Japan Power Grid CIGRE

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The Electric Power System

- Japan-

Japanese Power System 1

Basic figures
 Area:377,962km2 (source:MIC)
 Population: 126.5million(2018/5) (source:MIC)
 Number of electricity consumers: approx. 85million
(FY2016, source:FEPC)

 Number of T&DSOs: 10
(TSO and DSO are integrated per electric power company)

 Peak load: 156GW(FY2016) (source:FEPC)

 Average interruption of electricity:25min(FY2016)
(per customer The influences due to natural disaster such as typhoon are included. source:FEPC)

MIC: Ministry of Internal affairs and Communications

FEPC: The Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan

Japanese Power System 2

Global interconnections

 No interconnection to
any other countries
(Island country)

Japanese Power System 3

Grid facts
・The electricity grid in Japan is sub-divided into transmission
grids(basically higher than medium voltage) and distribution
grids(basically 6.6kV and lower).

Voltage Level Responsibility
Transmission Grid 500kV 7,900km TSO
Transmission Grid 187kV,220kV,275kV 13,500km TSO
High Voltage 66kV to 154kV 62,000km TSO
Medium Voltage 6.6kV to 66kV 19,500km TSO
(Partially DSO)

Medium Voltage 6.6kV 740,000km DSO

Low Voltage 100 or 200V 576,000km DSO

Japanese Power System 4

Structure of power system
Trunk(EHV) system:Loop, Sub-transmission(HV,MV): Radial
other substations

500 kV

/275 kV

66/77 Conventional
/154 kV Industry Generation

100/200 V
Households Dispersed

Japanese Power System 5

The extra high voltage grid
Two Frequencies
 50Hz at Eastern
 60Hz at Western
 DC linked interconections
by Frequency Converter


Japanese Power System 6

Map on 10 Japanese T&DSOs


Japanese Power System 7

Ten Japanese T&DSOs
T&DSOs Network Network Served Generating Annual Area Shared
Length*1 Length*1[km] area Capacity Electricity load[%]
[km](500kV) (187-275kV) [km2] [MW] Sales*2[TWh]
Hokkaido 0 2,450 78,400 7.957 28.6 4
Tohoku 552 2,173 79,500 17,956 75.1 9
Tokyo 2,493 1,573 39,500 66,802 247.1 31
Chubu 890 1,512 40,300 33,168 122.0 15
Hokuriku 234 241 12,600 8,074 27.5 4
Kansai 1,682 1,854 27,300 36,573 127.5 16
Chugoku 828 1,012 31,900 11,536 56.7 7
Shikoku 279 982 18,800 6,617 25.8 3
Kyushu 942 1,733 42,200 18,701 79.2 10
Okinawa 0 0 2,300 2,155 7.6 1

Japanese Power System 8

T&DSO's Web site
TSOs Web site URL
Hokkaido http://www.hepco.co.jp/english/index.html
Tohoku http://www.tohoku-epco.co.jp/english/index.html
Tokyo http://www.tepco.co.jp/en/index-e.html
Chubu http://www.chuden.co.jp/english/index.html
Hokuriku http://www.rikuden.co.jp/english/index.html
Kansai http://www.kepco.co.jp/english/
Chugoku http://www.energia.co.jp/e/index.html
Shikoku http://www.yonden.co.jp/english/index.html
Kyushu http://www.kyuden.co.jp/en_index.html
Okinawa http://www.okiden.co.jp/english/index.html

Japanese Power System 9

Organization for Cross-regional Coordination
of Transmission Operators (OCCTO)

Functions required for Wide Area System Coordination

 Assessment of the adequacy of electricity supply-demand
 Proper utilization of transmission capacities
 Authorization for new construction of transmission facilities
 Management of tie-line power flow, etc

OCCTO Website URL https://www.occto.or.jp/en/index.html

Japanese Power System 10

Installed capacity by primary resources

EPCO: Electric Power Company’s Own

PO: Private Own (source:FEPC,METI in FY2016)
FIT:Feed In Tariff

Japanese Power System 11

Energy production by primary resources

EPCO: Electric Power Company’s Own

PO: Private Own (source:FEPC,METI in FY2016)
FIT: Feed In Tariff

Japanese Power System 12

Development of
generation capacity since 2010


Japanese Power System 13

Consumption per customer groups

(source:Agency for Natural Resource and Energy, Japan)

Japanese Power System 14

Price development for
industry consumers and households
Average price is based on the total income of utilities from each
type of customers divided by respective electricity sales annually.

(source:Agency for Natural Resource and Energy, Japan)

Japanese Power System 15


Installation of smart meters

 Amounted to 23.2 million units as of Nov. 2016

(Source: Electricity & Gas Market Surveillance Commission)

Japanese Power System 16


Japanese Power System 17

Location of RES

<Kansai Area> <Hokkaido Area>*2

PV : 4,990MW PV : 1,329MW
Wind : 140MW Wind : 387MW
<Hokuriku Area>*1
<Chugoku Area>*1 PV : 800MW
PV : 3,830MW Wind : 160MW <Tohoku Area>*1
Wind : 350MW
PV : 4,200MW
<Kyushu Area>*1 Wind : 1,030MW
PV : 7,930MW
Wind : 500MW
<Tokyo Area>*1
PV & Wind : 15,670MW

<Chubu Area>*2
Installed Capacity <Shikoku Area>*1 PV & Wind : 7,860MW
*1 May 2018 PV : 2,300MW
*2 March 2018 (Source: METI, Ministry of
Wind : 190MW
Economy, Trade and Industry)

Japanese Power System 18

Development of wind power

(Source: FEPC)

Japanese Power System 19

Development of PV power

(Source: FEPC)

Japanese Power System 20



Japanese Power System 21

Reform program 22

based on step by step schedule

【1st Step】 【2nd Step】 【3rd Step】
(2018) April, 2016 April, 2020
April, 2015

Establishment of 1
Preparation of OCCTO
establishment the OCCTO

Shift to the independent

regulation organization 2 Rate regulation
Cabinet Decision on the Policy

on Electricity System Reform

(transitional Abolition of the rate

Examination of the business side for retail measure) regulation (Principle
liberalization liberalization enforcement)

Abolition of the
Activation of the wholesale electricity market wholesale regulation
(Monitoring of the voluntary action)

Foundation preparations for new structure of the Securing of supply power duty for the retail company.
Introduction of the public power supply bid system.
securing of supply power

Founded the one Establishment of

Foundation preparations for one hour-ahead market hour-ahead market Balancing market

The act regulation for the power transmission and distribution section, generation and Legal unbundling

examination of the cooperation rule of the power transmission and distribution section of transmission
and distribution
Preparations for organization shift sector

Japanese Power System 22

Present electricity market structure
Rules, Supervision etc (Electricity & Gas Market Market Transaction
Surveillance Commission)

Energy Flow
Japan Electric Power Exchange(Wholesale power exchange)

Competition in Wholesale Market

Power Generation Power Generation

Segments Entities

Vertically Integrated Utilities

Transmission, Distribution and Grid Management Segments Rules, Supervision
Fairness & Transparency
(Segregation of information & accounting)

Marketing & Sales

Segments Retail Entities

Competition in Retail Market

All Customers
<Source: FEPC(partly modified)>

Japanese Power System 23


Power exchanges
Peak Demand of Each Supply Area in summer of FY 2016 Hokkaido
Physical Power Flow of Interconnection in Average in FY2016 4.3 GW
(source OCCTO)
DC Interconnection
27MW DC±250kV

82MW 232MW Tohoku

221MW 1504MW 73MW 12.9GW
1767MW 500kV
AC/DC 7MW 500kV
500kV 532MW
Chugoku converter 28MW
Kyushu 500kV 376MW Kansai Chubu Shinshinano FC
500kV 872MW 26.6GW 500kV
15.5GW 24.9GW Sakuma FC 53.3GW
Shikoku DC±250kV Higashishimizu FC
0MW 747MW
60Hz 312MW
587MW 50Hz
※FC: Frequency Converter 24
Japanese Power System 24

Specific aspects of
the present electricity market
 Market type & Features
 Day-ahead market
 Single price auction system
 Transaction time is 10:00 a day before
 Market split when transaction exceeds interconnection capaity

 One hour-ahead market

 Continuous session system
 Transaction begins at 17:00 a day before

 Forward market
 Continuous session system
 Monthly products, weekly products
 24-hour type, daily hour type

Japanese Power System 25

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