Hartmann Curry Grid
Hartmann Curry Grid
Hartmann Curry Grid
Our earth is a living body that has energy veins flowing all over, just like the
human body where blood flows from and to the heart. These natural earth energies are
as old as the earth existence and interact with everything on its surface. They were
believed to have either a healing effect in “Power Spots” or a stressful effect in
“Geopathic Stress Zones” that can change the normal functioning of human beings and
damage their health. Thousands of years ago, these energies’ effects were considered
during designing the built environment. This no longer takes place although recent
research discovered that the urban ambiance is badly affected by electromagnetic
radiation from different sources. Moreover, one of the main objectives of urban design
is bringing to the user a sense of wellbeing and emotional satisfaction. The paper
argues that respecting the natural earth energies during the design process will affect
the wellbeing of the users. Consequently, the paper undergoes an exploratory process
through a survey in Al-Sultan Hassan mosque using observations and a structured
questionnaire to investigate this relationship. The survey confirmed that following the
earth energy grids in the design affects the visitors positively and enhances their
abilities and wellbeing.
Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, [email protected]
Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, [email protected]
Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, [email protected]
Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, [email protected]
Our earth is a living body that has energy veins flowing all over, just like the
human body where blood flows through veins from and to the heart. These energy veins
are created due to the existence of both electric fields and magnetic fields; electric fields
are created from the solar winds ejected to the earth by the sun, while magnetic fields
exist due to the composition of most of the earth from molten iron resulting in a
powerful north-south magnetic field [1]. As a result of the rotation of the earth around
the sun for millions of years, these electromagnetic waves of earth’s energy have
established a natural net of energy lines and water bodies across the surface of the earth.
These natural electromagnetic fields actually exist everywhere around us but they are
invisible to humans [2]. Therefor we are subjected to electromagnetic fields since the
very first existence of the universe, and these fields have the ability to affect us in
different ways where they can cause either a healing effect in “Power spots” or a
stressful effect in “Geopathic stress zones”. Humans are affected by these surrounding
energies due to the electric nature of the human body, where everything our body does is
through electric signals sent from the brain to all body parts. Consequently, this creates
an electromagnetic energy field named “Aura” that surrounds each human body and that
interacts with the surrounding environment as well [3]. The fact that the earth’s
atmosphere represents an integrated part of its body has to be taken into consideration,
as we actually build inside the earth’s body and not just on its surface as it may appear.
Therefore, the built environment has to be integrated with the subtle energy anatomy of
the earth [4]. This draws back the attention to the fact that energy is one of the main
environmental components that is not taken into consideration as it should be. It shapes
our lives and affects us directly and indirectly in various ways.
direction according to the earth energy grid and pattern in this area. The case study
focuses on assessing the effect of following the earth energy grid lines and natural
sources of electromagnetic radiation on the users of the mosque’s inner space (Sahn).
This assessment will take place using various techniques including structured
questionnaire, interviews and observations with people present inside the mosque. This
survey was structured based on collected questions from different sources used to
assess the human behaviour and wellbeing occurring as a result of taking into
consideration the different natural sources of electromagnetic radiation and earth
energies in the design process of the built environment. Figure 1 shows the research
where they are composed of vertical waves of electric field and horizontal waves of
magnetic field. The human body has its own energy field, due to the fact that our brain
does everything through electrical signals passing through the whole body. The wave
components of the human energy field (aura) can interact and be in resonance with
horizontal waves only [2]. The human energy field can be in a balanced relation with
these waves, but, on the other hand, when the human energy fields resonates with
vertical waves a negative effect and disturbance occurs to the balanced system of the
human field. This is due to the fact that the human body has only horizontally moving
waves. Consequently, any vertical wave that enters the body or interacts with it causes
illness, disease and imbalance and energy disturbances. Another reason is that vertical
waves carry electrical signals which cause confusion to the originally sent electrical
signals by the brain through the body and may cause fake signals in the human body as
we are bioelectrical systems as our hearts and brains are regulated through internal
bioelectrical signals [8].
These two grids are the most known earth energies worldwide. They represent
two different nets with different orientation of universal radiation that covers the
whole earth’s surface.
The Hartmann net consists of naturally occurring charged lines running North-
South and East-West. It is named after Dr. Ernst Hartmann, a German doctor, that
discovered it soon after the 2nd world war. This grid is alternately positively and
negatively charged, therefore where the lines intersect it is possible to have double
positive charges, double negative charges, or one positive and one negative charge, and it
is those intersections that are perceived to be a source of potential problems. Figure 3
shows that the lines exist at a distance of 2 meters in the north-south direction, and 2.5
meters in the East-West direction, whereas between these lines a neutral zone exists. The
grid appears as a structure of radiation that extends vertically also from the ground and
represent invisible walls of radiation with 21 cm width each [9].
The Hartmann net has been defined using the Chinese terms of Yin and Yang.
The Yin (North-South lines) is a cold energy which acts slowly, corresponds to winter,
and is related to cramps, humidity and all forms of rheumatism. The Yang (East-West
lines) is a hot, dry rapidly acting energy. It is related to fire and is linked to
inflammations. Generally, intersections of the Hartmann grid lines cause health
problems mostly related to muscles and bones [9].
This net was named after Dr. Manfred Curry, the one who discovered it. It
consists of energy lines that exist at distances ranging from 3-4 meters depending on the
geological changes, construction work, and the existence of full moon. The curry net
extends in straight lines, with thickness of 40 – 50cm, in the North East- South West and
North West – South East directions, with 45 degrees rotation from the North direction as
shown in Fig. 4. These lines have alternatively changing charge where any positively
charged line is preceded and followed by negatively charged lines and vice versa [9].
Both the Hartmann and Curry energy gridlines include vertical wave (electric) in
their wave component, which, as mentioned before, is harmful to the human energy
field. Although, as believed by many experts, the harmful effects exist only at the points
of intersection especially at the crossings of similarly charged lines, whether positive or
negative. Positively charged intersections in the Curry gridlines lead to increased
production of the living cell leading to increased risk of tumour development, while
negatively charged intersections may cause skin inflammations [10].
On the other hand, other experts believe that these intersections can only cause
harm to a person if located directly under his head during sleeping, causing insomnia,
depression, or migraine headaches. While it is believed that negatively charged
intersections in the Hartmann grid may cause headaches, nervous disturbances, and
cramps. These harmful effects are increased if the intersection point consists of more
than 3 lines in the case of intersections between both Hartmann and Curry gridlines [11].
This energy system is named after the Australian researcher Anton Banker. It
consists of rows and columns of cubes with 10 meters side length and separated by
invisible radioactive walls of 1 meter thickness. It is also referred to as the 10 meter
system. Each cube is electrically charged with alternatively changing charges through
the rows and columns as seen in Fig. 5. This system is similar to the Hartmann grid in
its orientation as it extends in the North-South and East-West directions.
It is believed that a positively charged cube encourages and supports life
processes, while negatively charged cubes have a calming and relaxing effect. If a
person stays for a long time in the positively charged zones of Benker Cube system,
his health could be affected through the cause of overstimulation, nervousness,
inflammations, and general restlessness. Also when staying for long periods of time in
the negatively charged zones, this may suck out the energy from the body and cause
weakness in the body functioning and problems in the immune system defense
mechanism resulting in the attraction of more illnesses [12].
Water streams exist under the earth’s surface as underground waterbodies in the
form of streams, blind springs, or even rivers. They run between the rocks different layers
and they vary in number and size from one place to another. It is believed that water veins
provide good health and good energy when exist in small doses, while, on the other hand,
they can be very detrimental to all living organisms and can cause scoliosis and cancer to
humans if there exists too much of them or if the human body was subjected to their
radiation for a long period of time. Consequently, as shown in Fig. 6 intersection points
magnify the effect of the water veins on the surface of the earth causing spinal problems,
migraine, headaches, weakening of the body’s energy, and can progress to depression,
cancer, lung and kidney disorders, circulatory diseases, miscarriages or infertility [12].
The intersections take place if water veins meet underground creating a broader
stream or even if they are separated vertically by multiple layers of rocks as they exist
at varying depths. This causes their effect to be magnified as they still crisscross
through their radiations. The points of intersection also can cause the acceleration of
the disease progression [14]. Water veins crossing each other or intersecting with other
energy gridlines are considered to create one of the most stressful zones. Underground
water streams cause the strongest electromagnetic radiation when compared to the
electromagnetic field created by other energy grid systems [15].
Ley lines arise below the surface of the earth, existing between natural
landforms that are big, or hollow such as caves, lakes, volcanoes, etc. Many spiritual
structures are built over these lines to acquire their power and transfer their energy to
the buildings [16]. Ley lines are naturally existing lines but they are partially
manipulated by man, they exist along the sacred places and are actively charged in a
way or another. They manifest in straight lines that link strong and powerful sacred
spots on earth, at least 5 spots with separating distance not less than 25 miles, and
these sacred spots may contain large megaliths (for example menhirs or dolmens), or
religious buildings as shown in Fig. 7 [9].
Fig. 8. Glastonbury Tor exists in the intersection point of many Ley lines.
Many old civilizations recognized these lines and the energies they possess and
built holy buildings and monuments along these lines. They believed that the points
where 3 lines intersect are very powerful energy spots where they place churches on
these intersections. In ancient times, they used to mark the spots using Menhirs and
Dolmens, and used these sacred spots as healing and energetic spaces. These lines can be
found in Africa, Asia, America, India, England, and other parts of the world. Although,
on the other hand, it was found that being exposed to these powerful energies for a long
period of time can be harmful due to the power of the energy passing through them [18].
Along the study of the mentioned natural energy patters, a relationship was found
with human health on the physical and psychological levels. Moreover, they have a great
effect on the humans’ behavior. As a result, many studies took place in this field to better
discover these effects. They revealed the existence of either two effects; a healing effect in
“Power Spots”, or a stressful and harmful effect at “Geopathic Stress Zones”.
Power spots are defined or referred to as some locations and powerful places on
earth that are overflowed and saturated with spiritual energy. These are the locations of
natural energy where the energy lines of the earth intersect forming a geometric grid
known as the Earth Planetary Energetic Grid System as shown in Fig. 9 [19].
In these spots, the powerful flow of natural integrative energy flowing between
earth, sky, and the whole universe is easily perceived. Since prehistoric times, millions of
people in the world were mysteriously attracted to these places. These sacred spots have
the power and ability to heal the body, enlighten the mind, develop psychic abilities,
increase creativity, and heal the soul through increasing the awareness of one’s true
purpose in life. Ancient civilizations all over the world were aware of this planetary grid
and its powerful energy. That’s why they built ancient structures in these energetic places
such as temples, mosques, shrines, megalithic sites, and churches [19]. The earth energy
waves can be simply invoked by placing a conductor such as a large stone, a Menhir or a
dolmen for example, is placed onto the energy grid. A corresponding resonance will be
detected within the stone and can be adjusted by changing the shape, density, and location
of the stone. The resonated energy levels can be amplified if the stone is placed on the
intersection of two or more energy gridlines or underground water streams. Megalithic
stones follow these principles where the stones are placed over the nodes of Hartmann and
Curry earth energy grids such as Le Menec stones that are part of the Carnac Alignments
located in Southern Brittany, France. These stones are precisely located and oriented to
correspond with the nodes of Hartmann and Curry grids as shown in Fig. 10.
Fig. 10. A cross-sectional view of the alignment of Le Menec stones with earth energy gridlines.
Geopathic stress represents the harmful earth vibrations that are emitted from the
earth’s surface and are strengthened by underground water veins, fault lines, certain
mineral concentrations, and underground hollow structures. These vibrations become
very harmful to living organisms and are considered the main reason for the accelerated
increase in cancer and other serious illness that have doubled in the last two decades, see
Fig. 12 [13]. Geopathic stress zones are studied through the Geopathology science that
deals with pathologic (sickening and harmful) energies that are emitted from the earth’s
surface and affect the healthy functioning of our bodies’ cell metabolism. These zones
are mainly created by natural sources but can also increase in effect by interacting with
man-made sources of electromagnetic radiation [20].
A relation was detected between Geopathic stress zones and several diseases.
The studies showed that being exposed to these harmful energies may not represent the
direct cause for the illness but these stressful zones work on weakening the immune
system and affecting the natural functioning of some body organs. Geopathic stress
can manifest in major symptoms such as sleeping disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome,
Al Sultan Hassan mosque was chosen to be the case study of this research
aiming to assess the effect of the natural sources of electromagnetic radiation on the
behaviour and wellbeing of the users of an indoor built environment that shares some
criteria of outdoor environments, such as being exposed to the sky, as some studies
confirm that it was built on a strong power spot following the earth energy gridlines
throughout the whole plan down to the last detail which in return affects its visitors
and promotes it to be one of the most relieving religious and touristic destinations in
Cairo not only for its beauty but also for the exclusive impressive effect it has on its
visitors [4]. The complex of Al Sultan Hassan was built between 1356 and 1363
during the Mamluk Islamic era in Egypt. It includes a congregational mosque, Islamic
school, and a mausoleum. It consists of four iwans for the different 4 Islamic schools
arranged around the sahn as shown in Fig. 13. Many people describe Al-Sultan Hassan
mosque as one of the unique mosques in the Islamic world with such a unique and
magnificent dome and some consider it as the best structure built in Islam [22].
Energy measurements that took place on that mosque also confirmed that it is
located on one of the strongest power spots in Cairo. After the analysis of the energy
lines and measurements it was found that this power spot exists due to the location of
the mosque where there is an intersection of two strong positive energy lines, in
addition to the existence of a powerful energy zone at the water well that exists near
the mosque [9]. Many people question the refraction in the axis of the mosque
although it was built on an empty site as seen in Fig. 14.
This drift in the axis of the mosque can be related to three reasons:
1. There is an energy line passing through the mosque axis and links it to Al-Nasser
Mohamed Ibn Qalawon mosque, creating a link between both mosques’ energies
(Ley Line).
2. The water well that has very powerful energy lies on the tilted axis and it is very
common to link sacred places (the mosque) with sacred water features.
3. The passage of another energy line tangent to the mosque’s refracted wall at the
entrance that links the mosque with another energy power spot which is “Al-
Azbakeyah garden” that was built in 1872 and passing through Mohamed Ali street
which forced the balancing energy to pass through this line. Although there is no
proof on the existence of this line before the building of the mosque. Maybe this
line appeared due to the refraction of the axis of the mosque and the linkage with
Al-Azbakeyah garden.
But what is proved till now is that there are 2 energy lines passing through the
mosque; one through its axis and the other one parallel to the refracted axis as seen in
Fig. 15 [4].
Fig. 15. Energy lines passing through and tangent to Al Sultan Hassan mosque.
Fig. 16. The refracting effect of the axis of the mosque creating a rotation effect.
2. The interference between the building masses that appears in different parts of the
mosque where voids interfere with the form of the mosque such as in the iwans, and
other parts creating a link between the sky and building mass generates balancing
energy in the mosque, see Fig. 17.
Fig. 17. The penetration of voids through the mass of the mosque.
3. The existence of four iwans in the four sides created a linkage with the centre of the
mosque where a water feature was built adding its balancing energy to that of the
centre (pointing to the centre creates a balancing energy) [9], see Fig. 18.
Fig. 18. Pointing to the center of the mosque generates balancing energy.
Figure 20 shows that people visit the mosque on a regular basis, where 56% visit
the mosque every week, 24% every month, 8% twice a month, and 12% visit it twice a
year, putting into consideration that these percentages are prone to change if a larger
sample was taken. This shows the bond that exists between most of the sample and the
mosque, and further questions were used to identify the reason behind this bond.
Fig. 20. A chart showing how frequent people visit the mosque.
Based on the collected data in Fig. 21, a huge percentage of the sample visits
the mosque to mediate where 60% of the sample mentioned that. Moreover, some of
them also mentioned encouraging their friends and family to join them to meditate
inside Al-Sultan Hassan mosque. In addition to that, around 76% come to pray, 32%
come to read, 36% go with their friends where they talk, draw, or even take a nap.
Other activities were added by the visitors who mentioned that a quite number of
people come to draw and others also mentioned writing poetry, indicating an increased
level of creativity inside the mosque.
The whole sample confirms feeling satisfied and experiences a unique feeling
of intimacy and relaxation, see Fig. 22. Moreover, the entire gathered sample stated
that they feel much better after spending sometime inside the mosque where they
answered using “Yes, very much.” when they were asked about the way they feel there
after staying inside for a while. They mentioned the sense of high levels of positive
energy and the happiness this brings to them, and they added that after a while they
start losing any negative energy. Most of the sample also added that when they leave it
feels as if they recharged their energy and have more passion to proceed with their
lives. Shows that around 68% spend more than one hour inside which clarifies that
they feel satisfaction and relief in the mosque, see Fig. 23.
Fig. 22. A chart showing the satisfaction Fig. 23. A chart showing the estimated
level of the mosque visitors. time visitors spend inside the mosque.
In addition, 76% of the limited sample stated that they have a favourite spot
inside the mosque, while 24% did not stay in a specific spot each visit. Those favourite
spots were allocated in the 4 iwans all around the sahn, indicating that the whole place is
filled with positive and balancing energy not just a specific spot. 88% of the sample
confirmed that the way they feel inside Al-Sultan Hassan mosque is uniqueand that they
do not feel the same way in any other place. Some also added that they can feel the same
way in Al-Hakem B-Amr Allah mosque. On the other hand, 12% said that they feel
better at Al-Refai mosque, which can be investigated in further research.
The entire sample denied having any health complains after staying inside the
sahn for a while. On the contrary they mentioned that a feeling of relief, satisfaction, and
energy is felt there, where they forget everything outside as if they were in another
world. 88% experiences a better ability to concentrate and memorize data, as some of
them mentioned being able to memorize a lot of things when they are inside the mosque,
in addition to experiencing a better ability to relax and think in an organized way which
indeed increases their concentration ability. The remaining 12% denied having any
difficulties in concentration or memorizing while staying inside, see Fig. 24.
Fig. 24. A chart indicating that most of the collected sample has a better ability to
concentrate memorize, and enjoy creativity inside the mosque.
On the physical level, people rarely suffer from headaches or any illness inside
the mosque where only 4% of the sample suffered from headaches which may be
related to any other external reason. On the other hand, around 40% stated that if they
suffered from any headache and enter the mosque, this headache is actually cured due
to the good balancing energy revolving in the whole place. Moreover only 2 from the
random sample suffered from chronic illnesses and they mentioned that it does not feel
any worse after spending some time inside the mosque. This eliminates the probability
of the existence of any geopathic stress in the place, on the contrary this clarifies the
existence of a very strong power spot that has the ability to cure people, enhance their
abilities, and create a better environment for the users.
To sum up the results of this case study, regarding our two sectors of
assessment; Human behavior and Wellbeing, we can find that in assessing the
behavior, people perform different activities other than the major activity of Al-Sultan
Hassan mosque which is to pray. They spend much more time than the regular time
spent by visitors inside mosques doing other activities such as meditating, hanging out
with their friends, reading, drawing and writing poetry, and even taking a nap as
shown in Fig. 25.
Fig. 25. The activities performed by the visitors of Al-Sultan Hassan mosque.
Reagarding the wellbeing, it was assessed relevant to its three main pillars;
Physical wellbeing, mental wellbeing, and spiritual wellbeing using different questions
as shown in Fig. 26.
Fig. 26. A diagram showing assessing the wellbeing relative to its 3 main pillars.
Being designed based on the earth energy gridlines makes Al-Sultan Hassan
mosque one of the most attractive power spots as mentioned in Dr. Ibrahim Karim’s
book “Back To A Future For Mankind”. The effect of this power spot is sensed by the
whole sample which drives them to create a linkage bond with this mosque and to visit
it on a regular basis. This is caused by the power spot on which the mosque is
allocated and that spreads positive and balancing energy all over the place not in a
specific area as mentioned above. Moreover, the water feature in the middle works on
harmonizing the whole place where the 4 iwans are gathered around it as if they are
pointing to the center creating also another quality of balancing energy.
The research clearly justifies the existence of this knowledge in our history but
it was lost and ignored throughout the years and with the advancement of technology
where people no longer paid attention to nature or to bonding with it.
Finally, more extensive research in this field and a larger sample may reveal
deeper outcomes. Upcoming articles may target exploring a link between the future of
creating new buildings and urban spaces and allocating the different earth energy grids
with the help of dowsers and specialized professionals to guarantee a better quality of
the built environment.
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يناقش البحث أهمية اعتبار معايير الطاقة أثناء تصميم البيئة المبنية ومراعاة شبكات الطاقة
األرضية األمر الذي سيؤثر بشكل كبيرعلى سلوك وصحة مستخدمي الف ارغ .تم ذلك من خالل دراسة
استكشافية لتقييم تأثير هذه المصادرعلى صحة اإلنسان وسلوكه في مسجد السلطان حسن باستخدام
المالحظات واستبيان ممنهج تم اختيار أسئلته من دراسات سابقة استخدمت للتحقيق والبحث في هذه
العالقة بين المصادر الطبيعية لإلشعاع الكهرومغناطيسي وصحة اإلنسان .أكد االستبيان أن مراعاة
شبكات الطاقة األرضية في عملية التصميم ،كما هو الحال في مسجد السلطان حسن ،يؤثر على
مستخدمى الفراغ بطريقة إيجابية ويخلق فراغ متوازن يقوم على تعزيز قدراتهم وصحتهم بشكل كبير.