasting. In
humid tropical rivers where the process may have increased significance in
relation to other bedrock channel processes, J. Tricart has observed that some
bedrock surfaces are in consequence smoothed and like roches moutonnees in
appearance. A distinctive product of abrasion associated particularly with the
cutting through of rock barriers are potholes where initial hollows are drilled
deeper by eddies, swirling pebbles, and sand in spiral paths. On steeper slopes
the loosening of blocks by the force of impact of falling material is a distinc-
tive type of abrasion, and in a periglacial environment grooves up to 20 m
long have been ploughed by gliding boulders.
Water erosion may involve two purely hydraulic forces. The first,
that hydraulic lift could detach such blocks. In fact as many observations of
with latitude. However, in the absence of abrasive materials the most power-
ful storm waves are relatively impotent against walls of massive well-
indurated rocks. R. J. Russell (1963) observes that there are instances where
sharp and complex changes in hydraulic pressure, frequent alteration between
wetting and drying, and the activities of water-level organisms have produced
inconsequential changes in the past 4000 years. For instance, granitic cliffed
coasts near Rio de Janeiro are somewhat stained but display few abrasional
features along the strandline.
Where it occurs cliff recession might be largely the result of landslipping
rather than erosion, and depends on some seaward gradient on the erosional
platform for the evacuation of debris from the cliff foot. Therefore, marine
erosion tends to be self-arresting after a wave-cut platform some tens to
hundreds of metres in width has been developed. Abrasional platforms on the
Israel shore are continuous for long stretches and may be 30 m or more wide.
On the north coast of Jamaica, west of Rio Bueno, the reef flat bench is
tion for 100 000 years, postglacial rise in sea-level or local circumstances
Inter-relationships between processes and landforms 111
those of the English Channel in south-east England and Normandy lining sea
with ice deformations due to pressure but rather to a separate scouring sub-
stance, J. Gjessing (1967) suggests that scouring forms might be asso-
ciated with soaked ground moraine or a compound of water, ice particles, and
rock material, flowing in these lee-side positions between the bedrock surface
and the underside of the ice. On a larger scale, testimonies to the efficiency of
erosion by glaciers rests on the scale of forms assumed to be the product of
glacial erosion. Glacial action appears to remove irregularities in valley sides.
For instance, sharp ridges, pyramidal peaks and many ravines characterize
the land surface above 1850 m along the south-west wall of the Shakwak
valley in the St Elias Range. Yukon. The 1850 m level is an upper limit above
the lower valley sides, smoothed apparently by glaciation. As present-day
large-scale landslides in mountainous areas show, many steep slopes have
been weathered to an extent that little internal cohesion remains. These
features suggest that ice might therefore truncate obstacles like valley-side
spurs, thus straightening valleys of the preglacial topography, and also that
ice failed to dislodge parts of slopes where lack of internal cohesion was
approaching critical limits. Conversely there are e.xamples in glaciated areas
features in the Central Lowlands have been discussed and illustrated for
longitudinal profile like a staircase (fig. IL15D). Each step or tread is rela-
tively flat or even overdeepened with a steep riser at its upvalley end and a
riegel, a knob of resistant rock, at its downvalley end which constitutes the
riser for the upvalley end of the adjacent, lower tread. Again, however, this
feature of a staircase longitudinal profile is not uniquely associated with areas
of glaciation. In valleys attributed largely to fluvial erosion analogous series
of levels have in the past often been linked with former, higher sea-levels and
the steeper sections regarded as knickpoints introduced by rejuvenation as
successively lower levels encroach on those above. In Corsica the longi-
tudinal profile of the upper Vecchio river valley in the Monte d’Oro massif is
a series of steps only a few hundred metres long, separated by a series of
subvertical cliffs about 20-40 degrees in inclination. Observations in areas
where there is no transported load to fill up hollows show that rivers, like the
Gdta Alv in Sweden, may erode hollows as deep as 20 m below the level of a
downstream rock barrier.
In fiords, long narrow arms of the sea with parallel, steep-sided walls, often
that the importance of various factors must vary substantially from one fiord
to the next. A. P. Crary (1966) considers the significance of possible inter-
relationships between fiord ice and the ocean. He suggests that once floating
ice is formed downvalley, erosion is limited to an area near the junction with
the grounded ice (fig. IV.2). As the depth of such ice thickens inland, the
erosion of bedrock could therefore lead to overdeepening inland, particularly
if land margins were rising slowly through the order of 1000 m that occurs
during isostatic rebound. In contrast to ice floated out of an inlet he considers
grounded ice as most efficient in clearing away obstacles to gravity flow above
sea-level. The spreading of an ice-sheet on leaving the constriction of valley
walls also involves a thinning of ice and this effect therefore has some
similarities to the thinning produced by the floating olT at coastal margin.
Figiiie IV. Glacier ice floating on to sea-water in Skelton Inlet, Antarctica (after
Crary. 1966).
There is also the view that ice erodes comparatively little. In 1890, A. C.
Lawson considered that there was no evidence to suggest that the surface of
the Canadian Shield had undergone any material reduction in level due to
glaciation. Around Flin Flon. 650 km south-west of Hudson Bay, an acci-
dented pre-Ordovician topography, with a relief of 20 m where it was covered
by the Quaternary ice-sheet, is essentially the same as where it remained
fossilized by an Ordovician cover. Similar features have been recorded in
Lower Cambrian strata in Finland. In the Fall Zone of Connecticut, R. F.
Flint considers that glacial erosion, and preglacial erosion too, appear to have
altered structural alignments very little. A. Godard (1965) suggests that much
of the landscape of north-west Scotland appears to be largely the product of
preglacial weathering. In areas of valley glaciation like Alaska, it is observed
that glaciers can advance and recede without greatly modifying the terrain. In
Iceland, lava flows indicate that a large portion of the landscape is of pre-
Pleistocene or very early Pleistocene age, and in British Columbia show that
the late-Tertiary relief of the Interior Plateau has been little modified by
Pleistocene glaciation. In the Alps, some estimates, including the possible
effect of long periods of interglacial sub-aerial erosion, suggest 300-400 m of
overdeepening, while other investigators suggest that almost no overdeepen-
ing by ice took place. Evidence on a smaller scale of inefficiency in ice erosion
includes the weathering pits that remained unerased by the Farmdale glacia-
tion in the Rock River area of northern Illinois. On a much larger scale are
Inter-relationships between processes and landforms 1 8
there are several examples of loosened materials that have remained un-
affected by the passage of ice. In the lowland area from the Orkneys south to
Central Scotland deeply weathered rock remains beneath boulder clay
deposits. In Swedish Norrland around Junsele, soft peaty lacustrine deposits
are similarly buried, and a thick bed of kaolin at Ivo in Skane survived
vigorous ice movement. In northern Baffin Island a body of ice, admittedly
less than 30 m thick, receded recently to reveal undisturbed patterned ground
features and vegetation.
Cirques are another overdeepened feature, sunk into the higher parts of
areas where valley glaciers formerly existed or persist today. Their distinctive
hollow form, remarkably regular for an erosional feature, appears to show
little modification with differing structures. In the Lake District, cirques
unmodified in form cut across complex structures like the faulted contact
between the Skiddaw slates and the Borrowdale volcanic series. In higher
latitudes cirques become progressively few as the area occupied by major
continental ice-sheets increases. Their development appears to be greatest
near the limit of permanent snows and the importance of oscillations through
freezing point is a significant consideration in many hypotheses. Originally,
following the work of Willard Johnson who in 1904 was lowered down the
gap between a cirque headwall and the ice of a cirque glacier, freeze-thaw at
the base of this gap, or bergschrund, was believed to be significant. Other
hypotheses have depended on the assumed erosional activity of ice. In the last
of a series of hypotheses proposed by W. V. Lewis, rotational slip was
suggested. However, this hypothesis appears to depend on the pre-existence of
a hollow shape and a further objection is that measured ice velocities are not
greatest at the base of a cirque glacier near its outer threshold end as the
phrase ‘rotational slip’ implies. Many areas may be like the Lake District with
cirques located in structurally weak zones where pre-glacial hollows might
have readily developed. Once again distinctive landforms
are not easily
causally linked with areally correlated glacial phenomenon.
182 Introduction to Geomorphology
that tectonic and preglacial erosion may well have been at least as important if
not dominant factors. For instance. H. Holtedahl (1967) considers that the
presence of well-developed, typical fiords along the west coast of Norway is a
natural consequence of the oblique Tertiary uplift of the Norwegian land
mass, leading to increased fluvial erosion which was especially active in
cutting deep preglacial valleys on the seaward slope. It is suggested that a
glacier is, above all, an agent of transport with ice too plastic and too weak to
Inter-relationships between processes and landfornis 183
beginning of the twentieth century went beyond the belief that ice had little
erosive power and claimed that an ice cover protected the underlying
Sognefjord. organic material in the bottom of one of the large potholes close
to the summit of Furuberget was dated as 9350 ± 300 years B.P. suggesting
that active erosion took place in pre-Boreaiand earlier times, presumably in
Figure IV.4 Sections through giant potholes {from Holtedahl. 1967). The
potholes were surveyed by I. Klovning at Furuberget, in the Flam valley, Norway.
Erosion by sub-glacial streams under hydrostatic pressure is suggested.
1 84 Introduction to Geomorphology
2. Frost action
ing of contained water. There are reports that particle size in arctic soils is
largely controlled by the grain size of the parent rock and that in the
Antarctic, soil-forming processes are barely discernible. Generally, in arctic
and sub-arctic areas, diurnal freeze-thaw can cause only differential movement
within a surface layer of a few centimetres and may not make a signi-
ficant contribution to the amount of weathered material. However, frost break-
down of mineral particles may be significant on glacial outwash plains where
saturated conditions, seasonal changes in freezing conditions and fluvial
reworking of the sands appears to reduce mineral particles to sizes pre-
dominantly in the 1 0-1 00-micron range, indicated by C. Troll (1944) as the
size-range typical of frost-rived particles, and subsequently observed in high
A 0 05- 2 0 1 30 1 93 0 64 0 44
Horizon 2 0 -10 0 0 61 I 58 0 44 0 32
B 0 5-20 3 49 2 84 0 32 0 35
Horizon 2 0 -10 0 1 68 0 66 1 40 0 60
Crushed 10-20 0 16 — — —
Quartz 2 0 -10 0 0 13 0 18 — —
Granite cube 60 0 48 — — —
theoretically induce some expansion and shrinkage of rocks. During the past
usually ascribed to ‘wind erosion’ is not carefully evaluated. Again by far the
larger part of material removed and transported by wind represents the
reworking of previously disintegrated, loose material with little contribution
4. Chemical weathering
of the actual amounts lost show increasingly how widespread and substantial
is the scale of chemical weathering. The measurements made by A. Rapp
(1960) during his nine seasons’ study of mechanical weathering and mass
movement in a mica-schist area of arctic Sweden have, in themselves, aroused
great interest. The fact that he demonstrated also that this contribution to net
denudation was no greater than chemical denudation of 26 m. tons/kmVyear,
even at a latitude of 68-j°N, receives less attention. In the adjacent Skojem
R. Dahl (1967), from the weathered appearance of granite surfaces
between 150 and 250 ppm, yet in the distinctive environment of a shallow,
seasonally dry lake in the McMurdo Sound area, Antarctica, concentrations
Tundra I- 5 5- 63 1- 3 2- 23
Taiga 2-17 14-165 1- 4 4- 21
Mixed forest 5-17 23- 82 1- 4 8- 36
Northern steppe 26-54 85-156 I-ll 15- 81
Southern steppe 4-81 112-303 3-53 71-161
Forest steppe 17-33 65-433 1-12 8- 59
Inter-relationships between processes and landforms 189
of 3630 ppm have been observed. Table IV.3 lists the range of values
observed for calcium and magnesium concentrations from north to south
across the Russian plains. Due to rapid reprecipitation, values from tropical
areas are difficult to interpret. At Koullon in the Congo a range of 90-270
ppm calcium carbonate has been recorded. It would take several years if not
centuries for terrestrial waters to approach equilibrium in silica, even in
humid tropical environments. Amounts of silica dissolved in superficial
groundwater as well as in river water are low. Calculations suggest a
weighted mean concentration of silica in all rivers of the world to be 13 ppm.
Even though removal of silica is an intrinsic part of humid tropical weather-
ing, rivers in the tropics have only a slightly greater load of colloidal silica
weathered epidiorite in British Guiana, the figure for springs is 12-5 ppm and
33 ppm for wells 50 m deep. For the Mahadanz area in India, the amount is
26 ppm. In the 35 years after the 1883 Krakatoa eruption the silica content
of the ash decreased from 67 to 61 per cent. At present rates of removal in
forested areas of the Ivory coast, at 0- 7-2-5 mg/cmVyear all the silica in the
silicates would be removed in 44 000 years. On Oahu Island, Hawaii, silica
removal is 3-6 mg/cm Vyear. 0-
Some controlled experiments on 1-weathering show substantial losses. In
1930 the French workers Demolon and Bastisse broke down 800 kg of
granite into sizes in the 2-4-mm size range. Natural processes achieved the
further break down of sizes between 1 935 and 945 as shown in Table IV.4.
Over the period 1931-45 elements in the drainage water were removed in
substantial amounts (Table IV. 5).
Table IV.4 Percentage change in various sizes of granite fragments after 10 years’
natural weathering (from A. Demolon and E. Bastisse, 1946, C.r. Acad. Sci.. Vol.
General weathering rates are relevant to landform studies but not neces-
sarily easy to interpret. The nearly uniform and complete weathering shown
by the first 4-5 m of the soil on Kaui in the Hawaiis would require about
70 000 The weathering of dacitic ash to a depth of 0-9 m on the El
Salvador would take at least 5000 years. Volcanic rocks erupted in recent
times in Indonesia and the West Indies show that the establishment of a
complete weathered zone could take 1 million years, and in Venezuela data
from springs suggest that the present iron-rich formations could be the result
of weathering processes operating over a span of 20 million years. In a
Table IV.5 Amount of dissolved solids removed from granite fragments after 10
years’ natural weathering {after A. Demolon and E. Bastisse, 1946, C.r. Acad. Sci..
Voi 223).
forested area in the Ivory Coast, the calcium could be removed in 3000
the upper 22 cm and partial in the subjacent 20 cm, whereas Neoglacial loess
is unweathered. Soil profiles on moraines left by the receding Mendenhall
Glacier, near Juneau. Alaska, show that podzol profile formation is slight
after 250 years in this environment and that the establishment of an equili-
brium condition between environment and soil profile would take 500—1000
years. In deposits of the ancient early Quaternary or late Tertiary River
Teays weathering has destroyed all but the most resistant original materials.
Little remains other than quartz sand and siliceous gravel and boulders.
In appearance, changes of colour often indicate the progress of weathering.
Weathering by oxidation is typically indicated by a red or yellow surface
layer on weathered rock. Because of its abundance and easy oxidation, iron
shows the general progress of this type of weathering. Most frequently described
is the deep-weathering of acid crystalline rocks, on which the signs of
weathering are, first, a whitening of the rock apparently due to the development of
fine fractures in the feldspars. When the plagioclase is partly decomposed and as
the attack on orthoclase begins, the rock breaks down to platey fragments of
decomposed granite called grus. As corestones develop, the most prominent
fractures are parallel with their boundaries, and zones of weathering in the grus
are concentric around the corestones (fig. IV.5). Corestones rarely remain
Inter-relationships between processes and landforms 191
coherent at sizes less than 1 m in diameter. Of the visual im-
pressions of rock breakdown the depth of weathering often attracts notice. In
Table IV.6 the Assuring of granite and gneiss in the Kola peninsula, to depths
comparable with many areas of deep-weathering is particularly noteworthy.
crystalline rocks into approximate equivalent of 1-3 cm/ 1000 years surface
lowering. For the Hawaiian basalts, the theoretical lowering would be 13
cm/ 1000 years. In total, the Koolau extinct volcano could have been lowered
by 650 m in a period starting 1-3—5 million years ago. The rates of de-
nudation of the Hydrographers volcano, north-east Papua, increase inland
from 8 cm/1000 years near the coast to 52 cm/ 1 000 years at an elevation of
533 m. Bermuda’s precipitation, now about 1400 mm a year, has been suffi-
cient to lower the land surface by 125 cm since Sangamon time. At 2230 m
filled with clay indicate the solution active at the chalk surface. Differences of
level in localities
where the chalk surface is locally protected by prehistoric
earthworks suggest a lowering of the chalk surface at a rate of 10-12-5
cm/ 1 000 years. For most areas it is possible to calculate a rate of weathering
192 Introduction to Geomorphology
Wiluna-Meekatharra 26- Granite and gneiss Weathering to more than
area, Western Australia 27°S 15 m
Sao Paulo, Brazil 24° S Weathering of open joints
Hong Kong 22°N Granite Weathered to more than
30 m
Hawaii 20° N Basalts In places, partly weathered
to 30 m
Minais Gerais 19°S Average weathering about
100 m
Salisbury, Rhodesia I8°N Granite Decomposition to more than
10 m
Malacca 2j°N Granite Average depth of weathering
4 m
Singapore 2°N Gabbro and grano- Regolith depth 10-20 m
Inter-relationships between processes and landforms 193
5. Weathering forms
A variety of rock surface features have been described and attributed to some
form of weathering. However, a great deal of uncertainty surrounds some of
the explanations linking certain forms with an areally associated weathering
process. The main difficulty is that the association of a weathering form with
a given process does not necessarily imply that the latter can exert the forces
required to produce the given form.
Many features are too small to be classed as landforms but assume an
importance in landform study out of proportion to their size because they
illustrate, at manageable scales of time and size, the interaction between land
surface and weathering process. Widely observed are localities where small-
scale recesses develop by ‘cavernous weathering’. These may give a pitted
appearance to certain vertical rock or boulder surfaces, or form weathering
pits on horizontal surfaces. The dry Victoria valley, Antarctica, provides an
example of the first mode of weathering where the hollows on boulders (fig.
often several times deeper than their diameters, suggesting the importance of
chemical weathering and the importance of ease of removal of weathered
products for deepening to proceed. In addition to the removal of soluble
elements by biochemical and chemical weathering, it seems that hydration
will exert a mechanical effect in disrupting the grains or mineral crystals in
and this may explain their siting on exposed tor summits and account for why
periodic drying out is a characteristic of the hollows.
Some depressions are too large in scale or too broad in relation to their
shallow depth to be termed weathering pits. Some differ by occupying the
floors of ill-drained basins rather than level summits or isolated peaks. In
tropical rainforest deep weathering can introduce reversed gradients in the
underlying rock surface by the more rapid and deeper decomposition of less
resistant material. Again the process is most clearly displayed in limestone
areas, where steep-sided depressions develop into the distinctive cockpit karst
landscape well seen in West Indian islands like Jamaica. In more open lime-
stone depressions, the distinctive feature is the seasonally flooded level floor
bevelled across the limestone structures between steep cliffs in the humid
tropics, moderate slopes in less hot environments and with sides as gentle as 4
degrees in the basins or turloughs in western Ireland. Enclosed depressions
possibly due to biochemical weathering may even occur on quartzite, as
observed in the Blue Ridge, west of Morganton, North Carolina. The depres-
sions range from a few metres to as much as 60 m in diameter with a deepest
point of a metre. The dip is nearly horizontal which is probably an important
and aquatic moss which floats on the surface
factor and a thin layer of algae
of the ponds and covers the bottom materials when the ponds are dry may be
involved in the weathering process.
In South Africa basins known as pans are widespread. Sub-circular, oval
or irregular in shape, they range in diameter from a few tens of metres to
several kilometres, and in depth from a metre to as much as 60 m. Although
Inter-relationships between processes and landforms 195
ance resemble the small-scale weathering pits. The case of nivation hollows
(fig. I.4.D) is somewhat different. In form they may not involve a reverse
gradient. The floors of those near Resolute Bay, North West Territories, have
a downhill slope of 3-|— 7 degrees and range in width from 10 to 60 m and in
length from 1 0 to 65 m. In occurrence they are associated with snowdrifts,
but the way in which the melt water from the snow acts in weathering a
nivation hollow is obscure. In addition to the problem of shallow depth of
freeze-thaw penetration there is the complication that snow cover if anything
blankets the underlying ground from sub-zero temperatures and from oscilla-
tions through freezing point. Abundant water supply and unfrozen soils might
conceivably favour localized acceleration in rates of chemical decomposition.
On moderately to steeply inclined bare rock surfaces, particularly in trop-
ical latitudes and on some limestone surfaces in most humid areas, channels
or flutings develop, following the slope of the rock surface. They often occur
on the steep slopes of sugar-loaf-shaped domes. One of the earlier descrip-
tions of their development on igneous rocks was that of H. S. Palmer (1927)
in discussion of the flutings on joint faces of basalts in Oahu, Hawaii. In
southern Malaya they are usually found on surfaces steeper than 60 degrees,
very few on inclinations less than this and never when below 23 degrees. A
shallow groove may be only 1 cm in depth, the deeper ones about 0-5 m but
most are less than 30 cm deep. On acid crystalline rocks in Liberia, the
channels may be 1 m in depth. On the surfaces of inselbergs in South
Australia, precipitous and even slightly overhanging faces are scored by
narrow grooves 20-30 cm deep and occasionally as deep as 60 cm. These do
not reach the foot of the wall but either fade out gradually or end abruptly in a
small hollow set into the rockface. This last feature suggests that these
channels cannot be regarded simply as originating as drainage channels, even
if subsequently this is
the role they perform.
Just as weathering pits on vertical surfaces have counterparts in exposed
horizontal areas, so also do flutings develop on horizontal as well as on
steeply inclined surfaces. These are usually associated withjoint widening and
Figure IV.6 Weathering forms in limestone.
A. Steepening and undercutting at the base of a cliff in a tropical environment
{J. N. Jennings and M. M. Sweeting. 1963. Bonner Geog. Abh., Voi. 32). a cliff-
C. A polje, the largest limestone enclosed depression form in middle and low
Inter-relationships between processes and landforms 191
the rectilinear pattern of channels reflects the appearance of the joint direc-
tions. In addition to the enlargement of joints on limestone pavements, the
same process operates on joints in gneisses and schists and other jointed
rocks containing silicates of calcium. However, in situations where joint
expansion could be due largely to lateral expansion due to pressure release or
to slight failure in an incompetent underlying substratum, the amount of
channel widening along joints to be attributed to solution must be evaluated
with caution.
some processes combine to promote deepening of hollows in certain
Just as
situations, others combine to produce upstanding residual eminences. Tors
are residuals of bedrock isolated on all sides by cliffs a few metres high.
Those in Tasmania consist of a number of blocks, each one 2-4 m high but
with most tors totalling less than 6 m in height. Such isolated rock pedestals
and pinnacles are found in all massive coherent rocks like limestones, sand-
stones, granites, and basalts. They tend to occur in sites high up in relation to
their immediate surroundings. They may represent the remnants of the nuclei
of more massive portions of rock formerly surrounded by less resistant
material which was more thoroughly weathered and more readily removed.
There is a possibility that in massive rocks some little-understood combina-
tion of self-enhancing processes leads to the progressive reduction of weather-
ing on tor summits in comparison with surrounding areas, whereas at a
different scale other processes combine to produce depressions by focusing
weathering on a few specific points. On some flat summits the absence of any
appreciable downslope gradient may be a factor contributing to their preser-
vation because an important consideration is the removal of the weathered
material assumed to have previously surrounded the residuals of sounder
rock. Tors are usually attributed to a phase of differential weathering fol-
base-level could produce this change. For arctic environments the differential
weathering was attributed to frost action by Hogbom (1912), Eakin (1916),
and J. Palmer (1956). In tropical areas workers have developed on the early
ideas of J.D. Falconer (1911) with the initial phase being one of chemical
action prior to mass movement in a removal phase. With chemical denudation
known to equal that of physical denudation in some arctic localities, the mild
temperatures of interglacials, higher temperatures in Tertiary times, and the
shallowness of freeze-thaw penetration in solid rock, the initial phase of rock
breakdown probably involved some chemical weathering even in arctic en-
vironments. The corners of loosened and residual blocks, however, remained
essentially angular. In mountainous areas, particularly near cliff edges in
jointed sedimentary strata, open joints are sometimes observed and may reach
depths of about 30 m and be as wide as 1-5 m at the top. Any freeze-thaw
activity at such depths would have an amplitude of only a degree or two and
free drainage in open joints would limit the amount of moisture present. This
weathering is now considered in some areas. In the arid Central Otago area in
New Zealand, there is widespread cavernous weathering near the base of
schist tors with admixtures of decomposed rock and salts within the hollows.
B. Transportation
Some land surfaces inclined across bevelled structural features are now
referred to as transportational surfaces rather than as surfaces of erosion or
as erosional slopes. This usage reflects an increasing awareness of the intimate
link between transportation processes and many landforms. In studying the
transportation of debris, therefore, the geomorphologist gains not just an
insight into the mechanisms involved in the removal of weathered material
and in influencing depositional characteristics but also, in many instances,
into influences which directly or indirectly are an integral part of the
The transportation of particles in a fluid involves three forces. These are the
velocity of the fluid motion, the force of gravity acting downwards and the
fluid resistance acting in a direction opposite to that of the motion of the
particle. With other factors equal, the force of gravity is proportional to the
cube of the grain diameter and therefore, while the settling velocity due to
gravity becomes increasingly high for particles of larger size, it is reduced to
negligible proportions in comparison with fluid forces for very small par-
ticles. Although it seems obvious that particles of diminishing size from
gravel or sand-size scales are progressively easier to move, F. Hjulstrom in
( ( )
Verticat exagger-aiion X 2
Mass wasting
Woxing s/ope
Downwarpmg w»lh ci-acKing
of crosl
and ti&suring
statistical sense the diminution of particle sizes coarser than fine silts away
from the bed follows a logarithmic law of decrease in both air and in streams.
In breakers, as far as sampling difficulties permit, it seems that there is a
gradation upwards from coarse sizes and larger volumes near the bottom. It is
not easy to observe other effects. Fines cannot settle out within the length of
laboratory flumes or tunnels and the observation of the movement of coarse
material in natural situations is difficult and hazardous. There is also the
1 I \ I [ ! i n
60 60 40 20 00 -20 -40 phi units
Figiiie IV. 10 Approximate relations between flow velocity, grain size and state of
sedittientmovement (afiei Siindboig, 1967) The sediment is uniform with a
density of 2 65 gm/cm^; the velocities, critical for erosion or for cessation of
bedload movement, refer to a level 1 mabove the flume bottom; the relative
concentration of suspended load is the ratio between the concentrations at half the
water depth and at a level close to the bottom
this axis perpendicular to the current. Currents may raise discoidal pebbles
on edge and roll them along like wheels, although when packed into a beach
deposit discoidal fragments may shuffle along as a downbeach member of a
pack is displaced. Usually bedload material travelling at about half the velo-
city of the floodwater moves in a series of discrete steps, involving distances
of the order of 100-grain diameters for particles of average sphericity. In
traction, spherical and rod-shaped particles tend to move faster than the
discoidal. However, due to its relatively slow settling velocity, discoidal
shingle is transported farther and piles up at the base of cliffs near the summit
of beaches whereas spheroidal ones remain seaward, as confirmed by
numerous field observations. The ease with which currents roll a pebble may
depend on whether the relative sizes of adjacent particles support the pebble
or leave it exposed to fluid-dynamic forces. With a wide range in particle size
the larger particles may roll readily over a surface made up of finer particles.
Once a coarse particle stops rollingon a bed of fines, up-current scour starts
immediately and the particle settles in the scour pocket. The deeper the depth
of burial of larger particles the more immovable they become, whereas the
largest particles will remain in movable positions for longer periods of time.
Therefore there are certain situations where the transport of the larger par-
ticles remaining as bedload, perhaps surprisingly, is favoured. For example,
B. Pebble tilting on its upstream side to adjust to the groove made by undercutting
{from S. Sengupta, 1966, Jour. Sed. Petrol.. Vol. 36).
large diameters projecting upward from the bedload into higher seaward
velocities. While surfaces of fines may removal of exposed large
facilitate the
particles, dominantly pebbly surfaces tend to discourage sand accumulations
because of the increased trajectories of rebounding grains. With wind trans-
port. grains too large to be lifted may be impelled forward
by smaller
saltating grains which may move stationary particles
up to six times their
diameter or two hundred times their weight by high-velocity impact. In
the impact momentum of a descending grain is sufficient to raise a surface
grain only by a very small fraction of a diameter. The degree to which the
threshold drag velocity is exceeded has not been studied,
but for the Blue
Creek, California, at least, the value appears to be equalled
or exceeded per 5
cent of the time for the coarse bed material in
this mountain stream. A further
206 Introduction to Geomorphology
point about bedload is the maximum size that might be moved by the
occasional extreme flood. Wolman and Eiler record a 3-m-deep flood travelling
at a mean velocity of 2 7 m/sec, with a peak possibly of 4 5-5 5 m/sec, moving
• • •
a boulder 2-7 x 1-5 x 1-2 m. A mean current velocity of 7-21 m/sec bed-
load velocity has been known to move a 3-m-diameter boulder. From calcula-
tions for the Truckee River near the Caiifornia-Nevada border. Pleistocene
flood velocities, apparently sufficient to move boulders up to 12 x 6 x 3 m in
size, might have been 9 m/sec on a 0-007 grade. Bedload carried by excep-
tional melt-water floods released from the amount of the Nisqually glacier in
on beaches. However, the depth of this layer may only equal a few grain
diameters outside the high energy zones. On the Santa Monica beach,
California, a measurement of the traction carpet depth is 2-5 mm, compared
with 0-5 mm on La Jolla beach. Also in contrast to the saltating motion of
unidirectional currents, the oscillatory motion of waves tends alternately to
factor is not the average velocity of flow but the bottom shear velocity. In
consequence, the height of the column of water above the bedload is critical
transport particles of a given grain size than in shallow water. For this reason
water flow in a beach swash zone is more competent. That the usefulness of
fig. IV. 10 is notional should be stressed also because it applies to uniform-
sized material only. Where a mixture of particle sizes or discoidal shape are
Inevitably contrasts are far more pronounced on shores where there is a high,
momentary velocity under the crests of waves which are about to break, and
under breakers in association with the development of vortices, which can lift
particles far above the bottom. Another related factor which again applies
indirectly to a beach environment, is the concept of the abruptness of flood.
Experiments in Russia with surges released down laboratory streams revealed
intense dragging and suspending of sediment associated with the passage of a
surge. It seems that in an accelerating current, velocity at the bottom
approaches velocity at the surface. In a natural situation in small Scottish
movement. Coarser sizes are too large to be dislodged and smaller sizes seal
the surface so that a water film on the surface dissipates the energy of
raindrop impact. Sheetflow or sheetwash involve shifting rills a couple of
centimetres to half a metre in depth, dying out with distance from the hill-
areas in Hong Kong. In dry environments the coarser material that fills
desiccation cracks favours the development of sub-surface seepage lines. In
cool environments the transportation of fine material in blockfields may take
place below the ground. On beaches fine materials may move through a
framework of coarser material.
The critical general factor in the movement of particles by wind is a
limitation on the amount of effective precipitation rather than wind velocities
although the limits of 17-5 km/hr needed to suspend dry sand and the
inability of wind to turn particles larger than 5-7 cm are clearly defined.
Otherwise, in middle and low latitudes vegetation may provide insufficient
cover on sands in continental interiors with precipitation as high as 650
mm/year. Areas of active longitudinal dunes in south-west United States and
in central Australia are limited approximately by the 250-mm isohyet. In
arctic deserts the necessary surface dryness for sand to be movable may be
realized only when precipitation is less than 75 mm/year.
Apart from the mechanisms of transport, the amounts moved are another
vitally significant aspect of landform studies. In streams there are the concen-
tration of the suspended load, the percentage contribution of the bedload and
the net amounts removed to consider. Sediment concentration or turbidity is
and near the water surface at bankfuil stage is about 950 mg/I. Nearby the
highest concentrations are of the order of 3 10 mg/1, in the Kanajokk and 275
mg/l. in the Tarraadno rivers. The Rhine, upstream from Lake Constance,
with an average flow of 224 m^/sec has an average sediment concentration of
approximately 825 mg/l. In the relatively flat European U.S.S.R., the turbidity
of the Polomet river, with a catchment area of 63 1 km^ at approximately 250
mg/l is higher than most rivers. Here values 7000 mg/l in high may rise to
water due essentially to bank erosion and channel reworking. Of the larger
streams, the mean turbidity of the Ob, at approximately 500 mg/l, is some-
what low. In the Negev where discharges range from 2 to 1000 mVsec
turbidities observed range from 60 to 680 mg/l.
per cent, from plains 8 per cent. Individual examples may fall within or
outside this framework, usually for reasonably clear reasons. In the lower
Mississippi and the Amazon bedload is only 5 per cent. An estimate for the
Congo is 6 per cent. For the Rhone near Villeneuve. the proportion is 12 per
cent, for the Linth near Walensee, 22 per cent. In a drainage basin including
the most ice-covered high mountain area in Sweden, the proportion is 14 per
cent. Fifty-three kilometres downstream in Rapaalven, bedload amounts to
about 16 per cent of the suspended-load discharge. One feature of coarse bed-
load is the relative slowness of travel. J. Tricart observed that during the 1957
flood on the Guil, unprecedented in postglacial times, 10-cm pebbles rarely
travelled more than 1-2 km. Within a rocky gorge in Herault province subject
to violent floods he estimates an average progression of 0-2 km/year. In wind
transport about 25 per cent of the load moves by surface creep, perhaps re-
flecting the fact that if sizes equivalent to the washload of streams were initially
present they could soon be swept a few kilometres above the ground.
G. K. Gilbert defined ‘capacity’ as the maximum load that a stream can
carry. However, a natural stream cannot be saturated with sediment as it
might be with a salt. Again it is the wide range of particle sizes that may be
carried which introduces a complication as does the range of transport
mechanisms. Thus a stream unable to move a boulder a few kilograms in
weight may be competent to shift thousands of tons of finer silt, which in the
case of semi-arid floods, may exceed one-quarter of the total weight of the
moving suspension. Another problem is that concentrations, if exceeding 5
per cent, begin to exert profound changes on the hydraulic laws that apply for
pure liquids. In fact the increased density of the fluid mass means that the
mudflow reduced by perhaps more than 60 per cent compared with its
erosiveness of the same amount of runoff might be one or two dozen times
that of humid subtropics, in the arid sub-tropics the theoretical lowering in
Central Asian mountain drainage basins range from 1 to 6 mm/year in the
given m brackets The next to the lowest value in each group is on average 2 7 times the
lowest for load and 2 8 times the lowest lor turbidity The highest value m each group
IS on average 1 7 times the next to the highest for load and 2 7 times lor turbidity
10-100 L Melito Italy Olivclia 41 23
(9) M Mam W Germany Marktbreit 27 74
downwash, with the exception of rip currents which transport a lot of sand
beyond the breaker zone by their stream-like flows. Similarly there is not
usually much movement seaward of the breaker zone. Off the East Anglian
coast tracer movement suggests a drift of perhaps 6-4 km/year with a peak
km/hr where a sand stream moves from the north end of the Norfolk
rate of 3
sand banks 160 km north as far as Flamborough Head and spreads across
100 km. At the southern corner of the North Sea, sediment from the English
Channel enters at a rate of 600 mVyear. In contrast the current through the
Bering Strait is perhaps unusual in being the main source of sediment in the
area. Such slow offshore currents are of direct geomorphological significance
where the sea-floor material drifts shoreward, as from depths of 10 m or less
itcan be moved on to the beach. Sand moving on to Mediterranean beaches in
France comes from depths down to 9 m. Where foreshore bars develop,
deposition on the landward face may favour an onshore movement. On the
Georgia coast, the rate of this movement is generally about 10-30 cm/day.
In coastal areas, dune sands more than 100 m above sea-level illustrate
westward of the Sahara. In the vast expanses of Turkmenia, wind accounts for
60 per cent of sediment transport, compared with 20 per cent by water and
20 per cent for the combined action of wind and water. In the periglacial
environment wind, as a transportational agent, is often more significant than
rillwash, particularly along the margins of arctic outwash plains. Loess
deposits in Alaska following the last (Kluane) glaciation are 35-100 cm
If it has so far proved impracticable to measure actual amounts of bedload
transport by streams, it follows that similar measurements for a glacier would
be even more difficult, G. Ostrem (1965) measured the amount of englacial
material along a 40-m stretch of the Isfalls glacier snout, but the delivery of
1-3 m. tons/year appears negligible compared with 100 000 m. tons in the
compared with water, its relative resistance to compression. The huge size of
some ice-moved boulders testifies to the efficiency of ice as a transportational
process. One of the largest erratics in Scotland, on the Arran coast near
Corrie Burn, is 3 m^ at its base. 3-7 m
high and weighs approximately 400
tons. Ice may up reversed gradients even in some
also transport material
terminal zones. Erratics were carried obliquely up the southern slopes of the
Kilsyth hills to 210 m above their outcrop within a distance of 3 km. As far
south as the Illinois Ozarks, the Illinoian glacier, after radiating from the
Labrador dispersion area, surmounted obstacles 90 m high. Another testi-
mony to the efficiency of ice transport is the considerable distance over which
some large erratic blocks have been carried. The mechanisms in continental
ice-caps are even more obscure than valley and piedmont glaciers. However,
from the results of recent investigations in Antarctica, it appears that some
basal transport occurs, but that the rates could be unimportant. The ice
the transportation achieved between the ice and the sub-glacial stream. The
volume of material in outwash plains compared with the size of moraines
suggests the dominance of fluvioglacial transport in some areas. They owe
part of their efficiency to flow under hydrostatic pressure. Subglacial streams
entering the Slims river fountain 2-4 m
into the air with maximum reported
In coastal areas drift ice can transport pebbles of considerable size. An ice-
supposing that rock glaciers owe their mobility to interstitial ice. The present-
day activity of some rock glaciers is evident where they override trees or
Apart from ice-covers, ice-drag, and
interstitial ice, underlying ice, where it
from hanging cliffs are important in clearing away smaller sizes of rock
3. Mass movement
There is a range of mechanisms involved in transporting material down slope
gradients in which the amounts of water involved become progressively less.
At one extreme is the mudflow, its liquidity and its channel floor position
making it transitional between muddy stream flow and fluid mass movements.
The water content involved in soilflow tends to be less than the theoretical
liquid limit with debris yielding to continuous plastic deformation above a
shear plane. Soil creep may operate in unconsolidated materials on slopes less
than approximately 35 degrees. Materials again tend to be drier than the
theoretical liquid limit but, unlike soilflow. the irregular motion of loosened
individual particles or aggregates, characteristic of soil creep, does not
involve a basal shear plane. Landslips describe mass movements of solid
material over a sliding plane with perhaps some changes in structures but
without continuous deformation. Finally falls, at the opposite end of the scale
to the mudflow, involve the free fall of dislodged solids alone. The distinc-
adding to their weight with their capacity to absorb the large quantities of
water and expanding in the process, the abrupt contact between weathered
soiland subjacent rock providing an ideal sliding plane, all make the humid
tropics the environment in which mass movements are most characteristic.
Mudflows are fluid masses moving in surges down stream channels. They
may develop from steep scantily vegetated slopes made up of unconsolidated
material containing enough clay to make the mass slippery if wetted by
abundant water received in a short period of time. The pressure of water in
pore spaces also reduces intergranular friction. The weight of water is a
critical factor also, because flow starts when the weight component parallel to
the slope exceeds the internal cohesion of the mud and the friction at its base.
At some point a between a heavily loaded stream and a mudflow
becomes The water content may be 20-60 per cent by weight or by
volume, and densities may be as high as 2-0-2-4. The high density of mud
exerts forces on stream bedload substantially different from those of running
water and quantities of channel alluvium are incorporated into the fluid mass
as it passes. An example of a larger area of mudflows covers an area of more
than 40 km^ in Chile, at 27° S on the southern slope of the Carro Cadillal.
Mudflows also occur near the south Crimean coast. In 1949 when 178 mm of
precipitation fell in 12 hours, a mud- and rockflow involving at least 1-5
million m^ of material moved down the Uchau-Su river valley into the sea
within a day. Some mudflows are so viscous that they come to a halt in the
stream channel.
On slopes, soilflow or earthflow depend
on the water content of the
mineral material and more on gravity as the major factor, and are common on
declivities between 5 and 30 degrees. In the tropics, much steeper slopes are
environments arises because the moisture changes in the top 10-15 cm of the
clayey tropical soils produce the effects of alternating expansion and contrac-
tion which also accompanies freeze-thaw activity. In damper periglacial areas
convert interstitial water in superficial soil layers into segregated ice crystals
overnight. These crystals of needle ice, called pipkrakes, develop below
individual particles or aggregates of soil which are better conductors than the
surrounding soil. On a slope the subsequent melting of the segregated ice
crystals and the vertical drop of the raised soil particles involves a slight
downward displacement. On a bare 55 per cent slope near Wenatchee, where
annual precipitation of 525 mm falls mainly as snow, 25 per cent of particles
labelled with a radioactive tracer moved 0-7-5 cm, 36-41 per cent moved
7-5—15 cm. and 20 per cent 15—30 cm during a winter spell. Frost creep was
the main process involved. In the Tatra Mountains. Poland. T. Gerlach
Inter-relationships between processes and land/arms 219
material lifted in the Black Forest and the Taunus areas were 650-
7200gm/ml The weight of individual particles lifted is also appreciable.
Records show pebbles 0-1-2 kg in weight lifted 1-5-3 cm and that one
depression at the headward end of the tilted block which becomes marshy or
the site of a pond. As in solifluction a crucial factor may be the intake of large
volumes of water, which by displacing air from the pore spaces and building
up pore-water pressure, imparts buoyancy to constituent materials if these are
sufficiently loosened or weathered. In 1952 when there was the largest and
most spectacular of landslides in the upper Columbia river valley, springs in
the area dried up 10 days before the failure occurred. Perhaps initially,
therefore, some minor displacement, by damming back these underground
springs, triggered off the much larger movement. Where a massive cap-rock
overlies less competent strata rotational movements may also occur. How-
ever. some blocks glide along intact, tipped outward away from their source,
particularly where cambering precedes mass movements. These blocks then
load contiguous segments of the slide paths. In some instances the detached
blocks are displaced vertically without tilting,accompanied by lateral
222 Introduction to Geomorphology
ferric oxide. Because of low solubility of the oxide, a greater part precipitates
from solution as agel, but the remainder is protected by organic colloids or in
the form of iron-organic compounds. For the most part these gels join the
suspended material and are evacuated from the drainage basin. Because of
either hj'drolysis. adsorption, or both by alumina ions, the transportation of
sediments may also alYect the chemical composition of the dissolved load.
Some minerals will dissolve, some may cause precipitation of certain dis-
solved ions, and because of their exchange capacity, others may stabilize the
tional weathering was three times its actual significance. There is also the risk
of further exaggeration because there is also the possibility that organic
Table IV.8 Average figures for mechanical and chemical denudation (from N. M.
Strakhov. 196 7. Principles of lithogenesis) based on calculations by G. V. Lopatin.
mentioning. The loss in the main rivers of the northern half of European
U.S.S.R involves 21 million m. tons of calcium and 15 million m. tons of
C. Deposition
observing the process in operation, is that usually more than one factor is
particle reaches the bottom. This settling lag is an important factor in inter-
increase the bottom smoothess. However, over a large size range, from 70
microns to 30 mm at least, the balance of forces acting on a particle does not
change in such a way as to cause a major change in the mechanism of particle
selection during deposition. Once deposited, a particle may remain in a given
position for a time that could range from a few seconds to tens of millions of
Decrease in competence may not be constant throughout a transporting
Inter-relationships between processes and landforms 225
medium. Deposition takes place in areas that are beneath, or to the side of.
a distinctive form, starting with two particles coming to rest so that one lean-
ing on the upstream side of the second is itself in part blocked and in part
shields the downstream particle from the full force of the current. As this
It is possible to recognize three types of depositional landform. A form
resulting essentially from deposition in the ‘past’, where the definition of the
material removed and continued renewals in supply. In this case the amount
of material passing through the system may be of much greater volume than
that temporarily incorporated in the form.
characteristic of many landslide areas. The more liquid the moving mass the
more regular and lobe-like the form assumed by the deposited material. On
slopes in cool environments where higher vegetation is absent, material mov-
ing slowly downslope may assume distinctive small terrace shapes, fronted by
a bank of turf, or of coarse debris (fig. IV. 13). In general, the form assumed
A and B. (A) Earth-flow deposit {from Zaruba and Mench, 1969), one of the
largest in Czechoslovakia, produced in 1960 near Handlova. The movement
involved debris of volcanic rocks and clayey and silty sediments of Sarmation
(Neogene) age which had already been entrained downslope by previous move-
ments. Factors involved were probably changes in clay consistency by periglacial
climatic effects and also possibly the squeezing out of a plastic substratum by the
load of the overlying volcanic sheets. (A) Longitudinal section. (B) Cross-section
near the base of the tongue of debris.
Inter-relationships between processes and landforms 227
Figure 1V.14 Alluvium deposited on a talus slope (from Nichols, 1960). Alluvium
on a slope is often distinguished by the term colluvium if it has been transported
by slope processes.
modal peak. The mode of the surface rubble layer is generally less than
32 mm whereas the coarse modal peak in the deeper layer is greater than 32
mm. The subjacent layers are often bimodal and contain considerably more
fines in the coarse silt to fine sand range (31—250 microns). There is a
coating of sand and on the upper surfaces of stones whereas these lower
surfaces are clean and often rest on coarser material and nests of small stones.
The superimposition of soil layers on hillslopes commonly results in stone
fabric differences between surface and buried layers. The arrangement of rock
fragments in the overlying layer may be chaotic whereas undisturbed bedding
planes of the parent rock may show through the buried layer. In central
Poland, rhythmically bedded slope deposits, due to the rillwash, dominant
during phases when ground ice melted, were formed during the climax of the
last cold stage.
Where free fall of individual particles occurs, screes may accumulate. In
cool and arctic environments, as on Nevy may be a
Island, Antarctica, screes
hundred or more metres high. Average angles for entire screes are usually
between 32 and 36 degrees. Tinkler (1966) found that 40 per cent of mea-
surements made on limestone screes in the Eglwyseg valley near Llangollen,
North Wales, were 35 degrees. Other measurements on some steep-fronted
moraines and on the lee-side face of sand-dunes have averaged 34 degrees.
Angles steeper than 3 8 degrees are not usually maintained for more than a
few metres. An example at the other extreme is the declivity of seree slopes in
the vicinity of the Kalagarh landslip. Uttar Pradesh, where quartzite blocks
accumulate at an average angle of 31 degrees. One factor influencing the
steepness of screes may be the tendency, as observed in experiments by van
Burkalow (1945), for more angular material to bank up at slightly steeper
gradients. Another major influence is the shape in plan of the supporting
valley wall, with screes banked up more steeply where contours are concave
in plan. Many screes, like those on Palaeozoic rocks in parts of Snowdonia,
Although they are of comparatively rare occurrence, there are reasons for
discussing mudflows as the first depositional form in fluvial channels. Mud-
flows have abrupt, well-defined margins, are convex in profile and decrease
regularly in thickness downvalley or down-fan. At the toe there may be a
radial arrangement of surface ridges composed of rounded boulders. Mudflow
material is poorly sorted due to the presence of large boulders and abundant
smaller pebbles embedded in the silt and clay matrix. Occasionally debris
includes organic material, which, because of its light weight, would be carried
away in water flows. Some indistinct stratification in beds 1-5-IOm thick,
sometimes outlined by layers of water-laid material, may be visible in large
exposures. A fluid mudflow shows graded bedding with the larger rock frag-
ments sometimes orientated in vertical as %vell as in other positions. Apart
from the surface form of the mudflow and its valley-floor position there is
back and forth over the accumulating material but is fixed at the apex by the
position of its bedrock valley upstream. Deposition may result in some cases
from a decrease in slope where a stream enters the apex of the fan, but more
generally might be related to a decrease in depth and velocity of flow as a
stream spreads out downvalley from the confines of its headwater valley. In
the initial growth of a fan a powerful self-enhancing factor is reduction of
surface runoff by infiltration into the porous accumulation of debris. There
are two types of water-laid sediments on alluvial fans, for reasons somewhat
similar to those which explain the contrast between river channel and flood-
plain deposits. On fans most of the water-laid sediments consist of sheets of
sand and silt deposited by a network of braided streams which are rarely
more than 30 cm deep. These sands may be well-sorted, with a quartile
deviation of 1-6 phi units being reported from fans in western Fresno county,
and contrast with the interstitial sand and gravel deposited in the more
Inter-relationships between processes and landforms 229
permanent beds of the main stream channels. Efficiency of sorting and some
rudimentary stratification may increase down the fan. Fig. IV.28E and F
illustrates the downslope decrease in size which accompanies an increase in
pebble wear and the decrease in gradient. On some fans there may be a
contrast between mudflow deposits descending from the fan head and water-
sorted material deposited nearer the toe.
Fans are widespread and are most common in arid and semi-arid areas of
the world. About one-fifth of California is covered by alluvial-fan deposits.
Coarse gravel fans on the western front of the Black Mountains in Death
Valley vary from a few hundred metres to 1 or 2 km in radius with inclina-
tions ranging from 3 to 25 degrees. The steepest fan in the Tucson area is
m. Their declivities in the Tucson area vary from 0- 5 to 2 degrees. In the Ajo
region, declivities are about 0-5 degrees. Fans are not confined to semi-arid
areas. Coalescing fans, for instance, form a tilted plain on the west side of the
Mackenzie delta in north-west Canada. Here the average frost-free period is
only 66 days but there are annually twenty -five freeze-thaw cycles of a 34°-
28° F amplitude which might be an important factor in the disintegration of
bedrock. Two fans that have been studied in detail are of similar dimensions
being 2-8 km long and about 4-0 km wide at the base. The inclination of the
first fan starts at 1 degree declining to 0-6 degrees at the toe; the second from
3 degrees to 1 • 1 degree. There are sands and pebbles at the apex, passing
down into material less than 2 mm at the toe where silts predominate.
Faulting is often an important factor leading to sedimentation of a fan surface.
Downstream from the steeper headwater reaches where fans may be
present small but significant features are the traction clogs which may form
spool-bars. These diminish in frequency downstream as the critical concen-
tration of bedload particles for jamming to occur is seldom reached.
Farther downvalleys a distinctive feature of deposition on the level flood-
plains is that, even over spans of thousands of years, building up the flood-
plain may be a progressive process. It is difficult to decide whether long-
continued accretion is a response lagging behind postglacial sea-level rise, or
is due to man-accelerated erosion or whether some other factor is involved.
In part at least continuous alluviation appears to resultfrom deposition
of sediment trapped by vegetation at occasional high flows. Parts of
Nile floodplain build up at a rate of 10 cm/ 100 years. An average
of 45
cm/100 years overbank accumulation seems possible in the Chemung valley.
230 Introduction to Geomorphology
Outwash plain material is generally coarse sand and gravel, contrasting with
floodplain fine silts and clays, except where fine silts, settling in lakes, escape
wind transport. In some former lake basins, as in Osterdal in central Norway,
an infill of lacustine silts and sands may eventually be covered by coarser
outwash material.
Another characteristic of the floodplain environment in areas where flow is
irregular is the scale of accretion that may follow the extreme flood. In 1965
in eastern Colorado, when most of a 200-300 mm downpour fell in an hour
and the subsequent flood was nearly twice volume of the previously tlie
recorded maximum flow, the floodplain sands deposited within hours were
many hundreds of metres in width and up to at least 3-6 m in thickness.
In a sinuous channel, deposition takes place on the inside of the river
curves of material coarser than that of the flanking depositional plain. The
ridges, or point bars, that form, consist mainly of fine-grained, well-sorted
sands with interbedded silts. Their mode of deposition is not well understood,
insufflcient to entertain material of the same size. Gravelly sands, with coarse
fractions ranging from 2 to 1 1 mm in diameter were found in deeper parts of
the bar shown in flg. IV.15.D. where trough cross-stratification is charac-
teristic. Each trough-shaped set consists of an erosional scour, its long axis
parallel to the local stream direction, 0-5-1 m wide and filled with scoop-
shaped layers less than 0-3 m deep. Horizontally laminated sand, although
not abundant, is found in layers 0-3-1 m thick at various locations and at
most commonly found in the natural environment the Al, Fe, and Si com-
pounds are the least soluble and are the first to be precipitated when the water
moves. As temperatures become sufficient to induce evapotranspiration losses
from the floodplain water-table, deposition of these compounds becomes
increasingly marked. The soils of the Vikhra river floodplain, for instance,
contain five to eight times more iron and five times more manganese than do
soils of the adjacent watershed. The deposition of chemical elements in flood-
plains or swampy ground adjacent to streams is an important factor in
landform study as a whole and of crucial significance in humid tropical
environments. However, it is probably only the deposition of carbonates
Horizontal ood
vertical scote
Approx t tS
Q )eel ^
Q metres
Figure IV. 16 The Garcia cave, north-west of Monterey, Mexico, two-thirds filled
by stalagmite {after H. Enjalberi. 1968, Mem. et Doc. Centre Rech. Doc. Cartog.
Geog., Ed. C. N. R. S., Vol. 4).
dioxide from the water or from the dissolved bicarbonate, may create large
volumes of calcareous tufa which forms dams across streams and smooths the
outline of waterfalls. Calcareous material may also be deposited in floodplain
soils. 60-m section of a stream channel below a spring in Virginia, with a
In a
flow rate of 3901/min approximately 2900 kg of calcium carbonate were
deposited annually as tufa. Along the Kaap escarpment, north-west of
Kimberley, there are remarkable accumulations of travertine.
3. Deltas
While some transported material may remain at the base of slopes for long
periods, much of that entering rivers may similarly accumulate at the river
mouths where deltas form. Approximately half the amount of the material
disturbed water checks its velocity. Postglacial rise of sea-level has accen-
tuated this braking effect. However, a small tidal range is not a pre-requisite
for deltaic accumulation, as a broad shallow area can diminish wave action
sufficiently. Thus the Ganges and Irrawaddy deltas continue to advance into
coastal areas where the respective tidal ranges are 4-5 and 5-5 m. In general,
delta shorelines continue to prograde as long as the supply of sediment,
mainly from the river, exceeds removal by wave and current action, particu-
larly in shallow seas. The Volga delta’s spectacular advance is by 170 m/year.
The huge volume of the Mississippi’s load is a major factor contributing to
the 400 m/year mean growth of the south-west part of its delta. The Orinoco
delta progrades by 200 m/year. Less striking are figures of 4 and 4-5 m/year
for the River Meander delta in western Turkey and the Gulf of Thailand
respectively, but which still represent huge rates of change in the context of
Examples of intermediate rates of advance include 10 m/year for
the Don. 20 m/year for the Po. and 27 m/year for the Kilia delta of the
Danube. Extrapolation of rates of accumulation suggest that the bulk of
deltaic series is the product of postglacial times. For instance, the Krikkjokk
delta in Sweden could have accumulated in 7200 years if the rate of growth
for the last 80 years had been constant over this period. Conversely aban-
doned portions of a delta mouth may be cut back. Since the outflow through
theRhone delta has been through the Grand Rhone, the banks of the Petit
Rhone have receded by 2 km since the seventeenth century. In relation to its
mode of accumulation the delta is the last downstream in a series of subaerial
lobate depositional forms produced by the shifting and splitting of streams
supplied from a relatively fixed source. However, the possibility of shifts in
the supply point, restrictions imposed by the position of adjacent uplands,
makes the plan of deltas the least regularized of the fan-shaped depositional
forms. The slope of the shelf offshore is a further diversifying factor and it
1 Subaerial Subaaueous
deltaic plain deltaic plain
Lower Upper i Lower Della
alluvial volley deltoic plQin deltoic plain fringe ProdellQ marine
levee silt, fresh woter ond silt, distnbutory silt, ond silty cloy
loke ond swomp cloy
level level
S — 1
^ 1 1 • 1 matter
Coastal Coastal
deltaic sediments sediments
interdeltaic sediments interdeltaic
Laitaure delta in northern Sweden. One general rule, however, is that the
thickest section of a delta tends to be in the proximal pro-delta region where
silt and clay are dominant. Landward, seaward, and coastward, the deltaic
mass tends to thin. Also the grain size of the bed material tends to decrease
slowly downstream in active deltaic channels. In the lowest sub-aerial parts of
the Godavari delta, India, sizes decrease by about I phi unit/25 km. There are
lateral and vertical gradational changes and sharply delimited scour and fill
deposited from the suspended load, distinctive sets do not develop. There are
also contrasts in the average inclination of the sub-aerial parts of a delta,
those on small coarse-grained deltas being rather steep, up to several metres
per kilometre and overlapping with the order of gradients on bahadas.
On large fine-grained deltas the inclination is much lower, of the order of
5 cm/lOOm. Also the emerging bars of bedload origin are less numerous
in the fine-grained delta, so the degree of braiding is low.
4. Estuaries
On some coasts tides and other factors like river velocity may combine to
prevent large-scale deposition in river mouths where many well-known
estuaries funnel out to the sea. Within estuaries the electrolytic effect of
sodium chloride in sea-water flocculates the clay suspended in fresh water.
The neutralized clay colloids by drawing together into larger aggregates settle
faster than individual particles. Velocities greater than 0-7m/sec tend to
break up aggregates but at velocities less than 0-28 m/sec flocculation is
rapid. It is primarily the rising tide which carries this material, first, up the
channels of the estuarine fiats, then like a river at bankfull stage, spreading out
on to the bordering fiats, which may include parts of deltas and river flood-
plains as well as estuarine salt marshes. Due to the Hjulstrom effect the
receding ebb tide does not normally have velocities sufficient to dislodge the
deposited clay aggregates and rates of accretion may be appreciable. In the
Wash and other shores of the North Sea and Baltic, like the north German
coast, accretion may be up to 3 m/year. Accretion of the substantial clay
fractions in the loads of tropical rivers may also be rapid. Following the
deposition of a sandy marine horizon, homogeneous clay layers some 20 cm
thick have been observed to form within weeks on the east coast of Malaya.
Indeed, tidal inlets are among the most variable and mutable of land surface
features. Of the features created by estuarine deposition, the marsh or swamps
may have a negligible expression in cross-section but introduce profound and
rapid modifications to the shape in plan of the river mouth and adjaeent eoast.
The shores of the Wash embayment on the east coast of England where tidal
range is 6-7 m in spring tides and 3-4 m during neap tides, provide a good
example of a salt marsh environment in mid-latitudes. The gradual decrease in
the velocity of tidal currents as they move over inter-tidal flats causes a
which ebb of water draining back down the salt marsh creeks might contri-
only at high water spring tides when silty clays, clayey silts and small
amounts of sand are laid down in well-defined laminae. Seaward are the
higher mudflats which in turn give way to broad sand flats, a small cliff a few
inches high often demarcating the transition. Lower down the sand flat bur-
rowing organisms like Arenicola marina destroy initial stratification, but the
sand surface is usually a distinctive pattern of straight-crested ripples, of 0-5-
1 cm 0 amplitude and spaced some centimetres apart. In section the ripples
may be rounded, truncated by wave action, or remain sharp. A fourth zone,
the lower mudflats, coincides approximately with the more steeply sloping
part of the intertidal zone, and occupying a flatter zone between this and the
low-water mark is a fifth zone, the lower sand flats. Here material is the
coarsest in the area and megaripples are 25-35 cm high and spaced 0-5-
3 5 • m apart. In tropical areas or in cool or cold latitudes, estuaries are not
well-developed; this is possibly related in part to absence of extreme flood
discharges in tropical areas and unfavourable conditions for vegetation
growth and clay weathering in cooler environments. In the latter context an
unusual feature characteristic of the St Lawrence salt marshes is the abund-
ance of boulders 0-5-2-5 m in diameter deposited from floating ice and
forming ridges or pavements on the mud surface. These areas are also pitted
with numerous irregular hollows 0-5-3 m in diameter and 25-60 cm deep.
These are due to lifting of grass rafts frozen on to the underside of ice blocks.
Although it is difficult to ignore the fact that the shore is a highly dynamic
environment with the continual shifts, readjustments, and replacements of
beach materials scarcely separable from the unceasing motion of the waves,
certain aspects are sufficiently unchanging to be described as for those of
static depositional landforms. One such feature is the highly characteristic
‘step’ which occurs in the surf zone close to the mean low-water line, and for
many workers marks the seaward limit of the beach. Spring-sapping by
groundwater draining out of the beach at low water during times of maxi-
mum tidal range is an important agent in steepening the base of the beach
face. Immediately upbeach from the step there is a small convexity but the
cross-section of much of the remainder of the beach is somewhat concave
upward. Backshore beaches do not occur on coasts where a wave-cut cliff
occurs directly upbeach from the foreshore. Frequently the summer berm
forms a noticeable near-level crest just above the upper limit of the zone of
swash and backwash on the beach face, landward of which there may be sand-
Despite the continual shifting of beach sands some sedimentary properties
remain relatively unchanging. The step is usuallycharacterized by the
High marsh Low marsh with B(i)
Mud flats with
Sand Channel
\ with deep creeks Spartina, Salicornia, mussel bonks
\)f rTryyrvyTiX
Mean level of high tides
Mean level of
Holocene marine
shelf facies mad
Holocene (modern)
Holocene littoral
Pre - Transgressive
(pleistocene) alluvium
Inter-relationships between processes and landforms 239
Figure IV. 19 Profile of a beach and nearshore region {after D. Inman, 1962, in
McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology).
B. Section and plan of an estuary bank, Wadden Sea area {after L. M. J. V. Van
Straaten, 1954, in Guilcher, 1958).
because sand of approximately 0-2 mm is generally too fine to roll along the
bottom and too coarse to be kept steadily in suspension. A median figure of
0-165 mm has been suggested as representative of Californian beaches,
0-27 mm from the Scanian coast in the Baltic and a median of 0- IS-
C' 30 mm at Recife. Offshore from the step there only transport and deposi- is
tion of fine particles removed from shallower areas. Upbeach from the top of
the step the grain size decreases rapidly towards the midpoint of the swash
action. The sorting may also become better, but the grain size again increases
before gradually and steadily decreasing to the top of the zone of swash and
backwash where sizes are often least. The occurrence of coarser particles
within the swash-backwash zone is particularly marked on beaches with
plunging breakers where sediments may in fact be coarsest at the plunge point
seaward of the mean-tide level. Immediately above, coarse material on the top
of the summer berm may constitute a secondary size maximum. From this
less. On the east African coast between Kenya and Tanga, the narrow coral
sand beach at the base of coastal cliffs has moderately steep inclinations
ranging from 1 ; 10 to 1 ; 20.
A second significant form-characteristic of beaches is bars. These include
in a genetic sense, those that may form seaward of the plunge-point of
breakers from the accumulation of coarse material moving landward outside
the plunge-point together with that of sand moving seaward from points
upbeach from the plunge-point. The identification of a sub-aerial ridge as a
former plunge-point bar. however, is very difficult, partly because both the
plunge-point bar and the berm formed at the upper end of the swash zone may
Inter-relationships between processes and landforms 241
be driven inland by rising water to produce ridges, like the Tabascan beach
ridges which attain heights of 1-2 m above the swales. Spacing varies be-
tween 20 and 90 m. Conversely it is possible to mistake sub-aerial dunes that
have been submerged by a progressive sea-level rise for plunge-point bars.
The interpretation of beach bars or related relict features on the shore is
where the tidal range isrelatively low, as on the south-east coast of Australia.
A large tidal range, by generating strong ebb and flow currents, prevents
accumulation in a gap through a barrier. Some elongate barrier islands may
range from a few kilometres to more than 150 km in length, separated from
the mainland by a bay, lagooon, or marsh area; the Pleistocene and Holocene
barrier islands which border the Georgia coast area are 1 1-25 km long and
3-6 km wide and separated from the mainland by 6-10 km of salt marsh. The
predominance of fine-grained horizontally stratified sediments landward of a
barrier may indicate that, provided an origin as a submerged sub-aerial dune
appears unlikely, barrier development was essentially an onshore movement,
whereas lagoonal conditions would develop landward of a barrier extending
longshore only in a comparatively late stage. The main effect of migration on
sediment properties is the modification of stratification. The littoral and
nearshore neritic sediments deposited along the fronts of barrier islands of the
Georgia coast have low depositional slopes, rarely steeper than 6 degrees.
Because of postglacial sea-level rise enormous Pleistocene sand ridges with
smaller, present-day longitudinal dunes in the inter-ridge areas are a feature of
many coasts with gently inclined shelves, particularly in lower latitudes; such
a zone on the Senegal coast is about 92 km wide.
So far this discussion of coastal depositional forms, although stressing the
complications introduced into the interpretations and classifications by sea-
level changes, has not yet included changes alongshore. Deposition on a shore
with rocky headlands often occurs as in many sub-aerial environments, with
a divergence in the flow lines of the transporting agent, reducing its com-
petence. On the shore this occurs as waves enter the relatively concave sectors
of a coastline with most flow lines focused on the headlands by refraction,
the form of bay-head beaches, concave-seaward in plan, is well known. With
prevailing winds blowing obliquely onshore, reduction of energy down the
242 Introduction to Geomorphology
Figure IV.20 Coastal features involved in cuspate spit formation (from Zenkovitch,
1959). A previous position of the spit appears on the left of the diagram, as spits
Courantyne river on the British Guiana — Surinam border. The spit, exposed
to the same north-west drift that dominates the form of the Orinoco delta,
termed a cuspate foreland, which recurves may continue to join on its down-
Inter-relationships between processes and landforms 243
Figure IV. 21 Representative reef structures. Ten Thousand Islands, Florida (from
D. E. Shier, 1969, Bull, geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 80). (i)The reef has rapidly expanded
to cover a shoal area during a period of
little or no sea-level rise, (ii) The reef has
upward and expanded slowly in area during a period of sea-level rise, (iii)
Growth on the periphery of this large reef has kept pace with sea-level rise and
increased the area of the reef. Poor water circulation and the settling of fine
sediment have prevented growth in the central part of the reef.
drift side. The enclosing Lake Bumbe on the east shore of Lake Albert
modal pebbles. 1-1-5 m below the surface the closely packed pebble frame,
with larger particles 7-5-40 mm
in size, is filled with sands. Bedding planes
dip constantly 8-10 degrees in the direction of inclination of the shore face at
the time of deposition. Advance by accretion on the eastern side may be about
0-75 m/year.
In the formation of reefs, chemical and biochemical processes
produce one
of the most distinctive depositionai forms of the marine
environment. They
are found between 25^ N and 25°
S. particularly in the Pacific and Indian
Oceans. Shapes which may
be altered by structural weaknesses range from
circular to very irregular or ribbon-like. A ring-shaped
reef enclosing a
lagoon is termed an atoll. Biohermal reefs consist of
a growing network of
intedinked organisms, mainly corals and coralline
algae, and contrast with
detrital reefs; fragments of older consolidated
reef rock, eroded from the
growing biohermal reef on its windward side, are a common constituent of
many reefs. The largest detrital deposits accumulate along the leeward side.
Substantial vertical thicknesses of reefs,
which may be up to 1500 min deep
oceans, are due to the foundering of
the submerged volcanic cones which
provide the basement from which most deep
ocean reefs grow. Reefs contrast-
244 Introduction to Geomorphology
ing in origin with the atolls of the deep oceans rise from continental shelves in
the tropical zone. The Great Barrier Reef ofT the Queensland coast of
Australia is the most extensive example. It consists of an outer barrier made
up of a line of innumerable ‘ribbon’ reefs separated by shallow passages less
than 1 km wide, with countless ‘platform’ reefs between the outer barrier and
the mainland.
Although sand covers only a small portion of most deserts the areas of wind-
blown sand deposits can be huge. The area of sand in the Sahara is about 7
million km% in the Gobi desert about 2 million km^ The extent of some vast
sand spreads, like the Kalahari in interior South Africa, was considerably
greater in the Quaternary and in other areas formerly active tracts of sand
movement are now largely stabilized like a 20 x 1 15 -km strip in the Las Bela
valley, inland from the West Pakistan coast. Here the maximum depth of sand
is 120 m; in parts of the Libyan sand sea depths exceed 300 m. Eolian
deposition is also a feature in many localities in humid areas where an
un vegetated surface is made up of unconsolidated sands. In sub-aerial parts of
deltas, fluvial deposits are reworked and redeposited by wind and identifiable
than 20 m deep.
The distinctive feature of wind-deposited sands is cross-bedding stratifica-
Victoria valley are 200-600 m long and 10-15 m high. In some areas the
that of the prevailing westerly winds, large parallel ridges have developed up
to 6 km long and 170 m high, with short reaches diverging by as much as 35
degrees from the prevailing trend. R. P. Sharp (1966) considers that these
dunes, now showing little systematic movement, might be relict features
dating back several thousands of years, perhaps even 20 000 years. In other
areas sand ridges and intervening troughs are remarkably straight and nearly
parallel over broad areas. In Egypt they are hundreds of kilometres long;
some Australian examples are longer. The remarkably clearly defined cor-
rugations in southern Arabia are at least 30 km long and are commonly 200-
300 m from crest to crest. Stabilization of areas of relict dunes has occurred
insome sub-humid areas, as in the High Plains or in Rhodesia where ridges
may approach 130 km with many lengths unbroken for 50 km. Spacing is
about 1-6-2 -6 km and occasionally as much as 5 km. Although these dunes
have preserved their pattern in plan they are characteristically very low due
to sheetwash reducing the ridges to heights a mere 2-4 m above the interven-
ing troughs. The sands here are characteristically very well sorted with a
median size of 0-2 mm.
Barchan dunes, due to the smoothness of curvature in their crescentic
shape and the regularity of their asymmetric cross-section tapering to
in plan
two horns downwind (fig. I.4.C), are one of the landforms approaching most
closely a geometrically ideal shape. In some instances the length and width
are approximately the same and the height about one-tenth this size. Measure-
ments of height, width, and length average 3-12, 40-250, and 60-210 m,
respectively, for the larger Salton dunes in Imperial Valley, California, 1-6,
37, and 1 20 m for dunes in southern Peru, and 30, 400, and 400 m for the
maximum sizes in the Egyptian sand sea. Almost invariably slip-faces average
degrees in inclination, with a
maximum of 34-5 degrees Just beneath
the crest.Barchans occur on desert floors downwind from fields of more
amorphous dunes. Dowmwind summits are aligned en echelon with
upwind horns. In southern Peru, where the mean density of
barchans is
1/7-1 ha. their distribution is relatively even. There
is sometimes a tendency
246 Introduction to Geomorphology
Figure IV,22 Some seif dune trends (from McKee and Tibbitts, 1964), The
patterns were traced from air photos of Libya by L. C. Conant.
Figure IV.23 Stratification in sand-dunes.
A. Profile of a barchan dune near Leupp, Arizona, taken through the crest in
direction of dominant wind {after E.D. McKee. 1957. Bull. Am. Ass. Petrol.
Geols., Vol. 41).
the downward migration of the fine products and their deposition as the sub-
glacial matrix of the boulder clay. Preferred pebble orientations are usually
aligned in the direction of ice movement, and the flow of a fluid or semi-fluid
till appears necessary for the production of such patterns. Thus in addition to
the resemblance of the material of sub-aerial mudflow to that of sub-glacial
tills, the condition of two materials at the time of deposition may also have
certain similarities. Most of the development of preferred orientation in clay
compacted artificially under pressures of 0-100 kg/cm’ takes place very early,
at pressures near 1 kg/cm-, the most critical factor possibly being the amount
of water held by the clay. In addition to lack of any precise knowledge on the
mechanisms by which ice lays down its load, there are problems of dif-
ferentiating and interpreting landforms produced by glacial deposition. Dis-
tinctions between forms in the field are often more difficult to grasp than
between idealized-type examples. Generalization about typical dimensions
and shapes is not easy, and the description of some ice-pushed ridges as
end moraines is just one instance where mistaken identifications have arisen.
The main contribution of ground moraine is to the appearance of the land
surface.The smoothing effect is due more to the lodgement or basal till which
was plastered on to the bedrock contours. The coarser ablation till settles on
to the ground surface with little regard for the relief beneath the ice and with
thicknesses of 1-5-3 m is usually an inconsequential aspect of the shapes of
morainic terrain. In some areas an additional factor in the laying down of till
is sub-glacial processes beneath active ice which produce aligned ridges, and
grooves parallel to ice movement may corrugate the till surface. In higher
mountainous areas of Scotland, such features may occur on cirque and valley
floors, ranging in height from 0-3 to 6-0 and in length from 20 to 300 m.
An end moraine may be one of the most clearly defined landforms made up
unsorted and with rare or indistinct stratifications, but may include irregular
lenses of well-washed pebbles laid in melt-water channels cut during previous
retreat stages of the ice. On the gentler outward-inclined slope the former
action of running water, including sheetwash, means that bedding is common,
and fragments are more rounded and better sorted. Sizes may decrease down
the slope. An end moraine is not necessarily elongate and narrow but may be
a complicated mosaic of round and broad hummocks, perhaps 150-300 m in
length, and lacking any systematic pattern. Of various possible origins for
such complex end moraines, deposition by stagnant ice is often favoured. Nor
is a distinct end moraine necessarily continuous but when traced laterally
may become more poorly defined or may even temporarily disappear. For
instance, the Illinoian drift sheet has no continuous end moraine, and the
margin of many drift areas is without definite morainic ridges. If the discon-
tinuity is due to washing of till by melt water during and after deposition,
rather than non-deposition, a trace of large boulders without fine material
may remain. In valleys end moraines are usually higher and broader in cross-
section on or near valley floors, but they often extend a hundred or so metres
up valley slopes. Amplitudes of 400 m have been reported from Greenland.
In general, heights are very variable. Where several are closely spaced, indivi-
dual heights tend to be less, as along sections of the Labrador coast where the
heights are 4-5-9 m. Some end moraines in north-west Scotland are up to
40 m high, some in Iceland are about 20 m high. A distinctive type of
morainic deposition is the cross-valley, washboard, or de
Geer moraines
which occur where deglaciation took place in a subaqueous environment
south-central Sweden. In Baffin Island they are 3-20 m high. In 70
km of the
Isortoq valley. Labrador, there are at least 2000 moraines
spaced on average
Inter-relationships between processes and landforms 25 1
50m apart. In Manitoba examples are 5 m high, about 100-150 m apart and
may be 1-5 km in length. J. T. Andrews (1966) suggests that cross-valley or
washboard moraines may be formed by the squeezing of plastic water-soaked
ground moraine into basal crevasses or to the ice-front at the edge of a
proglacial lake. The weight of the ice itself could exert the necessary pressure,
but some slight ice-flow, possible along basal thrust planes might have con-
tributed in certain places.
The terminus of a stagnant glacier is quite different from that of a receding
glacier because a large loss of volume results from vertical shrinkage rather
the ice-front. The surface becomes covered with englacial debris and a chaotic
surface of stagnating ice with debris knolls and ridges separated by ponds and
streams emerges. During stagnant stages of glacial lobes linear ridges may
develop superficially moraine-like in appearance but composed essentially of
fluvioglacial material. Those on the Plains of North America range up to
10 m in height, may be 7-5-100 m broad and from a few metres to 10 km or
more long. The most prominent features of these ice-disintegration ridges is
that they are essentially straight and lie normal, parallel or at an angle of 45
degrees to the direction of flow and therefore suggest a genetic relationship to
crevasses. The ridges may be related to the filling of a massive crevasse
A. Section through a typical lee-side lense of till from central Sweden {after H.
Mailer. 1 960, Geol Foren. Stockholm Forh., Vol. 82). On the stoss side till is hard
and foliated. On the lee-side a loose till, with many lenses is covered with foliated
till. A layer of very fine sand often occurs between till and bedrock.
B. Cross-section through an ice-marginal ridge (Salpausselka I) in southwest
Finland {after K. Virkkala. 1963, Bull. Comm. geol. Finlande, No. 210), observed
between Ojakkala and Otalampi. It seems probable that parts of the ridge were
deposited in lakes at the edge of the continental ice-sheet while other parts were
deposited sub-aerially, according to local differences in relief.
C. Profile levelled across some small moraines in Little Cataraqui Creek, south-
eastern Ontario {after O. H. Ldken and F. J. Leahy, 1964, Canadian Geogr.,
Vol. 8). Figures indicate median particle size in microns.
E. The conversion of gravel deposits, a and b, laid down against ice, into kame
terraces after ice-melt (from T. F. Jamieson, 1874, Quart. Jour. geol. Soc.,
Vol, 30), The removal of lateral support often induces slumps in the iterraces.
F. Cross-section through an ice-cored end-moraine at Grasubreen, Norway {after
Ostrem, 1964). For each group of figures the three columns represent, from left to
right, depth at which soil sample was recovered, median particle
size in milli-
metres. and moisture content as a percentage of dry soil.
252 Introduction to Geomorphology
moving ice would tend to close them up. However, in some areas the begin-
nings of eskers appear to develop on the surface of the ice. The preservation of
ice melts away ‘ice-contact’ landforms remain. As with the melting of buried
ice, the loss of lateral support in ice-contact landforms leads to collapse and
the associated deformation and contortion of structures. Mounds produced in
and irregular surface. In higher latitudes the coarser debris may similarly
accumulate to form a block terrace.
Inter-relationships between processes and landfonns 253
Figure IV.25 Block terrace. Marguerite Bay area, Antarctica (from Nichols,
more open terrain where ice-flow is spreading out, possibly losing some
competence in developing longitudinal crevasses in the process. Drumlins are
low elongate domes usually strikingly symmetrical in appearance. They are
not usually more than 50 m high or 0-8 km in length. Widths vary and some
drumlins are so narrow as to be virtually linear ridges. There are many
contrasts in the ratios of the three main dimensions from one drumlin field to
another. The symmetrical drumlins in the Wadena field. Minnesota, are only
254 Introduction to Geomorphology
6-15 m high, yet are 1 -5-6 km long and even 1 1 km on occasions, widths are
0-1-0-6 km. More typical are the Glasgow drumlins which are about 30 m
high and 0-6 km long. Those on North Uist, are as small as 45 m long and
8 m high. Forms may change within one drumlin field. Near Long Prairie, in
the Wadena field, the characteristic elongated form gives way to a broader
oval or almost circular form towards the terminus of the former ice-sheet. In
some drumlin fields there is a many drumlins
tendency for two size modes;
near Syracuse. New York 600-900 m long, and
State, are 30-45 m high,
200-300 m wide, with smaller more elongate drumlins commonly occupying
the intervening areas, 3-12 m high. 250-750 m long, and 60-90 m wide.
1 . Time-lags
reaching rivers from the interfluves more rapidly than the water-level in the
river rises. A more likely explanation is that the first sediment entrained
during a rising stage is that loose channel bed material which was deposited
during the preceding falling stage. During summer the lag between sediment
concentration peak and flood peak may be less marked as the interfluves and
Inter-relationships between processes and landforms 255
banks are better protected by vegetation. In glacial outwash some observa-
tions indicate that the peak of silt concentration may be 2-3 hours before the
daily runoff maximum. Similar time-lags between the initial loosening of
material and its subsequent removal may span millennia, where the weather-
ing of bedrock is involved. Much of the load of many mid-latitude streams is
cut mainly from river banks of glaciofluvial material and till, which before its
Table 1V.9 Frequency of mass movements in Norway (from Rapp, I960 and O.
Holtedahl, I960, The geology of Norway).
J F M A M J J A S 0 N D
Frequency of rockfalls near Bergen. 1920-58 13 11 II 38 9 8 II 6 3 13 7 10
Frequency of quick clay slides, southern
Norway. 1900-60 5 1 4 9 9 5 4 3 4 9 6 5
The time taken for changes to be transmitted through the ground is another
significant source of a lag between an antecedent condition and a subsequent
change. Because of slowness of penetration of thermal waves, residual perma-
frost layers can remain for a long time. The characteristics of spring water on
emergence may reflect the influence of soil conditions at some previous time
when the water entered the soil. Fig. IV.26.A shows how water temperature
and amount of dissolved calcium carbonate, the latter reflecting the tempera-
ture-controlled biological production of soil carbon dioxide, in a cave pool
show an early autumn peak and general seasonal lag of about 2 months
behind the controlling temperatures that would exist at the surface.
There is also the possibility of a geographical distribution in the degree to
which some points lag behind the time of change at others, even though the
lagged responses may be a reflection of the same perturbation. In some cases
runoff peaks from tributaries on either side of a valley do not coincide in time
after precipitation. On a broader scale, it is possible that the date of the
transition from Hypsithermal to late postglacial conditions in north-west
North America lagged according to latitude, due to the greater influence in
the north of the south-flowing cold polar air. This
change may have occurred
about 4000 years ago along the western Gulf of Alaska. 3500 years ago in
south-east Alaska. 3000 years ago in southern British Columbia, and 2500
years ago in California. There is also the possibility of different responses to
the same perturbation lagging one behind the other: one of the major difficul-
ties in correlating glaciations with pluvial episodes is the possibility of pluvia-
tion lagging behind glaciation.
tions where certain local features put inevitable and distinctive constraints on
the way in which some response might operate. Secondly, there are co-
variances where two or more phenomena occur together in either space or
time but where the mechanism of their interaction is often obscure. Thirdly,
there is the rearrangement of weathered products which may involve essen-
tially a reworking or recombination of weathered products in situ. Fourthly,
there are dynamic depositional landforms. and lastly, there are situations
where the characteristics of some previously weathered material appear to
influence the way in which subsequent weathering processes operate.
2. Influence of source
C, Deposits downwind from the salt lake system at Hines Hill, Western Australia
{after Belteiiay. 1962). The cross-section {below) is not to scale.
D and E. Petrographic changes downstream from changes in bedrock
Tricon. 1 965). These observations on the Ceze river by
J. Capolini show that the
persistence of granite near the ancient massif at Peyremale,
D. falls off down-
stream at St Ambroix. E, as do the schists and quartz.
A ® Kaolmite
Mississippi f^iver
^DQ/acft/colo diver
C. Greater alluvial fan areas at the outlets from larger drainage basins (from Bull,
1964). observed in western Fresno County. California.
Inter-relationships between processes and landforms 259
west and south slopes of the Ukrainian Carpathians carry little suspended
sediment, despite their turbulent flood regime because few fines are available
for transport. In Western Australia, gypsum dunes, lunettes, and sheet
deposits are almost entirely restricted to semi-arid areas where the extensive
bare desiccation-cracked surfaces of salt lakes are ideally suited to wind
deflation and provide a ready source of gypsum, sand, silt, and clay. Along
the eastern coast of South America, the highest concentrations of kaolinite
occurs at the mouth of the small rivers which drain in the coastal areas where
lateritic weathering is well developed. There is relatively less kaolinite in the
clays at the mouths of the large rivers which drain from mountainous Andean
areas where chemical weathering is less significant in processes of rock
breakdown, and the absence of a pebble strand is typical of this as of other
tropical coasts. From fig. IV.27.B it is apparent that the dominantly mont-
morillonite clay from the Mississippi river will dominate the clay mineralogy
of the eastern Gulf of Mexico, whereas the Mobile and Apalachicola rivers
will introduce only local modifications.
The effectiveness of transportation depends on the degree of prior size
reduction and on the properties of the parent material which affects the
internal friction of debris. Deeply weathered or poorly consolidated material
if falling from a free face might disintegrate on impact and like the ‘rotten’
rockfalls in south-west United States add little coarse material to lower
slopes. The development of screes, and as a result, that of scree-controlled
bedrock features too. is in consequence reduced. Conversely, in cooler envir-
onments forms like rock glaciers develop only where rocks weather to blocks.
In the central Alaska Range, rock glaciers developed in granodiorite are
absent on higher walls of the canyon where schist outcrops. The proportion of
mudflow material in and on may be absent on
alluvial fans varies widely and
one fan yet predominant on an adjacent one. These differences depend on the
control of local lithology
which limits the amount of fine material that might
be available for transport. Initial size is also a factor in the amount
subsequent chemical solution of weathered particles, the rate of attainment of
equilibrium being theoretically strongly dependent on particle size. A
point, so obvious that departures are perhaps more intriguing
than examples
Inter-velationships between processes and landforms 263
only heavy mineral particles of hardnesses less than 6 were rounded. Quartz
and feldspar show a downstream decrease in roundness in larger size grades,
feature brought out by a study of nearly 500 soil samples from varying litho-
logies in the Oxford area is that the sorting of mineral particles was very
similar regardless of whether the underlying rock was homogeneous, like the
Oxford Clay or whether it was heterogeneous, like the contrasted beds in-
cluded in the Inferior Oolite. This result demonstrates how downslope move-
ment of soil is of fundamental and widespread importance in its influence on
the nature of the debris mantle. On a granite slope in Rhodesia, sorting
appeared absent in the summit area Downslope sorting in the
(fig. IV.29).
upper 5 cm was better than in underlying horizons at most sites, but there was
little systematic change downslope until the lowest site. As in stream chan-
nels, debris tends to move more rapidly on steeper gradients and the likeli-
of the cliff-face. If large boulders have a substantial initial fall their range is
greatest, whereas with little critical momentum in falling off a low free face
they may instead remain near the top of a scree. Quarter of the way down a
scree beneath the high rockwall in Insigsuin fiord, mean dimensions of frag-
ments are 49 x 34 x 22 cm. with a smaller set averaging 41 x 28 x 20 cm
slightly lower down At the base blocks are up to 10 m in diameter.
the cone.
By contrast the fragments on some screes in Tasmania do not change signi-
ficantly in size downslope. Once again conditions in intertropical areas appear
dilTerent. with the absence of scree at the base of cliffs being striking. Blocks
may disintegratewithin 200-300 m
beyond their source outcrop, with only a
few small pieces of quartz remaining. With the more rapid breakdown in
material during transport on less steep slopes a diminution of sizes downslope
Figwe IV.30 Downstope changes in solifluction products.
A. Types and distribution of head on slopes above the Axe valley, Devon (Jrom
Dines et al.. 1940).
Inter-relationships between processes and landforms 267
may be marked. This is the case on many alluvial fans and on some slopes. On
slopes in stony deserts of Central Australia, material downslope from boul-
der-strewn areas was less than 5 cm in size when it reached the footslope
pediment. Similarly, around the steep isolated rocky hills which characterize
the savanna landscape in central Sudan, the surface sequence of solid rock,
boulders, sand, and clay corresponds with the topographic sequence of buttress,
hillslope, footslope and plain. In south-west United States, J. Mam-
merickx (1964) observed sizes grading from boulders 3-6 m in diameter
on mountain slopes, which were absent at the foot of the slope, to coarse sand
and granules containing fragments 10-15 cm in diameter. Talus, above pedi-
ment slopes in dissected Triassic sandstone tablelands in New South Wales,
also showed a similar pattern, but across the pediment surfaces the 200-
600 p weathered material was relatively uniform in its textural parameters.
The degree of orientation of coarse material is another physical property that
may change downslope. On the north west flank of Broad Law in southern
Scotland, petrofabric analysis at site I (fig. IV. 30), where the slope declivity is
only 1 degree, showed that the degree of orientation was very low at all three
of the depths examined, with a tendency for stones in the subjacent layer to be
aligned vertically. At site II, on a 16-degree slope, the alignment in the rubble
layer was marked with subjacent layers less strongly orientated. Where the
steepness of the slope decreased to 9 degrees at was still
site 4, the orientation
strong in the rubble layer but fell away more rapidly with depth. A number of
steep axial dips were recorded, a feature uncommon at the surface. Most
through the cobble frame of the large disc zone. The same lateral filtering of
particles according to their shape also takes place in the outer frame with the
spherical particles moving more readily through the cobble frame than the
rod-shaped pebbles.
Changes occur downwind in the size of wind-blown materials. Wind-blown
silts become finer away from source areas at the edge of glaciers, temporary
lake floors or river beds. Similarly, in dunes climbing over an irregular
bedrock surface, fine-grained sand is winnowed out on the windward slope,
making the remaining material relatively coarse, particularly on the lower
slope. In dunes descending on the lee-side, relatively constant finer sizes are
likely to predominate. However, the size of wind-blown sands in some situa-
tions, as in the Peruvian desert, may become coarser downwind possibly due
to additional coarser material being supplied from the desert floor.
There are not many studies of changes in debris sizes and shapes in glacial
1 950. Jour, and Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. 82). Basalt is the bedrock at the
summit of the slope, the underlying sandstone becoming the soil parent material
for the lowest third of the profile.
material. Some end moraines contain sharp-edged boulders and stones, but
the general tendency transport to reduce somewhat initial irregu-
is for glacial
Lower slope
Slope angle (»n degrees)
Mode 4 — o
O1 ii so
I 1 r T" 1
5 10 15 20 25 e
Average break -m-slope c
2 40
Intrusive Igneous u
Extrusive Igneous ^ 20
Metamorphic 0 4 8 12 16
i Sedimentary Slope angle (in degrees)
Longitudinal profile
Length m metres
A. Relationship between the mode of largest-sized debris and the average break-in-
slope around an inselberg in south-western Arizona {after Rahn. 1966).
Figure IV.34 Inter-relationships between morphometric properties of drainage
basins and of other landforms.
and associated variables. These results are often less useful than those de-
scribing the first type of change in which the order of occurrence is fundamen-
tal. Being removed from their spatial context, they are often difficult if not im-
possible to interpret. Fig. IV. 3 3 illustrates three ways in which this problem
has been reduced. In A, four different rock types are distinguished. In B, where
there is no significant relation between organic content and slope angle for an
Upper Chalk slope as a whole, separation of the observations reveals that there
is a clear relationship between slope-angle and organic content in the upper
part of the slope and the numbers indicate the sample sequence downslope.
In C, the increased coarseness of soil on steeper slopes is shown to be less
metry of river basins, rather than from the study of processes and their inter-
bifurcation ratio, expressed as the mean of the ratios of the number of streams
of any given order to the number in the next lower order. However, because
of the statistical effect due simply to the way in which a hierarchy of stream
orders is built up, the bifurcation ratio has little discriminatory power and
inevitably tends towards a constant value for widely contrasted types of
drainage basin. Furthermore, the position of the line on the graph, as opposed
to its slope, is of little value as it fluctuates widely depending on the detail
available on the map or photograph of headstream areas. Fig, IV.34 illus-
F-H. Relations between length, width and depth of re-entrants in the Niagara
escarpment {from Straw, 1 968).
inappropriate as a basis for concluding that process and form are in equi-
librium, because when translated into qualitative terms they merely state in-
tuitively obvious relationships. For instance, the bifurcation ratio describes
how the larger a stream, the greater will be the number of its headstreams and
tributaries where the number of headstreams and tributaries has in fact been
the sole basis for describing the larger streams as ‘large’.
Other geometrical covariances in which the dimensions are not statistically
exposed, the slopes of a series of regression lines may provide useful informa-
tion. provided that the difficulty of interpreting correlations is fully stressed
and that the misleading misuse of the word ‘law’ avoided. Fig. IV. 34 illus-
trates the relationships between the length, breadth, and depth of valleys used
by A. Straw (1968) in his study of the erosion of the Niagara escarpment.
The most valuable geometrical relationships are those between variables
represented by statistically independent sets of data, established in the con-
firmation of careful qualitative observation, or in the testing of shrewdly con-
strued working hypotheses, by measurements. Fig. IV.34 shows the effect of a
River at average
Marsh flood stage Levee
trunk stream than the more efficient branch, and with backwater conditions
developing, to become the site of deposition. This process involves a reverse
eddy forming in the side channel opposite the point of bifurcation (fig.
IV.35.B) which, by reducing the effective area of the section in the main
channel, accelerates its flow. The water surface of the constricted
becomes super elevated at the point of bifurcation and a very high percentage
of the bedload diverted into the side channel. Continual splitting, formation,
difficult to dissociate bank erodability from the tendency for sand and gravel
shoals to develop in the stream bed which encourage braiding, as the presence
of coarser material favours both developments. Stream meanders show very
consistent geometric relationships from laboratory streams a foot wide to
those of the Mississippi nearly one mile wide. The meander length is con-
sistently between seven and ten times the channel width. Also, as shown on
the River Elbe, relative depth of water at a bend increases as an inverse
function of the relative radius of the bend. However, for meanders in unstable
material the relative depth may increase as the relative radius increases.
The point of inflection in a river bend is closely associated with a shallow
portion of the reach or a depositional bar on the bed. Material eroded from
one bank tends to be deposited on a point bar downstream on the same bank.
The bar tends to concentrate scouring of the concave bank downstream from
added to the next point
the axis of the bend, the material thus loosened being
bar. In this meander bends move progressively downvalley. Forward
way the
movement of meanders on the Russian plain is commonly as much as 10-
15 m/year. Between 1880 and 1938 bends on the Oka river above
Dzerzhinsk moved at 3-6 m/year, with a maximum value of 7—8 m/year. This
compares with a movement of 3 m/year on the Chemung, a tributary of the
Susquehanna, between 1938 and 1955. The degree to which bank recession is
actually the product of mechanial scour or hydraulic drag is debatable.
During rising-flood stages the thread of maximum velocity tends to shift away
from the outside of the curve towards the centre of the channel, and during
bankfull stage tends to straighten out. scouring across the point-bar deposits
as its stream flow approximates to the line of the downvalley slope. Clearly,
Inter-relationships between processes and landforms 277
unknown, but those observed in Russian rivers are often about eight times the
channel width and therefore have lengths similar to the meander length. Their
movement appears to be related to the sudden local increase in gradient and
velocity that accompanies the cutting through of a narrow meander neck.
Observations on the River Ob suggest that a meander neck might be broken
through once every 30 years.
It is difficult to establish how the observed hydraulic characteristics of
meandering streams are inter-related with the associated geometrically shaped
forms. Although helical flow is characteristic, due to water piling up on the
outside of the bend and initiating a bottom channel flow towards the inside of
the bend, no single parcel of water crosses much more than two-thirds of the
stream width. Regardless of genesis an important fact is that meanders dissi-
pate more energy than a straight channel of similar dimensions and boundary
roughness. Because of the increased length of channel per unit length of
valley, a meandering stream is associated with a low gradient and a straight
stream with a high gradient. S. A. Schumm (1963) suggests that the mainten-
ance of a straight channel during valley aggradation resulted from the need to
utilize all the stream’s energy in overcoming frictional resistance to flow and
in transport of sediment through the channel.
The functional difference between meandering streams and braided streams
might be overemphasized as the former, with its channels scoured across the
point bar deposits and its periodic cut-off diversions is essentially a braided
pattern for certain short-lived periods. Also, when discharges exceed bankfull
stage, both patterns of flow are submerged beneath a sheet-like flow down the
axis of the valley floor. Nor should the possible significance of downstream
change in sediment type as the controlling variable be overlooked. It is readily
observable that watercourses traversing the intertidal zone tend to be shallow
and braided where sand is abundant and to meander where clay and silt
predominate and it has long been recognized that these two materials, in areas
of glacial deposition, give rise to contrasted landforms.
Another aspect of
fluvial deposition which influences the characteristics of
itsreworking has already been mentioned in comparisons between braided
and meandering streams and relates to channel cross-sections. S. A. Schumm
5 , 0-1 ^
0 110 10 100
Weighted mean percent S>U-cIoy (M)
A. Increase of meander wave length with greater discharge (from Carlstom 1965).
B. Relation of discharge to slope, and a line which separates data from meander-
ing and braided channels {from Leopold, Wolman and Miller. 1964).
C. Relation between a width-depth ratio, F, and weighted mean per cent silt-clay,
found that relatively broad channels are associated with bank and channel
deposits high in silt and clay with little material coarser than 74 microns. It
seems possible that where coarse material is available it could, as in so many
other situations, protect the underlying material, thus favouring bank erosion
and channel widening rather than channel deepening.
The mechanism of scour and fill is not known at present, but appears to
take place as one continuous process beneath the water surface in channels
which are relatively shallow. One suggestion is that scouring of troughs takes
Figure IV.37 Equilibrium chart for evaluation of various shoreline features (from
Tanner, 1961). Wave energy is the average breaker height in centimetres, and the
sand supply units are cubic metres of littoral transport per year. The circle plots
the Apalachicola river delta, suggesting that the amount of material supplied by
the river is too much for the waves and currents to redistribute.
existence of the lee eddy and reverse wind causes sand blown over the summit
to be deposited on the upper part of the slip-face. This mechanism keeps the
sand from blowing from dune to dune, and thus is essential in conserving the
size of dunes as they travel, and the slumping is probably the principal agent
in shaping them. The surrealistic appearance of barchan dunes reflects a
size trends
Coarser aw— i^ Bi - modol
log deposit BBBB Wind
tag deposit
Predominant Accretion
Accretron Erosion Tronsportalion Erosion and
action Erosion
Sorting n
ucucr Poor Mixed Poor Uellfri
Figure IV. 38 Summary of the effect of the four major dynamic zones in the beach
environment (from Ingle, 1966). MLLW = mean lower low water.
north-north west end of the Pampa de la Joya, Peru, suggests that dunes are
formed in this area, grow to a maximum size, and then shrink again and
vanish in the downwind part of the field. It appears that fine sand is imported
into the area not only in the form of dunes but also that the desert floor
represents an additional source. Also sand transport in the downwind part of
the barchan field takes place increasingly in the form of streamers. Some
investigators consider alluvial fans as stationary
dynamic forms with their
size and declivity an approach to a balance between rates of supply
and rates of removal from the fan. If a fan receives an increased supply of
debris at its head this will steepen the gradient part way down the fan where
gullying may lead to accelerated removal. The concept could also be applied
to spool-bars.
moved, on the ratio between the fetch at the downdrift end and the fetch at the
updrift end, the length of time during which the present processes have
operated and on whether at present there is any systematic change in average
energy levels. Beach slope is an important inter-related feature because long-
shore-current velocity increases with increasing volume of water shoreward
of the breaker zone. Although material passes through many beaches and
other dynamic forms of coastal deposition, other depositional forms on coasts
may be essentially closed systems like Cape Cod, made up of material derived
from a source immediately offshore or from the erosion of fluvioglacial
material of the Cape itself. Other beaches can be regarded as reservoirs of
sand and gravel slowly being released to the sea.
zones finer materials might be removed by eluviation in water which may flow
in the fissure network. As well as frost-heaving, drying and shrinking are
involved in the production of sorted patterns. Absence of continous snow
cover is also necessary and in mountains the upper limit of structural soils
tends to follow the lower limit of permanent snows. Most polygons have from
three to six sides formed by straight to gently curving, orthogonally inter-
secting cracks. An initial random outline becomes more regular with increas-
ing age. One- to five-metre diameter polygons occur on 0-5 degree slopes in
north-east Greenland. Polygons of a much larger order of size develop in
permanently frozen ground. In north Baffin Island, examples are up to 50 m
in diameter. Comparable in size are some large ice-wedge polygons still
Despite the fact that polygons may dominate areas of frozen soil, there is
nothing unique about a polygonal fracture pattern. Apart from soils in peri-
300 m in width. Like frost and ice-wedge polygons there are two orders of
size with giant polygons rarely less than 15 m in diameter. Smaller features
Inter-relationships between processes and landforms 285
One of the most distinctive products of the combined action of rock break-
down and deposition is the development of weathering crusts and other
products involving the recombination of elements released by weathering.
Transportation, apart from vertical movements within the weathering profile,
is not necessarily involved. However, the interpretations have involved some
confusion because similar recombinations may be produced by solutions that
have travelled some distance downslope or downstream as well as by dis-
solved elements reprecipitated essentially in situ. Another source of confusion
is the development of a crust rich in one particular element either because it is
D and E. Beach cusps. Relations between mean cusp spacing and wave height
{from M. S. Longue t-Higgins and D. W. Parkin, 1962, Geog. Jour.,
Vol. 1 28) and
(E). a block diagram of beach cusps {from Kuenen, 1950).
286 Introduction to Geomorphology
Figure 1^40 The development of stable spits and lagoons (from Zenkovuch,
1959) In the stable stage the wind rose is nearly round; key as for fig IV. 19
other elements are leached away. Another problem is that while organisms
are known to be a predominant factor in the reprecipitation of some elements
like calcium, their relative importance in other processes is unknown but
suspected to be highly significant. A final problem is in deciding whether the
weathering crust is in active formation under prevailing conditions.
One of the most immediate reasons for including the discussion of the
complicated topic of weathering crusts within landform study is that many
crusts have become distinctive iandform features. Ferruginous crusts in
Brazil, for instance, preserve ridges and plateaux because the underlying
softened rock is readily eroded. Their resistance can be gauged from some
areas where fragments from ancient crusts, like the early Tertiary siliceous
layers in North Dakota, have been lowered 100 m or more, while the under-
lying rock has been eroded away. Similarly, some beaches in lower latitudes
may be protected from erosion by beachrock encrustations. Secondly', crusts
have been used as stratigraphic horizons marking stages in erosional histories
in some tropical areas. In this context plateau top residual enrichments have
sometimes been erroneously linked with valley floor secondary enrichments.
Beachrock originating close to the strandline, is an excellent indicator of
recent changes in the relative level of land and sea. Thirdly, some crusts, par-
tion processes. Thirdly, for the preservation of the porous textured concre-
tions, freezing temperatures must be absent. Thus in mid-latitudes it is only
calcareous encrustations which may develop where flowing water, retaining
some warmth from an underground source, always saturates the deposit.
In a semi-arid or arid climate where evaporation exceeds precipitation soil
moisture may, having dissolved calcium compounds from soil and rock in its
downward course during a rainy spell, move upward towards the surface
during the ensuing dry period, where evaporation leaves behind as caliche a
somewhat spongy calcium carbonate crust around pebbles or as layers just
below the surface. An example of this type of duricrust or weathering crust is
the ‘caprock’ of the High Plains in Texas and New Mexico. Relict caliche
horizons are often better preserved today where they have remained beneath
an alluvial cover. Recent caliche begins to form as isolated nodules around
roots and pebbles beneath the surface. Eolianite is preponderantly sand of
eolian origin also owing its degree of induration to the amount of cementing
calcium carbonate present (fig. IV.41). Cementation might occur during the
evaporation of rainwater and is favoured by the alternation of wet and dry
60 -1
[ i I
10 20 30
Percentage calcium carbonate
Figure IV.41 Cementation as a function of calcium carbonate
content in partially
consolidated eolianite (from Yaaton. 1967). The Wingate dune.
Israel, provided
this example of induration.
288 Introduction to Geomorphology
the Casa de Pedra itabirite deposit, Brazil. Itabirite is the local name for the
residually enriched intermediate grade ore.
in more arid environments where the water-table is near the surface, but
might equally be relics from a seasonal wet climatic phase in the past. For
instance, in the desert in Upper Egypt, ferruginization of the Kharga oasis
deposits is a characteristic feature, with the iron for the crusts and concre-
tions believed to have come in part from ground water.
Bauxites are another partly residual product due to leaching out of other
elements, but some are too thick to be produced by the solution of limestone
alone and suggest the supply of siliceous and aluminous materials from
allogenic sources. Bauxites are widespread in Jamaica. On resistant Oligocene
and Miocene limestones in the centre of the island, the AI 2 O 3 percentage is
43-45, Fe 203 is 20-22 per cent, and SiOj 3—4 per cent, the proportions of
iron and alumina being rather higher than for many bauxites.
In cooler environments the differential downward movement of A1 and Fe,
termed podzolization, is less pronounced and occurs within even shallower
depths, but leads to the gradual development of an indurated horizon as the
clay is cemented by small amounts of translocated Al. At a Roman camp-site
near Forfar in Central Scotland, a 15-cm indurated layer appears to have
formed in about 1000 years. In Vermont, hardpan depths in a loam were
Like crusts, veneers are often allogenic rather than composed of elements
drawn up from within the rock. For instance, the manganese oxide veneers a
few millimetres thick which add greatly to the resistance of rapids to erosion
are deposited from stream water where seasonal variations of flow exist. The
rocky domes of inselbergs are often smoothed by a similar ferromagnesium
veneer which has the significant effect of preventing the entry of water into
fissures and aids rapid drying on the surface. Silica veneers on granite out-
crops. as in Surinam, have been observed to have a similar protective role.
Algae may be Involved in the reprecipitation processes.
restricted to areas of free drainage and to where ground water does not
participate in the soil-forming processes because it is essentially beyond the
reach of plant roots. The relation between the exchangeable cations on the
clay minerals and drainage water separates soils into two main groups, a
contrast which may be as much in evidence between top and bottom of a
tropical slope, or in sites adjacent or removed from a stream, as in a contrast
between humid tropical and seasonally dry tropical zones. The two major
tendencies in clay mineral formation are, first podsolic alterations in an acid
environment, with the development of silica-rich superficial horizons.
Secondly, in a near-neutral environment lateritic alterations produce a zone of
aluminium and iron concentration.
The synthesis of crystalline alumina and silica into kaolinite occurs where
landform. climate, or both produce an acid environment with the free removal
of calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, and potassium, and with hydrogen ions
being supplied in abundance. Thus with a pH of 4-5 the soil clay minerals
tend to become H clays. For iron to be removed in its soluble ferrous
bicarbonate form, air must be excluded. In practice, some precipitation in the
ferric iron form also takes place, and this association of iron oxides with
kaolinite is one of the commonest features of tropical soils and accounts for
which follows the seasonal rains the solutions originally dilute in cations
become saturated with magnesium, calcium, iron, and sodium which com-
bine with oxygen, silica, and alumina to produce the montmorillonite, often
beneath an alumina-iron weathering crust. However, the same clay-mineral
synthesis can occur in humid environments where poor drainage leads to
a build-up of cations.
Illite is a term describing clay-mineral constituents belonging to the mica
and the composition of solutions moving through the weathering profile. The
degree to which organisms are involved if only indirectly in these processes
has not been established, but it is known, for instance, that most natural
surface and near surface waters do not have enough silica dissolved to pre-
content is one example that has already been considered. Similarly, in humid
tropical areas weathering and either subsequent removal or recycling of
elements is related to the intense biological activity and the degree to which
this merely rapidly recycles the same mineral elements without appreciable
losses to runoff water and significant gains from weathering bedrock. Such a
state of biological equilibrium between soil vegetation and climate is termed
biostasis. With a breakdown in equilibrium, rhexistasis, the forest progres-
sively disappears, perhaps due to the climate becoming drier. In other areas a
cold climates hastens its disintegration by frost action. Depth of soil may
also be significant in warm seasonally dry areas where there is an upward
return of moisture before it reaches down to the bedrock. There is also the
constancy of soil temperatures at depth in a soil compared with seasonally
high temperatures near or at the surface, accelerating biochemical processes.
J.A. Mabbutt (1966) describes how the mantle of debris on some Australian
pediments imparts a general levelling to an otherwise uneven and hetero-
geneous bedrock surface directly through its base-level control of ground-
Inter-relationships between processes and land/arms 293
level ‘sapping’. Gilluly (1937) suggested that rocks yielding relatively coarse
and resistant debris have steeper pediments than those yielding relatively
coarse and friable materials. In cool temperate environments a residual sur-
face-lag deposit, by making the soil more permeable, reduces mechanical
erosion at the surface. Also weathering at depth, despite the dampness of the
soil environment, is slow because of low temperatures. It protects the surface
from puddling and the dislodging action of raindrop impact. Field experi-
ments in Maine indicate the importance of this factor in a temperate climate
(Table IV. 10). In semi-arid environments the surface-lag deposit is more
important. Studies in Israel showed that with the removal of stones from areas
Table 7F.70 The effect of surface stones on soil erosion {after E. Epstein et al., 1966,
Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc., Vol. 30).
The soil is developed on till, Presque Isle, Maine. Averages are for the four years
1961-4, during which time annual soil loss was greatest in 1961.
where they made up 28-62 per cent of the surface led initially to a twelve-fold
increase in erosion. As early as 1927, H. Mortensen described how such
hamada covers stabilize surfaces in semi-arid areas by reducing the erosion
on underlying soil to a minimum. In arid areas a lag gravel of small rounded
pebbles accumulates which may constitute a continuous sheet or serir, pro-
tecting underlying sand from deflation. In many other areas, including some
shingle beaches, there is a lag deposit cover due to the removal of the fines.
Thus the beach material that would provide an abrasive for waves impinging
on cliff faces may, if supplied in profusion, provide a protective ramp on
which all storm wave energy is expended. Similarly, nearshore shoals have an
important effect in protecting beaches from erosion by absorbing storm
energy. The most rapid retreat of coasts
is in areas where there is not enough
residual material and where the abraded masses are continuously lost by
beach drifting. On flat sites inland a relict sediment like mountaintop detritus,
may develop and in warmer, damp areas certain mineral elements may slowly
become more concentrated in surface layers due to the progressive leaching
of more soluble compounds.
Although a soil is in some senses the end-product of rock breakdown and
may in certain circumstances arrest the effectiveness of some weathering
294 Introduction to Geomorphology
supply of silts, will choke open pore spaces in the surface horizons of the soil
and tendto favour sheetwash. Conversely, the sandy quartz residue produced
on acid magmatic rocks increases permeability. This characteristic may
become a self-enhancing element in weathering processes as soils of a certain
depth, particularly in lower latitudes, will tend to retain moisture longer than
exposed rock surfaces, and thus sub-soils at the periphery of bare rock
surfaces may even tend to be especially moist due to drainage off the bare
rock. This contrast in chemical weathering may explain the sharpness of the
break at the head of some pediments and the steepening at the base of bare-
rock domes. Accelerated chemical weathering in the moist sub-soil environ-
ment seems assured as long contact of moisture with rock is necessary for
water to penetrate into capillary-sized spaces between crystals. Many writers
have suggested that the chemical weathering of granitic rocks, for instance, is
much slower on exposed outcrops which dry after each rain than on buried
surfaces. In Hong Kong, granite corestones at the surface and at depth
display this contrast and there are similar contrasts in granite and gneiss
weathering in southern South Australia. In older tills a contrast between
sound granite boulders on the surface and disintegrated boulders within the
grains and the swelling of such colloidal infilling may accelerate the dis-
ruption of an already fissured crystal. The deposition of iron hydroxide in
networks of microfissures smaller than 3 microns is possible and can exert a
similar disruptive effect, as may the crystallization of caliche.
Finally, the influence which debris may exert on snow or ice can either
tend to accentuate or to reduce some processes just as the surface soil
Inter-relationships between processes and land/arms 295
dividual blocks, if thin enough to be warmed to their base, melt their way into
the underlying ice and form a hole. Thicker blocks act as insulators and form
rock tables as adjacent exposed ice melts down. After nearly one complete
season of ablation the lower end of the Sherman glacier avalanche rested on a
platform of ice 7 m high. The effect of this mantle will be to cause the glacier
to advance beyond the point where the climate of the region can maintain it.
unfrozen a river at high stage may build up substantial pressures within the
unfrozen material, particularly if this is sandy favouring the lateral trans-
also the probability of widespread changes during the last few millennia
accompanying man’s removal of natural vegetation covers and in considering
the possibility of balance or grade in streams, the profound implications of
the reality, scale and recency of postglacial sea-level rise are too often com-
pletely ignored. Even where a surface of transportation exists with a formal
resemblance to the overlying or adjacent debris mantle it is very difficult to
be associated with finer mantling material. In the eastern parts of the Paris
Basin, slopes on chalk, where debris is less than 7 cm in size, are only 2-3
degrees, whereas on more resistant limestones furnishing fragments 10-
20 cm in size, the slopes are about 15 degrees. In areas where debris is fine or
opposite direction aggradation arrests the erosion of the buried rock sur-
face. A great deal of work on actual pediments and slopes will be required
before more specific statements can be made about slopes as transportation
In some areas a theoretical quasi-equilibrium between inter-related pro-
cesses and the development of an area as a whole may be postulated. For
instance, if deflation produces a narrow basin in weakly consolidated rocks it
might be assumed that cannot grow deeper as the velocity of the
this feature
airstreams diminishes rapidly close to its floor. On the other hand, the
broadening of the basin by sheetwash cannot proceed indefinitely unless
excavation of debris by deflation continues. Ultimately, deepening may be
self-arresting because, when lowering reaches close to the water-table level,
increased dampness on the playa floor increases the resistance of the particles
to dislodgement by wind. Similarly, the recession of a coastal clifT depends on
Inter-relationships between processes and landforms 297
fragments being eroded to sufficiently small sizes to be moved down the wave-
cut platform.
The same conclusion might apply to the similar problem of adjustments
between stream gradient and the entrained sediment load for which theoreti-
cal inter-relationships have been discussed for nearly a century. Again, for
provide the velocity required both to move the material and also to overcome
the increased channel roughness created by coarser debris. Thus it has been
reasoned that in a given segment of a river there is a tendency for gradient to
adjust to a load of given quantity and calibre. However, the controlling
factors are likely to change, and stream diversions, abrupt structural move-
ments, climatic change, or man-accelerated erosion might introduce into a
channel debris of quantities and calibre beyond the transporting competence
of the stream. Deposition then takes place in the upper part of the stream
segment until the steepened gradient provides the velocity required to move
the coarser material. Downstream, as seen on alluvial fans, any reduction in
particle size would require less steep slopes to ensure their removal. These
arguments have been used to explain why the longitudinal profiles of many
streams tend to be concave upward.
The value of theoretical discussions on the concept of the adjusted or
‘graded’ stream is seriously impaired by lack of actual measurements, par-
ticularly of the effects of heterogeneous sizes of particles, the influence of
channel cross-section and the possible role of channel vegetation. If ‘load’
does influence channel gradient, it has yet to be established which parameter
is most significant. It is more likely to be debris of such a size to remain as a
channel-lag deposit, unmoved by the extreme flood rather than the total load,
which, if made up largely of material no coarser than fine silt could, as is the
case in many tropical rivers, be evacuated on the gentlest gradient by compara-
tively small fiows. Some studies have shown that dislodgementand amounts of
transportation in stream channels rather than being correlated with the
factors commonly assumed to be the dominant influences, such as gradient,
velocity, or bank material are closely correlated with the inflow or outflow of
ground water. Substantial if not total inflow may characterize a flood in a
semi-arid area; meander bank caving appears to some investigators to be
related in part to ground-water outflow after a flood. In other areas, par-
some limestone terrains, deep chemical weathering of the sub-
ticularly in
headstream areas in north-east Bolivia, gradients are similarly very low and
aggradation by the silt-laden waters has forced streams like the Beni and Rio
Grande into major diversions. On a smaller scale, rivers in western Malaya
have gently sloping often swampy valley floors penetrating far inland.
It seems that in view of the many sources of variation and the relative
paucity of actual observations any attempt to generalize here about the inter-
relationship between hydraulic and sedimentological parameters of a stream
and its gradient would be premature speculation.
The Lake District mountains. '. . . were it not that the destructive agency must
abate as the heights diminish would, in time to come, be levelled with the plains."
climatic change may reflect similar influences. R. F. Flint (1943) believes that
glacial advances in North America terminated farther north in the Dakota
area than in the Mississippi lowland, not only because increasing altitudes
hindered advance into this western area but also because of the rain-shadow
effect of the Rocky Mountains. Even on the smallest scales, forms and
features may show a certain inertia to changes and persist to influence the
effectiveness of processes established under the new conditions.
The greater the available relief the greater the hydraulic potential and
kinetic energy. Also, where horizontal distance is limited the propensity for
streams to deepen their channels is also greater. Conversely, ‘the degradation
of the last few inches of a broad area of land above the level of the sea would
require a longer time than all the lOOO’s of feet that might have been above it’
Inter-relationships between processes and land/arms 299
the situation producing the intense downpours in Central America and Java.
most obvious controls of landform distribution reflects the
In fact, one of the
progressive eastward rise of snow-lines in mountainous areas on western
maritime fringes in higher latitudes. In many such areas the elevation of
cirques show a marked and consistent eastward At 41°N cirque eleva-
the Argentine Andes similar gradients range from 9 to 16 m/km. In the Ruby
Range in Alaska the inland rise is about 7-3 m/km (fig. IV.43).
There are some actual measurements which suggest that greater mechani-
cal erosion does take place with higher elevations. A. Cailleux (1948) sug-
gested that denudation in mountainous areas might be up to ten times greater
than that from adjacent plains. It is never easy, however, to decide whether it
is primarily due to greater kinetic energy of available relief, that higher areas
tend to be steeper so that altitude is merely an indirect expression of steep-
ness, whether disintegration processes are more intense at greater altitudes, or
whether the significance of chemical weathering might be greater in warmer
lowland environments. A classic problem is that of an area of valley glacia-
tion and whether erosional activity is greater on the ice-free peaks exposed to
freeze-thaw than on the valley floors beneath ice tongues. On the other hand,
water equivalents on watershed divides may be minimal in late spring thaws
because snow depths are minimal on such sites. Ridges therefore might be ice-
free because they are unsuitable for ice-cap accumulation not because they are
the product of ice erosion. One example of a measured relationship between
altitude and denudation comes from south-west United States, where some of
the thickest alluvial fans occur at the outlets of basins which in parts exceed
2250 m in maximum elevation.
Rivers on the flat swampy lowlands on the left
bank of the Dneiper have sediment concentrations of less than 20 gm/m^,
whereas in headwaters on the north-east slope of the Carpathians turbidities
increase to 250-500 gm/m^. A further point is that much of the material
eroded from upland areas is evacuated whereas the amount of material that is
subsequently removed from flat terrain may be only about half of that dis-
lodged. One effect of rugged mountainous relief is to make chemical weather-
ing relatively negligible, partly because debris is removed
too rapidly by
300 Introduction to Geomorphology
A. Scotland, south of National Grid line 700 {from Linion, ]959); distance
measured eastward from the National Grid line 100 east.
B. St Elias Mountains, from the Malaspina Glacier to Ruby Range {from Denton
and Stuiver. I966)\ distance measured eastward from the Gulf of Alaska,
Bariloche {from Flint and Fidalgo. J964); distance measured eastward from long.
72° 00' W.
E — 0-065 5'“*’, where E is total soil loss in tons per acre and S is slope
3 5-
y/ — 600
altitude (metres)
Relative altitude (rnetres)
rng/l 1 Screes
2 Avolonches &. high mountom lorms
in 3 Sheetwash
4 Gullying
7. I-
- '
Figure IV.44 Changes in bedrock, soil, solution, and surface form characteristics
with increasing altitude.
gradient in per cent. One difficulty in generalizing about the effect of slope
steepness on erosional processes is that beyond certain declivities certain
shore gradient can be one of the most significant factors influencing erosional
processes. When Hurricane Audrey flooded west Louisiana coasts in 1957,
the width of inundated land was as much as 50 km because the continental
shelf here is 1 60 km wide, whereas flooding along a coast flanked by deep
water would have been insignificant. Another way in which the shape of the
water body being filled is significant is in its on the form of a delta.
Apart from ways in which steepness and elevation of relief form can
influence their own erosion, the pattern of an existing landform may have a
profound influence on depositional processes due to perturbations introduced
into flow-lines of transportational fluids. Flow-lines are greatly influenced by
slight variations of ground surface and therefore become erratic and unpre-
dictable. An obstacle decreases the cross-section through which the lower
layers of the atmosphere or water-flow must pass. When flow-lines converge
in by-passing an obstacle the fluid accelerates and the drag velocity is greater
close to the ground surface than higher up. Conversely, on the lee-side of the
obstacle, flow-lines diverge, the fluid motion is retarded, standing waves of air
or water may be set up, and deposition may result. When transportation is
protected remnant in the lee of the obstacle. Material may start to accumulate
on the side exposed to the current if the obstacle is low and squat, as the
horizontal divergence of airstreams is stronger than the vertical convergence.
A large number of depositional landforms appear to string out behind a rocky
protuberance. All the complex esker systems near the Casement glacier are
on the lee-side of a series of solid rock ridges 60-90 m where ice might
have been stagnant for a considerable period. In the vicinity of Sebhah, in the
Libyan desert, seif dunes appear to originate where either vegetation or small
rock masses, or both, form sand-traps rising above the general level of the
sand sea. Arrow spits may develop in the lee of an island, like the ‘comet-tails’
off the Brittany coast. In areas of lowland glaciation ‘crag and tail’ features
form one of the best examples of the lee-effect depositional landforms and
small morainic ridges may even form in the shelter of individual boulders. In
Kluane drift in Alaska, till ridges to the leeward of moulded bedrock knobs
and ridges may be up to 10 km in length. Such distal accumulations are
sometimes termed lee-moraines. Relief prominences on the sea floor can, in
some instances, form a nucleus for barrier island development during emer-
gence or sediments may accumulate in intertidal areas protected by offshore
A. Scour marks in snow (from J. R. L. Allen, 1965, Jour. Sed. Petrol., Vol. 35).
(Left) View from above of flow pattern in symmetrical current crescent of snow;
M = resistant snow mass, R = ridge of deposited snow, F = furrow eroded round
resistant snow mass. (Right) Flow pattern in longitudinal section; S, = first fall
for successive ice-sheets invading the area to follow the same pattern of movement.
Inter-relationships between processes and landforms 305
which eventually become unstable and move seaward. Some lagoon entrances
are ‘rock defended’, being close to offshore reefs or fore.shore rock outcrops
which break-up constructive waves and prevent the completion of a barrier to
the lee of this point. E. C. F. Bird (1968) cites the example of Lake Illawarra,
protected by Windang Island, immediately offshore from the New South
Wales coast.
They were all forced to flow mainly to the east of Flamborough Head, north-east
of Bridlington.
E- A gorse tussock
building up in the lee of a granite block in the Scilly Isles
{from E. Lenze, 1966, Erdkunde, Vol.
20). Similar features may also be produced
on slopes (see fig. IV.
14), there is classic ‘crag-and-tail’ (fig. IV. 23) and in contrast
to (E), above, fig.
III. 14 shows how vegetation can obstruct as well as flourish in
306 Introduction to Geomorphology
Figure IV.46 Snowdrift ice slabs to the lee of a discontinuous bedrock obstruc-
tion {after Nichols. I960). The slabs, observed on the east side of Stonington
Island, Antarctica, form by the accumulation of wind-blow snow like sand
many instances such associations may pass unnoticed. Such restrictions apply
to many glacial features. In the north European plain, ice-pushed ridges show
a marked correlation with river valleys, having been pushed from the valley
axis outwards. In the Illinois drift area, bulky crevasse deposits and narrow
segmented aligned ridges occur on plateau tops but not where the ice over-
rode a rolling relief like that of the Mount Vernon hill-country. Conversely,
their length. At the most obvious level, a hillslope facing a plain is more likely
to have a pronounced concave footslope than one facing the opposite side of a
Inter-relationships between processes and landforms 307
the south-facing slope, and the water stored in driftingsnow was 30 per cent
greater. The consequent greater spring runoff amounted to an extra 50 mm on
the north-facing slope. In the Mackenzie delta area, disintegration by frost in
east-west gullies appears to be more intense on north-facing slopes. In the
Jura, by contrast, greater accumulation of debris at the foot of south-facing
slopes might be due to greater amplitude of temperature changes and more
diurnal freeze-thaw cycles. Yet in the Kenai peninsula in Alaska, south-facing
slopes are steeper than longer, highly dissected north-facing valley-sides
where winter snow lasts into June. At Resolute in North West Territories,
asymmetry is reversed, perhaps because the maximum
thawing of permafrost
on south-facing slopes favours solifluction but without conditions becoming
sufficiently mild to encourage vegetation growth.
rainfall range in Puerto Rico is from 750 mm on the south coast to 2500 mm
in the north-east, due to the prevalence of the north-east trades,
and appears
to correspond with the transition from knife-edge ridges with 30-45-degree
slopes, clayey soils, and the sheetwash and gullying processes which accom-
pany torrential rains, to the rolling hills and more rocky soils of the drier
might force the valley floor stream against the opposite bank and the under-
cutting leading to its steepening. In other instances it is difficult to decide
whether present-day asymmetry of form is attributable to contemporary
contrasts in processes or whether the greater steepness of one side is a relict
feature of past conditions. For instance, in the Bitterroot Range in western
Table IV. 1 Slope inclinations of selected trunk canyons in the Central Bitterroot
Bear Creek 17 23
Fred Burr Creek 22 27
Mill Creek 21 27
Blodgett Creek 18 25
Sawtooth Creek 17 24
Roaring Lion Creek 21 35
300-780 m.
but for others, like the glacial cirque, the influence of aspect has been widely
studied and its striking degree of control clearly established. One of the first
observations was made nearly a century ago when approximately 70 per cent
of the cirques in part of the Jotunheim, in Norway, were seen to lie on the
north side of the massif. For large parts of the mountains in northern
Scandinavia the orientation of glaciers and snow patches, as well as cirques, is
generally eastward. Near Nain, Labrador, the comparable figure is 89 per
cent, with 72 per cent of the cirques orientated between north and east. In the
Trinity Alps. California, 45 per cent face north, 20 per cent north-east, and
5 per cent north-west. Comparable figures for the north-west Highlands of
Scotland are 24, 31, and 5, with 16 per cent facing east. Generally, cirque
development in the northern hemisphere tends to be on north-facing slopes
with few facing south. In addition to examples mentioned already, other
instances include the Uludag Massif at 40° N in Turkey, the high land above
the South Fork of the Coeur d’Alene river, similarly in the Bitterroot Range
farther to the east in Montana and in many valleys in the Scottish Highlands
like the Great Glen and Glen Coe, or in the Vosges. There are local variations
in the preferred orientation as in Newfoundland where eastern cirques are
neither as well developed nor as large as those in the west, but nonetheless
fig. IV.47.B-D illustrates typical patterns.
The influence of aspect on the pattern of glacier alimentation is sufficient
for its possible influence on the direction of ice-orientated features to be
considered. Leverett (1929), for instance, suggested that the ice-sheets of the
North American glaciations tended to advance westward because storms
came from the south-west. Other features associated with ice may show a
preferred orientation, particularly towards the north-east. Nearly all the end
moraines in the north-east part of the Jotunheimen are ice-cored, whereas all
end moraines on the south-west side are ice-free. Another example, again due
to snow drifting by westerly winds, is the strong predominance of avalanches
on lee-side slopes. These are mainly east-facing in northern Lapland. In south-
central New Mexico, rock glaciers in the San Mateo mountains occur on
slopes with north or north-west exposures, protected from the sun’s rays. On
Niwot Ridge, 24 km west of Boulder, Colorado, the restriction of stone-
banked terraces to lee-slopes suggests that wind-drifted snow supplied the
moisture which facilitated movement. However, in highland areas in eastern
Australia, similar features are restricted to the upper portions of windswept
south-west to north-west exposures, and the steps may even have an ofT-
contour dip towards the wind. Landslides are often characteristic of north-
facing slopes in the northern hemisphere. In some valleys in eastern Montana,
nearly all the landslide blocks are on escarpments facing north-east.
south and west the thickest alluvial fans tend to be associated with
having a north or north-east aspect. As these last few examples
show, milder
Figure IV.48
aspect, although the processes involved are usually inferred rather than
separately and specifically studied.
Exposure to wind itself be a further factor where wind action causes
may in
erosion, transportation, and deposition of weathered materials. After 6 years
of exposure to natural sandblast, the exposed face of a brick in an experi-
mental site set up by R. P. Sharp (1964), was cut back a maximum of 4 cm on
its westerly face, whereas the north and east faces showed no wear. In wooded
areas certain exposed points and ridges can be particularly susceptible to
root-disruption by wind-thrown trees. Perhaps fetch in relation to sea and
lake shores provides the clearest controlled effect of exposure to wind direc-
tion.On coasts with rocky headlands, the more extensive abrasional plat-
forms may develop where there is some shelter from the direction of domi-
nant wave activity. In intertropical atolls the importance of aspect is seen
most clearly, with the more irregular, open side on the protected leeward
shores. J. A. Steers (1937) observed that the Australian sand cays are orien-
tated to the east, at about 45 degrees to the prevailing south-east wind. Steep
ridges of coral rubble occur on the exposed sides of sand cays facing the
heavier waves, with finer material and depositional forms on the leeward side.
Wind direction may control lake shape in certain circumstances. In the
coastal plains of Alaska, the remarkably systematic elongation of lakes at
right-angles to prevailing wind directions appears to be due to differential
thawing of permafrost by wind-driven waves and eddies.
Many depositional landforms influenced by wind direction have already
been discussed. If there is any geomorphic significance in wind direction
and the transportation of airborne salts, such as sodium and chloride
from windblown sea spray in coastal areas, this awaits investigation. But
with reference to sources of moisture and heat, the factors of aspect and
exposure in landform studies cannot be underestimated nor too carefully
Vol, 37),
incr easedby the dominance of mechan icaLw-eathering in coo ler parts of the
year or in a glacial perio d,_and_, ch emica l weathering iri warmer par ts of the
year or during an jnter- gl acial .
of minutes. A
wind of 30 km/hr or more is sufficient to reverse the asym-
metry of a sand ripple in a minute or two. Certain parts of the day may be
more critical than others, particularly where biochemical processes are
involved. Precipitation of calcium carbonate is greater during the day than at
night. Flow of glaciers in northern Greenland is 5-10 per cent more rapid
during the day. For less obvious reasons landslide movements in the Upper
Columbia river basin appear to be most frequent about 3 a.m. J. Tricart
(1965), observing that in intertropical latitudes even small glaciers have
huge terminal moraines, but that fluvioglacial forms are very poorly
developed, attributed this contrast to the reduced effectiveness of melt water
produced by diurnal thaw compared with that of the seasonal thaw in mid-
3 1 Introduction to Geomorphology
Figure IV.SO Changes in position, size, and number of rip currents due to
changes in sea condition {after P. McKeitde, 1958, Jour. Geol., Vol.66). Dee
Why beach. New South Wales. (R) indicates positions of rips.
their channels.
C. Enlargement, joining together, and moving south of rips under heavy storm
from the north east.
D. Joining together and moving north as moderate swell from the south increases
to storm.
because of the differing times at which controlling factors are most effective.
A study of bank cutting near Rockville, Maryland, revealed that although the
largest discharge occurred in summer, soil wetting was more thorough in
winter, which, in combination with freeze—thaw, led to maximum bank ero-
sion. In Baja California, typical summer winds are unidirectional and
onshore due to the development of low pressure over the inland desert. The
winter wind pattern is bi-directional, with the strongest sea-breeze of about
ward summer and waves from the north-west drive it back in winter. A
summer beach in many parts of the world is higher, wider, and composed of
finer sediments. In stormier winter conditions high, steep-fronted waves tend
to remove much of the beach and leave low-level flat areas covered with a lag
of coarse material. On Hawaiian beaches the average increase in grain size is
about 0-5 phi units. In general, drift rates in periods of heavy surf in winter-
spring months may be three to ten times greater than those prevailing during
the major portion of the year. In higher latitudes, although seasonal contrasts
remain, the effect of freezing spray and frozen sand is to protect a beach.
in winter. The clay settles out when flows are low and lakes ice-covered.
Compactness of surface materials may vary seasonally. The greater activity
summer probably explains why a sandy beach may be
of benthic animals in
significantly less compact in summer than in winter. In contrast, the badland
slopes studied by S. A. Schumm (1956) are compacted in summer by rain-
beat, become less permeable and the proportion of surface runoff increases.
On a larger scale, while washboard or de Geer moraines were assigned too
hastily the genetic name, annual moraines, the possibility of their deposition
annually remains. J. T. Andrews and Smithson (1966) describe some
B. B.
670-790 moraines in north-central Baffin Island where deglaciation lasted
700 ± 180 years.
The disappearance of seasonal snow cover marks a drastic change in the
physical and biochemical characteristics of the earth-atmosphere interface
and the way in which interactions operate. Spring thaw is a time of consider-
able transportational activity, even if the debris entrained was loosened at
some earlier period. In seasonally frozen streams, a distinctive pattern of
sediment transport may follow the spring thaw. Typical of many streams of
this type is the Colville river, Alaska, which is frozen for 7-8 months in a
year. A distinctive characteristic of the first flood is the very low content of
solids per unit volume of snow melt water, even at a high stage (fig. IV.5 1).
During summer the fluctuations in suspended silt correspond fairly closely
with discharge and thus with precipitation, but with the maximum load per
unit volume tending to occur before the peak discharge. Turbidity is greatest
when all the catchment thaws. However, later in the summer, the silt content
is virtually the same whether the stage is rising or falling. Turbidity is
reduced as frost begins to affect alpine heaths and because the first floods,
once the soil melted, had already washed out much of the loose
3 1 8 Introduction to Geomorphology
24 tt> -31st May )st -Bth June
ide curve (line 3) as both are typically present in water from a snow cover
whereas the bicarbonate ions show corresponding falls. As soil and ground
water begin to enter channel systems in signifi.cant amounts as the high water
recedes, mineralization increases and the relative concentration of bicarbon-
ate ions increases at the expense of chloride ions. In middle and higher
latitudes there may also be a relative surge of biochemical activity in early
spring when plant activity recommences. On the steeper slopes and cliffs,
water follow the spring melt. The latter process was probably involved in the
accelerated winter movements of the 30 000-ton Threatening Rock
(fig. The frequency of rockfalls on three railways near Bergen.
1920-58. reaches a marked maximum when air temperatures have passed
above zero, and frequency of slides in quick clay in the same area shows a
similar pattern (Table IV.9). Amounts of slope erosion may also vary accord-
ing to season (fig. IV.49.C).
In savanna areas a profoundly significant effect is the seasonal contrast
between wet and dry conditions. The end of a savanna dry season is most
critical, as the screening effect of parched vegetation over a desiccated soil is
at a minimum. The first winter storms which are generally abrupt and sub-
stantial, lead to rillwash on the unprotected ground. Chemical changes are
equally significant with evaporation leading to the precipitation of minerals
hydrolysed in the preceding wet season.
Compared with seasonal changes within a year, fluctuations of their net
average annual effect usually involves changes in degree only from year to
year. The main interest lies in observing the degree to which an individual set
of observations might bias short-term observations. There is also the possi-
bility of observing contemporary forms, mainly in unconsolidated materials,
which are relics of some extreme activity in a previous year rather than a
H*igh\ in c«niimeV«rs
was more effective than deepening. For larger streams year-to-year variability
may be less marked. Annual runoff in the United States over a 25-30-year
period is 10-20 per cent of the median. Sediment loads,
usually within
however, show greater contrasts. For example the 560 000 m^ of sediment
deposited in Lake Constance in 1949 was only one-tenth that of the
of dominant winds may vary from year to year. For instance, records of
onshore winds at Blakeney Point indicate that north-west winds were domin-
ant in 1958, and north-west winds in 1960. There may be a slow shift over
several years as appears to have happened on small reef patches in Djakarta
Bay where coral ramparts have changed position over at least a 75-year
period. The mean annual velocity of movements in dynamic depositional
landforms varies also; for instance, dunes in Peru travelled 41-226 m/year
faster in 1958-64 than in 1955-8. An example of the variability of beach
Glancing over longer spans of time consistent trends are evident in the last
century in the levels of enclosed lakes. Those in Oregon and Washington were
at high levels in the
1870s and 1880s, and again in the early 1900s, followed
by extreme desiccation until the middle and late 1930s. In many areas the
results of human activity, such as pumping and the indirect effects of
accelerated erosion are difficult to dissociate from natural changes. It is also
difficult to decide whether trends in levels are global or local, for example,
whether the pattern of years when water levels in small lakes in the south
Ukraine were high - 1882. 1906, 1911, 1912, 1924, 1927, 1928, 1931,
1932, 1936, 1939, and 1947 - is significantly similar to conditions in
Oregon and Washington. This instance illustrates a general problem of inter-
preting climatic changes and one which becomes increasingly difficult to
resolve the farther back in time that investigations lead.
- B (i) (ii)
I960 I
1961 1960 |
Figure IV.55 Artificial and natural changes in the litter cover on forest floors.
Table IVJ2 Chronology of Late Glacial and Holocene time (from Fairbridge,
mixed forest
6 600- 7 500 Vila Early Atlantic
From A.D. 980 to about A.D. 1540 Norse colonies existed in south-west
Greenland under generally warmer conditions than prevail today. Climate
deteriorated markedly about the beginning of the thirteenth century. From
A.D. 1000 to A.D. 1450, the number of major floods on British coasts in-
creased from seven (a.d. 1000-1200) to nineteen in the latter part of this
period. In South America, ancient Indian sites at points along the Pacific
coast in areas now completely devoid of any permanent fresh water suggests
that desiccation has been progressive even within the last millennium in this
Misc. Publ. No. 970). The effectiveness of subsequent precipitation on the burnt
slopes is also shown.
cooling. This period marks the end of the warm Hypsithermal interval and the
start of the following cold phase or Neoglacial. Palaeobotanical investigations
indicate that during postglacial time amelioration of climate reached an
optimum in the warm and dry 4500-2500 years BP. At
sub-Boreal, about
that time the timber-line in southern Norway and presumably even the firn-line
was 300 m higher than at present. Previously, a large portion of the Atlantic
Ocean underwent a temperature increase of 6°-l 0° C during a period of less
than 2000 years, with the midpoint of this change within 300 years of 1 1 000
years ago. At this time about half the water had returned to the oceans from
the ice-sheets of the last glaciation. This abrupt world-wide climatic change
was first recognized from deep-sea cores by the study of foraminifera (Ewing
and Donn, 1 956) and of the temperature-dependent oxygen-isotope fractiona-
tion that occurs during the formation of carbonate by C. Emiliani (1955).
Supporting evidence includes glacial retreats and pollen profiles in Europe
and North America and pluvial histories of lake basins. Climates rapidly lost
their full glacial character and became more like climates of today. In some
areas, like Alaska, the climate might have been warmer than at present by
about 8000 BP. the evidence including that of fossil dams built by beavers in
situations beyond their present range. For many parts of the world, however,
the highest postglacial temperatures occurred several thousands of years after
the end of this early Holocene warm interval.
Many theories have been advanced to explain the climatic variations asso-
ciated with the Pleistocene, but none has been widely accepted for long.
suggestions there are cogent objections. Neither is it clear whether ice retreats
were an inevitable result of self-arresting mechanisms once a glaciation had
advanced beyond certain limits or whether a separate set of factors operated
culation imply that there is always a tropical moist zone between the north
and south arid belts. The equator is therefore always between two arid belts.
Polewards of the latter lie temperate climatic zones. In this sense the specific
of climatic belts does not signify that the climates remained uniform. Apart
from the moisture increases and temperature decreases in the Quaternary,
there were marked temperature fluctuations even in the Pliocene. In the
Neogene there was a wave of progressive cooling leading to the Quaternary
glaciations and the evidence of fossil plants and animals clearly indicates that
of alluvium to the sea on the North African shore. It was only with increasing
aridity at the beginning of the Quaternary that the desert plains of the
southern Sahara started to form. However, in most instances any link between
present-day landforms and palaeoclimates different from the present remains
A. Dating
The discovery that so-called radioactive atoms have unstable nuclei which
decay at an exponential rate to lower energy states has thrown the entire
geological record into sharper focus. The unit of measurement of the decay
rate is the half-life, the time taken for half of the radioactive atoms in a system
to decay. For instance when potassium-40 decays to argon-40, the crystal
328 Introduction to Geomorphology
lattice of the mineral traps the argon, an inert gas, and the ratio of radiogenic
argon-40 to potassium-40 is directly related to the time at which the mineral
crystallized. The time-range limits are 300 000 and 100 million years old; the
amount of radiogenic argon is very small due to the long half-life of potas-
sium-40 (1310 million years) and dates less than 0-5 m years are seldom
precise to within 10-20 per cent. Potassium-bearing minerals are usually
ocean-floor sediments up to 150 000 years in age, is the use of the ratio
Thorium-230/Protactinium-23 1. Pa”', produced by uranium-235 decay,
also precipitates quickly in sea-water, but with a half-life of 34 300 years, it
decays twice as quickly as Thorium-230, thus providing the basis for the
ratio. Although the methods based on progressive decay of radioactive ele-
appears sound. Further work and the devising of further stringent criteria
might help to resolve the discrepancies in interpretation.
A technique currently under investigation which might, if accepted as a
viable dating method provide invaluable dates for landform interpretation, is
the lower atmosphere balances its loss by radioactive decay under natural
environmental conditions. Both radiocarbon, with a half-life of 5730 years,
and normal carbon, combine with oxygen to form COj which is incorporated
into the tissues of living organisms. After death the amount present declines
steadily due to radioactive decay. Sources of organic material are usually
wood fragments in tills and in beach deposits, but may be varied. For
example, small organic particles originally transported on to snowbanks by
wind provided the basis for a radiocarbon chronology of ice-cored moraines
in the Jotunheimen. Norway. Determinations are possible of some bulk shell
sible since 1850 because the combustion of industrial fuel has caused a
decrease in C ,4 activity in the biosphere. In addition to providing absolute
dates, the C ,4 method, like other radiometric techniques, also provides a
means of inter-continental correlation by identifying contemporaneous events
in distant geographical or ecological areas. There are some difficulties here,
however, like the C ,4 date of the Valders glacial maximum being 10 700-
1 1 000 years at Milwaukee, correlating in time with the relatively warm
Allerod in northern Europe. In this situation a few workers prefer to believe
that broad intercontinental climatic conformity is probable, even to within a
particularly useful for the study of certain depositional landforms, but may
depend on an estimate of the time taken for the trees to become established on
initially barren ground. For the Donjek moraines in the Icefield Ranges,
Alaska, the establishment of spruce trees appears to take at least 30 years and
poplars at least 23 years. Fig. III. 17 illustrates the flood-training of cotton-
wood saplings and the ages of various portions of a floodplain based on tree-
ring counts which by no more than 10 per cent for each grove.
Tree damage as well as tree growth may assist in the problem of chrono-
logy. In higher latitudes where ice might damage the bark, cambium, and
outer part of the wood, a dead area of wood knobs forms at the edges due to
the growth of the living cambium cells and subsequently the annual ring here
is dark compared with other layers. This feature may offer some approximate
dating of extreme floods, their height and their frequency. Floods may
damage trees to a far greater extent than the notching of bark by ice. and
some well-rooted trees may contain a tangled record of past geomorpho-
logical events in their branches (fig. V.2).
Like tree-trunks lichens increase in radius with age expressed by their
diameter since growth rates are often constant. J. T. Andrews and P. J. Web-
ber (1964) calculated lichen growth on the north-west margin of the
ice-cap. Rhizocarpon geographicum 0-05 7-0- 06 7
being mm/year and
Figure V.2 Sprouts of four ages on a flood-damaged ash tree, Potomac river
rate of growth increases ten-fold for a four-fold increase in the ratio of pre-
A. Decline of phosphate content in the surface layer of till with increasing age of
deposit {from Stork. 1963). The morainic debris was left by the retreating
C. Changes in species and progressive increases in growth and density of the tree
cover with increasing age of rock avalanche deposits ifrom Heath. I960). The two
transects were laid out in the Chaos Jumbles. Lassen Volcanic National Park.
usually dwarfed and distorted due to reduced root space in the rocky soil. On
the second deposit, the Yellow pines are often normal in pattern, but have
sharply conical trunks that indicate exceedingly slow growth. On the oldest
Landforms and time 335
deposit where there is a soil mantle, the Yellow pine cover is nearly mature or
sub-climax forest. Some of the species which invade the barren areas, like the
Western White pine (P. monticold), surviving as long as the primary competi-
tion is with the elements, are absent on the oldest deposit, where the Yellow
pine becomes well established.
By most powerful botanical technique for estimating relative ages,
far the
spanning times from the recent historical past to well back into Tertiary times
is the study of fossil pollen-rains. These were first analysed systematically by
L. von Post in 1916 and have since flourished to provide one of the most
reliable aids in establishing chronologies of recent geological times. Pollen
shed by trees and by other plants may be carried by air currents and be
washed down into lake sediments, peat bogs, or a similar environment where
the very tough pollen seeds resist decomposition. G. W. Dimbleby (1961) has
shown that pollen may also be preserved in acid soils for several millennia. If
the kinds of pollen are identified and their numbers counted for a succession
of points in a vertical series, the pollen in a given layer may give the skilled
investigator some indication of the type of vegetation growing in the area at
that time. The vegetation gives some indication of the climatic conditions
prevailing at that time, and these characteristics indicate a specific time zone
now usually calibrated by radiometric determinations. A break in the pollen
charts usually indicates that a former ground surface was abruptly buried by
more recently deposited material. The interpretation of pollen diagrams,
however, depends on the intuitive allowances made by skilled ecologists for
several potential imbalances in pollen diagrams for which no absolute correc-
tion exists as yet. These include over-representation by a species dominant in
a restricted habitat close to the sample site, the rapid change of plant species
with micro-environmental changes, such as hydrological conditions over
uneven or sloping ground, the probability that some species contribute pro-
portionately more pollen than others, and that drier, windier conditions in the
past could cause changes in the ranges of pollen dispersal.
Of man’s activities useful in dating events in landform history, the value of
old photographs increases annually and now includes older air photographs.
A photographic survey carried out in 1910 by F. Enquist in the Kebnekaise
massif, northern Sweden, has proved of greatest value to present-day glaciolo-
gists. C. A. Kaye (1964) searched for old photographs of upper barnacle
limits for localities on the New England coast and was eventually able to
demonstrate that while sea-level just over a century ago was comparable to
that of today, itwas about 15 cm lower at the turn of the century. These
fluctuations matched tide-gauge records at nearby harbours. The value of
photographs is not limited to the comparisons that they themselves may
provide, as they may also provide a check on the reliability of a range of
dating methods that might be projected further back in
time. Documents can
336 Introduction to Geomorphology
of Tres Virgines volcano in the Gulf of California was in 1746 (R. L. Ives,
1962). For human records, remains and artifacts farther back in time the
study of archaeology is a long-established specialism. An observation perhaps
worth making in the present context, however, is that the implications for
landform study of such evidence may not be directly related to their intrinsic
archaeological interest or significance. For instance in the 1930s several
arrows, with wooden shafts intact, were found Norwegian mountains at
sites from which snow banks had recently disappeared. The oldest date from
A.D.400-600 and the most recent from post-Reformation times. As speci-
mens these finds were invaluable, but equally striking is the fact that their
preservation suggests that the associated snowbanks had similar volumes
between a.d, 400 and 600 and again about 1930-40, and that during this
interval they were larger. Another noteworthy point about human artifacts is
that those of very recent origin have immense potential value in the dating of
events and in determining erosion rates over the span of the last few decades.
For example, the incorporation of crown-shaped bottle-tops into tropical
beachrock formations provides one of the best confirmations of the rapidity
of concretion formation in warm environments.
In many ways soil and sediments may help in establishing chronologies
either by providing stratigraphic horizons or by reflecting a time-span in the
employed in areas of recent volcanic activity like Iceland and Alaska. Other
accumulations occur within soils due to distinctive pedogenic processes.
Caliche accumulations whitening and indurating a soil zone in sub-humid
areas may persist because the nodules are resistant to later elimination by
leaching. These and similar secondary carbonates appear to offer promising
means of identifying relatively dry climates in the Pleistocene, provided that
other influences can be eliminated. However, yet again disagreement in inter-
The study of the degree of soil-weathering is, like the study of varves, a
classic method in establishing chronologies. The depth of penetration of
Middle ones, and almost entirely lacking on Early boulders. Loss of rounding
due to differential weathering is most marked on Early boulders, on which a
Table V.I The ranking in age of Wisconsin moraines by the degree of weathering of
boulders tfrom R. P. Sharp and J. H. Birman. 1963, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 74).
Glaciation I 2 3 4
Tioga 30/70 30/70 10/90 300
Tenaya 51/49 49/51 50/50 180
Tahoe 73/27 67/33 80/20 115
Mono — — 95/ 5 60
I = Sequoia-King’s Canyon National Parks. 2 = San Joaquin river drainage. Yosemite and
eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada. 3 and 4 = Walker Creek (Bloody Canyon) moraines. Mono
ground level weathering platform a few inches wide is also relatively common
and where boulder burial by grus is cms
significant. Cracks are etched 2-5
Table K.i Silt-clay ratios of parent materials in some soils from Central Africa
(from Van IVambeke, 1962).
I 2
Recent 0-39 0-36 0-74 0-96 1-03
Pleistocene 0-27 0-17 0-32 0-18 0-32
Pre-Pleistocene 0-11 0-08 0-12 0-1 0-09
340 Introduction to Geomorphology
glacial, it was estimated to be the same as that of the Sangamon because the
Boulders of the oldest and highest Reedy I drift are stained by ferric oxide
and have deep cavernous weathering pits. Reedy II boulders are similarly
Landforms and time 341
altitudes on a delta remnant in the Forth valley at 35 •4— 35-9 m OD, at 32-8—
33 - 1 m OD, and at 25- 5-26- 8 m OD, none of which appears identifiable with
the former widely recognized 30 m raised beach in Scotland.
Despite the wide range of methods that might provide information for
cannot tell whether a landform young or old simply by looking at its shape,
and that there is a need for some independent indication of how forms and
processes have changed over decades, centuries, or millennia. Intensified
interest in the testimony of sediments, soils, and plants is a current
trend and
likely to lead to a greater precision in the study of sequences
in landform
changes than the scant factual information in the following six sections might
suggest is possible.
342 Introduction to Geomorphology
It was only in the 1930s that soundings of continental shelves and ocean
basins became detailed, and it is only within the last decade that surveys
resulting from continuous profiling have appeared in large numbers. As a
result geomorphologists need no longer accept that the constitution of an
initial land surface on which landforms would develop subsequent to uplift
need necessarily be a matter of speculation. The relief of the surface that
would, with a 100-m drop in sea-level, increase the earth’s land area by 2-7
per cent is now better known. In many areas this marginal shelf has the same
degree of gross irregularity as the adjacent land areas. Off the north-west
coast of the United States a rough part of the continental rise is called the
Ridge and Trough province and, off southern California, basin and range
relief is very marked and resembles that of the Basin and Range province. The
continental shelf off the east coast of the United States is much broader than
the narrow Californian shelf, averaging 135 km, but is as little as 8 km off
Palm Beach, Florida. Off Maine it is 420 km wide, but like the shallow
shelves off Quebec, New Brunswick, and west Newfoundland, the surface is
than 20 km wide and very narrow north of 67° N. Several submarine features
differentiate its surface. Tectonic and structural lineaments as well as sub-
marine canyons are significant features off many coasts. Relatively long and
narrow depressions are found parallel to the main trend of the Norwegian
coastline and similarly on other shelf areas off glaciated coasts such as flank
Spitzbergen, Greenland, Labrador, and Scotland. One on the Labrador shelf
is 400 km long, with an undulating bottom relief including depressions
developed. On many other shelves there is irregularity but with little sys-
tematic trend.
Another reason for the irregularity of the sea-floor surface offshore is that
most sediment delivered from many continental areas has been funnelled off
the shelf along submarine canyons. Even in areas where a sediment
on the continental shelves, apart from its general sparsity, is its sporadic
distribution which may assume distinctive trends. In the English Channel the
similarity in orientation of ribbons of sediment and tidal currents is most
striking. Sand waves may be up to 20 m in height with a wave length of
900 m. In the Irish and Celtic Seas, lense-shaped masses are up to 30 and
110 m thick respectively and reflect how sediments pass off the shelf along
relatively restricted paths. In some shelf areas off the eastern coast of the
United States rising sea-level left several terraces of both erosional and de-
positional origin and many submerged bars which once may have separated
long lagoons from the open sea. Within the Gulf of Maine the surface relief
reflects the activity of Pleistocene glaciers. Thus where it exists, a sediment
cover may not provide a smooth-surfaced veneer but may have well-
developed trends. Also, far from blanketing the underlying bedrock surface,
irregularities in the latter are often largely the controlling factor in the
dispersal patterns of sand moving off the shelf.
In terms of their function, age, and size the most striking feature of the
continental shelves is the submarine canyons. Their dominant role is to funnel
sediment from the continental shelf to the deep-sea floor. The age of deposits
partially filling some canyons, indicates their formation in pre-Middle
Tertiary time. Many are huge in size. One canyon between Norway and
Iceland has a depth of 1000 m. Off south-east Alaska, there are three marked
submarine canyons, that off Cross Sound being 22 km wide and 440 m deep.
Oil wells drilled into a valley fill inland and aligned with the Monterey sub-
marine canyon failed to reach basement at a depth of 2380 m. The fill below
900 m may be middle to early Miocene in age. Apart from the remnants of
old aggraded surfaces forming matching terraces high above the present
channel, as in the Newport canyon, many erosional features of
canyons resemble those on land as off the west coast of Corsica or off
Azores. On a smaller scale than submarine canyons are sea gullies
considered to have a relief of less than 60 fathoms which are
common in a
wide variety of environments. Those in the San Clemente area
have average
344 Introduction to Geomorphology
seems that any relative lowering of sea-level would tend merely to lead the
outflow of a stream, already established inland, into the pre-existing pattern of
irregularities on the exposed part of the shelf. Also the evidence of uncon-
formities, now known in the detail of three-dimensions rather than in the two
of the cross-section, show that many new phases of landform evolution
started in the geological past on irregular surfaces. In the Smith river basin,
Montana, the volcanic ash was deposited on a much dissected pre-Oligocene
relief. Pliocene-Pleistocene erosion both followed the dendritic drainage pat-
tern of the ancient land surface and also initiated several changes in the new
pattern. Similarly it has been suggested that any belief that the parallel ranges
of hills of south-west Ireland is due to the carving out of synclinal valleys
during the Tertiary from a surface continuous at summit levels has been
shown to be no longer tenable. The existence of chalk outliers on valley floors
near synclinal axes suggest that the present landscape is essentially an
exhumed late-Cretaceous surface.
Perhaps the starting-point for the study of the effects of time in landform
siderable conflict of opinion on both the character and the genesis of steep-
slope soils note that detailed studies are few. Similar remarks about the
evolution of pediments are numerous. Amid the uncertainty of the theoretical
assumptions about time sequences due to their limited or non-existent observa-
tional base and the sheer variety of ingenious but unrealistic idealizations of
Landforms and time 345
the problem, it is difficult to isolate some facts which are known with some
One of the main
certainty. practical difficulties is to decide when and under
what circumstances slope angles tend to decline with passage of time and
when periods of parallel slope retreat, as suggested by W. Penck and K.
Bryan (1922), operate on certain parts of the slope. A related problem is to
decide whether a caprock which will inevitably ultimately disappear, may
supply a comparatively steady excess of material to the lower slopes for an
open system to be recognized, in which the lower slope for a significant length
of time, might remain essentially the same in form. Another problem is the
lack of understanding of how, in contrast, changes in the proportions of
Three main factors may influence the course and nature of stages in slope
development. First, changes may be either an adaptation or re-adaptation to
new conditions created by random changes in the morphogenetic environ-
ment, such as a cooler phase of climate in the Pleistocene, or due to some
systematic change related to the erosion of the slope itself like the progressive
removal of a critically strong or weaker stratum or the increasing influence of
some local controlling base-level. A second factor is the different rock types
which introduce fundamental distinctions into the modes of slope form change.
In Central Australia, gradients on granite or gneiss pediments do not generally
exceed 3 degrees, whereas on schists gradients commonly attain 5-8 degrees
near the piedmont junction. A marked lithological control on pediment
gradients had also caught J. Gilluly’s attention in 1937, and more recently
C. R. Twidale (1967) concluded that cannot be too strongly emphasized that
which has become dissected into disconnected outliers is the crucial factor
they form on valley floors, at the foot of slopes and over piedmont slopes
where dissolved products concentrate, they eventually become sufficiently
indurated to produce frequent inversion of relief as, with the passage of time,
they become the caprock of residual plateaux. This, however, has not hap-
pened in central Australia since the Tertiary, as relics of low platforms
capped by weathering crusts occur close enough to adjacent hills for the
reconstruction of former piedmont profiles. It seems that the present plains
were already the lowlands on the Tertiary surface, topped by the hills of today
and that subsequent slope evolution involved mainly the dissection of the
crust, the etching away of less than 10 m of subjacent soft weathered rock,
and the concomitant shaping of the piedmont profile from broadly concave to
angular. In most sites the hill base was set back to a structural boundary for
which there appears to have been little subsequent retreat, possibly in part due
to a change to a drier climate. Farther west in Western Australia the old
plateau is reduced to smaller remnants. In other sub-humid environments a
caliche cap resisting erosion gives rise to tablelands.
A. Rapp (1960) was one of the first to observe caprock-face processes in
detail. Due to the greater kinetic energy of the greater drop, it is possible that
high widespread caprock-face fails tend to create more stable, concave talus
slopes with a fringe of large boulders at the base, while falls with smaller
vertical drops tend to form steep unstable talus. Many theorists have sug-
gested that during the growth of talus slopes, the higher bedrock walls
diminish in height until they are totally covered. Rapp’s observations extend
this view by suggesting that as falls become progressively shorter the sorting
of boulders becomes increasingly that of the unstable talus. The scars from
which the material dropped were scattered all over the steep walls suggesting
that the mode of evolution of the rock wall was by parallel retreat. The next
stage is essentially a development in plan when chutes and funnels begin to
break up the continuity of the simple wall, but it also involves the sections of
the slope affected in downwearing by linear dissection. It might be supposed
that if these notches then intersect, the isolated portions of caprock become
ruiniform in appearance and become progressively reduced.
In situations where there is no caprock or mountain wall, low domes form
on the interfluves between pediments or similar lower slopes. Average slopes
are usually noticeably less. In this way parallel retreat becomes ultimately a
material for transport across the lower slope and the former lower slope
ceases to be a debris-controlled slope once the supply of debris is eliminated.
S. A. Schumm
(1956) observed that even with the disappearance of a minia-
ture badland residual, the broadly concave pediments coalesce but with a
convexity developing at their junction on the divide.
A quantity of major importance needed in establishing stages of slope
Landforms and time 347
evolution is the rate at which caprocks retreat. The maximum distance of cliff
recession caused by several rockfalis from Sawtooth Ridge with the
Pleistocene was probably about 400 m. P. Birot (1965) guessed that the 60-
degree flanks of limestone domes in the tropics might retreat 5 m in 100 000
years. M. A. Melton ( 965) supposed that pediments might extend laterally at
about 800 m/1 million years, with a lowering of the surface at about one-
tenth this rate. The ratio of these two rates, and an assumed differential
lowering due to progressive exposure of the pediment bedrock, suggests that
the latter would theoretically slant upward to the base of the retreating wall at
the angle of 5-6 degrees.
In contrast to stages in slope development accompanying the reduction and
removal of a caprock. dome shapes in certain massive rocks appear to be self-
stripping of rock waste off granite batholiths in east-central Sudan the bare
rock hills at first retain their simple slope profiles, but later large pits are
weathered out at the intersection of joints, cavities are formed beneath some
sheets and depressions are excavated just below the angles at the top and
bottom of the encircling rock fans. However, it appears that as a stripped
residual hill gets smaller the dome form extends downward, eliminating the
angular junctions bounding the dome and rock fans until a steep rockface
meets the fiat clay plain at an abrupt angle. Usually this change affects only
one side of the hill producing a half dome. If dome-shaped hills in massive
rocks tend to be self-perpetuating the same control of expansion joints in
bowl-shaped or concave slopes might operate to maintain their shapes.
Some of the most incontrovertible stages of slope evolution in solid rock
occur in areas where mass movement is dominant. Three main types might
be recognized. First, there are landslides with negligible rotation, like the
Chuska Mountains landslides where eastward from the escarpment crest there
are up to seven successively lower ridges. In the highest of three main
landslide areas there are huge caprock blocks ranging from 9 to 300 m in
length. 9 to 30 m wide and high, broken apart slightly along the vertical
planes of intersecting joints but still essentially horizontal. Troughs have flat
sand-covered floors but contain little coarse debris. In the second area,
caprock blocks are broken into a jumbled mass of individual blocks and
erosional debris nearly
fills the troughs so that the ridge and trough form
obscured. Along the base of the steep slope separating the highest from
second area of landslide debris a series of springs emerge which have helped
to erode a wide flat area. In the third and lowest area of
landslide debris, the
main continuous remnant is about 0-7 km wide, but debris is scattered
o\'er theCretaceous shale eastward for a further 8 km. Canyons of intermit-
tent streams exceeding 30 m in depth are the main
relief form, the blocks of
348 Introduction to Geomorphology
Santl with
minor ~ Old landslide ridges from previous cycle
Cretaceous shale
.2nd froclore
^Ist ridge block
Figure V.5 Evolution of escarpment slopes with progressive block glide of ridge-
blocks on sand (from Watson and Wrighu 1 963). This example, observed on the
east flank of the Chuska mountains, north-western New Mexico, also shows lateral
spreading on shale of loose sand during block glide of the entire mass and the
progressive diminution in scale of the ridge and trough forms.
sandstone, now less than 1-5 m forming the major relic of the landslide
topography, protecting ridges up to 6 m in height. There is a reddish soil
decide on the degree to which detached masses have slid laterally and the
degree to which caprock remnants have been essentially lowered by the
removal of the adjacent or underlying less resistant material.
slope evolution in such circumstances might be. There may also be stages
within the slipping phase. In the Eichberg slip near Achdorf, it seems that the
slumped material of an initial rotational slip near the slope summit loaded a
downslope section of the hillside, inducing a second rotational movement and
that this initial disturbance perpetuated a sequence of five rotational slips in
all, with the amount of rotation decreasing downslope. Similarly, the over-
steepening of the toe of a slope could, by removing the lateral support from
segments of a hillside, propagate upslope a chain reaction of slips analogous
to that produced from above by overloading. A third type of mass-movement
involves the free fall of individual rock fragments which may form definable
stages of depositional forms in cool environments where there are seasonal
snow banks beneath rock walls. There are two clearly distinguishable stages
of slope platforms with protalus ramparts. Younger platforms have well-
defined ramparts and distinctive ditches made up of little weathered material
with a scant vegetation cover. Older talus platforms have only moderately
clear ramparts and poorly defined ditches, made up of moderately to slightly
weathered material largely buried beneath a thin soil veneer.
This would not apply to features as small as many dolines. the funnel-
Figiiie V.7 A slope on the south Rank of Navajo mountain showing platforms of
two ages each with a sequence of protalus ramparts. R, and associated ditches,
(after Blagbrough and Breed. 1967).
350 Introduction to Geomorphology
size. This induces progressive infilling of the floors which reduces perme-
ability. arrests deepening at the base of the slopes and favours relatively
accelerated solution on the upper slope. As in the Indiana karst, ponds may
form, sometimes as rapidly as collapse features appear. Their infilling with silt
the pockets developed in the chalk of northern France at the contact with the
overlying Tertiary strata. Occasionally surface depressions appear above an
underground stream which may evacuate much of the debris, leaving the
walls of a cylindrical shaft as the initial form. Some collapse features, like the
shaft doline of Modro Jezero. near Imotski in Yugoslavia, have scree banked
up on their lower slopes. From this stage the infilling of finer material would
then lead to slope forms similar to those of covered karst origin, which
become increasingly concave as the debris fill grows higher. In the initiation
Zone of chemical precipitation
of limestone
One of the main limitations on the study of slope evolution is the typical
situation in Algeria and sketches some typical changes in soil and slope
development (fig. V.9). Here terra rossa formed on upper slopes under a damp
and warm climate due to the relative enrichment in sesquioxides of the soil in
relation to the parent material of limestone or dolomite, and also due to the
addition of soil material from an external source. Water draining from the
slopes, rich in dissolved calcium carbonate, led to the precipitation of friable
limestones on to lake floors at the foot of the slopes. The absence of clastic
this stage (fig. V.9. A). In a subsequent phase lowering of local base-levels and
the drying-up of lakes encouraged erosional activity which extended some
way up the slopes. At this stage the rhexistasis. indicated by clayey silts and
by the powdery limestone nodules formed in contraction fissures by the segre-
gation of calcareous material from other sediments, was due to tectonic
movements rather than to climatic change as the moisture regime conditions
had not changed (fig. V.9.B). As
new equilibrium was established erosion
ceased and the drainage water again became sediment-free. The calcium
carbonate was then deposited on the lower slope as a layered crust due to its
frequently also the middle is covered with slumped debris which accumulated
in the previous autumn. In general, the scarp face is cleaned olT by mid-July.
When first exposed, the surface is usually smooth from top to bottom, but it
scarp face until it becomes partially or totally ridged. Towards the end of
summer the ribbing tends to disappear, perhaps reflecting the decreasing
effect of stream erosion towards the end of the summer. As it appears to be a
universal characteristic of slope development, the transportation of material
from the toe of the slump as quickly as it accumulates favours active slumping
and the maintenance of a steep profile, and other features of this small scale
by May 956, the line marking the top of the scarp was
1 stilt distinguishable in
September 1956. This example lends support to the belief that important
undoubtedly effective.
the cliff-line receded from about the present low- water mark to within 20 m
of the present clifT. Large fallen blocks remained on the foreshore (fig.
V. 10. A). With the onset of the Wiirm glaciation, undercutting ceased with the
lowering in sea-level, and the abandoned foreshore underwent weathering.
Landforms and time 355
colonization by vegetation and soils formed. The shale under the sandstone
boulders may have been protected from these changes. The cliff-top
weathered back, and debris cones and landslide debris filled the cliff-foot
present sea-level which led to the clearing away of much of the drift by
undercutting; there was, however, no appreciable erosion of solid rock (fig.
V. lO.E). Renewed rise of sea-level from the pause at —5 to —3 m OD level,
passing the present level and rising to a maximum of 9 m OD, led to under-
cutting and removal of debris cones from most of the old interglacial cliff
ficient to undermine the The slow undercutting of the solid cliff and
slow down- wearing of the foreshore started about a.d. 1000 and continues
today (fig. V. lO.G). The result of undercutting in postglacial times is a cliff on
average about 30 m high. At points along the coast where the lower zone of
active undercutting has not yet affected the full height of the cliff, recession of
the cliff-top is negligible (fig. V.IO.E-G). Conversely, with the full height of
the cliff affected, parallel retreat takes place with measured rates of recession
being similar for the basal notch and for the cliff-top. At Huntcliff, the
portion of a Roman Signal Station that has fallen away indicates a cliff-top
recession of 3-6 m/ 100 years at a point where undercutting affects the full
being present early in the phase of sea-level fall and retaining its original
steepness, but with the cliff above the level of protection tending to wear back.
In southDevon such upper slopes are irregular and have declined to angles of
20-35 degrees (Orme, 1962). This formation of an upper convexity contrasts
with the essentially static nature of the north-east Yorkshire cliff-tops during
the shorter time span of postglacial times.
tively subdued erosional surface at the unconformity beneath the cover rock
is increasingly found to be mistaken. Borings now indicate that there were
waterfalls at least 25 m high on the Paleozoic bedrock relief now buried in the
Lower Mississippi valley, and that all the way from Cairo. Illinois, to the Gulf
of Mexico, the buried pre-Recent surface is broadly rolling and markedly
incised by an intricate valley system.
west Ireland. In other instances the circular argument, that observed dis-
has scarcely ever been studied or described. Almost invariably it is the form
of the ground that provides the evidence.
A search for the source of the boundless energy of headward erosion is
incipient drainage or seepage lines into crestal areas must gradually cease
when the crestal area, reaching some minimum width, can no longer yield
sufficient moisture to the adjacent seepage hollows or cusps for the processes
of corrosion to continue.
An appreciable exaggeration of the erosional potential of first order head-
streams results if headward erosion is applied loosely to include knickpoint or
waterfall recession and spring-sapping in this term. The last two are funda-
mentally distinct due to the organized drainage system that exists above the
rapids, fall or spring. From a study of laboratory streams L. M. Brush and
M. G. Wolman ( 1 960) concluded that in actual streams a knickpoint prob-
ably would not be recognizable more than several miles upstream from its
initial position, unless the original fall were extremely high, and that it would
be most unlikely to travel the entire length of a natural stream. Added to this
is the field evidence that most falls of great size are not situated in high
mountains but on plateaux often of great age and are sometimes relatively
close to the sea.
It seems that if a history of drainage evolution emphasizes the formation
and headward growth of new channels this view is largely a logical deduction
from the basic assumption of an initial, ideal undissected surface, following
inevitably as an artifact of the initial premise rather than as the result of
observation of actual landforms.
In some areas where structurally controlled drainage appears to have
flowed for geological spans of time, the concept of superimposition is super-
fluous. R. F. Flint (1963) considered that superimposition of drainage on a
basement may not be a necessary consequence of the removal of coastal plain
Zone seems to be
sediments, as the general drainage pattern north of The Fall
much the same as it was before Cretaceous sedimentation began.
J. W. Ambrose (1964) concluded that for a 5 million-square-km tract of the
northern Scotland, the valleys of the River Lossie and the Black Burn, south-
west of Elgin, correspond in part with pre-Devonian valleys.
A factor similar to that of the persistence of rigid geological controls is that
many contemporary major rivers had precursors following a similar approxi-
mate trend to their own at times in the geological past. The St Lawrence
drainage has probably emptied near where it now does since well back in the
Tertiary. Historically the area that is now the Amazon basin existed
as a
Landforms and time 361
trough throughout most of the Mesozoic and Paleozoic eras and possibly into
the pre-Cambrian The course of the Lower Senegal river has probably
not changed significantly since Miocene time. The Congo has been evacuating
its cuvette along the same course since Miocene or even Oligocene times. F.
Dixey (1938) considers that the upper parts of the main rivers in Madagascar
and East Africa are of ancient origin and might date back as far as Jurassic
times. In the more immediate past and affecting innumerable rivers of much
smaller size is the deepening of channels by the order of 30 m or more
beneath their present levels by downcutting during Pleistocene low stands of
sea-level.The buried channel beneath the Quinnipac river as it enters Long
Island sound is at least 50 m below sea-level and possibly more than 60 m. In
northern Connecticut, pre-Wisconsin entrenchment is more than 30 m below
present sea-level as is that of the Pleistocene Elizabeth river; the entrench-
the River Tawe valley 10 km from its mouth. Depths of at least 20 m occur in
the Avon, 35 m in the Severn, and 25-30 m in the Solent. The broad implica-
tion of the existence of these buried valleys for stages in the development of
the lower courses of rivers seems clear. A relative downward movement of
sea-level by several dozen metres would not lead to any substantially new
river valley development but merely to the re-excavation of existing buried
channels. For the Bristol Avon, as with the River Tawe. it has been suggested
that the buried channel was already eroded by the First or Second Phase of
the Last Glaciation. With ice recession and subsequent marine transgressions
the channel was probably infilled, subsequently to be re-excavated during
marine recessions of the Third and possibly the Second Phase of the Last
Glaciation and finally to be refilled with post-glacial deposits before and
during the Flandrian Transgression.
Perhaps because of the artificial separation of uplift from erosion in
W. M. Davis’s imaginative models, the degree to which the history of many
drainage networks reflects tectonic changes has perhaps been underestimated.
Although identifiable alterations due to strike-slip faulting are very localized,
modifications due to other crustal disturbances are more widespread. In
northern Utah, when the Bear Lake was 2 m above its present height an outlet
developed at the west side of the valley. The most logical explanation for a
subsequent easterly migration of the outlet is movement along the Bear
Lake fault. Similar movements might explain why all fans on the western
flank of the Black Mountains in Death valley have deeply incised channels
cutting far into their apex region, leading down to a newer part of the fan (fig.
equalled or exceeded the rate of uplift. The nearbv upper Missouri river is
Landforins and time 363
the possibility of a chain reaction as the excess flow in turn causes diversions
in a receiving river. The sudden change of course of the Tista river with
resulting addition of its waters to the Brahmaputra river may well have been a
contributing factor towards the diversion of the latter (fig. V. 1 2.D).
In middle courses of streams, stages in drainage pattern development may
accompany and follow lateral stream cutting. In areas of horizontal strata or
homogeneous rock, a river deepens its course with little lateral erosion, but
where there is even a slight regional dip or the systematic development of less
resistant strata on one valley wall compared with the other there is a greater
or lesser element of lateral shift in the position of a downcutting stream.
F. L. Stricklin (1961) describes slopes of the Seymour valley, Texas, which
suggest that the valley floor was cut primarily by two major streams. The
bedrock floor beneath the Seymour has a dominant northerly slope on the
south side of the Brazos and a dominant easterly slope on the north side
ranging from 1-4 m/km. The bedrock surfaces are smoothly bevelled and
overlain by coarse, cross-bedded alluvium, indicating their origin by lateral
stream planation. and appear to reflect a northerly shift of the Brazos and an
easterly shift of one of its large tributaries. The position of the Pearlette ash
indicates that the shifting in channel position has probably been in operation
for a few million years. In an area farther north, in the Three Forks basin,
Montana, the Bridger Range began to rise in late Pliocene or early
Pleistocene times and because of the northerly tilt the main streams like the
ancestral Madison. Jefferson, and Gallatin tended to shift northward with
time. On the eastern side of North America in Tertiary times, the attitude of
the consolidated rocks in the Teays river basin apparently exercised some
regional control on the river and its tributaries, causing the former River
Teays to migrate laterally by down-dip This 1500-km-long river flowed
from its headwater region in the Piedmont of Virginia and North Carolina.
364 Introduction to Geomorphology
north-westward and west and finally into the present Illinois. A pre-
dismemberment of this former major drainage feature
Pleistocene stage in the
was its diversion at Scary. E. C. Rhodehamel and C. W. Carlston (1963)
believe that down-dip shift of the stream was involved in this diversion, that
an uncommon thickness of sandstone formed a local base-level and greatly
slowed the rate of downcutting immediately downstream from the point
where the diversion eventually occurred, although the final mechanism that
accomplished the diversion at the ‘elbow of capture’ is not known. However,
as this and some other diversions like that illustrated in fig. V.14 resemble in
explanation suggested for the diversion stage in river drainage history in that
area might have some broader application. Fig. V. 1 5 illustrates the suggested
mechanism, termed down-dip breaching (Pitty, 1965). Stages in drainage
diversion may start with indentation along a weaker scarp section by dip-
controlled stream erosion, followed by lateral erosion within the indentation,
shaped entrance to the top through the divide cut by the diversion. Alterna-
tively in some parts of the southern Pennine scarplands with a low dip or
where the bench formed between two resistant strata is narrow, alluviation in
the channel may make diversion possible over the lower stratum forming the
up-dip margin of the drainage basin. This diversion mechanism, termed up-
dip breaching (Pitty. 1966) leads to a diversion channel cut obliquely to the
strike (fig. V.16).
A feature of river diversions is that they may result from a rare or even
unique event. One of the clearest examples followed the overflow of Lake
Bonneville into the Snake river, perhaps in the early part of the last glacial
about 20 000 years ago. The overspill itself was perhaps the result of drain-
age changes in the Bear river. The flood was of such great volume that at
bends and restrictions in the Snake river canyon it was some hundreds of
metres deep and it overflowed the canyon walls, took short cuts across the
plain and created spectacular bars and plunge pools where the overflow
waters returned to the canyon. This diversion followed earlier diversion
stages in the history of this river which occurred when the extrusion of the
Snake river basalt in the Cedar Butte locality dammed the river, with the
water impounded in the ponded lake extending about 60 km upstream.
When a river system exposes limestone on its floor distinctive, although
not universally similar, stages in drainage evolution usually proceed until
were then few. In the Cracow upland, dry valleys and cave systems developed
only after Miocene orogenic movements had occurred. A second factor in the
diversion of drainage underground is the necessity for there to be a low point
in the limestone outcrop at some distance below the general level of the
A. Levels in the Sainte Anne cave at Tilff linked with downcutting of the Ourthe
river, Belgium {from C. Ek, 1962, Rassegna, Spel. Italiana, Vol. 14).
clastic debris filling the cavities, was 70 m deep at the Kentucky dam site in
solutional activity. The larger sub-river openings were 30-300 m long, and
joint controlled, but occupied a zone only 20-30 m wide at the top and
perhaps rather unusual stage in drainage system evolution. The Rak river in
Slovenia is a classic example (fig. V.18.B). The river to which it is tributary,
the LJubljanica. is truncated into six parts with the surface reaches across
basin or polje floors each separated by sills. Integration of the surface drain-
age appears to be progressing towards the headwaters. Like the present Pazin
stream the LJubljanica headwaters are thought formerly to have flowed in
several directions.
drainage networks due to reduced runoff, with the blocking of channels with
dunes of wind-blown sand. Even over short spans of time, with a few seasons
of exceptional drought such as is liable to occur in parts of South Africa,
wind-blown sand may cause a temporary choking of the watercourse and even
reversal of drainage. In some instances the river system of the succeeding
phase of greater runoff became re-established in accordance with the dune
pattern. Wind-aligned drainage systems have been noted in the northern
Great Plains, like the north-west to south-east alignment of tributary streams
of east-flowing rivers in South Dakota, in Navajo country in Arizona, and
over a large area in the Colorado Plateau where numerous south-west-flowing
tributaries incised by 60 m and considerably more are parallel with present
wind direction. Most areas of aligned drainage are downwind from large
intermittent streams, the beds of which receive periodic replenishments of
sand available for wind transport during dry periods. It seems that any
deviation away from the direction of prevailing winds by smaller tributaries is
there may be little correspondence between the gradients of the present and
may converge or diverge
of the terrace-building stream, and terrace profiles
downstream. Climatic terraces are most clearly displayed upstream from a
relatively unchanging level, such as might be imposed by a resistant bar
across the stream course. This is the case in the Tapitallee Creek. New South
Wales, where terraces converge downstream on a sandstone barrier.
Secondly, the exact nature of inter-relationships between terraces and
climatic change is complicated by non-linear and even non-monotonic relation-
ships between changes in precipitation amounts, extent and amount of vegeta-
tion cover, periodicity of rainfall, and dilTerences in their effects on erosion,
transport, and deposition of sediments. However, in middle latitudes,
causing a shift in the junction position from one phase to the next. In general,
tion to deposition forms, for successively younger ice advances most effec-
tively destroy the depositional features of earlier glaciations should they over-
ride them. In consequence, if older glacial deposits survive they are isolated
fragments high on valley-sides or in the most distal parts of an ice-invaded
area, and are usually without enough surface expression to be of direct
relevance to landform studies. For instance, Irish Sea ice, perhaps as an early
Wiirm glacier, probably advanced south across the Cheshire Plain to reach its
distinctive area where more than one moraine remains, it may reflect any of
the basic conditions illustrated in fig. V.19. End moraines might epitomize the
changing times of landform development, were it not that the identity, age,
and continuations of many end-moraines are often problematic. It is easy to
underestimate how actual moraines represent prolonged and complicated
histories and often may bear little resemblance to textbook models.
J.K. Charlesworth’s Lammermuir-Stranraer moraine, identified in 1926
along the northern edge of the Southern Uplands of Scotland and interpreted
as a major readvance of Highland ice, has subsequently been reinterpreted as
essentially stagnant-ice fluvioglacial deposits away from its western end. Also
it is probably only in the Lammermuir area that the last ice advance was from
the Highlands.The last ice to reach much of the northern edge from the
Southern Uplands came from the higher ground to the south. Similarly in the
glacial times that stages in ice-deposited landforms are more clearly displayed
due to the comparative recency of the events and the clearer documentation,
including intensive pollen analysis. Again, however, much of the information
available reflects the stratigrapher’s interest in problems of chronology and
correlations in time rather than in the differences in detail of the landforms.
Selected regional examples of the sorts of pattern of advances encountered
are probably more useful illustrations of present knowledge than possible
generalizations. The definition of two climatic phases of postglacial time,
however, provides a basic starting-point of broad significance. First the
Hypsithermal interval was the time 5000-8000 years ago when many
glaciers shrank most in postglacial times. The Neoglacial describes the
climatic episode covering the last 5 millennia during which, at various times,
glaciers grew or were re-created. In arctic Canada, moraines were built about
2400 years ago, with similar features created in western Greenland 3000-
4000 years ago. Many glaciers after reaching their Neoglacial maximum,
commonly within the latter part of the nineteenth century, began a fluctuating
recession until cooler and wetter conditions began in the 1940s. In Alaska the
Sherman and Sheridan glaciers, although they advanced several kilometres
beyond their present position in Wisconsin times, readvanced in the
eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. There was a readvance again in the
nineteenth century until 1900. when the
m be-
Sheridan glacier was 700
yond its Sherman 1175m forward. Recession followed
present position and the
but in 1930 both readvanced to approximately 500 m beyond their present
376 Introduction to Geomorphology
positions. On the opposite side of the continent the Barnes ice-cap re-advanced
to the outer moraine in c. a.d. 1250. followed by slow retreat until a.d. 1550
when readvance created a major moraine. Subsequent retreat was interrupted
by a readvance to another distinct moraine formed about a.d. 1700. Con-
ditions since have been more stable but with a readvance forming a moraine
about A.D. 1 840. Distinct from the phases quoted so far is the Washington
and Oregon area in north-west United States, where the greatest Neoglacial
advance was between 1800 and 500 years BP. In Argentina the first post-
glacial readvance took place 4600 BP and may have reached a maximum
about 2000 BP. This is essentially the Sub-Atlantic period when advances
occurred in Alaska, Canadian Arctic. Greenland, Iceland, and Europe. Also
like many other parts of the world Argentinian glaciers advanced during the
last three centuries, although, unlike many areas, this was the greatest posi-
tion in postglacial times.
Taking a broader view than the minor retreats and re-advances during a
major glaciation, certain stages in landform evolution might be linked very
tentatively with general intensification to the last maximum glaciation fol-
lowed by more clearly defined stages in its subsequent decline. The initial
sarily picked up by the ice. For stages in deglaciation there is much more
tangible evidence, although it has been used to develop a range of contrast-
ing interpretations. It is established, however, that many forms associated with
deglaciation do not appear simultaneously but often occur in sequence.
Just as the importance of freezing conditions preceding a glacial advance
might have varied widely according to local circumstances, no set of
generalizations apply to air and soil temperatures in deglaciated areas. In the
area vacated by the retreat of ice of the Late Weichsel stadial in lowland
Britain, fossil permafrost features indicate that permafrost conditions de-
veloped after this particular retreat. In contrast, in coastal areas, like the
relatively dry climate in the western Canadian plains meant that features were
mainly composed of till rather than of fluvioglacial materials and that they
remain well preserved due to only slight postglacial erosion.
The most significant aspect of an understanding of stages in deglaciation
has been the fundamental change in basic postulates in the last two decades.
The classical concept of deglaciation, elaborated about the turn of the century
for upland areas in many countries, was the retreat of a continuous ice margin
towards lower ground ponding elongated glacial lakes against the flanks of
upland nunatak areas or mountains like those in central Norway and Sweden
where the snow-line rose so high during deglaciation that no accumulation
area was left. Had more time been available for field surveys these postulated
lakes might have been reconstructed on the evidence of shorelines or shore-
line deposits, but frequently the lakes were merely inferred to have existed at
an altitude determined by the level of the channel floor assumed to have
served as a marginal lake outlet. While field workers gradually showed that
such shorelines frequently had neither form nor deposits at the postulated
altitudes, C. M. Mannerfelt (1945) put forward his ideas on the downwasting
of ice-sheets. His interpretations, worked out in southern Sweden, have sub-
sequently been successfully tested in other areas, particularly in Britain.
Similarly, in the Susquehanna valley, stages of deglaciation are now thought
to have been predominantly those of downwasting and stagnation rather than of
frontal retreat. Also stagnation of ice characterized the final stages of the
earlier short Illinoian glaciation. At this stage in deglaciation lowland areas
are occupied by large stagnant ice bodies with melt water slipping readily
between and beneath the decaying ice. In higher areas which were centres of
ice dispersal and which were high enough to remain as zones of accumulation
while lowland ice melted, the ice-sheet contracted upwards and penultimate
stages of deglaciation resembled initial stages of its onset as the ice-sheet
separated into progressively smaller units. As the mountain ridges emerged
from the ice. melt-water streams formed overflow channels at low points in
the ridges. Many glaciers were fed from more than one direction and with
some more active than others, reversals of melt-water
glacier tongues being
flow occurred and cols followed by tongues of diffluent ice as well as by melt
water. At this stage in the deglaciation of the Canadian Cordilleran region
differentiation of sedimentary products of reworked till took place, with small
deposits of lag gravel forming in upland areas and silt and finer material
remaining suspension and being sluiced from the uplands into silt-filled
downwasting ice. By contrast the Iowan loess was blown from the Iowan drift
during ice-retreat, and the maximum thickness is at the border of the drift.
Loess deposits form an extensive belt along the north European plain, but is
only patchily distributed in south-east England and is almost completely
absent in Scotland.
Apart from the case of well-defined end-moraines the association of glacial
is scarcely practicable nor
depositional landforms with stages of deglaciation
realistic in most areas. The complex variability of modes and rates of ice-
retreat and the associated depositional forms is shown clearly in a study by
K. Virkkala ( 1 96 1 ) of the Hameenlinna area in southern Finland. In this area,
there are several different zones in the glacial forms, related to stages in
deglaciation. Ice retreated first from the south-east part of the area, dis-
tinguished as zone A in fig. V.20. It is now occupied by numerous small
morainic ridges and kames aligned at right-angles to the direction of ice-
retreat. These features probably reflect halts or even slight readvances punc-
tuating the ice-retreat. In zone B large kames, much pitted in the Turenki
locality, indicate standstill of the ice margin for considerable periods, an ice con-
dition also favouring delta formation. However, in some parts of this zone
the ice behaved differently and washboard moraines are numerous. Zone C is a
2-3-km broad belt in which no ice-marginal formations occur. In the succeed-
ing zone D large eskers reflect a rapid rate of ice-melting and ice-retreat along
range, but later moved eastwards, partly due to cyclone tracks moving south-
east and southward. This might have caused reduced snow supply to
northerly parts and even recession, which might explain why ice began to re-
treat at quite an early stage from the northern mountain areas in Norway.
This reconstruction shows that, due to the significance of local conditions, par-
ticularly relief and aspect, the progress of glaciation does not necessarily imply
a parallel development with the glaciation of an area as a whole. Local ice
developed during final phases of Riss glaciation or during the initial phases of
the Wurm glaciation.
A second point is that within the Tee Age’ ideas on the number of major
glaciations are increasingly qualified due to growing evidence indicating
climatic oscillations which preceded them and which make a fixed notion
about four glaciations too rigid a frame.
A third, substantial problem is that of the broad time zone that now defines
the beginning of the Pleistocene. A faunal date from East Africa puts the
Villafranchian back to 1-75 million years, and ages for an approximate time
equivalent in North America, the Late Blancan, are between 1-5 and 3-3
million years. These ages are far older than the period, probably starting
approximately 600 000 years ago, covering the classic four glaciations of the
Alps. It is now recognized that the Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary cannot be
definedby the first incoming of glaciation, but that the earliest evidence of a
marked climatic deterioration be taken as the start of the first major phase of
glaciation for a given region.
Some studies dealing with changes in coasts and coastlines record some of the
most exactly known stages in the evolution of landforms. Coastal stretches
Landforms and time 381
decades or more. However, along all but a few very short stretches of coast
information is insufficient and interpretations uncertain. In fact, set against
the detail obtainable at one or two sites there is, in current interpretation of
stages of coastal development, considerable uncertainty and major recent
reconsiderations of basic concepts. Many factors make generalization about
stages of coastal evolution difficult if not misleading. In addition to the
complications of considering both section and plan, the juxtaposition of
erosional and depositional stretches of coastline is difficult to interpret and
their separate consideration may be unrealistic. Other sources of variation
include changes in the relative level of land and sea due to isostatic adjust-
ments of land levels, postglacial rises in sea-level and the superimposition of
both effects on local tectonic movements. In consequence, it is substantially
more difficult to support the idealized sequence of forms that might occur in
the plan of a coastline than was permissible two decades ago. D. Johnson’s
(1919) elaboration of early notions explaining a contrast between emergent
and submergent coasts is now seen not merely as over-idealized but also as
totally unrealistic. Also the stratigraphical evidence and ideas of use in study-
ing stages of heights in land-sea relations in coasts even a decade ago are
now obsolete. Although stratigraphical field study is permitting some pro-
gress, it is now appreciated that undeformed strand-lines are at present very
difficult to identify, and that the eventual complete correlation between rocky
and depositional coasts is perhaps intrinsically unobtainable.
Classically sea-level was believed to have been at about + 60 m during the
Giinz/Mindel interglacial (325 000 BP), at -(-30 m during the Mindel/Riss
interglacial (195 000 BP), and at -f- 18 m during the Riss/Wiirm interglacial
(105 000 BP). These three levels were named, respectively. Milazzian,
Tyrrhenian, and Monastirian, but their interpretation is now being extensively
revised on increasingly stratigraphical evidence. One reason for the revisions
is that the Mediterranean region including type localities of the initial
was tectonically unstable prior to the last interglacial. There is also inde-
pendent evidence that sea-level itself might have been at about the same
elevations during the three interglacials. Substantial revisions even appear
necessary for changes within postglacial times. For instance, in Scotland for
382 Introduction to Geomorphology
the last 80 years or so the raised beaches have been grouped at levels of 30,
15. and 12-5 m, yet after recent careful measurements in the Forth Valley
area, J. B. Sissons (1963) is uncertain of the total number of shorelines and
how fragments of these might be correlated with other fragments within even
this area. One of the weaknesses in D. Johnson’s deductive scheme is that,
apart from areas like northern Canada and Scandinavia where postglacial
isostatic rebound outstripped postglacial sea-level rise, or tectonically active
areas where eustatic and crustal movements are scarcely distinguishable, all
have terraces near present sea-level between 6 and 30 m. Some terraces dip
symmetrically outward from the centre of the island. Others are tilted, due to
or Pleistocene bedrock.
The clearest examples of staircases of relict erosional benches notched in
higher areas inland from coasts are found in mobile, tectonically unstable
areas where abrupt uplift and periods of stillstand occurred during
Pleistocene times. It is in these very areas, however, that vertical movements
vary widely in amount and even in direction of movement and where, in
such as stream mouths graded to a level about 90 below the present sea- m
level. Buffington and Moore adopt a figure of 60 m for the greater stand of
sea-level above the present during pregiacial and interglacial times. Combined
with a tectonic depression of land surface 80 m below its present elevation in
the San Clemente locality, this early high sea- level would have created condi-
tions for the formation of the fifth terrace in post-Capistrano times. This
could have been in the late Pliocene or during one of the early Pleistocene
interglacial phases (fig. V. 18. A). The formation of the lower four terraces
may have occurred subsequently during relative stillstands of the sea during
the intermittent re-elevation of the coast (fig. V. 2 1 .B). With a continued elevation
of land of perhaps 195 m and a eustatic lowering of sea-level by approxi-
mately 100 m during the last stage of the Pleistocene, land that is now 250 m
below present sea- level would have been exposed to sub-aerial erosion, a
new base-level formed (fig. V.21.C), and vigorous erosion cut gullies down
the coastal slope. These were then rapidly drowned by a rise of sea-level
approximately to its present position (fig. V.21.D), a trend continued by a
slower eustatic rise of sea level (fig. V.21.E). The latter phase of sea- level rise
was slow enough for the planation of a rock platform and the deposition of
1 2 m of sediment on it. Since drowning, deposition appears to have been the
dominant process.
Generally speaking, evolution of forms on rocky coasts is too slow for
changes to be discernible. A. Guilcher (1949) has suggested that some high
cliffs in hard rocks might be fossilised features formed a hundred thousand
years ago. In consequence stages in coastline changes are usually best seen
in glacial or alluvial deposits. However in the case of erosion of soft rocks
former stages are only reconstructions of a past that has disappeared beneath
the waves and are not part of the present-day forms like those representing
stages in coastal deposition. In the latter case several stages are sometimes
discernible. This is particularly so in shallow shelf areas where the post-
glacial rise in sea-level involved substantial lateral displacements of shorelines
and associated reworked shelf deposits at rates of tens of metres per annum.
For instance, much of the 600-700-km-wide shallow platform between
Timor and the north-west Australian coast, the Sahul Shelf,was exposed
1 8 000 years ago, as was the entire As the initial rise was rapid
Orinoco shelf.
even delta shorelines, like the Mississippi, were moved landward. As long as
the last major rise of sea-level was taking place, new areas of coastal plain
were being inundated and fresh supplies of sediment were encountered. The
clays were dispersed but the coarser eonstituents were pushed forward to
become beaches. On all tropical coasts, the amounts of sand amassed in the
coastal belts was especially huge. Beach volume increased as long as the rise
of sea-level continued and the surplus sand was blown downwind to form
coastal dunes. The beach-dune systems reached their greatest volume with
Late Pliocene or early Pleistocene Interglaciol
— ^ Gullies developed to new base
»n exposed Miocene bedrock
shelf break
Figure V.21 Development of terraces and sea gullies during Pleistocene eustatic
changes in sea-level on a tectonically active coast [after Buffington and Moore,
1963). The vertical arrows indicate the relative movements of sea or land. The
diagram is based on conditions in the San Clemente locality, southern California,
Land/arms and time 385
reaeh heights of 8-9 m above present sea-level and diminish in height sea-
Fig V.22 illustrates one of the many points around the coasts of the British
Figure V.22 Postglacial episodes on the sandy shore of south Lancashire (from
R. K. Gresswell. 1953. Sandy shores in south Lancashire). At Stage B the dunes
are made up of the Shirdtey Hill Sand and the beach of Downholland silt.
386 Introduction to Geomorphology
Isles where there are records of postglacial changes in the forms of uncon-
solidated materials. R. K. Gresswell ( 1 964) considered that, in early postglacial
times, the land-level on the east Lancashire coast, in relation to sea-level, was
at least 45 m higher than today. Marine transgression, presumably due to
ecstatic sea-level rise exceeding isostatic land-level rise, culminated in the
formation of the Hillhouse beach, possibly 5000 years ago (fig. V.22.A). The
cliff foot associated with this feature is at 5 m OD suggesting a correlation
with similar features found between 0 and 1 0 m OD in many other coastal
areas of Britain. Eustatic rise then either diminished considerably or ceased
altogether, while either isostatic rise continued or local crustal warping
occurred. This slight relative elevation of the land favoured the deposition of
the Shirdley Hill Sand and the Downholland silt on the prograding shoreline
(fig. V.22.B), and forest and peat bog grew on the upper parts of the beach as
the coastline continued to retreat westward (fig. V.22.C). Finally land-level
fell in relation to sea-level and the erosion of the peat and other beds started
V.22.D). M. Schwartz’s (1968) work, extending ideas of P. Bruun, has
shown how with other factors equal, within the last few millennia where some
approach to a balance between forces may be possible on a coastline of
deposition, the effect of a sea-level rise would be the landward displacement of
the beach profile, nearshore deposition compensating for the erosion of the
upper beach in such a way as to maintain water depth adjacent to the shore.
Factors not likely to remain equal include the amount of sediment supply
alongshore which is often the most important factor in determining whether
short-term stages of coastline evolution will be erosional or depositional.
Although the facts of late Quaternary times make the classical Johnsonian
theory linking the origin of barrier islands and related features to shorelines
of emergence unrealistic, there are some situations where accumulation and
emergence The emergent beach at Gisborne, Poverty Bay in New
Zealand, comprises a belt of nearly 100 low. closely spaced and continuous
ridges about 5 km wide, rising from 4-5 m at the coast to 12 m inland and is
climate is relatively dry. lagoons may develop. With marine oozes introduced
by incoming tides and the addition of river alluvium the filling up of lagoons
may proceed in clearly definable stages. Along the Pacific coast of Baja
Russell (1967) suggests that a comparison between the north and south coasts
of the Baltic well illustrates the major fallacy of the subdivision between
coastlines of emergence and submergence. Instead, stages of alluviation in
river mouths are recognizable, with the effects in the ria or classical ‘drowned
valley’, either due to their depth or to the dearth of sediment supply or to
diminished river discharge being least apparent. Many estuaries being pro-
gressively filled, contract in volume, depth and surface area until adepositional
plain extends right to the coast often with an associated fringe of deposits
strung out by marine processes (fig. V.24). Deltaic coasts are the other
extreme where the scale of alluviation may be colossal; the volume of Recent
time. Breaches in spits open many times as on the Lake of Barberie which
closes the Senegal delta, but are soon replaced if average conditions remain
Smeaton's lighthouse
0776) ^^^1684 1
V— g'-^'^ives
Low lighthouses
Landfonns and time 391
tion to cover a central area out of reach of wave erosion. Building out of the
lee-side, perhaps to several times the size of the island, in its third stage
makes this possible and the growth of vegetation, the burrowing activities of
crabs and nesting operations of birds gradually level out the older dunes in
the central area.
Dune systems on coastal margins are usually intimately related to stages in
the evolution of the adjacent depositional coastline. On many of the world’s
coasts. Recent dunes include two contrasting types. The older dunes are
leached, oxidized, exhibit at least incipient soil profiles and are usually fixed
by vegetation and are believed to have increased in volume as long as sea-level
was rising. The newer system lying seaward has smaller volumes, continues to
shift and appears inter-related with modern beaches and shore characteristics
reflecting sand supply since sea-level steadied some millennia ago. The older
dunes are subdued forms compared with the bolder outline of the more
continuous coastal fringe of newer dunes.
because more than one factor may be involved simultaneously. In some other
situations the stages in landform evolution become those of one process
succeeding a different formerly dominant one. Fluvioglacial phenomena are
perhaps the most frequently recognized examples of such a combination. One
of the most common developments is the ice-ponding of lakes and the effects
on melt-water discharge of its periodic release. There may be one of two
describes how between 1948 and 1963 the Casement glacier, Alaska,
retreated nearly 2 km north-east of a lake-covered esker system which melt-
water streams began to destroy after the draining of the lake. A particularly
common change is that the greater or more abrupt forms of melt water may
trench the valley train of fluvioglacial sediments, thereby creating a terrace.
However, after the abundant melt water of the early stage in deglaciation, the
net longer term effect during glacier retreat is to decrease the competency of
streams and to cause valley alluviation. Most significant are the spillways cut
when melt water spills over a low point in a watershed boundary either as a
lake spillway or as a sub-glacial chute. An example of the effects of such a
catastrophic overflow is in the Hellemofiord area, at 67°N in Norway where
a narrow canyon cuts 150-200 m down into the floor of a broad flat valley.
barriers of the Welsh and Irish Sea ice. The spectacular diversion channel
some 16 km west of Clinton. Iowa, in which Goose Lake lies, might have
been first cut when the Illinoian glacier blocked the former Mississippi at
Clinton, creating a lake in its valley which eroded the diversion channel as it
spilled over the divide between the Maquoketa river and the Wapsipinicon
river.The former course of the Allegheny river to the Erie basin was perhaps
similarly diverted to the headstreams of the Ohio river. Eroded remnants of
sands, silts, and clays once deposited in these glacial lakes provides evidence
area in front of the ice relatively dry. The effect was less marked in the Wiirm
glaciation as drainage was possible away from the ice towards the North Sea.
However, it is possible, as in any situation where more than one agent is
form the Ohio river, originally interpreted by some as one of the largest
drainage diversions wrought by glaciation in North America, is according to
analyses of the ancient channel sediments probably a preglacial event. On the
other hand, the effect of glaciation on drainage patterns that might be caused
by isostatic depressions of part of a land area might be considered. Diversion
by this means may have been possible, for instance, where the lowest pass-
point in the direction of a deep canyon between the south-west part of the
mountain plateau area and Rombaksbotn, near Narvik, is only 7- 5 m higher
than that in the direction of the valley zone to the north-west.
Landforms and time 393
growth of tributaries to the Rock river in Wisconsin and limited the size of
their watersheds, and have determined the winding course of the incised River
which from near the Yorkshire coast east towards the northern tip of
breccias and tuffs, believed to be formed from basalt magma under consider-
able hydrostatic pressure, escaping upwards and sideways through the ice.
The long rather flat-topped ridge of Dalsheidi is such a flow, occupying the
axis of an ancient glaciated valley. Although the possible stages of evolution
outlined in fig. V.26 describe an unusual example, similar stages in valley
development are also observed in fiuvially eroded valleys invaded by a lava
Inevitably, the interdependence of stream and shore processes in their
contribution to landform development has already been mentioned in several
contexts, but it is perhaps worth recalling this point here. Just as it would be
difficult to isolate stages in the evolution of streams from the changes at the
coast affecting regional base-level, so are many stages in coastline evolution
profoundly influenced by river activity. The significance of wind removal or
accumulation of material in introducing distinctive stages into landform
evolution in certain coastal, fluvial, glacial, and even slope environments is
worth reiterating.
the present-day landscape. Alternatively the objective may be, largely by the
use of relict fragments in the present land surface, the reconstruction of stages
in the evolution of the present relief form.
An example of a study largely orientated towards reconstructions of strati-
low swells where bedrock was not buried. A thick and widespread mantle of
Earliest Pliocene
V.27.D). A feature of the present relief (fig. V.27.E) is that the incision of the
valleys is sufficiently deep for the maintenance of perennial streams.
The most decisive stages in the evolution of relief near the desert in
T IMUT nTfronn]]]
iQtentic soil profile
llllllll III mill 1
Cretace DUS rocks n
_j _j
to stages in relief development farther north (fig. V.29) operated in the south
but with effectiveness reduced to the extent that changes in pre-Quaternary
landforms were negligible. The Mio-Pliocene deposits in the valleys cut down
between the residual hills of the hamada surfaces puts the main period of
dissection before the end of the Miocene, possibly as a response to large
radius folding related to late- Atlas orogenic movements. Valley incision con-
tinued during the Oligocene and for most of the Miocene to depths of 55-
60 m below the surrounding tableland, with slope-retreat broadening the
valleys (fig. V.28.A). Subsequent deposition of several dozen metres of sedi-
ment has reduced the relief contrast somewhat and in many cases made the
incision of the pre-existing meandering course of the River Teifi into the plateau
can itself be recognized as an earlier stage, perhaps related to uplift in preglacial
dicates that the periods of accumulation were short lived. However the
porosity of the mantle accentuated the effect of the drier climate and gypsum
crusts developed (fig. V.29.B). The reduction in sediment supply to channels,
however, favoured some incision of the main drainage channels by the debris-
free water of the occasional floods, a process accentuated at the beginning of
the ensuing pluvial phase (fig. V.29.C). Subsequently the effect of greater and
more frequent floods of the more humid phase was a reversion to lateral
planation leading to the development of a second, lower pediment surface (fig.
According to R. W. Jessup’s (1961) schematic interpretation of the evolu-
tion of relief in the south-eastern part of the Australian arid zone, the alterna-
tion of pluvial and non-pluvial periods during the Tertiary and Quaternary
created a series of relief patterns unlike those postulated for Tunisia. Unlike
many parts of Australia there are, in the south-east portion of the arid area
no remnants of the actual land surface on which a deep lateritic soil developed
(fig. V.30.A). Continental uplift and down-warping of the Lake Eyre basin
in the Miocene led to the dissection of the post-laterite erosion surface
(fig. V.30.B). Subsequent cementation of the upper part of the detrital deposits
formed a silicrete capping (fig. V.30.C). The extensive younger erosional land
surface developed into the lower part of the kaolinized materials when earth
movements ceased (fig. V.30.D). As much of the area was a vast internal
drainage basin, sedimentation continued from late Tertiary into the
down. Wind transportation ceased as the climate became more humid, stony
tableland soils developed (fig. V.30.F) together with renewed but limited
drainage incision and surface stripping.
Among workers in some humid mid-latitude areas, particularly in Britain,
there was. until a decade ago, intense interest in the search for stages in the
Landforms and time 401
evolution of relief as a whole, studied by mapping erosion surface remnants
and the interpretation of altitudinal ranges covering any discrete groupings
that emerged. This pattern of investigation followed that of H. Baulig’s
pioneer work on the denudation chronology of the Massif Central (Baulig,
1928). The altitudinal ranges were regarded as an expression of phases
of partial peneplanation before a relative fall in sea-level led to similar level-
In the belief that some readers may wish to replace many of the examples
scattered through this book with those of their own observation, it is con-
sidered that this book would be incomplete without some suggestions on how
those with little experience and with limited means and time at their disposal
either to do fieldwork or to search for the appropriate advanced manual or
on techniques, might go out into
article the field and return with some
measurements or samples to be analysed.
A. Slope Measurement
During the last 20 years geomorphologists have come to regard hillslopes as
the most important relief form, and to agree that the measurement of profiles
in the field is a desirable stage in slope study. Slopes are usually measured
with an Abney level, a conveniently carried pocket-sized instrument used in
conjunction with ranging poles and a tape measure. With little expense and
requiring no great skill an alternative is the construction and use of a slope
pantometer, a simple device reflecting in concept the theme of the present
appendix. Made from well-seasoned wood or with right-angle girders of light-
weight alloy, the device consists of two uprights, each with a bolt near top and
bottom (fig. App.l.A). One of the uprights has a large protractor scale at-
tached, centred on the upper bolt. Two cross-pieces with holes exactly 1-5 m
Appendix 403
level makes it possible to set the uprights vertically for measuring the
slope declivity. To facilitate the drawing of the results, tables of horizontal and
vertical equivalents for slope angles are easily prepared, and the value for
each angle in the profile sequence is read off and accumulated to give the
points with which to trace the profileon graph paper. Representation of the
results in the form of a subdivided histogram provides a compact summary
The procedure for measuring a series of slope angles down a profile is to
place the protractor upright on the position occupied by the leading upright
during the previous measurement. However, before taking measurements,
three decisions on the position and length of the profile line are required to
ensure some comparability between profiles. First, in dome-shaped hills with
curved contours the two dimensions of the slope-profile will vary with down-
slope changes in the plan shape and are perhaps best avoided in preliminary
studies. Secondly, the actual alignment of the profile, always at right angles to
the contours, might be drawn through a randomly located point designated rn
in fig. App.l.C, or perhaps the lines might be located to answer a specific
fig. App.l.C, the inclination of the ridge crest, or the steepest gradient that
exists in any direction away from the vicinity of the profile summit, should be
measured. The summit area shown in fig. App.l.C, enlarged in frame D, is
A. The slope pantometer, a simple device for the measurement of large numbers of
unit-length slope angles {from A. F. Fitly. 1968, Jour. Geol., Vol. 76).
the southern Pennines, and how the steepest angles are largely confined to the
C and D. The laying out of the slope profile orthogonal to contours and its
tion is confined to an area where contours are straight and parallel in order to hold
content of the soil, is the mechanical behaviour of soil, such as elastic, plastic,
or liquid states. These in turn influence the shrinkage, contraction, and shear-
ing properties. The simple addition of water may, by altering the mode of
failure, explain differences between landslide, mudflow, and sheetwash. Soil
water will influence the proportion of precipitation which infiltrates into the
soil and the amount which runs off on the surface; it will influence the
Although many attempts have been made to express indirectly the total
water content of the soil in terms of climatic data, and although few direct
observations appear in the geomorphological literature, the measurement of
soil-water content is straightforward.
Wm-Wd °° P""
" Wd~-Wt ""
soil, soil moisture contents from waterlogged sites may be as high as 200-
406 Introduction to Geomorphology
300 per cent. Also the calculation does not give a direct measure of the
volume of water in the soil. This can be calculated only if the volume of the
field sample is measured when collected. However, difficulties in extracting an
undisturbed core of soil make this extra measurement unnecessary for many
practical purposes.
C. Estimation of Stream-flow
The arguments for measuring stream-flow are compelling. Many authorities
maintain that erosion by running water is still to be regarded as the dominant
agent in landform sculpture, and detailed hydrological investigations have
enabled geomorphologists, like G. H. Dury, to suggest new hypotheses con-
cerning drainage evolution. Further, the volume of stream-flow is an essential
item for the calculations of denudational loss which provide a vital aid in
interpreting rates of change in the evolution of landforms. Not least, as water
is one of man’s most vital resources, no geomorphologist can equip himself
with techniques to turn more readily to practical ends than those offered by
some knowledge of stream-flow observation.
Fluctuations in stream-flow at a point are readily and accurately recorded
by measuring the water height, or stage, in relation to a fixed datum. It can
hardly be emphasized too strongly that one needs only a ruler to learn at first
The channel should be open and straight, preferably with high, vertical banks
to contain high water-flows, and with a natural or artificial constriction
Appendix 407
downstream which, by maintaining a smooth water surface upstream, estab-
lishes a clear relation between stage and discharge. There should be some
serviceable float.
Fig. App.2.A illustrates the measurement of the positions of 7 floats, in a
hypothetical stream reach, as they cross the upstream line UV, and then again
as they cross the downstream line DE. The distance between these two lines.
Figure App.2 Estimation of stream flow by floats (for explanation, see text).
and DE. The average of a pair of depth readings provides the values for the
depth at the panel boundaries a to/ along the mid-reach line, MN. The width,
u’, between panel boundaries along MN is also measured. The discharge, q,
for the panels is then obtained,
=w X —
depth a depth 6
„ ,
depth b + depth c ,,
qV = u’X —
depth c -r
E- —- X
The total discharge, 0, in cubic metres per second, is the sum of the indi-
vidual panel discharges.
Ten measurements of discharge, if they cover a wide range of runoff
conditions, may be sufficient to define a graph between stage height and
discharge. With the aid of this graph, known as a rating curve, it is then
possible to estimate the discharge volume from a reading of the stage alone. It
is worth noting that the scatter of points about the rating curve is a helpful
indication of the consistency of the discharge measurements, and that
the shape of rating curves may vary from one station to another due to
differences in channel configuration.
Take about 100 gm of sediment which have been thoroughly dried in an oven
at a temperature not greater than 105°— 1 10°C. Pass the sediment through a
2-mm sieve and weigh the coarser fraction before discarding it. When the
fraction finer than 2 mm has been weighed, the weight of the coarser fraction
can be recorded as a percentage of the total sample.
Arrange a nest of about five sieves with the mesh aperture size increasing
Appendix 409
upwards and with a collecting pan at the base. Pour the sub-sample of
sediment finer than 2 mm on to the uppermost sieve and cover with the lid
and shake the nest of sieves. After about 8 minutes further effort will not
produce an appreciable increase in the degree of sorting obtained. In shaking,
pressure should be applied to lid and base of the nest to maintain a tight fit
between sieves. The basic motion in shaking should be rotary, to keep the
particles moving round the sieves, combined with vertical jolts to facilitate the
sorting process. The contents of each sieve are emptied on to a sheet of paper
and then funnelled into a container for weighing, together with any grains
wedged in the mesh of the sieve which can be dislodged by careful brushing.
The percentage of the total weight retained at each size division is obtained.
X 100
where Ws is the weight of material retained at a given size grade and Wd is
the original dry weight of sub-sample. The weight of material on the collect-
ing pan is mesh size of finest
the percentage of the total weight finer than the
sieve. The percentage weight of material on the pan, when added to that of
material retained on the finest sieve, gives the percentage of the total weight
finer than the mesh size of the next-to-the-finest sieve size. In this way a
cumulative percentage worked out for material finer than each sieve size,
the cumulative curve drawn up, and indices for describing median size and
expense compared with the cost of sieves and the principles of particle-size
analysis and its results can be appreciated from a study of pebbles alone if the
cost of sieves is prohibitive. However, it should not be beyond the ingenuity
of some to find cheap, mass-produced items to provide a range of aperture
sizes that would subdivide sand-sized particles. The actual sizes might
difficult to estimate accurately but a series of samples would be effectively
ranked. The most important point in analysing sediments is to avoid wherever
E. Heavy Minerals
A complete heavy mineral analysis requires great expertise, specialized equip-
ment, and a lot of time. However, in certain localities it is possible to study
how one heavy mineral moves in relation to lighter particles by separating the
magnetic component of a sand, if present, with a simple horse-shoe magnet.
For example, using this method on barchan dunes in southern Peru,
Hastenrath (1967) demonstrated a deficiency of the heavy mineral on the slip
Table App.l Deficiency of heavy minerals on the slip face of barchan dunes in
southern Peru, demonstrated by the use of a horse shoe magnet (Hastenrath, 1967)
East horn 0 8 1 1 11 3
West horn 3 5 1 8 7 6
Windward face 1 5 3 1 3 4
Crest I 8 2 4 1 8
Slipface 0 8 — 1 2
F. Soil pH
The measurement of pH is useful in weathering and in vegetation studies since
can have no precise significance, the examples show that estimates of pH are
well worth recording.
Table App.2 The relationship between pH and age of moraines (from Stork, 1963,
and from R. F. Chandler, 1942, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc., Vol. 7).
Exposure in Exposure in
years pH years pH
0 81 15 5-4
5 7-7 90 51
10 7-8 250 4-3
15 6-5 approx. 1000 3-7
30 61 — —
50 5-4 — —
addition of Soil Indicator, a soil-testing reagent. The top end of the test tube is
then stoppered with a second rubber bung and the suspension shaken vigor-
ously. The test tube is then placed vertically in a rack, and when 2-5 cm of the
supernatant liquid is clear, the colour of the liquid is compared with a range
of standard colours on a special pH chart. Interpolation between the chart
colour chips is not easy, and improved results are obtained if several samples
are analysed at the same time and then ranked in order of increasing intensity
of colour.
Among which complicate the interpretation of pH observations
the factors
moisture. Waterlogged soils are commonly close to neutral
is soil
but may, on
drying, fall from 7 to 4 as a result of oxidation. High
carbon dioxide concen-
trations may lower pH by as much as a unit compared with similar soils
412 Introduction to Geomorphology
G. Dissolved Solids
is very nearly that of any of the major constituents and calcium carbonate,
which is quantitatively the most important in many drainage waters, is neither
difficult nor expensive to determine accurately. Its study, in addition to
providing first-hand insight into chemical weathering also can improve one’s
appreciation of the practical problems of maintaining water quality and of
controlling pollution.
Pipette 100 ml of a drainage water sample into a flask or dish, and add 1 ml of
4N sodium hydroxide solution. Add 1 calcium hardness indicator tablet
which, when dissolved, colours the solution pink. Fill a burette with N/50
E.D.T.A. and add this dropwise to the sample. The end-point of this titration
is reached when the sample solution becomes violet, and the addition of a
further drop of N/50 E.D.T.A. produces no further colour change. If possible
the sample should be agitated during the titration and the flask or dish should
stand on a white background. Calcium carbonate content, or calcium hard-
ness in non-limestone areas, in parts per million is given by
The reagents are standard for the determination of water hardness and are
therefore readily obtained.
H. Suspended Sediment
Although the measurement of suspended sediment is one of the most
important techniques in measuring contemporary denudation rates, the
technique when compared with those already described, requires greater
Appendix 413
skill and much more time. Also an expensive, highly sensitive balance is
attached to a tap, maintains a vacuum in the flask which supports the funnel.
When all the water has passed through the funnel, the filter paper is removed,
oven-dried, placed in a desiccator to cool, then weighed. The computed
weight of sediment is divided by the weight of the sample. The result, multi-
plied by one million, gives the concentration of suspended sediment in parts
per million.
Any small area with some relief offers scope for landform study. In fact
with the contrast between north- and south-facing slopes differences equal to
several degrees of latitude are on the doorstep. With contrasts between
seasons, an indication of past climates is to some extent compressed into the
present If the student of geomorphology sets up a simple hypothesis, sees
some advantage in making measurements to test it, and carefully collects field
data by using any one of the above methods, or others not described here, his
achievement will be substantial. Even if there is no apparent or comprehen-
sible pattern, his accomplishment is still to have performed one of the most
difficult tasks in landform study, that of collecting field measurements.
Selected Bibliography
BAKKER. J1960 Some observations iti connection With recent Dutch investiga
tions about granite weathering and slope development in different climates and
climate changes. Zett / Geomorpit Suppbd l.pp 69-92 ,
360 pp
BIROT. p 1965 Geographic physique geneiale de la zone intertropicale (Centre
Doc Univ Pans). 290 pp
Nubia Geomorphologt and pre historic environments at the Aswan reset von
(Univ Wisconsin Press, Milwaukee), 562 pp
CH ARLESWORTH, j K 1957 T'/ie 2«a/er«a/ p eta (Arnold. London), Vol 1.592
pp.Vol 2. pp 593-1700
CLAYTON, k M (Ed) 1964 A bibliography of British geomorphologv. j9m Geo
morph Reseat ch Group Occ Paper, No 1. 21 1 pp
Selected bibliography 415
DAVIES, J. L. 1969. Landforms of cold climates (Aust. Nat. Univ. Press, Canberra),
200 pp.
DAVIS, w. M. 1909. Geographical essays (Ginn, Boston). 777 pp.; republished 1954
(Dover, New York).
DURY. G. H. 1959. The face of the earth (Penguin, Harmondsworth), 223 pp.
HOLMES. A. 1965. Principles of physical geology. 5th rev. ed. (Nelson, London),
1288 pp.
HORTON. R. E. 1945, Erosional development of streams and their drainage basins:
hydrophysical approach to quantitative morphology. Bull. geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 56,
pp. 275-370.
physical geography of China (Praeger, New York), Vol. 1 . 448 pp.; Vol. 2. 337 pp.
JENNINGS, j, N. and MABBUTT. J. A. (Eds). 1967. Landform studies from Australia
and New Guinea (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge). 434 pp.
KEEN, M. J. 1968. An introduction to marine geology (Pergamon. Oxford), 218 pp.
KING, c. A. M. 1959. Beaches and coasts (Arnold, London), 403 pp.
king, l. c. 1967. The morphology of the earth, 2nd ed. (Oliver and Boyd.
Edinburgh). 726 pp.
lake, p. 1958. Physical geography, 4th ed. (Ed. J. A. Steers) (Cambridge Univ.
Press. Cambridge), 483 pp.
LINTON. D. L. 1951. Problems of Scottish scenery. Scot. geog. Mag., Vol. 61.
pp. 65-85.
lliboutry, l. 1964. Traite de glaciologie (Masson. Paris), Vol. 1. 427 pp.; Vol. 2,
1040 pp.
416 Introduction to Geomorphology
LONG WELL, c. R., FLINT, R. F., and s AND E Rs. J. E. 1969. Physical geology (Wi\ty.
New York), 685 pp.
MACAR. p. (Ed.). 1966. L’evoliition des versants {XJniv. Liege et Acad. Roy. Belg.,
Liege), 384 pp.
MARK. J. E. 1900. The scientific study of scenery (Methuen, London), 368 pp.; 4th
rev. ed.. 1912, 372 pp.
iiber nicht glaziale Formenwelt der Felsskulptur. Lund Studies in geog., Ser. A,
No. 20. 357 pp.
M AULL. o. 1958. Handbuch der Geomorphologie (Deuticke. Vienna). 600 pp.
RAN KAMA. K. (Ed.). 1965. The Quaternary (Interscience, New York), Vol. 1,
RUSSELL, R. J. 1967. River plains and sea coasts (Univ. of California Press,
Berkeley). 1 73 pp.
STEERS, J. A. 1964. The coastline of England and Wales. 2nd ed. (Cambridge Univ.
Press. Cambridge), 750 pp.
Selected bibliography 417
594 pp,
TRICART, J. 1965. Le modele des regions chaudes forets er savanes (Societe d’edition
d’enseignement superieur, Paris), 322 pp.
TRICART, J. and CAiLLEUX. A. 1960-61. Le modele des regions seches (Centre
Doc. Univ., Paris), Vol. 1, 129 pp.: Vol. 2, 179 pp.
TRICART, J. and CAILLEUX, A. 1967. Le modele des regions periglaciaires (Socictc
d’edition d’enseignement superieur. Paris). 512 pp.
367 pp.
WEST, R. G. 1963. Problems of the British Quaternary, Proc. geol. Ass., Vol. 74.
pp. 147-86.
WEST, R. G. 1968. Pleistocene geology and biology, with especial reference to the
British /s/es (Longmans, London). 377 pp.
WILHELM Y, H. 1958. KUmamorphologie der Massengesteine (Westermann,
Braunschweig), 238 pp.
woLDSTEDT, p. 1954-65. Das Eiszeitalter (Enke, Stuttgart). Vol. 1, 374 pp.;
Vol. 2. 438 pp.; Vol, 3, 328 pp.
WOOLDRIDGE, s. w. and MORGAN, R. s. 1959. An outline of geomorphology: the
physical basis of geography (Longmans. London). 409 pp.
WRIGHT. H. E. and FREY, D. G. (Eds). 1965a. The Quaternary oj the United States
(Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton). 922 pp.
WRIGHT. H, E. and FREY, D. G. (Eds). 19656. International studies on the
Quaternary (Geol. Soc, Am.. Special Paper No. 84), 565 pp.
WRIGHT. H. E. and OSBURN, w. H. (Eds). 1968. Arctic and alpine environments
(Indiana Univ. Press. Bloomington), 308 pp.
ZEUNER, F. E. 1959. The Pleistocene period. 2nd ed. (Hutchinson, London). 447 pp.
A. Definitions
fenneman. n. m. 1936. Cyclic and non-cyclic aspects of erosion. Bull. geol. Soc.
^m.. Vol. 47, pp. 173-86.
hjulstrom. f. 1935. Studies of the morphological activity of rivers as illustrated
by the river Fyris, Bull. geol. Inst. Uppsala. No. 25, pp. 221-527.
418 Introduction to Geomorphology
B. Nature of Geomorphology
ARBER, M. A. 1949. Cliff profiles of Devon and Cornwall, Geog. Jour., Vol. 114,
pp. 191-6.
9, pp. 67-78.
MccoY, R. M. 1969. Drainage network analysis with K-band radar imagery. Geog.
Rev.. Vol. 59. pp. 493-512.
MONKHOUSE, F. J. and WILKINSON, H. R. 1971, Maps and diagrams. 3rd rev. ed.
OLLIER, c. D. 1967. Landform description without stage names, Aust. Geog. Studies.
Vol. 5, pp. 73-80.
Selected bibliography 419
piTTY. A F. 1967. Some problems in selecting a ground-surface length for slope-
angle measurement. Rev. geomorph. dyn.. Vol. 18. pp. 66-71.
REED. B., GALVIN, c. J.. and MILLER, J. p. 1962. Some aspects of drumlin
geometry. Am. Jour. Sci.^ Vol. 260, pp. 200-10.
SAViGE AR, R. A. G. 1965. A technique of morphological mapping, Ann. /4ss. Amer.
Geogrs. Vol. 55, pp. 514-38.
SPIRIDONOV, A. I. 1952. Geomorfologicheskoe kartografirovanie (Moscow)-, trans.
by S. Kommling, 1956, Geomorphologische Kartographie (VEB Deutscher Verlag
der Wiss., Berlin), 160 pp.
TRICART, J., HiRSCH, A. R., and LE BOURDiEC, F. 1965, Presentation d’un extrait
de carte geomorphologique detaillee, Zeil.f. Geomorph., Vol. 9, pp. 133-65.
ZAKRZEWSKA, B. 1967. Trends and methods in land form geography, Ann. Ass.
Amer. Geogrs. Vol. 57, pp. 1 28-65.
BAGNOLD. R. A. 1941. The physics of blown sand and desert dunes. 3rd ed.. I960
(Methuen, London). 265 pp.
BRADLEY, w. H. 1966. Tropical lakes, copropel, and oil shale. Bull. geol. Soc. Am.,
Vol. 77, pp. 1333-8.
WOOLDRIDGE, s. w. 1958. The trend of geomorphology. Trans. Inst. Brit. Geogrs,
Vol. 25, pp. 29-35.
BRYAN, K. 1940.The retreat of slopes, /45s. i4/77er. Geogrs, Vol. 30. pp. 254-67.
CHORLEY, R. J. 1958. The shape of drumlins. Jour. GlacioL. Vol. 3, pp. 339-44.
CHORLEY, R. J., DUNN, A. J., and BECKINSALE, R. p. 1964. The history of the
study of landforms (Methuen. London). Vol. 678
1, pp.
CRAIG. G. Y. 1969. Communication in geology, Scot. Jour. Geol.. Vol. 5, pp. 305-
21 .
C. C. Albritton (Ed.). The fabric of geology (Freeman. Cooper, Stanford), pp. 135-
PINCHEMEL. p. 1950. L’etude des reseaux hydrographiques. Bull .455. geog. Fr..
PITTY, A, F. 1968. Some comments on the scope of slope analysis based on fre-
SCHUMM, s. A. 1960. The effect of sediment type on the shape and stratification of
some modern fluvial deposits. Am. Jour. ScL, Vol. 258, pp. 1 77-84.
SPATE, o. H. K. 1960. Quantity and quality in geography, Ann. ,4ss. Ainer. Geogrs.
Vol. 50, pp. 377-94.
TROEH, F. R. 1965. Landform equations fitted to contour maps. Am. Jour. Sci..
Vol. 263. pp. 616-27.
WOOD, w. F. and swell, j. b, 1957. The dispersion of geomorphic data around
measures of central tendency, Ann. Ass. Amer. Geogrs. Vol. 47. pp. 184-5.
bruun. p. 1966. Model geology: prototype and laboratory streams. Bull. geol. Soc.
BROUN, p. 1968, Model geology: prototype and laboratory streams: reply. Bull,
geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 79, pp. 395—8.
butzer, k. w. and cuerda, j. 1962, Coastal stratigraphy of southern Mallorca
and its implications for the Pleistocene chronology of the Mediterranean sea. Jour.
Geol.. Vol. 70, pp. 398-416.
CAZALis, p. 1961. Geomorphologie et processus experimental. Cahiers geog.
Quebec. No. 9, pp. 33-50.
HOoke. r. Le
1968. Model geology: prototype and laboratory streams: discus-
sion. Bull. geol. Soc. Am.. Vol. 19.
pp. 391-4.
422 Introduction to Geomorphology
KELLER, w. D. 1963. Field work —our scientific birthright. Jo;/r. Geol. Ed., Vol. ! I,
pp. 119-23.
MCGEE, w. j. 1897. Sheetflood erosion. Bull. geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 8, pp. 87-1 12.
MEIER, M. F. 1967. Why study glaciers, in the context of water resources?, Trans.
Am. Geophys. Union. Vol. 48, pp. 798-802.
OGILVIE. A. G. 1936. The earth sculpture laboratory. Geog. Jour.. Vol. 87. pp.
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vox ALL, w. H. 1969. The relationship between falling base level and lateral erosion
in experimental streams. Bull. geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 80, pp. 1379-84.
C. Basic Postulates
DOBBiE, c. H. and wolf, p. o. 1953. The Lynmouth flood of August 1952, Proc.
Inst. Civil Eng., Vol. 2, pp. 522-88.
GRETENER, p. E. 1967. Significance of the rare event in geology, Bull. Amer. Ass.
Petrol. Geols, Vol. 51,pp. 2197-206.
HARRINGTON. J. w. 1 967. The first, first principles of geology. Am. yoi/r. Sc/.. Vol.
KiDSON. c. 1953. The Exmoor storm and the Lynmouth floods. Geography, Vol. 38,
pp- 1-9.
malde, h. e. 1968. The catastrophic Late Pleistocene Bonneville flood in the Snake
River plain. Idaho. U.S. Geol. Siirv. Prof. Paper 596. 52 pp.
MILLER. D. J. 1960. Giant waves in Lituya Bay. Alaska, U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper
354-C. pp. 51-86.
NAIRN. A. E. M. 1965. Uniformitarianism and environment. Palaeogeog..
Palaeoclim.. PalaeoecoL, Vol. 1, pp. 5-11.
SCHUMM. s. A. and chorley, r. j. 1964. The fall of Threatening Rock, Am. Jour.
Sci., Vol. 262. pp. 1041-54.
STEARNS, H. T. 1962. Evidence of Lake Bonneville flood along Snake river below
King Hill. Idaho, Bull. geol. Soc. Am.. Vol. 73. pp. 385-88.
pp. 546-7.
BLOOM, A. L. 1963. Late-Pleistocene fluctuations of sea-level and postglacial crustal
rebound in coastal Maine. Am. Jour. Sci.. Vol. 26 1. pp. 862-79.
BLOOM, A. L. 1967. Pleistocene shorelines: a new test of isostasy. Bull. geol. Soc.
Am., Vol. 78. pp. 1477-94.
BOURDIER, F. 1959. Origines et succes d’une theore geologique illusoire: I’eustat-
isme applique au terrasses alluviales. Rev. geomorph. dyn., Vol. 10, pp. 16-29.
CHAMBERLIN. T. c. 1909. Diastrophism as the ultimate basis of correlation. Jour.
Geol., Vol. 1 7, pp. 685-93.
CHORLEY, R. J. 1963. Diastrophic background to twentieth-century geomorpholo-
gical thought. Bull. geol. Soc. Am.. Vol. 74. pp. 953-70.
CHRISTENSEN. M. N. 1965. Late Cenozoic deformation in the central Coast Ranges
of California, Bull. geol. Soc. Am.. Vol. 76, pp. 1 105-24.
CHURCHILL, D. M. 1965. The displacement of deposits formed at sea-level. 6500
years ago in southern Britain. Quaternaria. Vol. 7. pp. 239-49.
DiXEY. F. 1938. Some observations on the physiographica! development of central
and southern Africa. Trans, geol. Soc. S.Afr.. Vol. 41. pp. 1 13-71.
FAiRBRiDGE. R. tv.. 1960. The changing level of the sea. Scl. American, Vol. 204,
pp. 70-9.
FARRAND, vv. R. 1962. Postglacial uplift in North America. Am. Jour. Sci..
DONN. w. L.. FARRAND, VV. R., and EWING, M. 1962. Pleistocenc ice volumes and
sea-level lowering. Jour. Geol.. Vol. 70, pp. 206-14.
FLINT. R. F. 1966. Comparison of interglacial marine stratigraphy in Virginia.
Alaska, and Mediterranean areas. Am. Jour. Sci.. Vol. 264. pp. 673-84.
GILLULY. J. 1966. Orogeny and geochronology. Am. Jour. Sci.. Vol. 264, pp. 97-
111 .
GUiLCHER, A. 1969. Pleistocene and Holocene sea level changes. Earth Sci. Rev.,
Vol. 5, pp. 69-97.
HAILS, J. R. 1965. A critical review of sea-level changes in eastern Australia since the
KUENEN. p. H. 1 955. Sea level and crustal warping, Geol. Soc. Am. Spec. Paper 62.
pp. 193-204.
Selected bibliography 425
McGinnis, ld. 1968. Glacial crustal bending. Bull. geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 79, pp.
s HALER, N. s. 1 894. Pleistocene distortions of the Atlantic seacoast. Bull. geol. Soc.
Am., Vol. 5,pp. 199-202.
SUESS, E. 1888. Das Antlitz der Erde (Tempsky, Vienna), Vol. 2: trans. by H. B. C.
Sollas and W. J. Sollas, 1906, The face of the earth (Clarendon Press, Oxford),
Vol. 2,556 pp.
WEBB, s. D. and TESSM AN, N. 1968. A Pliocene vertebrate fauna from low elevation
in Manatee County, Florida. Am. Jour. Set, Vol. 266, pp. 777-81 1.
baulig, h. 1928. Les hauts niveaux d’erosion eustatique dans ie Bassin de Paris.
Ann. Geogr., Vol. 37. pp. 289-305 and 385-406.
BAULIG. H. 1952. Surfaces d’aplanissement. Ann. Geogr.. Vol. 61, pp. 161-83 and
BRETZ, J. H. 1962. Dynamic equilibrium and the Ozark land forms. Am. Jour. Sci.,
Vol. 260, pp. 427-38.
BROWN, E. H. 1961. Britain and Appalachia: a study in the correlation and dating of
pianation surfaces, Trans. Inst. Brit. Geogrs, No. 29. pp. 91-100.
DAVIS, w. M. 1909. The geographical cycle, in Geographical Essays (Ginn, New
York), 777 pp.; reprinted, 1954 (Dover, Boston), pp. 249-78.
fenneman. n. m. 1936. Cyclic and non-cyclic aspects of erosion. Bull. geol. Soc.
-4m., Vol. 47. pp. 173-86.
hempel, l. 1958. Probleme der Oberfiachenformung in Grossbritannien unter
klimamorphologischer Fragestellung. Pet. geog. Mitt., Vol. 102, pp. 13-27.
hills, e. s. 1961. Morphotectonics and the geomorphological sciences, with special
reference to Australia, Quart. Jour. geol. Soc., Vol. 117, 77-89.
HODGSON, J. M., c ATT, J. A., and WEIR, A. H. 1967. The origin and development of
Clay-with-flints and associated soil horizons on the South Downs, Jour. Soil Sci.,
Vol. 18. pp. 85-102.
426 Introduction to Geomorphology
NEEF. E. 1955. Zur genese das Formenbildes der Rumpfgebirge, Pet. geog. Mitt..
Vol. 101. pp. 183-92.
PITTY. A. F. 1968. The scale and significance of solutional loss from the limestone
tract of the southern Pennines, Proc. Geol. Ass.. Vol. 79, pp. 153-77.
RICH, J. L. 1938. Recognition and significance of multiple erosion surfaces. Bull,
geol. Soc. Am.. Vol. 49, pp. 1695-722.
SPARKS, B. vv. 1949. The denudation chronology of the dip-slope of the South
Downs. Proc. Geol. Ass.. Vol. 60, pp. 165-215.
TILLEY. P. 1968. Early challenges to Davis’ concept of the cycle of erosion. Prof.
Geogr. Vol. 20. pp. 265-9.
4. Morphoclimatic zones
pp. 269-85.
bOdel. j. 1969. Das System der klimagenetischen Geomorphologie. Erdkunde.
Vol. 23. pp. 165-83.
CHORLEY. R. J. 1957. Climate and morphometry. Joi/r Geol.. Vol. 65, pp. 628-38.
KING. L. c. 1957. The uniformitarian nature of hillslopes. Trans. Edin. geol. Soc..
Vol. 17. pp. 81-102.
pp. 281-93.
Selected bibliography All
SEUFFERT, o. 1969. KliiTiatische und nichtkiimatische Faktoren der Fussflachen-
entwicklung im Bereich der Gebirgsvorlander und Grabenregionen Sardinians,
Geol. Rundschau. Vol. 58, pp. 98-110.
fluviaux en zone temperee et zone intertropicale. C. r. Acad. Sci., Vol. 245. pp.
TRICART, J. 1953. Climat et geomorphologie. Inf. Geog., Vol. 17, pp. 39-51.
TROLL, c. 1948. Der subnivale oder periglaziale Zyklus der Denudation. Erdkunde.
Vol. 2.pp. 1-21.
BRETZ, J. H. 1962. Dynamic equilibrium and the Ozark land forms. Am. Jour. Sci..
TUAN, Yi FU 1962 Structure, climate and basin land forms in Arizona and New
Mexico, /I h/i Ass Amei Geogis, Vol 52, pp 51-68
ALLEN, p 1964 Sedimentological models. 70 (1/ Sect Petio/. Vol 34. pp 289-93
CHORLE\, 1962 Geomorphology and General Systems Theory.
R J US Geol
Stirv Prof Papei 500 B. 0 pp 1
HOOkE. R LCB 1968 Steady State relationships on and region alluvial fans in
closed basins. Am Jour Sci . Vol 266. pp 609-29
HOWARD. A. D 1965 Geomorphological systems -equilibrium and dynamics Am
Jour S’ci. Vol 263. pp 302-12
SMALLEt. I J and VITA FiNZi, c 1969 The concept of system in the earth
sciences. particularU geomorphology. Sk// geol Soc /Im.Vol 80. pp 1591-4
WRIGHT, c w 1958 Order and disorder in nature. Proc Geol zlsi . Vol 69.
pp 77-82
FOLK. R. L. and PERM, J. c. 1 966. A portrait of Paul D. Krynine, Jour. Sed. Petrol..
Vol. 36. pp. 85 1-63.
MARTIN. L. 1950. William Morris Davis; investigator, teacher and leader in geomor-
phology. Ann. Ass. Amer. Geogrs. Vol. 40. pp. 1 72-80.
STEERS. J, A. 1 960. Physiography: some reflections and trends. Geography. Vol. 45.
pp. 1-15.
Although most geomorphologists would feel out of their depth in deep space, the
following articles dealing with the surface features of the Moon and Mars are ex-
amples of sources that will be of general interest to many students of terrestrial land-
gilbert, g. k. 1893. The Moon’s face — a study of the origin of its features. Bull.
Phil. Soc. Washington. No\. 12 pp. 241-92. ,
mackin. j. h. 1969. Origin of lunar maria. Bull. geol. Soc. Am.. Vol. 80. pp. 735-
MARCUS. A. H. 1968. Martian craters: number density. Science, Vol. 160, pp.
Ronca, l. b. 1966. An introduction to the geology of the moon, Proc. Geol. Ass..
Vol. 77, pp. 101-25.
ronca, l. b. 1969. Recent advances in lunar geology. Proc. Geol. /4s5.. Vol. 80,
pp. 365-78.
430 Inti oductwn to Geomoi phologv
RONCA, L B 1970 An introduction to the geology of Mars, Proc Geol Assoc.
Vol 81. pp 111-28
pp 1440-50
A Geophysical Considerations
BEMMELEN. R w VAN 1968 On the Origin and evolution of the earth’s crust. Geo/
Rundschau. Vol 51.pp 657-705
BILLINGS. M p 1960 Diastrophism and mountain building. Bull geol Soc Am.
Vol 7l.pp 363-98
ELDER.! w 1968 Convection the ke\ to dynamical geology, Piog. Vol 56.
pp 1-33
GASKELL. T F 1970 P/n SICS of f/io eort/i (Thames and Hudson. London), 2 6 pp 1
GiLLULN.J 1963 The tectonic evolution of the western United States Quart Jour
geol Soc. Vol 119. pp 133-74
HARLAND. \\ B 1969 The origin of continents and oceans, Gco/ Mag. Vol 106.
pp 1 00—4
HLCZEN B c . THORP. M and EWING. M 1959 The
. floors of the oceans 1 The
North Atlantic. Geo/ Soc Am Special Papa. t>5. 122 pp
MiLNES, A. G 1969 On the orogenic history of the central Alps Join Geol.
Vol 77. pp 108-12
rucklin. H. 1963. Die Entstehung des Gross-reliefs der Erde, Geog. Zeit., Vol. 51.
pp. 183-238.
SITTER, u. DE. 1954. Gravitational gliding tectonics. Am. Jour. ScL, Vol. 252,
pp. 371-95.
TRUMPY. R. 1960. Paleotectonic evolution of the central and western Alps. Bull,
geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 71, pp. 843—907.
WYLLiE. p. 1963. The Mohorovicic discontinuity and the orogenic cycle, Trans.
Amer. geophys. Union, Vol. 44, pp. 1064—71.
2. Continental drift
BULLARD, E. c. 1964. Continental drift. Quart. Jour. geol. Soc., Vol. 120, pp. 1-33.
GARLAND, G. c. 1966. Continental drift, Roy. Soc. Canada Spec. Publ., No. 9,
140 pp.
HARLAND, w. B. 1967. Tectonic aspects of continental drift, Sci. Progress, Vol. 55,
pp. 1-14.
HEEZEN. B. c. 1960. The rift in the ocean floor, Sci. American. Vol. 205, pp. 99-
111 .
HURLEY, p. M. 1 968. The confirmation of continental drift. Sci. American, Vol. 218,
pp. 52-64.
M AACK. R. 1969. Kontinental drift und Geologic des sudatlantischen Ozeans (Gruy-
ter, Berlin), 1 64 pp.
RAVEN. T. 1960. Alpine folding as related to continental drift. Eclogae Geol. Helv..
No. l.pp. 161-8.
RUNCORN, s. K. (Ed.). 1962. Continental drift i Academic Press. New York), 338 pp.
SHERLOCK, R. L. 1934. Notes on the Amazon, Geol. Mag.. Vol. 71, pp. 1 12-16.
STONELEY, R. 1966. The Niger delta region in the light of the theory of continental
drift, Geol. Mag., Vol. 103. pp. 385-97.
TO IT, A. L. DU. 1937. Our wandering continents (Oliver and Boyd. Edinburgh).
366 pp. (reprinted 1 957).
WEGENER, A. 1922. Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane, 3rd ed. (Vieweg,
Braunschweig), 144 pp.; translated by J. G. A. Skerl, 1924. The origin of conti-
nents and oceans (Methuen. London), 212 pp.
3. Vulcanicity
CO ATS, R. R., HAY, R. L., and ANDERSON, c. A. 1968. Studies in volcanology. Geol.
NEUMANN VAN PAD ANG, .M. 1955. Present position regarding the catalogue of the
active volcanoes of the world. Bull, volcanologique 17. 14 1-4.
RANDALL. B. A. o. 1959. Intrusive phenomena of the Whin Sill, east of the River
North Tyne. Geol. Mag.. Vol. 96, pp. 385-92.
RICHTER, c. F. 1958. Elementary seismology (Freeman. San Francisco), 768 pp.
SMITH. R. L. 1960. Ash flows. Bull. geol. Soc. Am.. Vol. 71, pp. 795-842.
WENTWORTH, c. K. 1954. The physical behaviour of basaltic lava flow. Jour. GeoL.
WILLIAMS, H. 1 954. Problems and progress in volcanology. Quart. Jour. geol. Soc..
Vol. 109.PP. 31 1-32.
CASSIDY, w. A. et al. 1965. Meteorites and craters of Campo del Cielo. Argentina,
scars and lunar cirques. Bull, volcanologiqiie, Vol. 16, pp. 55-70.
FLEISCHER, R. L., PRICE, p. B., and WOODS, R. T. 1969. A second tektite fall in
HELLYER. B. 1969. Statistics of meteorite falls. Earth and Planetary Sci. Letters.
Vol. 7.pp. 148-50,
B. Geological Considerations
pp. 4 1 8-29.
CAMER.MAN. c. 1953. La gelivite des materiaux pierreux. Bull. Soc. Beige Geol..
Vol. 62. pp. 1 7-34.
CHAPMAN, c. A. 1958. Control of jointing by topography. Jour. Geol., Vol. 66, pp.
. . .
EPSTEIN, j B 1967 Structural control of wind gaps and water gaps and of stream
capture in the Stroudsburg Area. Pennsylvania and New Jersey, U S Ceol Siirv
Prof Papei 5505. pp B80-B86
FLINT. R F 1963 Altitude, lithology and the Fall Zone in Connecticut. yoKi Geol
Vol 71, pp 683-97
GILBERT, G R 1895 Lake basins created by wind erosion. Jour Geol. Vol 3,
pp 47-9
HANCOCK. P L 1968 Joints and faults the morphological aspects of their origins
Proc Geol ^ss.Vol 79. pp 141-51
HARRISON. K and THACKFRAV, A D 1940 On the direction of certain valleys
Geol Mag.Vo\ 77 pp 82-8
HILL, p A. 1966 Joints their initiation and propagation with respect to bedding.
Geol Mag.VoX 103, pp 276-9
HODGSON. R A 1961 Regional study of jointing m Comb Ridge-Navaio Mountain
area, Arizona and Utah, Bull Amer y4ss Pettol Geols Vol 45, pp 1-38
HODGSON. R A 1965 Genetic and geometric relations between structures in base
ment and o\erlying sedimentary rocks, with examples from Colorado Plateau and
Wyoming, 5ii// Amei Ass Petrol Geols. Vol 49, pp 935-49
HOLLiNGWORTH. s E. TAILOR. J H and K E L L A w At G A 1944 Large
, . Scale
superficial structures in the Northamptonshire ironstone field. Quait Join geol
Soc. Vol 100. pp 1-44
Talrichtungen Turon des sudostlichen Munsterlandes Geol Rundschau.
Vol 56. pp 726-48
cliffs west of Castletown Berehaven, west Cork, Proc. Geol. Ass., Vol. 74, pp.
SWEETING, M. M. 1955. The landforms of north-west Co. Clare, Ireland, Trans.
velopment around Tintagel, north Cornwall, Proc. Geol. Ass.. Vol. 63, pp.
and Wyoming, Bull. geol. Soc. Am.. Vol. 75. pp. 287-306.
Chapter III
BARRY, R. G. and CHORLEY. R. j. 1968. Atmosphere, weather and climate. 2nd ed.,
1 97 1 (Methuen, London), 3 1
9 pp.
BECKINSALE, R. p. 1957. The nature of tropical rainfall. Tropical Agriculture.
Vol. 34. pp. 76-98.
FOURNIER, F. 1949. Les facteurs climaiiques de I’erosion du sol. Bull. Ass. geog.
Fr.. No. 202-3, pp. 97-103.
GEIGER. Das Klima der bodennehen Luftschict (Vieweg. Brunswick).
R. 1967.
646 by Scripta Technica Inc.. 1965. The climate near the ground
pp.; trans.
(Harvard Univ. Press. Cambridge. Mass.). 611 pp.
HUTCHINSON. G. E. 1957. A treatise on limnology (Wiley, New York). Vol. 1.
1015 pp.
436 Introduction to Geomorphology
LINTON. D. L. 1959. River flow in Great Britain 1955-56, Nature. Vol. 183,
pp. 714-16.
ME INZER, o. E., et at. 1942. W>’rfro/ogi’ (McGraw-Hill, New York), 712 pp.
BASCOM. w. N. 1959. Ocean waves. Sci. American. Vol. 201, pp. 74-84.
BAS COM, w. N. 1964. fVaves and beaches. The dynamics of the ocean surface
(Doubleday. New York). 267 pp.
DR APER, L. and DOBSON, p. J. 1965. Rip currents on a Cornish beach. Nature. Vol.
206, p. 1249.
HOYT. w. G. and langbein. w. b. 1955. f/oods (Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton).
469 pp.
KiDSON. c. 1953. The Exmoor storm and the Lynmouth floods. Geography. Vol. 38,
pp. 1-9.
LLiBOUTRY, L. 1965. How glaciers move. New Scientist. Vol. 28. pp. 734-6.
pp. 235-40.
MEIER, .M. F. and POST. A. 1969. What are glacier surges?, Canad. Jour. Earth ScL.
Vol. 6. pp. 807-17.
MORIS AWA, M. 1968. Streams, their dynamics and morp/io/ogp (McGraw-Hill, New
York). 1 75 pp.
Selected bibliography 437
NYE, J. F. 1952. The mechanics of glacier flow,yoim. GlacioL Vol. 2, pp. 81-93.
OSTENSO, N. A.. SELLMANN, p. V., and PEVVE, T. L. 1965. The bottom topography
of Gulkana glacier, Alaska Range. Alaska. Jour. GlacioL, Vol. 5, pp. 65 1-60.
PATERS ON, vv. s. p. 1969. The physics of glaciers (Pergamon, Oxford), 250 pp.
SH ARP, R. P. 1954. Glacier flow; a review. Bull. geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 65. pp. 82 1—38.
TRiCKER, R. A. R. 1964. Borcs, breakers, waves and wakes (Mills and Boon,
WEERTMAN, J. 1957. On the sliding of glaciers. Jour, GlacioL. Vol. 3. pp. 33-8.
WEERTM AN. J, 1964. The theory of glacier sliding. Jour. GlacioL, Vol. 5, pp. 287-
B AGNOLD, R. A. 1941. The physics of blown sand and desert dunes, reprinted. 1 960
(Methuen. London), 265 pp.
CHORLEY, R. J. 1959. The geomorphic significance of some Oxford soils. Am. Jour.
ScL. Vol. 257. pp. 503-15.
CULLING, VV. E. H. 1963. Soil creep and the development of hillside slopes. Jour.
GeoL, Vol. 7 1
. pp. 1 27-6 1
KING. L. c. 1957. The uniformitarian nature of hillslopes. Trans. Edin. geol. Soc.,
Vol. 1
7, pp. 81-102,
KIRK BY. M. J. 1967. Measurement and theory of soil creep. Jour. Geol., Vol. 75,
pp. 359-78.
SCHEiDEGGER, A. E. 1961. Theoretical geomorpliologv {Springer, Berlin), 333 pp.
STR ABLER. A. N. 1952. Dynamic basis of geomorphology. Bull. geol. Soc. Am., Vol.
63. pp. 923-38.
BR E WEK. R. 1964. Fabric and miiteral analysis of soils (Wiley. New York). 470 pp.
BR Y AN. R. B. 1968. The development, use and efficiency of indices of soil erodibility.
CAILLEL'X. A. and tricart. j. 1959. Iniiiaiion d i’etude des sables el des galets
(Centre Doc. Univ., Paris). Vol. 1. 376 pp.: Vol. 11. 194 pp.: Vol. 111. 202 pp.
t APPFK. L. and CASSit. u. F. 1969. The mechanics o! engineering soils. 5th ed.
CZEPPL. z, 1959. Remarks on frost hease. Czasupismo Geogr.. Vol. 30. pp. 195-
202 .
FOLK. K. L. and WARD. w. c. 1957. Brazos river bar: a study of the significance of
grain size parameters. Jour. Sed. Petrol.. Vol. 27. pp. 3-26.
FRIEDMAN. G. M. 1961. Distinction between dune, beach and river sands from their
FR lEDM AN, G. M. 1 967. Dynamic processes and statistical parameters compared for
size frequency distribution of beach and river sands. Jour. Sed. Petrol. Vol. 37.
pp. 327-54.
GRIFFITHS. J. c. 1967. Scientific method in analysis of sediments (McGraw-Hill,
New York). 508 pp.
tary environments in New South Wales, Australia. Join Seel Petiol. Vol 37.
pp 1059-69
HERDAN G 1960 Small pai tide sialtsiics, 2nd Tsv ed (Butterworths. London).
418 pp
INMAN. D 1952 Measures for descnbina the
L size distribution of sediments, yoid
pp. 62-6.
THE B AULT. J. I 968. Contribution a I'etude des galets. Rev. geomorph. dyn.. Vol. 18.
pp. 49-72.
viSHER, G. s. 1969. Grain size distributions and depositional processes. Jour. Sed.
Petrol.. Vol. 39. pp. 1074-106.
viSTELius. A. B. 1958, Struktumye diagramniy (Izd. Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R..
Moscow). 157 pp.; trans, by R. Baker. 1966. Structural diagrams (Pergamon.
Oxford). 1 78 pp.
WARD. w. H. 1945. The stability of natural slopes. Geog. Jour.. Vol. 105. pp. 170-
WEBSTER, R. 1966. The drifts in the Vale of White Horse of north Berkshire and
Wiltshire, Proc. Geol. Ass.. Vol. 77, pp. 255-62.
WENTWORTH, c. K. 1922. A field study of the shapes of river pebbles. U.S. Geol.
Sure. Bull. 730. pp. 103-15.
E. Geochemical Considerations
BUTLER, J. R. 1957. The geochemistry and mineralogy of rock weathering. II. the
CORNWALL. I. w. 1958. Soils for the archaeologist (Dent. London). 230 pp.
Selected bibliography 44
GRIM. R. E. 1968. Clay mineralogy. 2nd ed. (McGraw-Hill, New York). 596 pp.
pulverised silicate minerals and rocks: Part II, Jour. Sed. Petrol.. Vol. 33,
pp. 426-37.
MASON. B. H. 1966. Principles of geochemistry. 3rd ed. (Wiley. New York). 329 pp.
PETTiJOHN. F. J. 1941. Persistence of heavy minerals and geologic age. Jour. Geol..
Vol. 49. pp. 6 10-25.
siEVER, R. 1962. Silica solubility 0-200 C., and the diagenesis of siliceous sedi-
ments, v/o«r. Geol.. Vol. 70. pp. 127-50.
SMITH, w. w. 1962. Weathering of some Scottish basic igneous rocks with reference
to soil formation, Jonr. Soil Sci.. Vol. 13, pp. 202-15.
F. Biological Activity
ATTiWEL, p. M. 1968. Loss of elements from decomposing litter. Ecology. Vol. 49.
pp. 142-5.
BAY, c. E., wuNNECHE, G. w.. and HAYS, o. E. 1952. Frost penetration into soils as
influenced by depth of snow, vegetation cover, and air temperatures, Trans. Am.
geophys. Union. Vol. 33, pp. 541-6.
c HEM IN. E. 1921. Action corrosives des racines sur le marbre. C. r. Acad. ScL
Vol. 173.pp. 1014-16.
CUNNINGHAM. R. K. 1963. The effect of clearing a tropical forest soil. Jour. Soil
ScL Vol. 14. pp. 334-45.
DAHLSKOG. s. 1966. Sedimentation and vegetation in a Lapland mountain delta.
Ceografiska Annaler, Vol. 48A. pp. 86-101.
ERHART, E. H. 1956. La gcuise dcs sols eit tant qtie phenomene geologique. Esqidsse
the mechanism of weathering. Am. Jour. Sci.. Vol. 250. pp. 594-609.
KiDSON. c. 1959. The uses and limitations of vegetation in shore stabilization.
Geography. Vol. 44. pp. 241-50.
KRUM BEiN, w. E. 1969. Uber den Einfluss der Mikroflora auf die exogene Dynamik
(Verwitterung und Krustenbildung). Geol. Rundschau. Vol. 58. pp. 333-63.
LULL, H. w. and pierce, r. s. 1959. Frost and forest soil. Intend. Ass. Sci. HydroL
No. 48, pp. 40-8.
LUTZ. H. J. I960. Movement of rocks by uprooting of forest trees. Am. Jour. ScL
Vol. 258. pp. 752-6.
RAHN. p. H. 1969. The relationship between forested slopes and angles of repose for
sand and gravel. Bull. geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 80. pp. 2 1 23-8.
RANSON. G. 1959. Erosion biologique des calcaires cotiers et autres calcaires d’ori-
gine animale. C. r. Acad. Sci.. Vol. 249. pp. 438-40.
RAUP. H. M. 1951. Vegetation and cryoplanation. Ohio Jour. Sci., Vol. 51. pp.
siEVER. R. 1962. Silica solubility. 2000°C, and the diagenesis of siliceous sedi-
ments. Jour. Geol. Vol. 70, pp. 127-50.
G. Human Activity
KiDSON, c. 196 1. The Norfolk Broads, Afa/ure. Vol. 192, pp. 314-15.
153 pp.
MEADE, R. H. 1969. Errors in using modern stream-load data to estimate natural
rates of denudation. Bull. geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 80. pp. 1265-74.
NELSON, J. G. 1966. Man and geomorphic process in the Chemung River valley.
New York and Pennsylvania, Ann. Ass. Amer. Geogrs, Vol. 56, pp. 24-32.
SCHULTZE, J. H. 1951-2. Ober das Verhaltnis zwischen Denudation und Boden
Erosion, Die Erde, Vol. 3, pp. 220-33.
THOMAS, vv. L. (Ed.). 1967. Man’s role in changing the face of the earth, 7th impr.
(Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago), 1 193 pp,
TiCHY, F. 1960. Die vom Menschen gestaltete Erde, Die Erde, Vol. 91, pp. 220-33.
WALLWORK, K. L. 1956. Subsidence in the mid-Cheshire industrial areas, Geog.
Jour., Vol. 1 22, pp. 40-53.
WILKINSON, H. R, 1963. Man and the natural environment, Univ. Hull Occ. Papers
in Geog., No. 1, 35 pp.
AXELSSON. V. 1967. The Laitaure delta. A study of deltaic morphology and pro-
cesses. Geografiska Annaler. Vol. 49A. pp. 1-127.
BALCHiN, w. G. v. and p YE, N, 1 955. Piedmont profiles in the arid cycle. Proc. Geol.
Ass.. Vol. 66, pp. 167-81.
pp. 57-74.
COLBY, B. R. 1963. Fluvial sediments - a summary of source, transportation,
deposition, and measurement of discharge, U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 1181, pp. Al-
CORBEL, J. 1959. Erosion en terrain calcaire (vitesse d’erosion et morphologie),
COTTON, c. A. 1961. The theory of savanna planation. Geography, Vol. 46, pp. 89-
101 . .
COTTON, c. A. 1962. Plains and inselbergs of the humid tropics, Trans. Roy. Soc.
N.Z., Vol. 88, pp. 269-77.
DENNY, c. s. 1967. Fans and pediments. Am. Jour. Sci., Vol. 265, pp. 81-105.
DUCHAUFOUR. p. 1960. Precis de pedologie (Cen. Doc. Univ., Paris), 478 pp.
GiLLULY, J. 1964. Atlantic sediments, erosion rates and the evolution of the
Continental Shelf: some speculations. Bull. geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 75, pp. 483-92.
GILLULY, J., REED, J. c., and CADY, w. M. 1970. Sedimentary volumes and their
significance. Bull. geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 81, pp. 353-76.
HADLEY, R. F. 1967. Pediments and pediment-forming processes. Jour. geol. Ed.,
Vol. 15, pp. 83-9.
HODGSON, w. A. 1966. Coastal processes around the Otago peninsula, N.Z. Jour.
Geol. Geophys.. Vol. 9, pp. 76—90.
hOgbom, 1914. Cber die geologische Bedeutung des Frostes, Bull. geol. Inst.
INMAN, D. L. and BAGNOLD, R. A. 1963. Beach and nearshore processes. II. Littoral
processes in M. N. Hill (Ed.). The sea (Interscience, New York), Vol. 3, pp. 529-
KOON, D. 1955. Cliff retreat in the south west United States, Am. Jour. Sci.,
Vol. 253, pp. 44-53.
den ariden Subtropen und Troppen, Geol. Rundschau, Vol. 58, pp. 62-82.
MOHR, E. c. j. and van baren, f. a. 1954. Tropical soils; a critical study of soil
genesis as related to climate, rock and vegetation (van Hoeve, The Hague), 498 pp.
PECSi, M. 1963. Periglaziale Erscheinungen in Ungern. Pet. geog. Mit., Vol. 107.
pp. 161-82.
PEEL, R. F. 1966. The landscape in aridity. Trans. Inst. Brit. Geogrs, No. 38, pp. 1-
landscape of Nigeria. Trans. Inst. Brit. Geogrs. No. 22. pp. 15-31.
RITTER, D. F. 1967. Rates of denudation. JoHr. geo/. Ft/., Vol. 15, pp. 154-9.
from potassium-argon dating of lavas. Am. Jour. Sci.. Vol. 265, pp. 545-61.
SHARP, R. p. 1966, Kelso dunes, Mojave desert, California, Bull. geol. Soc. Am..
Vol. 77. pp. 1045-74.
s UND BORG, A. 1956. The river Klaralven. a study of fluvial processes, Geografiska
Annaler. Wo\. 38, pp. 127-316.
Selected bibliography 447
TABER, s. 1943. Perennially frozen ground in Alaska; its origin and history. Bull
geol Soc. Am., Vol. 54, pp. 1433—548.
YOUNG. A 1958. A record of the rate of erosion on Millstone Grit, Proc. Yorks,
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A. Rock Breakdown
1. Erosion
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Am., Vol. 69. pp. 967-74.
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A.Z., Vol. 6. pp. 187-208.
FAIRCHILD, H. L. 1905. Ice erosion theory a fallacy. Bull. geol. Soc. Am.. Vol. 16,
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GEiKE, j. 1878. On the glacial phenomena of the Long Island, or Outer Hebrides,
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HARLAND, vv. B. 1957. Exfoliation joints and ice action. Jour. Glacial., Vol. 3,
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HAYNES, V. M. 1968. The influence of glacial erosion and rock structure on corries
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HOLTEDAHL. H, 1967. Notes on the formation of fjords and fjord-valleys.
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magnitude of glacial erosion in the Tatra Mountains, Geogr. Polonica. Vol. 2,
pp. 116-21.
LE wis, VV. V. 1 948. Valley steps and glacial valley erosion. Trans. Inst. Brit. Geogrs.
Vol. 13 (1947), pp. 19-44.
LEWIS, VV. V. 1954. Pressure release and glacial erosion. Jour. Glaciol, Vol. 2,
pp. 417-22.
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No, 4. 104 pp,
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processes in a semi-arid area. New Mexico, U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper 352-G,
pp. 193-253.
LINTON. D. L. 1 963. The forms of glacial erosion. Trans. Inst. Brit. Geogrs. No. 33.
pp. 1-28.
PEEL. R. F. 195 1. A study of two Northumbrian spillways. Trans. Inst. Brit. Geogrs.
No. 15 (1949). pp. 73-89.
ROBINSON, A. H. w.. 1949. Deep clefts in the Inner Sound of Raasay. Scot. Geog.
Mag.. Vol. 65, pp. 20-5.
RUSSELL, R. J. 1963. Recent recession of tropical cliffy coasts. Science. Vol. 139.
pp. 9-15.
Selected bibliography 449
SHEPPARD, T. 1912. The lost towns of the Yorkshire coast and other chapters
bearing upon the geography of the district (Brown, London), 328 pp.
TiETZE, w. 196 1. Ober die Erosion von unter Eis fliessenden Wasser, Mainzer geog.
Studien Festschr. Panzer (Westermann. Braunschweig), pp. 125-42.
2. Frost action
BONiFAY, E. 1955. Le role du gel dans la fissuration des galets de roche calcaire, C.
r. Acad. Scl. Vol. 240, pp. 896-8.
BO YE, M. 1952. Gelivation et cryoturbation dans le massif du Mont-Perdu (Pyrenees
Centrales), Pirineos. Vol. 23. pp. 5-29.
c AiLLEUX, A 1 943. Fissuration de la craie par le gel. Bull Soc. geol. Fr., 5th ser.,
Vol. 13.pp. 51 1-20.
BEAUMONT, p. 1968. Salt weathering on the margin of the Great Kavir, Iran.
geol Soc. Am., Vol. 79. pp. 1683-4.
450 Introduction to Geomorphology
BIROT, p. 1954. Desagregation des roches cristallines sous Taction des sels, C. r.
ScL Vol.
Acad. 238. p. 1 145.
4. Chemical weathering
ALEXANDER. F. E. s. 1959. Observations on tropical weathering: a study of the
movement of iron, aluminium and silicon in weathering rocks at Singapore. Quart.
Jour. geol. Soc., Vol. 1 15, pp. 123-44.
BALL, D. F, 1964. Deepweathering profile on the Island of Rhum, Inverness-shire.
Scot. geog. Mag., Vol. 80, pp. 22-7.
EMERY. K. o. 1960. Weathering of the Great Pyramid, Jour. Sed. Petrol., Vol. 30,
pp. 140-3.
FALCONER, J. D. \9li.The geology and geography of northern Nigeria (Macmillan.
London), 295 pp.
FITZPATRICK, E. A. 1963. Deeply weathered rock in Scotland; its occurrence, age
and contribution to the soils. Jour. Soil ScL, Vol. 14. pp. 33-43.
Selected bibliography 45
glinka, k. d. 1914. Die Typen der Bodenbildung, ihre klassifikation und geogra-
phische Verbreitttng (Gehrilder Borntraeger, Berlin), 365 pp.; trans. by C. F. Mar-
but. 1927, The great soil groups of the world and their development (Edwards
Bros.. Ann Arbor), 235 pp.
pp. 463-6.
KLiNGE, H. 1965. Podzol soils in the Amazon basin, your. Soil Scl, Vol. 16, pp. 95-
RE ICHE. p. 1 950. A survey of weathering processes and products, Univ. New Mexico
Pubi. in Geol. No. 1. 87 pp.
RUXTON, B. p. 1958. Weathering and surface erosion in granite at the piedmont
angle. Balos. Sudan, Geol. Mag., Vol. 95, pp. 353—77.
SCHUNKE. E. 1969. Die Schichtstufenhange des Leine-Weser-Berglandes—
Methoden und Ergebnisse ihrer Untersuchung, Geol Rundschau, Vol. 58,
pp. 446-64.
5. Weathering forms
bOgli, A. 1951. Probleme der Karrenbildung, Geog. Helvetica, Vol. 6, pp. 191—204.
bOgli. a. 1960. Kalklosung und Karrenbildung, Zeit.f. Geomorph.. Suppbd 2.
pp. 4-21.
452 Introduction to Geomorphology
DEMEK, j. 1964. Castle koppies and tors in the Bohemian Highlands (Czechoslo-
vakia), Biid. Peryglacjalny, Vol. 14, pp. 195-216.
DRAGOVICH, D. 1 969. The origin of cavernous surfaces (tafoni) in granitic rocks of
southern South Australia, Zeit.f. Geomorph., Vol. 13. pp. 163-81.
EAKIN, H. M. 1916. The Yukon-Koyukuk region, Alaska. U.S. Geol. Siirv. Bull.
631. 88 pp.
pp. 287-96.
FENELON, p. (Ed.). 1968. Phenomenes karstiques, Cen. Doc. Cartog. Geog. Mem. et
Doc., 392 pp.
GERBER, E. 1959. Form und Bildung alpiner Talboden, Geog. Helvetica, Vol. 14, pp.
GERSTENHAUER, A. 1960. Der tropische Kegelkarst in Tabasco (Mexico), Zeit.f.
Geomorph., Suppbd 2, pp, 22-48.
GODARD, A. 1966. Morphologic des solces et des massifs anciens; les ‘tors’ et le
Hsi-LiN, T. 1961. The pseudokarren and exfoliation forms of granite on Pulan Ubin,
Singapore, Zeit.f. Geomorph., Vol. 5, pp. 302-12.
LOUIS, H. 1963. Uber Sockelflache und Hiillflache des Reliefs, Zeit.f. Geomorph.,
Vol. 7, pp. 353-66.
LINTON, D. L. 1 955. The problem of tors, Geog. Jour., Vol. 121, pp. 470-87.
MABBUTT, J. 1952. A study of granite relief from south-west Africa, Geol. Mag.,
Vol. 89, pp. 87-96.
pp. 627-3 1.
PALMER, J. 1956. Tor formation at the Bridestones in north-east Yorkshire, and its
pp. 184-99.
pp. 173-93.
THOMAS, M. F. 1967. A bomhardt dome in the plains near Oyo, western Nigeria,
Zeit.f. Geomorph., Vol. 1 1, pp. 239-61.
THORP, M. B. 1967. Closed basins in younger granite massifs, northern Nigeria, Zeit.
f. Geomorph., Vol, 1 1, pp. 459-80.
TROMBE, F. 1952. Traite de speleologie (Payot, Paris), 367 pp.
WHITE, L. s. 1 949. Processes of erosion on steep slopes of Oahu (Hawaii), Am. Jour.
5c/., Vol. 247, pp, 168-86.
B. Transportation
BAGNOLD, R. A. 1937. The transport of sand by wind, Geog. Jour., Vol. 89,
pp. 409-38.
BE ADNELL, H. J. L. 1910. The Sand dunes of the Libyan desert, Geog. Jour., Vol. 35,
pp. 379-95.
behre, c. h. 1926. Sand flotation in nature. Science, Vol. 63, pp. 405-8.
CHERRY, J. A. 1966. Sand movement along equilibrium beaches north of San
Francisco, Jour. Sed. Petrol., Vol. 36, pp. 341-57.
DAVIDSON, c. 1888. Note on the movement of scree material. Quart. Jour. geol.
Soc., Vol. 44, pp. 232-8.
downing, b. h. 1968. Subsurface erosion as a geomorphological agent in Natal,
FRECAUT, R. 1966. Les transports solides de fond des cours d’eau: techniques et
possibilites des methodes de mesure directe, Rev. geog. de I’Est, Vol. 6, pp. 321-8.
GARDNER, J. 1969. Observations on surficial talus movement, Zeit.f. Geomorph.,
Vol. 13, pp. 317-23.
H ARD Y, j. R. 1 964. The movement of beach material and wave action near Blakeney
Point, Norfolk, Trans. Inst. Brit. Geogrs, Vol. 34, pp. 53-69.
JOHNSON, J. \v. 1956. Dynamics of nearshore sediment movement. Bull. Amer. Ass.
Petrol Geols, Vol. 40, pp. 2211-32.
movement of different sizes of beach pebbles, Proc. Geol Ass., Vol. 75, pp. 67-87.
JOPLiNG, A. V. 1966. Some principles and techniques used in reconstructing the
hydraulic parameters of a paleo-flow regime, yoi/r. Sed. Petrol, Vol. 36, pp. 5-49.
KiDSON, c. and carr, a. p. 1959. The movement of shingle over the sea bed close
inshore, Geog. Jour., Vol. 125, pp. 380-9.
MCGEE, w. J. 1897. Sheetfiood erosion. Bull. geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 8, pp. 87-1 12.
STAN, and ghenovici, a 1964. River and sea transport in the Braila-Sulina
sector of theDanube, Rev. Roum. Geol Geophys. Geog., Sir. Geog., Vol. 8,
pp. 45-50.
STRIDE, A. H. 1963. Current-swept sea floors near the southern half of Great
Britain, Quart. Jour, geol Soc., Vol, 1 19, pp. 175-99.
Selected bibliography 455
WOOD, J. 1825. Remarks on the moving of rocks by ice, Am. Jour. Sci., Vol. 9,
pp. 144—5.
BiRKELAND, p. w. 1968. Mean velocity and boulder transport during Tahoe age
floods of the Truckee river, California-Nevada, Bull. geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 79, pp.
COUTTS, J. R. H., KANDIL, M. F., NOWLAND, T. L., and TINSLEY, J. 1968. Use of
radioactive ^’Fe for tracing soil particle movement. Jour. Soil Sci., Vol. 19, pp.
ELLISON, w.D. 1945. Some effects of raindrops and surface flow on soil erosion and
infiltration, Trans. Am. geophys. Union, Vol. 26, pp. 415—29.
FOURNIER, F. 1960. CUmat et erosion, (Presses Univ. France, Paris), 201 pp.
FOURNIER, F. 1969. Transports solides effectues par les cours d’eau. Bull. Internl
,455. Sci. Hydrol, Vol. 14, pp. 7-49.
INGLE, J. c. 1966. The movement of beach sand (Elsevier, Amsterdam), 221 pp.
SELBY, M. J. 1966. Methods of measuring soil creep. Jour. Hydrol {N.Z.), Vol. 5,
pp. 54-63.
TODD, o. 1 . and eliassen, s. 1940. The Yellow River problem, Trans. Amer. Soc.
Civ. Eng., Vol. 105, pp. 346-453.
u.s. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. 1965. Proceedings of the Federal Inter-Agency
sedimentation conference, 1963; U.S. Dept. Agric. Misc. Publ. No. 970, 933 pp.
3. Mass movement
ANDERSSON, J. G. 1906. Solifluxion, a component of subaerial denudation. Jour.
Geol, Vol. 14, pp. 91-112.
BLACKWELDER, E. 1928. Mudflows as a geologic agent in semi-arid mountains.
Bull. geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 39, pp. 465-83.
COLLIN, A. 1846. Recherches experimentales sur les glissements spontanes des
terrains argileux, (Carilian-Goeury and Dalmont, Paris), trans. by W. R. Schriever
et al., 1956, Landslides in clay (Univ. of Toronto Press, Toronto), 160 pp.
FAiRBRiDGE, R. \v. 1950. Landslide patterns on oceanic volcanoes and atolls, Geog.
Jour., Vol. 1 1 5, pp. 84-8.
gerlach, t. 1959. Needle ice and its role in the displacement of the cover of waste
material in the Tatra mountains, Przeglad Geogr., Vol. 31, pp. 603-5.
Selected bibliography 457
JONES, F. o., EMBODY, D. R., and PETERSON, w. L. 1961. Landslides along the
Columbia River valley, northeastern Washington, U.S. Geol. Sitrv. Prof. Paper
367, 98 pp.
KAYSER, B. 1963. L’erosion par franes en Lucanie, Medite?ranee, Vol. 4, pp. 93—
100 .
KUPSCH, w. o. 1962. Ice-thrust ridges in western Canada, Jour. Geol., Vol. 70, pp.
MACAR, p. 1947. Les chutes de I’lnkrisi (Congo occidental) et leurs divers modes
d’erosion, Ann. Soc. geol. Belg., Vol. 82, pp. 38-5 1.
RICE, R. M., CORBETT, E. s., and BAILEY, R. G. 1969. Soil slippage related to
vegetation, topography and soil in southern California, Water Resources Research,
Vol. 5, pp. 647-59.
RUDBERG, s. 1958. Some observations concerning mass movement on slopes in
Sweden, Geol. Foren. I. Stock. Kd'rh., Vol. 80, pp. 1 14-25.
RUTTEN, M. G. 1960. Ice-pushed ridges, permafrost and drainage. Am. Jour. Sci.,
Vol. 258, pp. 293-7.
SCHMID, j. 1955. Der Bodenfrost als morphologischer Faktor (Hiithig, Heidelberg),
144 pp.
movements of soil and rock (Columbia Univ. Press, New York), 137 pp.
URBANEK, J. 1968. Slide classification, Geogrqficky Casopis, Vol. 20, pp. 221—
WAHRHAFTiG, c. and COX, A. 1959. Rock glaciers in the Alaska Range, Bull. geol.
Soc. Am., Vol. 70, pp. 383-436.
WILLIAMS, p, J. 1957. Some investigations into solifluction features in Norway,
Geog. Jour., Vol. 123, pp. 42-58.
458 Introduction to Geomorphology
DAVIS, s. N. 1964. Silica in streams and ground water. Am. Jour. Sci., Vol. 262,
pp. 870-91.
EK, c. 1964. Note sur les eaux de fonte des glaciers de la Haute Maurienne. Leur
action sur les carbonate, Rev. Beige Geog., Vol. 88, pp. 127-56.
EK, c. 1966. Faible agressivite des eaux de fonte des glaciers: I’exemple de la
Marmolada (Dolomites), Ann. Soc. geol. Belg,, Vol. 89, pp. 177-88.
GARRELS, R. M. 1965. Silica: role in the buffering of natural waters, Science, Vol.
148, p. 69.
GORHAM, E. 1961. Factors influencing supply of major ions to inland waters, with
special reference to the atmosphere. Bull. geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 72, pp. 795-840,
HEM, J. D. 1959. Study and interpretation of the chemical characteristics of natural
waters, U.S. Geol. Sun. Water-supply Paper 1473, 269 pp.
C. Deposition
Slope deposits
ANDREWS, J. T. 1961. The development of scree slopes in the English Lake District
and central Quebec-Labrador, Cahiers Geog. Quebec, No. 10, pp. 219-30.
CAINE, N. 1967. The texture of talus in Tasmania, Jour. Sed. Petrol., Vol. 37,
pp. 796-803.
PiPPAN, T. 1969. Studies on grus and block deposits on mountain slopes in Austria,
Biul. Peryglacjalny, Vol. 18, pp. 29-42.
tinkler, k. j. 1966. Slope profiles and scree in the Eglwyseg valley. North Wales,
Geog. Jour., Vol. 132, pp. 379-85.
WATSON, E. 1969. The slope deposits in the Nant lago valley, near Cader Idris,
Wales, Biul. Peryglacjalny, Vol. 18, pp. 95—1 13.
BULL, w. B. 1968. Alluvial fans, your. ^eo/. jEd., Vol. 16, pp. 101-6.
teneur en bicarbonate des eaux residuelles, C. r. Acad. Scl, Vol. 260, pp. 929-32.
ANDEL, T. H. VAN. 1967. The Orinoco delta. Jour. Sed. Petrol, Vol. 37, pp. 297-
HAY, T. 1926. Delta formation in the English lakes, Geol Mag., Vol. 63, pp. 292-
Selected bibliography 461
MOORE, D. 1966. Deltaic sedimentation. Earth Sci. Rev., Vol. 1, pp. 87-104.
AHNERT, F. 1960. Estuarine meanders in the Chesapeake Bay area, Geol. Rev., Vol.
EVANS, G. 1965. Intertidal flat sediments and their environments of deposition in the
Wash, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. 121, pp. 209-45.
GuiLCHER, A. 1953. Mesures de la vitesse de sedimentation et d’erosion dans des
estuaires breton, C. r. Acad. Sci., Vol. 237, pp. 1345-7.
LAUF, G. H. (Ed.). 1967. Estuaries, Am. Ass. Adv. Sci., Publ. 83, 757 pp.
PRICE, w. A. and kendrick, m. 1963. Field model investigation into the reasons
for siltation in the Mersey estuary, Proc. Instn. Civ. Engrs, Vol. 24, pp. 273—5 18.
Coastal deposits
islands and vegetated tidal flats, Geol. en Mijnbouw, Vol. 44, pp. 1—21.
block, b. j. 1967. Sedimentation of beach gravels: examples from South Wales,
Jour. Sed. Petrol., Vol. 37, 128-56.
ELLIOTT, E. L. 1958. Sandspits of the Otago coast, N.Z. Geogr, Vol. 14, pp. 65-74.
EVANS, o. F. 1942. The origin of spits, bars and related structures. Jour. Geol, Vol.
50. pp. 846-65.
GUILCHER, A. and KING, c. A. M. 1961. Spits, tombolos and tidal
marshes in
Connemara and west Kerry, Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., Vol. 6 IB,
pp. 283-338.
462 Introduction to Geomorphology
HEY, R. \v. 1967. Sections in the beach-plain deposits of Dungeness, Kent, Geol.
Mag., Vol. 104, pp. 361-70.
KiDSON, c. 1963. The growth of sand and shingle spits across estuaries, Zeit.f.
Geomorph., Vol. 7, pp. 1-22.
KING, c. A. M. and WILLIAMS, w. \v. 1949. The formation and movement of sand
bars by wave action, Geog. Jour., Vol. 1 13. pp. 70-85.
.MACNEIL, F. s. 1954. Organic reefs and banks and associated detrital sediments.
Am. Jour. Sci., Vol. 252, pp. 385-401.
PUTSY, N. p. 1965. Beach ridge development in Tabasco, Mexico. Arm. Ass. Amer.
Geogrs, Vol. 55, pp. 1 12-24.
STEERS. J. A. 1937. The Coral Islands and associated features of the Great Barrier
Reefs, Geog. Jour., Vol. 89, pp. 1-28 and 1 19—46.
STOOD ART, D. R. 1965. The shape of atolls. Marine geology, Vol. 3, pp. 369-83.
TANNER, w. F. 1961. Offshore shoals in area of energy deficit. Jour. Sed. Petrol,
Vol. 31, pp. 87-95.
THOM. B. G. 1964. Origin of sand beach ridges, Aust. Jour. Sci., Voi. 26, pp. 351-2.
WIENS, H. j. 1959. Atoll development and morphology. Ann. Ass. Amer. Geogrs,
Vol. 49. pp. 35-54.
ZENKOViTCH. v. p. 1959. On the genesis of cuspate spits along lagoon shores, yoitr.
Geol, Vol. 67. pp. 269-77.
Eolian deposits
BAGNOLD, R. A. 1951, Sand formations in southern Arabia, Geog. Jour., Vol. 177,
pp. 78-87.
BEHEIR Y, s. A. 1967. Sand forms in the Coachella valley, southern California, Ann.
Ass. Amer. Geogrs, Vol. 57, pp. 25—48.
COOPER, w. s. 1958. Coastal sand dunes of Oregon and Washington, Geol Soc.
Am.. Mem. 72, 169 pp.
FiNKEL. H. J. 1959. The barchans of southern Peru, your. Geol, Vol. 67, pp. 614—47.
FLINT, R. F. and BOND, G. 1968. Pleistocene sand ridges and pans in western
Rhodesia, Bull. geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 79, pp. 299-3 14.
MADiGAN, c. T. 1936. The Australian sand-ridge deserts, Geog. Rev., Vol. 26,
pp. 205-27.
PERRIN, R. M. s. 1956. Nature of ‘Chalk Heath’ soils. Nature, Vol. 178, p. 31.
SH ARP, R. P. 1966. Kelso dunes, Mojave desert, California, Bull. geol. Soc. Am., Vol.
77, pp. 1045-74.
Glacial deposits
ANDREWS, J. T., and SMITHSON, B. B. 1966. Till fabrics of the cross-valley mor-
aines of north-central Baffin Island, Northwest Territories, Canada, Bull. geol. Soc.
Am., Vol. 77, pp. 271-90.
CHARLESWORTH, J. K. 1929. The South Wales end moraine. Quart. Jour. Geol.
Soc., Vol. 95, pp. 335-58.
FALCONER, G., IVES, J., L0KEN, o., and ANDREWS, J. T. 1965. Major end
moraines in eastern and central Arctic Canada, Geogr. Bull, No. 7, pp. 137-53.
HARRIS, s. A. 1967. Origin of part of the Guelph drumiin field and the Galt and
Paris moraines, Ontario: a reinterpretation. Can. Geogr, Vol. 16—34.
11, pp.
HOLMSEN, G. 1963. Glacial deposits in southeastern Norway, Am. Jour. Scl, Vol.
261, pp. 880-9.
IVES. J. D. 1967. Glacial terminal and lateral features in northeast Baffin Island:
illustradons with descriptive notes, Geog. Bull, Vol. 9, pp. 62-70 and 106-14.
KIRBY, 1969. Variation in glacial deposition in a sub-glacial environment: an
R. p,
PRICE, R. J. 1966. Eskers near the Casement glacier. Alaska, Geogrqfiska Annaler,
Vol. 48A,pp. 111-25.
PRICE, R. J. 1969. Moraines, sandar, kames and eskers near Breidamerkurjokull,
Iceland, Trans. Inst. Brit. Geogrs, No. 46, pp. 17-43.
WEISSE, R. 1968. Endmoranen oder Oser ortlich von Glowen, Geog. Berichte, Vol.
13, pp. 277-91.
1-3. Examples of studies examining time lags and the influence both of source
area and of rate of supply on further sedimentary processes and characteristics.
HEIDEL, s. G. 1956. The progressive lag of sediment concentration with flood waves,
Trans. Am. geophys. Union. Vol. 47, pp. 56-66.
ICHIKAWA, M. 1958. On the debris supply from mountain slopes and its relation to
river bed deposition, Sci. Rep. Tokyo, Kyoiku Daigaku, No. 49, 24 pp.
MANNER, s. B. 1958. Factors affecting sediment delivery rates in the Red Hills
physiographic area, Trans. Am. geophys. Union. Vol. 39. pp. 669-75.
BETTENAY, E. 1962. The salt lake systems and their associated aeolian features in
the semi-arid region of Western Australia, Jour. Soil Sci., Vol. 13, pp. 1 0-1 7.
BLUCK.B.j. 1969. Particle rounding in beach gravels. Geo/. Ma^., Vol. 106, pp. 1-14.
CAMELS, A. and cailleu.v, a. 1966. Variabilite des galets le long d’une meme
plage, C. r. Soc. geoi. Fr., pp. 84-5.
CARR, A. p. 1969. Size grading along a pebble beach: Chesil beach, England, Jour.
Sed. Petrol., Vol. 39, pp. 297-310.
e YLES, R. J. 1968. Stream net ratios in west Malaysia, Bull. geoi. Soc. Am., Vol. 79,
pp. 701-12.
FUR LEY, p. A. 1968, Soil formation and slope development. 2. The relationships
between soil formation and gradient angle in the Oxford area, Zeit.f. Geomorph.,
Vol. 12, pp. 24-42.
Selected bibliography 465
HOLMES, c. D. 1960. Evolution of till-stone shapes, central New York, Bull. geol.
KNEBEL, H. J., KELLEY, j. c., and WHETTEN, j. T. 1968. Clay minerals of the
Columbia river: a qualitative, quantitative and statistical evaluation. Jour. Sed.
Petrol, Vol. 38, pp. 600-1 1.
SMART, J. s. 1969. Topological properties of channel networks. Bull. geol. Soc. Am.,
Vol. 80, pp. 1757-74.
SNEED, E. D. and FOLK, R. L. 1958. Pebbles in the Lower Colorado river, Texas: a
study in particle morphogenesis, yonr. Geol, Vol. 66, pp. 1 14-50.
STRAW, A. 1968. Late Pleistocene glacial erosion along the Niagara escarpment of
southern Ontario, Bull. geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 79, pp. 889-910.
WAGGONER, p. E. and BINGHAM, c. 1961. Depth of loess and distance from
source. Soil Scl, Vol. 92, 396-401.
WALKER, p. H. 1964. Sedimentary properties and processes on a sandstone hillside.
Jour. Sed. Petrol, Vol. 34, 328-34.
WATSON, J. p. 1964. A soil catena on granite in Southern Rhodesia. I. Field
observations, Jour. Soil Scl, Vol. 15, pp. 238-57.
WINTERER, E. L, and VON DE R BORCH, c. c. 1968. Striated pebbles in a mudflow
deposit,South A\isiTa\ia,Palaeogeog.,Palaeoclim.,Palaeoecol,Yo\. 205-1 1.
WOLDENBERG, M. J. 1969. Spatial order in fluvial systems: Horton’s laws derived
from mixed hexagonal hierarchies of drainage basin areas.
Bull. geol. Soc. Am.,
Vol. 80, pp. 97-112.
466 Introduction to Geomorphology
LEOPOLD, L. B. and WOLMAN, M. G. 1960. River meanders. Bull. geol. Soc. Am.,
Vol. 71, pp. 769-94.
sc HU MM, s. A. 1960. The effect of sediment type on the shape and stratification of
some modern fluvial deposits. Am. Jour. ScL, Vol. 258, pp. 177-84.
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L ANGBEiN, w. B. and LEOPOLD, L. B. 1968. River channel bars and dunes - theory
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Selected bibliography 467
CAINE, T. N. 1963. The origin of sorted stripes in the Lake District, northern
England, Geografiska Annaler, Vol. 45, pp. 1 72-9.
HAY, T. 1936. Stone stripes, Geog. Jour., Vol. 87, pp. 47-50.
SVENSSON, H. er a/. 1967. Poij'gonal ground and solifluction features, Lund studies
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TABER, s. 1929. Frost heaving, Jour. Geo/., Vol. 37, pp. 428-61.
brOckner, w. 1955. The mantle- rock (‘laterite’) of the Gold Coast and its origin,
Geol. Rundschau, Vol. 43, pp. 301-21.
ENGEL, c. G. and SHARP, R. p. 1958. Chemical data on desert varnish. Bull. geol.
Soc. Am., Vol. 69, pp. 487-5 1 8.
pp. 233-48.
GUILCHER, A. 1961. Le ‘beach-rock’ ou gres de plage, Ann. Geog., Vol. 70, pp.
LAMOTTE, M. and ROUGERiE, G. 1962. Les apports allochtones dans la genese des
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MAUD, R. R. 1 965. Laterite and lateritic soil in coastal Natal, South Africa, Jour. Soil
MOSELEY, F. 1965. Plateau calcrete, calcreted gravels, cemented dunes and related
deposits of the Maallegh-Bomba region of Libya, Zeit. f. Geomorph., Vol. 9,
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PRIDER, R. T. 1966. The lateritized surface of Western Australia, Aust. Jour. Sci.,
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ROUGERiE, c. 1959. Lateritisation et pedogenese intertropicale. Inf. geog., Vol. 23,
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STEPHENS, c. G. 1966. Origin of silicretes of central Australia, Nature, Vol, 209,
p. 496.
STOOD ART, D. R. and c ANN, j. R. 1 965. Nature and origin of beachrock, yoifc. Sed.
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tinent and the Atlantic East Gulf slopes. Bull. Inlernl /Iss. Sci. Hydrol, Vol. 14,
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DURY, G. H. 1963. Rivers in geographical teaching, Geography, Vol. 48, pp. 18-
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FLINT, R. F. 1943. Growth of North American ice sheet during the Wisconsin age.
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WILLIAMS, M, A. J. 1969. Prediction of rainsplash erosion in the seasonally wet
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Reading, Reading), pp. 1-38.
BROECKER, w. s., EWING, M., and HEEZEN, B. c. 1960. Evidence for an abrupt
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BUDEL, J. 1963. Die pliozanen und quartaren Pluvialzeiten der Sahara, Eiszeitalter
und Gegenwart, Vol. 14, pp. 161-87.
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CURRY, R. R. 1966. Glaciation about 3,000,000 years ago in Sierra Nevada, Science,
Vol. 154, pp. 770-1.
CURRY, R. R. 1969. Holocene climatic and glacial history of the central Sierra
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Selected bibliography 473
DURY, G. H. 1954. Weather, climate and river erosion in the Ice Age, Science News,
Vol. 33, pp. 65-88.
EMiLiANi, c. 1955. Pleistocene temperatures, yottr. Geol, Vol. 63, pp. 538-78.
EWING, M. and DONN, w. L. 1956. A theory of ice ages. Science, Vol. 123,
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FLINT, R. F. 1959. Pleistocene climates in eastern and southern Africa, Bull. geol.
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GRipp, K. 1964. Winter-Phanomena am Meeresstrand, Zeit.f. Geomorph., Vol. 8,
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hoinkes, h. c. 1968. Glacier variation and weather. Jour. Glaciol., Vol. 7, pp. 3-
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lichen Klimate, Hardbuch der Geophysik, Vol. 9, pp. 593-698.
MOBERLY, R., BAVER, L. D., and MORRISON, A. 1965. Source and variation of
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PEWE. T. L., CHURCH, R. E., and ANDRESEN, M. j. 1969. Origin and paleoclimatic
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Geol Soc. Am. Special Paper JOS, 87 pp.
PEWE, T. L. (Ed.). 1969. The periglacial environment: past and present (McGill-
Queens University Press, Montreal), 487 pp.
REEVES, c. c. 1 965. Pleistocene climate of the Llano Estacado, Jour. Geol, Vol. 73,
pp. 181-8.
SCHWARZBACH, M. 1961. Das Klima der Eorzeit (Enke, Stuttgart), 275 pp.; trans.
by R. O. Muir, 1963, Climates of the past (Van Nostrand, London), 328 pp.
Segota, t. 1967. Paleotemperature changes in the Upper and Middle Pleistocene,
Eiszeitalter und Gegemvari, Vol. 18, pp. 127—41.
STARKEL, L. 1966. Post-glacial climate and the moulding of European relief, Roy.
Met. Soc. Symp. on World climate 8000 to 0 BC, pp. 15-33.
TABER, B. A. 1950. Intensive frost action along lake %\ioTes, Am. Jour. Sci., Vol. 248,
pp. 784—93.
TUCKFiELD, c. G. 1964. Gully erosion in the New Forest, Hampshire, Am. Jour.
UNESCO. 1963. Changes of climate, Arid Zone Research, Vol. 20 (UNESCO, Paris),
488 pp.
WALKER, D. and WEST, R. G. (Eds). 1970. Studies in the vegetational history of the
British Isles (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge), 266 pp.
WEAVER, c. E. 1967. Variability of a river clay suite. Jour. Sed. Petrol, Vol. 37,
pp. 971—4.
YEHLE, L. A. 1954. Soil tongues and their confusion with certain indicators of
periglacial climate. Am. Jour. Sci., Vol. 252, pp. 532-46.
ZEiGLER, J. M., and TUTTLE, s. D. 1961. Bcach changes based on daily measure-
ments of four Cape Cod beaches. Jour. Geol, Vol. 69, pp. 583-99.
A. Dating
cox. A., DALRYMPLE, G. B., and DOELL, R. R. 1967. Reversals of the Earth’s
magnetic field. Set. American, Vol. 216, pp. 44-54.
DAVIS, M. B, 1963. On the theory of pollen analysis. Am. Jour. Sci., Vol. 261,
pp. 897-912.
DiMBLEBY, G. w. 1961. Transported material in the soil profile. Jour. Soil Sci.,
Vol. 12, pp. 12-22.
EMiLiANi, c. 1955. Pleistocene temperatures, your. GeoL, Vol. 63, pp. 538-78.
HOLMES, A. 1960. A revised geological time scale, Trans. Edin. Geol. Soc., Vol. 17,
pp. 183-216.
IVES, R. L. 1962. Dating of the 1746 eruption of Tres Virgenes volcano, Baja
California del Sur, Mexico, Bull. geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 73, pp. 647-8,
KELLEY, T. E. and BAKER, c. H. 1966. Color variations within glacial till, east-
central North Dakota - a preliminary investigation, Jour. Sed. Petrol, Vol. 36,
pp. 75-80.
Selected bibliography All
LiBBV, vv. F. 1965. Radiocarbon dating, 2nd ed. (Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago),
175 pp.
MOORB ATH, s. 1962. Lead isotope abundance studies on mineral occurrences in the
British Isles and their geological significance, Phil Trans. Roy. Soc., Vol. 254A,
pp. 295-360.
MUNNicH, K. o. 1960. Die C ,4 Methode, Geol Rundschau, Vol. 49, pp. 237-44.
PULLAR, w. A., 1967. Uses of volcanic ash beds in geomorphology. Earth Sci. Jour.,
Vol. l,pp. 164-77.
1961. Absolute dating of deep-sea cores by the Pa”VTh^^'’ method. Jour. Geol,
Vol. 69, pp. 162-85.
from the Kebnekaise area, northern Sweden, Geogrqfiska Annaler, Vol. 45, pp.
-22 .
WAMBEKE, A. R. VAN. 1962. Criteria for classifying tropical soils by age. Jour. Soil
S’cL, Vol. 13, pp. 124-32.
ZEUNER, F. E. 1958. Dating the past, 4th ed., rev. and enl. (Methuen, London),
516 pp.
BURK, c. A. 1968. Buried ridges within continental margins, Trans. New York Acad.
ScL. Vol. 30, pp. 397-409.
CARSOLA, A. j. 1954. Microrelief on the Arctic Sea floor. Bull. Amer. .4ss. Petrol.
Geols, Vol. 28, pp. 1587-601.
DAY, A. A. 1959. The continental margin between Brittany and Ireland, Deep-Sea
Research, Vol. 5, pp. 249-65.
DURRANCE, E. M. 1969. The buried channels of the Exe, Geol. Mag., Vol. 106,
pp. 1 74-89.
FISHER, R. V. 1964. Resurrected Oligocene hills, eastern Oregon, Am. Jour. Sci.,
Vol. 262, pp. 713-25.
HAWKINS, A. B. 1962. The buried channel of the Bristol Avon, Geol. Mag., Vol. 99,
pp. 369-74.
HiNSCHBERGER, F. 1 964. La repartition des fonds sous-marins dans le vestibule du
Goulet de Brest, C. r. Acad. ScL, Vol. 258, pp. 6497-9.
HOLTED AHL, H. 1958. Some remarks on geomorphology of continental shelves off
Norway, Labrador, and southeast Alaska, Jour. Geol, Vol. 66, pp. 461-71.
KLIM ASZE wsKi, M. 1960. On the influence of preglacial relief on the extension and
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M ALLORY, J. K. 1964. Topography of the seabed off the coast of southern Africa, S.
s H E p AR D, F. p. 1967. The earth beneath the sea, rev. ed. (John Hopkins, Baltimore),
242 pp.
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AGAR, R. 1960. Post-glacial erosion of the north Yorkshire coast from the Tees
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BECKETT, p. H. T. 1968. Soil formation and slope development. 1. A new look at
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BRYAN, K. 1922. Erosion and sedimentation in the Papago County, Arizona, U.S.
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Soc. Am., Vol. 72, 37-50.
480 Introduction to Geomorphology
TRICART, j. 1957. Mise au point; revolution des versants. Inf. geog., Vol. 21,
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TWiD ALE, c. R. 1967. Origin of the piedmont angle as evidenced in South Australia,
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development of the Lower Severn valley, Geog. Jour., Vol. 130, pp. 87-105.
BE ETE, J. B. 1 862. On the mode of formation of some of the river-valleys in the south
of Ireland, Quart. Jour. geol. Soc., Vol. 18, pp. 378-403.
BONYTHON, c. w. and MASON, B. 1953. The filling and drying of Lake Eyre, Geog.
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BO WLER, J. M. and h arford, l. b. 1965. Quaternary tectonics and the evolution of
the riverine plain near Echuca, Victoria, Jour. geol. Soc. Aust., Vol. 13, pp. 339-
dury, g. h. 1964. Principles of underfit streams, U.S. Geol. Stay. Prof. Paper 452A,
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EK, c. 1961. Conduits souterrains en relation avec les terrasses fluviales, Ann. Soc.
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GAMS, 1. 1962. Slepe doline v Sloveniji; Geografski Zbornik, Vol. 7, pp. 265-306;
English summary. Blind valleys in Slovenia, pp. 301-4.
JONES, 0. T. 1924. The Upper Towy drainage system. Quart. Jour. geol. Soc.,
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JONES, o. T. 1965. The glacial and post-glacial history of the lower Teifi valley.
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LEOPOLD, L. B. and MILLER, J. p. 1954. A post-glacial chronology for some alluvial
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LUMSDEN, G. 1. and DAVIES, A. 1965. The buried channel of the River Nith and its
marked change in level across the Southern Upland fault, Scot. Jour. Geol., Vol. 1,
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STRAW, A. 1963. The Quaternary evolution of the lower and middle Trent, East
Midld Geogr, Vol. 3, pp. 171-89.
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Texas, Bull, geol Soc. Am., Vol. 72, pp. 19-36.
autres curiosites du Karsv, 2nd enl. ed. (Zavod Postojnska jama, Ljubljana),
191 pp.
TROLL, c. 1954. Uber Alter und Gildung von Tal Mandern, Erdkunde, Vol. 8,
pp. 286-302.
TUAN, Y. F. 1966. New Mexican gullies; a critical review and some recent observa-
tions, Aim. Ass. Amer. Geogrs, Vol. 56, pp. 573-97.
VAR ESC HI, V. 1963. Die Gabelteilung des Orinoco, Pet. geog. Mitt., Vol. 107,
pp. 241-8.
viTA-FiNZi, c. 1969. Late Quaternary alluvial chronology of Iran, Geol
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viTA-FiNZi, c. 1969. The Mediterranean valleys. Geological changes in historical
time (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge), 140 pp.
Elias Mountains, Canada, Am. Jour. Scl, Vol. 264, pp. 577-99.
DOWN IE, c. 1964. Glaciations of Mount Kilimanjaro, northeast Tanganyika, Bull
geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 75, pp. 1-16.
DORY, G. H. 1953. A glacial breach in the north-western Highlands, Scot. geog.
Mag.,Vo\. 69, pp. 106-17.
DURY, G. H. 1957. A glacially breached watershed in Donegal, Irish Geog., Vol. 3,
pp. 80-171.
Selected bibliography 483
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JOHN, B. s. 1967. Further evidence for a Middle Wiirm interstadial and a Main
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LEIGHTON, M. M. and BRQPHY, J. A. 1966. Farmdale glaciation in northern Illinois
LINTON, D. L. 1949 and 1951. Some Scottish river captures re-examined, Scot.
Geog. Mag., Vol. 65, pp. 123-31, and Vol. 67, pp. 31-44.
SYNGE, F. M. 1964. Some problems concerned with the glacial succession in south-
east Ireland, Irish Geog., Vol. 73-82.
5, pp.
szupRYCZYNSKi, J. 1968. Glaciations in the Spitzbergen area, Geog. Polonica,
Vol. 14, pp. 175-83.
TOTTEN, s. M. 1969. Overridden recessional moraines of north-central Ohio, Bull,
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viRKKALA, K. 1961. On the glacial geology of the Mameenlinna region, southern
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VATEs, E. M. and moseley, f. 1967. A
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Trans. Inst. Brit. Geogrs, Vol. 42, pp. 107—25.
FLEMMING, N. c. 1965. Form and relation to present sea level of Pleistocene marine
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GLENiE, R. c.. SCHOFIELD, 1. c., and WARD. w. T. 1968. Tertiary sea levels in
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KiDSON, c. 1952. Dawlish Warren: a study of the evolution of the sand spits across
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LEWIS, w.v. 1938. Evolution of shoreline curves, Proc. Geo/. /Iss.. Vol. 49, pp. 107—
MITCHELL, G. F. 1960. The Pleistocene history' of the Irish Sea. Adv. Sci., Vol. 68,
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DURY, G. H. 1955. Diversion of drainage by ice. Science News, Vol. 38, pp. 48-71.
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JOHNSON, R. H. 1965. The glacial geomorphology of the west Pennine slopes from
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KIRBY, R. p. 1969. Morphometric analysis of glaciofluvial terraces in the Esk
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MITCHELL, G. F. 1963. Morainic ridges on the floor of the Irish Sea, Irish Geog.,
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QUENNELL, A. M. 1958. The structural and geomorphic evolution of the Dead Sea
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WOLFE, p. E. 1964. Late Cenozoic uplift and exhumed Rocky Mountains of central
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1 1
Subject Index
Subject Index 49
Chert, 108, 189 Corestones, 190-1, 294
Chloride, 313, 318-19 Correlations, 9, 24-6, 254
369; alteration, 340; degradation, 290; Crevasse, deposits, 306; fillings, 252; traces,
formation, 143, 146, 290-2; minerals, 74, 184
137, 143,222, 259; pan, 285 Crevasses, 184, 251-2, 253
Clay-with-flints, 5 Cross-strata, 224, 231, 244
Cliffs, 148, 149, 175. 196, 197, 216, 265, Cross- valley moraines, 128
318, 347, 349 Crusts, 45, 267, 345-6; calcareous, 286-7,
Climatic change, 25, 57, 63, 87, 298, 321—6, 353, 396; ferruginous (ferricrete), 286,
337, 345-6, 352-3, 369, 372, 373, 375, 288; gypseous, 286, 396, 400
399^00 Crustal, movement, 42-8; subsidence, 43;
Climatic geomorphology, 54-60, 76 uplift, 44
Climax vegetation, 166 Cryoplanation terrace, 53, 200
Clints, 196-7 Cumulative frequency curves, 128
Closed systems, 282 Current crescent, 304
Clymenella, 151 Cuspate foreland, 242
Coastal, areas, 158, 213; classification, 7; Cusps, 59
cliffs, 2, 67, 150, 176-7, 240,
296-7, 35 1, Cut and fill, 13,281
354-5, 381-3; erosion, 40, 176-7; plain, Cycle of Erosion, 7, 37, 42-3, 48-54, 60-4,
44, 61, 238-9, 241, 383; sediments, 151, 66, 68, 74, 398-9
355, 359
Coastline, evolution, 380-9 1 submerged, 343
; Dating, 327—42
Coasts, tropical, 150, 186 Debris control, 202-3, 259, 292-5, 345,
Cobbles, 131, 133, 157,339 346; mantle, 264, 296
Cockpit karst, 194 Decalcification, 190, 192
Cohesion, 138, 154 Deep-sea, cores, 324; sediments, 328
Colloidal, properties, 154; systems, 142 Deflation hollow, 296
Colloids, 222, 236 Deforestation, 169-71
Colluvial deposits, 131, 345, 354 Deglaciation, 249, 374-9, 391
Colluvium, 227, 232 Deltas, 72, 77, 86, 134, 166, 209, 233-6,
Colonizers, 333 244, 275, 280, 302, 303, 387-9
Comet-tails, 303 Dendrochronology, 331
Competence, of rocks, 53, lOl, 197, 205, Denudation, 114, 125, 172, 174, 191, 223,
219; of transporting agencies, 208, 210, 290, 299; chemical, 160, 187-8, 199,
214,224, 236, 241,297 223; chronology, 33, 401
Concretions, 164, 336 Denudational loss, 165
Cone-karst, 199
Deposition, 142, 157, 172, 224-54, 305
Conglomerate, 67 Depositional landforms, 224-54; dynamic,
Consequent streams, 357-8 225
Constrictions, 305 Desert, 143, 155, 160, 186, 187, 193, 214,
Continental drift, 81-2, 84-6, 324
244-8, 267, 269, 281, 289, 316; pave-
Continental, interiors, 209; rise,
342; shelf, ments, 193, 270; varnish, 270, 348
44, 244, 302,
342-3, inner, 238-9 Desiccation, 58, 95, 137, 139, 161, 164,
Com-ergence, 12 59 , 209, 259, 283, 285,319,323
Corals, fragments,
59; islands, 55, 164; ram- Differential, erosion, 95, 345; lowering,
parts, 321; rubble,
313; sand, 240 51-3, 347; resistance, 91, 92, 200;
Corallian, 95
weathering, 109, 197
1 1
Floods, 14, 38, 116-17, 158, 197, 206, 208, Glaciations, 255, 325-6
210, 230, 233, 237, 254, 259, 276-7, Glacier {see also ice), accumulation, 310; ali-
Flow, coefficient, 114-16; lines, 302, 305 Glaciers, 24, 112, 121-5, 309-12, 343
Fluvioglaciai, fans, 135; deposits and deposi- Glaciomarine deposits, 224
tional landforms, 205, 252, 271, 282, 315, Gneiss, 96, 98, 101, 107, 128, 185, 191-2,
375 197, 221,264, 294,345,359
Folds, 100, 108 Goethite, 144
Foreset bed, 134, 235,238-9 Gondwana, 84, 86; surface, 49
Forest, 26, 112, 148, 150, 153, 157; coni- Gorse tussock, 304-5
ferous, 148, 164; deciduous, 150, 155, Grabens, 45, 82-3, 99
165; humid temperate, 151; litter, 155; Graded, bedding, 228; stream, 31, 297-8
oak, 153, 165; tropical, 154, 165, 170, Gradient, 119, 123, 138, 197, 222, 270-1,
189, 194, 209; zones, 116, 154 300-2; beach, 240; reverse, 194, 222,
Fossil, fauna, 331; flora, 44, 331; soils, 127, 252; shore, 176; stream, 27, 119, 157,
340 158, 236, 264, 277, 297-8, 363, 372;
Fracture, pattern, 93, 179; planes, 263 valley, 230
Fractures, 110-11 Grain-size, rocks, 92-3
Fracturing, 95, 342 Granite, 91, 96, 97, 107, 109, 143, 146, 175,
Freeze-thaw, 112-13, 125, 181, 184-6, 176, 185, 189, 190-2, 193, 197, 209,
195, 199, 218-19, 277, 307, 313, 315, 221, 257, 264, 270, 294, 301, 305, 345,
316, 318; cycles, 32, 229 347,359,410
Friction, 113, 125-6, 138, 215, 217 192,259,410
Frictional resistance, 1 18, 277 Grass, 42, 159, 300; dune, 159; mat, 157,
Frost, 115, 217; action, 106, 129, 131, 133, 283; rafts, 237; savanna, 165
139, 184-6, 197, 261, 292; creep, 218- Grassland, 26, 112, 151, 153, 160,314
19; heaving, 156; penetration, 113, 139- Gravel, 31, 107, 135, 152, 201, 208, 211,
40, 156-7, 218, 321; splitting, 270 228, 229, 230, 239, 250-1, 261, 263,
Frozen, ground, 139, 156, 282; soils, 139- 269
41, 156, 283^ Gravitational spreading, 82
Froude number, 118 Gravity, 40, 100, 101, 118, 135, 138, 151,
Fucus, 158 216, 217, 281; fall, 174, 216, 221, 227,
264-5, 346, 349; sliding, 244
Garnet, 146 Greywacke, 272
Gault Ciay, 101 Gritstone, 194, 268
Gels, 142, 290 Groundwater, 90, 188, 237, 288, 289, 290,
General Systems Theory, 70 297,319
Geographical cycle, 49 Grus, 190, 192,294, 339
Geomorphological mapping. 7-8, 35-6 Gulf Stream, 57, 67, 120
Geosynclines, 81-2 Gullies, 170, 208, 319, 354, 358
Geotectonics, 79 Gullying, 171, 301, 308,309
Geothermal heat, 124 Gypsum, 259
494 Introduction to Geomorphology
Hamada, 293, 396 Ice movement, 77, 123-4, 177, 270, 303;
Hanging valley, 309 intergranular, 123; plastic deformation,
Hardpan, 284, 288-9 123; velocity, 124-5
Head, 225-7, 266 Ice-pushed ridges, 59, 205, 215, 248, 306
Headlands, 28, 59, 241, 267, 274, 313 Ice-recession, 125, 252, 333, 374, 378-9
Headward erosion, 17, 358-9 Ice-sheets, 38, 42, 112, 177, 180, 181, 214,
Heavy minerals, 146, 264, 268, 339-40, 410 215, 230, 251, 304, 323-5; downwasting,
Helicoidal flow, 14, 118, 276-7 379; Keewatin, 178
HemaUte, 143, 144, 146, 193,289 Ice-wedges, 15, 139, 140, 282, 283, 285
Hercynian folding, 49 Icefield outwash, 338
Hinge fault, 99 Illinoian drift sheet, 249; glaciation, 338,
Hjulstrom effect, 201, 231, 236 377; glacier,392
Hog’s-back ridges, 103 Illite, 138, 223,290-1,315
Holocene time, 323 Illuvial horizon, 137
Homo ereclus. Early man, 168 Ilmenite, 146
Homologies, 12, 59, 202-3 Index of flatness, 131, 133; wear, 131, 133
Hornblende, 147, 339-40 Induration, 287-8; layers, 289
Horst, 99 Inferior Oolite, 264
Hortonian analyses, 26-8, 272-3 Infiltration, 228, 302, 317; capacity, 23,
Human activity, 165, 168-71,211,296,321 116, 153, 217, 295; rate, 153, 156, 308,
Human records, 72, 87, 336; ancient Indian 371
sites, 323; Norse colonies, 323; pre- Initial form, 342-4; surface, 345
historic, earthworks, 191, monument, 194; Injections, 139
Roman, camp site, 289, signal station, 355 Insects, 270
Humic acids, 166 Inselberg, 98, 109, 193, 195, 271, 290
Humification, 144, 155 Interception, 153, 156, 169
Humus, 139, 154, 155, 157, 165, 169, 170 Interglacials, 46, 47, 199, 315, 325-6, 354
Hurricanes, 39, 177, 302 Intermittent streams, 260, 263, 347
Hydration, 143, 146, 173, 188, 194,263 Intertidal, areas, 159, 177, 236-7, 275, 276,
Hydraulic lift, 1 74 277, 303; flats, 387
Hydrogen ion, 143, 144-5, 161,291 Interstralal solution, 105, 339, 357
Hydrolysis, 143, 144, 173, 176, 188,222 Involutions, 139
Hydrothermal activity, 89-91 Ionic potential, 141
Hydroxides, 145,261,264 Ionium, 328
Hydroxyl ion, 145 Ions, 222-3, 290,318
Hypersthene, 147 Iowan, drift, 379; loess, 379
Hypsithermal, 255, 324, 375 Iron, 141, 142, 144, 146, 161, 162, 164,
Hythe Beds, 108 222, 231, 267, 289, 291; hydroxides, 291,
294; oxide (see ferric oxide)
Ice, 112, 113, 172, 174,206, 215-16,218, Ironstone, 192, 354
248, 249, 251, 294-5, 303; accumulation, Isostasy, 34, 80
122, 321; buried, 253;drift, 215;floating, Isostatic recovery, 34, 45, 81, 382, 386, 399
224, 237; ground, 227; snowdrift, 306; Itabirite, 289
stagnant, 184, 249, 251-2, 303
Ice carapace, 124 Joints, 93-6, 106, 107, 109, 111, 175, 192,
Ice-contact deposits and depositional land- 196-7, 199, 263, 338,347
forms, 230, 252 Jokulklaup, 391
Ice-disintegration ridges, 25 1-2 Jurassic times, 361
Ice-drag, 205, 215
Ice-fronts, 125,251,377 Kame terraces, 250-2
Ice-jams, 1 17, 332 Karnes, 252, 378—9
Ice-marginal features, 378-9; lake, 252, 391; Kansan, sediments, 336; till, 340
ridge, 250-1 Kaolin, 90
Subject Index 495
KaoUnite, 106, 138, 143, 222-3, 258, 259, Lee-side effect, 177—8, 302—6; climatic,
Karst, 305, 350-1; bare, 350; covered, 350; Lichen, 147, 161, 333
perched, 367; ponded, 367; wells, 193—4; Lichenometry, 331, 333
windows, 369-71 Limestone, 63, 67, 97, 98, 106, 107, 128,
Katamorphism, 290 162, 173, 175, 177, 191, 193-7, 258,
Kegelkarst, 199 264, 267, 296, 347, 350, 353, 366-9;
Kettleholes, 12, 252, 253 coral, 176; pavement, 200
Kluane, drift, 303; glaciation, 214; outwash, Limoni te, 143, 144
338 Lineaments, structural, 61, 73, 103, 342
Knickpoint, 179, 359 Linear, erosion, 63, 346; dissection, 346
Kyanite, 147 Liquid limit, 106, 138, 216
Litter, accumulation, 155; fall, 156, 165;
Labradorite, 146 layer, 157, 165, 169,322
Laccolith, 108 Load, 157, 259, 260, 318, 321; saltating,
Landslides, 7, 41, 101, 137, 169, 176, 178, Longshore, currents, 305; drift, 211, 241,
216, 219-21, 225, 228, 302, 311, 315, 267, 281, 285,389
347-9, 355; dams, 398-9; scars, 42, 95, Lower Greensand, 108
221 Lowestoft Advance, 10
Landslips (see landslides) Lunettes, 259
Last Glaciation, 361
Late Blancan times, 380 M discontinuity, 80, 88
Late-Cenozoic surfaces, 340; upwarping, Magma, 89, 90, 393
342 Magnesian Limestone, 95, 148-9
Late-glacial times, 43 Magnesium, 141, 142, 146, 164, 188-9,
Late-Cretaceous surface, 344 224,290-1
Late-Pleistocene times, 89 Magnetite, 146
Late-Pliocene times, 122, 363-4 Manganese, 146, 161, 231; oxide veneer,
Late Tertiary relief, 180; times, 44, 56; River 290
Teays, 190 Mangrove, 160,230
Late-Weichsel stadial, 376 Maquis, 153
Lateral, erosibn, 91, 363, 365; offsetting, 99; Marine, clays, 142; transgressions, 361
planation, 400 Marls, 177
Laterite, 400 Marram grass, 168
Lateritic alterations, 290 Mass-movement, 197, 209, 215, 216-21,
Latitude, 54, 55, 56-8, 112, 133, 155, 176, 225, 255, 318, 347-9; scars, 348
255 Meanders, 2, 5, 8, 14, 67, 118, 166-7,
Latosol, 147, 340 275-9, 372, 388, 398-9
Lava, 18,53,88-9. 108, 193,305,328,333, Measurement, 22—4, 78, 21 1, 297
358.362,393 Meltwater, 124, 183^, 195, 206, 216, 230,
Lavakas, 170
248, 249, 284, 3 17, 3 1 8-1 9, 3 64, 3 76-7,
Leaf. fall. 155; 159
litter, 391-2; channels, 249, 377, 392
Leaching, 289. 291. 308 Mesozoic, rocks, 350; times, 45
1 1 1 5
Mid-oceanic ridge, 66, 82, 87 160-1, 164; layer, 113; mat, 155, 156,
Middle-Pleistocene times, 364 157, drifting, 156; matter, 142, 145, 154,
Mid-Pliocene age, 47 157, 161, 164, 168, 223-4, 235, 291;
Milazzian, 381 residues, 155, 156
Millstone grit, 95, 105 Organisms, 131, 146, 160, 166-8, 176,219,
Miocene, 42, 343; times, 44, 45, 89. 361-2, 222, 231,233, 237,292
364,399 Orientation, 228
Molehills, 151; tunnels, 151 Orlhoclase, 92, 143, 190
Moles, 153 Outwash, fan, 398-9; plains, 184, 214, 215,
Mollisol, 139,202-3,284,353 230, 244, 275
Monastirian, 38 Overdeepening, 179
Monazite, 147 Overgrazing, 78, 171
Mono basin glaciation, 338 Overflow, 360-2, 365
Monsoon, 116,315; season, 3 1 366
Overspill, 40,
Montmorillonite, 106, 137,222-3,258,291, Oxford Clay, 52, 264
315 Oxidation, 144, 146, 155, 173, 190, 192,
Moraine, 227, 250-1, 259, 336, 338. 393, 231, 338, 341; -reduction potential, 145
398-9, 411; ablation, 205, 378; annual, Oxygen, 141, 144, 145, 164, 291; deficiency,
317; cross-valley, washboard, or de Geer, 160; isotopes, 324, 328-9
249-51. 3 1 7; end, 2 14, 248, 249-5 1. 270, Oxyria digyna, 160
303, 311, 315, 373-6, 378-9; ground,
178, 205, 249; ice-cored, 250-1, 253, 3 1 1, Paleoclimates, 3 16
330; lateral, 214; lee, 303; medial, 214 Paleoclimatic indicators, 286
Morainic debris, 108, 271; ridges, 378-9 Pnleoforms, 58
Morphoclimatic zones, 54-60 Paleohydrology, 369, 371
Morphological mapping, 2, 4, 198 Paisas, 295
Mosses, 153, 156, 163, 194 Pans, 194-5
Mountaintop detritus, 270, 293 Parallel retreat, 345, 346, 355
Mudbanks, 2 1 Particle, 261; disposition,
collisions, 134,
Mudcracks, 215, 283 134-6; movement, 126, 127; orientation,
Mudflats, 40, 237 134-6, 248, 266, 267; rounding, 261-3;
Mudflow, 21 1, 228-9, 248, 259 shapes, 131-3, 204, 267, 270, 409;
sphericity, 127-31, 184,262-3,
263; size,
Nardus strkta, 300 268, 408-10, distribution, 128-31; sort-
Natural bridges, 370-1 ing, 128-9, 225, 228-9, 239, 244, 264,
Nebka, 159 283,346
Needle ice (see also pipkrakes), 218 Pearlette Ash, 336, 363
Neoglacial, 190, 324, 375-6 Peat, 67, 113, 156, 164, 283, 292, 295,
Neve, 121, 122, 123 312
Nivation, 302; hollow, 8-9, 195, 200, 309 Pebbles, 127, 131-6, 174, 203-5, 210-11,
Norite, 192,270 215, 219, 229, 242, 248, 249, 252, 259,
Nunataks, 377 262-4, 287, 293, 304, 339, 409
Pediment, 50, 267-9, 292-3, 294, 296,
Ocean basins, 79 344-7, 348, 354, 396, 400
OITshore, gradient, 302; shelf, 234; topo- Pediplanation, 53, 63
graphy, xiv Peds, 136-7
1 1
Permeability, 32, 137, 170, 294, 350 Polygons, 59, 67, 282-3
Phyllite, 101, 192 times, 43, 58, 177, 210, 348, 375-6
Piedmont, angle, 345; glaciers, 121, 133, Post-Wisconsin weathering, 340
214; junction, 345 Potassium, 14], 142, 143, 146, 164, 165,
Piedmonttreppe, 50 190, 290-1; -argon, 87, 327-8
Pimpled plains, 285 Potholes, 174, 183-4
Pines, 148, 153, 326, 334-5; Norwegian, Prairie, 151, 152
157; Poderosa, 148; Scots, 157 Precipitation, biochemical, 148, 160, 162,
Pingos, 12, 66, 295 164-5; chemical, 56, 141, 142, 145, 230,
Piftus aiiistata, bristlecone pine, 167 285-90, 315,353
Pinus monticola. Western White pine, 334-5 Precipitation, effective, 25-6, 1 14, 153, 209,
Piping, 195, 196, 209,350 308, 369; intensity, 116
Pipkrakes, 218-19, 283, 295, 313 Pre- African surface, 49
Pitted beaches, 59 Pre-Boreal times, 183
Pivotal fault, 99 Pre-Cambrian times, 361
Plagioclase, 92, 143, 146, 190 Pre-Devonian valleys, 359
Planation surfaces, 45, 294, 382 Preferred orientation, 10
Plant, evidence, 334; remains, 23 Pre-glacial, hollows, 181; topography, 178;
Plantations, 169; maple, 320; oak, 320 398-9; weathering, 248
valleys, 182,
Plants, 147, 148, 158-9, 160, 164, 166, Pre-Middle Tertiary times, 343
288; accumulator, 165; aquatic, 164; Pre-Oligocene relief, 344
tropical, 165 Pre-Ordovician topography, 180
Plastic, deformation, 216-17; limit, 138 Pre-Pleistocene, age, 340; drainage, 364;
Plasticity index, 138 landforms, 399; times, 47; "topography,
Plateaux, 53, 100, 108, 270, 286. 306, 346, 180
359 Pre-Recent surface, 357
Platform, abrasional, 176, 313, 383 Pre- Wisconsin, age, 175, 340; entrenchment,
Playa, 84, 169, 261,283,296 361
Pleistocene, 7, 25, 28, 39, 44, 47, 58, 70, 87. Pressure release, 175, 197, 199
107, 175, 177, 241, 244, 315, 324, 337, Proglacial deposits, 131
345, 347, 362, 363, 369, 373, 380, 382; Progressive exposure, 51-3, 347
early. 47, 175; erosion, 344; late, 328; Protactinium-231, 328
movements, 44; terraces, 340; transgres- Protalus ramparts, 200, 344
sions, 331 Pseudo-karst, 67
Pliocene, 122; -Pleistocene erosion, 344, Pseudo-pillow structures, 163
boundary, 380 Pumice, 272, 273
Plunge point. 239, 240 Pyroxene, 144, 146
498 Introduction to Geomorphology
Quartz, 107, 146, 257, 263, 264, 265, 288, Rosin’s Law, 128, 130
289, 294; veins, 339 Rotational slip, 181
Quartzite, 96, 107, 177, 185, 192, 194, Rubidium-strontium dating, 328
228 Rumpfflache, 50
Quasi-equilibrium, 225, 280, 295-8 Runoff. 114-17, 153, 156, 165, 170, 255,
Quaternary (see Pleistocene) 307, 317, 320, 354; coefficient, 154, 160,
Quick clay, 84; slides, 220-1, 319 173
369, 386, 393; mounts, 342; valleys, 344; Slope deposits and depositional landforms,
water, 236, 288 225-8
Sediment, 14,22, 127-36, 147, 151;compac- Slope, deposits, stratified, 227, 353; evolu-
tion, 133; concentration (see also turbi- tion, 344-55; measurement, 402-3; pan-
dity), 133; intertidal, 152; load, 254, 297, tometer, 403-4; processes, 227, 300-2,
320; sorting, 152; source, 211, 257-60; 317, 348; profile, 403-4; wash, 209;
structures, 274-9, 340; supply, 234, 241, water, 188, 216,302,319, 353
260, 280-1, 343, 385, 386, 387, 389, Slopes, 54-5, 107, 109, 125, 156, 174, 194,
400; transport, 114, 201-15, amounts, 195, 200, 202-3, 216-21, 249, 265-7,
209-16; yield, 26, 170, 296, 308 306, 308-9, 344
Sedimentology, 12 Slump, 219, 220, 251,354
Seepage lines, 359 Snow, 112, 113, 121, 195, 206, 216, 244,
Seif dunes, 246, 303 282, 294, 300, 302, 307, 317, 318, 380;
Sensitivity, 138 bank, 349; block fall, 216; creep, 125;
Serir, 293 drift, 195, 308, ice, 306; line, 57, 121,
Sesquioxides, 146, 147,353 122, 253, 299; melt, 217, 320; pack, 125;
Settling lag, 224; velocity, 1 14, 127, 201 patch, 333
Shakwak till, 338 Sodium, 141, 142, 291,313, 318
Shale, 93, 94, 106, 347-8, 354, 369 Soil, air, 161; carbon dioxide, 144, 161-3,
Shear-planes, 124, 216; stress, 16, 125-6 255; climate, 12, 24; creep, 13, 216, 218-
Sheeting, 65, 96-8, 347 19; evidence, 334, 336—41; exposure,
Sheetflow, 159, 208 322-3; fabrics, 136; fauna, 150-3; fis-
Sheetwash, 58, 208, 294, 296, 301, 308, sures, 71; flow, 216-18; guirlands, 283;
353,400 horizons, truncated, 150; hydrology,
Shirdley Hill Sand, 385-6 136-7; layers, 136, 227, burled, 227,
Shore platform, 163, 176, 193, 194 truncated, 337; mechanics, 137-8; mois-
Shorelines, former, 398-9 ture, 152, 153, 161, 250-1, 287, 294,
Shores, frozen, 215; gradient, 14; rocky, 308, 403, 405-6; movement, 151, 159;
163; sandy, 385 porosity, 136, 153, 154; profile, 168, 190;
Shrinkage coefficient, 106 science, 2, 18, 77; shear strength, 32, 138;
Sieving, 127 structures, 340; water, 106, 136-7, 170,
Silica, 141, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 165, 173, 188, 267, lateral flow, 137; weather-
166, 189,222, 263,290,300 ing evidence, 338-40
Silicate minerals, 143, 144 Soils, 127-36, 170, 193, 268, 271, 273; arc-
Silicates, 173, 189, 197 tic, 184, 218; sandy, 137, 153, 171; struc-
Silicon, 141, 164, 165,231 tural, 282; tropical, 291
Silicrete, 397, 400 Solar radiation, 84, 112-14, 148
Sillimanite, 147, 340 Solifluction, 51,59, 133, 135, 167,218,219,
Sills, 90 266, 270, 307; deposits, 225; terraces,
Silt, 128, 137, 139, 156, 195,208,214,227, 225-7
228, 229, 230, 237, 245, 254-5, 259, Sols, 142, 222
271, 277-9, 294, 315, 339; -clay ratios, Solubility, 144, 145-7, 162
339; lacustrine, 230, 350; wind-blown, Solutes, 160, 257
336 Solution, 98, 141, 144, 146, 162, 164, 197,
Sinkhole,369-71 222, 285, 289, 350
Skewness, 129-30 Solutions, 164, 288, 292
Skiddaw slates, 181 Solutional, lowering, 63, 350; weathering,
Slate, 93, 101, 107, 185 113
Sliding plane, 215, 216, 217, 221 Space science, 20, 33, 67
Slip surface, 219
Spartina, 159
Slip-olT slope, 231-3 Spits, 59,238, 241—2, 260, 389-91; arrow,
Slope-angles, 26. 156,
216-21, 227-8, 267, 303; cuspate, 242, 285, 306
271,273. 283, 296,302, 345 Spray, 150, 186,313
500 Introduction to Geomorphology
Springs, 219, 233, 267, 300, 347; sapping, Swales, 59, 238-9, 240
202, 359; water, 255 Swamps, 161
Spruce, 148, 331 Swash, velocity, 69; zone, 120, 208, 213,
Stacks, 150 237, 240,281
Stalagmite, 233 Syenite, 192
Staurolite, 147 Syncline, 100
Steady-state, 70-1, 280 Synclinal valley, 344
Steppe, 112, 115, 155 Synclinorium, 100
Stillstand, 42-8, 64,382 Systems theory, 69-72, 76
Stone-banked terrace, 227, 311, 320
Stone, pavements, 270; stripes, 219, 283-5 Tahoe till, 294
Stones, 227, 263, 267, 270, 282, 293 Taiga, 116, 148, 156
Storm surge, 39, 40 Talus (see also scree), 202, 216, 227, 243,
Strandline, 176 267, 346, 349; platforms, 349
228-9, 237-40, 246-8, 249;
Stratification, Taxus baccata, yew, 148—9
1, 232
cross-bedding, 244, trough, 23 Taynlon stone, 1 1
Stratovolcano, 89 Tectogene, 80-1
Stream, capacity, 210-11; channels, 133, Tectonic, gravity sliding, 51, 82-3; move-
157, 217, 274-9, bouldery, 158, dunes, ments, 255-7, 345, 353, 362-3, 367,
277, gravelly, 158, sandy, 158; depth, 381
157-8, 276-8; flow estimation, 406-8, Temperature, 56, 112-16, 142, 154, 161-2,
turbulence, 174, velocity, 157, 158, 164, 186, 199, 218, 231, 255, 256, 287,
203-8, 236, 276-7, volume, 160; in- 292, 307,319,324-6
cision, 345; orders, 6-7, 26, 272 Tephra, 89
Striae, 124, 163, 177, 378; sand-blast, Tephrochronology, 336-7
257-8 Termite, 151, 152
Strike-slip fault (see also transcurrent fault), Terra rossa, 340, 353
83,84,99, 100,362 Terraces, 15, 25, 34, 43, 252, 263, 341, 343,
Strike, trench, 342; valley, 101, 359 364, 369, 372, 392; deposits, 288, valley,
Structural, control, 27, 62, 64-5, 95, 98-9, 157
220, 221, 359, 364; movements, 40, 364; Terrain unit, 5-6
surface, 344 Tertiary, deformation, 357; surface, 346;
Sub-Atlantic period, 376 times, 199, 344, 359, 363, 400; uplift,
Sub-Boreal, 324 182
Subdivided histogram, 404 Thalassia restudinum Konig, turtle-grass,
Sub-Eocene surface, 5 1-2 147
Sub-glacial, chutes, 184, 392; streams, 215 Thawing, 113, 136, 170,215,216,282,307,
Sublimation, 122 313,315,317, 354
Submarine canyons, 70, 305, 342-4 Thermoluminescence, 329-30
Submerged jet flow, 1 1 Thixotropy, 138
Sub-river cavities, 369 Thorium-230, 328
Subsequent streams, 358 Thrustfault, 43
Tors, 12, 95, 150, 193, 197-9, 398-9 Villafranchian, 380, 399
Tourmaline, 147 Viscosity, 114, 123, 371
199, 295; wind, 195, 201, 205-7, 209, Wadis, 7, 28, 58, 263
210, 230, 320, rates, 213-14 Warping, 44
Travertine, 233 Washload, 207, 223
Tree-damage, 33 1-2 Water, 56, 68, 93, 95, 98, 105, 106, 114-21,
Tree-ring dating (see also dendrochronology), 136-9, 141, 156, 164, 173-5, 185, 193,
72,331 195, 216-17, 222, 282, 294, 302, 307,
Tree roots, 106, 148-50, 164, 167-8, 199; 326; depth, 158
seedlings, 147 Waterfalls, 174, 233, 357; recession, 175,
Trees, 153, 158, 166-7, 216; deciduous, 359
148; wind-thrown, 148, 150 Water flow-through time, 161
Tropical rainforest, 165; soils, 159, 339 Waterlogging, 145, 218, 235, 392
Tsunami, 83 Water-stable aggregates, 154, 155
Tufa, 233 Watertable, 171, 231, 288, 289, 296,
Tuffs, 88 369
Tundra, 91, 112, 116, 156, 159, 164, 171; Wave, action, 234, 317; height, 69, 119, 254,
arctic, 148, 165; forest, 165; shrub, 280, 281, 285; length, 119; period, 69;
148 refraction, 241, 242
Turbidity, 209-10, 212, 299, 317 Wave-cut bench, 91; cliff, 237; platform,
Turbulence, 114, 118, 201, 225, 234, 387, 158, 176, 177,297,382
389 Waves, 158
Turf, 215, 225,227,284 Weathered material, influence on subsequent
Turloughs, 194 weathering, 292-5
Weathering, 126, 141, 146, 147, 162, 173,
Unconformities, 51, 344, 356-7, 395 175, 176; biochemical, 160-4, 176; caver-
Undercutdag, 196, 308, 354-5 nous, 8, 186, 193, 199, 340-1; channels
Undersaturation, 146 195-7; chemical, 160, 172, 175,
Uniformitarianism, 37, 39, 362 187-92, 287, 294, 299; crust, 57, 147,
Unloading, 96 209, 285-90, 292, 326; deep-, 191, 194,
362, 382
Uplift, 342, 199, 217, 220, 289, 345; forms, 193-9;
Upper Greensand, 101 mantle, 107, 113; pits, 161, 180, 193-4,
Uranium-lead dating, 328 195; ratio, 147; reactions, 142—4; recess,
U -shape, 178 5; profile, 144, 285, 292; zone, 144, 173,
Valders glacial maximum, 330 Wet season, 164
Varved clays, 125, 250, 336, 337 Willow, 156, 166
Vashon till, 133 Wind action. 111, 119, 128, 129, 148, 159,
Vegetation, 25-6, 42, 54, 57, 58, 68, 153,
171, 174, 187, 194, 195, 211, 241, 243,
156, 157, 208, 229, 236, 245, 247, 252, 244-8, 259, 260, 269, 280-1, 296,
255, 282, 292, 303, 305, 307, 308, 319, 307, 313, 315-17, 320, 321, 371, 377,
333-4, 353, 355, 372, 391, 400; growth, 393
158 Wind-throw, 159, 313
502 Introduction to Geomorphology
interglacial, 340; weathering.
j -fc moraines jao
TSn- moraines, 338-9; Yarmouth
Wisconsin, deposits, 380,
WoSland, 1 1 2
^rg£:n;3U 354,373, 375,380, Zavieja,
Zircon, 146
392 Eel grass, 159
Zostera sp,
(excluding bibliography)
Aberdare Mountains, 57 186, 187, 188, 193, 214, 227, 245, 254,
Aberdeen, 192 283, 305, 306, 340, 373
Aberdeenshire, 178 Antrim, 193
Abidjan, 21 Apalachicola, River, 259, 280
Abyssinian Highlands, 49, 57 Appalachians, 5, 50, 53, 64-5, 109, 345
Acadia National Park, 97 Arabia, southern, 245
Achdorf, 349 Ararat, Mount, 87
Adriatic coast, 367 Aragvi, River, 301
Africa, 43, 50, 57, 85, 98, 160, 170, 223, Arctic, 67, 121; areas, 197, 218; deserts, 58,
399; central, 298, 339, 345; east, 309, 60, 112, 209
361, 380; east coast, 240; North, 158, Argentina, 299, 300, 376, 380
263, 326; West, 57, 116, 263 Argyllshire, 202-3
Aigoual, 169 Arid areas, 57, 58, 59, 60, 68, 115, 155,
Alajarvi, 379 173, 289, 298,371
Alamyshik oil-field, 356 Arizona, 91, 108, 1 15, 233, 263, 371; south-
Alaska, 34,53, 83, 101, 116, 119, 122, 124, west, 27
180, 181, 211, 214, 218, 221, 299, 303, Arkansas, River, 314
307, 313, 317-18, 324, 331, 337, 375, Arran, 214
376, 392, 393; Gulf of, 255, 300, 382; Ashop valley, 138
north, 215, 257; Range, 309, 312, central, Asia, 223; central, 211; south-east, 28
259; south-east, 255, 343 Askja, 89
Alazami, River, 301 Asov Sea, 242, 285
Albany, 107 Atakor Mountains, 202-3
Albert, Lake, 242, 260 Athabasca area, 357
Alberta, north-west, 357 Atlantic Ocean, 84-6, 234, 324, 362
Algeria, 353 Australia, 53, 62, 98, 109, 115, 160, 218,
Alice Springs, 95 223, 244, 245, 285, 313, 337, 361, 362,
Allegheny, River, 392 397, 400; central, 209, 267, 345, 346;
Alps, 82, 124, 180, 252, 338, 380; French, eastern, 311, 371; north-west coast, 383;
399 south-east coast, 241; west, 260
Alsace, 321 Avon valley, Worcestershire, 325
Alyn, River, 392 Avon, River, Bristol, 361
Amazon basin, 56, 57. 85-6, 115, 359, 361; Axe valley, 266
River, 210, 298, 362 Azores, 343
Anadyr, 171
Andarai, 151 Baffin Island,45-6, 121, 206, 249, 309-11,
Andes, 44, 56, 81, 1 15, 259; Argentine, 299, 333; north-central, 317; north-east, 193;
300, 380; Peruvian, 150; Santiago, 285 northern, 181, 282
Antarctica, xiv, 113, 121, 139, 179-80, 184, Bahia Sebastian Vizcaino, 213
1 1 5
Baja California, 213, 3 16, 382, 386-7 Bonneville, Lake, 40, 365-6; Flats, 244
Bali, 87 Bonney, Lake, 113
Balkans, 80 Boomer Beach, 317
Balkash, Lake, 235 Boston, 46
Ballangen, 192 Boulder, 193, 311; county, 320
Baltic, 48, 211, 236, 240, 387 Brahmaputra, River, 40, 363
Banbury, 192 Brandywine Creek, 223
Banchory, 178 Brazil, 57, 59, 84, 95, 107, 151, 192, 193,
Barbados, 177 263, 286, 288-9
Barberie, Lake, 389 Brazilian Shield, 103
Barcelonette, 301 Brazos, River, 91, 363
Bariloche, 300 Breaksea Sound, 179
Barind, 98 Bridger Range, 363
Barnaul, 203 Bridlington, 305
Barnes ice-cap, 121, 122,331, 376 Britain, 43, 156, 188, 377
Barnet Spring, 196 British Colombia, 122, 125, 179, 180;
Barnstable Harbour, 152 southern, 255
Barra Head, 181 British Guiana, 189,211,242
Barrington Crater, 9 British Honduras, 288
Bane, 96 British Isles, 184, 385-6
Barrow, Alaska, 242 Brittany,303
Basin and Range area, 83, 342 Broad Law, 267, 410
Bear, Lake, 362; River, 366 Brodie Island, 254, 281
Beardmore glacier, 121, 124 Buchan, 192
Beartooth Mountains, 109, 175 Bukobya, 260
Beaver Creek valley, 215 Bulawayo, 116
Belgium, 212, 368, 369 Bumbe, Lake, 242
Ben Cleuch, 108 Burma, 57
Benguela, 242 Buxton, 161-2
Ben Lomond, Tasmania, 95 Byrd Station, 214
Beni basin, 102, 103; River, 298
Bergen, 319 Caernarvonshire, 177; north, 310
Bering, -Chukchi platform, 344; Sea, 285; Cairngorns, 182
Straits, 120, 213 Cairnsmore of Fleet, 101
Berkshire, 151 Cairo, Illinois, 263, 264, 357
Bermuda, 191, 342 Caithness, 100
Berwick, 393 California, 44-5, 66, 80, 87, 124, 254, 167,
Bitterroot Range, 308-9, 3 1 187, 205, 206, 211, 213, 221, 229, 240,
Bjorneljell, 294 245, 255, 258, 274, 288, 302, 305, 311,
Black Aragvi, River, 301 317, 338-9; Gulf of, 169; northern, 233,
Black Burn, 359 299; southern, 342, 382, 384
Black Forest, 82, 178 Californian shelf, 342
Black Hills, 261,264 Cambridgeshire, 162
Black Mountains, California, 229, 362 Cameroons, 1 1
Black Sea, 285, 372 Canada, 46, 87, 97, 101, 105, 212; arctic,
Blackford Hill, 250-1 375-6; eastern, 156; northern, 382; north-
Blakeney Point, 321 west, 229
Blomesletta, 200 Canadian Cordillera, 377; Falls, 175; plains,
Blue Creek, 205 western, 377; River, 261, 264; Shield, 58,
Blue Ridge, 1 94 62, 98, 180, 326,359
Bohemian-Moravian Highlands, 200 Canary Islands, 214
Bolivia, 102, 103; north-east, 298 Cape Cod, 354
Bonavista Bay, 43 Cape Givardeau, 389
Geographical Index 505
Greenland, 46, 58, 121, 122, 124, 249, 342, Ila delta, 235; River, 166
376; east, 179, 399; north-east, 282; nor- Illawarra, Lake, 305
thern, 315; south-west, 323; west, 375 Iller, River, 212
Grey glacier, 124 Iliinoian glacier, 214
Grigalua, River, 385 Illinois,214, 263, 264, 306, 357, 364, 392;
Gros Ventre slide, 221 northern, 180; western, 184
North Sea, 120, 213, 236, 343, 392 Pennines, 173; central, 257, 348; southern,
North Uist, 254 257, 258
North West Territories, 195, 307 Pennsylvania, 223
North York Moors, 285 Periglacial areas, 14, 58, 59, 60, 133, 174,
Norway, 46, 98, 109, 111, 179, 181, 182-3, 200, 214, 218, 282-3, 295, 324
220, 221, 251, 253, 255, 270, 315, 330, Peru, 45, 269, 281, 321; southern, 213, 245,
343, 392; central, 231, 377; coast, 342; 410
northern, 191, 380; southern, 252, 324, Petsaure plain, 230
376; western, 221 Peyremale, 257
Nussbaum, Mount, 214 Plitvice lakes, 367
Po delta, 234
Oahu Island, 189, 195 Point Barrow, 242
Ob, River, 117, 118, 203,210, 277 Poland, 212, 218, 244, 271, 285; central,
Ochils, 108 227
Oder, River, 212 Polomet, River, 210
Odra valley, 27 Ponca City, 314-15
Ogmore, River, 269 Poole’s Cavern, 161-2
Ohio, 215; River, 207, 392 Post, 223
Ojakkala, 25 Postojna, 371
Oka, River, 276 Potomac, River, 332
Oklahoma, 105,314-15 Poverty Bay, 386
Olympus, Mount, 182 Presque Isle, 293
Ontario, 48; south-east, 250-1 Pribilof Islands, 34
Oregon, 89, 223,283, 321,376 Prospect Hill, 268
Orford Ness, 389 Puerto Rico, 43, 308
Orinoco delta, 234, 242; River, 298, 362; Puget Lowland, 133, 338
shelf, 383 Pyalitsa, River, 318-19
Orkneys, 181 Pyla dune, 213
Oslo, 46, 93
Oso Creek, 244 Quebec, 97, 163,221
Otago, central, 199 Queensland, 244
Otalampi, 250-1 Quinnipac, River, 361
Ottawa, 138; city, 221 Quinze, River, 97
Ourthe, River, 368
Outer Hebrides, 1 8 Rainier,Mount, 72
Oxford, 52, 264, 282 Rak, River, 369-71
Oyo, 198 Rapaalven, 2 1
Ozarks, 64,214,392 Raton Basin, 44
Osterdal, 230 Recife, 240
Osterdalsisen, 3 14-15 Red River, Louisiana, 233
Red Sea, 81-2
Pacific Ocean, 84, 85, 243 Reedy glacier, 340
Pakistan, West, 244 Regina-Hummingbird trough, 102
Palm Beach, 342 Reigate, 108
Palouse region, 302 Renko, 378-9
Pampa de la Joya, 281 Resolute, 9, 307; Bay, 195
Papua, north-east, 191 Rhine, River, 210; valley, 39
Paris basin, 157; east, 296 Rhone, delta, 234; River, 210, 234
Patagonia, 124, 309 Rhodesia, 245, 264-5, 270, 288, 353, 410
Pays de Caux, 163 Rhum, 270
Pazin, 369-7 Ridge and Trough province, 342
Peak Cavern, 256 Rijecine, River, 367
Pembina, River, 212 Rio Bueno, 176
1 1 1 1 8
Mountains, 109, 298, 315; Colorado, 301,-east, 270, 301, 312,-west, 180, 181,
148,227 249, 311, 340; southern, 169, 267, 410;
Romania, 211 west, 135, 270
Rombaksbotn, 392 Scottish Highlands, 311, 375
Rosenlund cliffs, 1 60 Seacourt Hill, 52
Ross Sea, 124, 179—80 Semi-arid areas, 58, 59, 115, 186, 210, 214,
Author Index
(including bibliography)
5 1 Introduction to Geomorphology
444 Crickmay, C. H., 447
Cavaille, A.,
Croll, J., 324, 472
Cazalis, P., 421
Cuerda, J., 30, 421
Chamberlin, T. C., 42, 424
Cullen, D. J., 464
Chandler, R. F., 41
Culling, W. 437
E. H.,
Chandler, T. J., 479
Cunningham, R. K.,154, 442
Chang, P., 480
Curray, J. R., 239
Chantladze, Z. I., 301
Currey, R. R., 472
Chapman, C. A., 97, 433
Curtis, G. H., 476
Charles, G., 468
482 Curtis, L. F., 418
Charlesworth, J. K., 374, 414, 463,
Curtis, R. H., 447
Chemin, E., 442
Czech, H., 17
Cherry, J. A., 453
Czeppe, Z., 438, 449, 472, 473
Chilingar, G. V., 468
Cholley, A., 427 452
Dahl, R., 188, 191, 399, 448, 450,
Chorley,R.J., 18,26,69-70,314,419,420,
Hodgson, 3. M., 5 1-2, 425 Jennings, J. N., 72, 196, 269, 415, 443, 444,
Hodgson, R. A., 94, 434 463,470,471
Hodgson, W. A., 445 Jenny, H., 442
Hogbom, B., 185, 197, 445 Jessup, R. W., 397, 400, 486
Hoinkes, H. C., Johansson, C. E., 134, 439, 458
Hole,F.D., 152,323 John,B. S., 399,483
Hollingworth, S. E., 427, 434, 457 Johnson, Douglas W., 7, 381, 382, 386
Holmes, A., 415, 476 Johnson, J. W., 454
Holmes, C. D., 426, 428, 465 Johnson, R. H., 457, 486
Holmes, D. A., 481 Johnson, Willard D., 181
Holmsen, G., 463 Johnsson, G., 467, 473
HoUedahl, H., 179, 182, 183, 342, 448, Johnston, G. H., 436
478 JoUifTe, I. P.,454
HoUedahl, O., 220, 255 Jones, F. O., 457
Hommeril, P., 473 Jones, J. G., 432
Hooke, R. LeB., 339, 421, 428, 466 Jones, O. T., 398-9, 481
Hopkins, B., 442 Jones, R. J., 196-7,442
Hopkins, D. M., 467 Jopling, A, V., 74, 208, 454, 461
Hopley, D., 484 Jungerius, P. D., 439
Horlock, J. H., 466
Horton, R. E., xiv, 4, 6, 20, 23, 26-8, 65, 77, Kaiser, K., 474
273, 358,415,418 Kaizuka, S., 476
Hough, J. L., 486 Kaiterherberg, J. van, 434
Hough, V. N. D., 109, 434 Kamb, 436
B., 123,
Houtman, T. J., 473 Kandil, M. F., 455
Howard, A. D., 422, 428 Kaneko, S., 484
Hoyt, VV. G., 436 Karnik, V., 432
Hsi-Lin,T., 452 Karpachevskiy, L. O., 152
Hume, J. D., 423 Kaye,C. 335,476
Hurley, P. M., 43 457
Kayser, B.,
Hussey, K. M., 471
Keen, M.J., 415
Hutchings, G., 420 Kellaway, G. A., 434
Hutchinson, G. E., 435
Keller, W. D., 90, 147, 422, 441, 442, 468
Hutchinson, J. N., 444
Kelley, J. C., 456, 465
Hutton, J., 37 Kelley, T. E., 476
Kelvin, Lord, 74
Ichikawa, M., 464 Kendrick, M., 461
Illing, L. V., 469 Kennedy, W. Q., 34, 422
Ingle, J. C, 69, 281,455 Kent, P. E., 454
Inman, D. L., 129, 239, 439, 445, 462 Kerney, M. P., 479
520 Introduction to Geomorphology
Kirkby, M. 437
J., Le Bourdiec, F., 419
Kistler, R., 476 LeGrand, H. E., 17, 35, 98,420,422,452
Kittleman, L. R., 439 Le Heux, J. W. N., 479
Kitts, D. B., 427 Lehmann, H., 426
Klatka, T., 449, 467 Leighton, M. M., 37, 184, 448, 483
Kliewe, H., 484 Lensen, G. J., 481
Klimaszewski, M., 422, 448, 478 Lenze, E,, 305
Klinge, H.,451 Leonard, A. B., 395, 486
Klovning, I., 183 Leopold, L. B., xv, 1, 8, 20, 54, 75, 263, 272,
Knebel, H. 465
J., 278, 406, 418, 420, 448, 466, 470, 481
Koczy, F. F., 477 Lettau, H., 466
Kofoed, J. W., 484 Lettau, K., 466
Kondiferova, E. A., 278 Levelt, W.M., 451
Koon, D., 445 Leverett,F., 122,311,471
Koster, E., 439 Lewin, J., 438
Koyanagi, R. Y., 432 Lewis, C. A., 227
Krammes, 322
J. S., Lewis, P. F., 486
Krauskopr, K. B., 458 Lewis, W. 447,448,484
La Marche, V. 168,233
C., Lovering, 430
J. F.,
Langbein, W. B., xv, 26, 436, 466, 470 Ludqvist, J., 374
Quaide,W. L., 429 Russell, R. J., 176, 387, 416, 429, 446, 448,
Quennell, A. M., 487 468,485
Rust, B. R., 364, 460
Ragg, J. M., 78, 225, 266, 440 Rutten, M. G., 457
Ragsdale, J. A., 235, 263, 461 Ruxton, B. P., 347, 446, 451, 479
Rahn, P. H., 271, 443, 446
Raiche, V. G., 9 Sanders, J. E.,416
Rainwater, F. H., 47 Sandford, K. 440
Thames, 440
J. L., Verger, F., 468
ThebaulhJ-, 440 Verstappen, H. T., 463, 485
Thom, B. G., 462, 467 Verstappen, W. F., 425
Thomas, M. F., 198—9, 453 Viguier, G., 477
Thomas, W. L., 444 Virkkala, K., 251, 378-9, 483
Thompson, G. A., 43 Visher, G. 440 S.,