Unit No 3 12th Phy Edu
Unit No 3 12th Phy Edu
Unit No 3 12th Phy Edu
(Lecturer in Physical Education)
Sociological Aspects of Physical Education.
1, Introduction of Sociology,
Sports sociology: -
It is the branch of sociology which helps to understand the social behavior of the
sports person and their interaction with other members of the society.
According to CHARLES A BUCHER- “Sports sociology is the science which deals
with the social relationship of the sports person as active member of society.” Sports
sociology focuses on examining the relationships between sports and society.
.. The meaning of sociology is the study of society .Sociology is concern with the
study of people or group of persons(society) and their behaviour in the society.
It is very important to study social aspects of physical education for all round
development of each and every individual. Sociology has been defined in a number of
ways by different sociologists.
Definitions of sociology are as follows: -
ccording to A.F.Walter Paul, “Culture is the totality of group ways of thought and
action duly accepted and followed by a group of people.”
The term HERITAGE is something that is left from the past to the present and
from the present to the future with its proper modification. Heritage makes
proper link between the past and the present.
The activities were used to fulfill their basic needs slowly with change in time, most
of these physical activities were modified and were used for playing and re -creation.
The activities like running, fighting, etc. were modified into sports like athletics,
wrestling etc. We can quote, number of examples to show that a number of games
have been passed to us by our ancestors e.g. killing of animals by stone/arrow like
long rods for their food, have been changed into games like shotput and javelin
Games and sports are considered as culture and many nations have accepted it as their
cultural heritage. Heritage makes proper link between the past and present.
Games and sports are the pride of nation and every country tries to protect its culture.
Thus, we can say that the activities we do in modern time are nothing but a modified
form of what we have received from our ancestors.
Egyptians, Greeks, Indian and European countries had contributed a lot in the field
of games and sports.
Greece :- The first Olympic games were started in 776 BC at Athens in Greece in
the honour of their god Zeus. Also, the modern Olympic games which include
running, jumping, throwing were also started firstly in Greece (1896)
India:- India also made a contribution in the development of games and sports.
Games like archery, spear throwing, fighting with swords were also popular in
ancient India. Yoga is originated in India in Vedic- period which is practiced for
physical fitness. Games like Kabaddi and Kho-Kho were also originated and
developed in India.
Rome:- Rome had accepted physical education in culture as they were good warriors
,they mostly practice running , jumping ,wrestling, sward fighting and do physical
exercise to develop the beauty of body.
America :- Most of the Ball games like basketball, volley ball ,baseball, rugby, soft
ball, etc. are developed in America
Germany :- Germany made physical education compulsory for its citizens. The first
physical education school was establishing in 1774.
Japan :- Sumo wrestling and judo are famous sports introduced by Japan.
China:- Games like polo, gymnastics, and traditional martial art are developed in
China. So, its contribution is also remarkable.
Meaning of Leader: Leader is person who lead group of people for a common
Meaning of Leader ship :- The term “leadership” means the quality of a person to
lead others in a team, family, group, society, country etc.
A good leadership helps in the successful completion of the activity. A group leader
provides channel to the utilization of energy and creativity in the group.
Some Definitions of Leadership
According to Montgomery “The capacity and will to rally men and women to a
common purpose is called leadership.
2, Energetic: -A good leader should be so energetic that he can boost the members of
the group in the adverse conditions, so that results are good.
4, Fearlessness: -A good leader should be fair-less so that he can fight for the right
5, Intelligent: -The leader should be intelligent, which helps him to see the shadows
of coming events and makes plans to face the odd events.
6, Good Organiser: -A leader should be a good organizer because only the good
organiser of the program leads to the success.
7, Cooperative Nature: -A leader with cooperative nature is able to create the trust
in the members of the group which makes them to work cooperatively.
8, Honesty: - If the leader is honest in his dealings with others, then he wins the
regard and respect not only from his group but also from others.
9, Awareness: -A leader should be aware of the feelings and needs of the members of
the group.
11, Impartiality: - If the leader is impartial, then he will do justice with the members
of the group.
Student leader: The student leader plays an important role and hold greater
responsibility in the classroom and in the training camps, competitions, tournaments
etc.. It is the student leader who maintains the discipline in the class room or in the
field and guides them towards the success.
Religious leader : These are those who leads to a particular community and
preaches/ teaches about that particular religion.
Group Dynamics
A group may be defined as set of people who have the same interests or objectives
and who organize themselves to work together and strive towards a common goal.
According to Shaw, “Group is defined as two or more persons who are interacting
with each other in such a manner that each person influences and is influenced by
each other.”
The term ‘group dynamics’ is formed by the combination of the two words ‘group’
and ‘dynamics.’ While ‘group’ refers to two or more individuals sharing socio-
psychological relationship, ‘dynamics’ refers to the forces within the group that shape
the patterns of interaction between group members i.e., the power or capacity of a
group member to change other members according to changed circumstances.
Group Dynamics also means an invisible force which binds a group together.
1. First view describes how a group should be organized and conducted, stressing
more on democratic leadership and members’ participation.
2. Second view describes the techniques used in group dynamics, for instance, role
playing, leaderless groups, brainstorming, group therapy, transactional analysis etc.
3. Third view describes group dynamics from the perspective of internal nature of
groups; the structure, processes, reasons and methods of their formation.
The three views can be summarized by describing group dynamics as a study of the
nature and development of groups.
Types of Groups:
1. Formal Groups: In these types of groups members are bound with specific rules,
values, norms etc.
2, Informal Groups; - In in-formal groups the members are not bound specific rules,
values, norms etc. and they may enjoy liberty(Freedom).
which helps the players to understand the feelings, way of life, traditions of other
countries etc.