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This particular pre-feasibility is regarding Tomato Ketchup Unit.

The objective of the pre-feasibility report is primarily to facilitate potential entrepreneurs in project
identification for investment and in order to serve his objective; the document covers various aspects
of the project concept development, start-up, marketing, finance and management.

[We can modify the project capacity and project cost as per your requirement. We can also prepare
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27/1/B, Gokhlley Marg, Lucknow-226001

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Email : [email protected]
Contact : +91 7526000333, 444, 555

Ketchup, also known as catsup, ketsup, red sauce, and tomato
sauce, is a sauce used as a condiment. Originally, recipes
used egg whites, mushrooms, oysters, grapes, mussels, or walnuts,
among other ingredients, but now the unmodified term usually
refers to tomato ketchup.

Ketchup is a sweet and tangy sauce now typically made from

tomatoes, sugar and vinegar, with assorted seasonings and spices.
The specific spices and flavours vary, But commonly
include onions, allspice, coriander, cloves, cumin, garlic, and
mustard, and sometimes include celery, cinnamon, or ginger.

Tomato ketchup is most often used as a condiment to dishes that

are usually served hot and may be fried or greasy: French
fries, hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken tenders, tater tots, hot
sandwiches, meat pies, cooked eggs, and grilled or fried meat.
Ketchup is sometimes used as the basis for, or as one ingredient in,
other sauces and dressings, and the flavour may be replicated as
an additive flavouring for snacks such as potato chips.

In fast food outlets, ketchup is often dispensed in small sachets or

tubs. Diners tear the side or top and squeeze the ketchup out of
the ketchup packets, or peel the foil lid off the tub for dipping. In
2011, Heinz began offering a new measured-portion package,
called the "Dip and Squeeze" packet, which can be opened in either
way, giving both options.
Some fast food outlets previously dispensed ketchup from hand-
operated pumps into paper cups. This method has made a
comeback in the first decade of the 21st century, as cost and
environmental concerns over the increasing use of individual plastic
ketchup tubs were taken into account.
The main ingredients of ketchup are tomatoes, sweeteners,
vinegar, salt, spices, flavourings, onion, and/or garlic. The types of
sweetener used are usually granulated cane sugar or beet sugar.
Other sweeteners include dextrose or liquid sugar in the form of
corn or glucose syrup.
The various brands of ketchup have slightly different formulas,
which vary primarily in the amounts of spices or flavorings. Thicker
consistencies require a greater ratio of sugar and spices relative to
the tomato juice. Occasionally formulas must be slightly adjusted
according to variations in the acid and sugar content of tomatoes,
which occurs with changes in growing conditions and types of

Health Benefit of Tomato Sauce

1. It reduces risk of prostate cancer: Eating tomato sauce two or
more times a week reduces a man’s risk of developing prostate
cancer by around 20 per cent.
2. It increases sperm count: Lycopene, which gives tomatoes
their red colour, could also boost male fertility.
3. It cuts cholesterol: Tests carried out by Finnish scientists
found that ketchup could cut low-density lipoprotein, aka ‘bad
4. It improves your eyesight: As well as being high in vitamin C
and low in fat, ketchup contains vitamin A, which is key for a
healthy immune system and, perhaps crucially, good vision.
5. It makes actually healthy food bearable to eat: Let’s be
honest here - despite the health benefits above, ketchup is also
packed with sugar and salt, so it's possibly not the best thing for
a serious health kick.

Description of Tomato Ketchup Machine

Machinery for Tomato Ketchup includes the following:
 Fruit Mill
 Fruit Pulper
 Cooking Kettle
 Pulp Collection Tank
 Vaccum Filling Machine
 Crown Corking
 Boiler
 Pouch Packaging Machine
 MS pipeline
 Installation & Commissioning

Tomato ketchup machines is mainly used to produce final eatable

Tomato sauce from the raw material. With the help of these
machines the work of washing, pulping, mixing, homogenizing,
boiling, filling & sealing completes in a very short span.

Tomato Ketchup Market Analysis

According to the "India Ketch Up, Pizza & Pasta Sauces Market
Outlook, 2023" report. Tomato Ketchup market is primarily driven
by the growing demand for fast food and increasing number of
QSRs across the country.

According to the report, currently, the market for tomato ketchups

and sauces is anticipated to reach to more than INR 2000 crores.
The major companies in this market are Swiss company Nestle with
its brand Maggi, which holds a lion share of more than a third of
share in the market, Hindustan Unilever Limited with its brand
Kissan, that holds a share of more than a quarter of the market and
G.D. Foods with Tops brand. These three companies together hold
the market share of more than three-fourth of the total market of
ketchup and sauces.
Tomato Ketchup Manufacturing Process

 Procurement of tomatoes.
 Firstly, washing of tomatoes and then sort the good quality
 After that put the chopped tomato into the twin pulper, which
separate seeds, skins, and stems from the pulp.
 Cooking & add ingredients: Then the pulp is pumped into
cooking tanks or kettles and heated to boiling. Foaming may
occur if fresh tomato pulp is used, but can be corrected with
anti-foaming compounds or compressed air. Precise amounts
of sweeteners, vinegar, salt, spices, and flavourings are
added to the tomato pulp. Most spices are added early in the
cooking process.
 Finishing: Once the cooking is complete, the ketchup
mixture passes through a finishing machine. Finishers
remove excess fibre and particles through screens, creating
a smoother consistency.
 Removing Air: The ketchup must be de-aerated to prevent
discoloration and growth of bacteria. Excess air might also
create unattractive air pockets and impede the closure
 Filling: To prevent contamination, the ketchup passes from
the receiving tanks to the filling machines at a temperature
not lower than 190°F (88°C). The containers are filled with
the ketchup and immediately sealed to retain the freshness of
the product.
 Cooling
 Labelling & Packaging
Machinery &Equipment’s required:

S.N. Name Cost

1 Fruit Crusher 21,000
2 Pulper 35,000
3 Kettle 42,000
4 Pulp collection Tank 21,000
5 Vacuum filler 45,000
6 Crown corking Machine 10,500
7 Boiler 2,10,000
8 Pouch packaging 1,15,000
9 Ms Pipeline 15,000
10 Installation commission 25,000
Total 5,39,500

 Cost of the machine is exclusive of GST & other transportation cost &
value of the machine varies with the change in batch size.

Land &Building required:

Land required 1500 Square Feet (approx.)

Approximate rent for the same is 30000.

Labour Requirement:

6 Manpower is required for Tomato Ketchup Plant.


1 skilled Labour

4-5 Unskilled Labour

Raw Material Requirement of Tomato Sauce

S.N. Particulars Rate per KG

1 Tomato 10
2 Onion Powder 70
3 Garlic powder 70
4 Red chilli powder 150
5 Green Chilli 49-55
6 Pumpkin 16
7 Acetic Acid 110
8 Citric Acid 80
9 Sodium Benzoate 150
10 Potassium Solvate 300
11 Ginger 52-57

Average raw material cost per KG: Rs. 20-25

Packaging Cost of Tomato Sauce

Pouch Packaging

S.N. Particulars Cost per packet/ KG

1 250 Gram Rs. 3.56 per packet
2 400 Gram Rs. 4.23 per packet
3 1 KG Rs. 5.44 per packet
4 8 Grams Rs. 210 per KG

Average packaging cost per KG: Rs. 6

Size of the product

Tomato Ketchup are packed in three types of packaging product with

different sizes.

Pouch Packaging Size

 8 gram
 100 gram
 250 gram
 500 gram
 1 KG

Tomato Ketchup License &registration

For Proprietor:
 Obtain the GST registration.
 FSSAI License.
 Fire/ Pollution Registration as required.
 Choice of a Brand Name of the product and secure the name with
Trademark if required.

Implementation Schedule

S.N. Activity Time Required

(in Months)
1 Acquisition Of premises 1
2 Construction (if Applicable) 1- 2 Months
3 Procurement & installation of Plant & Machinery 1
4 Arrangement of Finance 1
5 Requirement of required Manpower 1
Total time Required (some activities shall run 2-3 Months

After completion of manufacturing process, product is ready to sell in the
market. This machine can be installed with low investment & one can
earn a good Margin of profit by doing this business.

1 Name of the Entreprenuer xx

Constitution (legal Status)
2 : : xx
3 Father's/Spouce's Name xx
4 Unit Address :
Taluk/Block: xx
District : xx
E-Mail : xx
Mobile xx
5 Product and By Product : Tomato Ketchup
Name of the project / business
6 activity proposed :

7 Cost of Project : Rs. 6.77

8 Means of Finance

Term Loan Rs. 6.09 Lacs

25% of 6.77 Lacs
KVIC Margin Money Rs. (1.69 Lacs)

Own Capital Rs. 1.18 Lacs

Debt Service Coverage Ratio
9 :
10 Pay Back Period : 5 years
11 Project Implementation Period : 6 months
12 Employment :
13 Power Requirement : 7 KW connection
Tomato, sugar, citric
14 Major Raw materials : acid
Estimated Annual Sales Turnover 44 Lacs (at 50%
15 : capacity)
Detailed Cost of Project & Means of
16 Finance
Particulars Amount
Building & Civil
Work -
Plant & Machinery 6.37
Furniture &
Fixtures 0.40
Pre-operative Expenses
Working Capital
Requirement 5.00
Total 11.77
Particulars Amount
Own Contribution 1.18
Bank Finance 6.09
working capital
from bank 9.00
Total 16.27
KVIC Margin 25% of 6.77 Lacs
Monery (1.69 Lacs)

Term Loan of Rs. 6.09 Lacs and Working Capital limit of Rs. 4.50 Lacs

10.00% 90.00%
Building Civil Work

Plant & Machinery 6.37 0.64 5.73

Furniture & Fixtures and Other
Assets 0.40 0.04 0.36

Working capital 5.00 0.50 4.50

Total 11.77 1.28 10.59


Own Contribution 1.18

Bank Loan 6.09

Working capital Limit 4.50

Total 11.77

Items to be Manufactured

Tomato Ketchup

machine capacity per day 100 KG per hour

machine capacity per annum 192000KG

wastage 5%

Raw Material Requirement 202,105 KG

Production of Tomato Ketchup

Production Capacity KG

1st year 50% 96,000

2nd year 55% 105,600

3rd year 60% 115,200

4th year 65% 124,800

5th year 70% 134,400

Raw Material Cost

Year Capacity KG Amount

Utilisation (Rs. in lacs)

1st year 50% 25.00 25.26

2nd year 55% 25.50 28.35

3rd year 60% 26.00 31.53

4th year 65% 26.50 34.81

5th year 70% 27.00 38.20

Packaging Charges

Material Bottle Amount
Rate per
Bottle (Rs. in lacs)

1st year 96,000 6.00 5.76

2nd year 105,600 6.50 6.86

3rd year 115,200 7.00 8.06

4th year 124,800 7.50 9.36

5th year 134,400 8.00 10.75


Particulars 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year

Op Stock - 8,000 8,800 9,600 10,400

Production 96,000 105,600 115,200 124,800 134,400

Less : Closing Stock 8,000 8,800 9,600 10,400 11,200

Net Sale 88,000 104,800 114,400 124,000 133,600

sale price per KG 50.00 51.00 52.00 53.00 54.00

Sales (in Lacs) 44.00 53.45 59.49 65.72 72.14


Particulars Wages No of Total

Per Month Employees Salary

Skilled 12000 1 12000

Unskilled 10000 5 50000

Total Salary Per Month 62000

Total Annual Labour Charges (in Lacs) 7.44


Particulars Wages No of Total

Per Month Employees Salary

Accountant 12000 1 12000

Helper 7000 1 7000

Total Salary Per Month 19000

Total Annual Labour Charges (in Lacs) 2.28

Utility Charges at 100% capacity (per month)

Particulars value Description
Power connection required 7 KWH
consumption per day 56 units
Consumption per month 1400 units
Rate per Unit 7 Rs.
power Bill per month 9800 Rs.

PARTICULARS 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year

Capacity Utilisation % 50% 55% 60% 65% 70%


Gross Sale

Tomato Ketchup 44.00 53.45 59.49 65.72 72.14

Total 44.00 53.45 59.49 65.72 72.14


Raw Mateiral Consumed 25.26 28.35 31.53 34.81 38.20

Elecricity Expenses 1.18 1.29 1.42 1.57 1.72

Depriciation 1.00 0.85 0.72 0.62 0.53

Consumables 1.32 1.60 1.78 1.64 1.44

Repair & maintennace 0.88 1.18 1.31 1.45 1.59

other direct expenses 1.19 1.44 1.61 1.77 1.95

Bottle charges 5.76 6.86 8.06 9.36 10.75

Cost of Production 36.58 41.57 46.44 51.22 56.17

Add: Opening Stock /WIP - 3.05 3.46 3.87 4.27

Less: Closing Stock /WIP 3.05 3.46 3.87 4.27 4.68

Cost of Sales 33.53 41.16 46.03 50.82 55.76

GROSS PROFIT 10.47 12.29 13.46 14.90 16.38

salary to staff 2.28 2.51 2.76 3.03 3.34

Interest on Term Loan 0.60 0.57 0.46 0.35 0.05

Interest on working Capital 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50

Rent 3.60 3.96 4.36 4.79 5.27

Selling & adm Exp 1.32 2.14 2.68 2.96 3.39

TOTAL 8.30 9.67 10.75 11.63 12.54

NET PROFIT 2.17 2.62 2.71 3.27 3.84


PROFIT (After Tax) 2.17 2.62 2.71 3.27 3.84


PARTICULARS 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year



opening balance 2.34 3.47 4.58 6.15

Add:- Own Capital 1.18

Add:- Retained Profit 2.17 2.62 2.71 3.27 3.84

Less:- Drawings 1.00 1.50 1.60 1.70 2.00

Closing Blance 2.34 3.47 4.58 6.15 7.99

Subsidy Reserve 1.69 1.69 1.69 - -

Term Loan 5.60 4.62 3.63 0.96 0.06

Working Capital Limit 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50

Sundry Creditors 1.26 1.32 1.58 1.74 1.91

Provisions & Other Liab 0.30 0.40 0.55 0.66 0.83

TOTAL : 15.70 16.00 16.53 14.01 15.28


Fixed Assets ( Gross) 6.77 6.77 6.77 6.77 6.77

Gross Dep. 1.00 1.84 2.57 3.18 3.71

Net Fixed Assets 5.78 4.93 4.20 3.59 3.06

FD of Subsidy 1.69 1.69 1.69

Current Assets

Sundry Debtors 1.47 1.78 2.23 2.25 2.40

Stock in Hand 5.15 5.83 6.50 7.17 7.86

Cash and Bank 1.61 1.77 1.91 1.01 1.97

TOTAL : 15.70 16.00 16.53 14.01 15.31


PARTICULARS 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year


Own Margin 1.18

Net Profit 2.17 2.62 2.71 3.27 3.84

Depriciation & Exp. W/off 1.00 0.85 0.72 0.62 0.53

Increase in Cash Credit 4.50 - - - -

Increase In Term Loan 6.09 - - - -

Increase in Creditors 1.26 0.06 0.25 0.16 0.17

Increase in Provisions & Oth lib 0.30 0.10 0.15 0.11 0.17

increase in subsidy 1.69

TOTAL : 18.19 3.63 3.84 4.16 4.70


Increase in Fixed Assets 6.77

Increase in Stock 5.15 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.70

Increase in Debtors 1.47 0.31 0.45 0.01 0.16

Repayment of Term Loan 0.49 0.98 0.98 2.67 0.88

Increase in FD 1.69 - - -

Drawings 1.00 1.50 1.60 1.70 2.00

Taxation - - - - -

TOTAL : 16.57 3.47 3.70 5.06 3.73

Opening Cash & Bank Balance - 1.61 1.77 1.91 1.01

Add : Surplus 1.61 0.16 0.13 - 0.90 0.97

Closing Cash & Bank Balance 1.61 1.77 1.91 1.01 1.97

PARTICULARS 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year

Finished Goods

3.05 3.46 3.87 4.27 4.68

Raw Material

2.11 2.36 2.63 2.90 3.18

Closing Stock 5.15 5.83 6.50 7.17 7.86



Particulars Amount Own Margin Bank Finance

Finished Goods & Raw Material 5.15

Less : Creditors 1.26

Paid stock 3.89 10% 0.39 90% 3.50

Sundry Debtors 1.47 10% 0.15 90% 1.32

5.36 0.54 4.82


2nd Method

PARTICULARS 1st year 2nd year

Total Current Assets 8.23 9.38

Other Current Liabilities 1.56 1.72

Working Capital Gap 6.67 7.66

Min Working Capital

25% of WCG 1.67 1.91

Actual NWC 2.17 3.16

item III - IV 5.00 5.74

item III - V 4.50 4.50

MPBF (Lower of VI & VII) 4.50 4.50

3rd Method

PARTICULARS 1st year 2nd year

Total Current Assets 8.23 9.38

Other Current Liabilities 1.56 1.72

Working Capital Gap 6.67 7.66

Min Working Capital

25% of Current Assets 2.06 2.35

Actual NWC 2.17 3.16

item III - IV 4.61 5.31

item III - V 4.50 4.50

MPBF (Lower of VI & VII) 4.50 4.50


Description Plant & Machinery Furniture TOTAL

Rate of Depreciation 15.00% 10.00%

Opening Balance - - -

Addition 6.37 0.40 6.77

Total 6.37 0.40 6.77

Less : Depreciation 0.96 0.04 1.00

WDV at end of Year 5.42 0.36 5.78

Additions During The Year - - -

Total 5.42 0.36 5.78

Less : Depreciation 0.81 0.04 0.85

WDV at end of Year 4.60 0.32 4.93

Additions During The Year - - -

Total 4.60 0.32 4.93

Less : Depreciation 0.69 0.03 0.72

WDV at end of Year 3.91 0.29 4.20

Additions During The Year - - -

Total 3.91 0.29 4.20

Less : Depreciation 0.59 0.03 0.62

WDV at end of Year 3.33 0.26 3.59

Additions During The Year - - -

Total 3.33 0.26 3.59

Less : Depreciation 0.50 0.03 0.53

WDV at end of Year 2.83 0.24 3.06

s - - -

Total 2.83 0.24 3.06

Less : Depreciation 0.42 0.02 0.45

WDV at end of Year 2.40 0.21 2.62

Less : Depreciation 0.36 0.02 0.38

WDV at end of Year 2.04 0.19 2.23

Less : Depreciation 0.31 0.02 0.33

WDV at end of Year 1.74 0.17 1.91


1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

PARTICULARS year year year year year

CASH ACCRUALS 3.16 3.47 3.43 3.89 4.37

Interest on Term Loan 0.60 0.57 0.46 0.35 0.05

Total 3.77 4.04 3.89 4.24 4.41


Instalment of Term Loan 0.49 0.98 0.98 2.67 0.88

Interest on Term Loan 0.60 0.57 0.46 0.35 0.05

Total 1.10 1.55 1.44 3.02 0.93

DEBT SERVICE COVERAGE RATIO 3.44 2.60 2.70 1.40 4.76


Interest 11.00%
Year Particulars Amount Addition Total Interest Repayment Balance
ist Opening Balance

1st month - 6.09 6.09 - - 6.09

2nd month 6.09 - 6.09 0.06 - 6.09

3rd month 6.09 - 6.09 0.06 - 6.09

4th month 6.09 - 6.09 0.06 6.09

5th month 6.09 - 6.09 0.06 6.09

6th month 6.09 - 6.09 0.06 6.09

7th month 6.09 - 6.09 0.06 0.082 6.01

8th month 6.01 - 6.01 0.06 0.082 5.93

9th month 5.93 - 5.93 0.05 0.082 5.85

10th month 5.85 - 5.85 0.05 0.082 5.77

11th month 5.77 - 5.77 0.05 0.082 5.68

12th month 5.68 - 5.68 0.05 0.082 5.60

0.60 0.492
2nd Opening Balance

1st month 5.60 - 5.60 0.05 0.082 5.52

2nd month 5.52 - 5.52 0.05 0.082 5.44

3rd month 5.44 - 5.44 0.05 0.082 5.36

4th month 5.36 - 5.36 0.05 0.082 5.27

5th month 5.27 - 5.27 0.05 0.082 5.19

6th month 5.19 - 5.19 0.05 0.082 5.11

7th month 5.11 - 5.11 0.05 0.082 5.03

8th month 5.03 - 5.03 0.05 0.082 4.95

9th month 4.95 - 4.95 0.05 0.082 4.86

10th month 4.86 - 4.86 0.04 0.082 4.78

11th month 4.78 - 4.78 0.04 0.082 4.70

12th month 4.70 - 4.70 0.04 0.082 4.62

0.57 0.984
3rd Opening Balance

1st month 4.62 - 4.62 0.04 0.082 4.54

2nd month 4.54 - 4.54 0.04 0.082 4.45

3rd month 4.45 - 4.45 0.04 0.082 4.37

4th month 4.37 - 4.37 0.04 0.082 4.29

5th month 4.29 - 4.29 0.04 0.082 4.21

6th month 4.21 - 4.21 0.04 0.082 4.13

7th month 4.13 - 4.13 0.04 0.082 4.04

8th month 4.04 - 4.04 0.04 0.082 3.96

9th month 3.96 - 3.96 0.04 0.082 3.88

10th month 3.88 - 3.88 0.04 0.082 3.80

11th month 3.80 - 3.80 0.03 0.082 3.72

12th month 3.72 - 3.72 0.03 0.082 3.63

0.46 0.984
4th Opening Balance

1st month 3.63 - 3.63 0.03 0.082 3.55

2nd month 3.55 - 3.55 0.03 0.082 3.47

3rd month 3.47 - 3.47 0.03 0.082 3.39

4th month 3.39 - 3.39 0.03 0.082 3.31

5th month 3.31 - 3.31 0.03 0.082 3.22

6th month 3.22 - 3.22 0.03 0.082 3.14

7th month 3.14 - 3.14 0.03 0.082 3.06

8th month 3.06 - 3.06 0.03 0.082 2.98

9th month 2.98 - 2.98 0.03 0.082 2.90

10th month 2.90 - 2.90 0.03 0.082 2.81

11th month 2.81 - 2.81 0.03 0.082 2.73

12th month(Subsidy
adjusted) 2.73 - 2.73 0.03 1.772 0.96
0.35 2.674
5th Opening Balance

1st month 0.96 - 0.96 0.01 0.082 0.88

2nd month 0.88 - 0.88 0.01 0.082 0.80

3rd month 0.80 - 0.80 0.01 0.082 0.71

4th month 0.71 - 0.71 0.01 0.082 0.63

5th month 0.63 - 0.63 0.01 0.082 0.55

6th month 0.55 - 0.55 0.01 0.082 0.47

7th month 0.47 - 0.47 0.00 0.082 0.39

8th month 0.39 - 0.39 0.00 0.082 0.30

9th month 0.30 - 0.30 0.00 0.082 0.22

10th month 0.22 - 0.22 0.00 0.082 0.14

11th month 0.14 - 0.14 0.00 0.082 0.06

12th month 0.06 - 0.06 0.00 0.060 -

0.05 0.88


Supplier Details:
Divya- Om process Machinery Address:
Ground floor 17/15, street no. 15,
Swaroop Nagar, Delhi

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