Scan Apr
Scan Apr
Scan Apr
Additional materials :
Answer Booklet ro rammable)
Silent Electronic Calculator (non p 9
Geometrical instruments
Graph paper (3 sheets)
Plain paper (1 sheet)
Marks: 100
Time: 2 hours JO minutes
Instructions to Candidates
· t· n number on every page of the
1 Write the centre number and your examina 10
separate Answer Booklet provided.
2 Write your answers and working in the Answer Booklet provided.
If you use more than one •Answer Booklet, fasten the Answer Booklets together.
4 Omission of essential working will result in loss of marks.
(i) Section A
Answer all questions.
(ii) Section B
Answer any four questions.
6 Silent non programmable Calculators may be used.
1 The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part
2 If the degree of accuracy is not specified in the question, and if the answer is not exact,
give the answer to three significant figures. Give answers in degrees to one decimal place.
3 Cell phones are not allowed in the examination room.
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Page 3 oF9
C,i, en th a t rnatrix ;\
1. find the
I 21
- ( :
(i) va lue ofx ltff whi ch A has no in ve rse, \21
(ii) in ve rse or A ifx = I.
A bag co nta ins 7 red and 3 white identical ball s. Two ball s are taken from
the bag al
(h )
random one after the other without: replacem ent.
(i) Draw a tree diagram to show all the poss ible outcome s.
(ii) Find the probabil ity of taking at ]east one white ball.
2 (a) Of th e 115 students who attended an end of year party, 74 took lanta, 93 took sp(1te,
87 took c~, 61 took fanta and sprite, 71 took sprite and coke, 60 took fa~ and
,_ ---... ..___
and 5.Q_ took all the threedi'i nks. . . . ___,
. ~ . [21
(1) Illustrate this informat ion on a Venn diagram
~+9q ;
M--1- --== =~ B
A~- -t-- -----+-~
~-- --- --8p
(i) Express in terms of p, q and/or k
~ -
(a) AM,
(b) At. ,. l l
I ,
(ii) Given
that At, = h°i:c ' bY£ormmg
. an equation involvingr JJ • (f • ,
_ 17
- - -----
rvlatl1ematics/4024/2/202o [Turn OVEHi
Page 4oF9
J (ll)
So h c th e equation ./ x - 19 - 0, givin g your ans wers correct to 2 decimal places.
(h) Study the flo w ch art below.
i ( .,
Enter C
Wrjte a pseudo code correspondjng to the flow chart programme above.
(c) Wjthin the quadrilateral PQRS, draw the locus of points which are
Page 5of9
1 - IX1i2 [2]
5 (a) S1mrlif\, - - - -
. Jp + l
r --------- ;,; -
1 10cm
Calculate its volume.
V= ~ ..,.?.- -
Mathematics/4024/2/2020 [Turn over
. - 'I
Page 6or9
,",cl'lion B [ 48 mark'i I
.\ll"H· r an~ four· quc~tion~ in thi~ sect ion.
Ead1 'llll'!-.tion in thi'i ., cction car ric'i 12 mark-; .
7 (a) Tf1~· 1 ;1 ft1c~ o!' ra nd _1· arc c onncctl'c..l by Lh c cqw1ti o 11
_1· ,,., x 1 + 4x~ + x - 5 a s; -;hmv n
in !l ie t;1blc hcl ()w_
I , r _4 ,_ -3
J' -·1 · -9
.• J -
(i) Ca lc ulnt c the val ue of p.
8 (a)
P, Q, Rand Tare points on the surfac e of the earth as
shown in the diagra m below .
(Take rr as 3.142 and R = 3437n m)
21 °W-+--- - + -~I
J<E----1-4 1°E
(i) Find the difference in longitude between points Q and R.
(ii) Calculate the distance, in nautical miles, of
(a) PQ,
(b) RT.
(b) A curve has gradientx 2 -4x + 3. Find the equation of fhis curve
if it passes
through the point (3, -1 ). i [31
1 ·
(c) Fi nd the equation of the normal to the curve = x 3 - y 2x2 - 4x + 1 at the
point (- 1, 2). !..' 1
l ·' .l
Page 7of9
9 fh~· tabk hdow ~hows the di stTibution of lengths of plots in a catain locality.
I rr~;, or plot;,) 1 :-, ' ~ 6< K < IO 11 $ t s 15 16 ::: .t !:: 20 2 1 <' X < 25
[ I fCC!lltllC) 0 2 JI X 4
44 31
(i) Using the table above, copy and complete the cumulative frequency table
_ _ _ _ _=B
,--_ _ _ _10_.2_krn
Given that AB= 10.2km, BC= 15.6km and AC= 9.4km, calculate
(i) angle BAC to the nearest whole number, L51
(ii) the area of triangle ABC, L21
(iii) the shortest distance from A to BC. (21
(b) Solve the equation 2cos0 = 1 for 0° ~ 0 ~ 180°. (11
. . 3x 2 y . 9x 3
(c) S1mphfy - -3 - . -4 . [21
8xy 4y
i;-~ --- --- ~~ --- --- --- --
Page8 oF9
11 rht.· dr,,g r.,m bdm\ to a nswer the qw.:5tions that follow.
,. ~
r! ~T' .
I •• /jJ J. I
i- j fil.•.... t 1-H / t· r
lt - ... .•.
~iff :q~ .L j '
!f t
r 1
t 1
fi t ~- + ♦ •
. J
- -
- '
its centre
(a) Triangle ABC is mapped onto triangle A 1B 1C 1 by an enlargement. Find
and scale factor.
(b) Triangle ABC is mapped onto triangle A2B2C 2 by a single transformatio
(i) the matrix representing this transformation,
(ii) the area scale factor of the transformation.
(c) Triangle ABC is mappe d onto triangle A3B3C 3 by a single transformatio
Describe fully this transformation.
(d) The matrix (~ :] , maps triangle ABC onto triangle A,,B4C4 (not on the diagra
12 Answer tbe "hole of thi~ qurstion on a \ht'et of gra1,h JHIJWr.
A t.'Jfpt'nh.'r intends to manuL1cture at k,1st JO 1nblc,; ,mJ ,ll k.1-;t 20 chair, t ach t<1bl~
rt·qmrc-; 4 hours of a::..semhling anJ 2 11\)11~ tlf \ arni,hmg r, a.. h d1,11r requui:<t ' hnurs of
.lSSt:-mbling and I hour of\ amishing. Thl·rc .ire ~-lO h1mr, a\ .,il,1hk• h1r u~sctt1hlmg and l Ot)
hours for, arni~hin!,!.
(a) Gi, t:n that\ rcprc::..cnt, the numht:r ol tnbk.:: mhJ, th~ num~r ,lf ch,:nrs \\nte four
incqualitie:- ,, 1111:h f\:prc:-cnt thc,l' ct1ndtthm'i
(b) Csing a sc.11t' t1l 1cm tn rqm.:st:nt 10 pine, ol fum1tu1e on c3"'h a.Xb <lm~ the~
,uu.l 1 a,t:, for o s, S ..0 und O::a 1 S lO<l re,rccu,1.;h nn<l h.1,k the: un\\antcd
region h.1 :-htm ck.irl~ the rcgh'ln \\here the 1lutt ,n \,f the inC4ualu1 ..-s he l4}
(c) l:ach t.1blc ),()ltJ yield, a profit of K300 00 ,, h,lc <: h chan sold, 1cld a proht
of K:? "O on hnd rhe be t combuut,on of the number ,1f table nd ch:m lo ,am
the mJ\fmum profit 121
(d) l 'akul,lle 1h1.;; c tun:11c 01 th JtU\ln