Adobe Scan 08 Jul 2024
Adobe Scan 08 Jul 2024
Adobe Scan 08 Jul 2024
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SLICE-I : MAIN REFRIGERATION PLANT with Screw compressors ...
. ---- -- - --- -------- - -
SI Clause Item C apacity Qty
no. Ref
1.0 '1 .0 llip, h S tngc Sc , cw M i~n~ r; -~~'1 '1,000 k Cn l/ hour (whi le ~ J n os
co 111 p 1cssor on
t>A c lrn1~e np c111l in1! u t . 5•c SST / J8°C SDT) for
s kid co mple te with ntl cnc h co mp rcmior (in cl u d in g eco n om ize r
n ssoc in ted Htd . occe,rnorics cnpocilyl (in c rease 111 copacily with
eco n o fo r minus 1 "C as well as
(Al so indienle cu pnci ty while mlnu n 5 oC SST is lo be c lea rly indics.iled
ope , nlin g co m pressors o l i11 th e b id d uly nupported by OE M
mluui; 1 •c SST/ 38"C SOT) co poc ity c h urq
2.0 18.4
Motor for compressors 41 5 Vo lt , 50 H Z, 300 0 RPM TEFC , EEF-1. .J nos
hcovy d uly, high to rq u e AC indu ct ion
moto r. Moto r rating as pe r - I •c SST / 38"C
SOT require me nt. 1 no . to suit to VFD .
6.0 4 .0 Priority vess el fo.r Thermo- Suitable for all high s tage screw I Set
siphon oil cooling system compressors (present, s ta n d by and
including piping, control, future), as well as provision in th e p iping
instruments nnd fittings with valves for connec ting future
7.0 6 .0 High Pre ss ure Liquid 5600 L capa city, dimen s io n s a rc to ma tch 1 no
a mm onia rece iver with all with exis ting receive rs. Indicat ive
va lves nn cl accessories dia meter is 750 mm.
8. 0 10 .0 Automn tic /\ir pu rge r with S uita ble for U, c sys tc 11-;- -
nil ncccs::o r·ics (Multi point)
Ice Bank Tank in
com pai·t:men ts
l Lot
(Seamless) pipe (34 sets) (excluding headers) duly galvanized and
complete with stand
13.0 11.2 IBT covers - FRP with PUF To cover total IBT under sl. no. 11 I Lot
14.0 11.2 Insulation for IBT EPS Insulation for. floor and side walls of l Lot
IBT as per approved drawings.
15.0 11.2 Agitator with motor To ensure uniform ice building/burning; 2 sets
velocity 0 .25-0.3 m/sec in each pass.
16.0 11.2 Ice thiclmess control device 1 no. for each compartment of IBT 2 sets.
with 2 probes
17.0 12.0 Forced draft cooler (FDC) 24,000 kCal/hr (minimum) designed 6 Nos.
with controls & accessories suitable for liquid ammonia overfeed
for cold stores (fin spacing system with evaporating temperature of
not less than 6 mm) - for minus 5 °c and room temperature 2-3 <>C
new cold rooms (6t of 7 °C is to be considered for selection
(Smiace area> 275 M2) of FDC and air throw shall be 20 M (min.)
18.0 12.0 Forced draft cooler (FDC) 24,000 kCal/hr (minimum) designed 7 Nos.
with controls & accessories suitable for liquid ammonia overfeed
for cold stores (fin spacing system with evaporating temperature of
not less than 6 mm) - for minus 5 °c and room temperature 2-3 <>C
existing cold rooms (M of 7 °C is to be considered for selection
(Surface area > 275 M2) of FDC and air throw shall be 20 M (min.)
19.0 13.0 Cassette type air 9000 kcal/hr (minimum) suitable for 7 Nos.
conditioner with nil maintaining room temperature nt 22 <>C.
accessories (for LMP MCC room & Mnin Lab - 2 each;
for control rooms of Refrigeration & LMP
and Rece ption Lab - I no . cnch )
20 .0 15.3 .2 Chilled Water Pumps Capacity 80 m 3 /hr nt 4_-:o=--~m-\_V_C_ ,-v-i t-h-+--8 No~
overa ll efficiency (hydrnulic + Elcc tricn l) (6 W •
not le ss thun 70 % . 2 S)
---- - -- --- - . - - -- -
SLICE-I : M A IN REFRIGERA T IO N PLANT w ith Scr e w compre s s ors ..•
- - - --- - --- - --
SI Cla u se Ite m Capa cit y Qty
no. Ref
2 1. 0 15 .3 .3
- - --
Rc fi igc r :1 111 liq u id p urnp~- S 11i 11il ,lc for - 5 De v, C (SST)
- - - -
li quid 6 Nos
for k r Bn n l< T o n ic ; nrnrn o nio pumping of now r nlc m1n 1mu m
(~x is lm p, '2 ::;c t IIJT ll,. n ew 1'1 l<Ll ' II o l 40 MW C (c irc u l;:i ti on ra te = 4)
p n:i pos cd I OTI with n il
a ccessories
22. 0 15 .3 .3 --
l~c fri ge rnn t liquid pumps Su ilab lc for - 5 Deg C (SST) liquid 2 Nos
for re lum water PHE ammon ia pu m p in g o f now rate min im u m
c h iller with a ll accessories 14 k LPH a t 3 0 MWC (c ircu latio n ra tc =4)
2 3 .0 15.3 .3 Rcfrige rnnl liquid p u mps S ui la ble for - 5 D eg C (SST) liquid 3 Nos
for c old room s with a ll ammoni a pumpin g o f now rate min im u m
accessories 10 kLPH at 35 MWC (circu lation rate=S)
24 .0 16 .0 Pipes , va lves, fittings and Suitable for the syste m inc lu d ing 1 Lot
accessories for refrige rant, provisions for future expa n sio n
oil lin es, e tc .
2 5.0 16.0 Pipes, va lves, fittings and Suitable for the system in c luding 1 Lot
accessories for cooling provisions for future expansion
water, chilled water, glycol,
makeup wa te r, drain , etc
2 6 .0 17.0 Insulation for pipes & As per requirement 1 Lot
vessels, equipment, etc.
27.0 18.0 Intelligent Motor control As per requirement 1 Lot
center for entire plant,
including soft starters,
VFDs, APFCR, capacitors,
MCC for cold room etc.
28.0 18.0 Power ca bles As per requirement 1 lot
36 .0
-- --- - ---
Es s cn t in l ~q1 :1re pa r ts fo r As pe r req u irem e n t ns :; pcc ific d by I Lot
one ye a r res pec livc OE M. S u pp lie r s h;tl l fu rni s h
de ln il lis t s u ppo rt ed wilh OEM
recomme nda tion .
- - -
~chcdulc of maj or items required
SI I Clause Item
1--n_o_ . _.__ Ref
t--- - ~ - 21 l'rr. -c n ~in cc red - prc -rab ricatcd
l.O 2 1.1. 1 Wall i11suln1io11 Pn-;;J fur milk
sa mlwi c h r.<l (PCO I) ri gid Poly 440 sq . ml
& butt en nilk cold s tores
Ure th a n e Panel 80 mm thic k
Prc-cnr; in cc re<l pre- fabricated
2.0 2 1. l.l Cciling i n s ulAtion Panel for
sandwiched (PCOI) rigid Poly 325 sq . mt
milk & buttermilk cold stores
Urethane Panel 80 mm thic k
6 .0 21.2 Hatch door for cold rooms 80 mm PUF lnGulated door of &lze
0 .9 X 0.9 mt 5 nos
7.0 21.3 Air curtains and PVC strip Air curtain for 1.5 X 2.lmt Door
curtain 7 nos
Air curtain for 0.9 X 0.9 mt Door
Strip curtains for 1.5 X 2.1 mt Door
7 nos
Strip curtains for 0.9 X 0.9 mt Door
5 nos
J 0 .0 21.3, Power & control cables Complete outgoing cables for nir
21.4 & curt~ins, UPS and other loads; control 1 Lot
21.5 cabhng as req uired.
Forced draft coolers (indigenous) Star coolers & condensers/C oil company/ Frick
Swit ch fuse unit s SIEM ENS /L& T/SC HIN DER / ABB
VI-8 6
,: - . ~- Descrip tion Make