Topic 2 - Democratic Intervention

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Democratic Intervention

Learning Objectives
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. Identify preferred democratic practices.
2. Explain the importance of participation in democracy. (HUMSS_MC T12-IId-f-1)
3. Differentiate participatory from representative democracy.
4. Assess democratic interventions prevailing in political and social institutions.
5. Formulate a viable alternative to undemocratic practices.

Lesson 1: Democratic Practices

Don’t you know that the term democracy originates from a Greek words demos (people) and
kratos (rule) which means ruled by the people. The people under democracy exercise a genuine
control over the government and have equal rights to participate in the decision-making
processes. It protects individual liberties such as the right to free speech, privacy and even the
right to remain silent in a police interrogation. And since democracy is a type of government in
which people are vested with supreme power then we all can enjoy a fair and free elections and
seek to control who will hold a position.
Thus, the assurance of political equality in which citizens preferences and interests are equally
considered and safeguarded by the state.

There are several democratic practices that people preferred such as civil rights or our freedom
of speech, religion, right to vote, and public education. Another democratic practice preferred
by people is a respectable and bias-free mass media and equality before the law.

What is Democracy?

1. Civil Rights
Have you ever asked yourself what could you possible enjoy as a Filipino citizen?
Well, we have the freedom of speech but never go anything lewd or obscene as well as not to
provokes violence or disorder. That freedom limits us to create seditious messages and present
danger to anyone.
Another civil right we obviously enjoy is the freedom of religion wherein our preference for a
religion cannot be endorsed by the state or anyone else. We can freely choose a religion we
wanted to embrace and practice.
An individual’s privilege and duty to vote should not be taken for granted since the choice of
majority will rule our country. Thus, the caption “vote wisely” should be practiced seriously.
Lastly, we are privileged to access a quality and public education at all levels.

2. Respectable and Bias-free Mass Media

For sure we all have our favorite channel to watch for news and current events but how reliable
are they? Do they fairly represent all groups? This might be a relevant question to consider as
when a station becomes bias with their reporting people will loss their trust like what happened
last presidential election where advertisement of a presidential candidate was refused by a
certain network to show or broadcast because they favour other candidates.

Media can influence our thoughts, manners, and even the way we live in the society because
they are some people who believes in any information without assuring if it a fact or merely a
speculation. Thus, a respectable and bias-free mass media is a thing
Filipino should enjoy since it is part of their civil right.

3. Equality before the law

All persons are equal in the eye of the law regardless of status, wealth or power just like how
the statue of Lady Justice wearing blindfold. Aside from the blindfold the statue also carries a
balance scale which means that it is going to weigh the evidence presented to the court and it
should look and compare each side as justice is done. And the sword which is unsheathed is a
symbol that justice is transparent and not an implement of fear.


Written Work #4: Democratic Practices of being a Filipino (1 whole yellow pad)

Instructions: Supplement the given data retrieval chart below.

What are examples of your democratic practices being a Filipino?

As a family member As a student As Citizen

(At home) (In school) (in the community)

Lesson 2: The Essence of Participation in Democracy

Now that you have gained background about Democracy that it is a people ‘vote, individual
rights are protected, laws to protect and majority rule. It’s time for you to discover about the
importance of participation in democracy. They say that citizens make the future of the
country, but how can citizen do something useful or contribute to the development
of the country?

Participation plays a vital role in order to achieve success for example participation in poverty
reduction and participations from a human rights perspective. We are driven to live in better
conditions so it is our individual duty to do everything to achieve it. By actively participating in
democracy private individual will be provided with opportunity to influence public decisions and
be a part of democratic decision-making process.

“While democracy is the process whereby the people collectively decide on the priorities and
policies of public life, human rights are the individual guarantees that the state is set to uphold
and respect– and that make participation in democratic governance meaningful.”


Performance task #2: On the spot Short Role play

Theme: Participation in Democracy

Question/ Scene: They say that citizens make the future of the country, but how can citizen do
something useful or contribute to the development of the country?

Lesson 3: Participatory Versus Representative

Participatory government is also known as direct democracy where all people vote on all
decisions. They don’t need somebody to represent them but rather vote on issues directly. The
only advantage of participatory democracy is that people have all the power. The disadvantages
are uninformed people vote on issues and it will only work in small groups.

In representative democracy, people vote an elected official like congressman to vote on issues
for them. This elect official will make decisions for the people and propose laws.

The only advantage of this representative democracy is people can choose experts to make and
carry out decisions for them. The disadvantage is that we can never guarantee that the official
we elected or leader will represent people’s interest.

People ------------Representative ---------------------Laws - RD

People -------------------------------------------------------Laws -DD

Lesson 4: Democratic Interventions prevailing in

Political and Social Institutions
When applying for a government vacant position, the responsible agency will announce the
vacancy to the public and accept qualified applicants and evaluate them all fairly with no
personal interest of a favored applicant to place in the position. This is an example of
democratic social interventions. The same persons or families were being tapped as vacancies
arose should no longer be practiced to achieve democracy in the social institution.

Political dynasty is rampant in the Philippines it happens when an elected government official is
succeeded by a member of his household up to the first degree of consanguinity or affinity and
when several members of the family occupies various positions in the government. This make it
unfair to a new aspiring politician or talents to penetrate and in effect it will decrease the level
of political participation among the populace. As citizens, to practice democracy we should give
fair chance to all political candidates and not be persuade patronizing political dynasty.

Lesson 5: Viable Alternative to Undemocratic

Undemocratic practices are very evident in everywhere just like gender biases, poverty, political
marginalization, racial inequality, cultural domination, crisis of representation and politics of
recognition. The biggest challenge is how to stop it and make it right by formulating a viable

Gender bias occur when there is unequal treatment on men and women because of their
gender. In order to eliminate gender biases, we should prohibit gender discrimination, learn
awareness and acceptance.

Poverty is the state of being extremely poor. Some families remain poor due to lack of
opportunities, education and skills. To achieve social equity the Philippine government, launch a
special program like the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program to eradicate poverty. Part of the
condition of the program is to provide family development sessions to the grantees and this is
very helpful since front liners of the program are educating parents at home.

Political Marginalization is an effect of political exclusions that prevents or limits the enjoyment
of certain rights. Just like how women are less likely to win a position in an election due to
prejudice. So, we should give fair chance to everyone regardless of gender.

Racial Inequality is defined as disparity in opportunity and treatment that occurs as a result of
someone’s race. An example of racial inequality is Asian students are more likely to receive a
scholarship from an Asian non-profit organization than a non-Asian student.
Cultural domination is defined as cultural practice that is dominant within a particular political,
social or economic entity, in which multiple cultures are present.

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