IMG - 0100 (DF ESAS PB Reviewer 100)

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' fievGvu+and Training Center

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13. A machine costing P1,80O,OOO has a life of 8 years. Using straight line method, the total depreciation at Urb end
;1: i,r,il; ,. , ,. .r.
of 4h year is P800,000;,Detiiniiine'the salvage value of the machine. '." "r )' i1', '
A. P150,000 B. P250,000 c. P300,000 D. Pzoo,ooo

. .". :..i _

14. lre density of zinc is 455 b/d. Find the rnis$'ihrgrams of 9.00 cc'ohthc: !i::

I A: 6s.6 B.,s;4 ' , c.,15,5 D.i85)G '

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';- \i i

:15; Energy is added to 5 kg of air with a:paddle wtieel so ffi'At = l(FpC while P = @rrbnt in aii insulated''
container. TtE pddle-,lyhed work ls
A. 423 kJ E\sno
\r u' {'. '6'469',i6 B.''35$tl
i.:, .
-i-I *

15. Prefix 101s is
I .
A. Piao B. atto i
Cl,Peta D. ftmtoij

v 17. If the density of the gas is 0.003 slugs perlcubic foo! what is Ste specific rreBht of the gas? i1

A. 9.O{ N/m3 B. ffi13 Nlm3 c.98;rNlm3 D. 15.2 Nlm3

18,:Which of the folkarvlrq reftrs to theditrusion of solvent into a sbor€er solution in an dtEmt't b eqrnlize the
, rI : r ..r-
two concentrations?
il; osrnosis B. Ehcb{6;is C. PtlYificaton D. hydrolysis i

19: If t,Vi horsepovrier Bump:funs for 20 rniiitute, what {s'ttx! energy.Used? , '' ' '; ,i i,r!,i:;

'D:r0,lLikW.}fr r: ,l:itii t .];., l.,.i,tl

A. 0.06 ergs i'8.0,30
MJ c.0.25 kw
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20. What is the pressure of 4.87 grams hydrogen that occupy 6.8 liten at 10oC?
,,.1; ,,1,1,i r,.i::;1:.:."ri;;
A. 8,65 atm B. 9.64 atm ", "i
"i'l , :i ! E j;,iill'ii,3 li

-: 2t. Wfrat is the frequency of oscillation of a body if its mass, m, is 0.015 kg and k is 0.5 N/m?
A. 0.51H2 8.0.66H2 C. 0.78 Hz D, 0.92 :' , Hz ;
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