Commonwealths Attorneys Office Analysis
Commonwealths Attorneys Office Analysis
Commonwealths Attorneys Office Analysis
Janell D. Sinclair
Strayer University
February 1, 2016
The Commonwealth’s Attorney Office provides a valuable service to the City of Petersburg.
Without this agency, the city could experience an increase of crimes. This department will be
processes, and the implementation of policies. After reviewing these areas, recommendations
When an agency is created; it is established with processes and policies that are
appropriate, at that time. After a period time, the initial processes and policies may not be as
effective. A proactive leader should assess its department for opportunities of improvement.
During the evaluation, the organizational design will be explored to conclude whether it is still
A thorough account of how a department evolved, will give a reviewer the background
information to understand why the agency was created and its dynamics.
same as the District Attorney, in other states. The position is elected, like all of
the others, for a four year term. There is a C.A. for every independent county and
city totaling 120 C.A.s. The term is for 4 years, the city elections are held the
same year as the gubernatorial race, and the county elections are two years
The founders of the constitution realized the necessity of local government leaders to govern
proficiently. Charles Szypszak (2011) states as new agencies were created law-makers tried to
balance what they saw as a need for efficient administration with constitutionally required
protection of individual rights (p. 225). The birth of the Commonwealth’s Attorney Office
(Constitutional Officer Law & Legal Definition, n.d.). An office created by the constitution
creates full autonomy for the elected official from the city or county it serves.
Organizational Design
The introduction of the Commonwealth’s Attorney Office was made shortly after the
1700’s. The organizational structure was sufficient during that time; however, due to an increase
in population and revolution of government, the agency’s design needs to be evaluated to assess
January 29, 2016), the commonwealth attorney implements the major policies for the
department’s operations, mission, goals, and objectives which are carried out expeditiously due
and the Executive Director or Victim Services. This is considered the top-down model of policy
design. Birkland (2011, p. 265) states in this type of design, “there is an ‘implementation chain’
that ‘starts with a policy message at the top and sees implementation as occurring in a chain”.
Each leader is responsible for the leadership of their respective departments in the office. This
agency is flat with relatively few levels of leadership. The execution of policies would be a
Administrative Executive Director -
Assistant Victim Witness
Senior Assistant
Secretary Case Manager
Commonwealth Attorney
Senior Assistant
Commonwealth Attorney
Secretary Case Manager
Senior Assistant
Commonwealth Attorney
Secretary Intake Officer
Commonwealth Secretary
Commonwealth Paralegal
Based on the advancement and needs of the locality; a commonwealth attorney would
need to consider whether reorganization is required to increase effectiveness and services to the
residents, efficiently. In the article, “Transforming Organizational Structure” (n.d.), there are
cultural values held within the government, despite a few exceptions, that resist change and
maintains an atmosphere of mistrust and control which promotes a rigid and hierarchical
structure. Denhardt and Denhardt agrees the way an organization is designed represents a
official that is responsible to the voters and must surrender to the Constitution of Virginia. This
politician has a challenging position which requires a fine balance of leadership and humility.
Attorney Office salaries are funded by the Compensation Board of Virginia. The City of
Petersburg funds the paychecks, initially; and the city is reimbursed. Therefore, it would not be
appropriate to have this department report to the city administration. Additionally, being the
salaries are financed by the Compensation Board and determined by the Commonwealth
Attorney; the Human Resources unit of the city should work in cooperation and not affiliation
with the organization. The staff members are provided city benefits, but the State of Virginia
pays the city for the employment packages. In the State of Virginia, the commonwealth’s
attorney is not accountable to any city official; consequently, the leader cannot be influenced.
The presiding judges, in this city, are elected by the members of the general assembly. A
justice has a term of eight years. The honorable interviews with the House’s and Senate’s Courts
of Justice committees, and the state representatives elect the candidates. This type of selection
process can persuade the judicial branch to rule in favor to the controlling political party that
voted in favor of the judge. The detachment of the Commonwealth’s Attorney Office will
provide a balance of justice for the district’s residents which was the premise of the
Deputy Executive
Commonwealth Director - Victim
Attorney Witness
Senior Assistant
Commonwealth Secretary Case Manager
Senior Assistant
Commonwealth Secretary Case Manager
Senior Assistant
Commonwealth Secretary Intake Officer
Commonwealth Secretary
Commonwealth Paralegal
In the public sector, there are actors and factors that impact the success of an agency.
These participants affect the planning, implementation and decision-making of the department.
A self-appraisal is needed to gauge how internal and external elements negatively and positively
affect the unit. “There are two broad categories of participants in policy making: official actors
and unofficial actors. Official actors are involved in public policy because their responsibilities
are sanctioned by laws or the Constitution and they therefore have the power to make and
enforce policies” (Birkland, 2011, p. 93). The actors can be the employees of the department, as
The Commonwealth’s Attorney Office has had several milestones under the leadership of
From 1991-95, the agency had the largest caseload in the state per capita; did a complete
overhaul from one case management system to another which uses the cloud, bar codes
and scanning; May 15, 2016, this Commonwealth’s Attorney will reach 25 years of
service making her the longest serving C.A. the city of Petersburg has ever had; and
additionally, she is the senior female C.A. in the state and the senior black female D.A. in
The milestones experienced include diversity and technology which propelled the City of
This locality has a population of 35,000 people. The caseload managed by the unit
reveals the city experienced a substantial amount of crimes. An agency is allotted a specified
amount of personnel according to the population of the service area. This agency tried and
convicted cases in spite of the unusual volume of work. The transition from paper management
to a computer database promotes efficiency within the unit. As an African American female
attorney, the C.A.’s length of service and minority status offers the City of Petersburg legitimacy
There are factors and/or actors that impacts the agency. These aspects can be internal
and/or external. Conover (personal communication, January 29, 2016) admits that:
The entire staff is an actor that affects the success of the department. The staff does
influence the effectiveness of the unit because everyone has to deal with the public. They
must be competent, pleasant, and focused on being the best they can be. They have to be
able to make decisions, with the policies always in mind, as the elected C.A. is the only
The staff is a reflection of the leadership in the agency. If the policies are not carried out as
given; the actions of the individual staff members effects the unit, as whole. Since staff reports
to the elected official; the C.A. must hold the staff to a high standard to ensure a re-election.
To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. If the department has success in
policy implementation; it reasonable to say, the same department will experience causes that
judge; the C.A. is not focused or attentive; or injudicious actions of a staff member can hinder
policy implementation and meeting the agency’s goals and/or objectives (personal
communication, January 29, 2016). These causes can bring a negative light on the unit and have
After a thorough review, there are recommendations to increase the efficiency and
effectiveness of the agency. Prior to the implementation of public policies, the Commonwealth’s
Attorney should lobby and work with the judicial branch to ensure the policies are accepted.
This would eliminate additional man hours in the drafting and creation of replacement policies.
Additionally, it would be beneficial to include the lower level staff in the formation of new
policies. This decreases imprudent behavior of staff members, as the staff are now stakeholders
of the policies. These recommendations increases efficacy and productivity within the agency,
and ensure the political actors has positive influence on policy implementation for the City of
The Commonwealth’s Attorney Office was not initially created with the formation of the
State of Virginia’s Constitution. This position was realized to provide a member of government
at the highest level, the people. The C.A. is a constitutional officer and is elected by the
constituents of its locality. This elected official is the sole manager of its unit. The
Commonwealth’s Attorney has a wide range of duties and responsibilities that impacts in the
internal staff and external stakeholders. This politician should internalize the constitution, as it is
Birkland, T. (2011). An Introduction to the Policy Process: Theories, Concepts, and Models of
Denhardt, R. and Denhardt, J. (2009). Public Administration: An Action Orientation. (6th ed.).
Insert your questions for this area and each representative’s responses here.
2. What is the history of this agency? How was the agency established?
3. Who is responsible for making major policy decisions? How would you describe the
effectiveness of implementing these policies and providing your services to your
The Commonwealth’s Attorney sets the major policies for the entire office in terms
of operations, mission, goals, and objectives. The supervisors are the Deputy C.A.,
the Administrative Assistant, and the Victim Witness Executive Director are
responsible for implementing the policies to the ones under their supervision. They
have autonomy to put in place policies on their level and particular to the particular
function of the unit (i.e. legal, support staff, victim/witnesses) that will facilitate
effective implementation by the respective employees. Because the
Commonwealth’s Attorney maintains an open door to the staff, the policies are
made expediently, if doing so will improve services to the public.
4. Name 3-4 milestones your agency has encountered. Name factors and/or actors (internal
or external) affecting the agency’s success. Do the factors and/or actors influence the
effectiveness of the agency’s planning, organizational design, decision making, and
implementation? Can you provide 3-4 causes (internal or external) that may impede the
agency’s implementing its policies and meeting its goals/objectives?
A. Milestones: 1. 1991-95, had the largest caseload in the state per capita. 2. Did a
complete overhaul from one case management system to another one which uses the
cloud, bar codes and scanning. 3. May 15, 2016, this Commonwealth’s Attorney
will reach 25 years of service making her the longest serving C.A. the city of
Petersburg has ever had. Additionally, she is the senior Female C.A. in the state
and the senior black female D.A. in the U.S.A.
B. Factors/Actors: the entire staff. The staff does influence the effectiveness because
every one of them has to deal with the public. They must be competent, pleasant,
and focused on being the best they can be. They have to be able to make decisions
with the policies always in mind because only the elected C.A. will be responsible to
the citizens. She cannot be everywhere at one time.
C. Impeding causes: loss of an election; rejection of policies by judge; the C.A.
herself if she is not focused or attentive; stupid actions of a staff member.