Kuliah 08
Kuliah 08
Kuliah 08
General Objective : To deliver a presentation
Specific Objectives : To prepare for a presentation
To give an introduction of the presentation
To identify the purpose of the presentation
To deliver the body of the presentation
To conclude the presentation
Grammar Points : Present Tense
• Introduction
Self introduction
Introduction to the topic and Outlining • Concluding the presentation
• The body of the Presentation Summarizing
Signposting each point and elaborating it Closing
Moving on to the next point and elaborating it • Handling Questions
Referring to visuals
Referring to a point Moving on
• Regarding... With regard to... • That brings me to my next point
• Concerning... With reference to... • Let’s move on the question of…
Finishing off
• I'd like to hand over to (Duncan Soras) now. He is going to say a few words about...
• Well, that was a brief, overview of the subject.............................
• Well, I hope that has given you some idea of.................................
• Does anyone, have any questions?
• well, If there are no more questions.....................................
• Thank you very much for your attention
➢ I'm (I am) calling to check what equipment ➢ I look forward to meeting you next week.
you need. ➢ How does the OHP work? How do you
➢ Are you planning to use the video? adjust it?
➢ Do you mind using an ordinary whiteboard? ➢ Could you get hold of an extension cord?
➢ Do you have a slide projector? ➢ The OHP bulb needs changing.
➢ I'll (I will) need a flip chart. ➢ How are you feeling? Would you like a
➢ I'm used to working in all kinds of glass of water?
situations. ➢ I'm not very keen on speaking in public.
➢ Is there anything else you need? ➢ She's (She is) very good at handling difficult
➢ If I think of anything, I'll give you a call. questions.
➢ He can't (can not) stand using a microphone. ➢ We'll (We will) begin in five minutes, if
➢ I'm not used to speaking without an OHP. you're (you are) ready.
➢ I can't get used to speaking in public. ➢ Shall I introduce you?
➢ I suppose I'll have to get used to it. ➢ Good luck. I hope it goes well
Good afternoon, everyone. My name's Ricardo Vales. I'd like to talk about our new marketing strategy.
There are three parts to my presentation. Firstly, the background to the strategy. Secondly, how we want
to change our current operations. Finally, the details of the costs and the effect of the change on staff. By
the end of my presentation you will understand clearly our future plans.
Handling questions
Most presentations include time for questions and answers. Sometimes presenters ask for questions
during the presentation, but more frequently there is a question time at the end of the presentation.
A. Examples of Questions
1. How many data centres did you say will have to close?
2. I agree that sub-contracting is the best solution, but can you explain why people
weren't informed about the decision straight away?
3. Isn't there a major security risk involved in sub-contracting to an outside supplier?
4. I can see big advantages in a single data centre, but is 1993 realistic?
5. You said some staff will be transferred to our manufacturing data centres. Does that mean a big
expansion in their activity?
6. Isn't it the case that the deck ion to close down the data centres was taken months ago?
7. Could you give us some more information about how you propose to deal with retraining?
8. I have a question about the data centers. What will happen to them after they close down?
9. I'm not really clear about the timescale for the project. Could you explain it again?
C. How to use tactics:
Excuse me, I would like to know how you Yes, I quite see your point. However, I know
have classified people as 'others' and 'high you'll understand we have to make decisions,
Extract 1 priority'. I mean, they all work for the and we do have to make judgements. And
same company, and many of them do very there's another point, by reducing the number of
similar types of work. I'm not at all happy data centres we're concentrating our strength,
about it. and reducing costs. I'm sure you can see the
value of that.
How can you be sure of keeping someone Yes, we've thought about that a lot. But the
Extract 2 who you've Identified as high priority and company, as you know, has an excellent record
also mobile? Aren't those the kind of of keeping staff. If you look around, you'll sec:
people who could easily find work with just how many people have been with the
one of our competitors? company for more than five years.
I've heard that Headquarters are also Actually, it's not for me to comment on that.
Extract 3 thinking of closing down the data centre You should ask John Roberts at the meeting on
at our plant in Trieste as well. Is that true? Friday.
Example :
A. Introduction in a presentation
B. Moving on
A: …. So that’s all I wanted to say about the budget for next year. I’d now like to move on to the
question Rosa raised earlier
…. That leads me to my next point. We need to look carefully at how we plan for next year.
…. So next year’s budget I’d now like to talk about the action we are taking to reach our targets.
D. Referring to Visuals
What to say:
Now, let's look at the position for maternity leave in France and in Switch Electronics.
The top half of the slide tells you how much maternity leave women can expect in
France in general and in Switch Electronics in particular.
In the lower part of the slide you can see what the situation is for salary entitlement.
Now, let's move on to the next slide, which is our first slide on child benefit. This
slide gives details about child benefit in the UK.
Presenter ....and we'll be looking at those figures later. Let's move on to the next slide. This
shows you the position at the end of January.
….and sales didn't really move at all in this last quarter. So, overall, the performance in this
sector has not been good. Now I'll show you another slide, which gives us some
information about the competition.
The next chart shows a marked Improvement In home sales compared to last year.
This improved performance is due in part to lower interest rates ...
.....So, as we've seen, this group has not responded well to treatment. However, when we
turn to the male patients we can see a more positive result.
A: Oh, dear
B: Is it broken?
A: Yes, the bulb is broken. I'm afraid I won't be able to use the projector. Could you bear with me? I
have some paper copies in my briefcase.
B: Are you ok?
A: Yes, I think so. Could I have a glass of water? That's better. Sorry, where was I?
B: You were just about to tell us some interesting news.
F. Recapping
A : As I mentioned earlier, we hope to finish the project by the end of the year. I said that wa
were on schedule. Having said that, there are a couple of potential problems........
G. Coming to end
A: I’d like to finish by thanking you all for coming here today and I look forward to seeing you
in two weeks time. If anyone has any questions, please ask. I will be around for coffee later
and you are very welcome to contact me if you have any queries before the next meeting.