International Relations 15 - Daily Class Notes
International Relations 15 - Daily Class Notes
International Relations 15 - Daily Class Notes
In July 2023, Prime Minister Narendra Modi was invited as the Guest of Honour at France’s Bastille Day
parade in Paris. After that in January 2024, President Emmanuel Macron was invited as Republic Day chief
guest. Macron’s visit caps a milestone year for India-France ties — the 25th anniversary of their strategic
In 2018, India and France agreed on a ‘Joint Strategic Vision of India-France Cooperation in the Indian
Region that include:
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● Maritime traffic security in the face of the threats of terrorism andpiracy,especiallyintheHornof
● Respect of international law by all States, in particular freedom of navigation and overflight
● Fight against organized crime, trafficking, including in weapons of mass destruction, smuggling and
illegal fishing (IUUs).
● Combating climate change
● Protection of the environment andnaturalresources,includingtacklingoilspills;andaidtovictimsof
India France Bilateral Naval Exercise ‘Varuna’
● Indian &FrenchNavybilateralnavalexercisewasinitiatedin1993.Theexercisewaslaterchristened
as 'Varuna' in 2001 and has since become a hallmark of robust India-France strategic bilateral
● The first phase of 21st edition of Varuna (Varuna-23) bilateral exercise between Indian and French
Navy was conducted off India's Western Seaboard in January 2023.ThePhaseIIoftheexercisewas
conducted in the Arabian Sea in September 2023.
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and more foreign students.
High-End Technology
High-End Technology area is another important area of cooperation between the two countries.
○ Nanotechnology
○ Robotics
○ Artificial Intelligence
● Supercomputing and cybersecurityare another importantareas of cooperation between India and France
○ Cybersecurity: In August 2019, Indo-French Road map on CybersecurityandDigitalTechnology
peaceful cyberspace.
■ In October 2023 a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Ministry of
Industrial and Digital Sovereignty of France on cooperation in the field of Digital
Technologies was signed. Through this MoU, both G2G (government to government) and
○ Supercomputing: C-DAC and M/S Atos, an European multinational IT service and consulting
company in France, have developed 14 supercomputers for India so far, including the fastest
supercomputerParam Siddhi at 4.6 petaflops/second.
Corporation Of India (NPCI), the umbrellaorganizationthatoffersUPIservices,signedanMoUwithFrance's
fast and secure online payment system, calledLyra.
Nuclear Energy
78 percent of France's energy needs are fulfilled through nuclear energy.
○ JaitapurNuclearPowerProject(JNPP):In2008apactwassignedbetweenIndiaandFranceto
build the Jaitapur Nuclear Power Project (JNPP). However, the progress of theproposednuclear
has been quite slow. If constructed, the 9,900 MW plant would be the largest in the world,
surpassing the 8,200 MW Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant in Niigata Prefecture, Japan.
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● It remains the most important area of cooperation between the two countries. Manifestation of this
defence cooperation could be seen in the following things:
○ France truly looks at India at its strategic partner.
○ India intends to ensure its defence modernization for which France can play a vital role.
○ FranceisnotonlywillingtoselldefensiveweaponstoIndiabutisalsowillingtosharetechnology
with India. This support could help India’s aim to have home-grown defense weapons.
■ Rafale fighter jets,
■ Scorpene submarine
○ Bilateral defence cooperation between the two sides is reviewed under Annual Defence Dialogue
(Defence Minister level)andHighCommitteeonDefenceCooperation(Secretarylevel).ADRDO
office was opened in the Embassy in 2023 for strengthening technology cooperation.
engines in Hyderabad at an initial investment of USD 150 million (around Rs 1,200 crore).
● There’sarichhistoryofcooperationinthefieldofspaceforover50yearsbetweenISROandtheFrench
and equipment for the Indian space programme.
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Fig: West Asian Countries
● West Asia has been a grand theater of international politics since 1945 (end of the Second World War).
● Ithasalsobeenapoliticallyvolatileregion.Ithaswitnessedconstantwarsthathaveresultedinpolitical
instability. Some reasons for political volatility in West Asia;
○ Superpower rivalry that the region witnessed during the Cold War era mostly due to oil
○ Shia-Sunni conflicts
○ Kurds conflicts
○ Israel-Palestine conflict
○ Gulf War I and Gulf War II
○ Arab Spring (2011) which originated in Tunisia and it spread like a wildfire to other
Look West Policy:It was given by former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh
Link West Policy: It was given by Prime Minister Modi. Economically, the Look West Policy was far more
successful than the Look East Policy.
India’s trade with Gulf Council Cooperation has crossed USD 250 billion.
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Crude Oil Exporters to India
Iraq:India’s oil imports from Iraq, India’s second-largest source of crude oil in January 2024 stood at 1.19
million bpd.
Saudi Arabia:Crude imports from Saudi Arabia, India’s third-largest supplier — stood at 690,172 bpd in January
UAE:Abu Dhabi is India’s fourth-largest supplier of crude oil. Oil imports from the UAE in January 2024,
jumped nearly 81 per cent over December 2023 levels to around 326,500 bpd.
● India is one of the major and fastest growing economies of the world that makes India an attractive
● Several West Asian nations are sitting on huge cash piles and want to invest in India.
○ UAE will be investing USD 75 billion in the Indian economy
○ Saudi Arabia will be investing USD 100 billion in the Indian economy
● India and West Asian countries have a common interest in protection of important sea lanes
communication (SLOC).
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● SpilloverEffect:WestAsiaisintheextendedneighborhoodofIndia.AnymajordevelopmentinWestAsia
of ISIS and its impact on India.
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