Egyptian Tantric Secrets
Egyptian Tantric Secrets
Egyptian Tantric Secrets
Copyright © 2021 by Kiya Ankara
The Sekmet image featured in Chapter 19, and the Ankh Serpent in
Chapter 20 were both created by Ori Ana Lighting © For both images,
copyright belongs to Spirit! If used for commercial or spiritual
purposes, feel free to support or contact the artist. PayPal/Email: Drag-
[email protected]
The ‘Prayer of Awakening’ was written by Isis priest Padiusiri. ‘We the
brightest light’ sourced from Amen Khum Ra. All others chants are
unattributed to any specific author.
“In 2021, Kiya went through a near death experience due to a powerful
vi | Foreword
Read this book and sense that lightness of being which resides in the
heart of the divine. Practice the techniques outlined within its pages
and discover timeless truth.
Ancient wisdom teachings are forever fresh and new for each
generation. These teachings, being immortal, come again and again to
humanity through different mediums.
I feel deep gratitude that Kiya has had the courage to share the
wisdom he received, out of compassion for all beings.”
Ma Ananda Sarita
goddess of healing and magic. The creation of this book was an initia-
tion process for me, guided by her. In the same way it now can be an
initiation for you. Without her wisdom, guidance and loving support,
this book simply would not exist. With my eternal gratitude, I thank
you Isis.
Further gratitude goes to Mary Magdalene. Near the end of the
book there is one chapter channeled from Mary in her own words. It
was powerful indeed to feel her unique transmission, and to be blessed
with the opportunity to share her message through this book. Thank
you Mary for your words, your tears and your truth.
Now to the earthly support! The first draft of this book was brought
through over 9 days of channeling, following hours of prayer, chant
and spiritual practice. It was spoken aloud and recorded as audios and
by the end of 9 days there were 80,000 words, which were auto-tran-
scribed into the first draft transcript.
Auto-transcription is far from perfect, so this transcript was then
painstaking corrected by an amazing team of supporters and helpers
who would listen to the original audios, and ensure that the words
matched the audio. Biggest thanks goes to Dana from Germany, who
single-handedly did the first pass on almost the entire book. Thank
you Dana, for your deep commitment to this project, it has touched my
Secondly, I want to thank the ‘final proof team’ - Isla-Rose, Paul
Reimers and Tim Griffiths. Massive thanks to each of you for many
hours of painstaking corrections, and for stepping forward in the
crucial moment I most needed extra support.
Thirdly, thanks to those that helped with additional chapters and
corrections - Imalia, Lydia, Amy, Shani and Ayahuasca. From the
depths of my heart I thank you all.
I also give special thanks to Ori Ana Lightning, who generously
provided two beautiful works of art for inclusion in this book. This
includes one brand new design especially for this book, depicting the
Serpent Energy pathways connected to the Ankh. Thank you brother
for the many hours of creativity and love you poured into these
I give thanks | ix
Ma Ananda Sarita - for truly Being There for the most intense experi-
ence of my life, and being the incredible tantric guide and healer who
helped me through my electrocution/initiation (literally)!
David Cates - for teaching me the difference between sex and intimacy.
Mantak Chia - for the insights into the Taoist sexual arts.
Minke De Vos - for being a Taoist lineage holder and passing on some
of the gold to me.
The Baul Mystics – for living, singing, and dancing in union with God
every day of their lives. You continue to inspire me! Haribol, Haribol!
Amoda Maa Jeevan – for setting me off on the Osho path many years
ago and teaching me how to hold space for ecstasy to unfold and open
in others!
To Mum and Dad, for bringing me into form in the first place, and
supporting me over so many years.
To Osho, the rebel mystic, who has helped break down the doors
between sex and spirit, enabling us all to realise that everything -
including sex - is so utterly divine.
What has been woven from all these influences is something I hope can
best serve people of today. Whilst this book is from an ancient
Egyptian tantric wisdom stream, there are also aspects that are
refreshed and renewed for the times that we are living in today. My
hope is that this is done with respect for the ancient tantric sources,
and also in the recognition that at times these seemingly separate paths
and threads, yearn much like lovers to unite, they yearn to become
one. After all, are not all spiritual teachings ultimately leading us back
to the oneness?
Finally, my deep thanks goes out to the women that have graced and
blessed me with their love, and have allowed me to love them in
return. While relationships may be temporal, I believe love is eternal.
The following women have each blessed my life in ways that words
cannot ever quite touch. From my heart, I bow to each of you - with
deep love and reverence.
I give thanks | xi
To Freya McFarlane, for the beautiful depths and heights of our love,
for dancing in the realm of air together, and for our transition from
lovers and partners back into dear friends.
May this book serve and inspire others to deepen, open and awaken to
energy, to tantra, to love, and to higher consciousness.
way of immersing into this online journey is to do one class per week.
It takes you on a immersive, deepening journey into the lived experi-
ence of Egyptian tantric practice, enabling you to make it part of your
daily life.
There is something powerful that comes as an added transmission
through the online course, bringing an even more direct connection
with the Egyptian wisdom stream. So just know that course is there
should you wish to deepen more onto this path of Egyptian Tantric
M any years ago, at the age of 21, I was blessed to fall in love
with an amazing woman who was half-Indian and half-
German. One life-changing night, she had fallen asleep before me, and
I lay awake beside her in bed. As I looked at her sleeping form I was
2 | K I YA A N K A R A
filled to overflow with love for her - a love unbound that I had never
experienced before. I felt so much love I wondered - what do I do with all
this love?
I then heard some words in my mind, in response to this question.
‘Just give her your love.’
It seemed at the time like pretty good advice, and so as I lay there
looking at her, I poured my love into her - I imagined it flowing out on
my exhale and washing over and into her. I’d never tried this before,
yet somehow it just seemed obvious and natural. What else could I do
but share the vastness of this love with my beloved?
What I didn’t expect was for her to wake up, but after 5 or 10
minutes she suddenly opened her eyes and looked at me in the semi-
‘I need to be with you,’ she said.
I probably looked a bit surprised - I hadn’t poured love into her
with the plan of waking her up!
‘What were you doing?’ she asked.
So I explained that I’d been pouring love into her. She asked me
how I’d been doing it, so I told her - through willing it, through
wishing it, intending it. She then tried pouring love into me. I
suddenly felt a vast wave of tenderness expanding through me, a
quality of love I’d never experienced before. That night we discovered
what we called ‘energy sending.’
We stayed awake all night, basking and sharing this loving energy
with one another. We made love more deeply and tenderly than ever
before. In the morning, with the sun rising we literally skipped through
the park from my home to hers.
We were utterly high on all the love we had shared, and were
wondering if we might have discovered something that no other
human had ever discovered (oh to be young and naive again!). We
started wondering how we might proclaim it to the world - jump on
social media? Write a book? Then my partner wondered aloud if it was
anything to do with Tantra.
Hm… maybe we need to get some books.
One of those books was Margot Anand’s tantric classic ‘The Art of
Sexual Ecstasy’. Margot was the first teacher to bring neo-tantra to the
Egyptian Tantric Secrets | 3
partner Freya had brought it with her. She’d been raving about it and
saying I should read it. What surprised me was the book had a
powerful energy field - I could see the light that was emanating from it -
something I had not experienced before, and I knew I had to read it.
The book shares a channelled message that is said to come from
Mary Magdalene. The story it puts forwards flies in the face of what
many of us have been raised to believe, especially if you were brought
up influenced by Christianity. She shares about her journey and rela-
tionship with Jesus - who I will call by his original name Yeshua. She
explains how when they met, there was a shared recognition of the
spiritual work they were here to do together, both as teachers sharing a
powerful message about love, and also through their own personal
journey of entering into relationship together. Through that relation-
ship they explored what can best be described as an advanced tantric
relationship, working with sexual union as a vehicle to God/Goddess
realisation. They were seeking the holy union through the vessel of
their bodies.
But how does this relate to the Ankh and Egyptian Tantra? At the
time of Yeshua and Mary, in the final throes of the Egyptian epoch, the
Ankh and other advanced spiritual techniques, once widely known to
the public, had become secreted away. Only the powerful ruling elite
and high level initiates would have been taught these advanced
As a priestess of the Isis temple, Mary Magdalene was not only
taught the Ankh practices but came to master them to a high level. She
then naturally shared these teachings with Yeshua, as she saw the
advanced level he had attained. So these ancient tantric practices were
explored by the couple that inspired a whole religion, which of course
continues to this day in a very powerful way.
As many also know, their story was taken on by the Romans, who
in 313 AD agreed to make Christianity the official religion of their
empire. Ultimately, they took Yeshua’s teachings and transformed
them into a religious doctrine and dogma used to control people.
Yeshua and Mary’s story was heavily edited, so the tantric beating
heart that could have been brought to the world through their union,
was turned into the singular message of Yeshua. The feminine trans-
Egyptian Tantric Secrets | 5
“The companion of the saviour is Mary Magdalene. But Christ loves her
more than the disciples and used to kiss her often on the mouth.”
Ancient Heiroglyph showing the Ankh being pointed specifically at the nose.
The message held for thousands of years within these ancient wall
carvings, seen again and again throughout countless temples all across
Egypt? The Ankh is a nose-based breath practice.
The other piece of knowledge that blew my mind was the meaning
behind the word Ankh itself - which translates as ‘life’, or ‘the breath of
life’. Why would they call it the breath of life? Because it is a breath
his head around. So how did I come to be a channel, despite all this
skepticism? It all started with getting electrocuted.
I live in Bali a lot of the time, in a place called Ubud, a meeting
point for a lot of people interested in spirituality. As you may or may
not know, in most of Asia they don’t earth their electricity. As a result,
it’s wise to wear rubber shoes when you’re plugging anything into a
power socket, especially if you have your feet on the earth. Let’s just
say I was not having a very wise day.
I had just been interviewing tantra teacher Ma Ananda Sarita, and
we were preparing to get a few images of her and her partner in their
beautiful tropical garden. I almost didn’t bother to plug the light in,
but in the final moment, I thought - ‘ah, what the hell, it’s not going to
hurt if I throw a bit more light on them.’
I grabbed an extension lead, and the power cable that plugs into the
light, and I connected the two together. My bare feet were on the grass.
I didn’t even notice the loose electrical lead that was sticking out of the
four-way power extension.
The moment the plug slotted into the 4-way adapter, the most
excruciating pain of my life ripped through my body. I tried to let go of
the power cables but my hands were magnetised to them. 220 volts of
electricity were coursing through my entire body, and I couldn’t
get out.
I remember screaming uncontrollably. Every single part of my body
was being torn apart by pain, and I was stuck. I remember falling over.
I remember standing. But I couldn’t break the connection, no matter
how hard I tried.
Sarita and her partner were rushing, trying to find the kill switch
on the power. And 220 volts were still coursing through my entire
body, every muscle contracting, in an attempt to protect my heart.
In that moment I was struck by a lightning bolt flash of realisation –
if I don’t get out of this right now, I could die.
I remember the next thought as well.
I am getting out of this - right now.
Egyptian Tantric Secrets | 9
All I could really handle was meditation. I tried to watch a movie but
it was too much stimulation. People came to visit, but it was
exhausting even listening to them. But meditation I could do. That and
little else. It made me realise - how I’d not been ‘plugging in’ much for
a while. Not to the electric source, but to the real source. Connecting to
the Divine. To God. To Goddess. Or Whatever You Wanna Name It. Da
I realised my practice had slipped. This accident seemed a pretty
major sign to get back on track, to realign. In the hospital, I remember
Sarita saying – ‘maybe you’ll get some spiritual powers from this’ – but
after 4 days of surfing a weird meditation high, I hit a plateau, or
maybe a crash landing.
I couldn’t hold the energy, and with my body exhausted and still
recovering, I tried to escape. I watched so many movies I lost count,
attempting to entertain my mind as my body slowly recovered. After a
month I was getting mobility back again. After 6 weeks I was able to
work again without everything going weird and fuzzy. But after 3
months, I was still wondering:
‘What the hell was the point in being electrocuted? And I didn’t even get
any spiritual powers for it!’
In fact, I felt like I’d lost my way and had no clue where I was
going in my life.
Then I moved into a new house and from day one I felt like I was
creating a temple, not just a home that is my personal temple space,
but a temple to invite others to. It felt strange. I felt a strong call to
return to the Ankh practice, and I immersed back into it. Digging out
all my Egyptian chants I started chanting, praying, meditating, and
Ankhing. It felt good. Aligning. Dialling in. Connecting in to Source
once more. Feeling the heartbeat pulse of the universe.
I had a songbook I had put together - songs from around the world
- and within it were some Egyptian chants to gods and goddesses, and
an Invocation to Isis. Without really thinking about it, I sang the invo-
cation. Maybe it sounds naïve but I didn’t expect her to show up. But
as the chant ended, and with my eyes closed, a being of light entered
my space - not physically, but in my energy field - as if she had beamed
in from some other dimension. I couldn’t see the detail of her face, she
Egyptian Tantric Secrets | 11
nelled books I have resonated with over the years, I would usually
disregard the alleged source of the information. I saw what resonated
and what didn’t, and at times this brought powerful insights and tools
to work with.
It is in that spirit I encourage you to read this book. The informa-
tion is shared as directly as possible, at times through Isis’s words, at
other times through my own. It has been brought through to share
with those that wish to deepen into the Egyptian tantric mystery
school path. It is a mystery school path in the sense that you receive the
real transmission from doing the practices - from opening and discovering
the energy practices within your own body.
work with them, enabling them to rise to a higher level. You become the
Temple of Light.
Ultimately, it matters not the source of this information. What
matters is - do these practices work for you? If they do, then work with
them, use them. If they do not, then find something that works even
more optimally for you. For us, spiritual technology is something to be
practised, explored and played with. And so our invitation as the
higher guidance that has invited Kiya to bring these ideas and prac-
tices into written form, is to test these teachings. Test the practices and
see what comes from them, because we know those that explore them -
those that are ready and sensitive enough to receive of this wisdom -
will grow immeasurably from working with them.
This book is a tantric initiation into a lineage that stretches back to a
far distant past, a time long before Christ. Though these teachings were
explored during the heights of Egyptian civilisation, they trace back
even earlier than that. Whilst these practices are ancient, they are also
deeply needed at this time to raise the vibration of humankind upon
this Earth.
It is such a testing time right now on the planet. There is great
encouragement to separate, segregate, stay alone, stay within your
bubbles, connect through technology, protect yourself from viruses
that seem to threaten life itself. We believe what is needed - now more
than ever - is the spiritual technology to not just raise your frequency,
but to commune with all that you believe in, and to enter into that
larger remembrance of your Unity with the All. Even if at times you
might need to be physically separate for some reason, know that on the
higher planes you are never separate.
This book is for those that yearn to live from their heart, to open
and expand that heart and to live their life with a remembrance and
gratitude for whatever they may consider as greater than them.
Whether you call that universal energy, whether you may give that the
name of a God or a Goddess, whatsoever you believe in is welcome to
participate in your unique interaction with these teachings.
The word in Egyptian for a library is ‘Per Ankh’ which means
‘House of Wisdom’ or ‘House of Life’. We hope this book inspires you
to receive of these mystery school teachings around how to truly live,
Egyptian Tantric Secrets | 15
not just in a purely Earth focused reality, but to live as it was intended
for you to live - open to the many planes of consciousness that you as a
human are able to access.
The Ankh, Pyramid and Serpent keys contained within this book
open those doors, they grant you access. If you drink deeply of this
knowledge, and if you practice – if you practice – this too is the key - you
can attain a high level of mastery.
Ankhing as a technique is most commonly known today as a sexual
practice. And whilst we will explore it as a sexual practice later in the
book, we need to place it into a wider context first. To truly enter states
of union through working with the Ankh whilst in lovemaking, you
need to first embody these tools and practices outside of the bedroom.
When you have done so, then you can receive fully of their gifts
inside of your bedroom temple too, through the divine revelations that
are possible in the highest exaltations of tantric lovemaking. That exal-
tation cannot be approached immediately. It is approached after a time
in which you circulate the Ankh energy, learn to rise through the
different levels of consciousness it opens you to, and then gradually
allow it to weave into your lovemaking.
So we invite you to see these teachings as part of a wider and more
glorious whole. May they open your mind, expand your heart and
bring you into remembrance of your eternal, universal connection to
It is your birth right to taste these teachings with your beloved.
It is also your birth right to taste it directly, as your own commu-
nion with the All that you believe in.
And in that merging into union with the All, whether alone or with
your beloved, know that truly you are never, ever alone.
For we are all One in Love.
We are all One in Love,
We are One in Love.
thousands of years, even predating the Egyptian dynasties, but I came
to be most highly revered during the height of Egypt’s worldly ascen-
sion. You may have seen my image depicted most commonly as a
woman with outstretched wings. These wings are a symbol of my
ability to move through the realms, to fly between the earthly realm
and the many other planes of existence.
My mission is to support humankind in their awakening process.
Today, after the fall of the once great Egypt I have spread my wings
and flown beyond. And whilst I still love and revere the Egyptians and
there are still those that worship me on that sacred land, I have now
come to connect with many people around the world.
You may see me upon an altar, you may see me within a new age
shop, you may see me sitting in a Goddess circle, you may see me in
countless places. In some of those places there may not be any active
worship with me. My statue may simply be a symbol that stands upon
an altar but which is not given time or prayers. And that's okay, it's
really okay.
Those that choose to walk with me, those that choose to bring
prayers - those that create time to share with me - I joyously will share my
gifts with you. Those are gifts of healing, and deep knowledge of how
to work with magic in a way that is serving humanity.
Those that I work with are often those that want to serve, want to
support other people's healing. I channel forces that are larger than me,
that are of the Great Mother/Father that created the universe. I pour
through their power, their wisdom, into you - so that you too can
become one that receives, is purified, is awakened, and is then able to
share. You too can become a channel of that divine source.
That sharing may be as simple as you shining your light within
your community. Simply you going about the same life that you are
already living, but with a new inner light that shines out of your eyes,
a new joy that radiates from your heart. You become an unspoken
loving blessing to the world around you.
Egyptian Tantric Secrets | 21
welcome, and those that are curious to see if this is for you, we
welcome you deeply. The very fact that you hold this book in your
hands is a testament to that call.
Perhaps you have been searching, seeking the keys that open you
to The Great Mysteries. What we wish to offer you together, myself
and Ra, are keys. Keys unseen by human eyes but which nevertheless
unlock doors of consciousness - that open you to The Great Mystery
There is a secondary coupling that will also share some insights
and reflections as part of this journey. Loved by many, hated by others,
they are perceived by most as being part of the Christian path. We refer
of course, to Mary Magdalene and to Jesus - who we shall call by his
original name - Yeshua.
Though some people continue to contest this fact, this couple
indeed did walk upon the Earth. You may or may not believe it, but
Mary Magdalene was part of an Egyptian mystical lineage within the
Isis temples. She was not just an initiate but an advanced high priestess
in her own right. She and I were so deeply connected that you could in
some ways say that an aspect of myself as Isis had come into form
through her so as to walk upon the Earth in order to serve in a new
way, as part of that great awakening.
Whilst I continued to stand as Goddess, overlooking and
supporting the many throughout Egypt and beyond, an aspect of me
lived through Mary in order to understand once more, what it is to be
in human form. To be within a human body is very different from
being on the non-physical planes of reality. So there was actually a
great learning that unfolded for both of us, through that journey.
ened in many ways, we were able to journey and relate together in what could
best be described as a tantric union.
What is a tantric union? It is a uniting of our masculine and feminine
energies and a sharing, mixing and melting of those energies, greater than the
capacity that we could ever have achieved as individuals. And so we served
one another for a time and loved one another so deeply, that we discovered the
deepest love that can ever be known as earthly beloveds on planet Earth.
We loved one another as sexual beings, but it went much further than
that. There was also a soul love and a shared love of spirit that we were able to
open to, and that truly showed to us the God/Goddess communion possible
through two humans committed to raising themselves and one another to their
highest vibrational frequency.’
• • •
24 | K I YA A N K A R A
goddesses you do not know. If so, you are welcome to not engage with
that aspect of the book. The Ankh and Serpent practices that make up
the heart of this book can still be explored without any devotion
required to any specific teacher, tradition, god or goddess. Test them as
if you were testing gold, with an attitude of curiosity and openness.
See if they work for you. The practices are the heart of this book. They
can support anyone in a powerful tantric awakening process, regard-
less of the path or tradition you might be inspired by. All are lovingly
welcome to this temple. And all of you is lovingly welcome, including
all that you believe in.
Of course, there are some of you on this earth now that are part of
The Rose Tribe or The Rose Lineage, which connects through Isis,
Mary Magdalene and Yeshua. For those that are, we warmly, lovingly
welcome you and your dedication to the sacred path of the rose. May
these teachings bless your bodies, hearts and souls.
From whichever path has led you to this book, we invite you to
pause on your travels through life and drink deeply of this sacred
wisdom. May these teachings refresh you, nourish you.
As with any information you take in, please see what resonates,
what calls to the truth inside of you. Keep only that which resonates,
letting everything else go. Use your own discernment as you deepen
into this book. See what is of greatest benefit for you, as you open to
the infinite universe of the heart, the Ankh, and the Egyptian Tantric
Today the term magic has become a dirty word, quite understand-
ably. At times the use of magic has been directed towards personal
gain, and at times even to the wielding of power over others. In my
eyes as a Goddess, this is a misuse and misunderstanding of the true
magic that we can work with, which is always on the level of loving
Let us begin with a short meditation and connection with the heart.
The beginning and end of the journey for everyone, and the heart of all
great teachings.
Egyptian Tantric Secrets | 27
• • •
Close your eyes to begin and bring your hands to make the
silhouette of a bird - two thumbs touching, palms facing
towards your chest. Now rest your hands upon your heart
and feel their warmth.
Breathe into your heart, as if you could fill it breath by
breath with more and more love. This may take a few
breaths, a few minutes or longer. Breath by breath, let love
You may reach a point of feeling the heart overflowing with
love, if so welcome this. If not, simply keep opening to more
love, breath by breath.
Breathe and let this love expand to your entire body. Let love
flood through every cell, every bone, every muscle.
Now breathe and let love expand to fill your entire home or
wherever you might be.
Breathe and let love expand to the street or area you are in.
Breathe and let love expand to fill your village, town or city.
Breathe, letting love expand to the county in which you
are in.
And let love expand to the whole country.
Inhale and let love expand to the whole continent.
Exhale and let love expand to the whole earth.
Open breath by breath to that magnitude of love - for all of
humanity - and for the earth herself.
Now let love’s breath expand even further - as if your heart
could extend to the farthest reaches of the universe.
Breathe with the universe, which (like you) is composed of
Breathe and open fully to the universe, as if there is no
longer you and the universe. Let yourself become one united
verse. One breathing.
28 | K I YA A N K A R A
In your world today, one of the most well known forms of Ankh
practice goes under the name ‘Sexual Ankhing’. Let us clarify how the
Ankh practices contained in this book relate to these teachings, as
explored in Drunvalo Melchizedek’s book ‘The Ancient Secrets of the
Flower of Life’. At this time in your history, his books are the most
accessible Ankh teachings currently available. Drunvalo is strongly
connected to the Egyptian God Thoth, the ‘patron of scribes’—best
known as the being who brought the written word into form, to
preserve knowledge and wisdom so it could easily be preserved and
passed on to others.
Thoth’s teachings around the Ankh were from his essential nature
as a masculine higher consciousness. This book as an Isis transmission
is a more feminine alternative. This is not suggesting the masculine
version is wrong, and this version is more effective. As with everything
in the world and indeed the universe, there are different ways to
explore and experience.
Through this body of work we are exploring a different ‘way in’ to
Ankh practices, utilising a more feminine approach. That does not
mean it is just for women, as there is masculine and feminine inside
everyone. Anyone of any gender or sexual orientation can work with
these techniques and experience powerful changes in their energy and
their consciousness.
Whilst there are some remnants of knowledge about Egyptian
Tantra available in the world today, the vast majority has been lost
over time. Forgotten by the many, or hidden by others due to their
recognition that this powerful information elevates one’s conscious-
ness, and one's ability to manifest in the world. Egyptian Tantra, like
other forms of Tantra alive in the world today, gifts people keys to
attain states of high realisation. Used in the correct way they can even
lead to enlightenment.
The intention behind this book is to make this information more
widely available, and to share deeper ways of working consciously
with Egyptian Tantric practices, through a combination of breath,
movement, visualisation, chant, sound and meditation techniques.
There are also points where we will relate these teachings to Indian
Tantra and the Taoist sexual teachings to support a richer under-
Egyptian Tantric Secrets | 33
visualisation techniques. They lead to union with All That Is, union
with Great Spirit, union with Universal Life-force. We're aware that
different people have different names for that which holds and encom-
passes you. So whatever most aligns with your own personal path—
feel free to use your own words. Rewrite any words that do not
resonate, and replace them with those that best work for you.
Through reading this book, you do not need to become an Egyptian
mystic, anyone from any path can drink of this wisdom. These teach-
ings will be most beneficial for those that have already done some
exploration into spirituality, but this is not an essential pre-requisite.
Obviously, there are many names and forms that spiritual technology
takes in the world today, drawing from many lineages.
Perhaps you have explored practices such as yoga, reiki, medita-
tion, healing, qi gong, tai chi, ecstatic dance, breathwork, channeling or
tantra. Or perhaps you feel quite new to what is called ‘new age’ spiri-
tuality, although we would say it is in fact a return to the ancient and
more enlightened age we once dwelt within many thousands of
years ago.
If you are new to spirituality, you are welcome here. When you
begin, you may be more limited in the power of experience you can
access. This is simply because this work of exploring the Ankh requires
a level of sensitisation to your energy body that most people develop
over time.
For some that can develop quickly, for others it may take weeks,
months or years to deepen into. If you are new and are wondering if
this book is for you, clearly it has come to you for a reason. If energy
sensitivity is new to you, it could be highly beneficial to receive a reiki
attunement, which will unlock a new level of energy awareness.
Through it you learn how to allow the universal current of life-force to
pour through you, as an instrument for your own healing (and at later
stages for healing others as well.) So this could be one way in which
you could ‘fast track’ to help you feel the power and potency of these
Egyptian tantric practices.
Another technique you could work with is qi gong, an excellent
method for building awareness of energy. Some yoga can sensitise
effectively, however, be aware that a lot of yoga in the world today
Egyptian Tantric Secrets | 35
and ties this universe together. Through these practices you can merge
into higher union—and then the You dissolves.
When you reach that higher state, you realise there is no separation.
You are truly That. You are truly an aspect and expression of God
consciousness, Goddess consciousness, that has come into human form
and yet can unite and melt back, returning into Highest Union.
This Highest Union is what you are searching for through sexual
union, whether consciously or unconsciously—that experience of
uniting and melting into something larger than yourself. Perhaps some
of you have touched that as a fleeting experience, and perhaps others
already know the indescribable bliss of that Union-Communion.
Whilst this can be shared with another, it takes you beyond self and
other, lifting you in a very real way into the heart of the All that you
are One with.
It's actually quite simple. You can learn the techniques and prac-
tices we explore in this book to help raise your frequency and expand
your energy body. Use these practices to rise from lower chakras into
higher ones, to expand into the heart, opening it wide, and then
onwards through the heart to the third eye - the centre of wisdom at
the level of the forehead. You rise through that to the crown, and open
step-by-step into eternal union with The All.
the doors—the key that leads to immortality. To clarify what we
mean by that—it is unlikely that you will become immortal in this
physical body. You will instead rediscover the truth of yourself as a
soul that is not bound by body and thus is already immortal. You
discover this not as a concept, but as a lived experience. This is where
Egyptian Tantric Secrets | 37
In Egypt we say:
‘Nehes, nehes, nehes,’
which means ‘Awake, awake, awake.’
Ankh means ‘The Breath of Life’,
It also means ‘The Wisdom of Life’.
Nehes Ankh.
It is time to Awaken to the Breath of Life,
as humankind’s ancient ancestors once did,
38 | K I YA A N K A R A
I invite you every day to rise into ever more glorious heights—of
living life deeply and powerfully through the breath. To open to its most
expansive possibilities. How can you live more fully? Through inviting
the Ankh into your life, using the sacred tools of breath, movement
and visualisation. Through them we embrace life fully, consciously and
This is an exciting moment, a grand opportunity to venture forth,
alone or together with a partner or friend. Alone is perceived as nega-
tive in many of your cultures. But look at the word again, to glean the
origin of the word… al-one, all one, all One. You are perfectly primed
as a seemingly singular being to experience the Oneness.
If you are in partnership, then both of you as seemingly singular
consciousnesses are on your journey of union with All That Is. How
beautiful indeed to share that journey together with another—with
delight and sacred play. With sexual fire twinned with love, with love
uniting with holy highest union itself.
May this right now be a glorious opportunity for awakening! In
this moment, before we begin any of the practices, we invite you to
bring awareness into your breath.
This is one way in which you can see that breath - as life and death
bound within inspiration. But it is not the only way of seeing it,
because we can also breathe and direct life through the out breath in a
way that generates a rising energetic fire in the body. As we move
shortly into the next practice, we will talk about that further. Right
now we are just planting the seed of an idea. Your breath is your fire. We
can use it for activation and expansion in powerful ways indeed.
sure you have space either side for your arms to open. Then
close your eyes.
Rest your hands onto your chest - thumbs touching, palms
facing the chest - as we did with the practice in Chapter 2.
Breathe deep into your belly and raise the breath into your
heart. Hold this full inhale for some moments, and then let
the breath go.
On your next in-breath, fill from belly to heart and as you do
so - open your arms either side of you - and hold them there,
creating more space for breath to enter.
Fill your lungs completely and hold the breath some
moments without straining or forcing. Notice how it feels - is
your belly and chest tight or expansive? Just notice and
welcome anything that is there.
Whenever you need to, exhale and bring your palms back to
rest on your heart again. Wings closed and protecting your
precious heart.
For a moment, think of all the love you have ever felt or
shared with anyone.
On your next breath in, open your arms either side,
breathing in that vastness of love.
At full inhale, hold your breath as though you could saturate
yourself with love.
When you breathe out bring your palms back to rest upon
your heart. Imagine you are breathing love to all those you
feel a heart connection to.
Perhaps that feels very easy or perhaps it feels challenging.
Just breathe and welcome whatever is there.
Keep going - breathing in, opening your wings to love.
Breathing out, closing your wings and sending love’s breath to
those you love.
Continue for as long as this feels good.
When you feel complete, bring your hands to rest upon your
chest, feeling the warmth of your hands upon your heart
To finish, rest your hands in your lap and visualise roots
Egyptian Tantric Secrets | 41
May you receive the blessing of these keys—know they are your
birthright to receive, they have always been your birthright, and
always shall they be. Now once again, they are returned to you for
your remembrance.
Isis & Ra
Mary & Yeshua
through images,
May you come and bless this space,
May you sit in front of me and remind me,
That I too am god,
Egyptian Tantric Secrets | 45
We Offer:
For those that are struggling to deepen into the practices contained
within this book, it can be helpful to enrol in a series of one-to-one
sessions, working with Kiya or one of the other faculty members.
These can be tailor-made to help you open your energy body and
activate it in new ways. At times this can also include a process of
healing and removing blockages from the system, working with tech-
niques such as Heart Breathing. Feel free to reach out if you wish to
know more about these deeper sessions.
The practices in this book are advanced. It may take time for some
people to truly feel the energy flow. Feel free to reach out should you
have any questions about how you can deepen on your journey from
here. This is only the beginning!
Kiya Ankara
Creator of Mystika School