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Register No_____________ Code: 20AT51IT

V Semester Diploma ExaminationMAY - 2024


Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100

Instructions: (i) Answer one full question from each section.

(ii) Each full question carries 20 marks.


1. (a) What are the benefits and limitiations of farm mechanization? 10

(b) State classification of tractors based on applications. 5

(c) List any five different manufacturer of tractors in India. 5

2. (a) Discuss the importance of soil in crop production. 5

(b) State the soil erosion control methods. 5

(c) State the procedure to calculate depriciation of used tractor bt straight line

method. 10


3. (a) If a tractor with 4.25 meter disc travels 8 km/ hr. If disc of this tractor is used

for 2 weeks period and 195 hectares. Calculate the effective field capacity

and total field capacity. This tractor works 8 hr /day. 10

(b) Explain the factors to be considered for calculating the cost of cultivation

of land per hour in tractor. 10

4. (a) Analyze the necessity of two brakes in tractor. 5

(b) Explain the three point linkage of a tractor with neat sketch. 5

(c) State the common trouble and causes of tractor gear box. 5

(d) Discuss the technical advantages of designing the front wheels smaller

than the rear wheels in tractor. 5


5. (a) What is the necessity of PTO shaft? Explain transmission drive type

shaft with a neat sketch. 10

(b) List any five tractor clutch troubles and suggest suitable remedies. 10

6. (a) What are the functions of seed drills? 5

(b) State the importance of fertilizer application. 5

(c). Discuss the importance of power tiller in agriculture. 5

(d) State the functions of electrical system in tractor. 5


7. (a) Distinguish between primary tillage and secondary tillage equipment of a tractor. 5

(b) Explain the harvesting of crop. 5

(c) Discuss the sowing method of agriculture land. How broadcasting

method is most suitable Sowing method. 10

8. (a) Describe power thresher and its role in agricultural activities. 5

(b) List personal protective equipments used by formers. 5

(c) Explain any five technologies and solutions in the agriculture 4.0 that

can give hope to the food Scarcity problem. 10


9. (a) Explain the implimentation of IoT in agriculture 10

(b) What are the benefits and implementation of digital agriculture in India. 10

10.(a) What is the role of SaaS in agriculture? What are the challenges of cloud

computing in agriculture? 10

(b) How can farmers get benefits from drone technology in the field of

agriculture? 10

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