ETCE New Syllabus Final
ETCE New Syllabus Final
ETCE New Syllabus Final
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: familiarize with various mathematical tools and concepts associated with field theory.
(K1, K2, A1, A2)
CO2: evaluate characteristics of static electric and magnetic fields. (K2, K3, K4, A2, A3)
CO3: understand wave propagation in various media. (K2, K5, A3, A4)
CO4: calculate power flow of electromagnetic waves. (K1, K3, K4, A3)
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: examine circuits applying Kirchhoff’s law and Network simplification theorems.
(K2, K3, A1, A2)
CO2: apply the knowledge of basic circuital law and simplify the network using reduction
techniques. (K2, K3, A2)
CO3: obtain circuit matrices of linear graphs and analyze networks using graph theory.
(K2, K4, A3)
CO4: infer and evaluate transient response, Steady state response, network functions and
analyze resonant circuits both in time and frequency domains. (K3, K4, A3, A4)
CO5: evaluate two-port network parameters, design active and passive Filters, synthesize of
RC, RL and RLC networks using Foster and Cauer Forms. (K4, K5, A3, A4)
Text/Reference Books
1. Network Analysis: M E VanValkenburg, Prentice Hall India.
2. Network Analysis and Synthesis: U. A. Patel, Mahajan Publishing House.
3. Network Analysis with Applications: William D. Stanley, Pearson Education (I)
Ltd. 4. Network
4. Analysis and Synthesis: Franklin F. Kuo, Wiley India.
5. Basic Circuit Theory: Charles A. Desoer and Ernest S. Kuh, Tata Mc Grawhill.
6. Basic Circuit Theory: Lawrance P. Huelman, Prentice Hall of India.
7. Networks and Systems: D. Roy Chowdhuary, New Age International (P) Limited,
8. Circuits & Networks Analysis &Synthesis: A. Sudhakar
9. Fundamentals of Electric Circuit Theory: D. Chattopadhyay and P. C. Rakshit, S.
Chand, 9th Edition (Revised), New Delhi, 2011.
Introduction, Signal Definition, Different Type of Signals: Analog and digital signals,
continuous time and discrete time signals, periodic and aperiodic signals, energy and
power signals, deterministic and non-deterministic signals, signals and vector analogy,
orthogonality of signal functions, some useful signal operations.
Basis Function and Concept of Generalized Fourier Series: Different forms, Fourier
series of some useful functions, Fourier transform, inverse Fourier transforms, some
properties of Fourier trans- form, transform of some useful functions, convolution and
correlation in time domain and frequency domain. Perseval’s theorem, energy spectral
density, essential bandwidth of a signal, time autocorrelation function and the energy
spectral density, power spectral density, time autocorrelation function of power signals,
Input and output power spectral densities.
Sampling Theorem: Sampling and re-construction of signals, practical difficulties in
signal reconstruction, Aliasing, different types of sampling, some applications of the
sampling theorem.
Discrete Time Signals and Systems: some elementary discrete time signals,
classification of discrete time signals, some useful signal operations, Discrete time
systems: input-output description of discrete time system, block diagram representation,
classification of discrete time systems, interconnection of discrete time systems,
convolution sum, properties of convolution and the interconnection of LTI systems.
Some Statistical Terms: random variable, random process, ensemble, sample function,
time aver- age, ensemble average, stationary and ergodic process, correlation between
two random variables, probability distribution function.
Sources of Noise: atmospheric noise, solar noise, cosmic noise, industrial noise, thermal
noise, shot noise, transit-time noise, flicker noise.
Noise Calculations: resistor noise, multiple-resistor noise sources, signal-to-noise ratio,
noise figure, noise temperature, calculation of noise due to several amplifiers in cascade,
calculation of noise figure and equivalent noise temperature of a cascade.
Mathematical Representation of Noise: frequency domain representation of noise,
spectral components of noise, effect of a filter on the power spectral density of noise,
linear filtering-RC low-pass filter, rectangular low-pass filter, rectangular band-pass
filter, differentiating filter, integrator, noise bandwidth, quadrature components of noise,
concept of additive white Gaussian noise channel.
Familiarization with MATLAB tools for signal analysis.
Assignment on the application of Convolution/Correlation operation in signal
processing/communication area using MATLAB.
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: Define different types of signal and perform various operations on them.
(K1, K3, A1, A2)
CO2: Determine Fourier series and Fourier transform of different functions. (K3, A2)
CO3: Explain the process of sampling and reconstruction of signals. (K2, A2)
CO4: Demonstrate different types of operations on discrete time signals and systems.
(K3 A2)
CO5: Describe random process and its related terms. (K2, A2)
CO6: Interpret the mathematical representation of noise and analyze it. (K3, K4, A2)
CO-PO Mapping (3-Strong; 2-Moderate; 1-Weak)
CO1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
CO2 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
CO3 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
CO4 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
CO5 3 1 1 1 1 1 2
CO6 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 2
Text/Reference Books
1. Principles of Signal Processing and Linear Systems-B.P. Lathi
2. Signals and Systems-Simon Haykin and Barry Van Veen
3. Signals and Systems-Alan V. Oppenheim, Alan S. Willsky
4. Signals and Systems-Schaum’s Outlines
5. Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and Applications- Proakis and Manolakis
6. Communication Systems-Taub Schilling
Number Systems and Codes: decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal systems,
conversion from one base to another. BCD, excess- 3, gray reflected ASCII, EBCDIC.
Algebra for Logic Circuits: logic variables, logic constants, Logic functions- NOT,
AND, OR, NAND, NOR, Ex-OR, Boolean algebra (including Shannon’s expansion
theorem and consensus theorem), canonical representations-minterm, maxterm, Karnaugh
map simplification, Quin-Maclusky minimization.
Combinational Circuits: analysis and synthesis of combinational circuits, multiplexer,
de-multiplexer, encoder, decoder, code-converter, adder, subtractor, comparator, parity
generator/checker, priority en- coder.
Sequential Circuits: flip-flops- SR, JK, D and T. Registers- buffer registers, shift
registers etc., Counters- asynchronous and synchronous counters.
Interface Circuits: digital to analog converter (DAC) - weighted resistor method, R-2R
ladder method; Analog to Digital converter (ADC) - parallel comparator method, counter
method, successive approximation method, dual-slope method.
Families of Logic Circuits: DL, RTL, DTL, TTL, ECL I2L, MOS (PMOS, NMOS,
Mini-project on design of digital circuits.
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: describe the structures of different number systems and codes also their conversion
rules. (K1, A1)
CO2: explain and construct different combinational and sequential logic circuits. (K2, A1)
CO3: find optimized expression for digital logic circuit and sketch corresponding circuit.
(K3, A2)
CO4: identify, formulate and solve some simple practical problems. (K3, K4, K5, A4)
Reference Books
1. Modern Digital Electronics- R. P. Jain, Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
2. Digital Systems Principles and Applications – R. J. Tocci, N. S. Widmer and G. L.
Moss, Pearson
3. Digital Principles and Applications by Malvino and Leach, McGraw Hill
Introduction to Electronic Circuits: Diode & wave shaping circuits, Different rectifier
circuits, ripple factor, efficiency, TUF, PIV, power supply filters, clipper and clamper
circuits, peak detector, voltage multiplier. RC filter response for non-sinusoidal signals,
compensated attenuator.
BJT Circuits: Biasing and stability analysis: fixed bias, collector to base feedback bias,
emitter bias, voltage divider bias, transistor as a switch AC analysis: modeling (re, hybrid
equivalent, and hybrid π models), expressions for input impedance, output impedance,
voltage gain, current gain for different configurations including emitter follower with
different biasing circuits, DC bias with voltage negative feedback, effects of source and
load resistance, two-port system approach- combination networks: Darlington pair,
cascade and cascode configurations, current mirror circuits. Frequency response: Low
frequency and high frequency response, Miller effect, brief overview on multistage
amplifier, frequency effects and square wave testing.
FET Circuits: Biasing: fixed bias, self-bias, voltage divider bias, common drain,
common gate configurations AC analysis: Modeling (small signal model), expressions
for input impedance, output impedance, voltage gain for different configurations like
fixed bias, self-bias, voltage divider bias, common drain, common gate configurations
Frequency response: low frequency and high frequency response, Miller effect.
OPAMP Circuits: Basics, differential amplifier circuit, concept of open loop and closed
loop gain, DC offset and frequency parameters, slew rate, differential and common mode
operation, applications: inverting and non-inverting amplifier, transresistance amplifier,
transconductance amplifier, log and antilog amplifier, adder, subtractor, multiplier,
divider, buffer, differentiator and integrator, rectifier clipper and clamper circuits, peak
Regulated Power Supply: Voltage regulation, Zener diode & IC regulator, regulation
factor, filter circuit’s discrete transistor voltage regulation (series and shunt), switching
regulators, switch mode power supply.
Assignments on Analog Circuits.
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: classify diode models and apply those in different diode circuits. (K2, K3)
CO2: understand RC filter response for non-sinusoidal signals. (K2)
CO3: understand and analyze different DC and AC equivalent circuits to realize BJT and
FET amplifiers. (K2, K4, A1)
CO4: explain characteristics of op-amp and apply them in various analog electronic circuits.
CO5: design filters, amplifiers and voltage regulators. (K4, K5)
Text Books
1. J. Millman, C. Halkias and S. Jit, “Electronic Devices and Cicuits”, Tata McGraw-
Hill, 4th edition, 2015.
2. Adel S. Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith, "Microelectronic Circuits-Theory and
applications", seventh Edition , 2017
3. Ramakant A. Gayakwad, “Op-amps and Linear Integrated Circuits”, Prentice Hall,
4th Edn
Reference Books
1. D. A. Neaman, "Electronic Circuits: Analysis And Design", 3rd Edition", Tata
McGraw-Hill, 2010
2. Donald Schilling and Charles Belove, "Electronic Circuits: Discrete & Integrated",
Tata McGraw-Hill Education 2002Robert L. Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky,
"Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory " Pearson; 10 edition 2009
Vector Calculus : Gradient, divergence, curl, vector integration, line integrals, surface
integrals and volume integrals, Greens theorem, Gauss theorem, Stokes’ Theorem,
Tangent Normal and Binormal of space Curve, Serret-Frenet formulae, Normal plane,
Rectifying plane and oscillating plane. Introduction to system of vector differential
equations - Maxwell’s Equation 9L
Probability and Stochastic Process: Probability, Mutually Exclusive Events, Joint
Probability of Related and Independent events, Random Variables (RV), Cumulative
distribution (CD) function, Probability Density function(PDF) Relation between
probability and probability density, Joint CD and PD, Average value of RV, Variance of
RV, Mean and Variance of sum of RV, PD of sum of RV, Correlation between RVs,
Central Limit Theorem, Tchebyheff’s Inequality, Probability distributions : Binomial,
Poisson, Exponential, Gaussian, Error function, Complimentary error function, Chi-
square, Rician, Fermian, Rayleigh and Gamma distribution, Random process,
Autocorrelation and Power Spectral Density, Physical interpretation of them, Markov
Chain and transition probability, Markovian query models. 11L
Complex Analysis: Concepts of poles and residues, Cauchy’s residue theorem, Schwarz-
Christoffel transformation, Contour Integration, Conformal Mapping. 4L
Introduction to Analysis: Totally and Partially Ordered Relations, Lattice Theory,
Elements of Group Theory 4L
Matrices: Matrix polynomial, Matrix differentiation
ODEs : Second and Higher Order linear differential Equation of constant coefficients
PDEs: Partial Differential Equations and their solutions. Solution of 1-D wave and
diffusion equation, Laplace equation of two dimensions.
Special Functions: Bessel and Legendre functions.
Course Outcome
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: recollect the concept of vector calculus and solve related problems. (K1, K2, A1, A2)
CO2: explain various terms related to probability as well as stochastic process and apply
them. (K2, K3, A1, A2)
CO3: extend complex analysis to solve various problems. (K2, A2, A3)
CO4: review group theory, matrices and special function. (K2, A1, A2)
CO5: solve ordinary and partial differential equation. (K3, A2, A3)
Course Outcome
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: recognize and learn to operate different laboratory test and measuring instruments like
function generator, digital multimeter, CRO, etc. (K1, S2)
CO2: adhere to the instructions given in the laboratory for different experiments, and
perform the experiments accordingly. (S1, S2)
CO3: develop the skills for data collection, recording, and analysis. (A4, K1, K4)
CO4: prepare and present the reports on the experiments conducted in the laboratory.
(K3, A2)
CO5: appraise the observational and measurement errors associated with the experiments.
CO-PO Mapping (3-Strong; 2-Moderate; 1-Weak)
CO1 2 1 1 3 2 1
CO2 3 2 3 3 1 2 3
CO3 1 1 2
CO4 1 1 1 3 3
CO5 2 2 2 1 2 2
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: identify various digital ICs and understand their operations.
CO2: construct basic combinational circuits and verify their functionalities.
CO3: construct sequential circuits like flip-flops, counters, registers and analyze their
CO4: design and implement basic practical digital circuits.
Course Outcome
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: implement and study various wave shaping circuits and voltage regulator circuit.
(A2, S2)
CO2: differentiate transistor amplifier circuits using different biasing techniques. (S3, K3)
CO3: implement various Op-Amp circuits and present the output. (S2, A2)
CO4: compare theoretical and measurement data associated with experiments. (K4)
CO5: demonstrate and write report of all experiments done. (K3, S3 A2)
Course Outcome
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: recognize various crystal models and Sketch their features. (K1, S1)
CO2: demonstrate different material parameters by implementing Hall Effect, and Four
Probe method. (K3, S2, S3)
CO3: interpret the deviation of Semiconductor-Semiconductor Junction from its ideal
behavior and identify the associated material. (K3, S3)
CO4: determine the characteristics of various 3-Terminal Semiconductor devices along with
few optoelectronic devices and formulate their important features. (K4, S4)
CO5: appraise the observational and measurement errors associated with experiments. (K4)
Multistage amplifiers, cascaded BJT and FET amplifiers, frequency response of R-C
coupled multistage amplifier.
Power amplifiers Analysis and design of class A, class B, class AB, class C, class D
amplifiers. Design of heat sink, IC power amplifiers.
Tuned amplifiers, bandwidth consideration of tuned amplifiers, analysis of single and
double tuned amplifiers, stagger tuning, Butter worth and Chebyshev response.
Feedback concepts, connection types, practical circuits, phase and frequency
Waveform generator, oscillation criteria and oscillator circuits. Blocking oscillator,
relaxation oscillator, multivibrators, their classification and implementation using BJT,
OPAMP and 555 timers, 555 timer as variable duty cycle square wave generator, variable
frequency LC and RC sine wave oscillators, Phase shift oscillator ,Wien-bridge oscillator,
Colpitts oscillator, Hartley oscillator and Clapp oscillator and crystal oscillators. Linear
time base circuits.
PLL-architecture and applications, VCO architecture and applications, synchronization
and frequency division circuits.
Mini-project on Amplifier, Waveform Generator and Regulated Power Supply
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: classify and describe various amplifiers, oscillators and waveform generators and
identify their applications. (K2, A1, A2)
CO2: formulate and analyze various analog electronic circuits. (K4, K5, A3, S4)
CO3: determine various parameters of various amplifiers, oscillators and waveform
generators and compare. (K3, K4, K5)
CO4: design analog electronic circuit to meet specific output and justify. (K5, K6, A4, A5)
Text/Reference Books
1. J. Millman, C. Halkias and S. Jit, “Electronic Devices and Cicuits”, Tata McGraw-
Hill, 4th edition, 2015.
2. Adel S. Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith, "Microelectronic Circuits-Theory and
applications", seventh Edition , 2017
3. Thomas L. Floyd, David M. Buchla, “Fundamentals of Analog Circuits”, Pearson,
2nd Edn
4. D. A. Neaman, "Electronic Circuits: Analysis And Design", 3rd Edition", Tata
McGraw-Hill, 2010
5. Donald Schilling and Charles Belove, "Electronic Circuits: Discrete & Integrated",
Tata McGraw-Hill Education 2002
6. Robert L. Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky, "Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory "
Pearson; 10 edition 2009
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: classify, design and analyze sequential, synchronous and asynchronous circuits.
(K1, K2, A3)
CO2: identify and recognize faults along with their locations in combinational circuits using
established methods. (K2, A3)
CO3: analyse, practice and design a digital system using hardware programming language,
FPGA and CPLD. (K3, K5, A4)
CO4: study and analyse Timing circuits and design with Timer ICs. (K4, K5)
CO5: distinguish fixed and floating point representations of data and apply other
representations to design of arithmetic circuits. (K2, K4, K5, A3)
CO6: recognize and explain various kinds of memories like ROM, PROM, RAM etc.
(K5, A3)
CO-PO Mapping (3-Strong; 2-Moderate; 1-Weak)
CO1 2 3 2 1 1 1
CO2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1
CO3 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 1
CO4 2 2 3 2 1 1 2 1
CO5 2 2 3 2 1 2 1
CO6 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
Text/Reference Books
1. Digital Electronics and Logic design .B. Somanthan Nair ,PHI
2. Digital Fundamental, UBS ,New Delhi , T. Floyd
3. Digital Electronics: An Introduction to Theory and Practice PHI, W.M Gothmann.
4. Introduction to theory and logical Design: Wiley.J. Hill and G. Peterson.
5. Switching and Finite Automata Theory: TMH.Z. Kohavi.
Course code ET/PC/B/T/223
Category Program Core (Basic)
Course title Analog Communication Systems
Scheme and Credits L–T–P: 3–1–0; Credits: 4.0; Semester – II
Pre-requisites (if any) ET/PC/B/T/213 Signals and Systems
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: describe the basic elements and various modulation principles of analog
communication system. (K1, K2, A1, A2)
CO2: assess the performances of linear and non-linear modulation schemes. (K2, K3, A2)
CO3: explain the principles of various modulators, demodulators and Radio receivers.
(K2, A1, A2)
CO4: solve numerical problems related to analog communication systems. (K3, A2)
CO5: analyze system noise for Angle Modulated signals. (K4, A2)
CO-PO Mapping (3-Strong; 2-Moderate; 1-Weak)
CO1 3 1 1 1 1 1
CO2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 2
CO3 3 1 1 1 1 2
CO4 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 2
CO5 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 2
Text/Reference Books
1. Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems - B.P Lathi, Zhi Ding
2. Communication Systems - Simon Haykin
3. Principles of Communication Systems- Taub, Schilling
Text/Reference Books
1. Network Lines and Fields, J.D. Ryder
2. Microwave Engineering, D M Pozar
3. Foundations of Microwave Engineering, R. E. Collin
Data Structures- Arrays and Linked Lists, Stacks and Queues, Binary trees, Pre-order,
Post-order and In-order Traversals, Height-balanced trees, AVL Rotation, Red-Black
Trees, Splay Trees, Graphs – Basic definitions, certain types.
Time-Complexity Analysis - Growth of functions, Solving Recurrence Relations using
Substitution Method, Recurrence Trees and Master Method; Assignments on Time-
Complexity Analysis.
Algorithms I –Various Sorting and Searching methods.
Algorithms II -Dynamic Programming and Greedy Algorithms.
Algorithms III - Graph Algorithms – Breadth-First-Search (BFS), Depth-First-Search
(DFS), Topological sorting – Minimum spanning trees (Kruskal and Prim’s algorithms) –
Shortest Paths (Dijkstra, Bellman-Ford and Floyd-Warshall algorithms) – Maximum-
Flow Minimum-Cut (Ford-Fulkerson algorithm).
Idea of NP-Completeness
Mini projects on Dynamic Programming and Greedy Algorithms.
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: define different data structures and list their properties. (K1, A1)
CO2: apply appropriate data structures to organise real-life data. (K3, A1, A4)
CO3: describe growth of functions and solve recurrence relations. (K2, A1)
CO4: analyse and compare time-complexities of different algorithms. (K4, A2, A3)
CO5: design efficient algorithms for solving problems in different domains. (K5, A1, A2)
Text/Reference Books
1. Data Structures using C and C++ by Y. Langsam, M. J. Augenstein, A.M.
Tanenbaum, Prentice Hall of India
2. Classic Data Structures by D. Samanta, Prentice Hall of India
3. Data Structures by S. Lipschutz, Tata McGraw Hill
4. Introduction to Algorithms by T.H. Cormen, C.E. Leiserson, R.L. Rivest and C.
Stein, Prentice Hall of India
1. Design a cascaded two stage RC coupled CE amplifier for a fixed gain and
study it's a) Frequency response and b) input and output impedances
2. Design a cascaded RC coupled CC CE amplifier for a fixed gain to achieve
high input impedance and study it's a) Frequency response and b) input and
output impedances.
3. Design and study of Low pass and high pass active filters using OPAMP
4. Design and study Wien Bridge oscillator for a given frequency of oscillation
using OPAMP
5. Design and study RC Phase Shift oscillator for a given frequency of
oscillation using OPAMP
6. Schmitt Trigger, Monostable timer, Astable timer, VCO using OPAMP
7. Monostable timer, Astable timer, VCO using 555 timer
8. Astable multi-vibrators and VCO using BJT
9. Monostable multi-vibrators using BJT
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: design multi-stage amplifiers, oscillators and multi-vibrators using BJTs, and ICs to
accept specific output. (S5, K3, A3)
CO2: implement various analog electronic circuits and present observed results. (S2, A2)
CO3: perform experiments on various Op-Amp circuits to study advanced application.
(S2, A2, K3)
CO4: demonstrate all experiments done. (K3, S3)
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: model and implement control unit of a digital system using Finite State machine
(FSM) (A2, S2)
CO2: choose appropriate functional blocks to implement data unit of a digital system.
(A3, S2)
CO3: develop a digital system by interconnecting its data unit and control unit. (A4, S4)
CO4: design and verify the functionality of a digital system experimentally. (S5, A5)
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: recognize and replicate the theoretical knowledge in signal and systems through
practical demonstration. (K1, K2, S1)
CO2: demonstrate ability to apply both mathematics and engineering design in analog
communication. (K3, S3)
CO3: identify the significance of Nyquist Sampling theorem and various parameters for
better reconstruction. (K1)
CO4: develop ability to design and experimentally test RF communication circuits and
systems (such as AM and FM modulators, demodulator, tuned circuits, mixer circuit
etc). (K3, K5, S4)
CO5: study the effect of circuit and components that interplay in the communication system.
(K1, K2, S1)
CO6: develop the ability to perform experiments individually and within a group, ethical
behaviour, oral presentation and report writing on analog communication systems.
(K3, K5, S4)
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: implement and analyse different data structures. (S2, K4)
CO2: demonstrate appropriate operations on different data structures. (S3, K3)
CO3: apply appropriate data structures to solve different problems. (S4, K3)
CO4: implement and analyse different algorithms. (S2, K4)
CO5: design efficient algorithms to solve problems in different domains. (S4, S5, K5)
Reference Books
1. Data Structures using C and C++ by Y. Langsam, M. J. Augenstein, A.M.
Tanenbaum, Prentice Hall of India
2. Classic Data Structures by D. Samanta, Prentice Hall of India
3. Data Structures by S. Lipschutz, Tata McGraw Hill
4. Introduction to Algorithms by T.H. Cormen, C.E. Leiserson, R.L. Rivest and C.
Stein, Prentice Hall of India
Third Year First Semester
Subject Code Subject Name Category Type Contact Credit Marks
ET/PC/B/T/311 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers PC Basic 3+0+0 3 100
ET/PC/B/T/312 Control Engineering PC Basic 3+1+0 4 100
ET/PC/B/T/313 Digital Communication Systems PC Basic 3+1+0 4 100
ET/PC/B/T/314 Antennas and Propagation PC Basic 3+0+0 3 100
Computer Organization and
ET/PC/B/T/315 PC Basic 3+0+0 3 100
ET/PC/B/T/316 Analog CMOS Design and Technology PC Basic 3+1+0 4 100
Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
ET/PC/B/S/311 PC Basic 0+0+3 1.5 100
ET/PC/B/S/312 Control Engineering Lab PC Basic 0+0+3 1.5 100
ET/PC/B/S/313 Digital Communication Lab PC Basic 0+0+3 1.5 100
25.5 900
Text/Reference Books
1. R. S. Gaonkar, Microprocessor Architecture: Programming and Applications with
the8085/8080A, Penram International Publishing, 2013/2015
2. Kenneth J. Ayala, The 8051 Microcontroller, Penram International Publishing, 1996
3. D A Patterson and J H Hennessy, "Computer Organization and Design: The
hardware and software interface. Morgan Kaufman Publishers
4. Douglas Hall, Microprocessors Interfacing, Tata McGraw Hill, 1991
Text/Reference Books
1. I.J. Nagrath and M. Gopal, Control Systems Engineering.
2. Farid Golnaraghi and B.C. Kuo, Automatic Control Systems.
3. K. Ogata, Modern Control Engineering.
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: outline the limitations of analog communications and to list several benefits and
components of digital communication systems. (K1, A1)
CO2: illustrate the two fundamental steps of sampling and quantization to discuss digital
transmission of analog signals such as PCM, DPCM, DM and ADM and to solve
various problems to explain associated sources of error, transmission bandwidth and
output signal to noise ratio. (K2, A2, A3)
CO3: employ/apply various signal formatting techniques of line coding and pulse shaping, to
interpret their significance in digital communication system and to assess performance.
(K3, A1, A3)
CO4: analyze the signal detection framework for optimal correlator receiver design for
digital transmission under additive white Gaussian channel noise using the concepts of
signal space theory and to deduce expressions for the probability of error to
investigate signal reception quality. (K4, A1, A2, A3)
CO5: compile the theory of various digital modulation techniques with the generations and
detection circuits, to formulate error probability and bandwidth requirements and to
gain awareness on the need to develop digital communication system with engineering
intuitiveness. (K5, A2, A3, A4)
CO6: ascertain the fundamental limits on performance of digital communication system
through information theory to evaluate/relate efficiency of source information
representation and rate of information transmission over noisy channel.
(K6, A3, A4, A5)
Text Books
1. Communication Systems, Simon Haykin, 4th Edition, Wiley
2. Modern Analog and Digital Communication Systems, B.P. Lathi, Oxford
Publication, 4th Edition
Reference Books
1. Wireless Communication Networks, 3G and Beyond, Iti Saha Misra, 2nd edition.
Mc. Graw Hill, India
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: identify the fundamental principle of EM radiation and its effect on antenna
characteristics. (K1)
CO2: solve the field equations of different antenna structures by using numerical technique.
(K2, K3)
CO3: analyze and predict the applications of single element antenna in array domain. (K4)
CO4: examine the effects of electromagnetic signal propagation at multiple boundaries and
edges of planes. (K1, K3, A2)
CO5: identify and demonstrate the different methods of wave propagation and estimation of
link budget. (K1, K3)
Text Books
1. Feynman lecture series :Vol 2 Feynman
3. Antenna Theory analysis and design: Balanis 3rd Ed
4. Antenna: J.D. Kraus
5. Fields and Waves in Communication Electronics: Ramo Whinnery, 3rd ed
6. Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating System: Jordon Balmain , 2nd ed
7. Ionospheric Radio; electromagnetic wave series 31, IET: K. Davies
8. Antenna and Radio Wave Propagation. McGraw-Hill ed: Collin RE
Reference Books
1. Antennas: Fundamentals, Design, Measurement: Lamont V. Blake, Maurice W. Long,
Third Edition
2. Harrington RF (1958) Introduction to electromagnetic engineering. McGraw-Hill,
New York
3. Propagation Engineering in radio link design: A Ghasemi, A Abedi
4. Tropospheric Radiowave Propagation beyond the Horizon : Francois Du Castel
5. Fundamentals of the Physical theory of diffractions: P.Y.Ufimtsev
6. International Telecommunications Union (2005) Radio Communication, ITU-R
7. Antennas and Propagation For Wireless Communication Systems: Simon R.
Saunders, Alejandro Arago´ N-Zavala, Second Edition
Reference WebPages
1. Magnetism, Radiation, And Relativity, Supplementary Notes For A Calculus-Based,
Introductory Physics Course : Daniel V. Schroeder
2. Electromagnetic Theory : Oliver Heaviside Vol-1 And 2 , Online Project Gutenburg
3. Walter Lewin Web Series On Electromagnetic Field S And Radiation
4. What The Electromagnetic Vector Potential Describes, E. J. Konopinski
5. The Vector Potential, Mikael B. Steen
6. Dirichlet And Neumann Boundary Conditions: What Is In Between?, Wolfgang
Arendt And MahamadiWarma
7. Theory Of Electromagnetic Fields, AndrzejWolski, University Of Liverpool, And The
Cockcroft Institute, UK
8. A Student’s Guide To Maxwell’s Equations , Daniel Fleisch, Wittenberg University
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: explain computer abstractions, technologies and performance assessment. (K2, A1)
CO2: analyse different types of computer instructions. (K1, K4, A2, A3)
CO3: explain arithmetic for computers. (K2, A1)
CO4: design the processor. (K3, A3, A4)
CO5: design the memory hierarchy and I/O. (K3, A3, A4)
Text/Reference Books
1. Computer Organization and Design by D. A. Patterson and J. L. Hennesey,
2. Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach by J. L. Hennesey and D. A.
Patterson, Morgan-Kaufmann/Elsevier
3. Computer Architecture and Organization by J.P. Hayes, McGraw Hill
4. Computer Organization by C. Hamacher, Z. Vranesic and S. Zaky, McGraw Hill
5. Computer System Architecture by M.M. Mano, Prentice Hall
• MOS Device Models- Device Layout, Device capacitances, Small signal model, Spice
models, Long versus Short Channel Devices.
• Single-stage MOS Amplifiers- Common source stage with resistive, diode-connected
and current source loads, CS stage with source degeneration, Source follower, Common
Gate stage and Cascode Stage, Choice of Device models.
• Differential Amplifiers- Single-ended and Differential operation, Qualitative and
Quantitative analysis of basic Differential Amplifiers, Common mode response,
Differential pair with MOS Loads, Gilbert cell.
• Operational Amplifiers- Single stage and multistage OP-AMPs, Performance analysis:
Gain Boosting, Common Mode Feedback, Slew Rate, PSRR, Noise. Stability and
compensation of OP AMPs: Multipole Systems, Phase Margin, Frequency Compensation
and other compensation techniques, High Performance OPAMPs and applications.
• Current Mirrors- Cascode Current Mirrors, Active Current Mirrors, Large/Small-signal
Analysis, Common-Mode properties.
• Feedback- Topologies of MOS feedback circuits, Effect of Loading, Effect of Feedback
on Noise.
• Switched-Capacitor Circuits- Sampling Switches using MOS, Switched-capacitor
Amplifiers, Switched-capacitor Integrator.
• MOS Oscillators- Ring oscillator, Voltage-controlled Oscillators, LC Oscillators.
• Phase-Locked Loops- Basic PLL Topology, Charge-Pump PLLs, Non-ideal effect in
PLLs, Delay-Locked Loops.
• CMOS Processing Technology-Wafer processing, Photolithography, Oxidation, Ion
Implantation, Deposition and etching, Device fabrication, Latch-up.
• Case studies on CMOS Circuits using CAD tools.
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: apply knowledge of basic physics and operation of MOS devices and appreciate their
relevance to more complex circuit topologies. (K1, K2, A1, A2)
CO2: develop efficient analytic tools for quantifying the behavior of basic circuits by
inspection through the study of single stage and differential amplifiers, and current
mirrors. (K1, K2, A2)
CO3: analyze the useful properties of feedback and understand the trade-off between speed,
precision and power dissipation. Understand switched capacitor circuits which are
essential to most analog and mixed signal circuits today. (K1, K2, A2)
CO4: design Oscillators and Phase locked loops through a detailed study of the behavior and
going through many examples of their operation. (K3, K4, A2)
CO5: apply the knowledge of CMOS processing technology to understand their relevance to
circuit design and layout of ICs. Understand and overcome the many limitations
imposed on the performance of circuits that are related to fabrication issues.
(K1, K2, A1, A2)
CO-PO Mapping (3-Strong; 2-Moderate; 1-Weak)
CO1 3 1 2 1
CO2 3 2 2 1 1 1 2 2
CO3 3 2 2 1 1 1 2
CO4 3 2 2 1 1 1 2
CO5 3 1 1 1 1 1 1
Text/Reference Books
1. Behzad Razavi, Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: recall the architecture and instruction set of Intel 8085 microprocessor and organize
data/block movement programs.
CO2: demonstrate array processing and logical programs.
CO3: execute various arithmetic programs.
CO4: perform delay processing and stack operations to accomplish different type of counter.
CO5: demonstrate Interrupts/Peripheral Interfacing using 8255/Counter interfacing using
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: construct the hardware circuit to generate maximal length PN sequences of various
lengths and examine their properties. (K2, S1, S2)
CO2: generate binary digital modulated signals for ASK, FSK, PSK and DPSK modulation
and to perform their detection. (K3, S1, S2)
CO3: prepare (design and implement) the hardware circuit to illustrate the auto-correlation
and cross-correlation properties of maximal length sequences. (K3, S1, S2)
CO4: experiment PCM, Delta Modulation and Adaptive Delta Modulation. (K4, S1, S2)
CO5: analyze the functionality of M-ary modulation scheme such as QPSK, OQPSK system
and their constellation diagrams. (K4, S3)
CO6: develop ability to work individually and within a group and to write the technical
report in a professional manner. (K2, A2)
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: interpret and discuss the meaning and properties of discrete-time signals and systems.
(K2, A2)
CO2: describe and analyze discrete-time Linear Time-Invariant Systems in time-domain,
frequency-domain and z-domain. (K2, K4, A1)
CO3: apply and follow the concept of different transforms to obtain the spectral content of a
signal and the frequency response of a system. (K3, A2)
CO4: design and develop different types of digital filters. (K3, K5, A4)
Text/Reference Books
1. Proakis and Manloakis, Digital Signal Processing.
2. Li Tan, Digital Signal Processing.
3. S.K. Mitra, Digital Signal Processing.
4. Oppenhiem and Schafer, Discrete Time Signal Processing.
Telecommunication and Traffic Engineering: Introduction to voice and data
communication systems, Circuit, message and packet switching, Evolution of switching
systems, Basics of EPABX, Definition of traffic load, grade of service and blocking
probability, definition of Markov chain, probability distribution of arrival service and
termination process, Birth-Death (B-D) process, Modeling of switching system, Basics
of Queueing Theory, Erlang's formula, Data transmission in PSTNs.
Basics of Data Communications: Introduction of computer networks and data
communication services, Goals, applications and classification of computer networks,
Network topologies, Layered network architecture, OSI reference model, and Overview
of TCP/IP protocol suite, Brief review of physical layer.
Data Link Layer: Framing, flow and error control, error detection, Cyclic Redundancy
Codes (CRC) for error detection, Internet Checksum, Flow and error control strategies,
HDLC protocol. Media Access Control (MAC): Pure and Slotted ALOHA, CSMA,
CSMA/CD, CSMA/CA, polling, token ring, MAC for wired and wireless Local Area
Networks, Ethernet protocol, WiFi MAC protocol.
Network Layer: IPv4 and IPv6 addressing, Routing algorithms, hierarchical routing,
Link State and Distance Vector routing, Internet routing, RIP, OSPF, BGP, packet
format, addressing, subnetting, CIDR, ARP, RARP, fragmentation and reassembly,
ICMP; DHCP, NAT, routing for mobile hosts.
Transport Layer: UDP, segment structure and operation; TCP, segment structure and
operation; Sockets; Reliable stream transport service; congestion control algorithms and
connection management.
Application Layer: World Wide Web and HTTP, electronic mail (SMTP), file transfer
protocol (FTP), Domain Name Service (DNS).
Network Security: Basics of cryptographic systems, public key and private key
cryptography, digital signatures, authentication, certificates, firewalls, Security for Wi-Fi
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: familiarize themselves with, evolution and modeling of switching systems, queuing
theory and data transmission in PSTNs. (K1, K2, A1, A2)
CO2: distinguish and explain network topologies and various layered network architectures.
(K2, K3, K4, A2, A3)
CO3: explain various data link layer protocols, media access control protocols, IP addressing
schemes and routing protocols including those for mobile hosts, transport layer
techniques and distinguish various application layer services. (K2, K5, A3, A4)
CO4: evaluate and identify various cryptographic systems and security protocols.
(K1, K3, K4, A3)
Text/Reference Books
1. T. Viswanathan and M. Bhatnagar, Telecommunication Switching system and
Networks, PHI.
2. B. A. Forouzan, Data Communications and Networking, TMH.
3. L. L. Peterson and B. S. Davie Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, Morgan
Kaufmann Series.
4. A. S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, PHI.
5. W. Stallings, Data and Computer Communications, Pearson.
6. J. F. Kurose and K. W. Ross, Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach,
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: explain the difference between the principles of digital and analog control systems and
their applications. (K2)
CO2: apply the sampling theorem to model different sampler and hold circuits of sampled
data control system. (K1, K3, A2)
CO3: develop mathematical model of open and closed loop digital control systems using z-
transform and discrete state variable model. (K3, A2)
CO4: analyze the stability of closed loop digital control system. (K4)
CO5: design the practical digital controllers and state observers using pole placement and
state feedback techniques. (K5, A3)
Text/Reference Books
1. Charles L. Phillips, H. Troy Nagle, and Aranya Chakrabortty, Digital Control
System Analysis and Design, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hal.
2. B.C. Kuo, Digital Control Systems, Saunders, Ft. Worth, TX.
3. Paul Katz, Digital Control using Microprocessor, Prentice Hall International.
Course Code ET/PC/H/T/324
Category Program Core (Honours)
Course Title Operating System (HONS.)
Scheme and Credits L–T–P: 3–0–0; Credits: 3; Semester – II
Pre-requisites (if any) ET/PC/B/T/225 Data Structures and Algorithms
ET/PC/B/T/315 Computer Organization and Architecture
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: describe and explain the basic architectural components of OS design. (K1, A1)
CO2: associate with and examine the various process management protocols. (K2, K3, A2)
CO3: follow and assess the different memory management techniques. (K3, A2)
CO4: recognize and analyze various devices and file management policies. (K3, K4, A3)
Textbook/Reference Books
1. Operating System Principles by Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne.
2. Operating Systems by Stuart E. Madnick , John J. Donovan
Course Code ET/PC/H/T/325
Category Program Core (Honours)
Course Title Embedded Systems (HONS.)
Scheme and Credits L–T–P: 3–1–0; Credits: 4; Semester – II
Pre-requisites (if any) ET/PC/B/T/311 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: describe and differentiate the general purpose computing system and the
embedded system (ES), and the ARM based embedded system. (K2, A1)
CO2: recall and illustrate the architecture of the Intel 8051 microcontroller unit (MCU) as
the system core for designing the embedded system. (K2, A1)
CO3: illustrate the ARM core data flow model and describe its functional units. (K2, A2)
CO4: recall the addressing modes, instruction set, and write assembly language program of
the Intel 8051 microcontroller unit. (K2, A2)
CO5: explain the communication interfaces required for ES, appreciate the fundamental
issues in hardware–software co-design, and become familiar with the design of
embedded systems. (K3, A3)
Textbook/Reference Books
1. Introduction to Embedded Systems, Shibu K V, McGraw Hill, New Delhi (2/e)
2. Kenneth J. Ayala, The 8051 Microcontroller, Penram International Publishing, 1996
3. ARM System Developer’s Guide: Designing and Optimizing System Software,
4. Andrew N. Sloss, Dominic Symes, Chris Wright, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers –
5. Elsevier, 2018
6. Embedded System Design, Santanu Chattopadhyay, PHI Learning (2/e)
7. J.W. Valvano, "Embedded Microcomputer System: Real Time Interfacing",
Brooks/Cole, 2000.
8. Jack Ganssle, "The Art of Designing Embedded Systems", Newness, 1999
9. Embedded Systems: An Integrated Approach, Lyla B Das, Pearson, 2013.
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: illustrate and present the schematic of various universal gate ICs by using SPICE.
(K1, K2, S1)
CO2: examine and present the different characteristics of MOS and CMOS inverter by using
SPICE. (K1, K3, S1)
CO3: use VHDL/Verilog to design and perform various experiments on combinational and
sequential digital circuits. (K3, K5, S2)
CO4: use VHDL/Verilog to design and perform various experiments on different sequential
circuits. (K3, K5, S2)
Text/Reference Books
1. VHDL Primer, J Bhaskar PHI, 2nd Ed
2. VHDL programming by example, D.L. Perry, TMH
3. Verilog HDL, 2e, Samir Palnitkar, Pearson
4. Verilog by Example: A Concise Introduction for FPGA Design Paperback, Blaine
Readler, ARC Press.
5. Logic Synthesis Using Synopsys, Pran Kurup, Taher Abbasi, Paperback, Springer-
6. Logic Synthesis and Verification: 654 Paperback Soha Hassoun , Tsutomu Sasao,
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: reproduce various sequences and perform basic operations on them using MATLAB.
(S1, S2, A2)
CO2: perform convolution and correlation operations on sequences using MATLAB.
(S2, A2)
CO3: demonstrate discrete Fourier transform of different sequences using MATLAB. (S3)
CO4: design various types of digital filters and demonstrate their frequency responses. (S3)
CO5: describe the architecture of TMS320C6713 DSP processor and perform various signal
processing operations using Code Composer Studio. (K2, A1, S2)
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: design different network topologies and execute the NAM file in NS2, and simulate
TCP, UDP routing protocols in NS2. (S3)
CO2: implement PC to PC serial communication using RS232C serial port. (S3)
CO3: verify basic cryptography algorithms using VirtSim software between two PCs in
wireless mode. (S2)
CO4: demonstrate the importance of MQTT protocol for publishing data over the internet.
CO5: demonstrate sending SMS using GSM900 module and Arduino board. (S3)
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: understand the tracking and regulatory control. (K1, A1)
CO2: develop program for position control and robot path-planning. (K3, A4)
CO3: analyze the design aspects of controllers using MATLAB. (K4, A2)
CO4: generate the control command from processed EEG signals for rehabilitative robotic
applications. (K5, A4)
CO5: develop image processing skill for camera based controller design. (K3, A4)
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: identify the constituent modules of system software and their role in exploiting the
hardware on which they operate. (K2, A1)
CO2: describe assembler structure. (K2, A2)
CO3: know how to use macros and code optimization techniques in compiler construction.
(K3, A3)
CO4: develop elementary assembler and interpreter. (K3, A2)
Textbook/Reference Books
1. Text Book: System Software by Leland L. Beck,
2. System Software by Santanu Chattopadhyay, PHI Learning Pvt Ltd
3. Systems Programming by John Donovan, McGraw Hill
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: review of microwave concepts, frequency bands, transmission line, S parameters, Z
parameters, cavity resonator, and waveguide discontinuities. (K2, A2)
CO2: apply different basic microwave concepts to formulate microwave circuits and
components. (K3, A2, A4)
CO3: describe different microwave sources. (K2, A4)
CO4: develop equations related to microwave amplifier circuits for different prescribed S-
parameters. (K3, A5)
CO5: explain measurement techniques of given microwave parameters. (K2)
Text/Reference Books
1. Microwave Devices and Circuits — Samuel V. Liao, Pearson, 3rd Edition, 2003.
2. Foundations for Microwave Engineering — R.E. Collin, IEEE Press, John Wiley,
2ndEdition, 2002.
3. Microwave Engineering Passive Circuits — Peter A. Rizzi, PHI, 1999.
4. Microwave Engineering — David M. Pozar, John Waey & Sons, Inc.
Course code ET/PC/B/T/413
Category Program Core (Basic)
Course title VLSI Design and Algorithms
Scheme and Credits L–T–P: 3–0–0; Credits: 3; Semester – I
Pre-requisites (if any) ET/PC/B/T/316 Analog CMOS Design and Technology
ET/PC/B/T/225 Data Structures and Algorithms
CMOS Circuit Design: Basic structure of p-well CMOS inverter, circuit operation,
voltage transfer characteristics, calculation of critical points and their physical
significance, noise margins, design of systematic inverter, power dissipation issues,
inverter capacitances, transmission gates and perfect signal steering, capacitance loads
driven by transmission gates, NAND and NOR logic gates, stick diagrams, comparison of
performances, derivations of combinational networks from canonic form, AND-OR-
INVERT gate, complex gates, Sutton’s method of network synthesis, combinational
networks using Shanon’s expansion theorem, two-input and two-variable universal logic
modules, pre-charge and evaluation phases, pseudo-NMOS, Domino and NORA circuits,
λ-based design rules.
Arithmetic Subsystem: Concept of pipelined multiplier, systolic array, gated full adder,
4-bitX4-bit systolic array multiplier, expandability of basic circuit, 2-D systolic array,
basic cell, 3X3 matrix multiplication, wave front array processors, barrel shifter-NMOS
implementation with shift control, concept of wraparound feature, layout of 8X4 barrel
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: describe basic structure of CMOS inverter and its circuit operation along with voltage
transfer characteristics. (K1, K2, A1)
CO2: associate and discuss various critical points and their influence on the performance of
inverters. (K2, A2)
CO3: examine and compare the performance of various MOSFET based gates. (K3, K4, A2)
CO4: apply and analyze the concept of design rules during the layout, transistor logic and
register transfer levels of a circuit. (K3, K4, A3)
CO5: develop the concept of arithmetic subsystem and explore their applications. (K5, A4)
Computer Architecture Lab
1. Design and realize binary multiplier circuits (signed and unsigned) and verify
2. Design and implementation of binary divider circuits and verify functionality
3. Design a 4-bit ALU and verify its functionality
4. Design an 8-bit ALU by cascading two 4-bit ALU chip and verify
5. Design a simple control unit with four inputs and two outputs which encode
the four inputs into two bit output code
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: identify the constituent modules of system software and their role in exploiting the
hardware on which they operate. (K1)
CO2: describe assembler structure. (K1)
CO3: know how to use macros and optimization techniques in compiler construction.
(K2, S2)
CO4: develop elementary assembler and interpreter. (K3, A4)
CO5: design and realize multiplier and divider circuits along with verification of
functionality. (K5, S5)
CO6: design and implement ALU and a simple control unit and verify their functionality.
(K5, S2)
CO-PO Mapping (3-Strong; 2-Moderate; 1-Weak)
CO1 3 1 1 2
CO2 3 1 1 2
CO3 3 1 1 1 2
CO4 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 2
CO5 1 2 3 2 2 1 2 2
CO6 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 2
1. Study of Reflex Klystron tubes and different modes of reflex klystron.
2. V-I Characteristics of GUNN diode and study of tuning of GUNN oscillator.
3. Study of standing wave ratio and frequency tuning by slotted waveguide.
4. Study of radiation pattern of horn antenna.
5. Study of characteristics of different planar antennas.
6. Determination of coupling coefficient and directivity of directional coupler.
7. Measurement of impedance and transmission characteristics of a slotted line.
8. Study of network analyzer.
9. Familiarization with antenna chamber and study of microstrip antenna in
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: identify the transformation of distributed circuits and replicate their behaviour.
(K1, K2, S1)
CO2: distinguish and conduct experiments on vacuum and solid state microwave sources.
(K2, K4, S2)
CO3: predict, appraise and deduce parameters of radiating systems. (K3, K4, S3, S4)
CO4: categorize and calibrate with sophisticated microwave measuring equipments.
(K4, K5, S3, S4)
CO-PO Mapping (3-Strong; 2-Moderate; 1-Weak)
CO1 2 1 1 2 1 1 3
CO2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 3
CO3 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 3
CO4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3
Text Books
1. Basic microwave techniques and laboratory manual, M.L. Sisodia, G.S. Raghuvanshi,
New Age publication.
2. Elements of Microwave Engineering, Rajeswari Chatterjee, Ellis Horwood pub.
3. Antennas and Radio wave Propagation, R.E. Collin, McGraw-Hill edition.
Each student will give a technical presentation on a topic that relates to the course curricula,
preferably on recent technological advances or current developments.
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: recognize a topic towards a given domain of engineering knowledge. (K1, A3)
CO2: prepare technical report on given engineering topics. (K5, S5)
CO3: defend and explain their report before a technical forum. (K6, A5)
CO4: organize interactive/group discussion on given engineering and associated topics and
improve their presentation skills. (K5, A4)
CO-PO Mapping (3-Strong; 2-Moderate; 1-Weak)
CO1 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 1
CO2 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 2
CO3 2 2 1 2 2 3 2 2 1 1
CO4 2 1 2 2 3 2 2
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: apply the technical knowledge acquired during the entire duration of UG course to
model the problem assigned for the project through detailed investigation.
(K3, A2, S2)
CO2: analyze and implement the defined project employing appropriate tools to develop a
sustainable solution. (K4, A3, S2)
CO3: revise, appraise and customize the project for improved results. (K4, S4, A4)
CO4: develop, present and defend their project work with professional ethics as an
individual and as a team. (K6, A5, S4)
CO5: adapt and establish life-long learning. (K5, A4, S4)
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: outline the developmental history and challenges of wireless communication. (K1, A1)
CO2: describe the various wireless propagation path loss models to interpret the physical
phenomena of wireless signal propagation. (K2, A1, A2)
CO3: apply the fading, multipath effect in digital communications system. (K3, A1, A2)
CO4: analyze and distinguish the spectral efficiency of different channel access techniques.
(K4, A2)
CO5: categorize the evolutionary platforms for cellular wireless communication systems to
understand voice to multimedia communication. (K5, A3)
CO6: justify various cases related to wireless communication for real time applications.
(K6, A4)
CO-PO Mapping (3-Strong; 2-Moderate; 1-Weak)
CO1 2 3 1 1
CO2 3 2 2 2 1 2 2
CO3 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 2
CO4 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2
CO5 2 2 3 2 1 2 1 2 1
CO6 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 1 1
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: classify industrial management processes. (K2)
CO2: solve production and project management problems. (K3)
CO3: explain various concepts of maintenance, quality control and financial viability. (K2)
CO4: apply concepts of operational research techniques. (K3)
CO5: illustrate concepts of human resource and organizational management. (K2)
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: recall propagation of optical signals and associated physical effects. (K1, A1)
CO2: recognize and classify the structure of optical fibers, sources, detectors and
components. (K2, A3)
CO3: calculate the losses, dispersion and analyse the propagation characteristics of an
optical signal. (K4, A3)
CO4: design a fiber optic communication system and analyse its performance. (K5, A4)
Text/Reference Books
1. Optical Fiber Communication: Principles and Practice by Jhon M. Senior, Pearson
2. Optical Fiber Communications by Gerd Keiser, McGraw Hill Education
3. Fiber-Optic Communication Systems by Govind P. Agrawal, Wiley
4. Introduction to Fiber Optics by Ajoy Ghatak and K. Thyagarajan, Cambridge
University Press
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: recognize and follow the basic principles of Electronics and Telecommunications
Engineering. (A1, K2, S2)
CO2: respond to technical questions at appropriate knowledge level. (A2)
CO3: implement the overall understanding of domain knowledge. (K2, S2)
CO4: demonstrate relationship between engineering sciences and applications. (K3, A2, S3)
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: apply the technical knowledge acquired during the entire duration of UG course to
model the problem assigned for the project through detailed investigation.
(K3, A2, S2)
CO2: analyze and implement the defined project employing appropriate tools to develop a
sustainable solution. (K4, A3, S2)
CO3: revise, appraise and customize the project for improved results. (K4, S4, A4)
CO4: develop, present and defend their project work with professional ethics as an
individual and as a team. (K6, A5, S4)
CO5: adapt and establish life-long learning. (K5, A4, S4)
Review of Digital Filter Design: Digital filter design specifications, Linear phase FIR
filters, FIR filter design using windowing method and frequency sampling method,
Optimum equiripple design of FIR filters-Alteration theorem, IIR filter design using
Impulse invariant transformation and Bilinear transformation methods, Discrete-time
Butterworth and Chebyshev filter design, Quantization effects in digital filters.
Digital Signal Processors: Digital signal processor architecture, Circular buffering,
MAC and barrel shifting, General-purpose digital signal processors, Implementation of
DSP algorithms on general-purpose digital signal processors, Special purpose DSP
hardware. Case study of TMS320C6713 processor and SHARC processor.
Linear Prediction: Lattice structure realization, Forward linear prediction-
Autocorrelation method, Covariance method, Lattice methods-Burg algorithm, Line
spectral frequencies, Line spectral pair frequencies, Linear prediction based Vocoders.
Multirate Processing: Decimation by an integer factor D, Interpolation factor by an
integer factor I, Sampling rate conversion by a factor I/D, Efficient implementation of
Decimator/Interpolator, Polyphase filter structures. Multistage filter design, Design of
DFT filter bank, Oversampling ADC/DAC.
Adaptive Filters: FIR adaptive filters, Adaptive filters based on steepest descent method,
Widrow Hoff LMS adaptive algorithm, Adaptive channel equalization, Adaptive echo
cancellation, Adaptive noise cancellation, RLS adaptive filters.
Spectrum Estimation and Analysis: Estimation of density spectrum, Nonparametric
methods- use of DFT, Barlett method, Welch method; Parametric methods- AR model,
MA model, ARMA model; Evaluation of Formants, Evaluation of Cepstrum, Evaluation
of higher order spectra.
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: apply advanced techniques to design FIR and IIR digital filters. (K3)
CO2: identify an appropriate realization structure for a digital filter. (K4)
CO3: formulate advanced hardware/software implementation techniques for digital filters.
CO4: assess the performance of digital filters for real-time applications. (K6)
Text/Reference Books
1. J. G. Proakis, D. G. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and
Applications, Prentice Hall.
2. E. Ifeachor, B. W. Jervis, Digital Signal Processing: A Practical Approach, Pearson.
Basics of Fuzzy Sets: Classical set to fuzzy set, operations on fuzzy set, membership
functions, extension principle, fuzzy arithmetic, fuzzy logic and approximate reasoning.
Fuzzy Logic based Control System: Relationship with conventional control systems,
fuzzifier, fuzzy rule base, defuzzifier, inference engine, Mamdani and Sugeno scheme,
design methodology of fuzzy control systems, stability analysis and applications.
Introduction to Machine Learning: Relationship between artificial intelligence and
machine learning, different types of machine learning: supervised learning, unsupervised
learning, reinforcement learning and competitive learning, algorithmic examples: support
vector machine, k-nearest neighbor, k-means clustering, Q-learning.
Introduction to Neural Nets: Common types of neural nets, feed forward, perceptron
learning, ADALINE, back- propagation learning, Hopfield network.
Adaptive Controller Design: Neuro-fuzzy adaptive control.
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: apply the concepts of fuzzy sets in approximate reasoning of fuzzy inference systems.
(K3, A1)
CO2: design real-world control systems using Mamdani and Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy models.
(K4, A3, A4)
CO3: discriminate between supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms.
(K3, A3)
CO4: analyze the fundamental theory and concepts of neural networks. (K4, A1, A3)
CO5: develop back-propagation neural learning using gradient descent search method.
(K4, A4)
Text/Reference Books
1. A. Konar, Computational Intelligence: Principles, Techniques and Applications.
Springer Science & Business Media.
2. M. T. Hagan, H. B. Demuth, and M. Beale, Neural Network Design. PWS Publishing
Course code ET/PE/B/T/414/C
Category Elective
Course title Electronic Design Automation
Scheme and Credits L–T–P: 3–0–0; Credits: 3; Semester – I
Pre-requisites (if any) ET/PC/B/T/316 Analog CMOS Design and Technology
ET/PC/B/T/225 Data Structures and Algorithms
ET/PC/B/T/215 Analog Circuits I
ET/PC/B/T/221 Analog Circuits II
ET/PC/B/T/214 Digital Logic Circuits
ET/PC/B/T/222 Digital Circuits and Systems
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: identify suitable heuristics to partition behavioral models into hardware and software
components. (K1)
CO2: describe the behavioral model of circuits and solve it by using Verilog and VHDL
code. (K2, K3)
CO3: interpret the SPICE level modeling and apply simulation tool in design of MOSFET
small signal model under different level of complexities. (K2, K3)
CO4: analyze models for expressing functionalities of a circuit with appropriate
computational techniques and rearrange such models for efficient simulation. (K4)
CO5: explain the design manufacturability tolerance with suitable layout generation and
implement the yield performance in RSM model. (K5)
CO-PO Mapping (3-Strong; 2-Moderate; 1-Weak)
CO1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1
CO2 2 2 3 1 2 2 1
CO3 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 1
CO4 2 3 1 2 2 2
CO5 2 2 3 2 1 1 2 1
Text/Reference Books
1. VHDL Primer, J Bhaskar PHI, 2nd Ed
2. VHDL programming by example, D.L. Perry, TMH
3. Verilog HDL, 2e, Samir Palnitkar, Pearson
4. Verilog by Example: A Concise Introduction for FPGA Design Paperback, Blaine
Readler, ARC Press.
5. CMOS digital integrated circuit and analysis, Kang, Leblebici, TMH
6. Design of Analog CMOS integrated circuit, B. Razavi, TMH
7. Electronic Design Automation: Synthesis, Verification, and Test (Systems on
Silicon), Yao-Wen Chang, Kwang-Ting, Morgan Kaufmann Pub.
8. Application-Specific Integrated Circuits, Smith, Pearson Education
9. Algorithms for VLSI Design Automation, Sabih H. Gerez, Wiley
10. Logic Synthesis Using Synopsys, Pran Kurup, Taher Abbasi, Paperback, Springer-
11. Logic Synthesis and Verification: 654 Paperback Soha Hassoun , Tsutomu Sasao
, Springer-Verlag
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: describe different symmetric key and asymmetric key cryptographic algorithms. (K1)
CO2: apply modern algebra, number theory and probability theory to analyse the security of
cryptographic algorithms. (K4)
CO3: classify the network security threats and techniques to detect, prevent and recover from
attacks. (K2)
CO4: develop and analyse a suitable security scheme for a specific application. (K5)
Text/Reference Books
1. Douglas Stinson, “Cryptography Theory and Practice”, 2nd Edition, Chapman &
2. B.A. Forouzan, “Cryptography & Network Security”, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. W. Stallings, “Cryptography and Network Security”, Pearson Education.
4. Matt Bishop, “Computer Security”, Pearson Education.
5. Wade Trappe, Lawrence C Washington, Introduction to Cryptography with coding
theory, Pearson.
Course code ET/PE/B/T/414/G
Category Elective
Course title Principles of Electromagnetic Compatibility
Scheme and Credits L–T–P: 3–0–0; Credits: 3; Semester – I
Pre-requisites (if any) ET/PC/B/T/211 Electromagnetic Theory
Introduction: Causes of EMI, EMI effects, EMC practices, EMI standards, biological
Sources of conducted interference: Its characteristics, non-functional sources:
commutators, heater circuits. Fluorescent lamps, static power devices, automatic sources.
Functional sources. The conducted spectrum.
Characteristics of Interference Bandwidth: Narrowband interference, broadband
interference, amplitude behavior, thermal noise, impulsive noise, design practice for
minimizing conducted interference, noise source treatment, modes of operation, tube
design, arc discharge, sensitive device treatment.
Sources of radiated interference: Its characteristics, nature of sources of radiated
interference, non-functional sources, functional sources.
Interference coupling by conduction and radiation: Coupling via conductive patches.
Resistive transfer, inductive and capacitive transfer, grounding bonding, shielding and
filtering, materials and special devices. Mathematical models for sources coupling and
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: review of EMI and explain compatibility. (K2, A2)
CO2: apply different basic rules of EMC to increase reliability. (K3, A2, A4)
CO3: analyze detection and prevention of common mode currents. (K5, A4)
CO4: increase EMC in an electronic system. (K4, A5)
Text/Reference Books
1. Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering– Henry Ott
2. Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility – Clayton R. Paul
Course code ET/PE/B/T/414/I
Category Elective
Course title Introduction to Internet of Things
Scheme and Credits L–T–P: 3–0–0; Credits: 3; Semester – I
Pre-requisites (if any) ES/CM/TP104A Computer Programming & Numerical Method
ET/PC/B/T/311 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
ET/PC/H/T/322 Digital Switching and Computer Networks
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: interpret the impact and challenges posed by IoT networks leading to new architectural
CO2: illustrate the smart objects and the technologies to connect them to network.
CO3: compare different Application protocols for IoT.
CO4: infer the role of data analytics and security in IoT.
CO5: identify sensor technologies for sensing real world entities and understand the role of
IoT in various domains of industry.
Text/Reference Books
1. Introduction to IoT, Sudip Misra, Anandarup Mukherjee, Arijit Roy, Indian
Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, Cambridge University Press, Jan. 2021.
2. Internet of Things – Architecture and Design Principles, Raj Kamal, McGraw Hill
Education, 1/e, India, 2017
3. IntroductiontoIndustrialIoTandIndustry4.0,SudipMisra,Chandana Roy, Anandarup
Mukherjee, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, CRC Press, UK, Dec.
4. Internet of Things, Shriram K Vasudevan, Abhishek S Nagarajan, RMD
Sundaram, Wiley India, 2019.
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: understand the functionality of brain-imaging equipment. (K1)
CO2: understand the basic brain signals: P300, ERD/ERS, SSVEP, N400 signals. (K2, K3)
CO3: learn the methods of feature extraction and classification for BCI application. (K4)
CO4: design issues of BCI systems. (K1, K3, A2)
CO5: understand application of BCI in real-world systems. (K6)
Text/Reference Books
1. Rajesh P. N. Rao, Brain-Computer Interfacing
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: explain the characteristics of single & multi-phase rectifiers with filter design and
analyze the power efficiency. (K3, A3)
CO2: define controlled rectification with SCR & TRIAC devices and the design of push-
pull inverter. (K3, A3)
CO3: explain the principles of industrial welding, resistance welding and high-frequency
heating technology. (K2, A2)
CO4: explain the industrial servo system, dc motor servomechanism and determine the
system stability based on Laplace Transform model. (K3, A3)
CO5: define the characteristics of industrial process controllers (P, I, PID) and design
applications of PLC &relay ladder logic. (K3, A3)
CO-PO Mapping (3-Strong; 2-Moderate; 1-Weak)
CO1 2 1 3 1 1 2
CO2 2 1 3 1 2
CO3 3 1 1 1 2
CO4 1 2 3 1 2
CO5 2 2 3 1 2
Text Books
1. Terry Bartlet– Industrial Electronics (Thomson Delmar Learning)
Reference Books
1. M.S.J. Asghar– Power Electronics (PHI Learning Private Limited)
2. V. Jagannathan– Introduction to Power Electronics (PHI Learning Private Limited)
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: discriminate the principles of clustering from classification. (K2, A3)
CO2: employ principles of reasoning in automated question-answering. (K3, A2)
CO3: develop new techniques of informed and non-informed search. (K3, A4)
CO4: utilize the background of the subject in the fields of interest. (K3, A5)
Text/Reference Books
1. Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Amit Konar, CRC Press, 2000.
2. Computational Intelligence: Principles, Techniques and Applications, Amit Konar,
Springer, 2005.
3. Pattern Classification, Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hartand, David G. Stork, Wiley,
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: choose an appropriate representational scheme for a digital filter. (K3, A3)
CO2: deduce, for a given algorithm, a family of architectures using high-level architectural
transformations. (K4)
CO3: develop algorithmic strength reduction transformations to minimize the number of
computations in architecture. (K5, A4)
CO4: evaluate architectures designed for high-performance VLSI systems. (K6)
Text/Reference Books
1. Keshab K. Parhi, VLSI Digital Signal Processing Systems: Design and
Implementation, Wiley.
2. U. Meyer – Baese, Digital Signal Processing with Field Programmable Gate Arrays,
Course code ET/PE/B/T/424/D
Category Elective
Course title Advanced Electron Devices
Scheme and Credits L–T–P: 3–0–0; Credits: 3; Semester – II
Pre-requisites (if any) ES/ BE/T102BBasic Electronics
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: outline the fundamental principle of different advance optoelectronic, high frequency
and quantum devices. (K1)
CO2: describe various structures of optoelectronic, single quantum devices and carbon
nanotubes also discuss their importance in research and industry. (K2)
CO3: illustrate various schemes to find out energy states for an electron in various quantum
devices. (K3)
CO4: determine the various device parameters for MESFET, HEMT and HBT. (K4)
Text/Reference Books
1. Davies, Physics of Low-Dimensional Semiconductor
2. K.K. Nag, A Complete Guide to Semiconductor Devices. Sze & Kwok, Physics of
Semiconductor Devices
3. P. Bhattacharya, Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices, Prentice Hall of India 1995
4. A. F.J. Levi, Applied Quantum Mechanics, Cambridge University Press 2003.
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: familiarize themselves with, the correlation between 1D and 2D signal processing
techniques (particular to images). (K1, K2, A1, A2)
CO2: distinguish and explain various image enhancement techniques in both spatial and
frequency domains. (K2, K3, K4, A2, A3)
CO3: explain various image restoration techniques and evaluate image compression
algorithms-variable length, Huffman coding etc. (K2, K5, A3, A4)
CO4: evaluate and identify image segmentation methodologies based on detection,
thresholding, splitting and merging. (K1, K3, K4, A3)
Text/Reference Books
1. Digital Image Processing, Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods
2. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Anil K. Jain
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: recall the knowledge of propagation mechanism for understanding working principle
of RADAR. (K1, A1)
CO2: describe RADAR range equations in terms of channel characteristics and transceiver
system noise. (K2, A1)
CO3: develop a CW Doppler and Pulsed RADAR and examine their signal processing
characteristics. (K3, A2)
CO4: demonstrate the working principle of tracking RADAR. (K3, A2)
CO5: analyze the range ambiguity for pulse compression RADAR and apply the information
in GPS coordinate system of high range resolution. (K3, K4, A4)
Text/Reference Books
1. Introduction to RADAR System, M. Skolnik, Third Ed, Tata McGraw Hill Ed.
2. RADAR Principles, technology Applications, B. Edde, Person
3. Radar Cross Section, E.F. Knott, Second Ed, Scitech Pub.
4. RADAR Handbook, M. Skolnik, Third Ed, McGraw Hill Ed.
5. Introduction to Airborne RADAR, Stimson, 3rd Ed Scitech Pub.
6. An Introduction to GNSS, Charles Jeffrey, Novtel Inc. first Ed.
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: illustrate the architecture of the ARM7TDMI processor. (K2, A1)
CO2: understand the instruction set of ARM processor and write assembly language
program (ALP). (K2, K3, A2)
CO3: compare and analyze the advantages of ARM thumb instruction set. (K4, A2)
CO4: describe the ARM processor as a microcontroller unit with appropriate on-chip
peripherals. (K2, K4, A1)
CO5: understand and write the peripheral programming in C language. (K2, A3)
Text/Reference Books
1. ARM System on Chip Architecture, Steve Furber, Pearson, Paperback 2/e, 2012
2. The Designer's Guide to the Cortex-M Processor Family: A Tutorial Approach,
Trevor Martin, 1st Edition, Newnes.
Course Outcomes
The students of the course should be able to
CO1: explain the characteristics of various measuring instruments. (K2, A2)
CO2: classify and describe working principles of various measurement systems. (K2, A2)
CO3: employ appropriate measuring techniques for suitable measurement. (K3, A3)
CO4: analyze Properties of signal and the effect of noise in measurement systems. (K4, A3)
Text Books
1. Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements by David A. Bell, Oxford Higher
Education, 3/e, 2013.
2. Principles of Measurement Systems, by John B Bentley, Pearson, Prentice Hall (4/e),
Reference Books
1. A. K. Sawhney, “A Course in Electrical and Electronic measurements and
Instrumentation, Dhanpatrai & sons, 2005.
2. Rangan C.S., “Instruments Devices And System”, Tata Mc-Graw Hill, 1998.
3. Cooper, “Electronic Instrumentation And Measurement Techniques”, Prentice Hall of
India, 1998.
4. Bowens A.J., “Digital Instrumentation”, Tata Mc-Graw Hill, 1996.
5. MMS Anand, “Electronic Instruments and Instrumentation Technology”, Prentice
Hall of India, 2005.