Business Abundance Now
Business Abundance Now
Business Abundance Now
1. Use Focus
2. Accepting statement
1. Address feelings
6. Past Traumas
8. Employees
9. Financial Issues
Meridian Tapping Points
(the shortcut)
• Eyebrow (EB)
• Side of Eye (SE)
• Under Eye (UE)
• Under Nose (UN)
• Chin (CH)
• Collarbone (CB)
• Under Arm (UA)
• Head (H)
5. Assess the anxiety feels on the 0-10 point intensity rating scale
6. Repeat SET-UP: While tapping your karate chop point, repeat the
REVISED AFFIRMATION: “Even though I STILL have SOME of this
ANXIETY, I deeply and completely accept myself.”
9. Repeat if necessary
• “Thank you Universe…”
CD #2
• Define “Success”
• Safety Issues
o If you don’t feel safe being clear, you won’t get there
• Excuses?
It doesn’t feel safe being clear
It makes me anxious when I think of being clear
No wonder I’ve been sabotaging myself
I want to release this pattern…
o Even though I’m afraid to get clear because then I’ll make a
No wonder I’m avoiding being clear!
I’m so afraid to take a stand
I don’t want to make a commitment
The truth is I’m afraid to make a commitment
• Take the fear away… Positive Statements
o Mixed signals?
I wonder why I’ve been letting other people influence
I’m going to let go of some of the static
I want to be clear about what a “yes” feels like
I choose to listen to my yes and no signals
From now on I’m going to listen and pay attention…
o Naysayers? Objections?
o Yes, but…
• What’s Your Best Product? Is it in Alignment with You?
o You?
o CDs/ Books?
o Services?
o Information?
o Elevator speech?
o What you do… how you do it… what are the benefits…
o Is it immediately applicable?
o “WIFM” (What’s In It For ME?)
CD #3
o Fear of failure?
o Safety issue?
• Meridian Tapping Exercises:
o Even though I’m afraid to stand out, what if they reject me…
• CONGRUENCE Is Essential
o Sales?
o Employees?
• Are Your Products and Services a “10”?
• Fear of Success
Why not?
What happened last time?
o Even though I’m afraid of my power, that’s why I block my
own congruence… I don’t really want to be congruent!
I’ afraid of my power
No wonder I keep sabotaging myself
No wonder I block myself from being congruent
I’m not sure I’m ready to be powerful!
• What Is Clutter?
Worth and Value?
• The “Upside” of Clutter?
o Establishes Credibility
o Name Recognition
• Website –
• Why Should They Listen to You?
• Live Workshops
This pounding in my chest
My heart is pounding just thinking about it
I’m so worried about speaking in public
What if I don’t do well… What if they laugh at me
I hate this feeling of anxiety
o “This is who I help, this is how I help them… these are the
benefits they will get…”
o Even though I feel this anxiety just picturing being with all
those people… this anxiety in my gut… What if I could feel
calm and confident
• Connect to the Heart and Soul of Your Business
o Responsiveness
• Customer Service
• How Can You Serve Your Customers in Better Ways?
o I’m worried they might say no… what if they reject me…
CD #5
o Anything from your past or life that effects the way you
approach or deal with money
• Do You Use Money as a Drug or Mood Changer?
o Debt issues
o Deprivation issues
o Abundance is a “feeling”
o Prosperity is a “feeling”
o When you reduce your anxiety about money, you will make
better and clearer decisions.
o Even though my bills make me anxious and uptight… I want
to avoid it all… and I resent that tax bill…
• Law of Attraction Exercises
Friendships? Love?
Spirituality? Nature?
• Sabotage Behavior – Blocking Receiving
CD #6
o Provide special “perks” for employees – worth the price!
Feedback is essential
Check in with employees
Have a conversation!
o “Working lunches”
• Your Employees Need to Have Fun and Be Respected
o Movie afternoon?
o Music?
• Let’s Do Launch
o Releasing accumulated stress
o Even though I have this tension headache, and I’m not sure
where it came from…
• Emotional Blocks
o Even though that was so unfair and I’m still mad about it…
o Even though I’ve been holding onto this for years, I’m going
to consider letting it go… but it was unfair!
o Clear out stale energy from your last job or boss or project
CD #7
• Offer Benefits
o Free report?
• Be Responsive to Customers
• Wait Until Your Product Is “Ripe”
o Even though I’m reluctant to offer too much, I’m not used to
doing business that way…
o Thank you Universe for my new insights about over
• Expectations
• Meridian Tapping Exercises
o Even though I’m afraid to get my hopes up, I’ll only be hurt
o Even though I have this believe and pattern that I’m
supposed to play it small… I’m not supposed to be visible…
o Salary Caps?
o Even though I have this very strong belief that I can’t earn
any more money in my field…
CD #8
• Failure = Feedback
• Being on Time
• Money Boundaries
• Daily Self-Care – Are YOU a Priority?
o Even though I’m convinced there’s not enough time for me…
• Be More Patient…
o Even though I still have blocks to receiving my abundance...
I deserve receiving financial abundance…
o Act as if…
• “I AM” Tapping…
• Gratitude Conversations
• Meridian Tapping Exercise: Decide to Let Go of Your
Remaining Blocks
• Are You Blocking Attracting Your Ideal Clients?
o I love laughing out loud… I love it when things go well
• RESOURCE Section
CD #10 – Session with Leslie
Session Themes:
Track #1
She also identifies her battle with her weight issues as an additional block
and recognizes that her focus on her weight, eating and exercise, blocks her
from being present and stops her from moving forward. She suffers from
extreme anxiety and tries to avoid conflict by using food to soothe herself.
Leslie also admits that she is not fully present to her feelings, as a way to
protect her from anything “bad” happening.
Track #2
Even though I know it’s going to be overwhelming, because it was last time,
no wonder I stop myself…
Even though I’m afraid to move forward, because I know it’s going to be
overwhelming, (10)…
Leslie said that the last time she had a private practice, she had several
clients on “suicide watch” and was always afraid and waiting for something
bad happening, and felt responsible for everyone. She said she was in a state
of complete hypervigilance.
Even though I’m so scared, and overwhelmed, and I hate the hyper-vigilant
feeling, but I’m afraid they were going to jump…
Even though I was so afraid back then, what if I get clients like that again…
I don’t know if I can take it…
Leslie identifies a new issue about letting go of her armor -- her mother was
ill and she didn’t “see” it and “missed it” that her mother was going to die.
Track #3
Leslie tells me that she didn’t have closure with her mother because she
didn’t see her death coming.
Listen in for a very touching segment about working on the grief around her
mother’s death.
Even though I’m afraid to let go of my armor, cause then things can get me,
like when I was happy with my mother, my guard was down, and I didn’t
know she was going to die… How could I not know… and I blame myself…
Even though I feel this deep sadness that I didn’t see it coming… I blame
myself… Even though I’m mad at myself, how come I didn’t see it coming…
And this connection to my armor is all about my mother… I was afraid to
see it coming… if only I had known, I could have said goodbye…
While we tap, Leslie shares a touching “goodbye” with her mother, 15 years
In the next segment, we discuss Leslie’s weight and body image issues.
Even though I still feel disgusted with myself and my weight… and I’m tired
of holding on… and I’m using my weight as a reason not to move forward…
Even though I have all this shame… I put the weight back on… all the shame
about my body… no wonder I don’t want to lose it again… no wonder I have
this anxiety… why is it going to be different this time…
Track #4
In this segment we exploring the earlier time of stress when Leslie was in
the intolerable work situation. She was also having marital issues and was
in a constant state of anxiety…
That intense anxiety back then... that hyper vigilance… such anxiety… I was
exhausted and I couldn’t soothe myself… I didn’t make the connection…
Even though I’m so anxious… I’m coming out of my skin… and I don’t have
any tools… I can’t soothe my anxiety…
Listen in to the last few minutes of the session when I “test” Leslie on all of
her issues to measure the progress after the session.
CD #11 – Session with Andrew, #1
Session Themes:
Andrew has a dilemma – after his father died, he inherited his business -- not
a very successful business and one that is now failing in the current
economy. During this session, Andrew struggles with the guilt he feels
when considering “winding down” his father’s business, and has a
breakthrough when he talks about the connection that “pulling the plugs” on
the business parallels his feelings about having to make the decision to “pull
the plugs” on his father at the end of his life.
Track #2
During this segment, Andrew draws the connection and parallel between
dealing with his father as a “patient” and now needing to deal with his
father’s business as yet another - a second - “patient.”
How long does he/it have?
How long can you keep him/it alive?
Track #3
Even though I have this grief about the business, because my father WAS the
Even though I have this grief in my heart, here I go again… more decisions
Even though I have this dread of “the phone call” coming… this dread…
Even though I had to pull the plugs on my father… and now I have to pull
them on the business too…
Even though I have this grief about his suffering…
Even though I have this guilt about being relieved when he died…
Track #4
Andrew taps for his guilt for “feeling relieved” when his father died, and for
considering opening a new business. He also deals with his father’s habit of
giving him mixed signals.
Even though I feel guilty for feeling relieved when he died…it was over…it
was finally over… and his suffering was over…
Even though I feel guilty because I’m considering my own business… Even
though it feels like I’m betraying him… how dare I look at my own business..
This frustration about the mixed signals… It’s time to pull the plugs…
Track #5
It’s time to let go of all this guilt… it’s just an old pattern… I love freedom…
I love clarity!
CD #12 – Session with “Mary”
Session Themes
Listen in as Mary reduces her fears/writer’s block, and starts to feel totally
confident about attracting the right type of clients. Mary reduces her anxiety
dramatically, releases her need to be perfect (“so what if I’m not perfect…),
and moves emotionally from “I’m afraid to get started” to “I want to get
Track #1
Mary also tells me that she has writer’s block… which keeps her from
completing her website. She says she is afraid to be exposed, and of leaving
the safety and comfort zone of where she is…
Even though I’m afraid of getting started… I feel this anxiety… and I don’t
know how to get started… what if the words don’t flow… what if I’m not
good enough…I’m not perfect enough… what if they judge me…
Even though I’m afraid I won’t be perfect, and I need their approval… Even
though I may not be perfect... and I may not please everyone… I choose to
let go of this old patter…
What if I’ not perfect… so what… what if I’m not perfect… I’ve been using
lost of excuses to have writer’s block… what if I got over it… what if I
looked forward to writing this material… I don’t want to be perfect… and I
don’t want to want their approval… a part of me still needs their approval…
When Mary talks about and feels the need for “their” approval of her writing
of web-based materials, it takes her back to an episode of reciting poetry in
school… the principal came in (unexpectedly) and critiqued her…
Track #2
This remaining need for their approval… I still need their approval… no I
don’t… but I still want it…
I still want their approval... it would be nice to have their approval… I still
want their approval… I don’t need it, but there’s a part of me that still wants
it… I want my approval… that would feel so good…
When I ask Mary about her fear of leaving the safety of her steady job, she
articulates that she has moved emotionally from “all or nothing” thinking to
the “possibility of doing both…it’s doable.” She understands that she can
make this change “gradually” which is a huge relief…
Track #3
Mary says she is worried about attracting enough clients, and says “how am
I going to get my name out there… having to do the work… do the flyers…
market my services…” and then lands on the issue of “being afraid that she
will have to work too hard.” She identifies that she has bought into the
“workaholic mentality” of all the people around her!
Even though I’m afraid I won’t be able to attract enough full paying
clients… I don’t have what it takes…
I’m reluctant to put in all the time… I’m reluctant to put in so much time… I
don’t have that much time… I don’t want to do that much marketing… I’m
under the impression that I have to work 24/7… where did I get that model…
what if it’s not true…
Mary admits that everyone she knows who owns their own business is under
too much pressure, and that their relationships and health suffer.
What if it’s not hard… what if I actually have fun… I’ve bought into this…
I’m not going to become a workaholic…
There’s such a sense of insight that there are options… I don’t have to
repeat the old patterns… I can use the Law of Attraction!
And that’s given me such freedom…”
Mary continues to process the old limiting beliefs she was operating under:
• She moves from “I’m afraid to get started” to “I’m excited to get
• Her belief changes from “I won’t be able to attract enough full
paying clients” to “I know I can, not really an issue…”
• Her limiting belief changes from “There aren’t enough clients for
me…” to “So not true…I can’t believe I had that belief…”
Track #4
Even though I’m afraid of being chained to my office, and being completely
isolated… I would hate that… and it’s not good for me…
Even though I’m afraid I would be chained to my office, I’d never get out…
What if I get isolated? Private practice is so isolating…
Mary has some new insights… “What’s coming up is why am I making the
assumption that I’m just doing one to ones… ? I want to do presentations, so
it doesn’t have to be isolating.
Mary ends the session with the following statements: A sense of relief and
release that I can make healthier choices…
CD #13 – Session with Nicholas P.
Session Themes:
Track #1
During track #1, Nick’s main fear is that he may be exploiting the subjects in
his next film. He got compete funding for the project immediately, but now
has these concerns that are slowing him down.
Track #2
Nick discusses his anxiety about not having health insurance, and is very
anxious about the possibility of getting hurt…
Even though I still have some anxiety about getting hurt… how am I going to
take care of myself?... I’m worried about getting hurt… and I’m more
worried about letting go of my anxiety… I don’t want to let go of my
anxiety… I think it protects me…
Track #3
Even though I feel sad for me back then… poor Nick felt embarrassed and
humiliated…what a screw up I was…
Even though I feel so sad, so embarrassed, so humiliated…
Even though I feel so sad about having another accident…
Notice how after we tap together, Nick starts remembering other factors and
issues in his life “back then” when he had the accidents. Nick is clearly now
able to access more “data” from that time in his life.
I can see things a little more clearly who I was back then…
Even though I had those traumas back then, and I froze the material and I
froze images… I choose to thaw it out now..
Even though I never had time to discharge the freeze response, I choose to
let some of it go…
Even though I froze back then… 6 times... I accept who I am and how my
body handled it… all these freeze responses… I froze with every trauma… I
wonder what else good is back there… I accept what happened
Track #4
During this segment, I continue to help Nick release the “frozen” trauma
from his body and memory… listen in as he “thaws out” energetically and
Even though it’s stupid to trust others… don’t you know you can get hurt…
Even though it’s not safe to trust other people… no wonder I’m
Even though I’m convinced it’s not safe to trust others… and I hate this
about me… I choose to calm down any way… I accept that I have this
conflict… it’s not safe to trust other people… I’m not letting go of that…
CD #14 – Session with “Elaine”
Session Themes
I had done 2 preliminary sessions with Elaine, before I knew I was going to
include her 3rd session for this business Abundance program! You will hear
me reference issues we discussed in earlier sessions.
Track #1
Even though I must have done something wrong, and that’s why they are
non-responsive… I deeply and profoundly accept myself anyway…
Even though I assume I must have done something wrong… it must be me…
I must have something wrong… I’m sure it’s me… I must have done
something wrong…
Even though I feel confused and puzzled, I don’t understand why they’re not
following through, what are we doing wrong? Even though I don’t get it…
how could they not follow through… Even though I have an abundance
block… but I don’t know what it is yet… I accept myself anyway.
Elaine frequently feels desperation in the middle of the night… there’s not
enough, I’m never going to get all done…
There was a turning point when I asked Elaine, “does that remind you of
being in the war?”
Track #2
Elaine was a part of the initial invasion into Iraq. Listen in to how old
memories are seeping into her business life now.
Even though everything’s life or death to me… that’s just the truth… and it
was life or death back then… I accept how I’m feeling and that the pattern is
trapped in my body…
Even though I hate this feeling… it’s all urgent, I have to do it now… Even
though my energy about everything being life or death is from an old
pattern, I choose to relax and let it go… no I don’t… it’s not safe to relax… I
have to be on guard… just like when I was a soldier…. This feeling of
desperation… and I don’t have a choice…
The desperation feels so real…
This is why I went into indifference.
Elaine starts talking about her experience in the war, and how she saw no
point to what she was doing and where she was stationed.
Even though I don’t know hat we’re doing here, what’s the point, it feels
hopeless, no wonder I feel panicky… no wonder I have this trapped feeling…
Even though I felt panicked… just the way I do in the middle of the night…
Even though it feels life threatening… and it was life threatening… these
panic feelings… what the hell were we doing there!
Even though I have this blind faith feeling, and I hate it and feel hopeless…
that didn’t feel safe… that didn’t feel smart… it felt so hopeless… no wonder
I was scared… no wonder everything feels like life or death.. It was life or
death and I can’t believe I survived…
Even though I have this blind faith feeling, and I hate it, and it reminds me
of being a soldier, I accept myself anyway… Even though this hopeless
feeling reminds me of being a soldier… what the hell were we doing there…
what the hell are we doing here?
I feel trapped, because we can’t get anywhere… it’s hopeless just like the
Track #3
Even though it stills feels hopeless, what’s the point… what the hell are we
doing here… and there aren’t any rules…and that makes me feel afraid…
this terror about that moment in the war… what the hell are we doing
there… it was hopeless from the beginning... and this trapped feeling has
been frozen in my body… No wonder I bring it into my business… we do
everything right…
You’re not paid to think at that level… I don’t want to ever hear that
again… you don’t know what you’re talking about… don’t ever question me
again… everything’s life or death… every day was life or death.
Even though I resent their success, I’m not happy for them… in fact I’m
angry, I accept all these feelings… Even though I resent their success, I’m
doing everything they’re doing and not getting results… I’m not happy for
them and I don’t want to be… I don’t want to appreciate their success.
Even though I’m convinced that I need to be one of the poor ones…
somebody has to be… I accept that I have this conflict about abundance…
it’s just who I’m supposed to be… I accept who I am and how I feel…. I have
to be one of the poor ones… somebody needs to be… no wonder I’m
blocking abundance.
Notice how Elaine has a powerful physical reaction - she feels “freezing”
and “shakey on the inside” with “cotton mouth” as we tap and release these
Even though I’m convinced that I need to be one of the poor ones…
somebody has to… Even though I need to be one of the poor ones… that’s
the truth…
This remaining block… I wonder what it is… I still think it’s my fault.. I still
think I did something wrong… no wonder my father didn’t love me…
His lack of response was all about him…
I’m opening up and it’s a little scary… my heart is coming alive again… it
used to be dead... my dead heart is waking up… I feel alive… I feel alive…
I’m freezing… I froze back then... and I’m thawing out the ice. I am finally
discharging the freeze response… My heart is warm again…Even though my
heart has been frozen… my heart is warm again… I’m releasing the freeze
response… I’m shaking it off… I’m discharging the freeze response…
finally… I’m letting it go from my body… and I’m allowing my heart to heal.
This remaining hopeless feeling about work… now I’m going to relax… now
I thawed out my heart… now I can relax… I feel confident… I love this
resilience… it’s no longer life or death… I want to be alive, so does my
heart… I love this feeling and my heart is healing.
CD#15 – Session with Andrew, #2
“I Feel So Trapped!”
Session Themes
Track #1
During this follow up session, Andrew reveals that he has found out more
information that seems to be pointing to the inevitability of closing his
father’s business. This triggers more guilt about “letting go” the employees
from his father’s business.
Even though I have this deep sadness because I may have to let them go
before the holidays…
Even though I have this strong guilt and sadness…
Even though I still have anxiety, now I really have to take the steps… I’ve
never done this before… It’s a lot of work… this anxiety about the wind
Andrew’s lawyer warned him that the landlord could sue him – something
that had never come up before. This triggers deep anxiety.
Even though I have this fear and anxiety… they could sue me… I feel
scared… I just can’t deal with it and why should I have to…
Even though I’m angry at my father…I inherited a mess and it could really
be expensive… I’m angry and resentful…I feel angry at him…
Even though I feel so trapped, and I just want to get out of it… I feel so
I feel so trapped… I just want to get out… I’m tired of the burden… and I
feel resentful…
Track #2
Even though I’m afraid of getting those papers… I’m afraid of getting
sued… I’m so afraid of the phone call… I feel so trapped…
Even though they could sue me… because that’s what they do… and I resent
it… I’m still afraid… but that’s what they do…
I’m working on what I CAN control… that’s all I can do… my feelings… my
thoughts… my energy… and I’m doing the best I can…
Even though there’s not enough money for me… I choose to believe in
prosperity… I don’t have enough now… there’s not enough for me… there
never has been… this financial scarcity feeling…
I want the money now… I want to feel secure... I want the money to come in
I still feel insecure about money… and I accept myself… it doesn’t feel like
there’s enough… what if I don’t get the clients… I have to start from
scratch… and that feels overwhelming…
Who am I kidding,
I’m not smart enough to do this.
I’m not good enough… I’m a fake.
I’m fooling myself… I have nothing to show for it!
Track #3
Even though the truth is I’m not good enough… I’ve felt that way for a long
time… and it’s sad, but I think it’s factual… I don’t have what it takes, and I
have nothing to show for it anyway…
I don’t have what it takes… I’m not good enough… and I have nothing to
show for it… what if I can’t follow through… what if my ideas aren’t any
Even though I feel so worthless… I can’t believe I have this debt… what did
I do… I don’t think I’m good enough… I feel worthless… it’s painful… the
debt makes me feel ashamed…
It has to be a struggle…
Even though I’m convinced it has to be a struggle… even though others have
done what I want to do... I don’t believe in me… I believe it has to be a
struggle for me… life has to be a struggle… my business has to be a
Even though I’m a fake, because I’ve never really made it… am I fooling
everybody… I accept who I am anyway… the truth is I’ve really never been
able to create income on my own… I’m a fake… I’ve never been able to do
it… without help from someone else… no wonder I don’t believe in myself…
Track #4
I’m still a fake… I wonder why I won’t let this go… I need to feel like a
fake... I think it protects me… I’m afraid to shine… It’s scary… I don’t want
to shine…
It’s not safe to shine!
It’s scary to shine… it’s not safe to shine… I’m not allowed to shine… I’m
not supposed to shine… yes I can… and I might have fun… I’m afraid to
CD#16 – Session with “Lisa”
Session Themes
Track #1
Listen in as “Lisa” collapses fears, dread and specific incidents that felt
traumatic to her from her recent past and as far back as 28 years ago. Lisa
understands how these issues have been blocking her business, and
successfully collapses them in the session.
After being accused of doing something wrong, “Lisa’s” worst fears are
realized -- that she will hurt someone. This current incident triggers her old
fears and guilt about two past incidents in her capacity as a nurse where she
made mistakes and could have harmed the patients.
Track #1
Even though I’m afraid I hurt her, that’s what the mother’s yelling did to
me… I accept that I didn’t do anything! I tried to help her…
Even though I’m afraid that I hurt her… and this is an issue for me… I
accept who I am and how I feel…
Even though I remember what the mother said… I accept that I did the best
that I could… this fear in my stomach… that fear and anxiety… what did I
do wrong?
When I asked Lisa, “What does that remind you of?” and she brought up 2
mistakes she made as a nurse.
Track #2
Lisa described 2 separate incidents during her nursing career that continue to
interrupt her energy system today. The initial event was 28 years ago… she
was so upset she considered quitting nursing.
I made a mistake…
something could have happened…
Even though I’m so afraid of what happened all those years ago… because
something could have happened… and I keep punishing myself for it…
Even though I’m afraid that I almost hurt someone… and I just wanted to
quit… and I remember the feelings… and I can feel the fears…
I’m so anxious… I’m so mad at myself… I can see that machine… how could
I do that… how could I have made that mistake… and I got away with it… I
didn’t mean to make it… it was careless… something bad could have
happened… but it didn’t… I’m so afraid of hurting someone… I’ve been
scared for 28 years…
I’m afraid I could do harm to someone…
I’m afraid that I’m going to open Pandora’s Box…
What if something bad happens when I’m not there?
Track #3
Even though I’m afraid that one of my clients is going to have a breakdown
and it’s going to be my fault…
Even though I live with this dread… this fear that someone’s going to have a
breakdown... what if it’s my fault… what if I can’t be there for them… I live
with this fear and dread… what if I open a trauma and then they go home…
All this dread that I live with… this dread… what if they have a
breakdown… all this dread… what if they have a breakdown and I’m not
there? All this dread… I’m so afraid…
This remaining dread… what if someone gets hurt… and it affects them…
which would affect me and my career… what if somebody gets hurt… I’m
doing the best I can… I know I am… even though I might make more
mistakes… and that has to be ok.
This remaining dread in my body… I can feel the dread… the dread in my
throat… that goes all the way down to my abdomen… this dread about all
these incidents… something bad could have happened… what if I don’t do it
I feel very relaxed…
My body feels very calm.
I’m afraid I almost hurt someone… I’m afraid something’s going to happen
after I open the box… What if I feel out of control?
Track #4
Lisa decides to work on one more issue. She feels exposed because she is
practicing energy psychology in her small town where there is a great deal of
I feel so exposed…
I hate being challenged/ questioned…
I dread their questions… they’re always coming after me… I’m always
doing something new… I’m always living a bit on the edge… outside of the
norm… so they challenge me… and ask e a lot of questions… this feeling of
being challenged… and confronted…
I feel exposed, and I don’t have to… yes I do… because I’m different… I feel
exposed… and I don’t like being challenged… what if I felt calm… I can
soothe myself… I can feel calm… and I choose to feel calm now.
Lisa made a critical connection when she realized that the feeling of “being
exposed” took her back to a time in her life when she was struggling with
marital issues… She and her husband were going through a separation and
the “whole town knew about it.”
Even though I felt so exposed, when they knew our business… I accept who I
am... even though this feeling of being exposed is about the separation and
that everybody knew our business… I feel exposed… they all knew my
business… they all knew our business… I feel so exposed…
Even though I was left out, I didn’t know it… and I felt so exposed… how
embarrassing… I felt so exposed… they knew things I didn’t know…
everybody else knew, but I didn’t… I hated hearing about it that way… No
wonder I felt so exposed… and that’s over now… I can feel calm… I can
have privacy… I choose to feel calm.
CD #17 – Session with Dee Dee
Track #1
Dee Dee’s dream is to open a Wellness Center for dogs, but she hasn’t
figured out which blocks are in her way. We discussed the “downside” of
opening her business and the “upside” to NOT opening the business and
identified the following session “themes”:
Session Themes:
Even though I feel so stuck... and I don’t know where it’s coming from… I
choose to accept where I am…
Even though I feel so stuck, and I don’t even know why… and I can’t move
forward… I deeply and profoundly accept my feelings any way.
I don’t know why I can’t move forward… I wonder why I’m so stuck…
If I move forward,
I have to let go of something…
I’m afraid to let go of something…
Track #2
Even though I’m afraid to change… cause then I’d have to let go of the old
me… and I’m not sure I’m ready to… Even though I’m afraid to change…
Even though I’m still afraid of letting go of something… I don’t want to let
go… I’m afraid of changing…
Even though I’m still afraid of letting go of something… I accept myself and
these fears…
Even though I suspect I’m afraid to let go of the way my life is now…
Even though my fear is about letting go of the old me… I accept who I am,
because I want to change… even though I’m afraid… it doesn’t feel safe…no
wonder I’m stuck… I want to do it my way… I’m afraid to change…
Even though I’m afraid of being successful, because I don’t want to stand
out… yes I do… no I don’t…Even though I have this ambivalence about
being successful… I’m afraid to be in the open… what if they criticize me…
Even though I’m afraid to stand out… to be exposed… to be out in the open
Even though I have this strong fear of being criticized… what if…
Dee Dee identifies a significant “specific event” from an old job that still has
a charge of an “8” -- When she was a receptionist at an old job, an
announcer from a local radio show called and asked her a question, and they
criticized her answer and proceeded to make fun of her “on the air.”
Track #3
Even though I feel hurt and angry… they caught me off guard… it wasn’t
fair… I accept and understand why I’m afraid…
Even though I’m afraid to be above the radar… what if it happens again…
Even though they made fun of me and I felt ashamed and humiliated…
Even though they shamed me… no wonder I don’t want to be exposed
Dee Dee’s “AHA” moment came when she made an important
connection: “Because of that experience, I have to know
everything… I don’t ever want to look embarrassed or
ashamed or caught off guard again… I have to know
the answers to the all the questions.”
Track #4
We tested Dee Dee’s statements that gave her a charge of “8” or higher:
Even though I don’t know the next steps to take… and it’s a little
overwhelming… I’m all on my own… and I don’t know what to do next…
Even though I don’t have the right credentials… they might criticize me…
CD #18 – Session with Joe
Session Themes
Track #1
Joe is an attorney who says he is good at being a lawyer, but not very good
at the “business” of being a lawyer.
Joe understands that his response feels childlike, especially when he says,
“Don’t take my freedom away.”
Even though I hate making these calls, I can feel the hesitation in my body,
because I’m scared of being rejected… Even though I feel this discomfort
about making the calls… what if they say NO, I’ll feel horrible and
rejected… I’m scared of being rejected, no wonder I resist making these
calls… I accept who I am no matter what.
I hate making those calls, but I know I should… I don’t want to be rejected…
what if they say no? I don’t want to ask for something… it makes me too
I hate being vulnerable… I don’t want
people to have the power to hurt me…
Even though I hate being vulnerable, because then someone can hurt me…
no wonder I won’t make these calls… I choose to feel calm and confident…
Even though I hate to be vulnerable, it reminds me of old times… and I
could be rejected… Even though I don’t want to be vulnerable… I refuse to
be vulnerable… and I’m not going to make those calls.
Joe’s feelings get “more charged” as we talk about the issues, although he is
not able to recall a specific event from his past that may be connected to this
Even though I hate being vulnerable, and I don’t want to make these calls,
or ask for something, I don’t want to be rejected… I hate being vulnerable,
no wonder I’m resisting these calls… it makes me angry to be vulnerable.
Track #2
Even though I don’t want to let go of this issue, because it’s been keeping me
safe… what if I find a new way to make the calls… and not experience
Even though these old feelings of vulnerability are coming back in my life…
with this situation, I choose to let it go…. It’s been keeping me safe… and I
can stay safe… I don’t have to anticipate rejection… I can make the calls…
not calling has protected me…
Joe’s “charge” is dropping uncharacteristically slowly. When I ask Joe his
“theory” about why the issue isn’t changing much with the tapping, he says:
While Joe wasn’t able to identify any earlier events of rejection, he identifies
an age range of 5-10 when this feeling might have started for him. He spoke
a bit about how he felt dominated by his mother, but isn’t sure how it’s
related to the issues he describes.
Joe admits that he is now starting to think of specific calls to specific people
that’s he’s been putting off, and his “charge” goes up.
Even though I’m afraid I’ll be rejected, what if they say no… I accept who I
am and how I feel…
Even though this feels like “pre-teen Joe” I can feel that age of it… I accept
all the feelings that I’m having… I don’t want to be vulnerable and I don’t
want to be rejected…
As we discuss the issue, more and more feelings and specifics come up for
him about fearing rejection.
Even though I refuse to make myself vulnerable AGAIN, and I’m not going
to let go of this issue… I accept who I am anyway… Even though I refuse to
make myself vulnerable again… I accept who I am and how I feel. Even
though this is a big issue for me, and I’m not going to let it go THAT
easily… I accept who I am.
I wonder how old this issue is… I wonder how old I was… I refuse to let go
of this… I don’t want to let go of this…
I don’t want to let go of this…
Feels even more scary than when we started.
Track #3
Joe can’t find “old” incidents that relate to this theme. He can’t remember
anything big or specific, but says he felt defeated between the ages of 5-10.
Even though I don’t want to let go of this… cause it feels stupid to, cause I
won’t feel safe, I accept who I am no matter what.
Even though 5 year old Joe refuses to let this go… I accept him and I accept
me… Even though I was so vulnerable, and I think I got slapped down… I
refuse to make myself vulnerable again… and that’s ok. Event though HE
was so scared back then, and so defeated… I choose to accept him.
This younger Joe is too afraid… the 5-10 year old Joe felt way too
vulnerable… What if I could protect the 5 year old Joe… the 5-10 year old
me. It must have been very scary… and I don’t think I healed from it… I
don’t have to feel the way HE felt back then.
Even though I still feel this risk, and I’m so afraid to let it go… who would I
be if I started putting myself out there… but I accept who I am even though I
have this tremendous fear… who would I be if I put myself out there? It
would be too much of a change… I’m attached to this issue… Playing it safe
is who I am. I’m not going to let it go… and neither is 5 year old Joe.
Who would I be… what if I started feeling safe… what if I made one phone
call? What if I didn’t change, and refused to let go of this issue?
Track #4
Even though I still have this 5-10 year old anxiety, I don’t want to call
them… I’ll take it personally when they say no… and you know they’ll say
no… I accept who I am no matter what.
Even though the 5-10 year old Joe didn’t get any protection, and he felt so
defeated… I felt so defeated back then… I was afraid to put myself out
there… and I did which was a mistake… and I got smashed… my body
remembers it… I’m not going to do that again… and who would I be… I
have always played it safe… so I don’t want to let it go…
Even though I was so defeated and so hurt, I remember it right now, I accept
who I am and how I feel… even though that 5 year old me feels really hurt,
so does the 6 year old me… Even though that 6 year old Joey feels so hurt…
I was so hurt… she defeated me… she dominated me…
What if I’m not perfect… what if they notice if I’m not good enough… I
wonder what age I was when this started… I want to play it safe… no I
don’t… I’m a little tired of it… I’m going to let some of it go.
I appreciate and love who I am, even though I have these issues.
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