04 DR Dvendera Dhingra
04 DR Dvendera Dhingra
04 DR Dvendera Dhingra
Dr Devinder Dhingra
Principal Scientist (Process Engineering)
Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi
Overview of presentation
• Food safety
• Implications of unsafe food
• How to eliminate P/C/B hazards
• Food hygiene/Temp Control/Pest Control/Personal hygiene/Food storage/Cleaning/Allergens 21
• AI in Food Processing
• Food Safety Standards 21-30
• Certifications – Food Safety
• Certification Agencies in India (HACCP/FSMS) 30-40
• Principles of HACCP
• Elements of ISO 22000:2018 60
• Q/A
FBO Consumers
Processing Safety
Storage Nutrition
Distribution Shelf-life
Who is at risk?
– Infants
– Toddlers
– Elderly
– Pregnant women
– Immunocompromised
– Taking specific medications
• Safety – prevention / protection from illness / sickness / injury,
• Food safety- illness/sickness arising from consumption of food
- in -
Food Poisoning Type of Foods that are considered
“High Risk” in terms of food
Bacteria are the major cause of food poisoning.
Illness is caused by the presence of specific
bacteria or their toxins, either in or on food. • High protein foods such as meat
Symptoms of Food Poisoning and poultry
• Vomiting • Dairy products
• Diarrhea
• Eggs and egg products
• Nausea
• Soups, stews, stocks
• Fever
• Rice
• Any product that requires
refrigeration to prevent it from
Methods to Prevent / eliminate hazards
Temperature Control
Temperature requirements
• Cold food must be kept at less
than 5oC
• Frozen food shall remain hard
frozen and at less than -18oC.
• Cooked food should be heated to
a temperature of over 75oC.
• During cooling, food products
must be cooled from 60oC to 21oC
within 2 hours and from 21oC to
less than 5oC within a further 4
Pest Control
Pest control to be undertaken Sometimes actual pests may
by licensed agency. not be visible, but evidence of
their presence in the form of
Employees should not interfere
droppings, excreta, broken
with pest control activity.
packaging etc. may be noticed.
Do not touch rat bait stations or
any other pest control device. Do not allow entry and breeding
Be aware of the pests and of pests in processing and
record any sighting of the pests storage areas.
like cockroaches, rodents and
mice, flies, fruit flies, moths,
ants etc.
PERSONAL HYGIENE (Food handlers, workers)
Workers suffering from diarrhea, vomiting, flu, fever, etc. not permitted to work 14
Food Storage
• Cool dry and well-lit rooms.
• Product shall be stored off the floor and away from walls.
• Rotate stock – First In First out
• Ensure shelving is cleaned regularly
Cold rooms and Fridges
• Ensure temperature is less than 5oC
• Store raw products beneath cooked or ‘ready to eat’ foods
• Cover, label and date all foods.
• Keep cold rooms, fridges clean
• Ensure temperature is less than -18oC
• Cover, label and date all foods
• Defrost and clean freezer regularly
Food Storage
Products in the temperature danger zone
Waste disposal
• Waste is an easy breeding ground for bacteria and pests
– Waste shall not be allowed to stay inside the food preparation premises.
– It shall be routinely removed and disposed of properly, following the norms
Following foods are allergic and may not be suitable for many individuals. Allergic foods may cause
mild to severe sickness.
Peanuts and their products
Tree nuts and their products
Shell fish, crustacean and their products
Finned fish and their products
Milk and milk products
Eggs and egg products
Sesame and sesame products
Cereals containing gluten and their products (Wheat, rye, barley, oats and their products)
Soybeans and their products
Added sulphites in concentrations of 10 ppm ( 10 mg/kg) or more
The allergic reaction to food is caused by a protein in the food that the immune system mistakenly
believes is harmful.
The 14 allergens are: celery, cereals containing gluten (such as wheat,
barley and oats), crustaceans (such as prawns, crabs and lobsters), eggs,
fish, lupin, milk, molluscs (such as mussels and oysters), mustard,
peanuts, sesame, soybeans, sulphur dioxide and sulphites (if they are at
a concentration of more than ten parts per million) and tree nuts (such as
almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, brazil nuts, cashews, pecans, pistachios and
macadamia nuts).
This also applies to additives, processing aids and any other substances
which are present in the final product.
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in the Food Industry
Thank you
Eliminate Hazards
Safe Food
Less Food Loss
Healthy Nation
• Microbiological contamination (pathogens,
coliforms, TPC, Yeasts and Molds)
• metal contaminants (heavy metals)
• mycotoxins
• residues (pesticide residues)
Microbiological analysis - pathogens
Contaminants, Toxins and Residues
Metal elements (in foods not specified) upper limit; FSSAI
Lead - 2.5 ppm
Copper - 30 ppm
Arsenic - 1.1 ppm
Tin - 250 ppm
Zinc - 50 ppm
Cadmium - 1.5 ppm
Mercury - 1.0 ppm
Methyl Mercury - 0.25 ppm (calculated as the element)
Chromium - Refined Sugar - 20 ppb
Nickel - 1.5 ppm
All hydrogenated, partially hydrogenated, inter-esterified vegetable oils and fats such as vanaspati, bakery and 26
industrial margarine, bakery shortening
Regulatory limits of mycotoxins
FSSAI Tolerance Limits - Residues
• Methods to measure / analyse food safety
parameters are also specified and the testing is to
be in accordance with these prescribed test
• Accredited Food testing laboratories
Management System
Management - the act of getting people together to
accomplish desired goals and objectives using available
resources efficiently and effectively. ..
People involved in production, processing, preparation, handling,
storage, retail,… of food from farm to consumer (workers as well
as management)
ISO 22000 certification
ISO 22000 is a Food Safety management System that can be applied
to any organization in the food chain, farm to fork, irrespective of
manufacturing or service industry involved in food and beverage
service, food and beverage trading, food and beverage warehousing,
food and beverage transportation and food packaging, involved in
Agriculture, Aquaculture, Horticulture, Fruits and Vegetables, Dairy
Products, Meat and Meat Products, Fish and Fishery products,
Spices and Condiments, Nuts and Nut products, Cereals, Bakery and
Confectionery, restaurants, Hotels, Fast Food Operations.
ISO 22000 combines and supplements the core elements of ISO 9001
and HACCP to provide an effective framework for the development,
implementation, monitoring and continual improvement of a
documented FSMS.
What is HACCP?
• HACCP is a tool for identifying what can go wrong to make food
unsafe for human consumption and then deciding how it can be
• Before HACCP is addressed, a pre-requisite programme must be in
place covering the general principles of food hygiene.
• HACCP is applicable to the identification of microbiological,
chemical, physical and allergen hazards affecting the food safety.
• HACCP must be applied to a specific process and product
Types of HACCP Certification
• Codex Alimentarius HACCP
• Accredited HACCP (CAC RCP-1, 1969, Rev.3 2004)
• HACCP as per IS 15000:1996
• EU HACCP 2016/C278/01
• Singapore HACCP requirements
Food Safety Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)
To provide assurance of food safety, Food businesses must implement an
effective Food Safety Management System (FSMS) based on Hazard
Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) and suitable pre- requisite
programmes by actively controlling hazards throughout the food chain
starting from food production till final consumption.
As per the condition of license under FSS (Licensing & Registration of Food
Businesses) Regulations 2011, every food business operator (FBO) applying
for licensing must have a documented FSMS plan and comply with
schedule 4 of this regulation. Schedule 4 introduces the concept of FSMS
based on implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and
Good Hygiene Practices (GHP) by food businesses
FSSAI recommends that all licensed food businesses must have at least one
trained and certified Food Safety Supervisor under FoSTaC for every 25
food handlers in each premise.
VACCP (Vulnerability Assessment Critical Control Points)
counterfeiting, adulteration, smuggling, stolen goods,
dilution and mislabelling.
TACCP (Threat Assessment Critical Control Points)
intentional contamination of food products, sabotage of the
supply chain, and using food or drink items for terrorism or
criminal purposes.
HARPC (Hazard Analysis & Risk-Based Preventive Controls)
Categories of Standards
- Specification – absolute requirements of a product
- Codes of Practice – recommended sound good
- Methods - measurement / testing
- Guidelines - prescriptive, indicates current thinking
& practice among experts in a field
Food Safety Certifications
Export - International
• International Featured Standard (IFS) Food Certification
• BRC-Food Certification
• BRC Packaging Certification
• FSSC 22000 Certification
• BRC Food Safety Culture Module
• BRC Agents and Brokers
• BRC Storage and Distribution
• FSSC 22000 – Food packaging manufacturing
Specific certifications
Kosher Certification
Jewish religious based product
Halal certification
Products are permissible under
Islamic law
Name of the Certification Bodies (FSMS/HACCP)
Principles of HACCP
1. Conduct a hazard analysis.
2. Determine the critical control points (CCPs)
3. Establish critical limit(s).
4. Establish a system to monitor control of the CCP.
5. Establish the corrective action to be taken when monitoring indicates that a
particular CCP is not under control.
6. Establish procedures for verification to confirm that the HACCP system is
working effectively.
7. Establish documentation concerning all procedures and records
appropriate to these principles and their application.
Elements of ISO 22000:2005
ISO 22000:2005 has five main Clauses
• Clause 4: Food Safety Management System
• Clause 5: Management Responsibility
• Clause 6: Resource Management
• Clause 7: Planning and realization of safe
products(built around the principals of HACCP)
• Clause 8: Verification, validation and improvement of
the food safety management system
Clause 7 Planning & realization of safe products
7.1 General planning and realization of safe products
7.2 Pre-requisite programmes (PRPs)
7.3 Preliminary steps to enable Hazard Analysis
7.4 Hazard Analysis (Principle 1)
7.5 Establishing the oPRPs (Principle 1)
7.6 Establishing the HACCP Plan (Principles 2 to 5)
7.7 Updating of preliminary information and specifying the PRPs and the HACCP
plan (Principles 2 to 5)
7.8 Verification planning (Principle 6)
7.9 Traceability system (Principle 7)
7.10 Control of non-conformity
7.1 General planning and realization of safe products
• Process planning
• Production / processing / service activities
7.2 Pre-requisite programmes (PRPs)
• Design and layout of processing unit
– Maintenance, cleaning, disinfection
• Contact surfaces – non-toxic, easy to clean
• Adequate workspace
• Employee facilities
• Temperature and humidity control
• Pest control systems
• Personnel hygiene, GHP
• Handling and transportation
• Recall procedures
• Customer complaints - handling
7.3 Preliminary steps to enable Hazard Analysis
• Step 1 Establish a team
7.4 Hazard Analysis (Principle 1 Conduct a hazard analysis)
Step 6 Identify the hazards, conduct hazard analysis and
determine control measures
• Biological Hazards (micro-organisms, parasites, viruses, pests)
• Chemical Hazards
– Agricultural chemicals
– Plant chemicals
• Physical Hazards
– Inadvertent material from the field
– From the processing & handling
– Materials entering the food during distribution
– Intentionally placed in food
– Miscellaneous
Hazard Analysis
Item Hazard Hazard identified Accept- Significant/ Justific
Source able level Insignifi ation
Physical Chemical Biological
Raw Materials
Tomato Soil Stones , Fertiliser, Agri- Insects, ????
insects chemicals parasites
Water - Agri- chemicals Micro- ????
Hands Hair, metal - Micro- ????
Transport Metal, nuts, - - ????
eqpt. bolts
Water Processing - Pesticides, Micro- ????
water bromate. HM organisms,
etc. parasites
Hazard Analysis contd.
Item Hazard Hazard identified Acceptable Significant/ Justific
Source level Insignifi ation
Physical Chemical Biological
Equip- Metal Nuts, bolts - -
ment , rust,
Chem- - Oil,
icals lubricant
Pack- - - chemical MO
Item Hazard Hazard identified Acceptable Significant/ Justific
Source level Insignifi ation
Processing steps
Hazards and control measures
Hazard Control measures
Biological Raw material: Analysis of raw material ,maturity indices, purchase
specifications; pH/hardness/chemical residues/ temp. of processing water
Operations: Concentration/strength of disinfectant and chemicals;
washing time, temperature of water, intact packing, storage temperature
Chemical Use of food grade chemicals, compliance to GMP, separate storage for
hazardous substance, purchase specifications, surveillance program for
raw materials, Raw material
7.5 Establishing the oPRPs
Hazards to be controlled by oPRPs
Control measures
Monitoring procedures
Corrections and corrective actions
Responsibilities & authorities
Record monitoring
7.6 Establish the HACCP Plan
Identification of CCPs
Determination of critical limits for CCPs
System for the monitoring of CCPs
Actions when monitoring results exceed critical limits
7.7 Updating of preliminary information and specifying the
PRPs and the HACCP plan
Product characteristics
Intended use
Flow diagrams
Process steps
Control measures
Determine the CCPs (Principle 2)
Processing steps CCP Control measures
Receiving -
Washing CCP1 Temp. of water , strength of disinfectant, pH of
water; time
Peeling -
Cutting -
Sorting CCP2 Visual inspection
Dipping CCP3 Strength of anti-microbial agent/ texture
preserving agent; time; temperature
Drying -
Packaging CCP4 Intact packaging;
Labelling -
Storage CCP5 Storage temperature
Distribution -
Likelihood of the occurrence of the hazard
Frequent Likely Occasional Seldom Unlikely
5 4 3 2 1
Catastrophic 4 20 16 12 8 4
Critical 3 15 12 9 6 3
Marginal 2 10 8 6 4 2
Negligible 1 5 4 3 2 1
Q3 Could contamination with identified hazard (s) occur in excess of acceptable
level (s) or could these increase to unacceptable levels? 2
Temperature: 40C
Monitoring Procedures
Processing CCP Control Who When What How
steps measures
Establish Corrective actions. (Principle 5)
Processing steps Corrective actions
Receiving Skilled operator for handling of equipment
Washing Temp. of water, strength of disinfectant, pH of water ; time
should be measured at regular intervals.
Peeling Sterilised equipment should be used, handling with skilled
Cutting Sterilised equipment should be used , handling with skilled
Sorting Visual inspection should be done at every 30 mins
Dipping Strength of anti-microbial agent/ texture preserving agent; time;
temperature should be determined before and during the process
Packaging Visual inspection of every 5 lot of produce
Storage Storage temperature should be maintained and checked regularly.
Distribution Proper Handling should be in place
Verification Planning (Principle 6)/ Clause 7.8
• Equipment Calibration
• Review of Purchase specification
• Soil sampling analysis
• Determination and observations of OPRPs and PRPs
• Monitoring of CCPs and critical limits
• Training for staffs and skilled operators
Keep Records (Principle 7) Clause 7.9
7.10 Control of non-conformity
• Corrections
• Corrective actions
• Handling of potentially unsafe products
– Evaluation for release
– Disposition of nonconforming products
• Withdrawal
• Food, Acidity, temperature, Time, Oxygen, Moisture Content
• Monitoring – present
• Verification – past
• Validation - future
FSSAI ACT 2006 Rules 2011
Repealed Acts/Orders/Regulations
1. Prevention of Food Adulteration Act,1954
2. Fruit Products Order (FPO), 1955
3. Solvent Extracted Oil, De-oiled Meal and Edible Flour (Control) Order, 1967
4. Meat Food Products Order (MFPO) DIVISION, 1973
5. Vegetable Oil Product Order, 1980
6. The Edible Oils Packaging ( Regulation ) Order 1998.
7. Milk and Milk Product Amendment Regulations, 2009
Food Safety and Standards Regulations
1. Food Safety and Standards (Licensing and Registration of Food Businesses)
Regulation, 2011
2. Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives)
Regulation, 2011
3. Food Safety and Standards (Prohibition and Restriction of Sales) Regulation, 2011
4. Food Safety and Standards (Packaging and Labelling) Regulation, 2011
5. Food Safety and Standards (Contaminants, Toxins and Residues) Regulation, 2011
6. Food Safety and Standards (Laboratory and Sampling Analysis) Regulation, 2011
Food Safety and Standards Regulations…contd
7. Food Safety and Standards (Food or Health Supplements, Nutraceuticals, Foods for
Special Dietary Uses, Foods for Special Medical Purpose, Functional Foods and Novel
Food) Regulations, 2016
8. Food Safety and Standards (Food Recall Procedure) Regulation, 2017
9. Food Safety and Standards (Import) Regulation, 2017
10. Food Safety and Standards (Approval for Non-Specified Food and Food Ingredients)
Regulations, 2017
11. Food Safety and Standards (Organic Food) Regulation, 2017
12. Food Safety and Standards (Alcoholic Beverages) Regulation, 2018
13. Food Safety and Standards (Fortification of Food) Regulation, 2018
14. Food Safety and Standards (Food Safety Auditing) Regulation, 2018
Food Safety and Standards Regulations…contd
15. Food Safety and Standards (Recognition and Notification of Laboratories)
Regulation, 2018
16. Food Safety and Standards (Advertising and Claims) Regulation, 2018
17. Food Safety and Standards (Packaging) Regulation, 2018
18. Food Safety and Standards (Recovery and Distribution of Surplus food)
Regulation, 2019
19. Food Safety and Standards (Safe food and balanced diets for children in school)
Regulations, 2020
20. Food Safety and Standards (Foods for Infant Nutrition) Regulations, 2020
21. Food Safety and Standards (Labelling and Display) Regulations, 2020
Food Safety officer
• a degree in Food Technology or Dairy Technology or Biotechnology or Oil Technology or Agricultural
Science or Veterinary Sciences or Bio-Chemistry or Microbiology or Masters Degree in Chemistry or
degree in medicine from a recognized University, or
(ii) any other equivalent/recognized qualification notified by the Central Government, and
(iii) has successfully completed training as specified by the Food Authority in a recognized institute or
Institution approved for the purpose.
Provided that no person who has any financial interest in the manufacture, import or sale of any article of
shall be appointed to be a Food Safety Officer under this rule
Food Analyst
• Holds a Master’s degree in Chemistry or Biochemistry or microbiology or Dairy Chemistry or
Food Technology, Food and Nutrition or holds Bachelor of Technology in Dairy/Oil or holds
degree in Veterinary Sciences from a university established in India by law or is an associate of
the Institution of Chemists (India) by examination in the section of Food Analysts conducted by
the Institution of Chemists (India) or any other
equivalent qualification recognized and notified by the Central government for such purposes
and has not less than three years experience in the analysis of food; and
• . The manuals of the method of analysis, as amended/adopted by the
Authority from time to time including AOAC/ ISO/ Pearson’s/
Jacob/IUPAC/Food Chemicals CODEX/BIS/Woodmen/Winton-
Winton/Joslyn, shall be used for analyzing the samples of food
• However, in case the method for analyzing any parameter is not
available in these manuals, a validated method of analysis prescribed
by internationally recognized/analytical/regulatory agencies, shall be
RAFT (Rapid Analytical Food Testing)
• The rapid food testing kit/equipment approved by FSSAI is to be used for screening
and surveillance purposes only.
• The purpose of the approval by FSSAI to Rapid Analytical Food Testing (RAFT)
Kit/Equipment/Method is to facilitate carrying out on the spot field testing by Food
Safety Officers (FSOs) or Mobile Testing Labs or to improve speed and reduce testing
costs in food laboratories. The rapid food testing kit/equipment/method ensure “faster,
better, cheaper” real-time testing of food. The rapid food testing kit/equipment/ method
are better in terms of their size, faster in terms of their total run time and cheaper in
terms of cost effectiveness as compared to conventional methods.
• The recommended rapid kit/equipment/method meets the requirements of the Food Safety and Standard Regulations and
are validated against International Standards.
• The procedure for approval of Rapid Analytical Food testing Kit, Equipment or Methods shall be as per the guidelines
that may be framed by the Food Authority from time to time.
Hazard Analysis table
Processing Hazard Risk analysis Control Significance
Step measures
P C B Details of Likelihood Severity Signi Non
hazard Occurrence impact ficant Sig
CCP plan
Proc. CCP Critical Monitoring Corrective Record
Step Limit Action
What How When Who