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The Vagabond
Robert Louis Stevenson

Summary of the poem:

R. L. Stevenson’s poem “The Vagabond” represents the kind of life that the poet would love
to live. All the narrator wants is to live a natural life filled with the heaven, the land, the birds,
and the river. The poet describes the carefree life of a wanderer who wants nothing about
the pleasures of this world – neither wealth, nor hope, nor love, nor friendship. He only wants
the heaven above and the road below him, so that he may travel on, without any care for the
comforts of life. Nothing can reduce his spirit of wandering. He speaks of harsh condition in
autumn and winter but says that it will not prevent him from his yearning to be on the road.
In the final stanza, he repeats what he said in the second stanza that he knows he will die
sooner or later but he only wants to live his life on the road, with heaven above and the road
Meanings of Difficult Words:
✓ Vagabond – Wanderer
✓ Lave – A stream or a rivulet
✓ Jolly – Merry
✓ Nigh – Near; beside
✓ Dip – To immerse for a time
✓ Seek – Look for
✓ Afield – In the field
✓ Linger – To remain long
✓ Haven – A place of safety
✓ Yield – Surrender
Important Questions and Answers:
1. Who is a vagabond?
Ans: A vagabond is a person who wanders from place to place without a home or a job.

2. What kind of life does the vagabond want?

Ans: The vagabond wants a life of love in close contact with nature.

3. Where does the vagabond spend his night?

Ans: The vagabond spends his night in the bushes, looking up at the starry sky.
4. How does the poet describe autumn?
Ans: Autumn is pictured as a harsh time for the vagabond, a time in which silence falls
because it is so chilly that the birds are no longer singing, his fingers turn blue from the
cold and the fields are frosty and white.

5. Why does the poet choose to be a vagabond?

Ans: The poet chooses to be a vagabond because he has unlimited independence. It is
his care free life without any aim or worries that makes him feel happy as a vagabond.

6. Why does the poet repeat the second stanza of the poem?
Ans: The poet repeats the second stanza in order to emphasize the intense feeling of the
vagabond. It also shows the poet’s strong desire to lead a carefree life without fearing

7. What message does the poet want to give through the poem?
Ans: The poet wants to give the message that if a man once hears the irresistible call of
nature, he cannot help responding to it. Nature captures him under her spell and all
worldly comforts become useless to him.

Answer the following questions: (to be done in your class work copy)
1. What are the things that do not interest the vagabond?
2. What does the vagabond ask for?
3. How does the vagabond eat his bread?
4. What does the vagabond like to see while lying in bed?
5. What does the poet compare the frosty field to?
6. What silences the bird on the tree?
7. What would the vagabond do when the winter falls?

➢ Drop your queries regarding the chapter in comment box, if any.
➢ Mention your NAME, CLASS, SEC, ROLL NO.
➢ Provide your CONTACT NO. (we shall directly contact you if required).

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