BOXER KING Setup Operators Manual ENG

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JAKAR, 44 – 240 Żory, ul. Fabryczna 10, Poland
Tel./fax. +48 32 435 79 22;
e-mail: [email protected]


machine manual

The „BOXER KING” strength machine is the amusement device designed for play in bars, clubs,
cinemas, festivities, amusement parks, etc. The machine is profit-making device not paying the
money prizes.

The machine is designed and made from state of the art materials and parts available on the market.
Components of the device are compliant with the safety standards, what is confirmed by CE


Height 215 cm
Width 120 cm
Length 140 cm
Total weight 150 kg
Power supply 220 – 240 V


The punch strength test is active when the light over STRENGTH button is lit. In other case the
button STRENGTH shall be pushed. Each punch costs the player 1 credit.
After the coin is inserted, the player pushes START button. At this moment the punch ball is
automatically lowered. The halogen lamps at both sides of the punch ball light the punch field.
After a blow in the punch ball the machine measures the punch strength. After that the sound and
light presentation begins and its sequence depends on the strength of the punch. Beating the record is
rewarded by additional sound and light sequences as well as adding one extra credit. The best result
in STRENGTH mode is 999.


Using the SETUP function switch the later machine behaviour can be modified.

Pushing START - Confirmation, enter the selected option

Pushing up / down buttons - Browsing the options

0. Exit from setup.

This option is also the coinbox test. By inserting a coin it is possible to check its value and
number of received credits.
1. Basic parameters.
- The presentation repeat time – 5min.
- Record set to 700.
- Strength characteristic to 5.
- Credit – 0.
- Free Play Off
Push START to confirm the parameters.
2. Electronic counter.
This is information about number of pulses from the beginning of machine production,
position W2. The number cannot be deleted.
3. The machine settling – current result.
This is the number of pulses recorded in the machine from last settling. To display current
value of the counter the START button shall be pushed. The counter status from the last
settling is displayed on middle display.
4. Resseting the current counter.
Push START to reset number of current counter. When 0 appears on the display it means that
the function was accepted.
5. The number of beaten records.
On the display appears number which means amount of beaten records.
6. Resetting the beaten records counter.
Push START to delete number of beaten records.
7. Resetting the strength record.
Push START to reset strength record. Now the strength record is 700, this number is constant,
steady in basic parameters.
8. Resetting credits.
Push START to reset number of credits.
9. Free Play - free of charge play.
Push SETUP, switching through small display enables game parameters changing:
000 - Charged play
001 - Free of charge play
Confirm pushing SETUP after selection.
10. The presentation repeat time.
The option enables changing of the presentation repeat time. Set in seconds presents time,
after which the music is played. Push SETUP then set the desired time and confirm.
0 means the presentation is off.
11 – 13 . Setting credits.
This function allows to decide which coin value (large display) will be equal to 1 credit
(small display). Using START change the value. (PASSWORD, option 25!)
Example: Push START, when the small display blinks, the credit value for i.e. 1 shall be set.
Confirm by pushing START, then the pulse value equal to 0,5 shall be set.
It means that inserting two coins on this channel results in 1 credit and 2 pulses.
14 – 16. Setting credits.
Settings credits for banknotes. Coding is realised the same way as above.
(PASSWORD, option 25!)

17. Strength characteristic.

The option can be entered by pushing START, then switching using
up / down buttons.

Value < 1 - Difficulty level - easy

Value - 5 - Difficulty level - medium
Value > 10 - Difficulty level - difficult
18. Password.
Push START to enter password. Number 100 is displayed on upper display. Use up / down
buttons to change it. Push START to accept first digit, the same with other digits. To enter
programme from 11 – 18 it is necessary to enter a password.
19. Password change.
The password is set by the customer. The same setting procedure as in the item above. In
case of forgetting password is a chance to change it only at Jakar's company.
20.The machine hours of operation.
This is information shows the number of punches struck on the machine.
21. Test hardware.
Pushing appropriate buttons enables performing of the device operation test.
After SETUP is pushed lighting are tested.
22. Automatic resetting the number of beaten records.
(PASSWORD, option 25!)
0 - Off
1 - On – means the options 23, 24, 25 are swiched on and the parameters are basic.

23. Fall into 22.

You can choose the number of record after which the game couner will turn on. For example
number 950.
(PASSWORD, option 25!)
24. Fall into 22.
The game counter. (0-50) You can set number of the game after which the record of the
machine (set by client or producer) will bring back.
(PASSWORD, option 25!)
25. Fall into 22.
The value of beaten record. The number of beaten record will be set automatically after
played definite number of the games. ( First someone have to beat the record.)
(PASSWORD, option 25!)
Example : After reach the record equal or higher than 950 and played on machine 15 times
the record will automatically set to value 700. Setting the parameters take place during the
presentation. The presentation has to be turned on. ( option 10 )

26. The number of credits for the beaten record.

In those option you can set number of credits which will be given to the player who beat
the record. You can choose beteen 0 and 5.
(PASSWORD, option 25!)
27. Encouragement to the game.
In that option you can set time of going down the punch ball as encouragement to the game.
You can set the option from 0 (swiched off) to 120 minutes.

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