PHY211 HS23 Ex02

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PHY211 - KT1 Herbstsemester 2023

Prof. Lea Caminada

Exercise Sheet 2
M. Missiroli, A. Reimers Issued: 12.10.2023
Hand in by 10:00 of: 20.10.2023

Exercise 1: (3 points) Feynman diagrams

A Feynman diagram is a graphical representation of the amplitude of a given process that can be used
to calculate the probability of that transition. Consider the following processes. Which of them are
forbidden and why? Draw all lowest-order Feynman diagrams for the allowed processes and mention
which of the fundamental forces dominates each process.

a) p → n e+ νe

b) e+ e− → γγ

c) τ → udντ

d) νe e → νe e

Exercise 2: (2 points) Collider versus fixed-target experiments

Particle physics experiment are generally designed in one of two possible configurations: fixed target
and collider mode.

Figure 1: Left: Fixed target configuration, right: Collider configuration

They both aim at converting the center of mass energy available in the collision into new particles.
These two configurations differ in the fact that in fixed target mode one of the two colliding particles is
initially at rest, while in collider configuration they collide head-to-head, often with equal energy.

a) For both configurations express the center of mass energy Ecm available in the collision as a
function of the particle momenta, assuming the momenta involved are much larger than the

particle masses. Compare how the centre of mass energy scales with momentum for the two
setups. Which one is more energetically advantageous? Given a center-of-mass energy Ecm =
14 TeV in a proton-proton collision, calculate (1) the energy of each beam in collider mode, and
(2) the energy of the beam in a fixed-target configuration.

b) Cosmic rays hitting the earth’s upper atmosphere can be thought of as natural fixed target
experiments. The flux of cosmic rays has been measured from energies of GeV up to about
1020 eV. Consider a cosmic ray of 1019 eV energy striking a Nitrogen atom in the atmosphere.
Imagine trying to recreate this collision in a collider, assuming beams of equal momentum, how
much momentum would each beam require?

Figure 2: Trajectory of a charged particle in a tracking detector immersed in a magnetic field.

Exercise 3: (3 points) Momentum measurement using tracking detectors

In a collider experiment a tracking detector immersed in a solenoidal magnetic field of B = 2 T is

used to measure the momenta of charged particles. The magnetic field is oriented parallel to the beam
axis, i.e. perpendicular to the x–y–plane. The detector consists of two concentric cylindrical layers.
The layers can have arbitrary radii r1 , r2 between rmin = 30 cm and rmax = 100 cm. We assume that
particles originate exactly from the nominal interaction point, and travel perpendicular to the beam
axis, i.e. in the x–y–plane.

a) Considering a particle of charge q and mass m, find the general relationship between the radius
of curvature ρ, the magnetic field strength B, and the particle’s three-momentum p. Give ρ for
electrons with momenta of 10 GeV and 1 TeV in the given magnetic field. How large are the
bending radii for protons with the same momenta?
b) Show that the relation between the sagitta s and the momentum p is given by s = qBr 8p . Give

the sagitta for electrons with energies of 10 GeV and 1 TeV.

Hint: use the approximation cos(θ/2) ≃ 1 − 21 (θ/2)2 . Explain why this is a valid approximation.

c) Let us assume our detector measures s with a resolution ∆s. Give the dependence of the relative
momentum resolution ∆p/p on B, ∆s, and p itself.

Exercise 4: (2 points) Mandelstam variables

The scattering cross section for a 2 → 2 process involving massless fermions can be expressed as:

dσ 1
∝ |M|2
dcos θ 4
Where θ is the angle between the beam direction and one of the outgoing particles in the center of mass
(COM) frame, and the matrix element M is the sum over all the possible amplitudes contributing
to the process. The kinematic dependence of the matrix element squared |M|2 for electromagnetic
interactions in different channels is:

• s-channel

1 t2 + u2
|Ms |2 = 32π 2 α2
4 s2
• t-channel

1 s2 + u2
|Mt |2 = 32π 2 α2
4 t2
• u-channel

1 s2 + t2
|Mu |2 = 32π 2 α2
4 u2

Labelling the incoming four momenta as p1 , p2 and the outgoing four momenta as p3 , p4 , the Mandel-
stam variables s, t, and u, are defined as:

s = (p1 + p2 )2
t = (p1 − p3 )2
u = (p1 − p4 )2

a) With the angle between p⃗1 and p⃗3 in the COM frame defined as θ, derive the dependence of the
s-channel and t-channel cross sections on cos θ.

b) Consider electromagnetic processes with two leptons in the initial state and two leptons in the
final state. Name one process which, to leading order, proceeds only through the s-channel and
one process which proceeds only through the t-channel. Draw the diagrams for each case.

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