The Vagabond
Robert Louis Stevenson
6. Why does the poet repeat the second stanza of the poem?
Ans: The poet repeats the second stanza in order to emphasize the intense feeling of the
vagabond. It also shows the poet’s strong desire to lead a carefree life without fearing
7. What message does the poet want to give through the poem?
Ans: The poet wants to give the message that if a man once hears the irresistible call of
nature, he cannot help responding to it. Nature captures him under her spell and all
worldly comforts become useless to him.
Answer the following questions: (to be done in your class work copy)
1. What are the things that do not interest the vagabond?
2. What does the vagabond ask for?
3. How does the vagabond eat his bread?
4. What does the vagabond like to see while lying in bed?
5. What does the poet compare the frosty field to?
6. What silences the bird on the tree?
7. What would the vagabond do when the winter falls?
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