International Relations 15 - Daily Class Notes

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‭International Relations‬

‭Lecture 15: India-France Relation, India-West Asia‬

‭India-France Relations‬
“‭ France‬‭was‬‭the‬‭first‬‭country‬‭to‬‭recognise‬‭the‬‭strategic‬‭importance‬‭of‬‭India‬‭after‬‭the‬‭nuclear‬‭tests‬‭in‬‭1998.‬‭The‬
‭partnership‬ ‭with‬ ‭France‬ ‭is‬ ‭India’s‬ ‭most‬ ‭important‬ ‭strategic‬ ‭partnership‬ ‭in‬ ‭Europe.‬ ‭It‬ ‭is‬ ‭one‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭rare‬ ‭such‬
‭partnerships that India has that is marked by total convergence.” - Mohan Kumar, former Ambassador to France‬

‭In‬ ‭July‬ ‭2023,‬ ‭Prime‬ ‭Minister‬ ‭Narendra‬ ‭Modi‬ ‭was‬ ‭invited‬ ‭as‬ ‭the‬ ‭Guest‬ ‭of‬ ‭Honour‬ ‭at‬ ‭France’s‬ ‭Bastille‬ ‭Day‬
‭parade‬ ‭in‬ ‭Paris.‬ ‭After‬ ‭that‬ ‭in‬ ‭January‬ ‭2024,‬ ‭President‬ ‭Emmanuel‬ ‭Macron‬ ‭was‬ ‭invited‬ ‭as‬ ‭Republic‬ ‭Day‬ ‭chief‬
‭guest.‬ ‭Macron’s‬ ‭visit‬ ‭caps‬ ‭a‬ ‭milestone‬ ‭year‬ ‭for‬ ‭India-France‬ ‭ties‬ ‭—‬ ‭the‬ ‭25th‬ ‭anniversary‬ ‭of‬ ‭their‬ ‭strategic‬

‭Areas of Cooperation Between India and France‬

‭Economic Relations‬
‭●‬ ‭FDI:‬‭France‬‭is‬‭one‬‭of‬‭the‬‭largest‬‭investors‬‭in‬‭India‬‭with‬‭FDI‬‭inflow‬‭of‬‭US$‬‭659.77‬‭million‬‭for‬‭FY‬‭2022-23‬
‭(as of June 2023)‬
‭●‬ ‭Indian‬ ‭Exports:‬ ‭For‬ ‭FY‬ ‭2023-24‬ ‭(till‬ ‭August‬ ‭2023),‬‭Indian‬‭exports‬‭to‬‭France‬‭totaled‬‭$3.06‬‭billion‬‭and‬
‭imports from France totaled $2.36 billion.‬
‭○‬ ‭India’s‬ ‭main‬ ‭exports‬ ‭include‬ ‭engineering‬ ‭goods,‬ ‭petroleum‬ ‭products,‬ ‭pharmaceutical‬ ‭products,‬
‭electronic equipment and ready-made garments.‬
‭○‬ ‭The‬‭main‬‭imports‬‭from‬‭France‬‭are‬‭aviation‬‭products,‬‭machine‬‭equipment,‬‭electrical‬‭equipment‬‭and‬
‭chemical products.‬
‭Indo-Pacific Region‬
‭●‬ ‭The‬‭Indo-Pacific‬‭region‬‭remains‬‭the‬‭most‬‭important‬‭area‬‭of‬‭cooperation‬‭because‬‭France‬‭intends‬‭to‬‭play‬‭a‬
‭bigger role in the Indo-Pacific region.‬
‭○‬ ‭France‬ ‭intends‬ ‭to‬ ‭collaborate‬ ‭with‬ ‭like‬ ‭minded‬‭countries‬‭in‬‭the‬‭region.‬‭For‬‭example‬‭India,‬‭Japan,‬

‭In‬ ‭2018,‬ ‭India‬ ‭and‬ ‭France‬ ‭agreed‬ ‭on‬ ‭a‬ ‭‘‬‭Joint‬ ‭Strategic‬ ‭Vision‬ ‭of‬ ‭India-France‬ ‭Cooperation‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭Indian‬
‭Region that include:‬

‭PW Web/App:‬‭‬
‭●‬ ‭Maritime‬ ‭traffic‬ ‭security‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭face‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭threats‬ ‭of‬ ‭terrorism‬ ‭and‬‭piracy,‬‭especially‬‭in‬‭the‬‭Horn‬‭of‬
‭●‬ ‭Respect of international law by all States, in particular freedom of navigation and overflight‬
‭●‬ ‭Fight‬ ‭against‬ ‭organized‬ ‭crime,‬ ‭trafficking,‬ ‭including‬ ‭in‬ ‭weapons‬ ‭of‬ ‭mass‬ ‭destruction,‬ ‭smuggling‬ ‭and‬
‭illegal fishing (IUUs).‬
‭●‬ ‭Combating climate change‬
‭●‬ ‭Protection‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭environment‬ ‭and‬‭natural‬‭resources,‬‭including‬‭tackling‬‭oil‬‭spills;‬‭and‬‭aid‬‭to‬‭victims‬‭of‬
‭India France Bilateral Naval Exercise ‘Varuna’‬
‭●‬ ‭Indian‬ ‭&‬‭French‬‭Navy‬‭bilateral‬‭naval‬‭exercise‬‭was‬‭initiated‬‭in‬‭1993‬‭.‬‭The‬‭exercise‬‭was‬‭later‬‭christened‬
‭as‬ ‭'Varuna'‬ ‭in‬ ‭2001‬ ‭and‬ ‭has‬ ‭since‬ ‭become‬ ‭a‬ ‭hallmark‬ ‭of‬ ‭robust‬ ‭India-France‬ ‭strategic‬ ‭bilateral‬
‭●‬ ‭The‬ ‭first‬ ‭phase‬ ‭of‬ ‭21st‬ ‭edition‬ ‭of‬ ‭Varuna‬ ‭(Varuna-23)‬ ‭bilateral‬ ‭exercise‬ ‭between‬ ‭Indian‬ ‭and‬ ‭French‬
‭Navy‬ ‭was‬ ‭conducted‬ ‭off‬ ‭India's‬ ‭Western‬ ‭Seaboard‬ ‭in‬ ‭January‬ ‭2023.‬‭The‬‭Phase‬‭II‬‭of‬‭the‬‭exercise‬‭was‬
‭conducted in the Arabian Sea in September 2023.‬

‭France’s Interest in Indo-Pacific Region (Importance of the Region for France)‬

‭●‬ ‭Reaction‬ ‭to‬ ‭China’s‬ ‭Aggression:‬ ‭The‬ ‭French‬ ‭strategy‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭Indo‑Pacific‬ ‭s‬‭eeks‬‭to‬‭maintain‬‭an‬‭area‬
‭that‬ ‭is‬ ‭open‬ ‭and‬ ‭inclusive,‬ ‭free‬ ‭of‬ ‭all‬ ‭forms‬ ‭of‬ ‭coercion.‬ ‭This‬ ‭is‬ ‭a‬ ‭direct‬ ‭challenge‬ ‭to‬ ‭China’s‬
‭increasing‬ ‭power‬ ‭and‬ ‭territorial‬ ‭claims,‬ ‭the‬ ‭global‬ ‭competition‬ ‭under‬ ‭way‬ ‭with‬ ‭the‬ ‭United‬ ‭States‬ ‭and‬
‭weakening the balance of power in the region.‬
‭●‬ ‭Rise‬‭in‬‭Trade‬‭and‬‭Commerce:‬‭Commerce‬‭with‬‭the‬‭Indo‑Pacific‬‭represents‬‭more‬‭than‬‭a‬‭third‬‭of‬‭French‬
‭trade in goods outside of the EU, and it has grown by 49% in 10 years.‬
‭●‬ ‭Investments:‬ ‭The‬ ‭total‬ ‭amount‬ ‭of‬ ‭funds‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬ ‭AFD‬ ‭(French‬ ‭Development‬ ‭Agency)‬ ‭Group‬ ‭in‬
‭Indo‑Pacific‬ ‭countries‬ ‭was‬ ‭more‬ ‭than‬ ‭€9‬ ‭billion‬ ‭in‬ ‭2020,‬ ‭all‬ ‭sectors‬ ‭combined.‬ ‭In‬ ‭terms‬ ‭of‬ ‭credit‬
‭insurance,‬ ‭the‬ ‭Indo‑Pacific‬ ‭(excluding‬ ‭China)‬ ‭represented‬ ‭a‬ ‭total‬ ‭amount‬ ‭outstanding‬ ‭of‬ ‭almost‬ ‭€13‬
‭Treasury from 2010 to 2020.‬
‭●‬ ‭Innovation‬ ‭and‬ ‭Education:‬ ‭The‬ ‭Indo‑Pacific‬ ‭is‬ ‭an‬ ‭essential‬ ‭region‬ ‭for‬ ‭the‬ ‭development‬ ‭of‬ ‭French‬
‭educational‬ ‭institutions,‬ ‭student‬ ‭mobility,‬ ‭and‬ ‭cooperation‬ ‭in‬ ‭research‬ ‭and‬ ‭innovation.‬ ‭Some‬ ‭53,000‬
‭students‬ ‭are‬ ‭enrolled‬ ‭in‬ ‭95‬ ‭French‬ ‭educational‬‭institutions‬‭in‬‭the‬‭Indo‑Pacific‬‭region‬‭and‬‭attract‬‭more‬

‭PW Web/App:‬‭‬
‭and more foreign students.‬

‭High-End Technology‬
‭High-End Technology area is another important area of cooperation between the two countries.‬
‭○‬ ‭Nanotechnology‬
‭○‬ ‭Robotics‬
‭○‬ ‭Artificial Intelligence‬
‭●‬ ‭Supercomputing and cybersecurity‬‭are another important‬‭areas of cooperation between India and France‬
‭○‬ ‭Cybersecurity:‬ ‭In‬ ‭August‬ ‭2019,‬ ‭Indo-French‬ ‭Road‬ ‭map‬ ‭on‬ ‭Cyber‬‭security‬‭and‬‭Digital‬‭Technology‬
‭peaceful cyberspace.‬
‭■‬ ‭In‬ ‭October‬ ‭2023‬ ‭a‬ ‭Memorandum‬ ‭of‬ ‭Understanding‬ ‭(MoU)‬ ‭between‬ ‭the‬ ‭Ministry‬ ‭of‬
‭Industrial‬ ‭and‬ ‭Digital‬ ‭Sovereignty‬ ‭of‬ ‭France‬ ‭on‬ ‭cooperation‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭field‬ ‭of‬ ‭Digital‬
‭Technologies‬ ‭was‬ ‭signed.‬ ‭Through‬ ‭this‬ ‭MoU,‬ ‭both‬ ‭G2G‬ ‭(government‬ ‭to‬ ‭government)‬ ‭and‬
‭○‬ ‭Supercomputing:‬ ‭C-DAC‬ ‭and‬ ‭M/S‬ ‭Atos,‬ ‭an‬ ‭European‬ ‭multinational‬ ‭IT‬ ‭service‬ ‭and‬ ‭consulting‬
‭company‬ ‭in‬ ‭France,‬ ‭have‬ ‭developed‬ ‭14‬ ‭supercomputers‬ ‭for‬ ‭India‬ ‭so‬ ‭far,‬ ‭including‬ ‭the‬ ‭fastest‬
‭supercomputer‬‭Param Siddhi at 4.6 petaflops/second.‬

‭Corporation‬ ‭Of‬ ‭India‬ ‭(NPCI),‬ ‭the‬ ‭umbrella‬‭organization‬‭that‬‭offers‬‭UPI‬‭services,‬‭signed‬‭an‬‭MoU‬‭with‬‭France's‬
‭fast and secure online payment system, called‬‭Lyra‬‭.‬

‭Nuclear Energy‬
‭78 percent of France's energy needs are fulfilled through nuclear energy.‬
‭○‬ ‭Jaitapur‬‭Nuclear‬‭Power‬‭Project‬‭(JNPP):‬‭In‬‭2008‬‭a‬‭pact‬‭was‬‭signed‬‭between‬‭India‬‭and‬‭France‬‭to‬
‭build‬ ‭the‬ ‭Jaitapur‬ ‭Nuclear‬ ‭Power‬ ‭Project‬ ‭(JNPP).‬ ‭However,‬ ‭the‬ ‭progress‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬‭proposed‬‭nuclear‬
‭has‬ ‭been‬ ‭quite‬ ‭slow.‬ ‭If‬ ‭constructed,‬ ‭the‬ ‭9,900‬ ‭MW‬ ‭plant‬ ‭would‬ ‭be‬ ‭the‬ ‭largest‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭world,‬
‭surpassing the 8,200 MW Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant in Niigata Prefecture, Japan.‬

‭PW Web/App:‬‭‬
‭●‬ ‭It‬ ‭remains‬ ‭the‬ ‭most‬ ‭important‬ ‭area‬ ‭of‬ ‭cooperation‬ ‭between‬ ‭the‬ ‭two‬ ‭countries.‬ ‭Manifestation‬ ‭of‬ ‭this‬
‭defence cooperation could be seen in the following things:‬
‭○‬ ‭France truly looks at India at its strategic partner.‬
‭○‬ ‭India intends to ensure its defence modernization for which France can play a vital role.‬
‭○‬ ‭France‬‭is‬‭not‬‭only‬‭willing‬‭to‬‭sell‬‭defensive‬‭weapons‬‭to‬‭India‬‭but‬‭is‬‭also‬‭willing‬‭to‬‭share‬‭technology‬
‭with India. This support could help India’s aim to have home-grown defense weapons.‬
‭■‬ ‭Rafale fighter jets,‬
‭■‬ ‭Scorpene submarine‬
‭○‬ ‭Bilateral‬ ‭defence‬ ‭cooperation‬ ‭between‬ ‭the‬ ‭two‬ ‭sides‬ ‭is‬ ‭reviewed‬ ‭under‬ ‭Annual‬ ‭Defence‬ ‭Dialogue‬
‭(Defence‬ ‭Minister‬ ‭level)‬‭and‬‭High‬‭Committee‬‭on‬‭Defence‬‭Cooperation‬‭(Secretary‬‭level).‬‭A‬‭DRDO‬
‭office was opened in the Embassy in 2023 for strengthening technology cooperation.‬

‭engines in Hyderabad at an initial investment of USD 150 million (around Rs 1,200 crore).‬


‭●‬ ‭There’s‬‭a‬‭rich‬‭history‬‭of‬‭cooperation‬‭in‬‭the‬‭field‬‭of‬‭space‬‭for‬‭over‬‭50‬‭years‬‭between‬‭ISRO‬‭and‬‭the‬‭French‬
‭and equipment for the Indian space programme.‬

‭Support on international fora‬

‭●‬ ‭France‬ ‭has‬ ‭continued‬ ‭to‬‭support‬‭India’s‬‭claim‬‭for‬‭permanent‬‭membership‬‭of‬‭the‬‭United‬‭Nations‬‭Security‬

‭Council‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬ ‭reforms‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭United‬ ‭Nations.‬ ‭France’s‬ ‭support‬ ‭was‬ ‭vital‬ ‭in‬ ‭India’s‬ ‭accession‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬
‭Missile‬ ‭Technology‬ ‭Control‬ ‭Regime‬ ‭(MTCR),‬ ‭Wassenaar‬ ‭Arrangement‬ ‭(WA)‬ ‭and‬ ‭Australia‬ ‭Group‬ ‭(AG).‬
‭France continues to support India’s bid for accession to the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG).‬

‭India-West Asia Relation‬

‭West Asia‬

‭PW Web/App:‬‭‬
‭Fig: West Asian Countries‬

‭●‬ ‭West Asia has been a grand theater of international politics since 1945 (end of the Second World War).‬
‭●‬ ‭It‬‭has‬‭also‬‭been‬‭a‬‭politically‬‭volatile‬‭region‬‭.‬‭It‬‭has‬‭witnessed‬‭constant‬‭wars‬‭that‬‭have‬‭resulted‬‭in‬‭political‬
‭instability. Some reasons for political volatility in West Asia;‬
‭○‬ ‭Superpower rivalry that the region witnessed during the Cold War era mostly due to oil‬
‭○‬ ‭Shia-Sunni conflicts‬
‭○‬ ‭Kurds conflicts‬
‭○‬ ‭Israel-Palestine conflict‬
‭○‬ ‭Gulf War I and Gulf War II‬
‭○‬ ‭Arab‬ ‭Spring‬ ‭(2011)‬ ‭which‬ ‭originated‬ ‭in‬ ‭Tunisia‬ ‭and‬ ‭it‬ ‭spread‬ ‭like‬ ‭a‬ ‭wildfire‬ ‭to‬ ‭other‬

‭Look West Policy:‬‭It was given by former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh‬
‭Link‬ ‭West‬ ‭Policy:‬ ‭It‬ ‭was‬ ‭given‬ ‭by‬ ‭Prime‬ ‭Minister‬ ‭Modi.‬ ‭Economically,‬ ‭the‬ ‭Look‬ ‭West‬ ‭Policy‬ ‭was‬ ‭far‬ ‭more‬
‭successful than the Look East Policy.‬
‭India’s trade with Gulf Council Cooperation has crossed USD 250 billion.‬

‭Significance of West Asia for India‬

‭●‬ ‭India’s energy security (crude oil and natural gas)‬
‭●‬ ‭Remittance received from West Asia‬
‭●‬ ‭Presence‬ ‭of‬ ‭Indian‬ ‭diaspora‬ ‭in‬ ‭West‬ ‭Asia.‬ ‭There‬ ‭are‬ ‭around‬ ‭8‬ ‭to‬ ‭9‬ ‭million‬ ‭Indians‬ ‭in‬ ‭West‬ ‭Asia‬‭.‬ ‭The‬
‭800,000 in Kuwait, 700,000 each in Qatar and Oman, and 400,000 in Bahrain.‬
‭●‬ ‭Civilizational link that exists between India and West Asia.‬
‭been able to develop a comprehensive set of policies in dealing with Asia.‬

‭PW Web/App:‬‭‬
‭Crude Oil Exporters to India‬
‭Iraq:‬‭India’s oil imports from Iraq, India’s second-largest source of crude oil in January 2024 stood at 1.19‬
‭million bpd.‬
‭Saudi Arabia:‬‭Crude imports from Saudi Arabia, India’s third-largest supplier — stood at 690,172 bpd in January‬
‭UAE:‬‭Abu Dhabi is India’s fourth-largest supplier of crude oil. Oil imports from the UAE in January 2024,‬
‭jumped nearly 81 per cent over December 2023 levels to around 326,500 bpd.‬

‭Significance of India for West Asia‬

‭●‬ ‭India‬ ‭is‬ ‭one‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭major‬ ‭and‬ ‭fastest‬ ‭growing‬ ‭economies‬ ‭of‬ ‭the‬ ‭world‬ ‭that‬ ‭makes‬ ‭India‬ ‭an‬ ‭attractive‬
‭●‬ ‭Several West Asian nations are sitting on huge cash piles and want to invest in India.‬
‭○‬ ‭UAE will be investing USD 75 billion in the Indian economy‬
‭○‬ ‭Saudi Arabia will be investing USD 100 billion in the Indian economy‬
‭●‬ ‭India‬ ‭and‬ ‭West‬ ‭Asian‬ ‭countries‬ ‭have‬ ‭a‬ ‭common‬ ‭interest‬ ‭in‬ ‭protection‬ ‭of‬ ‭important‬ ‭sea‬ ‭lanes‬
‭communication (SLOC).‬

‭Reason to Protect Important SLOC‬

‭and‬ ‭beyond‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬ ‭Arab‬ ‭Peninsula,‬ ‭North-East‬ ‭Africa,‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬ ‭Arabian‬ ‭Sea.‬ ‭The‬ ‭route‬ ‭is‬ ‭seen‬ ‭as‬ ‭an‬
‭important artery of global goods and energy supplies.‬

‭Concerns for India‬

‭●‬ ‭Increasing Chinese presence‬‭in the region‬
‭○‬ ‭China-Saudi‬‭Arabia‬‭oil‬‭trade‬‭has‬‭started‬‭taking‬‭place‬‭in‬‭Chinese‬‭yuan.‬‭It‬‭is‬‭a‬‭significant‬‭shift‬‭from‬
‭dollar-based oil trade.‬
‭●‬ ‭Retreat‬‭of‬‭the‬‭USA‬‭from‬‭West‬‭Asia‬‭has‬‭created‬‭a‬‭strategic‬‭void‬‭in‬‭the‬‭region.‬‭This‬‭strategic‬‭void‬‭is‬‭being‬
‭filled by China.‬
‭○‬ ‭The‬ ‭USA‬ ‭is‬ ‭no‬ ‭longer‬ ‭dependent‬ ‭on‬ ‭Saudi‬ ‭Arabia's‬ ‭oil‬ ‭for‬ ‭its‬ ‭energy‬ ‭needs‬ ‭(and‬‭security).‬‭Post‬
‭the world.‬

‭PW Web/App:‬‭‬
‭●‬ ‭Spillover‬‭Effect:‬‭West‬‭Asia‬‭is‬‭in‬‭the‬‭extended‬‭neighborhood‬‭of‬‭India.‬‭Any‬‭major‬‭development‬‭in‬‭West‬‭Asia‬
‭of ISIS and its impact on India.‬

‭Suggestions for India (A Way Forward)‬

‭●‬ ‭Improving cultural ties‬
‭●‬ ‭Strengthening economic ties‬
‭●‬ ‭India should balance its relationship with major countries of the region like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iran, etc‬
‭●‬ ‭India needs to promote more people-people ties by liberalizing visa norms‬

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