Trident-Brochure 3008

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engineering intelligent solutions

Oil ring main unit

engineering intelligent solutions

Introduction to Trident

Lucy Electric has over 100 years of experience Operation

within the power distribution industry. Our Mechanism
Trident range of oil insulated ring main units The operating mechanisms are of the independent manual spring
type for both Main and Earth switches ensuring that speed of
(RMUs) has been developed over a number of operation is independent of the operator.
years and is a leading performer in the global
Ring switches
market. For use in both rural and industrial
Ring switches are fault make, load break three position type ‘ON’,
settings, it can be positioned in the most extreme ‘OFF’ and ‘EARTH ON’.
conditions: ambient temperatures from -10°C to
55°C, humidity of up to 100%, corrosive regions, Fuse switch
The fused tee-off is of the fault make, fault break, three position
oil fields and other hostile environments.
type ‘ON’, ‘OFF’ and ‘TRANSFORMER EARTH ON’. The fuse switch
has a double isolation feature for additional operational safety.

Corrosion protection
The main body of the unit is fabricated from 4mm steel which is shot
blasted, zinc sprayed and then coated with an epoxy powder paint
finish for durable outdoor and indoor use.

The Trident range of ring main units requires very low levels of
maintenance. Under normal conditions a routine inspection is
required at an interval of once every seven years.

• Ratings up to 15.5kV
• Long service life
• Low maintenance
• IP54 for installation outdoors
• Oil insulated
• Interlocked for safe operation
• Padlocking facilities
• Fully extensible
• Rugged design for hot and Trident with retrofit Trident transformer mounted
humid environments motor operation
Trident oil RMU range


Non extensible Extensible Extensible

fused RMU fused RMU fuse switch


Extensible Extensible
oil switch double oil switch

TMC metering unit BMC metering unit

Transformer mounted Freestanding

Safety Automation
The unit has been designed to ensure maximum operator safety. The Trident range of oil ring main units can be fully equipped with
Live parts are contained within an earth sheet steel enclosure. automation features to address customers’ requirements for remote
Cable termination boxes are located away from the operator – monitoring and control.
to the side and the rear, to ensure operator safety at all times.
A single line diagram and mechanical indicators exist on the front A variety of automation options are available:
of each unit to aid user safety and interlocks on all switch positions • Retrofittable motorised actuator, available as a single
prevent incorrect operation. In addition padlocking facilities are left hand or right hand or double ring switch configuration.
provided for all positions and can be equipped with neon voltage Status indicators for the ring switches are also available. The
indicators (live cable indication), interlocked cable test facility non-intrusive nature of the retrofit assembly negates the need
on tee-off and Castell interlocking. to shut down the unit whilst the installation takes place.
• The tee-off fuse switch can be fitted with a shunt trip for remote
Accessories tripping and auxiliary contacts for remote indication.
Lucy Electric has developed a number of accessories that • A purposely designed Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) mounting
can be added to a Trident RMU providing flexible solutions for bracket can accommodate our Gemini- RTU on either the right
our customers. or the left hand side of the Trident RMU.

• Remote tripping • Earth fault passage indicators complete the picture by providing
crucial information on the location of earth faults in a MV
• Ring switch actuators network split ring. Our Gemini range of automation products
• RTU mounting bracket and systems ensure an integrated solution, so that the Trident
RMU can be monitored and controlled by most utility NMS/
• Earth fault indicators SCADA systems.
• Test plug devices In essence, our automation solution is a factory built automation
• Busbar connection package that can be ready for immediate installation with minimal
on-site works.
• Cabling
• End cap kit

Trident freestanding Trident extensible

Trident oil RMU range
Electrical performance


RMU Fuse Switch Oil Switch Double Oil Switch

Rated voltage kV 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5

Ring switch

Rated current A 630 630 630

Making capacity (Main/Earth) kA Pk 50 50 50

Breaking capacity (Main) A 630 630 630

Short time withstand (Main/Earth) kA 3 sec 20 20 20

Basic impulse level kV 95/110 95/110 95/110

Fuse switch

Rated current A 200 200

Making capacity (Main/Earth) kA Pk 50kA/7.8kA Pk 50kA/7.8kA Pk

Breaking capacity (Main/Earth) 95/110kV kA 20 20

Short time withstand current (Earth) kA 3 sec 3.15 3.15

Basic impulse level kV 95/110 95/110


Rated frequency Hz 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60

Minimum operating temperature °C -10 to +55 -10 to +55 -10 to +55 -10 to +55

IP rating IP IP54 IP54 IP54 IP54

Weight (without oil) kg 320 217 140 320

Standards IEC 60420, 60265-1, 60694, 60294


Height (min) mm 1262 1116 1400 1185

Width mm 908 865 642 920

Depth mm 757 1050 600 750

Lucy Electric worldwide offices
Lucy Electric UK Ltd Lucy Switchgear Arabia Co. Ltd Lucy Asia Pacific Sdn Bhd
Howland Road, Thame, Oxfordshire, Novotel Business Centre, Unit 17-05-06, Level 17,
OX9 3UJ, United Kingdom P.O. Box 35340, Dammam 31488, PJX-HM Shah Tower,
Tel: +44 1844 267 267 General Saudi Arabia No.16 Persiaran Barat,
Tel: +44 1844 267 222 Sales Tel: +966 138 147 910 46050 Petaling Jaya,
Fax: +44 1844 267 223 Fax: +966 138 147 914 Selangor, Malaysia
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Tel: +603 74910700
Fax: +603 79316923
Lucy Middle East FZE Lucy Electric South Africa Pty. Ltd Email: [email protected]
PO Box 17335, Jebel Ali, Dubai, Unit 12 & 13, Block C,
United Arab Emirates Honeydew Business Park, Lucy Equipamentos Elétricos Ltda.
Tel: +971 48 129 999 1503 Street, Laser Park, Av. das Araucárias 2558
Fax: +971 48 129 900 Honeydew, 2170, South Africa Thomaz Coelho, CEP 83707-067,
Email: [email protected] Tel: +27 11 025 7490 Araucária Paraná State, Brazil
Fax: +27 11 794 3277 Tel: +55 (41) 2106 2801
Lucy Electric (Thailand) Ltd Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
388 Exchange Tower,
37th Flr Unit 3702, Postal Address:
Sukhumvit Road, Klongtoey Sub P.O. Box 1078, Honeydew, 2040
Klongtoey District, Bangkok,
10110, Thailand
Tel: +66 (02) 663 4290
Fax: +66 (02) 663 4293
Email: [email protected]

Lucy Electric India Private Ltd

Ambad, Nasik 422010, India
Tel: +91 253 2381603 engineering intelligent solutions
Fax: +91 253 2381247
Email: [email protected]

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