Cytoplasmic Droplet Reference
Cytoplasmic Droplet Reference
Cytoplasmic Droplet Reference
Advance Access publication July 8, 2004
BACKGROUND: There is a discrepancy between the use of terminology employed by clinicians and basic scien-
tists concerning the cytoplasmic droplets of sperm. Most clinicians consider their presence on sperm to be indica-
tive of abnormal sperm, whereas basic scientists consider them to be attributes of normal sperm. METHODS: The
presence of cytoplasmic droplets on human sperm was examined using conventional air-dried, fixed and stained
sperm smears and in living and fixed wet preparations. RESULTS: Cytoplasmic droplets were found on the
majority of motile sperm and in fixed preparations but only half of them were found in air-dried smears. There
was no relationship between the presence of abnormally large cytoplasmic droplets, indicative of abnormal sperm,
and the droplets found on living cells. CONCLUSION: The term ‘cytoplasmic droplet’ is confusingly used to
describe two different sperm structures: large amounts of retained, excessive cytoplasmic remnants, that survive
the air-drying procedure and are observed on abnormal sperm in conventionally stained sperm smears, and osmo-
tically sensitive vesicles that are present on normal living sperm. A plea is made to retain the term ‘cytoplasmic
droplet’ for the latter structure of normal sperm and to use the term ‘excess residual cytoplasm’ to describe the
abnormally retained cytoplasm observed on abnormal sperm in smears.
Human Reproduction vol. 19 no. 10 q European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology 2004; all rights reserved 2283
T.G.Cooper et al.
Results two liquefied samples (14.5, 10.0%) were far lower than
Preliminary observations those found in the glutaraldehyde-fixed samples examined at
1 min (65%) or 20 min (67%).
In order to determine if cytoplasmic droplets, as seen in other
mammalian species and considered as normal structures,
were present on human sperm, one ejaculate was fixed Sperm morphology and motility
immediately upon ejaculation and two were fixed within 75 s The majority of live sperm viewed in wet preparations in
of sample production. Observations on the sample delivered semen (mean 336 mmol/kg at the time of processing) and in
into fixative revealed the presence of droplets on the majority media of female tract tonicity (290 mmol/kg) were observed
of sperm within the unliquefied coagulum. When aliquots of to have cytoplasmic droplets at the neck regions, sometimes
an ejaculate were fixed at intervals before and after liquefac- extending along the length of the midpiece (Figure 1b, f).
tion, 47 – 65% of sperm had visible droplets over the 30 min The percentage of motile sperm with droplets significantly
examined. When sperm taken from the medium surrounding exceeded that of immotile cells in both semen and at the
a liquefying ejaculate were examined in wet preparations, osmolality of cervical mucus (290 mmol/kg) and there was
49 –57% of immotile sperm bore droplets, whereas 68 – 92% no difference in motility of sperm in these fluids (Table II).
of motile sperm did. The mean percentages of droplets The same sperm suspensions fixed in glutaraldehyde
observed in conventional Papanicolaou-stained smears of the also revealed cytoplasmic droplets on the majority of them.
Table II. Sperm motility in semen and Biggers–Whitten–Whittingham (BWW290) and the percentage of motile and immotile sperm
each displaying cytoplasmic droplets
Motility (%) Droplet-bearing sperm (%)
In semen 49.3 ^ 2.6 (10–87) 51.6 ^ 1.8 (21–72) 32.4 ^ 1.3 (15– 53)a
In BWW290 49.0 ^ 2.8 (11–82) 53.2 ^ 2.1 (10–87) 29.6 ^ 1.3 (15– 54)a
T.G.Cooper et al.
In order to compare this value with that obtained from the Discussion
live wet preparations, a weighted mean was obtained by The results of this study indicate that ejaculated sperm from
multiplying the percentage of motile and immotile sperm by men possess true cytoplasmic droplets, which are normal
their respective percentages of droplets. This percentage structures of sperm in all other mammalian species, as judged
(40.5 ^ 1.5, n ¼ 50, mean ^ SEM) was not different (paired from wet preparations on living gametes and in rapidly fixed
t-test) from that of the glutaraldehyde-fixed sperm preparations. The percentage of motile sperm with droplets
(38.4 ^ 1.7). in both semen and medium of 290 mmol/kg being higher
than that of immotile cells suggests that they are not delete-
rious to vitality or motility and are clearly not a marker for
Sperm morphology in fixed and smeared preparations poor sperm quality. That the percentage of sperm bearing
The percentage of conventionally air-dried and Papanico- droplets in live preparations agreed with estimates obtained
laou-stained sperm revealed significantly fewer droplets than from glutaraldehyde-fixed preparations confirmed that such
observed in fixed wet preparations, whether observed at £ 400 droplets were not artefacts of cell fixation. Thus human
(magnification used for the fixed and wet preparations: 52%) sperm resemble other mammalian sperm in having a mid-
or £ 1000 (magnification used for routine semen analysis: piece cytoplasmic droplet; what differs is their position, at
51%), although there was a significant correlation between the neck rather than the end of the annulus, and that they
the percentages of droplets observed in the dried and wet remain attached to the spermatozoon in the ejaculate. Ultra-
preparations by the same observer [Figure 2: r ¼ 0.500 structural micrographs of well-fixed, human ejaculated sperm
(£ 40), r ¼ 0.432 (£100)]. When abnormal cytoplasmic resi- also demonstrate a cytoplasmic droplet at the neck (Holstein
dues (defined as greater than one-third to one-half the sperm and Roosen-Runge, 1981; Johnson, 1982; Neugebauer et al.,
head size: World Health Organization, 1999) were assessed 1990) as they do in the epididymis (Ånberg, 1957).
by experienced andrology technicians, the percentage was A related and important observation for the morphological
low (, 9.6 ^ 0.6) and bore no relation to the percentage of assessment of human ejaculates was the far lower percentage
true droplets found in wet and fixed preparations (Figure 2). of droplets on sperm observed in air-dried, Papanicolaou-
There was a statistically significant linear relationship stained smears. Indeed, the same observer counted far fewer
between the percentage of what the andrology technicians droplets in stained smears than in the live or fixed wet prep-
assessed as abnormal ‘cytoplasmic droplets’ and what were arations of the same ejaculates. This attests to the general
assessed as residual cytoplasm (category II) in 47 wet pre- inadequacy of the routine method for preserving structures
parations at £ 100 (r ¼ 0.584; data not shown). sensitive to the stresses accompanying air-drying before
Human sperm cytoplasmic droplets
fixing and staining. As even human sperm heads may expand Midpiece structures surviving the latter, drastic treatment
under these conditions (Yeung et al., 1997; Soler et al., would include abnormally large amounts of excess cytoplasm
2000), it should not be surprising that far less rigid not removed at spermiation, adhering to the midpiece and
and osmotically sensitive vesicles would collapse during staining green with Papanicolaou. As such excess residual
preparation. cytoplasm has been associated with sperm from smokers
These findings confirm and extend the observations of (Mak et al., 2000) and men with varicocele (Zini et al.,
osmotically sensitive ‘midpiece vesicles’ (MPV) extending 2000) and with deficiencies in sperm DNA (Fischer et al.,
along the length of the midpiece of human sperm in semen 2003) and phospholipid-bound docosahexanoic acid (Zini
and cervical mucus (Abraham-Peskir et al., 2002; Chantler et al., 2000), its presence is indeed indicative of abnormal
and Abraham-Peskir, 2004), which were also considered not spermiogenesis. Such sperm should not be described as of
detrimental to sperm and were not found in air-dried prep- ‘diminished maturity’ (Gergely et al., 1999) or as immature
arations. These authors considered the so-called MPV to be (Ollero et al., 2000), but merely abnormal, since they cannot
distinguishable from ‘cytoplasmic droplets’ by the absence of and do not undergo maturation in the epididymis.
visible content and their higher incidence than conventional A plea is made to adhere to a common nomenclature and
T.G.Cooper et al.
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