Sample Microproject Report

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, PUNE 411001
Institute Code: 0141

“Data Care Centre”

Academic Year: 2023-24 Program Code: CO4I

Course: JPR Course Code: 22412

Submitted By:

Roll No Student Name Branch Batch Sign of Student

1537 Shambhuraje Vilas Kadam SYCO CO-2

1538 Vedant Mahesh Kadam SYCO CO-2

1539 Parth Sachin Kamalakar SYCO CO-2

Under Guidance of:

Mrs. A.A.Shirode

Institute Code:0141

Certified that this micro project report titled “Data Care Centre” is the
bonafide work of Roll no 1537-1539 of Second year diploma in Computer
engineering for the course: Java Programming Course code: 22412 during
the academic year 2023-24, who carried out the micro project work under my

Name & signature of Subject teacher





Achieve excellence in quality technical education by imparting knowledge, skills and abilities to
build a better technocrat.

M1: Empower the students by inculcating various technical and soft skills.

M2: Upgrade teaching-learning process and industry-institute interaction


“Enhance skills by providing value based technical education for fulfilling global needs in the field of
computer engineering.”

M1: To provide quality education in computer engineering by improving
psychomotor skills.

M2: To develop positive attitude, communication skills, team spirit

and entrepreneurship.

M3: To develop awareness about societal and ethical responsibility for





PO1 Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, science
and engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve the engineering problems.

PO2 Problem analysis: Identify and analyze well-defined engineering problems using codified
standard methods.

PO3 Design/ development of solutions: Design solutions for well-defined technical problems and
assist with the design of systems components or processes to meet specified needs.

PO4 Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: Apply modern engineering tools and
appropriate technique to conduct standard tests and measurements.

PO5 Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: Apply appropriate
technology in context of society, sustainability, environment and ethical practices.

PO6 Project Management: Use engineering management principles individually, as a team member
or a leader to manage projects and effectively communicate about well-defined engineering

PO7 Life-long learning: Ability to analyze individual needs and engage in updating in the context of
technological changes.


The Diploma in Computer Engineering will prepare students to attain:

 PSO 1: Apply computing knowledge with standard practices to develop software.

 PSO 2: Maintain Computer Hardware and Software System


Sr. No. Content Page No.

1. Annexure I 6-8

2. Micro Project Proposal 6-8

3. Annexure II 9-10

4. Rationale 9

5. Aims/Benefits of the Micro Project 9

6. Course Outcome achieved 9

7. Literature Review 9

8. Actual Methodology Followed 10

9. Actual Resources Used 10

10. Output of the Micro Projects 10-19

11 Skill Developed / Learning outcome of the Micro 20


12. Applications of the Micro Project 20


Micro Project Proposal
“Data Care Centre”
1.0 Aims/Benefit of the Micro Project (Minimum 30-50 Words):

The microproject "Data Care Centre," serving as a computer shop, is strategically positioned to offer
a range of convenient services tailored to meet the diverse needs of its clientele. With a focus on
providing reliable hardware and software solutions, including repairs, upgrades, maintenance, and
data recovery, the Data Care Centre ensures that customers can entrust their computing devices with
confidence. Additionally, through personalized consultations and educational resources, the shop
aims to empower customers with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions
about their technology needs.

2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed:

a. Develop programs using Object Oriented methodology in Java.
b. Apply concept of inheritance for code reusability.
c. Develop programs using multithreading.
d. Implement Exception Handling.
e. Develop programs using graphics and applet.
f. Develop programs for handling I/O and file streams.

3.0 Proposed Methodology (Procedure that will be followed to do the micro project- in about
100-200 words):

**Modular Design**: Adopt a modular approach to design the system, breaking down the
functionalities into smaller, manageable components such as inventory management, sales
processing, and customer information handling. This modular design allows for easier development,
testing, and maintenance of the system.

**Object-Oriented Programming**: Utilize object-oriented programming principles in Java to

encapsulate data and behaviors within classes. Design classes to represent entities such as products,
customers, and transactions, with appropriate methods to perform operations on these entities. This
approach promotes code reuse, readability, and scalability.

**Scalability and Flexibility**: Design the system with scalability in mind, allowing for future
expansion and adaptation to changing requirements. Utilize design patterns and architectural
principles that promote flexibility, such as the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern, to decouple
components and facilitate easy modifications or extensions. By designing a flexible and scalable
system, the Data Care Centre can accommodate growth and evolution over time, ensuring its
continued relevance and effectiveness in meeting the needs of its users.

2.0 Action Plan:

Sr. Details of Activity Planned Planned Name of Responsible

No. Start Date Finish Team Members
1 Formation of groups 01.01.2024 01.01.2024 All Members

2 Selected the topic for micro 02.01.2024 02.01.2024 All Members


3 Discussed about the project 05.01.2024 05.01.2024 All Members

4 Assigned the work to each 10.01.2024 10.01.2024 Parth Kamalakar

group member

5 Detailed study of micro- 15.01.2024 15.01.2024 All Members

6 Collected information on 25.01.2024 25.01.2024 Shambhuraje Kadam,
assignment topic Vedant Kadam

7 Started working on micro- 02.02.2024 02.02.2024 All Members


8 Assembled all the data 15.02.2024 15.02.2024 Vedant Kadam

9 Evaluation of data 27.02.2024 27.02.2024 All Members

10 Prepared rough copy of 05.03.2024 05.03.2024 Parth Kamalakar

11 Project proposal presentation 11.03.2024 11.03.2024 All Members
to guide

12 Corrected the micro-project 25.03.2024 25.03.2024 ParthKamalakar,

suggested by guide Shambhuraje Kadam

13 Actual implementation of 28.03.2024 28.03.2024 All Members


14 Execution of overall data / 29.03.2024 29.03.2024 All Members

prepared final draft copy

15 Final micro-project 01.04.2024 01.04.2024 All Members

16 Micro-project submitted 5.04.2024 5.04.2024 Parth Kamalakar

3.0 Resources Required

sr. Name of Specification Quantity

no Resource/Material
1 Office software MS Office -
2 Youtube - -
3 Reference Books -
4 Virtual Labs IEEE Software Requirement Specification format -

Name of Team Members with Roll No’s:

Sr. No. Name of the Student Roll No.

1. Shambhuraje Vilas Kadam 1537

2. Vedant Mahesh Kadam 1538

3. Parth Sachin Kamalakar 1539


(Name & Signature of faculty)


Micro Project Report

“Data Care Centre”

1.0 Rationale:

Prioritizing scalability and flexibility ensures that the system can adapt to future needs and changes
efficiently, maintaining its relevance and competitiveness without requiring extensive
redevelopment. This approach fosters innovation, cost-effectiveness, and streamlined resource
management for the Data Care Centre.

2.0 Aims/Benefits of the Micro Project:

The micro project "Data Care Centre," serving as a computer shop, is strategically positioned to
offer a range of convenient services tailored to meet the diverse needs of its clientele. With a focus
on providing reliable hardware and software solutions, including repairs, upgrades, maintenance,
and data recovery, the Data Care Centre ensures that customers can entrust their computing devices
with confidence. Additionally, through personalized consultations and educational resources, the
shop aims to empower customers with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed
decisions about their technology needs.

3.0 Course Outcomes Achieved:

a. Develop programs using Object Oriented methodology in Java.

b. Apply concept of inheritance for code reusability.
c. Develop programs using multithreading.
d. Implement Exception Handling.
e. Develop programs using graphics and applet.
f. Develop programs for handling I/O and file streams.

4.0 Literature Review:


5.0 Actual Methodology Followed: (Write stepwise work done, data collected and its analysis (if
any). The contribution of individual member may also be noted.) :
**Modular Design**: Adopt a modular approach to design the system, breaking down the
functionalities into smaller, manageable components such as inventory management, sales
processing, and customer information handling. This modular design allows for easier development,
testing, and maintenance of the system.

**Object-Oriented Programming**: Utilize object-oriented programming principles in Java to

encapsulate data and behaviors within classes. Design classes to represent entities such as products,
customers, and transactions, with appropriate methods to perform operations on these entities. This
approach promotes code reuse, readability, and scalability.

**Scalability and Flexibility**: Design the system with scalability in mind, allowing for future
expansion and adaptation to changing requirements. Utilize design patterns and architectural
principles that promote flexibility, such as the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern, to decouple
components and facilitate easy modifications or extensions. By designing a flexible and scalable
system, the Data Care Centre can accommodate growth and evolution over time, ensuring its
continued relevance and effectiveness in meeting the needs of its users.

6.0 Actual resources required:

sr. Name of Specification Quantity

no Resource/Material
1 Office software MS Office -
2 Youtube - -
3 Reference Books
4 Virtual Labs IEEE Software Requirement Specification format -

7.0 Outputs of the Micro Project:

Data Care Centre

The Computer Shop Management Project is a Java-based application aimed at simplifying the
management processes within a computer shop environment. This project enables efficient handling
of inventory, sales transactions, and customer interactions, ensuring smooth operations and
enhanced customer satisfaction.

Key Features:
1. **Inventory Initialization:**
- Allows the shop owner to initialize the stock of computer parts including CPUs, motherboards,
RAM, storage devices, and peripherals.
- Each item is associated with attributes such as model, quantity available, and price.

2. Transaction Processing:
- Facilitates the selection of items by customers with options to specify model, quantity, and price.
- Computes the total purchase amount based on selected items and displays it along with
remaining stock for each part.

3. Customer Interaction:
- Provides a user-friendly interface for customers to browse products and complete purchases.
- Ensures ease of use through clear prompts and straightforward input fields for model, quantity,
and price.

Project Implementation:
- Developed using core Java programming language to leverage its versatility and platform
- Utilizes object-oriented principles to organize code into modular components for enhanced
- Incorporates Java Swing or JavaFX for the graphical user interface (GUI), ensuring an intuitive
and visually appealing user experience.

- Simplifies inventory management by providing a centralized platform for stock tracking and
- Enhances customer satisfaction through streamlined transaction processes and clear display of
purchase details.
- Improves operational efficiency by automating manual tasks and reducing the likelihood of errors.
- Facilitates data-driven decision-making with insights into sales trends and inventory status.


import java.util.Scanner;

class ComputerParts
private int cpuStock, gpuStock, ramStock, ssdStock,
motherboardStock, coolerStock, keyboardStock,
mouseStock, monitorStock, laptopStock;

public double totalPrice;

public ComputerParts (int initialCpuStock, int initialGpuStock, int initialRamStock, int initialSsdStock,
int initialMotherboardStock, int initialCoolerStock, int initialKeyboardStock,
int initialMouseStock, int initialMonitorStock, int initialLaptopStock)
cpuStock = initialCpuStock;
gpuStock = initialGpuStock;
ramStock = initialRamStock;
ssdStock = initialSsdStock;
motherboardStock = initialMotherboardStock;
coolerStock = initialCoolerStock;
keyboardStock = initialKeyboardStock;
mouseStock = initialMouseStock;
monitorStock = initialMonitorStock;
laptopStock = initialLaptopStock;

totalPrice = 0.0;

public void displayMenu()

System.out.println("Computer Parts Menu:");
System.out.println("1. CPU");
System.out.println("2. GPU");
System.out.println("3. RAM");
System.out.println("4. SSD");

System.out.println("5. Motherboard");
System.out.println("6. Cooler");
System.out.println("7. Keyboard");
System.out.println("8. Mouse");
System.out.println("9. Monitor");
System.out.println("10. Laptop");
System.out.println("11. Display Selected Parts");
System.out.print("Enter your choice (1-11): ");

public double inputPrice(Scanner scanner)

System.out.print("Enter price: ");
return scanner.nextDouble();

public void purchaseCPU(int quantity, String model, double price)

if (quantity > cpuStock)
System.out.println("Sorry, not enough CPUs.");
cpuStock -= quantity;
totalPrice += quantity * price;
System.out.println("You purchased " + quantity + " " + model + " CPUs for Rs" + quantity * price);

public void purchaseGPU(int quantity, String model, double price)

if (quantity > gpuStock)
System.out.println("Sorry, not enough GPUs.");
gpuStock -= quantity;
totalPrice += quantity * price;
System.out.println("You purchased " + quantity + " " + model + " GPUs for Rs" + quantity * price);

public void purchaseRAM(int quantity, String model, double price)

if (quantity > ramStock)
System.out.println("Sorry, not enough RAMs.");
} else {
ramStock -= quantity;
totalPrice += quantity * price;
System.out.println("You purchased " + quantity + " " + model + " RAMs for Rs" + quantity * price);
public void purchaseSSD(int quantity, String model, double price)
if (quantity > ssdStock) {
System.out.println("Sorry, not enough SSDs.");
} else {
ssdStock -= quantity;
totalPrice += quantity * price;
System.out.println("You purchased " + quantity + " " + model + " SSDs for Rs" + quantity * price);

public void purchaseMotherboard(int quantity, String model, double price) {

if (quantity > motherboardStock) {
System.out.println("Sorry, not enough motherboards.");
} else {
motherboardStock -= quantity;
totalPrice += quantity * price;
System.out.println("You purchased " + quantity + " " + model + " motherboards for Rs" + quantity *

public void purchaseCooler(int quantity, String model, double price) {

if (quantity > coolerStock) {
System.out.println("Sorry, not enough coolers.");
} else {
coolerStock -= quantity;
totalPrice += quantity * price;
System.out.println("You purchased " + quantity + " " + model + " coolers for Rs" + quantity * price);

public void purchaseKeyboard(int quantity, String model, double price) {

if (quantity > keyboardStock) {
System.out.println("Sorry, not enough keyboards.");
} else {
keyboardStock -= quantity;
totalPrice += quantity * price;
System.out.println("You purchased " + quantity + " " + model + " keyboards for Rs" + quantity *

public void purchaseMouse(int quantity, String model, double price) {

if (quantity > mouseStock) {
System.out.println("Sorry, not enough mice.");
} else {
mouseStock -= quantity;
totalPrice += quantity * price;
System.out.println("You purchased " + quantity + " " + model + " mice for Rs" + quantity * price);

public void purchaseMonitor(int quantity, String model, double price) {

if (quantity > monitorStock) {
System.out.println("Sorry, not enough monitors.");
} else {
monitorStock -= quantity;
totalPrice += quantity * price;
System.out.println("You purchased " + quantity + " " + model + " monitors for Rs" + quantity *

public void purchaseLaptop(int quantity, String model, double price) {

if (quantity > laptopStock) {
System.out.println("Sorry, not enough laptops.");
} else {
laptopStock -= quantity;
totalPrice += quantity * price;
System.out.println("You purchased " + quantity + " " + model + " laptops for Rs" + quantity * price);

public void displaySelectedParts() {

System.out.println("Selected Parts:");
System.out.println("Total Price: Rs" + totalPrice);

public void displayRemainingStock() {

System.out.println("Remaining Stock:");
System.out.println("CPU: " + cpuStock);
System.out.println("GPU: " + gpuStock);
System.out.println("RAM: " + ramStock);
System.out.println("SSD: " + ssdStock);
System.out.println("Motherboard: " + motherboardStock);
System.out.println("Cooler: " + coolerStock);
System.out.println("Keyboard: " + keyboardStock);
System.out.println("Mouse: " + mouseStock);
System.out.println("Monitor: " + monitorStock);
System.out.println("Laptop: " + laptopStock);

class DataCareCentre3 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("-------Welcome to Computer Shop-------");

System.out.print("Enter stock for CPU: ");

int cpuStock = scanner.nextInt();

System.out.print("Enter stock for GPU: ");

int gpuStock = scanner.nextInt();

System.out.print("Enter stock for RAM: ");

int ramStock = scanner.nextInt();

System.out.print("Enter stock for SSD: ");
int ssdStock = scanner.nextInt();

System.out.print("Enter stock for Motherboard: ");

int motherboardStock = scanner.nextInt();

System.out.print("Enter stock for Cooler: ");

int coolerStock = scanner.nextInt();

System.out.print("Enter stock for Keyboard: ");

int keyboardStock = scanner.nextInt();

System.out.print("Enter stock for Mouse: ");

int mouseStock = scanner.nextInt();

System.out.print("Enter stock for Monitor: ");

int monitorStock = scanner.nextInt();

System.out.print("Enter stock for Laptop: ");

int laptopStock = scanner.nextInt();

char buyAgain;
int choice;
int quantity;
String model;
double price;

ComputerParts parts = new ComputerParts(cpuStock, gpuStock, ramStock, ssdStock,

motherboardStock, coolerStock, keyboardStock,
mouseStock, monitorStock, laptopStock);

do {
choice = scanner.nextInt();

switch (choice) {
case 1:
System.out.print("Enter model for CPU: ");
model =;
System.out.print("Enter quantity for CPU: ");
quantity = scanner.nextInt();
price = parts.inputPrice(scanner);
parts.purchaseCPU(quantity, model, price);

case 2:
System.out.print("Enter model for GPU: ");
model =;
System.out.print("Enter quantity for GPU: ");
quantity = scanner.nextInt();
price = parts.inputPrice(scanner);
parts.purchaseGPU(quantity, model, price);
case 3:
System.out.print("Enter model for RAM: ");
model =;
System.out.print("Enter quantity for RAM: ");
quantity = scanner.nextInt();
price = parts.inputPrice(scanner);
parts.purchaseRAM(quantity, model, price);

case 4:
System.out.print("Enter model for SSD: ");
model =;
System.out.print("Enter quantity for SSD: ");
quantity = scanner.nextInt();
price = parts.inputPrice(scanner);
parts.purchaseSSD(quantity, model, price);

case 5:
System.out.print("Enter model for Motherboard: ");
model =;
System.out.print("Enter quantity for Motherboard: ");
quantity = scanner.nextInt();
price = parts.inputPrice(scanner);
parts.purchaseMotherboard(quantity, model, price);

case 6:
System.out.print("Enter model for Cooler: ");
model =;
System.out.print("Enter quantity for Cooler: ");
quantity = scanner.nextInt();
price = parts.inputPrice(scanner);
parts.purchaseCooler(quantity, model, price);

case 7:
System.out.print("Enter model for Keyboard: ");
model =;
System.out.print("Enter quantity for Keyboard: ");
quantity = scanner.nextInt();
price = parts.inputPrice(scanner);
parts.purchaseKeyboard(quantity, model, price);

case 8:
System.out.print("Enter model for Mouse: ");
model =;
System.out.print("Enter quantity for Mouse: ");
quantity = scanner.nextInt();
price = parts.inputPrice(scanner);
parts.purchaseMouse(quantity, model, price);

case 9:
System.out.print("Enter model for Monitor: ");
model =;
System.out.print("Enter quantity for Monitor: ");
quantity = scanner.nextInt();
price = parts.inputPrice(scanner);
parts.purchaseMonitor(quantity, model, price);

case 10:
System.out.print("Enter model for Laptop: ");
model =;
System.out.print("Enter quantity for Laptop: ");
quantity = scanner.nextInt();
price = parts.inputPrice(scanner);
parts.purchaseLaptop(quantity, model, price);

case 11:

System.out.println("Invalid choice. Please select a valid option.");

System.out.print("Do you want to buy more parts? (y/n): ");

buyAgain =;
} while (buyAgain == 'y' || buyAgain == 'Y');


User initializes Stock for each part.

User enters choice from the available options.

User enters model, quantity and price. Final quantity and price is displayed.

User is asked whether want to buy more parts or not.

If not it exits and displays remaining stock.

If not it exits and displays remaining stock.

8.0 Skill developed / Learning outcome of the Micro-Project:

1. Searching and collecting the information.
2. Arranging the information in proper sequence.
3. Working in a team and as an individual.
4. Presenting information effectively.
5. Problem Solving.
6. Communication Skills.

9.0 Applications of the Micro-Project:

1. Inventory Management: Track and manage stock levels of computer parts efficiently.
2. Sales Processing: Streamline transactions and calculate purchase totals accurately.
3. Customer Database: Store and access customer information for personalized service.
4. Reporting & Analytics: Generate insights on sales performance and inventory trends.
5. User-Friendly Interface: Provide an intuitive platform for seamless user interaction.

Mrs. A.A.Shirode

(Name & Signature of faculty)

Annexure - III

Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro Project

(The marks may be allotted to the characteristics of the Micro-Project by considering the suggested

S. Characteristics to be Poor Average Good Excellent

No assessed (Marks 1-3) (Marks 4-5) (Marks 6-8) (Marks 9-10)
1. Relevance to the Related to Related to Addressed at- Addressed
Course very few some Los least one CO more than one
2. Literature Not more At-least 5 At-least 7 About 10
Review/information than two relevant relevant relevant
collection sources sources, at sources, most sources, most
(Primary and least 2 latest latest latest
very old
3. Completion of Target Completed Completed 50 Completed 60 Completed
as per Project proposal less than 50% to 60% to 80% more than
4. Analysis of Data and Sample Size Sufficient and Sufficient and Enough data
representation all, data appropriate appropriate collected by
neither sample, sample, sufficient and
organized nor enough data enough data appropriate
presented generated but generated sample size.
well not organized which is Proper
and not well organized and inferences
presented presented drawn by
well. No or well. But organizing
poor poor and
inferences inferences presenting
drawn drawn data through
tables, charts
and graphs
5. Quality of Incomplete Just Well a Just Well a Just
prototype/Model fabrication/ assembled/ assembled/ assembled/
assembly fabricated and fabricated fabricated
parts are not with proper with proper
functioning functioning functioning
well. Not in parts. In
proper shape, proper shape, proper shape,
dimensions within within
beyond tolerance tolerance
tolerance dimensions dimensions
limit. and good and good
Appearance/ finish. But no finish/
finish are creativity in appearance.
shabby. design and Creativity in
use of design and
material use of
6. Report Preparation Very short, Nearly Detailed, Very detailed,
poor quality sufficient and correct and correct, clear
sketches, correct details clear description of
Details about about description of methods,
methods, methods, methods, materials,
materials, materials, materials, precautions
Precautions precautions precautions and
and and and conclusion.
Conclusions conclusion. conclusion. Enough
omitted, some But clarity is Sufficient tables, charts
details are not there in graphic and sketches
wrong. presentation. description
But not

7. Presentation of the Major Includes Includes Well

Micro-Project information is major major organized,
not included; information information includes
information is but not well but not well major
not well organized not organized not information,
organized. presented presented presented
well. well. well.

8. Viva Could not Replied to Replied Replied most

reply to considerable properly of the
considerable number of considerable questions
number of questions nut number of properly
question not very question.

Annexure - IV

Evaluation Sheet for the Micro Project

Academic Year: 2023-2024 Name of Faculty: Mr. A.A.Shirode

Course: Java Programming Semester: CO 4I

Course Code: 22412

Title of the Project: “Data Care Centre”

Comments/Suggestions about team work/leadership/inter-personal communication (if any).:


Roll Student Name Marks out of 6 Marks out of 4 Total

No for performance in for performance in oral / out of 10
group activity presentation (D5 :Col. 9)
(D5 :Col. 8)

1537 Shambhuraje Vilas Kadam

1538 Vedant Mahesh Kadam

Parth Sachin Kamalakar


Mr. A.A.Shirode
(Name & Signature of faculty)

Log Book of the Student (Weekly Work Report)

Academic Year: 2023-2024
Name of Students: Shambhuraje Vilas Kadam, Vedant Mahesh Kadam, Parth Sachin Kamalakar

Title of the Project: “Data Care Centre”

Course: Java Programming Course Code: 22412 Semester: CO 4I

Sr. No./ Date Time Work Done

Hour No.

1. 01.01.2024 4.00pm-5.00pm Formation of groups

2. 02.01.2024 4.15pm-5.15pm Selected the topic for micro project

3. 05.01.2024 4.00pm-5.00pm Discussed about the project

4. 10.01.2024 4.30pm-5.30pm Assigned the work to each group member

5. 15.01.2024 4.00pm-5.00pm Detailed study of micro-project

6. 25.01.2024 4.00pm-5.00pm Collected information on assignment topic

7. 02.02.2024 4.15pm-5.15pm Started working on micro-project

8. 15.02.2024 4.00pm-5.00pm Assembled all the data

9. 27.02.2024 4.30pm-5.30pm Evaluation of data

10. 05.03.2024 3.45pm-4:45pm Prepared rough copy of micro-project

11. 11.03.2024 1.00pm-3.00pm Project proposal presentation to guide

12. 25.03.2024 4.15pm-5.15pm Corrected the micro-project suggested by


13. 28.03.2024 4.00pm-5.00pm Actual implementation of micro-project

14. 29.03.2024 4.30pm-5.30pm Execution of overall data / prepared final

draft copy

15. 01.04.2024 8.10pm-10.10pm Final micro-project presentation

16. 5.04.2024 1.00pm-3.00pm Micro-project submitted

Ms. A.A.Shirode
(Name & Signature of faculty)


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