Sales Processes in SAP S/4HANA Sales: Exercises and Solutions
Sales Processes in SAP S/4HANA Sales: Exercises and Solutions
Sales Processes in SAP S/4HANA Sales: Exercises and Solutions
Course Version: 17
Course Duration: 13 Hours 20 Minutes
Material Number: 50156189
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No exercises
Unit 2: Introduction
Unit 8: Incompletion
No exercises
1. Start the SAP Fiori launchpad from the Microsoft Windows all apps
menu. Use your provided user S4605-## and password. Both will be provided by your
2. Go to the tile group Presales and start the app Manage Sales Inquiries.
All apps that start with Manage allow you to maintain sales documents. You
can create, change, display, or delete them.
3. Create an inquiry for your customer C605-A## who is interested in the product P605-1##
and requests a delivery in two weeks.
Create the inquiry with the following data:
Enter the process data:
Inquiry type: IN
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Confirm your entry and any system messages before you enter the product information.
Enter the item data:
Material: P605-1##
Order Quantity 20
Save your data and note the document number of your Inquiry.
4. Go to the tile group Presales and start the app Manage Sales Quotations. Based on your
inquiry, create a quotation with the reference to your inquiry.
Create the quotation with the following data:
Quotation type QT
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Make sure you choose Create with reference.
You can enter your previous inquiry number directly or search for it; For the
search enter ##AF01 in the search field: Pur. Order:.
The Req. delivery date <two weeks from today’s date> as well as the customer and
product information should be copied from your inquiry into your new quotation.
Enter ##AG01 in the Customer Reference field.
Limit the validity of your quotation to one month.
Save your entry and note the quotation number .
Document number: ___________________________________
Close the app and navigate to the home page.
5. After checking the quotation, your customer decides to order 5 pieces of the product.
Go to the tile group Sales Orders and start the app Create Sales Orders VA01.
Create the order with the following data:
Order type OR
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Create the order with reference to the quotation. For entering the product and quantity,
use the option Item Selection.
Enter ##TA01 in the Customer Reference field.
Save your entry and note your order number:
6. Use the document flow of the quotation to get an overview of this sales process. What is
the overall processing status for each different document?
Use the app Manage Sales Quotations and as selection criteria use your customer C605–
A##. Display the quotation and call up the Document Flow.
What is the overall processing status?
Inquiry: ________________________________
Quotation: _________________________________
Order: _________________________________
7. After the customer has tested the product, he orders the remaining 15 pieces.
Create another order with reference to your previous quotation.
As before, use the order type OR and the sales area data: 1010/10/00.
Enter ##TA02 as the customer reference number.
Save your entry and note your order number:
Document number: ___________________________________
8. Review the sales process by viewing the document flow for the quotation.
What is the overall processing status for the different documents now?
Inquiry: ________________________________
Quotation: _________________________________
Order: _________________________________
9. Review the data of your last order with the customer reference number ##TA02.
What is the material price per piece (PR00) of the bike?
PR00: ________________________________
11. What is the name of the sales employee responsible for the sale?
Name: ___________________________________________
12. Which division and material pricing group has it been assigned to?
Division: ______________________________________
13. Which plant, shipping point, and route will be used to deliver the goods?
Plant: _______________________________________
Route: ______________________________________
14. What are the terms of delivery (incoterms) and terms of payment for your customer?
16. Set default values for your user S4605-## in the SAP Fiori launchpad.
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
1. Start the SAP Fiori launchpad from the Microsoft Windows all apps
menu. Use your provided user S4605-## and password. Both will be provided by your
a) Choose Microsoft Windows and choose the all apps menu. Look for
2. Go to the tile group Presales and start the app Manage Sales Inquiries.
All apps that start with Manage allow you to maintain sales documents. You
can create, change, display, or delete them.
3. Create an inquiry for your customer C605-A## who is interested in the product P605-1##
and requests a delivery in two weeks.
Create the inquiry with the following data:
Enter the process data:
Inquiry type: IN
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Confirm your entry and any system messages before you enter the product information.
Enter the item data:
Material: P605-1##
Order Quantity 20
Save your data and note the document number of your Inquiry.
d) Choose Continue.
● Choose Down at the end of Manage Sales Inquiries and choose Home.
4. Go to the tile group Presales and start the app Manage Sales Quotations. Based on your
inquiry, create a quotation with the reference to your inquiry.
Create the quotation with the following data:
Quotation type QT
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Make sure you choose Create with reference.
You can enter your previous inquiry number directly or search for it; For the
search enter ##AF01 in the search field: Pur. Order:.
The Req. delivery date <two weeks from today’s date> as well as the customer and
product information should be copied from your inquiry into your new quotation.
Enter ##AG01 in the Customer Reference field.
Limit the validity of your quotation to one month.
Save your entry and note the quotation number .
Document number: ___________________________________
Close the app and navigate to the home page.
a) Choose the tile group Presales and start the app Manage Sales Quotations.
You can enter the inquiry number or search for it; enter ##AF01 in the
search field: Pur. Order:.
f) Choose Copy.
The Req. delivery date in two weeks from today’s date as well as the customer and
product information should be copied from your inquiry into your new quotation.
5. After checking the quotation, your customer decides to order 5 pieces of the product.
Go to the tile group Sales Orders and start the app Create Sales Orders VA01.
Create the order with the following data:
Order type OR
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Create the order with reference to the quotation. For entering the product and quantity,
use the option Item Selection.
Enter ##TA01 in the Customer Reference field.
Save your entry and note your order number:
Document number: ___________________________________
a) Go to the tile group Sales Orders and start the app Create Sales Orders VA01.
b) Enter the given data for the order creation (order type OR and sales area data
g) Choose Copy.
6. Use the document flow of the quotation to get an overview of this sales process. What is
the overall processing status for each different document?
Use the app Manage Sales Quotations and as selection criteria use your customer C605–
A##. Display the quotation and call up the Document Flow.
What is the overall processing status?
Inquiry: ________________________________
Quotation: _________________________________
Order: _________________________________
a) Navigate to the tile group Presales and start the app Manage Sales Quotations.
b) If necessary, expand the filter criteria and enter your customer C605–A## as the
sold-to party.
c) Choose Go.
Quotation In Process
Order Open
7. After the customer has tested the product, he orders the remaining 15 pieces.
Create another order with reference to your previous quotation.
As before, use the order type OR and the sales area data: 1010/10/00.
Enter ##TA02 as the customer reference number.
Save your entry and note your order number:
Document number: ___________________________________
a) Go to the tile group Sales Orders and start the app Create Sales Orders VA01.
You can enter the quotation number or search for it: Enter ##AG01 in the
search field: Pur. Order .
e) Choose Copy.
8. Review the sales process by viewing the document flow for the quotation.
What is the overall processing status for the different documents now?
Inquiry: ________________________________
Quotation: _________________________________
Order: _________________________________
a) Navigate to the tile group Presales and choose the app Manage Sales Quotations.
d) Choose > at the end of the line to display the details of the quotation.
Quotation Completed
Order Open
Order Open
9. Review the data of your last order with the customer reference number ##TA02.
What is the material price per piece (PR00) of the bike?
PR00: ________________________________
a) Navigate to the tile group Sales Orders and start the app Manage Sales Orders.
b) If necessary, expand the filter criteria and enter your customer C605–A## as the
sold-to party.
c) Choose Go.
The result list displays the orders of your customer
d) Choose > at the end of the line and display the details of the order.
11. What is the name of the sales employee responsible for the sale?
Name: ___________________________________________
12. Which division and material pricing group has it been assigned to?
Division: ______________________________________
a) Select the item, choose Display Item Details, and choose the tab Sales B.
Division 03 Motorcycles/Bikes
b) Stay in the item details view and continue with the next step.
13. Which plant, shipping point, and route will be used to deliver the goods?
Plant: _______________________________________
Route: ______________________________________
14. What are the terms of delivery (incoterms) and terms of payment for your customer?
16. Set default values for your user S4605-## in the SAP Fiori launchpad.
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
c) Scroll to the Financial Accounting area and check the default value for the field
Company Code: 1010.
d) Scroll to the Logistics Execution area and enter the default value for the field Shipping
Point: 1010.
f) Enter the default values for the fields Sales Org.: 1010, Distr. Channel: 10, and Division:
g) Choose Save.
1. Log on to the SAP back-end system. The system information, user S4605–## and
password will be provided by your instructor. Make sure you are using the SAP Menu.
2. Make some adjustments for yourself in the SAP GUI. For the SAP Menu make the
transaction codes visible. In the menu bar, choose Extras → Settings and select Display
Technical Names.
3. As a person who is going to do customizing in the SAP system, it is important to know the
technical values of the customizing settings. Therefore make sure that the technical keys
are shown in the drop-down list boxes. Verify it and if necessary customize the local layout
Choose Customize Local Layout and check the settings under Options → Interaction
Design → Visualization 1 . Make sure that the fields Show keys within drop-down lists and
Sort by keys within drop-down lists for most efficient keyboard input are activated.
4. Get familiar with the SAP customizing. Open a New SAP GUI window for the customizing.
Firstly, create an entry for the SAP customizing in your Favorites menu. This will make
accessing the SAP customizing easier for you in the future. There are two ways to do it;
you can insert the customizing transaction code SPRO directly in your Favorites menu or
You find the customizing entry in the SAP Menu screen with the following menu path:
Tools → Customizing → IMG → Execute Project (transaction code SPRO).
Choose SAP Reference IMG.
5. Take a look at the aspects of the organizational settings in the customizing. What is the
description of your sales organization 1010? Which currency is used to update the
Statistics currency:
6. Which distribution channels have been defined for Direct Sales and Wholesale ?
7. Which company code does the sales organization 1010 belong to?
8. Where do you find the information what kind of products the sales organization 1010 is
allowed to sell?
Is the sales organization 1010 allowed to sell products of the division: Services or Food?
1. Define a new distribution channel with the description eSales ## and with the number YY
= (70 + ##). You need to calculate your distribution channel number YY = 70 + ## (for
example, group 19: YY = 70 + 19 = 89).
Use the Define distribution channel function, NOT Copy, delete, check
distribution channel.
The Define distribution channel function (only) creates a new distribution
channel. The much more powerful function Copy, delete, check distribution
channel allows you to copy all of the distribution channel-specific settings
from the template. You can also perform this synchronization later. This
function is extremely useful and efficient in projects. In this course, however,
you are responsible for performing the corresponding customizing steps
Description eSales ##
2. An independent staff is being trained to process the orders received through eSales ##.
Organizationally, these employees will be grouped together in a sales office. Set up the
new sales office ZE## with the description eOffice ## for your group. Use the sales
office 1000 as a template.
3. Enhance the existing sales organization structures by integrating new organizational units.
Assign the new distribution channel YY (=70+##) eSales ## to your sales organization
TA## .
4. Build a new sales area with your sales organizationTA##, the new distribution channel YY
(=>70+##), and the division 00.
5. Configure your new sales area TA## / YY / 00 so that your new sales office Ze## can be
assigned as the responsible internal organizational unit.
At the end of the exercise, log off from the SAP GUI. In the SAP Customizing
Implementation Guide, choose Exit and then enter /nex in the command field (ex =exit).
The logoff is necessary because otherwise your user data will not be updated later.
1. Log on to the SAP back-end system. The system information, user S4605–## and
password will be provided by your instructor. Make sure you are using the SAP Menu.
a) Log on to the SAP back-end system with the information provided.
b) If necessary, change from the User Menu to the SAP Menu. To do so, choose
Menu → SAP Menu or choose SAP Menu.
2. Make some adjustments for yourself in the SAP GUI. For the SAP Menu make the
transaction codes visible. In the menu bar, choose Extras → Settings and select Display
Technical Names.
a) In the menu bar, choose Extras → Settings, select Display Technical Names, and
choose Continue.
3. As a person who is going to do customizing in the SAP system, it is important to know the
technical values of the customizing settings. Therefore make sure that the technical keys
are shown in the drop-down list boxes. Verify it and if necessary customize the local layout
Choose Customize Local Layout and check the settings under Options → Interaction
Design → Visualization 1 . Make sure that the fields Show keys within drop-down lists and
Sort by keys within drop-down lists for most efficient keyboard input are activated.
c) On the tab Visualization 1, in the screen area Controls, select (if necessary) the fields
Show keys within drop-down lists and Sort by keys within drop-down lists for most
efficient keyboard input.
4. Get familiar with the SAP customizing. Open a New SAP GUI window for the customizing.
Firstly, create an entry for the SAP customizing in your Favorites menu. This will make
accessing the SAP customizing easier for you in the future. There are two ways to do it;
you can insert the customizing transaction code SPRO directly in your Favorites menu or
You find the customizing entry in the SAP Menu screen with the following menu path:
Tools → Customizing → IMG → Execute Project (transaction code SPRO).
Choose SAP Reference IMG.
a) Open a new SAP GUI window for the customizing: choose New GUI Window.
b) In the menu bar, choose Favorites → Insert transaction and enter the transaction
code SPRO.
c) In the SAP Menu screen, open the menu path Tools → Customizing → IMG →
5. Take a look at the aspects of the organizational settings in the customizing. What is the
description of your sales organization 1010? Which currency is used to update the
Statistics currency:
a) Use our Favorites menu and call up the SAP customizing (transaction code SPRO).
Choose SAP Reference IMG .
In the future, the expression SAP Customizing Implementation Guide will be shortened
to IMG.
f) Choose Exit , Close the activity, and go back to the basis screen Display IMG.
6. Which distribution channels have been defined for Direct Sales and Wholesale ?
b) Navigate to the entry Define, copy, delete, check distribution channel and choose
IMG Activity.
e) Choose Exit , Close the activity, and go back to the basis screen Display IMG.
7. Which company code does the sales organization 1010 belong to?
c) You find the entry Assignment 1010 Sales Org Germany — Company code (CoCd):
d) Choose Exit to leave the activity and navigate back to the basis screen Display
8. Where do you find the information what kind of products the sales organization 1010 is
allowed to sell?
Is the sales organization 1010 allowed to sell products of the division: Services or Food?
a) The assignment of the sales organization and division shows you what kind of products
the sales organization 1010 is allowed to sell.
d) You find the assignment Sales Org: 1010 — Division: 08 Service but there is no
assignment for food. This means the organization 1010 is allowed to sell service
products but not food.
1. Define a new distribution channel with the description eSales ## and with the number YY
= (70 + ##). You need to calculate your distribution channel number YY = 70 + ## (for
example, group 19: YY = 70 + 19 = 89).
Use the Define distribution channel function, NOT Copy, delete, check
distribution channel.
The Define distribution channel function (only) creates a new distribution
channel. The much more powerful function Copy, delete, check distribution
channel allows you to copy all of the distribution channel-specific settings
from the template. You can also perform this synchronization later. This
function is extremely useful and efficient in projects. In this course, however,
you are responsible for performing the corresponding customizing steps
Description eSales ##
Description eSales ##
e) Choose Save.
f) Choose Exit , Close the activity, and navigate back to the basis screen
Display IMG.
2. An independent staff is being trained to process the orders received through eSales ##.
Organizationally, these employees will be grouped together in a sales office. Set up the
new sales office ZE## with the description eOffice ## for your group. Use the sales
office 1000 as a template.
a) In the SAP Customizing Implementation Guide, choose Enterprise Structure →
Definition → Sales and Distribution → Maintain sales office.
c) Change the entry of the Sales Office to ZE## and the Description to eOffice ##.
d) Choose Enter.
f) Choose Save.
g) Exit and close the activity and go back to the basis screen Display IMG .
3. Enhance the existing sales organization structures by integrating new organizational units.
Assign the new distribution channel YY (=70+##) eSales ## to your sales organization
TA## .
a) In the SAP Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG) choose Enterprise Structure →
Assignment → Sales and Distribution → Assign distribution channel to sales
d) Choose Save.
e) Exit the activity and navigate back to the basis screen Display IMG.
4. Build a new sales area with your sales organizationTA##, the new distribution channel YY
(=>70+##), and the division 00.
a) In the SAP Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG), choose Enterprise Structure →
Assignment → Sales and Distribution → Set up sales area.
d) Choose Save.
e) Exit the activity and navigate back to the basis screen Display IMG.
5. Configure your new sales area TA## / YY / 00 so that your new sales office Ze## can be
assigned as the responsible internal organizational unit.
At the end of the exercise, log off from the SAP GUI. In the SAP Customizing
Implementation Guide, choose Exit and then enter /nex in the command field (ex =exit).
The logoff is necessary because otherwise your user data will not be updated later.
a) In the SAP Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG), choose Enterprise Structure →
Assignment → Sales and Distribution → Assign sales office to sales area.
Dv: (Division) 00
d) Choose Save.
e) Choose Exit and navigate back to the basis screen Display IMG.
f) In the command field, enter /nex and log off from the SAP GUI.
Get familiar with the customer master data and the SAP business partner concept and how it
is mapped in customizing.
Please use the Fiori Launchpad for the exercise.
1. Start the SAP Fiori launchpad from the Microsoft Windows all apps
menu. Use your provided user S4605-## and password; both will be provided by your
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-2##
Quantity 5
3. Look at the order you just created and note the order details. What are the Incoterms/Inco
location 1 and the payment terms?
You want to know where the incoterms and payment terms derive from.
Look at the partner details. Who is the sold-to party and who the payer?
Payer: __________________________________
4. Take a look at the customer master data of the sold-to party C615–GA## and payer
C615–GC##. The sales area are the same as for the order entry (1010/10/00).
What incoterms/inco location 1 and payment terms are maintained for the sold-to party
What incoterms/inco location 1 and payment terms are maintained for the payer C615–
Use the Customer Master app (Create/Change/Display Customers).
Customer: C615–GA##
Customer: C615–GC##
5. Your customer Becker Frankfurt ## (C615–GA##) informs you that they have an
additional payer, Y-Bike (C615–GZ00), which usually should be used for billing.
Change your sold-to party C615–GA## and add the additional payer Y-Bike with the
customer number C615–GZ00.
As Y-Bike (C615–GZ00) should preferably be used for billing, this payer should be marked
as default payer.
6. Test your changes and create a new order. Use the app Create Sales Orders VA01.
Create the order with the following data:
Order type OR
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
When you confirm your data entry you should receive a selection window for the payer.
The payer C615–GZ00 should be preselected.
Enter the item details.
Material P605-2##
Quantity 5
7. Test the system reaction when you create an order for the payer Y-Bike (C615–GZ00).
Create the order with the following data:
Order type OR
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Message: _____________________________________________________________
Get familiar with the customer master data and the SAP business partner concept and how it
is mapped in customizing.
Please use the Fiori Launchpad for the exercise.
1. Start the SAP Fiori launchpad from the Microsoft Windows all apps
menu. Use your provided user S4605-## and password; both will be provided by your
a) Choose Microsoft Windows, then choose the all apps menu. Look
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-2##
Quantity 5
a) Choose the tile group Sales Orders and start the app Create Sales Orders VA01.
3. Look at the order you just created and note the order details. What are the Incoterms/Inco
location 1 and the payment terms?
You want to know where the incoterms and payment terms derive from.
Look at the partner details. Who is the sold-to party and who the payer?
Payer: __________________________________
a) When you are in your last session, in the screen Create Standard Order: Overview,
choose Display.
Otherwise use the Manage Sales Orders app, enter C615–GA## as sold-to party and
choose Go. In the result list, select your order and choose > at the end of line.
b) In the Display Standard Order - Overview view, on the tab Sales , you find the
information on the incoterms and payment terms.
Incoterms and Inco Location 1: EXW Hamburg
Payment Terms: ZB01 (14 Days 3%, 30/2%, 45 net)
c) You want to know where the incoterms and payment terms derive from.
The incoterms derive from the sold-to party.
The payment terms derive from the payer.
d) Take a look at the partner details on the header level. Who is the sold-to party and who
the payer?
Navigate to More → Goto → Header → Partner.
Sold-to Party: C615–GA##
Payer: C615–GC##
4. Take a look at the customer master data of the sold-to party C615–GA## and payer
C615–GC##. The sales area are the same as for the order entry (1010/10/00).
What incoterms/inco location 1 and payment terms are maintained for the sold-to party
What incoterms/inco location 1 and payment terms are maintained for the payer C615–
Use the Customer Master app (Create/Change/Display Customers).
Customer: C615–GA##
Customer: C615–GC##
c) In the result list, select your customer and choose > at the end of line.
The customer master data is displayed.
e) Select the line for the sales area - (Sales Organization: 1010/ Distribution Channel: 10/
Division: 00) and choose > at the end of the line.
f) In the sales area details that are displayed in the Billing area, you find the information
for your customer, C615–GA##.
Incoterms/Inco location 1: EXW Hamburg
Payment terms: Pay immediately w/o deduction (ZB00)
g) Proceed in the same way to call up the details for the customer C615–GC##.
Customer: C615–GC##
Incoterms/inco location 1: CIP Berlin
Payment terms: 14 Days 3%, 30/2%, 45 net — ZB01
5. Your customer Becker Frankfurt ## (C615–GA##) informs you that they have an
additional payer, Y-Bike (C615–GZ00), which usually should be used for billing.
Change your sold-to party C615–GA## and add the additional payer Y-Bike with the
customer number C615–GZ00.
As Y-Bike (C615–GZ00) should preferably be used for billing, this payer should be marked
as default payer.
a) If necessary, navigate to the tile group Master Data.
Start the Customer Master app.
d) Choose Edit.
f) Select the line for the sales area 1010/10/00 and choose > at the end of line.
h) Choose Create.
k) Choose Apply.
l) Choose Save.
6. Test your changes and create a new order. Use the app Create Sales Orders VA01.
Create the order with the following data:
Order type OR
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
When you confirm your data entry you should receive a selection window for the payer.
The payer C615–GZ00 should be preselected.
Enter the item details.
Material P605-2##
Quantity 5
a) Navigate to the tile group Sales Orders and choose the app Create Sales Orders VA01.
Material P605-2##
Quantity 5
7. Test the system reaction when you create an order for the payer Y-Bike (C615–GZ00).
Create the order with the following data:
Order type OR
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Message: _____________________________________________________________
a) If necessary, choose the tile group Sales Order and start the app Create Sales Orders
d) You cannot create the order for C615-GZ00, you have to cancel it.
You cannot create an order for this customer because the customer Y-Bike (C615–
GZ00) is only maintained as a payer. Only a customer who has been maintained as a
sold-to party includes all four mandatory SAP partner functions.
In SAP S/4HANA, the business partner is the central object to hold partner data. Customer/
Vendor Integration (CVI) creates customer master data or vendor master data, if required,
based on a business partner.
This exercise is about the Customer/Vendor Integration. At the end, you should be able to
create a new business partner in the customer role that should be mapped to a new account
group ZK##.
Please use the SAP GUI of the back-end system for customizing part, and for the
maintenance of the master data, use the Fiori Launchpad (FLP). .
Remember that the term SAP Customizing Implementation Guide got shortened to IMG.
2. Which account group is assigned to the customer Y-Bike (C615–GZ00) and which one is
assigned to the customer Becker Frankfurt ## (C615–GA##).?In order to answer the
question, use the app: Customer Master in the SAP Fiori Launch Pad (FLP).
4. How do you integrate the SAP Business partner in the role Customer to an SD account
group ? What is a prerequisite? What controls the integration?
Prerequisite: ________________________________________________________
Controlled by: ________________________________________________________
5. Your colleague has created a new SD account group ZK## and a new Business partner
grouping ZG##. You just want to inform yourself on what has been done.
In customizing take a look at the account group ZK##. Do not make any changes just
inform yourself. Take a look at the account group details.
In customizing, take a look at the Business partner grouping ZG##. Do not make any
changes but inform yourself where you would find the necessary setting.
In the SAP back-end system, use your menu Favorites and choose Customizing
(transaction code SPRO) .
6. Now you are responsible for the synchronization of the account group and the Business
partner grouping. Set up the synchronization for the SD account group ZK## and the
Business partner grouping ZG##. They should use the same numbers, so select Same
Numbers for the entry.
7. Test your customizing changes. Create a new business partner as organization Miller##
with the number C605–Z##.
Please use the Fiori launchpad for the exercise.
You are going to use customer Miller## later on in the Business Partner Unit. Please
only enter the data provided.
Your new customer is an organization and should be created in the Business Partner Role:
FLCU01 Customer. Make sure you assign your grouping ZG##.
Use the app Customer Master Create/Change/Display.
Use the following data for your new customer:
Business Partner: C605–Z##
Grouping : ZG##
Name 1: Miller##
Street: Dietmar-Hopp-Allee
House Number: ##
City: Walldorf
Country: DE
Region: BW
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Currency: EUR
When offered, please select the necessary entries by the entry help.
Search information for BP Role:*
In the field: BP Role, use the entry help and enter in the search field: Customer.
You receive a selection list of the available Business Partner Roles. Select FLCU01
Business Partner Customer.
In the Sales Area Data, enter the following information:
Customer Pricing Procedure: S Sales standard
When offered, please select the necessary entries from the entry help.
8. As we are going to use the new customer Miller## later on, please test if creating an
order of order type ZA## with your new customer C605–Z## (Miller##) does work fine.
Create a Trade Fair##-Order with the following data:
Order type: ZA## (Trade Fair##-Order)
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-1##
Quantity: 5
In SAP S/4HANA, the business partner is the central object to hold partner data. Customer/
Vendor Integration (CVI) creates customer master data or vendor master data, if required,
based on a business partner.
This exercise is about the Customer/Vendor Integration. At the end, you should be able to
create a new business partner in the customer role that should be mapped to a new account
group ZK##.
Please use the SAP GUI of the back-end system for customizing part, and for the
maintenance of the master data, use the Fiori Launchpad (FLP). .
Remember that the term SAP Customizing Implementation Guide got shortened to IMG.
a) The account group controls the number range, field modification, and the partner
procedure with its partner functions. The configuration of the partner procedure is
covered later on in the Unit: Business Partner.
b) The account groups 001 Sold-to party and Customers (FI Customer; CUST)
provide the four SD mandatory partner functions which are necessary for the order
processing. Other account groups like 0003 Payer or 0002 Goods recipient do
normally just provide one of the four partner functions. The account groups 0003
Payer and 0002 Goods recipient never include the partner function Sold-to party and
therefore cannot be used for the order entry.
2. Which account group is assigned to the customer Y-Bike (C615–GZ00) and which one is
assigned to the customer Becker Frankfurt ## (C615–GA##).?In order to answer the
question, use the app: Customer Master in the SAP Fiori Launch Pad (FLP).
a) Within the SAP Fiori Launch Pad, choose the tile group Master Data and start the app
Customer Master.
c) In the result list, select your customer and choose > at the end of line.
b) In the SAP standard delivery, the Business Partner Role: FLCU01 Customer is set up
to do synchronization to the Customer Account Group: Customers (FI Customer;
CUST) (CUST). The Business Partner Role FLCU00 FI-Customer is set up for
synchronization to FI account/ customer.
c) In our training system, the Business Partner role: ZCUCENX Customer centrally
SD/FI combines both BP roles FLCU01 Customer and FLCU00 FI-Customer
automatically when you create a new business partner with the SAP GUI transaction
BP (or with Maintain Business Partner app).
4. How do you integrate the SAP Business partner in the role Customer to an SD account
group ? What is a prerequisite? What controls the integration?
Prerequisite: ________________________________________________________
Controlled by: ________________________________________________________
a) The integration is done with the help of an own grouping for the SAP Business partner.
b) The prerequisite is an own grouping for the Business Partner and an own account
5. Your colleague has created a new SD account group ZK## and a new Business partner
grouping ZG##. You just want to inform yourself on what has been done.
In customizing take a look at the account group ZK##. Do not make any changes just
inform yourself. Take a look at the account group details.
In customizing, take a look at the Business partner grouping ZG##. Do not make any
changes but inform yourself where you would find the necessary setting.
In the SAP back-end system, use your menu Favorites and choose Customizing
(transaction code SPRO) .
a) Go to the SAP back-end system and choose the transaction code SPRO in your
Favorites menu.
6. Now you are responsible for the synchronization of the account group and the Business
partner grouping. Set up the synchronization for the SD account group ZK## and the
Business partner grouping ZG##. They should use the same numbers, so select Same
Numbers for the entry.
a) Navigate to the Customizing, choose transaction code SPRO.
Choose in the IMG: Cross-Application Components → Master Data Synchronization
→ Customer/Vendor Integration → Business Partner Settings → Settings for
Customer Integration → Field Assignment for Customer Integration → Assign Keys →
Define Number Assignment for Direction BP to Customer.
b) Execute the IMG Activity on Define Number Assignment for Direction BP to Customer.
d) Make the entry in the Grouping field ZG## and in the field Account Group: ZK## and
select Same Numbers for the entry as they should use the same numbers.
e) Choose Save.
7. Test your customizing changes. Create a new business partner as organization Miller##
with the number C605–Z##.
Please use the Fiori launchpad for the exercise.
You are going to use customer Miller## later on in the Business Partner Unit. Please
only enter the data provided.
Your new customer is an organization and should be created in the Business Partner Role:
FLCU01 Customer. Make sure you assign your grouping ZG##.
Use the app Customer Master Create/Change/Display.
Use the following data for your new customer:
Business Partner: C605–Z##
Grouping : ZG##
Name 1: Miller##
Street: Dietmar-Hopp-Allee
House Number: ##
City: Walldorf
Country: DE
Region: BW
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Currency: EUR
When offered, please select the necessary entries by the entry help.
When offered, please select the necessary entries from the entry help.
a) Start the Fiori Launch Pad (FLP).
b) Navigate to the tile group: Master Data and choose the app: Customer Master
In the field: BP Role, use the entry help and enter Customer in the search field.
You receive a selection list of the available Business Partner Roles, here select FLCU01
Business Partner Customer.
g) Select the line for the sales area 1010/10/00 and choose > at the end of line.
i) Choose Apply.
j) Choose Save.
8. As we are going to use the new customer Miller## later on, please test if creating an
order of order type ZA## with your new customer C605–Z## (Miller##) does work fine.
Create a Trade Fair##-Order with the following data:
Order type: ZA## (Trade Fair##-Order)
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-1##
Quantity: 5
a) Go to the tile group Sales Orders, start the app: Create Sales Orders.
1. You have set default values for order processing in the Fiori Launch Pad earlier.
Review the settings of the default values in the SAP beck-end system. Log on to the SAP
back-end system. The system information, user S4605–## and password will be provided
by your instructor.
In the SAP Menu bar, choose System → User Profile → User Data.
In the screen Maintain User Profile, navigate to the tab: Parameters.. Here you should find
your entries.
VKO 1010
VST 1010
SPA (Division) 00
Choose Exit.
2. Create a standard order in the back-end system. The fields for the sales area data
(1010/10/00) should be automatically filled.
In the SAP menu, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order →
Create (VA01).
The sales area data should be filled automatically with the following data:
Sales Organization: 1010
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-1##
Quantity: 5
1. Your contact person of the customer Astoria-Cycle ## (C605–A## ) informs you that he
has moved his job and now works for Galileo Bike ## . The last order with the customer
reference: ##TA05 should have been entered for sold-to party Galileo Bike ## with
customer number C605–B##. Correct the mistake.
For this part of the task use the Fiori Launch Pad (FLP).
2. The contact person of customer Galileo Bike ##calls again. Now the customer wants to
cancel the last order with the Customer reference: ##TA05. Take the necessary action for
The order should not get lost but should not be processed any further.
What does indicate that the order is not going to be processed any further?
4. Navigate to the customizing and take a look at the reason for rejection. What is the
difference between the two reason for rejection 03 and W2?
You find the reason for rejection in customizing; in the SAP Reference IMG, choose: Sales
and Distribution → Sales → Sales Documents → Sales Document Item → Define
Reasons For Rejection.
Difference is the field and its setting:
Field: ___________________________
Setting: _________________________
1. You have set default values for order processing in the Fiori Launch Pad earlier.
Review the settings of the default values in the SAP beck-end system. Log on to the SAP
back-end system. The system information, user S4605–## and password will be provided
by your instructor.
In the SAP Menu bar, choose System → User Profile → User Data.
In the screen Maintain User Profile, navigate to the tab: Parameters.. Here you should find
your entries.
VKO 1010
VST 1010
SPA (Division) 00
Choose Exit.
2. Create a standard order in the back-end system. The fields for the sales area data
(1010/10/00) should be automatically filled.
In the SAP menu, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order →
Create (VA01).
The sales area data should be filled automatically with the following data:
Sales Organization: 1010
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-1##
Quantity: 5
b) In the SAP menu, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order →
Create (VA01).
1. Your contact person of the customer Astoria-Cycle ## (C605–A## ) informs you that he
has moved his job and now works for Galileo Bike ## . The last order with the customer
reference: ##TA05 should have been entered for sold-to party Galileo Bike ## with
customer number C605–B##. Correct the mistake.
For this part of the task use the Fiori Launch Pad (FLP).
a) Use the Fiori Launch Pad (FLP).
b) Go to the tile group: Sales Orders, start the app: Manage Sales Orders.
c) Search for your last order , enter ##TA05 as Customer Referenceand choose Go.
d) In the result list, select the hyperlink of your order and choose More Links and select
Change Sales Order - VA02 and choose OK.
e) Click on the hyperlink of your and select Change Sales Order - VA02.
f) Change the Sold-To party and Ship-To party to C605–B##, choose Enter to confirm
your change.
g) You receive several pop-up windows, confirm them all. Choose Redetermine when
h) Choose Save.
When asked to redetermine Taxes and/or redetermine routes and shipping for all
Choose Redetermine and Continue as often as asked for.
2. The contact person of customer Galileo Bike ##calls again. Now the customer wants to
cancel the last order with the Customer reference: ##TA05. Take the necessary action for
The order should not get lost but should not be processed any further.
What does indicate that the order is not going to be processed any further?
a) Go to the tile group: Sales Order and start the app: Manage Sales Orders.
c) In the result list, select the hyperlink of your order and choose Change Sales Orders
e) Enter Competitor better as the Reason for Rejection and choose Copy.
f) Choose Save.
b) In the SAP menu, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order →
Change (VA02).
c) In the search criteria, enter ##TA05 as Purchase Order No. and choose Search.
f) In the drop-down list box, select 03 Too expensive as the Reason for Rejection.
g) Choose Copy.
i) Now change the reason for rejection again. Choose Reject Document.
k) Choose Copy.
4. Navigate to the customizing and take a look at the reason for rejection. What is the
difference between the two reason for rejection 03 and W2?
You find the reason for rejection in customizing; in the SAP Reference IMG, choose: Sales
and Distribution → Sales → Sales Documents → Sales Document Item → Define
Reasons For Rejection.
Difference is the field and its setting:
Field: ___________________________
Setting: _________________________
b) In the SAP Reference IMG, choose: Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales
Documents → Sales Document Item → Define Reasons For Rejection.
Use the SAP GUI of the back-end system for the exercise.
You want to control and evaluate your sales activities for trade fairs separately. To do this,
you use a different sales document type ZA##, which you set up in Customizing to meet your
requirements. Your already existing trade fair order ZA## should meet the following
● The description should be Trade Fair##-order.
● The number assignment should be internal – you should not be able to assign numbers
● Item numbering should have an increment of 100.
● Order entry should begin with the Item overview screen.
● Checking open quotations or contracts is not necessary.
● For the invoicing process you should use the billing document type F1– Invoice (F1).
● Your company wants the requested delivery date to be proposed automatically with a lead
time of 10 days.
● Pricing should be based on the current date.
● The system should automatically propose the current date as the customer reference date
(CustRef Date).
1. Change order type ZA##, which has been generated as a copy of the standard order
(order type OR) to meet these requirements.
2. Check your settings by creating an order with the new sales document type ZA## and one
Create the order in the back-end system and use the following data:
Order type ZA##
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-2##
Quantity 10
3. Check the fields containing the document number of the order, the requested delivery
date, the pricing date, the order date, the overview screen, and the item numbering for this
4. Compare the two sales document types Standard order (OR) and Rush order (SO).
5. What are the differences between these two types? Mention three main differences.
Note three main differences:
6. Change your sales document type ZA## so it behaves like a rush order (order type SO).
Check the settings for immediate delivery; shipping conditions and lead time
in days.
7. Test your new settings and create a new order in the back-end system.
Create the order in the back end system and use the following data:
Order type ZA##
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-1##
Quantity 5
8. Take a look at the document flow to determine whether the delivery has been created.
9. Undo your customizing changes to the order type ZA## when you are finished.
Change your sales document type ZA##; it should have the following settings again:
Use the SAP GUI of the back-end system for the exercise.
You want to control and evaluate your sales activities for trade fairs separately. To do this,
you use a different sales document type ZA##, which you set up in Customizing to meet your
requirements. Your already existing trade fair order ZA## should meet the following
● The description should be Trade Fair##-order.
● The number assignment should be internal – you should not be able to assign numbers
● Item numbering should have an increment of 100.
● Order entry should begin with the Item overview screen.
● Checking open quotations or contracts is not necessary.
● For the invoicing process you should use the billing document type F1– Invoice (F1).
● Your company wants the requested delivery date to be proposed automatically with a lead
time of 10 days.
● Pricing should be based on the current date.
● The system should automatically propose the current date as the customer reference date
(CustRef Date).
1. Change order type ZA##, which has been generated as a copy of the standard order
(order type OR) to meet these requirements.
a) Navigate to Customizing; choose transaction code SPRO in your Favorites menu.
b) In the SAP Reference IMG, choose Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales
Documents → Sales Document Header → Define Sales Document Types.
d) Choose Position, enter your sales document type ZA##, and choose Continue.
2. Check your settings by creating an order with the new sales document type ZA## and one
Create the order in the back-end system and use the following data:
Order type ZA##
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-2##
Quantity 10
b) In the SAP Menu choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order
→ VA01 - Create.
c) Create your trade fair order ZA## and enter the given data.
3. Check the fields containing the document number of the order, the requested delivery
date, the pricing date, the order date, the overview screen, and the item numbering for this
a) Display your order again and check the fields.
b) In the SAP Menu choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order
→ VA03 - Display.
c) Check the fields according to the customizing of your sales document type ZA##.
Fair##-order blank (number is only assigned internally on saving)
d) Choose Exit.
4. Compare the two sales document types Standard order (OR) and Rush order (SO).
a) Compare the document types in Customizing under Sales and Distribution → Sales →
Sales Documents → Sales Document Header → Define Sales Document Types.
c) Choose Position, enter the sales document type OR, and choose Continue.
d) Choose Position , enter the sales document type SO, and choose continue.
f) Compare the sales document types. To switch between the entries choose
5. What are the differences between these two types? Mention three main differences.
Note three main differences:
a) The following fields in the rush order are different from those in the standard order :
(Note: these are the critical fields that are different – there are others.)
● Immediate delivery: X
b) Choose Exit.
6. Change your sales document type ZA## so it behaves like a rush order (order type SO).
Check the settings for immediate delivery; shipping conditions and lead time
in days.
b) In the SAP Reference IMG choose Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales
Documents → Sales Document Header → Define Sales Document Types.
d) Choose Position, enter your sales document type ZA##, and choose Continue.
● Immediate delivery: X
7. Test your new settings and create a new order in the back-end system.
Create the order in the back end system and use the following data:
Order type ZA##
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-1##
Quantity 5
a) In the back-end system open a New SAP GUI Window and in the SAP Menu
choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order → VA01 - Create.
c) Choose Save.
In the status line you should receive a message: Trade Fair##-order XXX has
been saved (delivery XXXXXX created)
8. Take a look at the document flow to determine whether the delivery has been created.
a) If you still are in the order entry screen, choose Sales Document → Display.
If not, in the SAP Menu choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order
→ VA03 - Display.
d) Choose Exit.
9. Undo your customizing changes to the order type ZA## when you are finished.
Change your sales document type ZA##; it should have the following settings again:
Description Trade Fair##-order
b) In the SAP Reference IMG choose Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales
Documents → Sales Document Header → Define Sales Document Types.
d) Choose Position, and enter your sales document type ZA##, and choose Continue.
Please use the SAP GUI of the back-end system for the exercise.
Item categories
Your customer Astoria Cyles ## places a new order with the purchase order number ##-
1. Create a new order in the back-end system for your customer Astoria Cyles ##. Your
customer orders two items one bike and one service product.
Enter the following data:
Order type: OR
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-1##
Quantity: 10
Material: P-Service
Quantity: 1
2. Your customer Astoria Cyles ## (C605-A##) calls again and orders another item. He
orders 10 units of material P605-Y##. The delivery date is in two week’s time. This
additional item should be included in the last order with the Customer Reference
(Purchase Order Number): ##S4605-##.
3. You have also agreed to grant your customer one additional piece as a free goods item of
material P605-Y##. Enter a corresponding sub-item.
Material: P605-Y##
Quantity: 1
Higher-level item: 30
TAN Standard
TANN Free-of-
charge item
TAP Item
TAQ Head-
er Level
TATX Text item
TAD Service
TAE Explanation
8. Assignment of Item Categories -Take a look at the customizing table: Assign Item
Complete the following table:
Sales Item cate- Item usage Higher-level Default item Manual Manual
document gory group item cate- category item cate- item cat-
type gory gory egory
9. Optional - Analyze the determination of the item category TAN and TAD.
Create an order with two items, one for a service item (item category TAD) and one for a
delivery-related item (item category TAN).
Enter the following data:
Order type: OR
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-2##
Quantity: 5
Material: P-Service
Quantity: 3
10. Analyze the item categories of your just created order with Customer Reference ##-
TA06 . Which item categories groups are used?
11. Which item categories are used? In Customizing, check which of the item categories are
relevant for delivery and pricing.
Item 10
Item 20
12. Deliver the your last order with the customer reference ##-TA06. Enter shipping point
1010 and selection date <10 days from today>. For which order items does the system
generate delivery items ?
In order to create the delivery use the following information:
In the SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Shipping and
Transportation → Outbound Delivery → Create → Single Document → With Reference
to Sales Order.(VL01N ).
Note the delivery document number.
Please use the SAP GUI of the back-end system for the exercise.
Item categories
Your customer Astoria Cyles ## places a new order with the purchase order number ##-
1. Create a new order in the back-end system for your customer Astoria Cyles ##. Your
customer orders two items one bike and one service product.
Enter the following data:
Order type: OR
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-1##
Quantity: 10
Material: P-Service
Quantity: 1
a) In the back-end system open a New SAP GUI Window and choose in the SAP
Menu: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order → VA01 - Create.
2. Your customer Astoria Cyles ## (C605-A##) calls again and orders another item. He
orders 10 units of material P605-Y##. The delivery date is in two week’s time. This
additional item should be included in the last order with the Customer Reference
(Purchase Order Number): ##S4605-##.
a) Call up your the last order. Choose in the SAP Menu: Logistics → Sales and
Distribution → Sales → Order → VA02 - Change.
b) Enter the <order number of your last order> or search for it with the help of the
purchase order number
3. You have also agreed to grant your customer one additional piece as a free goods item of
material P605-Y##. Enter a corresponding sub-item.
Material: P605-Y##
Quantity: 1
Higher-level item: 30
a) Navigate to your last the order and enter one additional piece of material P605-Y## as
subitem in the order.
b) Enter the Material: P605-Y## and Quantity: 1 and enter in the Field HL Itm (Higher-
level item) 30.
d) Choose Save.
TAN Standard x x - X - A
TANN Free-of- x x - B - A
charge item
TAP Item - x - - A A
TAQ Head- x x - X A A
er Level
TATX Text item - - x - - A
TAD Service x x - X - B
TAE Explanation - x - - - -
a) Choose transaction code SPRO in your Favorites menu and navigate to Customizing.
b) In the SAP Reference IMG. choose: Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales
Documents → Sales Document Item → Define Item Categories.
d) Choose Position and enter the Item categories mentioned above and document its
settings in the table above.
8. Assignment of Item Categories -Take a look at the customizing table: Assign Item
Complete the following table:
Sales Item cate- Item usage Higher-level Default item Manual Manual
document gory group item cate- category item cate- item cat-
type gory gory egory
a) Choose transaction code SPRO in your Favorites menu and navigate to the
In the SAP Reference IMG. choose:
Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales Documents → Sales Document Item
→ Assign Item Categories.
d) Check the settings and then Exit the activity and return to the screen Display
9. Optional - Analyze the determination of the item category TAN and TAD.
Create an order with two items, one for a service item (item category TAD) and one for a
delivery-related item (item category TAN).
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-2##
Quantity: 5
Material: P-Service
Quantity: 3
a) In the SAP menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order →
VA01 Create
10. Analyze the item categories of your just created order with Customer Reference ##-
TA06 . Which item categories groups are used?
a) In the SAP menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order →
VA03 Display
11. Which item categories are used? In Customizing, check which of the item categories are
relevant for delivery and pricing.
Item category Pricing Schedule lines Item relevant
permitted for delivery
Item 10 TAN X X -
Item 20 TAD X X -
a) Use your second SAP GUI window and navigate to the Customizing, choose
transaction code SPRO.
b) In the SAP Reference IMG choose: Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales
Documents → Sales Document Item → Define Item Categories.
b) Choose Position and enter the Item categories mentioned above and document its
settings in the table above.
d) Check the settings and afterwards Exit the activity and return to screen Display
12. Deliver the your last order with the customer reference ##-TA06. Enter shipping point
1010 and selection date <10 days from today>. For which order items does the system
generate delivery items ?
In order to create the delivery use the following information:
In the SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Shipping and
Transportation → Outbound Delivery → Create → Single Document → With Reference
to Sales Order.(VL01N ).
Note the delivery document number.
a) In the SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Shipping and
Transportation → Outbound Delivery → Create → Single Document → VL01N With
Reference to Sales Order.
b) Enter Shipping Point: 1010 and selection date <10 days from today>. Confirm your
Please use the SAP GUI of the back-end system for the exercise.
1. For the material P605-6##, create a sales BOM (usage: 5 Sales and Distribution) with the
components P605-U## , P605-X##,P605-Y## and P605-Z## and choose 1 piece for
each. Configure the bill of material items as stock items (L).
In the SAP Menu choose:
Logistics → Sales and Distribution → → Master Data → Products → Bills of Material →
Bill of Material → Material BOM → CS01 Create
Material: P605-6##
2. Create an order for your customer C605-A## and your material P605-6##, use as
customer reference ##-TA07.
Enter the following data:
Order type: OR
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-6##
Quantity: 1
3. In future, you only want to determine prices for the finished product. You want to list the
individual components of the finished product for informational purposes. Change the
material master for your material P605-6## so that pricing only takes place at main item
4. Check the effects of your change in the sales document. Create an new order for your
customer C605-A## and your material P605-6##, use as customer reference ##-TA08 .
Does the system explode the bill of material?
Which items affect the net value of the order?
Note the net value of your order
Net value: __________________________________________
5. Change your material P605-6## so that pricing only takes place at sub-item level.
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-6##
Quantity: 1
Please use the SAP GUI of the back-end system for the exercise.
1. For the material P605-6##, create a sales BOM (usage: 5 Sales and Distribution) with the
components P605-U## , P605-X##,P605-Y## and P605-Z## and choose 1 piece for
each. Configure the bill of material items as stock items (L).
In the SAP Menu choose:
Logistics → Sales and Distribution → → Master Data → Products → Bills of Material →
Bill of Material → Material BOM → CS01 Create
Material: P605-6##
e) Choose Save.
2. Create an order for your customer C605-A## and your material P605-6##, use as
customer reference ##-TA07.
Enter the following data:
Order type: OR
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-6##
Quantity: 1
c) When you have entered the Bill of Material P605-6## - The BOM did not explode..
Why ? - in order to answer this question take a look at the customizing.
e) In your second SAP GUI window navigate to the Customizing, choose the transaction
code SPRO from your Favorites menu.
f) In the SAP Reference IMG choose: Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales
Documents → Sales Document Item → Define Item Categories.
k) Afterwards Exit the activity and return to the screen Display IMG.
3. In future, you only want to determine prices for the finished product. You want to list the
individual components of the finished product for informational purposes. Change the
material master for your material P605-6## so that pricing only takes place at main item
a) In the SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Master Data →
Products → Material → Trading Goods → MM02 Change.
Choose tab.
d) In the window Select View(s)choose Sales: Sales Org. Data 2 and choose
Distr. channel: 10
f) Change the item category group, enter in the Field Item category group: ERLA.
4. Check the effects of your change in the sales document. Create an new order for your
customer C605-A## and your material P605-6##, use as customer reference ##-TA08 .
Does the system explode the bill of material?
Which items affect the net value of the order?
Note the net value of your order
Net value: __________________________________________
a) Create an new order with the given data.
b) In SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order → VA01 -
d) The BOM is exploded. Pricing is only performed for the main item. As a result, the net
value of the order is calculated exclusively from this item.
5. Change your material P605-6## so that pricing only takes place at sub-item level.
a) In the SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Master Data →
Products → Material → Trading Goods → MM02 Change.
Choose tab.
c) In the window Select View(s) choose Sales: Sales Org. Data 2 and choose
Distr. channel: 10
e) Change the item category group, enter in the Item category group Field : LUMF.
f) Choose Save.
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-6##
Quantity: 1
b) In SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order → VA01 -
d) The BOM is exploded. Pricing is only performed for the sub-item. As a result, the net
value of the order is calculated exclusively from the sub-items.
Please use the SAP GUI of the back-end system for the exercise.
1. Your Customer C605-A## requests a quotation for 10 units of material P605-1##. The
quotation should be valid for one month.
Create a quotation and enter the following data:
Quotation type: QT
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Quantity: 10
2. On what date has the delivery of the schedule line been confirmed?
4. How does the schedule line category control this schedule line?
5. Try to deliver the quotation (change the delivery selection date to the schedule line
confirmed date).
Within your quotation choose: Sales Document → Deliver . When asked, enter as shipping
point: 1010.
Can you do it?
6. Take a look at the customizing table: Define Schedule Line Categories. Get to know
schedule line configuration
Complete the following table:
Schedule line Description Availability Req./Assem- Item relevant Movement
cat. bly (Transfer for delivery type
of require-
ments / Be-
gin assembly
order from
AT Inquiry sched.
CN No material
CP Deterministic
DN Returns
7. After checking your quotation thoroughly, your customer C605-A## places an order with
Create the sales order, enter a standard order (Order type: OR) with reference to the
quotation created in the previous exercise. For the order enter as Customer Reference :
##-TA10). Copy the quotation into the order in full
10. How does the schedule line category control this schedule line?
Req./Assembly : _________________________________
12. Optional
Which order screens contain information about the movement type and delivery blocks
linked to schedule lines?
13. Get to know how some standard schedules lines are determined. Take a look at the
customizing table: Asign Schedule Line Categories.
Complete the following table:
Item category MRP type Proposed Manual Manual sched-
schedule line schedule line ule line cate-
category category gory
Please use the SAP GUI of the back-end system for the exercise.
1. Your Customer C605-A## requests a quotation for 10 units of material P605-1##. The
quotation should be valid for one month.
Create a quotation and enter the following data:
Quotation type: QT
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Quantity: 10
c) Choose Save
e) In order to display your sales document again, choose Sales Document → Display.
2. On what date has the delivery of the schedule line been confirmed?
b) Open the Schedule lines details tab - it is the date for the field Confirmed Quantity:10
4. How does the schedule line category control this schedule line?
a) Use your second SAP GUI window and navigate to the Customizing, choose
transaction code SPRO in your Favorites menu
b) In the SAP Reference IMG. choose: Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales
Documents → Schedule Lines → Define Schedule Line Categories
c) Choose Position, enter in the field Sched.line cat. BN and choose continue
5. Try to deliver the quotation (change the delivery selection date to the schedule line
confirmed date).
Within your quotation choose: Sales Document → Deliver . When asked, enter as shipping
point: 1010.
Can you do it?
6. Take a look at the customizing table: Define Schedule Line Categories. Get to know
schedule line configuration
Complete the following table:
Schedule line Description Availability Req./Assem- Item relevant Movement
cat. bly (Transfer for delivery type
of require-
ments / Be-
gin assembly
order from
AT Inquiry sched.
CN No material X 601
CP Deterministic X X X 601
DN Returns X 651
a) Use your second SAP GUI window and navigate to the Customizing. Use the
transaction code SPRO.
b) In the SAP Reference IMG. choose: Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales
Documents → Schedule Lines → Define Schedule Line Categories
f) Afterwards choose Exit, so your are back on the IMG basic screen again.
7. After checking your quotation thoroughly, your customer C605-A## places an order with
Create the sales order, enter a standard order (Order type: OR) with reference to the
quotation created in the previous exercise. For the order enter as Customer Reference :
##-TA10). Copy the quotation into the order in full
a) Create an order
In the SAP Menu choose:
Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order → VA01 Create
c) Choose Create with Reference and enter the <number of your quotation>.
f) Choose Save
g) In order to display your sales document again, choose Sales Document → Display
a) Select the item and choose Schedule lines for the item
10. How does the schedule line category control this schedule line?
Req./Assembly : _________________________________
a) Use your second SAP GUI window and navigate to the Customizing. Use the
transaction code SPRO.
b) In the SAP Reference IMG choose: Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales
Documents → Schedule Lines → Define Schedule Line Categories
c) Choose Position and enter the in the field Sched.line cat. CP. Choose continue
12. Optional
Which order screens contain information about the movement type and delivery blocks
linked to schedule lines?
13. Get to know how some standard schedules lines are determined. Take a look at the
customizing table: Asign Schedule Line Categories.
Complete the following table:
Item category MRP type Proposed Manual Manual sched-
schedule line schedule line ule line cate-
category category gory
b) Choose Position
No explicit entries are maintained for item category and MRP type in the
assignment table.
In this case, the system checks whether an entry without a definition of
the MRP type exists for the item category involved.
Please use the SAP GUI of the back-end system for the exercise.
1. You receive an inquiry from your customer C605-A##. The customer requests 50 units
each of materials P605-1## and P605-2##. The requested delivery date is the first day of
the next month. Use as customer reference ##-AF02. Enter the inquiry.
Inquiry type: IN
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Requested delivery date < first day of the next month >
Material: P605-1##
Quantity: 50
Material: P605-2##
Quantity: 50
Item 10
Item 20
3. After checking with your MRP controller, you know that you can offer the customer the
requested quantity for material P605-1##, but only 30 units of material P605-2##. Create
a quotation with reference to the inquiry. In the quotation enter the customer reference
##-AG03 . The quotation is valid for a month.
Note the document number.
Item 10
Item 20
Item 10
Item 20
5. Once your customer has checked the quotation, they order the first item with the
complete quantity but of the second item they only order 20 pieces. Create the Trade
fair## order (Order Type: ZA##) , use as customer reference ##-ZA04 .
Save your order and note the order number.
Item 10
Item 20
7. Your customer contacts you again and informs you that they do not want the open
quantity of item 20 in the quotation anymore because the product is too expensive. Reject
the item in the quotation and check the changes to the status.
Afterwards review the status of your quotation.
Item 20
8. Try to create another order (order type: ZA##) with reference to the quotation.
9. Is this possible?
Why / why not?
Please use the SAP GUI of the back-end system for the exercise.
1. You receive an inquiry from your customer C605-A##. The customer requests 50 units
each of materials P605-1## and P605-2##. The requested delivery date is the first day of
the next month. Use as customer reference ##-AF02. Enter the inquiry.
Inquiry type: IN
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Requested delivery date < first day of the next month >
Material: P605-1##
Quantity: 50
Material: P605-2##
Quantity: 50
Item 10
Item 20
a) In the SAP menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Inquiry →
VA13 Display.
3. After checking with your MRP controller, you know that you can offer the customer the
requested quantity for material P605-1##, but only 30 units of material P605-2##. Create
a quotation with reference to the inquiry. In the quotation enter the customer reference
##-AG03 . The quotation is valid for a month.
Note the document number.
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
d) On tab Inquiry enter < your inquiry number > and choose copy
h) Choose Save
Item 10
Item 20
Item 10
Item 20
a) In the SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Quotation →
VA23 Display.
c) Use the Status Overview to review the status of the inquiry and quotation.
You find the following information:
Total processing Rejection status Reference sta-
Header Completed Nothing rejected Fully referenced
Item 10 Completed Nothing rejected Fully referenced
Item 20 Completed Nothing rejected Fully referenced
Header Open Nothing rejected Not referenced
Item 10 Open Nothing rejected Not referenced
Item 20 Open Nothing rejected Not referenced
5. Once your customer has checked the quotation, they order the first item with the
complete quantity but of the second item they only order 20 pieces. Create the Trade
fair## order (Order Type: ZA##) , use as customer reference ##-ZA04 .
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
e) Choose Copy.
h) Choose Save .
Item 10
Item 20
a) Choose in the SAP Menu: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Quotation →
VA23 Display.
choose Environment → Status overview.
7. Your customer contacts you again and informs you that they do not want the open
quantity of item 20 in the quotation anymore because the product is too expensive. Reject
the item in the quotation and check the changes to the status.
Afterwards review the status of your quotation.
Item 20
a) In the SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Quotation →
VA22 Change.
d) Choose Save.
e) In order to display your sales document again choose Sales Document → Display.
8. Try to create another order (order type: ZA##) with reference to the quotation.
a) In the SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order →
VA01 Create.
e) Choose Copy.
9. Is this possible?
Why / why not?
a) You cannot create the quotation because it has already been completed.
The system displays the following message:
The reference has already been completely copied or rejected.
1. Was the item numbering in the trade fair order with the purchase order number ##-ZA04
recalculated or taken from the quotation? To note the difference, compare it with your
first Trade-Fair## order with the purchase order number ##-ZA01.
2. Item numbering should be re-determined when you create an order for the order type
ZA## with reference to a quotation. Change the settings in copying control accordingly.
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-1##
Quantity 10
Material P605-2##
Quantity 10
Create the trade fair-## order (use order type ZA##) with reference to a quotation. Copy
both items into the order and enter ##-ZA##05 as the customer reference.
Check the item numbering in the quotation and the sales order.
Item numbers in quotation: _________________________________
The document numbers are re-determined in the order, and item numbers are generated
in increments of 100.
1. Was the item numbering in the trade fair order with the purchase order number ##-ZA04
recalculated or taken from the quotation? To note the difference, compare it with your
first Trade-Fair## order with the purchase order number ##-ZA01.
a) In the SAP Menu, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order →
VA03 Display.
2. Item numbering should be re-determined when you create an order for the order type
ZA## with reference to a quotation. Change the settings in copying control accordingly.
a) Choose transaction code SPRO in your Favorites menu and navigate to Customizing.
d) Choose Position.
e) Enter ZA## as the target in the first SalesDocType field. Enter QT as the source in the
second SalesDocType field and choose Continue.
h) Choose Save.
i) Choose Exit and Cancel until you are back on the main screen, Display IMG .
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-1##
Quantity 10
Material P605-2##
Quantity 10
b) In the SAP Menu choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Quotation →
VA21 Create.
The document numbers are re-determined in the order, and item numbers are generated
in increments of 100.
e) Choose Copy.
g) Choose Save.
Please use the Fiori Laundpad.
2. Send 100 units of the material to the customer’s consignment warehouse by entering a
consignment fill-up.
Use the following data:
Order type: KB
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-Z##
Quantity: 100
3. Create the delivery for your Consignment Fill-up, use 1010 as Shipping Point and enter in
the field: Selection Date: <10 days from today> . If necessary, enter your Consignment
Fill-up number in the field: order.
Do the picking and post goods issue.
Note the deliver document number.
Delivery: ________________________
4. Navigate to the Stock Overview and check the consignment material stock again for
Material: P605-Z## .
How many units are in stock?
Unrestricted Use Stock:
Consignment stock:
6. The customer informs you that they have used 50 units of the material in the consignment
warehouse. Create a consignment issue.
Enter the following data:
Order type: KE
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-Z##
Quantity: 50
When you created your consignment issue what did you not do?
7. Create a delivery for your consignment issue, use 1010 as Shipping Point and enter in the
field: Selection Date: <10 days from today> . Do the post goods issue.
8. Navigate to the Stock Overview and check the consignment material stock again for
Material: P605-Z##.
How many units are in stock?
Unrestricted Use Stock:
Consignment stock:
10. The customer informs you that they don’t need the remaining consignment goods.
Enter a consignment pick-up data:
Order type: KA
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-Z##
Quantity: 50
11. Create a delivery for your consignment pick-up, use 1010 as Shipping Point and do the
post goods receipt.
12. Navigate to the Stock Overview and check the consignment material stock again for
Material: P605-Z##.
Unrestricted Used Stock: _____________________
Consignment stock: __________________________
Please use the SAP GUI of the back-end system for the exercise.
1. Display the consignment fill-up and consignment issue with customer reference ##-KB01
and ##-KE01 . Which item and schedule line categories did the system determine?
Item category Schedule line cat.
Consignment fill-up
Consignment issue
2. How and why are these schedule line categories different from each other?
3. When you created the consignment issue, you did not choose Create with Reference.
Actually, you have not linked your consignment issue to your previous consignment fill-up.
Why did you not need to do this?
Review the customizing settings for the item category KEN.
Please use the Fiori Laundpad.
d) Finally, navigate back to the Home page, simply click on the SAP Logo.
2. Send 100 units of the material to the customer’s consignment warehouse by entering a
consignment fill-up.
Use the following data:
Order type: KB
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-Z##
Quantity: 100
c) Choose Save.
3. Create the delivery for your Consignment Fill-up, use 1010 as Shipping Point and enter in
the field: Selection Date: <10 days from today> . If necessary, enter your Consignment
Fill-up number in the field: order.
Do the picking and post goods issue.
Note the deliver document number.
Delivery: ________________________
a) Navigate to the tile group Delivery, choose the app: Create Outbound Deliveries
with Order Reference.
b) Enter in the field Shipping Point : 1010 and enter in the field: Selection Date: <10 days
from today> . If necessary, enter your Consignment Fill-up number in the field: order.
c) Choose Continue.
d) Navigate to the tab: Picking and enter in the field Picked Qty : 100
4. Navigate to the Stock Overview and check the consignment material stock again for
Material: P605-Z## .
How many units are in stock?
Unrestricted Use Stock:
Consignment stock:
a) In the Fiori Launch pad, choose the tile group: Stock-Info and start the app: Stock-
Single Material.
d) Click on the hyperlink of the quantity for the plant Hamburg 1010. The hyperlink shows
the special stock information (W = Customer Consignment).
Customer Consignment :
e) Continue with the optional step OR click on the SAP Logo and come back to the Home
Now you see the customer and material information for the plant 1010.
b) Finally, close the app and come back to the Home page.
c) No, you cannot create an invoice. Log: No billing documents were generated . Please
see log.
You find the log under: More → Edit → Log.
Cause: Document is not relevant for billing.
Billing has not been defined in customizing for the consignment fill-up because you
have not actually sold anything. Your goods are just in a different stock (customer
consignment). Your company still owns the product.
6. The customer informs you that they have used 50 units of the material in the consignment
warehouse. Create a consignment issue.
Enter the following data:
Order type: KE
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-Z##
Quantity: 50
When you created your consignment issue what did you not do?
When you created the consignment issue you did not choose Create with Reference.
Actually, you have not linked your consignment issue to your previous consignment fill-up.
c) Choose Save.
7. Create a delivery for your consignment issue, use 1010 as Shipping Point and enter in the
field: Selection Date: <10 days from today> . Do the post goods issue.
a) Navigate to the tile group Delivery, choose the app: Create Outbound Deliveries
with Order Reference.
b) In the field Shipping Point, enter: 1010 and in field: Selection Date, enter: <10 days
from today> . If necessary, enter your Consignment Fill-up number in the field: order.
c) Choose Continue.
8. Navigate to the Stock Overview and check the consignment material stock again for
Material: P605-Z##.
How many units are in stock?
Unrestricted Use Stock:
Consignment stock:
a) In the Fiori Launch pad, choose the tile group: Stock-Info and start the app: Stock-
Single Material.
d) Click on the hyperlink of the quantity for the plant Hamburg 1010. The hyperlink shows
the special stock information (W = Customer Consignment).
Customer Consignment:
e) Click on the SAP Logo and come back to the Home page.
10. The customer informs you that they don’t need the remaining consignment goods.
Enter a consignment pick-up data:
Order type: KA
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-Z##
Quantity: 50
a) Navigate to the tile group Sales Orders, choose the app: Create Sales Orders
11. Create a delivery for your consignment pick-up, use 1010 as Shipping Point and do the
post goods receipt.
a) Navigate to the tile group Delivery, choose the app: Create Outbound Deliveries
with Order Reference.
b) in the field Shipping Point, enter: 1010 and in field: Selection Date; ENTER: <today's
date> . (Automatically, the field Order: should contain your order.)
c) Choose Continue.
12. Navigate to the Stock Overview and check the consignment material stock again for
Material: P605-Z##.
Unrestricted Used Stock: _____________________
Consignment stock: __________________________
a) In the Fiori Launch pad, choose the tile group: Stock-Info and start the app: Stock-
Single Material.
d) There is no the hyperlink of the quantity for the plant Hamburg 1010 anymore.
Customer Consignment :
e) Click on the SAP Logo and come back to the Home page .
Please use the SAP GUI of the back-end system for the exercise.
1. Display the consignment fill-up and consignment issue with customer reference ##-KB01
and ##-KE01 . Which item and schedule line categories did the system determine?
Item category Schedule line cat.
Consignment fill-up KBN E0
Consignment issue KEN C0
a) In the SAP Menu, choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order
→ VA03 Display.
2. How and why are these schedule line categories different from each other?
a) Review the settings:
Schedule line cat. E0: Movement type 631 (GI Consignment loan)
Schedule line cat. C0: Movement type 633 (GI Goods Issue Cus-
tomer Consignment)
The fill-up posts the relevant stock from the unrestricted stock to the customer's
consignment stock (special stock) but the goods remain in the possession of the
vendor. Consignment issue posts the goods from the special stock and they become the
property of the customer.
3. When you created the consignment issue, you did not choose Create with Reference.
Actually, you have not linked your consignment issue to your previous consignment fill-up.
Why did you not need to do this?
Review the customizing settings for the item category KEN.
a) Go to the SAP Customizing, choose transaction code SPRO.
b) In the SAP Customizing, choose IMG: Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales
Documents → Sales Document items → Item Define Item Categories.
You create a free-of-charge delivery document (KL) when you want to send your customer a
sample for of charge. The system will then generate a delivery, based on the free-of-charge
Please use the SAP GUI of the back-end system for the exercise.
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-2##
Quantity: 1
2. What setting controls that the order is free of charge and not billed to the customer?
Reproduce it in the customizing.
Delivery: __________________________________
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
2. What customizing setting triggers the pop-up window Create with Reference?
3. What order type can be used to create the sales document type SD?
4. Test the Free-of-Charge Subsequent Delivery process but firstly you have to start with a
return process.
Create a returns order with two items and the order reason Poor Quality.
Enter the following data:
Order type: RE
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-2##
Quantity: 1
Material: P605-3##
Quantity: 1
5. Create the Delivery Returns. Use shipping point 1010 and today's date and post the Goods
receipt for your returns.
6. Your quality manager informs you that the customer complaint was justified. You contact
the customer. He wants a Subsequent Delivery Free of Charge for the first item and for the
second item he wants a Credit for Returns. Your are responsible for the Subsequent
Delivery Free of Charge for the first item.
For the returns of the first item take the necessary step so that your customer does not
get both a Subsequent Delivery Free of Charge and the Credit for Returns.
7. You have just rejected the first item of your returns. How many reasons for rejection could
you choose from? Which ones?
8. Now create the Subsequent Delivery Free of Charge with reference to your returns.
You create a free-of-charge delivery document (KL) when you want to send your customer a
sample for of charge. The system will then generate a delivery, based on the free-of-charge
Please use the SAP GUI of the back-end system for the exercise.
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-2##
Quantity: 1
a) In the SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order →
VA01 Create.
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-2##
Quantity: 1
2. What setting controls that the order is free of charge and not billed to the customer?
Reproduce it in the customizing.
a) In the SAP Reference IMG choose: Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales
Documents → Sales Document Item → Define Item Categories.
b) Choose Position and enter the Item category KLN and choose Details.
The item category controls the settings for pricing and billing. The item category KLN
is not relevant for billing and does not carry out pricing.
Delivery: __________________________________
a) In the SAP Menu, choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Shipping and
Transportation → Outbound Delivery → Create → Single Document → VL01N - With
Reference to Sales Order.
b) Enter Shipping Point: 1010 and enter the section date: <10 days from today>. To
confirm your entry, choose Enter.
c) Navigate to the tab Picking and enter 1 as the picking quantity in the Picked Qty field.
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
a) In the SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order →
VA01 Create.
2. What customizing setting triggers the pop-up window Create with Reference?
b) In the SAP Reference IMG, choose: Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales
Documents → Sales Document Header → Define Sales Documents Types.
c) Choose Position and enter the Sales Documents Type: SD and choose Details.
d) In the screen General Control you find the Reference mandatory field: C.
The entry C in the "Reference mandatory" field means that document type SD can only
be created with reference to an order.
3. What order type can be used to create the sales document type SD?
a) To answer the question you have to navigate to the copying control in SAP
customizing (transaction code SPRO).
b) In SAP Reference IMG choose: Sales and Distribution → Sales → Copying Control for
Sales Documents → Set Copying Control: Sales Document to Sales Document → .
c) Choose Position.
Now you can see that Target SalesDocType: SD has the source SalesDocType: RE.
You create a Subsequent Delivery Free of Charge SD with reference to Returns RE.
4. Test the Free-of-Charge Subsequent Delivery process but firstly you have to start with a
return process.
Create a returns order with two items and the order reason Poor Quality.
Enter the following data:
Order type: RE
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-2##
Quantity: 1
Material: P605-3##
Quantity: 1
a) In the SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order →
VA01 Create.
c) Enter the order reason: 101 Poor Quality and confirm the warning message.
5. Create the Delivery Returns. Use shipping point 1010 and today's date and post the Goods
receipt for your returns.
a) In the SAP Menu choose:
Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Shipping and Transportation → Outbound
Delivery → Create → Single Document → VL01N With Reference to Sales Order.
b) Enter Shipping point: 1010, Selection Date: < today's date > and Order: <Number
of your returns>.
c) Choose Enter.
6. Your quality manager informs you that the customer complaint was justified. You contact
the customer. He wants a Subsequent Delivery Free of Charge for the first item and for the
second item he wants a Credit for Returns. Your are responsible for the Subsequent
Delivery Free of Charge for the first item.
For the returns of the first item take the necessary step so that your customer does not
get both a Subsequent Delivery Free of Charge and the Credit for Returns.
c) For the first item in your returns enter the following reason for rejection: 11 Cust.
to receive replacement.
You have to enter a reason for rejection so your customer does not get the Credit for
Returns anymore.
d) Choose Save
7. You have just rejected the first item of your returns. How many reasons for rejection could
you choose from? Which ones?
c) The choice of reason for rejection got limited by the assignment to Sales Document
Type and / or Sales Organization.
8. Now create the Subsequent Delivery Free of Charge with reference to your returns.
a) In the SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order →
VA01 Create
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
c) In the pop-up window: Create with Reference int the field: Order enter the <document
number of your returns>.
d) Choose Copy.
e) Your receive the The system has collected messages (see log)message.
Call up the log, choose Log.
Message: Item 000020 is not copied: Copy requirement 304 has not been met.
You can only copy rejected items into the Subsequent Delivery Free of Charge.
h) Choose Save .
Use the SAP GUI of the back-end system for the exercise.
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-1##
Quantity 10
2. Activate the Incomplet. messages indicator for the sales document type ZA##.
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-1##
Quantity 10
Is this possible?
4. Process the incompletion log by maintaining the customer reference ##-ZA07. Save the
5. Delete the Incomplet. messages indicator for your sales document type ZA##.
Screen KBES
1. Create the incompleteness procedure Y? with the description Order procedure ## (for
the key of the new procedure for each participant group, see the table below).
Key Y? (see the following table)
Table 2: Key < Y? > of the New Procedure for Each Participant Group
Group Procedure Group Procedure Group Procedure
01 YA 11 YK 21 YU
02 YB 12 YL 22 YV
03 YC 13 YM 23 YW
2. Enter the field for the ordering party’s name, BNAME, from the table VBAK into the
procedure. This field will be displayed in the KBES (Sales Header - PO data) sales order
If the ordering party’s name is missing in the sales document, the system should not
create a delivery. Assign a corresponding status group.
You can determine the names of tables and fields in the sales document by
placing the cursor on the relevant field, pressing F1 and choosing Technical
KBES (Document header: tab page: Order data , field: Name)
3. Specify that the new incompleteness procedure, <Y?> is valid for your sales document
type ZA##. Do the necessary assignment.
4. Test your new configuration and create a new Trade Fair## Order (ZA##).
Create the order in the back-end system and use the following data:
Order type ZA##
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-1##
Quantity 10
5. Try to deliver the order. Set the selection date to one month from today. What message
Is this possible?
Use the SAP GUI of the back-end system for the exercise.
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-1##
Quantity 10
a) In the SAP Menu choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order →
VA01 Create.
c) Choose Save.
2. Activate the Incomplet. messages indicator for the sales document type ZA##.
a) Navigate to Customizing; choose transaction code SPRO in your Favorites menu.
b) In the SAP Reference IMG choose: Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales
Documents → Sales Document Header → Define Sales Document Types.
c) Choose Position, enter the sales document type ZA##, and choose Continue.
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-1##
Quantity 10
Is this possible?
b) In the SAP Menu choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order
→ VA01 Create.
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-1##
Quantity 10
Ignore the warning message for the missing customer reference and choose Enter.
d) Choose Save.
4. Process the incompletion log by maintaining the customer reference ##-ZA07. Save the
a) In the Create Trade Fair##-Order: Incompletion Log view, choose Complete data.
c) Choose Back.
d) Choose Back.
5. Delete the Incomplet. messages indicator for your sales document type ZA##.
a) Do as described before. Choose transaction code SPRO in your Favorites menu and
navigate to Customizing.
b) In the SAP Reference IMG, choose Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales Documents
→ Sales Document Header → Define Sales Document Types.
c) Choose Position, enter the sales document type ZA## and choose Continue.
Screen KBES
1. Create the incompleteness procedure Y? with the description Order procedure ## (for
the key of the new procedure for each participant group, see the table below).
Key Y? (see the following table)
Table 2: Key < Y? > of the New Procedure for Each Participant Group
Group Procedure Group Procedure Group Procedure
01 YA 11 YK 21 YU
02 YB 12 YL 22 YV
03 YC 13 YM 23 YW
04 YD 14 YN 24 YX
05 YE 15 YO 25 YY
06 YF 16 YP 26 YZ
07 YG 17 YQ 27 Y1
08 YH 18 YR 28 Y2
09 YI 19 YS 29 Y3
10 YJ 20 YT 30 Y4
b) In the SAP Reference IMG, choose Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions → Log of
Incomplete Items.
d) Select Group A.
2. Enter the field for the ordering party’s name, BNAME, from the table VBAK into the
procedure. This field will be displayed in the KBES (Sales Header - PO data) sales order
If the ordering party’s name is missing in the sales document, the system should not
create a delivery. Assign a corresponding status group.
You can determine the names of tables and fields in the sales document by
placing the cursor on the relevant field, pressing F1 and choosing Technical
KBES (Document header: tab page: Order data , field: Name)
Status 02
d) Choose Save.
e) Choose Exit.
3. Specify that the new incompleteness procedure, <Y?> is valid for your sales document
type ZA##. Do the necessary assignment.
a) In the SAP Reference IMG, choose Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions → Log of
Incomplete Items → Assign Incompleteness Procedures.
e) Choose Save.
f) Choose Exit.
4. Test your new configuration and create a new Trade Fair## Order (ZA##).
Create the order in the back-end system and use the following data:
Order type ZA##
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-1##
Quantity 10
5. Try to deliver the order. Set the selection date to one month from today. What message
a) In the SAP Menu, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Shipping and
Transportation → Outbound Delivery → Create → Single Document → VL01N -
With Reference to Sales Order.
b) Enter the shipping point 1010, enter the section date <10 days from today>, enter
the order <your order number>, and choose Enter.
The order cannot be delivered (see long text).
The screen Display logs show the message Order is incomplete - maintain
the order.
c) Choose Exit until you are back on the SAP Menu screen.
b) Choose Enter.
f) Choose Back.
g) Choose Save.
Is this possible?
You have successfully completed the exercise: Master Data Synchronization
Customer / Vendor Integration.
During this exercise, you created your own customer C605–Z## (Miller##) in
your account group ZK##.
You have tested it and you should have had an error-free order (customer
reference ##-KD1).
Description Adviser##
Partner type PE
2. Create a new partner determination procedure, Z##, with the description Procedure ##
for the customer master.
Enter the following partner functions:
Your customer C605–Z## master record is controlled by the ZK## account group.
Assign the new procedure to the ZK## account group.
3. Extend the customer master record for the customer C605–Z## with the new partner
function, Adviser ##.
Your colleague Tom Tower takes over the new role, Adviser ##, for this customer.
You find the master data in the SAP Menu under Logistics → Sales and Distribution →
Business partner → Customer → Change → VD02 Sales and Distribution.
Add your new partner function, Y? Adviser ##, and assign Tom Tower in this new role to
your customer C605–Z##.
1. Create a new partner determination procedure, Y?, with the description Name Order
procedure ## for the sales document type object.
2. In your new partner determination procedure, Y?, enter the following partner functions:
- SP Sold-to party (no change possible/not modifiable, mandatory function)
- SH Ship-to party (mandatory function)
- BP Bill-to party (mandatory function)
3. Assign the new procedure, Y?, to the sales document type ZA##.
4. Test your new setting in the SAP Menu. Create a trade-fair## order for your C605–Z##
customer. Check whether the Y? Adviser ## partner function has been stored as a partner
in the order header.
Create the order in the back end-system and use the following data:
Order type ZA##
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-1##
Quantity 5
6. Can you determine the sales employee from the sold-to party’s master record?
Why/why not?
You have successfully completed the exercise: Master Data Synchronization
Customer / Vendor Integration.
During this exercise, you created your own customer C605–Z## (Miller##) in
your account group ZK##.
You have tested it and you should have had an error-free order (customer
reference ##-KD1).
Description Adviser##
Partner type PE
Key Y? see the Keys of the New Function for Each Partici-
pant Group table
Description Adviser##
Partner type PE
f) Choose Enter .
g) Choose Save.
h) Choose Back until you return to the Select Activity " Set Up Partner Determination for
(…)" screen.
2. Create a new partner determination procedure, Z##, with the description Procedure ##
for the customer master.
Enter the following partner functions:
Your customer C605–Z## master record is controlled by the ZK## account group.
Assign the new procedure to the ZK## account group.
a) Choose Set Up Partner Determination for the Customer Master.
(If you have left the Customizing entry, choose the following path again in the SAP
Reference IMG:
Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions → Partner Determination → Set Up Partner
d) Enter Z## as the partner determination procedure and enter Cust. Procedure ##
as Name.
e) Choose Save.
f) Select your determination procedure, Z##, and in the Dialog Structure tree double-
click on the Partner Functions in Procedure folder.
l) Assign your partner determination procedure Z## to your account group ZK##
m) Choose Save.
n) Choose Exit.
3. Extend the customer master record for the customer C605–Z## with the new partner
function, Adviser ##.
Your colleague Tom Tower takes over the new role, Adviser ##, for this customer.
You find the master data in the SAP Menu under Logistics → Sales and Distribution →
Business partner → Customer → Change → VD02 Sales and Distribution.
Add your new partner function, Y? Adviser ##, and assign Tom Tower in this new role to
your customer C605–Z##.
a) Go to the master data in the SAP menu by navigating to Logistics → Sales and
Distribution → Business partner → Customer → Change → VD02 Sales and
b) Enter C605–Z## as the customer. If necessary, as sales area enter sales organization
1010, as distribution channel enter 10 and as division enter 00 (the fields should
already be filled).
c) Choose Continue.
e) In the Partner Functions (PR) field, press the F4 key to open the entry help.
g) In the Number field, open the entry help again and search for Tom Tower.
h) In the Name 2 / First name field, enter Tom and choose Start Search.
j) Choose Save.
k) Choose Exit.
1. Create a new partner determination procedure, Y?, with the description Name Order
procedure ## for the sales document type object.
a) Choose transaction code SPRO in your Favorites menu and navigate to Customizing.
In the SAP Reference IMG, choose Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions →
Partner Determination → Set Up Partner Determination.
e) Chose Save.
2. In your new partner determination procedure, Y?, enter the following partner functions:
- SP Sold-to party (no change possible/not modifiable, mandatory function)
- SH Ship-to party (mandatory function)
- BP Bill-to party (mandatory function)
- PY Payer (mandatory function)
-Y? Adviser ##
- SE Sales employee
d) Choose Save.
3. Assign the new procedure, Y?, to the sales document type ZA##.
a) In the Dialog Structure tree, double-click the Partner Determination Procedure
Assignment folder.
c) Assign your partner determination procedure, Y?, to your sales document type, ZA##.
d) Choose Save.
e) Choose Exit.
4. Test your new setting in the SAP Menu. Create a trade-fair## order for your C605–Z##
customer. Check whether the Y? Adviser ## partner function has been stored as a partner
in the order header.
Create the order in the back end-system and use the following data:
Order type ZA##
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-1##
Quantity 5
a) In the SAP Menu, choose Logistics → Sales and distribution → Sales → Order →
VA01 Create.
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-1##
Quantity 5
c) Choose Goto → Header → Partner and verify that your new partner function, Y?
Adviser ##, is automatically filled with Tom Tower.
b) In the Partner function field, use the dropdown list and choose VE Sales Employee.
d) Enter Hugo in the Name2 / First Name field and choose Start Search.
If your search does not show a result, use the following search:
Enter * in the Name2 / First Name field. Reduce the entries in the result list;
choose Find and enter Hugo.
f) Optionally, choose Enter and confirm your entry of Hugo Schmitt. You should see him
as the partner now.
6. Can you determine the sales employee from the sold-to party’s master record?
Why/why not?
Partner procedure Z##, which controls this customer, does not contain this function. As a
result, you cannot save a partner with the function of sales employee in the sold-to party's
customer master record. This means that the system cannot use the customer master to
propose this partner in the sales document.
A quantity contract is an agreement that your customer will order a certain quantity of a
product from you during a specified period. The contract contains basic quantity and price
information but no schedule of specific delivery dates and quantities.
The customer fulfills a contract by placing sales orders against it. These sales orders are
known as release orders (or call-offs).
When you create a release order, you refer to the relevant contract, and the system
automatically updates the released quantities in the contract.
Use the SAP Fiori launchpad.
1. Start the SAP Fiori launchpad and create a quantity contract. Use the Create Contract
Order type KM
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-3##
Target Quantity 50
2. You grant your customer, Astoria-Cycles, ## a 20% discount. Use the condition type
K007 Customer Discount and add the discount to your contract.
Note the net value of the contract: ____________________
3. Create the first release order of 10 pieces as a subsequent order from the quantity
contract. To do so, navigate to the Sales Contract tile group and open the Manage Sales
Contracts app
Use the following information:
Order type OR
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
The customer and material information should automatically be copied. Just enter
##KM-01 as the customer reference and make sure you have entered the correct quantity
(10 pieces).
Material P605-3##
Order Quantity 10
Check if the customer discount has been granted. Save your release order.
4. Create another release order, but this time create it with reference to the quantity
Use the Create Sales Orders app.
Use the same data as before, but enter ##KM-02 as the customer reference and adjust the
quantity to 15 pieces.
Order type OR
Material P605-3##
Order Quantity 15
6. Create another order, but this time pretend that you accidentally forget to create it with
reference to your contract.
Use the Create Sales orders app.
Enter the data provided for the order. How does the system react?
Order type OR
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-3##
Quantity 5
When offered, set up the reference to your quantity contract. Do you now receive the
customer discount in the order?
8. Create another order just like you did before, but this time use your trade-fair## order,
Use the Create Sales orders app again. Enter the data provided.
How does the system react?
Order type ZA##
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-3##
Target Quantity 5
10. Your last order was not referred to your contract and its quantity has not been added to
the ordered quantity of your contract. Correct this mistake and make a subsequent
reference to your contract in your last order with the customer reference ##KM-04.
Use the Manage Sales orders app.
Assign your last order to your quantity contract.
11. In future, you want to make sure that nobody forgets to create the trade-fair## order with
reference and if they do, they should get a pop-up window as they would in the standard
Use the SAP back-end system for the Customizing part.
12. Test your Customizing changes. Do you receive the message for outline agreements?
Copy the data from the contract into your trade-fair## order and save it.
Use the SAP Fiori launchpad.
Use the Create Sales Orders app. Use the following data:
Order type ZA##
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-3##
Order Quantity 10
13. Create another trade-fair ## order with the data provided. How does the system react?
Order type ZA##
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-3##
Order Quantity 11
14. Take a look at your quantity contract. What is the current status of your quantity
Create another release order with the order type Standard Order (OR) as a subsequent
order from the quantity contract. How does the system react?
Use the Manage Sales Contracts app. To find your contract enter ##KM in the search field.
A quantity contract is an agreement that your customer will order a certain quantity of a
product from you during a specified period. The contract contains basic quantity and price
information but no schedule of specific delivery dates and quantities.
The customer fulfills a contract by placing sales orders against it. These sales orders are
known as release orders (or call-offs).
When you create a release order, you refer to the relevant contract, and the system
automatically updates the released quantities in the contract.
Use the SAP Fiori launchpad.
1. Start the SAP Fiori launchpad and create a quantity contract. Use the Create Contract
Order type KM
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-3##
Target Quantity 50
c) Choose Save.
d) Choose Display.
Note the net value of the contract: 75000.00 EUR
Note the quantity contract number:
2. You grant your customer, Astoria-Cycles, ## a 20% discount. Use the condition type
K007 Customer Discount and add the discount to your contract.
Note the net value of the contract: ____________________
a) If you are still in the display mode in the contract, choose Change and continue to the
next sub-step.
Otherwise, navigate to the Sales Contract tile group and open the Manage Sales
Contracts app. To find your contract, enter ##KM in the search field. Choose Change
c) Enter the condition type (CnTy) K007 and the amount 20.
3. Create the first release order of 10 pieces as a subsequent order from the quantity
contract. To do so, navigate to the Sales Contract tile group and open the Manage Sales
Contracts app
Use the following information:
Order type OR
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
The customer and material information should automatically be copied. Just enter
##KM-01 as the customer reference and make sure you have entered the correct quantity
(10 pieces).
Material P605-3##
Order Quantity 10
Check if the customer discount has been granted. Save your release order.
a) In the Sales Contract tile group, choose the Manage Sales Contracts app.
c) Choose Go.
f) Chose OK.
You see the Create with Reference screen. The screen has already been filled with
contract data.
g) Choose Copy.
The information on your customer and material should automatically be copied.
h) Enter the data provided; add the customer reference ##KM-01 and adjust the quantity
to 10 pieces.
4. Create another release order, but this time create it with reference to the quantity
Use the Create Sales Orders app.
Use the same data as before, but enter ##KM-02 as the customer reference and adjust the
quantity to 15 pieces.
Order type OR
Material P605-3##
Order Quantity 15
a) In the Sales Order tile group, choose the Create Sales Orders app.
d) Choose Contract so you are in the Create with Reference/Release from Contract
g) In the Quantity Contract <your contract number >: Selection List for Reference
Document screen, change the open quantity to 15.
h) Choose Copy.
Use the Manage Sales Contracts app. To find your contract, enter ##KM in the search field.
How many pieces are shown in the Order Quantity field ?
a) In the Sales Contract tile group choose the Manage Sales Contracts app.
c) Choose Go.
d) Select your contract and choose > at the end of the line.
f) Choose Exit.
6. Create another order, but this time pretend that you accidentally forget to create it with
reference to your contract.
Use the Create Sales orders app.
Enter the data provided for the order. How does the system react?
Order type OR
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-3##
Quantity 5
When offered, set up the reference to your quantity contract. Do you now receive the
customer discount in the order?
a) In the Sales Order tile group, choose the app Create Sales Orders.
d) Choose List.
e) Choose Copy.
f) Select the item and choose Item Conditions. On the Condition tab you find the
discount K007.
c) Choose Go.
d) Select your contract and choose > at the end of the line.
f) Choose Exit.
8. Create another order just like you did before, but this time use your trade-fair## order,
Use the Create Sales orders app again. Enter the data provided.
How does the system react?
Order type ZA##
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-3##
Target Quantity 5
c) Choose Go.
d) Select your contract and choose > at the end of the line.
10. Your last order was not referred to your contract and its quantity has not been added to
the ordered quantity of your contract. Correct this mistake and make a subsequent
reference to your contract in your last order with the customer reference ##KM-04.
Use the Manage Sales orders app.
Assign your last order to your quantity contract.
a) In the Sales Order tile group, choose the Manage Sales Orders app.
c) Choose Go.
d) Select your order and choose > at the end of the line.
e) Choose Change.
g) In the Item 000010: Assign Sales Activity pop-up window, in the Contracts field, enter
your contract number.
h) Choose Assign.
i) Confirm the information message and choose Save and Navigate to Home
11. In future, you want to make sure that nobody forgets to create the trade-fair## order with
reference and if they do, they should get a pop-up window as they would in the standard
Use the SAP back-end system for the Customizing part.
b) Choose Position, enter ZA## as the sales document type, and choose Continue.
d) In the Transaction flow screen area, in the Outline agrmt mess field, choose the F entry,
Check at item level and branch directly into selection list .
e) Set the same message indicator for quotations. In the Quotation messages field,
choose the F entry, Check at item level and branch directly into selection list.
12. Test your Customizing changes. Do you receive the message for outline agreements?
Copy the data from the contract into your trade-fair## order and save it.
Use the SAP Fiori launchpad.
Use the Create Sales Orders app. Use the following data:
Order type ZA##
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-3##
Order Quantity 10
a) In the Sales Order tile group, choose the Create Sales Orders app.
d) The system reacts by displaying the Open outline agreements for item pop-up window.
e) Choose Copy.
13. Create another trade-fair ## order with the data provided. How does the system react?
Order type ZA##
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-3##
Order Quantity 11
a) In the Sales Order tile group, choose the Create Sales Orders app.
d) The system reacts by displaying the Open outline agreements for item pop-up window.
e) Choose Copy.
The system displays the following message:
Target qty of reference: 50 PC (total referenced 56 PC).
f) Choose Continue.
14. Take a look at your quantity contract. What is the current status of your quantity
Create another release order with the order type Standard Order (OR) as a subsequent
order from the quantity contract. How does the system react?
Use the Manage Sales Contracts app. To find your contract enter ##KM in the search field.
a) In the Sales Contract tile group, choose the Manage Sales Contracts app.
c) Choose Go.
The Overall Status field is set to Completed.
f) Chose OK.
Your contract has been completed, therefore you cannot create any further release
Value Contracts
You have entered into a value contract with the Galileo-Bikes ## customer that is valid for 12
months. Create a contract and indicate the party authorized to release. The materials that are
permitted for contract releases will be listed in an assortment module.
The customer subsequently requests releases as orders. The system determines the
permitted partners and materials for releases from the information stored in the value
Use the SAP back-end system for this exercise.
1. Create a value contract for the Galileo-Bikes ## customer with the target value of EUR
20000. Grant your customer a 10% discount. Use the K007 Customer Discount condition
type and add the discount to your contract.
Order type WK1
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Enter the K007 Customer Discount discount condition type on the item level.
Note the value contract number: __________________________
2. Display your value contract and take a look at the item. What is the item category for the
value contract WK1?
Item category: _______________________________________
The item category for value contracts is determined by the VCTR usage indicator.
Where does the material in the values contract derive from? Reproduce its source.
5. Create your first release order with reference to your value contract.
Use the following information:
Order type OR
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Try to copy the value contract material WKM1. What system reaction do you receive?
6. You cannot sell the value contract material WKM1; you have to replace it.
Where do you determine whether or not the value contract material should be transferred
to the release order?
You can restrict the choice of products for a value contract when you assign a product
hierarchy and/or an assortment model to it.
7. Create your second release order. Create it with reference to your value contract. Your
C605-B## customer wants to buy two Max-Bikes ## (material P605-7##).
Enter the customer reference ##VC-01.
Make sure that the customer discount has been granted for every product.
Use the following information:
Order type OR
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
What can you do to restrict the choice of products for a value contract?
9. Restrict the choice of products and create a value contract - assortment module.
Create an assortment module for value contracts and have the system assign a number
for the assortment module, but enter the description VC module ##. The assortment
module should be valid until the end of next year.
List the products P605-1##, P605-2##, and P605-3##.
Note the number of your assortment module:
10. Assign your value contract - assortment module to your value contract.
11. Create a release order again. Create it with reference to your value contract. Your C605-
B## customer orders the Alpha-Bike ## (material: P605-1##) and Gamma-Bike ##
(material: P605-3##). The customer wants two of each.
Enter the customer reference ##VC-02.
Use the following information:
Order type OR
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Choose Item Selection and when you enter the materials and quantities, respect the
12. You want to extend your contract and use the function alternative partners. Enter an
alternative sold-to party, Amadeus ##, and ship-to part, Leonardo ##, for your value
Use the following information:
13. Create a release order with reference to the value contract. For the sold-to party, use
C620-A## (Amadeus ##). For the ship-to party, use C605-B## (Galileo-Bikes ##). Your
customer wants to buy the Alpha-Bike ## (material: P605-1##) and the Beta-Bike ##
(material: P605-2##). He orders 3 of each.
Verify that your alternative sold-to party receives the customer discount K007 as well.
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-1##
Quantity 3
Material P605-2##
Quantity 3
14. Check the released value of your value contract. What is the released value in your value
Value released: _____________________________
15. Create the last release order with reference to the contract so your contract gets fulfilled.
Use the following information:
Order type OR
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-1##
Quantity 3
Material P605-2##
Quantity 3
Material P605-3##
Quantity 3
16. Determine the total released value for the value contract.
Which item category settings do you use to control what happens when the target value in
the contract is exceeded?
Which partner determination procedure has been assigned to the value contract?
Which partner functions for releasing partners are configured in this procedure?
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
21. When you create the rental contract, the system refers to the contract profile for essential
contract data.
Find the following contract data in the document:
The contract data appears on a separate tab page in the document header.
Value Contracts
You have entered into a value contract with the Galileo-Bikes ## customer that is valid for 12
months. Create a contract and indicate the party authorized to release. The materials that are
permitted for contract releases will be listed in an assortment module.
The customer subsequently requests releases as orders. The system determines the
permitted partners and materials for releases from the information stored in the value
Use the SAP back-end system for this exercise.
1. Create a value contract for the Galileo-Bikes ## customer with the target value of EUR
20000. Grant your customer a 10% discount. Use the K007 Customer Discount condition
type and add the discount to your contract.
Order type WK1
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Enter the K007 Customer Discount discount condition type on the item level.
Note the value contract number: __________________________
a) Create value contracts.
In the SAP Menu, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Contract →
VA41 Create.
d) Enter the condition type (CnTy) K007 and the amount 10.
e) Choose Save.
2. Display your value contract and take a look at the item. What is the item category for the
value contract WK1?
Item category: _______________________________________
a) In the SAP Menu choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Contract →
VA43 Display.
b) After choosing VA43 Display, confirm your contract number and choose Enter.
c) Choose Exit.
Where does the material in the values contract derive from? Reproduce its source.
a) In the SAP Menu choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Contract →
VA43 Display.
b) Choose Display Item Details. At the item level you find the entry for the material WKM1.
The material in the values contract derives from the item category WKN. It is entered
automatically by the item category.
d) In the SAP Reference IMG, choose Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales
Documents → Contracts → Value Contract → Define Item Categories for Value
Contract and Contract Rel.
g) Choose Exit.
5. Create your first release order with reference to your value contract.
Use the following information:
Order type OR
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Try to copy the value contract material WKM1. What system reaction do you receive?
h) Choose Copy.
The following message appears: Copying material in any value contract
items is not permitted.
6. You cannot sell the value contract material WKM1; you have to replace it.
Where do you determine whether or not the value contract material should be transferred
to the release order?
a) To review the setting, choose transaction code SPRO in your Favorites menu and
navigate to Customizing.
b) In the SAP Reference IMG, choose IMG → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales
Documents → Contracts → Value Contract → Copying Control for Value Contract.
c) Choose Position.
d) As the target, enter the sales document type OR. As the source, enter the sales
document type WK1.
e) In the Dialog structure tree, choose the entry Tgt: OR Source: WK1 and double-click
You can restrict the choice of products for a value contract when you assign a product
hierarchy and/or an assortment model to it.
7. Create your second release order. Create it with reference to your value contract. Your
C605-B## customer wants to buy two Max-Bikes ## (material P605-7##).
Enter the customer reference ##VC-01.
Make sure that the customer discount has been granted for every product.
Use the following information:
Order type OR
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
h) In the Material field, enter P605-7##. In the Order Quantity field, enter 2.
i) Choose Back.
j) Choose Copy.
l) Choose Item conditions and check for the customer discount K007. The discount
should be granted.
m) Choose Save.
What can you do to restrict the choice of products for a value contract?
You can restrict the choice of product when you assign a product hierarchy or a value
contract - assortment module. The assignment of a product hierarchy and assortment
module automatically restricts the materials which you can buy in all release orders of the
value contract.
9. Restrict the choice of products and create a value contract - assortment module.
Create an assortment module for value contracts and have the system assign a number
for the assortment module, but enter the description VC module ##. The assortment
module should be valid until the end of next year.
List the products P605-1##, P605-2##, and P605-3##.
Note the number of your assortment module:
a) In the SAP Menu choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Master Data →
Products → Value Contract - Assortment Module → WSV2 Create.
b) On the Assortment Module Create: Initial Screen screen make no entry, just choose
e) In the Material field, enter the materials P605-1##, P605-2##, and P605-3##. Change
the Valid-to: field to be valid until the end of next year.
10. Assign your value contract - assortment module to your value contract.
a) In the SAP Menu, Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Contract → VA42
c) In the Assortment Module field, enter the number of your assortment module.
d) Choose Save.
11. Create a release order again. Create it with reference to your value contract. Your C605-
B## customer orders the Alpha-Bike ## (material: P605-1##) and Gamma-Bike ##
(material: P605-3##). The customer wants two of each.
Enter the customer reference ##VC-02.
Use the following information:
Order type OR
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Choose Item Selection and when you enter the materials and quantities, respect the
a) Create a release order for the value contract.
In the SAP Menu, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order →
VA01 Create.
h) In the Order Quantity fields, enter 2 each for the materials P605-1## and P605-3##.
i) Choose Back.
j) Choose Copy.
l) Choose Item conditions and check the customer discount K007 for each item. The
discount should be granted.
m) Choose Save.
12. You want to extend your contract and use the function alternative partners. Enter an
alternative sold-to party, Amadeus ##, and ship-to part, Leonardo ##, for your value
Use the following information:
e) Choose Save.
13. Create a release order with reference to the value contract. For the sold-to party, use
C620-A## (Amadeus ##). For the ship-to party, use C605-B## (Galileo-Bikes ##). Your
customer wants to buy the Alpha-Bike ## (material: P605-1##) and the Beta-Bike ##
(material: P605-2##). He orders 3 of each.
Verify that your alternative sold-to party receives the customer discount K007 as well.
Enter the customer reference ##VC-03.
Use the following information:
Order type OR
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-1##
Quantity 3
Material P605-2##
Quantity 3
g) Select the releasing sold-to party and ship-to party in the dialog boxes accordingly and
confirm the warning message.
Releasing sold-to party C620-A## (Amadeus ##)
j) In the Order Quantity fields, enter 3 each for the materials P605-1## and P605-2##.
k) Choose Back.
l) Choose Copy.
n) Choose Item conditions and check the customer discount (K007) for each item. The
discount should be granted.
14. Check the released value of your value contract. What is the released value in your value
Value released: _____________________________
a) Navigate to your value contract.
In the SAP Menu, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Contract
→ VA43 Display.
d) Choose Exit.
15. Create the last release order with reference to the contract so your contract gets fulfilled.
Use the following information:
Order type OR
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-1##
Quantity 3
Material P605-2##
Quantity 3
Material P605-3##
Quantity 3
f) Choose Copy .
g) Select the releasing sold-to party and ship-to party in the dialog boxes accordingly and
confirm the warning message.
Releasing sold-to party C605-B## (Galileo-Bikes ##)
j) In the Order Quantity fields, enter 3 each for the materials P605-1##, P605-2##, and
k) Choose Back.
l) Choose Copy.
16. Determine the total released value for the value contract.
a) In the SAP Menu choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Contract →
VA43 Display.
The released value is EUR 22140.00.
Which item category settings do you use to control what happens when the target value in
the contract is exceeded?
a) Choose transaction code SPRO in your Favorites menu and navigate to Customizing.
b) In the SAP Reference IMG, choose Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales
Documents → Contracts → Value Contract → Define Item Categories for Value
Contract and Contract Rel.
d) Choose Details.
Information area: Business Data
Field: Completion rule
Information area: Value contract
Field: Contract release control
Which partner determination procedure has been assigned to the value contract?
b) In the SAP Reference IMG, choose Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions →
Partner Determination → Set Up Partner Determination → Set Up Partner
Determination for Sales Document Header.
c) In the Dialog Structure tree, double-click the folder Partner Determination Procedure
d) Choose Position.
Which partner functions for releasing partners are configured in this procedure?
b) In the SAP Reference IMG, choose Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions →
Partner Determination → Set Up Partner Determination → Set Up Partner
Determination for Sales Document Header.
c) In the Dialog Structure tree, double-click the Partner Determination Procedures folder.
d) Choose Position.
e) Select KAB.
f) In the Dialog Structure tree, double-click the Partner Functions in Procedure folder.
Partner function AA (SP Contract rel. ord.)
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
21. When you create the rental contract, the system refers to the contract profile for essential
contract data.
Find the following contract data in the document:
Contract start date rule
Contract end rule
Val. Period. Category (duration)
Contract validity type
Cancellation procedure
The contract data appears on a separate tab page in the document header.
c) Once you have reviewed the data, choose Save and Exit.
Please use the SAP GUI of the back-end system for the exercise.
1. The Material P605-4## should automatically be replaced with material P605-1## for a
period of two months. Use as reason for substitution Advertising campaign. Create the
relevant master record for material determination. Choose determination type A001.
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-4##
Quantity: 10
3. In which sales document view can you find information about the material entered (and if
necessary the reason for substitution)?
View: __________________________________________
4. You would like your employees in sales order processing to be able to call up a selection
list for certain products, from which they can then choose a suitable material.
Create a reason for substitution Z## with the description Substitution ## in
5. Enter a material determination master record with the description Bikes## and reason for
substitution Z##. In the master record, list the materials P605-1## , P605-2## and
P605-3## . The data record is valid for two months.
6. Test your changes and create a trade fair order ZA## with the given data. Enter Bikes##
as material and check the effect of your master record.
Create the order in the back end system and use the following data:
Order type: ZA##
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: Bikes##
Quantity: 5
Please use the SAP GUI of the back-end system for the exercise.
1. The Material P605-4## should automatically be replaced with material P605-1## for a
period of two months. Use as reason for substitution Advertising campaign. Create the
relevant master record for material determination. Choose determination type A001.
a) Create the master record for material determination.
In the SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Master Data →
Products → Material Determination → VB11 Create.
c) Create the master record for material determination, enter the following data:
Valid From: Today's date
Material: P605-1##
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-4##
Quantity: 10
a) In the SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order →
VA01 Create .
c) Test the substitution. Do you receive material P605-1##? If so continue with the next
3. In which sales document view can you find information about the material entered (and if
necessary the reason for substitution)?
View: __________________________________________
a) Select the first item and choose Display Item Details.
b) Navigate to the tab Sales A. You find the information in the field: Material Entered.
4. You would like your employees in sales order processing to be able to call up a selection
list for certain products, from which they can then choose a suitable material.
Create a reason for substitution Z## with the description Substitution ## in
a) Navigate to the customizing, choose transaction code SPRO in your Favorites.
b) In the SAP Reference IMG choose: Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions →
Material Determination → Define Substitution Reasons.
Description: Substitution ##
Strategy: A
5. Enter a material determination master record with the description Bikes## and reason for
substitution Z##. In the master record, list the materials P605-1## , P605-2## and
P605-3## . The data record is valid for two months.
a) Create the master record for material determination.
In the SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Master Data →
Products → Material Determination → VB11 Create.
c) Create the master record for material determination, enter the following data:
Valid From: Today's date
Material: P605-1##
Material P605-2##
Material P605-3##
6. Test your changes and create a trade fair order ZA## with the given data. Enter Bikes##
as material and check the effect of your master record.
Create the order in the back end system and use the following data:
Order type: ZA##
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: Bikes##
Quantity: 5
a) In the SAP menu, choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order →
VA01 Create.
c) Test the substitution, you should receive a pop-up window with the list of the
alternative materials. Choose one of them.
Use the SAP GUI of the back-end system for the exercise.
1. Your Berta Bike ## customer (C615-A##), should only buy the P605-1##, P605-2##, and
P605-3## materials. Enter a condition record for the material listing.
Beware that for this exercise part be aware that you are now using the Berta Bike ##
customer (C615-A##).
2. Check the effect and create a ZA## trade-fair order for the customer C615-A## . First
enter the material P605-1## and then the material P605-7## .
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-1##
Quantity 10
Create a second item using the material P605-7## and order quantity 10.
1. Your Walter Bike ## customer (C615-B##) no longer wishes to purchase the materials
Mega Bike## (P615-1## ) and Supa Bike## (P615-2##). Enter a condition record for the
material exclusion.
2. Check the effect and create a ZA## trade-fair order for the C615-B## customer. Try to
create an item with the materials Beta-Bike ## (P605-2##) and Supa Bike## P615-2##).
Create the order in the back-end system and use the following data:
Order type ZA##
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-2##
Quantity 10
Create a second item and enter the Supa Bike ## material (P615-2##) with the order
quantity 10.
3. What would happen if you created both an exclusion master record and a listing for the
same customer and material?
To answer the question, you need to find out which master record (for listing or exclusion)
is taken into account first. Therefore, activate the analysis for the order creation.
Create another order using the same data as before but this time activate the analysis
function before you enter the order data.
Enter the following data for the sales process:
Order type ZA##
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Activate the analysis function before you enter the order data.
Enter the following data for the order details:
Sold-to Party C615-B##
Material P605-2##
Quantity 10
Confirm your data entry by choosing Enter so that the analysis window pops up.
In the analysis window, choose Back to continue with the order creation.
If you do not know the answer yet, enter the Supa Bike## material (P615-2##) with the
order quantity 10.
In the analysis for Listing/Exclusion, you can see that the system checks for any
exclusions first and then checks for any listing. So anything that is excluded cannot be
bought even if the material is listed in a listing master record.
Use the SAP GUI of the back-end system for the exercise.
1. Your Berta Bike ## customer (C615-A##), should only buy the P605-1##, P605-2##, and
P605-3## materials. Enter a condition record for the material listing.
Beware that for this exercise part be aware that you are now using the Berta Bike ##
customer (C615-A##).
a) In the SAP Menu choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Master Data →
Products → Listing/Exclusion → VB01 Create.
d) Create the master record for the listing. Enter the following data:
Customer C615-A##
Valid To <31.12.9999>
Material P605-1##
Material P605-2##
Material P605-3##
2. Check the effect and create a ZA## trade-fair order for the customer C615-A## . First
enter the material P605-1## and then the material P605-7## .
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-1##
Quantity 10
Create a second item using the material P605-7## and order quantity 10.
a) In the SAP Menu choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order →
VA01 Create.
The P605-7## material cannot be entered in the document. The following message
appears: Material P605-7## is not allowed because it is not listed
and therefore not allowed.
1. Your Walter Bike ## customer (C615-B##) no longer wishes to purchase the materials
Mega Bike## (P615-1## ) and Supa Bike## (P615-2##). Enter a condition record for the
material exclusion.
a) In the SAP Menu choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Master Data →
Products → Listing/Exclusion → VB01 Create.
d) Create the master record for the listing. Enter the following data:
Customer C615-B##
Valid To <31.12.9999>
Material P615-1##
Material P615-2##
2. Check the effect and create a ZA## trade-fair order for the C615-B## customer. Try to
create an item with the materials Beta-Bike ## (P605-2##) and Supa Bike## P615-2##).
Create the order in the back-end system and use the following data:
Order type ZA##
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Material P605-2##
Quantity 10
Create a second item and enter the Supa Bike ## material (P615-2##) with the order
quantity 10.
a) In the SAP Menu choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order →
VA01 Create.
The P615-2## material cannot be entered in the document. The following message
appears: Material P615-2## has been excluded.
c) Choose Cancel.
3. What would happen if you created both an exclusion master record and a listing for the
same customer and material?
To answer the question, you need to find out which master record (for listing or exclusion)
is taken into account first. Therefore, activate the analysis for the order creation.
Create another order using the same data as before but this time activate the analysis
function before you enter the order data.
Enter the following data for the sales process:
Distribution Channel 10
Division 00
Activate the analysis function before you enter the order data.
Enter the following data for the order details:
Sold-to Party C615-B##
Material P605-2##
Quantity 10
a) In the SAP Menu choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order →
VA01 Create.
c) Before you enter the data for the order details, activate the analysis function.
Choose Environment → Analysis → Listing/Exclusion → On.
Confirm your data entry by choosing Enter so that the analysis window pops up.
In the analysis window, choose Back to continue with the order creation.
If you do not know the answer yet, enter the Supa Bike## material (P615-2##) with the
order quantity 10.
In the analysis for Listing/Exclusion, you can see that the system checks for any
exclusions first and then checks for any listing. So anything that is excluded cannot be
bought even if the material is listed in a listing master record.
Please use the SAP GUI of the back-end system for the exercise.
1. Create a free goods master record ( Free goods type: NA00) for sales organization 1010
and distribution channel 10..
If the customerAstoria-Cycle ## (C605-A##) orders at least 20 units of material
P605-2##, 10% of the purchased quantity is to be free of charge. The free-of charge
material should be a proportion of the quantity in the higher-level item
2. Create a trade fair order ZA## with customer reference ##-Free01 for customer Astoria-
Cycle ## (C605-A##) and material P605-2##. Order quantity is 10 units.
What message appears?
3. Now increase the order quantity to 40 units. What are the quantities in the higher-level
and sub-items?
Sub-item: _________________________
1. Create a free goods master record (free goods type NA00) for sales organization 1010 and
distribution channel 10.
If the customer Galileo-Bikes ## (C605-B##) orders at least 20 units of Max-Bike ##
(material: P605-7##), you grant one unit of Bike- Bell ## (material P605-V## ) free-of-
charge for each 20 units ordered.
In the record, indicate that the system only determines the quantity of the free-of-charge
material in multiples of the free goods quantity.
2. Create a trade fair order of order type: ZA## with customer reference ##-Free02 for
customer Galileo-Bikes ## ( C605-B##) and material: Max-Bike ## (P605-7##) . Order
quantity is 25 units.
How many pieces of the Bike-Bell ## (material: P605-V##) does your customer receive?
1. Which item category did the system determine for the sub-item? Which settings in
Customizing affect pricing for the free-of-charge item?
2. How did the item category determination take place? Which key did the system use?
Reproduce the assignment of the item category.
Please use the SAP GUI of the back-end system for the exercise.
1. Create a free goods master record ( Free goods type: NA00) for sales organization 1010
and distribution channel 10..
If the customerAstoria-Cycle ## (C605-A##) orders at least 20 units of material
P605-2##, 10% of the purchased quantity is to be free of charge. The free-of charge
material should be a proportion of the quantity in the higher-level item
a) In the SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Master Data →
Conditions → Free Goods → VBN1 Create.
Distribution Channel 10
To: <31.12.9999>
e) Make sure you are in the view Free goods view -Inclusive and enter the given data
Material: P605-2##
Min. quantity: 20
For: 10
AddQtyUnit: PC
FreeGoods: 1
2. Create a trade fair order ZA## with customer reference ##-Free01 for customer Astoria-
Cycle ## (C605-A##) and material P605-2##. Order quantity is 10 units.
What message appears?
a) In the SAP Menu, choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order →
VA01 Create .
b) Create the order in the back end system and use the following data:
Order type: ZA##
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-2##
Quantity: 10
3. Now increase the order quantity to 40 units. What are the quantities in the higher-level
and sub-items?
Sub-item: _________________________
1. Create a free goods master record (free goods type NA00) for sales organization 1010 and
distribution channel 10.
Distribution Channel 10
To: <31.12.9999>
e) Make sure you are in the Free goods view - Exclusive view , choose the Exclusive BQ .
f) When you are in the view Free goods view - Exclusive and enter the given data
Material: P605-7##
Min. quantity: 20
For: 20
2. Create a trade fair order of order type: ZA## with customer reference ##-Free02 for
customer Galileo-Bikes ## ( C605-B##) and material: Max-Bike ## (P605-7##) . Order
quantity is 25 units.
How many pieces of the Bike-Bell ## (material: P605-V##) does your customer receive?
a) In the SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order →
VA01 Create .
b) Create the order in the back end system and use the following data:
Order type: ZA##
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-7##
Quantity: 25
c) How many pieces of the Bike-Bell ## (P605-V##) does your customer receive? Why?
You customer receives 1 Bike Bell ## for free because in the record you set the
calculation rule 2 -with Unit reference. This indicates that the system only determines
the quantity of the free-of-charge material in multiples of the free goods quantity.
1. Which item category did the system determine for the sub-item? Which settings in
Customizing affect pricing for the free-of-charge item?
a) Call up your last order again. In the SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Sales and
Distribution → Sales → Order → VA02 Change.
b) Confirm <your oder number> and choose Enter. The field (ItCat.) Item category shows
TANN as item category for the free of charge item .
d) In the SAP Reference IMG choose: Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions → Free
Goods → Control Free Goods Pricing → Control Pricing for Free Goods Item Category.
Choose Position: and enter Item category: TANN.
2. How did the item category determination take place? Which key did the system use?
Reproduce the assignment of the item category.
a) In the SAP Reference IMG choose: Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions → Free
Goods → Determine Item Category for Free Goods Item.
b) The system uses the item usage: FREE for the determination. The assignment uses the
key combination:
Sales Type ZA##
Usage FREE
1. Set up the new sales document type ZB## with the description MA## Cash Sale. In order
to do so, copy the sales document type BV cash sales.
Ensure that all related table entries are copied.
2. Configure the new document type ZB## so that the shipping condition ZY S4605-rush is
3. Continue with the setup. Make sure that the number assignment should be internal – you
should not be able to assign numbers externally. Configure your sales document type
ZB## accordingly.
4. A wide range of checks and functions can be activated in the sales document type, such as
checking for open contracts or searching for customer material info records. These
checks take place in document processing and therefore affect system performance.
Ensure that all the checks and functions you do not need have been deactivated.
Pay attention to the following:
● Enter PO number
● Commitment date
Which entries ensure that the current date is used automatically as the requested delivery
What is the document type for the delivery?
6. How is your new sales document type ZB## MA## Cash Sale order going to be invoiced?
Review the setting in customizing.
8. Make sure that item category ZB## is automatically determined for materials with item
category group NORM in sales document type ZB##.
9. Review the setting for the ZB## item category for deliveries.
Review the settings for the item category ZB## of the delivery.
Picking is not needed because the goods that are bought are already in the employee
shop. Therefore the Relevant for picking field should be deactivated.
10. Maintain a new Order Reason. You want to evaluate the cash sales orders in the future.
Therefore prepare the system and maintain a new order reason.
Maintain a new order reason: 9## with the description Employee Sale ##.
11. Assign your new order reason: 9## to your sales document type ZB##.
12. Set up an Incompleteness Procedure . You want to create your new incompleteness
procedure as copy from reference the sales document type BV.
So you need to find out which incompleteness procedure is used for the sales document
type BV?
13. Copy the incompleteness procedure 11 that controls document type BV.
Create a new procedure with the give key data of the table (A?) below and use as
Description: MA## sales header.
Key <W?> of the new procedure for each participant group:
06 WF 16 WP 26 W3
07 WG 17 WQ 27 W4
08 WH 18 WR 28 W5
09 WI 19 WS 29 W6
10 WJ 20 WT 30 W7
Note: You are going to receive a Dialog box: “Warning, you are not within the customer
name”; please ignore it. You can choose Enter to skip this message.
14. Now change the new incompleteness procedure, you want to:
– no check for the field: Customer Reference - remove the entry.
– ask for the Order Reason and cause a warning message if someone ignores it.
15. Assign your new procedure <A? > to your sales document type ZB##.
Make sure that incomplete documents cannot be saved.
Use the Fiori Launch Pad (FLP) for this part of the exercise.
House Number: ##
City: Walldorf
Country DE (Germany)
Region: BW
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Currency: EUR
When offered, please select the necessary entries from the entry-help.
On the first screen you could only select one Business Partner role, so add another
necessary Business Partner Role: FLCU00 Business Partner FI Customer.
For the sales areas enter the following information:
Incoterms: EXW (ex works)
Incoterms Location 1: Hamburg
Shipping Conditions: Standard
Customer Pricing Procedure: S (Sales Standard)
Payment Terms: ZB00 (Pay immediately w/o deduction)
Tax classification: 1
17. Pricing - Create a Condition Record for the Employee Discount. Maintain a master record
for a customer-dependent discount of 15% .
Use the Create Condition app.
Use the condition type: K007 Customer Discount and grant 15 % discount.
Use the Fiori Launch Pad (FLP) for this part of the exercise.
18. Test the Employee Cash Sale Process. Test your settings and run a sale to an employee
Use the Fiori Launch Pad (FLP) for this part of the exercise.
For the order entry, use the app: Create Sales Orders.
As you are using a CPD-Customer: MA## you receive a pop-up window for address.
Change the name and enter Mia## Superwoman, you can keep the given address data.
Create a sale to an employee order and enter the following data:
Order type: ZB##
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-1##
Quantity: 1
23. Which item category did the system find for the items in the sales document?
24. Save the order. Does the system automatically create a delivery?
Note the order and delivery number.
Delivery: ______________________________________________________________
26. Execute the necessary steps to process your delivery. Post the goods issue.
27. Before you continue with the employee cash sale process, answer the following questions:
Which document does the billing document refer to? Why? Review the setting in the
Use the Fiori Launch Pad and start the app Track Sales Orders.
As you know you are going to invoice the order, note your order number for the last
process step.
Order number: _____________________
Navigate back home.
29. Create the billing document for your employee cash sale order.
What is the document type for the billing document?
Note your billing document:
30. Display the billing document and check the accounting document. Which accounts were
used to post the incoming payments?
1. Set up the new sales document type ZB## with the description MA## Cash Sale. In order
to do so, copy the sales document type BV cash sales.
Ensure that all related table entries are copied.
a) Navigate to the customizing, choose transaction code SPRO.
b) In the SAP Reference IMG choose: Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales
Documents → Sales Document Header → Define Sales Document Types.
f) Enter ZB## as Sales doc. type and MA## Cash description.
g) Choose Enter.
h) You receive the question about the copying control: Is this entry also relevant for
copying control? choose Yes.
i) Choose Save.
2. Configure the new document type ZB## so that the shipping condition ZY S4605-rush is
a) Set up the new document type. Call it up.
In the SAP Reference IMG. choose: Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales
Documents → Sales Document Header → Define Sales Document Types.
c) Choose Position and enter ZB## as Sales doc. type and choose continue.
3. Continue with the setup. Make sure that the number assignment should be internal – you
should not be able to assign numbers externally. Configure your sales document type
ZB## accordingly.
a) Delete any enter in the No. range ext. assg. field (Number range in the case of external
number assignment).
b) Choose Save. Stay on this screen and continue with the next step.
4. A wide range of checks and functions can be activated in the sales document type, such as
checking for open contracts or searching for customer material info records. These
checks take place in document processing and therefore affect system performance.
Ensure that all the checks and functions you do not need have been deactivated.
Pay attention to the following:
● Enter PO number
● Commitment date
a) You should be in the view: Change View "Maintain Sales Order Types Details" .
● Enter PO number
● Commitment date
● Quotation Messages
c) Choose Save and Exit and return to main screen Display IMG .
6. How is your new sales document type ZB## MA## Cash Sale order going to be invoiced?
Review the setting in customizing.
a) Review the setting.
In the SAP Reference IMG. choose: Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales
Documents → Sales Document Header → Define Sales Document Types.
e) Choose Save and Exit until you are back on the main screen Display IMG again.
e) Choose Copy.
f) You receive the question about the copying control: Is this entry also relevant for
copying control? choose Yes.
8. Make sure that item category ZB## is automatically determined for materials with item
category group NORM in sales document type ZB##.
a) In the SAP Reference IMG , choose : Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales
Documents → Sales Document Item → Assign Item Categories.
c) Change the Default item category:, overwrite BVN and enter ZB## instead.
9. Review the setting for the ZB## item category for deliveries.
Review the settings for the item category ZB## of the delivery.
Picking is not needed because the goods that are bought are already in the employee
shop. Therefore the Relevant for picking field should be deactivated.
a) In the SAP Reference IMG choose: Logistics Execution → Shipping → Deliveries →
Define Delivery Item Categories .
d) Choose Details.
f) Choose Save and Exit until you are back on the main screen Display IMG again.
10. Maintain a new Order Reason. You want to evaluate the cash sales orders in the future.
Therefore prepare the system and maintain a new order reason.
Maintain a new order reason: 9## with the description Employee Sale ##.
a) In the SAP Reference IMG choose : Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales
Documents → Sales Document Header → Define Order Reasons.
d) Choose Save and Exit , until you are back on the main screen Display IMG again.
11. Assign your new order reason: 9## to your sales document type ZB##.
a) In the SAP Reference IMG, choose : Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales
Documents → Sales Document Header → Assign Sales Document Types and Sales
Organizations to Order Reasons.
c) Enter ZB## in the field SaTy (sales document type): and enter 9## in the field OrdRs
(Order Reasons ) .
d) Choose Save and Exit until you are back on the main screen Display IMG again.
12. Set up an Incompleteness Procedure . You want to create your new incompleteness
procedure as copy from reference the sales document type BV.
So you need to find out which incompleteness procedure is used for the sales document
type BV?
a) In the SAP Reference IMG, choose: Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions → Log
of Incomplete Items → Assign Incompleteness Procedures.
d) Choose Exit and Cancel, so at the end you are back on the Display IMG screen again.
13. Copy the incompleteness procedure 11 that controls document type BV.
Create a new procedure with the give key data of the table (A?) below and use as
Description: MA## sales header.
Key <W?> of the new procedure for each participant group:
Note: You are going to receive a Dialog box: “Warning, you are not within the customer
name”; please ignore it. You can choose Enter to skip this message.
a) In the SAP Reference IMG choose: Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions → Log of
Incomplete Items.
c) Select Group A.
e) Optional step - only necessary if your are not in the Change mode, choose Display
→ Change.
g) Choose Copy as .
14. Now change the new incompleteness procedure, you want to:
– no check for the field: Customer Reference - remove the entry.
– ask for the Order Reason and cause a warning message if someone ignores it.
a) Select your new procedure.
c) Select the line with the Customer Reference field and choose Delete.
d) Choose Save.
Table VBAK
Status 01
Warning select
g) Choose Save.
h) Choose Exit.
15. Assign your new procedure <A? > to your sales document type ZB##.
e) Choose Save. and Exit until you are back on the main screen Display IMG again
Use the Fiori Launch Pad (FLP) for this part of the exercise.
House Number: ##
City: Walldorf
Country DE (Germany)
Region: BW
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Currency: EUR
When offered, please select the necessary entries from the entry-help.
On the first screen you could only select one Business Partner role, so add another
necessary Business Partner Role: FLCU00 Business Partner FI Customer.
For the sales areas enter the following information:
Incoterms: EXW (ex works)
Incoterms Location 1: Hamburg
Shipping Conditions: Standard
Customer Pricing Procedure: S (Sales Standard)
Payment Terms: ZB00 (Pay immediately w/o deduction)
Tax classification: 1
b) Navigate to the tile group Master Data and choose the app: Customer Master.
i) Select the line for the sales area 1010/10/00 and choose > at the end of line.
k) Choose Apply.
l) Choose Save.
17. Pricing - Create a Condition Record for the Employee Discount. Maintain a master record
for a customer-dependent discount of 15% .
Use the Create Condition app.
Use the condition type: K007 Customer Discount and grant 15 % discount.
Use the Fiori Launch Pad (FLP) for this part of the exercise.
a) Navigate to the tile group: Master Data and choose the app Create Condition.
c) Choose Enter.
d) In the Create Customer Discount Condition (K007) : Fast Entry view, enter the following
e) Choose Save and Exit until you are back on the home screen again.
18. Test the Employee Cash Sale Process. Test your settings and run a sale to an employee
Use the Fiori Launch Pad (FLP) for this part of the exercise.
For the order entry, use the app: Create Sales Orders.
As you are using a CPD-Customer: MA## you receive a pop-up window for address.
Change the name and enter Mia## Superwoman, you can keep the given address data.
Create a sale to an employee order and enter the following data:
Order type: ZB##
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-1##
Quantity: 1
a) Navigate to the tile group: Sales Orders and choose the app Create Sales Orders.
c) Enter MA## as sold-to party and confirm your entry with Enter.
As soon as you enter the sold-to party: MA## you receive pop-up window for address.
In the Name* field, enter Mia## Superwoman, you can keep the address unchanged if
you like.
choose Apply entry.
c) Choose Back.
23. Which item category did the system find for the items in the sales document?
a) The system has determined your Item category: ZB##.
24. Save the order. Does the system automatically create a delivery?
Note the order and delivery number.
Delivery: ______________________________________________________________
a) Choose Save.
b) Yes.
Your receive the message in the status bar:
MA## Cash Sale #### has been saved (delivery #### created)
Note the order and delivery number.
Delivery: ______________________________________________________________
b) In the view: Display MA## Cash Sales ###: Overview , choose Display Document Flow.
26. Execute the necessary steps to process your delivery. Post the goods issue.
a) Navigate to the tile group Delivery and choose the app Change Outbound Delivery.
b) Enter your <delivery number> and stay on the Change Outbound Delivery screen.
27. Before you continue with the employee cash sale process, answer the following questions:
Which document does the billing document refer to? Why? Review the setting in the
a) You have to invoice the order ZB## because the item category ZB## is set up for
order-related billing.
b) Review the setting. Navigate to the back-end system and navigate to the customizing,
choose transaction code SPRO.
c) In the SAP Reference IMG, choose: Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales
Documents → Sales Document Item → Define Item Categories.
As you know you are going to invoice the order, note your order number for the last
process step.
Order number: _____________________
Navigate back home.
a) Start the Fiori Launch Pad.
b) Navigate to the tile group: Reports and choose the app Track Sales Orders.
d) Enter your order number or search for it. For the search enter MA## as Sold-to Party
and choose Go.
e) The order is in the Process Phase: Delivery Processing. The invoice has not been
created yet.
f) Choose Home.
29. Create the billing document for your employee cash sale order.
What is the document type for the billing document?
Note your billing document:
a) Navigate to the Billing tile group. Choose the Create Billing Documents app.
c) Choose Execute.
Billing type: BV Cash Sales.
d) Choose Save.
30. Display the billing document and check the accounting document. Which accounts were
used to post the incoming payments?
a) Within the Create Billing Document view, choose Display.
If you have left the Create Billing Document view, use the Manage Billing Documents
app and search for it. To do so, enter MA## in the search field and choose Go. Then
select the hyperlink of your document and choose Display Billing Document.
b) Choose Accounting.
The account for incoming payments got posted to Account Number: 10010000 Petty
Bill Of Materials
Create and save a new a bike package in your system as a single-level bill of material.
Please use the SAP back-end system for this exercise.
1. To avoid interference with the previous exercise please delete the incompleteness
procedure which is assigned to your order type: ZA##.
Material: P605-8##
Usage: 5
3. Enter the following BOM items with the BOM item category L (stock item):
Item 10: P605-U## 1 PC
4. Check whether the items in the BOM are relevant to sales documents.
How is this achieved?
5. Which item category groups are assigned to the materials in the BOM for sales
organization 1010 and distribution channel 10 in the material master?
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-8##
Quantity: 1
7. What item categories are automatically chosen by the system for the main and sub-items?
Main item:
9. Which items will appear in the billing document and why? Why / why not?
10. Which schedule line categories does the system find for the main and sub-items?
Main item:
11. Change the configuration of the BOM explosion for your Trade-Fair##- Order .
Change the sales document type ZA## so you are using for processing the deliveries the
delivery type LF and for invoicing you use the billing document type F2
Check whether the correct default values have been activated in your sales document
type ZA## and, if necessary, change any settings.
Delivery type:
Order-related billing document type
Delivery-related billing document type:
12. The items in the sales document should be numbered in 100s. When you explode a BOM,
the sub-items should be numbered in 10s. Configure your sales document type
Item no. increment:
Sub-item increment:
13. Configure the Item Category so that you meet the requirements for the BOM explosion.
You use the settings already defined in Customizing for the SAP standard system for your
BOM settings. You therefore copy the item categories from the standard system.
You want the following to take place in your BOMs:
– Pricing should be calculated for the whole package.
– The delivery note should contain all items in the package.
– The invoice should contain the main item and its components with the quantities that
were actually delivered.
– The whole BOM should be exploded in the sales document.
The settings that you configure in the main item are valid for the whole package.
Create a new item category ZH## with description Package##-MainItem by copying item
category TAQ.
Your new item category is: ZH##.
You new item category description: Package##-Main.
14. The item category ZH## should be customized to meet the following requirements;
Pricing should be performed, the item is relevant for billing and it should allow schedule
Further more it explode bill of material (single-level) and the cost should not be
Check and change your item category ZH## accordingly . Set the fields: Pricing, Relevant
for billing, Schedule lines allowed, Determine cost fields and Structure scope as well as
Billing relevance:
Schedule lines allowed:
Determine cost:
Structure scope:
15. The settings at the sub-item level control all the tasks you want to implement separately for
each item.
Create a new item category by copying the item category TAE. For your new item category
use ZU## and Package##-Sub as description .
16. The item category ZU## should be customized to meet the following requirements;
Pricing is not required but the value of the sub-item should be displayed as the cost and no
entry in the field: Statistical Values.
If necessary, change the item category ZU## to meet your needs.
Also, the item is relevant for billing and it should be sent with the delivery.
Note the following fields Pricing, Relevant for billing, Schedule lines allowed, Determine
cost, Structure scope and Application.
Billing relevance:
Schedule lines allowed:
Determine cost fields:
Statistical Value:
Structure scope:
17. If you want to sell the bike parts separately, there should be a separate item category in
the sales document.
Therefore create a new item category: ZN## with Description: Bike parts## by copying
Your new item category: ZN##.
You new item category description: Bike parts##.
18. The item category ZN## should be customized to meet the following requirements:
- Pricing should be performed
- The item is relevant for billing and
- It should be sent with the delivery,
- It should determine for weight/volume
- The cost of the material delivered should be determined
If necessary, change item category ZN## to meet the requirements.
Note the Pricing, Relevant for billing, Schedule lines allowed, Structure scope, and
Application fields:
Billing relevance:
Schedule lines allowed:
Determine cost fields:
Structure scope:
20. Change the item category group of your BOM product P605-8## to Z0## use the
organization level data: Plant: 1010 / Sales Org.: 1010 / Distr. Channel: 10.
21. Configure the Item Category Determination accordingly so the new item categories should
be used in the sales document type ZA##.
Your new item category ZH## should automatically be determined when you use your
sales document type ZA## and your new item category group Z0##. Configure the
settings so that the system finds the new item category ZH## Package##-Main for the
main item of the BOM.
22. Configure the settings so that the system finds the new item category ZU## Package##-
SI for the sub-items in the BOM. Note that your sub-items have the item category group
NORM and that they should be found together with the main item ZH##.
23. Configure the settings so that when you sell individual bike parts, the system finds the new
item category ZN## Bike parts## and no other alternatives are possible. You may have to
change or overwrite an existing assignment.
24. Schedule Line Category Configuration, maintain the schedule line category
determination .
The two schedule line categories ZH S4605-Mainitem and ZU S4605-Subitem have been
created in the training system for this workshop part. The schedule line categories ZH and
ZU have already been configured to ensure that they work correctly for this workshop
section. Please do not change them.
25. Which setting in the schedule line category ensures that a delivery item is created from
the schedule line?
26. Which setting in the schedule line category ensures that goods issue is posted to
inventory management?
27. Schedule line category ZH S4605-Mainitem was created to control the main item. How are
the following fields defined in Customizing?
Item rel. f. dlv:
Movement type:
Reg./Assembly (Transfer of requirements ):
Availability check:
28. Schedule line category ZU S4605-Subitem has been created to control the sub-items.
How are the following fields defined in Customizing?
Item relevant for delivery:
Movement type:
29. If an order is placed for a bike, you want purchase requisition creation to take place
automatically for the components.
All the necessary information is contained in the schedule lines in the sales order.
Important control parameters were already determined for purchase requisition creation
when you defined the schedule line category in the sales order. How are the following
entries for the schedule line category ZU defined for the sub-items of the bill of material:
31. Configure your settings to ensure that the system finds the schedule line category ZH
S4605-Mainitem for your main item ZH## of the bill of material. You may have to change
or overwrite an existing assignment.
32. Configure your settings to ensure that the system determines the schedule line category
ZU S4605-Subitem for your item category ZU## .
33. Configure the settings to ensure that the system finds the schedule line category ZU
S4605-Subitem for items in item category ZN## . As already determined, the bike parts
have the MRP type PD.
36. How does delivery item category ZN## respond with regard to picking? I It should be set
in same way as the delivery item category TAN. Check and, if necessary, change the
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Quantity: 1
38. Which item numbers does the system give the Bill of Material?
1. Item:
2. Item:
3. Item:
4. Item:
5. Item:
39. Does the system automatically use your item categories for the main and sub-items?
Main item:
40. Does the system automatically use your schedule line categories?
Schedule line category for main item:
Scheduling category for sub-items:
41. Your customer Alva-Bikes ## informs you that he wants to add another item to the last
order. Change your last order of customer C605-C## and enter another item with two
pieces of material P605-Y## . What is the item number of this item?
42. Which item and schedule line categories does the system use for the new item?
Item category:
Schedule line category:
43. Did the system calculate a price for this material? Why / why not?
44. You can call the purchase requisition directly from the sales document. Navigate from the
order to the purchase requisition.
46. Within the delivery do the pick the entire quantity of each item and then post the goods
Why can you not do the picking for the first item?
Note the deliver document number. Delivery:
47. Invoice the delivery. Create the billing document. Why do you have to invoice your
Does the system explode the BOM in the billing document?
Bill Of Materials
Create and save a new a bike package in your system as a single-level bill of material.
Please use the SAP back-end system for this exercise.
1. To avoid interference with the previous exercise please delete the incompleteness
procedure which is assigned to your order type: ZA##.
a) In the SAP Reference IMG choose: Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions → Log of
Incomplete Items → Assign Incompleteness Procedures.
d) Delete the assignment of the completion procedure, delete the entry in the field: Proc.
e) Choose Save.
f) Choose Exit.
Material: P605-8##
Usage: 5
a) In the SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Master Data →
Products → Bills of Material → Bill of Material → Material BOM → CS01 Create.
b) Enter the given data and continue with the next step.
3. Enter the following BOM items with the BOM item category L (stock item):
Item 10: P605-U## 1 PC
a) See task.
4. Check whether the items in the BOM are relevant to sales documents.
How is this achieved?
a) In the SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Master Data →
Products → Bills of Material → Bill of Material → Material BOM → CS02 Change.
b) If necessary, enter your material P605-8## , Plant:1010 and BOM Usage: 5, choose
Enter .
e) Navigate to the tab: Status/long text . Take a look at the field: Relevant for sales .
The item has been set to the "relevant to sales" status. When you create a BOM, this
status is automatically activated because the BOM has been created as a Sales and
Distribution BOM. (Usage indicator: 5 Sales and distribution)
f) Choose Exit.
5. Which item category groups are assigned to the materials in the BOM for sales
organization 1010 and distribution channel 10 in the material master?
a) In the SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Master Data
→ Products → Materials → Trading Goods → MM03 Display.
Distribution Channel: 10
e) On Sales: sales org. 2 tab, take a look at the field: Item category group .
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-8##
Quantity: 1
7. What item categories are automatically chosen by the system for the main and sub-items?
Main item:
a) In the SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order →
VA02 Change.
Where is this controlled in Customizing?
a) Within your Order, select the first item and choose Item Conditions.
c) In the SAP Reference IMG choose: Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales
Documents → Sales Document Item → Define Item Categories.
d) Choose Position and enter Item category TAQ and choose Continue.
9. Which items will appear in the billing document and why? Why / why not?
a) In the SAP Reference IMG choose: Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales
Documents → Sales Document Item → Define Item Categories.
b) Choose Position and enter Item category TAQ and choose continue.
10. Which schedule line categories does the system find for the main and sub-items?
Main item:
a) In the SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order →
VA02 Change.
c) Select items and take a look at the schedule lines for each item. Choose Schedule
lines for item.
You find the schedule lines
Main item: CN
Subitems: CT
11. Change the configuration of the BOM explosion for your Trade-Fair##- Order .
Change the sales document type ZA## so you are using for processing the deliveries the
delivery type LF and for invoicing you use the billing document type F2
Check whether the correct default values have been activated in your sales document
type ZA## and, if necessary, change any settings.
Delivery type:
Order-related billing document type
Delivery-related billing document type:
a) In the SAP Reference IMG choose : Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales
Documents → Sales Document Header → Define Sales Document Types.
b) Choose Position and enter Sales doc. type ZA## and choose continue.
12. The items in the sales document should be numbered in 100s. When you explode a BOM,
the sub-items should be numbered in 10s. Configure your sales document type
Item no. increment:
Sub-item increment:
a) Within your document type ZA## check the settings and if the necessary change it:
13. Configure the Item Category so that you meet the requirements for the BOM explosion.
You use the settings already defined in Customizing for the SAP standard system for your
BOM settings. You therefore copy the item categories from the standard system.
You want the following to take place in your BOMs:
d) Specify your target entries, enter as item category: ZH## and as Description:
e) Choose Enter
f) You receive the question about the copying control: Is this entry also relevant for
copying control? choose Yes.
14. The item category ZH## should be customized to meet the following requirements;
Pricing should be performed, the item is relevant for billing and it should allow schedule
Further more it explode bill of material (single-level) and the cost should not be
Check and change your item category ZH## accordingly . Set the fields: Pricing, Relevant
for billing, Schedule lines allowed, Determine cost fields and Structure scope as well as
Billing relevance:
Schedule lines allowed:
Determine cost:
Structure scope:
a) If you have left the customizing of the item category, call it up again. You should be in
Define Item Categories, call up the Item category ZH## and choose Details.
b) In the item category details of your item category ZH## check the relevant fields and
make the necessary changes.
15. The settings at the sub-item level control all the tasks you want to implement separately for
each item.
Create a new item category by copying the item category TAE. For your new item category
use ZU## and Package##-Sub as description .
a) In the SAP Reference IMG choose: Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales
Documents → Sales Document Item → Define Item Categories.
d) Specify your target entries, enter as item category: ZU## and as Description:
e) Choose Enter.
f) You receive the question about the copying control: Is this entry also relevant for
copying control? choose Yes.
16. The item category ZU## should be customized to meet the following requirements;
Pricing is not required but the value of the sub-item should be displayed as the cost and no
entry in the field: Statistical Values.
If necessary, change the item category ZU## to meet your needs.
Also, the item is relevant for billing and it should be sent with the delivery.
Note the following fields Pricing, Relevant for billing, Schedule lines allowed, Determine
cost, Structure scope and Application.
Billing relevance:
Schedule lines allowed:
Determine cost fields:
Statistical Value:
Structure scope:
a) In the item category details of your item category ZU## check the relevant fields and
make the necessary changes.
Set the following fields accordingly:
Pricing: blank No pricing
Billing relevance: A Delivery-related billing
Schedule lines allowed: activated
Determine cost fields: activated
Statistical Value: blank (delete any entry)
Structure scope: blank (do not explode bill of material
Application: blank
17. If you want to sell the bike parts separately, there should be a separate item category in
the sales document.
Therefore create a new item category: ZN## with Description: Bike parts## by copying
Your new item category: ZN##.
You new item category description: Bike parts##.
a) In the SAP Reference IMG choose: Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales
Documents → Sales Document Item → Define Item Categories.
d) Specify your target entries, enter ZN## as item category: and Bike parts ## as
e) Choose Enter.
f) You receive the question about the copying control: Is this entry also relevant for
copying control?chooseYes .
18. The item category ZN## should be customized to meet the following requirements:
- Pricing should be performed
- The item is relevant for billing and
- It should be sent with the delivery,
- It should determine for weight/volume
- The cost of the material delivered should be determined
a) In the item category details of your item category ZN## check the relevant fields and
make the necessary changes. .
All the other fields should remain as they are, do not change them.
d) Enter in the field item category group ItCGr: Z0## and in the field Description: MTPOS
Group## .
20. Change the item category group of your BOM product P605-8## to Z0## use the
organization level data: Plant: 1010 / Sales Org.: 1010 / Distr. Channel: 10.
a) In the SAP menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Master Data →
Products → Material → Trading Goods → MM02 Change.
Plant: 1010
Distribution Channel: 10
e) On the tab: Sales: sales org. 2 change the field: Item category group to Z0## .
21. Configure the Item Category Determination accordingly so the new item categories should
be used in the sales document type ZA##.
Your new item category ZH## should automatically be determined when you use your
sales document type ZA## and your new item category group Z0##. Configure the
settings so that the system finds the new item category ZH## Package##-Main for the
main item of the BOM.
a) In the SAP Reference IMG choose :Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales Documents
→ Sales Document Item → Assign Item Categories
22. Configure the settings so that the system finds the new item category ZU## Package##-
SI for the sub-items in the BOM. Note that your sub-items have the item category group
NORM and that they should be found together with the main item ZH##.
a) In the SAP Reference IMG choose : Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales
Documents → Sales Document Item → Assign Item Categories
23. Configure the settings so that when you sell individual bike parts, the system finds the new
item category ZN## Bike parts## and no other alternatives are possible. You may have to
change or overwrite an existing assignment.
a) In the SAP Reference IMG choose: Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales Documents
→ Sales Document Item → Assign Item Categories.
24. Schedule Line Category Configuration, maintain the schedule line category
determination .
The two schedule line categories ZH S4605-Mainitem and ZU S4605-Subitem have been
created in the training system for this workshop part. The schedule line categories ZH and
ZU have already been configured to ensure that they work correctly for this workshop
section. Please do not change them.
a) In the SAP Reference IMG choose: Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales
Documents → Schedule Lines → Define Schedule Line Categories.
b) Take a look at the schedule line categories ZH and ZU, answer the questions of the next
25. Which setting in the schedule line category ensures that a delivery item is created from
the schedule line?
a) The "Item relevant for delivery" indicator has to be activated.
26. Which setting in the schedule line category ensures that goods issue is posted to
inventory management?
a) The movement type.
27. Schedule line category ZH S4605-Mainitem was created to control the main item. How are
the following fields defined in Customizing?
Item rel. f. dlv:
Movement type:
Reg./Assembly (Transfer of requirements ):
Availability check:
a) Choose Position and enter the schedule line category mentioned above in the
Sched.line cat. field. Choose continue.
28. Schedule line category ZU S4605-Subitem has been created to control the sub-items.
How are the following fields defined in Customizing?
Item relevant for delivery:
Movement type:
Reg./Assembly (Transfer of requirements ):
Availability check:
a) Choose Position and enter in the field Sched.line cat.: ZU and choose Continue.
29. If an order is placed for a bike, you want purchase requisition creation to take place
automatically for the components.
All the necessary information is contained in the schedule lines in the sales order.
Important control parameters were already determined for purchase requisition creation
when you defined the schedule line category in the sales order. How are the following
entries for the schedule line category ZU defined for the sub-items of the bill of material:
Item category:
Acct. Assgmt cat.:
a) Choose Position and enter Sched.line cat. in the ZU field and choose Continue.
a) In the SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Master Data →
Products → Material → Trading Goods → MM03 Display.
P605-U##: PD
P605-X##: PD
P605-Y##: PD
P605-Z##: PD
31. Configure your settings to ensure that the system finds the schedule line category ZH
S4605-Mainitem for your main item ZH## of the bill of material. You may have to change
or overwrite an existing assignment.
a) In the SAP Reference IMG choose: Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales
Documents → Schedule Lines → Assign Schedule Line Categories.
d) Choose Save.
32. Configure your settings to ensure that the system determines the schedule line category
ZU S4605-Subitem for your item category ZU## .
a) In the SAP Reference IMG choose: Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales
Documents → Schedule Lines → Assign Schedule Line Categories.
d) Choose Save.
33. Configure the settings to ensure that the system finds the schedule line category ZU
S4605-Subitem for items in item category ZN## . As already determined, the bike parts
have the MRP type PD.
a) In the SAP Reference IMG choose: Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales
Documents → Schedule Lines → Assign Schedule Line Categories.
d) Choose Save. and Back and continue with the next step.
36. How does delivery item category ZN## respond with regard to picking? I It should be set
in same way as the delivery item category TAN. Check and, if necessary, change the
a) Choose Position and enter your item category ZN##
c) Choose Exit.
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Quantity: 1
a) In the SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order →
VA01 Create.
38. Which item numbers does the system give the Bill of Material?
1. Item: 100
2. Item: 110
3. Item: 120
4. Item: 130
5. Item: 140
a) In the SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order →
VA02 Change.
39. Does the system automatically use your item categories for the main and sub-items?
Main item: ZH##
Subitems: ZU##
a) In the SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order →
VA02 Change.
40. Does the system automatically use your schedule line categories?
Schedule line category for main item: ZH
a) Call up the order, in the SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales
→ Order → VA02 Change.
c) Within the order select the relevant item and choose Schedule lines.
41. Your customer Alva-Bikes ## informs you that he wants to add another item to the last
order. Change your last order of customer C605-C## and enter another item with two
pieces of material P605-Y## . What is the item number of this item?
a) Choose in SAP Menu: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order → V A02
e) Choose Save.
42. Which item and schedule line categories does the system use for the new item?
Item category:
Schedule line category:
a) Within the order select the relevant item (no 200) and choose Schedule lines
c) Choose Back.
43. Did the system calculate a price for this material? Why / why not?
a) Within the order select the relevant item (with no 200).
b) Choose Conditions.
c) Choose Back.
44. You can call the purchase requisition directly from the sales document. Navigate from the
order to the purchase requisition.
a) Within the order select the relevant item (no 200) and choose Schedule lines.
c) Choose Back.
a) In the SAP menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Shipping and
Transportation → Outbound Delivery → Create → Single Document → VL01N With
Reference to Sales Order.
b) Enter shipping point 1010 and Selection Date: <14 days from today>. Confirm your
c) With in the delivery document all items of the order got delivered.
So you can answer the question: Does the system explode the BOM in the delivery
46. Within the delivery do the pick the entire quantity of each item and then post the goods
Why can you not do the picking for the first item?
Note the deliver document number. Delivery:
47. Invoice the delivery. Create the billing document. Why do you have to invoice your
Does the system explode the BOM in the billing document?
a) In the SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Billing
Document → VF01 Create.
b) Automatically the system shows your last <delivery number> because in customizing
you set up all item categories to be relevant for billing with A Delivery-related billing
document. .
Choose Enter and create the billing document.
c) Within the billing document you find all items of the delivery.
You can answer the question: Does the system explode the BOM in the billing
a) Within the billing document check the pricing for each item, select the relevant item
and choose Item pricing Conditions.
Main item: No
Sub-item: Yes
b) Choose Save.
Substitute Material
It is your job to configure the sales and distribution model so that special customers always
receive a new product when they order the old one. All other customers should continue to
receive the old product until stocks run out.
Your bike P605-OLD## is one of the most successful trading goods and therefore, your
company is constantly updating it. Your company introduced the new bike, P605-NEW##.
Please use the SAP back-end system for this exercise.
1. Create a material master record for the new bike P605-NEW##. Use the previous model
P605-OLD## as a reference.
On the screen: Select View(s) select the requested views and mark the Check Box: Create
views selected.
Select and maintain the following views:
– Basic data 1 and 2
– Sales 1 and 2
– Sales/General plant
– Purchasing
– MRP 1-4
– General Plant Data / Storage 1 and 2
– Accounting 1 and 2
Distr. Channel: 10 10
Make sure you refer to the same organizational units for the Copy from fields.
Choose Continue and confirm your data entry for the organizational levels, continue
with the next step.
3. Copy the data for the selected views, and add or change the following fields:
4. At the moment, for your new bike, you have nothing in stock. Navigate to Inventory
Management and take the necessary steps. Use the transaction code MIGO - Goods
For your the new bike P605-NEW## post 500 units to the unrestricted-use stock
(movement type: 561) in Plant: 1010 and Storage Location: 101A.
6. Create the new condition table 6## so that you can use it for creating master records for
material determination. The new condition table should allow you to create master
records that are only effective for certain customers (field: KUNNR) and the material
entered (field: MATWA). You want to be able to restrict the validity of the master records.
Condition table: 6##
Make sure that the material you want to enter appears as the last key field in
the condition table. This means that the system checks the header fields first
(for example, customer) and then the item fields in the condition table, which
improves system performance.
7. Generate the table. If you see a warning message stating that a table with the same fields
already exists, choose Enter. Use package Z001 when prompted and save the table.
Define a new access sequence containing three steps that the system can use to search
for master records in material determination:
1. Was a master record stored for the material and the sold-to party?
2. Was a master record stored for the material and the ship-to party?
3. Was a master record stored for the material that substitutes the material depend-
ing on availability?
9. Define the access of your access sequence. Use the following information:
No. (of access ): 10
Table: 6##
10. Define the fields for your first access within your access sequence. The material should be
substituted in the first access, if there is a valid master record for the customer (field
KUNNR: KUNAG) and the entered material. The first access is your no. 10 in the access
11. In your table 6## you used the generic field: customer (KUNNR). You want to be more
specific and replace customer (KUNNR) constantly with the sold-to party KUNAG. In order
to do so, place your cursor in field the Constant Value Source and choose Field catalog .
Within the field catalogue select KUNAG (sold-to party).
Which field in the sales document does the system use to determine the customer
12. Substitution should take place in the second access if there is a valid master record for the
ship-to party (KUNWE) and the material entered (MATWA). Configure the second access
within your Access Sequence Y0##. Use the following data:
No. (of access ): 20
Table: 6##
13. In the third access (no.30 in the sequence), the system should only search for valid
master records in material determination using the material entered. This is the standard
setting in the SAP system. Check the fields in the access Use the following data:
No. (of access ): 30
Table: 001
Create a new condition type Y0## and assign it to your the access sequence Y0##.
Customize the condition type so that when you create a master record, the system
automatically proposes a validity period from today to the end of the year.
Condition type: Y0##
16. Copy your condition type Y0## into your new procedure.
Step: 10
17. Assign the new material determination procedure to sales document type ZA## .
18. Create a reason for substitution X## with description Mat-Subst.## for material
determination. Define the following properties:
- The system should issue a warning message before it substitutes a material.
- Substitution should take place automatically (that is, without a selection screen).
- The system should not generate any sub-items in the document when it substitutes a
19. Create a master data record for your material determination. The customer Pascal-Bikes
## (C605-C##) is one of your special customers. Ensure that this customer always
receives the new bike P605-NEW## in future orders, even if the sales order department
enters an order for the old material P605-OLD## by mistake. Use your substitution
reason: X## Mat-Subst. ##.
What is the valid to and valid from data? Why is the validity period already filled?
20. What do you need to maintain to ensure if C605-C## Pascal Bikes## is entered as the
ship-to party in an order he always receives the new material?
21. Create another master record for your material substitution Y0## according to the
material availability situation. When your Old-bike ## (material P605-OLD## ) is not
available anymore it should be automatically replaced by the New-bike ## (material P605-
NEW## ). This should take place for all orders for material P605-OLD## regardless of the
ordering party.
The material should only be substituted in the sales document. The subsequent delivery
document should copy the details from the sales order. Choose a relevant substitution
The master record must contain the materials to be substituted, P605-OLD##
and P605-NEW##, in the correct sequence.
22. Test your configuration for material determination in the sales document.
According to the master record you have created for material determination, the
customer Pascal-Bikes ## (C605-C## ) should always receive the new product P605-
Create a standard order (order type: OR) for the customer C605-C## and the old product
P605-OLD## (10 units) and a requested delivery date in two weeks. Use the following
Order type: OR
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-OLD##
Quantity: 10
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-OLD##
Quantity: 10
24. C605-C## is also the ship-to party for your customer C605-B##. Create an order (order
type: ZA##) for ship-to party C605-C##.
Order type: ZA##
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-OLD ##
Quantity: 10
25. Enter another order for sales document type ZA## for a “regular” customer like Berta-
Bike ##.
Order type: ZA##
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-OLD ##
Quantity: 10
How ?
Check the substitution reason in the sales document. What reason is used?
Stock: __________________________
28. Change the last order and enter a new item with a quantity that exceeds the available
Which materials and quantity does the system automatically use when substituting this
Substitute Material
It is your job to configure the sales and distribution model so that special customers always
receive a new product when they order the old one. All other customers should continue to
receive the old product until stocks run out.
Your bike P605-OLD## is one of the most successful trading goods and therefore, your
company is constantly updating it. Your company introduced the new bike, P605-NEW##.
Please use the SAP back-end system for this exercise.
1. Create a material master record for the new bike P605-NEW##. Use the previous model
P605-OLD## as a reference.
On the screen: Select View(s) select the requested views and mark the Check Box: Create
views selected.
Select and maintain the following views:
– Basic data 1 and 2
– Sales 1 and 2
– Sales/General plant
– Purchasing
– MRP 1-4
– General Plant Data / Storage 1 and 2
– Accounting 1 and 2
a) In the SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Master Data →
Products → Material → Trading Goods → MMH1 Create.
c) On the screen: Select View(s) select the requested views and mark the Check Box:
Create views selected.
Distr. Channel: 10 10
Make sure you refer to the same organizational units for the Copy from fields.
Choose Continue and confirm your data entry for the organizational levels, continue
with the next step.
a) See task description.
3. Copy the data for the selected views, and add or change the following fields:
4. At the moment, for your new bike, you have nothing in stock. Navigate to Inventory
Management and take the necessary steps. Use the transaction code MIGO - Goods
For your the new bike P605-NEW## post 500 units to the unrestricted-use stock
(movement type: 561) in Plant: 1010 and Storage Location: 101A.
a) In the SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory
Management → Goods Movement → MIGO Goods Movement.
b) On the header level, for the field: A01 Goods Receipt: select from the drop-down list
box select R10 Other and enter 561 as Receipt w/o PO (the field on the right of your
screen), afterwards press Enter.
d) Navigate to the tab Quantity and enter the Qty in Unit Entry: 500.
e) Navigate to the tab Where and enter 561 as Movement type , 1010as Plant and 101Aas
Storage Location:, press ENTER
b) In the SAP Reference IMG choose: Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions →
Material Determination → Maintain Prerequisites for Material Determination.
6. Create the new condition table 6## so that you can use it for creating master records for
material determination. The new condition table should allow you to create master
records that are only effective for certain customers (field: KUNNR) and the material
entered (field: MATWA). You want to be able to restrict the validity of the master records.
Condition table: 6##
Make sure that the material you want to enter appears as the last key field in
the condition table. This means that the system checks the header fields first
(for example, customer) and then the item fields in the condition table, which
improves system performance.
f) Double-click on the field: Customer (field: KUNNR). By doing so, you add the field to
the Select fields.
h) The description for your Table 6## consists of the list of the selected fields. Change
Material ##.
7. Generate the table. If you see a warning message stating that a table with the same fields
already exists, choose Enter. Use package Z001 when prompted and save the table.
a) Choose Generate.
A warning message appears stating that a table with the same fields already exists.
c) At the prompt Do you want to generate the condition table?, choose Yes .
d) At the prompt Create Object Directory Entry, in the Package field, enter Z001 and
choose Save.
g) When the generating process has ended choose Back until you have returned to the
Select Activity screen.
1. Was a master record stored for the material and the sold-to party?
2. Was a master record stored for the material and the ship-to party?
3. Was a master record stored for the material that substitutes the material depend-
ing on availability?
a) On the Select Activity screen, choose: Maintain Access Sequences., choose and
confirm any messages.
9. Define the access of your access sequence. Use the following information:
No. (of access ): 10
Table: 6##
a) In the Dialog Structure tree, select your access sequence Y0## and double click on the
node: Accesses.
Table: 6##
d) Choose Enter.
10. Define the fields for your first access within your access sequence. The material should be
substituted in the first access, if there is a valid master record for the customer (field
KUNNR: KUNAG) and the entered material. The first access is your no. 10 in the access
a) Select your access 10 and in the Dialog Structure tree double click on the node: Fields.
b) Confirm the warning message: The field assignment has not yet been made choose
c) Now the fields of your table 6## - Customer (KUNNR) and Material Entered (MATWA)
are displayed.
11. In your table 6## you used the generic field: customer (KUNNR). You want to be more
specific and replace customer (KUNNR) constantly with the sold-to party KUNAG. In order
to do so, place your cursor in field the Constant Value Source and choose Field catalog .
Within the field catalogue select KUNAG (sold-to party).
Which field in the sales document does the system use to determine the customer
During order creation the system checks the field customer number KUNNR. In the order,
the system now uses the sold-to party as customer number (KUNAG).
a) Place your cursor in the field: Constant Value Source and choose Field catalog.
c) Choose Save.
d) At the Prompt for transportable Workbench request , choose and confirm your
workbench request.
12. Substitution should take place in the second access if there is a valid master record for the
ship-to party (KUNWE) and the material entered (MATWA). Configure the second access
within your Access Sequence Y0##. Use the following data:
No. (of access ): 20
Table: 6##
b) On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, enter the follwoing:
No. (of access ): 20
Table: 6##
c) Choose Enter.
d) Select your second access 20 and double click on the node Fields in the Dialog
Structure tree.
e) Confirm the The field assignment has not yet been made warning message and choose
f) Now the fields of your table 6## - Customer (KUNNR) and Material Entered (MATWA)
are displayed.
g) Again, replace Customer (KUNNR) with the Constant Value Source ship-to party
Within the Field Overview screen place your cursor in field Constant Value Source and
choose Field catalog.
i) Choose Save.
13. In the third access (no.30 in the sequence), the system should only search for valid
master records in material determination using the material entered. This is the standard
setting in the SAP system. Check the fields in the access Use the following data:
No. (of access ): 30
Table: 001
b) On the New Entries: Overview of Added Entries screen, make the following entry:
No. (of access ): 30
Table: 001
c) Choose Enter.
d) Select your second access 30 and double click on the Fields node in the Dialog
Structure tree .
e) Confirm the warning message: The field assignment has not yet been made and choose
f) Now the field of the table 001 (only one field MATWA - Material Entered) is displayed.
a) If you have left the customizing , call it up again in the SAP Reference IMG choose :
Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions → Material Determination → Maintain
Prerequisites for Material Determination.
e) Choose Save .
16. Copy your condition type Y0## into your new procedure.
Step: 10
b) Double click on the Control Data node in the Dialog Structure tree.
e) Choose Enter.
f) Choose Save , Exit and Cancel, until you have returned to the Display IMG screen.
17. Assign the new material determination procedure to sales document type ZA## .
a) In the SAP Reference IMG choose: Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions →
Material Determination → Assign Procedures to Sales Document Types.
b) Choose Position and enter the sales document type ZA## choose Continue.
c) Enter Y000## in the field MatDeterm. and assign your material determination
procedure to your sales document type ZA##.
d) Choose Save and Exit. until you have returned to the Display IMG screen.
18. Create a reason for substitution X## with description Mat-Subst.## for material
determination. Define the following properties:
- The system should issue a warning message before it substitutes a material.
- Substitution should take place automatically (that is, without a selection screen).
- The system should not generate any sub-items in the document when it substitutes a
a) In the SAP Reference IMG choose: Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions →
Material Determination → Define Substitution Reasons.
Description: Mat-Subst. ##
19. Create a master data record for your material determination. The customer Pascal-Bikes
## (C605-C##) is one of your special customers. Ensure that this customer always
receives the new bike P605-NEW## in future orders, even if the sales order department
enters an order for the old material P605-OLD## by mistake. Use your substitution
reason: X## Mat-Subst. ##.
What is the valid to and valid from data? Why is the validity period already filled?
a) Create the master record for material determination.
In the SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Master Data →
Products → Material Determination → VB11 Create.
e) What is the valid to and valid from data? Why is the validity period already filled?
The validity data gets automatically filled with valid from: <Today's date> and valid to:
<the end of this year> because you have set up the condition type accordingly.
20. What do you need to maintain to ensure if C605-C## Pascal Bikes## is entered as the
ship-to party in an order he always receives the new material?
a) You do not have to maintain anything. This is already ensured by the first master
record together with access 20.
21. Create another master record for your material substitution Y0## according to the
material availability situation. When your Old-bike ## (material P605-OLD## ) is not
available anymore it should be automatically replaced by the New-bike ## (material P605-
NEW## ). This should take place for all orders for material P605-OLD## regardless of the
ordering party.
The material should only be substituted in the sales document. The subsequent delivery
document should copy the details from the sales order. Choose a relevant substitution
The master record must contain the materials to be substituted, P605-OLD##
and P605-NEW##, in the correct sequence.
Material: P605-OLD##
Reason: 0006
Material P605-OLD##
Material P605-NEW##
22. Test your configuration for material determination in the sales document.
According to the master record you have created for material determination, the
customer Pascal-Bikes ## (C605-C## ) should always receive the new product P605-
Create a standard order (order type: OR) for the customer C605-C## and the old product
P605-OLD## (10 units) and a requested delivery date in two weeks. Use the following
Order type: OR
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-OLD##
Quantity: 10
a) In the SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order →
VA01 Create.
Enter the given data.
Did the system substitute the material?
The material determination procedure was assigned to order type ZA## and not the
standard order.
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-OLD##
Quantity: 10
a) In the SAP Menu choose: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order →
VA01 Create.
Enter the given data.
c) Choose Save.
24. C605-C## is also the ship-to party for your customer C605-B##. Create an order (order
type: ZA##) for ship-to party C605-C##.
Order type: ZA##
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-OLD ##
Quantity: 10
a) See task
25. Enter another order for sales document type ZA## for a “regular” customer like Berta-
Bike ##.
Order type: ZA##
Distribution Channel: 10
Division: 00
Material: P605-OLD ##
Quantity: 10
How ?
Check the substitution reason in the sales document. What reason is used?
Substitution reason: 0006
Stock: __________________________
b) Choose Back at the end and continue with the next step.
28. Change the last order and enter a new item with a quantity that exceeds the available
Which materials and quantity does the system automatically use when substituting this