BCPC Program Design Draft

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Program Title : Capability Building on BCPC Programs Strategies and
Activities for Barangay G Officials and Appointees
Implementer : Barangay G - BLGU
Number of Days : One and a half (1.5) Days
No. of Person Involve : 22 paxs
Amount : P 19,633.00
Target of Participants : BCPC, Sangguniang Barangay and Appointees
Source of Fund : 5% GAD Fund

II. Background and Rationale

The Capacity Building is primed to serve as a tool and guide for both Barangay Official/staffs
and the constituents of the Barangay we are serving. A unique characteristic of this training are
the localization program and strategic planning. A representation of the body as an input to
improve the empirical basis of planning and budgeting for the Barangay G in the coming
calendar year 2025 then will provide an updated and extensive yet focused description of all
the vital aspects of program. To emphasize that our plans should need-based as well as
resource-based and treat local development plans and technical document which have
influences in program implementation.

One of the main focus of the training is the Barangay Council for the Protection for Children, one
of the key component of the Barangay Governance. The goal is to empower our program
implementers in minimizing or eradication of child conflicts and abuses in the community.
Sustainability and institutionalization of BPCP program can be drawn out from the capacity
enhancement including its activities.

Moreover, Barangay G BCPC works with stakeholders in linking demand generation and service
delivery. With concerted efforts, necessary services and information which are crucial to the
development of the total well-being of young people will be made available wherever they go—
home, school, church and the community.

Consequently, we will need social innovation in the context of program monitoring and
evaluation to help us support the Barangay program continues development. Thus, the
Capability Enhancement on BCPC Programs will take place in Barangay Ando Island, Borongan
City where we believe has a good environment for the activities to be implied and refrain the
participants of going in and out during the said activities.

It is fervent hope that this training will not just sit in the corner of the cabinet gathering cobwebs
but rather be actively used as a tool to better understand the intricacies of the Gender and
Development and as an instrument to the attainment of the mandate.
III. Objectives

By the end of the course, the participants will be able to:

a. Capacitate and empower diligent staffs to add the level of encouragement in trailing roles,
duties and functions related BCPC Programs;
b. Draw out key BCPC issues and identify priority strategies and approaches related to;
c. Provide an in-depth knowledge on the factors that should be considered in localizing the
program in the barangay level;
d. Improvised other related interventions through policy and plan development, provision of
technical assistance, communication and promotional activities, program monitoring and
evaluation, limited financial assistance, and augmentation to service delivery which acquired
from the capacity building and benchmarking program.
e. To provide Barangay G Officials and appointees the subjective and objective context through
direct information and observation in integrating into the programs and plans in the Barangay
f. Provide the Council with Information and knowledge needed to perform its duties and
functions related to the different programs;

IV. Program of Activities

July 21-30, 2024
Date/Time Activity Output Methodology Facilitator
Day 1


11:00 AM (Morning) Arrival in Barangay Punong Barangay

Ando Island
12:00 Noon


(Afternoon) Preliminaries

Invocation Hon. Ma. Nirene E.

Inspirational Message Punong Barangay

Message of Support From CSWDO

Proper context Representative
Objectives and Overview of the and expectation
Activity about the Jane A. Horca
capacity Barangay Secretary
enhancement set
and clarified Barangay G
Expectation Setting Officials and

Hon. Cynthia A.
BCPC Committee
Message of Support Head

3:00 PM Session 1: Our Mission Key strategies Leaders will Officials and
will be discussed split the group Appointees
as context for into teams of
program five, and
assign each
team a
teams can
have the same
value.) Each
team will
brainstorm an
initiative that
centers around
the assigned

3:30 PM Session 2: Building Games Participants with The group will

common split into small
understanding teams and Officials and
and appreciation compete in Appointees
building games
that sharpen
and critical
thinking skills.

4:30 PM Session 3: Trust-Building Capacity-building Participants Officials and

Exercises activities will group into Appointees
focusing on small teams
building trust and and compete in
fostering trust-building
collaboration. exercise
games that
courses or
VI. Work and Financial Plan

a. Number of Participants Involve 17

b. Total No. of Resource Speaker(s)/Organizers 1

d. Invited Guest and Official 4

Total of persons involve 22


Quantity Unit Price Total

1. Conduct of Capability Building

No. of Days 1.5 CD

Board and Lodging for 17

Participants + 1 Resource
Speaker + 4 Invited Guest and
Official (2 Calendar days)
1.5 CD P 4,000.00
1 Function Hall x 1.5 days
1 Cottage x 1.5 days
Lunch, Dinner Meals and
Breakfast for 15 participants, 1 22 paxs P150.00 P9,900.00
resource speakers x 1.5 days

Participants Snacks (Morning and

22 paxs P50.00 P2,200.00
Afternoon) Two (2) snacks x 1 day

Honorarium for (1 Resource

1 pax P1,500.00 P1,500.00
Speaker per day X 1.5 days)

Sub-Total 13,600.00

2. Materials for IEC and Kits

Tarpaulin (__ft x __ft) 1 pcs P108.00 P108.00

Sub-Total P108.00

3. Certificates

Cardboard Papers (A4 size) 1 pack 50.00 P50.00

Frames (A4 size) 5 pcs 75.00 P375.00

Sub-Total P425.00

4. Pumpboat Service

Fare 1 1,500.00 P1,500.00

Sub-Total: P1,500.00

Grand Total Expenses P19,633.00

VII. Expected Output

By supporting holistic advancement and cultivating the learnings and interests of each participant
through delivering a cohesive, experienced and professional team with varied background and
skills, who work respectfully and collaboratively with the group will inspire and challenge the
officials and appointees to perform their learning potential with confidence, boost their morale
and encourage them. The diverse range of personal characteristics and experiences from the
capacity building will attain common good and enriches the vision of the office. The Punong
Barangay, Sangguniang Barangay Members and appointees will imbue intensive wisdom which
is an advantageous mechanism in their platforms and serves the complex needs of the Council
such as the augmentation of staffs attributes, knowledge, ability, skills and potential that
inevitably improve the quality of innovating the information and service delivery not only for the
BCPC rather for the various programs, projects and activities of the Barangay.

Prepared by: Verified and Checked by:


Barangay Secretary Barangay Treasurer

Recommending Approval: Approved by:


BCPC Committee Chairperson Punong Barangay

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